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N u t r i t i o n r e l a t e d
h e a l t h p r o b l e m s
Nutrition may be defined as the science of
food and its relationship to health
ā€¢ Macronutrients : proteins, fats & carbohydrates
ā€¢ Micronutrients : vitamins & minerals, required in
small amounts which may vary from a fraction of a
milligram to several grams
Nutrition related health problems 2
Hidden hunger:
(micronutrient deficiency)
a form of undernutrition that occurs when intake or
absorption of vitamins and minerals is too low to
sustain good health and development in children
and normal physical and mental function in adults
Nutrition related health problems 3
Common nutrition related health disorders,
related to micronutrients:
ā€¢ Iron
ā€¢ Iodine
ā€¢ Zinc
ā€¢ Vitamin A
Nutrition related health problems 4
Function Sources
ā€¢ Binding oxygen to blood
ā€¢ Oxygen transport
ā€¢ Cell respiration
ā€¢ Formation of hemoglobin
ā€¢ Haem iron:
animal sources
ā€¢ Non-haem iron:
vegetable origin
ā€¢ Adult human body contains 3-4 g iron
ā€¢ 60-70% in blood as circulating iron, rest 1-1.5 g as storage iron
ā€¢ 1 gram hemoglobin contains about 3.34 mg iron
Nutrition related health problems
Absorption Losses
ā€¢ Duodenum and upper small
ā€¢ Inhibitors: e.g., phosphates
ā€¢ Promoters e.g., ascorbic
acid-rich foods
ā€¢ Absorbed iron stored in
liver, spleen, bone marrow
and kidney
ā€¢ Liberated iron from broken-
down RBCs reutilized in
formation of new red cells
ā€¢ Total adult daily iron loss:
about 1 mg
ā€¢ Menstruating women: about
12.5 mg per 28 days cycle
ā€¢ Major routes of iron loss
ļƒ˜Basal losses
ā€¢ IUDs increase monthly blood
loss by 35-146%
ā€¢ Hormonal contraceptives
decrease menstrual blood
loss by about 50%
Nutrition related health problems
Three stages
First stage
decreased storage of iron
without any other detectable
Intermediate stage
ā€œlatent iron deficiencyā€
Iron stores exhausted, but
anemia has not occurred
percentage saturation of
transferrin falls to less than 15
per cent
most widely prevalent stage in
Third stage
overt iron deficiency
decrease in the concentration
of circulating hemoglobin
Nutrition related health problems 7
The end result of iron deficiency is nutritional,
a syndrome caused by malnutrition in its widest sense
Diagnosis of anemia
Nutrition related health problems 8
(venous blood)
(per cent)
Adult males 13 34
Adult females, non-pregnant 12 34
Adult females, pregnant 11 34
Children, 6m-6y 11 34
Children, 6-14y 12 34
WHO: ā€œAnaemia or deficiency should be considered to existā€ when
hemoglobin is below the following levels:
Evaluation of iron status
Hemoglobin concentration Serum iron concentration
ā€¢ Values below normal
(previous table) indicate
ā€¢ Values <0.50 mg/L
indicate probable iron
Nutrition related health problems
Serum ferritin
Serum transferrin
ā€¢ Values <10 mcg/L indicate
absence of stored iron
ā€¢ Should be above 16%
ā€¢ Normal value is 30%
Nutrition related health problems 10
Category RDA (mg) Category RDA (mg)
Men 19 Children 7-9y 15
Women 29 Boys 10-12y 16
Pregnant women 27 Girls 10-12y 28
Lactating mother 23 Boys 13-15y 22
Infant 6-12m 3 Girls 13-15y 30
Children 1-3y 8 Boys 16-18y 26
Children 4-6y 11 Girls16-18y 32
ā€¢ Due to recycling of iron, only small amount of iron is needed by the body
ā€¢ Iron requirements are greater during pregnancy, childhood & adolescence
ā€¢ The recommended dietary intakes of iron are
Nutrition related health problems 11
WHO estimates that 42%
of children less than 5
years of age and 40% of
pregnant women
worldwide are anaemic
67% children age 6-
59 months have
57% women have
52% pregnant
women have
42.8% children age 6-59
months have anaemia
29.4% women have
ā€œa condition in which the hemoglobin content of blood is lower
than normal as a result of a deficiency of one or more essential
nutrients, regardless of the cause of such deficiencyā€
Detrimental effects
Nutrition related health problems 12
ā€¢ increased maternal & fetal morbidity & mortality
ā€¢ abortions, premature births, postpartum
haemorrhage, low birth weight
ā€¢ can be caused or aggravated by parasitic diseases
ā€¢ impaired cellular responses and immune functions
and increase susceptibility to infection
ā€¢ causes impairment of maximal work capacity
ā€¢ more severe the anaemia, the greater the reduction in
work performance, and thereby productivity
Nutrition related health problems
Prophylactic Iron Folic Acid
Intensified year-round BCC
Testing of anemia using digital
methods and point of care
Mandatory provision of Iron
Folic Acid fortified foods in
public health programmes
Addressing non-nutritional
causes of anemia
Nutrition related health problems
6-59 months
ā€¢ Biweekly
ā€¢ 1ml IFA syrup
ā€¢ 20mg iron,
100Ī¼g Folic
5-9 years
ā€¢ Weekly
ā€¢ 1 IFA tablet
ā€¢ 45mg iron +
400Ī¼g FA
ā€¢ Pink colour
10-19 years
ā€¢ Weekly
ā€¢ 1 IFA tablet
ā€¢ 60mg iron +
500Ī¼g FA
ā€¢ Blue colour
20-49 years
ā€¢ Non-pregnant,
non lactating:
ā€¢ Pregnant,
lactating (0-
6m child):
ā€¢ 60mg iron +
500Ī¼g FA
ā€¢ Red colour
Prophylactic Iron Folic Acid supplementation
Nutrition related health problems
Children & adolescents
ā€¢ National Deworming Day (NDD), Biannually (10 Feb & 10 Aug)
ā€¢ Mass deworming, 1-19 years old
Newly wed/married women 20-24 years
ā€¢ Non-pregnant, non-lactating women
ā€¢ Biannually (during NDD)
Pregnant women
ā€¢ Under RCH, via ANC clinics, VHND, PMSMA
ā€¢ During 2nd trimester
Nutrition related health problems
Intensified year-round BCC Campaign
Compliance to Iron Folic Acid supplements and
Appropriate Infant and Young Child Feeding
Increase intake of nutrient-rich foods and food
Promoting practice of delayed cord clamping followed
by early initiation of breastfeeding
Nutrition related health problems
Testing and treatment of anaemia
Target group A: 6-59 months
Treatment plans
ANM: VHND/sub-centre/session site
RBSK team: AWC/school
Medical Officer: health facility
RBSK/ANM: as per microplan
MO: opportunistic
ļƒ˜ Mild & moderate anaemia
ļƒ˜ Severe anaemia
Nutrition related health problems
First level treatment
ā€¢ 6ā€“12m (6ā€“10.9 kg):
1 ml IFA syrup
once a day
ā€¢ 1ā€“3y (11ā€“14.9 kg):
1.5 ml IFA syrup
once a day
ā€¢ 3ā€“5y (15ā€“19.9 kg):
2 ml IFA syrup
once a day
ā€¢ Every month by
ā€¢ Monitoring by ASHA
every 14 days
ā€¢ Hb estimation after
completing 2 months
No improvement
ā€¢ Refer to higher
centre for further
Mild and moderate anaemia (Hb 7-10.9g/dl)
Severe anaemia (Hb <7g/dl) ā€“ URGENT referral to higher centre
Nutrition related health problems
Target group B: 5-9 years
Treatment plans
RBSK team: screen all children
Children with clinical signs &
symptoms of anaemia ā€“ refer to
PHC/SC for Hb estimation
RBSK/ANM: once a year
MO/ANM: opportunistic
ļƒ˜ Mild & moderate anaemia
ļƒ˜ Severe anaemia
Nutrition related health problems
First level treatment
ā€¢ 3mg/kg/day of iron
for 2 months
ā€¢ Parent Teacher
Meeting for
ā€¢ Parents: ensure
follow-up after 30 &
60 days
ā€¢ Hb estimation after
completing 2 months
of treatment
No improvement
ā€¢ Refer to higher
centre for further
Mild and moderate anaemia (Hb 8-11.4g/dl)
Severe anaemia (Hb <8g/dl) ā€“ URGENT referral to higher centre
Nutrition related health problems
Target group: school going (10-
Treatment plans
RSBK team: school
ļƒ˜ Mild & moderate
ļƒ˜ Severe
Nutrition related health problems
First level treatment
ā€¢ Two IFA tablets
(each with 60 mg
elemental iron and
500 mcg folic acid)
ā€¢ Once daily for 3
ā€¢ Orally after meals
designated area
ā€¢ Parents: ensure
follow-up after 45 to
90 days at the
nearest sub-
centre/health facility
No improvement
ā€¢ Refer to higher
centre for further
Mild and moderate anaemia (Hb 8-11.9g/dl)
Severe anaemia (Hb <8g/dl) ā€“ URGENT referral to higher centre
Nutrition related health problems
Target group: PW registered for
Treatment plans
Health service provider
ļƒ¼ at any ANC contact
ļƒ¼ including PMSMA
At every ANC contact
ļƒ˜ Mild
ļƒ˜ Moderate
ļƒ˜ Severe
Nutrition related health problems
First level treatment
ā€¢ Two IFA tablets
(each with 60 mg
elemental iron and
500 mcg folic acid)
ā€¢ Consider parenteral
iron if diagnosed at
late pregnancy or
likely to have low
ā€¢ Every 2 months for
compliance of
treatment by health
provider during the
No improvement
ā€¢ Refer to higher
centre for further
Mild anaemia (Hb 10-10.9g/dl)
Nutrition related health problems
First level treatment
ā€¢ Two IFA tablets
(each with 60 mg
elemental iron and
500 mcg folic acid)
ā€¢ Consider parenteral
iron if diagnosed at
late pregnancy or
likely to have low
ā€¢ Every 2 months for
compliance of
treatment by health
provider during the
ā€¢ Hb monitoring every
No improvement
ā€¢ Refer to higher
centre for further
Moderate anaemia (Hb 7-9.9g/dl)
Nutrition related health problems
First level treatment
ā€¢ To be done by
Medical Officer at
ā€¢ Parenteral iron
ā€¢ Immediate
recommended at 3rd
ā€¢ Monthly or as
prescribed by
Medical Officer
No improvement
ā€¢ As prescribed by
Medical Officer
Severe anaemia (Hb <7g/dl)
Nutrition related health problems
Mandatory provision of iron & folic acid fortified foods in
govt-funded health programmes
GoI mandated use of fortified salt,
wheat flour and oil in foods served
under ICDS & MDM schemes
Health facility-based programmes
where food is being provided are
mandated to provide fortified foods
prescribed and notified by FSSAI
Nutrition related health problems
Intensifying awareness, screening and treatment
of non-nutritional causes of anaemia
The strategy attempts to intensify awareness and integrate screening and
treatment for following non-nutritional causes of anemia with special focus on
malaria, haemoglobinopathies and fluorosis
ā€¢ Integration of detection & management of anaemia and
malaria in endemic areas
ā€¢ Screening for malaria during anaemia screening (PMSMA,
ā€¢ Indoor Residual Spray (IRS) before & after monsoon
ā€¢ Promote LLIN utilization via IEC, BCC
Nutrition related health problems
ā€¢ Quizzes and assisted educative talks
ā€¢ Screening for haemoglobinopathies
ā€¢ Appropriate treatment as per National Guidelines on
Prevention and Control of Haemoglobinopathies
ā€¢ Combined approach of safe drinking water and nutritional
therapy (National Programme for Prevention and Control of
ā€¢ Identification of fluoride-affected habitations
ā€¢ Activities for anaemia control due to fluorosis (counselling,
iron supplement)
ā€¢ Capacity building
Function Sources
ā€¢ Synthesis of thyroxine (T4)
and triiodothyronine (T3)
ā€¢ Essential for normal growth
and development and well-
being of all humans
ā€¢ Sea foods
ā€¢ Others: milk, meat,
vegetables, cereals, etc.
ā€¢ Iodised salt
ā€¢ Essential micronutrient
ā€¢ Adult human body contains about 50g iodine
ā€¢ Normal blood level is 8-12 micrograms/dl
Nutrition related health problems
Nutrition related health problems 31
Category RDA (Ī¼g) Category RDA (Ī¼g)
Men 150 Infant 6-12m 130
Women 150 Children 1-3y 90
Pregnant women 250 Children 4-9y 120
Lactating mother 280 Boys 10-18y 150
Infant 0-6m 100 Girls 10-18y 150
ā€¢ RDA of iodine for adults: 150 micrograms
ā€¢ During pregnancy (WHO): 250 mcg per day
Nutrition related health problems 32
Iodine is one of the most
common nutrient
deficiencies and is
estimated to affect 35ā€“
45% of the worldā€™s
an estimated 350
million people are at
risk of IDD as they
consume salt with
inadequate iodine
Goiter prevalence was
31% in 4852 children in
Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD) all the effects of iodine
deficiency on human growth and development which can be
prevented by correction of iodine deficiency
Nutrition related health problems 33
Disorders Levels of severity
1. Goitre
ā€“ Grade I
ā€“ Grade II
ā€“ Grade III
ā€“ Multinodular
2. Hypothyroidism Varying combinations of clinical sign
3. Subnormal intelligence
Delayed motor milestones
Mental deficiency
Hearing defects
Speech defects
Variable severity
The spectrum of iodine-deficiency disorders in approximate order of
increasing severity
Nutrition related health problems 34
Disorders Levels of severity
4. Strabismus (squint)
ā€“ Unilateral
ā€“ Bilateral
5. Nystagmus
6. Spasticity (extrapyramidal)
Neuromuscular weakness
ā€“ Muscle weakness in legs, arms, trunk
ā€“ Spastic diplegia
ā€“ Spastic quadriplegia
7. Endemic cretinism
ā€“ Hypothyroid cretinism
ā€“ Neurological cretinism
8. Intrauterine death
(spontaneous abortion,
The spectrum of iodine-deficiency disorders in approximate order of
increasing severity (contd.)
Epidemiological assessment of iodine
Prevalence of neonatal
Measurement of thyroid
ā€¢ Serum T4
ā€¢ TSH
Nutrition related health problems
Prevalence of goitre
Prevalence of cretinism
Urinary iodine excretion
Nutrition related health problems
Nati on al Iod i n e Def i ci ency Di s or d ers Con tr ol P r og r amm e (NIDDCP )
ā€¢ Bring prevalence of IDD to below 5%
ā€¢ Ensure 100% consumption of adequately iodized salt at household level
ā€¢ Surveys to assess magnitude of IDD
ā€¢ Supply iodized salt in place of common salt
ā€¢ Resurveys to assess IDDs and impact of iodized salt every 5 years
ā€¢ Laboratory monitoring of iodized salt and urinary iodine excretion
ā€¢ Health Education and Publicity
ā€¢ Iodate the entire edible salt in the country
ā€¢ Production of iodized salt is 65 lakh metric tones per annum
Function Sources
ā€¢ Active in the metabolism of
glucose and proteins
ā€¢ Required for synthesis of
insulin and immunity
ā€¢ Both animal and
ā€¢ Bioavailability of zinc in
vegetables is low
ā€¢ Animal foods are
dependable sources 37
ā€¢ Zinc is present in small amounts in all tissues
ā€¢ Zinc-plasma level: 96pg/100 ml (adult), 89pg/100 ml (children)
ā€¢ Average adult body contains 1.4 to 2.3 g of zinc
Nutrition related health problems
Adolescents Maternal
ā€¢ Growth failure
ā€¢ Sexual infantilism
ļ¶Severe deficiency
ā€¢ Spontaneous abortion
ā€¢ Congenital malformations
ļ¶Mild deficiency
ā€¢ LBW
ā€¢ IUGR
ā€¢ Preterm delivery
ā€¢ Loss of taste
ā€¢ Delayed wound healing
Nutrition related health problems
Low circulating zinc levels
ā€¢ Liver disease
ā€¢ Pernicious anaemia
ā€¢ Thalassemia
ā€¢ Myocardial infarct
Diarrhoea in children Malaria in children
ā€¢ In combination with ORS
ā€¢ Significantly reduce duration
& severity
ā€¢ Increase survival
ā€¢ Dose:
ļƒ¼<6 months old: 10mg/day
ļƒ¼ā‰„6 months old: 20mg/day
ā€¢ May reduce incidence of
clinical attacks
Adequate zinc is essential for maintaining integrity of immune
Nutrition related health problems
Nutrition related health problems 40
Category RDA (mg) Category RDA (mg)
Men 17 Children 7-9y 5.9
Women 13 Boys 10-12y 8.5
Pregnant women 14.5 Girls 10-12y 8.5
Lactating mother 14 Boys 13-15y 14.3
Infant 6-12m 2.5 Girls 13-15y 12.8
Children 1-3y 3.3 Boys 16-18y 17.6
Children 4-6y 4.5 Girls16-18y 14.2
ā€¢ Growing children and pregnant and lactating women need more
ā€¢ Most human diets provide these amounts
Function Sources
ā€¢ production of retinal
pigments which are needed
for vision in dim light
ā€¢ maintain integrity & and
normal functioning of
glandular & epithelial tissue
ā€¢ supports growth
ā€¢ anti-infective
ā€¢ Animal foods: liver,
eggs, butter, cheese,
whole milk, fish and
ā€¢ Plant foods: green leafy
vegetables, green and
yellow fruits & roots
ā€¢ Fortified foods:
vanaspati, margarine,
milk etc 41
ā€¢ Vitamin A covers both a pre-formed vitamin: retinol, and a pro-
vitamin, beta carotene
Nutrition related health problems
Recommended daily allowance
Nutrition related health problems 42
Category RDA (Ī¼g) Category RDA (Ī¼g)
Men 1000 Children 7-9y 630
Women 840 Boys 10-12y 770
Pregnant women 900 Girls 10-12y 790
Lactating mother 950 Boys 13-15y 930
Infant 0-12m 350 Girls 13-15y 890
Children 1-3y 390 Boys 16-18y 1000
Children 4-6y 510 Girls16-18y 860
Excess intake causes nausea, vomiting, anorexia, sleep disorders followed by skin
desquamation, hepatomegaly, papillary oedema
Nutrition related health problems
WHO classification of Vitamin A deficiency (eye signs)
Grade of xerophthalmia Type of deficiency
XN Night blindness Long standing. Not blinding
X1A Conjunctival xerosis Long standing. Not blinding
X1B Bitotā€™s spot Long standing. Not blinding
X2 Corneal xerosis Acute deficiency. Can be blinding
X3A Corneal ulcer (<1/3) Severe acute deficiency. Blinding
X3B Corneal ulcer/keratomalacia (ā‰„1/3) Severe acute deficiency. Blinding
XS Corneal scarring (from X3) Consequence of corneal ulceration
XF Xerophthalmic fundus Long standing. Not blinding. Rare
Night blindness
Nutrition related health problems 44
Tend to affect women (PW, lactating)
and children 2-6 years
Inability to see in dim light
Worsen if vitamin A intake not
Conjunctival xerosis
Nutrition related health problems 45
First clinical sign of vitamin A
Conjunctiva: Dry, non-wettable;
appears muddy & wrinkled
ā€œemerging like sand banks at receding
Bitotā€™s spot
Nutrition related health problems 46
usually appear in children 3-6 years
triangular, white or yellowish, foamy
spots on bulbar conjunctiva
either side of cornea, frequently
Corneal xerosis
Nutrition related health problems 47
drying of cornea; sign of sudden,
acute deficiency
glands in conjunctiva not functioning
loss of tears & mucous
Corneal ulcer
Nutrition related health problems 48
if acute deficiency not reversed,
cornea become ulcerated
ulcer may appear as small, punched-
out area in the cornea
or, ulcer may have a more fluffy
Corneal ulcer (contd.)
Nutrition related health problems 49
secondary infection is common
Nutrition related health problems 50
most severe form of xerophthalmia
cornea become oedematous and melt
away, due to necrosis
cornea may burst open
End result of corneal ulceration
Nutrition related health problems 51
Corneal scarring
Phthisis bulbi
1. Follicular hyperkeratosis
2. Anorexia
3. Growth retardation
Mild deficiency
ļ¶Increase morbidity &
mortality due to
respiratory & intestinal
ā€¢ They are non-specific
ā€¢ Difficult to quantify
Nutrition related health problems
Under VPD surveillance
ļ¶All suspected cases of MR (measles/rubella)
ļ¶2 doses of Vitamin A given (24 hours apart)
ļ¶Below 1 year: 1 lakh IU each
ļ¶1 year & above: 2 lakhs IU each
ā€¢ Vitamin A deficiency should be treated urgently
ā€¢ 2 lakhs IU orally on 2 successive days
ā€¢ All children with corneal ulcer should be given Vitamin A,
deficiency suspected or not
Nutrition related health problems
Prevention and/or control takes 2 forms
1. Improvement of peopleā€™s diet
2. Reducing frequency and severity of contributory factors
WHO strategy
Short-term action
administration of large
doses of vitaminA orally, in
recommended doses to
vulnerable groups, on a
periodic basis
Medium-term action
fortification of certain foods
with vitaminA
Addition of vitamin A to
dalda is a typical example
Long-term action
reduction or elimination of
factors contributing to
ocular disease
Improve diet &
immunization etc
Nutrition related health problems 54
VitaminA deficiency in India
The programme focusses on
ļ¶Promoting consumption of vitamin A rich foods by
ļƒ¼ Pregnant and lactating women
ļƒ¼ Children under-five years of age and appropriate
ā€¢ National survey among children aged 12ā€“59 months showed
17.54% overall prevalence of VAD in India
ā€¢ Vitamin A supplementation exists as an integral component of
RCH programme, covering children upto 5 years of age
Nutrition related health problems
ļ¶Administration of massive dose of vitamin A up to five
ļ¶This is done by administering Vitamin A alongside
vaccines under Universal Immunization Programme (UIP)
ļƒ¼ First dose of 100,000 1U with measles vaccination at
nine months
ļƒ¼ Subsequent doses of 200,000 IU each, every six
months up to the age 5 years
Nutrition related health problems
ļ¶For sick children
ļƒ¼ all children with xerophthalmia to be treated at health
ļƒ¼ all children suffering from measles to be given one
dose of vitamin A if they have not received it in the
previous one month
ļƒ¼ all cases of severe malnutrition to be given one
additional dose of vitamin A
Nutrition related health problems
Assessment ofVitaminA deficiency
Nutrition related health problems 58
Prevalence criteria for determining xerophthalmia problem
Criteria Prevalence in population at risk (6m-6y)
Nightblindness more than 1 per cent
Bitotā€™s spots more than 0.5 per cent
Corneal xerosis/ulceration/keratomalacia more than 0.01 per cent
Corneal scar more than 0.05 per cent
Serum retinol (less than 10 mcg/dl) more than 5 per cent
ā€¢ Prevalence surveys are done on preschool children (6 months to 6 years)
ā€¢ Presence of any one of the criteria (WHO) should be considered as
evidence of a xerophthalmia problem in the community
Thank you
Nutrition related health problems 59

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  • 1. N u t r i t i o n r e l a t e d h e a l t h p r o b l e m s RELATED TO MICRONUTRIENTS
  • 2. Introduction Nutrition may be defined as the science of food and its relationship to health ā€¢ Macronutrients : proteins, fats & carbohydrates ā€¢ Micronutrients : vitamins & minerals, required in small amounts which may vary from a fraction of a milligram to several grams Nutrition related health problems 2
  • 3. Hidden hunger: (micronutrient deficiency) a form of undernutrition that occurs when intake or absorption of vitamins and minerals is too low to sustain good health and development in children and normal physical and mental function in adults Nutrition related health problems 3
  • 4. Overview Common nutrition related health disorders, related to micronutrients: ā€¢ Iron ā€¢ Iodine ā€¢ Zinc ā€¢ Vitamin A Nutrition related health problems 4
  • 5. IRON Function Sources ā€¢ Binding oxygen to blood cells ā€¢ Oxygen transport ā€¢ Cell respiration ā€¢ Formation of hemoglobin ā€¢ Haem iron: animal sources ā€¢ Non-haem iron: vegetable origin 5 ā€¢ Adult human body contains 3-4 g iron ā€¢ 60-70% in blood as circulating iron, rest 1-1.5 g as storage iron ā€¢ 1 gram hemoglobin contains about 3.34 mg iron Nutrition related health problems
  • 6. Absorption Losses ā€¢ Duodenum and upper small intestine ā€¢ Inhibitors: e.g., phosphates ā€¢ Promoters e.g., ascorbic acid-rich foods ā€¢ Absorbed iron stored in liver, spleen, bone marrow and kidney ā€¢ Liberated iron from broken- down RBCs reutilized in formation of new red cells ā€¢ Total adult daily iron loss: about 1 mg ā€¢ Menstruating women: about 12.5 mg per 28 days cycle ā€¢ Major routes of iron loss ļƒ˜Hemorrhage ļƒ˜Basal losses ā€¢ IUDs increase monthly blood loss by 35-146% ā€¢ Hormonal contraceptives decrease menstrual blood loss by about 50% 6 Nutrition related health problems
  • 7. IRON DEFICIENCY Three stages First stage decreased storage of iron without any other detectable abnormalities Intermediate stage ā€œlatent iron deficiencyā€ Iron stores exhausted, but anemia has not occurred percentage saturation of transferrin falls to less than 15 per cent most widely prevalent stage in India Third stage overt iron deficiency decrease in the concentration of circulating hemoglobin Nutrition related health problems 7 The end result of iron deficiency is nutritional, a syndrome caused by malnutrition in its widest sense
  • 8. Diagnosis of anemia Nutrition related health problems 8 Category g/dl (venous blood) MCHC (per cent) Adult males 13 34 Adult females, non-pregnant 12 34 Adult females, pregnant 11 34 Children, 6m-6y 11 34 Children, 6-14y 12 34 WHO: ā€œAnaemia or deficiency should be considered to existā€ when hemoglobin is below the following levels:
  • 9. Evaluation of iron status Hemoglobin concentration Serum iron concentration ā€¢ Values below normal (previous table) indicate anaemia ā€¢ Values <0.50 mg/L indicate probable iron deficiency 9 Nutrition related health problems Serum ferritin Serum transferrin saturation ā€¢ Values <10 mcg/L indicate absence of stored iron ā€¢ Should be above 16% ā€¢ Normal value is 30%
  • 10. IRON REQUIREMENTS Nutrition related health problems 10 Category RDA (mg) Category RDA (mg) Men 19 Children 7-9y 15 Women 29 Boys 10-12y 16 Pregnant women 27 Girls 10-12y 28 Lactating mother 23 Boys 13-15y 22 Infant 6-12m 3 Girls 13-15y 30 Children 1-3y 8 Boys 16-18y 26 Children 4-6y 11 Girls16-18y 32 ā€¢ Due to recycling of iron, only small amount of iron is needed by the body ā€¢ Iron requirements are greater during pregnancy, childhood & adolescence ā€¢ The recommended dietary intakes of iron are
  • 11. NUTRITIONALANAEMIA Nutrition related health problems 11 GLOBAL WHO estimates that 42% of children less than 5 years of age and 40% of pregnant women worldwide are anaemic INDIA (NFHS-5) 67% children age 6- 59 months have anaemia 57% women have anaemia 52% pregnant women have anaemia MANIPUR (NFHS-5) 42.8% children age 6-59 months have anaemia 29.4% women have anaemia ā€œa condition in which the hemoglobin content of blood is lower than normal as a result of a deficiency of one or more essential nutrients, regardless of the cause of such deficiencyā€
  • 12. Detrimental effects Nutrition related health problems 12 ā€¢ increased maternal & fetal morbidity & mortality ā€¢ abortions, premature births, postpartum haemorrhage, low birth weight Pregnancy ā€¢ can be caused or aggravated by parasitic diseases ā€¢ impaired cellular responses and immune functions and increase susceptibility to infection Infection ā€¢ causes impairment of maximal work capacity ā€¢ more severe the anaemia, the greater the reduction in work performance, and thereby productivity Work capacity
  • 13. INTERVENTIONS 13 Nutrition related health problems Prophylactic Iron Folic Acid supplementation Deworming Intensified year-round BCC Campaign Testing of anemia using digital methods and point of care treatment Mandatory provision of Iron Folic Acid fortified foods in public health programmes Addressing non-nutritional causes of anemia
  • 14. 14 Nutrition related health problems 6-59 months ā€¢ Biweekly ā€¢ 1ml IFA syrup ā€¢ 20mg iron, 100Ī¼g Folic acid 5-9 years ā€¢ Weekly ā€¢ 1 IFA tablet ā€¢ 45mg iron + 400Ī¼g FA ā€¢ Pink colour 10-19 years ā€¢ Weekly ā€¢ 1 IFA tablet ā€¢ 60mg iron + 500Ī¼g FA ā€¢ Blue colour 20-49 years women ā€¢ Non-pregnant, non lactating: weekly ā€¢ Pregnant, lactating (0- 6m child): daily ā€¢ 60mg iron + 500Ī¼g FA ā€¢ Red colour Prophylactic Iron Folic Acid supplementation
  • 15. 15 Nutrition related health problems Deworming Children & adolescents ā€¢ National Deworming Day (NDD), Biannually (10 Feb & 10 Aug) ā€¢ Mass deworming, 1-19 years old Newly wed/married women 20-24 years ā€¢ Non-pregnant, non-lactating women ā€¢ Biannually (during NDD) Pregnant women ā€¢ Under RCH, via ANC clinics, VHND, PMSMA ā€¢ During 2nd trimester
  • 16. 16 Nutrition related health problems Intensified year-round BCC Campaign Compliance to Iron Folic Acid supplements and deworming Appropriate Infant and Young Child Feeding Increase intake of nutrient-rich foods and food fortification Promoting practice of delayed cord clamping followed by early initiation of breastfeeding
  • 17. 17 Nutrition related health problems Testing and treatment of anaemia Target group A: 6-59 months Screening Periodicity Treatment plans ANM: VHND/sub-centre/session site RBSK team: AWC/school Medical Officer: health facility RBSK/ANM: as per microplan MO: opportunistic ļƒ˜ Mild & moderate anaemia ļƒ˜ Severe anaemia
  • 18. 18 Nutrition related health problems First level treatment ā€¢ 6ā€“12m (6ā€“10.9 kg): 1 ml IFA syrup once a day ā€¢ 1ā€“3y (11ā€“14.9 kg): 1.5 ml IFA syrup once a day ā€¢ 3ā€“5y (15ā€“19.9 kg): 2 ml IFA syrup once a day Follow-up ā€¢ Every month by ANM at VHND ā€¢ Monitoring by ASHA every 14 days ā€¢ Hb estimation after completing 2 months treatment No improvement ā€¢ Refer to higher centre for further investigation Mild and moderate anaemia (Hb 7-10.9g/dl) Severe anaemia (Hb <7g/dl) ā€“ URGENT referral to higher centre
  • 19. 19 Nutrition related health problems Target group B: 5-9 years Screening Periodicity Treatment plans RBSK team: screen all children Children with clinical signs & symptoms of anaemia ā€“ refer to PHC/SC for Hb estimation RBSK/ANM: once a year MO/ANM: opportunistic ļƒ˜ Mild & moderate anaemia ļƒ˜ Severe anaemia
  • 20. 20 Nutrition related health problems First level treatment ā€¢ 3mg/kg/day of iron for 2 months Follow-up ā€¢ Parent Teacher Meeting for treatment compliance ā€¢ Parents: ensure follow-up after 30 & 60 days ā€¢ Hb estimation after completing 2 months of treatment No improvement ā€¢ Refer to higher centre for further investigation Mild and moderate anaemia (Hb 8-11.4g/dl) Severe anaemia (Hb <8g/dl) ā€“ URGENT referral to higher centre
  • 21. 21 Nutrition related health problems Target group: school going (10- 19y) Screening Periodicity Treatment plans RSBK team: school Annually ļƒ˜ Mild & moderate ļƒ˜ Severe
  • 22. 22 Nutrition related health problems First level treatment ā€¢ Two IFA tablets (each with 60 mg elemental iron and 500 mcg folic acid) ā€¢ Once daily for 3 months ā€¢ Orally after meals Follow-up ā€¢ ANM/LHV/MPHW of designated area ā€¢ Parents: ensure follow-up after 45 to 90 days at the nearest sub- centre/health facility No improvement ā€¢ Refer to higher centre for further investigation Mild and moderate anaemia (Hb 8-11.9g/dl) Severe anaemia (Hb <8g/dl) ā€“ URGENT referral to higher centre
  • 23. 23 Nutrition related health problems Target group: PW registered for ANC Screening Periodicity Treatment plans Health service provider ļƒ¼ at any ANC contact ļƒ¼ including PMSMA At every ANC contact ļƒ˜ Mild ļƒ˜ Moderate ļƒ˜ Severe
  • 24. 24 Nutrition related health problems First level treatment ā€¢ Two IFA tablets (each with 60 mg elemental iron and 500 mcg folic acid) ā€¢ Consider parenteral iron if diagnosed at late pregnancy or likely to have low compliance Follow-up ā€¢ Every 2 months for compliance of treatment by health provider during the contact No improvement ā€¢ Refer to higher centre for further investigation Mild anaemia (Hb 10-10.9g/dl)
  • 25. 25 Nutrition related health problems First level treatment ā€¢ Two IFA tablets (each with 60 mg elemental iron and 500 mcg folic acid) ā€¢ Consider parenteral iron if diagnosed at late pregnancy or likely to have low compliance Follow-up ā€¢ Every 2 months for compliance of treatment by health provider during the contact ā€¢ Hb monitoring every month No improvement ā€¢ Refer to higher centre for further investigation Moderate anaemia (Hb 7-9.9g/dl)
  • 26. 26 Nutrition related health problems First level treatment ā€¢ To be done by Medical Officer at PHC/CHC/FRU/DH ā€¢ Parenteral iron ā€¢ Immediate hospitalization recommended at 3rd timester Follow-up ā€¢ Monthly or as prescribed by Medical Officer No improvement ā€¢ As prescribed by Medical Officer Severe anaemia (Hb <7g/dl)
  • 27. 27 Nutrition related health problems Mandatory provision of iron & folic acid fortified foods in govt-funded health programmes GoI mandated use of fortified salt, wheat flour and oil in foods served under ICDS & MDM schemes Health facility-based programmes where food is being provided are mandated to provide fortified foods prescribed and notified by FSSAI
  • 28. 28 Nutrition related health problems Intensifying awareness, screening and treatment of non-nutritional causes of anaemia The strategy attempts to intensify awareness and integrate screening and treatment for following non-nutritional causes of anemia with special focus on malaria, haemoglobinopathies and fluorosis ā€¢ Integration of detection & management of anaemia and malaria in endemic areas ā€¢ Screening for malaria during anaemia screening (PMSMA, RBSK) ā€¢ Indoor Residual Spray (IRS) before & after monsoon ā€¢ Promote LLIN utilization via IEC, BCC Malaria
  • 29. 29 Nutrition related health problems ā€¢ Quizzes and assisted educative talks ā€¢ Screening for haemoglobinopathies ā€¢ Appropriate treatment as per National Guidelines on Prevention and Control of Haemoglobinopathies Haemoglobinopathies ā€¢ Combined approach of safe drinking water and nutritional therapy (National Programme for Prevention and Control of Fluorosis) ā€¢ Identification of fluoride-affected habitations ā€¢ Activities for anaemia control due to fluorosis (counselling, iron supplement) ā€¢ Capacity building Fluorosis
  • 30. IODINE Function Sources ā€¢ Synthesis of thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) ā€¢ Essential for normal growth and development and well- being of all humans ā€¢ Sea foods ā€¢ Others: milk, meat, vegetables, cereals, etc. ā€¢ Iodised salt 30 ā€¢ Essential micronutrient ā€¢ Adult human body contains about 50g iodine ā€¢ Normal blood level is 8-12 micrograms/dl Nutrition related health problems
  • 31. IODINE REQUIREMENTS Nutrition related health problems 31 Category RDA (Ī¼g) Category RDA (Ī¼g) Men 150 Infant 6-12m 130 Women 150 Children 1-3y 90 Pregnant women 250 Children 4-9y 120 Lactating mother 280 Boys 10-18y 150 Infant 0-6m 100 Girls 10-18y 150 ā€¢ RDA of iodine for adults: 150 micrograms ā€¢ During pregnancy (WHO): 250 mcg per day
  • 32. IODINE DEFICIENCY Nutrition related health problems 32 GLOBAL Iodine is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies and is estimated to affect 35ā€“ 45% of the worldā€™s population INDIA an estimated 350 million people are at risk of IDD as they consume salt with inadequate iodine MANIPUR Goiter prevalence was 31% in 4852 children in 2013 Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD) all the effects of iodine deficiency on human growth and development which can be prevented by correction of iodine deficiency
  • 33. Nutrition related health problems 33 Disorders Levels of severity 1. Goitre ā€“ Grade I ā€“ Grade II ā€“ Grade III ā€“ Multinodular 2. Hypothyroidism Varying combinations of clinical sign 3. Subnormal intelligence Delayed motor milestones Mental deficiency Hearing defects Speech defects Variable severity The spectrum of iodine-deficiency disorders in approximate order of increasing severity
  • 34. Nutrition related health problems 34 Disorders Levels of severity 4. Strabismus (squint) ā€“ Unilateral ā€“ Bilateral 5. Nystagmus 6. Spasticity (extrapyramidal) Neuromuscular weakness ā€“ Muscle weakness in legs, arms, trunk ā€“ Spastic diplegia ā€“ Spastic quadriplegia 7. Endemic cretinism ā€“ Hypothyroid cretinism ā€“ Neurological cretinism 8. Intrauterine death (spontaneous abortion, miscarriage) The spectrum of iodine-deficiency disorders in approximate order of increasing severity (contd.)
  • 35. Epidemiological assessment of iodine deficiency Prevalence of neonatal hypothyroidism Measurement of thyroid function ā€¢ Serum T4 ā€¢ TSH 35 Nutrition related health problems Prevalence of goitre Prevalence of cretinism Urinary iodine excretion
  • 36. CONTROL 36 Nutrition related health problems Nati on al Iod i n e Def i ci ency Di s or d ers Con tr ol P r og r amm e (NIDDCP ) ā€¢ Bring prevalence of IDD to below 5% ā€¢ Ensure 100% consumption of adequately iodized salt at household level Goal ā€¢ Surveys to assess magnitude of IDD ā€¢ Supply iodized salt in place of common salt ā€¢ Resurveys to assess IDDs and impact of iodized salt every 5 years ā€¢ Laboratory monitoring of iodized salt and urinary iodine excretion ā€¢ Health Education and Publicity Objectives ā€¢ Iodate the entire edible salt in the country ā€¢ Production of iodized salt is 65 lakh metric tones per annum Policy
  • 37. ZINC Function Sources ā€¢ Active in the metabolism of glucose and proteins ā€¢ Required for synthesis of insulin and immunity function ā€¢ Both animal and vegetable ā€¢ Bioavailability of zinc in vegetables is low ā€¢ Animal foods are dependable sources 37 ā€¢ Zinc is present in small amounts in all tissues ā€¢ Zinc-plasma level: 96pg/100 ml (adult), 89pg/100 ml (children) ā€¢ Average adult body contains 1.4 to 2.3 g of zinc Nutrition related health problems
  • 38. ZINC DEFICIENCY Adolescents Maternal ā€¢ Growth failure ā€¢ Sexual infantilism ļ¶Severe deficiency ā€¢ Spontaneous abortion ā€¢ Congenital malformations ļ¶Mild deficiency ā€¢ LBW ā€¢ IUGR ā€¢ Preterm delivery 38 ā€¢ Loss of taste ā€¢ Delayed wound healing Nutrition related health problems Low circulating zinc levels ā€¢ Liver disease ā€¢ Pernicious anaemia ā€¢ Thalassemia ā€¢ Myocardial infarct
  • 39. ZINCSUPPLEMENTATION Diarrhoea in children Malaria in children ā€¢ In combination with ORS ā€¢ Significantly reduce duration & severity ā€¢ Increase survival ā€¢ Dose: ļƒ¼<6 months old: 10mg/day ļƒ¼ā‰„6 months old: 20mg/day ā€¢ May reduce incidence of clinical attacks 39 Adequate zinc is essential for maintaining integrity of immune system Nutrition related health problems
  • 40. ZINC REQUIREMENTS Nutrition related health problems 40 Category RDA (mg) Category RDA (mg) Men 17 Children 7-9y 5.9 Women 13 Boys 10-12y 8.5 Pregnant women 14.5 Girls 10-12y 8.5 Lactating mother 14 Boys 13-15y 14.3 Infant 6-12m 2.5 Girls 13-15y 12.8 Children 1-3y 3.3 Boys 16-18y 17.6 Children 4-6y 4.5 Girls16-18y 14.2 ā€¢ Growing children and pregnant and lactating women need more ā€¢ Most human diets provide these amounts
  • 41. VITAMINA Function Sources ā€¢ production of retinal pigments which are needed for vision in dim light ā€¢ maintain integrity & and normal functioning of glandular & epithelial tissue ā€¢ supports growth ā€¢ anti-infective ā€¢ Animal foods: liver, eggs, butter, cheese, whole milk, fish and meat ā€¢ Plant foods: green leafy vegetables, green and yellow fruits & roots ā€¢ Fortified foods: vanaspati, margarine, milk etc 41 ā€¢ Vitamin A covers both a pre-formed vitamin: retinol, and a pro- vitamin, beta carotene Nutrition related health problems
  • 42. Recommended daily allowance Nutrition related health problems 42 Category RDA (Ī¼g) Category RDA (Ī¼g) Men 1000 Children 7-9y 630 Women 840 Boys 10-12y 770 Pregnant women 900 Girls 10-12y 790 Lactating mother 950 Boys 13-15y 930 Infant 0-12m 350 Girls 13-15y 890 Children 1-3y 390 Boys 16-18y 1000 Children 4-6y 510 Girls16-18y 860 Toxicity Excess intake causes nausea, vomiting, anorexia, sleep disorders followed by skin desquamation, hepatomegaly, papillary oedema
  • 43. VITAMINA DEFICIENCY 43 Nutrition related health problems WHO classification of Vitamin A deficiency (eye signs) Grade of xerophthalmia Type of deficiency XN Night blindness Long standing. Not blinding X1A Conjunctival xerosis Long standing. Not blinding X1B Bitotā€™s spot Long standing. Not blinding X2 Corneal xerosis Acute deficiency. Can be blinding X3A Corneal ulcer (<1/3) Severe acute deficiency. Blinding X3B Corneal ulcer/keratomalacia (ā‰„1/3) Severe acute deficiency. Blinding XS Corneal scarring (from X3) Consequence of corneal ulceration XF Xerophthalmic fundus Long standing. Not blinding. Rare
  • 44. Night blindness Nutrition related health problems 44 Tend to affect women (PW, lactating) and children 2-6 years Inability to see in dim light Worsen if vitamin A intake not increased
  • 45. Conjunctival xerosis Nutrition related health problems 45 First clinical sign of vitamin A deficiency Conjunctiva: Dry, non-wettable; appears muddy & wrinkled ā€œemerging like sand banks at receding tideā€
  • 46. Bitotā€™s spot Nutrition related health problems 46 usually appear in children 3-6 years triangular, white or yellowish, foamy spots on bulbar conjunctiva either side of cornea, frequently bilateral
  • 47. Corneal xerosis Nutrition related health problems 47 drying of cornea; sign of sudden, acute deficiency glands in conjunctiva not functioning normally loss of tears & mucous
  • 48. Corneal ulcer Nutrition related health problems 48 if acute deficiency not reversed, cornea become ulcerated ulcer may appear as small, punched- out area in the cornea or, ulcer may have a more fluffy appearance
  • 49. Corneal ulcer (contd.) Nutrition related health problems 49 secondary infection is common
  • 50. Keratomalacia Nutrition related health problems 50 most severe form of xerophthalmia cornea become oedematous and melt away, due to necrosis cornea may burst open
  • 51. End result of corneal ulceration Nutrition related health problems 51 Corneal scarring Staphylomas Phthisis bulbi
  • 52. EXTRA-OCULAR MANIFESTATIONS 1. Follicular hyperkeratosis 2. Anorexia 3. Growth retardation Mild deficiency ļ¶Increase morbidity & mortality due to respiratory & intestinal infection 52 ā€¢ They are non-specific ā€¢ Difficult to quantify Nutrition related health problems
  • 53. TREATMENT Under VPD surveillance ļ¶All suspected cases of MR (measles/rubella) ļ¶2 doses of Vitamin A given (24 hours apart) ļ¶Below 1 year: 1 lakh IU each ļ¶1 year & above: 2 lakhs IU each 53 ā€¢ Vitamin A deficiency should be treated urgently ā€¢ 2 lakhs IU orally on 2 successive days ā€¢ All children with corneal ulcer should be given Vitamin A, deficiency suspected or not Nutrition related health problems
  • 54. PREVENTION &CONTROL Prevention and/or control takes 2 forms 1. Improvement of peopleā€™s diet 2. Reducing frequency and severity of contributory factors WHO strategy Short-term action administration of large doses of vitaminA orally, in recommended doses to vulnerable groups, on a periodic basis Medium-term action fortification of certain foods with vitaminA Addition of vitamin A to dalda is a typical example Long-term action reduction or elimination of factors contributing to ocular disease Improve diet & environment, breastfeeding, immunization etc Nutrition related health problems 54
  • 55. VitaminA deficiency in India The programme focusses on ļ¶Promoting consumption of vitamin A rich foods by ļƒ¼ Pregnant and lactating women ļƒ¼ Children under-five years of age and appropriate breast-feeding 55 ā€¢ National survey among children aged 12ā€“59 months showed 17.54% overall prevalence of VAD in India ā€¢ Vitamin A supplementation exists as an integral component of RCH programme, covering children upto 5 years of age Nutrition related health problems
  • 56. ļ¶Administration of massive dose of vitamin A up to five years ļ¶This is done by administering Vitamin A alongside vaccines under Universal Immunization Programme (UIP) ļƒ¼ First dose of 100,000 1U with measles vaccination at nine months ļƒ¼ Subsequent doses of 200,000 IU each, every six months up to the age 5 years 56 Nutrition related health problems
  • 57. ļ¶For sick children ļƒ¼ all children with xerophthalmia to be treated at health facilities ļƒ¼ all children suffering from measles to be given one dose of vitamin A if they have not received it in the previous one month ļƒ¼ all cases of severe malnutrition to be given one additional dose of vitamin A 57 Nutrition related health problems
  • 58. Assessment ofVitaminA deficiency Nutrition related health problems 58 Prevalence criteria for determining xerophthalmia problem Criteria Prevalence in population at risk (6m-6y) Nightblindness more than 1 per cent Bitotā€™s spots more than 0.5 per cent Corneal xerosis/ulceration/keratomalacia more than 0.01 per cent Corneal scar more than 0.05 per cent Serum retinol (less than 10 mcg/dl) more than 5 per cent ā€¢ Prevalence surveys are done on preschool children (6 months to 6 years) ā€¢ Presence of any one of the criteria (WHO) should be considered as evidence of a xerophthalmia problem in the community
  • 59. Thank you Nutrition related health problems 59