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The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 1
It is perfectly well to align with the scientific approach of the composition of the
universe. Simply put, the universe is made up of both living and non living things. It is believed
that there is some energy content in each and every one of these components. Just like plants and
other animals, human beings require different forms of energy for their day to day operations.
Without these energies, they feel worthless, giving room to self-pity and lack of a sense of worth.
Whether it is science or culture that you strongly subscribe to, there seems to be a
common ground of argument when it comes to energy presence in the human body. Before
modernity took over and gave scientists way to define and determine what energy is, different
ancient cultures had a strong belief that every human bears some wheels of force inside them that
constitute to their overall body energy. These forces were called chakras. These wheel-like
forces are believed to spin and rotate within seven points of the body, from the base of the spine
to the top of the head.
Every person needs to understand the ways of making sure these wheels of force are
controlled in their body. When the body energy is well balanced, the body operates in a very
normal way since the 7 chakras produce the exact amount of energy required at a time. However,
it is worth noting that when any of the 7 chakras becomes overactive or underactive by spinning
faster or slowly respectively, the effect entirely affects the body, making it to endure some form
of suffering.
By taking your time to learn and understand each of the seven basic chakras of human
body, you come to appreciate what your body is made up of and how to give it the perfect
physical, psychological, and spiritual nourishment that you always crave for. A clear connection
of the three ultimately gives you a sense of worth. Moreover, once you understand how your
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 2
system operates when the chakras are well balanced, you will be able to easily tell when
something is amiss and probably, develop the best mechanisms of energizing the imbalanced
chakra, thereby restoring the normalcy of your system.
Basically, there are quite a number of chakras in our bodies, with each of them playing a
specific role in energizing the body. However, there are seven outstanding chakras that play
predominant roles. All the rest are thereby, referred to as minor chakras.
The Seven Chakras
Now that you have a clear picture of what chakras are, let us move on and seek an
understanding of each of the seven major chakras. As earlier mentioned, they begin at the base of
the spine and move all the way to the top of the head. These chakras are:
 The Base/Root Chakra- Muladhara
 The Sacral Chakra- Swadhisthama
 The Solar Chakra- Manipura
 The Heart Chakra- Anahata
 The Throat Chakra- Vishuddha
 The Brow/ Third Eye Chakra- Ajna
 The Crown Chakra- Sahasrara
The discussion here will entail the meaning of each chakra; their symbol color; how to
detect whenever they are balanced, overactive, and underactive; and how to balance and energize
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 3
The Base/ Root Chakra- Muladhara
Muladhara, the alternative name for Base Chakra, is an ancient phrase derived from two
words: Mula- meaning ‘root’ and Dhama- meaning ‘support’. Root chakra therefore, connects
you to the universe that in return, provides you with the means of survival. Think of everything
you need to survive here on earth. Be it material possession that makes you gain security. Be it
what you ingest that makes you feel strong and vibrant. Think of the emotional support that you
require when faced with challenges. The key word here is survival. As long as you need it to
survive, it is a root chakra.
The base chakra is characterized by red color. It is place at the lowest point of your spine,
near the coccyx. Primarily, its central point is at the area of reproductive organ.
Its Nature when balanced
When the root chakra is well balanced, you tend to develop a feeling of accomplishment
of the physical things that really matter to you. This could be in terms of financial security or the
general material gain. You feel a full connection with the human in you, hence, becoming
satisfied. Other signs of this satisfaction could be evident is some other ways as can be seen
Prosperity: A well balanced muradhala is normally associated with prosperity. The level
of prosperity in this case, however, is determined by one’s own definition of the same. Simply
put, it is relative.
Satisfied with life: A life of satisfaction is a satisfying life. Being complacent and
satisfied implies that you are contented with what life has given you and you enjoy it just as it is.
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 4
Career satisfaction. When you are stable on your root, you are satisfied with your job.
You see it as the best ever for you and you just plan well enough how best you can deliver your
service. Consequently, you are also contented with the kind of remuneration you get from it.
Good health. This is simple and to the point. Root stability equals to good health. The
longer the period your root is balanced, the less the diseases you have to fight.
Physical fitness. When your base chakra is stable, you are able to create time for gym and
other activities that keep you physically fit. Alongside being physically fit, you also stay strong.
Intestinal regularity. Irregularity of your intestines is more often than not, caused by your
internal troubles. As you are stable, your entire body becomes healthy and as such, you eliminate
chances of developing intestinal irregularity.
Appropriate body weight. People whose base chakras are overactive are easily associated
with overweight. The once with underactive muladhara on the contrary, are easily associated
with underweight. Having a balanced muladhara would therefore mean that you find yourself
somewhere in between the two extremities, and that is the appropriate body weight to be precise.
Easily acknowledgment of the basic needs. When challenged with any family need that
sounds basic, you easily acknowledge it if your base is balanced. You further accept that it will
be granted.
Feel both safe and secure on earth. Both safety and security on earth comes with
complacence. When you know it that you are in possession and full control of whatever you need
to survive, your worries are washed away and you feel safe and secure.
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 5
You feel grounded. Nothing sounds better than the feeling that you are standing on your
ground. Acquisition of this feeling comes with satisfaction, which in this case, is breaded by
stability of your base.
Its nature whenOveractive
When this chakra becomes overactive, it practically gets a lot of work to do. In real sense,
a lot of problems may arise when this chakra becomes overactive. A typical life example is when
you base your financial survival on employment. A mere imagination of being fired from your
job will causes a lot of anxiety in you, making you feel a sense of insecurity. At this point, you
will definitely begin thinking of better ways of survival, either on working ways to protect
yourself against being fired, or prospecting for other means of financial satisfaction. When this
happens, your mind and entire body becomes overwhelmed with fear and insecurity. This can, in
essence, lead you into a problematic health as the overactive chakra shouts messages of survival.
You get to develop lower back problems and sometimes, difficulty with digestion of you food. It
may also trigger prostate cancer in men and ovarian cysts in women.
There are also other ways of detecting the behaviors of an individual with overactive
muladhara. These are:
Reckless attitude and behavior: Over complacence may cause some arrogance. As such, a
victim of overactive base chakra may have a changed attitude on the environment around. This
may dictate his behavior and at the end, acquire some form of questionable attitudes and
Greed and being materialistic. Having excess of what one requires brings along more
problems. In pursuit for accumulation of even more wealth, the individual becomes crazy about
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 6
the already accrued material goods that he never wills to share. He also becomes mad at
acquiring more such that he values the material possession even more than his relatives and
Health disorders such as obesity. Yes, overactive base chakra can lead to obesity and
other kinds of health disorders. This is basically caused by unhealthy eating habits that may
result into overweight.
Unwarranted fear of loss. Think of a rich person who has acquired a lot of material
wealth yet cannot catch some good sleep. The slim reason is, he feels his riches are at a risk of
being looted and literally gets disturbed in mind. As a result, insomnia finds its way in. Fear
takes control over him and he always gets scared just by hearing news of other merchants’
Inappropriate use of sex. This is common with ladies who acquire some sort of power
through dubious means. They are afraid to lose it and as such, they remain submissive to their
male seniors, treading their body for power retention.
Career dissatisfaction. It is true that most people never get contented with the kind of job
they have. This happens especially after they have acquired some status and no longer feel that
their present jobs cannot sustain those newly acquired status. They move from one job to
another, always seeking greener pastures.
Ideally, you should strive to take the best care for your survival tactics as overactive
energy channeled in this direction may prove quite detrimental. In an event you find yourself out
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 7
of the necessary control, however, there are a number of action steps you can take to regain the
lost balance.
Embrace silent meditation and prayer. Take your eye off the material good and
embark on a spiritual thought. You can do this by connecting your soul with the heavenly beings
through reading the bible on what it says about the worthlessness of earthly things and its focus
on spiritual growth. Think of the joy that you will ultimately acquire when focus on spirituality
as opposed to material. Crowning all this with prayer will give you the strengths to focus on
better things and the ability to regain the desired security.
Go out for a walk. As you leave the house and go for a walk. Ensure that your full
concentration is focused on your foot. Feel it as you lift your foot up and set it back to the
ground. Listen to the noise that your sandals could be making and let your whole body connect
with the earth. As you do this, your mind will definitely have a break and at the same time, your
root chakra will regain the balance.
Run a bath. This makes you feel easy while you have fun at the same time. Once you
turn on the shower, your attention instantly gets redirected to the water that pours from above
and the intensity with which it hits you up. Do not hurry. Take your time and enjoy it for a
couple of minutes. By the time you get out of the shower room, your mind will be more relaxed.
Dance. Get to your room and turn on the music, making sure that you play the kind of
music that you normally enjoy. Do not care who is listening. Be mindless of the dance style and
just dance. If possible, sing along. Turn around and develop your wildest imagination of fun. In
other words, make your room the lively club where you could find your perfect joy.
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 8
Put your yoga mat into use. Have your mat at the base of a tree then set one foot on the
mat as you bring the other to the tree pose. Ensure your hip points are squarely ahead and your
toes should be tucked in. Rotate the pinky sides of your hand as you keep the base of your neck
soft and your elbows straight. Your yoga posture will surely cleanse the base chakras.
Its Nature when Underactive
Whenever you feel that your survival needs are well taken care of, your mind gets to
relax. At this point in time, the activity of your base chakra relatively gets relaxed. Continuity of
this complacence for wide span of time may mean that you acquire some sense of ego and
chances are, you may begin walking with your head high up in the air. Consequently, you root
chakra becomes underactive.
There are many ways through which you can tell that you have an underactive root
chakra. They are as follows:
Financial instability. People with blocked root chakra usually have a chain of financial
problems. They never get enough funds to sustain them and whenever they get it, it is all spent in
their hand to mouth style of life such that they hardly have any of it left to save. As a result, they
are always faced with challenges that come with financial instability that they can’t quite get out
of the rat race of going to work and spending everything.
Frequently changing their residential. Victims of locked muladhara tend to move from
one residential to another at a considerably high rate that it could be considered normal. This
could be attached to the fact that they are financially unstable and as such, have unstable roots.
They will always move from one residential to another for an obvious reason: looking for a
cheaper accommodation.
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 9
Lack of the sense of belonging. When your base is blocked, you come to develop a
feeling that you have no right to belong to earth. You see yourself as helpless and not worth
living in the first place. You also feel detached from other people and always want to be in
solitude. It also affects your involvement in group activities as you belittle yourself and develop
the feeling that probably others do not wish to associate with you.
You become prone to accidents. Always as you walk and even when you engage in other
things, you tend to be absent minded. It is this absent mindedness that makes you prone to
accidents as you never see them approaching.
A lot of anxiety. Blocked base chakra causes anxiety in you as you sleep. To make it
worse, when you get out of the bed, it still follows you and you remain anxious throughout the
better part of the day.
You have troubles with consistency. Keeping track of your daily routines becomes
troublesome and you are never consistent with anything you do. This is simply caused by lack of
proper plans and the discipline to follow your set routines.
Disconnection with your family. Just as you detach yourself from other people and
groups, so do you do to your family. You always never wish to be with them and time spent with
them causes a lot of torture to you.
You develop physical ailments such as troubled feet, legs and tailbone. This is instigated
by your alarming degree of movement.
The feeling of complacence is likely to cause a disconnect between you and the material
world. The danger in this is that you become obsessed with spirituality or other things to the
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 10
extent that you no longer see the worthiness of being on earth. When this happens, you need to
step up and quick fix the disconnect. Gardening and playing in leafy areas are some of the
renowned practical ways of regaining reenergizing your root chakras.
Secondly, you can use the red color in your environment to help you connect with your
inner being. The external red color physically present will communicate with the inanimate red
color of your base chakra. This connection and communication could be just all you needed to
fuel the fire that leads to the balancing of your base chakra.
Tone up. Learn to frequently use the ‘Do…Re…’ sounds. Make it a personal
commitment and this could help you gain your desired balance.
Recognize that the world has all that you need in abundance. See yourself as one who can
acquire them too. Believe it that there are no specific people who are meant to have them and
that they are but enough for everyone’s need.
Have a sense of gratitude. Always show appreciation for every little thing that you have.
This includes even the gift of life. Instead of spending a good quantity of time seeing yourself as
unfit for the world, take a moment and thank the creator for your existence. Thank your parents
for bringing you up and your family for being there for you.
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 11
The Sacral Chakra- Swadhisthama
This is the second chakra and it is located slightly above the base chakra, along the spinal
cord. The word swadhisthama simply means ‘the place of self’. It basically entails your identity
as human and what you do with it. This chakra forms the base for creativity and fun. It focuses
on how you become creative and develop things around you that bring you joy and pleasure. It
gives you the desire and motivation to enjoy the fruits of your sweat. It also instigates the dire
need in you to indulge in other forms of pleasure such as having fun with friends and engaging in
sexual intercourse.
Sacral chakra is characterized by orange color. It is located right beneath the tummy and
it extends right to the center of the tummy.
Its Nature When Balanced
When your sacral chakra is in a state of stability, you get to savor all kinds of earthly
pleasure that life presents you with to the maximum without overdoing it. You develop the
strong attitude towards having fun with friends and participating in sexual activities. The better
part of it is that you enjoy every course of action. In so doing, you get a sense of abundance.
Its Nature when Overactive
Normally, we tend to overwhelmed whenever we partake of pleasurable activities. If we
do not take control over ourselves, chances are, we get addicted to these sources of joy. This is
what characterizes overactive sacral chakras. An example of such addictive source of pleasure is
social drinking. Initially, you take a few bottles of alcohol while in the company of friends and it
sounds well and orderly. Consequently, your desire to frequently take excess alcohol increases
and you become addicted such that it literally takes control of your life. This, among other
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 12
sources of pleasure, may make your body vulnerable to illnesses such sexually transmitted
diseases, obesity, restlessness and hormonal imbalances.
The second effect of overactive sacral chakra is being consumed by fantasies. This is
basically common in individuals whose pleasure is with sex. When you fall in this trap, you tend
to have excess desire to have sexual intercourse with different people yet you still do not get
sexually satisfied. Further, you happen to chase several sex partners instead of concentrating in
marriage, if already married, or settling for the right partner, for the case of single ones.
BalancingOveractiveSacral Chakra
See orange. Remember to visualize an orange color, the symbolic color associated with
sacral chakra. Create an imagination of the bright orange glow that it gives to your soul. Savor
the ambience it relays to your lower abdomen as you bear in mind that your body is three
dimensional. Send a breath and orange color to the area majorly affected by the overactive sacral
Learn to let go. This begins with doing a self evaluation of your life. Sort out people,
things and pleasures in your life, carefully indicating what you need and what you can do
without. Do yourself a favor by letting go of the toxics and only retaining what is necessary.
Dance crazily. This is one way of using one fire to put off another. Dancing is healthy
and surely it adds no harm to your life. Lock yourself in a room an turn on the music. Enjoy
every bit as you turn your hips over and over. You can even continue the dance once you leave
the house and you are out of reach of the music.
Tone up. It is on point that you consider visiting physical fitness facilities when in this
state of imbalance. This will keep your muscles both strong and healthy. Ultimately, keeping
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 13
your body fit psychologically prepares your mind and body for a meditative moment that
Enroll for reformatory classes. Once you willfully identify the toxics in your life
caused by the overactive sacral chakra, you can do a quick scan to identify the ones you cannot
handle by yourself. Example of this may be alcohol addiction. If this is the case, take a bold step
to register for reformatory classes where experienced professionals can help you out.
Leave job early and relax. Once in a while, walk out of your working place slightly
early and do not engage yourself in doing anything. Instead, use this time to relax your mind and
recollect yourself. Be spontaneous in your relaxation and closely follow your bliss.
Keep a journal of yourself image. Develop a culture of reflective writing occasionally
but at a predefined frequency. As you do this, ensure you note down the instances in which you
have over indulged in life. Find out the instances in which you have always let your emotions
rule over you. Underneath each adversity, suggest a solution that you intend to pursue in order to
correct the vice.
Embrace open talk. It is true that as a result of overactive sacral chakras, you may
develop some form of mistrust to a partner or a friend. This breads a lot of rage and may lead to
communication link being cut. If this is the situation, therefore, it is necessary that you correct it
through restoration of communication link. Start it small with someone closer to you whom you
still hold some trust for, then slowly extend it to your foes. Be open and speak out what you have
in mind without fear of contradiction.
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 14
Use essential oils such as ylang ylang and sandalwood. Use them as fragrances in your
body, house, and even in your office. These will make your entire body be part of the
surrounding niceness hence helping you to heal.
Identify physical sources of joy. Ensure that you surround yourself with things that you
normally feel happy when you associate with. You can consider making some art stuff or simply
bring forth the gifts you received from friends. Be sure to focus your attention on them so that
you savor the joy that they can add to your life.
Ensure you balance all the other chakras. It is by default that a problem in one chakra
may negatively impact other chakras too. By ensuring the other six chakras are on form, you will
reduce the chances of them impacting negatively on the troubled sacral chakra and in return, give
you a chance to satisfactorily deal with sacral problems.
Be mindful of your sources of emotion. It is very easy to have repeated emotions
especially when you don’t recognize what causes them in the first place. Every time you find
yourself emotionally imbalanced, note the source down and add a possible solution to it. Next
time it repeats itself, you will readily having a quick way out.
Take a cool siesta. Locate somewhere, possibly next to a water body where you can sit
and watch the intensity of water at the waterfall. You may consider dipping your feel in water
and have a feel of it. Other times, you may chose to sit out during a moon-lit night. Face up to
the sky and spend some time counting the stars and appreciating their beauty.
Its nature whenunderactive
Underactive sacral chakra is as bad as overactive one. An individual with underactive
sacral chakra tends to suffer from low self-esteem. The person generally fears happiness and
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 15
doesn’t seem to crave for any form of pleasure. In other scenarios, those who suffer from it lack
creativity. They never get enough exposure and hence, limit their mind to useable confines. Men
who happen to be victims of this vice generally have low libido, thereby interfering with their
sexual activity. Women victims are not spared either. They may encounter problems such as
irregular menstrual cycle and urinary track infections. Overly, an underactive sacral chakra is a
good cause for depression and pessimism.
Another character that is closely associated with this vice is the feeling of anger, rage,
jealousy and envy. In simple terms, people who are reserved and do not enjoy any form of
pleasure normally fail to find a reason why others must enjoy the same. They always envy them.
When such people are approached with a simple argument, they tend to overreact and get angry
at simple things.
EnergizingtheSacral chakra
Letting the sacral chakra to be underactive for a span of time may not augur well with the
general body functions. It is advisable that necessary actions be taken to heal the chakra. Some
people generally lack the desire for pleasure either due to the environment in which they were
brought up or the larger influence of contradictory culture that view pleasure as immoral. It is of
great importance to first understand that despite being brought up in such environments, you will
never have to live with these cultures or stay in that environment for good. The best way out, in
this case, is to align yourself with those who understand the value of pleasure, yet do not get
carried away by it.
Secondly, lack of sexual desire, as another problem under this vice, is in most cases,
caused by the fear of being misused and dumped. It could be based on experience a friend has
faced or the fact that the sufferer had at one time been victimized. In the healing process, this
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 16
fear has to stop somewhere. Take your time to first accept your inability to the history.
Subsequently, learn from your experience and make a wise choice of a partner as this will
eradicate the chances of reoccurrence of the same in the future.
Eat healthy foods and fruits such as watermelon, coconuts, and oranges. In addition to
this, consider drinking a lot of water. This will accord you some good health and a healthy body
gives a healthy mind. As your mind gets healthier so does your sacral chakra get healed.
Finally, fix sometime within your schedule to do something creative. This could be doing
an art that makes you feel challenged. As you do this, your mind opens up to learning. It then
appreciates the fact that you are creative. This will help you believe in yourself and kill the spirit
of timidity.
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 17
The Solar Plexus Chakra- Manipura
Maipura, as the solar plexus is alternatively known, literally translates to ‘lustrous gem’.
It is the energy zone in the body that relates to a person’s self confidence, personal power and
identity. Occasionally, we find ourselves in scenarios where our conscious tells us that we are on
the wrong. Other times, we set our feet on things that we feel that would ultimately turn the right
side up, though the end results may indicate sharp contrast to our expectations. Our abilities to
remain confidence or maintain our identities amidst such situations, is normally enhanced by
manipura. This chakra is what is commonly known to most people as the warrior chakra.
The solar plexus chakra is normally represented by yellow color. It occupies the entire
space between the bottom part of the belly and extends to the breast bone where the two rib sets
meet at the center of the chest.
Its Nature when Balanced
When your solar plexus is balanced, you become decisive, wise and generally develop a
feeling of intrinsic power. A quick example of a scenario where the stability of this chakra is
evident is in politicians. First and foremost, they have a driving force in them known as
confidence. The confidence to stand before crowds and address them. this comes handy with
courage. It takes a lot of courage to give a lengthy speech without developing wobbling legs.
Once these two are already in place, the next trait is the wisdom that they posses, knowing when
to say what and to which people. To crown it all they make a decision to forge ahead and vie for
the risky seat where only the first candidate is counted as the winner and the rest are counted as
losers despite the runners-up giving a neck to neck competition.
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 18
Its Nature when Overactive
Whereas it is perfectly fine to crave for bigger things that make us feel successful, doing
it to the extreme can always slap us with some life adversities. Still based on an example of a
politician who is ambitious about winning an election, being over ambitious may cause suffering
to the electorates. Let us say the politician sails his way through and gets elected as a member of
local government. If his primary goal way power, then he may end up causing racial or tribal
clashes, especially when he now wants a bigger post than the one he has recently achieved.
On the other side of the coin, if the wildest dream is having money and that he believes
will warranty him the confidence he craves for, the leader might end up stealing from the public
coffer just to feed his selfish interest.
Put in a less complex manner, the solar plexus is overactive whenever we feel that the
power we have within us should be felt by others and that we should have unconditional control
over them. Normally, when this seems not to work, we develop anger so fast and overreact even
in the simplest situations. We develop a sense of greed and at no cost do we show empathy or
compassion to others.
Overactive solar plexus chakra more often than not, causes imbalances in our digestive
system such as pancreas, kidney, liver, and appendix.
Alongside the health related problems, this vice can also cause us our relationship with
the people around us. When people around us for example, come to learn of our intention to rule
over them, they employ counter reaction. This, in the long run, instigates the uncalled for
animosity and hatred that may not augur well with those living in a neighborhood.
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 19
Lack of self discipline may also be triggered by this vice. When one endures courage in
excess, he may become indiscipline and do unimaginable things before elderly people whom he
is otherwise expected to accord maximum discipline.
Issues related ego and self-esteem are very common with victims of overactive manipura.
Having achieved some measurable success, an individual may develop a lot of ego, thereby
looking down upon others.
The first step towards balancing an overactive solar plexus is opening up your heart with
love. Discern to send signals of love and compassion t the people around you as well as others
who feel your presence in their lives from a distance.
Openly endure the energy from the sun. Take some moment to get into encounter with
less violet rays of the sun as this will help stabilize your chakra.
Meditate at a fire place. Light yourself some fire or candle and sit around it as you do a
silent reflection of your identity as a person even in the absence of power.
Take a yoga pose. Sit on the floor and simultaneously stretch and pull your legs together
as your palms touch the floor in line with your backside. While inhaling, lift your back and
backside upwards so that the upper part of your body goes straight. Inhale and then relax your
back. Do this repeatedly to reinstate the balance of your chakra.
Introduce color yellow into your life. Do yellow cloths, shop for yellow stuff. Get some
yellow flowers on the table. Hang some yellow curtains on the wall. This will redirect your mind
to the yellow sport in your body, occupied by solar plexus, rekindling the necessary internal fire
for it to balance.
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 20
Avoid consumption of stimulants. The stimulants such as drugs, alcohol, and caffeine
normally have the tendency to interfere with normal operations of the solar chakra.
Its Nature when Underactive
Sometimes, we do believe that the task set before us is beyond our ability and we believe
that some other people with higher form of abilities are better placed to do them and render the
necessary outcome. No wonder we take the back seat and give room to others as we develop self-
pity. This is an influence of underactive solar plexus working at its best.
Another symptom of this is the constant feeling of embarrassment. You are always
suspicious that people think negatively about you. As a result, you are always ashamed of
yourself and your level of fear of the unknown is always high.
Thirdly, you always want to remain in the protected area. To you, future is always full of
challenges and dangers. You tend not to embrace change as a threat to your peace.
Subsequently the general health of your body might experience some chronic problems
such as ulcers, gallstones, liver problems, pancreas disorders, and digestive problems.
Lastly, when you fall a victim of underactive manipura, you always happen to be goal
oriented such that your success is only measured by the perfect achievement of your set goals.
Whenever any of your set goals miscarries, you see yourself as a failure and become always
stressed up.
Irrespective of our family backgrounds, life can always slap us with such challenges as
underactive manipura. When this happens, there are a number of ways through which we can
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 21
work towards energizing our manipuras. The following are some of the practical approaches to
Develop the culture of listening to emotionally charged music. Charged music keeps the
body vibrant. This kills the spirit of timidity and self reservation. As you become vibrant, so do
you gather some courage to make you turn the tables.
Learn to express yourself through body language. This can perfectly work when you
consider joining theatrics. Become a character and learn to act in front of the audience. Join the
choir groups and ask to be assigned some solo verses as well as being engaged in group activity.
Also, ask for some topics in which you can develop a story and finally present it before people.
This will reduce the shyness and in return, earn you some courage and confidence.
Thirdly, be sure to stay warm. Needless to say, warmth gives energy to our bodies in
totality thereby ensuring effective functioning of the body systems including the chakras.
Do a chakra breath. A chakra breath is also known as a breath of fire. This is a rapid
breath normally done through the nose and down to the solar plexus. Do it so fast that you make
at least two circles a second. Develop a muscle pumping move from the solar plexus and allow
the breath to naturally come out by itself. Make this a regular practice. As long as you feel your
energy is low, embrace the breath of fire and all will be well.
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 22
The Heart Chakra- Anahata
This is the fourth of the seven major chakras. The heart chakra is also known as anahata,
a sankrit word for ‘unhurt’, ‘unbeaten’ or ‘unstuck’. This centrally placed chakra is the balancing
point of the world of matter and the spiritual world, the three lower and the three upper chakras
respectively. Most often, we hear people associating their love for others with attachment to
heart. This hypothesis is hereby confirmed as true. Yes, the heart chakra is where your
compassion, love and kindness is empowered. Do you remember the last time you expressed
your love to someone? Alright that is the last time you publicly denounced the functionality of
your heart chakra. Note it that even the love you have for yourself is empowered at this energy
The heart chakra is represented by a green color. The central part of anahata is situated
right over your heart and it illuminates down up to your throat and down to your breastbone.
Its Nature When Balanced
When your heart chakra is balanced, it works at its best. You develop a strong feeling for
yourself and for others too. You value others, appreciate them, and love them for who they are.
In other words, you love unconditionally and appreciate the kind of love that others have for you.
The other characteristic of balanced heart chakra is kindness. You remember showing kindness
to people, animals and nature alike? That’s the point. There you were with balanced anahata. To
crown it all, a balanced anahata makes you love yourself and others even when things don’t seem
to work well.
Its Nature when Overactive
When your heart chakra becomes overactive, the truth of the matter is that you go beyond
your intrinsic boundaries and begin making weird decisions. Now let us give a perspective of
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 23
intimacy. When your love for someone becomes overwhelming, you are likely to make wild
sacrifices in an attempt to please your partner. It is not unknown to us that some people get so
obsessed with love that they end up committing suicide when their partners disappoint them in
one way or another.
Loving indiscriminately is another effect of overactive heart chakra. Any lover of sound
mind is expected to have some boundaries of what caliber of people to love. But occasionally,
one may find himself loving the young and the old alike. This is indeed a pure sign of anahata
being overactive.
Yet another instance is that of giving in to others without restrain. It appears so awkward
to just fall in love without a good reason. To make it worse, someone decides to give in to
proposal made by even up to for people on the same day.
Saying yes to everyone and everything is yet another symptom. Maybe to deviate from
love a little and focus on general acceptance, a victim overactive anahata will tend to accept
virtually every proposal made on an issue without first consulting their wits. This becomes
detrimental at times especially when one has to live with the results of what transpired after they
gave a node.
Overactive heart may also lead to cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and high
blood pressure. Still on health, one may also develop problems with the lungs.
BalancinganOveractive HeartChakra
It is true that each and everyone’s action steps are guided the emotions. Whenever your
heart becomes overactive, other things such as anger, despair, happiness, and greed may
accompany it. So then, how do we restore the necessary balance when caught in these states?
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 24
Ensure a proper alignment of the other chakras. This is the first way of regaining the
lost balance of the heart. Normally, it is the heart chakra that suffers the most whenever the other
chakras are affected. Balancing them relatively brings some balance to the heart too.
Meditate on sending some compassion to yourself. Yes it is in order to appreciate
yourself. Regain the self love that you lost to someone else through self compassion.
Give yourself a massage treat. It serves you right to locate a facility that offers massage
services. In so doing, you will find some love in the process. You will feel the niceness of having
someone do it just for you. And above all, it will relax your heart and body in totality.
Be able to freely move. Some of the overactive heart problems are caused by the
constrictions we set by ourselves. Break these walls and freely move into the world of
Eat healthily. Normally, there is a given set of foods that that are dimmed unfit for those
suffering from high blood pressure and heart attack. If you happen to be a victim of such
condition, simply avoid these meals and only consume that which is recommended by a medical
Its Nature when Underbalanced
It is quite normal that even those with overactive heart chakras do find themselves
underactive from time to time. There are a number of ways by which you can read between the
lines to conclude that one’s anahata is underactive.
The first is failure to forgive. Whenever in this distress, you find it that irrespective of
how many times you are implored; you never see forgiveness as an option. You always hold on
to the grudge.
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 25
You always never seem to empathize with anyone. This feels weird but sad enough; it is
the truth of the matter. People who suffer from this vice may witness others in some deadly
situations that they could give a helping hand or at least, show some sympathy. Sadly, this never
happens with people in this category.
You become selfish. Simply put, when you don’t love others, you tend to be reserved
with every possession under your custody. You become self-centered and want everything for
yourself. You never see any worth in other people. This is what propels others to dub you as
Underactive anahata can also cause you your health. Chances are, you are vulnerable to
heart and lungs related diseases. Some of these diseases could be asthma, apnea, allergies, and
immune disorders.
Most often, the consequences leading to underactive heart are bitter pills to swallow and
once we build some defensive walls around ourselves, it becomes a bit difficult to bring down
these imaginary walls in order to take back our heart chakra back to normalcy. Take for example,
underactive heart that comes as a result of being betrayed by the one you love. The first thing is
that it becomes a bit difficult to forgive them. The second thing, it also becomes extremely
difficult to accept the fact that you can change the situation in order to let go of the past and let in
new a person to love. Whenever you are approached for any intimacy, you fast reflect what
happened to you in the past relationship rather than letting it be.
The first step is to regain self love. Believe it that you are the soul person who can give
yourself abundant love and that none can take away that ability from you. Show compassion to
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 26
yourself and give yourself as much love as you would expect other people to give you. In this
state now, you can extend an olive branch to others too. Show them love whenever they need it
the most yet expect it from you the least.
Go for a massage. This applies to both overactive and underactive heart chakras. It brings
some form of tenderness to your body. Always be careful not to apply the essential oil to your
skin directly before diluting it.
Work with energy Goddess like Lakshmi. Whenever you emotionally attach yourself to
the love Goddess, you find yourself easily relating to love, thereby finding the joy that comes
with it.
Get hold of crystal stones in your hand. This will soften up the heart, making you feel
some ambience of love through your heart chakra.
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 27
The Throat Chakra- Vishuddha
This is the fifth human chakra and the first among the spiritual chakras. It is also known
as vishudha which translates to ‘very pure’. This chakra accords you the necessary energy to
speak out your truth. This chakra connects to the compassion and love that you have for yourself
and others.
Normally, this chakra is represented by color blue. Its central part is situated directly
between your collar bone and it illuminates up to the center of your eye and down to the center
of your heart.
Its nature whenBalanced
When your throat is in a balanced state, you are able to confidently speak out the truth
with a lot of love, compassion and kindness. You feel motivated to give out your very best to
your audience. In fact, you acquire a lot of wisdom to make the correct discernment of words to
use when addressing others. In return, you get a space in the souls and minds of your audience as
they attentively listen to you.
Its nature whenOveractive
The number one cause of overactive throat chakra is the feeling of being ignored or not
being heard well by the audience. Sometime, we spend a lot of strenuous time, trying to make
ourselves loud enough to be heard by every listener. Of cause this presents itself with uncalled
for outcome of pain in the throat. There are significant symptoms that clearly depict victims of
overactive throat chakras.
The first symptom is developing a sore throat. When we shout at the top of our voices, a
lot of reactions take place along the throat. This, in return, results into pain in our throeats.
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 28
The second one is interrupting others. It so happens that such overactive people tend to
feel that they are the best suited to talk. They also feel that it is their points that count. In
addition, they tend to be poor listeners as they interrupt others amidst their arguments.
A mouth ulcer is yet another evidence of blocked or overactive throat chakra. Its self
explanatory that when one talks a lot, much friction is involved and this may not augur well with
the organs involved in the communication channel such as mouth and throat itself.
Dental issues and neck pain. Communication not only involves the vocal points but also
the parts of the body used in gesticulation. The neck belongs to the latter group. One who shouts
tends to twist the neck a lot more that one that makes a speech in a soft voice. The repercussion
of straining one’s neck, therefore, is the neck pain.
Other related problems are hoarseness, thyroid problems, and temporomandibular
disorders of the jaw.
Cleansing an overactive throat calls for a proper understanding of oneself in the absence
of ego and the act of putting oneself above others in expression of thought.
Consult your inner self and learn to let go. The first step in achieving this is by letting
go of the negative emotions that include hurt, resentment, and guilt. This is sure to help a great
deal as it restores the energy of the throat chakra. Sometimes, it is in order that you embrace a
little cry so as to expel whatever is blocking your throat.
Secondly, embrace the culture of putting into practice, some mindful speeches, deeds,
and actions that can help you effectively maintain a balanced throat chakra.
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 29
Thirdly, some form of organized meditation could do wonders. This comes handy with
involvement of the blue color of the throat. Cover you room with blue and sit at a silent corner
for a meditation with your eyes fully focused on the blue surrounding. As you do this, your eyes
find a connection with the blue color and so does your throat chakras.
Its nature whenUnderactive
The society has a perfect balance of those who experience overactive throats as well as
victims of underactive ones. Try to imagine of some scenarios in which you tried to add your
voice in giving a true witness yet you were still turned down. What of that time you tried giving
out what you felt was the best advice or the best point to be considered yes someone refuted it
without any consideration? I guess you are a bit familiar with such scenarios. Now, subsequent
occurrences of such may make you feel that you are not appreciated. In such a case, you may
respond by always holding everything to yourself and not making any contribution even in the
most sensitive issues. Now, that explains the point of having an underactive throat chakra.
Underactive throat is normally characterized by a number of symptoms.
Another cause of underactive throat chakra in an uncontrolled anger and resentment. This
is commonly found in individuals who believe in themselves of always being right. If by any
chance it happens that someone disagrees with them, they become angry so fast and this rage
causes problems in their throats.
Thirdly, having a negative energy will not spare your throat. No wonder people who
frequently consume foods with excess artificial sugars normally develop throat problems most
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 30
Lastly, mental inflexibility is yet another cause of underactive vishuddha. Come to think
of circumstances where you have always stood firmly on your grounds. In such circumstances,
you never want to give a listening ear to anyone. This rigidity subsequently causes stiffness in
your neck, thereby affecting your throat.
There are quite a number ways through which you can tell if you or someone else is
suffering from an underactive vishuddha:
Loss of meaning and purpose of life. This simply implies that you no longer see your life
as a fulfilling one. Probably you feel that your job isn’t the best that anyone deserves or the kind
of house you live in isn’t the best for you.
You never keep your word. It becomes a norm for you to always give empty promises.
Sometimes you end up giving huge promises that from the onset, you know very well they are
You tend to hold your truth. This a bit common with most victims of underactive
vishuddha. You here someone telling a lie yet you remain silent despite harboring the truth
within you.
You never express your voice even when you are all alone. It is indeed in order to
practice the power of self expression. This could simply be done through singing. However,
when suffering from underactive vishuddha, this occasionally becomes impossible.
Lastly is the experience of thyroid issues like hyperthyroidism. This indeed instigates
some sort of suffering to your health.
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 31
Vishuddha is the purification point in your body where the energy in you transforms into
manifestation. Impure vishuddha can prove to be quite detrimental as it warranties failure in life.
Whenever you have a sensation of quilt, your vishuddha gets blocked hence deterring energy
transformation. In a nutshell, there is dire need to keep your throat chakra as cleansed as
possible. This can be done through a number of ways.
Consider proper nutrition and exercise. Doing juices, sauces, and organic soups can help
lubricate your mouth and consequently cleanse your throat. Physical activity also plays a major
role in stimulating the awakening of your vishuddha.
Strive to maintain your physical health. Esophagus, teeth, neck, cervical spine, the
thyroid, vocal cords, and parathyroid are very essential to the effective functioning of the throat.
Any sort of ailment harbored in them directly affects the operation of the throat and therefore,
should be attended to in time.
Do speeches. It is obvious that a blockage in throat chakra consequently causes problems
with expressions. Doing a speech, therefore, is a natural way of correcting the blocked throat
Envision blue. This is very effective a tool to manage both overactive and underactive
vishuddha. When you focus your attention on the blue surrounding, it returns favor. The best
here is focusing on the blue sky. It will instantly connect with the blue sport in your throat,
making you feel better once again.
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 32
The Third Eye/ Brow Chakra- Ajna
Third eye, in dharma spiritual traditions, refers to ajna or bow chakra. This is the gate
leading to the inner realms of higher consciousness. The third eye translates to ‘beyond wisdom’
and people who are able to effectively use it are normally referred to as seers. This eye, in
essence, opens up your eye to see beyond the material world and the five commonly known
senses. Its gives you some extra sensory perceptions and intuitions. Psychics normally use this
energy point to see through people’s lives and bring out the reality in one’s spiritual world.
The small pinecone shaped gland that takes light in the brain is also responsible for
ensuring that you are awake during the day and asleep at night. The concept of the third eye is
traced back to the old days when the ancient people understood that this eye exists and carries
out the aforementioned activities beyond the normal eye and the five sences.
Color and Location
The third eye chakra is represented by indigo color. The central point of the third eye is
strategically placed between the eyebrows. It illuminates up to the top of your head and down to
your mouth.
Its Nature When Balanced
Having a balanced third eye chakra is a treasure worth writing home about. It is a
beautiful thing that you savor whenever you begin taking a journey along your path of spiritual
development. When ajna is balanced you feel well tuned with both material and physical world.
The frequency at which you receive psychic information increases as much as you would receive
information from the five common senses. Interestingly, you never get overwhelmed with this
reception of physic information.
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 33
If your third eye is well balanced, you tend to be highly ethical. You also become
charismatic and creative. Other than these, other traits attached to a balanced ajna are: Being
intuitive and visionary; being clear in thoughts and emotions; being in tune to guidance; and not
being attached to material things.
Its nature when Overactive
Overindulgence in the world of fantasies is probably the most common characteristic of
an overactive third eye chakra. In essence, you fantasize much while losing the whole reality
about the world.
Over concern about the phantasmagorical visions that pass before your mind’s eye is yet
another evidence of hyperactive ajna. Every bit of these visions significantly cases worry to your
spirits and you always feel scared and fearful.
When the mind’s eye is hyperactive, you experience a constant flow of thoughts. These
thoughts can prove to be quite exhausting and confusing too. You are then vulnerable to being
indecisive even in simple things you would have otherwise made decisions on without much
trouble. Inability to extinguish what is real, lack of focus, and clouded judgment are some of the
things that instigate the indecisiveness.
Manifestations of an overactive third eye chakra can be either physical or non-physical.
Some of the physical ones are: Insomnia, nausea, headaches, vision related problems, seizures,
and sinus issues. Among the non-physical manifestations are: Hallucinations, anxiety, being
judgmental, mental fog, paranoia and delusions, and feeling overwhelmed.
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 34
In conclusion, it is not very common that your third eye chakra will become hyperactive.
However, whenever it does, you get so engraved in psychic reading activities like astrology,
paranormal experiences, and tarot card readings that you rarely find time to focus in your life.
If you ever find yourself much engrossed in psychic reading as sometimes you may, take
the first bold step of reminding yourself of your physical being. Remind yourself that you are a
creature on earth and as such, need to connect to your physicality.
Since hyperactivity of this chakra is closely related to over thinking, it is in order that you
engage yourself in activities that would deviate your mind from this active thinking. This could
involve going for a hangout with friends or engaging in other active stuff that consumes your
mind fully.
Being judgmental, as earlier seen, is a trait sentimentally attached to hyperactivity of
ajna. It is one thing you would have to deal with in the quest for regaining you third eye balance.
This, you can achieve by first appreciating people for who they are and accepting that they are
human irrespective of what your intuition tells you about them.
Its Nature when Underactive
It is most common that a good number of people fail to appreciate or realize their ability
to use their third eye. It is because we live I a world where others don’t seem to validate the
intuitive development. This, therefore, implies that most people do find themselves in this state
of having underactive third eye chakra. There are quite a number of signs and symptoms closely
related to underactive third eye chakra. When you are ajna is underactive:
You encounter lack of intuition. You definitely become lost and can no longer see any
purpose in life. This leads into lack of inner guidance and as such, you develop distrust to your
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 35
intuition. It imposes a negative impact on your focus in life and where it is destined to be. You
find yourself unable to let go of the unbearable past experiences and your focus for the future
becomes dismal and full of fear. You may feel so engrossed to your daily grind without being
able to look far beyond your problems.
A blocked ajna may seriously affect your zest and motivation. This in return, reduces the
vibrancy of the other six chakras. In totality, your life begins to suffer and lack meaning at all
costs. Lack of ajna may therefore mean that to some extent, you lack the wisdom to see things
beyond their physical appearance.
Life of fear is characterized by blocked third eye chakra. Sometimes, we happen to fear
what people really think about us. We fear criticism that comes from others. We also fear
acknowledging the truth. All these fears accrue in us and in the long run, clog the third eye
chakra. Yes, occasionally we have imaginations but in essence, the imaginations are more filled
with regret about the past than endured wonderful moments. We become much worried about
what could possibly happen in the future which is not right.
Lack of vision and focus is yet another symptom. When underactive ajna goes to its
extremes, it hinders us from being visionary and focused. It actually blocks our ability to learn.
The ability of one to focus and stay visionary is what determines the extent to which he can make
achievement. In a nut shell, failure to focus warranties failure and that is the work of underactive
third eye chakra.
Blocked ajna causes depression. You become inactive and disengaged in life. Depression
not only makes you feel sad and hopeless but also deprives the brain of its energy and ability to
function properly. Once depressed, your life gets entangled in this state such that you experience
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 36
a sense of depression daily. You then reach at a point where you reserve a lot of doubt about life.
By involving yourself in deep thoughts of why other people do not seem to experience the same
problems as you do, your decision making ability becomes impaired hence stifling your creative
thinking. Negative thinking, normally accompanied by anger, resentment, jealousy and bitterness
normally stunt your healing process.
Frontal sinus and migraines problems become rampant. These are head related problems
that are basically caused by underactive third eye chakra. You get to experience frontal sinus
condition symptoms, frequent headaches, and neurological disorders.
The sixth sign of underactive ajna is eye disorder. Both spiritual and physical bodies
relay messages via physical manifestation and metaphor. It makes a lot of sense to relate the
third eye and the physical eye. Negative influence in the third eye ultimately renders a negative
impact on the physical eye. A blocked third eye therefore, causes egotism, blurry vision, poor
eyesight, and closed-mindedness.
Insomnia, nightmares and inability to recall visions comes as the seventh symptom.
Melatonin, the substance responsible for good sleep, is normally produced in the penal glands,
usually located within the third eye. A blocked third eye would therefore mean that this
production is affected and as a result, you fail to get enough sleep. In the presence of insomnia
gives way to nightmares, which is a sign of strong negative vibration.
Inability to see past illusion is another common problem associated with blocked ajna.
These illusions tend to block you from seeing the actual truth beyond the earthly things.
The truth of the matter is that you get bombarded with illusions daily either from watching a
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 37
television, listening to a radio, or surfing the internet. With this blocked sort of eye, you surely
can’t see past these illusions.
Lastly, lack of psychic ability is common among people with underactive third eye
chakra. When you lack the ability to do psychic reading, your eyes remain close to intuitive
sensibility and inner perception. You are hence, unable to witness or feel a perception of energy
movement and subtle dimensions. This implies that you cannot perceive more qualities of reality.
Based on the fact that a number of people unknowingly fall victims of underactive third
eye chakra, it is in order that we understand some of the best ways to energize our ajnas. Below
are some of the best practices to undertake in opening or energizing our third eye chakas:
Embrace the culture of conversing with the divine. Keeping it in mind that the divine
powers normally speak to us through signs, messages and symbols, is on point to pose a question
of concern then relax as you wait for the divine answers. In so doing, you come to connect your
third eye with the divine powers.
Keep a record of your dreams. You can effectively achieve this through the usage of a
journal. Make it a tradition that every time you wake up, you take the first few minutes reflecting
over your sleep and jotting down any kind of dream that you might have had.
Gaze the stars. Yes, everyone has a s star. Spend some time of the night gazing your star
and making a wise interpretation of what it means. Give a gaze at other stars too and compare
what people say about them and what ultimately happens.
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 38
Use essential oils like marjoram and frankincense. The powers of these oils are traced
back to the lives of biblical prophets and wise men, and how they were used for healing. They
will go a long way in cleansing your third eye thereby enabling you to see better through it.
Eat more of naturally dark-blue and purple foods. Eat cabbages, kales, eggplant, plums,
and purple peppers as they will have greater influence in your third eye. It does you great when
you add brain foods such as omega 3 into your diet.
Ensure a proper balance of your entire chakra system. Much attention should be given to
the root chakra. An overall balance of other chakras gives you easy time to deal with third eye
chakra when it becomes messy.
Visualize indigo color during your moments of meditation. An indigo color has a
connection with the spot of your third eye which is also represented by an indigo color. Get any
beautiful material with this color and hold it in your hand for quite some time as you let connect
to your third eye.
Find some art stuff that you enjoy and engage in it. Engaging in this creation regularly
stimulates your third eye and possibly makes it envision better.
Do yoga poses such as children pose, forward bends, savasana and shoulder stand. This
will definitely stimulate your third eye and make it see much better.
Embrace a detoxification program. By eliminating chemicals like alcohol, fluoride and
pesticides from your penal glands, you greatly reduce the cogging and ultimately encourage the
production of the fluids necessary for somber sleep.
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 39
Use a guided meditation. This meditation should be tailored specifically for opening your
third eye and enabling you to perform psychic reading.
Identify a particular an exercise you can engage in daily. Note that this exercise should be
Practice trust for your intuition. This is achievable by setting some goals that you intend
to achieve each day. These goals should be set in the morning and then revisited in the evening
using a check list. This will guide you in measuring your achievements and aligning correctly
with your third eye.
Spend some time in solitude. Just switch off everything that may interrupt you the sit or
lie down somewhere at a corner. Take some time, probably ten to twenty minutes and journey
your mind out of the material world. Use the time to connect with your inner spirits. This should
be done frequently.
Let competitions be out of your life. Scan through your life and look into competitive
activities you have found yourself entangled in. let go of the competitive energy and let into your
life, the spirit of collaboration and connections that are authentic.
Develop some mantra. These are words that you keep telling yourself each day. They
should be able to keep you motivated and focused.
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 40
The Crown Chakra- Sahasrara
This is the seventh chakra of human and it is externally located. The word sahasrara
translates to ‘thousand petaled’. Whereas the root chakra connects us to the earth, the crown
chakra connects us to the universe. It is the pure conscious energy. It disperses the universal
energy to the other six chakras. The energy in crown chakra can be related to a magnetic force
whose effect can be seen though it remains intangible.
The crown chakra is represented by violet- white color. Its central point is strategically
placed at the top of the head. It illuminates through your eyes and then extends outward and
Its Nature when Balanced
Achieving a balanced crown goal is the ultimate goal of every spiritual being. Normally,
this goal is not that easy to achieve because once you achieve it, it implies that you are no longer
a human person. You emerge as a conqueror of both suffering and death. Whenever you focus in
achieving this, your life is filled with joy, enthusiasm, good health, and wisdom. Your attempt to
achieve the balance of crown chakra will definitely align the other six chakras.
How then would it look like when you finally achieve the goal of balancing your crown
Your spirituality would be to the utmost. Your soul would be well aligned with the
You develop integrated life. This is where you fully detach yourself from the earthly
living and achievement and develop a more rewarding life.
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 41
Higher consciousness life. Your level of consciousness becomes more enhanced and
Connectivity to the source. In this balanced state, you find an opportunity to directly
connect with the source of everything.
Its Nature when Overactive
It is not very possible for anyone to experience overactive crown chakra while still alive
on earth. It is in abundance and it crowns all the other chakras. It is, in essence, the seat of the
universal energy and as such, it is infinite.
No one for sure, has experience an overactive crown chakra. As such, it becomes
impractical to try explaining how to balance it.
Its Nature when underactive
Whereas achieving a balanced may not be so easy as it would mean that we lose our
human nature, there are some underlying traits that come as a result of excessively underactive
crown chakra that we objectively have to deal with. They are as follows:
Excessive materialism. People who are strongly detached from the spiritual belief and
divinity tend to be more attached to material goods. These could be things like fancy houses and
state-of-the-art cars. Whereas it is not out of order to acquire such materials, the extreme love for
them brings a feeling that people would think you are worshiping them. this is more evident
especially when one would rather scarify a fellow being for the sake of material gain.
Lack of inspiration. We become more inspired when we create a link with spirits. In the
absence of this attachment, we find it difficult to believe in the unseen, thus making our levels of
motivations and inspiration to go far much below.
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 42
Feeling of loneliness. This is a very common thing. How often do you feel alone in the
crowd? Sounds satirical? I hope not. Occasionally, you may not be in solitude in the first place,
yet you still feel lonely. Why does this happen? The answer is very obvious. It is the lack of a
balanced crown chakra.
Difficulty in meditation. It is in silent meditation that we get in touch with our inner
personality. In silence do we speak the loudest to our spirits. As we connect to these spirits, so do
we experience the value for the meditation. But how can you concentrate in a silent meditation
when your sahasrara is underactive?
The process of energizing your crown chakra begins with self awareness. Think of what
matters to you. Is it the material? Is it your spirituality? By understanding the value of your
spirituality over materialism, you set yourself in the right path of fulfillment.
One way of making this achievement is focusing your attention to the violet- white color.
As you hold an object which is violet- white in color, make sure nothing distracts you and try
realigning this color to the inner violet- white color.
Use a mantra. Decode the meaning and significance of this mantra and develop a mantra
about it. These should be words that strictly connect your spirits with the crown chakra alone.
This will ensure your total concentration is enhanced and you begin viewing things from a
different angle.
Balance the other chakras. Instead of concentrating in how best to achieve the energy for
the crown chakra, work on ways of correctly balancing the other six chakras. By so doing and
achieving this mission, your crown chakra will take care of itself and get to the desired balance.
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 43
Feeding Your Chakras
Just as our bodies require healthy foods and a balanced diet in order to function
effectively, so do our chakras. We may most often believe that once we eat to our full, the
chakras will take care of themselves and extract whatever they need for their operation from our
bodies. This is far from the truth. Each and every one of the seven chakras require a specific
variety of foods in order to function properly. Failure to supply this set of foods, the chakras
become misaligned and this may not augur well with the entire system of the body. The table
below shows each of the seven chakras visa vie the recommended meals.
S/N Chakra Recommended Foods
1 The Base Chakra Root vegetables: Parsnips, carrots, potatoes, radishes,
onions, garlic and beets.
Protein-rich foods: Eggs, beans ,meats, peanut butter, tofu
and soy products.
Spices: Hot paprika horseradish, cayenne, chives, and
2 The Sacral Chakra Sweet fruits: Passion fruit, melons, coconut, mangos,
strawberries, and oranges.
Honey & Nuts: Walnuts and almonds.
Spices: Carob, cinnamon, vanilla, caraway seeds, sweet
paprika, and sesame seeds.
3 The Solar Plexus Chakra Granola and Grains: Rice, pastas, breads, cereal,
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 44
sunflower seeds, and flax seed.
Dairy: Milk, yogurt, and cheeses.
Spices: Cumin, ginger, mints (peppermint & spearmint),
Melissa, turmeric, chamomile, and fennel
4 The heart Chakra Leafy vegetables: Dandelion greens, spinach, and kale.
Air vegetables: Cabbage, broccoli, celery, cauliflower, and
Liquids: green teas
Spices: Cilantro, basil, thyme sage, and parsley
5 The Throat Chakra Liquids in general: Water, herbal teas, fruit juices,
Tart or tangy fruits: lemons, limes, grapefruit, kiwi
Other tree growing fruits: Plums apples, apricots, pears,
and peaches.
Spices: Salt, lemon grass
6 The Third Eye chakra Dark bluish-colored fruits: Red grapes, blueberries,
blackberries, and raspberries.
Liquids: Red wines and grape juice
Spices: Poppy seed, lavender, mugwort
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 45
7 The Crown Chakra Air: Fasting / detoxifying
Smudging and Incense Herbs: Frankincense sage, copal,
myrrh, and juniper
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 46
Our bodies require a number of things for effective functioning. Apart from the food we
eat, our bodies also rely on other factors such as emotional balance and spiritual alignment. None
is by any chance, complete physically without having the right spiritual alignment. The seven
chakras of the body, therefore, not only make us understand the inanimate components of our
bodies but also how they directly influence the outcome of our actions. From the base chakra, we
learn the connection our bodies have with the earth. It further provides us with a means of
survival. The second chakra, the sacral chakra, meaning the place of self, is the energy point in
charge giving us the identity of ourselves. Through it, we learn the joy of accepting ourselves for
who we are and further learn to enjoy the fruits of our sweat. The third chakra, the solar plexus
chakra, also known as manipura, relates to how we acquire self confidence and courage to stand
our grounds. The heart chakra is the fourth. It is also known as anahata, meaning unhurt. It is the
part that takes care of our love and desire. The love we give out to others is controlled at this
point. At the fifth point the throat chakra. This energy point, also referred to as vishuddha, is in
charge of our vocal point. It energizes our ability to talk and express ourselves. At the sixth
position is the third eye chakra, also known as ajna. Ajna helps us see beyond the physically
present things on earth. It is the energy point normally used by psychic readers to interpret the
life problems and adversities. The last of the seven chakras is the crown chakra. It is an
externally placed energy point that connects us to the spiritual world.
By understanding our body chakras, we get to appreciate them and know the roles they
play in our lives. Our chakras, just like our body organs, require a healthy diet in order to
function properly. It is therefore in order that we supply them with the correct set of foods.
The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 47

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The human chakras understanding your body synergy

  • 1. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 1 It is perfectly well to align with the scientific approach of the composition of the universe. Simply put, the universe is made up of both living and non living things. It is believed that there is some energy content in each and every one of these components. Just like plants and other animals, human beings require different forms of energy for their day to day operations. Without these energies, they feel worthless, giving room to self-pity and lack of a sense of worth. Whether it is science or culture that you strongly subscribe to, there seems to be a common ground of argument when it comes to energy presence in the human body. Before modernity took over and gave scientists way to define and determine what energy is, different ancient cultures had a strong belief that every human bears some wheels of force inside them that constitute to their overall body energy. These forces were called chakras. These wheel-like forces are believed to spin and rotate within seven points of the body, from the base of the spine to the top of the head. Every person needs to understand the ways of making sure these wheels of force are controlled in their body. When the body energy is well balanced, the body operates in a very normal way since the 7 chakras produce the exact amount of energy required at a time. However, it is worth noting that when any of the 7 chakras becomes overactive or underactive by spinning faster or slowly respectively, the effect entirely affects the body, making it to endure some form of suffering. By taking your time to learn and understand each of the seven basic chakras of human body, you come to appreciate what your body is made up of and how to give it the perfect physical, psychological, and spiritual nourishment that you always crave for. A clear connection of the three ultimately gives you a sense of worth. Moreover, once you understand how your
  • 2. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 2 system operates when the chakras are well balanced, you will be able to easily tell when something is amiss and probably, develop the best mechanisms of energizing the imbalanced chakra, thereby restoring the normalcy of your system. Basically, there are quite a number of chakras in our bodies, with each of them playing a specific role in energizing the body. However, there are seven outstanding chakras that play predominant roles. All the rest are thereby, referred to as minor chakras. The Seven Chakras Now that you have a clear picture of what chakras are, let us move on and seek an understanding of each of the seven major chakras. As earlier mentioned, they begin at the base of the spine and move all the way to the top of the head. These chakras are:  The Base/Root Chakra- Muladhara  The Sacral Chakra- Swadhisthama  The Solar Chakra- Manipura  The Heart Chakra- Anahata  The Throat Chakra- Vishuddha  The Brow/ Third Eye Chakra- Ajna  The Crown Chakra- Sahasrara The discussion here will entail the meaning of each chakra; their symbol color; how to detect whenever they are balanced, overactive, and underactive; and how to balance and energize them.
  • 3. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 3 The Base/ Root Chakra- Muladhara Meaning Muladhara, the alternative name for Base Chakra, is an ancient phrase derived from two words: Mula- meaning ‘root’ and Dhama- meaning ‘support’. Root chakra therefore, connects you to the universe that in return, provides you with the means of survival. Think of everything you need to survive here on earth. Be it material possession that makes you gain security. Be it what you ingest that makes you feel strong and vibrant. Think of the emotional support that you require when faced with challenges. The key word here is survival. As long as you need it to survive, it is a root chakra. ColorandLocation The base chakra is characterized by red color. It is place at the lowest point of your spine, near the coccyx. Primarily, its central point is at the area of reproductive organ. Its Nature when balanced When the root chakra is well balanced, you tend to develop a feeling of accomplishment of the physical things that really matter to you. This could be in terms of financial security or the general material gain. You feel a full connection with the human in you, hence, becoming satisfied. Other signs of this satisfaction could be evident is some other ways as can be seen below. Prosperity: A well balanced muradhala is normally associated with prosperity. The level of prosperity in this case, however, is determined by one’s own definition of the same. Simply put, it is relative. Satisfied with life: A life of satisfaction is a satisfying life. Being complacent and satisfied implies that you are contented with what life has given you and you enjoy it just as it is.
  • 4. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 4 Career satisfaction. When you are stable on your root, you are satisfied with your job. You see it as the best ever for you and you just plan well enough how best you can deliver your service. Consequently, you are also contented with the kind of remuneration you get from it. Good health. This is simple and to the point. Root stability equals to good health. The longer the period your root is balanced, the less the diseases you have to fight. Physical fitness. When your base chakra is stable, you are able to create time for gym and other activities that keep you physically fit. Alongside being physically fit, you also stay strong. Intestinal regularity. Irregularity of your intestines is more often than not, caused by your internal troubles. As you are stable, your entire body becomes healthy and as such, you eliminate chances of developing intestinal irregularity. Appropriate body weight. People whose base chakras are overactive are easily associated with overweight. The once with underactive muladhara on the contrary, are easily associated with underweight. Having a balanced muladhara would therefore mean that you find yourself somewhere in between the two extremities, and that is the appropriate body weight to be precise. Easily acknowledgment of the basic needs. When challenged with any family need that sounds basic, you easily acknowledge it if your base is balanced. You further accept that it will be granted. Feel both safe and secure on earth. Both safety and security on earth comes with complacence. When you know it that you are in possession and full control of whatever you need to survive, your worries are washed away and you feel safe and secure.
  • 5. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 5 You feel grounded. Nothing sounds better than the feeling that you are standing on your ground. Acquisition of this feeling comes with satisfaction, which in this case, is breaded by stability of your base. Its nature whenOveractive When this chakra becomes overactive, it practically gets a lot of work to do. In real sense, a lot of problems may arise when this chakra becomes overactive. A typical life example is when you base your financial survival on employment. A mere imagination of being fired from your job will causes a lot of anxiety in you, making you feel a sense of insecurity. At this point, you will definitely begin thinking of better ways of survival, either on working ways to protect yourself against being fired, or prospecting for other means of financial satisfaction. When this happens, your mind and entire body becomes overwhelmed with fear and insecurity. This can, in essence, lead you into a problematic health as the overactive chakra shouts messages of survival. You get to develop lower back problems and sometimes, difficulty with digestion of you food. It may also trigger prostate cancer in men and ovarian cysts in women. There are also other ways of detecting the behaviors of an individual with overactive muladhara. These are: Reckless attitude and behavior: Over complacence may cause some arrogance. As such, a victim of overactive base chakra may have a changed attitude on the environment around. This may dictate his behavior and at the end, acquire some form of questionable attitudes and behaviors. Greed and being materialistic. Having excess of what one requires brings along more problems. In pursuit for accumulation of even more wealth, the individual becomes crazy about
  • 6. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 6 the already accrued material goods that he never wills to share. He also becomes mad at acquiring more such that he values the material possession even more than his relatives and friends. Health disorders such as obesity. Yes, overactive base chakra can lead to obesity and other kinds of health disorders. This is basically caused by unhealthy eating habits that may result into overweight. Unwarranted fear of loss. Think of a rich person who has acquired a lot of material wealth yet cannot catch some good sleep. The slim reason is, he feels his riches are at a risk of being looted and literally gets disturbed in mind. As a result, insomnia finds its way in. Fear takes control over him and he always gets scared just by hearing news of other merchants’ adversities. Inappropriate use of sex. This is common with ladies who acquire some sort of power through dubious means. They are afraid to lose it and as such, they remain submissive to their male seniors, treading their body for power retention. Career dissatisfaction. It is true that most people never get contented with the kind of job they have. This happens especially after they have acquired some status and no longer feel that their present jobs cannot sustain those newly acquired status. They move from one job to another, always seeking greener pastures. BalancinganOveractiveRootChakra Ideally, you should strive to take the best care for your survival tactics as overactive energy channeled in this direction may prove quite detrimental. In an event you find yourself out
  • 7. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 7 of the necessary control, however, there are a number of action steps you can take to regain the lost balance. Embrace silent meditation and prayer. Take your eye off the material good and embark on a spiritual thought. You can do this by connecting your soul with the heavenly beings through reading the bible on what it says about the worthlessness of earthly things and its focus on spiritual growth. Think of the joy that you will ultimately acquire when focus on spirituality as opposed to material. Crowning all this with prayer will give you the strengths to focus on better things and the ability to regain the desired security. Go out for a walk. As you leave the house and go for a walk. Ensure that your full concentration is focused on your foot. Feel it as you lift your foot up and set it back to the ground. Listen to the noise that your sandals could be making and let your whole body connect with the earth. As you do this, your mind will definitely have a break and at the same time, your root chakra will regain the balance. Run a bath. This makes you feel easy while you have fun at the same time. Once you turn on the shower, your attention instantly gets redirected to the water that pours from above and the intensity with which it hits you up. Do not hurry. Take your time and enjoy it for a couple of minutes. By the time you get out of the shower room, your mind will be more relaxed. Dance. Get to your room and turn on the music, making sure that you play the kind of music that you normally enjoy. Do not care who is listening. Be mindless of the dance style and just dance. If possible, sing along. Turn around and develop your wildest imagination of fun. In other words, make your room the lively club where you could find your perfect joy.
  • 8. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 8 Put your yoga mat into use. Have your mat at the base of a tree then set one foot on the mat as you bring the other to the tree pose. Ensure your hip points are squarely ahead and your toes should be tucked in. Rotate the pinky sides of your hand as you keep the base of your neck soft and your elbows straight. Your yoga posture will surely cleanse the base chakras. Its Nature when Underactive Whenever you feel that your survival needs are well taken care of, your mind gets to relax. At this point in time, the activity of your base chakra relatively gets relaxed. Continuity of this complacence for wide span of time may mean that you acquire some sense of ego and chances are, you may begin walking with your head high up in the air. Consequently, you root chakra becomes underactive. There are many ways through which you can tell that you have an underactive root chakra. They are as follows: Financial instability. People with blocked root chakra usually have a chain of financial problems. They never get enough funds to sustain them and whenever they get it, it is all spent in their hand to mouth style of life such that they hardly have any of it left to save. As a result, they are always faced with challenges that come with financial instability that they can’t quite get out of the rat race of going to work and spending everything. Frequently changing their residential. Victims of locked muladhara tend to move from one residential to another at a considerably high rate that it could be considered normal. This could be attached to the fact that they are financially unstable and as such, have unstable roots. They will always move from one residential to another for an obvious reason: looking for a cheaper accommodation.
  • 9. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 9 Lack of the sense of belonging. When your base is blocked, you come to develop a feeling that you have no right to belong to earth. You see yourself as helpless and not worth living in the first place. You also feel detached from other people and always want to be in solitude. It also affects your involvement in group activities as you belittle yourself and develop the feeling that probably others do not wish to associate with you. You become prone to accidents. Always as you walk and even when you engage in other things, you tend to be absent minded. It is this absent mindedness that makes you prone to accidents as you never see them approaching. A lot of anxiety. Blocked base chakra causes anxiety in you as you sleep. To make it worse, when you get out of the bed, it still follows you and you remain anxious throughout the better part of the day. You have troubles with consistency. Keeping track of your daily routines becomes troublesome and you are never consistent with anything you do. This is simply caused by lack of proper plans and the discipline to follow your set routines. Disconnection with your family. Just as you detach yourself from other people and groups, so do you do to your family. You always never wish to be with them and time spent with them causes a lot of torture to you. You develop physical ailments such as troubled feet, legs and tailbone. This is instigated by your alarming degree of movement. EnergizingtheRootChakra The feeling of complacence is likely to cause a disconnect between you and the material world. The danger in this is that you become obsessed with spirituality or other things to the
  • 10. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 10 extent that you no longer see the worthiness of being on earth. When this happens, you need to step up and quick fix the disconnect. Gardening and playing in leafy areas are some of the renowned practical ways of regaining reenergizing your root chakras. Secondly, you can use the red color in your environment to help you connect with your inner being. The external red color physically present will communicate with the inanimate red color of your base chakra. This connection and communication could be just all you needed to fuel the fire that leads to the balancing of your base chakra. Tone up. Learn to frequently use the ‘Do…Re…’ sounds. Make it a personal commitment and this could help you gain your desired balance. Recognize that the world has all that you need in abundance. See yourself as one who can acquire them too. Believe it that there are no specific people who are meant to have them and that they are but enough for everyone’s need. Have a sense of gratitude. Always show appreciation for every little thing that you have. This includes even the gift of life. Instead of spending a good quantity of time seeing yourself as unfit for the world, take a moment and thank the creator for your existence. Thank your parents for bringing you up and your family for being there for you.
  • 11. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 11 The Sacral Chakra- Swadhisthama This is the second chakra and it is located slightly above the base chakra, along the spinal cord. The word swadhisthama simply means ‘the place of self’. It basically entails your identity as human and what you do with it. This chakra forms the base for creativity and fun. It focuses on how you become creative and develop things around you that bring you joy and pleasure. It gives you the desire and motivation to enjoy the fruits of your sweat. It also instigates the dire need in you to indulge in other forms of pleasure such as having fun with friends and engaging in sexual intercourse. ColorandLocation Sacral chakra is characterized by orange color. It is located right beneath the tummy and it extends right to the center of the tummy. Its Nature When Balanced When your sacral chakra is in a state of stability, you get to savor all kinds of earthly pleasure that life presents you with to the maximum without overdoing it. You develop the strong attitude towards having fun with friends and participating in sexual activities. The better part of it is that you enjoy every course of action. In so doing, you get a sense of abundance. Its Nature when Overactive Normally, we tend to overwhelmed whenever we partake of pleasurable activities. If we do not take control over ourselves, chances are, we get addicted to these sources of joy. This is what characterizes overactive sacral chakras. An example of such addictive source of pleasure is social drinking. Initially, you take a few bottles of alcohol while in the company of friends and it sounds well and orderly. Consequently, your desire to frequently take excess alcohol increases and you become addicted such that it literally takes control of your life. This, among other
  • 12. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 12 sources of pleasure, may make your body vulnerable to illnesses such sexually transmitted diseases, obesity, restlessness and hormonal imbalances. The second effect of overactive sacral chakra is being consumed by fantasies. This is basically common in individuals whose pleasure is with sex. When you fall in this trap, you tend to have excess desire to have sexual intercourse with different people yet you still do not get sexually satisfied. Further, you happen to chase several sex partners instead of concentrating in marriage, if already married, or settling for the right partner, for the case of single ones. BalancingOveractiveSacral Chakra See orange. Remember to visualize an orange color, the symbolic color associated with sacral chakra. Create an imagination of the bright orange glow that it gives to your soul. Savor the ambience it relays to your lower abdomen as you bear in mind that your body is three dimensional. Send a breath and orange color to the area majorly affected by the overactive sacral chakra. Learn to let go. This begins with doing a self evaluation of your life. Sort out people, things and pleasures in your life, carefully indicating what you need and what you can do without. Do yourself a favor by letting go of the toxics and only retaining what is necessary. Dance crazily. This is one way of using one fire to put off another. Dancing is healthy and surely it adds no harm to your life. Lock yourself in a room an turn on the music. Enjoy every bit as you turn your hips over and over. You can even continue the dance once you leave the house and you are out of reach of the music. Tone up. It is on point that you consider visiting physical fitness facilities when in this state of imbalance. This will keep your muscles both strong and healthy. Ultimately, keeping
  • 13. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 13 your body fit psychologically prepares your mind and body for a meditative moment that follows. Enroll for reformatory classes. Once you willfully identify the toxics in your life caused by the overactive sacral chakra, you can do a quick scan to identify the ones you cannot handle by yourself. Example of this may be alcohol addiction. If this is the case, take a bold step to register for reformatory classes where experienced professionals can help you out. Leave job early and relax. Once in a while, walk out of your working place slightly early and do not engage yourself in doing anything. Instead, use this time to relax your mind and recollect yourself. Be spontaneous in your relaxation and closely follow your bliss. Keep a journal of yourself image. Develop a culture of reflective writing occasionally but at a predefined frequency. As you do this, ensure you note down the instances in which you have over indulged in life. Find out the instances in which you have always let your emotions rule over you. Underneath each adversity, suggest a solution that you intend to pursue in order to correct the vice. Embrace open talk. It is true that as a result of overactive sacral chakras, you may develop some form of mistrust to a partner or a friend. This breads a lot of rage and may lead to communication link being cut. If this is the situation, therefore, it is necessary that you correct it through restoration of communication link. Start it small with someone closer to you whom you still hold some trust for, then slowly extend it to your foes. Be open and speak out what you have in mind without fear of contradiction.
  • 14. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 14 Use essential oils such as ylang ylang and sandalwood. Use them as fragrances in your body, house, and even in your office. These will make your entire body be part of the surrounding niceness hence helping you to heal. Identify physical sources of joy. Ensure that you surround yourself with things that you normally feel happy when you associate with. You can consider making some art stuff or simply bring forth the gifts you received from friends. Be sure to focus your attention on them so that you savor the joy that they can add to your life. Ensure you balance all the other chakras. It is by default that a problem in one chakra may negatively impact other chakras too. By ensuring the other six chakras are on form, you will reduce the chances of them impacting negatively on the troubled sacral chakra and in return, give you a chance to satisfactorily deal with sacral problems. Be mindful of your sources of emotion. It is very easy to have repeated emotions especially when you don’t recognize what causes them in the first place. Every time you find yourself emotionally imbalanced, note the source down and add a possible solution to it. Next time it repeats itself, you will readily having a quick way out. Take a cool siesta. Locate somewhere, possibly next to a water body where you can sit and watch the intensity of water at the waterfall. You may consider dipping your feel in water and have a feel of it. Other times, you may chose to sit out during a moon-lit night. Face up to the sky and spend some time counting the stars and appreciating their beauty. Its nature whenunderactive Underactive sacral chakra is as bad as overactive one. An individual with underactive sacral chakra tends to suffer from low self-esteem. The person generally fears happiness and
  • 15. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 15 doesn’t seem to crave for any form of pleasure. In other scenarios, those who suffer from it lack creativity. They never get enough exposure and hence, limit their mind to useable confines. Men who happen to be victims of this vice generally have low libido, thereby interfering with their sexual activity. Women victims are not spared either. They may encounter problems such as irregular menstrual cycle and urinary track infections. Overly, an underactive sacral chakra is a good cause for depression and pessimism. Another character that is closely associated with this vice is the feeling of anger, rage, jealousy and envy. In simple terms, people who are reserved and do not enjoy any form of pleasure normally fail to find a reason why others must enjoy the same. They always envy them. When such people are approached with a simple argument, they tend to overreact and get angry at simple things. EnergizingtheSacral chakra Letting the sacral chakra to be underactive for a span of time may not augur well with the general body functions. It is advisable that necessary actions be taken to heal the chakra. Some people generally lack the desire for pleasure either due to the environment in which they were brought up or the larger influence of contradictory culture that view pleasure as immoral. It is of great importance to first understand that despite being brought up in such environments, you will never have to live with these cultures or stay in that environment for good. The best way out, in this case, is to align yourself with those who understand the value of pleasure, yet do not get carried away by it. Secondly, lack of sexual desire, as another problem under this vice, is in most cases, caused by the fear of being misused and dumped. It could be based on experience a friend has faced or the fact that the sufferer had at one time been victimized. In the healing process, this
  • 16. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 16 fear has to stop somewhere. Take your time to first accept your inability to the history. Subsequently, learn from your experience and make a wise choice of a partner as this will eradicate the chances of reoccurrence of the same in the future. Eat healthy foods and fruits such as watermelon, coconuts, and oranges. In addition to this, consider drinking a lot of water. This will accord you some good health and a healthy body gives a healthy mind. As your mind gets healthier so does your sacral chakra get healed. Finally, fix sometime within your schedule to do something creative. This could be doing an art that makes you feel challenged. As you do this, your mind opens up to learning. It then appreciates the fact that you are creative. This will help you believe in yourself and kill the spirit of timidity.
  • 17. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 17 The Solar Plexus Chakra- Manipura Maipura, as the solar plexus is alternatively known, literally translates to ‘lustrous gem’. It is the energy zone in the body that relates to a person’s self confidence, personal power and identity. Occasionally, we find ourselves in scenarios where our conscious tells us that we are on the wrong. Other times, we set our feet on things that we feel that would ultimately turn the right side up, though the end results may indicate sharp contrast to our expectations. Our abilities to remain confidence or maintain our identities amidst such situations, is normally enhanced by manipura. This chakra is what is commonly known to most people as the warrior chakra. Colorandlocation The solar plexus chakra is normally represented by yellow color. It occupies the entire space between the bottom part of the belly and extends to the breast bone where the two rib sets meet at the center of the chest. Its Nature when Balanced When your solar plexus is balanced, you become decisive, wise and generally develop a feeling of intrinsic power. A quick example of a scenario where the stability of this chakra is evident is in politicians. First and foremost, they have a driving force in them known as confidence. The confidence to stand before crowds and address them. this comes handy with courage. It takes a lot of courage to give a lengthy speech without developing wobbling legs. Once these two are already in place, the next trait is the wisdom that they posses, knowing when to say what and to which people. To crown it all they make a decision to forge ahead and vie for the risky seat where only the first candidate is counted as the winner and the rest are counted as losers despite the runners-up giving a neck to neck competition.
  • 18. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 18 Its Nature when Overactive Whereas it is perfectly fine to crave for bigger things that make us feel successful, doing it to the extreme can always slap us with some life adversities. Still based on an example of a politician who is ambitious about winning an election, being over ambitious may cause suffering to the electorates. Let us say the politician sails his way through and gets elected as a member of local government. If his primary goal way power, then he may end up causing racial or tribal clashes, especially when he now wants a bigger post than the one he has recently achieved. On the other side of the coin, if the wildest dream is having money and that he believes will warranty him the confidence he craves for, the leader might end up stealing from the public coffer just to feed his selfish interest. Put in a less complex manner, the solar plexus is overactive whenever we feel that the power we have within us should be felt by others and that we should have unconditional control over them. Normally, when this seems not to work, we develop anger so fast and overreact even in the simplest situations. We develop a sense of greed and at no cost do we show empathy or compassion to others. Overactive solar plexus chakra more often than not, causes imbalances in our digestive system such as pancreas, kidney, liver, and appendix. Alongside the health related problems, this vice can also cause us our relationship with the people around us. When people around us for example, come to learn of our intention to rule over them, they employ counter reaction. This, in the long run, instigates the uncalled for animosity and hatred that may not augur well with those living in a neighborhood.
  • 19. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 19 Lack of self discipline may also be triggered by this vice. When one endures courage in excess, he may become indiscipline and do unimaginable things before elderly people whom he is otherwise expected to accord maximum discipline. Issues related ego and self-esteem are very common with victims of overactive manipura. Having achieved some measurable success, an individual may develop a lot of ego, thereby looking down upon others. BalancingtheSolarPlexusChakra The first step towards balancing an overactive solar plexus is opening up your heart with love. Discern to send signals of love and compassion t the people around you as well as others who feel your presence in their lives from a distance. Openly endure the energy from the sun. Take some moment to get into encounter with less violet rays of the sun as this will help stabilize your chakra. Meditate at a fire place. Light yourself some fire or candle and sit around it as you do a silent reflection of your identity as a person even in the absence of power. Take a yoga pose. Sit on the floor and simultaneously stretch and pull your legs together as your palms touch the floor in line with your backside. While inhaling, lift your back and backside upwards so that the upper part of your body goes straight. Inhale and then relax your back. Do this repeatedly to reinstate the balance of your chakra. Introduce color yellow into your life. Do yellow cloths, shop for yellow stuff. Get some yellow flowers on the table. Hang some yellow curtains on the wall. This will redirect your mind to the yellow sport in your body, occupied by solar plexus, rekindling the necessary internal fire for it to balance.
  • 20. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 20 Avoid consumption of stimulants. The stimulants such as drugs, alcohol, and caffeine normally have the tendency to interfere with normal operations of the solar chakra. Its Nature when Underactive Sometimes, we do believe that the task set before us is beyond our ability and we believe that some other people with higher form of abilities are better placed to do them and render the necessary outcome. No wonder we take the back seat and give room to others as we develop self- pity. This is an influence of underactive solar plexus working at its best. Another symptom of this is the constant feeling of embarrassment. You are always suspicious that people think negatively about you. As a result, you are always ashamed of yourself and your level of fear of the unknown is always high. Thirdly, you always want to remain in the protected area. To you, future is always full of challenges and dangers. You tend not to embrace change as a threat to your peace. Subsequently the general health of your body might experience some chronic problems such as ulcers, gallstones, liver problems, pancreas disorders, and digestive problems. Lastly, when you fall a victim of underactive manipura, you always happen to be goal oriented such that your success is only measured by the perfect achievement of your set goals. Whenever any of your set goals miscarries, you see yourself as a failure and become always stressed up. EnergizingtheSolarPlexusChakra Irrespective of our family backgrounds, life can always slap us with such challenges as underactive manipura. When this happens, there are a number of ways through which we can
  • 21. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 21 work towards energizing our manipuras. The following are some of the practical approaches to take: Develop the culture of listening to emotionally charged music. Charged music keeps the body vibrant. This kills the spirit of timidity and self reservation. As you become vibrant, so do you gather some courage to make you turn the tables. Learn to express yourself through body language. This can perfectly work when you consider joining theatrics. Become a character and learn to act in front of the audience. Join the choir groups and ask to be assigned some solo verses as well as being engaged in group activity. Also, ask for some topics in which you can develop a story and finally present it before people. This will reduce the shyness and in return, earn you some courage and confidence. Thirdly, be sure to stay warm. Needless to say, warmth gives energy to our bodies in totality thereby ensuring effective functioning of the body systems including the chakras. Do a chakra breath. A chakra breath is also known as a breath of fire. This is a rapid breath normally done through the nose and down to the solar plexus. Do it so fast that you make at least two circles a second. Develop a muscle pumping move from the solar plexus and allow the breath to naturally come out by itself. Make this a regular practice. As long as you feel your energy is low, embrace the breath of fire and all will be well.
  • 22. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 22 The Heart Chakra- Anahata This is the fourth of the seven major chakras. The heart chakra is also known as anahata, a sankrit word for ‘unhurt’, ‘unbeaten’ or ‘unstuck’. This centrally placed chakra is the balancing point of the world of matter and the spiritual world, the three lower and the three upper chakras respectively. Most often, we hear people associating their love for others with attachment to heart. This hypothesis is hereby confirmed as true. Yes, the heart chakra is where your compassion, love and kindness is empowered. Do you remember the last time you expressed your love to someone? Alright that is the last time you publicly denounced the functionality of your heart chakra. Note it that even the love you have for yourself is empowered at this energy point. ColorandLocation The heart chakra is represented by a green color. The central part of anahata is situated right over your heart and it illuminates down up to your throat and down to your breastbone. Its Nature When Balanced When your heart chakra is balanced, it works at its best. You develop a strong feeling for yourself and for others too. You value others, appreciate them, and love them for who they are. In other words, you love unconditionally and appreciate the kind of love that others have for you. The other characteristic of balanced heart chakra is kindness. You remember showing kindness to people, animals and nature alike? That’s the point. There you were with balanced anahata. To crown it all, a balanced anahata makes you love yourself and others even when things don’t seem to work well. Its Nature when Overactive When your heart chakra becomes overactive, the truth of the matter is that you go beyond your intrinsic boundaries and begin making weird decisions. Now let us give a perspective of
  • 23. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 23 intimacy. When your love for someone becomes overwhelming, you are likely to make wild sacrifices in an attempt to please your partner. It is not unknown to us that some people get so obsessed with love that they end up committing suicide when their partners disappoint them in one way or another. Loving indiscriminately is another effect of overactive heart chakra. Any lover of sound mind is expected to have some boundaries of what caliber of people to love. But occasionally, one may find himself loving the young and the old alike. This is indeed a pure sign of anahata being overactive. Yet another instance is that of giving in to others without restrain. It appears so awkward to just fall in love without a good reason. To make it worse, someone decides to give in to proposal made by even up to for people on the same day. Saying yes to everyone and everything is yet another symptom. Maybe to deviate from love a little and focus on general acceptance, a victim overactive anahata will tend to accept virtually every proposal made on an issue without first consulting their wits. This becomes detrimental at times especially when one has to live with the results of what transpired after they gave a node. Overactive heart may also lead to cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and high blood pressure. Still on health, one may also develop problems with the lungs. BalancinganOveractive HeartChakra It is true that each and everyone’s action steps are guided the emotions. Whenever your heart becomes overactive, other things such as anger, despair, happiness, and greed may accompany it. So then, how do we restore the necessary balance when caught in these states?
  • 24. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 24 Ensure a proper alignment of the other chakras. This is the first way of regaining the lost balance of the heart. Normally, it is the heart chakra that suffers the most whenever the other chakras are affected. Balancing them relatively brings some balance to the heart too. Meditate on sending some compassion to yourself. Yes it is in order to appreciate yourself. Regain the self love that you lost to someone else through self compassion. Give yourself a massage treat. It serves you right to locate a facility that offers massage services. In so doing, you will find some love in the process. You will feel the niceness of having someone do it just for you. And above all, it will relax your heart and body in totality. Be able to freely move. Some of the overactive heart problems are caused by the constrictions we set by ourselves. Break these walls and freely move into the world of abundance. Eat healthily. Normally, there is a given set of foods that that are dimmed unfit for those suffering from high blood pressure and heart attack. If you happen to be a victim of such condition, simply avoid these meals and only consume that which is recommended by a medical practitioner. Its Nature when Underbalanced It is quite normal that even those with overactive heart chakras do find themselves underactive from time to time. There are a number of ways by which you can read between the lines to conclude that one’s anahata is underactive. The first is failure to forgive. Whenever in this distress, you find it that irrespective of how many times you are implored; you never see forgiveness as an option. You always hold on to the grudge.
  • 25. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 25 You always never seem to empathize with anyone. This feels weird but sad enough; it is the truth of the matter. People who suffer from this vice may witness others in some deadly situations that they could give a helping hand or at least, show some sympathy. Sadly, this never happens with people in this category. You become selfish. Simply put, when you don’t love others, you tend to be reserved with every possession under your custody. You become self-centered and want everything for yourself. You never see any worth in other people. This is what propels others to dub you as greedy. Underactive anahata can also cause you your health. Chances are, you are vulnerable to heart and lungs related diseases. Some of these diseases could be asthma, apnea, allergies, and immune disorders. EnergizingtheHeartChakra Most often, the consequences leading to underactive heart are bitter pills to swallow and once we build some defensive walls around ourselves, it becomes a bit difficult to bring down these imaginary walls in order to take back our heart chakra back to normalcy. Take for example, underactive heart that comes as a result of being betrayed by the one you love. The first thing is that it becomes a bit difficult to forgive them. The second thing, it also becomes extremely difficult to accept the fact that you can change the situation in order to let go of the past and let in new a person to love. Whenever you are approached for any intimacy, you fast reflect what happened to you in the past relationship rather than letting it be. The first step is to regain self love. Believe it that you are the soul person who can give yourself abundant love and that none can take away that ability from you. Show compassion to
  • 26. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 26 yourself and give yourself as much love as you would expect other people to give you. In this state now, you can extend an olive branch to others too. Show them love whenever they need it the most yet expect it from you the least. Go for a massage. This applies to both overactive and underactive heart chakras. It brings some form of tenderness to your body. Always be careful not to apply the essential oil to your skin directly before diluting it. Work with energy Goddess like Lakshmi. Whenever you emotionally attach yourself to the love Goddess, you find yourself easily relating to love, thereby finding the joy that comes with it. Get hold of crystal stones in your hand. This will soften up the heart, making you feel some ambience of love through your heart chakra.
  • 27. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 27 The Throat Chakra- Vishuddha This is the fifth human chakra and the first among the spiritual chakras. It is also known as vishudha which translates to ‘very pure’. This chakra accords you the necessary energy to speak out your truth. This chakra connects to the compassion and love that you have for yourself and others. ColorandLocation Normally, this chakra is represented by color blue. Its central part is situated directly between your collar bone and it illuminates up to the center of your eye and down to the center of your heart. Its nature whenBalanced When your throat is in a balanced state, you are able to confidently speak out the truth with a lot of love, compassion and kindness. You feel motivated to give out your very best to your audience. In fact, you acquire a lot of wisdom to make the correct discernment of words to use when addressing others. In return, you get a space in the souls and minds of your audience as they attentively listen to you. Its nature whenOveractive The number one cause of overactive throat chakra is the feeling of being ignored or not being heard well by the audience. Sometime, we spend a lot of strenuous time, trying to make ourselves loud enough to be heard by every listener. Of cause this presents itself with uncalled for outcome of pain in the throat. There are significant symptoms that clearly depict victims of overactive throat chakras. The first symptom is developing a sore throat. When we shout at the top of our voices, a lot of reactions take place along the throat. This, in return, results into pain in our throeats.
  • 28. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 28 The second one is interrupting others. It so happens that such overactive people tend to feel that they are the best suited to talk. They also feel that it is their points that count. In addition, they tend to be poor listeners as they interrupt others amidst their arguments. A mouth ulcer is yet another evidence of blocked or overactive throat chakra. Its self explanatory that when one talks a lot, much friction is involved and this may not augur well with the organs involved in the communication channel such as mouth and throat itself. Dental issues and neck pain. Communication not only involves the vocal points but also the parts of the body used in gesticulation. The neck belongs to the latter group. One who shouts tends to twist the neck a lot more that one that makes a speech in a soft voice. The repercussion of straining one’s neck, therefore, is the neck pain. Other related problems are hoarseness, thyroid problems, and temporomandibular disorders of the jaw. BalancinganOveractiveThroatchakra Cleansing an overactive throat calls for a proper understanding of oneself in the absence of ego and the act of putting oneself above others in expression of thought. Consult your inner self and learn to let go. The first step in achieving this is by letting go of the negative emotions that include hurt, resentment, and guilt. This is sure to help a great deal as it restores the energy of the throat chakra. Sometimes, it is in order that you embrace a little cry so as to expel whatever is blocking your throat. Secondly, embrace the culture of putting into practice, some mindful speeches, deeds, and actions that can help you effectively maintain a balanced throat chakra.
  • 29. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 29 Thirdly, some form of organized meditation could do wonders. This comes handy with involvement of the blue color of the throat. Cover you room with blue and sit at a silent corner for a meditation with your eyes fully focused on the blue surrounding. As you do this, your eyes find a connection with the blue color and so does your throat chakras. Its nature whenUnderactive The society has a perfect balance of those who experience overactive throats as well as victims of underactive ones. Try to imagine of some scenarios in which you tried to add your voice in giving a true witness yet you were still turned down. What of that time you tried giving out what you felt was the best advice or the best point to be considered yes someone refuted it without any consideration? I guess you are a bit familiar with such scenarios. Now, subsequent occurrences of such may make you feel that you are not appreciated. In such a case, you may respond by always holding everything to yourself and not making any contribution even in the most sensitive issues. Now, that explains the point of having an underactive throat chakra. Underactive throat is normally characterized by a number of symptoms. Another cause of underactive throat chakra in an uncontrolled anger and resentment. This is commonly found in individuals who believe in themselves of always being right. If by any chance it happens that someone disagrees with them, they become angry so fast and this rage causes problems in their throats. Thirdly, having a negative energy will not spare your throat. No wonder people who frequently consume foods with excess artificial sugars normally develop throat problems most often.
  • 30. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 30 Lastly, mental inflexibility is yet another cause of underactive vishuddha. Come to think of circumstances where you have always stood firmly on your grounds. In such circumstances, you never want to give a listening ear to anyone. This rigidity subsequently causes stiffness in your neck, thereby affecting your throat. There are quite a number ways through which you can tell if you or someone else is suffering from an underactive vishuddha: Loss of meaning and purpose of life. This simply implies that you no longer see your life as a fulfilling one. Probably you feel that your job isn’t the best that anyone deserves or the kind of house you live in isn’t the best for you. You never keep your word. It becomes a norm for you to always give empty promises. Sometimes you end up giving huge promises that from the onset, you know very well they are impractical. You tend to hold your truth. This a bit common with most victims of underactive vishuddha. You here someone telling a lie yet you remain silent despite harboring the truth within you. You never express your voice even when you are all alone. It is indeed in order to practice the power of self expression. This could simply be done through singing. However, when suffering from underactive vishuddha, this occasionally becomes impossible. Lastly is the experience of thyroid issues like hyperthyroidism. This indeed instigates some sort of suffering to your health.
  • 31. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 31 EnergizingtheThroatChakra Vishuddha is the purification point in your body where the energy in you transforms into manifestation. Impure vishuddha can prove to be quite detrimental as it warranties failure in life. Whenever you have a sensation of quilt, your vishuddha gets blocked hence deterring energy transformation. In a nutshell, there is dire need to keep your throat chakra as cleansed as possible. This can be done through a number of ways. Consider proper nutrition and exercise. Doing juices, sauces, and organic soups can help lubricate your mouth and consequently cleanse your throat. Physical activity also plays a major role in stimulating the awakening of your vishuddha. Strive to maintain your physical health. Esophagus, teeth, neck, cervical spine, the thyroid, vocal cords, and parathyroid are very essential to the effective functioning of the throat. Any sort of ailment harbored in them directly affects the operation of the throat and therefore, should be attended to in time. Do speeches. It is obvious that a blockage in throat chakra consequently causes problems with expressions. Doing a speech, therefore, is a natural way of correcting the blocked throat problem. Envision blue. This is very effective a tool to manage both overactive and underactive vishuddha. When you focus your attention on the blue surrounding, it returns favor. The best here is focusing on the blue sky. It will instantly connect with the blue sport in your throat, making you feel better once again.
  • 32. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 32 The Third Eye/ Brow Chakra- Ajna Third eye, in dharma spiritual traditions, refers to ajna or bow chakra. This is the gate leading to the inner realms of higher consciousness. The third eye translates to ‘beyond wisdom’ and people who are able to effectively use it are normally referred to as seers. This eye, in essence, opens up your eye to see beyond the material world and the five commonly known senses. Its gives you some extra sensory perceptions and intuitions. Psychics normally use this energy point to see through people’s lives and bring out the reality in one’s spiritual world. The small pinecone shaped gland that takes light in the brain is also responsible for ensuring that you are awake during the day and asleep at night. The concept of the third eye is traced back to the old days when the ancient people understood that this eye exists and carries out the aforementioned activities beyond the normal eye and the five sences. Color and Location The third eye chakra is represented by indigo color. The central point of the third eye is strategically placed between the eyebrows. It illuminates up to the top of your head and down to your mouth. Its Nature When Balanced Having a balanced third eye chakra is a treasure worth writing home about. It is a beautiful thing that you savor whenever you begin taking a journey along your path of spiritual development. When ajna is balanced you feel well tuned with both material and physical world. The frequency at which you receive psychic information increases as much as you would receive information from the five common senses. Interestingly, you never get overwhelmed with this reception of physic information.
  • 33. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 33 If your third eye is well balanced, you tend to be highly ethical. You also become charismatic and creative. Other than these, other traits attached to a balanced ajna are: Being intuitive and visionary; being clear in thoughts and emotions; being in tune to guidance; and not being attached to material things. Its nature when Overactive Overindulgence in the world of fantasies is probably the most common characteristic of an overactive third eye chakra. In essence, you fantasize much while losing the whole reality about the world. Over concern about the phantasmagorical visions that pass before your mind’s eye is yet another evidence of hyperactive ajna. Every bit of these visions significantly cases worry to your spirits and you always feel scared and fearful. When the mind’s eye is hyperactive, you experience a constant flow of thoughts. These thoughts can prove to be quite exhausting and confusing too. You are then vulnerable to being indecisive even in simple things you would have otherwise made decisions on without much trouble. Inability to extinguish what is real, lack of focus, and clouded judgment are some of the things that instigate the indecisiveness. Manifestations of an overactive third eye chakra can be either physical or non-physical. Some of the physical ones are: Insomnia, nausea, headaches, vision related problems, seizures, and sinus issues. Among the non-physical manifestations are: Hallucinations, anxiety, being judgmental, mental fog, paranoia and delusions, and feeling overwhelmed.
  • 34. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 34 In conclusion, it is not very common that your third eye chakra will become hyperactive. However, whenever it does, you get so engraved in psychic reading activities like astrology, paranormal experiences, and tarot card readings that you rarely find time to focus in your life. BalancingtheThirdEyeChakra If you ever find yourself much engrossed in psychic reading as sometimes you may, take the first bold step of reminding yourself of your physical being. Remind yourself that you are a creature on earth and as such, need to connect to your physicality. Since hyperactivity of this chakra is closely related to over thinking, it is in order that you engage yourself in activities that would deviate your mind from this active thinking. This could involve going for a hangout with friends or engaging in other active stuff that consumes your mind fully. Being judgmental, as earlier seen, is a trait sentimentally attached to hyperactivity of ajna. It is one thing you would have to deal with in the quest for regaining you third eye balance. This, you can achieve by first appreciating people for who they are and accepting that they are human irrespective of what your intuition tells you about them. Its Nature when Underactive It is most common that a good number of people fail to appreciate or realize their ability to use their third eye. It is because we live I a world where others don’t seem to validate the intuitive development. This, therefore, implies that most people do find themselves in this state of having underactive third eye chakra. There are quite a number of signs and symptoms closely related to underactive third eye chakra. When you are ajna is underactive: You encounter lack of intuition. You definitely become lost and can no longer see any purpose in life. This leads into lack of inner guidance and as such, you develop distrust to your
  • 35. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 35 intuition. It imposes a negative impact on your focus in life and where it is destined to be. You find yourself unable to let go of the unbearable past experiences and your focus for the future becomes dismal and full of fear. You may feel so engrossed to your daily grind without being able to look far beyond your problems. A blocked ajna may seriously affect your zest and motivation. This in return, reduces the vibrancy of the other six chakras. In totality, your life begins to suffer and lack meaning at all costs. Lack of ajna may therefore mean that to some extent, you lack the wisdom to see things beyond their physical appearance. Life of fear is characterized by blocked third eye chakra. Sometimes, we happen to fear what people really think about us. We fear criticism that comes from others. We also fear acknowledging the truth. All these fears accrue in us and in the long run, clog the third eye chakra. Yes, occasionally we have imaginations but in essence, the imaginations are more filled with regret about the past than endured wonderful moments. We become much worried about what could possibly happen in the future which is not right. Lack of vision and focus is yet another symptom. When underactive ajna goes to its extremes, it hinders us from being visionary and focused. It actually blocks our ability to learn. The ability of one to focus and stay visionary is what determines the extent to which he can make achievement. In a nut shell, failure to focus warranties failure and that is the work of underactive third eye chakra. Blocked ajna causes depression. You become inactive and disengaged in life. Depression not only makes you feel sad and hopeless but also deprives the brain of its energy and ability to function properly. Once depressed, your life gets entangled in this state such that you experience
  • 36. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 36 a sense of depression daily. You then reach at a point where you reserve a lot of doubt about life. By involving yourself in deep thoughts of why other people do not seem to experience the same problems as you do, your decision making ability becomes impaired hence stifling your creative thinking. Negative thinking, normally accompanied by anger, resentment, jealousy and bitterness normally stunt your healing process. Frontal sinus and migraines problems become rampant. These are head related problems that are basically caused by underactive third eye chakra. You get to experience frontal sinus condition symptoms, frequent headaches, and neurological disorders. The sixth sign of underactive ajna is eye disorder. Both spiritual and physical bodies relay messages via physical manifestation and metaphor. It makes a lot of sense to relate the third eye and the physical eye. Negative influence in the third eye ultimately renders a negative impact on the physical eye. A blocked third eye therefore, causes egotism, blurry vision, poor eyesight, and closed-mindedness. Insomnia, nightmares and inability to recall visions comes as the seventh symptom. Melatonin, the substance responsible for good sleep, is normally produced in the penal glands, usually located within the third eye. A blocked third eye would therefore mean that this production is affected and as a result, you fail to get enough sleep. In the presence of insomnia gives way to nightmares, which is a sign of strong negative vibration. Inability to see past illusion is another common problem associated with blocked ajna. These illusions tend to block you from seeing the actual truth beyond the earthly things. The truth of the matter is that you get bombarded with illusions daily either from watching a
  • 37. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 37 television, listening to a radio, or surfing the internet. With this blocked sort of eye, you surely can’t see past these illusions. Lastly, lack of psychic ability is common among people with underactive third eye chakra. When you lack the ability to do psychic reading, your eyes remain close to intuitive sensibility and inner perception. You are hence, unable to witness or feel a perception of energy movement and subtle dimensions. This implies that you cannot perceive more qualities of reality. EnergizingtheThirdEyeChakra Based on the fact that a number of people unknowingly fall victims of underactive third eye chakra, it is in order that we understand some of the best ways to energize our ajnas. Below are some of the best practices to undertake in opening or energizing our third eye chakas: Embrace the culture of conversing with the divine. Keeping it in mind that the divine powers normally speak to us through signs, messages and symbols, is on point to pose a question of concern then relax as you wait for the divine answers. In so doing, you come to connect your third eye with the divine powers. Keep a record of your dreams. You can effectively achieve this through the usage of a journal. Make it a tradition that every time you wake up, you take the first few minutes reflecting over your sleep and jotting down any kind of dream that you might have had. Gaze the stars. Yes, everyone has a s star. Spend some time of the night gazing your star and making a wise interpretation of what it means. Give a gaze at other stars too and compare what people say about them and what ultimately happens.
  • 38. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 38 Use essential oils like marjoram and frankincense. The powers of these oils are traced back to the lives of biblical prophets and wise men, and how they were used for healing. They will go a long way in cleansing your third eye thereby enabling you to see better through it. Eat more of naturally dark-blue and purple foods. Eat cabbages, kales, eggplant, plums, and purple peppers as they will have greater influence in your third eye. It does you great when you add brain foods such as omega 3 into your diet. Ensure a proper balance of your entire chakra system. Much attention should be given to the root chakra. An overall balance of other chakras gives you easy time to deal with third eye chakra when it becomes messy. Visualize indigo color during your moments of meditation. An indigo color has a connection with the spot of your third eye which is also represented by an indigo color. Get any beautiful material with this color and hold it in your hand for quite some time as you let connect to your third eye. Find some art stuff that you enjoy and engage in it. Engaging in this creation regularly stimulates your third eye and possibly makes it envision better. Do yoga poses such as children pose, forward bends, savasana and shoulder stand. This will definitely stimulate your third eye and make it see much better. Embrace a detoxification program. By eliminating chemicals like alcohol, fluoride and pesticides from your penal glands, you greatly reduce the cogging and ultimately encourage the production of the fluids necessary for somber sleep.
  • 39. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 39 Use a guided meditation. This meditation should be tailored specifically for opening your third eye and enabling you to perform psychic reading. Identify a particular an exercise you can engage in daily. Note that this exercise should be non-competitive. Practice trust for your intuition. This is achievable by setting some goals that you intend to achieve each day. These goals should be set in the morning and then revisited in the evening using a check list. This will guide you in measuring your achievements and aligning correctly with your third eye. Spend some time in solitude. Just switch off everything that may interrupt you the sit or lie down somewhere at a corner. Take some time, probably ten to twenty minutes and journey your mind out of the material world. Use the time to connect with your inner spirits. This should be done frequently. Let competitions be out of your life. Scan through your life and look into competitive activities you have found yourself entangled in. let go of the competitive energy and let into your life, the spirit of collaboration and connections that are authentic. Develop some mantra. These are words that you keep telling yourself each day. They should be able to keep you motivated and focused.
  • 40. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 40 The Crown Chakra- Sahasrara This is the seventh chakra of human and it is externally located. The word sahasrara translates to ‘thousand petaled’. Whereas the root chakra connects us to the earth, the crown chakra connects us to the universe. It is the pure conscious energy. It disperses the universal energy to the other six chakras. The energy in crown chakra can be related to a magnetic force whose effect can be seen though it remains intangible. ColorandLocation The crown chakra is represented by violet- white color. Its central point is strategically placed at the top of the head. It illuminates through your eyes and then extends outward and upwards. Its Nature when Balanced Achieving a balanced crown goal is the ultimate goal of every spiritual being. Normally, this goal is not that easy to achieve because once you achieve it, it implies that you are no longer a human person. You emerge as a conqueror of both suffering and death. Whenever you focus in achieving this, your life is filled with joy, enthusiasm, good health, and wisdom. Your attempt to achieve the balance of crown chakra will definitely align the other six chakras. How then would it look like when you finally achieve the goal of balancing your crown chakra? Your spirituality would be to the utmost. Your soul would be well aligned with the divinity. You develop integrated life. This is where you fully detach yourself from the earthly living and achievement and develop a more rewarding life.
  • 41. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 41 Higher consciousness life. Your level of consciousness becomes more enhanced and elaborate. Connectivity to the source. In this balanced state, you find an opportunity to directly connect with the source of everything. Its Nature when Overactive It is not very possible for anyone to experience overactive crown chakra while still alive on earth. It is in abundance and it crowns all the other chakras. It is, in essence, the seat of the universal energy and as such, it is infinite. BalancingtheCrownChakra No one for sure, has experience an overactive crown chakra. As such, it becomes impractical to try explaining how to balance it. Its Nature when underactive Whereas achieving a balanced may not be so easy as it would mean that we lose our human nature, there are some underlying traits that come as a result of excessively underactive crown chakra that we objectively have to deal with. They are as follows: Excessive materialism. People who are strongly detached from the spiritual belief and divinity tend to be more attached to material goods. These could be things like fancy houses and state-of-the-art cars. Whereas it is not out of order to acquire such materials, the extreme love for them brings a feeling that people would think you are worshiping them. this is more evident especially when one would rather scarify a fellow being for the sake of material gain. Lack of inspiration. We become more inspired when we create a link with spirits. In the absence of this attachment, we find it difficult to believe in the unseen, thus making our levels of motivations and inspiration to go far much below.
  • 42. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 42 Feeling of loneliness. This is a very common thing. How often do you feel alone in the crowd? Sounds satirical? I hope not. Occasionally, you may not be in solitude in the first place, yet you still feel lonely. Why does this happen? The answer is very obvious. It is the lack of a balanced crown chakra. Difficulty in meditation. It is in silent meditation that we get in touch with our inner personality. In silence do we speak the loudest to our spirits. As we connect to these spirits, so do we experience the value for the meditation. But how can you concentrate in a silent meditation when your sahasrara is underactive? EnergizingtheCrownChakra The process of energizing your crown chakra begins with self awareness. Think of what matters to you. Is it the material? Is it your spirituality? By understanding the value of your spirituality over materialism, you set yourself in the right path of fulfillment. One way of making this achievement is focusing your attention to the violet- white color. As you hold an object which is violet- white in color, make sure nothing distracts you and try realigning this color to the inner violet- white color. Use a mantra. Decode the meaning and significance of this mantra and develop a mantra about it. These should be words that strictly connect your spirits with the crown chakra alone. This will ensure your total concentration is enhanced and you begin viewing things from a different angle. Balance the other chakras. Instead of concentrating in how best to achieve the energy for the crown chakra, work on ways of correctly balancing the other six chakras. By so doing and achieving this mission, your crown chakra will take care of itself and get to the desired balance.
  • 43. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 43 Feeding Your Chakras Just as our bodies require healthy foods and a balanced diet in order to function effectively, so do our chakras. We may most often believe that once we eat to our full, the chakras will take care of themselves and extract whatever they need for their operation from our bodies. This is far from the truth. Each and every one of the seven chakras require a specific variety of foods in order to function properly. Failure to supply this set of foods, the chakras become misaligned and this may not augur well with the entire system of the body. The table below shows each of the seven chakras visa vie the recommended meals. S/N Chakra Recommended Foods 1 The Base Chakra Root vegetables: Parsnips, carrots, potatoes, radishes, onions, garlic and beets. Protein-rich foods: Eggs, beans ,meats, peanut butter, tofu and soy products. Spices: Hot paprika horseradish, cayenne, chives, and pepper. 2 The Sacral Chakra Sweet fruits: Passion fruit, melons, coconut, mangos, strawberries, and oranges. Honey & Nuts: Walnuts and almonds. Spices: Carob, cinnamon, vanilla, caraway seeds, sweet paprika, and sesame seeds. 3 The Solar Plexus Chakra Granola and Grains: Rice, pastas, breads, cereal,
  • 44. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 44 sunflower seeds, and flax seed. Dairy: Milk, yogurt, and cheeses. Spices: Cumin, ginger, mints (peppermint & spearmint), Melissa, turmeric, chamomile, and fennel 4 The heart Chakra Leafy vegetables: Dandelion greens, spinach, and kale. Air vegetables: Cabbage, broccoli, celery, cauliflower, and squash. Liquids: green teas Spices: Cilantro, basil, thyme sage, and parsley 5 The Throat Chakra Liquids in general: Water, herbal teas, fruit juices, Tart or tangy fruits: lemons, limes, grapefruit, kiwi Other tree growing fruits: Plums apples, apricots, pears, and peaches. Spices: Salt, lemon grass 6 The Third Eye chakra Dark bluish-colored fruits: Red grapes, blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries. Liquids: Red wines and grape juice Spices: Poppy seed, lavender, mugwort
  • 45. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 45 7 The Crown Chakra Air: Fasting / detoxifying Smudging and Incense Herbs: Frankincense sage, copal, myrrh, and juniper
  • 46. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 46 Conclusion Our bodies require a number of things for effective functioning. Apart from the food we eat, our bodies also rely on other factors such as emotional balance and spiritual alignment. None is by any chance, complete physically without having the right spiritual alignment. The seven chakras of the body, therefore, not only make us understand the inanimate components of our bodies but also how they directly influence the outcome of our actions. From the base chakra, we learn the connection our bodies have with the earth. It further provides us with a means of survival. The second chakra, the sacral chakra, meaning the place of self, is the energy point in charge giving us the identity of ourselves. Through it, we learn the joy of accepting ourselves for who we are and further learn to enjoy the fruits of our sweat. The third chakra, the solar plexus chakra, also known as manipura, relates to how we acquire self confidence and courage to stand our grounds. The heart chakra is the fourth. It is also known as anahata, meaning unhurt. It is the part that takes care of our love and desire. The love we give out to others is controlled at this point. At the fifth point the throat chakra. This energy point, also referred to as vishuddha, is in charge of our vocal point. It energizes our ability to talk and express ourselves. At the sixth position is the third eye chakra, also known as ajna. Ajna helps us see beyond the physically present things on earth. It is the energy point normally used by psychic readers to interpret the life problems and adversities. The last of the seven chakras is the crown chakra. It is an externally placed energy point that connects us to the spiritual world. By understanding our body chakras, we get to appreciate them and know the roles they play in our lives. Our chakras, just like our body organs, require a healthy diet in order to function properly. It is therefore in order that we supply them with the correct set of foods.
  • 47. The Human Chakras: Understanding YourBody Synergy 47