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Brink’s, Incorporated
Published by the Office of Strategic Services
Breaking New Ground
Managing the Dynamics of Risk
“Take calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash.”
- George Patton
Introduction - Adventure and Risk
Every team of adventurers that start up a mountain expects to return.
History shows clearly that not every team does. It is in this gap between
expectation and reality that the dynamics of risk play out.
Risk is an inherent part of adventure
All important projects are adventures. In them we break new ground,
taking an organization to a position it has never occupied before. Risk comes
inherently commingled in adventure. In this context, we recognize risk
management as an intrinsic aspect of any successful project.
The term "risk management" seems staid and boring, the domain of
actuaries and accountants. But when we recognize risk as an essential
element of adventure, of breaking new ground, we see things differently. We
realize then that every record-breaking transcontinental flight, every space
launch, every voyage of exploration - indeed, any successful project at all -
succeeds or fails based on preparation and risk management. When
confronted with a rapidly evolving situation beyond the boundary of the plan,
the team’s response becomes critical. This is the point where the mission
either stays under control or slides over the edge.
This publication presents an overview of the manner in which project risks
manifest themselves. Exploring these topics helps to form the necessary
perspective that we need to successfully navigate the inevitable unforeseen
challenges that arise when we engage the unknown.
“No battle plan ever survived contact with the enemy.”
- Dwight Eisenhower
A Brief Study of Catastrophe
The project team and the business leaders were equally excited. The new
technology had been demonstrated working successfully in a production
environment. The technology worked, the business processes worked, the
users loved the product, and the pilot site showed significant cost savings. All
the hard problems had been solved; all that remained was to deploy the
technology throughout the organization. What could go wrong?
A year later, the project lay in disastrous ruin. Its leaders were humiliated,
their careers drawing to untimely ends. A frayed business team faced off
against a burned-out technical team, strafing at each other across the
landscape of a failing rollout. The project never made it past the third
deployment site and would eventually be considered a total failure. The
deployed sites became a support quagmire which would take years for the
organization to withdraw from.
This scenario described above is drawn directly from a real project within
Brink’s named ADGP. Its trajectory, while dramatic, is not uncommon.
What happened? How could a project on which all the hard problems had
been solved disintegrate so badly? To answer these questions, we need to
explore the nature and character of risk – to separate it from its context and
look at the topic of risk itself, and how we perceive it – or do not.
“A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor
all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance,
which no man could have dreamt would have come his way.”
- William Hutchinson Murray
The Unknown Unknown
It is in new territory - in the space beyond the comfortable, beyond the
known - where we evolve our capability. But by definition, any voyage that
expands our capacity must take us into new territory, and any unknown
territory involves risks that we do not know. It is our mission as adventurers
to explore, engage, and conquer these risks, and to return the victorious
masters of our new territory. As our first step in doing so, we must remind
ourselves constantly that in this terra nova,
We do not know what we do not know
Or, to put it differently,
We do not understand this problem
We often bristle at the second sentence. Certainly we understand what we
are doing, do we not? Are we not skilled professionals?
Our emotional response blurs the basic underlying truth - we are in
strange waters and, skilled as we may be, we do not know this place. If we
understood the problem, if we knew the territory, then it would not be frontier
and we would not be out here seeking new-found reward. No, the terrain
around us is new, and even when it looks familiar - especially when it looks
familiar - we must expect to be surprised.
It is easy to agree intellectually with the above reflection. But attaining a
mindset where we actually do expect the unexpected turns out to be very
difficult to achieve. Blind spots, such as believing we fully understand a
problem that we do not, are built into our very cognitive structure. The
techniques of risk management seek to catalog these inherent blind spots and
learn to compensate for them.
“Unfortunately, there’s no such thing as a beginner’s mountain.”
-Laurence Gonzales
Learning to Fear the Familiar
The assumption that we understand the terrain is the shoal upon which
projects falter with astonishing regularity. Seen from a distance, the reasons
appear obvious. Territory that looks familiar is not really familiar, and when it
suddenly acts in an unfamiliar way, our ready reaction is the wrong one. As
we climb the mountain, the ice below us suddenly acts differently than it did a
mere hundred feet below. Although we may have climbed dozens of
mountains, each one is different. Our general knowledge is helpful, but we
need to remind ourselves continually:
We do not understand this problem
It is a new problem, and although it may be quite similar to others that we
have faced in the past, it will be different, often in ways we may not recognize
at first.
It is in this very familiarity where the seeds of project disintegration are
often sown. Studies of casualties in wilderness adventure show a surprising
result - most fatalities occur over and over where the situation appears
familiar and unthreatening. Adventurers survive their challenging white-water
run only to later drown bathing in water that looks placid, but has a deceptive
Most adventurers killed by animals in Yellowstone National Park are killed
by bison. Hikers retreat from the feared grizzly bear and other predators, but
do not fear herd animals. Yet while they are not predators, bison are actually
quite dangerous. Our experience with other domestic herd animals betrays
us. Breaking new ground involves a constant battle with ourselves to
remember this rule:
Fear the familiar
It is not really familiar. When we break new ground, we are in unknown
territory; situations may look familiar but we must remember that they are
really not.
The Two Data Point Fallacy
One day a guest lecturer in a university mathematics department held a
talk about a subject called “Design of Experiments”, a way of selecting sample
points for an experiment so as to get the most information from it. The
lecturer described sampling two different points and then asked how much
information could be known from that. Attendees proposed various theories.
Finally a young undergraduate who was working in a lab for the summer
raised his hand.
“None,” he answered.
“Why not?” asked the lecturer.
“Because you’ve only sampled each point once,” the undergraduate
replied. “You don’t know that your equipment is even measuring the same
data consistently until you go back and resample them later.”
The lecturer smiled. “Finally, an experimentalist,” he said.
Our strong urge to build a model immediately once we have some data
often masks questions about the real informational content of the data. This
urge is hard to resist, but can lead a project astray, especially when good
results at early test sites are not indicative of later sites. Proof-of-concept
sites are often powerfully motivated to praise a project; conversely, projects
are generally tailored to the requirements of the first customers who use the
product. Your first customers may not end up being your representative
In the case of the catastrophic project discussed earlier, the fact that the
pilot site had gone so well led the team to conclude that the system met the
business needs well. In actuality it did meet the business needs of the pilot
site well, but fit less well with the next sites, whose business processes were
different. Conversely, bad results in early pilot sites could condemn a solution
that might actually work well for the majority of sites. Additionally, the project
team in the aforementioned project noted that their early success encouraged
changes because the team felt they had a full understanding of the issues
when in retrospect they did not. These changes introduced unforeseen issues
and contributed to the ultimate failure of the project.
The Stop Light Problem
When a stop sign is replaced with a stop light, many drivers will for
several weeks stop at the light even when it is green. They do this
automatically, each suddenly noticing that he or she is inappropriately
stopped in moving traffic. Why does this happen? The answer gives us a clue
into the difficulties of assumed familiarity and the mechanics behind them.
The real world teems with a million different changing variables. The
fluidity and complexity of a basketball game, for example, presents
inconceivable mathematical complexity. Athletes have no time for analysis
paralysis; they must take a shot or pass the ball in a
split second.
We can perform these complicated tasks because we
are a race of model builders. When we face a
problem our cognitive structures, evolved through
millions of years, are designed to rapidly construct a
simplified model of the world. Our model discards all
the unimportant inputs and focuses on only the
essence of the problem. We literally discard
information that does not fit our model, so it does
not interfere with our important task.
In a classic experiment illustrating our task-based myopia, volunteers
focused on counting the passes in a basketball game. Halfway through the
game, a man in a gorilla suit walked slowly and incongruously across the
court. Half the volunteers, questioned later, had not recalled seeing the gorilla
at all. Their eyes saw it, but because it was not relevant to counting passes,
their operant model discarded the information.
In unfamiliar terrain that seems familiar, our models betray us by filtering
out all the “unimportant” details. When catastrophe strikes, later analysis
often shows it clearly signaled by “unimportant” details that the decision
makers filtered out until they became overwhelming.
Marrying the Model
Making models requires effort, and our brain is loath to discard a
functioning model because of a few inconsistencies. Instead we deny the
inconsistencies or downplay their importance, becoming progressively more
invested in our model. In financial firms, traders call this tendency “marrying
the model.”
This tendency is lethal to our successful operation when conditions are
changing. Especially when exploring unknown territory, we must see what is
really happening and react to it. Operating in a dynamic environment requires
a process based on convergence rather than one based on perfect advance
planning. When new requirements emerge or business conditions change, we
must modify our plans in response – and the sooner the better, because small
corrections upstream can easily solve problems that become formidable to
solve downstream. Realizing that we intrinsically and immediately make
models of our environment, we must resist the tendency to marry our model
and instead cultivate a willingness to discard it.
The LEAN process improvement methodology and the related Agile
software methodology represent systematic attempts to preserve our mental
and operational flexibility. These methods produce greater probability of
success by strongly resisting the urge to believe we know more than we
The False Knowledge Trap
Business leaders need projections for advance planning, so they routinely
ask teams for time and cost estimates. But when launching exploratory
projects into new territory, we literally do not know enough to make any
worthwhile estimate at all. Our best estimates are based on the situation as
we currently understand it, and we know that we do not really understand it.
If we do not know what we do not know, we certainly cannot put valid
numbers to those unknowns.
Providing straightforward estimates for a highly uncertain situation creates
a false sense of knowledge. A number, once stated, carries the implicit
message that we understand the situation. The sense of uncertainty and risk
becomes lost. When we do not understand the terrain, we must be especially
vigilant not to quantify that false knowledge in dubious numbers and dates for
our leaders. Uncertain numbers end up conveying false certainty, false
certainty becomes enshrined in models, and models, once established, are
difficult to abandon.
A Monte Carlo simulation that randomly guesses numbers from 1 to 10,000 and
keeps the lowest. Knowledge grows as more numbers are tried, but each
individual number has no connection whatsoever with the next or previous
Finding Patterns in the Noise
The images on the prior page show a Monte Carlo generator, a computer
program that generates random numbers. This one is running a test
simulation that simply picks random numbers from 1 to 10,000, scores its
results by how far away from 0 they are, and displays the 10 best (those
closest to 0). Every time it chooses a permutation – that is, a random number
– it discards it from the pool and will never choose it again. The permutation
space gauge shows the percent of the permutation space explored – the
number of unique numbers we have chosen so far from the set 1 to 10,000.
If your simulation generates a few relatively low numbers, most people
will assume that the system is converging on better solutions – that is, that
the next number is likely to be “better” (in this case, lower) than the last.
The Monte Carlo solution does converge, but the numbers it produces for
results tell you nothing about its convergence at all. If you choose the number
1, your next choice might be 981, or 23, or 2; all those are all equally likely.
The only number that gives information is the percent of the permutation
space you have explored.
This simulation shows that people have a poor feel for randomness. Our
minds, quick to form models, will find patterns where there are none.
When launching projects across an enterprise, this tendency to believe we
have identified a pattern where there really is no pattern can lead to serious
project failure. If you pilot a system in 5 test sites out of 100 total, you may
still know very little about the next 5 sites – they can be completely different
from the first 5. If they turn out to be exactly like the first 5, you still know
very little; you have explored only 10% of your permutation space. What if 80
sites are similar but the other 20 are all radically different from each other,
and you have simply not found one of the 20 yet?
Exactly this problem trapped the team in the catastrophic project
discussed earlier. They assumed that their successful pilot had given them
information about how well the system would work at other sites. While this
assumption seemed reasonable, it turned out that the operating processes in
some sites were very different than those in others. Huge risks lurked in the
unexplored areas of the map.
Knowledge grows as we explore our permutation space. When we have
deployed successfully at all the possible sites, we know everything. When we
have deployed to half of them, we have reduced half our unknowns. We still
do not know what lurks in the remaining half of the sites, but at least we do
know about the half we have completed. When we have sampled only a few,
we know very little. For this reason, projects that send a basic prototype to
many sites learn much more than projects that send an elaborate prototype
to a few select sites. The successor system to the ill-fated ADGP project
deployed a very limited release as widely as possible. With the broad set of
experience they gained early-on, they succeeded where their predecessor
system had failed.
“Strange things happen near the boundaries”
- James Gleick
Off the Manifold
The human tendency to assume more information than the data actually
has is best illustrated graphically. The image on the facing page shows a
complicated surface (a “manifold” to a mathematician). Sampling a few
points, indicated in green, we determine that those points have similar
values. If, for example, we speak to three customers and get similar opinions,
clearly we now understand our customer.
Or do we? The graphic illustrates that the real situation is much more
complicated, but we have simply missed the complicated parts. We might
find, for example, a healthy percentage of our customers have a totally
different requirement. At that time we discover that the solution that seemed
to meet our customer needs quite well is suddenly “off the manifold”.
“My model of survival is that stress is what occupies the gap between
your realities and your expectations”
- Deborah Scaling Kiley
Conclusion: Catastrophe Revisited
If we now return to considering the failed business project we considered
earlier, its failure is no longer so perplexing. A little success can be a
dangerous thing; it leads us, flushed with excitement, to forget that we do
not know what we do not know.
Conversely, studying how and where projects unravel gives us a rich set of
tools with which to avoid similar derailments. Our cognitive engine, quick to
build models, will try to read too much into the data. We will tend to marry
our models, to give numbers to leaders that convey false certainty, and to
ignore small discontinuities until they become hard to deal with. Knowing
these tendencies, we can arm ourselves with techniques and methodologies
specifically designed to address these issues.
In the end, the project that seemed a total catastrophe yielded invaluable
lessons. Its failure laid the seeds of many future successful ventures into new
Any venture beyond the known involves risk. To operate successfully in
uncharted waters, we must acknowledge that we do not know the territory –
even though it looks familiar. We must realize that it harbors risk, and risk is
a normal part of exploration. Using techniques to identify, catalog, and
manage risk allows us to explore new territory, develop new competencies,
and ultimately to succeed in our commercial objectives.
Production and Concept Notes
Breaking New Ground was produced by the Office of Strategic Services. It
draws from the shared experience of the LEAN & Agile communities at Brink’s,
particularly the CIT Business Team.
About the Office of
Strategic Services
The Office of Strategic Services
(OSS) is a strategic consulting
and services organization that
seeks out opportunities to
create, align, and advise projects within our global family of companies. The
OSS collaborates with internal Brink’s clients to help them become high-
performance departments, branches, and product groups by achieving
innovative solutions to persistent organizational problems. For more
information, see http://pulse/oss.

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Breaking New Ground - David Rostcheck

  • 1.
  • 2. 1 Brink’s, Incorporated Published by the Office of Strategic Services Breaking New Ground Managing the Dynamics of Risk
  • 3. 2 “Take calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash.” - George Patton
  • 4. Introduction - Adventure and Risk Every team of adventurers that start up a mountain expects to return. History shows clearly that not every team does. It is in this gap between expectation and reality that the dynamics of risk play out. Risk is an inherent part of adventure All important projects are adventures. In them we break new ground, taking an organization to a position it has never occupied before. Risk comes inherently commingled in adventure. In this context, we recognize risk management as an intrinsic aspect of any successful project. The term "risk management" seems staid and boring, the domain of actuaries and accountants. But when we recognize risk as an essential element of adventure, of breaking new ground, we see things differently. We realize then that every record-breaking transcontinental flight, every space launch, every voyage of exploration - indeed, any successful project at all - succeeds or fails based on preparation and risk management. When confronted with a rapidly evolving situation beyond the boundary of the plan, the team’s response becomes critical. This is the point where the mission either stays under control or slides over the edge. This publication presents an overview of the manner in which project risks manifest themselves. Exploring these topics helps to form the necessary perspective that we need to successfully navigate the inevitable unforeseen challenges that arise when we engage the unknown. 3
  • 5. 4 “No battle plan ever survived contact with the enemy.” - Dwight Eisenhower
  • 6. A Brief Study of Catastrophe The project team and the business leaders were equally excited. The new technology had been demonstrated working successfully in a production environment. The technology worked, the business processes worked, the users loved the product, and the pilot site showed significant cost savings. All the hard problems had been solved; all that remained was to deploy the technology throughout the organization. What could go wrong? A year later, the project lay in disastrous ruin. Its leaders were humiliated, their careers drawing to untimely ends. A frayed business team faced off against a burned-out technical team, strafing at each other across the landscape of a failing rollout. The project never made it past the third deployment site and would eventually be considered a total failure. The deployed sites became a support quagmire which would take years for the organization to withdraw from. This scenario described above is drawn directly from a real project within Brink’s named ADGP. Its trajectory, while dramatic, is not uncommon. What happened? How could a project on which all the hard problems had been solved disintegrate so badly? To answer these questions, we need to explore the nature and character of risk – to separate it from its context and look at the topic of risk itself, and how we perceive it – or do not. 5
  • 7. 6 “A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamt would have come his way.” - William Hutchinson Murray
  • 8. The Unknown Unknown It is in new territory - in the space beyond the comfortable, beyond the known - where we evolve our capability. But by definition, any voyage that expands our capacity must take us into new territory, and any unknown territory involves risks that we do not know. It is our mission as adventurers to explore, engage, and conquer these risks, and to return the victorious masters of our new territory. As our first step in doing so, we must remind ourselves constantly that in this terra nova, We do not know what we do not know Or, to put it differently, We do not understand this problem We often bristle at the second sentence. Certainly we understand what we are doing, do we not? Are we not skilled professionals? Our emotional response blurs the basic underlying truth - we are in strange waters and, skilled as we may be, we do not know this place. If we understood the problem, if we knew the territory, then it would not be frontier and we would not be out here seeking new-found reward. No, the terrain around us is new, and even when it looks familiar - especially when it looks familiar - we must expect to be surprised. It is easy to agree intellectually with the above reflection. But attaining a mindset where we actually do expect the unexpected turns out to be very difficult to achieve. Blind spots, such as believing we fully understand a problem that we do not, are built into our very cognitive structure. The 7
  • 9. techniques of risk management seek to catalog these inherent blind spots and learn to compensate for them. 8 “Unfortunately, there’s no such thing as a beginner’s mountain.” -Laurence Gonzales
  • 10. Learning to Fear the Familiar The assumption that we understand the terrain is the shoal upon which projects falter with astonishing regularity. Seen from a distance, the reasons appear obvious. Territory that looks familiar is not really familiar, and when it suddenly acts in an unfamiliar way, our ready reaction is the wrong one. As we climb the mountain, the ice below us suddenly acts differently than it did a mere hundred feet below. Although we may have climbed dozens of mountains, each one is different. Our general knowledge is helpful, but we need to remind ourselves continually: We do not understand this problem It is a new problem, and although it may be quite similar to others that we have faced in the past, it will be different, often in ways we may not recognize at first. It is in this very familiarity where the seeds of project disintegration are often sown. Studies of casualties in wilderness adventure show a surprising result - most fatalities occur over and over where the situation appears familiar and unthreatening. Adventurers survive their challenging white-water 9
  • 11. run only to later drown bathing in water that looks placid, but has a deceptive undercurrent. Most adventurers killed by animals in Yellowstone National Park are killed by bison. Hikers retreat from the feared grizzly bear and other predators, but do not fear herd animals. Yet while they are not predators, bison are actually quite dangerous. Our experience with other domestic herd animals betrays us. Breaking new ground involves a constant battle with ourselves to remember this rule: Fear the familiar It is not really familiar. When we break new ground, we are in unknown territory; situations may look familiar but we must remember that they are really not. The Two Data Point Fallacy One day a guest lecturer in a university mathematics department held a talk about a subject called “Design of Experiments”, a way of selecting sample points for an experiment so as to get the most information from it. The lecturer described sampling two different points and then asked how much information could be known from that. Attendees proposed various theories. Finally a young undergraduate who was working in a lab for the summer raised his hand. “None,” he answered. “Why not?” asked the lecturer. 10
  • 12. “Because you’ve only sampled each point once,” the undergraduate replied. “You don’t know that your equipment is even measuring the same data consistently until you go back and resample them later.” The lecturer smiled. “Finally, an experimentalist,” he said. Our strong urge to build a model immediately once we have some data often masks questions about the real informational content of the data. This urge is hard to resist, but can lead a project astray, especially when good results at early test sites are not indicative of later sites. Proof-of-concept sites are often powerfully motivated to praise a project; conversely, projects are generally tailored to the requirements of the first customers who use the product. Your first customers may not end up being your representative customers. In the case of the catastrophic project discussed earlier, the fact that the pilot site had gone so well led the team to conclude that the system met the business needs well. In actuality it did meet the business needs of the pilot site well, but fit less well with the next sites, whose business processes were different. Conversely, bad results in early pilot sites could condemn a solution that might actually work well for the majority of sites. Additionally, the project team in the aforementioned project noted that their early success encouraged changes because the team felt they had a full understanding of the issues when in retrospect they did not. These changes introduced unforeseen issues and contributed to the ultimate failure of the project. 11
  • 13. The Stop Light Problem When a stop sign is replaced with a stop light, many drivers will for several weeks stop at the light even when it is green. They do this automatically, each suddenly noticing that he or she is inappropriately stopped in moving traffic. Why does this happen? The answer gives us a clue into the difficulties of assumed familiarity and the mechanics behind them. The real world teems with a million different changing variables. The fluidity and complexity of a basketball game, for example, presents inconceivable mathematical complexity. Athletes have no time for analysis paralysis; they must take a shot or pass the ball in a split second. We can perform these complicated tasks because we are a race of model builders. When we face a problem our cognitive structures, evolved through millions of years, are designed to rapidly construct a simplified model of the world. Our model discards all the unimportant inputs and focuses on only the essence of the problem. We literally discard information that does not fit our model, so it does not interfere with our important task. In a classic experiment illustrating our task-based myopia, volunteers focused on counting the passes in a basketball game. Halfway through the game, a man in a gorilla suit walked slowly and incongruously across the court. Half the volunteers, questioned later, had not recalled seeing the gorilla 12
  • 14. at all. Their eyes saw it, but because it was not relevant to counting passes, their operant model discarded the information. In unfamiliar terrain that seems familiar, our models betray us by filtering out all the “unimportant” details. When catastrophe strikes, later analysis often shows it clearly signaled by “unimportant” details that the decision makers filtered out until they became overwhelming. Marrying the Model Making models requires effort, and our brain is loath to discard a functioning model because of a few inconsistencies. Instead we deny the inconsistencies or downplay their importance, becoming progressively more invested in our model. In financial firms, traders call this tendency “marrying the model.” This tendency is lethal to our successful operation when conditions are changing. Especially when exploring unknown territory, we must see what is really happening and react to it. Operating in a dynamic environment requires a process based on convergence rather than one based on perfect advance planning. When new requirements emerge or business conditions change, we must modify our plans in response – and the sooner the better, because small corrections upstream can easily solve problems that become formidable to solve downstream. Realizing that we intrinsically and immediately make models of our environment, we must resist the tendency to marry our model and instead cultivate a willingness to discard it. The LEAN process improvement methodology and the related Agile software methodology represent systematic attempts to preserve our mental 13
  • 15. and operational flexibility. These methods produce greater probability of success by strongly resisting the urge to believe we know more than we know. The False Knowledge Trap Business leaders need projections for advance planning, so they routinely ask teams for time and cost estimates. But when launching exploratory projects into new territory, we literally do not know enough to make any worthwhile estimate at all. Our best estimates are based on the situation as we currently understand it, and we know that we do not really understand it. If we do not know what we do not know, we certainly cannot put valid numbers to those unknowns. Providing straightforward estimates for a highly uncertain situation creates a false sense of knowledge. A number, once stated, carries the implicit message that we understand the situation. The sense of uncertainty and risk becomes lost. When we do not understand the terrain, we must be especially vigilant not to quantify that false knowledge in dubious numbers and dates for our leaders. Uncertain numbers end up conveying false certainty, false certainty becomes enshrined in models, and models, once established, are difficult to abandon. 14
  • 16. 15 A Monte Carlo simulation that randomly guesses numbers from 1 to 10,000 and keeps the lowest. Knowledge grows as more numbers are tried, but each individual number has no connection whatsoever with the next or previous numbers.
  • 17. Finding Patterns in the Noise The images on the prior page show a Monte Carlo generator, a computer program that generates random numbers. This one is running a test simulation that simply picks random numbers from 1 to 10,000, scores its results by how far away from 0 they are, and displays the 10 best (those closest to 0). Every time it chooses a permutation – that is, a random number – it discards it from the pool and will never choose it again. The permutation space gauge shows the percent of the permutation space explored – the number of unique numbers we have chosen so far from the set 1 to 10,000. If your simulation generates a few relatively low numbers, most people will assume that the system is converging on better solutions – that is, that the next number is likely to be “better” (in this case, lower) than the last. The Monte Carlo solution does converge, but the numbers it produces for results tell you nothing about its convergence at all. If you choose the number 1, your next choice might be 981, or 23, or 2; all those are all equally likely. The only number that gives information is the percent of the permutation space you have explored. This simulation shows that people have a poor feel for randomness. Our minds, quick to form models, will find patterns where there are none. 16
  • 18. When launching projects across an enterprise, this tendency to believe we have identified a pattern where there really is no pattern can lead to serious project failure. If you pilot a system in 5 test sites out of 100 total, you may still know very little about the next 5 sites – they can be completely different from the first 5. If they turn out to be exactly like the first 5, you still know very little; you have explored only 10% of your permutation space. What if 80 sites are similar but the other 20 are all radically different from each other, and you have simply not found one of the 20 yet? Exactly this problem trapped the team in the catastrophic project discussed earlier. They assumed that their successful pilot had given them information about how well the system would work at other sites. While this assumption seemed reasonable, it turned out that the operating processes in some sites were very different than those in others. Huge risks lurked in the unexplored areas of the map. Knowledge grows as we explore our permutation space. When we have deployed successfully at all the possible sites, we know everything. When we have deployed to half of them, we have reduced half our unknowns. We still do not know what lurks in the remaining half of the sites, but at least we do know about the half we have completed. When we have sampled only a few, we know very little. For this reason, projects that send a basic prototype to many sites learn much more than projects that send an elaborate prototype to a few select sites. The successor system to the ill-fated ADGP project deployed a very limited release as widely as possible. With the broad set of experience they gained early-on, they succeeded where their predecessor system had failed. 17
  • 19. 18 “Strange things happen near the boundaries” - James Gleick
  • 20. Off the Manifold The human tendency to assume more information than the data actually has is best illustrated graphically. The image on the facing page shows a complicated surface (a “manifold” to a mathematician). Sampling a few points, indicated in green, we determine that those points have similar values. If, for example, we speak to three customers and get similar opinions, clearly we now understand our customer. Or do we? The graphic illustrates that the real situation is much more complicated, but we have simply missed the complicated parts. We might find, for example, a healthy percentage of our customers have a totally different requirement. At that time we discover that the solution that seemed to meet our customer needs quite well is suddenly “off the manifold”. 19
  • 21. 20 “My model of survival is that stress is what occupies the gap between your realities and your expectations” - Deborah Scaling Kiley
  • 22. Conclusion: Catastrophe Revisited If we now return to considering the failed business project we considered earlier, its failure is no longer so perplexing. A little success can be a dangerous thing; it leads us, flushed with excitement, to forget that we do not know what we do not know. Conversely, studying how and where projects unravel gives us a rich set of tools with which to avoid similar derailments. Our cognitive engine, quick to build models, will try to read too much into the data. We will tend to marry our models, to give numbers to leaders that convey false certainty, and to ignore small discontinuities until they become hard to deal with. Knowing these tendencies, we can arm ourselves with techniques and methodologies specifically designed to address these issues. In the end, the project that seemed a total catastrophe yielded invaluable lessons. Its failure laid the seeds of many future successful ventures into new territory. Any venture beyond the known involves risk. To operate successfully in uncharted waters, we must acknowledge that we do not know the territory – even though it looks familiar. We must realize that it harbors risk, and risk is a normal part of exploration. Using techniques to identify, catalog, and manage risk allows us to explore new territory, develop new competencies, and ultimately to succeed in our commercial objectives. 21
  • 23. Production and Concept Notes Breaking New Ground was produced by the Office of Strategic Services. It draws from the shared experience of the LEAN & Agile communities at Brink’s, particularly the CIT Business Team. About the Office of Strategic Services The Office of Strategic Services (OSS) is a strategic consulting and services organization that seeks out opportunities to create, align, and advise projects within our global family of companies. The OSS collaborates with internal Brink’s clients to help them become high- performance departments, branches, and product groups by achieving innovative solutions to persistent organizational problems. For more information, see http://pulse/oss. 22