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uPVC øeáYƒæ°üŸGÜGƒHC’GhòaGƒæ∏d
,á«fɪY IQGOEGh ᫵∏e äGP ácô°T »g 2000 òaGƒf ácô°T
ÜGƒHC’Gh òaGƒædG ™«æ°üJ ∫É› ‘ IóFGQ ácô°T »gh
¿qó∏e ÒZ π«æ«ØdG Oó©àe ójQƒ∏c IOÉe øe áYƒæ°üŸG
≈∏Y äÉéàæe ÒaƒJ ±ó¡H ácô°ûdG â°ù°SCG .(uPVC)
áeóNh õ«ªàe »æa ºYóH áLhõ‡ IOƒ÷G øe áLQO
∫É› ‘ OGhôdG øe π¶f ≈àMh .ábƒÑ°ùe ÒZ AÓªY
Éfó≤Y ,⁄É©dG iƒà°ùe ≈∏Y ÜGƒHC’Gh òaGƒædG äÉ«æ≤J
ɵ«é∏Hh É«fÉŸCG ‘ á«°SÉ°SCG äÉcô°T ™e kÉ«æa kÉfhÉ©J
Windows2000 is a fully Omani owned / managed –
leading manufacturer of upvc windows and doors.
The organization was set up with the inception to
provide quality products coupled with exceptional
technical support and unmatched customer service.
To keep up with the endeavour of staying ahead in the
window and door technology in the world we have
entered a technical collaboration with Principal
companies from Germany and Belgium, the global
leaders in the industry.
for uPVC windows & doors
Number One
Öàµeh ºé◊G §°Sƒàe ™æ°üà ɡ∏ªY 2000òaGƒf ácô°T äCGóH
ábÉ£dGh πª©dG ºéMh É¡WÉ°ûf ™°SƒJ ™eh ,™Hôe Îe 600 ¬àMÉ°ùe
áãjóM ™«æ°üJ ICÉ°ûæe ¿B’G ∂∏à“ âëÑ°UCG ,™«æ°üà∏d á«HÉ©«à°S’G
áMÉ°ùe ≠∏ÑJh π«°SôdG á≤£æe ‘ äÉ«æ≤àdG çóMCG º°†Jh IQƒ£àeh
’CG ËôµàdG äÉLQO ≈∏YCÉH RƒØdG øe â浓 ,ácô°ûdG É¡à≤≤M »àdG
IOƒ÷G ≈∏Y AÉ≤HEÓd Égó¡L ≈°übCG ∫òÑà°S 2000 òaGƒf ¿CÉH ΩGôµdG
%100 ÉgQób ᪫b ÒaƒJ ‹ÉàdÉHh 𫨰ûàdG äÉ«∏ªY áaɵH É¡∏«°UCÉJh
Windows2000 started off on a modest note with a factory
and office area of 600 square meters and with the
expansion in the volumes and manufacturing capacity
several fold, has now been relocated to a modern,
sophisticated, state of the art Manufacturing facility at
Rusayl in an area of 3000 Square mts. The Phenomenal
growth levels achieved by this organization has enabled
win the Most Coveted His Majesty’s Cup 2010 for the
best five factories in the Sultanate of Oman. While we
shall leave no stone unturned to ensure our continous
leadership in the industry in the Sultanate of Oman, we
also would like to assure our beloved readers and the
valued customers that Windows2000 shall endeavour to
maintain quality in all of their operations thus ensuring
100% value for their trust in us.
áÑ°ùædÉH ∫É◊G ƒg ɪc ,ádƒ¡°ùH ßMÓJ á∏«ª÷G AÉ«°TC’G
õ«ªàJ å«M ,2000 òaGƒf ácô°T É¡©æ°üJ »àdG òaGƒæ∏d
πµ°T ácô°ûdG òaGƒf »Ø°†Jh .∫ɪ÷Gh á«HPÉ÷ÉH ÉgòaGƒf
¿EG ɪc ,AGƒ°S óM ≈∏Y áÁó≤dGh áãjó◊G ÊÉѪ∏d ‹ÉªL
òaGƒfácô°TÉ¡eó≤J»àdG »°S‘»HƒjøeáYƒæ°üŸGòaGƒædG
Gòg íª°ùjh ,≥«bO »ª«ª°üJ Ωƒ¡ØŸ kÉ≤ah É¡FÉæH ºàj 2000
äÓ«µ°ûàHh òaGƒædG øe áØ∏à äɪ«ª°üJ ™«æ°üàH Ωƒ¡ØŸG
ò«ØæJ øe øµªàà°S 2000 òaGƒf äÉéàæe ∫ÓN øeh
∫ɵ°TC’G IOó©àe òaGƒf – ¬∏°†ØJ …òdG »°üî°ûdG º«ª°üàdG
,Iôjóà°ùeh ,á©∏°†eh ,á∏«£à°ùe òaGƒf :äɪ«ª°üàdGh
’ áfhôeh á«Fôe ájôM 2000 òaGƒf äÉYÉ£b º¶f ∂d ôaƒJ
Beautiful things are readily noticed. Indeed, windows
built from Windows 2000 are strikingly attractive and
beautiful. They bring fresh aesthetic beauty to new
and old buildings alike. The windows in your house
ignite “the sparkle in your eyes”.
uPVC windows from Windows 2000 are built according to
a carefully designed profile concept. This concept allows
for many different window designs, with the greatest
With Windows 2000 products, you can implement your
very own personal style - windows of all shapes and
designs : rectangular, polygonal, round or extra large
units. When it comes to making your ideas reality,
products from Windows 2000 profile systems give you
virtually unlimited freedom.
AGOCÉH ™àªàJ IòaÉædG âfÉc GPEG Oóëf ¿CG ÉææµÁ ∞«c
øe ójó©dG óLƒj ,‹É◊G âbƒdG ‘ ?’ ΩCG ó«L
√òg Oó– »àdG á«HhQhC’G äGQÉÑàN’Gh ÒjÉ©ŸG
2000 òaGƒf ácô°T Ωƒ≤J .π«°üØàdÉH ¢üFÉ°üÿG
kɪFGOh ,kÉjQhO É¡JÉéàæà áYƒæ°üŸG òaGƒædG QÉÑàNÉH
EN 12207:2000 :∞«æ°üàdG
EN 1026:2000 :QÉÑàN’Gá≤jôW
EN 1207:2000 :∞«æ°üàdG
EN 12208:2000 :QÉÑàN’Gá≤jôW
E750 áØ°UGƒŸG
EN 12210:2000 :∞«æ°üàdG
EN 1221:2000 :QÉÑàN’Gá≤jôW
ÜGƒHC’Gh òaGƒædG ™æ°U ‘ ìÉéæH 2000 òaGƒf ᪶fCG âeóîà°SoG
QƒgóJ ¿hO á«£«ëŸGh ájôëÑdG AÉ«MC’Gh ,áMÉÑ°ùdG äÉeɪ◊
á«°ù«FôdG ∫ƒ°UC’G øe ó©J ∑ΰûŸG ΩɵME’Gh QÉ£eCÓd áehÉ≤ŸG
ácô°ûdG äÉéàæe ≥HÉ£J .2000 òaGƒf ácô°T ÜGƒHCGh òaGƒæd
AS h AS 4420 ᫵jôeC’G ÒjÉ©ŸG äÉÑ∏£àe uPVC øe áYƒæ°üŸG
áYƒæ°üŸGÜGƒHC’GhòaGƒædG¿EÉa,ÉgOGƒŸIõ«ªàŸG¢üFÉ°üî∏d kGô¶fh
,á«∏MÉ°ùdG ≥WÉæŸG ‘ á©bGƒdG ÊÉÑŸG ‘ Ö«cÎ∏d á«dÉãe uPVC øe
Iôjõ¨dG QÉ£eC’Gh ,ájƒ≤dG ìÉjô∏d kɪFGO á°VôY ≥WÉæŸG √òg ¿EG å«M
òaGƒædG √òg ô“ ,™«æ°üàdG á«∏ªY ∫ÓNh .áMƒ∏ŸÉH ™Ñ°ûàŸG AGƒ¡dGh
᫪°SôdG äÉ°ù°SDƒŸG πÑb øe ᪪°üe á«°SÉb äGQÉÑàNG Ió©H
.(N4h N3 Ö«JÎdG)AS 4420.6hAS 4420.2
øe áYƒæ°üŸG 2000 òaGƒf ÜGƒHCGh òaGƒf ¿EÉa ,≥Ñ°S Ée ≈∏Y kAÉæHh
.(äÉëWÉædG)áªî°†dGÊÉѪ∏dáªFÓe uPVC
Windows 2000 uPVC window and door systems have
been successfully used in swimming pools, marine
and ocean environments without deterioration of
surface finish or performance.
Resistance to driving rain and joint tightness are major
assets of Windows 2000 window and door systems.
Windows 2000 uPVC profiles fulfil the requirements of
the American Standards AS 4420 and AS 2047. The
windows are watertight up to 450 PA (N6).
Due to their excellent material properties, Windows 2000
uPVC windows and doors are ideal for installation in
buildings located in coastal areas. These areas typically
have permanent exposure to strong wind, heavy rain and
salty air. The windows have passed several severe tests
designed by official institutions.
All window types are capable of withstanding the tests
specified in AS 4420.2 and AS 4420.6 (rating N3 and N4).
This makes Windows 2000 uPVC windows & doors
suitable for high-rise buildings.
How can we tell if a window has good
performance values? At present, there
are various European standards and
tests which determine these
characteristics in detail. Windows
2000 tests the windows made with
their profiles on a regular basis, and
always obtains the best possible
and Wind Resistance
(the quantity of air which passes
through a closed window or door)
Classification EN 12207 : 2000
Test method : EN 1026 : 2000
Classification EN 1207 : 2000
Test method : EN 12208 : 2000
(relative structural wind load resistan-
ce and deflection of the window)
Classification EN 12210 : 2000
Test method : EN 1221 : 2000
Qualification 4
Maximum degree
of air tightness
Qualification E750
Maximum degree
of water tightness
Qualification C5
Maximum degree
of structural wind
load resistance
Performance values of windows manufactured with Windows 2000 profiles
Maximum water tightness
òaGƒædGº««≤JºàjáãjóMhCGáÁóbÊÉÑŸΩóîà°ùe kAGƒ°S,‹É◊G
øµÁ »àdG á«FÉjõ«ØdGh á«FÉ°ûfE’G ¢üFÉ°üÿG ¢†©H å«M øe
.IQGô◊G øe ∂àjɪM ≈∏Y òaGƒædG IQób ƒg ¢üFÉ°üÿG √òg óMCGh
øe ójó©∏d ÊÉÑŸG á¡LGƒe AGQh ÜÉÑ°SC’G óMCG ó©J ádÉ©ØdG ÒZ òaGƒædG
øe áYƒæ°üŸG òaGƒædG ¿EÉa ∂dòdh ,iƒà°ùŸG ¿hO ∫õ©dG πãe πcÉ°ûŸG
»æ©j ∫õ©dG øe ójõŸG ¿C’) ∫ÉŸG ÒaƒJ ≈∏Y §≤a óYÉ°ùJ ’ uPVC
ºgÉ°ùJ kÉ°†jCG πH (∫õæŸG ójÈJ hCG áÄaóJ AÉæKCG ábÉ£dG ∑Ó¡à°SG π«∏≤J
AGƒ¡dG hCG á©ØJôŸG IQGô◊G äÉLQO πãe á«NÉæŸG ±hô¶dG ≈°übCG ≈àM
√òg¿CGɪc,É¡àØ«XƒHΩÉ«≤dGøe uPVC òaGƒf™æ“ødáMƒ∏ŸÉH™Ñ°ûàŸG
.IÒãc ádɪY áÑ°ùf Ö∏£àJ ’h ÒÑc âbh É¡Ñ«côJ ¥ô¨à°ùj ’ òaGƒædG
í£°Sh OÉ©HC’G å«M øe äÉÑKh á∏jƒW IÉ«M IQhóH òaGƒædG √òg õ«ªàJh
Save on energy costs and improve your quality of life.
Nowadays, whether used for old or new buildings,
windows are rated in terms of specific measurable
construction and physical characteristics.
One particularly significant feature is their ability to
protect you against heat. Inefficient windows are one of
the main reasons why a building faces substandard
insulation. uPVC windows, by contrast, not only help you
to save money (because greater thermal insulation means
reducing energy consumption for either cooling or
warming of your house) but also contribute to reducing
the harmful emissions polluting the environment.
Even very tough climatic conditions such as extreme
temperatures or salt-laden sea air cannot stop uPVC
windows from doing their job. They don’t even need
time-consuming, labor-intensive care. Their long lifespan,
dimensional stability and robust surface ensure that you
will enjoy your uPVC windows for a long, long time.
Compliance with the new legislation
á«bÉØJG ™e ≥aGƒàdÉH ,Iójó÷G á«HhQhC’Gh á«æWƒdG ÚfGƒ≤dG ±ó¡J
hCG áÄaóàdG º¶f ΩGóîà°SG π«∏≤J »g ∂dòH ΩÉ«≤dG πFÉ°Sh óMCGh
ÜGƒHC’GhòaGƒæ∏dá«dÉãŸGIOÉŸGÉ¡fCG uPVC âàÑKCG,¿CÉ°ûdGGòg‘h
º«≤dG ,∫ÉãŸG π«Ñ°S ≈∏©a .±ó¡dG Gòg ≥«≤ëàd ∫RÉY π°†aCGh
:√ÉfOCGáë°Vƒe,1-10077hõjC’Gá«HhQhC’GÒjÉ©ª∏d kÉ≤aháeRÓdG
The new national and European laws, in line with the
Kyoto Protocol, are aimed at reducing CO2
emissions into the atmosphere. One way to do this
is to reduce the use of heating. So how do we do
that? By improving the insulation systems for
buildings. In that respect uPVC has proved to be the
ideal material for windows and doors and the best
insulator to achieve this objective. For example, the
values required by the European Standard ISO
10077-1 are as follows:
»gh ,OGƒŸÉH ∫õ©dG ᪫b ¢SÉ«b »g "U"`dG ᪫b (**)
äÉYÉ£bh ,IóMƒdG ÈY á∏≤àæŸG IQó¡ŸG IQGô◊G ¢ùµ©J
ábÉ£dG øe ᫪c ô¨°UCÉH OôØæJ ¿B’G ≈àM uPVC
** The value U is a measurement of the
insulating value of a material, being a reflection
of the heat loss which is transferred through a
unit. uPVC profiles are by far those with the
smallest amount of energy to escape.
Thermograph of a
section of a
window with
Uf Value (W/m²K) **
(mm 60) 3.5 Ωƒ«æŸC’G
(mm 60) 2.0 …QGôMô°ùéHºYóeΩƒ«æŸCG
(mm 60) 1.5 Ö°ûÿG
(mm 70) 1.3 (uPVC)¿qó∏eÒZπ«æ«ØdGOó©àeójQƒ∏c
(mm 58) 1.5 (uPVC)¿qó∏eÒZπ«æ«ØdGOó©àeójQƒ∏c
Frame Uf value
material [W/m2
K] **
Aluminium 3.5 (60 mm)
Aluminium with
thermal bridge 2.0 (60 mm)
Wood 1.5 (60 mm)
uPVC 1.3 (70 mm)
uPVC 1.5 (58 mm)
Thermal Qualities
Protect your house with excellent
óéj Ée kɪFGOh ,ôªà°ùe ójGõJ ‘ äÉeÉëàb’G OóY
∫ÓN ≈àM ,òaGƒædG ∫ÓN øe º¡≤jôW ÚbQÉ°ùdG
áHƒ©°U ÌcCG QƒeC’G π©÷h .á«MÉÑ°üdG äGÎØdG
òaGƒf øe uPVC òaGƒf äGóMh ∫ÓN øeh ¿B’Gh
äÉLQO ≈°übG ≥«≤– øe øµªàà°S ,2000
õ«ªàJh .IQÉ°ùdG ÒZ äBÉLÉØŸG ó°V ájɪ◊G
äÉÑãdÉH 2000 òaGƒf ÉgôaƒJ »àdG òaGƒædG äGQÉWEG
á›óe »gh ,äÉeó°ü∏d á©ØJôŸG áehÉ≤ŸGh
™e ¿ÉeC’G å«M øe á«dÉ©ØdG á©ØJôe äGó©ŸG ôaƒJ
¿ÉeC’G äÉLQO ≈°übCG ,Ωóîà°ùŸG ¢UÉÿG êÉLõdG
¢†HÉ≤ŸG ¤EG áaÉ°VE’ÉH ∂dP ,òaGƒædG øe IƒLôŸG
»àdG ∫RÉæª∏d áªFÓe ó©J »àdGh ΩɵME’G á∏HÉb
The number of break-ins is constantly
increasing. Burglars usually find their way in
via the windows - even during daytime. To
make things as difficult as possible for such
unwelcome “guests”, you should play it safe
- especially with windows.
You can achieve very effective protection
against such unpleasant surprises thanks to
Windows 2000 uPVC window profiles.
Windows 2000 sashes and frames are made of
stable, high impact-resistant multi-chamber
uPVC profiles with integrated steel
Highly effective security hardware combined
with special glass provide the maximum
achievable security for your windows. In
addition, lockable handles are available and also
a great choice for households with small
When it comes to windows -
play safe !
≈∏Y òaGƒædG ‘ ∫õ©dG ÒaƒJ ádCÉ°ùe óªà©J
‘ AÉ°Vƒ°†dG iƒà°ùeh ≈æÑŸG ΩGóîà°SG
. ( á«LQÉÿG AÉ°Vƒ°†dÉH ¢SÉ°ùME’G iƒà°ùe
òaGƒf á«æ≤J ΩGóîà°SÉH òaGƒædG Ö«côJ …ODƒj
»H …O 40 ≈àM ¢†ØN çhóM ¤EG 2000
¤EG (…EG ) »H …O 10 áÑ°ùæH ¢†ØÿG …ODƒj
QGó≤à á≤HÉ°ùdG AÉ°Vƒ°†dÉH ¢SÉ°ùME’G ¢†ØN
¤EG ( ¬jEG ) »H …O 30 áÑ°ùæH ¢†ØÿG …ODƒj
¤EG …ODƒj ¬jEG »H »HO 40 áÑ°ùæH ¢†ØÿG …ODƒj
áÑ°ùæH á≤HÉ°ùdG AÉ°Vƒ°†dÉH ¢SÉ°ùME’G ¢†ØN
,¢VôŸG ÜÉÑ°SCG ∫hCG øe ¿ƒµj ób AÉ°Vƒ°†dG øY ºLÉædG §¨°†dG
kÉjQhô°Vh kÉë∏e kÉÑ∏£e É¡H ܃ZôŸG ÒZ AÉ°Vƒ°†dG øe ádÉ©ØdG
Iójó°T äÉYƒ°VƒŸG øe ¿B’G íÑ°UCGh ,OôØ∏d áMGôdG ≥«≤ëàd
’EG ,kɵª°S ÊÉÑŸG äÉ≤ÑW ™aQCG øe »g òaGƒædG ¿CG øe ºZôdG ≈∏Yh
’h ,∫õæŸÉH ᣫëŸG AGƒ°VC’G ¢UÉ°üàeG ‘ kɪ°SÉM kGQhO Ö©∏J É¡fEG
øe Üô≤dÉH hCG áªMOõŸG äÉbô£dG ≈∏Y á∏£ŸG ÊÉÑŸG ‘ ɪ«°S
á«LÉLR äGóMh Ö«côJ ƒg ™bGƒŸG √òg πãe ‘ …OÉ«àY’G AGôLE’Gh
äÉjƒà°ùe π°†aC’ ∫ƒ°UƒdG øµÁh ,äÉ≤Ñ£dG IOó©àe ádRÉY
.ÖcôŸG »≤FÉbôdG êÉLõdG ΩGóîà°SG ∫ÓN øe 䃰üdG ¢UÉ°üàeG
É¡°SÉ«b øµÁ »àdG AÉ°Vƒ°†dG äÉjƒà°ùe ÚH ábÓ©dG ¢ü«î∏J øµÁh
AÉ°Vƒ°†dG :‹ÉàdG ƒëædG ≈∏Y ,¿PC’G ∫ÓN øe É¡«≤∏J á≤jôWh kÉjOÉe
GPEGh ,¿PC’G ¬ÑYƒà°ùJ Ée ∞°üf »gh πÑ«°ùjO 10 É¡Jƒb ᣫëŸG
¬ÑYƒà°ùJ Ée ∞YÉ°†àj á«aÉ°VEG πÑ«°ùjO 10`d AÉ°Vƒ°†dG äOGORG
80-75 ÚH Ée AÉ°Vƒ°V iƒà°ùe Qó°üJ áØ«ãµdG QhôŸG ácôM .¿PC’G
IOƒ÷G á«dÉY äÉYÉ£b øª°†àJ »àdG uPVC òaGƒf Ö«cÎHh
iƒà°ùe π«∏≤J øe øµªàà°S ,∫RÉY êÉLõH IOhõe ±ô¨dG IOó©àeh
øe §≤a 24/1 ÜÉ©«à°SG ‹ÉàdÉHh ,πÑ«°ùjO 40 ≈àM AÉ°Vƒ°†dG
»¡a ,…QhôŸG ΩÉMOR’G AÉ°Vƒ°†d áÑ°ùædÉHh .á«LQÉÿG AÉ°Vƒ°†dG
äGQÉ£ŸG §« ‘ ≈àM ,¿ÉµŸG AÉLQCG Ahó¡dG Oƒ°ùjh kÉeÉ“ »ØàîJ
π«∏≤J äÉ«æ≤àd ™Lôj π°†ØdGh ÇOÉg ΩƒæH º©æà°S á«°SÉ°SC’G
Noise stress can be a major cause of illness. It not
only damages one’s hearing, it also leaves persistent
marks on the human psyche. For many years,
effective protection against undesired noise has not
merely been a matter of comfort, but a decisive issue
in health protection.
Since windows are – literally - the thinnest parts of a
building’s shell, they play a decisive role in the acoustic
absorption values of your house. Especially in buildings
located alongside roads with heavy traffic or in theclose
vicinity of airports, efficient noise insulation is a critical
The usual procedure in such locations is to install
multi-pane insulated sealed glass units. Even better
sound absorption values can be reached by using special
composite laminated glass. The relationship between
physically measurable noise levels and the way they are
perceived by the human ear can be roughly summed up
as follows : ambient noise made 10 dB quieter halves the
human perception of this noise, 10 dB louder doubles this
perception. Heavy traffic generates a noise level ofaround
75-80 dB.
By fitting uPVC windows combining Windows 2000
high-grade, multi-chamber profiles and special insulating
glass, you can reduce this noise by up to 40 dB, and thus
only perceive 1/24 of the outdoor noise inside the house.
Traffic noise is almost completely muted and calm is
maintained. Even around major airports, sleep will no
longer be disrupted thanks to this noise reduction
Protection against
Noisefor the sake of your health
The insulation requirement for the window
depends on the use of the building and
the level of outside noise (a moderate
reduction in noise intensity will be per-
ceived as a major reduction in the
sensation of noise). Windows installed
with Windows 2000 profiles result in
reductions of up to 40 dB, depending on
the type of glazing used.
Reduction by 10 dB(A) :
Sensation 1/2 of previous noise
Reduction by 30 dB(A) :
Sensation 1/8 of previous noise
Reduction by 40 dB(A) :
Sensation 1/32 of previous noise
The need for noise insulation
çÉëHC’G ‘ OQGƒŸGh á«æØdG áaô©ŸG 2000 òaGƒf äôªãà°SG
IÉ«◊G á«Yƒf Ú°ùëàd ᪪°üe ácô°ûdG äÉéàæªa ,QɵàH’Gh
òaGƒf Úµ“ ‘ áãjó◊G äÉ«æ≤àdG âªgÉ°S .∫RÉæŸG ¿Éµ°ùd
,IOƒ÷G øe á«dÉY áLQO ≈∏Y äÉéàæe ÒaƒJ øe 2000
‘ äôªà°SGh »°VÉŸG ‘ ácô°û∏d ájQÉéàdG áeÓ©dG äô°ûàfGh
ÜGƒHC’Gh òaGƒædG äGóMh ÒaƒJ ∫ÓN øe ¥ƒ°ùdG IOÉ«b
.uPVC øeáYƒæ°üŸG
≥æà©Jh kÉeób 2000 òaGƒf »°†“ ,áYÉæ°üdG OGhQ øe É¡àØ°üHh
øe ójó©dG ¬LGƒJ ‹ÉàdÉHh ,á∏°üdG äGP äÉ«dhDƒ°ùŸG øe ójõŸG
Ωƒ¡Øe CÉ°ûf .áfRGƒàeh áªZÉæàe áÄ«H ≈∏Y ®ÉØë∏d äÉjóëàdG
‹ÉàdÉHh áÄ«ÑdG ≈∏Y ®ÉØ◊G ‘ áÑZôdG káé«àf ô°†NC’G §ÿG
ádOÉÑàe ±GógCG áKÓK ≥«≤– ∫ÓN øe á«©«Ñ£dG OQGƒŸG ájɪM
∫ÓN øe ,òaGƒædG º¶f AGOCG ‘ ôªà°ùŸG ø°ùëàdG ¿Éª°V •
Ú°ù–h ábÉ£dG ∑Ó¡à°SG π«∏≤J ™e …QGô◊G ∫õ©dG IOÉjR
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áehÉ≤e ÌcCG uPVC äGóMh π©L ≈∏Y Iójó÷G äÉfƒµŸG
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Windows 2000 has invested its know-how and
resources in research and innovation. Its products are
designed to help improve quality of life for the
homeowner. Advanced technology has enabled
Windows 2000 to offer products of exceptional
quality. The Windows 2000 brand has in the past and
continues to lead the European market for uPVC
window and door profiles.
As an industry leader Windows 2000 goes further and
embraces the responsibilities of an industry that is faced
with the challenges of preserving a balanced and
harmonious environment. The greenline concept has
been developed out of concern for the environment and
perfected with the purpose to preserve natural resources
by working to accomplish three mutually beneficial
objectives :
••To ensure ongoing improvements of the window
system’s performance, through increased thermal
insulation with a reduction of energy consumption and
improved sound insulation.
••To recycle the basic raw materials (uPVC, glass and
steel) and to reuse them in the production cycle – with
an improved efficiency through a lower consumption of
raw materials and energy.
••To optimise the use of raw material components and
refine the product ensuring longevity with an increased
lifespan of uPVC profiles.
Since 2001, all Windows 2000 window, door and roller
shutter profiles have been produced exclusively with
calcium-zinc instead of lead ingredients. Calcium-zinc is a
new type of stabiliser.
It makes uPVC profiles more resistant to weather
In European countries such as Denmark, Switzerland and
Austria, the use of lead based stabilisers is already
Similarly, in Australia lead-stabilised windows and door
profiles will be outlawed as of January 2008.
In North America the legislation to keep uPVC window
and door profiles lead free has been in place for many
Considering the health and environmental hazards of lead,
most homes in a few years, will have to be equipped with
lead free windows and doors.
People’s homes will gain and maintain their value if
equipped with greenline windows! Choosing
calcium-zinc stabilised profiles for windows is a smart
decision that will benefit everyone!
Windows 2000
Let’s build the future together
Main Branch - Management & Factory
124…ójÈdGõeôdG π«°SôdG300:Ü.¢U
(968)24447000 ∞JÉg
Dakhlia Region - Nizwa
25216050 :∞JÉg
South Al Sharqiyah - Sur
25534104 :∞JÉg
North Al Batinah - Sohar
26945737 :∞JÉg
South Al Batinah - Barka
AÉcôH – ¿Éƒ°U
93217939 :∞JÉg

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  • 2. ¤hC’Gá«fɪ©dGácô°ûdG uPVC øeáYƒæ°üŸGÜGƒHC’GhòaGƒæ∏d ,á«fɪY IQGOEGh ᫵∏e äGP ácô°T »g 2000 òaGƒf ácô°T ÜGƒHC’Gh òaGƒædG ™«æ°üJ ∫É› ‘ IóFGQ ácô°T »gh ¿qó∏e ÒZ π«æ«ØdG Oó©àe ójQƒ∏c IOÉe øe áYƒæ°üŸG ≈∏Y äÉéàæe ÒaƒJ ±ó¡H ácô°ûdG â°ù°SCG .(uPVC) áeóNh õ«ªàe »æa ºYóH áLhõ‡ IOƒ÷G øe áLQO ∫É› ‘ OGhôdG øe π¶f ≈àMh .ábƒÑ°ùe ÒZ AÓªY Éfó≤Y ,⁄É©dG iƒà°ùe ≈∏Y ÜGƒHC’Gh òaGƒædG äÉ«æ≤J ɵ«é∏Hh É«fÉŸCG ‘ á«°SÉ°SCG äÉcô°T ™e kÉ«æa kÉfhÉ©J .⁄É©dGiƒà°ùe≈∏YáYÉæ°üdGOGhQøeº¡àØ°üH Windows2000 is a fully Omani owned / managed – leading manufacturer of upvc windows and doors. The organization was set up with the inception to provide quality products coupled with exceptional technical support and unmatched customer service. To keep up with the endeavour of staying ahead in the window and door technology in the world we have entered a technical collaboration with Principal companies from Germany and Belgium, the global leaders in the industry. Oman’s for uPVC windows & doors Number One
  • 3. Öàµeh ºé◊G §°Sƒàe ™æ°üà ɡ∏ªY 2000òaGƒf ácô°T äCGóH ábÉ£dGh πª©dG ºéMh É¡WÉ°ûf ™°SƒJ ™eh ,™Hôe Îe 600 ¬àMÉ°ùe áãjóM ™«æ°üJ ICÉ°ûæe ¿B’G ∂∏à“ âëÑ°UCG ,™«æ°üà∏d á«HÉ©«à°S’G áMÉ°ùe ≠∏ÑJh π«°SôdG á≤£æe ‘ äÉ«æ≤àdG çóMCG º°†Jh IQƒ£àeh á≤MÉ°ùdGìÉéædGhƒªædGä’ó©e∫ÓNøeh.™HôeÎe3000ICÉ°ûæŸG ’CG ËôµàdG äÉLQO ≈∏YCÉH RƒØdG øe â浓 ,ácô°ûdG É¡à≤≤M »àdG á°ùªNπ°†aC’2011h2010ΩÉ©dº¶©ŸG¿É£∏°ùdGádÓL¢SCÉc»gh ÉæFÓªYhAGõYC’GÉæFGô≤dócDƒf¿CGOƒfɪc,¿ÉªYáæ£∏°S‘™fÉ°üe IOƒ÷G ≈∏Y AÉ≤HEÓd Égó¡L ≈°übCG ∫òÑà°S 2000 òaGƒf ¿CÉH ΩGôµdG %100 ÉgQób ᪫b ÒaƒJ ‹ÉàdÉHh 𫨰ûàdG äÉ«∏ªY áaɵH É¡∏«°UCÉJh .É¡HAÓª©dGá≤KπHÉ≤e Windows2000 started off on a modest note with a factory and office area of 600 square meters and with the expansion in the volumes and manufacturing capacity several fold, has now been relocated to a modern, sophisticated, state of the art Manufacturing facility at Rusayl in an area of 3000 Square mts. The Phenomenal growth levels achieved by this organization has enabled win the Most Coveted His Majesty’s Cup 2010 for the best five factories in the Sultanate of Oman. While we shall leave no stone unturned to ensure our continous leadership in the industry in the Sultanate of Oman, we also would like to assure our beloved readers and the valued customers that Windows2000 shall endeavour to maintain quality in all of their operations thus ensuring 100% value for their trust in us.
  • 4. áÑ°ùædÉH ∫É◊G ƒg ɪc ,ádƒ¡°ùH ßMÓJ á∏«ª÷G AÉ«°TC’G õ«ªàJ å«M ,2000 òaGƒf ácô°T É¡©æ°üJ »àdG òaGƒæ∏d πµ°T ácô°ûdG òaGƒf »Ø°†Jh .∫ɪ÷Gh á«HPÉ÷ÉH ÉgòaGƒf ¿EG ɪc ,AGƒ°S óM ≈∏Y áÁó≤dGh áãjó◊G ÊÉѪ∏d ‹ÉªL ."∂«æ«©d≥jôH"AÉØ°VEG¬fCÉ°TøeÒKCÉJòaGƒæ∏d òaGƒfácô°TÉ¡eó≤J»àdG »°S‘»HƒjøeáYƒæ°üŸGòaGƒædG Gòg íª°ùjh ,≥«bO »ª«ª°üJ Ωƒ¡ØŸ kÉ≤ah É¡FÉæH ºàj 2000 äÓ«µ°ûàHh òaGƒædG øe áØ∏à äɪ«ª°üJ ™«æ°üàH Ωƒ¡ØŸG .áYƒæàe ò«ØæJ øe øµªàà°S 2000 òaGƒf äÉéàæe ∫ÓN øeh ∫ɵ°TC’G IOó©àe òaGƒf – ¬∏°†ØJ …òdG »°üî°ûdG º«ª°üàdG ,Iôjóà°ùeh ,á©∏°†eh ,á∏«£à°ùe òaGƒf :äɪ«ª°üàdGh ,™bGƒd∑QɵaCGáªLÎdâbƒdGÚëjÉeóæYh.IÒÑcäGóMhh ’ áfhôeh á«Fôe ájôM 2000 òaGƒf äÉYÉ£b º¶f ∂d ôaƒJ .É¡dπ«ãe Beautiful things are readily noticed. Indeed, windows built from Windows 2000 are strikingly attractive and beautiful. They bring fresh aesthetic beauty to new and old buildings alike. The windows in your house ignite “the sparkle in your eyes”. uPVC windows from Windows 2000 are built according to a carefully designed profile concept. This concept allows for many different window designs, with the greatest variety. With Windows 2000 products, you can implement your very own personal style - windows of all shapes and designs : rectangular, polygonal, round or extra large units. When it comes to making your ideas reality, products from Windows 2000 profile systems give you virtually unlimited freedom. òaGƒædG á∏«ª÷GWindows Beautiful
  • 5.
  • 6. √É«ŸGÜô°ùJó°VájɪM≈°übCG ìÉ```jô```dGá`````ehÉ```≤eh AGOCÉH ™àªàJ IòaÉædG âfÉc GPEG Oóëf ¿CG ÉææµÁ ∞«c øe ójó©dG óLƒj ,‹É◊G âbƒdG ‘ ?’ ΩCG ó«L √òg Oó– »àdG á«HhQhC’G äGQÉÑàN’Gh ÒjÉ©ŸG 2000 òaGƒf ácô°T Ωƒ≤J .π«°üØàdÉH ¢üFÉ°üÿG kɪFGOh ,kÉjQhO É¡JÉéàæà áYƒæ°üŸG òaGƒædG QÉÑàNÉH .èFÉàædGπ°†aCG≥≤–Ée 2000òaGƒfäÉYÉ£≤Há©æ°üŸGòaGƒædGAGOCG ô“»àdGAGƒ¡dG᫪c) (ÜÉÑdGhCGIòaÉædGÈY EN 12207:2000 :∞«æ°üàdG EN 1026:2000 :QÉÑàN’Gá≤jôW 4áØ°UGƒŸG äÉLQO≈°übCG AGƒ¡dGΩɵMEG ΩɵMEG AGƒ¡dG EN 1207:2000 :∞«æ°üàdG EN 12208:2000 :QÉÑàN’Gá≤jôW E750 áØ°UGƒŸG äÉLQO≈°übCG AÉŸGó°VΩɵME’G ΩɵME’G AÉŸGó°V πª◊á«Ñ°ùædGáehÉ≤ŸG) (IòaÉædG±GôëfGhìÉjôdG EN 12210:2000 :∞«æ°üàdG EN 1221:2000 :QÉÑàN’Gá≤jôW C5 áØ°UGƒŸG äÉLQO≈°übCG ìÉjôdGπªMáehÉ≤e áehÉ≤e ìÉjôdG
  • 7. ÜGƒHC’Gh òaGƒædG ™æ°U ‘ ìÉéæH 2000 òaGƒf ᪶fCG âeóîà°SoG QƒgóJ ¿hO á«£«ëŸGh ájôëÑdG AÉ«MC’Gh ,áMÉÑ°ùdG äÉeɪ◊ .É¡FGOCGhCGɡ룰S á«°ù«FôdG ∫ƒ°UC’G øe ó©J ∑ΰûŸG ΩɵME’Gh QÉ£eCÓd áehÉ≤ŸG ácô°ûdG äÉéàæe ≥HÉ£J .2000 òaGƒf ácô°T ÜGƒHCGh òaGƒæd AS h AS 4420 ᫵jôeC’G ÒjÉ©ŸG äÉÑ∏£àe uPVC øe áYƒæ°üŸG .(N6)∫ɵ°SÉH450≈àM√É«ŸGó°V᪵òaGƒædGh,2047 áYƒæ°üŸGÜGƒHC’GhòaGƒædG¿EÉa,ÉgOGƒŸIõ«ªàŸG¢üFÉ°üî∏d kGô¶fh ,á«∏MÉ°ùdG ≥WÉæŸG ‘ á©bGƒdG ÊÉÑŸG ‘ Ö«cÎ∏d á«dÉãe uPVC øe Iôjõ¨dG QÉ£eC’Gh ,ájƒ≤dG ìÉjô∏d kɪFGO á°VôY ≥WÉæŸG √òg ¿EG å«M òaGƒædG √òg ô“ ,™«æ°üàdG á«∏ªY ∫ÓNh .áMƒ∏ŸÉH ™Ñ°ûàŸG AGƒ¡dGh ᫪°SôdG äÉ°ù°SDƒŸG πÑb øe ᪪°üe á«°SÉb äGQÉÑàNG Ió©H .QÉÑàNÓd ÒjÉ©ŸG‘IOóëŸGäGQÉÑàN’Gπª–≈∏YIQOÉbòaGƒædG´GƒfCG™«ªL .(N4h N3 Ö«JÎdG)AS 4420.6hAS 4420.2 øe áYƒæ°üŸG 2000 òaGƒf ÜGƒHCGh òaGƒf ¿EÉa ,≥Ñ°S Ée ≈∏Y kAÉæHh .(äÉëWÉædG)áªî°†dGÊÉѪ∏dáªFÓe uPVC Windows 2000 uPVC window and door systems have been successfully used in swimming pools, marine and ocean environments without deterioration of surface finish or performance. Resistance to driving rain and joint tightness are major assets of Windows 2000 window and door systems. Windows 2000 uPVC profiles fulfil the requirements of the American Standards AS 4420 and AS 2047. The windows are watertight up to 450 PA (N6). Due to their excellent material properties, Windows 2000 uPVC windows and doors are ideal for installation in buildings located in coastal areas. These areas typically have permanent exposure to strong wind, heavy rain and salty air. The windows have passed several severe tests designed by official institutions. All window types are capable of withstanding the tests specified in AS 4420.2 and AS 4420.6 (rating N3 and N4). This makes Windows 2000 uPVC windows & doors suitable for high-rise buildings. How can we tell if a window has good performance values? At present, there are various European standards and tests which determine these characteristics in detail. Windows 2000 tests the windows made with their profiles on a regular basis, and always obtains the best possible results. and Wind Resistance Air tightness Water tightness Wind resistance (the quantity of air which passes through a closed window or door) Classification EN 12207 : 2000 Test method : EN 1026 : 2000 Classification EN 1207 : 2000 Test method : EN 12208 : 2000 (relative structural wind load resistan- ce and deflection of the window) Classification EN 12210 : 2000 Test method : EN 1221 : 2000 Qualification 4 Maximum degree of air tightness Qualification E750 Maximum degree of water tightness Qualification C5 Maximum degree of structural wind load resistance Performance values of windows manufactured with Windows 2000 profiles Maximum water tightness
  • 8. IOƒ÷Gøeá«dÉYáLQO≈∏Y IOƒ÷Gá«dÉYäÉéàæeΩGóîà°SÉH∂dõæe»ªMG âbƒdG‘.IÉ«◊Gá«YƒfÚ°ù–≈∏YπªYGhábÉ£dGáØ∏µJ‘ôah òaGƒædGº««≤JºàjáãjóMhCGáÁóbÊÉÑŸΩóîà°ùe kAGƒ°S,‹É◊G øµÁ »àdG á«FÉjõ«ØdGh á«FÉ°ûfE’G ¢üFÉ°üÿG ¢†©H å«M øe .É¡°SÉ«b .IQGô◊G øe ∂àjɪM ≈∏Y òaGƒædG IQób ƒg ¢üFÉ°üÿG √òg óMCGh øe ójó©∏d ÊÉÑŸG á¡LGƒe AGQh ÜÉÑ°SC’G óMCG ó©J ádÉ©ØdG ÒZ òaGƒædG øe áYƒæ°üŸG òaGƒædG ¿EÉa ∂dòdh ,iƒà°ùŸG ¿hO ∫õ©dG πãe πcÉ°ûŸG »æ©j ∫õ©dG øe ójõŸG ¿C’) ∫ÉŸG ÒaƒJ ≈∏Y §≤a óYÉ°ùJ ’ uPVC ºgÉ°ùJ kÉ°†jCG πH (∫õæŸG ójÈJ hCG áÄaóJ AÉæKCG ábÉ£dG ∑Ó¡à°SG π«∏≤J .áÄ«Ñ∏dáKƒ∏ŸGIQÉ°†dGäÉKÉ©Ñf’Gπ«∏≤J‘ AGƒ¡dG hCG á©ØJôŸG IQGô◊G äÉLQO πãe á«NÉæŸG ±hô¶dG ≈°übCG ≈àM √òg¿CGɪc,É¡àØ«XƒHΩÉ«≤dGøe uPVC òaGƒf™æ“ødáMƒ∏ŸÉH™Ñ°ûàŸG .IÒãc ádɪY áÑ°ùf Ö∏£àJ ’h ÒÑc âbh É¡Ñ«côJ ¥ô¨à°ùj ’ òaGƒædG í£°Sh OÉ©HC’G å«M øe äÉÑKh á∏jƒW IÉ«M IQhóH òaGƒædG √òg õ«ªàJh .á∏jƒWäGÎØd∂JòaÉæH∂©à“É¡©«ªLøª°†JhΩQÉ°U Iójó÷GäÉ©jô°ûàdÉHΩGõàd’G Save on energy costs and improve your quality of life. Nowadays, whether used for old or new buildings, windows are rated in terms of specific measurable construction and physical characteristics. One particularly significant feature is their ability to protect you against heat. Inefficient windows are one of the main reasons why a building faces substandard insulation. uPVC windows, by contrast, not only help you to save money (because greater thermal insulation means reducing energy consumption for either cooling or warming of your house) but also contribute to reducing the harmful emissions polluting the environment. Even very tough climatic conditions such as extreme temperatures or salt-laden sea air cannot stop uPVC windows from doing their job. They don’t even need time-consuming, labor-intensive care. Their long lifespan, dimensional stability and robust surface ensure that you will enjoy your uPVC windows for a long, long time. Compliance with the new legislation á«bÉØJG ™e ≥aGƒàdÉH ,Iójó÷G á«HhQhC’Gh á«æWƒdG ÚfGƒ≤dG ±ó¡J ,…ƒ÷G±Ó¨dG‘¿ƒHôµdGó«°ùcCGÊÉKäÉKÉ©ÑfGπ«∏≤J¤EG,ƒJƒ«c hCG áÄaóàdG º¶f ΩGóîà°SG π«∏≤J »g ∂dòH ΩÉ«≤dG πFÉ°Sh óMCGh .ÊÉÑŸÉH∫õ©dGº¶fÚ°ù–∫ÓNøe?∂dPπ©Øf∞«ch.ójÈàdG ÜGƒHC’GhòaGƒæ∏dá«dÉãŸGIOÉŸGÉ¡fCG uPVC âàÑKCG,¿CÉ°ûdGGòg‘h º«≤dG ,∫ÉãŸG π«Ñ°S ≈∏©a .±ó¡dG Gòg ≥«≤ëàd ∫RÉY π°†aCGh :√ÉfOCGáë°Vƒe,1-10077hõjC’Gá«HhQhC’GÒjÉ©ª∏d kÉ≤aháeRÓdG The new national and European laws, in line with the Kyoto Protocol, are aimed at reducing CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. One way to do this is to reduce the use of heating. So how do we do that? By improving the insulation systems for buildings. In that respect uPVC has proved to be the ideal material for windows and doors and the best insulator to achieve this objective. For example, the values required by the European Standard ISO 10077-1 are as follows: »gh ,OGƒŸÉH ∫õ©dG ᪫b ¢SÉ«b »g "U"`dG ᪫b (**) äÉYÉ£bh ,IóMƒdG ÈY á∏≤àæŸG IQó¡ŸG IQGô◊G ¢ùµ©J ábÉ£dG øe ᫪c ô¨°UCÉH OôØæJ ¿B’G ≈àM uPVC .IQó¡ŸG ** The value U is a measurement of the insulating value of a material, being a reflection of the heat loss which is transferred through a unit. uPVC profiles are by far those with the smallest amount of energy to escape. IQGô◊Gπé°S øe´É£≤H¢UÉÿG ´ƒæ°üeIòaÉædG .èæ«dÒeƒcOGƒÃ Thermograph of a section of a window with KÖMMERLING profiles. Uf Value (W/m²K) ** áeóîà°ùŸGOGƒŸG QÉWE’G‘ (mm 60) 3.5 Ωƒ«æŸC’G (mm 60) 2.0 …QGôMô°ùéHºYóeΩƒ«æŸCG (mm 60) 1.5 Ö°ûÿG (mm 70) 1.3 (uPVC)¿qó∏eÒZπ«æ«ØdGOó©àeójQƒ∏c (mm 58) 1.5 (uPVC)¿qó∏eÒZπ«æ«ØdGOó©àeójQƒ∏c Frame Uf value material [W/m2 K] ** Aluminium 3.5 (60 mm) Aluminium with thermal bridge 2.0 (60 mm) Wood 1.5 (60 mm) uPVC 1.3 (70 mm) uPVC 1.5 (58 mm)
  • 9. Thermal Qualities Protect your house with excellent
  • 11. óéj Ée kɪFGOh ,ôªà°ùe ójGõJ ‘ äÉeÉëàb’G OóY ∫ÓN ≈àM ,òaGƒædG ∫ÓN øe º¡≤jôW ÚbQÉ°ùdG áHƒ©°U ÌcCG QƒeC’G π©÷h .á«MÉÑ°üdG äGÎØdG øYåëÑJ¿CGÖéj,º¡H܃ZôŸGÒZ"QGhõdG"≈∏Y .òaGƒædGå«Møeɪ«°S’h¿ÉeC’G òaGƒf øe uPVC òaGƒf äGóMh ∫ÓN øeh ¿B’Gh äÉLQO ≈°übG ≥«≤– øe øµªàà°S ,2000 õ«ªàJh .IQÉ°ùdG ÒZ äBÉLÉØŸG ó°V ájɪ◊G äÉÑãdÉH 2000 òaGƒf ÉgôaƒJ »àdG òaGƒædG äGQÉWEG á›óe »gh ,äÉeó°ü∏d á©ØJôŸG áehÉ≤ŸGh .Ö∏°üdGøeáYƒæ°üeäGõjõ©JᣰSGƒH ™e ¿ÉeC’G å«M øe á«dÉ©ØdG á©ØJôe äGó©ŸG ôaƒJ ¿ÉeC’G äÉLQO ≈°übCG ,Ωóîà°ùŸG ¢UÉÿG êÉLõdG ¢†HÉ≤ŸG ¤EG áaÉ°VE’ÉH ∂dP ,òaGƒædG øe IƒLôŸG »àdG ∫RÉæª∏d áªFÓe ó©J »àdGh ΩɵME’G á∏HÉb .∫ÉØWCGÉ¡HóLGƒàj The number of break-ins is constantly increasing. Burglars usually find their way in via the windows - even during daytime. To make things as difficult as possible for such unwelcome “guests”, you should play it safe - especially with windows. You can achieve very effective protection against such unpleasant surprises thanks to Windows 2000 uPVC window profiles. Windows 2000 sashes and frames are made of stable, high impact-resistant multi-chamber uPVC profiles with integrated steel reinforcement. Highly effective security hardware combined with special glass provide the maximum achievable security for your windows. In addition, lockable handles are available and also a great choice for households with small children. Security When it comes to windows - play safe !
  • 12. AÉ```°Vƒ``°†dGá``````ë```````°üdG≈```````∏Y®É``````````Øë∏d øeájɪ◊G 䃰üdG∫õY¤EGáLÉ◊G ≈∏Y òaGƒædG ‘ ∫õ©dG ÒaƒJ ádCÉ°ùe óªà©J ‘ AÉ°Vƒ°†dG iƒà°ùeh ≈æÑŸG ΩGóîà°SG ¢†ØN‘IòaÉædGºgÉ°ùJ¿CGøµÁ)êQÉÿG . ( á«LQÉÿG AÉ°Vƒ°†dÉH ¢SÉ°ùME’G iƒà°ùe òaGƒf á«æ≤J ΩGóîà°SÉH òaGƒædG Ö«côJ …ODƒj »H …O 40 ≈àM ¢†ØN çhóM ¤EG 2000 .Ωóîà°ùŸGêÉLõdG´ƒf≈∏Y∂dPóªà©jh ¤EG (…EG ) »H …O 10 áÑ°ùæH ¢†ØÿG …ODƒj QGó≤à á≤HÉ°ùdG AÉ°Vƒ°†dÉH ¢SÉ°ùME’G ¢†ØN .∞°üædG ¤EG ( ¬jEG ) »H …O 30 áÑ°ùæH ¢†ØÿG …ODƒj `dG∫ó©Ãá≤HÉ°ùdGAÉ°Vƒ°†dÉH¢SÉ°ùME’G¢†ØN 8/1 ¤EG …ODƒj ¬jEG »H »HO 40 áÑ°ùæH ¢†ØÿG …ODƒj áÑ°ùæH á≤HÉ°ùdG AÉ°Vƒ°†dÉH ¢SÉ°ùME’G ¢†ØN 32/1
  • 13. ,¢VôŸG ÜÉÑ°SCG ∫hCG øe ¿ƒµj ób AÉ°Vƒ°†dG øY ºLÉædG §¨°†dG ∑ÎJhπH§≤aOôØdGiód™ª°ùdGá°SÉM≈∏YôKDƒJ’AÉ°Vƒ°†dÉa ájɪ◊GâfÉc,äGƒæ°ùdGøeójó©∏dh.OôØdGá«°ùØf≈∏YkɪFGOkGôKCG kÉjQhô°Vh kÉë∏e kÉÑ∏£e É¡H ܃ZôŸG ÒZ AÉ°Vƒ°†dG øe ádÉ©ØdG Iójó°T äÉYƒ°VƒŸG øe ¿B’G íÑ°UCGh ,OôØ∏d áMGôdG ≥«≤ëàd .áeÉ©dGáë°üdG≈∏Y®ÉØ◊G¥É«°S‘᫪gC’G ’EG ,kɵª°S ÊÉÑŸG äÉ≤ÑW ™aQCG øe »g òaGƒædG ¿CG øe ºZôdG ≈∏Yh ’h ,∫õæŸÉH ᣫëŸG AGƒ°VC’G ¢UÉ°üàeG ‘ kɪ°SÉM kGQhO Ö©∏J É¡fEG øe Üô≤dÉH hCG áªMOõŸG äÉbô£dG ≈∏Y á∏£ŸG ÊÉÑŸG ‘ ɪ«°S .ájQhô°†dGäÉÑ∏£àŸGøeó©jAÉ°Vƒ°†dG∫RÉY¿EÉa∂dòdh,äGQÉ£ŸG á«LÉLR äGóMh Ö«côJ ƒg ™bGƒŸG √òg πãe ‘ …OÉ«àY’G AGôLE’Gh äÉjƒà°ùe π°†aC’ ∫ƒ°UƒdG øµÁh ,äÉ≤Ñ£dG IOó©àe ádRÉY .ÖcôŸG »≤FÉbôdG êÉLõdG ΩGóîà°SG ∫ÓN øe 䃰üdG ¢UÉ°üàeG É¡°SÉ«b øµÁ »àdG AÉ°Vƒ°†dG äÉjƒà°ùe ÚH ábÓ©dG ¢ü«î∏J øµÁh AÉ°Vƒ°†dG :‹ÉàdG ƒëædG ≈∏Y ,¿PC’G ∫ÓN øe É¡«≤∏J á≤jôWh kÉjOÉe GPEGh ,¿PC’G ¬ÑYƒà°ùJ Ée ∞°üf »gh πÑ«°ùjO 10 É¡Jƒb ᣫëŸG ¬ÑYƒà°ùJ Ée ∞YÉ°†àj á«aÉ°VEG πÑ«°ùjO 10`d AÉ°Vƒ°†dG äOGORG 80-75 ÚH Ée AÉ°Vƒ°V iƒà°ùe Qó°üJ áØ«ãµdG QhôŸG ácôM .¿PC’G .πÑ«°ùjO IOƒ÷G á«dÉY äÉYÉ£b øª°†àJ »àdG uPVC òaGƒf Ö«cÎHh iƒà°ùe π«∏≤J øe øµªàà°S ,∫RÉY êÉLõH IOhõe ±ô¨dG IOó©àeh øe §≤a 24/1 ÜÉ©«à°SG ‹ÉàdÉHh ,πÑ«°ùjO 40 ≈àM AÉ°Vƒ°†dG »¡a ,…QhôŸG ΩÉMOR’G AÉ°Vƒ°†d áÑ°ùædÉHh .á«LQÉÿG AÉ°Vƒ°†dG äGQÉ£ŸG §« ‘ ≈àM ,¿ÉµŸG AÉLQCG Ahó¡dG Oƒ°ùjh kÉeÉ“ »ØàîJ π«∏≤J äÉ«æ≤àd ™Lôj π°†ØdGh ÇOÉg ΩƒæH º©æà°S á«°SÉ°SC’G .AÉ°Vƒ°†dG Noise stress can be a major cause of illness. It not only damages one’s hearing, it also leaves persistent marks on the human psyche. For many years, effective protection against undesired noise has not merely been a matter of comfort, but a decisive issue in health protection. Since windows are – literally - the thinnest parts of a building’s shell, they play a decisive role in the acoustic absorption values of your house. Especially in buildings located alongside roads with heavy traffic or in theclose vicinity of airports, efficient noise insulation is a critical requirement. The usual procedure in such locations is to install multi-pane insulated sealed glass units. Even better sound absorption values can be reached by using special composite laminated glass. The relationship between physically measurable noise levels and the way they are perceived by the human ear can be roughly summed up as follows : ambient noise made 10 dB quieter halves the human perception of this noise, 10 dB louder doubles this perception. Heavy traffic generates a noise level ofaround 75-80 dB. By fitting uPVC windows combining Windows 2000 high-grade, multi-chamber profiles and special insulating glass, you can reduce this noise by up to 40 dB, and thus only perceive 1/24 of the outdoor noise inside the house. Traffic noise is almost completely muted and calm is maintained. Even around major airports, sleep will no longer be disrupted thanks to this noise reduction technology. Protection against Noisefor the sake of your health The insulation requirement for the window depends on the use of the building and the level of outside noise (a moderate reduction in noise intensity will be per- ceived as a major reduction in the sensation of noise). Windows installed with Windows 2000 profiles result in reductions of up to 40 dB, depending on the type of glazing used. Reduction by 10 dB(A) : Sensation 1/2 of previous noise Reduction by 30 dB(A) : Sensation 1/8 of previous noise Reduction by 40 dB(A) : Sensation 1/32 of previous noise The need for noise insulation
  • 14. 2000òaGƒf áÄ«Ñ∏dá≤jó°UäÉ«æ≤J–kÉjƒ°SπÑ≤à°ùŸG»æÑfÉ«g çÉëHC’G ‘ OQGƒŸGh á«æØdG áaô©ŸG 2000 òaGƒf äôªãà°SG IÉ«◊G á«Yƒf Ú°ùëàd ᪪°üe ácô°ûdG äÉéàæªa ,QɵàH’Gh òaGƒf Úµ“ ‘ áãjó◊G äÉ«æ≤àdG âªgÉ°S .∫RÉæŸG ¿Éµ°ùd ,IOƒ÷G øe á«dÉY áLQO ≈∏Y äÉéàæe ÒaƒJ øe 2000 ‘ äôªà°SGh »°VÉŸG ‘ ácô°û∏d ájQÉéàdG áeÓ©dG äô°ûàfGh ÜGƒHC’Gh òaGƒædG äGóMh ÒaƒJ ∫ÓN øe ¥ƒ°ùdG IOÉ«b .uPVC øeáYƒæ°üŸG ≥æà©Jh kÉeób 2000 òaGƒf »°†“ ,áYÉæ°üdG OGhQ øe É¡àØ°üHh øe ójó©dG ¬LGƒJ ‹ÉàdÉHh ,á∏°üdG äGP äÉ«dhDƒ°ùŸG øe ójõŸG Ωƒ¡Øe CÉ°ûf .áfRGƒàeh áªZÉæàe áÄ«H ≈∏Y ®ÉØë∏d äÉjóëàdG ‹ÉàdÉHh áÄ«ÑdG ≈∏Y ®ÉØ◊G ‘ áÑZôdG káé«àf ô°†NC’G §ÿG ádOÉÑàe ±GógCG áKÓK ≥«≤– ∫ÓN øe á«©«Ñ£dG OQGƒŸG ájɪM :á©aÉfh ∫ÓN øe ,òaGƒædG º¶f AGOCG ‘ ôªà°ùŸG ø°ùëàdG ¿Éª°V • Ú°ù–h ábÉ£dG ∑Ó¡à°SG π«∏≤J ™e …QGô◊G ∫õ©dG IOÉjR »Jƒ°üdG∫õ©dG ,êÉLõdGh ,uPVC) á«°SÉ°SC’G ΩÉÿG OGƒŸG ôjhóJ IOÉYEG • ø°ù– ™e êÉàfE’G IQhO ‘ É¡eGóîà°SG IOÉYEGh ,(Ö∏°üdGh ábÉ£dGhΩÉÿGOGƒŸG∑Ó¡à°SGπ«∏≤J∫ÓNøeÉ¡à«dÉ©a äÉéàæŸG πjó©Jh ΩÉÿG OGƒŸG äÉfƒµe ΩGóîà°SG Ú°ù– • uPVC äGóMhIÉ«M√QhOádÉWEG¿Éª°V™e á檰†àe 2000 òaGƒf äGóMh áaÉc êÉàfEG ” ,2001 ΩÉY òæe ΩGóîà°SÉH IQGhódG äGóMƒdGh ÜGƒHC’Gh òaGƒædG ,¢UÉ°UôdG äÉfƒµe øe k’óH ∂fõdG-Ωƒ«°ùdɵdG √òg óYÉ°ùJ .äÉàÑãŸG øe ójóL ´ƒf ƒg ∂fõdG-Ωƒ«°ùdɵdGh áehÉ≤e ÌcCG uPVC äGóMh π©L ≈∏Y Iójó÷G äÉfƒµŸG .ñÉæŸG±hô¶d ô¶M ” ,É°ùªædGh Gô°ùjƒ°Sh ∑QɉGódG πãe á«HhQhC’G ∫hódG ‘ ” ,∫É◊G ƒg ɪch .¢UÉ°UôdG øe áYƒæ°üŸG äÉàÑãŸG Ωóîà°SG ‘ ¢UÉ°UôdG øe áYƒæ°üŸG òaGƒædG äÉàÑãe ΩGóîà°SG ô¶M äGƒæ°S Ió©dh á«dɪ°ûdG ɵjôeCG ‘h .2008 ôjÉæj òæe É«dGΰSCG áYƒæ°üŸG ÜGƒHC’Gh òaGƒædG äGóMh AÉ≤HE’ ™jô°ûJ ™°Vh ” ,¿B’G á«ë°üdG ôWÉîŸG QÉÑàYG ™eh .¢UÉ°UôdG øe á«dÉN uPVC øe ¿ƒ°†Z ‘ ∫RÉæŸG øe ÒãµdG ≈∏Y Ú©à«°S ,¢UÉ°Uô∏d á«Ä«ÑdGh .¢UÉ°UôdGøeá«dÉNiôNCÉHÜGƒHC’GhòaGƒædG∫ÓMGäGƒæ°S º¡dRÉæe GhOhR GPEG ᪫≤dG øe ójõŸG ≈∏Y OGôaC’G π°üë«°S áàÑãŸG òaGƒædG äGóMh QÉ«àNG ¿EÉa ∂dòdh ,áÄ«Ñ∏d á≤jó°U òaGƒæH ¬æe ó«Øà°ù«°S »cP QÉ«àNG ƒg ∂fõdG-Ωƒ«°ùdɵdG ΩGóîà°SÉH .™«ª÷G
  • 15. Windows 2000 has invested its know-how and resources in research and innovation. Its products are designed to help improve quality of life for the homeowner. Advanced technology has enabled Windows 2000 to offer products of exceptional quality. The Windows 2000 brand has in the past and continues to lead the European market for uPVC window and door profiles. As an industry leader Windows 2000 goes further and embraces the responsibilities of an industry that is faced with the challenges of preserving a balanced and harmonious environment. The greenline concept has been developed out of concern for the environment and perfected with the purpose to preserve natural resources by working to accomplish three mutually beneficial objectives : ••To ensure ongoing improvements of the window system’s performance, through increased thermal insulation with a reduction of energy consumption and improved sound insulation. ••To recycle the basic raw materials (uPVC, glass and steel) and to reuse them in the production cycle – with an improved efficiency through a lower consumption of raw materials and energy. ••To optimise the use of raw material components and refine the product ensuring longevity with an increased lifespan of uPVC profiles. Since 2001, all Windows 2000 window, door and roller shutter profiles have been produced exclusively with calcium-zinc instead of lead ingredients. Calcium-zinc is a new type of stabiliser. It makes uPVC profiles more resistant to weather conditions. In European countries such as Denmark, Switzerland and Austria, the use of lead based stabilisers is already prohibited. Similarly, in Australia lead-stabilised windows and door profiles will be outlawed as of January 2008. In North America the legislation to keep uPVC window and door profiles lead free has been in place for many years. Considering the health and environmental hazards of lead, most homes in a few years, will have to be equipped with lead free windows and doors. People’s homes will gain and maintain their value if equipped with greenline windows! Choosing calcium-zinc stabilised profiles for windows is a smart decision that will benefit everyone! Windows 2000 Let’s build the future together
  • 16. Website: E-mail: IGQGOC’Gh™```fÉ``````°üŸG-»``````°ù``«`Fô``dGõ```cô````ŸG Main Branch - Management & Factory ê4´QÉ°T-á«YÉæ°üdGπ«°SôdGá≤£æe 124…ójÈdGõeôdG π«°SôdG300:Ü.¢U ¿ÉªYáæ£∏°S–§≤°ùe (968)24447000 ∞JÉg (968)24447070¢ùcÉa ihõf–á«∏NGódGá¶aÉ Dakhlia Region - Nizwa 23ºbQπ–∫ƒeƒdƒd 25216050 :∞JÉg Qƒ°U-á«bô°ûdG܃æLá¶aÉ South Al Sharqiyah - Sur ¿Gƒ¡Hóé°ùeΩÉeG–óaôdG¥hóæ°U´QÉ°T 25534104 :∞JÉg QÉë°U–áæWÉÑdG∫ɪ°Tá¶aÉ North Al Batinah - Sohar ¿Ó°UQGhO–áÑ°û¨dG 26945737 :∞JÉg AÉcôH-áæWÉÑdG܃æLá¶aÉ South Al Batinah - Barka AÉcôH – ¿Éƒ°U 93217939 :∞JÉg