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УДК 372.881.111.1
ББК 81.2 Англ
Зверховская Е.В.
Практикум по грамматике английского языка. Учеб. посо-
бие / Е.В. Зверховская, Е.Ф. Косиченко. — СПб.: БХВ-Петербург,
2016. — 688 с.
ISBN 978-5-9775-3578-6
Пособие представляет собой справочник по грамматике английского
языка и одновременно сборник упражнений с ключами, содержит 25 тема-
тических разделов. Левая сторона разворота книги содержит правила, изло-
женные в схемах и таблицах, а также упражнения на отработку соответствую-
щих правил, а правая сторона представлена примерами, иллюстрирующими
использование правил, и ключами к упражнениям. В пособии использованы
преимущества современного метода опоры на родной язык. Материал может
применяться как для групповых, так и для индивидуальных занятий.
Для студентов вузов, лицеев и колледжей, слушателей курсов,
а также лиц, самостоятельно изучающих английский язык
УДК 372.881.111.1
ББК 81.2 Англ
Е. В. Воевода, д-р пед. наук, доцент, проф. кафедры английского
языка №2, зав.кафедрой педагогики и психологии МГИМО
А. В. Бондаренко, канд. филол. наук, доцент кафедры лексиколо-
гии английского языка МГЛУ
Группа подготовки издания:
Главный редактор Екатерина Кондукова
Зам. гл. редактора Людмила Еремеевская
Зав. редакцией Екатерина Капалыгина
Компьютерная верстка Людмилы Гауль
Корректор Елена Толстякова
Дизайн обложки Марины Дамбиевой
Подписано в печать 31.07.15.
Формат 60х901
/16. Печать офсетная. Усл. печ. л. 43.
Тираж 1500 экз. Заказ №
«БХВ-Петербург», 191036, Санкт-Петербург, Гончарная ул., 20
Первая Академическая типография «Наука»
199034, Санкт-Петербург, 9 линия, 12/28
ISBN 978-5-9775-3578-6 © Зверховская Е.В., Косиченко Е.Ф., 2004, 2016
© ООО «БХВ-Петербург», 2016
Предлагаемое пособие по грамматике английского языка является
одновременно кратким систематическим справочником, содержащим
четкие объяснения правил употребления грамматики, и сборником
Особенностью книги является ее структура, в соответствии с кото-
рой левая сторона разворота содержит правила и упражнения, а пра-
вая — примеры и ключи к упражнениям. Основополагающим прин-
ципом построения книги выступает опора на родной язык, что делает
работу с грамматикой более эффективной и предупреждает возник-
новение типичных ошибок.
Начало каждого раздела предваряют таблицы, в которых схематично
изложены основные положения соответствующей грамматической
темы, что дает возможность учащимся повторить правило, прежде
чем приступать к выполнению упражнений. Параллельно таблицам
на правом развороте книги даны примеры применения этого правила.
По аналогии с теоретическим материалом, практические упражнения
и ключи к ним даны параллельно друг к другу, что упрощает работу
с книгой и делает ее полезной для аудиторной и самостоятельной
В конце крупных разделов помещен урок на повторение, содержа-
щий упражнения повышенной трудности, которые могут быть ис-
пользованы для закрепления изученных тем и контроля. Таким об-
разом, структура пособия позволит не только повторить изученный
ранее грамматический материал, приобрести необходимые умения
и навыки в области английской грамматики, но и оценить уровень
сформированности грамматической компетенции учащихся. В плане
преподавания пособие также может быть полезным при подготовке
контрольных и самостоятельных работ.
Лексическое наполнение упражнений позволяет расширить словар-
ный запас и использовать предлагаемые к изучению грамматические
конструкции в ситуациях реального общения.
Книга четко организована, содержит ясные и наглядные объяснения
и может быть использована как на уроке английского языка, так и для
самостоятельной работы.
В издании использованы материалы книги авторов «Секреты англий-
ской грамматики».
UNIT 1 TYPES OF QUESTION....................................................18
1.1 The General Question ............................................................. 18
Are you…? ..........................................................................18
Does he…?...........................................................................18
Have got — Have .................................................................20
1.2 The Negative-Interrogative Sentence........................................ 26
1.3 The Alternative Question ......................................................... 28
1.4 The Disjunctive Question......................................................... 32
1.5 The Special Question............................................................... 38
Questions to the subject .......................................................38
Questions to the object.........................................................40
Questions with prepositions.................................................42
Questions to other members of the sentence..........................46
1.6 The Indirect Question .............................................................. 52
1.7 Question with Do you think...................................................... 58
2.1 Nouns ending with -s, ss, sh, ch, x, z........................................ 62
2.2 Nouns ending with -o............................................................... 62
2.3 Nouns ending with -y............................................................... 64
2.4 Nouns ending with -f, fe........................................................... 64
2.5 Compound nouns.................................................................... 66
UNIT 3 THE POSSESSIVE CASE...............................................76
3.1 The Possessive Case with animate nouns.................................. 76
3.2 The Possessive Case with inanimate nouns............................... 78
3.3 Double formation of the Possessive Case.................................. 78
3.4 The Possessive Case with compound nouns ............................. 78
ВИДЫ ВОПРОСОВ......................................................... 19
1.1 Общий вопрос........................................................................ 19
Are you…? ..........................................................................19
Does he…?...........................................................................19
Have got — Have .................................................................21
1.2 Отрицательно-вопросительное предложение........................ 27
1.3 Альтернативный вопрос......................................................... 29
1.4 Разделительный вопрос ......................................................... 33
1.5 Специальный вопрос.............................................................. 39
Вопросы к подлежащему ..................................................39
Вопросы к дополнению .....................................................41
Предложные вопросы........................................................43
Вопросы к другим членам предложения ..........................47
1.6 Косвенный вопрос ................................................................. 53
1.7 Вопросы с Do you think.......................................................... 59
(ЭТИ), ТОТ (ТЕ)...............................................................63
2.1 Существительные, оканчивающиеся на -s, ss, sh, ch, x, z ...... 63
2.2 Существительные, оканчивающиеся на -о ............................ 63
2.3 Существительные, оканчивающиеся на -у ............................ 65
2.4 Существительные, оканчивающиеся на -f, fe ......................... 65
2.5 Сложные существительные ................................................... 67
УРОК 3 ПРИТЯЖАТЕЛЬНЫЙ ПАДЕЖ...................................77
3.1 Притяжательный падеж с одушевленными существительными..77
3.2 Притяжательный падеж с неодушевленными
существительными................................................................. 79
3.3 Двойное образование притяжательного падежа.................... 79
3.4 Притяжательный падеж со сложными существительными..... 79
6 Содержание 7
UNIT 4 PRONOUNS......................................................................84
4.1 Personal Pronouns................................................................... 84
4.2 Possessive Pronouns ............................................................... 86
4.3 The Absolute form of Possessive Pronouns ............................... 88
4.4 Pronoun it ............................................................................... 90
4.5 Reflective Pronouns ................................................................. 92
UNIT 5 MUCH/MANY; (A) LITTLE/(A) FEW.......................... 98
5.1 The use with countable and uncountable nouns ........................ 98
5.2 The use in different types of sentences ..................................... 98
5.3 The difference between little/a little; few/a few .................... 100
UNIT 6 THERE IS/THERE ARE............................................... 106
6.1 The use of the construction with nouns in the singular ............. 106
6.2 The use of the construction with nouns in the plural................. 106
AND THEIR COMPOUNDS ..........................................114
7.1 Indefinite pronouns some, any, no.......................................... 114
7.2 Some, any, no compounds .................................................... 118
UNIT 8 ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS .....................................126
8.1 The formation of adverbs from adjectives and their use............ 126
8.2 The degrees of comparison of adjectives................................. 134
8.3 Comparative constructions .................................................... 136
8.4 Double comparatives............................................................. 146
8.5 The … the … construction .................................................... 150
Revision ............................................................................154
8.6 The degrees of comparison of adverbs.................................... 156
УРОК 4 МЕСТОИМЕНИЯ............................................................85
4.1 Личные местоимения ............................................................. 85
4.2 Притяжательные местоимения............................................... 87
4.3 Абсолютная форма притяжательных местоимений................ 89
4.4 Местоимение it....................................................................... 91
4.5 Возвратные местоимения....................................................... 93
УРОК 5 MUCH/MANY; (A) LITTLE/(A) FEW.......................... 99
5.1 Употребление с исчисляемыми и неисчисляемыми
существительными................................................................. 99
5.2 Употребление в разных видах предложений .......................... 99
5.3 Разница между little/a little; few/a few................................ 101
УРОК 6 THERE IS/THERE ARE................................................107
6.1 Употребление конструкции с существительными
в единственном числе........................................................... 107
6.2 Употребление конструкции с существительными
во множественном числе...................................................... 107
SOME, ANY, NO И ИХ ПРОИЗВОДНЫЕ................115
7.1 Неопределенные местоимения some, any, no....................... 115
7.2 Производные от some, any, no ............................................. 119
УРОК 8 ПРИЛАГАТЕЛЬНЫЕ И НАРЕЧИЯ...........................127
8.1 Образование наречий от прилагательных и их употребление.. 127
8.2 Степени сравнения прилагательных .................................... 135
8.3 Сравнительные конструкции ............................................... 137
8.4 Двойные степени сравнения................................................ 147
8.5 Конструкция the … the … .................................................... 151
Повторение .....................................................................155
8.6 Степени сравнения наречий................................................. 157
8 Содержание 9
UNIT 9 THE PRONOUN OTHER ..............................................162
9.1 Pronouns other, another........................................................ 162
9.2 Pronoun another ................................................................... 162
9.3 Pronoun others ..................................................................... 164
9.4 Pronoun the other ................................................................. 164
9.5 Pronoun each other/one another .......................................... 164
UNIT 10 ELSE, MORE, STILL, YET ............................................170
10.1 Else ...................................................................................... 170
10.2 More ..................................................................................... 174
10.3 Still ....................................................................................... 174
10.4 Yet ........................................................................................ 174
UNIT 11 ALSO, TOO, EITHER. SO …/NEITHER … ............... 180
11.1 Also, too, either .................................................................... 180
11.2 So …/Neither … .................................................................. 182
UNIT 12 CORRELATIVES..............................................................188
12.1 neither… nor … .................................................................... 188
12.2 either … or … ....................................................................... 188
12.3 both … and … ....................................................................... 188
UNIT 13 EXCLAMATORY SENTENCES .................................. 194
13.1 The formation and the use of exclamatory sentences .............. 194
UNIT 14 REVISION........................................................................204
УРОК 9 МЕСТОИМЕНИЕ OTHER............................................163
9.1 Местоимения other, another (другой, другие)....................... 163
9.2 Местоимение another (еще один, другой) ............................ 163
9.3 Местоимение others (другие)............................................... 165
9.4 Местоимение the other (другой, другие) .............................. 165
9.5 Местоимение each other/one another (друг друга) .............. 165
УРОК 10 ELSE, MORE, STILL, YET ............................................. 171
10.1 Else ...................................................................................... 171
10.2 More ..................................................................................... 175
10.3 Still ....................................................................................... 175
10.4 Yet ........................................................................................ 175
11.1 Тоже .................................................................................... 181
11.2 Краткие подтвердительные предложения ............................ 183
УРОК 12 КОРРЕЛЯТИВНЫЕ СОЮЗЫ ....................................189
12.1 ни …, ни … .......................................................................... 189
12.2 или …, или … ...................................................................... 189
12.3 и …, и … ............................................................................. 189
13.1 Образование и употребление
восклицательных предложений............................................ 195
УРОК 14 ПОВТОРЕНИЕ.............................................................. 205
10 Содержание 11
TENSE FORMS OF THE VERB ..................................218
15.1 The Present Indefinite Tense .................................................. 218
15.2 The Present Continuous Tense............................................... 226
15.3 The Future Indefinite Tense.................................................... 236
15.4 The Past Indefinite Tense ....................................................... 246
15.5 The Present Perfect Tense...................................................... 256
The Present Perfect Continuous Tense..................................268
The Present Perfect Tense — The Past Indefinite Tense ..........278
15.6 The Past Continuous Tense.................................................... 290
15.7 The Past Perfect Tense........................................................... 300
Revision ............................................................................306
The Past Perfect Continuous Tense ......................................312
Revision ............................................................................316
15.8 The Future Continuous Tense ................................................ 322
15.9 The Future Perfect Tense ....................................................... 326
The Future Perfect Continuous Tense...................................326
15.1 The Present Indefinite Tense .................................................. 219
15.2 The Present Continuous Tense............................................... 227
15.3 The Future Indefinite Tense.................................................... 237
15.4 The Past Indefinite Tense ....................................................... 247
15.5 The Present Perfect Tense...................................................... 257
The Present Perfect Continuous Tense..................................269
The Present Perfect Tense — The Past Indefinite Tense ..........279
15.6 The Past Continuous Tense.................................................... 291
15.7 The Past Perfect Tense........................................................... 301
Повторение .....................................................................307
The Past Perfect Continuous Tense ......................................313
Повторение .....................................................................317
15.8 The Future Continuous Tense ................................................ 323
15.9 The Future Perfect Tense ....................................................... 327
The Future Perfect Continuous Tense......................................327
UNIT 17 MODAL VERBS............................................................. 356
17.1 Can, could............................................................................. 356
17.2 May, might ............................................................................ 364
17.3 Must, to have to, to be to ........................................................ 366
17.4 Need..................................................................................... 376
17.5 Should .................................................................................. 380
17.6 Forms of the Infinitive ............................................................ 386
The Infinitive with Can .......................................................386
The Infinitive with May.......................................................392
The Infinitive with Must......................................................396
The Infinitive with Need......................................................402
The Infinitive with Should ..................................................404
ПОВТОРЕНИЕ.............................................................. 335
УРОК 17 МОДАЛЬНЫЕ ГЛАГОЛЫ..........................................357
17.1 Can, could............................................................................. 357
17.2 May, might ............................................................................ 365
17.3 Must, to have to, to be to ........................................................ 367
17.4 Need..................................................................................... 377
17.5 Should .................................................................................. 381
17.6 Формы инфинитива ............................................................. 387
Инфинитив с глаголом Can............................................387
Инфинитив с глаголом May............................................393
Инфинитив с глаголом Must...........................................397
Инфинитив с глаголом Need ..........................................403
Инфинитив с глаголом Should .......................................405
12 Содержание 13
UNIT 18 INDIRECT SPEECH ....................................................... 416
18.1 The main verb is present ........................................................ 416
18.2 The main verb is past............................................................. 426
18.3 Modal verbs in Indirect Speech............................................... 434
Revision ............................................................................436
УРОК 18 КОСВЕННАЯ РЕЧЬ.......................................................417
18.1 Слова автора в настоящем времени...................................... 417
18.2 Слова автора в прошедшем времени .................................... 427
18.3 Употребление модальных глаголов в косвенной речи........... 435
Повторение .....................................................................437
THE SEQUENCE OF TENSES...................................448
19.1 The actions in the principal and the subordinate clauses are
simultaneous......................................................................... 448
19.2 The action in the subordinate clause precedes that
of the principal clause ............................................................ 448
19.3 The action in the subordinate clause follows that
of the principal clause ............................................................ 448
UNIT 20 THE PASSIVE VOICE...................................................484
20.1 Formation and forms ............................................................. 484
20.2 Constructions........................................................................ 484
The Direct Passive ..............................................................484
The Indirect Passive............................................................486
The Prepositional Passive ...................................................486
UNIT 21 THE SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD.........................................512
21.1 Clauses of unreal condition .................................................... 512
The construction If I were you.............................................514
The construction But for.....................................................514
21.2 Object clauses after wish....................................................... 532
СОГЛАСОВАНИЕ ВРЕМЕН .....................................449
19.1 Действия в главном и придаточном предложениях
одновременны...................................................................... 449
19.2 Действие в придаточном предложении предшествует
действию в главном .............................................................. 449
19.3 Действие в придаточном предложении следует
за действием в главном......................................................... 449
УРОК 20 СТРАДАТЕЛЬНЫЙ ЗАЛОГ......................................485
20.1 Образование и формы ......................................................... 485
20.2 Конструкции........................................................................ 485
Прямая пассивная конструкция....................................487
Косвенная пассивная конструкция ...............................487
Предложная пассивная конструкция............................487
УРОК 21 СОСЛАГАТЕЛЬНОЕ НАКЛОНЕНИЕ.......................513
21.1 Придаточные нереального условия...................................... 513
Конструкция If I were you ...............................................515
Конструкция But for .......................................................515
21.2 Придаточные дополнительные после глагола wish ............... 533
14 Содержание 15
VERBALS ........................................................................544
22.1 The Gerund........................................................................... 544
The Gerund as Subject .......................................................544
The forms of the Gerund .....................................................546
The Gerund in Use .............................................................548
22.2 The Gerund and the Infinitive.................................................. 566
The forms of the Infinitive ...................................................576
22.3 The Participle ........................................................................ 582
COMPLEX OBJECT......................................................594
23.1 Formation ............................................................................. 594
23.2 The use of the construction.................................................... 594
UNIT 24 THE ARTICLE.................................................................. 610
24.1 The Article with countable nouns............................................ 612
The Article with countable nouns preceded by numerals ....612
Some special cases of the use of the Definite Article with
countable nouns................................................................618
More cases of the use of the Definite Article with
countable nouns................................................................618
24.2 The use of Articles with such and what................................... 620
24.3 The Definite and the Indefinite Article
in the constructions with of .................................................... 624
24.4 The generic use of the Definite Article..................................... 628
24.5 The use of Articles with names of seasons, times of the day,
with the words lunch, dinner, etc. ........................................... 632
24.6 The use of Articles with names of substances.......................... 634
24.7 The use of Articles with the words school, college, etc. ........... 638
НЕЛИЧНЫЕ ФОРМЫ ГЛАГОЛА ...........................545
22.1 Герундий .............................................................................. 545
Герундий в функции подлежащего .................................545
Формы герундия..............................................................547
Употребление герундия..................................................549
22.2 Герундий и инфинитив ......................................................... 567
Формы инфинитива........................................................577
23.3 Причастие............................................................................ 583
УРОК 23 СЛОЖНОЕ ДОПОЛНЕНИЕ...................................... 595
23.1 Образование........................................................................ 595
23.2 Употребление конструкции.................................................. 595
УРОК 24 АРТИКЛЬ..........................................................................611
24.1 Артикль с исчисляемыми существительными....................... 613
Артикль с существительными,
которым предшествует числительное .......................613
Особые случаи употребления определенного
артикля с исчисляемыми существительными ............619
Другие случаи употребления определенного
артикля с исчисляемыми существительными ............619
24.2 Употребление артиклей со словами such и what .................. 621
24.3 Определенный и неопределенный артикли
в конструкциях с of................................................................ 625
24.4 Определенный артикль с обобщающим значением.............. 629
24.5 Употребление артиклей с названиями времен года,
времени суток, со словами lunch, dinner и др......................... 633
24.6 Употребление артиклей с названиями веществ .................... 635
24.7 Употребление артиклей со словами school, college и др. ..... 639
16 Содержание 17
24.8 The use of Articles with uncountable nouns ............................ 644
The use of Articles with nouns which are always
uncountable ...........................................................................644
Cases of the use of the Indefinite Article with
uncountable nouns.................................................................646
More examples of the use of Articles with
uncountable nouns.................................................................646
24.9 The use of Articles with proper names .................................... 652
The use of Articles with personal names................................652
The use of Articles with geographical names.........................654
The use of Articles with names of streets, airports, etc. ..........656
The use of Articles with names of languages .........................658
Some special cases of the use of Articles
with proper names..................................................................658
24.8 Употребление артиклей с неисчисляемыми существительными ... 645
Употребление артиклей с существительными,
которые всегда неисчисляемые.........................................645
Случаи употребления неопределенного артикля
с неисчисляемыми существительными...........................647
Другие примеры употребления артиклей
с неисчисляемыми существительными...........................647
24.9 Употребление артиклей с именами собственными ............... 653
Употребление артиклей с именами людей ...................653
Употребление артиклей с географическими названиями..655
Употребление артиклей с названиями улиц,
аэропортов и др..............................................................657
Употребление артиклей с названиями языков.............659
Особые случаи употребления артиклей с именами
REVISION........................................................................ 670 ПОВТОРЕНИЕ................................................................671
The General Question
Are you…?
Does he…?
Have got — Have
The Negative-Interrogative Sentence
The Alternative Question
The Disjunctive Question
The Special Question
Questions to the subject
Questions to the object
Questions with prepositions
Questions to other members of the sentence
The Indirect Question
Question with Do you think
The General Question
Are you…?
Auxiliary be + subject + (verb) + …
Is he at home today? • Yes, he is. (No, he isn’t.)
Are you ready to leave? • Yes, I’m. (No, I’m not.)
Are we on time? • Yes, you are. (No, you aren’t.)
Am I late? • Yes, you are. (No, you aren’t.)
Are they busy? • Yes, they are. (No, they aren’t.)
Does he…?
Auxiliary do/does + subject + verb + …
Do you want to go there? • Yes, I do. (No, I don’t.)
Does George like ice-cream? • Yes, he does. (No, he doesn’t.)
1.1 Общий вопрос
Are you…?
Does he…?
Have got — Have
1.2 Отрицательно-вопросительные предложения
1.3 Альтернативный вопрос
1.4 Разделительный вопрос
1.5 Специальный вопрос
Вопросы к подлежащему
Вопросы к дополнению
Предложные вопросы
Вопросы к другим членам предложения
1.6 Косвенный вопрос
1.7 Вопросы с Do you think
Общий вопрос
Are you…?
Вспомогательный глагол be + подлежащее + (сказуемое) + …
Он сегодня дома? • Да. (Нет.)
Ты готов ехать? • Да. (Нет.)
Мы вовремя? • Да. (Нет.)
Я опоздал? • Да. (Нет.)
Они заняты? • Да. (Нет.)
Does he…?
Вспомогательный глагол do/does + подлежащее +
сказуемое + …
Ты хочешь туда пойти? • Да. (Нет.)
Джордж любит мороженое? • Да. (Нет.)
1.1 1.1
Unit 1. Types of question
20 Урок 1. Виды вопросов 21
Exercise 1
Ask questions the answers to which are given below.
Yes, Jim is a student.
No, Pete and Jane aren’t married.
Yes, I usually get up early.
No, they don’t know what to do.
Yes, he always stays with his friends in summer.
No, Ted isn’t a little child.
No we aren’t busy now.
No I’m not always late for classes.
Yes, Pete and Paul are great friends.
Yes, we understand you very well.
No, he is not at home.
No, they aren’t in Moscow.
No, we don’t live here.
Yes, the book is in the bookcase.
No, I don’t hear you.
Yes, the children are in the garden.
No, you are not late.
Yes, you know them.
The General Question
Have got — have
Have + subject + got +...
Do + subject + have +...
Have you got a computer? • Yes, I have. (No, I haven’t.)
Do you have a computer? • Yes, I do. (No, I don’t.)
Упражнение 1
Задайте вопросы к следующим репликам.
Is Jim a student?
Are Pete and Jane married?
Do you usually get up early?
Do they know what to do?
Does he always stay with his friends in summer?
Is Ted a little child?
Are you busy now?
Are you always late for classes?
Are Nick and Paul great friends?
Do you understand me well?
Is he at home?
Are they in Moscow?
Do you live here?
Is the book in the bookcase?
Do you hear me?
Are the children in the garden?
Am I late?
Do I know them?
Общий вопрос
Have got — have
Have + подлежащее + got +...
Do + подлежащее + have +...
У тебя есть компьютер? • Да. (Нет.)
У тебя есть компьютер? • Да. (Нет.)
Unit 1. Types of question
22 Урок 1. Виды вопросов 23
Exercise 2
Make questions to the following sentences.
Yes, they do. They have a nice house in the country.
Yes, he has. Tom has got a new car.
Yes, I do. I have two children.
No, he hasn’t. Pete hasn’t got a good suit.
Yes, they have. His parents have got a villa on a Greek Island.
No, we don’t. We don’t usually have dinner at home.
Yes, I have. I’ve got enough change.
Yes, we have. We’ve got work to do.
Yes, they do. They have three classes on Monday.
No, she hasn’t. She hasn’t got problems.
Exercise 3
Answer the following questions.
a) in the positive
MODEL: Is he your teacher?
Are Tom and Paul great friends?
Is Ted married to Kate?
Is he at the University?
Are you a student?
Does he know two foreign languages?
Is she late again?
Do you know the answer?
Have you got an interesting article?
Do they speak English as well as German?
Do you have enough experience?
Has he got an idea?
Are they present at the lecture?
Does it cost much?
Is the dress expensive?
Do we have a choice?
Упражнение 2
Поставьте вопросы к следующим предложениям.
Do they have a nice house in the country?
Has Tom got a new car?
Do you have two children?
Has Pete got a good suit?
Have his parents got a villa on a Greek Island?
Do you usually have dinner at home?
Have you got enough change?
Have you got work to do?
Do they have three classes on Monday?
Has she got problems?
Упражнение 3
Ответьте на следующие вопросы.
а) положительно
Yes, he is.
Yes, they are.
Yes, he is.
Yes, he is.
Yes, I am.
Yes, he does.
Yes, she is.
Yes, I (we) do.
Yes, I (we) have.
Yes, they do.
Yes, I (we) do.
Yes, he has.
Yes, they are.
Yes, it does.
Yes, it is.
Yes, you do.
Unit 1. Types of question
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b) in the negative
MODEL: Does he like fish?
Has he got a new dictionary?
Are they happy together?
Does Jim want to join us?
Is he still in bed?
Have you got a headache?
Do you have a cup of coffee every morning?
Has he got a new jacket?
Do they have good friends?
Is she in Spain now?
Am I a liar?
Does he understand us?
Are you from Belgium?
Do they go to the sea-side every summer?
Do you like their new flat?
Have you got a telephone in the bedroom?
Exercise 4
Translate into English.
Вы далеко живете от работы?
Вы заняты? • Да.
Ты помогаешь маме по дому? • Да, конечно.
Вы курите? • Нет.
Твой друг любит играть в теннис? • Да, конечно.
Он опять опоздал на урок? • Да.
Ты часто ходишь в кино? • Нет.
Ты в школе учишься? • Да, в седьмом классе.
У них есть дети? • Насколько я знаю, нет.
Вы рады его видеть? • Конечно.
Ваш друг знает иностранный язык?
• Да. Он довольно хорошо знает испанский.
У твоего брата есть дача? • К сожалению, нет.
Вы работаете по субботам? • Нет.
Твоя сестра замужем? • Да.
Джону нравится его работа? •Да.
б) отрицательно
No, he doesn’t.
No, he hasn’t.
No, they aren’t.
No, he doesn’t.
No, he isn’t.
No, I haven’t.
No I don’t.
No, he hasn’t.
No, they don’t.
No, she isn’t.
No, you aren’t.
No, he doesn’t.
No, I’m not.
No, they don’t.
No, I don’t.
No, I haven’t.
Упражнение 4
Переведите на английский.
Do you live far from work?
Are you busy? • Yes, I am.
Do you help your mother about the house? • Of course, I do.
Do you smoke? • No, I don’t.
Does your friend like playing tennis? • Of course, he does.
Is he late for the lesson again? • Yes, he is.
Do you often go to the cinema? • No, I don’t.
Do you go to school? • Yes, I do. I’m in the seventh form.
Do they have children? • As far as I know, they don’t.
Are you glad to see him? • Of course, we are.
Does your friend know a foreign language?
• Yes, he does. He knows Spanish rather well.
Has your brother got a country house? • Unfortunately, he hasn’t.
Do you work on Saturday? • No, I don’t.
Is your sister married? • Yes, she is.
Does John like his job? • Yes, he does.
Unit 1. Types of question
26 Урок 1. Виды вопросов 27
The Negative-Interrogative Sentence
Don’t you ? Aren’t you? Haven’t you?
auxiliary be/do/have + not + subject + verb + ….?
Aren’t the children at school today?
Yes, they are. (They are at school today.)
No, they aren’t. (They are not at school today)
Doesn’t he visit you once a week?
Yes, he does. (He visits me once a week.)
No, he doesn’t. (He doesn’t visit me once a week.)
Exercise 5
Give a short answer to each of the questions below.
MODEL: Aren’t you glad to see him? (and you like him)
Don’t you want to go to the country? (and you hate going to the country)
Doesn’t he live in this house? (and it’s his house)
Is he satisfied with the results of the experiment? (and he believes the
results are bad)
Aren’t they responsible for the work? (and it’s their duty)
Don’t they know the answer to the question? (and they have no idea)
Isn’t he worried about it? (and he doesn’t care)
Doesn’t she have a sense of humour? (and she likes jokes)
Isn’t this bag yours? (and it’s your friend’s)
Hasn’t he got a key? (and his key is somewhere else)
Aren’t you serious ? (and you are serious)
Isn’t the book on the shelf? (and you see it on this shelf)
Haven’t they got enough time? (and they are in a hurry)
Aren’t they happy together? (and they are going to divorce)
Haven’t you got enough money to pay for it?(and you can afford the thing.)
Don’t they always help you? (and they are always helpful)
Вопросительно-отрицательное предложение
Don’t you ? Aren’t you? Haven’t you?
вспом. гл. be/do/have + not + подлежащее + сказуемое + …?
Разве/Неужели дети сегодня не в школе?
Да, в школе. (Нет, в школе.)
Нет, не в школе. (Да, не в школе.)
Разве/Неужели он не навещает вас раз в неделю?
Да, навещает. (Нет, навещает.)
Нет, не навещает. (Да, не навещает.)
Упражнение 5
Дайте краткий ответ на следующие вопросы.
Yes, I am.
No, I don’t.
Yes, he does.
No, he isn’t.
Yes, they are.
No, they don’t.
No, he isn’t.
Yes, she does.
No, it isn’t.
No, he hasn’t.
Yes, I’m.
Yes, it is.
No, they haven’t.
No, they aren’t.
Yes, I have.
Yes, they do.
1.2 1.2
Unit 1. Types of question
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Exercise 6
Translate into English.
Неужели он не обедает дома? • Нет, обедает.
Вы не знаете его брата? • Ну как же, знаю.
У тебя нет карты мира? • Есть. Вот, пожалуйста.
Разве ты не играешь на пианино? • Нет, не играю.
Разве ваш сын не учится в школе? • Нет, он еще слишком мал.
Неужели ты не помнишь этого правила? • Нет, помню.
Неужели ты их не видишь? • Нет.
У тебя нет лишней ручки? • Есть.
Разве он не немецкий язык изучает? • Да, немецкий.
Разве его еще нет дома? • Да, нет.
Это не ваш преподаватель? • Да, наш.
Разве у тебя не достаточно денег, чтобы купить этот костюм?
• Достаточно.
Неужели вы не рады, что вернулись? • Рады.
Ты не знаешь его имени? • Нет. Я его впервые вижу.
Ты не устала? • Нет, я в порядке.
The Alternative Question
Does he live in France or in Denmark? • He lives in France.
Is he a good or a bad doctor? • He is a good doctor.
Have they got a new fridge or a new cupboard? • They’ve got a new fridge.
Are you or is Pete ill? • Pete is ill.
Does he usually come in time or is he often late? • He usually comes on time.
Упражнение 6
Переведите на английский.
Doesn’t he have dinner at home? • Yes, he does.
Do you know his brother? • Yes, I do.
Have you got a map of the world? • Yes, I have. Here you are.
Don’t you play the piano? • No, I don’t.
Doesn’t your son go to school? • No, he doesn’t. He is too little.
Don’t you remember this rule? • Yes, I do.
Don’t you see them? • No, I don’t.
Have you got a spare pen? • Yes, I have.
Doesn’t he learn German? • Yes, he does.
Isn’t he at home yet? • No, he isn’t.
Is it your teacher? • Yes, it is.
Haven’t you got enough money to buy this suit? • Yes, I have.
Aren’t you glad to be back? • Yes, we are.
Do you know his name? • No, I don’t. I see him for the first time.
Are you tired? • No, I am not. I’m all right.
Альтернативный вопрос
Он живет во Франции или в Дании? • Он живет во Франции.
Он хороший врач или плохой? • Он хороший врач.
У них новый холодильник или новый сервант? • У них новый холодильник.
Ты болеешь или Пит? • Пит.
Он обычно приходит вовремя или часто опаздывает?
• Он обычно приходит вовремя.
1.3 1.3
Unit 1. Types of question
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Exercise 7
Make alternative questions using the given statements.
MODEL: They are at home, not their mother.
Tom knows about it, not Bill.
It’s the right answer, not a wrong one.
She has got new shoes, not a new dress.
It’s easy to do it, not difficult.
He often walks with his cousin, not his friend.
He has three classes on Monday, not four.
They are on holiday, not their friends.
They are happy, not sad.
The doctor says I’m better, not worse.
They’ve got my address, not my telephone number.
He is a very good driver, not a bad one.
She likes to go to the theatre, not to the cinema.
She enjoys skiing, not skating.
They refuse to give money, not to help.
She knows the truth, not her mother.
You look well today, not ill.
They are in Italy, not in Spain.
Steve speaks Italian, not we.
I’ve got to write an article, not to translate one.
I’m fond of sports, not my cousin.
Exercise 8
Translate into English.
Вы любите слушать классическую или современную музыку?
Ты утром пьешь чай или кофе? • Чай.
У тебя брат или сестра? • У меня две сестры.
Это ваша племянница или сестра?
Твоя мать врач или инженер?
Твой брат учится или работает?
Упражнение 7
Задайте альтернативные вопросы к предложениям.
Are they or is their mother at home?
Does Tom or Bill know about it?
Is it the right answer or a wrong one?
Has she got new shoes or a new dress?
Is it easy or difficult to do it?
Does he often walk with his cousin or his friend?
Does he have three or four classes on Monday?
Are they or their friends on holiday?
Are they happy or sad?
Does the doctor say you are better or worse?
Have they got your address or your telephone number?
Is he a good or a bad driver?
Does she like to go to the theatre or to the cinema?
Does she enjoy skiing or skating?
Do they refuse to give money or to help?
Does she or her mother know the truth?
Do I look well or ill today?
Are they in Italy or in Spain?
Do you or does Steve speak Italian?
Have you got to write an article or to translate one?
Are you or is your cousin fond of sports?
Упражнение 8
Переведите на английский.
Do you like listening to classical or modern music?
Do you have tea or coffee in the morning? • I have tea.
Have you got a brother or a sister? • I’ve got two sisters.
(Do you have a brother or a sister? • I have two sisters.)
Is it your niece or your sister?
Is your mother a doctor or an engineer?
Does your brother study or work?
Unit 1. Types of question
32 Урок 1. Виды вопросов 33
У вас двое или трое детей?
• Двое — мальчик и девочка.
Это твоя комната или комната твоей сестры?
Вы любите писать или получать письма?
У них квартира или собственный дом?
Экзамен по русскому языку устный или письменный?
Твой брат учит испанский или французский?
Твоя мать преподает в школе или в институте?
Ты или твой брат интересуется историей?
У вас кошка или собака?
• Мы вообще не держим дома животных.
The Disjunctive Question
1. cold, isn’t it? • Yes, it is. (It is cold.)
• No, it isn’t. (It is not cold.)
2. knows about it, doesn’t he?
• Yes, he does. (He knows about it.)
• No, he doesn’t. (He doesn’t know about it.)
3. haven’t got a camera, have you?
• Yes, I have. (I’ve got a camera.)
• No, I haven’t. (I haven’t got a camera.)
He doesn’t
4. have a TV-set, does he?
• Yes, he does. (He has a TV-set.)
• No, he doesn’t. (He doesn’t have a TV-set.)
I’m interested in it, aren’t I?
2. knows what to do, don’t they?
3. buy tickets now, shall we?
4. talking, will you?
Don’t come
5. too early, will you?
Do you have two or three children?
• I have two children. A boy and a girl.
Is it your or your sister’s room?
Do you like writing or getting letters?
Do they have a flat or a house of their own?
Is the Russian exam oral or written?
Does your brother learn Spanish or French?
Does your mother teach at school or at university?
Are you or is your brother interested in history?
Have you got a cat or a dog? (Do you have a cat or a dog?)
• We don’t keep pets at all.
Разделительный вопрос
1. не так ли? • Да, холодно.
• Нет, не холодно.
2. ведь знает об этом?
• Да, знает.
• Нет, не знает.
У тебя нет фотоаппарата,
3. не правда ли?
• Есть. (Нет, есть.)
• Нет.
У него
4. же нет телевизора?
• Есть. (Нет, есть.)
• Нет.
Я ведь заинтересован в этом, не так ли?
Все же знают, что делать?
Давай купим билеты сейчас, а?
Перестаньте разговаривать, хорошо?
Не приходите так рано, ладно?
Unit 1. Types of question
34 Урок 1. Виды вопросов 35
Exercise 9
Put a question tag at the end of the following sentences.
She doesn’t want to talk with us unless we tell her the truth, …?
They are already here, … ?
The children have four classes on Monday, …?
You like staying with us, … ?
Come up to me, … ?
He has got the necessary papers, … ?
You don’t mind these questions, … ?
Everybody is here, … ?
We don’t know the details, … ?
I’m a good doctor, … ?
I’m not right, … ?
Let’s discuss it right now, … ?
We haven’t got a choice, … ?
He is sure of it, … ?
They never agree with us, … ?
We’ve got a car, … ?
Exercise 10
Correct mistakes if any.
MODEL: The weather is fine today, is it?
He knows English, doesn’t he?
They know it’s a good job, haven’t they?
He doesn’t get up before 8, do he?
Don’t go there alone, do you?
Bill isn’t frank with us, isn’t he?
I’m older than you, am I not?
Andrew hasn’t got an English dictionary, does he?
Jane and Jack are getting married, aren’t they?
Упражнение 9
Дополните предложения так, чтобы получились раздели-
тельные вопросы.
She doesn’t want to talk with us unless we tell her the truth, does she?
They are already here, aren’t they?
The children have four classes on Monday, don’t they?
You like staying with us, don’t you?
Come up to me, will you?
He has got the necessary papers, hasn’t he?
You don’t mind these questions, do you?
Everybody is here, aren’t they?
We don’t know the details, do we?
I’m a good doctor, aren’t I?
I’m not right, am I?
Let’s discuss it right now, shall we?
We haven’t got a choice, have we?
He is sure of it, isn’t he?
They never agree with us, do they?
We’ve got a car, haven’t we?
Упражнение 10
Исправьте возможные ошибки.
The weather is fine today, isn’t it?
He knows English, doesn’t he?
They know it’s a good job, don’t they?
He doesn’t get up before eight, does he?
Don’t go there alone, will you?
Bill isn’t frank with us, is he?
I’m older than you, aren’t I?
Andrew hasn’t got an English dictionary, has he?
Jane and Jack are getting married, aren’t they?
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Everybody knows about it, do they?
Be ready by 11, do please.
You don’t mind the joke, don’t you?
He has a lot of work, hasn’t he?
You have nothing to add, haven’t you?
Everybody is present at the lecture, isn’t he?
His advice is useless, is it?
The questions aren’t difficult, aren’t they?
You’ve got a number of questions, don’t you?
He has a new shelf, don’t he?
Exercise 11
a) Agree with the following statements.
She doesn’t like cheese, does she?
It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?
They are in love, aren’t they?
This bridge isn’t very safe, is it?
I’m not your boss, am I?
He visits his grandmother quite often, doesn’t he?
She hasn’t got this device, has she?
They seem happy, don’t they?
You don’t like ice-cream, do you?
We’ve got enough information, haven’t we?
b) Disagree with the following statements.
She isn’t well today, is she?
He has got news, hasn’t he?
It’s cold in Brazil now, isn’t it?
It’s not important, is it?
You are not sure of it, are you?
They haven’t got a new car, have they?
You don’t travel much, do you?
They believe it is important, don’t they?
She doesn’t have enough knowledge of the subject, does she?
You are glad to meet them again, aren’t you?
Everybody knows about it, don’t they?
Be ready by eleven, will you?
You don’t mind the joke, do you?
He has a lot of work, doesn’t he?
You have nothing to add, do you?
Everybody is present at the lecture, aren’t they?
His advice is useless, isn’t it?
The questions aren’t difficult, are they?
You’ve got a number of questions, haven’t you?
He has a new shelf, doesn’t he?
Упражнение 11
а) Согласитесь со следующими высказываниями.
No, she doesn’t.
Yes, it is.
Yes, they are.
No, it isn’t.
No, you aren’t.
Yes, he does.
No, she hasn’t.
Yes, they do.
No, I don’t.
Yes, we have.
б) Выразите несогласие со следующими высказываниями.
Yes, she is.
No, he hasn’t.
No, it isn’t.
Yes, it is.
Yes, I am.
Yes, they have.
Yes, I do.
No, they don’t.
Yes, she does.
No, I’m not.
Unit 1. Types of question
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Exercise 12
Translate into English.
Он все еще болен, не так ли? • Нет, он чувствует себя хорошо.
У тебя ведь есть брат? • Нет.
Его сейчас нет дома, да? • Да.
Я хорошо танцую, не так ли? (to be a good dancer)
Он вас не знает, не так ли? • Ну как же, знает.
Давай попозже пообедаем, хорошо?
Сегодня прекрасная погода, не так ли?
Не опаздывай, ладно?
Давай пойдем в кино, а?
Я ведь красивая?
Ты любишь шоколад, да?
Подойди к телефону, а?
У тебя ведь есть фотоаппарат?
Я не слишком болтлива, правда?
Тим ведь совсем не ест мяса, правда? • Да, не ест.
The Special Question
Questions to the subject
+ verb + … ?
Who knows the answer?
Frank does.
Who usually helps you?
My husband does.
Упражнение 12
Переведите на английский.
Не is still ill, isn’t he? • No, he isn’t. He feels well.
You have a brother, don’t you? • No, I don’t.
He isn’t at home now, is he? • No, he isn’t.
I am a good dancer, aren’t I?
He doesn’t know you, does he? • Yes, he does. (But he does.)
Let’s have dinner a bit later, shall we?
The weather is fine today, isn’t it?
Don’t be late, will you?
Let’s go to the cinema, shall we?
I’m pretty, aren’t I?
You like chocolate, don’t you?
Answer the telephone, will you?
You have got a camera, haven’t you? (You have a camera, don’t you?)
I’m not too talkative, am I?
Tim doesn’t eat meat at all, does he? • No, he doesn’t.
Специальный вопрос
Вопросы к подлежащему
+ сказуемое + … ?
Кто знает ответ?
Кто тебе обычно помогает?
Мой муж.
Unit 1. Types of question
40 Урок 1. Виды вопросов 41
Exercise 13
Make questions to the subject and answer them.
MODEL: He spends most of his time in the library.
Pete goes to bed late.
Nick and Pamela understand the rule correctly.
This dictionary contains the necessary information.
His behaviour makes me think so.
We know the details.
This house costs a fortune.
This man wants to use our telephone.
Your words prevent me from acting.
Ice-cream sells well in summer.
I believe he is wrong.
The Special Question
Questions to the object
+ auxiliary + subject + verb + … ?
Who does he know here?
He knows the Smiths.
What do you want to do?
I want to leave this place.
Упражнение 13
Поставьте вопросы к подлежащему и ответьте на них.
Who spends most of his time in the library? • He does.
Who goes to bed late? • Pete does.
Who understands the rule correctly? • Nick and Pamela do.
What contains the necessary information? • The dictionary does.
What makes you think so? • His behaviour does.
Who knows the details? • We do.
What costs a fortune? • This house does.
Who wants to use our telephone? • This man does.
What prevents you from acting? • Your words do.
What sells well in summer? • Ice-cream does.
Who believes he is wrong? • I do.
Специальный вопрос
Вопросы к дополнению
+ … ?
Кого он здесь знает?
Что ты хочешь сделать?
Я хочу уехать отсюда.
Unit 1. Types of question
42 Урок 1. Виды вопросов 43
Exercise 14
Make questions to the words in bold type.
MODEL: She likes to sing English songs.
Such words often lead to quarrels.
I often meet
1. Jane in the park.
2. never argue with him.
He likes to read
3. detective stories.
Such things
4. never happen to me.
They visit all
5. exhibitions.
Their children
6. never tell lies.
Sunny weather
7. gives me pleasure.
The child asks
8. his parents a great number of questions.
The Browns
9. like to go by plane.
I prefer
10. tea in the morning.
The Special Question
Questions with prepositions
+ auxiliary + subject + verb + preposition ?
Упражнение 14
Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам.
What does she like to sing?
What often leads to quarrels?
Who/Whom do you often meet in the park?
Who never argues with him?
What does he like to read?
What never happens to you?
What do they visit?
Who never tells lies?
What gives you pleasure?
Who/Whom does the child ask a great number of questions?
Who likes to go by plane?
What do you prefer in the morning?
Специальный вопрос
Предложные вопросы
Who do you like to listen to?
Who do you want to talk to?
What does he always laugh at?
What are you fond of?
What do they always begin their work with?
Who do you feel sorry for?
Do you know what he is interested in?
What is your friend interested in?
Who does she always shout at?
Who does she want to apologise to?
How many parts does it consist of?
Who are they afraid of?
Who does it depend on?
Unit 1. Types of question
44 Урок 1. Виды вопросов 45
Exercise 15
Ask questions to the prepositional object.
MODEL: I feel sorry for this dog.
She begins her day with a cup of coffee.
She always explains things to her children.
It depends on the weather.
He enjoys looking at this picture.
He always laughs at Pete’s jokes.
They are afraid of the examiner.
They want to speak to Mr. Jones after the lecture.
I like listening to pop music.
He waits for his wife every morning.
I’m fond of films with a happy end.
I prefer to talk to the manager.
She often asks me to look for her glasses.
He is interested in modern science.
She always smiles at people in the street.
The teacher wants to explain the rule to Paul.
I’d prefer tea to coffee.
She is often cross with her children.
They want to apologise to Mark.
This nurse takes care of Mrs. Smith.
Alice often complains of headaches.
They depend on their uncle.
The computer consists of many different details.
Упражнение 15
Задайте вопросы к предложному дополнению.
Who do you feel sorry for?
What does she begin her day with?
Who does she always explain things to?
What does it depend on?
What does he enjoy looking at?
What does he always laugh at?
Who are they afraid of?
Who do they want to speak to after the lecture?
What do you like listening to?
Who does he wait for every morning?
What are you fond of?
Who do you prefer to talk to?
What does she often ask you to look for?
What is he interested in?
Who does she always smile at?
Who does the teacher want to explain the rule to?
What would you prefer tea to?
Who is she often cross with?
Who do they want to apologise to?
Who does this nurse take care of?
What does Alice often complain of?
Who do they depend on?
What does the computer consist of?
Unit 1. Types of question
46 Урок 1. Виды вопросов 47
The Special Question
Questions to other members of the sentence
How (well)
How much
How many
How long
+ auxiliary + subject + verb + … ?
Exercise 16
Make questions to the words in bold type.
MODEL: He wants to go to Japan next summer.
My work begins
1. at nine.
I want to ask
2. him this question.
This is
3. my father’s bag.
I read a
4. hundred pages a day.
Our children
5. go to bed at nine.
He wants to say
6. something.
She is at home today
7. because she is ill.
She learns
8. two foreign languages.
He likes
9. the red tie.
He usually spends his summer vacation
10. in the country.
He visits us on
11. Sunday.
This box weighs ten
12. kilos.
It takes him
13. a week to do this sort of work.
He is often late
14. because his car often breaks down.
15. always asks me questions.
Strange things
16. often happen to him.
She knows
17. Pete very well.
Специальный вопрос
Вопросы к другим членам предложения
I get up at seven. • When do you get up?
The book is on the table. • Where is the book?
This is my brother’s tape. • Whose tape is this?
He has got a new car, not I. • Which of you has got a new car?
He is absent because he is ill. • Why is he absent?
He knows English very well. • How well does he know English?
The bag costs 30 dollars. • How much does the bag cost?
He has got two bicycles. • How many bicycles has he got?
It usually takes him two days to write an article. • How long does it usually
take him to write an article?
Упражнение 16
Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам.
Where does he want to go next summer?
When does your work begin?
Who/Whom do you want to ask this question?
Whose bag is this?
How many pages a day do you read?
Who goes to bed at nine?
What does he want to say?
Why is she at home today?
How many foreign languages does she learn?
Which tie does he like?
Where does he usually spend his summer vacation?
When does he visit you?
How much does this box weigh?
How long does it take him to do this sort of work?
Why is he often late?
Who always asks you questions?
What often happens to him?
Who/Whom does she know very well?
Unit 1. Types of question
48 Урок 1. Виды вопросов 49
She often gets to work
18. by bus.
I make
19. more than five telephone calls every day.
This shop is
20. not far from my house.
She knows
1. two foreign languages.
It takes her
2. half an hour to get to the school building.
They are
3. in the country.
I want to show this letter to
4. Mike.
He has
5. fifty dollars.
She isn’t at work today because
6. it’s her day off.
I want to read
7. the book by Mark Twain.
Mr. Black
8. usually presides at our meetings.
His letter
9. makes me think he is in trouble.
He speaks French
10. very well.
The child usually eats
11. three sweets a day.
This is
12. Pete’s hat.
I want to meet
13. Mr. Smith at the party.
I like
14. the blue dress.
He is
15. in Berlin.
He speaks German well
16. because he often goes to Germany.
The books are
17. in the bookcase.
These are
18. my shoes.
The train leaves
19. at eleven.
He plays the piano
20. badly.
Exercise 17
Translate into English.
Кого из них вы знаете?
Какая фирма получает эти письма?
Чьи это журналы?
Когда у вас урок математики?
Где вы обычно проводите каникулы?
Как вы празднуете свой день рождения?
Кто знает домашнее задание на завтра?
How does she often get to work?
How many telephone calls do you make every day?
Where is this shop?
How many foreign languages does she know?
How long does it take her to get to the school building?
Where are they?
Who/Whom do you want to show this letter?
How much money does he have?
Why isn’t she at work today?
Which book do you want to read?
Who usually presides at your meetings?
What makes you think he is in trouble?
How well does he speak French?
How many sweets a day does the child usually eat?
Whose hat is this?
Who/Whom do you want to meet at the party?
Which dress do you like?
Where is he?
Why does he speak German well?
Where are the books?
Whose shoes are these?
When does the train leave?
How well does he play the piano?
Упражнение 17
Переведите на английский.
Which of them do you know?
Which company gets these letters?
Whose magazines are these?
When do you have Mathematics?
Where do you usually spend your summer vacations?
How do you celebrate your birthday?
Who knows the task for tomorrow?
Unit 1. Types of question
50 Урок 1. Виды вопросов 51
С кем вы ходите в театр? • С братом.
Сколько времени надо вашей маме, чтобы приготовить обед?
Почему вы опоздали?
В чем дело?
Кто знает об этом происшествии? • Моя сестра.
Который час?
Кто из вас любит переводить статьи с английского на русский?
Чей сын хорошо играет в футбол? • Мой.
Где находится комната 15?
Сколько длится ваш рабочий день?
Что вы делаете на работе? • Я отвечаю на письма и телеграммы.
Сколько времени вам требуется, чтобы добраться до работы?
• Около часа.
О чем вы хотите нам рассказать?
Какая погода вам нравится?
• Я люблю жаркую погоду и не люблю дождь.
С кем Чарльз обычно играет в шахматы?
На скольких языках разговаривает твой отец?
Кто вам так часто звонит?
Кто из вас любит устраивать вечеринки? • Мэри и Элис.
Когда обычно приходит домой ваш отец?
С кем вы часто разговариваете по телефону?
Откуда ваш новый студент? • Из Риги.
Сколько семей живет в этом доме?
Кто хочет еще сока? • Джейн.
Что вы знаете об Англии?
Сколько времени вам надо, чтобы закончить работу?
Почему ты такой ленивый?
О чем этот фильм?
Кто твой отец (по профессии)?
Кто из вас хорошо печатает? • Хелен.
Чем вы интересуетесь?
Кто помогает тебе делать уроки? • Моя сестра.
Где работает твоя мама?
Сколько раз в неделю у него урок музыки?
Чья это сумка? Почему она здесь?
Who do you go to the theatre with? • With my brother.
How long does it take your mother to make dinner?
Why are you late?
What’s the matter?
Who knows about this accident? • My sister does.
What’s the time? (What time is it now?)
Which of you likes translating articles from English into Russian?
Whose son plays football well? • Mine does.
Where is room fifteen?
How long does your working day last?
What do you do at work? • I answer letters and telegrammes.
How long does it take you to get to work?
• About an hour.
What do you want to tell us about?
What kind of weather do you like?
• I like hot weather and I don’t like rain.
Who does Charles usually play chess with?
How many languages does your father speak?
Who phones you so often?
Which of you likes giving parties? • Mary and Alice do.
When does your father usually come home?
Who do you often speak on the telephone with?
Where is your new student from? • From Riga.
How many families live in this house?
Who wants more juice? • Jane does.
What do you know about England?
How much time do you need to finish the work?
Why are you so lazy?
What is this film about?
What is your father?
Which of you types well? • Helen does.
What are you interested in?
Who helps you (to) do your homework? • My sister does.
Where does your mother work?
How many times a week does he have music lessons?
Whose bag is this? Why is it here?
Unit 1. Types of question
52 Урок 1. Виды вопросов 53
Кого ты ждешь?
Где ваши дети?
Как долго ты добираешься до школы?
Зачем тебе нужен их адрес?
С кем вы хотите поговорить?
Сколько стоит ваша машина?
Кто хочет есть? • Мы.
Что означает это слово?
Чего вы боитесь?
The Indirect Question
Where is the post-office?
Do you know
I don’t know
I know where the post office is .
I can’t remember if she lives here.
Can you tell me
Tell me
Does she live here?
Exercise 18
Make sentences with Do you know if/whether.
MODEL: Is the post office here?
Is George at school?
Do Alice and Bob have many children?
Have they got a new car?
Does he want to marry Jane?
Are they friendly?
Does Judy like her job?
Is the museum far from here?
Who are you waiting for?
Where are your children?
How long does it take you to get to school?
What do you need their address for?
Who do you want to speak with?
How much does your car cost?
Who is hungry? • We are.
What does this word mean?
What are you afraid of?
Косвенный вопрос
Do you know
I don’t know
I know
I can’t remember
Tell me
Can you tell me
how much
these people are?
old Tom is.
this camera costs.
why they are late.
she wants.
Jack is at home.
they have got a car.
he can help us.
Ann smokes.
Упражнение 18
Образуйте косвенный вопрос, начиная с Do you know if/whether.
Do you know if the post-office is here?
Do you know if George is at school?
Do you know if Alice and George have many children?
Do you know if they have got a new car?
Do you know if he wants to marry Jane?
Do you know if they are friendly?
Do you know if Judy likes her job?
Do you know if the museum is far from here?
Unit 1. Types of question
54 Урок 1. Виды вопросов 55
Do his children go in for sports?
Has Pete got a large library at home?
Does she have a brother?
Exercise 19
Make sentences with
Do you know, I don’t remember, I don’t know.
(Where does Vivie work?) I don’t remember … .
(What does he like for breakfast?) Do you know … ?
(Why don’t they want to come to the party?) I don’t know … .
(How long does it take to get to London?) Do you know … ?
(When does the film start?) I don’t remember … .
(What does this word mean?) I don’t know … .
(Who do they want to invite?) Do you know … ?
(How old is his daughter?) Do you know … ?
(How much does it cost to park here?) I don’t know … .
(Where is Ann?) Do you know … ?
Exercise 20
Answer the following questions with
I don’t know where/when/why…
MODEL: Does he get up early? (when)
Do they live in London? (where)
Is Ann at home? (where)
Have they got many children? (how many)
Does she like modern music? (what)
Is he angry because I’m late? (why)
Do they teach History? (what)
Is the TV-set expensive? (how much)
Do you know if his children go in for sports?
Do you know if Pete has got a large library at home?
Do you know if she has a brother?
Упражнение 19
Образуйте косвенный вопрос, начиная с
Do you know, I don’t remember, I don’t know.
I don’t remember where Vivie works.
Do you know what he likes for breakfast?
I don’t know why they don’t want to come to the party.
Do you know how long it takes to get to London?
I don’t remember when this film starts.
I don’t know what this word means.
Do you know who they want to invite?
Do you know how old his daughter is?
I don’t know how much it costs to park here.
Do you know where Ann is?
Упражнение 20
Ответьте на следующие вопросы, начиная с
I don’t know where/when/why…
I don’t know when he gets up.
I don’t know where they live.
I don’t know where Ann is.
I don’t know how many children they have got.
I don’t know what she likes.
I don’t know why he is angry.
I don’t know what they teach.
I don’t know how much the TV-set costs.
Unit 1. Types of question
56 Урок 1. Виды вопросов 57
Does his father come home late? (when)
Is the car very old? (how old)
Are they from Africa? (where)
Exercise 21
Rewrite questions beginning with Do you know...?
What do they breed?
Where is Paul?
Why does he want to leave?
Does Pat work on Saturday?
What time do they start working?
How many nephews does she have?
Who does she want to visit?
Is the bank open tomorrow?
Which of them do they ask for help?
Are the children at school?
Exercise 22
Translate into English.
Вы не подскажете, сколько стоит этот жакет?
Вы не знаете, когда отправляется последний автобус?
Я не помню, где этот учебник английского языка.
Я не знаю, помнит ли он о собрании.
Я не могу понять, в чем дело.
Извините, вы не подскажете, где офис менеджера?
Ты не знаешь, почему он так расстроен?
Я не знаю, закончились ли у них занятия.
Интересно, хорошо ли он учится.
Скажите, пожалуйста, сколько времени надо,
чтобы доехать до Эдинбурга?
Я не знаю, что он хочет в подарок.
Вы не подскажете, далеко ли до метро?
I don’t know when his father comes home.
I don’t know how old the car is.
I don’t know where they are from.
Упражнение 21
Образуйте косвенный вопрос, начиная с Do you know...?
Do you know what they breed?
Do you know where Paul is?
Do you know why he wants to leave?
Do you know if Pat works on Saturday?
Do you know what time they start working?
Do you know how many nephews she has?
Do you know who she wants to visit?
Do you know if the bank is open tomorrow?
Do you know which of them they ask for help?
Do you know if the children are at school?
Упражнение 22
Переведите на английский.
Can you tell us how much the jacket costs?
Do you know when the last bus leaves?
I don’t remember where this English textbook is.
I don’t know if he remembers about the meeting.
I can’t understand what the matter is.
Excuse me, can you tell me where the manager’s office is?
Do you know why he is so upset?
I don’t know if their classes are over.
I wonder if he is a good student.
Please tell me how long it takes
to get to Edinburgh.
I don’t know what he wants to get as a present.
Can you tell me how far it is to the metro station?
Unit 1. Types of question
58 Урок 1. Виды вопросов 59
Ты не помнишь, когда он обычно приходит домой?
Интересно, откуда у него столько денег?
Интересно, сколько у них времени?
Questions with DO YOU THINK
1. Do you think + a simple sentence
2. Why
How many (much)
How long
+ do you think + a simple sentence ?
Exercise 23
Combine two questions into one.
Как ты
Do they know about it?
What is she?
Where does he live?
When does she come home?
Is he a generous person?
Why are they so worried?
How long does it take him to do his homework?
Which of them speaks English?
Are they great friends?
How many cars do they sell?
Do you remember when he usually comes home?
I wonder where he gets so much money from?
I wonder how much time they have?
Вопросы с «КАК ТЫ ДУМАЕШЬ?»
Do you think he knows about it?
Do you think she is happy?
Do you think they have got a car?
Why do you think he is late?
Where do you think he lives?
When do you think they get up?
How well do you think he speaks English?
How much time do you think we have got?
How long do you think it takes him to get to work?
Who do you think knows about it?
What do you think he knows?
Whose book do you think it is?
Which of these bags do you think she likes?
Упражнение 23
Соедините два предложения в одно.
Do you think they know about it?
What do you think she is?
Where do you think he lives?
When do you think she comes home?
Do you think he is a generous person?
Why do you think they are so worried?
How long do you think it takes him to do his homework?
Which of them do you think speaks English?
Do you think they are great friends?
How many cars do you think they sell?
Unit 1. Types of question
60 Урок 1. Виды вопросов 61
Exercise 24
Translate into English.
Как ты думаешь, он ее любит?
Как ты думаешь, откуда они?
Как ты думаешь, почему они хотят так скоро уехать?
Как ты думаешь, как работает этот прибор (machine)?
Как ты думаешь, сколько книг он читает каждую неделю?
Как ты думаешь, она на 3-м или на 4-м курсе?
Как ты думаешь, где можно купить красивую вазу?
Как ты думаешь, когда он встает?
Как ты думаешь, это дорогая поездка?
Как ты думаешь, кем он гордится?
Как ты думаешь, сколько он обычно спит?
Как ты думаешь, чем он увлекается?
Как ты думаешь, он хороший сын?
Как ты думаешь, почему он делает так много ошибок?
Как ты думаешь, сколько стоит эта сумка?
Упражнение 24
Переведите на английский.
Do you think he loves her?
Where do you think they are from?
Why do you think they want to leave so soon?
How do you think this machine works?
How many books a week do you think he reads?
Do you think she is a third- or a fourth-year student?
Where do you think one can buy a nice vase?
When do you think he gets up?
Do you think it is an expensive trip?
Who do you think he is proud of?
How long do you think he usually sleeps?
What do you think he is fond of?
Do you think he is a good son?
Why do you think he makes so many mistakes?
How much do you think this bag costs?
Nouns ending with -s, ss, sh, ch, x, z
noun + s
bag — bags
noun ending with
+ es
Nouns ending with -o
nouns ending with -o + es
tomato — tomatoes
potato — potatoes
Nouns ending with -s, ss, sh, ch, x, z
Nouns ending with -o
Nouns ending with -y
Nouns ending with -f, fe
Compound nouns
Существительные, оканчивающиеся на -s, ss, sh, ch, x, z
Существительные, оканчивающиеся на -о
Существительные, оканчивающиеся на -у
Существительные, оканчивающиеся на -f, fe
Сложные существительные
Существительные, оканчивающиеся на s, ss, sh, ch, x, z
This bag is expensive. — These bags are expensive.
This is a bus. — These are buses.
This class begins at nine. — These classes begin at nine.
Is this brush new? — Are these brushes new?
This match is thin. — These matches are thin.
There is a fox in the zoo. — There are foxes in the zoo.
Существительные, оканчивающиеся на -о
существительные, оканчивающиеся на -o + es
These tomatoes are red.
Those potatoes are tasty.
Unit 2. The Plural of Nouns.
Demonstrative Pronouns this (these), that (those)
64 Урок 2. Множественное число существительных.
Указательные местоимения этот (эти), тот (те)
man — men
woman — women
tooth — teeth
foot — feet
goose — geese
mouse — mice
person — people
child — children
ox — oxen
sheep — sheep
deer — deer
craft — craft
radio — radios
cuckoo — cuckoos
piano — pianos
photo — photos
Nouns ending with -y
a consonant + у a vowel + у
story — stories boy — boys
pony — ponies tray — trays
BUT: Kitty — Kittys
Nouns ending with -f, -fe
wife — wives
shelf — shelves
BUT: proof — proofs, handkerchief — handkerchiefs, cliff — cliffs
These radios work well.
These pianos are old.
Существительные, оканчивающиеся на -y
согласный + у гласный + у
These are sad stories. Are these boys friends?
Do those ponies run fast? Those trays are new.
Существительные, оканчивающиеся на -f, -fe
Are their wives present at the conference?
Do those shelves cost much?
These handkerchiefs are good.
This man is a teacher. • These men are teachers.
That woman is nice. • Those women are nice.
He has one bad tooth. • He has two bad teeth.
His left foot hurts. • Put your feet closer to the fire.
That goose is white. • Those geese are white.
I see a mouse. • I don’t like mice.
I know this person. • I know these people.
Does this child know English? • Do these children know English?
That ox is strong. • Those oxen are strong.
He keeps a sheep. • He keeps sheep.
This deer is beautiful. • These deer are beautiful.
I see one aircraft. • I see two aircraft.
Unit 2. The Plural of Nouns.
Demonstrative Pronouns this (these), that (those)
66 Урок 2. Множественное число существительных.
Указательные местоимения этот (эти), тот (те)
Compound Nouns
this schoolgirl — these schoolgirls
this postman — these postmen
father-in-law — fathers-in-law
forget-me-not — forget-me-nots
Exercise 1
Give the plural forms of the following nouns.
kettle, birth, bath, telephone, deed, built-in-wardrobe, tree, butterfly, match,
shoe, bus, glove, pie, fox, ski, taxi, bush, toe, life, photo, piano, handkerchief,
roof, chief, woman, potato, goose, knife, study, tomato, thief, leaf, foot, child,
mouse, deer, fish, sheep, man, calf, hero, shelf, brush, baby, fireplace, hoof,
radio, mother-in-law, storey, passer-by, box, handful, belief, watch, fee, pause,
cloth, loaf, crash, beach, cow, motto, aircraft, businessman, move, glass, bush,
copy, mango, valley, mummy, atlas, rally, hero, pity, omnibus, manifest, ray,
ditch, agenda, fly, feature, lorry, buzz.
Сложные существительные
This schoolgirl knows the subject well.
These schoolgirls know the subject well.
This postman brings us newspapers.
These postmen bring us newspapers.
His father-in-law is a doctor.
Their fathers-in-law are doctors.
This is a nice forget-me-not.
These are nice forget-me-nots.
Упражнение 1
Образуйте существительные множественного числа.
kettles, births, baths, telephones, deeds, built-in-wardrobes, trees, butterflies,
matches, shoes, buses, gloves, pies, foxes, skis, taxis, bushes, toes, lives,
photos, pianos, handkerchiefs, roofs, chiefs, women, potatoes, geese, knives,
studies, tomatoes, thieves, leaves, feet, children, mice, deer, fish/fishes, sheep,
men, calves, heroes, shelves, brushes, babies, fireplaces, hoofs (hooves),
radios, mothers-in-law, storeys, passers-by, boxes, handfuls, beliefs, watches,
fees, pauses, cloths, loaves, crashes, beaches, cows, mottos (mottoes), aircraft,
businessmen, moves, glasses, bushes, copies, mangos (mangoes), valleys,
mummies, atlases, rallies, heroes, pities, omnibuses, manifestos (manifestoes),
rays, ditches, agendas, flies, features, lorries, buzzes
Unit 2. The Plural of Nouns.
Demonstrative Pronouns this (these), that (those)
68 Урок 2. Множественное число существительных.
Указательные местоимения этот (эти), тот (те)
Exercise 2
Use in the plural.
The sheep is in the field.
The potato is on the plate.
This postman delivers letters.
The roof of this house is bad.
This is a lovely city.
This family is at home.
My sister has got a new bag.
That house is old.
This woman is a teacher.
Who is that man?
This piano is of the latest model.
That is his photo.
This person is a good sportsman.
I have a bad tooth.
Here is your toy.
He is our chief.
The deer is a beautiful animal.
His son-in-law is here.
Do you know this passer-by?
The key is on this shelf.
These nouns are always singular.
Упражнение 2
Употребите во множественном числе.
The sheep are in the field.
The potatoes are on the plate.
These postmen deliver letters.
The roofs of these houses are bad.
These are lovely cities.
These families are at home.
My sisters have got new bags.
Those houses are old.
These women are teachers.
Who are those men?
These pianos are of the latest model.
Those are his photos.
These people are good sportsmen.
I have bad teeth.
Here are your toys.
They are our chiefs.
Deer are beautiful animals.
His sons-in-law are here.
Do you know these passers-by?
The keys are on these shelves.
Эти существительные употребляются только в единствен-
ном числе.
This news is very interesting. • Новости очень интересные.
It is useful advice. • Эти советы полезны.
Does her hair grow fast? • У нее быстро растут волосы?
Jane’s knowledge is good. • У Джейн хорошие знания.
Do you have much money on you? • У тебя с собой много денег?
It’s important information. • Это важные сведения.
Pete makes little progress. • Успехи Пита небольшие.
Do you have much work? • У вас много работы?
Is the weather fine today? • Сегодня хорошая погода?
That furniture is more expensive. • Та мебель дороже.
Unit 2. The Plural of Nouns.
Demonstrative Pronouns this (these), that (those)
70 Урок 2. Множественное число существительных.
Указательные местоимения этот (эти), тот (те)
These nouns are always plural.
Exercise 3
Choose the correct form.
MODEL: The news is/are important.
The police believes/believe the man is a thief.
My scissors doesn’t/don’t cut well.
The news isn’t/aren’t very good. — They are/It is very sad indeed.
The people you want to see is/are here.
This/these advice is/are ridiculous.
You have to ask for permission /a permission.
Is/are her hair long?
Has/have the police got enough evidence?
His knowledge leaves/leave much to be desired.
Does/do the child enjoy bathing ?
This is a useful/useful advice.
Is/are his trousers new?
Эти существительные употребляются только во множест-
венном числе.
Does she have many new clothes? • У нее много новой одежды?
The police are here. • Полиция здесь.
These goods are of high quality. • Это товар высокого качества.
The cattle are in the field. • Стадо на лугу.
Do these trousers need shortening? • Эти брюки нужно
Are those scissors sharp? • Те ножницы острые?
These are good glasses. • Это хорошие очки.
Very few people are present. • Очень мало людей присутствует.
The contents of the box are heavy. • Содержимое ящика тяжелое.
His wages are high. • У него большая зарплата.
Упражнение 3
Выберите правильный вариант.
The news is important.
The police believe the man is a thief.
My scissors don’t cut well.
The news isn’t very good. — It is very sad indeed.
The people you want to see are here.
This advice is ridiculous.
You have to ask for permission.
Is her hair long?
Have the police got enough evidence?
His knowledge leaves much to be desired.
Does the child enjoy bathing ?
This is useful advice.
Are his trousers new?
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Практикум по грамматике англ. языка_Зверховская, Косиченко_2016 -688с Айман.pdf
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Практикум по грамматике англ. языка_Зверховская, Косиченко_2016 -688с Айман.pdf
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Практикум по грамматике англ. языка_Зверховская, Косиченко_2016 -688с Айман.pdf
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Практикум по грамматике англ. языка_Зверховская, Косиченко_2016 -688с Айман.pdf
Практикум по грамматике англ. языка_Зверховская, Косиченко_2016 -688с Айман.pdf
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Практикум по грамматике англ. языка_Зверховская, Косиченко_2016 -688с Айман.pdf
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Практикум по грамматике англ. языка_Зверховская, Косиченко_2016 -688с Айман.pdf
Практикум по грамматике англ. языка_Зверховская, Косиченко_2016 -688с Айман.pdf

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Практикум по грамматике англ. языка_Зверховская, Косиченко_2016 -688с Айман.pdf

  • 1.
  • 2. УДК 372.881.111.1 ББК 81.2 Англ З-43 Зверховская Е.В. Практикум по грамматике английского языка. Учеб. посо- бие / Е.В. Зверховская, Е.Ф. Косиченко. — СПб.: БХВ-Петербург, 2016. — 688 с. ISBN 978-5-9775-3578-6 Пособие представляет собой справочник по грамматике английского языка и одновременно сборник упражнений с ключами, содержит 25 тема- тических разделов. Левая сторона разворота книги содержит правила, изло- женные в схемах и таблицах, а также упражнения на отработку соответствую- щих правил, а правая сторона представлена примерами, иллюстрирующими использование правил, и ключами к упражнениям. В пособии использованы преимущества современного метода опоры на родной язык. Материал может применяться как для групповых, так и для индивидуальных занятий. Для студентов вузов, лицеев и колледжей, слушателей курсов, а также лиц, самостоятельно изучающих английский язык УДК 372.881.111.1 ББК 81.2 Англ РЕЦЕНЗЕНТЫ: Е. В. Воевода, д-р пед. наук, доцент, проф. кафедры английского языка №2, зав.кафедрой педагогики и психологии МГИМО А. В. Бондаренко, канд. филол. наук, доцент кафедры лексиколо- гии английского языка МГЛУ Группа подготовки издания: Главный редактор Екатерина Кондукова Зам. гл. редактора Людмила Еремеевская Зав. редакцией Екатерина Капалыгина Компьютерная верстка Людмилы Гауль Корректор Елена Толстякова Дизайн обложки Марины Дамбиевой Подписано в печать 31.07.15. Формат 60х901 /16. Печать офсетная. Усл. печ. л. 43. Тираж 1500 экз. Заказ № «БХВ-Петербург», 191036, Санкт-Петербург, Гончарная ул., 20 Первая Академическая типография «Наука» 199034, Санкт-Петербург, 9 линия, 12/28 ISBN 978-5-9775-3578-6 © Зверховская Е.В., Косиченко Е.Ф., 2004, 2016 © ООО «БХВ-Петербург», 2016 З-43 ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ Предлагаемое пособие по грамматике английского языка является одновременно кратким систематическим справочником, содержащим четкие объяснения правил употребления грамматики, и сборником упражнений. Особенностью книги является ее структура, в соответствии с кото- рой левая сторона разворота содержит правила и упражнения, а пра- вая — примеры и ключи к упражнениям. Основополагающим прин- ципом построения книги выступает опора на родной язык, что делает работу с грамматикой более эффективной и предупреждает возник- новение типичных ошибок. Начало каждого раздела предваряют таблицы, в которых схематично изложены основные положения соответствующей грамматической темы, что дает возможность учащимся повторить правило, прежде чем приступать к выполнению упражнений. Параллельно таблицам на правом развороте книги даны примеры применения этого правила. По аналогии с теоретическим материалом, практические упражнения и ключи к ним даны параллельно друг к другу, что упрощает работу с книгой и делает ее полезной для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы. В конце крупных разделов помещен урок на повторение, содержа- щий упражнения повышенной трудности, которые могут быть ис- пользованы для закрепления изученных тем и контроля. Таким об- разом, структура пособия позволит не только повторить изученный ранее грамматический материал, приобрести необходимые умения и навыки в области английской грамматики, но и оценить уровень сформированности грамматической компетенции учащихся. В плане преподавания пособие также может быть полезным при подготовке контрольных и самостоятельных работ. Лексическое наполнение упражнений позволяет расширить словар- ный запас и использовать предлагаемые к изучению грамматические конструкции в ситуациях реального общения. Книга четко организована, содержит ясные и наглядные объяснения и может быть использована как на уроке английского языка, так и для самостоятельной работы. В издании использованы материалы книги авторов «Секреты англий- ской грамматики».
  • 3. CONTENTS UNIT 1 TYPES OF QUESTION....................................................18 1.1 The General Question ............................................................. 18 Are you…? ..........................................................................18 Does he…?...........................................................................18 Have got — Have .................................................................20 1.2 The Negative-Interrogative Sentence........................................ 26 1.3 The Alternative Question ......................................................... 28 1.4 The Disjunctive Question......................................................... 32 1.5 The Special Question............................................................... 38 Questions to the subject .......................................................38 Questions to the object.........................................................40 Questions with prepositions.................................................42 Questions to other members of the sentence..........................46 1.6 The Indirect Question .............................................................. 52 1.7 Question with Do you think...................................................... 58 UNIT 2 THE PLURAL OF NOUNS. DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS THIS (THESE), THAT (THOSE)..........62 2.1 Nouns ending with -s, ss, sh, ch, x, z........................................ 62 2.2 Nouns ending with -o............................................................... 62 2.3 Nouns ending with -y............................................................... 64 2.4 Nouns ending with -f, fe........................................................... 64 2.5 Compound nouns.................................................................... 66 UNIT 3 THE POSSESSIVE CASE...............................................76 3.1 The Possessive Case with animate nouns.................................. 76 3.2 The Possessive Case with inanimate nouns............................... 78 3.3 Double formation of the Possessive Case.................................. 78 3.4 The Possessive Case with compound nouns ............................. 78 ВИДЫ ВОПРОСОВ......................................................... 19 1.1 Общий вопрос........................................................................ 19 Are you…? ..........................................................................19 Does he…?...........................................................................19 Have got — Have .................................................................21 1.2 Отрицательно-вопросительное предложение........................ 27 1.3 Альтернативный вопрос......................................................... 29 1.4 Разделительный вопрос ......................................................... 33 1.5 Специальный вопрос.............................................................. 39 Вопросы к подлежащему ..................................................39 Вопросы к дополнению .....................................................41 Предложные вопросы........................................................43 Вопросы к другим членам предложения ..........................47 1.6 Косвенный вопрос ................................................................. 53 1.7 Вопросы с Do you think.......................................................... 59 УРОК 2 СОДЕРЖАНИЕ УРОК 1 МНОЖЕСТВЕННОЕ ЧИСЛО СУЩЕСТВИТЕЛЬ- НЫХ. УКАЗАТЕЛЬНЫЕ МЕСТОИМЕНИЯ ЭТОТ (ЭТИ), ТОТ (ТЕ)...............................................................63 2.1 Существительные, оканчивающиеся на -s, ss, sh, ch, x, z ...... 63 2.2 Существительные, оканчивающиеся на -о ............................ 63 2.3 Существительные, оканчивающиеся на -у ............................ 65 2.4 Существительные, оканчивающиеся на -f, fe ......................... 65 2.5 Сложные существительные ................................................... 67 УРОК 3 ПРИТЯЖАТЕЛЬНЫЙ ПАДЕЖ...................................77 3.1 Притяжательный падеж с одушевленными существительными..77 3.2 Притяжательный падеж с неодушевленными существительными................................................................. 79 3.3 Двойное образование притяжательного падежа.................... 79 3.4 Притяжательный падеж со сложными существительными..... 79
  • 4. Contents 6 Содержание 7 UNIT 4 PRONOUNS......................................................................84 4.1 Personal Pronouns................................................................... 84 4.2 Possessive Pronouns ............................................................... 86 4.3 The Absolute form of Possessive Pronouns ............................... 88 4.4 Pronoun it ............................................................................... 90 4.5 Reflective Pronouns ................................................................. 92 UNIT 5 MUCH/MANY; (A) LITTLE/(A) FEW.......................... 98 5.1 The use with countable and uncountable nouns ........................ 98 5.2 The use in different types of sentences ..................................... 98 5.3 The difference between little/a little; few/a few .................... 100 UNIT 6 THERE IS/THERE ARE............................................... 106 6.1 The use of the construction with nouns in the singular ............. 106 6.2 The use of the construction with nouns in the plural................. 106 UNIT 7 INDEFINITE PRONOUNS SOME, ANY, NO AND THEIR COMPOUNDS ..........................................114 7.1 Indefinite pronouns some, any, no.......................................... 114 7.2 Some, any, no compounds .................................................... 118 UNIT 8 ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS .....................................126 8.1 The formation of adverbs from adjectives and their use............ 126 8.2 The degrees of comparison of adjectives................................. 134 8.3 Comparative constructions .................................................... 136 8.4 Double comparatives............................................................. 146 8.5 The … the … construction .................................................... 150 Revision ............................................................................154 8.6 The degrees of comparison of adverbs.................................... 156 УРОК 4 МЕСТОИМЕНИЯ............................................................85 4.1 Личные местоимения ............................................................. 85 4.2 Притяжательные местоимения............................................... 87 4.3 Абсолютная форма притяжательных местоимений................ 89 4.4 Местоимение it....................................................................... 91 4.5 Возвратные местоимения....................................................... 93 УРОК 5 MUCH/MANY; (A) LITTLE/(A) FEW.......................... 99 5.1 Употребление с исчисляемыми и неисчисляемыми существительными................................................................. 99 5.2 Употребление в разных видах предложений .......................... 99 5.3 Разница между little/a little; few/a few................................ 101 УРОК 6 THERE IS/THERE ARE................................................107 6.1 Употребление конструкции с существительными в единственном числе........................................................... 107 6.2 Употребление конструкции с существительными во множественном числе...................................................... 107 УРОК 7 НЕОПРЕДЕЛЕННЫЕ МЕСТОИМЕНИЯ SOME, ANY, NO И ИХ ПРОИЗВОДНЫЕ................115 7.1 Неопределенные местоимения some, any, no....................... 115 7.2 Производные от some, any, no ............................................. 119 УРОК 8 ПРИЛАГАТЕЛЬНЫЕ И НАРЕЧИЯ...........................127 8.1 Образование наречий от прилагательных и их употребление.. 127 8.2 Степени сравнения прилагательных .................................... 135 8.3 Сравнительные конструкции ............................................... 137 8.4 Двойные степени сравнения................................................ 147 8.5 Конструкция the … the … .................................................... 151 Повторение .....................................................................155 8.6 Степени сравнения наречий................................................. 157
  • 5. Contents 8 Содержание 9 UNIT 9 THE PRONOUN OTHER ..............................................162 9.1 Pronouns other, another........................................................ 162 9.2 Pronoun another ................................................................... 162 9.3 Pronoun others ..................................................................... 164 9.4 Pronoun the other ................................................................. 164 9.5 Pronoun each other/one another .......................................... 164 UNIT 10 ELSE, MORE, STILL, YET ............................................170 10.1 Else ...................................................................................... 170 10.2 More ..................................................................................... 174 10.3 Still ....................................................................................... 174 10.4 Yet ........................................................................................ 174 UNIT 11 ALSO, TOO, EITHER. SO …/NEITHER … ............... 180 11.1 Also, too, either .................................................................... 180 11.2 So …/Neither … .................................................................. 182 UNIT 12 CORRELATIVES..............................................................188 12.1 neither… nor … .................................................................... 188 12.2 either … or … ....................................................................... 188 12.3 both … and … ....................................................................... 188 UNIT 13 EXCLAMATORY SENTENCES .................................. 194 13.1 The formation and the use of exclamatory sentences .............. 194 UNIT 14 REVISION........................................................................204 УРОК 9 МЕСТОИМЕНИЕ OTHER............................................163 9.1 Местоимения other, another (другой, другие)....................... 163 9.2 Местоимение another (еще один, другой) ............................ 163 9.3 Местоимение others (другие)............................................... 165 9.4 Местоимение the other (другой, другие) .............................. 165 9.5 Местоимение each other/one another (друг друга) .............. 165 УРОК 10 ELSE, MORE, STILL, YET ............................................. 171 10.1 Else ...................................................................................... 171 10.2 More ..................................................................................... 175 10.3 Still ....................................................................................... 175 10.4 Yet ........................................................................................ 175 УРОК 11 ТОЖЕ. КРАТКИЕ ПОДТВЕРДИТЕЛЬНЫЕ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ............................................................181 11.1 Тоже .................................................................................... 181 11.2 Краткие подтвердительные предложения ............................ 183 УРОК 12 КОРРЕЛЯТИВНЫЕ СОЮЗЫ ....................................189 12.1 ни …, ни … .......................................................................... 189 12.2 или …, или … ...................................................................... 189 12.3 и …, и … ............................................................................. 189 УРОК 13 ВОСКЛИЦАТЕЛЬНЫЕ ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ .............195 13.1 Образование и употребление восклицательных предложений............................................ 195 УРОК 14 ПОВТОРЕНИЕ.............................................................. 205
  • 6. Contents 10 Содержание 11 UNIT 15 УРОК 15 TENSE FORMS OF THE VERB ..................................218 15.1 The Present Indefinite Tense .................................................. 218 15.2 The Present Continuous Tense............................................... 226 15.3 The Future Indefinite Tense.................................................... 236 15.4 The Past Indefinite Tense ....................................................... 246 15.5 The Present Perfect Tense...................................................... 256 The Present Perfect Continuous Tense..................................268 The Present Perfect Tense — The Past Indefinite Tense ..........278 15.6 The Past Continuous Tense.................................................... 290 15.7 The Past Perfect Tense........................................................... 300 Revision ............................................................................306 The Past Perfect Continuous Tense ......................................312 Revision ............................................................................316 15.8 The Future Continuous Tense ................................................ 322 15.9 The Future Perfect Tense ....................................................... 326 The Future Perfect Continuous Tense...................................326 UNIT 16 ВИДО-ВРЕМЕННЫЕ ФОРМЫ ГЛАГОЛА...........219 15.1 The Present Indefinite Tense .................................................. 219 15.2 The Present Continuous Tense............................................... 227 15.3 The Future Indefinite Tense.................................................... 237 15.4 The Past Indefinite Tense ....................................................... 247 15.5 The Present Perfect Tense...................................................... 257 The Present Perfect Continuous Tense..................................269 The Present Perfect Tense — The Past Indefinite Tense ..........279 15.6 The Past Continuous Tense.................................................... 291 15.7 The Past Perfect Tense........................................................... 301 Повторение .....................................................................307 The Past Perfect Continuous Tense ......................................313 Повторение .....................................................................317 15.8 The Future Continuous Tense ................................................ 323 15.9 The Future Perfect Tense ....................................................... 327 The Future Perfect Continuous Tense......................................327 УРОК 16 REVISION........................................................................334 UNIT 17 MODAL VERBS............................................................. 356 17.1 Can, could............................................................................. 356 17.2 May, might ............................................................................ 364 17.3 Must, to have to, to be to ........................................................ 366 17.4 Need..................................................................................... 376 17.5 Should .................................................................................. 380 17.6 Forms of the Infinitive ............................................................ 386 The Infinitive with Can .......................................................386 The Infinitive with May.......................................................392 The Infinitive with Must......................................................396 The Infinitive with Need......................................................402 The Infinitive with Should ..................................................404 ПОВТОРЕНИЕ.............................................................. 335 УРОК 17 МОДАЛЬНЫЕ ГЛАГОЛЫ..........................................357 17.1 Can, could............................................................................. 357 17.2 May, might ............................................................................ 365 17.3 Must, to have to, to be to ........................................................ 367 17.4 Need..................................................................................... 377 17.5 Should .................................................................................. 381 17.6 Формы инфинитива ............................................................. 387 Инфинитив с глаголом Can............................................387 Инфинитив с глаголом May............................................393 Инфинитив с глаголом Must...........................................397 Инфинитив с глаголом Need ..........................................403 Инфинитив с глаголом Should .......................................405
  • 7. Contents 12 Содержание 13 UNIT 18 INDIRECT SPEECH ....................................................... 416 18.1 The main verb is present ........................................................ 416 18.2 The main verb is past............................................................. 426 18.3 Modal verbs in Indirect Speech............................................... 434 Revision ............................................................................436 UNIT 19 УРОК 18 КОСВЕННАЯ РЕЧЬ.......................................................417 18.1 Слова автора в настоящем времени...................................... 417 18.2 Слова автора в прошедшем времени .................................... 427 18.3 Употребление модальных глаголов в косвенной речи........... 435 Повторение .....................................................................437 УРОК 19 THE SEQUENCE OF TENSES...................................448 19.1 The actions in the principal and the subordinate clauses are simultaneous......................................................................... 448 19.2 The action in the subordinate clause precedes that of the principal clause ............................................................ 448 19.3 The action in the subordinate clause follows that of the principal clause ............................................................ 448 UNIT 20 THE PASSIVE VOICE...................................................484 20.1 Formation and forms ............................................................. 484 20.2 Constructions........................................................................ 484 The Direct Passive ..............................................................484 The Indirect Passive............................................................486 The Prepositional Passive ...................................................486 UNIT 21 THE SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD.........................................512 21.1 Clauses of unreal condition .................................................... 512 The construction If I were you.............................................514 The construction But for.....................................................514 21.2 Object clauses after wish....................................................... 532 СОГЛАСОВАНИЕ ВРЕМЕН .....................................449 19.1 Действия в главном и придаточном предложениях одновременны...................................................................... 449 19.2 Действие в придаточном предложении предшествует действию в главном .............................................................. 449 19.3 Действие в придаточном предложении следует за действием в главном......................................................... 449 УРОК 20 СТРАДАТЕЛЬНЫЙ ЗАЛОГ......................................485 20.1 Образование и формы ......................................................... 485 20.2 Конструкции........................................................................ 485 Прямая пассивная конструкция....................................487 Косвенная пассивная конструкция ...............................487 Предложная пассивная конструкция............................487 УРОК 21 СОСЛАГАТЕЛЬНОЕ НАКЛОНЕНИЕ.......................513 21.1 Придаточные нереального условия...................................... 513 Конструкция If I were you ...............................................515 Конструкция But for .......................................................515 21.2 Придаточные дополнительные после глагола wish ............... 533
  • 8. Contents 14 Содержание 15 UNIT 22 УРОК 22 UNIT 23 VERBALS ........................................................................544 22.1 The Gerund........................................................................... 544 The Gerund as Subject .......................................................544 The forms of the Gerund .....................................................546 The Gerund in Use .............................................................548 22.2 The Gerund and the Infinitive.................................................. 566 The forms of the Infinitive ...................................................576 22.3 The Participle ........................................................................ 582 COMPLEX OBJECT......................................................594 23.1 Formation ............................................................................. 594 23.2 The use of the construction.................................................... 594 UNIT 24 THE ARTICLE.................................................................. 610 24.1 The Article with countable nouns............................................ 612 The Article with countable nouns preceded by numerals ....612 Some special cases of the use of the Definite Article with countable nouns................................................................618 More cases of the use of the Definite Article with countable nouns................................................................618 24.2 The use of Articles with such and what................................... 620 24.3 The Definite and the Indefinite Article in the constructions with of .................................................... 624 24.4 The generic use of the Definite Article..................................... 628 24.5 The use of Articles with names of seasons, times of the day, with the words lunch, dinner, etc. ........................................... 632 24.6 The use of Articles with names of substances.......................... 634 24.7 The use of Articles with the words school, college, etc. ........... 638 НЕЛИЧНЫЕ ФОРМЫ ГЛАГОЛА ...........................545 22.1 Герундий .............................................................................. 545 Герундий в функции подлежащего .................................545 Формы герундия..............................................................547 Употребление герундия..................................................549 22.2 Герундий и инфинитив ......................................................... 567 Формы инфинитива........................................................577 23.3 Причастие............................................................................ 583 УРОК 23 СЛОЖНОЕ ДОПОЛНЕНИЕ...................................... 595 23.1 Образование........................................................................ 595 23.2 Употребление конструкции.................................................. 595 УРОК 24 АРТИКЛЬ..........................................................................611 24.1 Артикль с исчисляемыми существительными....................... 613 Артикль с существительными, которым предшествует числительное .......................613 Особые случаи употребления определенного артикля с исчисляемыми существительными ............619 Другие случаи употребления определенного артикля с исчисляемыми существительными ............619 24.2 Употребление артиклей со словами such и what .................. 621 24.3 Определенный и неопределенный артикли в конструкциях с of................................................................ 625 24.4 Определенный артикль с обобщающим значением.............. 629 24.5 Употребление артиклей с названиями времен года, времени суток, со словами lunch, dinner и др......................... 633 24.6 Употребление артиклей с названиями веществ .................... 635 24.7 Употребление артиклей со словами school, college и др. ..... 639
  • 9. Contents 16 Содержание 17 24.8 The use of Articles with uncountable nouns ............................ 644 The use of Articles with nouns which are always uncountable ...........................................................................644 Cases of the use of the Indefinite Article with uncountable nouns.................................................................646 More examples of the use of Articles with uncountable nouns.................................................................646 24.9 The use of Articles with proper names .................................... 652 The use of Articles with personal names................................652 The use of Articles with geographical names.........................654 The use of Articles with names of streets, airports, etc. ..........656 The use of Articles with names of languages .........................658 Some special cases of the use of Articles with proper names..................................................................658 24.8 Употребление артиклей с неисчисляемыми существительными ... 645 Употребление артиклей с существительными, которые всегда неисчисляемые.........................................645 Случаи употребления неопределенного артикля с неисчисляемыми существительными...........................647 Другие примеры употребления артиклей с неисчисляемыми существительными...........................647 24.9 Употребление артиклей с именами собственными ............... 653 Употребление артиклей с именами людей ...................653 Употребление артиклей с географическими названиями..655 Употребление артиклей с названиями улиц, аэропортов и др..............................................................657 Употребление артиклей с названиями языков.............659 Особые случаи употребления артиклей с именами собственными.................................................................659 UNIT 25 УРОК 25 REVISION........................................................................ 670 ПОВТОРЕНИЕ................................................................671
  • 10. TYPES OF QUESTION The General Question Are you…? Does he…? Have got — Have The Negative-Interrogative Sentence The Alternative Question The Disjunctive Question The Special Question Questions to the subject Questions to the object Questions with prepositions Questions to other members of the sentence The Indirect Question Question with Do you think The General Question Are you…? Auxiliary be + subject + (verb) + … Is he at home today? • Yes, he is. (No, he isn’t.) 1. Are you ready to leave? • Yes, I’m. (No, I’m not.) 2. Are we on time? • Yes, you are. (No, you aren’t.) 3. Am I late? • Yes, you are. (No, you aren’t.) 4. Are they busy? • Yes, they are. (No, they aren’t.) 5. Does he…? Auxiliary do/does + subject + verb + … Do you want to go there? • Yes, I do. (No, I don’t.) 1. Does George like ice-cream? • Yes, he does. (No, he doesn’t.) 2. UNIT 1 UNIT 1 УРОК 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 ВИДЫ ВОПРОСОВ 1.1 Общий вопрос Are you…? Does he…? Have got — Have 1.2 Отрицательно-вопросительные предложения 1.3 Альтернативный вопрос 1.4 Разделительный вопрос 1.5 Специальный вопрос Вопросы к подлежащему Вопросы к дополнению Предложные вопросы Вопросы к другим членам предложения 1.6 Косвенный вопрос 1.7 Вопросы с Do you think Общий вопрос Are you…? Вспомогательный глагол be + подлежащее + (сказуемое) + … Он сегодня дома? • Да. (Нет.) 1. Ты готов ехать? • Да. (Нет.) 2. Мы вовремя? • Да. (Нет.) 3. Я опоздал? • Да. (Нет.) 4. Они заняты? • Да. (Нет.) 5. Does he…? Вспомогательный глагол do/does + подлежащее + сказуемое + … Ты хочешь туда пойти? • Да. (Нет.) 1. Джордж любит мороженое? • Да. (Нет.) 2. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.1 1.1
  • 11. Unit 1. Types of question 20 Урок 1. Виды вопросов 21 Exercise 1 Ask questions the answers to which are given below. Yes, Jim is a student. 1. No, Pete and Jane aren’t married. 2. Yes, I usually get up early. 3. No, they don’t know what to do. 4. Yes, he always stays with his friends in summer. 5. No, Ted isn’t a little child. 6. No we aren’t busy now. 7. No I’m not always late for classes. 8. Yes, Pete and Paul are great friends. 9. Yes, we understand you very well. 10. No, he is not at home. 11. No, they aren’t in Moscow. 12. No, we don’t live here. 13. Yes, the book is in the bookcase. 14. No, I don’t hear you. 15. Yes, the children are in the garden. 16. No, you are not late. 17. Yes, you know them. 18. The General Question Have got — have Have + subject + got +... Do + subject + have +... Have you got a computer? • Yes, I have. (No, I haven’t.) 1. Do you have a computer? • Yes, I do. (No, I don’t.) 2. Упражнение 1 Задайте вопросы к следующим репликам. Is Jim a student? 1. Are Pete and Jane married? 2. Do you usually get up early? 3. Do they know what to do? 4. Does he always stay with his friends in summer? 5. Is Ted a little child? 6. Are you busy now? 7. Are you always late for classes? 8. Are Nick and Paul great friends? 9. Do you understand me well? 10. Is he at home? 11. Are they in Moscow? 12. Do you live here? 13. Is the book in the bookcase? 14. Do you hear me? 15. Are the children in the garden? 16. Am I late? 17. Do I know them? 18. Общий вопрос Have got — have Have + подлежащее + got +... Do + подлежащее + have +... У тебя есть компьютер? • Да. (Нет.) 1. У тебя есть компьютер? • Да. (Нет.) 2.
  • 12. Unit 1. Types of question 22 Урок 1. Виды вопросов 23 Exercise 2 Make questions to the following sentences. Yes, they do. They have a nice house in the country. 1. Yes, he has. Tom has got a new car. 2. Yes, I do. I have two children. 3. No, he hasn’t. Pete hasn’t got a good suit. 4. Yes, they have. His parents have got a villa on a Greek Island. 5. No, we don’t. We don’t usually have dinner at home. 6. Yes, I have. I’ve got enough change. 7. Yes, we have. We’ve got work to do. 8. Yes, they do. They have three classes on Monday. 9. No, she hasn’t. She hasn’t got problems. 10. Exercise 3 Answer the following questions. a) in the positive MODEL: Is he your teacher? Are Tom and Paul great friends? 1. Is Ted married to Kate? 2. Is he at the University? 3. Are you a student? 4. Does he know two foreign languages? 5. Is she late again? 6. Do you know the answer? 7. Have you got an interesting article? 8. Do they speak English as well as German? 9. Do you have enough experience? 10. Has he got an idea? 11. Are they present at the lecture? 12. Does it cost much? 13. Is the dress expensive? 14. Do we have a choice? 15. Упражнение 2 Поставьте вопросы к следующим предложениям. Do they have a nice house in the country? 1. Has Tom got a new car? 2. Do you have two children? 3. Has Pete got a good suit? 4. Have his parents got a villa on a Greek Island? 5. Do you usually have dinner at home? 6. Have you got enough change? 7. Have you got work to do? 8. Do they have three classes on Monday? 9. Has she got problems? 10. Упражнение 3 Ответьте на следующие вопросы. а) положительно Yes, he is. Yes, they are. 1. Yes, he is. 2. Yes, he is. 3. Yes, I am. 4. Yes, he does. 5. Yes, she is. 6. Yes, I (we) do. 7. Yes, I (we) have. 8. Yes, they do. 9. Yes, I (we) do. 10. Yes, he has. 11. Yes, they are. 12. Yes, it does. 13. Yes, it is. 14. Yes, you do. 15.
  • 13. Unit 1. Types of question 24 Урок 1. Виды вопросов 25 b) in the negative MODEL: Does he like fish? Has he got a new dictionary? 1. Are they happy together? 2. Does Jim want to join us? 3. Is he still in bed? 4. Have you got a headache? 5. Do you have a cup of coffee every morning? 6. Has he got a new jacket? 7. Do they have good friends? 8. Is she in Spain now? 9. Am I a liar? 10. Does he understand us? 11. Are you from Belgium? 12. Do they go to the sea-side every summer? 13. Do you like their new flat? 14. Have you got a telephone in the bedroom? 15. Exercise 4 Translate into English. Вы далеко живете от работы? 1. Вы заняты? • Да. 2. Ты помогаешь маме по дому? • Да, конечно. 3. Вы курите? • Нет. 4. Твой друг любит играть в теннис? • Да, конечно. 5. Он опять опоздал на урок? • Да. 6. Ты часто ходишь в кино? • Нет. 7. Ты в школе учишься? • Да, в седьмом классе. 8. У них есть дети? • Насколько я знаю, нет. 9. Вы рады его видеть? • Конечно. 10. Ваш друг знает иностранный язык? 11. • Да. Он довольно хорошо знает испанский. У твоего брата есть дача? • К сожалению, нет. 12. Вы работаете по субботам? • Нет. 13. Твоя сестра замужем? • Да. 14. Джону нравится его работа? •Да. 15. б) отрицательно No, he doesn’t. No, he hasn’t. 1. No, they aren’t. 2. No, he doesn’t. 3. No, he isn’t. 4. No, I haven’t. 5. No I don’t. 6. No, he hasn’t. 7. No, they don’t. 8. No, she isn’t. 9. No, you aren’t. 10. No, he doesn’t. 11. No, I’m not. 12. No, they don’t. 13. No, I don’t. 14. No, I haven’t. 15. Упражнение 4 Переведите на английский. Do you live far from work? 1. Are you busy? • Yes, I am. 2. Do you help your mother about the house? • Of course, I do. 3. Do you smoke? • No, I don’t. 4. Does your friend like playing tennis? • Of course, he does. 5. Is he late for the lesson again? • Yes, he is. 6. Do you often go to the cinema? • No, I don’t. 7. Do you go to school? • Yes, I do. I’m in the seventh form. 8. Do they have children? • As far as I know, they don’t. 9. Are you glad to see him? • Of course, we are. 10. Does your friend know a foreign language? 11. • Yes, he does. He knows Spanish rather well. Has your brother got a country house? • Unfortunately, he hasn’t. 12. Do you work on Saturday? • No, I don’t. 13. Is your sister married? • Yes, she is. 14. Does John like his job? • Yes, he does. 15.
  • 14. Unit 1. Types of question 26 Урок 1. Виды вопросов 27 The Negative-Interrogative Sentence Don’t you ? Aren’t you? Haven’t you? auxiliary be/do/have + not + subject + verb + ….? Aren’t the children at school today? Yes, they are. (They are at school today.) • No, they aren’t. (They are not at school today) • Doesn’t he visit you once a week? Yes, he does. (He visits me once a week.) • No, he doesn’t. (He doesn’t visit me once a week.) • Exercise 5 Give a short answer to each of the questions below. MODEL: Aren’t you glad to see him? (and you like him) Don’t you want to go to the country? (and you hate going to the country) 1. Doesn’t he live in this house? (and it’s his house) 2. Is he satisfied with the results of the experiment? (and he believes the 3. results are bad) Aren’t they responsible for the work? (and it’s their duty) 4. Don’t they know the answer to the question? (and they have no idea) 5. Isn’t he worried about it? (and he doesn’t care) 6. Doesn’t she have a sense of humour? (and she likes jokes) 7. Isn’t this bag yours? (and it’s your friend’s) 8. Hasn’t he got a key? (and his key is somewhere else) 9. Aren’t you serious ? (and you are serious) 10. Isn’t the book on the shelf? (and you see it on this shelf) 11. Haven’t they got enough time? (and they are in a hurry) 12. Aren’t they happy together? (and they are going to divorce) 13. Haven’t you got enough money to pay for it?(and you can afford the thing.) 14. Don’t they always help you? (and they are always helpful) 15. Вопросительно-отрицательное предложение Don’t you ? Aren’t you? Haven’t you? вспом. гл. be/do/have + not + подлежащее + сказуемое + …? Разве/Неужели дети сегодня не в школе? Да, в школе. (Нет, в школе.) • Нет, не в школе. (Да, не в школе.) • Разве/Неужели он не навещает вас раз в неделю? Да, навещает. (Нет, навещает.) • Нет, не навещает. (Да, не навещает.) • Упражнение 5 Дайте краткий ответ на следующие вопросы. Yes, I am. No, I don’t. 1. Yes, he does. 2. No, he isn’t. 3. Yes, they are. 4. No, they don’t. 5. No, he isn’t. 6. Yes, she does. 7. No, it isn’t. 8. No, he hasn’t. 9. Yes, I’m. 10. Yes, it is. 11. No, they haven’t. 12. No, they aren’t. 13. Yes, I have. 14. Yes, they do. 15. 1.2 1.2
  • 15. Unit 1. Types of question 28 Урок 1. Виды вопросов 29 Exercise 6 Translate into English. Неужели он не обедает дома? • Нет, обедает. 1. Вы не знаете его брата? • Ну как же, знаю. 2. У тебя нет карты мира? • Есть. Вот, пожалуйста. 3. Разве ты не играешь на пианино? • Нет, не играю. 4. Разве ваш сын не учится в школе? • Нет, он еще слишком мал. 5. Неужели ты не помнишь этого правила? • Нет, помню. 6. Неужели ты их не видишь? • Нет. 7. У тебя нет лишней ручки? • Есть. 8. Разве он не немецкий язык изучает? • Да, немецкий. 9. Разве его еще нет дома? • Да, нет. 10. Это не ваш преподаватель? • Да, наш. 11. Разве у тебя не достаточно денег, чтобы купить этот костюм? 12. • Достаточно. Неужели вы не рады, что вернулись? • Рады. 13. Ты не знаешь его имени? • Нет. Я его впервые вижу. 14. Ты не устала? • Нет, я в порядке. 15. The Alternative Question Does he live in France or in Denmark? • He lives in France. Is he a good or a bad doctor? • He is a good doctor. Have they got a new fridge or a new cupboard? • They’ve got a new fridge. Are you or is Pete ill? • Pete is ill. Does he usually come in time or is he often late? • He usually comes on time. Упражнение 6 Переведите на английский. Doesn’t he have dinner at home? • Yes, he does. 1. Do you know his brother? • Yes, I do. 2. Have you got a map of the world? • Yes, I have. Here you are. 3. Don’t you play the piano? • No, I don’t. 4. Doesn’t your son go to school? • No, he doesn’t. He is too little. 5. Don’t you remember this rule? • Yes, I do. 6. Don’t you see them? • No, I don’t. 7. Have you got a spare pen? • Yes, I have. 8. Doesn’t he learn German? • Yes, he does. 9. Isn’t he at home yet? • No, he isn’t. 10. Is it your teacher? • Yes, it is. 11. Haven’t you got enough money to buy this suit? • Yes, I have. 12. Aren’t you glad to be back? • Yes, we are. 13. Do you know his name? • No, I don’t. I see him for the first time. 14. Are you tired? • No, I am not. I’m all right. 15. Альтернативный вопрос Он живет во Франции или в Дании? • Он живет во Франции. Он хороший врач или плохой? • Он хороший врач. У них новый холодильник или новый сервант? • У них новый холодильник. Ты болеешь или Пит? • Пит. Он обычно приходит вовремя или часто опаздывает? • Он обычно приходит вовремя. 1.3 1.3
  • 16. Unit 1. Types of question 30 Урок 1. Виды вопросов 31 Exercise 7 Make alternative questions using the given statements. MODEL: They are at home, not their mother. Tom knows about it, not Bill. 1. It’s the right answer, not a wrong one. 2. She has got new shoes, not a new dress. 3. It’s easy to do it, not difficult. 4. He often walks with his cousin, not his friend. 5. He has three classes on Monday, not four. 6. They are on holiday, not their friends. 7. They are happy, not sad. 8. The doctor says I’m better, not worse. 9. They’ve got my address, not my telephone number. 10. He is a very good driver, not a bad one. 11. She likes to go to the theatre, not to the cinema. 12. She enjoys skiing, not skating. 13. They refuse to give money, not to help. 14. She knows the truth, not her mother. 15. You look well today, not ill. 16. They are in Italy, not in Spain. 17. Steve speaks Italian, not we. 18. I’ve got to write an article, not to translate one. 19. I’m fond of sports, not my cousin. 20. Exercise 8 Translate into English. Вы любите слушать классическую или современную музыку? 1. Ты утром пьешь чай или кофе? • Чай. 2. У тебя брат или сестра? • У меня две сестры. 3. Это ваша племянница или сестра? 4. Твоя мать врач или инженер? 5. Твой брат учится или работает? 6. Упражнение 7 Задайте альтернативные вопросы к предложениям. Are they or is their mother at home? Does Tom or Bill know about it? 1. Is it the right answer or a wrong one? 2. Has she got new shoes or a new dress? 3. Is it easy or difficult to do it? 4. Does he often walk with his cousin or his friend? 5. Does he have three or four classes on Monday? 6. Are they or their friends on holiday? 7. Are they happy or sad? 8. Does the doctor say you are better or worse? 9. Have they got your address or your telephone number? 10. Is he a good or a bad driver? 11. Does she like to go to the theatre or to the cinema? 12. Does she enjoy skiing or skating? 13. Do they refuse to give money or to help? 14. Does she or her mother know the truth? 15. Do I look well or ill today? 16. Are they in Italy or in Spain? 17. Do you or does Steve speak Italian? 18. Have you got to write an article or to translate one? 19. Are you or is your cousin fond of sports? 20. Упражнение 8 Переведите на английский. Do you like listening to classical or modern music? 1. Do you have tea or coffee in the morning? • I have tea. 2. Have you got a brother or a sister? • I’ve got two sisters. 3. (Do you have a brother or a sister? • I have two sisters.) Is it your niece or your sister? 4. Is your mother a doctor or an engineer? 5. Does your brother study or work? 6.
  • 17. Unit 1. Types of question 32 Урок 1. Виды вопросов 33 У вас двое или трое детей? 7. • Двое — мальчик и девочка. Это твоя комната или комната твоей сестры? 8. Вы любите писать или получать письма? 9. У них квартира или собственный дом? 10. Экзамен по русскому языку устный или письменный? 11. Твой брат учит испанский или французский? 12. Твоя мать преподает в школе или в институте? 13. Ты или твой брат интересуется историей? 14. У вас кошка или собака? 15. • Мы вообще не держим дома животных. The Disjunctive Question It’s 1. cold, isn’t it? • Yes, it is. (It is cold.) • No, it isn’t. (It is not cold.) He 2. knows about it, doesn’t he? • Yes, he does. (He knows about it.) • No, he doesn’t. (He doesn’t know about it.) You 3. haven’t got a camera, have you? • Yes, I have. (I’ve got a camera.) • No, I haven’t. (I haven’t got a camera.) He doesn’t 4. have a TV-set, does he? • Yes, he does. (He has a TV-set.) • No, he doesn’t. (He doesn’t have a TV-set.) 1.4 I’m interested in it, aren’t I? 1. Everybody 2. knows what to do, don’t they? Let’s 3. buy tickets now, shall we? Stop 4. talking, will you? Don’t come 5. too early, will you? Do you have two or three children? 7. • I have two children. A boy and a girl. Is it your or your sister’s room? 8. Do you like writing or getting letters? 9. Do they have a flat or a house of their own? 10. Is the Russian exam oral or written? 11. Does your brother learn Spanish or French? 12. Does your mother teach at school or at university? 13. Are you or is your brother interested in history? 14. Have you got a cat or a dog? (Do you have a cat or a dog?) 15. • We don’t keep pets at all. Разделительный вопрос Холодно, 1. не так ли? • Да, холодно. • Нет, не холодно. Он 2. ведь знает об этом? • Да, знает. • Нет, не знает. У тебя нет фотоаппарата, 3. не правда ли? • Есть. (Нет, есть.) • Нет. У него 4. же нет телевизора? • Есть. (Нет, есть.) • Нет. Я ведь заинтересован в этом, не так ли? 1. Все же знают, что делать? 2. Давай купим билеты сейчас, а? 3. Перестаньте разговаривать, хорошо? 4. Не приходите так рано, ладно? 5. REMEMBER 1.4 ЗАПОМНИТЕ
  • 18. Unit 1. Types of question 34 Урок 1. Виды вопросов 35 Exercise 9 Put a question tag at the end of the following sentences. She doesn’t want to talk with us unless we tell her the truth, …? 1. They are already here, … ? 2. The children have four classes on Monday, …? 3. You like staying with us, … ? 4. Come up to me, … ? 5. He has got the necessary papers, … ? 6. You don’t mind these questions, … ? 7. Everybody is here, … ? 8. We don’t know the details, … ? 9. I’m a good doctor, … ? 10. I’m not right, … ? 11. Let’s discuss it right now, … ? 12. We haven’t got a choice, … ? 13. He is sure of it, … ? 14. They never agree with us, … ? 15. We’ve got a car, … ? 16. Exercise 10 Correct mistakes if any. MODEL: The weather is fine today, is it? He knows English, doesn’t he? They know it’s a good job, haven’t they? 1. He doesn’t get up before 8, do he? 2. Don’t go there alone, do you? 3. Bill isn’t frank with us, isn’t he? 4. I’m older than you, am I not? 5. Andrew hasn’t got an English dictionary, does he? 6. Jane and Jack are getting married, aren’t they? 7. Упражнение 9 Дополните предложения так, чтобы получились раздели- тельные вопросы. She doesn’t want to talk with us unless we tell her the truth, does she? 1. They are already here, aren’t they? 2. The children have four classes on Monday, don’t they? 3. You like staying with us, don’t you? 4. Come up to me, will you? 5. He has got the necessary papers, hasn’t he? 6. You don’t mind these questions, do you? 7. Everybody is here, aren’t they? 8. We don’t know the details, do we? 9. I’m a good doctor, aren’t I? 10. I’m not right, am I? 11. Let’s discuss it right now, shall we? 12. We haven’t got a choice, have we? 13. He is sure of it, isn’t he? 14. They never agree with us, do they? 15. We’ve got a car, haven’t we? 16. Упражнение 10 Исправьте возможные ошибки. The weather is fine today, isn’t it? He knows English, doesn’t he? They know it’s a good job, don’t they? 1. He doesn’t get up before eight, does he? 2. Don’t go there alone, will you? 3. Bill isn’t frank with us, is he? 4. I’m older than you, aren’t I? 5. Andrew hasn’t got an English dictionary, has he? 6. Jane and Jack are getting married, aren’t they? 7.
  • 19. Unit 1. Types of question 36 Урок 1. Виды вопросов 37 Everybody knows about it, do they? 8. Be ready by 11, do please. 9. You don’t mind the joke, don’t you? 10. He has a lot of work, hasn’t he? 11. You have nothing to add, haven’t you? 12. Everybody is present at the lecture, isn’t he? 13. His advice is useless, is it? 14. The questions aren’t difficult, aren’t they? 15. You’ve got a number of questions, don’t you? 16. He has a new shelf, don’t he? 17. Exercise 11 a) Agree with the following statements. She doesn’t like cheese, does she? 1. It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it? 2. They are in love, aren’t they? 3. This bridge isn’t very safe, is it? 4. I’m not your boss, am I? 5. He visits his grandmother quite often, doesn’t he? 6. She hasn’t got this device, has she? 7. They seem happy, don’t they? 8. You don’t like ice-cream, do you? 9. We’ve got enough information, haven’t we? 10. b) Disagree with the following statements. She isn’t well today, is she? 1. He has got news, hasn’t he? 2. It’s cold in Brazil now, isn’t it? 3. It’s not important, is it? 4. You are not sure of it, are you? 5. They haven’t got a new car, have they? 6. You don’t travel much, do you? 7. They believe it is important, don’t they? 8. She doesn’t have enough knowledge of the subject, does she? 9. You are glad to meet them again, aren’t you? 10. Everybody knows about it, don’t they? 8. Be ready by eleven, will you? 9. You don’t mind the joke, do you? 10. He has a lot of work, doesn’t he? 11. You have nothing to add, do you? 12. Everybody is present at the lecture, aren’t they? 13. His advice is useless, isn’t it? 14. The questions aren’t difficult, are they? 15. You’ve got a number of questions, haven’t you? 16. He has a new shelf, doesn’t he? 17. Упражнение 11 а) Согласитесь со следующими высказываниями. No, she doesn’t. 1. Yes, it is. 2. Yes, they are. 3. No, it isn’t. 4. No, you aren’t. 5. Yes, he does. 6. No, she hasn’t. 7. Yes, they do. 8. No, I don’t. 9. Yes, we have. 10. б) Выразите несогласие со следующими высказываниями. Yes, she is. 1. No, he hasn’t. 2. No, it isn’t. 3. Yes, it is. 4. Yes, I am. 5. Yes, they have. 6. Yes, I do. 7. No, they don’t. 8. Yes, she does. 9. No, I’m not. 10.
  • 20. Unit 1. Types of question 38 Урок 1. Виды вопросов 39 Exercise 12 Translate into English. Он все еще болен, не так ли? • Нет, он чувствует себя хорошо. 1. У тебя ведь есть брат? • Нет. 2. Его сейчас нет дома, да? • Да. 3. Я хорошо танцую, не так ли? (to be a good dancer) 4. Он вас не знает, не так ли? • Ну как же, знает. 5. Давай попозже пообедаем, хорошо? 6. Сегодня прекрасная погода, не так ли? 7. Не опаздывай, ладно? 8. Давай пойдем в кино, а? 9. Я ведь красивая? 10. Ты любишь шоколад, да? 11. Подойди к телефону, а? 12. У тебя ведь есть фотоаппарат? 13. Я не слишком болтлива, правда? 14. Тим ведь совсем не ест мяса, правда? • Да, не ест. 15. The Special Question Questions to the subject Who What + verb + … ? Who knows the answer? Frank does. • Who usually helps you? My husband does. • 1.5 Упражнение 12 Переведите на английский. Не is still ill, isn’t he? • No, he isn’t. He feels well. 1. You have a brother, don’t you? • No, I don’t. 2. He isn’t at home now, is he? • No, he isn’t. 3. I am a good dancer, aren’t I? 4. He doesn’t know you, does he? • Yes, he does. (But he does.) 5. Let’s have dinner a bit later, shall we? 6. The weather is fine today, isn’t it? 7. Don’t be late, will you? 8. Let’s go to the cinema, shall we? 9. I’m pretty, aren’t I? 10. You like chocolate, don’t you? 11. Answer the telephone, will you? 12. You have got a camera, haven’t you? (You have a camera, don’t you?) 13. I’m not too talkative, am I? 14. Tim doesn’t eat meat at all, does he? • No, he doesn’t. 15. Специальный вопрос Вопросы к подлежащему Who What + сказуемое + … ? Кто знает ответ? Фрэнк. • Кто тебе обычно помогает? Мой муж. • 1.5
  • 21. Unit 1. Types of question 40 Урок 1. Виды вопросов 41 Exercise 13 Make questions to the subject and answer them. MODEL: He spends most of his time in the library. Pete goes to bed late. 1. Nick and Pamela understand the rule correctly. 2. This dictionary contains the necessary information. 3. His behaviour makes me think so. 4. We know the details. 5. This house costs a fortune. 6. This man wants to use our telephone. 7. Your words prevent me from acting. 8. Ice-cream sells well in summer. 9. I believe he is wrong. 10. The Special Question Questions to the object Who/ Whom What + auxiliary + subject + verb + … ? Who does he know here? He knows the Smiths. • What do you want to do? I want to leave this place. • Упражнение 13 Поставьте вопросы к подлежащему и ответьте на них. Who spends most of his time in the library? • He does. Who goes to bed late? • Pete does. 1. Who understands the rule correctly? • Nick and Pamela do. 2. What contains the necessary information? • The dictionary does. 3. What makes you think so? • His behaviour does. 4. Who knows the details? • We do. 5. What costs a fortune? • This house does. 6. Who wants to use our telephone? • This man does. 7. What prevents you from acting? • Your words do. 8. What sells well in summer? • Ice-cream does. 9. Who believes he is wrong? • I do. 10. Специальный вопрос Вопросы к дополнению Who/ Whom What + вспомога- тельный глагол + подлежа- щее + сказуе- мое + … ? Кого он здесь знает? Смитов. • Что ты хочешь сделать? Я хочу уехать отсюда. •
  • 22. Unit 1. Types of question 42 Урок 1. Виды вопросов 43 Exercise 14 Make questions to the words in bold type. MODEL: She likes to sing English songs. Such words often lead to quarrels. I often meet 1. Jane in the park. We 2. never argue with him. He likes to read 3. detective stories. Such things 4. never happen to me. They visit all 5. exhibitions. Their children 6. never tell lies. Sunny weather 7. gives me pleasure. The child asks 8. his parents a great number of questions. The Browns 9. like to go by plane. I prefer 10. tea in the morning. The Special Question Questions with prepositions Who What + auxiliary + subject + verb + preposition ? Упражнение 14 Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам. What does she like to sing? What often leads to quarrels? Who/Whom do you often meet in the park? 1. Who never argues with him? 2. What does he like to read? 3. What never happens to you? 4. What do they visit? 5. Who never tells lies? 6. What gives you pleasure? 7. Who/Whom does the child ask a great number of questions? 8. Who likes to go by plane? 9. What do you prefer in the morning? 10. Специальный вопрос Предложные вопросы Who do you like to listen to? Who do you want to talk to? What does he always laugh at? What are you fond of? What do they always begin their work with? Who do you feel sorry for? Do you know what he is interested in? What is your friend interested in? Who does she always shout at? Who does she want to apologise to? How many parts does it consist of? Who are they afraid of? Who does it depend on?
  • 23. Unit 1. Types of question 44 Урок 1. Виды вопросов 45 Exercise 15 Ask questions to the prepositional object. MODEL: I feel sorry for this dog. She begins her day with a cup of coffee. 1. She always explains things to her children. 2. It depends on the weather. 3. He enjoys looking at this picture. 4. He always laughs at Pete’s jokes. 5. They are afraid of the examiner. 6. They want to speak to Mr. Jones after the lecture. 7. I like listening to pop music. 8. He waits for his wife every morning. 9. I’m fond of films with a happy end. 10. I prefer to talk to the manager. 11. She often asks me to look for her glasses. 12. He is interested in modern science. 13. She always smiles at people in the street. 14. The teacher wants to explain the rule to Paul. 15. I’d prefer tea to coffee. 16. She is often cross with her children. 17. They want to apologise to Mark. 18. This nurse takes care of Mrs. Smith. 19. Alice often complains of headaches. 20. They depend on their uncle. 21. The computer consists of many different details. 22. Упражнение 15 Задайте вопросы к предложному дополнению. Who do you feel sorry for? What does she begin her day with? 1. Who does she always explain things to? 2. What does it depend on? 3. What does he enjoy looking at? 4. What does he always laugh at? 5. Who are they afraid of? 6. Who do they want to speak to after the lecture? 7. What do you like listening to? 8. Who does he wait for every morning? 9. What are you fond of? 10. Who do you prefer to talk to? 11. What does she often ask you to look for? 12. What is he interested in? 13. Who does she always smile at? 14. Who does the teacher want to explain the rule to? 15. What would you prefer tea to? 16. Who is she often cross with? 17. Who do they want to apologise to? 18. Who does this nurse take care of? 19. What does Alice often complain of? 20. Who do they depend on? 21. What does the computer consist of? 22.
  • 24. Unit 1. Types of question 46 Урок 1. Виды вопросов 47 The Special Question Questions to other members of the sentence When Where Whose Which Why How (well) How much How many How long + auxiliary + subject + verb + … ? Exercise 16 Make questions to the words in bold type. MODEL: He wants to go to Japan next summer. a) My work begins 1. at nine. I want to ask 2. him this question. This is 3. my father’s bag. I read a 4. hundred pages a day. Our children 5. go to bed at nine. He wants to say 6. something. She is at home today 7. because she is ill. She learns 8. two foreign languages. He likes 9. the red tie. He usually spends his summer vacation 10. in the country. He visits us on 11. Sunday. This box weighs ten 12. kilos. It takes him 13. a week to do this sort of work. He is often late 14. because his car often breaks down. He 15. always asks me questions. Strange things 16. often happen to him. She knows 17. Pete very well. Специальный вопрос Вопросы к другим членам предложения I get up at seven. • When do you get up? 1. The book is on the table. • Where is the book? 2. This is my brother’s tape. • Whose tape is this? 3. He has got a new car, not I. • Which of you has got a new car? 4. He is absent because he is ill. • Why is he absent? 5. He knows English very well. • How well does he know English? 6. The bag costs 30 dollars. • How much does the bag cost? 7. He has got two bicycles. • How many bicycles has he got? 8. It usually takes him two days to write an article. • How long does it usually 9. take him to write an article? Упражнение 16 Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам. Where does he want to go next summer? a) When does your work begin? 1. Who/Whom do you want to ask this question? 2. Whose bag is this? 3. How many pages a day do you read? 4. Who goes to bed at nine? 5. What does he want to say? 6. Why is she at home today? 7. How many foreign languages does she learn? 8. Which tie does he like? 9. Where does he usually spend his summer vacation? 10. When does he visit you? 11. How much does this box weigh? 12. How long does it take him to do this sort of work? 13. Why is he often late? 14. Who always asks you questions? 15. What often happens to him? 16. Who/Whom does she know very well? 17.
  • 25. Unit 1. Types of question 48 Урок 1. Виды вопросов 49 She often gets to work 18. by bus. I make 19. more than five telephone calls every day. This shop is 20. not far from my house. b) She knows 1. two foreign languages. It takes her 2. half an hour to get to the school building. They are 3. in the country. I want to show this letter to 4. Mike. He has 5. fifty dollars. She isn’t at work today because 6. it’s her day off. I want to read 7. the book by Mark Twain. Mr. Black 8. usually presides at our meetings. His letter 9. makes me think he is in trouble. He speaks French 10. very well. The child usually eats 11. three sweets a day. This is 12. Pete’s hat. I want to meet 13. Mr. Smith at the party. I like 14. the blue dress. He is 15. in Berlin. He speaks German well 16. because he often goes to Germany. The books are 17. in the bookcase. These are 18. my shoes. The train leaves 19. at eleven. He plays the piano 20. badly. Exercise 17 Translate into English. Кого из них вы знаете? 1. Какая фирма получает эти письма? 2. Чьи это журналы? 3. Когда у вас урок математики? 4. Где вы обычно проводите каникулы? 5. Как вы празднуете свой день рождения? 6. Кто знает домашнее задание на завтра? 7. How does she often get to work? 18. How many telephone calls do you make every day? 19. Where is this shop? 20. б) How many foreign languages does she know? 1. How long does it take her to get to the school building? 2. Where are they? 3. Who/Whom do you want to show this letter? 4. How much money does he have? 5. Why isn’t she at work today? 6. Which book do you want to read? 7. Who usually presides at your meetings? 8. What makes you think he is in trouble? 9. How well does he speak French? 10. How many sweets a day does the child usually eat? 11. Whose hat is this? 12. Who/Whom do you want to meet at the party? 13. Which dress do you like? 14. Where is he? 15. Why does he speak German well? 16. Where are the books? 17. Whose shoes are these? 18. When does the train leave? 19. How well does he play the piano? 20. Упражнение 17 Переведите на английский. Which of them do you know? 1. Which company gets these letters? 2. Whose magazines are these? 3. When do you have Mathematics? 4. Where do you usually spend your summer vacations? 5. How do you celebrate your birthday? 6. Who knows the task for tomorrow? 7.
  • 26. Unit 1. Types of question 50 Урок 1. Виды вопросов 51 С кем вы ходите в театр? • С братом. 8. Сколько времени надо вашей маме, чтобы приготовить обед? 9. Почему вы опоздали? 10. В чем дело? 11. Кто знает об этом происшествии? • Моя сестра. 12. Который час? 13. Кто из вас любит переводить статьи с английского на русский? 14. Чей сын хорошо играет в футбол? • Мой. 15. Где находится комната 15? 16. Сколько длится ваш рабочий день? 17. Что вы делаете на работе? • Я отвечаю на письма и телеграммы. 18. Сколько времени вам требуется, чтобы добраться до работы? 19. • Около часа. О чем вы хотите нам рассказать? 20. Какая погода вам нравится? 21. • Я люблю жаркую погоду и не люблю дождь. С кем Чарльз обычно играет в шахматы? 22. На скольких языках разговаривает твой отец? 23. Кто вам так часто звонит? 24. Кто из вас любит устраивать вечеринки? • Мэри и Элис. 25. Когда обычно приходит домой ваш отец? 26. С кем вы часто разговариваете по телефону? 27. Откуда ваш новый студент? • Из Риги. 28. Сколько семей живет в этом доме? 29. Кто хочет еще сока? • Джейн. 30. Что вы знаете об Англии? 31. Сколько времени вам надо, чтобы закончить работу? 32. Почему ты такой ленивый? 33. О чем этот фильм? 34. Кто твой отец (по профессии)? 35. Кто из вас хорошо печатает? • Хелен. 36. Чем вы интересуетесь? 37. Кто помогает тебе делать уроки? • Моя сестра. 38. Где работает твоя мама? 39. Сколько раз в неделю у него урок музыки? 40. Чья это сумка? Почему она здесь? 41. Who do you go to the theatre with? • With my brother. 8. How long does it take your mother to make dinner? 9. Why are you late? 10. What’s the matter? 11. Who knows about this accident? • My sister does. 12. What’s the time? (What time is it now?) 13. Which of you likes translating articles from English into Russian? 14. Whose son plays football well? • Mine does. 15. Where is room fifteen? 16. How long does your working day last? 17. What do you do at work? • I answer letters and telegrammes. 18. How long does it take you to get to work? 19. • About an hour. What do you want to tell us about? 20. What kind of weather do you like? 21. • I like hot weather and I don’t like rain. Who does Charles usually play chess with? 22. How many languages does your father speak? 23. Who phones you so often? 24. Which of you likes giving parties? • Mary and Alice do. 25. When does your father usually come home? 26. Who do you often speak on the telephone with? 27. Where is your new student from? • From Riga. 28. How many families live in this house? 29. Who wants more juice? • Jane does. 30. What do you know about England? 31. How much time do you need to finish the work? 32. Why are you so lazy? 33. What is this film about? 34. What is your father? 35. Which of you types well? • Helen does. 36. What are you interested in? 37. Who helps you (to) do your homework? • My sister does. 38. Where does your mother work? 39. How many times a week does he have music lessons? 40. Whose bag is this? Why is it here? 41.
  • 27. Unit 1. Types of question 52 Урок 1. Виды вопросов 53 Кого ты ждешь? 42. Где ваши дети? 43. Как долго ты добираешься до школы? 44. Зачем тебе нужен их адрес? 45. С кем вы хотите поговорить? 46. Сколько стоит ваша машина? 47. Кто хочет есть? • Мы. 48. Что означает это слово? 49. Чего вы боитесь? 50. The Indirect Question Where is the post-office? Do you know I don’t know I know where the post office is . I can’t remember if she lives here. Can you tell me Tell me Does she live here? Exercise 18 Make sentences with Do you know if/whether. MODEL: Is the post office here? Is George at school? 1. Do Alice and Bob have many children? 2. Have they got a new car? 3. Does he want to marry Jane? 4. Are they friendly? 5. Does Judy like her job? 6. Is the museum far from here? 7. 1.6 Who are you waiting for? 42. Where are your children? 43. How long does it take you to get to school? 44. What do you need their address for? 45. Who do you want to speak with? 46. How much does your car cost? 47. Who is hungry? • We are. 48. What does this word mean? 49. What are you afraid of? 50. Косвенный вопрос Do you know I don’t know I know I can’t remember Tell me Can you tell me who how how much why what if whether these people are? old Tom is. this camera costs. why they are late. she wants. Jack is at home. they have got a car. he can help us. Ann smokes. Упражнение 18 Образуйте косвенный вопрос, начиная с Do you know if/whether. Do you know if the post-office is here? Do you know if George is at school? 1. Do you know if Alice and George have many children? 2. Do you know if they have got a new car? 3. Do you know if he wants to marry Jane? 4. Do you know if they are friendly? 5. Do you know if Judy likes her job? 6. Do you know if the museum is far from here? 7. 1.6
  • 28. Unit 1. Types of question 54 Урок 1. Виды вопросов 55 Do his children go in for sports? 8. Has Pete got a large library at home? 9. Does she have a brother? 10. Exercise 19 Make sentences with Do you know, I don’t remember, I don’t know. (Where does Vivie work?) I don’t remember … . 1. (What does he like for breakfast?) Do you know … ? 2. (Why don’t they want to come to the party?) I don’t know … . 3. (How long does it take to get to London?) Do you know … ? 4. (When does the film start?) I don’t remember … . 5. (What does this word mean?) I don’t know … . 6. (Who do they want to invite?) Do you know … ? 7. (How old is his daughter?) Do you know … ? 8. (How much does it cost to park here?) I don’t know … . 9. (Where is Ann?) Do you know … ? 10. Exercise 20 Answer the following questions with I don’t know where/when/why… MODEL: Does he get up early? (when) Do they live in London? (where) 1. Is Ann at home? (where) 2. Have they got many children? (how many) 3. Does she like modern music? (what) 4. Is he angry because I’m late? (why) 5. Do they teach History? (what) 6. Is the TV-set expensive? (how much) 7. Do you know if his children go in for sports? 8. Do you know if Pete has got a large library at home? 9. Do you know if she has a brother? 10. Упражнение 19 Образуйте косвенный вопрос, начиная с Do you know, I don’t remember, I don’t know. I don’t remember where Vivie works. 1. Do you know what he likes for breakfast? 2. I don’t know why they don’t want to come to the party. 3. Do you know how long it takes to get to London? 4. I don’t remember when this film starts. 5. I don’t know what this word means. 6. Do you know who they want to invite? 7. Do you know how old his daughter is? 8. I don’t know how much it costs to park here. 9. Do you know where Ann is? 10. Упражнение 20 Ответьте на следующие вопросы, начиная с I don’t know where/when/why… I don’t know when he gets up. I don’t know where they live. 1. I don’t know where Ann is. 2. I don’t know how many children they have got. 3. I don’t know what she likes. 4. I don’t know why he is angry. 5. I don’t know what they teach. 6. I don’t know how much the TV-set costs. 7.
  • 29. Unit 1. Types of question 56 Урок 1. Виды вопросов 57 Does his father come home late? (when) 8. Is the car very old? (how old) 9. Are they from Africa? (where) 10. Exercise 21 Rewrite questions beginning with Do you know...? What do they breed? 1. Where is Paul? 2. Why does he want to leave? 3. Does Pat work on Saturday? 4. What time do they start working? 5. How many nephews does she have? 6. Who does she want to visit? 7. Is the bank open tomorrow? 8. Which of them do they ask for help? 9. Are the children at school? 10. Exercise 22 Translate into English. Вы не подскажете, сколько стоит этот жакет? 1. Вы не знаете, когда отправляется последний автобус? 2. Я не помню, где этот учебник английского языка. 3. Я не знаю, помнит ли он о собрании. 4. Я не могу понять, в чем дело. 5. Извините, вы не подскажете, где офис менеджера? 6. Ты не знаешь, почему он так расстроен? 7. Я не знаю, закончились ли у них занятия. 8. Интересно, хорошо ли он учится. 9. Скажите, пожалуйста, сколько времени надо, 10. чтобы доехать до Эдинбурга? Я не знаю, что он хочет в подарок. 11. Вы не подскажете, далеко ли до метро? 12. I don’t know when his father comes home. 8. I don’t know how old the car is. 9. I don’t know where they are from. 10. Упражнение 21 Образуйте косвенный вопрос, начиная с Do you know...? Do you know what they breed? 1. Do you know where Paul is? 2. Do you know why he wants to leave? 3. Do you know if Pat works on Saturday? 4. Do you know what time they start working? 5. Do you know how many nephews she has? 6. Do you know who she wants to visit? 7. Do you know if the bank is open tomorrow? 8. Do you know which of them they ask for help? 9. Do you know if the children are at school? 10. Упражнение 22 Переведите на английский. Can you tell us how much the jacket costs? 1. Do you know when the last bus leaves? 2. I don’t remember where this English textbook is. 3. I don’t know if he remembers about the meeting. 4. I can’t understand what the matter is. 5. Excuse me, can you tell me where the manager’s office is? 6. Do you know why he is so upset? 7. I don’t know if their classes are over. 8. I wonder if he is a good student. 9. Please tell me how long it takes 10. to get to Edinburgh. I don’t know what he wants to get as a present. 11. Can you tell me how far it is to the metro station? 12.
  • 30. Unit 1. Types of question 58 Урок 1. Виды вопросов 59 Ты не помнишь, когда он обычно приходит домой? 13. Интересно, откуда у него столько денег? 14. Интересно, сколько у них времени? 15. Questions with DO YOU THINK 1. Do you think + a simple sentence 2. Why Where When How How many (much) How long Who What Whose Which + do you think + a simple sentence ? Exercise 23 Combine two questions into one. Как ты думаешь Do they know about it? 1. What is she? 2. Where does he live? 3. When does she come home? 4. Is he a generous person? 5. Why are they so worried? 6. How long does it take him to do his homework? 7. Which of them speaks English? 8. Are they great friends? 9. How many cars do they sell? 10. 1.7 Do you remember when he usually comes home? 13. I wonder where he gets so much money from? 14. I wonder how much time they have? 15. Вопросы с «КАК ТЫ ДУМАЕШЬ?» Do you think he knows about it? 1. Do you think she is happy? Do you think they have got a car? Why do you think he is late? 2. Where do you think he lives? When do you think they get up? How well do you think he speaks English? How much time do you think we have got? How long do you think it takes him to get to work? Who do you think knows about it? What do you think he knows? Whose book do you think it is? Which of these bags do you think she likes? Упражнение 23 Соедините два предложения в одно. Do you think they know about it? 1. What do you think she is? 2. Where do you think he lives? 3. When do you think she comes home? 4. Do you think he is a generous person? 5. Why do you think they are so worried? 6. How long do you think it takes him to do his homework? 7. Which of them do you think speaks English? 8. Do you think they are great friends? 9. How many cars do you think they sell? 10. 1.7
  • 31. Unit 1. Types of question 60 Урок 1. Виды вопросов 61 Exercise 24 Translate into English. Как ты думаешь, он ее любит? 1. Как ты думаешь, откуда они? 2. Как ты думаешь, почему они хотят так скоро уехать? 3. Как ты думаешь, как работает этот прибор (machine)? 4. Как ты думаешь, сколько книг он читает каждую неделю? 5. Как ты думаешь, она на 3-м или на 4-м курсе? 6. Как ты думаешь, где можно купить красивую вазу? 7. Как ты думаешь, когда он встает? 8. Как ты думаешь, это дорогая поездка? 9. Как ты думаешь, кем он гордится? 10. Как ты думаешь, сколько он обычно спит? 11. Как ты думаешь, чем он увлекается? 12. Как ты думаешь, он хороший сын? 13. Как ты думаешь, почему он делает так много ошибок? 14. Как ты думаешь, сколько стоит эта сумка? 15. Упражнение 24 Переведите на английский. Do you think he loves her? 1. Where do you think they are from? 2. Why do you think they want to leave so soon? 3. How do you think this machine works? 4. How many books a week do you think he reads? 5. Do you think she is a third- or a fourth-year student? 6. Where do you think one can buy a nice vase? 7. When do you think he gets up? 8. Do you think it is an expensive trip? 9. Who do you think he is proud of? 10. How long do you think he usually sleeps? 11. What do you think he is fond of? 12. Do you think he is a good son? 13. Why do you think he makes so many mistakes? 14. How much do you think this bag costs? 15.
  • 32. Nouns ending with -s, ss, sh, ch, x, z noun + s bag — bags noun ending with -s -ss -sh -ch -x -z + es Nouns ending with -o nouns ending with -o + es tomato — tomatoes potato — potatoes Nouns ending with -s, ss, sh, ch, x, z Nouns ending with -o Nouns ending with -y Nouns ending with -f, fe Compound nouns THE PLURAL OF NOUNS. DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS THIS (THESE), THAT (THOSE) UNIT 2 2.1 2.2 Существительные, оканчивающиеся на -s, ss, sh, ch, x, z Существительные, оканчивающиеся на -о Существительные, оканчивающиеся на -у Существительные, оканчивающиеся на -f, fe Сложные существительные МНОЖЕСТВЕННОЕ ЧИСЛО СУЩЕ- СТВИТЕЛЬНЫХ. УКАЗАТЕЛЬНЫЕ МЕСТОИМЕНИЯ ЭТОТ (ЭТИ), ТОТ (ТЕ) УРОК 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Существительные, оканчивающиеся на s, ss, sh, ch, x, z This bag is expensive. — These bags are expensive. This is a bus. — These are buses. This class begins at nine. — These classes begin at nine. Is this brush new? — Are these brushes new? This match is thin. — These matches are thin. There is a fox in the zoo. — There are foxes in the zoo. Существительные, оканчивающиеся на -о существительные, оканчивающиеся на -o + es These tomatoes are red. Those potatoes are tasty. 2.1 2.2
  • 33. Unit 2. The Plural of Nouns. Demonstrative Pronouns this (these), that (those) 64 Урок 2. Множественное число существительных. Указательные местоимения этот (эти), тот (те) 65 man — men woman — women tooth — teeth foot — feet goose — geese mouse — mice person — people child — children ox — oxen sheep — sheep deer — deer craft — craft radio — radios cuckoo — cuckoos piano — pianos photo — photos Nouns ending with -y a consonant + у a vowel + у story — stories boy — boys pony — ponies tray — trays BUT: Kitty — Kittys Nouns ending with -f, -fe wife — wives shelf — shelves BUT: proof — proofs, handkerchief — handkerchiefs, cliff — cliffs REMEMBER ЗАПОМНИТЕ 2.3 2.4 REMEMBER These radios work well. These pianos are old. Существительные, оканчивающиеся на -y согласный + у гласный + у These are sad stories. Are these boys friends? Do those ponies run fast? Those trays are new. Существительные, оканчивающиеся на -f, -fe Are their wives present at the conference? Do those shelves cost much? These handkerchiefs are good. 2.3 2.4 This man is a teacher. • These men are teachers. That woman is nice. • Those women are nice. He has one bad tooth. • He has two bad teeth. His left foot hurts. • Put your feet closer to the fire. That goose is white. • Those geese are white. I see a mouse. • I don’t like mice. I know this person. • I know these people. Does this child know English? • Do these children know English? That ox is strong. • Those oxen are strong. He keeps a sheep. • He keeps sheep. This deer is beautiful. • These deer are beautiful. I see one aircraft. • I see two aircraft. ЗАПОМНИТЕ
  • 34. Unit 2. The Plural of Nouns. Demonstrative Pronouns this (these), that (those) 66 Урок 2. Множественное число существительных. Указательные местоимения этот (эти), тот (те) 67 Compound Nouns this schoolgirl — these schoolgirls this postman — these postmen father-in-law — fathers-in-law forget-me-not — forget-me-nots Exercise 1 Give the plural forms of the following nouns. kettle, birth, bath, telephone, deed, built-in-wardrobe, tree, butterfly, match, shoe, bus, glove, pie, fox, ski, taxi, bush, toe, life, photo, piano, handkerchief, roof, chief, woman, potato, goose, knife, study, tomato, thief, leaf, foot, child, mouse, deer, fish, sheep, man, calf, hero, shelf, brush, baby, fireplace, hoof, radio, mother-in-law, storey, passer-by, box, handful, belief, watch, fee, pause, cloth, loaf, crash, beach, cow, motto, aircraft, businessman, move, glass, bush, copy, mango, valley, mummy, atlas, rally, hero, pity, omnibus, manifest, ray, ditch, agenda, fly, feature, lorry, buzz. 2.5 Сложные существительные This schoolgirl knows the subject well. These schoolgirls know the subject well. This postman brings us newspapers. These postmen bring us newspapers. His father-in-law is a doctor. Their fathers-in-law are doctors. This is a nice forget-me-not. These are nice forget-me-nots. Упражнение 1 Образуйте существительные множественного числа. kettles, births, baths, telephones, deeds, built-in-wardrobes, trees, butterflies, matches, shoes, buses, gloves, pies, foxes, skis, taxis, bushes, toes, lives, photos, pianos, handkerchiefs, roofs, chiefs, women, potatoes, geese, knives, studies, tomatoes, thieves, leaves, feet, children, mice, deer, fish/fishes, sheep, men, calves, heroes, shelves, brushes, babies, fireplaces, hoofs (hooves), radios, mothers-in-law, storeys, passers-by, boxes, handfuls, beliefs, watches, fees, pauses, cloths, loaves, crashes, beaches, cows, mottos (mottoes), aircraft, businessmen, moves, glasses, bushes, copies, mangos (mangoes), valleys, mummies, atlases, rallies, heroes, pities, omnibuses, manifestos (manifestoes), rays, ditches, agendas, flies, features, lorries, buzzes 2.5
  • 35. Unit 2. The Plural of Nouns. Demonstrative Pronouns this (these), that (those) 68 Урок 2. Множественное число существительных. Указательные местоимения этот (эти), тот (те) 69 Exercise 2 Use in the plural. The sheep is in the field. 1. The potato is on the plate. 2. This postman delivers letters. 3. The roof of this house is bad. 4. This is a lovely city. 5. This family is at home. 6. My sister has got a new bag. 7. That house is old. 8. This woman is a teacher. 9. Who is that man? 10. This piano is of the latest model. 11. That is his photo. 12. This person is a good sportsman. 13. I have a bad tooth. 14. Here is your toy. 15. He is our chief. 16. The deer is a beautiful animal. 17. His son-in-law is here. 18. Do you know this passer-by? 19. The key is on this shelf. 20. REMEMBER These nouns are always singular. much/little this/that is/does it news hair work advice money weather information permission knowledge furniture progress scenery a Упражнение 2 Употребите во множественном числе. The sheep are in the field. 1. The potatoes are on the plate. 2. These postmen deliver letters. 3. The roofs of these houses are bad. 4. These are lovely cities. 5. These families are at home. 6. My sisters have got new bags. 7. Those houses are old. 8. These women are teachers. 9. Who are those men? 10. These pianos are of the latest model. 11. Those are his photos. 12. These people are good sportsmen. 13. I have bad teeth. 14. Here are your toys. 15. They are our chiefs. 16. Deer are beautiful animals. 17. His sons-in-law are here. 18. Do you know these passers-by? 19. The keys are on these shelves. 20. Эти существительные употребляются только в единствен- ном числе. This news is very interesting. • Новости очень интересные. It is useful advice. • Эти советы полезны. Does her hair grow fast? • У нее быстро растут волосы? Jane’s knowledge is good. • У Джейн хорошие знания. Do you have much money on you? • У тебя с собой много денег? It’s important information. • Это важные сведения. Pete makes little progress. • Успехи Пита небольшие. Do you have much work? • У вас много работы? Is the weather fine today? • Сегодня хорошая погода? That furniture is more expensive. • Та мебель дороже. ЗАПОМНИТЕ
  • 36. Unit 2. The Plural of Nouns. Demonstrative Pronouns this (these), that (those) 70 Урок 2. Множественное число существительных. Указательные местоимения этот (эти), тот (те) 71 These nouns are always plural. many/few these/those are/do they Clothes Police Goods Cattle Trousers/shorts/jeans/pyjamas/tights Scissors Glasses/spectacles People Contents Wages Exercise 3 Choose the correct form. MODEL: The news is/are important. The police believes/believe the man is a thief. 1. My scissors doesn’t/don’t cut well. 2. The news isn’t/aren’t very good. — They are/It is very sad indeed. 3. The people you want to see is/are here. 4. This/these advice is/are ridiculous. 5. You have to ask for permission /a permission. 6. Is/are her hair long? 7. Has/have the police got enough evidence? 8. His knowledge leaves/leave much to be desired. 9. Does/do the child enjoy bathing ? 10. This is a useful/useful advice. 11. Is/are his trousers new? 12. REMEMBER Эти существительные употребляются только во множест- венном числе. Does she have many new clothes? • У нее много новой одежды? The police are here. • Полиция здесь. These goods are of high quality. • Это товар высокого качества. The cattle are in the field. • Стадо на лугу. Do these trousers need shortening? • Эти брюки нужно укоротить? Are those scissors sharp? • Те ножницы острые? These are good glasses. • Это хорошие очки. Very few people are present. • Очень мало людей присутствует. The contents of the box are heavy. • Содержимое ящика тяжелое. His wages are high. • У него большая зарплата. Упражнение 3 Выберите правильный вариант. The news is important. The police believe the man is a thief. 1. My scissors don’t cut well. 2. The news isn’t very good. — It is very sad indeed. 3. The people you want to see are here. 4. This advice is ridiculous. 5. You have to ask for permission. 6. Is her hair long? 7. Have the police got enough evidence? 8. His knowledge leaves much to be desired. 9. Does the child enjoy bathing ? 10. This is useful advice. 11. Are his trousers new? 12. ЗАПОМНИТЕ