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Organized by The Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Culture and
Civilization (ISACCL)
Hosted by HWPL  IPYG
Date 20 September 2018, 14:00-16:00
Location Sejong University Daeyang Hall
A Special Proposal on the Unification on
the Korean Peninsula and World Peace,
Made by Leaders of Eastern Europe who
Led the System Change to Democracy
Lecture Concert
 for Peaceful Unification on
 the Korean Peninsula
- Present, Chairman of Institute for Advanced Studies for Culture
and Civilization of the Levant
- Present, President of Romanian Foundation for Democracy
- 2014-Present, the member of HWPL Peace Advisory Council
- 2011-2017, President of the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy,
- 1996-2000, The 3rd President of Romania
- 1992-1996, Rector of the University of Bucharest
- President of the Baltic-Black Sea Forum
- Founder of the “Dignity” Politosophy School
- Founder of the Strategy Center for Humanitarian and Political
- 2018-Present Member of HWPL Advisory Council
- 1991-1992 First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian
- 1991-1992 State Secretary of the Russian Federation
- One of the authors and signators of the Belavezha Accords
- Member of International Centre for Black Sea-Baltic Studies
and consensus practices
- President of the Foundation for Strategic Research and
Development of International Relations “Lucinschi”
- 2018-Present Member of HWPL Advisory Council
- 1996-2001 President of Moldova
- 1993-1997 Speaker of the Moldovan Parliament
- 1992-1993 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of
Moldova in Russia
  Lecture  Emil Constantinescu
  Special Speech  Gennady Burbulis
  Congratulatory Message  Petru Lucinschi
A transcript of Former President Emil
Constantinescu’s lecture. Where the
audio recording of the lecture is unclear,
ellipses or a notation that the recording was
unintelligible are used.
Honorable guests and dear students,
First of all, let me express my deep gratitude
for the invitation from Sejong University and
from [unintelligible] the International Peace
Youth Group organizer of this event, and my
special thanks for cooperation with Institute
for Advanced Study from Levant Culture
Civilization from Romania.
I am very happy to be here in Sejong
University. I spent 60 years of my life in
Bucharest University and other universities
throughout the world. And I owe everything
to the university.
I am proud because my former graduate
masters and PhD students are now professors
in universities throughout the world,
and researchers in different institutions
throughout the world.
The title of my lecture, today’s lecture,
is “The Memory of the Suffering and the
Pedagogy of Freedom.” I would like to begin
with a confession.
I was born in 1939. In that year, someone
would have crossed the Eurasian continent
from Tokyo to Lisbon from the Pacific to the
Atlantic Ocean only state under civil of the
military dictatorship. My family lived in that
time in a town located in Dniester River of
the Soviet Border.
We were twice forced to take refuge from
the Red Army alongside tens of thousands
of people, and my first memories are related
Emil Constantinescu,
the former president of Romania
Lecture Concert for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula
Lecture Concert for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula
to this desperate exodus because those who
failed to leave were mostly arrested and
departed in Siberia.
I lived until the age of 50 under dictatorship.
In a country where people don’t have the
freedom of movement, you could not leave
the country, and you are forced to work
and live in a particular place allocated by
government- governmental distribution.
A dictatorship that would only recognize
state and collective ownership canceled all
forms of rights, free expression and oversaw
the personal life of every citizen by political
police surveillance.
I lived also through post-utilitarian transition
where the social price was heavily paid.
For those of my generation, democracy is
not an abstract concept, and my situation
that undermines democracy and prejudices
freedom affect us deeply.
The Second World War, which affected most
Romania and Korea, called the death of
more than 25 million soldiers and more.
Over 73 million civilians caused huge
economic losses and destruction of the world
cultural heritage.
The atrocities of the two wars, world wars in
the first half of the 20th century proved to be
insufficient to understand that peace cannot
be strengthened only by managing frozen
The establishment of communism in
Eastern Europe has led to the elimination
of constructive competition, removal of free
expression and emergence of an immoral
form claiming to be a society where ideology
replaces feelings.
Three words also, interpretative slogans and
freedom in general are replaced by constant
All these changes have defined the new
face of Eastern Europe crisscrossed by a
suffering of millions of people.
The result of implementation of communism
in Eastern Europe by violent means and
bloody repression of anti-communist
The removal of actual potential opponents
was achieved through torture and re-
education centers, extermination prisons,
forced labor camps, political assassinations,
summary executions, mass deportations.
Amid the precarious peace secured during
the Cold War by focusing on arms race, the
Lecture Concert for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula
price paid by the citizens of the communist
states of Eastern Europe was extremely
Millions of death, tens of millions of human
life destroyed.
When oppression, censorship, terror seem to
ensure a small future for communism, the
resulting hardship turned into true pedagogy
of freedom thus building solid characters
able to tear apart the status quo.
The fall of communism was first of all an
ideological collapse that repairs the political
colors of dictatorship in most countries of
former Soviet blocks.
Culture played a fundamental role in this
Parallel to the off icial speech, an
underground speech was created, mean to
denounce deception and falsity and to reject
those who stop at thinking.
The danger came from the intellectuals from
their own countries displayed by member of
the communist apparatus.
The danger came through the war of the
democrat intellectuals and through their
writings in regard to dissemination through
citizens of their countries taking surveys
and censorship.
The change took place when Mikael
Gorbachev, new team, launched Perestroika
– the economic reform – but especially
Glasnost, the transparency meaning the
freedom of communication.
Dear friends, we have among us today in this
room, one of the most important members
of this team, of Gorbachev team, who urged
for the peaceful transition to democracy.
Petru Lucinschi, doctor of philosophy, who
later became the chairman of the parliament
of independent Moldova, and democratic
president of the Republic of Moldova, and I
salute his presence here.
After the peaceful, peaceful change of the
totalitarian regime in Eastern Europe, the
first democratic presidents freely elected
by the people were representative of the
intellectual elite.
Coming from academic milieu was very
strange for the political history of the world.
And remember, the famous first democratic
president of Czech was Václav Havel, a very
known writer.
The first democratic president of Hungary
was the president of a writers’ union. The
first president of democratic Bulgaria was a
Lecture Concert for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula
philosopher from Sofia University.
The first democratic president of Lithuania,
Vytautas Landsbergis, was the president of
the Academy of Music.
The first democratic president of Estonia was
also the president of the Academy of Music.
And the second president of Estonia was
the director and president of the University
of Agriculture and was of special family,
because this member of academic milieu,
of intellectual elite was not interested in
corruption, in their interests, or their family;
they worked for their country and for their
people, and for changing Europe, changing
the world.
The transition was not easy for those who
experienced communism and had to leave
to the post-communist transition period,
nothing is more true and instructive than the
reading of Exodus in the Bible.
We understand from Exodus in the Bible
best why it took 40 years for the Hebrew
people to reach the holy land.
What is the meaning of the worship of the
golden calf, the temptation of collective
debauchery, violence and treason, the need
for the table of laws, and the punishment
for failing to comply with the Ten
The historical memory appears to be the
element explaining why citizens from former
communist countries refuse to support
totalitarian approaches regardless of the coat
they are wearing. The pedagogy of freedom
needs a memory of suffering because as is
the case of health, we perceive the value of
freedom only when we no longer have it.
Debating the relationship between the
democratic power and individuals’ freedom
also targets a distribution of wealth. In a
novel, The Karamazov Brothers, by the
famous Russian writer, Dostoevsky, one of
the characters named Ivan tells our Russia,
that if people would be asking to choose
between freedom and bread, many would
choose bread. This is also the psychological
foundation, when totalitarian regimes
ground themselves in order to obtain a
concession of obedience.
A significant part of the population is formal
communist countries continue to regret the
times when they had fully paid by safe jobs.
They lived in miserable conditions, but in
houses received by government allocation
and they were given minimum food rationed
by cuts.
Lecture Concert for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula
But the most important psychological
element s stoppi ng rebel l ion we re
paradoxically the fact that everyone was
equally poor and they did not feel humiliated
one in relation to the other.
The comeback of neo-communist party is
based on this nostalgia. In the democratic
societies with market economy from the
Occident, freedom is followed by a chase
after material goods that create significant
differences between the rich and poor. This
difference is not often correlated with the
quality or quantity of work performed and
with the contribution to the general welfare
of the society.
Many times these realities over hand you
once who believe in the ideas of democratic
principles in the western world, including us.
Only throughout granted transparency is the
governing process and the hidden relations
governments have with corporations more
affair governments can be rigid.
That’s the experience of the communist
regime which tried to alienate our natural,
humanist, European vocation was paid
at the cost of tens of millions of human
lives. Freedom regained through sacrifice
has created not only rights, but also
responsibilities we gradually familiarize
ourselves with in often difficult social and
psychological conditions.
The citizens of the formal communist
countries have been deprived of all their
rights, including their right to live for half
a century. They are suffering and struggle
lesson is for each of us a first step towards
understanding the greater lesson of freedom
and respecting each other’s freedom.
The amelioration of the democratic
conscious needs more time of adoption
for democratic laws or institutions. Let us
remember when the American system of
power separation was exported to Latin
America or South Asia it invariable led
to totalitarian regimes until a democratic
conscious was able to ensure to the function
of a democratic institution was formed.
Democratic culture is threatened at the
beginning of the certain millennium. Also,
by dominant post-modern culture, this seems
to invalidate the appeal of ideas of European
Union founding fathers. Political leaders,
the same as ordinary citizens, seems to
ignore the social significance of governance
by trust, virtue, and moderation, essential
moral values.
Lecture Concert for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula
Perhaps exactly a return to these values,
given that the social cost of governance
as supporting increasingly harder where
society’s irreparably being divided between
the privileged and the disadvantaged, would
be a reconstruction tool for politics on other
There’s a collectivism impulse during
communism and the selfish individualism
of promoting capitalism. Return to moral
values could be an alternative to the careless
of contentious attitude towards the needs and
the requirement resolves treated only as a
mass of waters or producers and consumers
of goods and information.
In the long run, for the survival of the
quality of democracy, the essential factor
is the democratic conscience of those who
choose freely. I come back to the novel, the
Karamazov Brothers.
In this novel, Dostoevsky tells us that
man prefers stillness and even death to the
freedom of solidarity choice between good
and evil. Nothing is more seductive for man
that is freedom of conscience, but nothing is
a greater cause of suffering.
Dostoevsky wrote these lines in the 19th
century, from the perspective of people
who never knew individual freedom or
democracy. One hundred years later, in
December 1989, in my country, Romania,
young people would demonstrate against
the communist dictatorship in the university
square in Bucharest.
They did not ask for bread or for higher
wages. They voiced free elections, freedom
of the press, freedom – we love you, we die
for you. And we will die and we’ll be free.
My son, my daughter, my students were at
that time in university square in Bucharest.
At midnight, the repression troops
went in with tanks against the unarmed
demonstration, who did not threaten any
governmental institution but offered flowers
to the militaries, dozens of people were
killed and thousands were arrested and
tortured. Those arrested would have been
killed too, as what happened five days prior
in other university town, Timisoara, in
Romania. If not half a million of Bucharest
citizens would surround the next day’s tanks,
and the symbol of communist regime, the
incredible lack of fear, and the solidarity of
people for the dictator to free, and freedom
was gained.
And in one of history’s bright moments,
Lecture Concert for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula
people were willing to die for the ideas,
ideas of freedom and democracy.
The experience of transition from the
communist dictatorship to democracy in
Eastern Europe represents a very rare case
in the world history, the absence of any
The survivor of the communist regime,
repression, wanted nobody to suffer what
they have suffered, and all the cities that
were given the possibility to contribute to
the democratization of the country.
The situation is representative especially for
Romania, where the bloody repression took
place even in the last moment.
The situation of Romania is interesting
for the current events from the Korean
Peninsula because we are also a nation
living in two different states.
After the fall of Soviet Union and the
independence of Moldova, the relationship
between Romania and new Republic of
Moldova were very good without any
disputes, especially during the term of
President Luchinsky in the Republic of
Moldova in the minor of Romania.
Dear friends, it was our recent past. The
answer regarding the future of freedom of
democracy is the choice of each generation,
and in the end, of each of us.
This was the event was the experience of our
transition from the communist dictatorship
to democracy which I have tried to present
to you sincerely as I have liked directly.
Good or bad, you, the next generation, can
decide what to choose to learn from it.
But at the end of my lecture, I ought also to
say what we Romanians can learn from the
experience of South Korea, and what I have
understood from my three visits in Korea
over the last 24 years.
I will use a single word that impressed
me in all my visits in Korea: patriotism,
an increasingly large sentiment in today’s
globalized world and a huge first repair to
solidarity of Koreans.
Over the last three decades…
And also, I want to share with you our
experience in that spirit.
Over the last three decades, we have secured
our territorial integrity by integrating a
We secured the economy, we have
economic security through European Union
Lecture Concert for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula
integration, and we have had the highest
economic growth rating in the European
Union for the past five years.
But unfortunately, 100 years after the great
union of Romanian [unintelligible] in the
single state, we are disunited, differenced by
different groups or individual political and
social interest.
We need to rediscover what unites us, our
common goal. We need to redefine ourselves
in the globalized world by what we are, and
not what we have.
Only this way, we can preserve our national
identity and dignity respecting all other
nations in the globalized world.
Thank you for your attention.
Lecture Concert for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula
Yesterday, the two heads of North and
South Korea, two divided nations, signed
a historical joint statement. Through their
signatures, they pledged to take action to
eliminate war risks in the disputed area,
including the demilitarized zone. I saw
the joint statement as the right thing to do
at the right time. Peace culture starts with
the strength and determination to throw
away the countless prejudices that each
individual holds in their thoughts. We must
rid jealousy, envy, and anger that is rooted
in our hearts. Creating a peace culture is
a difficult road we must travel until peace
becomes stabilized, but at the same time, it
will help people to find inner harmony and
to fit their lives to the stars in the sky and to
the work of humanity.
A culture of peace most deeply forms within
the university community. That’s why it is
such a pleasure to be here at a university,
speaking to all of you today. Universities
help to form a person’s value system and
is a place that holds great value in terms of
moral and spirit. Students learn dignity and
as an intellectual, and as a citizen, find ways
and build power according to their instinct
for community freedom. Students create
new values and rules and become a new
person, so without universities we have no
future nor chances for development.
It’s great to have the community of
universities working together to inspire each
other with a sense of duty, to think about
said duty, and to bring millions of people
who have yet to give up their prejudices in
their thoughts and perceptions. This is the
strategy that the I, myself, as well as former
president Constantinescu and Lucinschi are
aiming for at the International Centre for
Gennady Burbulis,
the former state secretary of Russia
Lecture Concert for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula
Lecture Concert for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula
Black Sea-Baltic Studies and Consensus
Regardless of age, position, or field, the
work that we are doing will play a pivotal
role in actualizing peace through the
power of communities. And I believe that
actualization of peace within communities
is very well reflected in the Declaration of
Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW).
We must think deeply about the value of
creation and the meaning behind it. Peace
should not just exist as a great goal, a
beautiful dream, and a desire, but it should
be a work that we work for everyday with
our determination, efforts, and given talents.
In order to fulfill this goal, we must look
at this on a global scale, not on the scale of
individual nations. As long as the foundation
is still unstable, we cannot ensure the
success of today nor tomorrow. This is why
peace is so closely tied to dignity. I am sure
that the DPCW needs to be and will be
as historical as the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights. Every morning, I say
Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights like a prayer. Article 1 of
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
states “All human beings are born free
and equal in dignity and rights. They are
endowed with reason and conscience and
should act towards one another in a spirit of
brotherhood.” From birth, we are equal in
dignity and rights, and we have the right to
live, to be peaceful, and to live in peace. We
are approaching this mutual understanding
and the goal of realizing a common peace.
And at this time, Korea, my own country,
Russia, the Baltic states, all European
nations, and the rest of the world is heading
towards a better future that we have long
aspired for.
Two-thirds of the DPCW’s 10 articles and 38
clauses say “the nation has the responsibility
to~” “the nation must~” “the UN must~”.
Through the DPCW, I thought to myself
“our dignity can be preserved and valued
when we realize our own obligations and
live a consistent life with our respective
duties and responsibilities, both mentally
and physically.” As I finish my lecture today,
I want to make a confession. I have lived
without a religion all my life, and my family
is also not religious. I am not part of any
denomination, but I, Gennady Burbulis,
signed the Belavezha Accords that ended the
Soviet Union with former President Boris
Yeltsin on behalf of 150 million Russians
in the Russian Federation and as Russia’s
Lecture Concert for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula
deputy prime minister. Let us never forget
that the exhausting and cruel history of
the two empires ended in December 1991
and this decision has led to the peaceful
dismantlement of the Soviet Union, the
most brutal, cunning, and severe totalitarian
empire in human history.
This was only possible because at the most
important and difficult moment, we followed
the sound and reason of the soul, we were
courageous, and we had a wise heart. I
am confident that I can share this courage
and wisdom from that time with all of you
here. I believe that all of us will be used
according to our talents and skills. I believe
that harmony must be formed with the earth,
the universe, and our spirits. I believe that
we can create peace culture by keeping
the value of ‘good’ and actualizing it in
this divided world. Those who gave their
lives for the greater good in the past knew
their duty and they followed the words of
“no matter the result, do the work you are
supposed to do” like law. I want to believe
that everyone here agrees that these words
are not enough, and they are wrong in a
sense. I hope the phrase that I am about to
say will become a new law that will not only
protect us but unite everyone who supports a
culture of peace.
“Do what you are supposed to do, and
your dreams will come true. Your hopes
will come true. What you believe will be
fulfilled. It will be fulfilled without a doubt.”
Lecture Concert for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula
Dear friends, the reason I am standing here
is because we are all the messengers of
We are all convinced that the only condition
to develop humanity is through realization
of peace.
This is my first time here at the Peace
WARP Summit.
I was very impressed by this event, and
I strongly believe that if anyone wants to
live in harmony for their children, parents,
family and countries, one must put in their
efforts to achieve it.
I honestly tell you that at every international
conference I attend, I raise this topic, the
topic of peace.
I am very concerned that over the past 25
years, the term ‘peace’ itself has gradually
disappeared and was not mentioned from
world’s political fields.
We hear about national interests all the time.
We hear about the fight against the climate,
about the fight against terrorism, which is
right and right for connecting people.
But it is not possible to realize such things
unless peaceful conditions are achieved.
Europe, which united in the European
Union, practically took this first step after
the Second World War.
It was really the leaders of Europe who were
horrified that Europe has been the source of
world wars over the centuries.
By seeing such sufferings, such tragedies
which started from one person and affected
the entire nations, they said “We must do
something, we must unite so that there are
no more wars”.
Petru Lucinschi,
the former president of
Lecture Concert for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula
Lecture Concert for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula
And this was the beginning of the European
Union today.
Yes, there are some tensions, there are some
moments of dispute, but there is no war in
However, war is still ongoing in the world.
And if the leaders of all countries do not
understand the results of sufferings of people
that are shown through the internet, radio,
and TV – those whose shelters and lives
are taken away due to hunger and tortures -
There cannot be a development in humanity.
It seems to me that, first of all, the leaders
we elect must understand this fact. But, the
question is, who are we voting for?
How can a person who once was an
instigator of wars be at a position of a leader
of a country?
This also means that the people have not yet
developed a form of mechanism to prevent
such people from becoming a leader of a
It is because the leaders are the ones to start
a war, and victims are the people of the
Therefore, in my understanding, first of all,
it is neccessary to work out such tools that
would put a barrier, to stop the nomination
of such people.
And in order to stop the leadership of such
people, people must be united.
Leaders must speak on behalf of the people
of their countries.
Like how we have seen recently from South
Korea, if all people have their interests
together, the leaders of countries cannot
unleash a war.
We all have learnt the history of wars in our
Take any textbook of any country, all heroes
of any countries are wearing the military
Well, of course, it is natural to honor the
heroes of their countries.
Yesterday I visited Suwon, Hwaseong, and
someone explained that the King Jung Jo
resided among his people at the time he was
Also, I heared that he opened a banquet
for his mother and invited the elders of the
country to come.
And this story is remembered by many
people throughout the history.
Lecture Concert for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula
Moreoever, King Jung Jo said it was no
good for a man to be on his knees before the
But that it is enough to just bow your head.
I now understand that bowing your head in
South Korea actually came from King Jung
Like so, if a leader shows good deeds first,
and shares one’s will through peacful
educations or cultures, it will remain in the
people. This should be a way to carry out
one’s role as a leader.
Here we are with H.E Emil Constinescu, the
former President of Romania, and my friend.
We are from neighboring countries from the
same root, and we speak the same language
and share the same cultures.
Of course, we do not allow the danger of
a war between us, like how there is in the
Korean Peninsula.
Although there may be some restrictions,
20 years ago, we were able to establish such
relations between our countries so that there
is not a single conflict, not a single case of
We agreed that we should create not only
certain conditions to build our future
together and to enhance the friendly
relationship, but also to lead in such
directions and pathways.
And we succeeded.
And I will say, despite the ongoing wars
and conflicts between other countries, we
succeed to avoid wars through cultures and
We know that South Korea ranks first in the
world in terms of the number of people with
higher education, 72%, I was told.
And with my own eyes, I was able to witness
the reality of the result of such educations
during my stay at the WARP Summit.
Throughout the whole period of the Summit,
we saw joyful and friendly faces.
I saw the faces who truly hope for the
unification of the Korean Peninsula.
I believe it is symbolic that during the
WARP Summit, the meeting of the leaders
of North and South Korea took place.
I once said in one of my interviews that the
head of the state must speak on behalf of his
people in the country.
The benefit of both North and South Korea,
is through the unification.
Lecture Concert for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula
At least at first, they must remove a threat of
war among themselves.
If the two leaders of South and North Korea
wish to be remembered in history, they
must become countries that take their steps
to achieve peace and abundancy through
unification of the Korean Peninsula.
I was deeply touched by the 4th Annual
Commemoration of the WARP Summit.
I believe that peace will be achieved soon,
because the details of achieving peace
are written in the Declaration, and I am
convinced that peace is coming nearer and
All there is left for us is to convince the rest
of the heads of states and to implement the
DPCW to the UN.
In other words, it must be included in this
We can achieve it.
Dear beloved friends, life is beautiful.
However for this beauty of life, we must
fight everyday.
There is nothing that we can achieve without
efforts and trials.
Nothing can be achieved without mutual
communications and agreements.
I want to congratulate all of you that such
peace movement has begun by all of you.
I said that the sun, rising from South Korea
comes to the West.
I hope the sun that has risen through this
peace movement for cessation of wars will
brighten up the darkness.
I hope to brighten the darkened world that is
still in its torture and sufferings.
And let this day come soon, when we rejoice
together, we will create and leave this global
community for the future generations.
Thank you.
Lecture Concert for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula
HWPL Chairman Man Hee Lee and Romania’s former president Emil Constantinescu are presenting the MOU
document signed between HWPL and the Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Culture and Civilization (ISACCL).
Notable guests who attended “Lecture Concert for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula”
promised to work together for peace as they posed for a commemorative photo.
HWPL Cultural Performance Group is giving a congratulatory performance.
Lecture Concert for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula
Belavezha Accords led the way to the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 and
a peaceful system change to democracy in the communist countries of Eastern Europe.
Former heads of state who are part of International Centre for Black Sea-Baltic Studies and Consensus Practices
(Viktor Yushchenko, former president of Ukraine, Stanislav Shushkevich, former chairman of the Supreme Soviet
and parliament of Belarus, Gennady Burbulis, President of Baltic-Black Sea Forum and the former state secretary of
Russia) are explaining the Belavezha Accords that brought Eastern Europe’s peaceful system change to democracy.
HWPL Symphony Orchestra and HWPL Concert Choir are giving a congratulatory performance.
A Special Proposal on the Unification on
the Korean Peninsula and World Peace,
Made by Leaders of Eastern Europe who
Led the System Change to Democracy
Lecture Concert
 for Peaceful Unification on
 the Korean Peninsula

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Lecture Concert for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula (English)

  • 1. Organized by The Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Culture and Civilization (ISACCL) Hosted by HWPL IPYG Date 20 September 2018, 14:00-16:00 Location Sejong University Daeyang Hall A Special Proposal on the Unification on the Korean Peninsula and World Peace, Made by Leaders of Eastern Europe who Led the System Change to Democracy Lecture Concert  for Peaceful Unification on  the Korean Peninsula
  • 2. - Present, Chairman of Institute for Advanced Studies for Culture and Civilization of the Levant - Present, President of Romanian Foundation for Democracy - 2014-Present, the member of HWPL Peace Advisory Council - 2011-2017, President of the Academy for Cultural Diplomacy, Berlin - 1996-2000, The 3rd President of Romania - 1992-1996, Rector of the University of Bucharest - President of the Baltic-Black Sea Forum - Founder of the “Dignity” Politosophy School - Founder of the Strategy Center for Humanitarian and Political Science - 2018-Present Member of HWPL Advisory Council - 1991-1992 First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation - 1991-1992 State Secretary of the Russian Federation - One of the authors and signators of the Belavezha Accords - Member of International Centre for Black Sea-Baltic Studies and consensus practices - President of the Foundation for Strategic Research and Development of International Relations “Lucinschi” - 2018-Present Member of HWPL Advisory Council - 1996-2001 President of Moldova - 1993-1997 Speaker of the Moldovan Parliament - 1992-1993 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Moldova in Russia   Lecture  Emil Constantinescu   Special Speech  Gennady Burbulis   Congratulatory Message  Petru Lucinschi S P E A K E R
  • 3. A transcript of Former President Emil Constantinescu’s lecture. Where the audio recording of the lecture is unclear, ellipses or a notation that the recording was unintelligible are used. Honorable guests and dear students, First of all, let me express my deep gratitude for the invitation from Sejong University and from [unintelligible] the International Peace Youth Group organizer of this event, and my special thanks for cooperation with Institute for Advanced Study from Levant Culture Civilization from Romania. I am very happy to be here in Sejong University. I spent 60 years of my life in Bucharest University and other universities throughout the world. And I owe everything to the university. I am proud because my former graduate masters and PhD students are now professors in universities throughout the world, and researchers in different institutions throughout the world. The title of my lecture, today’s lecture, is “The Memory of the Suffering and the Pedagogy of Freedom.” I would like to begin with a confession. I was born in 1939. In that year, someone would have crossed the Eurasian continent from Tokyo to Lisbon from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean only state under civil of the military dictatorship. My family lived in that time in a town located in Dniester River of the Soviet Border. We were twice forced to take refuge from the Red Army alongside tens of thousands of people, and my first memories are related 01 Emil Constantinescu, the former president of Romania Lecture Concert for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula
  • 4. 4 Lecture Concert for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula to this desperate exodus because those who failed to leave were mostly arrested and departed in Siberia. I lived until the age of 50 under dictatorship. In a country where people don’t have the freedom of movement, you could not leave the country, and you are forced to work and live in a particular place allocated by government- governmental distribution. A dictatorship that would only recognize state and collective ownership canceled all forms of rights, free expression and oversaw the personal life of every citizen by political police surveillance. I lived also through post-utilitarian transition where the social price was heavily paid. For those of my generation, democracy is not an abstract concept, and my situation that undermines democracy and prejudices freedom affect us deeply. The Second World War, which affected most Romania and Korea, called the death of more than 25 million soldiers and more. Over 73 million civilians caused huge economic losses and destruction of the world cultural heritage. The atrocities of the two wars, world wars in the first half of the 20th century proved to be insufficient to understand that peace cannot be strengthened only by managing frozen conflicts. The establishment of communism in Eastern Europe has led to the elimination of constructive competition, removal of free expression and emergence of an immoral form claiming to be a society where ideology replaces feelings. Three words also, interpretative slogans and freedom in general are replaced by constant terror. All these changes have defined the new face of Eastern Europe crisscrossed by a suffering of millions of people. The result of implementation of communism in Eastern Europe by violent means and bloody repression of anti-communist resistance. The removal of actual potential opponents was achieved through torture and re- education centers, extermination prisons, forced labor camps, political assassinations, summary executions, mass deportations. Amid the precarious peace secured during the Cold War by focusing on arms race, the
  • 5. 5 Lecture Concert for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula price paid by the citizens of the communist states of Eastern Europe was extremely heavy. Millions of death, tens of millions of human life destroyed. When oppression, censorship, terror seem to ensure a small future for communism, the resulting hardship turned into true pedagogy of freedom thus building solid characters able to tear apart the status quo. The fall of communism was first of all an ideological collapse that repairs the political colors of dictatorship in most countries of former Soviet blocks. Culture played a fundamental role in this context. Parallel to the off icial speech, an underground speech was created, mean to denounce deception and falsity and to reject those who stop at thinking. The danger came from the intellectuals from their own countries displayed by member of the communist apparatus. The danger came through the war of the democrat intellectuals and through their writings in regard to dissemination through citizens of their countries taking surveys and censorship. The change took place when Mikael Gorbachev, new team, launched Perestroika – the economic reform – but especially Glasnost, the transparency meaning the freedom of communication. Dear friends, we have among us today in this room, one of the most important members of this team, of Gorbachev team, who urged for the peaceful transition to democracy. Petru Lucinschi, doctor of philosophy, who later became the chairman of the parliament of independent Moldova, and democratic president of the Republic of Moldova, and I salute his presence here. After the peaceful, peaceful change of the totalitarian regime in Eastern Europe, the first democratic presidents freely elected by the people were representative of the intellectual elite. Coming from academic milieu was very strange for the political history of the world. And remember, the famous first democratic president of Czech was Václav Havel, a very known writer. The first democratic president of Hungary was the president of a writers’ union. The first president of democratic Bulgaria was a
  • 6. 6 Lecture Concert for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula philosopher from Sofia University. The first democratic president of Lithuania, Vytautas Landsbergis, was the president of the Academy of Music. The first democratic president of Estonia was also the president of the Academy of Music. And the second president of Estonia was the director and president of the University of Agriculture and was of special family, because this member of academic milieu, of intellectual elite was not interested in corruption, in their interests, or their family; they worked for their country and for their people, and for changing Europe, changing the world. The transition was not easy for those who experienced communism and had to leave to the post-communist transition period, nothing is more true and instructive than the reading of Exodus in the Bible. We understand from Exodus in the Bible best why it took 40 years for the Hebrew people to reach the holy land. What is the meaning of the worship of the golden calf, the temptation of collective debauchery, violence and treason, the need for the table of laws, and the punishment for failing to comply with the Ten Commandments? The historical memory appears to be the element explaining why citizens from former communist countries refuse to support totalitarian approaches regardless of the coat they are wearing. The pedagogy of freedom needs a memory of suffering because as is the case of health, we perceive the value of freedom only when we no longer have it. Debating the relationship between the democratic power and individuals’ freedom also targets a distribution of wealth. In a novel, The Karamazov Brothers, by the famous Russian writer, Dostoevsky, one of the characters named Ivan tells our Russia, that if people would be asking to choose between freedom and bread, many would choose bread. This is also the psychological foundation, when totalitarian regimes ground themselves in order to obtain a concession of obedience. A significant part of the population is formal communist countries continue to regret the times when they had fully paid by safe jobs. They lived in miserable conditions, but in houses received by government allocation and they were given minimum food rationed by cuts.
  • 7. 7 Lecture Concert for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula But the most important psychological element s stoppi ng rebel l ion we re paradoxically the fact that everyone was equally poor and they did not feel humiliated one in relation to the other. The comeback of neo-communist party is based on this nostalgia. In the democratic societies with market economy from the Occident, freedom is followed by a chase after material goods that create significant differences between the rich and poor. This difference is not often correlated with the quality or quantity of work performed and with the contribution to the general welfare of the society. Many times these realities over hand you once who believe in the ideas of democratic principles in the western world, including us. Only throughout granted transparency is the governing process and the hidden relations governments have with corporations more affair governments can be rigid. That’s the experience of the communist regime which tried to alienate our natural, humanist, European vocation was paid at the cost of tens of millions of human lives. Freedom regained through sacrifice has created not only rights, but also responsibilities we gradually familiarize ourselves with in often difficult social and psychological conditions. The citizens of the formal communist countries have been deprived of all their rights, including their right to live for half a century. They are suffering and struggle lesson is for each of us a first step towards understanding the greater lesson of freedom and respecting each other’s freedom. The amelioration of the democratic conscious needs more time of adoption for democratic laws or institutions. Let us remember when the American system of power separation was exported to Latin America or South Asia it invariable led to totalitarian regimes until a democratic conscious was able to ensure to the function of a democratic institution was formed. Democratic culture is threatened at the beginning of the certain millennium. Also, by dominant post-modern culture, this seems to invalidate the appeal of ideas of European Union founding fathers. Political leaders, the same as ordinary citizens, seems to ignore the social significance of governance by trust, virtue, and moderation, essential moral values.
  • 8. 8 Lecture Concert for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula Perhaps exactly a return to these values, given that the social cost of governance as supporting increasingly harder where society’s irreparably being divided between the privileged and the disadvantaged, would be a reconstruction tool for politics on other grounds. There’s a collectivism impulse during communism and the selfish individualism of promoting capitalism. Return to moral values could be an alternative to the careless of contentious attitude towards the needs and the requirement resolves treated only as a mass of waters or producers and consumers of goods and information. In the long run, for the survival of the quality of democracy, the essential factor is the democratic conscience of those who choose freely. I come back to the novel, the Karamazov Brothers. In this novel, Dostoevsky tells us that man prefers stillness and even death to the freedom of solidarity choice between good and evil. Nothing is more seductive for man that is freedom of conscience, but nothing is a greater cause of suffering. Dostoevsky wrote these lines in the 19th century, from the perspective of people who never knew individual freedom or democracy. One hundred years later, in December 1989, in my country, Romania, young people would demonstrate against the communist dictatorship in the university square in Bucharest. They did not ask for bread or for higher wages. They voiced free elections, freedom of the press, freedom – we love you, we die for you. And we will die and we’ll be free. My son, my daughter, my students were at that time in university square in Bucharest. At midnight, the repression troops went in with tanks against the unarmed demonstration, who did not threaten any governmental institution but offered flowers to the militaries, dozens of people were killed and thousands were arrested and tortured. Those arrested would have been killed too, as what happened five days prior in other university town, Timisoara, in Romania. If not half a million of Bucharest citizens would surround the next day’s tanks, and the symbol of communist regime, the incredible lack of fear, and the solidarity of people for the dictator to free, and freedom was gained. And in one of history’s bright moments,
  • 9. 9 Lecture Concert for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula people were willing to die for the ideas, ideas of freedom and democracy. The experience of transition from the communist dictatorship to democracy in Eastern Europe represents a very rare case in the world history, the absence of any ravage. The survivor of the communist regime, repression, wanted nobody to suffer what they have suffered, and all the cities that were given the possibility to contribute to the democratization of the country. The situation is representative especially for Romania, where the bloody repression took place even in the last moment. The situation of Romania is interesting for the current events from the Korean Peninsula because we are also a nation living in two different states. After the fall of Soviet Union and the independence of Moldova, the relationship between Romania and new Republic of Moldova were very good without any disputes, especially during the term of President Luchinsky in the Republic of Moldova in the minor of Romania. Dear friends, it was our recent past. The answer regarding the future of freedom of democracy is the choice of each generation, and in the end, of each of us. This was the event was the experience of our transition from the communist dictatorship to democracy which I have tried to present to you sincerely as I have liked directly. Good or bad, you, the next generation, can decide what to choose to learn from it. But at the end of my lecture, I ought also to say what we Romanians can learn from the experience of South Korea, and what I have understood from my three visits in Korea over the last 24 years. I will use a single word that impressed me in all my visits in Korea: patriotism, an increasingly large sentiment in today’s globalized world and a huge first repair to solidarity of Koreans. Over the last three decades… And also, I want to share with you our experience in that spirit. Over the last three decades, we have secured our territorial integrity by integrating a donator. We secured the economy, we have economic security through European Union
  • 10. 10 Lecture Concert for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula integration, and we have had the highest economic growth rating in the European Union for the past five years. But unfortunately, 100 years after the great union of Romanian [unintelligible] in the single state, we are disunited, differenced by different groups or individual political and social interest. We need to rediscover what unites us, our common goal. We need to redefine ourselves in the globalized world by what we are, and not what we have. Only this way, we can preserve our national identity and dignity respecting all other nations in the globalized world. Thank you for your attention.
  • 11. Lecture Concert for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula Yesterday, the two heads of North and South Korea, two divided nations, signed a historical joint statement. Through their signatures, they pledged to take action to eliminate war risks in the disputed area, including the demilitarized zone. I saw the joint statement as the right thing to do at the right time. Peace culture starts with the strength and determination to throw away the countless prejudices that each individual holds in their thoughts. We must rid jealousy, envy, and anger that is rooted in our hearts. Creating a peace culture is a difficult road we must travel until peace becomes stabilized, but at the same time, it will help people to find inner harmony and to fit their lives to the stars in the sky and to the work of humanity. A culture of peace most deeply forms within the university community. That’s why it is such a pleasure to be here at a university, speaking to all of you today. Universities help to form a person’s value system and is a place that holds great value in terms of moral and spirit. Students learn dignity and as an intellectual, and as a citizen, find ways and build power according to their instinct for community freedom. Students create new values and rules and become a new person, so without universities we have no future nor chances for development. It’s great to have the community of universities working together to inspire each other with a sense of duty, to think about said duty, and to bring millions of people who have yet to give up their prejudices in their thoughts and perceptions. This is the strategy that the I, myself, as well as former president Constantinescu and Lucinschi are aiming for at the International Centre for 02 Gennady Burbulis, the former state secretary of Russia Lecture Concert for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula
  • 12. 12 Lecture Concert for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula Black Sea-Baltic Studies and Consensus Practices. Regardless of age, position, or field, the work that we are doing will play a pivotal role in actualizing peace through the power of communities. And I believe that actualization of peace within communities is very well reflected in the Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War (DPCW). We must think deeply about the value of creation and the meaning behind it. Peace should not just exist as a great goal, a beautiful dream, and a desire, but it should be a work that we work for everyday with our determination, efforts, and given talents. In order to fulfill this goal, we must look at this on a global scale, not on the scale of individual nations. As long as the foundation is still unstable, we cannot ensure the success of today nor tomorrow. This is why peace is so closely tied to dignity. I am sure that the DPCW needs to be and will be as historical as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Every morning, I say Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights like a prayer. Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.” From birth, we are equal in dignity and rights, and we have the right to live, to be peaceful, and to live in peace. We are approaching this mutual understanding and the goal of realizing a common peace. And at this time, Korea, my own country, Russia, the Baltic states, all European nations, and the rest of the world is heading towards a better future that we have long aspired for. Two-thirds of the DPCW’s 10 articles and 38 clauses say “the nation has the responsibility to~” “the nation must~” “the UN must~”. Through the DPCW, I thought to myself “our dignity can be preserved and valued when we realize our own obligations and live a consistent life with our respective duties and responsibilities, both mentally and physically.” As I finish my lecture today, I want to make a confession. I have lived without a religion all my life, and my family is also not religious. I am not part of any denomination, but I, Gennady Burbulis, signed the Belavezha Accords that ended the Soviet Union with former President Boris Yeltsin on behalf of 150 million Russians in the Russian Federation and as Russia’s
  • 13. 13 Lecture Concert for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula deputy prime minister. Let us never forget that the exhausting and cruel history of the two empires ended in December 1991 and this decision has led to the peaceful dismantlement of the Soviet Union, the most brutal, cunning, and severe totalitarian empire in human history. This was only possible because at the most important and difficult moment, we followed the sound and reason of the soul, we were courageous, and we had a wise heart. I am confident that I can share this courage and wisdom from that time with all of you here. I believe that all of us will be used according to our talents and skills. I believe that harmony must be formed with the earth, the universe, and our spirits. I believe that we can create peace culture by keeping the value of ‘good’ and actualizing it in this divided world. Those who gave their lives for the greater good in the past knew their duty and they followed the words of “no matter the result, do the work you are supposed to do” like law. I want to believe that everyone here agrees that these words are not enough, and they are wrong in a sense. I hope the phrase that I am about to say will become a new law that will not only protect us but unite everyone who supports a culture of peace. “Do what you are supposed to do, and your dreams will come true. Your hopes will come true. What you believe will be fulfilled. It will be fulfilled without a doubt.”
  • 14. Lecture Concert for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula Dear friends, the reason I am standing here is because we are all the messengers of peace. We are all convinced that the only condition to develop humanity is through realization of peace. This is my first time here at the Peace WARP Summit. I was very impressed by this event, and I strongly believe that if anyone wants to live in harmony for their children, parents, family and countries, one must put in their efforts to achieve it. I honestly tell you that at every international conference I attend, I raise this topic, the topic of peace. I am very concerned that over the past 25 years, the term ‘peace’ itself has gradually disappeared and was not mentioned from world’s political fields. We hear about national interests all the time. We hear about the fight against the climate, about the fight against terrorism, which is right and right for connecting people. But it is not possible to realize such things unless peaceful conditions are achieved. Europe, which united in the European Union, practically took this first step after the Second World War. It was really the leaders of Europe who were horrified that Europe has been the source of world wars over the centuries. By seeing such sufferings, such tragedies which started from one person and affected the entire nations, they said “We must do something, we must unite so that there are no more wars”. 03 Petru Lucinschi, the former president of Moldova Lecture Concert for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula
  • 15. 15 Lecture Concert for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula And this was the beginning of the European Union today. Yes, there are some tensions, there are some moments of dispute, but there is no war in Europe. However, war is still ongoing in the world. And if the leaders of all countries do not understand the results of sufferings of people that are shown through the internet, radio, and TV – those whose shelters and lives are taken away due to hunger and tortures - There cannot be a development in humanity. It seems to me that, first of all, the leaders we elect must understand this fact. But, the question is, who are we voting for? How can a person who once was an instigator of wars be at a position of a leader of a country? This also means that the people have not yet developed a form of mechanism to prevent such people from becoming a leader of a country. It is because the leaders are the ones to start a war, and victims are the people of the countries. Therefore, in my understanding, first of all, it is neccessary to work out such tools that would put a barrier, to stop the nomination of such people. And in order to stop the leadership of such people, people must be united. Leaders must speak on behalf of the people of their countries. Like how we have seen recently from South Korea, if all people have their interests together, the leaders of countries cannot unleash a war. We all have learnt the history of wars in our countries. Take any textbook of any country, all heroes of any countries are wearing the military uniform. Well, of course, it is natural to honor the heroes of their countries. Yesterday I visited Suwon, Hwaseong, and someone explained that the King Jung Jo resided among his people at the time he was there. Also, I heared that he opened a banquet for his mother and invited the elders of the country to come. And this story is remembered by many people throughout the history.
  • 16. 16 Lecture Concert for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula Moreoever, King Jung Jo said it was no good for a man to be on his knees before the King, But that it is enough to just bow your head. I now understand that bowing your head in South Korea actually came from King Jung Jo. Like so, if a leader shows good deeds first, and shares one’s will through peacful educations or cultures, it will remain in the people. This should be a way to carry out one’s role as a leader. Here we are with H.E Emil Constinescu, the former President of Romania, and my friend. We are from neighboring countries from the same root, and we speak the same language and share the same cultures. Of course, we do not allow the danger of a war between us, like how there is in the Korean Peninsula. Although there may be some restrictions, 20 years ago, we were able to establish such relations between our countries so that there is not a single conflict, not a single case of dispute. We agreed that we should create not only certain conditions to build our future together and to enhance the friendly relationship, but also to lead in such directions and pathways. And we succeeded. And I will say, despite the ongoing wars and conflicts between other countries, we succeed to avoid wars through cultures and educations. We know that South Korea ranks first in the world in terms of the number of people with higher education, 72%, I was told. And with my own eyes, I was able to witness the reality of the result of such educations during my stay at the WARP Summit. Throughout the whole period of the Summit, we saw joyful and friendly faces. I saw the faces who truly hope for the unification of the Korean Peninsula. I believe it is symbolic that during the WARP Summit, the meeting of the leaders of North and South Korea took place. I once said in one of my interviews that the head of the state must speak on behalf of his people in the country. The benefit of both North and South Korea, is through the unification.
  • 17. 17 Lecture Concert for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula At least at first, they must remove a threat of war among themselves. If the two leaders of South and North Korea wish to be remembered in history, they must become countries that take their steps to achieve peace and abundancy through unification of the Korean Peninsula. I was deeply touched by the 4th Annual Commemoration of the WARP Summit. I believe that peace will be achieved soon, because the details of achieving peace are written in the Declaration, and I am convinced that peace is coming nearer and nearer. All there is left for us is to convince the rest of the heads of states and to implement the DPCW to the UN. In other words, it must be included in this agenda. We can achieve it. Dear beloved friends, life is beautiful. However for this beauty of life, we must fight everyday. There is nothing that we can achieve without efforts and trials. Nothing can be achieved without mutual communications and agreements. I want to congratulate all of you that such peace movement has begun by all of you. I said that the sun, rising from South Korea comes to the West. I hope the sun that has risen through this peace movement for cessation of wars will brighten up the darkness. I hope to brighten the darkened world that is still in its torture and sufferings. And let this day come soon, when we rejoice together, we will create and leave this global community for the future generations. Thank you.
  • 18. Lecture Concert for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula HWPL Chairman Man Hee Lee and Romania’s former president Emil Constantinescu are presenting the MOU document signed between HWPL and the Institute for Advanced Studies in Levant Culture and Civilization (ISACCL). Notable guests who attended “Lecture Concert for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula” promised to work together for peace as they posed for a commemorative photo. HWPL Cultural Performance Group is giving a congratulatory performance.
  • 19. Lecture Concert for Peaceful Unification on the Korean Peninsula Belavezha Accords led the way to the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 and a peaceful system change to democracy in the communist countries of Eastern Europe. Former heads of state who are part of International Centre for Black Sea-Baltic Studies and Consensus Practices (Viktor Yushchenko, former president of Ukraine, Stanislav Shushkevich, former chairman of the Supreme Soviet and parliament of Belarus, Gennady Burbulis, President of Baltic-Black Sea Forum and the former state secretary of Russia) are explaining the Belavezha Accords that brought Eastern Europe’s peaceful system change to democracy. HWPL Symphony Orchestra and HWPL Concert Choir are giving a congratulatory performance.
  • 20. A Special Proposal on the Unification on the Korean Peninsula and World Peace, Made by Leaders of Eastern Europe who Led the System Change to Democracy Lecture Concert  for Peaceful Unification on  the Korean Peninsula