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Hi	and	thanks	for	reading	along!	These	slides	are	from	a	talk	I	gave	at	Demuxed	in	October	2017.	
I’m	Allison	Deal,	I	work	as	a	soEware	engineer	in	the	video	space,	and	I	wanted	to	share	some	of	
my	personal	learnings	on	the	topic	of	ad	signaling	in	live	linear	streams.	I’m	going	to	dig	into	the	
SCTE	35	spec	and	show	how	integraMon	of	ad	markers	might	look	in	a	streaming	service,	
including	some	irregulariMes	to	look	out	for	and	what	keep	in	mind	when	working	with	in-band	
ad	cues.	
Demuxed	Video	Engineering	Conference:	hQps://
I’ll	start	with	defining	our	main	challenge	here,	which	is	taking	the	input	of	tradiMonal	broadcast	
television	and	creaMng	a	personalized	OTT	experience.
In	order	to	create	a	seamless,	familiar	product	for	users,	and	perhaps	due	to	business	goals	or	
contracts,	we	have	some	potenMal,	related	elements	of	the	user	experience	we	might	want	to	
incorporate	into	our	service,	in	addiMon	to	the	obvious	goal	of	video	playback.	Maybe	we	want	
the	user	to	have	visibility	of	what	live	content	is	currently	available	to	them.	Like	the	tv	program	
guide,	we	want	a	real-Mme	view	of	what	is	airing	on	a	given	channel.	To	achieve	this,	we	need	to	
have	schedule	flexibility	for	cases	like	program	extensions	(where	a	sporMng	event	goes	into	
overMme	and	runs	long)	or	unscheduled	events	(like	breaking	news).	We	also	need	precise	
informaMon	for	program	distribuMon	control,	including	blackouts	(where	a	sporMng	event	can’t	
be	shown	in	a	parMcular	area	if	the	stadium	isn’t	sold	out),	or	device	restricMons,	where	certain	
content	contractually	can’t	be	shown	on	one	or	more	devices.	We	may	also	want	to	know	the	
precise	Mming	of	adverMsements	in	order	to	do	things	like	freeze	transport	controls	(and	
prevent	fast	forwarding	through	a	commercial),	incorporate	an	ad	countdown	in	a	UI,	or	
personalize	the	user	experience	by	incorporaMng	dynamic	ad	inserMon.	
I	list	all	of	these	because	they	can	be	implemented	using	the	same	type	of	marker	messages	
that	I’m	going	to	go	through	in	detail	now.
Broadcast	television	has	the	capability	to	dynamically	replace	the	network	feed	with	ads,	which	
will	vary	based	on	the	air	Mme	available	and	a	household’s	geographic	locaMon.
Historically,	local	ads	were	indicated	using	dual	tone	mulM	frequency,	or	DTMF	signals,	and	in	
order	to	describe	these	DTMF	signals	digitally,	in	an	MPEG-2	transport	stream,
SCTE,	or	the	Society	of	Cable	TelecommunicaMons	Engineers,	defined	the	Digital	Program	
InserMon	Cueing	Message	for	Cable,	beQer	known	as	the	SCTE	35	standard.	This	standard	
defines	the	signaling	technique	for	adverMsing	breaks	and	programming	content	at	a	frame	
accurate	level.
So	how	can	we	uMlize	this	signal	to	automate	the	experience	goals	we	set	earlier?	And	when	I	
say	“automate”	I	mean	that	we	don’t	want	to	require	someone	to	be	watching	the	channel	24/7	
and	confirming	that	an	ad	started,	or	a	baseball	game	went	long,	for	which	we	would	be	difficult	
to	manually	scale	across	hundreds	of	channels.	
I’m	going	to	walk	through	a	generic	message	flow	of	consuming	these	messages,	decoding,	
parsing	and	understanding	them,	and	then	noMfying	the	client	of	the	state	of	a	channel.	And	
this	isn’t	a	specific	implementaMon,	only	high	level	design	concept.
First,	I’ll	mainly	focus	on	this	porMon	of	the	workflow,	which	is	the	ingesMon,	decoding,	and	
interpretaMon	of	the	markers.
The	ad	cue	messages	are	someMmes	carried	in	binary	format,	and	mulMplexed	with	the	audio	
and	video	in	a	MPEG-2	transport	steam.
In	HLS	and	DASH,	the	cue	messages	usually	get	converted	to	base64	or	hex	strings.	If	stream	
ingesMon	is	done	using	HLS	format,	it’s	also	common	to	include	these	markers	in	either	the	EXT-
X-DATERANGE	tag	or	a	custom	SCTE	35	tag	of	the	HLS	media	playlist.
And	least	common,	but	there	is	a	defined	way	to	include	parsed	cue	details	into	the	XML.	
However	we’re	going	to	assume	this	isn’t	the	case	for	the	parsing	porMon	of	the	discussion.
When	you	hear	SCTE	35	message,	or	ad	marker,	it	oEen	refers	to	the	contents	of	what’s	called	
the	splice	info	secMon.	This	message	contains	all	of	the	details	we	need	to	know	about	the	splice	
point,	which	is	the	source	switch	point:	where	an	ad	or	ad	break	starts	or	ends,	or	a	a	new	
program	or	chapter	starts	or	ends.	In	this	talk,	I’m	going	to	dig	into	two	of	the	most-used	
secMons	of	this	message,	which	are	the	splice	insert	splice	command	(in	blue)	and	the	splice	
descriptors	(in	red).
Let’s	look	at	the	splice	insert	command	first.
Splice	insert	was	the	first	command	implemented	because	it	solved	for	the	simple	scenario	of	
instrucMng	local	affiliates	and	MVPDs	when	to	switch	from	the	network	source	to	the	local	ad	
playout	and	then	back	to	network.	The	splice	event	id	is	an	idenMfier	to	keep	track	of	the	event.	
The	splice	event	cancel	indicator	will	indicate	whether,	if	there	have	been	any	events	previously	
sent	with	this	id,	to	cancel	them,	which	makes	last	minute	schedule	changes	and	updates	
possible.	The	out	of	network	indicator	indicates	whether	we	should	exit	from	the	network	feed,	
which	is	called	and	out	point,	or	return	to	the	network/show	we	were	watching,	and	this	is	
called	an	in	point.	This	informaMon	is	important	because	it’s	indicaMng	either	“we’re	going	to	an	
ad	break	now,”	or	“we	are	going	back	to	showing	the	program.”	The	duraMon	represents	how	
long	the	ad	break	is	planned	for,	the	unique	program	id	is	specifies	the	viewing	event,	and	the	
event’s	Mmestamp,	or	splice	Mme,	can	be	specified	in	the	splice	Mme	structure,	here	in	green.
Next,	let’s	check	out	the	segmentaMon	descriptor,	here,	in	red.	As	you	see	in	the	splice	info	
secMon	structure,	there	is	only	room	for	one	splice	insert	event	per	message.	The	informaMon	it	
contains	is	limited,	but	it’s	sMll	widely	used.	A	splice	info	secMon	can	contain	mulMple	
segmentaMon	descriptors.
For	example	if	a	program	is	ending	and	at	the	same	point	a	new	program	is	starMng,	we	can	
receive	this	informaMon	in	one	SCTE-35	message,	uMlizing	mulMple	segmentaMon	descriptors.		
As	opposed	to	only	expressing	one	type	of	local	ad,	a	segmentaMon	descriptor	can	indicate	one	
of	many	different	event	types,	carried	in	the	segmentaMon	type	id	field,	like	program	start/end	
or	program	early	terminaMon,	chapter	start/end,	provider	and	distributor	ad	start/end,	
unscheduled	event	start/end	(like	breaking	news),	planned	and	unplanned	program	runover	
events,	and	content	idenMficaMon	heartbeat	messages.	It’s	these	segmentaMon	descriptors	that	
allow	our	“program	guide”	or	menu	to	be	updated	automaMcally	in	the	case	of	a	long	game,	or	
to	indicate	whether	or	not	the	airing	should	be	shown	on	the	menu	due	to	restricMons	like	
Like	the	splice	insert	command,	it	contains	an	event	id,	a	cancel	indicator	flag,	and	duraMon	flag.	
The	segmentaMon	descriptor	also	has	fields	to	denote	delivery	restricMons,	although	the	only	
one	I’ve	seen	commonly	used	is	the	web	delivery	allowed	flag	(for	global	blackouts)	and	the	rest	
is	conveyed	through	SCTE-224	out-of-band	policies.	
The	segmentaMon	UPID	specifies	the	content	contained	in	the	segment,	which	can	be	various	
formats,	including	Ad	IDs,	TMS	IDs	(Gracenote	IDs),	Airing	IDs	(Turner	IDs),	and	EIDR	IDs,	to	
name	a	few.		The	segmentaMon	descriptor	is	used	with	the	Mme	signal	splice	command,	which	
we	will	take	a	look	at	now.	
Ad-ID:	hQp://	
TMS/Gracenote	IDs:	hQp://	
EIDR:	hQps://
The	Mme	signal	is	preQy	simple	and	provides	a	uniform	method	of	associaMng	a	PTS	Mme	sample	
with	an	arbitrary	descriptor	(or	descriptors).
Now	let’s	take	a	look	at	how	these	individual	messages	work	together.	One	thing	that	can	get	a	
bit	tricky	or	ugly	when	implemenMng	the	spec	is	that	the	same	thing	can	be	achieved	mulMple	
ways.	For	example,	there	are	two	ways	to	terminate	an	ad	break	that’s	denoted	by	a	splice	
insert	event	(this	is	the	first	structure	we	looked	at,	the	one	used	to	denote	local	ads).	The	first	
way	to	use	this	command	only	requires	one	message.	The	start	event,	or	out	point	is	sent,	and	
includes	a	duraMon	along	with	an	auto-return	flag.
The	auto	return	flag	indicates	that	when	the	duraMon	has	passed	to	return	to	the	network	feed.
The	second	way	is	to	use	an	out-point	cue	to	denote	the	start	of	our	ad	break,	which	could	
opMonally	include	a	duraMon.
And	then	a	second	separate	cue	message	to	indicate	the	in	point,	or	ad	break	end,	that	has	an	
event	id	corresponding	to	that	of	the	out	point.		
SegmentaMon	descriptor	messages,	the	red	ones	we	looked	at	that	indicate	events	like	program	
and	chapter	segments,	and	naMonal	and	local	ad	breaks,	are	sent	in	pairs,	and	are	conveyed	
using	the	second	approach	here.
I	also	want	to	touch	on	segment	hierarchy
I’ll	use	the	first	part	of	this	episode	of	Shark	Tank	as	an	example,	with	the	ad	break	lengths	
exaggerated	so	you	can	see	the	concept	more	clearly.	The	highest	level	is	the	program,	which	
can	include	chapters	and	placement	opportuniMes.	These	two	ad	breaks	we	see	are	denoted	by	
the	provider	and	distributor	placement	opportuniMes,	which	are	filled	in	with	provider	and	
distributor	adverMsements,	which	share	the	lowest	logical	level.	
Events	can	be	nested,	as	shown	here,	where	in	the	first	ad	break,	mulMple	ad	pods	are	shown	
within	the	provider	PO,	and	in	at	the	second	ad	break	here,	where	the	distributor	PO	is	nested	
within	the	provider	placement	opportunity.	If	planned	duraMons	are	sent	with	the	placement	
opportuniMes,	this	allows	us	to	see	how	long	the	enMre	placement	opportunity	is	planned	to	be	
as	well	as	the	duraMons	of	each	individual	adverMsement.
In	order	to	give	an	advance	warning	of	an	upcoming	splice,	a	command	can	be	sent	mulMple	
Mmes	before	the	splice	point.	For	example,	the	same	command	could	be	sent	8,	5,	4,	and	2	
seconds	prior	to	the	event	occurrence.	However,	it’s	possible	that	an	issued	command	may	
need	to	be	canceled.
The	first	way	to	cancel	an	issued	event	is	to	send	a	splice	info	secMon	with	the	same	event	id	
where	the	cancel	indicator	flag	is	set,
and	then	to	send	a	new	splice	info	secMon	with	the	correct	or	updated	parameters.
The	second	method
is	to	simply	send	a	subsequent	message	with	the	new	data	without	canceling	the	old	message.
Now	that	we	have	decoded	and	understood	the	message,	and	how	the	pairings	and	hierarchy	
let’s	take	a	look	at	how	to	convey	the	informaMon	to	the	client.
In-band	markers	are	typically	included	in	M3U8	media	playlist	tags.
And	here’s	an	example	of	the	Apple-preferred	method	defined	in	the	Pantos	HLS	spec,	which	
uses	the	EXT-X-DATERANGE	tag,	and	includes	the	marker	in	the	SCTE35-OUT	aQribute	or	
SCTE35-IN	aQribute	for	an	in	point.
This	is	the	way	that	the	SCTE	35	spec	defines	cue	tags,	using	the	EXT-X-SCTE35	tag	with	the	cue	
aQribute	to	contain	the	cue	message.
Here’s	an	example	playlist	that	illustrates	a	case	with	nested	ad	breaks;	the	out	points	mean	
that	the	placement	opportunity	or	ad	break	is	starMng,
and	each	out	point	has	a	corresponding	in	point	that	indicates	the	ad	break	has	concluded.	You	
can	also	expect	to	see	in	Point	1,	at	some	point	below	aEer	in	Point	2,	although	it’s	not	shown	
Let’s	also	take	a	quick	look	at	conveying	cue	messages	using	DASH.
SCTE	35	cues	are	carried	in	DASH	manifests	using	Event	elements	in	the	Event	Stream	element.	
The	schemeIdUri	can	specify	whether	the	message	will	be	an	XML	representaMon,	as	shown	
here,	or	as	a	base64	coded	representaMon	within	the	Signal	Binary	Element.	It’s	important	to	
note	that	In	the	case	of	an	event	cancelaMon,	it’s	necessary	to	add	a	new	MPD	event	with	a	
cancelaMon	flag,	as	opposed	to	deleMng	the	event	for	DASH	consistency.
Now	we	have	a	completed	picture	of	the	process	and	the	system	will	work	great,	in	theory.	
However,	I’d	also	like	to	share	some	cases	I’ve	seen	around	inconsistent	and	irregular	messages.
In	working	with	mulMple	vendors	and	providers,	I’ve	seen	many	different	interpretaMons	of	the	
SCTE	35	standard.	I’ve	seen	local	ads	signaled	in	at	least	three	different	ways:	by	using	a	
distributor	placement	opportunity,	by	using	distributor	ads,	and	by	using	splice	insert.	A	single	
provider	might	send	local	ads	using	a	combinaMon	of	these	commands.	The	point	here	is	to	
make	sure	you	implement	all	cases	the	spec	states	(and	there	are	a	lot)	in	order	to	not	miss	any	
cue	messages.
I’ve	seen	the	splice	insert	command	used	for	both	local	avails	as	well	as	for	blackouts.	It’s	super	
important	to	make	sure	these	messages	are	correctly	understood	at	a	provider	level.	There	may	
be	contractual	or	monetary	consequences	if	a	local	ad	break	is	starMng,	but	it’s	instead	
understood	as	a	blackout	and	viewers	can’t	see	any	of	the	content.
I’ve	also	seen	varying	meanings	of	duraMon	where	some	vendors	interpret	program	duraMon	as	
the	Mme	between	the	beginning	of	the	program	and	the	first	ad.	Others	interpret	this	same	field	
as	the	enMre	duraMon	of	the	program,	and	others	don’t	send	duraMon.	
I’ll	also	note	that	some	providers	send	duraMon	for	ads,	others	don’t,	which	causes	challenges	
around	having	a	consistent	user	experience	if	the	ad	duraMon	details	are	used	in	the	UI	and	
some	of	this	informaMon	is	missing.	This	can	also	create	challenges	for	implemenMng	consistent	
dynamic	ad	inserMon.
There	are	even	plenty	of	cases	where	the	specificaMon	isn’t	followed	at	all.	
I’ve	seen	ad	ids	larger	than	spec’s	max	specified	length;	if	the	custom	length	isn’t	known,	it	can	be	
incorrectly	parsed	or	depending	on	the	logic	and	resiliency,	cause	parsing	errors	that	may	result	in	
the	message	not	reaching	your	client	at	all.	
I’ll	also	menMon	cases	that	require	an	ad	break	to	be	over	when	the	planned	duraMon	is	up,	even	if	
the	auto	return	flag	isn’t	set,	as	the	spec	mandates.	If	this	assumpMon	isn’t	known,	this	can	result	an	
indefinite	ad	state,	and	depending	on	the	UI	behavior,	if	rewind/fast	forward	is	disabled	for	ads,	can	
compromise	the	user	experience.	If	dynamic	ad	inserMon	is	implemented,	this	could	potenMally	
result	in	a	stream	of	only	ads	for	a	long	period	of	Mme.	
Another	case	worth	menMoning	is	when	Event	ids	are	reused	to	mean	mulMple	things	at	the	same	
Mme.	If	show	with	id	123	is	ending	the	same	Mme	a	new,	different	show	that	also	happens	to	have	
the	same	id	starts,	this	can	potenMally	cause	confusion	like	failure	to	end	the	first	program	with	the	
id	123.	A	similar	case	to	this	is	when	the	ids	used	to	idenMfy	the	program	are	wrong,	occasionally	
due	to	human	manual	data	entry	mistakes.	It	becomes	difficult	to	match	in-band	with	out-of-band	
metadata	used	to	display	an	up-to-date	tv	guide	menu.	This	can	result	in	the	system	not	being	aware	
that	a	program	or	event	has	started,	and	users	cannot	access	or	watch	the	content.	There	are	also	
cases	where	providers	use	custom	default	values	that	are	not	the	actual	value;	the	parser	or	system	
has	to	know	which	ones	to	use	and	which	to	ignore.	
One	more	case	that	I	want	to	menMon	here	pertains	to	usage	in	HLS.	EXT-X-DATERANGE	Mmestamps	
on	cue	messages	don’t	always	align	across	rendiMons	in	some	implementaMons,	and	I	recommend	
taking	this	into	account	when	designing	the	message	ingesMon	and	flow	through	the	service.	
The	boQom	line	here	is	that	I	recommend	resilient	parsing,	and	thoroughly	tesMng	and	monitoring	
each	channel	before	the	it	is	available	to	users.
Many	of	the	inconsistencies	I	just	menMoned	are	unable	to	be	changed	or	fixed	at	the	provider	
or	vendor	level.	Depending	on	equipment	used	by	the	provider,	they	may	be	unable	to	send	
certain	types	of	markers	or	commands,	and	in	this	case,	this	is	usually	limited	to	local	avails,	so	
there	is	no	in-band	program	visibility,	and	you	must	rely	on	out-of-band	program	scheduling.	
Also,	in-band	delivery	restricMons	are	only	used	by	some	providers,	meaning	the	complete	
system	may	need	to	contain	a	lot	of	channel-	or	provider-specific	logic.
In	order	to	prevent	poor	user	experiences	like	freezing	transport	controls	in	the	middle	of		a	
program,	showing	the	incorrect	currently	airing	program	for	a	channel	in	the	channel	menu,	
blacking	out	programs	that	should	be	available	to	users,	and	so	on,	due	to	inaccurate	or	
unreliable	messages,	it’s	important	to	be	able	to	idenMfy	marker	inconsistencies.	If	you	have	a	
live	streaming	service,	you	are	the	face	to	the	customers,	who	probably	won’t	care	whether	it	
was	a	vendor	or	provider	error,	but	only	care	about	the	final	user	experience.	
We	can	take	steps	toward	achieving	this	accurate	and	consistent	experience	by	having	
conMnuous	tesMng	and	alerMng	in	place.	For	example,	if	markers	aren’t	sent	for	a	few	hours,	this	
can	be	alerted	for	human	invesMgaMon.	I’ve	seen	cases	where	markers	are	consistent	and	
accurate	when	a	channel	is	onboarded,	but	later	stops	sending	markers	all	together.	Another	
approach	is	to	compare	the	out-of-band	data	with	what	SCTE	35	messages	are	actually	
received.	A	second	strategy	is	to	incorporate	intelligent	content	type	detecMon	(which	
determines	whether	it’s	likely	that	this	video	segment	is	an	ad	or	program)	and	verify	that	the	
markers	are	consistent	with	this	finding.	
And	lastly,	it	may	be	helpful	to	determine	what	reasonable	ad	break	Mmes	and	duraMons	are	
expected	based	on	data	analysis.	To	miMgate	irregulariMes,	we	can	create	automaMc	Mmeouts	to	
end	the	ad	if	it	seems	that	the	ad	break	is	unexpectedly	long.	Another	valuable	miMgaMon	
strategy	is	to	create	tools	that	make	it	easy	for	humans	to	manually	correct	the	state	of	a	
channel,	whether	it	be	ending	an	ad	break	or	extending	a	program	that	is	going	overMme.
I’ve	included	some	spec	references	here.
And	that’s	it.	Thanks	for	reading	along!

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