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15 yearsago, while workingasBail EnforcementAgent,Iknew thatourneedswere notbeingmetby
the software thatwas beingofferedbyothersoftwarecompaniesforourindustry. Thatstill holdstrue
today,overthe yearsI have talkedtohundredsof Bail BondAgents,CompanyOwnersandBail
EnforcementAgentsandevenLawEnforcementandsoftware /technologydevelopmentfirmstocreate
thislistwhichwe have workedveryhardto investigatemoderntechnologies,processesandsolutionsto
these issues inoursoftware applications.
We wantto knowif you agree withthislist,orif you feel thatthere are additional issuesthatyoufeel
we needtobecome aware of,to investigate andtodevelopadditional solutionsforaswell.
It iswithyour feedback,yourinputthatBail BondTechnologiesInc.will become the mostpowerful
software thatACTUALLY listenstoandaddressesthe real daytoday needsof thiswonderful industry
that we are all a part of! Withyour helpandour determinationandourcommitmentandlove of this
industrythatI have beena part of for more then20 years,that we will become the software standardof
the bail bondindustry.
Thissoftware isbeingprofessionallybuiltbe Sabre Solutionsoutof Savannah,GA whichhasbeenin
businessfor17 yearsas a professional software developmentcompany. The software anditsgoalsand
benefitsforthe industryare greaterthenanyone individual orafew extradollarsforone more
customer. We will notmake exceptionsandwe will performourdue diligencetomaintainthe integrity
and securityof thissystem. Soplease be understandingwhengoingthroughthe applicationand
enrollmentprocesstouse thissoftware.
Overall Goals:
To make cost effectivesoftware forall membersof the industrynomatterthe size of the companyand
for the individual BEA sothat thissoftware becomesthe nationalstandardsoftware withapricing
structure that isrealisticyetaffordable.
To create the firsteverBEA software thatwill setthe standardsformany yearsto come of any
competitorstryingtocompete withussothat theyare alwaysstrugglingtoplaycatch up.
To incorporate hightechnologythatbyitself istooexpensive foranyone tobe able toaffordby
themselvesbystructuringcontract dealswithtechnologyprovidersthatallowsforthe costsharingto be
spreadindustrywide tolowerthe overall costaffordable asthe numberof subscribers/usersgrows.
To make the technologyveryeasytouse that will require nospecial training,thatisof the highest
qualitybeyondimpunityof the government.
*** To be able togather statisticsthroughthe software onstate andnational levelsthatcan be shared
withthe industryinthe efforttofightPre-Trail Release andkeepitfromdestroying ourindustrywith
factual proveninformationobtainedfromthe software.
Also,itisour goal to spreadthe knowledgeof thissoftware industrywide. We supportall associations
that serve thisindustryatthe local,state and national levelinthe commonmissionof professional
representationof theirmembers. We will dothisthroughdirectadvertising,cooperativeagreements,
the sharingof resourcesandtechnologieswiththemandpaidmembershipsof those associations.
Industrywide needs: Issuestoaddressforthe Bail Bond Industry.
Please keepinmindthislistisinnoparticularorder.
1. The establishmentof a userfriendlyeasilymaintainedprogram/database.
1a. Havingcome from the bail bondindustry,knowingthe intrinsicoperations,processesallowsusto
builda veryintuitiveeasytouse flowingprocessthroughthe paperwork.
2. Builda national database of all clientsandtheirfingerprintspicturesandhistories
2a. We have createdthe National BondClientdatabase(tm) incorporatingthe historical anddayone
forwardinformationof the bail bondcompaniesthatare subscribersof the software withlimited
informationsharingcapabilitiestoprotecteachcompaniesprivacy,yetallow forvital sharingof
3. Beingable to easilyandcorrectlyidentifythe defendant.
3a. This isdone by crossreferencingvariouspiecesof information,Names,DOB,SSN,Picturesandeven
FBI CERTIFIEDLAW ENFORCEMENTAFISdigital fingerprintcomparison.
4. Havinga complete copyof the file oncomputeraswell asa hard copy.
4a. Withthe forms beingbuiltintothe software,andthenbeingable toprintall filesontopaper,it
allowsfortraditional storage of paperfilesaswell aselectronicstorage of the complete fileinaneasy
one stepprocessversusthe twosteppartial processcurrentlybeingofferedbyothersoftware
5. The trackingof incominginquiriestothe write ratio.EmployeeMetrics.
5a. Beingaware of the variousconcernsof the businessownersandtheirdesire toalwaysruna more
efficientandprofitablecompany,oursoftware trackseachemployee invariousmetricstohelpidentify
areas of weaknessandneededadditional trainingaswell astolessenthe threatof employee theftby
beingable todetectrisksquicker.
6. Havingall necessarydocumentsonthe computer.
6a. In co-operationwithall suretiesandprofessional companiesineachstate where commercialbail
bondsare legal,obtainingcurrentcopiesof all forms,reportsandlegal verbiagerequiredtobe in
compliance withall applicable lawsandregulationsaswell astobe made aware of the constantchanges
inlawsas theytake place sothat we can quicklyupdate the software asneeded. Thiswill allow forthe
one stepprocessof data entryin the bail applicationsavingtime andincreasingaccuracy.
7. The automatingof tasks andprintedreports.
7a. The bail bondindustryhasmanyprocessesthatconsume large amountsof man hourseach day,
weekandmonth. Many of these processesare vital inkeepingtrackof theirclientsorinprocessingthe
tonsof paperworkgeneratedeachmonthinconductingbusiness. Afterlookingatthese,we are able to
developtechnologiesandprocessesthatare extremelyaccurate,effective andefficientallowingbail
bondcompaniestoutilize manpowerof theiragentstofocuson sellingmore bondsandmakingmore
8. Developingsoftwarethatcanhandle more than1 DBA or Surety.
8a. We knowthat many bondcompaniesoperate undermultiple authoritiesandDBA'sfora multitude
of reasonsandwe have takenthat intoaccount inthe administrative setupforthe company,allowing
the choice to be made at the time eachbondapplicationisprocessed.
9. Minimize the amountof dataentry required. Eliminatethe
9a. By includingthe formswithinthe softwareprogram, typingmakesitmucheasiertoreadthe data
enteredintothe formsversustryingtodeciphereachpersonshandwriting,thisalsoreducesmistakesby
not misreadinghandwriting. We alsoautolinkall relatedfiendsof informationonthe followingpages
so agentsdonot have to retype the same informationmultiple times,thissavesatremendousamount
of time andevencarriesoverinto the reportsthat mustbe filedwithMGA'sand Sureties.
10. Avoidfalse informationbeinggivenbyapplicants.
10a. withthe creationof the National BondClientDatabase (tm) youare now able tocompare
informationagainstotherrecordsaswell asthe use of AFISdigital fingerprintingtechnologiesfor
comparisonof our one of a kinddayone forwarddatabase helpingtoassure a muchhigherdegree of
accuracy in the positive identificationof yourclientatthe time of bail andif neededatthe time of
apprehensionof yourfugitive.
11. The tracking of clientstatus,billing,collateral ect.
11a. withthe simple clickof the mouse,youare able to update a clientsstatusatanytime fromany
locationaslong as youhave internetaccesstothe WWW allowingyoutosee a wide range of
informationondemand. Thisinformationcanbe brokendownina wide range of waysto bestshowyou
the exactinformationyouwanttosee and understand.
12. Autobillingforchargesandfeesowedbythe client.
12a. While we are not complete inthe full developmentof thissection,itwill include generationof
letterstobe snail mailed,e mailed,textmessagingandeventuallyworkingwiththe nationslargest
merchantaccount providertohave a directAPIwithinoursoftware forautomaticbilling/debitingfrom
accounts andcreditcard processingatguaranteedlowestratestoyou. You will have toapplyfor your
individualbusinessaccounts,butasourcustomer,youwill be givenspecial pricingbythem.
13. Establishaway to have voice checkinof clientswitha1 – 800 # withcallerID eventhroughcall
block.Trap and trace lines.
13a. We have teamedupwithVoice BiometricsGroup,a nationallyrecognizedleaderinthe voice bio-
metricssoftware technologiestodevelopaveryquick30 secondprocesstoenroll yourclientsinvoice
bio-metricsautomatedcheckinthroughourtoll free trapand trace lines. Theyclientwill be askeda
seriesof 4 questionsaftertheirvoice hasbeenverifiedandif theyanswerany of themthatrequire
directagentmodificationof the clientsfile,the softwarewillcall forwardthe call directlytoyour
businessphone,otherwise,the call will be loggedintothe clientsfileshowingthe date,time and
numbercalledfrom. If a clientdoesnotcheckin,the company receivesanemail the followingmorning
notifyingyouof anymissedcheckins. Also,see AFIScheckinprocedureslaterinthissection.
14. Autosendingof email andtextmessagestoclientfornotificationof upcomingcourtdates,3 days
priorto appearance.
14a. As longas the agentsupdate and enterupdatedcourtinformation,the clientisnotifiedviatext
and email afewdaysprior to eachcourt appearance to helpreduce accidental FTA's.
15. The creationof a large selectionof templatesforuse withinthe programs. IE:arrest contracts,
abilitytoincorporate customformsbyour techsfor youquickly.
15a. This actuallyincludesthe variousformsforsuretyorprofessionalbondsmenanddependingonthe
state you dobusinessin,whichisall setupduringregistrationmakingyourtransitionandmigrationof
recordsand software easyandnonstressful.
16. The tracking of employeeperformance.
16a. We keeptrackof a wide range of employee performance metricswhichyoucansee andbreak
downby the day,week,month,yearorlonger. Thisincludeshow manyDIS'sare filledout,how many
bondsare soldfromthose,amountsof collateral takenintocoverthose bonds,numberof FTA'san
values. The companyownerisable toset upstandardsby percentagesforemployee goalsandbe
alertedif notmetby private email. Thisallowsyoutoknow whomayneedtrainingormay be stealing
17. Allowingforthe digital transmissionof filesnationally.
17a. Our website isFTTPS:whichcomeswithitsownsecuritycertificate,aswell asthe secured
transmissionof information,encryptedstorage of informationandveryactive anti hackingsoftware and
advancedfirewallmeasures. The bondcompanieswill alsobe able togive accesstoa Bail Enforcement
Agentwhodoesnotuse the software anywhere inthe nationbysimplye mailingthemasecure link
that isgeneratedbyoursoftware to give directaccessto the digital file anywhere inthe countryall
withinamatter of secondsdoingawaywithhavingtoovernightfilestothemand the costsinvolved.
18. The needto be able to be multi lingual. (Wantedpostersand
18a. The wantedposterscanbe completedinEnglishandthentranslatedintoappx. 20 different
languagesallowingyoutouse theminareas where Englishmaynotbe the fistlanguage spoken. We are
alsoworkingonthe complete translationof all documentsintoSpanishbutthatwill take some time to
convertthe more then1000 variousformswithinoutsoftware. Thiscanbe handledona special as
neededbasisforthose companieswhohave ahighratio of Hispaniccustomers.
19. The abilitytoworkin the fieldwithlaptopsforbothbondingandarrestingskips.
19a. As longas youhave an internetconnection,youcanuse tablet,laptopordesktopcomputers,
smart phonesare possible butnotrecommendedfordataentry. It doesnotmatterif youuse a MAC or
Windowsbasedoperatingsystem. Thissoftware will alsobe crossbrowsercompatible.
20. The needto have a Rolodex filesystemthatcanbe specifictothe needstothe industryandperform
20a. We have createda veryunique electronicRolodex systembuiltintothe software forbothbail
bondand BEA to use thisincludesforpolice,courts,hospitals,CI's,andmore all inmulti level toshow
agency,division,aswell asindividual level andatree view tosee the entire agencyinone view.
21. The abilitytoknowa personsbail history,if onlive bondora fugitive fromanotherbail bond
21a. Whenyou fill outthe DISworksheet,the informationenteredtoinclude name,DOBandSSN are
automaticallysenttothe National BondClientDatabase(TM) N.B.C.D.(tm) forinstantsearchand
comparison againstthe recordsof all bondcompaniesnationally. Thisisimportantassocietycontinues
to become more mobile andasthe time a clientisonbond betweencourtdatesincreases. Itwill return
a bail historyof numberof timesbailedout,numberof FTA;s,if currentlyonactive bondorif theyare
markedas a wantedfugitive byanothercompany. The historyisbasedonthe historical recordsof each
of ourclientbondcompany'sdatabase withoutdivulginganyspecificdata,if onactive bondor if tagged
as a wantedfugitive,itdoeswhatwe call mutual notificationsothatboth companiesbecome aware of
the fact and each isgiventhe otherscompanyname andphone number. Thisisdone bytextalertto the
companyownersphones,emailtothe companyemail accountas well asa "splash"screenonthe
computerwithan alert. If someone isonbondinLos Angles,CA andtheyare tryingto bail outin New
York city,thenchancesare theyare onthe run withoutthe knowledgeof the original bondcompany
and wouldrunof the currentinquiringcompanyaswell...sothisisa great wayto stop the problemfrom
becomingabiggerproblemandthe chancesare that the original companywill have youtake the client
intocustodyand helpreturnthemtoLA. to be surrendered.
22. Indemnitorvaluation:Bail history,Indemnitorhistory.
22a. This worksjustlike the one describedabove,exceptthere isnomutual notificationunlessthe
potential Indemntorisawantedfugitive. Itsimplysuppliesthe informationdirectlytothe agentto
betterevaluate the fitnessof the Indemnitorandthe qualityof the bond.Will alsotell youif the
Indemnitoriscosignedonany otherbondsof those companiesthatare on the systemwithoutmutual
notificationordetailsof whichcompanytheyhave cosignedonotherbondswith.
23: Collateral valuation,collateral storage tracking&returntoclients.
23a. One thingI have noticedisthatthere are HUGE differencesinwhatisallowedfromstate tostate
whenitcomesto the collateral usedtosecure a bail bond. From one companysecuringabond with
anythingfroma microwave toa house.While inotherstates,theyare nottakingany collateral atall.
For those that dotake a wide range of collateral,one issue hasalwaysbeenthe trainingof new agents
on the accurate valuestobe assigned/giventothat collateral where itisfairtothe clientyet,allowsfor
the bondcompanyto be covered.Oraccess tovaluationtoolsonthe graveyardshift,knowinghowto
calculate valuesof gold,silverorplatinum.
We are workingon contractswithseveral companiestoprovide accesstotheironline servicessuchas
OrionBlue Books,whichisthe biblesof the pawnbrokers, toNADA on line forcars and boats,RV'sand
motorcyclesaswell asour owncustom jewelrycalculatorwhere all youhave todo,isenterthe carat,
the weightandthe current marketvalue of thatmetal to get instantvalue displayedtoyou. There is
alsocollateral conditionreports,storage locationlogsof the piecesof collateral,storage feesandeven
the abilitytoimportpicturesof the collateral acceptedsotheycannot claimexistingdamage asnew
damage,anda holdharmlessagreement.
24. To allowforthe entryof historical dataentryof paperfilesintothe National BondClient
Database(tm) systemsothatrecordscan be as complete aspossible.
24a. There will be a checkbox that allowsthe bondcompanyto enterhistorical filesintothe
N.B.C.D.(tm) undertheircompaniesdatabase file. The informationhastobe manuallyenteredandwe
suggestthisto be a job fornightagentsor to hire a college studentoranotherpersonwhoisproficient
indata entryto do thisfor youand that all the detailedbasicpersoninformationisenteredversusthe
entire historical file,butthatisup to you,the companyowner.
25. Makingthe BEA's jobeasierandsaferthroughthe data entered.
25a. One of the biggestconcernswe all have indealingwithafugitive isthe safetyof the agent
preformingthe recoveryandthe liabilitytothe bondcompanyandthe expensesthatcan addup
quickly. So,we have includedaHIPPA complianthealthquestionnaire,thatmeetsall the security
requirementsof the federal government. Thisincludesawide range of questionssuchasbeingHIV
positive,Hepatitis,IV druguser,thatwill place analerton the file aswell aspregnant,deaf,heart
conditionsorothersthatwouldhelptodetermine the safestwaytoget the personintocustodyfor
theirsafetyandthat of the recoveryagent. While protectingthe bondcompanyfromsome of the
liabilityrelatedtothe recoveryprocess.
26. No more scribblingonthe sidesof paperstoadd informationwhereyoudonothave enough
26a. We have one veryunique feature,itisthe addbuttononmany of the fields..thiswillstartout
showingone setof fieldsinaninformationblock...forexample onthe DISSheet,where the chargesare
listed,youstartwithone blockbecause maybe theyare onlyneedingbail onone charge,butas we are
alsoaware,theymay be facing5 charges,well onyourpaperformsyou wouldhave tomake space to
write themall onthe paper,makingamess..withoursoftware,yousimplyclickthe ADDbutton,andit
givesyouanothersetof informationfieldstoenterthe dataas needednomatterhow manytimes,
same appliestorelativeswhere someone mayhave amother,astepmom and a
can now enterall three withcompleteinformationincludingthe relationshipstatus,soif the guyis injail
on wife beatingcharges,yourbestbetisthe motherinlaw or fatherinlaw wouldbe your firstcall to
finda judasto helpfindyourfugitive. We alsoofferextensive notesfieldsthroughoutthe entire
applicationprocesssothere isNOEXCUSE for the agentwritingthe bondnotto include detailed
27. AFISDigital fingerprintingtechnologyanduse withinthe software:
27a. Bail Bond TechnologiesInchasenteredintoacontract withAFIXTechnologiesInc.tothe the sole
providertothe bail bondindustrythroughoursoftware. AFIXisan FBI certifiedapprovedproviderof
AFISdigital fingerprintsoftware tolawenforcement,andthisisthatexactsame software. While We
may neverhave accessto NCIC,we are able to create our ownday one forwarddatabase of fingerprints
for enrollmentandidentificationpurposesatall stagesof the bail bondprocess. Thiswill runside by
side withthe National BondClientDatabase(tm)to bringthisindustrythe abilitytohave informationon
a national scale AFIXhas beenprovidingcertifiedsolutionstolaw enforcementandthe publicsince
1998. Theyare inthe USA and 20 othercountriesandwill alsobe presentatthe PBUS Conference inFeb
inour boothto answerany specificquestions.
We all knowthat the database isonlyas goodas the informationthatisenteredintoit,thismeansthat
the bondcompanyOwnerswill have toteachthe agentsto actuallybe detailedandtoenteras much
informationaspossible,The ownerswill have tobe verystrictwiththis,asyou wantto know that the
informationyouare gettingfromothersisaccurate as the informationyouare puttingintoyour
BEA SOFTWARE:Developmentof the firsteverBEA software.
1. Improve the abilityof companiesandBEA’stosave time and moneyinthe capture of theirskips.
1a. Thisstarts withbeingable tohave the case fileselectronicallysentdirectlyintoyoursoftware
program 24 / 7 soyou do nothave to drive fromone companyto anotherto pickup case filesorwaitfor
themto be mailedtoyou,thissavesyoutime and gas so youcan get outthere and lookforyour
fugitivesfaster. Byhavingthe filessenttoyouelectronically,youhave the entire file,picturesincolor
and clear,fingerprintsandmore available atyourfingertips.
2. Developmentof aBail Enforcementprogramunderthe same O/Sthat will be compatible withthe bail
2a. The securityof a clientscase file isextremelyimportanttoboththe bondcompanyandto the BEA;'s
the software isdesignedasone programwiththe BBC and BEA partsbeingbuiltasmoduleswithinthe
program allowingforincreasedsecurityandease of communication.
3. Be able to knowwhatsome tattoosmean,gang signsect.
3a. We will have a constantlygrowingsetupresearchtoolsandeducational resourcesavailable to
BEA's art no additional charge. Thiswill be inaseparate sectionof the website,muchof whichisyetto
be discussedorrevealedtothe industrybecause there willbe additional featuresandservicesmanyof
whichare goingtobe free orwithnominal fees.
4. The abilitytodigitallyfingerprintsuspecteddefendantsforpositiveIDat the time of apprehensionto
avoidcharges,lawsuitsandadditionalbadpressandmore regulationsbeingplacesuponourindustry.
4a. AFIXTechnologiesInc,isanFBI certifiedAFISdigital fingerprintingsoftware thatisinuse bymore
then400 lawenforcementagenciesinternationallyandthe device isaMini-Watsonwhichisthe latest
generationof LASdigital fingerprintreadingdevicesthatisalsoFBICERTIFIED device inuse bythe
federal governmentandlawenforcementagenciesnationallysotheywillneverbe able toquestionthe
qualityof the software we are providingtoyouforuse in the field. AFIXhas beenprovidingcertified
solutionstolawenforcementandthe publicsince 1998. Theyare inthe USA and20 othercountriesand
will alsobe presentatthe PBUS Conference inFeb.inourboothto answeranyspecificquestions.
5. Developcapabilitiesandprocessestoprovide additional informationandsourcestoimprove agent
5a. withthe developmentof amore detailedbailapplication,togathermore informationandaHIPPA
complianthealthquestionnaire,tobeingable tosearchthe National BondClientDatabase and
eventuallyaselectinformationbrokeryouwillbe able toaccessfromdirectlyfromwithinthe software,
youwill be able toaccess informationthathasneverbeenavailable toyoubefore inatimelymanner
helpingyoutonetworkandsolve casesfasterandmore cost effectively.
** Informationbrokerservicesare aseparate outside servicethatyoumustapplyand be approvedfor
by that companyandhas its ownfees,notowned,operatedorrelatedtoBail BondTechnologiesInc.
and our software services.
6. Allowforreportwritingandthe organizationof the large amountsof informationencounteredin
casesalongwiththe toolsto be able todigestitand make sense of itquicklyandaccurately.
6a. youwill have providedtoyouwithinoursoftware,awordprocessorthatwill automaticallydate and
time stampeach entryyoumake and will loganyalterationsorchangesmade afterthe fact,so that you
can keepdetailednotesoneachcase you work,andif neededcanbe usedincourt to assistinany
filingsforextensions,Swornaffidavits,courtordersorto file yourcasessummarytothe bondcompany,
MGA or Suretythatassignedyouthe case upon completion, Youare able to attach your bodyreceipt
fromthe jail,yourbillingsindetail andmore. There are featuresthatare includedinthe BEA software,
that we are still workingonthe exactfunctionsandpresentationsof,andthose will be presentedinthe
nearfuture. Thisincludesthe abilitytobe able todraw out on a sheetof paperthe floorplansof a
house or apartmentyoujustsearchedandto store it relatedtothat addressinthe file andalsothe
National BondClientDatabase. Sothatinthe future youwill be able todoan addresssearchand know
the lay outprior to goingto an addressinthe future thusincreasingyoursafetygreatly.
7. Provide templatesof swornaffidavitssothatBEA's can learnhow to fill themoutforaccess to bank
accounts,school recordsand cell phone records.
7a. There are several swornaffidavitsthatwill be includedinthe software foryouruse,these will all be
reviewedbyourstaff attorneybutmayneedtobe adjustedforyourspecificpurposesorstate andcase.
Theyare to serve asexamplesonlybuthave workedinthe pastwhenusedbyotheragentsinthe field.
8. Investigate howtomake itlegal topingcell phonesandmake it available tothe industryinawaythat
cannot be abused,notsubjecttoforgeryor fraud.
8a. It isour intentionstodowhateverwe canlegallydue todevelopasoftware systemthatpassesthe
requirementsof the lawandthe telco'swhocan anddo offer100% legal cell phone pingingservicesto
Law Enforcementandona verylimitedbasistothe bail bondindustry.
We are searchingthe way to doso where itisno outrageouslypriced,notascam and 100 percent
verifiedasaworkingandaccurate service withnonotice tothe clientsphone whenbeing pinged. We
are notsure whenthiswill be included,butknow thatwe are workingonthisas one of our priorities.
9. To make thissoftware available toBEA'sinall stateswhere all credentialsare verifiedpriortoaccess
beinggiventothe software, eveninstateswherethere are nocurrentlicensingrequirements.
9a. There are statesthat do not require licensesforBEA work,some require abail bondlicense,some
require aPI license,some require nothingatall tobe hiredbybail bondcompanies. We realize thatand
we alsorealize thatthissoftware offerspowerfultoolswhenusedresponsiblyandprofessionallycanbe
great. We vettand verifyeachandeverypersonthatis requestingaccesstothisservice, Withproof of
such ineach companiesfiles. Howeverinstatesthatdonot require licensing,we musthave
documentedproof fromthe bail bondcompaniesontheirletterheadthattheyemployorcontractyou
to do recoveryworkandeach will be phone verifiedpriortoaccessbeinggiven. Thissoftware andits
goalsand benefitsforthe industryare greaterthenanyone individual orafew extradollarsforone
more customer. We will notmake exceptionsandwe will performourdue diligence tomaintainthe
integrityandsecurityof thissystem.
10. To reach out to the variousBEA associationsanddeveloprelationshipstokeepcurrentonlawsin
each state,tomake agentsaware of the software andto be opentothe changingneedsof the industry
and adaptto it.
10a. We will workwithvariousindividualsandassociationsfromacrossthe nationtospreadthe
professionalimage of the Recoveryagent,we will gatherstatisticsandprovide theminanefforttofight
Pre Trial Release.andthiswillnotbe specificinformationrelatedtoanyone account or case file...but
rather general informationbystate ornational andwithintime frames. Lawschange all the time ineach
state and the nestway to keepupto date and accurate onthat is to developthoserelationshipsthat
wouldknowbestthe changessothat our software canaccuratelyreflectandbe compliantwiththe
varietyof lawsinour software. Also,itisourgoal to spreadthe knowledgeof thissoftware industry
wide. We supportall associationsthatserve thisindustryatthe local,state andnational level inthe
commonmissionof professional representationof theirmembers. We will dothisthroughdirect
advertising, cooperativeagreements,the sharingof resourcesandtechnologieswiththemandpaid
membershipsof those associations.
11. To helpstart andestablishamentorshipprogramnationallyforthe trainingandgroomingof the
newgenerationsof BEA'storepresentthe professioninaresponsible andlaw abidingmanner. 
11a. We will workwiththe variousBail EnforcementAssociationsoverthe nextcouple of yearstotry to
bringto realityanationwide networkingsystemof volunteersof experiencedfromthisfieldwhoare
vettedbya board of industryvolunteerstodesignanddevelopaMentorshipprogramineachstate
where Bail Enforcementandcommercial bail bondsare legal. Thisisourchance to helpbringupthe
nestgenerationsof youngprofessionalswithexperience andleadershipthathasnotbeenavailable up
to thispoint. We have to investinour future to keepitstrong andprofessional.
12. To bringto the industry,variouseducationsforums/materialstoshare knowledge withothersin
the profession. Toallowforthe networkingbetweenprofessionalsfromstate tostate allowingforthe
safe quicksharingof resourcesandresolutionsof cases.
12a. We are goingto be offeringmanyadditional servicesandofferingstomembersof the industry
withinourlargerwebsite whichwe will be launchingsoon,sostaytunedforthose announcementsin
the near future.,
You will findUsveryeasy to approach,to talkto about the software,offeringhelpful suggestions,
constructive criticisms,orgeneral comments.
I have spentcountlesshoursinthe pastmonthstalkingtoindividualsandIthankeach and everyone of
youfor your feedbackbecause eachone makesthisfirstof itskindsoftware the bestitcanbe and will
become inthe future. We will setthe standardssohighthat the otherswhotry to follow will notbe
able to catch up. Andthat thissoftware will helpBEA'snationwide the abilitytoperformtheirdutiesin
the safest,mostefficientandprofitable waypossible.
Accessto the National database of automaticScannedLicense plate readers.
Webbasedcrawlerthat workswithgovernmentgrade facial recognitionsoftware.
National EBondingSystemthatstarts at the Suretyto MGA, bail bondcompanyand directlyintoevery
Jail and Courtin the USA forthe electronicsecure creationandpostingof EBonds.Thiswill call forthe
extensive buildingof relationshipswithall Suretiesandstate andnational bail associationstolevel their
PACinfluence anddevelopanational standardof securityandprocessthat isacceptable where Bail
BondTechnologiesIncwill bearthe expenseof technologydevelopment,savingthe suretiesand
associationshundredsof thousandsof dollarseachyearinexpenses.
The developmentandlaunchof the MGA and Suretymodulesthatwill be 100 percentcompatible with
the Bail Bond office andBEA software andoperate withinthe same secure networkprogram.
The Beta testingwill begininDecember2015 and the software will launchpubliclyatthe PBUS
conference inLawVegasinFebruary20-24, 2016.
You can still signupfor the betatestingwhichisfree of charge to helptest and bringthissoftware to
marketwithhuge launch.
For additional detailsorinformationaboutthiseitherpartsof thissoftware,please contact24 / 7:
Bail Bond TechnologiesInc.
GeorgiaregisteredforProfitCorporationsince 2013
Contact usfor a beta testingapplicationtofill outandtake part.

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  • 1. THE BEGINNINGof BAIL BONDTECHNOLOGIES INC.and ourgoals: 15 yearsago, while workingasBail EnforcementAgent,Iknew thatourneedswere notbeingmetby the software thatwas beingofferedbyothersoftwarecompaniesforourindustry. Thatstill holdstrue today,overthe yearsI have talkedtohundredsof Bail BondAgents,CompanyOwnersandBail EnforcementAgentsandevenLawEnforcementandsoftware /technologydevelopmentfirmstocreate thislistwhichwe have workedveryhardto investigatemoderntechnologies,processesandsolutionsto these issues inoursoftware applications. We wantto knowif you agree withthislist,orif you feel thatthere are additional issuesthatyoufeel we needtobecome aware of,to investigate andtodevelopadditional solutionsforaswell. It iswithyour feedback,yourinputthatBail BondTechnologiesInc.will become the mostpowerful software thatACTUALLY listenstoandaddressesthe real daytoday needsof thiswonderful industry that we are all a part of! Withyour helpandour determinationandourcommitmentandlove of this industrythatI have beena part of for more then20 years,that we will become the software standardof the bail bondindustry. Thissoftware isbeingprofessionallybuiltbe Sabre Solutionsoutof Savannah,GA whichhasbeenin businessfor17 yearsas a professional software developmentcompany. The software anditsgoalsand benefitsforthe industryare greaterthenanyone individual orafew extradollarsforone more customer. We will notmake exceptionsandwe will performourdue diligencetomaintainthe integrity and securityof thissystem. Soplease be understandingwhengoingthroughthe applicationand enrollmentprocesstouse thissoftware. Overall Goals: To make cost effectivesoftware forall membersof the industrynomatterthe size of the companyand for the individual BEA sothat thissoftware becomesthe nationalstandardsoftware withapricing structure that isrealisticyetaffordable. To create the firsteverBEA software thatwill setthe standardsformany yearsto come of any competitorstryingtocompete withussothat theyare alwaysstrugglingtoplaycatch up. To incorporate hightechnologythatbyitself istooexpensive foranyone tobe able toaffordby themselvesbystructuringcontract dealswithtechnologyprovidersthatallowsforthe costsharingto be spreadindustrywide tolowerthe overall costaffordable asthe numberof subscribers/usersgrows. To make the technologyveryeasytouse that will require nospecial training,thatisof the highest qualitybeyondimpunityof the government.
  • 2. *** To be able togather statisticsthroughthe software onstate andnational levelsthatcan be shared withthe industryinthe efforttofightPre-Trail Release andkeepitfromdestroying ourindustrywith factual proveninformationobtainedfromthe software. Also,itisour goal to spreadthe knowledgeof thissoftware industrywide. We supportall associations that serve thisindustryatthe local,state and national levelinthe commonmissionof professional representationof theirmembers. We will dothisthroughdirectadvertising,cooperativeagreements, the sharingof resourcesandtechnologieswiththemandpaidmembershipsof those associations. Industrywide needs: Issuestoaddressforthe Bail Bond Industry. Please keepinmindthislistisinnoparticularorder. 1. The establishmentof a userfriendlyeasilymaintainedprogram/database. 1a. Havingcome from the bail bondindustry,knowingthe intrinsicoperations,processesallowsusto builda veryintuitiveeasytouse flowingprocessthroughthe paperwork. 2. Builda national database of all clientsandtheirfingerprintspicturesandhistories 2a. We have createdthe National BondClientdatabase(tm) incorporatingthe historical anddayone forwardinformationof the bail bondcompaniesthatare subscribersof the software withlimited informationsharingcapabilitiestoprotecteachcompaniesprivacy,yetallow forvital sharingof informationaswell. 3. Beingable to easilyandcorrectlyidentifythe defendant. 3a. This isdone by crossreferencingvariouspiecesof information,Names,DOB,SSN,Picturesandeven FBI CERTIFIEDLAW ENFORCEMENTAFISdigital fingerprintcomparison. 4. Havinga complete copyof the file oncomputeraswell asa hard copy. 4a. Withthe forms beingbuiltintothe software,andthenbeingable toprintall filesontopaper,it allowsfortraditional storage of paperfilesaswell aselectronicstorage of the complete fileinaneasy one stepprocessversusthe twosteppartial processcurrentlybeingofferedbyothersoftware providers. 5. The trackingof incominginquiriestothe write ratio.EmployeeMetrics.
  • 3. 5a. Beingaware of the variousconcernsof the businessownersandtheirdesire toalwaysruna more efficientandprofitablecompany,oursoftware trackseachemployee invariousmetricstohelpidentify areas of weaknessandneededadditional trainingaswell astolessenthe threatof employee theftby beingable todetectrisksquicker. 6. Havingall necessarydocumentsonthe computer. 6a. In co-operationwithall suretiesandprofessional companiesineachstate where commercialbail bondsare legal,obtainingcurrentcopiesof all forms,reportsandlegal verbiagerequiredtobe in compliance withall applicable lawsandregulationsaswell astobe made aware of the constantchanges inlawsas theytake place sothat we can quicklyupdate the software asneeded. Thiswill allow forthe one stepprocessof data entryin the bail applicationsavingtime andincreasingaccuracy. 7. The automatingof tasks andprintedreports. 7a. The bail bondindustryhasmanyprocessesthatconsume large amountsof man hourseach day, weekandmonth. Many of these processesare vital inkeepingtrackof theirclientsorinprocessingthe tonsof paperworkgeneratedeachmonthinconductingbusiness. Afterlookingatthese,we are able to developtechnologiesandprocessesthatare extremelyaccurate,effective andefficientallowingbail bondcompaniestoutilize manpowerof theiragentstofocuson sellingmore bondsandmakingmore money. 8. Developingsoftwarethatcanhandle more than1 DBA or Surety. 8a. We knowthat many bondcompaniesoperate undermultiple authoritiesandDBA'sfora multitude of reasonsandwe have takenthat intoaccount inthe administrative setupforthe company,allowing the choice to be made at the time eachbondapplicationisprocessed. 9. Minimize the amountof dataentry required. Eliminatethe handwriting,makingeverythinglegible. 9a. By includingthe formswithinthe softwareprogram, typingmakesitmucheasiertoreadthe data enteredintothe formsversustryingtodeciphereachpersonshandwriting,thisalsoreducesmistakesby not misreadinghandwriting. We alsoautolinkall relatedfiendsof informationonthe followingpages so agentsdonot have to retype the same informationmultiple times,thissavesatremendousamount of time andevencarriesoverinto the reportsthat mustbe filedwithMGA'sand Sureties. 10. Avoidfalse informationbeinggivenbyapplicants.
  • 4. 10a. withthe creationof the National BondClientDatabase (tm) youare now able tocompare informationagainstotherrecordsaswell asthe use of AFISdigital fingerprintingtechnologiesfor comparisonof our one of a kinddayone forwarddatabase helpingtoassure a muchhigherdegree of accuracy in the positive identificationof yourclientatthe time of bail andif neededatthe time of apprehensionof yourfugitive. 11. The tracking of clientstatus,billing,collateral ect. 11a. withthe simple clickof the mouse,youare able to update a clientsstatusatanytime fromany locationaslong as youhave internetaccesstothe WWW allowingyoutosee a wide range of informationondemand. Thisinformationcanbe brokendownina wide range of waysto bestshowyou the exactinformationyouwanttosee and understand. 12. Autobillingforchargesandfeesowedbythe client. 12a. While we are not complete inthe full developmentof thissection,itwill include generationof letterstobe snail mailed,e mailed,textmessagingandeventuallyworkingwiththe nationslargest merchantaccount providertohave a directAPIwithinoursoftware forautomaticbilling/debitingfrom accounts andcreditcard processingatguaranteedlowestratestoyou. You will have toapplyfor your individualbusinessaccounts,butasourcustomer,youwill be givenspecial pricingbythem. 13. Establishaway to have voice checkinof clientswitha1 – 800 # withcallerID eventhroughcall block.Trap and trace lines. 13a. We have teamedupwithVoice BiometricsGroup,a nationallyrecognizedleaderinthe voice bio- metricssoftware technologiestodevelopaveryquick30 secondprocesstoenroll yourclientsinvoice bio-metricsautomatedcheckinthroughourtoll free trapand trace lines. Theyclientwill be askeda seriesof 4 questionsaftertheirvoice hasbeenverifiedandif theyanswerany of themthatrequire directagentmodificationof the clientsfile,the softwarewillcall forwardthe call directlytoyour businessphone,otherwise,the call will be loggedintothe clientsfileshowingthe date,time and numbercalledfrom. If a clientdoesnotcheckin,the company receivesanemail the followingmorning notifyingyouof anymissedcheckins. Also,see AFIScheckinprocedureslaterinthissection. 14. Autosendingof email andtextmessagestoclientfornotificationof upcomingcourtdates,3 days priorto appearance. 14a. As longas the agentsupdate and enterupdatedcourtinformation,the clientisnotifiedviatext and email afewdaysprior to eachcourt appearance to helpreduce accidental FTA's. 15. The creationof a large selectionof templatesforuse withinthe programs. IE:arrest contracts, abilitytoincorporate customformsbyour techsfor youquickly.
  • 5. 15a. This actuallyincludesthe variousformsforsuretyorprofessionalbondsmenanddependingonthe state you dobusinessin,whichisall setupduringregistrationmakingyourtransitionandmigrationof recordsand software easyandnonstressful. 16. The tracking of employeeperformance. 16a. We keeptrackof a wide range of employee performance metricswhichyoucansee andbreak downby the day,week,month,yearorlonger. Thisincludeshow manyDIS'sare filledout,how many bondsare soldfromthose,amountsof collateral takenintocoverthose bonds,numberof FTA'san values. The companyownerisable toset upstandardsby percentagesforemployee goalsandbe alertedif notmetby private email. Thisallowsyoutoknow whomayneedtrainingormay be stealing fromyou. 17. Allowingforthe digital transmissionof filesnationally. 17a. Our website isFTTPS:whichcomeswithitsownsecuritycertificate,aswell asthe secured transmissionof information,encryptedstorage of informationandveryactive anti hackingsoftware and advancedfirewallmeasures. The bondcompanieswill alsobe able togive accesstoa Bail Enforcement Agentwhodoesnotuse the software anywhere inthe nationbysimplye mailingthemasecure link that isgeneratedbyoursoftware to give directaccessto the digital file anywhere inthe countryall withinamatter of secondsdoingawaywithhavingtoovernightfilestothemand the costsinvolved. 18. The needto be able to be multi lingual. (Wantedpostersand forms) 18a. The wantedposterscanbe completedinEnglishandthentranslatedintoappx. 20 different languagesallowingyoutouse theminareas where Englishmaynotbe the fistlanguage spoken. We are alsoworkingonthe complete translationof all documentsintoSpanishbutthatwill take some time to convertthe more then1000 variousformswithinoutsoftware. Thiscanbe handledona special as neededbasisforthose companieswhohave ahighratio of Hispaniccustomers. 19. The abilitytoworkin the fieldwithlaptopsforbothbondingandarrestingskips. 19a. As longas youhave an internetconnection,youcanuse tablet,laptopordesktopcomputers, smart phonesare possible butnotrecommendedfordataentry. It doesnotmatterif youuse a MAC or Windowsbasedoperatingsystem. Thissoftware will alsobe crossbrowsercompatible. 20. The needto have a Rolodex filesystemthatcanbe specifictothe needstothe industryandperform filtersandsearchesinit.
  • 6. 20a. We have createda veryunique electronicRolodex systembuiltintothe software forbothbail bondand BEA to use thisincludesforpolice,courts,hospitals,CI's,andmore all inmulti level toshow agency,division,aswell asindividual level andatree view tosee the entire agencyinone view. 21. The abilitytoknowa personsbail history,if onlive bondora fugitive fromanotherbail bond company. 21a. Whenyou fill outthe DISworksheet,the informationenteredtoinclude name,DOBandSSN are automaticallysenttothe National BondClientDatabase(TM) N.B.C.D.(tm) forinstantsearchand comparison againstthe recordsof all bondcompaniesnationally. Thisisimportantassocietycontinues to become more mobile andasthe time a clientisonbond betweencourtdatesincreases. Itwill return a bail historyof numberof timesbailedout,numberof FTA;s,if currentlyonactive bondorif theyare markedas a wantedfugitive byanothercompany. The historyisbasedonthe historical recordsof each of ourclientbondcompany'sdatabase withoutdivulginganyspecificdata,if onactive bondor if tagged as a wantedfugitive,itdoeswhatwe call mutual notificationsothatboth companiesbecome aware of the fact and each isgiventhe otherscompanyname andphone number. Thisisdone bytextalertto the companyownersphones,emailtothe companyemail accountas well asa "splash"screenonthe computerwithan alert. If someone isonbondinLos Angles,CA andtheyare tryingto bail outin New York city,thenchancesare theyare onthe run withoutthe knowledgeof the original bondcompany and wouldrunof the currentinquiringcompanyaswell...sothisisa great wayto stop the problemfrom becomingabiggerproblemandthe chancesare that the original companywill have youtake the client intocustodyand helpreturnthemtoLA. to be surrendered. 22. Indemnitorvaluation:Bail history,Indemnitorhistory. 22a. This worksjustlike the one describedabove,exceptthere isnomutual notificationunlessthe potential Indemntorisawantedfugitive. Itsimplysuppliesthe informationdirectlytothe agentto betterevaluate the fitnessof the Indemnitorandthe qualityof the bond.Will alsotell youif the Indemnitoriscosignedonany otherbondsof those companiesthatare on the systemwithoutmutual notificationordetailsof whichcompanytheyhave cosignedonotherbondswith. 23: Collateral valuation,collateral storage tracking&returntoclients. 23a. One thingI have noticedisthatthere are HUGE differencesinwhatisallowedfromstate tostate whenitcomesto the collateral usedtosecure a bail bond. From one companysecuringabond with anythingfroma microwave toa house.While inotherstates,theyare nottakingany collateral atall. For those that dotake a wide range of collateral,one issue hasalwaysbeenthe trainingof new agents on the accurate valuestobe assigned/giventothat collateral where itisfairtothe clientyet,allowsfor the bondcompanyto be covered.Oraccess tovaluationtoolsonthe graveyardshift,knowinghowto calculate valuesof gold,silverorplatinum.
  • 7. We are workingon contractswithseveral companiestoprovide accesstotheironline servicessuchas OrionBlue Books,whichisthe biblesof the pawnbrokers, toNADA on line forcars and boats,RV'sand motorcyclesaswell asour owncustom jewelrycalculatorwhere all youhave todo,isenterthe carat, the weightandthe current marketvalue of thatmetal to get instantvalue displayedtoyou. There is alsocollateral conditionreports,storage locationlogsof the piecesof collateral,storage feesandeven the abilitytoimportpicturesof the collateral acceptedsotheycannot claimexistingdamage asnew damage,anda holdharmlessagreement. 24. To allowforthe entryof historical dataentryof paperfilesintothe National BondClient Database(tm) systemsothatrecordscan be as complete aspossible. 24a. There will be a checkbox that allowsthe bondcompanyto enterhistorical filesintothe N.B.C.D.(tm) undertheircompaniesdatabase file. The informationhastobe manuallyenteredandwe suggestthisto be a job fornightagentsor to hire a college studentoranotherpersonwhoisproficient indata entryto do thisfor youand that all the detailedbasicpersoninformationisenteredversusthe entire historical file,butthatisup to you,the companyowner. 25. Makingthe BEA's jobeasierandsaferthroughthe data entered. 25a. One of the biggestconcernswe all have indealingwithafugitive isthe safetyof the agent preformingthe recoveryandthe liabilitytothe bondcompanyandthe expensesthatcan addup quickly. So,we have includedaHIPPA complianthealthquestionnaire,thatmeetsall the security requirementsof the federal government. Thisincludesawide range of questionssuchasbeingHIV positive,Hepatitis,IV druguser,thatwill place analerton the file aswell aspregnant,deaf,heart conditionsorothersthatwouldhelptodetermine the safestwaytoget the personintocustodyfor theirsafetyandthat of the recoveryagent. While protectingthe bondcompanyfromsome of the liabilityrelatedtothe recoveryprocess. 26. No more scribblingonthe sidesof paperstoadd informationwhereyoudonothave enough fields... 26a. We have one veryunique feature,itisthe addbuttononmany of the fields..thiswillstartout showingone setof fieldsinaninformationblock...forexample onthe DISSheet,where the chargesare listed,youstartwithone blockbecause maybe theyare onlyneedingbail onone charge,butas we are alsoaware,theymay be facing5 charges,well onyourpaperformsyou wouldhave tomake space to write themall onthe paper,makingamess..withoursoftware,yousimplyclickthe ADDbutton,andit givesyouanothersetof informationfieldstoenterthe dataas needednomatterhow manytimes, same appliestorelativeswhere someone mayhave amother,astepmom and a can now enterall three withcompleteinformationincludingthe relationshipstatus,soif the guyis injail on wife beatingcharges,yourbestbetisthe motherinlaw or fatherinlaw wouldbe your firstcall to finda judasto helpfindyourfugitive. We alsoofferextensive notesfieldsthroughoutthe entire
  • 8. applicationprocesssothere isNOEXCUSE for the agentwritingthe bondnotto include detailed information. 27. AFISDigital fingerprintingtechnologyanduse withinthe software: 27a. Bail Bond TechnologiesInchasenteredintoacontract withAFIXTechnologiesInc.tothe the sole providertothe bail bondindustrythroughoursoftware. AFIXisan FBI certifiedapprovedproviderof AFISdigital fingerprintsoftware tolawenforcement,andthisisthatexactsame software. While We may neverhave accessto NCIC,we are able to create our ownday one forwarddatabase of fingerprints for enrollmentandidentificationpurposesatall stagesof the bail bondprocess. Thiswill runside by side withthe National BondClientDatabase(tm)to bringthisindustrythe abilitytohave informationon a national scale AFIXhas beenprovidingcertifiedsolutionstolaw enforcementandthe publicsince 1998. Theyare inthe USA and 20 othercountriesandwill alsobe presentatthe PBUS Conference inFeb inour boothto answerany specificquestions. We all knowthat the database isonlyas goodas the informationthatisenteredintoit,thismeansthat the bondcompanyOwnerswill have toteachthe agentsto actuallybe detailedandtoenteras much informationaspossible,The ownerswill have tobe verystrictwiththis,asyou wantto know that the informationyouare gettingfromothersisaccurate as the informationyouare puttingintoyour companiesfiles. BEA SOFTWARE:Developmentof the firsteverBEA software. 1. Improve the abilityof companiesandBEA’stosave time and moneyinthe capture of theirskips. 1a. Thisstarts withbeingable tohave the case fileselectronicallysentdirectlyintoyoursoftware program 24 / 7 soyou do nothave to drive fromone companyto anotherto pickup case filesorwaitfor themto be mailedtoyou,thissavesyoutime and gas so youcan get outthere and lookforyour fugitivesfaster. Byhavingthe filessenttoyouelectronically,youhave the entire file,picturesincolor and clear,fingerprintsandmore available atyourfingertips. 2. Developmentof aBail Enforcementprogramunderthe same O/Sthat will be compatible withthe bail bondprogram. 2a. The securityof a clientscase file isextremelyimportanttoboththe bondcompanyandto the BEA;'s the software isdesignedasone programwiththe BBC and BEA partsbeingbuiltasmoduleswithinthe program allowingforincreasedsecurityandease of communication. 3. Be able to knowwhatsome tattoosmean,gang signsect.
  • 9. 3a. We will have a constantlygrowingsetupresearchtoolsandeducational resourcesavailable to BEA's art no additional charge. Thiswill be inaseparate sectionof the website,muchof whichisyetto be discussedorrevealedtothe industrybecause there willbe additional featuresandservicesmanyof whichare goingtobe free orwithnominal fees. 4. The abilitytodigitallyfingerprintsuspecteddefendantsforpositiveIDat the time of apprehensionto avoidcharges,lawsuitsandadditionalbadpressandmore regulationsbeingplacesuponourindustry. 4a. AFIXTechnologiesInc,isanFBI certifiedAFISdigital fingerprintingsoftware thatisinuse bymore then400 lawenforcementagenciesinternationallyandthe device isaMini-Watsonwhichisthe latest generationof LASdigital fingerprintreadingdevicesthatisalsoFBICERTIFIED device inuse bythe federal governmentandlawenforcementagenciesnationallysotheywillneverbe able toquestionthe qualityof the software we are providingtoyouforuse in the field. AFIXhas beenprovidingcertified solutionstolawenforcementandthe publicsince 1998. Theyare inthe USA and20 othercountriesand will alsobe presentatthe PBUS Conference inFeb.inourboothto answeranyspecificquestions. 5. Developcapabilitiesandprocessestoprovide additional informationandsourcestoimprove agent safety. 5a. withthe developmentof amore detailedbailapplication,togathermore informationandaHIPPA complianthealthquestionnaire,tobeingable tosearchthe National BondClientDatabase and eventuallyaselectinformationbrokeryouwillbe able toaccessfromdirectlyfromwithinthe software, youwill be able toaccess informationthathasneverbeenavailable toyoubefore inatimelymanner helpingyoutonetworkandsolve casesfasterandmore cost effectively. ** Informationbrokerservicesare aseparate outside servicethatyoumustapplyand be approvedfor by that companyandhas its ownfees,notowned,operatedorrelatedtoBail BondTechnologiesInc. and our software services. 6. Allowforreportwritingandthe organizationof the large amountsof informationencounteredin casesalongwiththe toolsto be able todigestitand make sense of itquicklyandaccurately. 6a. youwill have providedtoyouwithinoursoftware,awordprocessorthatwill automaticallydate and time stampeach entryyoumake and will loganyalterationsorchangesmade afterthe fact,so that you can keepdetailednotesoneachcase you work,andif neededcanbe usedincourt to assistinany filingsforextensions,Swornaffidavits,courtordersorto file yourcasessummarytothe bondcompany, MGA or Suretythatassignedyouthe case upon completion, Youare able to attach your bodyreceipt fromthe jail,yourbillingsindetail andmore. There are featuresthatare includedinthe BEA software, that we are still workingonthe exactfunctionsandpresentationsof,andthose will be presentedinthe nearfuture. Thisincludesthe abilitytobe able todraw out on a sheetof paperthe floorplansof a house or apartmentyoujustsearchedandto store it relatedtothat addressinthe file andalsothe National BondClientDatabase. Sothatinthe future youwill be able todoan addresssearchand know the lay outprior to goingto an addressinthe future thusincreasingyoursafetygreatly.
  • 10. 7. Provide templatesof swornaffidavitssothatBEA's can learnhow to fill themoutforaccess to bank accounts,school recordsand cell phone records. 7a. There are several swornaffidavitsthatwill be includedinthe software foryouruse,these will all be reviewedbyourstaff attorneybutmayneedtobe adjustedforyourspecificpurposesorstate andcase. Theyare to serve asexamplesonlybuthave workedinthe pastwhenusedbyotheragentsinthe field. 8. Investigate howtomake itlegal topingcell phonesandmake it available tothe industryinawaythat cannot be abused,notsubjecttoforgeryor fraud. 8a. It isour intentionstodowhateverwe canlegallydue todevelopasoftware systemthatpassesthe requirementsof the lawandthe telco'swhocan anddo offer100% legal cell phone pingingservicesto Law Enforcementandona verylimitedbasistothe bail bondindustry. We are searchingthe way to doso where itisno outrageouslypriced,notascam and 100 percent verifiedasaworkingandaccurate service withnonotice tothe clientsphone whenbeing pinged. We are notsure whenthiswill be included,butknow thatwe are workingonthisas one of our priorities. 9. To make thissoftware available toBEA'sinall stateswhere all credentialsare verifiedpriortoaccess beinggiventothe software, eveninstateswherethere are nocurrentlicensingrequirements. 9a. There are statesthat do not require licensesforBEA work,some require abail bondlicense,some require aPI license,some require nothingatall tobe hiredbybail bondcompanies. We realize thatand we alsorealize thatthissoftware offerspowerfultoolswhenusedresponsiblyandprofessionallycanbe great. We vettand verifyeachandeverypersonthatis requestingaccesstothisservice, Withproof of such ineach companiesfiles. Howeverinstatesthatdonot require licensing,we musthave documentedproof fromthe bail bondcompaniesontheirletterheadthattheyemployorcontractyou to do recoveryworkandeach will be phone verifiedpriortoaccessbeinggiven. Thissoftware andits goalsand benefitsforthe industryare greaterthenanyone individual orafew extradollarsforone more customer. We will notmake exceptionsandwe will performourdue diligence tomaintainthe integrityandsecurityof thissystem. 10. To reach out to the variousBEA associationsanddeveloprelationshipstokeepcurrentonlawsin each state,tomake agentsaware of the software andto be opentothe changingneedsof the industry and adaptto it. 10a. We will workwithvariousindividualsandassociationsfromacrossthe nationtospreadthe professionalimage of the Recoveryagent,we will gatherstatisticsandprovide theminanefforttofight Pre Trial Release.andthiswillnotbe specificinformationrelatedtoanyone account or case file...but rather general informationbystate ornational andwithintime frames. Lawschange all the time ineach state and the nestway to keepupto date and accurate onthat is to developthoserelationshipsthat wouldknowbestthe changessothat our software canaccuratelyreflectandbe compliantwiththe
  • 11. varietyof lawsinour software. Also,itisourgoal to spreadthe knowledgeof thissoftware industry wide. We supportall associationsthatserve thisindustryatthe local,state andnational level inthe commonmissionof professional representationof theirmembers. We will dothisthroughdirect advertising, cooperativeagreements,the sharingof resourcesandtechnologieswiththemandpaid membershipsof those associations. 11. To helpstart andestablishamentorshipprogramnationallyforthe trainingandgroomingof the newgenerationsof BEA'storepresentthe professioninaresponsible andlaw abidingmanner. 11a. We will workwiththe variousBail EnforcementAssociationsoverthe nextcouple of yearstotry to bringto realityanationwide networkingsystemof volunteersof experiencedfromthisfieldwhoare vettedbya board of industryvolunteerstodesignanddevelopaMentorshipprogramineachstate where Bail Enforcementandcommercial bail bondsare legal. Thisisourchance to helpbringupthe nestgenerationsof youngprofessionalswithexperience andleadershipthathasnotbeenavailable up to thispoint. We have to investinour future to keepitstrong andprofessional. 12. To bringto the industry,variouseducationsforums/materialstoshare knowledge withothersin the profession. Toallowforthe networkingbetweenprofessionalsfromstate tostate allowingforthe safe quicksharingof resourcesandresolutionsof cases. 12a. We are goingto be offeringmanyadditional servicesandofferingstomembersof the industry withinourlargerwebsite whichwe will be launchingsoon,sostaytunedforthose announcementsin the near future., You will findUsveryeasy to approach,to talkto about the software,offeringhelpful suggestions, constructive criticisms,orgeneral comments. I have spentcountlesshoursinthe pastmonthstalkingtoindividualsandIthankeach and everyone of youfor your feedbackbecause eachone makesthisfirstof itskindsoftware the bestitcanbe and will become inthe future. We will setthe standardssohighthat the otherswhotry to follow will notbe able to catch up. Andthat thissoftware will helpBEA'snationwide the abilitytoperformtheirdutiesin the safest,mostefficientandprofitable waypossible. ADDITIONALFUTURE UPGRADES: Accessto the National database of automaticScannedLicense plate readers. Webbasedcrawlerthat workswithgovernmentgrade facial recognitionsoftware. National EBondingSystemthatstarts at the Suretyto MGA, bail bondcompanyand directlyintoevery Jail and Courtin the USA forthe electronicsecure creationandpostingof EBonds.Thiswill call forthe
  • 12. extensive buildingof relationshipswithall Suretiesandstate andnational bail associationstolevel their PACinfluence anddevelopanational standardof securityandprocessthat isacceptable where Bail BondTechnologiesIncwill bearthe expenseof technologydevelopment,savingthe suretiesand associationshundredsof thousandsof dollarseachyearinexpenses. The developmentandlaunchof the MGA and Suretymodulesthatwill be 100 percentcompatible with the Bail Bond office andBEA software andoperate withinthe same secure networkprogram. The Beta testingwill begininDecember2015 and the software will launchpubliclyatthe PBUS conference inLawVegasinFebruary20-24, 2016. You can still signupfor the betatestingwhichisfree of charge to helptest and bringthissoftware to marketwithhuge launch. For additional detailsorinformationaboutthiseitherpartsof thissoftware,please contact24 / 7: Bail Bond TechnologiesInc. ChrisGilliland,Owner 904-924-4874 GeorgiaregisteredforProfitCorporationsince 2013 Contact usfor a beta testingapplicationtofill outandtake part.