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REST on Akka
⇗ northeast scala symposium
      March 9th, 2012
What is spray?
What is spray?
Suite of libraries for building and consuming
RESTful web services on top of Akka
What is spray?
Suite of libraries for building and consuming
RESTful web services on top of Akka
• First released about 1 year ago
What is spray?
Suite of libraries for building and consuming
RESTful web services on top of Akka
• First released about 1 year ago
• Principles: lightweight, async, non-blocking,
  actor-based, modular, few deps, testable
What is spray?
Suite of libraries for building and consuming
RESTful web services on top of Akka
• First released about 1 year ago
• Principles: lightweight, async, non-blocking,
  actor-based, modular, few deps, testable
• Philosophy: library, not framework
• Rich immutable HTTP model
• Rich immutable HTTP model
• spray-server:
  DSL for server-side API construction
• Rich immutable HTTP model
• spray-server:
  DSL for server-side API construction
• spray-client: complementary HTTP client
• Rich immutable HTTP model
• spray-server:
  DSL for server-side API construction
• spray-client: complementary HTTP client
• spray-can: low-level HTTP server and client
• Rich immutable HTTP model
• spray-server:
  DSL for server-side API construction
• spray-client: complementary HTTP client
• spray-can: low-level HTTP server and client
• spray-json: straight JSON in scala (no Akka)
• Runs on servlet containers or spray-can
• Runs on servlet containers or spray-can
• Tool for building a “self-contained” API layer
• Runs on servlet containers or spray-can
• Tool for building a “self-contained” API layer
• Central element:
  Routing DSL for defining web API behavior
• Runs on servlet containers or spray-can
• Tool for building a “self-contained” API layer
• Central element:
  Routing DSL for defining web API behavior
• Focus: RESTful web API, not web GUI
Basic Architecture

Basic Architecture
REST API layer   Application

    Logic                      Business
Basic Architecture
          REST API layer   Application

HTTP Request

                Logic                    Business
Basic Architecture
          REST API layer            Application

HTTP Request               Action

                Logic                             Business
Basic Architecture
          REST API layer            Application

HTTP Request               Action

               Routing     object !               Business
Basic Architecture
          REST API layer            Application

HTTP Request               Action

               Routing     object !               Business

Basic Architecture
          REST API layer            Application

HTTP Request               Action

               Routing     object !               Business

Basic Architecture
          REST API layer            Application

HTTP Request               Action

                Routing    object !               Business

HTTP Response              Reply
API Layer Responsibilities
API Layer Responsibilities
• Request routing based on method, path,
  query parameters, entity
API Layer Responsibilities
• Request routing based on method, path,
  query parameters, entity
• (Un)marshalling to / from domain objects
API Layer Responsibilities
• Request routing based on method, path,
  query parameters, entity
• (Un)marshalling to / from domain objects
• Encoding / decoding
API Layer Responsibilities
• Request routing based on method, path,
  query parameters, entity
• (Un)marshalling to / from domain objects
• Encoding / decoding
• Authentication / authorization
API Layer Responsibilities
• Request routing based on method, path,
  query parameters, entity
• (Un)marshalling to / from domain objects
• Encoding / decoding
• Authentication / authorization
• Caching and serving static content
API Layer Responsibilities
• Request routing based on method, path,
  query parameters, entity
• (Un)marshalling to / from domain objects
• Encoding / decoding
• Authentication / authorization
• Caching and serving static content
• RESTful error handling
Route Example
A simple spray route:

val route: Route =
 path("order" / HexIntNumber) { id =>
   get {
     completeWith {
       "Received GET request for order " + id
   put {
     completeWith {
       "Received PUT request for order " + id
Routing Basics
Routes in spray:
  type Route = RequestContext => Unit
Routing Basics
Routes in spray:
  type Route = RequestContext => Unit      Explicit
                                        passing style
Routing Basics
Routes in spray:
  type Route = RequestContext => Unit      Explicit
                                        passing style
Central object:
  case class RequestContext(
    request: HttpRequest,
    ...) {
    def complete(...) { ... }
    def reject(...) { ... }
Routing Basics
The simplest route:
  ctx => ctx.complete("Say hello to spray")
Routing Basics
The simplest route:
  ctx => ctx.complete("Say hello to spray")

  _.complete("Say hello to spray")
Routing Basics
The simplest route:
  ctx => ctx.complete("Say hello to spray")

  _.complete("Say hello to spray")

or using a “directive”:
  completeWith("Say hello to spray")
Routing Basics
The simplest route:
  ctx => ctx.complete("Say hello to spray")

  _.complete("Say hello to spray")

or using a “directive”:
  completeWith("Say hello to spray")

  def completeWith[T :Marshaller](value: => T): Route =
Route structure built with directives:

val route: Route =
 path("order" / HexIntNumber) { id =>
   get {
     completeWith {
       "Received GET request for order " + id
   put {
     completeWith {
       "Received PUT request for order " + id
     Route structure built with directives:

     val route: Route =
      path("order" / HexIntNumber) { id =>
        get {
          completeWith {
            "Received GET request for order " + id
 name   put {
          completeWith {
            "Received PUT request for order " + id
Route structure built with directives:

val route: Route =
 path("order" / HexIntNumber) { id =>
   get {
     completeWith {
       "Received GET request for order " + id
   put {
     completeWith {
       "Received PUT request for order " + id
Route structure built with directives:

val route: Route =
 path("order" / HexIntNumber) { id =>
   get {                                        extractions
     completeWith {
       "Received GET request for order " + id
   put {
     completeWith {
       "Received PUT request for order " + id
Route structure built with directives:

val route: Route =
 path("order" / HexIntNumber) { id =>
   get {
     completeWith {
       "Received GET request for order " + id
   put {
     completeWith {
       "Received PUT request for order " + id
   }                                            inner route
Route structure built with directives:

val route: Route =
 path("order" / HexIntNumber) { id =>
   get {
     completeWith {
       "Received GET request for order " + id

     }                route concatenation:
   put {             recover from rejections
     completeWith {
       "Received PUT request for order " + id
Route structure built with directives:

val route: Route =
 path("order" / HexIntNumber) { id =>
   get {
     completeWith {
       "Received GET request for order " + id
   put {
     completeWith {
       "Received PUT request for order " + id
Route structure built with directives:

val route: Route =
 path("order" / HexIntNumber) { id =>
   get {
     completeWith {
       "Received GET request for order " + id
   put {
     completeWith {
       "Received PUT request for order " + id
   }                 Route structure
                      forms a tree!
DRYing up with the `|` operator:

val route =
 path("order" / HexIntNumber) { id =>
   (get | put) { ctx =>
     ctx.complete("Received " + ctx.request.method +
      " request for order " + id)
Pulling out a custom directive:

val getOrPut = get | put

val route =
 path("order" / HexIntNumber) { id =>
   getOrPut { ctx =>
     ctx.complete("Received " + ctx.request.method +
      " request for order " + id)
The `&` operator as alternative to nesting:

val getOrPut = get | put

val route =
 (path("order" / HexIntNumber) & getOrPut) { id =>
   ctx =>
    ctx.complete("Received " + ctx.request.method +
            " request for order " + id)
Pulling out once more:

val orderGetOrPut =
 path("order" / HexIntNumber) & (get | put)

val route =
 orderGetOrPut { id => ctx =>
   ctx.complete("Received " + ctx.request.method +
           " request for order " + id)
Operators are type-safe:
val orderPath = path("order" / IntNumber)
Operators are type-safe:
val orderPath = path("order" / IntNumber)
Operators are type-safe:
val orderPath = path("order" / IntNumber)

val dir = orderPath | get
Operators are type-safe:
val orderPath = path("order" / IntNumber)

val dir = orderPath | get
Operators are type-safe:
val orderPath = path("order" / IntNumber)

val dir = orderPath | get

val dir = orderPath | path("[^/]+".r / DoubleNumber)
Operators are type-safe:
val orderPath = path("order" / IntNumber)

val dir = orderPath | get

val dir = orderPath | path("[^/]+".r / DoubleNumber)
Operators are type-safe:
val orderPath = path("order" / IntNumber)

val dir = orderPath | get

val dir = orderPath | path("[^/]+".r / DoubleNumber)

val dir = orderPath | parameter('[Int])
Operators are type-safe:
val orderPath = path("order" / IntNumber)

val dir = orderPath | get

val dir = orderPath | path("[^/]+".r / DoubleNumber)

val dir = orderPath | parameter('[Int])
Operators are type-safe:
val orderPath = path("order" / IntNumber)

val dir = orderPath | get

val dir = orderPath | path("[^/]+".r / DoubleNumber)

val dir = orderPath | parameter('[Int])

val order = orderPath & parameters('oem, 'expired ?)
Operators are type-safe:
val orderPath = path("order" / IntNumber)

val dir = orderPath | get

val dir = orderPath | path("[^/]+".r / DoubleNumber)

val dir = orderPath | parameter('[Int])

val order = orderPath & parameters('oem, 'expired ?)
Operators are type-safe:
val orderPath = path("order" / IntNumber)

val dir = orderPath | get

val dir = orderPath | path("[^/]+".r / DoubleNumber)

val dir = orderPath | parameter('[Int])

val order = orderPath & parameters('oem, 'expired ?)

val route = order { (orderId, oem, expired) =>
  ... // inner route
spray 0.9.0 comes with 69 predefined directives:
alwaysPass, authenticate, authorize, autoChunk, cache, cacheResults, clientIP,
completeWith, content, cookie, decodeRequest, delete, deleteCookie, detach,
dynamic, encodeResponse, filter, filter1, filter2, filter3, filter4, filter5, filter6,
filter7, filter8, filter9, formField, formFields, get, getFromDirectory, getFromFile,
getFromFileName, getFromResource, getFromResourceDirectory, handleWith,
hardFail, head, headerValue, headerValuePF, host, jsonpWithParameter, method,
optionalCookie, options, parameter, parameters, path, pathPrefix, post,
produce, provide, put, redirect, reject, respondWithContentType,
respondWithHeader, respondWithHeaders, respondWithMediaType,
respondWithStatus, setCookie, trace, transformChunkedResponse,
transformRejections, transformRequest, transformRequestContext,
transformResponse, transformRoute, transformUnchunkedResponse, validate
Real World Example
lazy val route = {
  encodeResponse(Gzip) {
   path("") {
    get {
   pathPrefix("api") {
    jsonpWithParameter("callback") {
      path("top-articles") {
       get {
         parameter('[Int]) { max =>
           validate(max >= 0, "query parameter 'max' must be >= 0") {
             completeWith {
               (topArticlesService ? max).mapTo[Seq[Article]]
      tokenAuthenticate { user =>
       path("ranking") {
         get {
           countAndTime(user, "ranking") {
             parameters('fixed ? 0, 'mobile ? 0, 'sms ? 0, 'mms ? 0,

       Real World Example
 tokenAuthenticate { user =>
   path("ranking") {
     get {
       countAndTime(user, "ranking") {
         parameters('fixed ? 0, 'mobile ? 0, 'sms ? 0, 'mms ? 0,
                  'data ? 0).as(RankingDescriptor) { descr =>
           (rankingService ? Ranking(descr)).mapTo[RankingResult]
   path("accounts") {
     post {
       authorize(user.isAdmin) {
         content(as[AccountDetails]) { details =>
           (accountService ? NewAccount(details)).mapTo[OpResult]
   path("account" / IntNumber) { accountId =>
     get { ... } ~
     put { ... } ~
     delete { ... }
pathPrefix("v1") {

           Real World Example
        path("account" / IntNumber) { accountId =>
          get { ... } ~
          put { ... } ~
          delete { ... }
        pathPrefix("v1") {
      pathPrefix("doc") {
        respondWithHeader(`Cache-Control`(`max-age`(3600))) {
          transformResponse(_.withContentTransformed(markdown2Html)) {
                          pathRewriter = appendFileExt)
    cacheIfEnabled {
      encodeResponse(Gzip) {
Best Practices
Best Practices
• Keep route structure clean and readable,
  pull out all logic into custom directives
Best Practices
• Keep route structure clean and readable,
  pull out all logic into custom directives
• Don’t let API layer leak into application
Best Practices
• Keep route structure clean and readable,
  pull out all logic into custom directives
• Don’t let API layer leak into application
• Use (Un)marshalling infrastructure
Best Practices
• Keep route structure clean and readable,
  pull out all logic into custom directives
• Don’t let API layer leak into application
• Use (Un)marshalling infrastructure
• Wrap blocking code with `detach`
Best Practices
• Keep route structure clean and readable,
  pull out all logic into custom directives
• Don’t let API layer leak into application
• Use (Un)marshalling infrastructure
• Wrap blocking code with `detach`
• Use sbt-revolver + JRebel for fast dev turn-
There is more ...
There is more ...
• SprayJsonSupport, LiftJsonSupport,
  TwirlSupport, ScalateSupport
There is more ...
• SprayJsonSupport, LiftJsonSupport,
  TwirlSupport, ScalateSupport
• Asynchronous response push streaming
There is more ...
• SprayJsonSupport, LiftJsonSupport,
  TwirlSupport, ScalateSupport
• Asynchronous response push streaming
• Testing spray routes
There is more ...
• SprayJsonSupport, LiftJsonSupport,
  TwirlSupport, ScalateSupport
• Asynchronous response push streaming
• Testing spray routes
• RESTful errors
There is more ...
• SprayJsonSupport, LiftJsonSupport,
  TwirlSupport, ScalateSupport
• Asynchronous response push streaming
• Testing spray routes
• RESTful errors
• spray-client
Current State
Current State
• spray 0.9.0 just released
  (last release for Akka 1.x)
Current State
• spray 0.9.0 just released
  (last release for Akka 1.x)
• Current focus: Release first Akka 2.0
  compatible milestone of spray 1.0
Current State
• spray 0.9.0 just released
  (last release for Akka 1.x)
• Current focus: Release first Akka 2.0
  compatible milestone of spray 1.0
• Coming features: new documentation site,
  deeper REST support, monitoring, request
  throttling, and more ...
A few current sprayers ...
Getting started
• Main site & documentation:
• Mailing list:
• Twitter:
Thank you!
Proxying with spray
Combining with spray-client to build a proxy:
val conduit = new HttpConduit("", 8080)

lazy val proxyToTarget: Route = { ctx =>
  ctx.complete {
    conduit.sendReceive {
      ctx.request.withHeadersTransformed {
        _.filter( != "Host")
    }.map {
      _.withHeadersTransformed {
        _.filter( != "Date")

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spray: REST on Akka

  • 1. REST on Akka ⇗ northeast scala symposium March 9th, 2012
  • 3. What is spray? Suite of libraries for building and consuming RESTful web services on top of Akka
  • 4. What is spray? Suite of libraries for building and consuming RESTful web services on top of Akka • First released about 1 year ago
  • 5. What is spray? Suite of libraries for building and consuming RESTful web services on top of Akka • First released about 1 year ago • Principles: lightweight, async, non-blocking, actor-based, modular, few deps, testable
  • 6. What is spray? Suite of libraries for building and consuming RESTful web services on top of Akka • First released about 1 year ago • Principles: lightweight, async, non-blocking, actor-based, modular, few deps, testable • Philosophy: library, not framework
  • 9. Components • Rich immutable HTTP model • spray-server: DSL for server-side API construction
  • 10. Components • Rich immutable HTTP model • spray-server: DSL for server-side API construction • spray-client: complementary HTTP client
  • 11. Components • Rich immutable HTTP model • spray-server: DSL for server-side API construction • spray-client: complementary HTTP client • spray-can: low-level HTTP server and client
  • 12. Components • Rich immutable HTTP model • spray-server: DSL for server-side API construction • spray-client: complementary HTTP client • spray-can: low-level HTTP server and client • spray-json: straight JSON in scala (no Akka)
  • 14. spray-server • Runs on servlet containers or spray-can
  • 15. spray-server • Runs on servlet containers or spray-can • Tool for building a “self-contained” API layer
  • 16. spray-server • Runs on servlet containers or spray-can • Tool for building a “self-contained” API layer • Central element: Routing DSL for defining web API behavior
  • 17. spray-server • Runs on servlet containers or spray-can • Tool for building a “self-contained” API layer • Central element: Routing DSL for defining web API behavior • Focus: RESTful web API, not web GUI
  • 18. Basic Architecture Application Business Logic
  • 19. Basic Architecture REST API layer Application Routing Logic Business Logic
  • 20. Basic Architecture REST API layer Application HTTP Request Routing Logic Business Logic
  • 21. Basic Architecture REST API layer Application HTTP Request Action Routing Logic Business Logic
  • 22. Basic Architecture REST API layer Application HTTP Request Action domain Routing object ! Business Logic Logic
  • 23. Basic Architecture REST API layer Application HTTP Request Action domain Routing object ! Business Logic Logic Reply
  • 24. Basic Architecture REST API layer Application HTTP Request Action domain Routing object ! Business Logic Logic Reply
  • 25. Basic Architecture REST API layer Application HTTP Request Action domain Routing object ! Business Logic Logic HTTP Response Reply
  • 27. API Layer Responsibilities • Request routing based on method, path, query parameters, entity
  • 28. API Layer Responsibilities • Request routing based on method, path, query parameters, entity • (Un)marshalling to / from domain objects
  • 29. API Layer Responsibilities • Request routing based on method, path, query parameters, entity • (Un)marshalling to / from domain objects • Encoding / decoding
  • 30. API Layer Responsibilities • Request routing based on method, path, query parameters, entity • (Un)marshalling to / from domain objects • Encoding / decoding • Authentication / authorization
  • 31. API Layer Responsibilities • Request routing based on method, path, query parameters, entity • (Un)marshalling to / from domain objects • Encoding / decoding • Authentication / authorization • Caching and serving static content
  • 32. API Layer Responsibilities • Request routing based on method, path, query parameters, entity • (Un)marshalling to / from domain objects • Encoding / decoding • Authentication / authorization • Caching and serving static content • RESTful error handling
  • 33. Route Example A simple spray route: val route: Route = path("order" / HexIntNumber) { id => get { completeWith { "Received GET request for order " + id } }~ put { completeWith { "Received PUT request for order " + id } } }
  • 34. Routing Basics Routes in spray: type Route = RequestContext => Unit
  • 35. Routing Basics Routes in spray: type Route = RequestContext => Unit Explicit continuation- passing style
  • 36. Routing Basics Routes in spray: type Route = RequestContext => Unit Explicit continuation- passing style Central object: case class RequestContext( request: HttpRequest, ...) {   def complete(...) { ... }   def reject(...) { ... }   ... }
  • 37. Routing Basics The simplest route: ctx => ctx.complete("Say hello to spray")
  • 38. Routing Basics The simplest route: ctx => ctx.complete("Say hello to spray") or: _.complete("Say hello to spray")
  • 39. Routing Basics The simplest route: ctx => ctx.complete("Say hello to spray") or: _.complete("Say hello to spray") or using a “directive”: completeWith("Say hello to spray")
  • 40. Routing Basics The simplest route: ctx => ctx.complete("Say hello to spray") or: _.complete("Say hello to spray") or using a “directive”: completeWith("Say hello to spray") def completeWith[T :Marshaller](value: => T): Route = _.complete(value)
  • 41. Directives Route structure built with directives: val route: Route = path("order" / HexIntNumber) { id => get { completeWith { "Received GET request for order " + id } }~ put { completeWith { "Received PUT request for order " + id } } }
  • 42. Directives Route structure built with directives: val route: Route = path("order" / HexIntNumber) { id => get { completeWith { "Received GET request for order " + id } directive }~ name put { completeWith { "Received PUT request for order " + id } } }
  • 43. Directives Route structure built with directives: val route: Route = path("order" / HexIntNumber) { id => get { completeWith { "Received GET request for order " + id } }~ args put { completeWith { "Received PUT request for order " + id } } }
  • 44. Directives Route structure built with directives: val route: Route = path("order" / HexIntNumber) { id => get { extractions completeWith { "Received GET request for order " + id } }~ put { completeWith { "Received PUT request for order " + id } } }
  • 45. Directives Route structure built with directives: val route: Route = path("order" / HexIntNumber) { id => get { completeWith { "Received GET request for order " + id } }~ put { completeWith { "Received PUT request for order " + id } } inner route }
  • 46. Directives Route structure built with directives: val route: Route = path("order" / HexIntNumber) { id => get { completeWith { "Received GET request for order " + id }~ } route concatenation: put { recover from rejections completeWith { "Received PUT request for order " + id } } }
  • 47. Directives Route structure built with directives: val route: Route = path("order" / HexIntNumber) { id => get { completeWith { "Received GET request for order " + id } }~ put { completeWith { "Received PUT request for order " + id } } }
  • 48. Directives Route structure built with directives: val route: Route = path("order" / HexIntNumber) { id => get { completeWith { "Received GET request for order " + id } }~ put { completeWith { "Received PUT request for order " + id } } Route structure } forms a tree!
  • 49. Directives DRYing up with the `|` operator: val route = path("order" / HexIntNumber) { id => (get | put) { ctx => ctx.complete("Received " + ctx.request.method + " request for order " + id) } }
  • 50. Directives Pulling out a custom directive: val getOrPut = get | put val route = path("order" / HexIntNumber) { id => getOrPut { ctx => ctx.complete("Received " + ctx.request.method + " request for order " + id) } }
  • 51. Directives The `&` operator as alternative to nesting: val getOrPut = get | put val route = (path("order" / HexIntNumber) & getOrPut) { id => ctx => ctx.complete("Received " + ctx.request.method + " request for order " + id) }
  • 52. Directives Pulling out once more: val orderGetOrPut = path("order" / HexIntNumber) & (get | put) val route = orderGetOrPut { id => ctx => ctx.complete("Received " + ctx.request.method + " request for order " + id) }
  • 53. Directives Operators are type-safe: val orderPath = path("order" / IntNumber)
  • 54. Directives Compiles? Operators are type-safe: val orderPath = path("order" / IntNumber)
  • 55. Directives Compiles? Operators are type-safe: val orderPath = path("order" / IntNumber) val dir = orderPath | get
  • 56. Directives Compiles? Operators are type-safe: val orderPath = path("order" / IntNumber) val dir = orderPath | get
  • 57. Directives Compiles? Operators are type-safe: val orderPath = path("order" / IntNumber) val dir = orderPath | get val dir = orderPath | path("[^/]+".r / DoubleNumber)
  • 58. Directives Compiles? Operators are type-safe: val orderPath = path("order" / IntNumber) val dir = orderPath | get val dir = orderPath | path("[^/]+".r / DoubleNumber)
  • 59. Directives Compiles? Operators are type-safe: val orderPath = path("order" / IntNumber) val dir = orderPath | get val dir = orderPath | path("[^/]+".r / DoubleNumber) val dir = orderPath | parameter('[Int])
  • 60. Directives Compiles? Operators are type-safe: val orderPath = path("order" / IntNumber) val dir = orderPath | get val dir = orderPath | path("[^/]+".r / DoubleNumber) val dir = orderPath | parameter('[Int])
  • 61. Directives Compiles? Operators are type-safe: val orderPath = path("order" / IntNumber) val dir = orderPath | get val dir = orderPath | path("[^/]+".r / DoubleNumber) val dir = orderPath | parameter('[Int]) val order = orderPath & parameters('oem, 'expired ?)
  • 62. Directives Compiles? Operators are type-safe: val orderPath = path("order" / IntNumber) val dir = orderPath | get val dir = orderPath | path("[^/]+".r / DoubleNumber) val dir = orderPath | parameter('[Int]) val order = orderPath & parameters('oem, 'expired ?)
  • 63. Directives Compiles? Operators are type-safe: val orderPath = path("order" / IntNumber) val dir = orderPath | get val dir = orderPath | path("[^/]+".r / DoubleNumber) val dir = orderPath | parameter('[Int]) val order = orderPath & parameters('oem, 'expired ?) val route = order { (orderId, oem, expired) => ... // inner route }
  • 64. Directives spray 0.9.0 comes with 69 predefined directives: alwaysPass, authenticate, authorize, autoChunk, cache, cacheResults, clientIP, completeWith, content, cookie, decodeRequest, delete, deleteCookie, detach, dynamic, encodeResponse, filter, filter1, filter2, filter3, filter4, filter5, filter6, filter7, filter8, filter9, formField, formFields, get, getFromDirectory, getFromFile, getFromFileName, getFromResource, getFromResourceDirectory, handleWith, hardFail, head, headerValue, headerValuePF, host, jsonpWithParameter, method, optionalCookie, options, parameter, parameters, path, pathPrefix, post, produce, provide, put, redirect, reject, respondWithContentType, respondWithHeader, respondWithHeaders, respondWithMediaType, respondWithStatus, setCookie, trace, transformChunkedResponse, transformRejections, transformRequest, transformRequestContext, transformResponse, transformRoute, transformUnchunkedResponse, validate
  • 65. Real World Example lazy val route = { encodeResponse(Gzip) { path("") { get { redirect("/doc") } }~ pathPrefix("api") { jsonpWithParameter("callback") { path("top-articles") { get { parameter('[Int]) { max => validate(max >= 0, "query parameter 'max' must be >= 0") { completeWith { (topArticlesService ? max).mapTo[Seq[Article]] } } } } }~ tokenAuthenticate { user => path("ranking") { get { countAndTime(user, "ranking") { parameters('fixed ? 0, 'mobile ? 0, 'sms ? 0, 'mms ? 0,
  • 66. } } }~ } } Real World Example tokenAuthenticate { user => path("ranking") { get { countAndTime(user, "ranking") { parameters('fixed ? 0, 'mobile ? 0, 'sms ? 0, 'mms ? 0, 'data ? 0).as(RankingDescriptor) { descr => (rankingService ? Ranking(descr)).mapTo[RankingResult] } } } }~ path("accounts") { post { authorize(user.isAdmin) { content(as[AccountDetails]) { details => (accountService ? NewAccount(details)).mapTo[OpResult] } } } }~ path("account" / IntNumber) { accountId => get { ... } ~ put { ... } ~ delete { ... } } } }~ pathPrefix("v1") {
  • 67. } }~ Real World Example path("account" / IntNumber) { accountId => get { ... } ~ put { ... } ~ delete { ... } } } }~ pathPrefix("v1") { proxyToDjango } }~ pathPrefix("doc") { respondWithHeader(`Cache-Control`(`max-age`(3600))) { transformResponse(_.withContentTransformed(markdown2Html)) { getFromResourceDirectory("doc/root", pathRewriter = appendFileExt) } } }~ }~ cacheIfEnabled { encodeResponse(Gzip) { getFromResourceDirectory("public") } } }
  • 69. Best Practices • Keep route structure clean and readable, pull out all logic into custom directives
  • 70. Best Practices • Keep route structure clean and readable, pull out all logic into custom directives • Don’t let API layer leak into application
  • 71. Best Practices • Keep route structure clean and readable, pull out all logic into custom directives • Don’t let API layer leak into application • Use (Un)marshalling infrastructure
  • 72. Best Practices • Keep route structure clean and readable, pull out all logic into custom directives • Don’t let API layer leak into application • Use (Un)marshalling infrastructure • Wrap blocking code with `detach`
  • 73. Best Practices • Keep route structure clean and readable, pull out all logic into custom directives • Don’t let API layer leak into application • Use (Un)marshalling infrastructure • Wrap blocking code with `detach` • Use sbt-revolver + JRebel for fast dev turn- around
  • 75. There is more ... • SprayJsonSupport, LiftJsonSupport, TwirlSupport, ScalateSupport
  • 76. There is more ... • SprayJsonSupport, LiftJsonSupport, TwirlSupport, ScalateSupport • Asynchronous response push streaming
  • 77. There is more ... • SprayJsonSupport, LiftJsonSupport, TwirlSupport, ScalateSupport • Asynchronous response push streaming • Testing spray routes
  • 78. There is more ... • SprayJsonSupport, LiftJsonSupport, TwirlSupport, ScalateSupport • Asynchronous response push streaming • Testing spray routes • RESTful errors
  • 79. There is more ... • SprayJsonSupport, LiftJsonSupport, TwirlSupport, ScalateSupport • Asynchronous response push streaming • Testing spray routes • RESTful errors • spray-client
  • 81. Current State • spray 0.9.0 just released (last release for Akka 1.x)
  • 82. Current State • spray 0.9.0 just released (last release for Akka 1.x) • Current focus: Release first Akka 2.0 compatible milestone of spray 1.0
  • 83. Current State • spray 0.9.0 just released (last release for Akka 1.x) • Current focus: Release first Akka 2.0 compatible milestone of spray 1.0 • Coming features: new documentation site, deeper REST support, monitoring, request throttling, and more ...
  • 84. A few current sprayers ...
  • 85. Getting started • Main site & documentation: • Mailing list: • Twitter: @spraycc
  • 87. More
  • 88. Proxying with spray Combining with spray-client to build a proxy: val conduit = new HttpConduit("", 8080) lazy val proxyToTarget: Route = { ctx => ctx.complete { conduit.sendReceive { ctx.request.withHeadersTransformed { _.filter( != "Host") } }.map { _.withHeadersTransformed { _.filter( != "Date") } } }

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