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Perl Sucks!
(and what to do about it)
What this talk is not
• “Wah, no one uses ‘use strict’”
• “People’s perception of Perl is wrong”
• “The CPAN/mailing list/a other website
  isn’t exactly how I like it”
• “The garbage collection de-allocation
  routine isn’t very efficent”
What this talk is

• What’s a few major annoyances with Perl
• What we the humble programmer can do to
  work around them
scp ~/bin nethost:
ssh newhost
jabme -m ‘compile done’
Module “Jabber::Lite”
    not found
-bash: jabme: /usr/local/bin/
 perl: bad interpreter: No
   such file or directory
My Scripts Need

• A particular version of Perl
• A set of Perl modules

use strict;
use warnings;

use XML::LibXML;
use Template;
use DBD::SQLite;
use CGI;
use Parse::RecDescent;
use List::MoreUtils;
use Moose;

print quot;Hello Worldnquot;;
Make an executable

• perl -MCPAN -e ‘install PAR::Packer’
• pp -o hellow
• ...copy “hellow” to new computer
• ./hellow
  Hello World

use strict;
use warnings;

print quot;Hello Worldnquot;;
Build our own Perl and
 ship the whole thing
Get Stable Perl

• lwp-request $CPAN_URL >
• gunzip -c perl-5.8.8.tar.gz | tar -xvf -
• cd perl-5.8.8
Tell it where to go

• mkdir -p /User/mark/bin/perl5.8.8
• ./configure.gnu --prefix=/User/mark/bin/
Install it

• make
• make test
• make install
We now have our own
    perl in ~/bin
We can install it’s own
  -MCPAN -e ‘install
Problem: different paths

• /home/mark/bin/myperl
• /home/mfowler/bin/myperl
• /home/nisuser/bin/myperl
mv ~/bin/perl5.8.8
whatever/bin/perl -e
  ‘use Storable’
Can't locate in @INC (@INC
  contains: /User/mark/bin/perl5.8.8/lib/5.8.8/
   darwin-2level /User/mark/bin/perl5.8.8/lib/
  5.8.8 /User/mark/bin/perl5.8.8/lib/site_perl/
5.8.8/darwin-2level /User/mark/bin/perl5.8.8/lib/
  site_perl/5.8.8 /User/mark/bin/perl5.8.8/lib/
             site_perl .) at -e line 1.
Can't locate in @INC (@INC
  contains: /User/mark/bin/perl5.8.8/lib/5.8.8/
   darwin-2level /User/mark/bin/perl5.8.8/lib/
  5.8.8 /User/mark/bin/perl5.8.8/lib/site_perl/
5.8.8/darwin-2level /User/mark/bin/perl5.8.8/lib/
  site_perl/5.8.8 /User/mark/bin/perl5.8.8/lib/
             site_perl .) at -e line 1.
Can't locate in @INC (@INC
    contains: ../lib/5.8.8/darwin-2level
          ../lib/site_perl .) at -e line 1.
bleed to the rescue
        Get Bleed Perl

• lwp-request $CPAN_URL >
• gunzip -c perl-5.9.5.tar.gz | tar -xvf -
• cd perl-5.9.5
   Tell it where to go

• mkdir -p /User/mark/bin/perl5.9.5
• ./Configure -Dusedevel -Dprefix=/User/
  mark/bin/perl5.9.5 -Duserelocatableinc -d
   Tell it where to go

• mkdir -p /User/mark/bin/perl5.9.5
• ./Configure -Dusedevel -Dprefix=/User/
  mark/bin/perl5.9.5 -Duserelocatableinc -d
                 Install it

• make
• make test
• make install

mv ~/bin/perl5.9.5

  -e ‘use Storable’
Exception Handling
try {
  throw new NoCheeseException(“redo”);
} catch (NoCheeseException e) {
eval {
  die new NoCheeseError->new(“redo”);
if (blessed($@) &&
  $@->isa(“NoCheeseException”)) {
  print STDERR $@;
} elsif ($@) { die $@ }
Perl has SUCKY
Sins include:
eval {
  die new NoCheeseError->new(“redo”);
if (blessed($@) &&
  $@->isa(“NoCheeseException”)) {
  print STDERR $@;
} elsif ($@) { die $@ }
die “stop my program”;
die “some catchable exception”;
eval {
  die new NoCheeseError->new(“redo”);
if (blessed($@) &&
  $@->isa(“NoCheeseException”)) {
  print STDERR $@;
} elsif ($@) { die $@ }
eval “some code to be compiled”;
eval {
  # run some code to catch errors in
eval {
  die new NoCheeseError->new(“redo”);
if (blessed($@) &&
  $@->isa(“NoCheeseException”)) {
  print STDERR $@;
} elsif ($@) { die $@ }
eval {
  die new NoCheeseError->new(“redo”);
if (blessed($@) &&
  $@->isa(“NoCheeseException”)) {
  print STDERR $@;
} elsif ($@) { die $@ }
We can fix it!
(still) Perl
try {
  throw NoCheeseException “redo”;
catch NoCheeseException with {
   print STDERR $@;
try {
  throw NoCheeseException “redo”;
catch NoCheeseException with {
   print STDERR $@;
catch AnotherError with {
  print STDERR “oopsn”;
try {
  throw NoCheeseException “redo”;
catch NoCheeseException with {
   print STDERR $@;
catch AnotherError with {
  print STDERR “oopsn”;
try( sub {
   throw NoCheeseException “redo”;
catch NoCheeseException with(sub {
    print STDERR $@;
catch AnotherError with(sub {
   print STDERR “oopsn”;
try( sub {
   throw NoCheeseException “redo”;
catch NoCheeseException with(sub {
    print STDERR $@;
catch AnotherError with(sub {
   print STDERR “oopsn”;
try( sub {
   NoCheeseException->throw( “redo” );
NoCheeseException->catch( with(sub {
    print STDERR $@;
AnotherError->catch( with(sub {
   print STDERR “oopsn”;
sub with (&;@) {
  return @_
try( sub {
   NoCheeseException->throw( “redo” );
NoCheeseException->catch( with(sub {
    print STDERR $@;
AnotherError->catch( with(sub {
   print STDERR “oopsn”;
try( sub {
   NoCheeseException->throw( “redo” );
NoCheeseException->catch( sub {
    print STDERR $@;
AnotherError->catch( sub {
   print STDERR “oopsn”;
package OurErrorSuperclass;

sub catch {
  my $class = shift;
  my $action = shift;
  return +{
    class => $class,
    action => $action
  }, @_;
try( sub {
   NoCheeseException->throw( “redo” );
NoCheeseException->catch( sub {
    print STDERR $@;
AnotherError->catch( sub {
   print STDERR “oopsn”;
try( sub {
   NoCheeseException->throw( “redo” );
NoCheeseException->catch( sub {
    print STDERR $@;
}, +{
   class => “AnotherError”,
   action => sub { print STDERR “oopsn” }
try( sub {
  NoCheeseException->throw( “redo” );
}, +{
  class => “NoCheeseException”,
  action => sub { print STDERR $@; }
}, +{
  class => “AnotherError”,
  action => sub { print STDERR “oopsn” }
try( sub {
  NoCheeseException->throw( “redo” );
}, +{
  class => “NoCheeseException”,
  action => sub { print STDERR $@; }
}, +{
  class => “AnotherError”,
  action => sub { print STDERR “oopsn” }
try( sub {
  NoCheeseException->throw( “redo” );
}, +{
  class => “NoCheeseException”,
  action => sub { print STDERR $@; }
}, +{
  class => “AnotherError”,
  action => sub { print STDERR “oopsn” }
try( sub {
  NoCheeseException->throw( “redo” );
}, +{
  class => “NoCheeseException”,
  action => sub { print STDERR $@; }
}, +{
  class => “AnotherError”,
  action => sub { print STDERR “oopsn” }
(still) Perl
try {
  throw NoCheeseException “redo”;
catch NoCheeseException with {
   print STDERR $@;
sub foo {
  try {
    return “This doesn’t return from foo”;
  catch NoCheeseException with {
     print STDERR $@;
sub foo {
  eval {
    return “This doesn’t return from foo”;
  if ($@) { .... }
sub foo {
  try {
    return “This doesn’t return from foo”;
  catch NoCheeseException with {
     print STDERR $@;
sub foo {
  try {
    rreturn “This doesn’t return from foo”;
  catch NoCheeseException with {
     print STDERR $@;
  } and return allowed;
sub foo {
  try {
    rreturn “This doesn’t return from foo”;
  catch NoCheeseException with {
     print STDERR $@;
  } and return allowed;





NoEdamException        NoStiltonException         NoBrieException
package NoDairyException;
our @ISA = qw(MyError);

package NoMilkException;
our @ISA = qw(NoDairyException);

package NoSpreadException;
our @ISA = qw(NoDairyException);

package NoButterException;
our @ISA = qw(NoSpreadException);

package NoMargException;
our @ISA = qw(NoMargeException);

package NoCheeseException;
our @ISA = qw(NoDairyException);

package NoEdamException;
our @ISA = qw(NoCheeseException);

package NoStiltonException;
our @ISA = qw(NoCheeseException);

package NoBrieException;
our@ISA = qw(NoCheeseException);
Exceptions::define {
  exception NoDairyException;
  exception NoSpreadException extends NoDairyException;
  exception NoButterException extends NoSpreadException;
  exception NoMargException extends NoSpreadException;
  exception NoMilkException extends NoDairyException;
  exception NoCheeseException extends NoDairyException;
  exception NoEdamException extends NoCheeseException;
  exception NoStiltonException extends NoCheeseException;
  exception NoBrieException extends NoCheeseException;
But it’s a scripting
Don’t you just love the
  Template Toolkit?
bash$ tpage
[% FOR a = [1..5]; a; END %]

$whereami = “Vienna”;
print “Hello $whereami!n”;

[% whereami = “Vienna” -%]
Hello [% whereami %]!
bash$ ./
bash$ ./
-bash: ./ tpage: bad interpreter:
No such file or directory
where bash finds the
          Executable code to
#!tpage    load into memory

[% whereami = “Vienna” -%]
Hello [% whereami %]!
bash$ cat tpage
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Template;
use AppConfig;
Two possible solutions
Method one:
Abuse source filters
• “Source filters are a way to change your
  source code before perl gets to see it”

use strict;
use warnings;

use EnableDebugging;

# DEBUG printing stuff out
print quot;hinquot;;

use strict;
use warnings;

use EnableDebugging;

;print STDERR “DEBUG: printing stuff outn”;
print quot;hinquot;;
package EnableDebugging;
use Filter::Simple;

    {;print STDERR q<DEBUG: $1>, quot;nquot;;};

package EnableDebugging;
use Filter::Simple;

    {;print STDERR q<DEBUG: $1>, quot;nquot;;};

package tpage;
use Filter::Simple;

    {;print STDERR q<DEBUG: $1>, quot;nquot;;};

package tpage;
use Filter::Simple;

    {;print STDERR q<DEBUG: $1>, quot;nquot;;};

package tpage;
use Filter::Simple;

   $template .= $_;
   $_ = “”;

package tpage;
use Filter::Simple;

   $template .= $_;
   $_ = “”;

  use Template;
use tpage;

[%- whereami = “Vienna” -%]
Hello [% whereami %]!
2. Build our own
#include <EXTERN.h>
#include <perl.h>

static PerlInterpreter *my_perl;

int main(int argc, char **argv, char **env)
  char *embedding[] = { quot;quot;, quot;-equot;, quot;0quot; };

    my_perl = perl_alloc();

    perl_parse(my_perl, NULL, 3, embedding, NULL);
    PL_exit_flags |= PERL_EXIT_DESTRUCT_END;

    eval_pv(quot;print qq'oh hain’;quot;, TRUE);

(    stolen from
“perldoc perlembed”)
#include <EXTERN.h>
#include <perl.h>

static PerlInterpreter *my_perl;

int main(int argc, char **argv, char **env)
  char *embedding[] = { quot;quot;, quot;-equot;, quot;0quot; };

    my_perl = perl_alloc();

    perl_parse(my_perl, NULL, 3, embedding, NULL);
    PL_exit_flags |= PERL_EXIT_DESTRUCT_END;

    eval_pv(quot;print qq'o hain';quot;, TRUE);

#include <EXTERN.h>
#include <perl.h>

static PerlInterpreter *my_perl;

int main(int argc, char **argv, char **env)
  char *embedding[] = { quot;quot;, quot;-equot;, quot;0quot; };

    my_perl = perl_alloc();

    perl_parse(my_perl, NULL, 3, embedding, NULL);
    PL_exit_flags |= PERL_EXIT_DESTRUCT_END;

    eval_pv(quot;print qq’o hain’;quot;, TRUE);

cc -o hellow hellow.c `perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e ccopts -e ldopts`
bash$ ./hellow
    o hai
#include <EXTERN.h>
#include <perl.h>

static PerlInterpreter *my_perl;

int main(int argc, char **argv, char **env)
  char *embedding[] = { quot;quot;, quot;-equot;, quot;0quot; };

    my_perl = perl_alloc();

    perl_parse(my_perl, NULL, 3, embedding, NULL);
    PL_exit_flags |= PERL_EXIT_DESTRUCT_END;

    eval_pv(quot;print qq'o hain';quot;, TRUE);

#include <EXTERN.h>
#include <perl.h>

static PerlInterpreter *my_perl;

int main(int argc, char **argv, char **env)
  char *embedding[] = { quot;quot;, quot;-equot;, quot;0quot; };

    my_perl = perl_alloc();

    perl_parse(my_perl, NULL, 3, embedding, NULL);
    PL_exit_flags |= PERL_EXIT_DESTRUCT_END;

    eval_pv(quot;print qq’o hain’;quot;, TRUE);

#include <EXTERN.h>
#include <perl.h>

static PerlInterpreter *my_perl;

int main(int argc, char **argv, char **env)
  char *embedding[] = { quot;quot;, quot;-equot;, quot;0quot;, argv[0]};

    my_perl = perl_alloc();

    perl_parse(my_perl, NULL, 4, embedding, NULL);
    PL_exit_flags |= PERL_EXIT_DESTRUCT_END;

    eval_pv(quot;print qq’o hain’;quot;, TRUE);

#include <EXTERN.h>
#include <perl.h>

static PerlInterpreter *my_perl;

int main(int argc, char **argv, char **env)
  char *embedding[] = { quot;quot;, quot;-equot;, quot;0quot;, argv[0]};

    my_perl = perl_alloc();

    perl_parse(my_perl, NULL, 4, embedding, NULL);
    PL_exit_flags |= PERL_EXIT_DESTRUCT_END;

    eval_pv(quot;print qq’o hain’;quot;, TRUE);

#include <EXTERN.h>
#include <perl.h>

static PerlInterpreter *my_perl;

int main(int argc, char **argv, char **env)
  char *embedding[] = { quot;quot;, quot;-equot;, quot;0quot;, argv[0]};

    my_perl = perl_alloc();

    perl_parse(my_perl, NULL, 4, embedding, NULL);
    PL_exit_flags |= PERL_EXIT_DESTRUCT_END;

    eval_pv( “use Template 
      Template->new->process($ARGV[0])quot;, TRUE);
cc -o mytt mytt.c `perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e ccopts -e ldopts`
now Executable code to
            load into memory

[% whereami = “Vienna” -%]
Hello [% whereami %]!
#include <EXTERN.h>
#include <perl.h>

static PerlInterpreter *my_perl;

int main(int argc, char **argv, char **env)
  char *embedding[] = { quot;quot;, quot;-equot;, quot;0quot;, argv[0]};

    my_perl = perl_alloc();

    perl_parse(my_perl, NULL, 4, embedding, NULL);
    PL_exit_flags |= PERL_EXIT_DESTRUCT_END;

    eval_pv( “use Template 
      Template->new->process($ARGV[0])quot;, TRUE);
#include <EXTERN.h>
#include <perl.h>

static PerlInterpreter *my_perl;

int main(int argc, char **argv, char **env)
  char *embedding[] = { quot;quot;, quot;-equot;, quot;0quot;, argv[0]};

    my_perl = perl_alloc();

    perl_parse(my_perl, NULL, 4, embedding, NULL);
    PL_exit_flags |= PERL_EXIT_DESTRUCT_END;

    eval_pv( “use Template 
      Template->new->process($ARGV[0])quot;, TRUE);

We’ve already seen
  source filters

• Pure Perl parser
• Only parses a subset of Perl
• Can’t tell the difference between certain
  Perl constructs
• This said - very very good at what it does


./configure.gnu --prefix=~/bin/perl595
        -Dusedevel -Dmad=y

 make && make test && make install

 my $a = 1;
 my $b = 2;
print $a + $b;

PERL_XMLDUMP=quot;foo.xmlquot; ./perl
                                                                              <op_sassign seq=quot;9 -> 10quot;
                                                                         flags=quot;VOID,KIDS,STACKEDquot;> A
<op_leave seq=quot;0 -> DONEquot; targ=quot;1quot; flags=quot;VOID,KIDS,PARENSquot;
  <op_enter seq=quot;1 -> 2quot; />
  <op_null seq=quot;0 -> (2)quot; flags=quot;VOIDquot;>
        <mad_sv key=quot;;quot; val=quot;quot;/>

  <op_nextstate seq=quot;2 -> 3quot; flags=quot;VOIDquot;
        <mad_sv key=quot;;quot; val=quot;;quot;/>
        <mad_sv key=quot;#;quot; val=quot;&#xA;quot;/>

                                                                             <mad_sv key=quot;oquot; val=quot;=quot;/>
  <op_sassign seq=quot;5 -> 6quot; flags=quot;VOID,KIDS,STACKEDquot;>
        <mad_sv key=quot;oquot; val=quot;=quot;/>
        <mad_sv key=quot;_oquot; val=quot; quot;/>
     <op_const seq=quot;3 -> 4quot; flags=quot;SCALARquot;

                                                                            <mad_sv key=quot;_oquot; val=quot; quot;/>
           <mad_sv key=quot;Xquot; val=quot;1quot;/>
           <mad_sv key=quot;_Xquot; val=quot; quot;/>
     <op_padsv seq=quot;4 -> 5quot; targ=quot;1quot; flags=quot;SCALAR,REF,MOD,SPECIALquot;

           <mad_sv key=quot;$quot; val=quot;$aquot;/>
           <mad_sv key=quot;_$quot; val=quot; quot;/>
           <mad_sv key=quot;dquot; val=quot;myquot;/>
           <mad_sv key=quot;_dquot; val=quot;quot;/>
  <op_nextstate seq=quot;6 -> 7quot; flags=quot;VOIDquot;

                                                                 <op_const seq=quot;7 -> 8quot; flags=quot;SCALARquot;
        <mad_sv key=quot;;quot; val=quot;;quot;/>
        <mad_sv key=quot;#;quot; val=quot;&#xA;quot;/>
  <op_sassign seq=quot;9 -> 10quot; flags=quot;VOID,KIDS,STACKEDquot;>

        <mad_sv key=quot;oquot; val=quot;=quot;/>
        <mad_sv key=quot;_oquot; val=quot; quot;/>
     <op_const seq=quot;7 -> 8quot; flags=quot;SCALARquot;
           <mad_sv key=quot;Xquot; val=quot;2quot;/>
           <mad_sv key=quot;_Xquot; val=quot; quot;/>

     <op_padsv seq=quot;8 -> 9quot; targ=quot;2quot; flags=quot;SCALAR,REF,MOD,SPECIALquot;
           <mad_sv key=quot;$quot; val=quot;$bquot;/>
           <mad_sv key=quot;_$quot; val=quot; quot;/>
           <mad_sv key=quot;dquot; val=quot;myquot;/>

                                                                             <mad_sv key=quot;Xquot; val=quot;2quot;/>
  <op_nextstate seq=quot;10 -> 11quot; flags=quot;VOIDquot;
        <mad_sv key=quot;;quot; val=quot;;quot;/>

                                                                            <mad_sv key=quot;_Xquot; val=quot; quot;/>
        <mad_sv key=quot;_;quot; val=quot;quot;/>
        <mad_sv key=quot;#;quot; val=quot;&#xA;quot;/>
  <op_print seq=quot;15 -> 16quot; flags=quot;SCALAR,KIDSquot;>
        <mad_sv key=quot;oquot; val=quot;printquot;/>

     <op_pushmark seq=quot;11 -> 12quot; flags=quot;SCALARquot; />
     <op_add seq=quot;14 -> 15quot; targ=quot;3quot; flags=quot;SCALAR,KIDSquot;>
           <mad_sv key=quot;oquot; val=quot;+quot;/>
           <mad_sv key=quot;_oquot; val=quot; quot;/>
        <op_padsv seq=quot;12 -> 13quot; targ=quot;1quot; flags=quot;SCALARquot;>

              <mad_sv key=quot;$quot; val=quot;$aquot;/>
              <mad_sv key=quot;_$quot; val=quot; quot;/>
        <op_padsv seq=quot;13 -> 14quot; targ=quot;2quot; flags=quot;SCALARquot;>
              <mad_sv key=quot;$quot; val=quot;$bquot;/>
              <mad_sv key=quot;_$quot; val=quot; quot;/>

                                                                       <op_padsv seq=quot;8 -> 9quot; targ=quot;2quot;
  <op_null seq=quot;0 -> (16)quot; flags=quot;VOIDquot; />


• Can be used to create OP codes (i.e.
  compiled Perl code) directly from Perl
use B::Generate;
# Do nothing, slowly.
  my $null = new B::OP(quot;nullquot;,0);
  my $enter = new B::OP(quot;enterquot;,0);
  my $cop = new B::COP(0, quot;hiyaquot;, 0);
  my $leave = new B::LISTOP(quot;leavequot;, 0, $enter, $null);

     # Tell Perl where to find our tree.

• Can be used to manipulate the OP codes
  after they’ve loaded
• Kinda like source filters for compiled
• PPI is reliable, but limited in it’s ability
 • Easy to try to do too much with
• Other techniques are very unstable / new
 • B::Generate
 • optomize
 • MAD
package main;
use typesafety; # 'summary', 'debug';

my FooBar $foo;            # establish type-checked variables
my FooBar $bar;            # FooBar is the base class of references $bar will hold
my BazQux $baz;

$foo = new FooBar;        # this is okay, because $foo holds FooBars
$bar = $foo;              # this is okay, because $bar also holds FooBars
# $foo = 10;              # this would throw an error - 10 is not a FooBar
# $baz = $foo;             # not allowed - FooBar isn't a BazQux
$foo = $baz;              # is allowed - BazQux is a FooBar because of inheritance
$bar = $foo->foo($baz, 1); # this is okay, as FooBar::foo() returns FooBars also

typesafety::check(); # perform type check static analysis
package main;
use typesafety; # 'summary', 'debug';

my FooBar $foo;            # establish type-checked variables
my FooBar $bar;            # FooBar is the base class of references $bar will hold
my BazQux $baz;

$foo = new FooBar;        # this is okay, because $foo holds FooBars
$bar = $foo;              # this is okay, because $bar also holds FooBars
# $foo = 10;              # this would throw an error - 10 is not a FooBar
# $baz = $foo;             # not allowed - FooBar isn't a BazQux
$foo = $baz;              # is allowed - BazQux is a FooBar because of inheritance
$bar = $foo->foo($baz, 1); # this is okay, as FooBar::foo() returns FooBars also

typesafety::check(); # perform type check static analysis
package main;
use typesafety; # 'summary', 'debug';

my FooBar $foo;            # establish type-checked variables
my FooBar $bar;            # FooBar is the base class of references $bar will hold
my BazQux $baz;

$foo = new FooBar;        # this is okay, because $foo holds FooBars
$bar = $foo;              # this is okay, because $bar also holds FooBars
# $foo = 10;              # this would throw an error - 10 is not a FooBar
# $baz = $foo;             # not allowed - FooBar isn't a BazQux
$foo = $baz;              # is allowed - BazQux is a FooBar because of inheritance
$bar = $foo->foo($baz, 1); # this is okay, as FooBar::foo() returns FooBars also

typesafety::check(); # perform type check static analysis
package main;
use typesafety; # 'summary', 'debug';

my FooBar $foo;            # establish type-checked variables
my FooBar $bar;            # FooBar is the base class of references $bar will hold
my BazQux $baz;

$foo = new FooBar;        # this is okay, because $foo holds FooBars
$bar = $foo;              # this is okay, because $bar also holds FooBars
# $foo = 10;              # this would throw an error - 10 is not a FooBar
# $baz = $foo;             # not allowed - FooBar isn't a BazQux
$foo = $baz;              # is allowed - BazQux is a FooBar because of inheritance
$bar = $foo->foo($baz, 1); # this is okay, as FooBar::foo() returns FooBars also

typesafety::check(); # perform type check static analysis
Perl Sucks - and what to do about it

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Perl Sucks - and what to do about it

  • 1. Perl Sucks! (and what to do about it)
  • 2. What this talk is not • “Wah, no one uses ‘use strict’” • “People’s perception of Perl is wrong” • “The CPAN/mailing list/a other website isn’t exactly how I like it” • “The garbage collection de-allocation routine isn’t very efficent”
  • 3. What this talk is • What’s a few major annoyances with Perl • What we the humble programmer can do to work around them
  • 4.
  • 10. -bash: jabme: /usr/local/bin/ perl: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
  • 11. My Scripts Need • A particular version of Perl • A set of Perl modules
  • 12. PAR
  • 13. #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use XML::LibXML; use Template; use DBD::SQLite; use CGI; use Parse::RecDescent; use List::MoreUtils; use Moose; print quot;Hello Worldnquot;;
  • 14. Make an executable • perl -MCPAN -e ‘install PAR::Packer’ • pp -o hellow • ...copy “hellow” to new computer • ./hellow Hello World
  • 15.
  • 17.
  • 18. Build our own Perl and ship the whole thing
  • 19. Get Stable Perl • lwp-request $CPAN_URL > perl-5.8.8.tar.gz • gunzip -c perl-5.8.8.tar.gz | tar -xvf - • cd perl-5.8.8
  • 20. Tell it where to go • mkdir -p /User/mark/bin/perl5.8.8 • ./configure.gnu --prefix=/User/mark/bin/ perl5.8.8
  • 21. Install it • make • make test • make install
  • 22. We now have our own perl in ~/bin
  • 23. We can install it’s own modules
  • 24. ~/bin/perl5.8.8/bin/perl -MCPAN -e ‘install Template’
  • 25. Problem: different paths • /home/mark/bin/myperl • /home/mfowler/bin/myperl • /home/nisuser/bin/myperl
  • 27. whatever/bin/perl -e ‘use Storable’
  • 28. Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: /User/mark/bin/perl5.8.8/lib/5.8.8/ darwin-2level /User/mark/bin/perl5.8.8/lib/ 5.8.8 /User/mark/bin/perl5.8.8/lib/site_perl/ 5.8.8/darwin-2level /User/mark/bin/perl5.8.8/lib/ site_perl/5.8.8 /User/mark/bin/perl5.8.8/lib/ site_perl .) at -e line 1.
  • 29. Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: /User/mark/bin/perl5.8.8/lib/5.8.8/ darwin-2level /User/mark/bin/perl5.8.8/lib/ 5.8.8 /User/mark/bin/perl5.8.8/lib/site_perl/ 5.8.8/darwin-2level /User/mark/bin/perl5.8.8/lib/ site_perl/5.8.8 /User/mark/bin/perl5.8.8/lib/ site_perl .) at -e line 1.
  • 30. Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: ../lib/5.8.8/darwin-2level ../lib/5.8.8 ../lib/site_perl/5.8.8/darwin-2level ../lib/site_perl/5.8.8 ../lib/site_perl .) at -e line 1.
  • 31. bleed to the rescue
  • 32. B E TA Get Bleed Perl • lwp-request $CPAN_URL > perl-5.9.5.tar.gz • gunzip -c perl-5.9.5.tar.gz | tar -xvf - • cd perl-5.9.5
  • 33. B E TA Tell it where to go • mkdir -p /User/mark/bin/perl5.9.5 • ./Configure -Dusedevel -Dprefix=/User/ mark/bin/perl5.9.5 -Duserelocatableinc -d
  • 34. B E TA Tell it where to go • mkdir -p /User/mark/bin/perl5.9.5 • ./Configure -Dusedevel -Dprefix=/User/ mark/bin/perl5.9.5 -Duserelocatableinc -d
  • 35. B E TA Install it • make • make test • make install
  • 36. B E TA mv ~/bin/perl5.9.5 whatever
  • 37. B E TA whatever/bin/perl5.9.5 -e ‘use Storable’
  • 39. Java try { throw new NoCheeseException(“redo”); } catch (NoCheeseException e) { system.err.println(e.toString()); }
  • 40. Perl eval { die new NoCheeseError->new(“redo”); }; if (blessed($@) && $@->isa(“NoCheeseException”)) { print STDERR $@; } elsif ($@) { die $@ }
  • 41. Perl has SUCKY SYNTAX
  • 43. Perl eval { die new NoCheeseError->new(“redo”); }; if (blessed($@) && $@->isa(“NoCheeseException”)) { print STDERR $@; } elsif ($@) { die $@ }
  • 44. die “stop my program”;
  • 45. die “some catchable exception”;
  • 46. Perl eval { die new NoCheeseError->new(“redo”); }; if (blessed($@) && $@->isa(“NoCheeseException”)) { print STDERR $@; } elsif ($@) { die $@ }
  • 47. eval “some code to be compiled”;
  • 48. eval { # run some code to catch errors in };
  • 49. Perl eval { die new NoCheeseError->new(“redo”); }; if (blessed($@) && $@->isa(“NoCheeseException”)) { print STDERR $@; } elsif ($@) { die $@ }
  • 50. Perl eval { die new NoCheeseError->new(“redo”); }; if (blessed($@) && $@->isa(“NoCheeseException”)) { print STDERR $@; } elsif ($@) { die $@ }
  • 52. (still) Perl try { throw NoCheeseException “redo”; } catch NoCheeseException with { print STDERR $@; };
  • 53. try { throw NoCheeseException “redo”; } catch NoCheeseException with { print STDERR $@; } catch AnotherError with { print STDERR “oopsn”; };
  • 54. try { throw NoCheeseException “redo”; } catch NoCheeseException with { print STDERR $@; } catch AnotherError with { print STDERR “oopsn”; };
  • 55. try( sub { throw NoCheeseException “redo”; }, catch NoCheeseException with(sub { print STDERR $@; }, catch AnotherError with(sub { print STDERR “oopsn”; })));
  • 56. try( sub { throw NoCheeseException “redo”; }, catch NoCheeseException with(sub { print STDERR $@; }, catch AnotherError with(sub { print STDERR “oopsn”; })));
  • 57. try( sub { NoCheeseException->throw( “redo” ); }, NoCheeseException->catch( with(sub { print STDERR $@; }, AnotherError->catch( with(sub { print STDERR “oopsn”; })))));
  • 58. sub with (&;@) { return @_ }
  • 59. try( sub { NoCheeseException->throw( “redo” ); }, NoCheeseException->catch( with(sub { print STDERR $@; }, AnotherError->catch( with(sub { print STDERR “oopsn”; })))));
  • 60. try( sub { NoCheeseException->throw( “redo” ); }, NoCheeseException->catch( sub { print STDERR $@; }, AnotherError->catch( sub { print STDERR “oopsn”; })));
  • 61. package OurErrorSuperclass; sub catch { my $class = shift; my $action = shift; return +{ class => $class, action => $action }, @_; }
  • 62. try( sub { NoCheeseException->throw( “redo” ); }, NoCheeseException->catch( sub { print STDERR $@; }, AnotherError->catch( sub { print STDERR “oopsn”; })));
  • 63. try( sub { NoCheeseException->throw( “redo” ); }, NoCheeseException->catch( sub { print STDERR $@; }, +{ class => “AnotherError”, action => sub { print STDERR “oopsn” } }));
  • 64. try( sub { NoCheeseException->throw( “redo” ); }, +{ class => “NoCheeseException”, action => sub { print STDERR $@; } }, +{ class => “AnotherError”, action => sub { print STDERR “oopsn” } });
  • 65. try( sub { NoCheeseException->throw( “redo” ); }, +{ class => “NoCheeseException”, action => sub { print STDERR $@; } }, +{ class => “AnotherError”, action => sub { print STDERR “oopsn” } });
  • 66. try( sub { NoCheeseException->throw( “redo” ); }, +{ class => “NoCheeseException”, action => sub { print STDERR $@; } }, +{ class => “AnotherError”, action => sub { print STDERR “oopsn” } });
  • 67. try( sub { NoCheeseException->throw( “redo” ); }, +{ class => “NoCheeseException”, action => sub { print STDERR $@; } }, +{ class => “AnotherError”, action => sub { print STDERR “oopsn” } });
  • 68. (still) Perl try { throw NoCheeseException “redo”; } catch NoCheeseException with { print STDERR $@; };
  • 69. sub foo { try { return “This doesn’t return from foo”; } catch NoCheeseException with { print STDERR $@; }; }
  • 70. sub foo { eval { return “This doesn’t return from foo”; }; if ($@) { .... } }
  • 71. sub foo { try { return “This doesn’t return from foo”; } catch NoCheeseException with { print STDERR $@; }; }
  • 72. sub foo { try { rreturn “This doesn’t return from foo”; } catch NoCheeseException with { print STDERR $@; } and return allowed; }
  • 73. sub foo { try { rreturn “This doesn’t return from foo”; } catch NoCheeseException with { print STDERR $@; } and return allowed; }
  • 74. MyException NoDairyException NoSpreadException NoMilkException NoButterException NoMargException NoCheeseException NoEdamException NoStiltonException NoBrieException
  • 75. package NoDairyException; our @ISA = qw(MyError); package NoMilkException; our @ISA = qw(NoDairyException); package NoSpreadException; our @ISA = qw(NoDairyException); package NoButterException; our @ISA = qw(NoSpreadException); package NoMargException; our @ISA = qw(NoMargeException); package NoCheeseException; our @ISA = qw(NoDairyException); package NoEdamException; our @ISA = qw(NoCheeseException); package NoStiltonException; our @ISA = qw(NoCheeseException); package NoBrieException; our@ISA = qw(NoCheeseException);
  • 76. Exceptions::define { exception NoDairyException; exception NoSpreadException extends NoDairyException; exception NoButterException extends NoSpreadException; exception NoMargException extends NoSpreadException; exception NoMilkException extends NoDairyException; exception NoCheeseException extends NoDairyException; exception NoEdamException extends NoCheeseException; exception NoStiltonException extends NoCheeseException; exception NoBrieException extends NoCheeseException; };
  • 77. But it’s a scripting language!
  • 78. Don’t you just love the Template Toolkit?
  • 79. bash$ tpage [% FOR a = [1..5]; a; END %] ^D 12345 bash$
  • 80. #!perl $whereami = “Vienna”; print “Hello $whereami!n”;
  • 81. #!tpage [% whereami = “Vienna” -%] Hello [% whereami %]!
  • 83. bash$ ./ -bash: ./ tpage: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
  • 84. where bash finds the Executable code to #!tpage load into memory [% whereami = “Vienna” -%] Hello [% whereami %]!
  • 85. bash$ cat tpage #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Template; use AppConfig; …
  • 88. • “Source filters are a way to change your source code before perl gets to see it”
  • 89. #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use EnableDebugging; # DEBUG printing stuff out print quot;hinquot;;
  • 90. #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use EnableDebugging; ;print STDERR “DEBUG: printing stuff outn”; print quot;hinquot;;
  • 91. package EnableDebugging; use Filter::Simple; FILTER { s{#s*DEBUGs+(.*)} {;print STDERR q<DEBUG: $1>, quot;nquot;;}; }; 1;
  • 92. package EnableDebugging; use Filter::Simple; FILTER { s{#s*DEBUGs+(.*)} {;print STDERR q<DEBUG: $1>, quot;nquot;;}; }; 1;
  • 93. package tpage; use Filter::Simple; FILTER { s{#s*DEBUGs+(.*)} {;print STDERR q<DEBUG: $1>, quot;nquot;;}; }; 1;
  • 94. package tpage; use Filter::Simple; FILTER { s{#s*DEBUGs+(.*)} {;print STDERR q<DEBUG: $1>, quot;nquot;;}; }; 1;
  • 95. package tpage; use Filter::Simple; FILTER { $template .= $_; $_ = “”; }; 1;
  • 96. package tpage; use Filter::Simple; FILTER { $template .= $_; $_ = “”; }; END { use Template; Template->new->process($template); }
  • 97. #!/usr/bin/perl use tpage; [%- whereami = “Vienna” -%] Hello [% whereami %]!
  • 98. 2. Build our own executable
  • 99. #include <EXTERN.h> #include <perl.h> static PerlInterpreter *my_perl; int main(int argc, char **argv, char **env) { char *embedding[] = { quot;quot;, quot;-equot;, quot;0quot; }; PERL_SYS_INIT3(&argc,&argv,&env); my_perl = perl_alloc(); perl_construct(my_perl); perl_parse(my_perl, NULL, 3, embedding, NULL); PL_exit_flags |= PERL_EXIT_DESTRUCT_END; perl_run(my_perl); eval_pv(quot;print qq'oh hain’;quot;, TRUE); perl_destruct(my_perl); perl_free(my_perl); PERL_SYS_TERM(); }
  • 100. ( stolen from “perldoc perlembed”)
  • 101. #include <EXTERN.h> #include <perl.h> static PerlInterpreter *my_perl; int main(int argc, char **argv, char **env) { char *embedding[] = { quot;quot;, quot;-equot;, quot;0quot; }; PERL_SYS_INIT3(&argc,&argv,&env); my_perl = perl_alloc(); perl_construct(my_perl); perl_parse(my_perl, NULL, 3, embedding, NULL); PL_exit_flags |= PERL_EXIT_DESTRUCT_END; perl_run(my_perl); eval_pv(quot;print qq'o hain';quot;, TRUE); perl_destruct(my_perl); perl_free(my_perl); PERL_SYS_TERM(); }
  • 102. #include <EXTERN.h> #include <perl.h> static PerlInterpreter *my_perl; int main(int argc, char **argv, char **env) { char *embedding[] = { quot;quot;, quot;-equot;, quot;0quot; }; PERL_SYS_INIT3(&argc,&argv,&env); my_perl = perl_alloc(); perl_construct(my_perl); perl_parse(my_perl, NULL, 3, embedding, NULL); PL_exit_flags |= PERL_EXIT_DESTRUCT_END; perl_run(my_perl); eval_pv(quot;print qq’o hain’;quot;, TRUE); perl_destruct(my_perl); perl_free(my_perl); PERL_SYS_TERM(); }
  • 103. cc -o hellow hellow.c `perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e ccopts -e ldopts`
  • 104. bash$ ./hellow o hai
  • 105. #include <EXTERN.h> #include <perl.h> static PerlInterpreter *my_perl; int main(int argc, char **argv, char **env) { char *embedding[] = { quot;quot;, quot;-equot;, quot;0quot; }; PERL_SYS_INIT3(&argc,&argv,&env); my_perl = perl_alloc(); perl_construct(my_perl); perl_parse(my_perl, NULL, 3, embedding, NULL); PL_exit_flags |= PERL_EXIT_DESTRUCT_END; perl_run(my_perl); eval_pv(quot;print qq'o hain';quot;, TRUE); perl_destruct(my_perl); perl_free(my_perl); PERL_SYS_TERM(); }
  • 106. #include <EXTERN.h> #include <perl.h> static PerlInterpreter *my_perl; int main(int argc, char **argv, char **env) { char *embedding[] = { quot;quot;, quot;-equot;, quot;0quot; }; PERL_SYS_INIT3(&argc,&argv,&env); my_perl = perl_alloc(); perl_construct(my_perl); perl_parse(my_perl, NULL, 3, embedding, NULL); PL_exit_flags |= PERL_EXIT_DESTRUCT_END; perl_run(my_perl); eval_pv(quot;print qq’o hain’;quot;, TRUE); perl_destruct(my_perl); perl_free(my_perl); PERL_SYS_TERM(); }
  • 107. #include <EXTERN.h> #include <perl.h> static PerlInterpreter *my_perl; int main(int argc, char **argv, char **env) { char *embedding[] = { quot;quot;, quot;-equot;, quot;0quot;, argv[0]}; PERL_SYS_INIT3(&argc,&argv,&env); my_perl = perl_alloc(); perl_construct(my_perl); perl_parse(my_perl, NULL, 4, embedding, NULL); PL_exit_flags |= PERL_EXIT_DESTRUCT_END; perl_run(my_perl); eval_pv(quot;print qq’o hain’;quot;, TRUE); perl_destruct(my_perl); perl_free(my_perl); PERL_SYS_TERM(); }
  • 108. #include <EXTERN.h> #include <perl.h> static PerlInterpreter *my_perl; int main(int argc, char **argv, char **env) { char *embedding[] = { quot;quot;, quot;-equot;, quot;0quot;, argv[0]}; PERL_SYS_INIT3(&argc,&argv,&env); my_perl = perl_alloc(); perl_construct(my_perl); perl_parse(my_perl, NULL, 4, embedding, NULL); PL_exit_flags |= PERL_EXIT_DESTRUCT_END; perl_run(my_perl); eval_pv(quot;print qq’o hain’;quot;, TRUE); perl_destruct(my_perl); perl_free(my_perl); PERL_SYS_TERM(); }
  • 109. #include <EXTERN.h> #include <perl.h> static PerlInterpreter *my_perl; int main(int argc, char **argv, char **env) { char *embedding[] = { quot;quot;, quot;-equot;, quot;0quot;, argv[0]}; PERL_SYS_INIT3(&argc,&argv,&env); my_perl = perl_alloc(); perl_construct(my_perl); perl_parse(my_perl, NULL, 4, embedding, NULL); PL_exit_flags |= PERL_EXIT_DESTRUCT_END; perl_run(my_perl); eval_pv( “use Template Template->new->process($ARGV[0])quot;, TRUE); perl_destruct(my_perl); perl_free(my_perl); PERL_SYS_TERM(); }
  • 110. cc -o mytt mytt.c `perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e ccopts -e ldopts`
  • 111. now Executable code to load into memory #!mytt [% whereami = “Vienna” -%] Hello [% whereami %]!
  • 112. #include <EXTERN.h> #include <perl.h> static PerlInterpreter *my_perl; “” int main(int argc, char **argv, char **env) { char *embedding[] = { quot;quot;, quot;-equot;, quot;0quot;, argv[0]}; PERL_SYS_INIT3(&argc,&argv,&env); my_perl = perl_alloc(); perl_construct(my_perl); perl_parse(my_perl, NULL, 4, embedding, NULL); PL_exit_flags |= PERL_EXIT_DESTRUCT_END; perl_run(my_perl); eval_pv( “use Template Template->new->process($ARGV[0])quot;, TRUE); perl_destruct(my_perl); perl_free(my_perl); PERL_SYS_TERM(); }
  • 113. #include <EXTERN.h> #include <perl.h> static PerlInterpreter *my_perl; “” int main(int argc, char **argv, char **env) { char *embedding[] = { quot;quot;, quot;-equot;, quot;0quot;, argv[0]}; PERL_SYS_INIT3(&argc,&argv,&env); my_perl = perl_alloc(); perl_construct(my_perl); perl_parse(my_perl, NULL, 4, embedding, NULL); PL_exit_flags |= PERL_EXIT_DESTRUCT_END; perl_run(my_perl); eval_pv( “use Template Template->new->process($ARGV[0])quot;, TRUE); perl_destruct(my_perl); perl_free(my_perl); PERL_SYS_TERM(); }
  • 114.
  • 115. A LP H A We’ve already seen source filters
  • 116. B E TA PPI • Pure Perl parser • Only parses a subset of Perl • Can’t tell the difference between certain Perl constructs • This said - very very good at what it does
  • 117. A LP H A MAD
  • 118. A LP H A ./configure.gnu --prefix=~/bin/perl595 -Dusedevel -Dmad=y make && make test && make install
  • 119. A LP H A my $a = 1; my $b = 2; print $a + $b;
  • 120. A LP H A PERL_XMLDUMP=quot;foo.xmlquot; ./perl
  • 121. </op_nextstate> A LP <op_sassign seq=quot;9 -> 10quot; H flags=quot;VOID,KIDS,STACKEDquot;> A <op_leave seq=quot;0 -> DONEquot; targ=quot;1quot; flags=quot;VOID,KIDS,PARENSquot; private=quot;REFCOUNTEDquot; refcnt=quot;1quot;> <op_enter seq=quot;1 -> 2quot; /> <op_null seq=quot;0 -> (2)quot; flags=quot;VOIDquot;> <madprops> <mad_sv key=quot;;quot; val=quot;quot;/> </madprops> <madprops> </op_null> <op_nextstate seq=quot;2 -> 3quot; flags=quot;VOIDquot; line=quot;1quot; package=quot;mainquot;> <madprops> <mad_sv key=quot;;quot; val=quot;;quot;/> <mad_sv key=quot;#;quot; val=quot;&#xA;quot;/> </madprops> <mad_sv key=quot;oquot; val=quot;=quot;/> </op_nextstate> <op_sassign seq=quot;5 -> 6quot; flags=quot;VOID,KIDS,STACKEDquot;> <madprops> <mad_sv key=quot;oquot; val=quot;=quot;/> <mad_sv key=quot;_oquot; val=quot; quot;/> </madprops> <op_const seq=quot;3 -> 4quot; flags=quot;SCALARquot; IV=quot;1quot;> <mad_sv key=quot;_oquot; val=quot; quot;/> <madprops> <mad_sv key=quot;Xquot; val=quot;1quot;/> <mad_sv key=quot;_Xquot; val=quot; quot;/> </madprops> </op_const> <op_padsv seq=quot;4 -> 5quot; targ=quot;1quot; flags=quot;SCALAR,REF,MOD,SPECIALquot; private=quot;INTROquot;> <madprops> </madprops> <mad_sv key=quot;$quot; val=quot;$aquot;/> <mad_sv key=quot;_$quot; val=quot; quot;/> <mad_sv key=quot;dquot; val=quot;myquot;/> <mad_sv key=quot;_dquot; val=quot;quot;/> </madprops> </op_padsv> </op_sassign> <op_nextstate seq=quot;6 -> 7quot; flags=quot;VOIDquot; <op_const seq=quot;7 -> 8quot; flags=quot;SCALARquot; line=quot;2quot; package=quot;mainquot;> <madprops> <mad_sv key=quot;;quot; val=quot;;quot;/> <mad_sv key=quot;#;quot; val=quot;&#xA;quot;/> </madprops> </op_nextstate> <op_sassign seq=quot;9 -> 10quot; flags=quot;VOID,KIDS,STACKEDquot;> <madprops> IV=quot;2quot;> <mad_sv key=quot;oquot; val=quot;=quot;/> <mad_sv key=quot;_oquot; val=quot; quot;/> </madprops> <op_const seq=quot;7 -> 8quot; flags=quot;SCALARquot; IV=quot;2quot;> <madprops> <mad_sv key=quot;Xquot; val=quot;2quot;/> <mad_sv key=quot;_Xquot; val=quot; quot;/> <madprops> </madprops> </op_const> <op_padsv seq=quot;8 -> 9quot; targ=quot;2quot; flags=quot;SCALAR,REF,MOD,SPECIALquot; private=quot;INTROquot;> <madprops> <mad_sv key=quot;$quot; val=quot;$bquot;/> <mad_sv key=quot;_$quot; val=quot; quot;/> <mad_sv key=quot;dquot; val=quot;myquot;/> <mad_sv key=quot;Xquot; val=quot;2quot;/> </madprops> </op_padsv> </op_sassign> <op_nextstate seq=quot;10 -> 11quot; flags=quot;VOIDquot; line=quot;3quot; package=quot;mainquot;> <madprops> <mad_sv key=quot;;quot; val=quot;;quot;/> <mad_sv key=quot;_Xquot; val=quot; quot;/> <mad_sv key=quot;_;quot; val=quot;quot;/> <mad_sv key=quot;#;quot; val=quot;&#xA;quot;/> </madprops> </op_nextstate> <op_print seq=quot;15 -> 16quot; flags=quot;SCALAR,KIDSquot;> <madprops> <mad_sv key=quot;oquot; val=quot;printquot;/> </madprops> </madprops> <op_pushmark seq=quot;11 -> 12quot; flags=quot;SCALARquot; /> <op_add seq=quot;14 -> 15quot; targ=quot;3quot; flags=quot;SCALAR,KIDSquot;> <madprops> <mad_sv key=quot;oquot; val=quot;+quot;/> <mad_sv key=quot;_oquot; val=quot; quot;/> </madprops> <op_padsv seq=quot;12 -> 13quot; targ=quot;1quot; flags=quot;SCALARquot;> <madprops> </op_const> <mad_sv key=quot;$quot; val=quot;$aquot;/> <mad_sv key=quot;_$quot; val=quot; quot;/> </madprops> </op_padsv> <op_padsv seq=quot;13 -> 14quot; targ=quot;2quot; flags=quot;SCALARquot;> <madprops> <mad_sv key=quot;$quot; val=quot;$bquot;/> <mad_sv key=quot;_$quot; val=quot; quot;/> </madprops> <op_padsv seq=quot;8 -> 9quot; targ=quot;2quot; </op_padsv> </op_add> </op_print> <op_null seq=quot;0 -> (16)quot; flags=quot;VOIDquot; /> </op_leave> flags=quot;SCALAR,REF,MOD,SPECIALquot;
  • 122. B::Generate • Can be used to create OP codes (i.e. compiled Perl code) directly from Perl
  • 123. use B::Generate; # Do nothing, slowly. CHECK { my $null = new B::OP(quot;nullquot;,0); my $enter = new B::OP(quot;enterquot;,0); my $cop = new B::COP(0, quot;hiyaquot;, 0); my $leave = new B::LISTOP(quot;leavequot;, 0, $enter, $null); $leave->children(3); $enter->sibling($cop); $enter->next($cop); $cop->sibling($null); $null->next($leave); $cop->next($leave); # Tell Perl where to find our tree. B::main_root($leave); B::main_start($enter); }
  • 124. • Can be used to manipulate the OP codes after they’ve loaded • Kinda like source filters for compiled bypecode
  • 125. Use? • PPI is reliable, but limited in it’s ability • Easy to try to do too much with • Other techniques are very unstable / new • B::Generate • optomize • MAD
  • 126.
  • 127. A LP H A package main; use typesafety; # 'summary', 'debug'; my FooBar $foo; # establish type-checked variables my FooBar $bar; # FooBar is the base class of references $bar will hold my BazQux $baz; $foo = new FooBar; # this is okay, because $foo holds FooBars $bar = $foo; # this is okay, because $bar also holds FooBars # $foo = 10; # this would throw an error - 10 is not a FooBar # $baz = $foo; # not allowed - FooBar isn't a BazQux $foo = $baz; # is allowed - BazQux is a FooBar because of inheritance $bar = $foo->foo($baz, 1); # this is okay, as FooBar::foo() returns FooBars also typesafety::check(); # perform type check static analysis
  • 128. A LP H A package main; use typesafety; # 'summary', 'debug'; my FooBar $foo; # establish type-checked variables my FooBar $bar; # FooBar is the base class of references $bar will hold my BazQux $baz; $foo = new FooBar; # this is okay, because $foo holds FooBars $bar = $foo; # this is okay, because $bar also holds FooBars # $foo = 10; # this would throw an error - 10 is not a FooBar # $baz = $foo; # not allowed - FooBar isn't a BazQux $foo = $baz; # is allowed - BazQux is a FooBar because of inheritance $bar = $foo->foo($baz, 1); # this is okay, as FooBar::foo() returns FooBars also typesafety::check(); # perform type check static analysis
  • 129. A LP H A package main; use typesafety; # 'summary', 'debug'; my FooBar $foo; # establish type-checked variables my FooBar $bar; # FooBar is the base class of references $bar will hold my BazQux $baz; $foo = new FooBar; # this is okay, because $foo holds FooBars $bar = $foo; # this is okay, because $bar also holds FooBars # $foo = 10; # this would throw an error - 10 is not a FooBar # $baz = $foo; # not allowed - FooBar isn't a BazQux $foo = $baz; # is allowed - BazQux is a FooBar because of inheritance $bar = $foo->foo($baz, 1); # this is okay, as FooBar::foo() returns FooBars also typesafety::check(); # perform type check static analysis
  • 130. A LP H A package main; use typesafety; # 'summary', 'debug'; my FooBar $foo; # establish type-checked variables my FooBar $bar; # FooBar is the base class of references $bar will hold my BazQux $baz; $foo = new FooBar; # this is okay, because $foo holds FooBars $bar = $foo; # this is okay, because $bar also holds FooBars # $foo = 10; # this would throw an error - 10 is not a FooBar # $baz = $foo; # not allowed - FooBar isn't a BazQux $foo = $baz; # is allowed - BazQux is a FooBar because of inheritance $bar = $foo->foo($baz, 1); # this is okay, as FooBar::foo() returns FooBars also typesafety::check(); # perform type check static analysis