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Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency
1. Existing Website Review
2. Who is devknob?
3. Objective
4. Process
5. Design
6. Development & Optimization
7. Social Media
8. Our Portfolio
9. Payment & Options
Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency
 Page speed is out of control t here are way too many files loading, the server isn't properly
configured, your world-wide traffic suffers even slower load times since no CDN is
 You have JavaScript errors that slow your site and likely break the checkout process in many
 Your website is out of sync with your SSL certificate and references insecure content ,
reducing the effectiveness of the SSL certificate from a trust standpoint
 The website has lots of invalid HTML that slows render time, may cause browser compatibi lity
problems and can cause problems as browsers update
 Your website is not mobile optimized, something Google has come out and specifically
indicated will lower your search rankings.
 Your developer act ually did use some HTML5 but it is n't correct either. Most of t he time
developers change the doctype (1 line at the top of an HTML document) and se ll the site as
HTML5. We code in actual HTML5 by the book and it 's important for future-proofing because
HTML5 was created for syndication, which will event ually play a roll in search engine ra nki ngs
 The site has several usability issues throughout, specifically on the checkout page, which is a
commonly neglected page for no g ood reason.
 Your website links t o 301 status codes, which is bad for SEO and response times
Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency
DEVON AUERSWALD - PROGRAMMING & ADVERTISING, De von has bee n pro grammin g and
de ve loping we bsite s a t the a ge o f 13. His fir st clie n ts wer e rad io ho sts a t th e lar ge st AM rad io
sta tion in th e U S, KFI AM 640 . D evo n be gan op timiz in g web sites in 2005 when a string of early
succ esse s genera tin g lead s fro m orga niza tion s includ ing NASA, Hallibur ton, & the Leba ne se Ar my
crea ted a pa th to pur su e SEO, con version op timiza tion, Ad word s op timiza tion & e ma il mar ke ting
wh ile main ta in in g skills scrip tin g in PHP & M ySQ L.
De von h as wor ked o n projec ts for Har vard Un iversity, Moo dy' s, Ne w Yor k C ity Hou sing Au thor ity,
Pur eBar, Pro max Nu tr itio n, Swimspo t, Next Day Flyer s, Ba iley Ban ks & B id dle, Spinn in g, sen t
over 13 billion mar ke ting e mails & thro ugh te stin g, d evelope d the SEO stra te gie s for th e #1
ranked SEO fir m in Lo s Angeles. While a t Coalitio n, D evo n ach ie ve d #1 ran kings for " seo los
ange le s", "lo s angeles seo ", "lo s an ge le s web de sign" , "web de sign lo s an ge le s" an d several o ther
highly co mp e titive ter ms tha t disp lay a fir m u nd erstan ding o f se arch a lgor ith ms. De vo n
refocu se d and staf fed DE VKNO B af ter ser vin g as d ire ctor o f SEO for Pinn acle Car t.
ALVIN YOZZO - MANAGER & UX DESIGNER, Alvin has be en d esigning we bsite s for 8 year s and
is pro fic ie n t in respon sive HTM L5, JavaSc rip t, W3 C Standar ds, Pho tosh op & Illu str ator . Alvin has
beco me a n e xper t in we b stan dard s bec ause of his clo se wor k with op timiza tion teams on o ver
100 mana ge d projec ts. He en sur es o ur ou tpu t uses corr ec t HTM L5, is W3 C va lid, mob ile
compa tib le, acc essible & error -fr ee. Alvin is in char ge o f ma nagin g th e de sign & d e ve lop men t
tea m, lea ding educa tion in itia tives a nd gu ide line s to en sur e the high est qu ality o ut pu t.
DON ROBINSON - DIRECTOR OF SEO Don has be en stud ying SEO methodo logy an d tec hnique
for over 10 years. Don is p roficien t in all asp ec ts of search mechan ic s, HTML 5, C SS3, prop er
we bpage str uc ture , and o ff -page lin k b uild in g tech niq ue s. Do n ha s a bac kgro und in cor pora te
mana ge men t & proc ess en gine ering wh ile with Liber ty Med ica l Corpo ration . As a Co mp lia nce
Officer, r espo nsib le f or en sur in g all compan y proc esse s were docu me n ted a ccord ing to Me dicar e
Stan dards. Don un tilize s h is a tte n tio n to de ta il & scien tific approac h to de ve lop a c uttin g e dge
wh ite -ha t, eff ec tive & suc ce ssf ul searc h e ngin e op timiza tio n campaign.
Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency
Our primary design objective is to provide a flexible and manageable ecommerce website designed
to convey authority, trust and confidence in visitors produce sales. The design must be mobile -
friendly, modern, clea n and clear t o ensure it is easy for users to accomplish t heir goals .
Our development objective is to produce a high quality website that loa ds fast and speaks to search
engines and ot her websites properly.We use valid & standards complia nt HTML5, fast-loa ding
optimized pages, images and server settings, microformats a nd a logical document struct ure for best
Our client objective is to provide an easy-to-use platform that makes accounting, updating& adding
products, integrating with 3rd party services, and facilitating technical needs required for affiliate
marketing, email marketing, pay-per-click a dvertising and accurately tracking all traffic within a
customized analytics installation. Offsite, we aim t o educate and provide a transparent a nd seamless
experience that is remarkable.
Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency
We meet wit h you to define objectives, desig n preferences, desired features &
functionality and create a scope of work.We will send you a client
questionnaire t o cover all bases and ensure we're not missing any important
details. Revisions may be made after a scope is approved within reason.
We provide desig ns and submit them for approval until we have satisfied your
needs and expectations. We try to deliver designs as quickly as possible to keep
the process moving along . At this time we will work with you to settle on
layouts, color schemes, icons , design elements and placements.
After the design has been approved we move to development. We provide the
completed responsivewebsite within 45 days of design approval. The team
working on your project will only work on your project wit hin t his period of
time to ens ure quality and focus.
During this phase any last minute revisions may be submitted a nd implemented.
All browser compatibility, page speed, rich snippets & accessibility will be done
at this time. The website optimization lead, desig n & development lead and
project manager will perform t heir sign -off processes at this time.
We compile a production version t hat is hyper-optimized for page speed and
backup a development version. The production version is fully compressed and
not ideal for further coding . Final review will take place & the client will give
final approval before we launch the website. After launch we will install 301
redirects to maintain existing search rankings .
Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency
user-interactions with your website from their results pages. If t oo many people click on your link,
then hit the back button and click or search again, it is a n indicator that the user was not satisfied
with your website for t he keywords they searched for. In PPC t his serves to decrease your quality
 We design with page speed, search a nd conversion optimization in mind
 We design with user-experience as a main priority
 We focus on creating a clear, clean website that showcases the important stuff
 We implement social media "upsell" on tha nk-you pages
 We display trust-icons t o improve user confidence
 We will use a consistent theme t hroughout t he site to prevent confusion with users
 We will prominently dis play items that are important t o your revenue & the users goals
 We will design & redesign the designs referred to in step 1 of our process until you are
satisfied with t he design we continue wit h.
Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency
Minimal desig n has become a staple of modern web development. Less design is less distraction, less
images and less barriers to overcome when updating design elements on a website. We propose
clear bold headlines that contain a strong call t o action, concise text that satisfy user objections and
lead traffic into the sales funnel and consistent principles that users have grown used to due t o
their common use throug hout the web.
One thing we do more so t hat users do less is minimize t he number of steps they must take to
accomplish their goals. It may be to locate your products in their nearby store, get specific answers,
contact you, or make a purchase. Users that engage with your website in one way or anot her are
more likely to write reviews, repeat a purchase and refer y ou to friends and fa mily.
The overarching goal of our design is user experience. Throug h testing, user experience can be
finely tuned, but there are many best practices that we follow based on our experience, existing
data and our colleagues around t he world
The most prominent hea ding on Google's "about us" page instructs us to focus on the user, and all
else will follow.
 Users love and expect fast websites. A study conducted in 2009 by Google showed that 100
milliseconds of load time is enough t o negatively impact pages -per-visit, frequency of vis it
and time -on-site. Unexpectedly, Google also noted that these negative metrics las ted for
weeks after the study ha d finished & the delay was removed. Walmart had similar results
showing that for every 100 millisecond improvement, t hey gained up 2% conversion ra te.
Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency
o Minimize t he number of files required to display a page
o Organize website assets for optimal rendering (displaying things)
o Using correct formats and compressing images as much as possible without making
them blurry
o Using external resources & a CDN for fast load times world-wide
o Using text instead of images whenever possible & compressing t hat text and using
elegant programming
o Update server settings to ens ure files download concurrently a nd are compressed
o Use page caching t o avoid server-side processing. Once dy namic pages are generated,
they'll be stored in a static cache which is delivered to users instead of pages that
process and output the same content over & over again. This provides the fastest
possible response times.
 Don't make users think too much. It's vital to satisfy user objections on the website to ensure
they can do everything t hey need quickly & easily wit hout doubt & uncertainty. Users are
making split-second decisions while browsing. Our strategy is simple. We provide a simple and
fluid process wit hout asking/causing the user t o do anything they we don't need t hem t o do.
o Use a clear call-to-action on every page instructing t he user what to do next
o Pre-fill forms based on postal-code , geo-location and previously gathered information
whenever possible.
o Eliminate dea d ends (like clicking on checkout on t he current site)
o Address common objections within the sales copy without making the user scroll a nd
click all over t he place t o find a nswers
o Provide a clear shipping & handling information section with a clear link from the
product page
o Display trust icons and social clout t o instill trust, especially when you expect users t o
fill in t heir credit card number
Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency
o Display credit ca rd icons if applicable t o indicat e payment options
o Provide Paypal or Amazon checkout as a payment option
o Offer free shipping and bake the shipping int o the price. Dis play this based on geo-
o Keep the sales funnel short and eliminate distractions
o Monitor data and identify pain-points ong oing
 Conversion Optimization is a top priority and small changes can lead to a huge impact . While
we understand loving the way your website looks and having elements where you wa nt them is
usually considered important, t he little things matter and ba sed on experience, we know that
nobody can actually predicted what small changes will increase sales by 79.34%, 36.54% or
While we ca n't predict these items, we've seen enoug h to adhere t o best practices that ensure
the best cha nces of winning a conversion. Beyond that we recommend testing your website
using the scientific method known as A/B testing. A/B testing is the process of testing a
variant design versus the original, or "control", until 95% statistical confidence or null
hypothesis has been reached (until proba bility theory indicates conclusive results).
Similar use of probability theory have been used in banking, insurance underwriting, casino
game-making and have been employed by Google, Amazon, eBay and t he ot her giants for over
a decade. The data does n't lie.
Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency
With a strong emphases on optimization, we intelligently pay close attention t o the details with in
the code because it affects revenue, search rankings, conversion rates and cost.
 We'd gladly challenge any agency in the world t o beat our optimized development practices.
 We focus on user experience a nd making a short, simple, clear sales funnel
 We prioritize assets that aid revenue now and revenue later like newsletter signups and s ocial
 We go above and beyond for page speed because we are optimization experts and understand
the value of milliseconds
 We ensure accessibility for browsers, devices and people. This includes phones, tablets, old
browsers, & the vis ually impaired
 We adhere to W3C standards, the HTML5 W3 specifications , Google's standards and Section
508 (Accessibility) standards.
 We write code that is used by the page and only loa d what is neede d t o further increase page
 We configure the server settings to improve page speed
 We test to ensure proper page loa d and render times
 We don't allow JavaScript errors
 Our websites gracefully degrade on platforms not capable of using t he technology we deliver
to modern browsers/platforms.
 We maintain a development version & a hyper-optimized production version g oing t he extra
mile for page speed and user experience.
 We think outside of the box to enhance visibility and engagement wit h social features
Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency
Onsite Search Engine Optimization comes standard. We know SEO so well we don't have to go back
and optimize a site after coding it . For the most part , we write optimized markup and minimize loa d
times by defa ult.
 HTML5 using correct HTML5 as defined by W3C (the s ource of HTML standards)
o Most web developers are coding with incorrect HTML5 making it pointless to even use
the technology.
o We use HTML5 because it was built for syndication and syndication is good for SEO, not
to mention all of t he wonderful features it includes.
 W3C Validation tested in t he W3C Validate
o Valid HTML is better for past, present & future browser compatibility
o Valid HTML allows browsers to render websites quicker
o Valid HTML won't trip up a search engine spider
 Mobile friendly optimization
o The site will not only be optimized t o look good on mobile, but it will load well and
function well on mobile devices and tablets.
 Search Engine Optimization
o Onpage SEO, which is also page speed, mobile optimization & social media integration,
comes included
 Thoroug h Page Speed Optimization
o Server Config uration
 GZIP Compression
 Keep-Alives
 Caching
Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency
o Serverside Processing Minimization
 PHP is great, but static HTML loads the fastest. Your website will be generated
by PHP and written to static HTML5 files t hat will be served needing very little,
if any, processing .
o Minification
 We remove all tabs, spaces and unneeded characters and comments from the
production version of t he website saving every by te possible in all HTML, CSS, JS,
XML files
o Combining js, css& image files
 Each file supporting t he website is a HTTP request. Files on the same host load
one after a not her. By combining several files into one, we can shave valuable
seconds off your load time.
o Order of includes
 We order all supporting files (favicon, js, css, fonts) for optimal rendering time
and prevent blocking (files delaying other files)
o Link to status code 200 - direct
 We only link to status code 200 to ensure the fastest response time . Currently
your site is linking to several 301 redirects.
 We perform thorough browser testing in all modern browsers that are still in use.
 Part of development is migration. As such we will perform all necessary 301 redirects to
ensure a smooth transition of Google page rank all a nd existing links to your site on the web.
Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency
Instead of just placing social media icons wherever on a we bsite we place them in places that are
optimal for engagement a nd we have experience integrating with facebook, twitter, google+ and
others. We include pinterest within the viewa ble area of images, lies, tweets and shares in areas
sure to be noticed inclusive of the Thank You pages, contact pages, about us pages and more.
Many users prefer logging on to websites using what's called Open Authentication or Oa uth. We're
currently working on social sign on wit h a nd, two projects we're
development for ma rketing automation a nd we can include these features. This can improve user
experience by providing a quick and simple registration process that also primes the u ser for
engagement. We can provide these features alongside traditional registrations/logins.
One primary benefit of a uthenticating your users with a social network is t hat more granular
information will be provided allowing you to target more narrow if yo u wa nt.
Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency
Check out our design portfolio online
Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency
Magento is an open s ource platform t hat is ideal for ecommerce as it was built for selling online and
provides t he most flexibility for optimization tha n any ot her platform. We've included Magento's
feature list in a separate PDF, please review it to see what this platform can do.
Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency
 Conversion Tools Related products, up-
sells and cross- sells Catalog promotional
pricing with the ability to restrict to
stores, categories or products Flexible
coupons (pricing rules) with ability to
restrict to stores, customer g roups, time
period products, and categories
 Generate a set of unique
coupon codes for
o each promotion and export the list
of codes for offline distribution,
email, newsletters and more.
o Easily manage and monitor coupon
usage and generate detailed reports
o Multi- tier pricing for quantity
o Minimum Advertised Price (MAP)
 Customer groups
 Product bundles
 Recently viewed and compa red
 New items promotional tool
 Persistent shopping cart
 Google Website Optimizer integration
for A/B and multivariate testing
 Free shipping options
 Polls
 Newsletter management
 View, edit, create and fulfill orders
from the admin panel
 Create one or multiple invoices,
shipments and credit memos per order
to allow for split fulfillment
 Print invoices, packing slips and
shipping labels
 Call center (phone) ord er creation -
provides transparent control for
administrators and front-end
enhancements for customers during the
shopping process. Changing product
configurations, for all types of
products, can be done by the call center
sale representative on the admin side
as well as by the customer throughout
the shopping process. Custom product
choices and configurations can be
changed order creation, in the wish list
and the shopping cart
 Includes the ability to create new
customers, or select existing customers
and view their shopping cart, wish list,
last ordered items, and compared
products lists, as well as select
addresses, give discounts and assign
custom prices
 Assisted Shopping - customer service
representatives and other admin users
are able to manage products and
coupons in customers’ shopping carts
and wish lists through the
Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency
 Send to a friend for all visitors or
registered users only
 Send wish lists by email
 100% search engine friendly
 Google Site Map
 Search engine friendly URL’s
 URL rewrites give full control of URL’s
 Meta-information for products,
categories and content pages
 Auto-generated site map for display on
 Auto-generated popular search terms
 Google Content API for shopping
 Control multiple websites and stores
from one
 Administration Panel with the ability to
share as
 much or as little information as needed
 Administration permission syst em
rolesand users
 Fully 100% customizable design using
 Support for multiple languages and
 Web Services API for easy integration
administrator panel
 Customized Order Status - tracking an
orderis easier than ever with
customizable order statuses easily
assigned to order states. A predefined
list of order states (ex. new, processing,
payment review, complete) represents
the order processing workflow.
 An order status is assigned as a sub-
category of the order state
 (ex. cancelled, complete, decline)
 Email notifications of orders
 RSS feed of new orders
 Customer Accounts
 Account dashboard
 Address book with unlimited addresses
 Wish list with ability to add comments
 Order status and history
 Re-orders from account
 Recently ordered items
 Default billing and shipping addresses
 Email or send RSS feed of wish list
 Product reviews submitted
 Product tags submitted
 Downloadable/digital products
Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency
 Magento and third-party applications
 Batch import and export of catalog and
customer information
 Content Management System for
informational and landing pages
 Tax rates per location, product type or
customer group (i.e. wholesale vs.
 CAPTCHA functionality to help prevent
automated software from attempting
fake logins. This auto- generated test
ensures that the login is being
attempted by a person and can be
enabled in both the admin and
customer login areas
 Simple, configurable (e.g. size, color,
etc.), bundled and grouped products
 Create different price points for
different customer groups, such as
wholesalers and retailers
 Virtual products
 Downloadable/digital products with
 Unlimited product attributes
 Magento General Feature List
 Magento Features List
 Related products
 Stock availability
 Multi- tier pricing upsell
 Customer Service
 Contact Us form
 Create and edit orders from the admin
 Feature- rich customer accounts
 Order history with status updates
 Order tracking from account
 Password reset email from front- end
and admin panel
 Order and account update emails
 Customizable transactional emails
 Magento Features List
 International Support Support for
localization, multiple currencies and
tax rates
 Includes support for WEEE/DEEE in EU
 Support for accented characters and
right to left text
 Configurable list of allowed countries
o Site registration
o Shipping destination addresses
with Ability to specify per
shipping method Billing addresses
with ability to specify per
payment method European Union
VAT-ID validation facilitates the
tax collection process by
automatically. Applying the
correct tax rules according to
VAT customer groups
o EU cookie notification simplifies
the EU Privacy and Electronic
Communications Directive
compliance process by displaying
Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency
 Product option selection
 Grouped products view
 Add to wish list
 Send to a friend with email
 Share on Facebook
 One-page checkout
 Guest checkout and checkout with
account to use address book
 Shipping to multiple addresses in one
 Option for account creation at
beginning of checkout
 SSL security support for orders on both
frontend and back-end
 Saved shopping cart
 Accept gift messages per order and per
 Shopping cart with tax and shipping
 Saved credit card method for offline
 Configurable to authorize and charge,
 or authorize only and charge on
 of invoices
 Integration with Amazon Payments
 Integration with multiple PayPal
 Integration with
 Integration with Google Checkout
an opt-in message at the top of
the storefront
 Integrated with Google Analytics
 Admin dashboard for report overview
 Sales report
 Tax report
 Abandoned shopping cart report
 Best viewed products report
 Best purchased products report
 Low stock report
 Search terms report
 Product reviews report
 Tags report
 Coupon usage report
 Total sales invoiced
 Total sales refunded
 Support for native applications on
iPhone, iPad
 and Android mobile devices
 One admin panel for multiple devices
 Seamless integration with your current
product catalog, CMS and store
 Real-time customization including
updates for promotions and
Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency
 Accept checks/money orders
 Accept purchase orders
 Additional payment extensions
available through
 Magento Connect
 Shipping integration with label printing
- view, edit, print labels for all major
 Attribute sets for quick product
creation of different item types
 Inventory management with
backordered items, minimum and
maximum quantities
 Batch updates to products in admin
 Automatic image resizing an
 Advanced pricing rules and support for
 special prices
 Search results rewrites and redirects
 Moderated product tags and reviews
 Customer personalized products –
ability to upload images and text (i.e.
for embroidery,
 monogramming, etc.)
 Customer sorting – define attributes
for customer sorting on category (price,
brand, etc.)
o RSS feed for low inventory alerts
 Support for a wide range of checkout
 Mobile HTML5 - quickly and easily
create storefront optimized for mobile
devices socustomers can shop even
when they’re on the go. This mobile
interface uses HTML5
 technology and supports iPhone,
Android and Mobile Opera browsers. It
includes out-of- thebox features such
o Device- specific media capabilities
for audio and video
o User-friendly search and results
o Clean display of product detail
 Pinch, multi-touch and scaling images
 Easy swipe between product images
 Zoom capabilities
 Cross-sell and up-sell capabilities
 Drag-and-drop of products to the
 Shopping cart
 Layered / faceted navigation for
filtering of products in categories and
search results
 Filter products by price and display a
range of prices based on even
increments or by a similar number of
Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency
 Layered / faceted navigation for
filtering of products in categories and
search results
 Filter products by price and display a
range of prices based on even
increments or by a
 similar number of products within each
 Static block tool to create category
 landing pages
 Product comparisons with history
 Configurable search with auto-
suggested terms
 Breadcrumbs
 Ability to assign designs within
category and product level (unique
design /category)
 Recently viewed products
 Popular search terms cloud
 Product listing in grid or list format
 Multiple images per product
 Product image zoom-in capability
 Magento Features List
 Integrated for real-time shipping rates
 UPS, UPS XML (account rates) , FedEx
 (account rates), USPS and DHL
products within each range
 Static block tool to create category
 landing pages
 Product comparisons with history
 Configurable search with auto-
suggested terms Breadcrumbs
 Ability to assign designs within
category and product level (unique
design /category)
 Recently viewed products
 Popular search terms cloud
 Product listing in grid or list format
 Product Browsing
 Multiple images per product
 Product image zoom-in capability
 Magento Features List
 Integrated for real-time shipping rates
 UPS, UPS XML (account rates) , FedEx
 (account rates), USPS and DHL
 Ability to specify allowed destination
countries per method
 Flat rate shipping per order or item
 Free shipping
 Table rates for weight, sub-total,
destination and number of items
 On-site order tracking from customer
 View, edit, create and fulfill orders
from the admin panel
Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency
 Ability to specify allowed destination
countries per method
 Flat rate shipping per order or item
 Free shipping
 Table rates for weight, sub-total,
destination and number of items
 On-site order tracking from customer
 Create one or multiple invoices,
shipments and credit memos per order
to allow for split fulfillment
 Print invoices, packing slips and
shipping labels
Call center (phone) ord er creation -
provides transparent control for
administrators and front-end
enhancements for customers during the
shopping process. Changing product
configurations, for all types of
products, can be done by the call center
sale representative on the admin side
as well as by the customer throughout
the shopping process. Custom product
choices and configurations can be
Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency
 Unlimited mockups until you love the design
 Search Engine Optimized Logical Document Structure
 Best Effort Conversion Optimization & Features to aid future testing
 Optimized implementation, W3C, error free, standards compliant code
 Valid HTML5, Responsive mobile- friendly & accessible design
 Hyper-page speed optimized design and implementation
 Social Media Implementation
 User Experience Focused Sales Funnel Design
 Solid ecommerce platform, Magento
Delivered complete in 90 days or less. 20% PAYMENT GETS US STARTED

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Example Web Development Presentation

  • 2. Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency TABLEOFCONTENTS 1. Existing Website Review 2. Who is devknob? 3. Objective 4. Process 5. Design 6. Development & Optimization 7. Social Media 8. Our Portfolio 9. Payment & Options
  • 3. Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency WEBSITEREVIEW TO FIX A PROBLEM YOU HAVE TO FIRST IDENTIFY YOUR PROBLEM  Page speed is out of control t here are way too many files loading, the server isn't properly configured, your world-wide traffic suffers even slower load times since no CDN is enabled.  You have JavaScript errors that slow your site and likely break the checkout process in many browsers  Your website is out of sync with your SSL certificate and references insecure content , reducing the effectiveness of the SSL certificate from a trust standpoint  The website has lots of invalid HTML that slows render time, may cause browser compatibi lity problems and can cause problems as browsers update  Your website is not mobile optimized, something Google has come out and specifically indicated will lower your search rankings.  Your developer act ually did use some HTML5 but it is n't correct either. Most of t he time developers change the doctype (1 line at the top of an HTML document) and se ll the site as HTML5. We code in actual HTML5 by the book and it 's important for future-proofing because HTML5 was created for syndication, which will event ually play a roll in search engine ra nki ngs  The site has several usability issues throughout, specifically on the checkout page, which is a commonly neglected page for no g ood reason.  Your website links t o 301 status codes, which is bad for SEO and response times
  • 4. Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency WHOISDEVKNOB SHORT ANSWER: EXCLUSIVE, OPTIMAL & THE BEST. WORLD-WIDE. DEVON AUERSWALD - PROGRAMMING & ADVERTISING, De von has bee n pro grammin g and de ve loping we bsite s a t the a ge o f 13. His fir st clie n ts wer e rad io ho sts a t th e lar ge st AM rad io sta tion in th e U S, KFI AM 640 . D evo n be gan op timiz in g web sites in 2005 when a string of early succ esse s genera tin g lead s fro m orga niza tion s includ ing NASA, Hallibur ton, & the Leba ne se Ar my crea ted a pa th to pur su e SEO, con version op timiza tion, Ad word s op timiza tion & e ma il mar ke ting wh ile main ta in in g skills scrip tin g in PHP & M ySQ L. De von h as wor ked o n projec ts for Har vard Un iversity, Moo dy' s, Ne w Yor k C ity Hou sing Au thor ity, Pur eBar, Pro max Nu tr itio n, Swimspo t, Next Day Flyer s, Ba iley Ban ks & B id dle, Spinn in g, sen t over 13 billion mar ke ting e mails & thro ugh te stin g, d evelope d the SEO stra te gie s for th e #1 ranked SEO fir m in Lo s Angeles. While a t Coalitio n, D evo n ach ie ve d #1 ran kings for " seo los ange le s", "lo s angeles seo ", "lo s an ge le s web de sign" , "web de sign lo s an ge le s" an d several o ther highly co mp e titive ter ms tha t disp lay a fir m u nd erstan ding o f se arch a lgor ith ms. De vo n refocu se d and staf fed DE VKNO B af ter ser vin g as d ire ctor o f SEO for Pinn acle Car t. ALVIN YOZZO - MANAGER & UX DESIGNER, Alvin has be en d esigning we bsite s for 8 year s and is pro fic ie n t in respon sive HTM L5, JavaSc rip t, W3 C Standar ds, Pho tosh op & Illu str ator . Alvin has beco me a n e xper t in we b stan dard s bec ause of his clo se wor k with op timiza tion teams on o ver 100 mana ge d projec ts. He en sur es o ur ou tpu t uses corr ec t HTM L5, is W3 C va lid, mob ile compa tib le, acc essible & error -fr ee. Alvin is in char ge o f ma nagin g th e de sign & d e ve lop men t tea m, lea ding educa tion in itia tives a nd gu ide line s to en sur e the high est qu ality o ut pu t. DON ROBINSON - DIRECTOR OF SEO Don has be en stud ying SEO methodo logy an d tec hnique for over 10 years. Don is p roficien t in all asp ec ts of search mechan ic s, HTML 5, C SS3, prop er we bpage str uc ture , and o ff -page lin k b uild in g tech niq ue s. Do n ha s a bac kgro und in cor pora te mana ge men t & proc ess en gine ering wh ile with Liber ty Med ica l Corpo ration . As a Co mp lia nce Officer, r espo nsib le f or en sur in g all compan y proc esse s were docu me n ted a ccord ing to Me dicar e Stan dards. Don un tilize s h is a tte n tio n to de ta il & scien tific approac h to de ve lop a c uttin g e dge wh ite -ha t, eff ec tive & suc ce ssf ul searc h e ngin e op timiza tio n campaign.
  • 5. Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency OBJECTIVE BEFORE REACHING ANY DESTINATION A DIRECTION MUST BE DEFINED DESIGN OBJECTIVE Our primary design objective is to provide a flexible and manageable ecommerce website designed to convey authority, trust and confidence in visitors produce sales. The design must be mobile - friendly, modern, clea n and clear t o ensure it is easy for users to accomplish t heir goals . DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVE Our development objective is to produce a high quality website that loa ds fast and speaks to search engines and ot her websites properly.We use valid & standards complia nt HTML5, fast-loa ding optimized pages, images and server settings, microformats a nd a logical document struct ure for best performance. CLIENT OBJECTIVE Our client objective is to provide an easy-to-use platform that makes accounting, updating& adding products, integrating with 3rd party services, and facilitating technical needs required for affiliate marketing, email marketing, pay-per-click a dvertising and accurately tracking all traffic within a customized analytics installation. Offsite, we aim t o educate and provide a transparent a nd seamless experience that is remarkable.
  • 6. Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency PROCESS BEFORE REACHING ANY DESTINATION A DIRECTION MUST BE DEFINED 1. DISCOVERY PHASE We meet wit h you to define objectives, desig n preferences, desired features & functionality and create a scope of work.We will send you a client questionnaire t o cover all bases and ensure we're not missing any important details. Revisions may be made after a scope is approved within reason. 2. DESIGN APPROVAL We provide desig ns and submit them for approval until we have satisfied your needs and expectations. We try to deliver designs as quickly as possible to keep the process moving along . At this time we will work with you to settle on layouts, color schemes, icons , design elements and placements. 3. DELIVERY& FEEDBACK After the design has been approved we move to development. We provide the completed responsivewebsite within 45 days of design approval. The team working on your project will only work on your project wit hin t his period of time to ens ure quality and focus. 4. REVISIONS & TESTING During this phase any last minute revisions may be submitted a nd implemented. All browser compatibility, page speed, rich snippets & accessibility will be done at this time. The website optimization lead, desig n & development lead and project manager will perform t heir sign -off processes at this time. 5. PRODUCTION & LAUNCH We compile a production version t hat is hyper-optimized for page speed and backup a development version. The production version is fully compressed and not ideal for further coding . Final review will take place & the client will give final approval before we launch the website. After launch we will install 301 redirects to maintain existing search rankings .
  • 7. Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency DESIGN&DEVELOPMENT DESIGN SHOULD BE CLEAN, CONSISTENT, RESPONSIVE AND CLEAR DID YOU KNOW THAT IF PEOPLE DON'T LIKE THE WAY YOUR WEBSITE LOOKS, YOUR ORGANIC SEARCH ENGINE RANKINGS & PPC RANKINGS &COSTS WILL SUFFER BECAUSE OF IT? Google & Bing/Ya hoo track user-interactions with your website from their results pages. If t oo many people click on your link, then hit the back button and click or search again, it is a n indicator that the user was not satisfied with your website for t he keywords they searched for. In PPC t his serves to decrease your quality score. DESIGN: THE SHORT VERSION  We design with page speed, search a nd conversion optimization in mind  We design with user-experience as a main priority  We focus on creating a clear, clean website that showcases the important stuff  We implement social media "upsell" on tha nk-you pages  We display trust-icons t o improve user confidence  We will use a consistent theme t hroughout t he site to prevent confusion with users  We will prominently dis play items that are important t o your revenue & the users goals  We will design & redesign the designs referred to in step 1 of our process until you are satisfied with t he design we continue wit h.
  • 8. Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency DESIGN: LONG VERSION FOR DESIGN, LESS IS MORE Minimal desig n has become a staple of modern web development. Less design is less distraction, less images and less barriers to overcome when updating design elements on a website. We propose clear bold headlines that contain a strong call t o action, concise text that satisfy user objections and lead traffic into the sales funnel and consistent principles that users have grown used to due t o their common use throug hout the web. One thing we do more so t hat users do less is minimize t he number of steps they must take to accomplish their goals. It may be to locate your products in their nearby store, get specific answers, contact you, or make a purchase. Users that engage with your website in one way or anot her are more likely to write reviews, repeat a purchase and refer y ou to friends and fa mily. The overarching goal of our design is user experience. Throug h testing, user experience can be finely tuned, but there are many best practices that we follow based on our experience, existing data and our colleagues around t he world FOCUS ON THE USER & ALL ELSE WILL FOLLOW The most prominent hea ding on Google's "about us" page instructs us to focus on the user, and all else will follow.  Users love and expect fast websites. A study conducted in 2009 by Google showed that 100 milliseconds of load time is enough t o negatively impact pages -per-visit, frequency of vis it and time -on-site. Unexpectedly, Google also noted that these negative metrics las ted for weeks after the study ha d finished & the delay was removed. Walmart had similar results showing that for every 100 millisecond improvement, t hey gained up 2% conversion ra te.
  • 9. Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency SOLUTIONS: o Minimize t he number of files required to display a page o Organize website assets for optimal rendering (displaying things) o Using correct formats and compressing images as much as possible without making them blurry o Using external resources & a CDN for fast load times world-wide o Using text instead of images whenever possible & compressing t hat text and using elegant programming o Update server settings to ens ure files download concurrently a nd are compressed further o Use page caching t o avoid server-side processing. Once dy namic pages are generated, they'll be stored in a static cache which is delivered to users instead of pages that process and output the same content over & over again. This provides the fastest possible response times.  Don't make users think too much. It's vital to satisfy user objections on the website to ensure they can do everything t hey need quickly & easily wit hout doubt & uncertainty. Users are making split-second decisions while browsing. Our strategy is simple. We provide a simple and fluid process wit hout asking/causing the user t o do anything they we don't need t hem t o do. SOLUTIONS: o Use a clear call-to-action on every page instructing t he user what to do next o Pre-fill forms based on postal-code , geo-location and previously gathered information whenever possible. o Eliminate dea d ends (like clicking on checkout on t he current site) o Address common objections within the sales copy without making the user scroll a nd click all over t he place t o find a nswers o Provide a clear shipping & handling information section with a clear link from the product page o Display trust icons and social clout t o instill trust, especially when you expect users t o fill in t heir credit card number
  • 10. Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency o Display credit ca rd icons if applicable t o indicat e payment options o Provide Paypal or Amazon checkout as a payment option o Offer free shipping and bake the shipping int o the price. Dis play this based on geo- location o Keep the sales funnel short and eliminate distractions o Monitor data and identify pain-points ong oing  Conversion Optimization is a top priority and small changes can lead to a huge impact . While we understand loving the way your website looks and having elements where you wa nt them is usually considered important, t he little things matter and ba sed on experience, we know that nobody can actually predicted what small changes will increase sales by 79.34%, 36.54% or 54%. While we ca n't predict these items, we've seen enoug h to adhere t o best practices that ensure the best cha nces of winning a conversion. Beyond that we recommend testing your website using the scientific method known as A/B testing. A/B testing is the process of testing a variant design versus the original, or "control", until 95% statistical confidence or null hypothesis has been reached (until proba bility theory indicates conclusive results). Similar use of probability theory have been used in banking, insurance underwriting, casino game-making and have been employed by Google, Amazon, eBay and t he ot her giants for over a decade. The data does n't lie.
  • 11. Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency DEVELOPMENT THE DEVIL IS IN THE DETAILS DEVELOPMENT: THE SHORT VERSION With a strong emphases on optimization, we intelligently pay close attention t o the details with in the code because it affects revenue, search rankings, conversion rates and cost.  We'd gladly challenge any agency in the world t o beat our optimized development practices.  We focus on user experience a nd making a short, simple, clear sales funnel  We prioritize assets that aid revenue now and revenue later like newsletter signups and s ocial media  We go above and beyond for page speed because we are optimization experts and understand the value of milliseconds  We ensure accessibility for browsers, devices and people. This includes phones, tablets, old browsers, & the vis ually impaired  We adhere to W3C standards, the HTML5 W3 specifications , Google's standards and Section 508 (Accessibility) standards.  We write code that is used by the page and only loa d what is neede d t o further increase page speed  We configure the server settings to improve page speed  We test to ensure proper page loa d and render times  We don't allow JavaScript errors  Our websites gracefully degrade on platforms not capable of using t he technology we deliver to modern browsers/platforms.  We maintain a development version & a hyper-optimized production version g oing t he extra mile for page speed and user experience.  We think outside of the box to enhance visibility and engagement wit h social features
  • 12. Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency DEVELOPMENT: LONG VERSION OUR DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS ARE #1 Onsite Search Engine Optimization comes standard. We know SEO so well we don't have to go back and optimize a site after coding it . For the most part , we write optimized markup and minimize loa d times by defa ult.  HTML5 using correct HTML5 as defined by W3C (the s ource of HTML standards) o Most web developers are coding with incorrect HTML5 making it pointless to even use the technology. o We use HTML5 because it was built for syndication and syndication is good for SEO, not to mention all of t he wonderful features it includes.  W3C Validation tested in t he W3C Validate o Valid HTML is better for past, present & future browser compatibility o Valid HTML allows browsers to render websites quicker o Valid HTML won't trip up a search engine spider  Mobile friendly optimization o The site will not only be optimized t o look good on mobile, but it will load well and function well on mobile devices and tablets.  Search Engine Optimization o Onpage SEO, which is also page speed, mobile optimization & social media integration, comes included  Thoroug h Page Speed Optimization o Server Config uration  GZIP Compression  Keep-Alives  Caching
  • 13. Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency o Serverside Processing Minimization  PHP is great, but static HTML loads the fastest. Your website will be generated by PHP and written to static HTML5 files t hat will be served needing very little, if any, processing . o Minification  We remove all tabs, spaces and unneeded characters and comments from the production version of t he website saving every by te possible in all HTML, CSS, JS, XML files o Combining js, css& image files  Each file supporting t he website is a HTTP request. Files on the same host load one after a not her. By combining several files into one, we can shave valuable seconds off your load time. o Order of includes  We order all supporting files (favicon, js, css, fonts) for optimal rendering time and prevent blocking (files delaying other files) o Link to status code 200 - direct  We only link to status code 200 to ensure the fastest response time . Currently your site is linking to several 301 redirects.  We perform thorough browser testing in all modern browsers that are still in use.  Part of development is migration. As such we will perform all necessary 301 redirects to ensure a smooth transition of Google page rank all a nd existing links to your site on the web.
  • 14. Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency SOCIALMEDIA THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX Instead of just placing social media icons wherever on a we bsite we place them in places that are optimal for engagement a nd we have experience integrating with facebook, twitter, google+ and others. We include pinterest within the viewa ble area of images, lies, tweets and shares in areas sure to be noticed inclusive of the Thank You pages, contact pages, about us pages and more. WE DO SOCIAL SIGNON Many users prefer logging on to websites using what's called Open Authentication or Oa uth. We're currently working on social sign on wit h a nd, two projects we're development for ma rketing automation a nd we can include these features. This can improve user experience by providing a quick and simple registration process that also primes the u ser for engagement. We can provide these features alongside traditional registrations/logins. One primary benefit of a uthenticating your users with a social network is t hat more granular information will be provided allowing you to target more narrow if yo u wa nt.
  • 15. Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency OURPORTFOLIO WE'VE PROVIDED MANY SERVICES FOR MANY ORGANIZATIONS OF ALL SIZES HERE ARE A FEW OF OUR SATISFIED CUSTOMERS: Check out our design portfolio online
  • 16. Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency PLATFORM USE MAGENTO FOR MORE CONTROL Magento is an open s ource platform t hat is ideal for ecommerce as it was built for selling online and provides t he most flexibility for optimization tha n any ot her platform. We've included Magento's feature list in a separate PDF, please review it to see what this platform can do.  TOTAL CONTROL FOR OPTIMIZATION A ND CUSTOMIZATION  ALL THE FEATURES YOU NEED IN A N ECOMMERCE P LATFORM  BUILT FOR ECOMMERCE BY DEVELOPERS ALL OVER THE WORLD  LARGEST OPEN PLATFORM ON EARTH MAGENTOS FEATURES, SEE OFFICIAL PDF FILE HERE: download
  • 17. Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency MARKETING, PROMOTIONS  Conversion Tools Related products, up- sells and cross- sells Catalog promotional pricing with the ability to restrict to stores, categories or products Flexible coupons (pricing rules) with ability to restrict to stores, customer g roups, time period products, and categories  Generate a set of unique coupon codes for o each promotion and export the list of codes for offline distribution, email, newsletters and more. o Easily manage and monitor coupon usage and generate detailed reports o Multi- tier pricing for quantity discounts o Minimum Advertised Price (MAP)  LANDING PAGE TOOL FOR CATEGORIES  Customer groups  Product bundles  Recently viewed and compa red products  New items promotional tool  Persistent shopping cart  Google Website Optimizer integration for A/B and multivariate testing  Free shipping options  Polls  Newsletter management ORDER MANAGEMENT  View, edit, create and fulfill orders from the admin panel  Create one or multiple invoices, shipments and credit memos per order to allow for split fulfillment  Print invoices, packing slips and shipping labels  Call center (phone) ord er creation - provides transparent control for administrators and front-end enhancements for customers during the shopping process. Changing product configurations, for all types of products, can be done by the call center sale representative on the admin side as well as by the customer throughout the shopping process. Custom product choices and configurations can be changed order creation, in the wish list and the shopping cart  Includes the ability to create new customers, or select existing customers and view their shopping cart, wish list, last ordered items, and compared products lists, as well as select addresses, give discounts and assign custom prices  Assisted Shopping - customer service representatives and other admin users are able to manage products and coupons in customers’ shopping carts and wish lists through the
  • 18. Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency  Send to a friend for all visitors or registered users only  Send wish lists by email  SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION  100% search engine friendly  Google Site Map  Search engine friendly URL’s  URL rewrites give full control of URL’s  Meta-information for products, categories and content pages  Auto-generated site map for display on site  Auto-generated popular search terms page  Google Content API for shopping  SITE MANAGEMENT  Control multiple websites and stores from one  Administration Panel with the ability to share as  much or as little information as needed  Administration permission syst em rolesand users  Fully 100% customizable design using templates  Support for multiple languages and currencies.  Web Services API for easy integration administrator panel  Customized Order Status - tracking an orderis easier than ever with customizable order statuses easily assigned to order states. A predefined list of order states (ex. new, processing, payment review, complete) represents the order processing workflow.  An order status is assigned as a sub- category of the order state  (ex. cancelled, complete, decline) CREATE RE-ORDERS FOR CUSTOMERS FROM THE ADMINISTRATION PANEL  Email notifications of orders  RSS feed of new orders  Customer Accounts  Account dashboard  Address book with unlimited addresses  Wish list with ability to add comments  Order status and history  Re-orders from account  Recently ordered items  Default billing and shipping addresses  Email or send RSS feed of wish list NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIPTION MANAGEMENT  Product reviews submitted  Product tags submitted  Downloadable/digital products
  • 19. Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency between  Magento and third-party applications  Batch import and export of catalog and customer information  Content Management System for informational and landing pages  Tax rates per location, product type or customer group (i.e. wholesale vs. retailer)  CAPTCHA functionality to help prevent automated software from attempting fake logins. This auto- generated test ensures that the login is being attempted by a person and can be enabled in both the admin and customer login areas CATALOG MANAGEMENT  Simple, configurable (e.g. size, color, etc.), bundled and grouped products  Create different price points for different customer groups, such as wholesalers and retailers  Virtual products  Downloadable/digital products with samples  Unlimited product attributes  Magento General Feature List  Magento Features List  Related products  Stock availability  Multi- tier pricing upsell  Customer Service  Contact Us form  Create and edit orders from the admin panel  Feature- rich customer accounts  Order history with status updates  Order tracking from account  Password reset email from front- end and admin panel  Order and account update emails  Customizable transactional emails  Magento Features List  International Support Support for localization, multiple currencies and tax rates  Includes support for WEEE/DEEE in EU  Support for accented characters and right to left text  Configurable list of allowed countries for: o Site registration o Shipping destination addresses with Ability to specify per shipping method Billing addresses with ability to specify per payment method European Union VAT-ID validation facilitates the tax collection process by automatically. Applying the correct tax rules according to VAT customer groups o EU cookie notification simplifies the EU Privacy and Electronic Communications Directive compliance process by displaying
  • 20. Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency  Product option selection  Grouped products view  Add to wish list  Send to a friend with email  Share on Facebook  CHECKOUT, PAYMENT AND SHIPPING  One-page checkout  Guest checkout and checkout with account to use address book  Shipping to multiple addresses in one order  Option for account creation at beginning of checkout  SSL security support for orders on both frontend and back-end  Saved shopping cart  Accept gift messages per order and per item  Shopping cart with tax and shipping estimates  Saved credit card method for offline payments  Configurable to authorize and charge,  or authorize only and charge on creation  of invoices  Integration with Amazon Payments  Integration with multiple PayPal gateways  Integration with  Integration with Google Checkout an opt-in message at the top of the storefront ANALYTICS AND REPORTING  Integrated with Google Analytics  Admin dashboard for report overview  Sales report  Tax report  Abandoned shopping cart report  Best viewed products report  Best purchased products report  Low stock report  Search terms report  Product reviews report  Tags report  Coupon usage report  Total sales invoiced  Total sales refunded MOBILE COMMERCE  Support for native applications on iPhone, iPad  and Android mobile devices  One admin panel for multiple devices  Seamless integration with your current product catalog, CMS and store configurations  Real-time customization including updates for promotions and merchandising
  • 21. Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency (Level2)  Accept checks/money orders  Accept purchase orders  Additional payment extensions available through  Magento Connect  Shipping integration with label printing - view, edit, print labels for all major carriers  Attribute sets for quick product creation of different item types  Inventory management with backordered items, minimum and maximum quantities  Batch updates to products in admin panel  Automatic image resizing an watermarking  Advanced pricing rules and support for  special prices  Search results rewrites and redirects  Moderated product tags and reviews  Customer personalized products – ability to upload images and text (i.e. for embroidery,  monogramming, etc.)  Customer sorting – define attributes for customer sorting on category (price, brand, etc.) o RSS feed for low inventory alerts CATALOG BROWSING  Support for a wide range of checkout capabilities  Mobile HTML5 - quickly and easily create storefront optimized for mobile devices socustomers can shop even when they’re on the go. This mobile interface uses HTML5  technology and supports iPhone, Android and Mobile Opera browsers. It includes out-of- thebox features such as: o Device- specific media capabilities for audio and video o User-friendly search and results display o Clean display of product detail pages  Pinch, multi-touch and scaling images  Easy swipe between product images  Zoom capabilities  Cross-sell and up-sell capabilities  Drag-and-drop of products to the  Shopping cart CATALOG BROWSING  Layered / faceted navigation for filtering of products in categories and search results  Filter products by price and display a range of prices based on even increments or by a similar number of
  • 22. Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency  Layered / faceted navigation for filtering of products in categories and search results  Filter products by price and display a range of prices based on even increments or by a  similar number of products within each range  Static block tool to create category  landing pages  Product comparisons with history  Configurable search with auto- suggested terms  Breadcrumbs  Ability to assign designs within category and product level (unique design /category)  Recently viewed products  Popular search terms cloud  Product listing in grid or list format PRODUCT BROWSING  Multiple images per product  Product image zoom-in capability  Magento Features List  Integrated for real-time shipping rates from:  UPS, UPS XML (account rates) , FedEx  (account rates), USPS and DHL products within each range  Static block tool to create category  landing pages  Product comparisons with history  Configurable search with auto- suggested terms Breadcrumbs  Ability to assign designs within category and product level (unique design /category)  Recently viewed products  Popular search terms cloud  Product listing in grid or list format  Product Browsing  Multiple images per product  Product image zoom-in capability  Magento Features List  Integrated for real-time shipping rates from:  UPS, UPS XML (account rates) , FedEx  (account rates), USPS and DHL  Ability to specify allowed destination countries per method  Flat rate shipping per order or item  Free shipping  Table rates for weight, sub-total, destination and number of items  On-site order tracking from customer accounts ORDER MANAGEMENT  View, edit, create and fulfill orders from the admin panel
  • 23. Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency  Ability to specify allowed destination countries per method  Flat rate shipping per order or item  Free shipping  Table rates for weight, sub-total, destination and number of items  On-site order tracking from customer accounts  Create one or multiple invoices, shipments and credit memos per order to allow for split fulfillment  Print invoices, packing slips and shipping labels Call center (phone) ord er creation - provides transparent control for administrators and front-end enhancements for customers during the shopping process. Changing product configurations, for all types of products, can be done by the call center sale representative on the admin side as well as by the customer throughout the shopping process. Custom product choices and configurations can be changed
  • 24. Proposal prepared on Oct 11th, 2013 by for Martz Agency PAYMENT&OPTIONS THANK YOU FOR THE OPPORTUNITY  Unlimited mockups until you love the design  Search Engine Optimized Logical Document Structure  Best Effort Conversion Optimization & Features to aid future testing  Optimized implementation, W3C, error free, standards compliant code  Valid HTML5, Responsive mobile- friendly & accessible design  Hyper-page speed optimized design and implementation  Social Media Implementation  User Experience Focused Sales Funnel Design  Solid ecommerce platform, Magento $32,450.00 Delivered complete in 90 days or less. 20% PAYMENT GETS US STARTED 30% TO BE PAID ONCE WE SHOW YOU THE WORKING WEBSITE, REMAINDER UPON COMPLETION HIRE DEVKNOB FOR SUPERIOR RESULTS QUOTE FOR ONGOING SEO & CONVERSION OPTIMIZATION IS BEING PREPARED