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Exce ence
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Exce ence
Contributors and consultants
Danuta Gryca, Poland
Joanna Sosnowska, Poland
Russell Whit eh ead , UK
Zsuzsan na Nyir6, Hungary
Danica Gondova , Slovak ia
Eva Paulerova , Czech Republic
Victor N. Sim kin, Russia
Cvjetanka Bozan ic, Croatia

Introduction 6

    Unit 1          Skill               Task I Time                                                               Score      Your notes
    Fa mi ly life   Reading 8           o Gap fill (missing ph rases) .... 25 min                                 -   / 10

                    Listening 9         o Ide nt ifying statem en ts mad e .. 20 m in                             -   /5

                    Use of English 9    o Wo rd fo rma t io n ga p f ill .... 45 mi n                             - /6
                    Writing 10-11       o Writ ing a n e ma il .. 3 5 m in
                                        o Wr it ing an info rmal letter .. SS min
                    Speaking 11-12      o Situationa l role -pla y .... 25 m in
                                        o Picture-based d iscussion .... 20 min
                    Listening 13        o True/Fa lse statements " 15 min                                         -   /6

                    Use of English 13   o Multiple-choice gap fill • 35 m in                                      -   17

                    Reading 14          o Multiple-ch oice questions 30 min                                       - /4
                    Writing 16          o Writing a n argumentative essay 80               min

                    Speaking 16·17      o Picture-based discuss ion          30 min
                                        o Debate        25 min

    Unit 2          Skill               Task / Time                                                               Score      Your notes
    People and      Reading 18          o Mat chin g True /False sta teme nt s t o pa rag ra p hs   .... 35 min   -   /8
                    Listening 19        o Fa ctu al e rro r co rrect ion " 15 min                                 -   /8

                    Use of English 20   o Word fo rmat io n ga p fill .... 30 min                                 - /8
                    Writing 21          o Wr it ing an inf o rmal letter .... 90 min
                    Speaking 21-22      o Situ at ion a l ro le -pla y .. 2S min
                                        o Picture-ba sed d iscussio n .... 30 min
                    Reading 24          o Missing se ntences ..... 30 m in                                        - /5
                    Listening 25        o   Matching speakers to statements           2S min                      -   /8

                    Use of English 25   o Open d oz e    " 25 min                                                 -   /8

                    Writing 26          o Writ ing a student magaz ine article             80 min

                    Speaking 26-27      o Picture-based discussion 40 m in
                                        o Debate ..... 20 min
    Unit 3          Skill               Task /Time                                                                Score      Your notes
    Shops and       Reading 28          o Multi ple -cho ice sta t e ments   .... 35 min                              /5
                    Listening 29        o Identifying st ate me nts ma de .... 25 min                                 /5

                    Use of English 30   o Mult iple-choice g a p fill .... 25 min                                     /8

                    Writing 31          o Writi ng an a rgu me nt ative essa y .... 75 min
                    Speaking 31·32      o Situational role-p lay   .... 30 min
                                        o Pict ure -based discussion .... 20 min
                    Reading 34          o True/Fa lse statements 25 min                                               /8

                    Listening 35        o Filling in a form 40min                                                     17

                    Use of English 35   o Open doze .. 25 min                                                         /8

                    Writing 36          o Writ ing a letter of co mplaint 75          min

                    Speaking 36-37      o Pict ure -based d iscussion 25 min
                                        o De bat e 20 min

                                        Use t he Stu dy Dia ry to plan and keep t rack o f your exam prepa ration . Tick ./ each se ct io n
                                        you have com pleted. Recor d your sco re . Make not e s that help you improve yo u r results.
Unit 4           Skill                      Task ITime                                                  Score      Your notes
 Home             Reading 38                o Mi ssing sentences .... 35 min                             - /5
                  Listening 39              o Matching information .... 15 min                           -   17

                  Use of English 39         o M ultiple-choice gap fill ... 20 min                       -   /8

                  Writing 40-41             o Writing an email .... 40 min
                                            o Writing an informal letter .... 70 min
                  Speaking 41·42            o    Situational role-pla y .... 25 min
                                             o Picture-based discussion .... 40 min
                  Reading 44                 o Multiple match ing 30 min                                 - /9
                  Listening 45               o Tru e/False sta tements 20 min                            -   17

                  Use of English 46          o Ed it ing (word search) 40 min                            -   / 10

                  Writing 46                 o W riti ng a st ud ent magaz ine art icle .       80 min

                  Speaking 47                o St atistics-based discussion 30 m in
                                             o Deb ate .... 10 min
 Unit 5           Skill                      Task I Time                                                 Score      Your notes
 Nature           Reading 48                 o Mul tipl e mat ching      .... 35 min                     -   /6

                  Listening 49               o Factua l erro r co rrect io n   .... 40 min               - /6
                  Use of English 50          o Multip le-cho ice g ap fi l l   .... )0 min
                                                                                                         -   /8

                  Writing SO-51              o W ri ti ng a leaflet   .... 30 min
                                             o W rit ing a formal let ter .... 70 min
                  Speaking 51·52             o Situati on al role-play .... 40 min
                                             o Pict ure-b ased di scussion .... 50 min
                  Reading 54                 o Mi ssing sentences I 40 min                               - /5
                  Listening 55               o Identifying t rue state me nts 35 min                     - /8
                  Use of English 55          o Verb form gap f ill 30 min                                -   / 10

                  Writing 56                 o Writing a discursive essay SOmin
                  Speaking 56·57             o Pict u re-b ased discussion 25 min
                                             o   Debat e      40 min

 Unit 6           Skill                      Task ITime                                                  Score      Your notes
 School           Reading 58                 o Matching headings to paragraphs               '" 35 min
                                                                                                         -   /8

                  Listening 59               o   Completing notes .... 30 min
                                                                                                         -   /6

                  Use of English 59          o Word f orm at ion gap f ill .... 40 min                   - /8
                  Writing 60-61              o Writing an in vit atio n ... 45 min
                                             o Writing an informa l letter .... 70 min
                  Speaking 62                o Situational ro le-pla y .... 35 min
                                             o Pictu re-based discussion        .... 35 min

                  Reading 64                 o M issin g sente nces      ~ 30 min
                                                                                                         -   /4

                  Listening 6 5              o Matching statem ent s t o speake rs .. 25 min             -   /5

                  Use of English 65          o Op en d oze ... 30 min                                    -   /9

                  Writing 66                 o Wr iting an arg um entati ve essay '" 90 min
                  Speaking 66-67             o Picture-ba sed di scussion           35 min
                                             o Debate      .... 20 min

Use the Study Diary to p lan and keep t rack of yo u r exam p rep ar at ion . Tick ./ each section
                                                                                                                     5TUDY DIA RY   3
you have completed . Record you r score . M ake notes t hat he lp you improve your r esu lt s.
Unit 7       Skill               Task I Time                                                         Score      Your notes
    Work         Reading 68          o Missing sente nces ~ 35 min                                       - 17

                 Listening 69        o Mu ltipl e mat chin g ~ 20 min                                    -   /5

                 Use of English 70   o Ope n d oze ~ 35 min                                              -   /8

                 Writing 70          o Wr it ing a fo rmal letter ~ 75 min
                 Speaking 71-72      o Situationa l rol e-pl ay ~ 35 min
                                     o Picture-based d iscussion ~ 35 min
                 Reading 74          o Multiple-choice statements 35 min                                 -   /5

                 listening 75        o M atching statements to speakers ..... 20 min                     -   /8

                 Use of English 76   o Banked gap f ill I- 25 min                                        - /8
                 Writing 77          o Writi ng a fo rmallette rljob application ..... 70   min

                 Speaking 77         o Pict ure-based discussion 20 min
    Unit 8       Skill               Task I Time                                                         Score      Your notes
    Health       Reading 78          o Gap fi ll (missing phrases) ... 30 min                            - /8

                 Listening 79        o M ultiple-choice st ate ments "' 2 5 min                          -   17

                 Use of English 80   o Open doze ... 2S min                                              -   /8

                 Writing 80          o W riting an i nforma l letter ~ 8 0 m i n
                 Speaking 81-82      o Situ ati onal role -pl ay ~ 20 min
                                     o Pictur e-based discussion ... 25 min
                 Listening 83        o Compl eting not es ~ 20 min                                       -   /8

                 Use of English 83   o Mu ltiple-cho ice gap fi ll ~ 15 min                              - /8
                 Reading 84          o Ordering paragraph s ~ 40 min                                     - 17
                 Writing 86          o Writi n g a letter from the editor (of a st udent mag azin e)
                                     , .. 60 min

                 Speaking 86-87      o Pict ur e-based discussion      20 min
                                     o Debat e      25 min

    Unit 9       Skill               Task I Time                                                         Score      Your notes
    Sport        Reading 88          o Mi ssing sent ences .... 40 min                                   - /6
                 Listening 89        o Mult iple-choice state men ts .... 25 min                         - /5
                 Use of English 90   o Jumbled sentences ~ 20 min                                        - /8
                 Writing 90-9 1      o Writing an email .... 35 min
                                     o Writ ing an informal letter .... 75 min
                 Speaking 91-92      o Situationa l ro le-play ... 25 min
                                     o Picture-based discussion .... 20 min
                 Reading 93          o True/False sta te ments 35 min                                    -   /6

                 Listening 94        o Completing not es        45 min                                   - /6
                 Use of English 94   o Wo rd form at ion gap f ill "". 40 min                            - /8
                 Writing 95          o W ri t ing an argument at ive essay ..... 80   min

                 Speaking 96-97      o Picture-based di scussion 25 min
                                     o Debat e .... 20 min

                                     Use th e St ud y Diary to pl an and keep t rack of you r exam prepa ration . TIck ./ each section
                                     yo u have com plete d. Record your score . Make notes t hat help yo u im prove your results.
Unit 10         Skill                     Task I Time                                             Score      Vour notes
 Free t im e     Reading 98                o Mi ssin g sente nces ~ 30 min                         - 17
 and culture
                 Listening 99              o Tru e/ False state me nts ~ 3S min                    -   /6

                 Use of English 100        o Banke d ga p f ill ~ 25 min                           -   /8

                 Writing 100-101           o W rit ing an ema il .. 25 min
                                           o Writ ing an informa l lette r " 65 min
                 Speaking 102              o Situational role-play .... 35 m in
                                           o Picture-based discussion " 25 min
                 Reading 104               o Gap fi ll (m issing phr ases) .... 3S min             -   /6

                 Listening 105             o M at chin g sta tements t o speakers " 40       min   -   /5

                 Use of English 105        o Open doze ~ 25 min                                    -   / 10

                 Writing 106-107           o Writ ing a boo k review   (op t ion 1) . . 70 min
                                           o W rit ing a lit erary essay (o ption 2) .. 70   min

                 Speaking 107              o Statistics-based discussion ..... 30 min
 Unit 11         Skill                     Task I Time                                             Score      Vou r notes
 Travel          Reading 108               o True/False statem ents ~ 50 min                       -   /8

                 Listening 109             o Multiple-choice statements " 25 min                   - /6
                 Use of English 110        o Ad jective/adverb form gap fill .... 20 min           - / 11
                 Writing 111               o W rit ing an argumenta t ive essay " 90 min
                 Speaking 111-112          o Situational role -play .. 40 min
                                           o Pict ure-based discussion .... 35 min
                 Reading 114               o M ult ip le-cho ice state ments .... 35 min           - /4
                 listening 115             b Com plet ing statements ..... 30 min                  -   /5

                 Use of English 116        o Banked gap f ill ..... 20 min                         - /8
                 Writing 116               o W rit ing a student mag azine ertlcfe js- 90 min
                 Speaking 117              o Sta t istics-based d iscussio n 30 min
                                           o Deb at e ~ 30 min
 Unit 12         Skill                     Task I Time                                             Score      Vour notes
 Science and     Reading 118               o Ma t ching sum ma ry state ments " 40 min             - /6
                 Listening 119             o Multip le matching " 25 min                           - /8
                 Use of English 120        o Word f ormat ion gap fi ll ..... 30 min               - /8
                 Writing 120               o W rit ing a stude nt mag azine article " 65 min
                 Speaking 121-122          o Situational role -play ..... 30 min
                                           o Pictu re-based discussio n .. 40 min
                 Listening 123             o True/False stateme nts ~ 35 min                       - / 10
                 Use of English 123        o Edit ing (word search) .. 40 min                      -   /6

                 Reading 124               o Multi ple -choice state ments " 35 min                -   /5

                 Writing 126               o Writi ng a di scursive essay " 70 min
                 Speaking 126-127          o Pict ure-based discussion ..... 25 min
                                           o Deba t e .... 20 min
 Speaking Bank 128

 Writing Bank 131

 Word Bank 141

 Smart answer key 158

Use the Stud y Diary to pl an and keep track of your exam prepa rat ion . Tick -/ each section
                                                                                                               STU DY DIARY   5
you have completed . Record your score. M ake not es that hel p you improve your results.
What is Oxford Exam Excellence?                                   If you n eed flexib ility, but still wan t to get the
                                                               m ost out of Oxford Exam Excellence, we reco m mend
Oxford Exam Excellence is an int ensive training co urse       the following work p lan:
to prepare for seco ndary scho o l ex ams .
   There are 12 uni ts which provide practice and              1 Decide what yOIl want to focus on practising
exam tasks in Readin g, Listen ing, Use of English,              Oxford Exam Excellence has a St udy Diary o n
Writing an d Speaking.                                           pa ges 2-3 that is m ore th an just a list of
   All of these skills are practised at BI ievel (of th e        con ten ts: it is also a great to ol for planning your
Commo n European Framework), and each unit also                  own trai n ing programme.
con tains ext ra practice of all skills for students who         • If you want to explore an exa m top ic
want to take an exam at a higher level (B2/C l).                     thoroughly (for exam ple, 'Science an d
   Each unit is o rganis ed aro und a ce ntral topic,                technology'), check wh ich uni t deals wit h
wh ich is the n explored from a variety of different                 that top ic an d wo rk your way th rou gh the
viewpoints.                                                          different sections in it .
   The book also has a referen ce section with a                 • If you wa nt to practise a certai n skill (for
Writing Ban k, a Speaking Ban k and a Word Bank .                    exa m ple, Listen ing), use the Stu dy Diary to
   The Smart answer key at th e back of the book                     find whe re th e various Listen in g sections are,
exp lains why th e right answers are correct or why th e             an d choose t h e ones wh ich focu s on the task
others are wrong.                                                    types you n eed to wo rk on .
  Oxford Exam Excellence com es with its own Smart               • If yo u wan t to t rain yourse lf in a cer tain task
Audio CD, which contains all the recordings for th e                typ e (for exa mple, mul tip le-ch oice gap-fill
listen ing tasks.                                                    tasks), the Study Diar y can te ll yo u wh ich
                                                                    sections feature this task; t ry to choose a
What is in a Unit?                                                  va riety of different topics and skills whe re
                                                                     possib le.
Every uni t explores one broad topi c, for example,
'Fam ily life'. Each section looks at this topic from a        2 Plan YOllr time
sligh tly different point of view.                               Each section tells you rough ly h ow much time
    All sectio ns con ta in practi ce exe rcises wh ich          you will need to co m plete it, inclu d ing t h e
always lead to an exa m tas k. Also included are                 pra ctic e exercises as well as the exa m task at the
useful tips o n how to st udy for the exam , on how              end . Th is is just an estima te to h elp you with
to do cer tain exa m tas k types, and on im po rta nt            planning ; it mi ght act uall y take yo u a bit less or
language po ints.                                                a bit mor e time.
    Th e var ious skills section s are usually featured in           W he re th ere are two di fferent tasks with in a
t he follow ing ord er:                                          Speak ing or Writing section, t h ere is a n estimate
• Read ing                                                       given for th e total tim e to co m plete bo th parts
•   Listen ing                                                   (p ractice and exam tasks), an d also a sep arate
•   Use of English                                               est im ate for each pa rt, in case you on ly ha ve
•   Writi ng                                                     time to do one or the other.
• Spea king                                                          Th e exam box a lso shows a time, but this is
At the en d of eac h u ni t, yo u will find ext ra practi ce     more a sugges tion than an est imate: we suggest
exercises an d exam tasks to prepare yo u for exa ms             that you use a watc h to time yourse lf and
at a hi gh er level. Th ese exe rcises and tasks are more        pr act ise com pleting the tasks wit h in the tim e
d ifficu lt th an the o nes at the beginning of the unit .       suggested; the times given for the exa m tas ks
Thi s High er level pa rt also features all five skills.         closely m at ch the amoun t of time you wo uld
                                                                 have in t he real exa m.
How do I use Oxford Exam Excellence?
                                                               3 Practise
Th e more you use the book, th e better prepared                 Focus first on t he exercises in a section wh ich
yo u will be for the exa m . If you h ave time to                prepa re yo u for t he exa m task. Don 't skip any
co m plete the whole co urse , you will have thorough            exe rcises as they all help yo u deal more easily
t rain ing in all the typ ical exa m skills and tasks, and       with th e exa m tas k later on . In a few sections
will cove r all the topi cs and key voca bu lary yo u are        th ere are follow-up exercises afte r t he exa m task.
likel y to encoun ter in the exa ms.                                 You will find plen ty of How to study tips. Use
    You can use any sect io n of the book at any tim e           these tips as much as yo u can .
and in any order you want: yo u don't h ave to wo rk                 Check your answers to the practice exe rcises
your way th rough from beginnin g to en d.                       in th e Sma rt answer key (a n ote at the bo tto m
                                                                 of every page tells you where th is is).
Make a note in the Study Diary of any                    What's in the reference section?
  mistakes yo u make, so you can make sure you
  avoid th em next time.                                      W rititlg Ba tik:
                                                              • exam ple texts for all the text typ es required by
4 Do tile exal/l task
                                                                 the exam tasks (from emails and
  Always read the instructions carefu lly to mak e               formal/informal letters to essays)
  sure you know wh at to do.                                  • usefu l tips
      Read th e Exam tip before you start doing               • lists of phrases yo u can use for eac h text type
  th e task.                                                  Speaking Ba tik:
      Whe n yo u' re p ractisi ng Writing or Speaking,        • useful com m un ication phrases - for all the
  you can p repa re for the task by looking at the               fun ctions you will ne ed to use to co m plete the
  examples in the Writing Bank or Speaking Bank.                 different Speaking exam ta sks
      Com plete the task (and remember to time                Word Bati k:
  yourself).                                                  • key vocabulary from every un it
      Before yo u look at the Smart answer key,               • essen tial extra voca bula ry for eve ry exa m topi c
  check th e answe rs you have written - it's good            • phonetic transcriptions for bett er pronunciati on
  practice, and will prevent you from losing
  points in th e exa m for small mistakes.                    What's a Smart answer key?
      Read th e answers in the Smart answer key
  an d mark your sco re.                                      Th e Smart answer key not on ly tells you what th e
      Record your sco re in th e Study Diary, and add         correct answers are, but explains in clear, sim ple
  your own not es to remind yourself of things you            English why those answers are co rrect, and also why
  would like to focus on ne xt time you practise.             th e other answers are wrong. lt also tells you things
                                                              to watch out for (for example, typi cal erro rs).
S Keel' track ofYOllr progress
                                                                   You will fin d answers for all th e pra ctice
   Use th e Study Diary to :                                  exercises an d exa m tasks. For open com mun ication
   • mak e notes about any mistakes you hav e                 tasks whe re the re is no 'co rrect' answ er, it co ntains
      made after you have fin ishe d the p ractice            useful no tes about wha t's expected in th e exam, or
      exercises,                                              about the best approach to the task.
   • record yo ur sco re and make no tes on the                    The Smart answer key also has the transcripts of
     exam task after yo u have completed it,                  a ll listening texts.
   • tick every section you have already done.
                                                              What's a Smart Audio CD?
How do I prepare for exams at a
Higher level?                                                 Th e Smart Audio CD contains a ll th e reco rdings for
                                                              th e Li stening exercises and exa m tasks. Y will
Oxford Exam Excellence provides thorough pra ctice            hear a wide variety of English speakers a nd
at a lower in term ediate (B1) a nd an upper-                 different dial ects spo ken at natural speed.
interm edi ate (B2/C l) level. If yo u are preparing for          lt plays like a normal Audio CD in your CD
an exa m at the High er level, com plete both the             player. However, if you use the CD in a co m puter,
first and the seco nd par t o f each unit you use.            you can find the transcripts for all th e record in gs
    If you on ly want to pra cti se some, but not all         in Micro soft Word® format. Y can edit th ese
the, skills at th e High er level, do all the skills in the   transcripts to create your own listening exe rcises,
first pa rt of the unit, a nd on ly the skill(s) you want     for exam ple:
to practise in the High er level section.                     • repl ace a word in each sen tence with a blank
                                                                  line to create a gap-fill ta sk,
What if I don't want to prepare for an                        • jumble up the o rder of paragraphs in a longer
exam at a Higher level?                                           text to create an ordering task,
                                                              • change some words in th e text to create a fact-
For th orough training at th e B1 level you on ly need            correction task.
to complete th e first half of each unit. You don 't          Use your new ta sks for extra pra cti ce a bit later on
need to do the High er level.                                 - no t immediately, as it would be too easy to
   But even if yo u are preparing for a B1 exam, you          rem ember wha t the or iginal was.
may want to tr y co m pleting certain sections from               Alternatively, swap with an oth er stude n t and try
the Higher level, to look a topic from a n ew po in t         to complete each oth er's tasks.
of view, for exa m ple, or to practise a di fferen t task         We hope you will en joy working with Oxford
type. In this case, don't worry if you don't get all          Exam Excellence and that it will give you all th e
the answers right. Work your way through th e                 skills and co nfidence you need to be success ful in
section syste ma tically and use the Sma rt an swer           your exa m!
key to learn wh at yo u need to know.                         Best wish es from Oxford

                                                                                                      INTRODUCTION      7
Reading                      .... 25 minutes   READING EXAM                                                      ~ 15 minutes

    1 Read the a rti cl e in exercise 3         3 Read this short article about British and American families.
      quickly. Then put the                       Choose the best phrase from A-K to fill in gaps 1-10, to
      fo llowing headings that                    co m p lete the text. Th ere is one phrase that yo u won't need
      su m m a rise each paragraph                to use.
      in the correct order.
      a Modern families
      b What we m ean wh en we                                         FAMILY
        tal k about fam ily
                                                   W HEN British and Amer ican people use the word family
      c The way fam ilies lived in                   _ _ _ _ t he mot her, father and thei r child ren . In a gene ral
        the past                                   social context, 'the fa mily' is usually 2            mean this
      1                                            nuclear fam ily.
      2                                                 Society in Brita in and the US s             a nuclear family
      :1                                           li ving in the same ho use and 4              each other's li ves.
                                                   Fifty years ago, t he typical f am ily was a husband and a wife,
    2 Read the article in exercise 3               and t w o or three chi ldren. The f ath er spent all day at work
      aga in quickly, and answer                   and 5               decisions abo ut how the money he earned
      the questions.                               was spent. The mother stayed at ho me to manage t he house
      1 What is a ' n uclea r fam ily'?            and look after the children . Children we re '               their
      2 How d id t he fat he r spe nd               parents.
                                                       Many modern fa milies live rather differently, and because
         a typi cal day fifty yea rs
                                                   of t his some people think that th e fami ly unit is dying and
                                                   society '             . Many coupies still get married, but others
      :1 How did t he mother
                                                   live together w ithout '            . A few yea rs ago, couples
         spe nd a ty pica l day fifty
                                                   living together usually got marr ied whe n '               a fa m iiy,
         years ago?
                                                   but t his happens less now. Another trend is '"           _
      4 W hy are so me people
                                                   married lat er in life and to have fewer child ren, so t he size of
         worried abo ut soc iety                   the average fam ily is shri nki ng.
      5 Do co up les that li v e
         toget he r always get
                                                  A   taken to                           G m ad e m ost of th e
                                                  B   close ly in volved in              H w h ich norma lly co ns ists of
      6 Are m odern fam ilies
                                                  C   gett ing married                   I they wan ted to start
         nor ma lly larger or sm aller
         than t hose fifty years ago?
                                                  D   they ofte n m ean o n ly           J ex pec ted to o bey
                                                  E   is being wea kened                 K is tradit io nall y ba sed o n
    EXAM TIP                                      F   fo r people to get
                                                                                                                Answers on page 158
    Rememb er, th e meaning of th e
    m issi ng phrase is impo rtan t, but
    read the completed sentence                Listening                                                           ~ 20 minutes
    again to check that th e chosen
    ext ract also fits in g ram matically.
                                               4 Read the instructions to exercise 6 a n d a ns w er t he following
                                                 questions .
                                                 1 W ho will you be listening to in the recordi ng?
                                                 2 Who is the adv ice aimed at?
                                                 :1 W ha t o ther useful informat ion can you find in the ins tru ctions?

                                               5 Read the statements in exercise 6 a n d d ecide which of the
                                                 possible titles below might best summarise the text yo u are
                                                 going to hear.
                                                 a Ho w can we ens u re o ur ch ild ren 's safe ty whe n they' re alone at
                                                 b The dan gers that ch ildre n h ave to face in their every d ay lives
                                                 c Ho w to train o ur child ren t o be indep en den t whe n they grow up

8    FA M ILY LIFE                                                                                 Smart answ er key on page 158
HOW TO STUDY                                                      Use of English                                  ...... 45 minutes

 If you have access to Eng lish·s peaking radio or televisio n
                                                                   7 Pu t the correct fo rm of the verb clean in each
 broadcasts, try to listen to a nd watc h progra mmes on
 topics t hat yo u are interested in. It is best to do this on       ga p.
 regular basis, if possible for at least 15 minutes a day.            ]   I en joy _    _ the house every Mon da y
 Th is will help you to get a feel for the language.                   m orni ng.
                                                                     2 It's Monday iunch time and I _ _ the hou se
                                                                       alrea dy.
LISTENING EXAM                                . . 10 minutes
                                                                     3 I think most of the houses in my st reet _ _
 6 ~ 01 First read sentences A-j below. You                            at least once a week .
   are going to hear a psychologist giving                           4 My mother says my fat h er t hinks the house
   advice to parents. Decide which five out of                         _ _ by magic!
   the ten pieces of advice are given in the                         5 My friends arrived wh ile I _ _ my room.
   recordi ng.                                                       6 In the future, h ouses _ _ by robots.
    A 0 Your decision should not only be based                     8 Put the co rrect noun form of the underlined
        on your children's age.                                      verb in t h e gap to co mplete t he d efin iti o n s.
    B 0 Tell your children not to answer
                                                                      ]   If you invent so me t h in g important, this
        telephone calls.
                                                                          _ _ ma y become famou s.
    C 0 Instruct your children to open the door
                                                                      2   Something that arrives, such as a plane
        only to people they know well.
                                                                          fligh t, is an _ _ .
    D 0 Don't leave your children alone for
                                                                      3   You can say you improve some th ing, or that
        more than three hours.
                                                                          you make an _ _ to it .
    E 0 Teach your children to keep the house
                                                                      4   Som eth ing you publish , suc h as a book or a
        key in their schoolbag.
                                                                          magazin e, is a _ _ .
    F 0 Don't allow your children to use the
                                                                      5   If you explain some thing clea rly, then you
                                                                          are giving a clear _ _ .
    G 0 Teach your children what to do in case
                                                                      6   Someone who tra ins people to do so me t h ing
        of fire.                                                          is a _ _ .
    H 0 Ask a neighbour to keep an eye on
        what's going on.                                           9 Wr ite similar defin itions to t h e ones in
      o Keep alcohol out of the reach of your                        exercise 8 to explain t he following verbs and
        children.                                                    nou ns.
    J 0 Don't stress your children by ta lking                        ] believe and belief
        about possible dangers.
                                             Answers on page 158
                                                                      2 depart and departure
                                                                      3 per form and performan ce
 The fi rst time you listen, mark all t hose sentences w hic h
 match the statements made in the recording. Quickly
 check jf yo u have mar ked the same num ber of                     HOW TO STUDY
 sentences specified in t he instructions. If necessary, find
                                                                    You can expand your vocabulary by learni ng the
 the missing answers w he n yo u listen for the second
                                                                    different parts of speech for words - for exa mple, from
                                                                    the verb expect yo u can make the no un expectation, and
                                                                    the adjectives expected and unexpected. K a
                                                                    voca bulary note book or lists and includ e d iffere nt parts
                                                                    of speech.

Smart answer key on page 158                                                                                        FAMilY LIFE     9
12 Rewrite David 's message, adding the
 USE OF ENGLISH EXAM                      ~ 15 m inutes
                                                                         in form a tio n he's missed o ut .
10 Complete the text by putting the correct
     form of the word in brackets into each gap.
                                                                       WRITING EXAM                              ~ 25 m inutes

     Housew.or~            history                                    13 You see t his a dvertisement in a n Internet
                                                                          foru m. Wr ite your response in a n ema il of
                                                                          40-50 words.

     If you stop to think abo ut it, the histo ry of
     housework is the history of everything.                              ..---------....
     Housework '

     years or so. The '
                                  (CHANGE) an
     amazing amount in only the last hu ndred
                                      (INVENT) of
                                                                             W                      RLD
     electricity was very important, and it led to
     the '              (ARRIVE) of the washing                              DAILY LIVES
      machine, the vacuum cleaner, the
      dis hwasher, and so on . Housework
       _ _ _ _ (BE) much harder without them
      fifty yea rs ago. It's not just technology
      that's different- these days, most husbands
       _ _ _ _ (EXPECT) by their w ives to
      share the housework. Overall, then, we can
      see a great '              (IMPROVE) in
      relation to housew ork , especially for
      women - although the environmental cost
      of modern housework is high.

                                                                                                                An sw ers on page 159
                                         Answ ers o n pag e 159

                                                                       EXAM TIP
Writing                                     ~ 90 minutes               W hen you w rite a short text, such as an email message,
                                                                       always check you have included all the necessary points
Writing an email           ~ 35 minutes                                from the instructions.

11 Read the task and the advertisement in
                                                                      Writing an informal letter ~                   55 minutes
     ex ercise 13 ca re fully, Then read the message
     below, and decide if the writer has included                     14 Are these sta te m en ts about writing in fo rm al
     all the requested information. Tick the                             letters true or fa lse?
     a p p ro p ria te box.                                                  It's normal to use contractions, like they're
     I who/you? D             4 when/eat? D                                  for they are, in informal letters. T / F
     2 where/from? D          5 when/st udy? D                           2   You do n't need to use paragraphs in
     3 whe n /slee p? D       6 what/e lse? D                                in formal let ters. T / F
                                                                         3   Plannin g what to wri te is less im portant for
••                                                            o
                                                                             informal lett ers than for formal letters. T / F
                                                                         4   You shou ld try to make in formal letters as
                                                                             in teresti ng as poss ible, for example by using
      I'm Davi d. I s lee p like a log from 10 p.m .                         a range of verbs and ad jectives. T / F
      un til t he a larm goes off at 7 a.m . I have                      5   The most common tense used in informal
      breakfast at 7.30 a.rn ., lun ch at midday                             letters is the Present Con tin uou s. T / F
      and t he n di nn er at 6 p.m. I really do n't                      6   Informal letters tend to be shorter th an
      like do ing hom ework . I t ry to play                                 formal letters. T / F
      football as often a s possibl e, a nd usu ally                     7   You should th ink carefully about t h e reader
      m an ag e to every day.                                                of infor m al letters. T / F

10   FAMi lY LIFE                                                                                   Smart answer key on page 159
15 Read this extract fro m a le tter. It contains                   Speaking                                      ~ 4S     minutes
   eigh t gra m m ar mistakes. Ca n you find them
   an d correct them?                                               Situational role-play              ~ 25 minutes
   Everybody think my siste r is very good-looking.
                                                                    17 '" 02 Listen and read the d ialogue below and
   She has a huge wardrobe fu ll wit h clothes and                     answer these questions.
   she always we ll dressed - but I think she wears
   too man y m ake-up! She seems she's quite                           1 What is Mark goi ng to do for Agneta?
   popul ar, why she has a wide circle of frien ds.                    2 Whe n are th ey going to m eet ?
   She's always eit her out with frien ds and at                       3 What is Agneta goi ng to help Mark wit h?
   home ta lking with the pho ne to th em .
                                                                       Agneta I'm really pleased you can help me, Mark.
                                                                       Mark Th at's OK. 1 know t here's too m uch
 WRITING EXAM                                  ~ 45 minutes                   hou sewo rk for o ne person to do. Wha t
                                                                              wo uld you like me to do?
16 Below is p art of a letter you receive from                         Agncta Could yo u clean t he wind ows?
   your penfriend abroad. Write your reply in                          Mark     OK. But I'm quite busy right now. Can we
   100-120 words.                                                              do it in t he evening, per haps?
                                                                       Agn eta I'm goi ng to th e cinema later. Are you
                                                                               free after school?
     Mtj WIde-. So I'd re-tllltj like- +0                              Mark Yes, I 'll mee t you at your hou se after
                                                                       Agneta Fan tastic! And the n I 111/1St return the
     bto.w tlbw+ tj0l.<r +tlvol.<ri+e-                                        favou r. How ca n I help you?
                                                                       Mark     Could you help me with my English
     +tlMiltj Me-Mbe-r. Wl-to is it? Wl-ttj                                    hom ework ? It's really difficult t his week .
                                                                       Agn eta Sure .
     dO       tj0l.<   like- l-tiM or l-te-r so Ml.<cl-t?
     Wl-ttl+ doe-s l-te- or sl-te- look like-?                      18 Underline the parts of the dialogue that
                                                                       h el ped you to answer the questions in
     Wl-ttl+ doe-s l-te- or sl-te- dO?                                 exercise 17 .

                                                                    19 What kinds of housework a re there? How
                                                                       many more ca n you add to the list?
                                              Answers on page 159

 Always plan your writing carefully. Look carefully at the                      d_ .fhe. dus.fiOlq
 topic or question and let ideas come into your head.
 Then start to orga nise them into a suitable order. Then                       /.lake. .fhe. oe.ds
 write one or more sente nces for each id ea. Build th e
 series of sentences into paragraphs. When you have
                                                                               do .fhe. washiOlq
 finished your first draft, check very carefully for                           s~e.e.p    the. patio
 m istakes.

                                                                     HOW TO STUDY
                                                                      One way to practise speaking accu rately is to write a
                                                                      dialogu e, chec k it for mistakes, and then practise
                                                                      speaking it, with a partner if possible.

Smart answer key on page 159                                                                                      fAMILY LIf E   11
SPEAKING EXAM                              ~   5 minutes
                                                               22 Ch oose from the words below to co mplete
                                                                  the ex p ressio ns used for giving opinions.
20 Your friend's parents a re away for a few
                                                                  as     in · to       on
   days. You have agreed to help your friend
   with some housework.                                           1 _ _ my ex per ience , a small family is bet ter.
         Find ou t wha t hou sework yo ur friend                  2 According _ _ a TV programme I saw,
         need s help with .                                         th ere are fewer big famili es now.
         Find out a time you 're both free.                       3 As far _ _ I'm concerned, the bigger the
         Agree what you r friend will do for you in                 better.
         return .                                                 4 It dep ends _ _ whe re you live, but I prefer
                                         Answers on page 159
                                                                    sma ll famili es.

                                                                HO W TO STUDY
Picture-based discussion               ~ 20 minutes
                                                                When you study for tasks like exercise 23 here, practise
21 Here arc some sentences st u den ts sa id abo u t            several times. Each tim e, concentrate on a different
     famili es. Ea ch sentence co n ta ins a m istake.          factor, e.g . choice of vocabulary, pron unciat ion,
     Can you find a nd co rrect the m istakes?                  spea king flue ntly, and so on.

     1 If yo u have olde r broth ers and sisters, th ey
       ca n giving yo u useful advice.                          SPEAKING EXAM                                 ~ 10 minutes
     2 In a big family, never yo u ma y learn to be
       in dep ende n t.                                        23 Look at th e two photos of families .
     3 So yo ur fam ily is sma ll, yo u' ll probably ha ve         Co m pa re and contrast them . Include the
       your ow n bedroo m.                                         following points:
     4 Your bro the rs and sisters can play by you                 •   adv ice and suppo rt
       whe n your par ents are busy.                               •   independence
                                                                   •   space at home
                                                                   •   attention from parents
                                                                                                             An swers on pag e 159

12   fA MilY lif E                                                                                Smart answe r key on page 159
Listening                      40 minutes   LISTENING EXAM                                                     ~ 15    m inutes

 1 Read these pairs o f se n ten ces         3 '" 03 You will hear two friends, John and Angela, talking
   1-6 and the corresponding                   about their families . Read through statements 1-6. As
   sta te men ts 1-6 in ex ercise 3. In        you listen, decide if each statement is true (T) or false (F),
   eac h ca se, which on e of the              according to the information you hear.
   two sentences h ere means the                1 John grew up in the sam e to wn as hi s par ents. _
   sa me as the statement in                    2 Angela says john's family is a h appy one. _
   exercise 3?                                  3 Angela is looking forward to a big family party ne xt
       a [ ohn's parents grew up                  month . _
         here, and so did h e.                  4 John hopes to work in hi s uncle's business in the future.
       b j ohn 's pa rents come from
         up no rth , an d moved h ere           S Angela's o lde r sister ha s give n her useful adv ice. _
         before he was born.                    6 j ohn's brother recently left university. _
                                                                                                              Answ ers on page 159
   2 a j oh n's fam ily always
       seem ed very h appy to
       Ange la.                             EXAM TIP
     b Angela th inks there are              In the listening exam, the task items are in the same o rder as yo u hear
       some probl ems in j ohn's             them in the recordin g. Whe n yo u listen for th e fi rst time, check which
       fam ily.                              sta te men ts you're D.Q.t g iven a ny infor mation about (all false), t hen decide
                                             if the remainin g stateme nts are true or false when you listen fo r t he
   3 a Angela's fam ily are having           seco nd time .
       a big party next mon t h,
       but she 'd p refer to do
       some th ing else.                    Use of English                                                           3S minutes
     b Ange la ca n 't wait for this
       part y next month -                  4 Choose from these words to complete the sentences b elow.
       everyone's com in g.                    One word is used twice, and one word isn't used in any
   4 a j ohn's expec ted to join hi s
       uncle's co m pany, but it's             to • than         too • also • that            both · and
       really boring there.
                                               1   1 like coffee _ _ tea.
     b John reall y wan ts his uncle
       to give him a job in his                2   1 like _ _ coffee and tea .
       com pany.                               3   I like coffee and _ _ tea.
                                               4   I like coffee and tea _ _ .
   S a Angela's big siste r ha s               S   I like coffee more _ _ tea.
       reall y h elp ed her by tellin g        6   I prefer coffee _ _ tea.
       h er what to do.                        7   I'd rather h ave coffee _ _ tea.
     b Ange la's always told h er
       olde r siste r wh at she             S Com p lete these sentences by writing one word in each gap.
       sho uld do .                            1   He wants to improve, _ _ h e practises a lot.
   6 a j ohn's brother 's n ever               2   _ _ h e wants to improve, he pra ctis es a lot.
       studied at uni versity.                 3   He wants to improve - th at' s _ _ h e pra cti ses a lot .
     b j ohn 's brother is n o longer          4   _ _ to hi s amb ition to succeed, h e does a lot of pr actice.
       at college.                             S   _ _ of h is ambitio n to win, he's always practisin g.
                                               6   His de sire to do well mea ns _ _ he practises a great deal.
 2 Un d erli n e the word or words
   in exercise 1 which make the
   sentence different in meaning
   fro m the statement in
   exercise 3.

Smart answer key on page 159                                                                                    FAMILY LIFE        13
6 Read these sentences. Ch oose from the verbs listed after the                          Reading                     30 minutes
   sentences to co m p lete the gaps. Notice that the word out
   comes afte r ea ch gap and is co n n ec te d to the meaning of the                     8 Read the titl e of the a rticle
   ve rb. Th in k a bou t the form of the verb.                                             in ex ercise 9 on page IS.
      1 Th e gro u p are _ _ out a n ew CO next mo nth .                                    Which of the following
      2 You mu st _ _ out of the h ot el by 11 a.m.                                         topics does the title of the
      3 She injured her knee an d _ _ out of th e race.                                     article suggest?
      4 The detective investigat ed until h e _ _ out who the murderer                       1 Fathers are read y to
        was.                                                                                   participat e in takin g care
      5 You'l l succeed if you _ _ out your plan.                                              of children, and th is is
      6 They _ _ out for the mountains ea rly in the morning.                                  sur prisin g.
                                                                                             2 Fath ers sh ould be
      carry    br in ging       check   set       found      pu lIed
                                                                                               en couraged to parti cipate
                                                                                               in childcare more actively.
                                                                                             3 Wo rkin g women want
 USE OF ENGLISH EXAM                                                   ~ 15   minutes          their partners to take over
     7 Complete the text by choosing the correct option: A, B, C or                            some ch ildcare
       0 , to fill each gal'.                                                                  responsibilities.

                                                                                             Now read the text qui ckl y
       What's the point of family history?                                                   to check yo u r answer.
       Fam ily h istory is ' _ referr ed to as genea logy. It is one of the
       wo rld's most popular pastimes, an d milli ons of peopl e aro u nd                 EXAM TIP
       the plan et are investigating their origins as I writ e this. From                  When you have completed a
       z_   beginners to expe rienced gen ealogists, th e attraction o f 3 _               multiple-choice task, check that
       out more about the past through your own family is hard to                          you did not leave a question
       resist. Once you have 3 _ out on the research road, the work                        unanswered. If you really don't
       can become ab solutely fascinating. There are many reasons i . L .                  know the co rrect answ er, it's
                                                                                           better to guess than not to give
       As yo u expl or e this route to the past, you'lI develop new skills,                an answer.
       wh ich you can use in many ways. You'll a lso en joy th e
       exc itemen t of the detective ' _. The voyage of disc overy into
       you r family's past ofte n lead s to a greater understanding of
       hi stor y. It's also a social pastime, and will ' _ yo u into co ntact
       with many n ew and like-minded people.
       1 A    and           B too             C   also         D both
       2 A    fulI          B complete        C   whole        o thorough
       3 A    finding       B meeting         C   learning     D knowing
       4 A    set           B done            C   put          D made
       5 A    because       B sin ce          C   why          o so
       6 A    course        B movem ent       C   step         o process
       7 A    sen d         B carry           C   give         o bring
                                                                   An swers on page 160

 Before you look at the cho ices A-D for each gap, try to think of a word that
 could fit in th e gap. Even if you can't think of a particular word, decide what
 part of speech - verb, noun, etc. - it needs to be.

14    FAMILY LIFE                                                                                 Smart answer key on page 160
READING EXAM                                                                                            ""'-
                                                                                                        .......-   2S minutes

 9 Read t he newspaper article below on how fathers take part in looking after their children.
   Ch o ose the b est answer: a, b, c, o r d, to questions 1-4.

                                                                        1 Why would many fathers like to go to
   Why fathers want to look                                               parenting cla sses?
                                                                          a To learn how to do da y-ta-da y
   after the baby (yes, really)                                              ch ildc are.
   One of t he most extensive surveys of fat hers has                     b Becau se they want to atten d
   now shown th at, far from the ste reotype, most                           important sch oo l ev en ts .
   men would like t o share childcare duties with                         c Because they think it 's important to
   t heir partners or wives.                                                 be in volved in the da y-ta-day care of
   The survey made by the Equal Opportun ities Commission                    ch ild ren.
   shows a modern type of father : the New Dad. He takes part             d So they can be more co n fide n t in
   in day-to-day childcare and does not mind helping with                    dealing with domestic issues.
   the vacuum ing and w ashing-up - if onl y w hen his partne r
   asks him to. The EOC intervi ewed sixty-four fathers and             2 How do Enforcer Dad s view their rol e in
   their partners about their hom e and wor k life. Most fathers          childcare?
   agreed that it was important to 'be there' for their children          a Th ey don't see childca re as their
    for key even ts such as school sports da y, their first
    appearance in the school play and for at least one mea l a
    day. Many agreed that pare nting classes would be a good              b They teach their ch ild ren di scipline
    way to give them more confidence around the home.                        by setti ng an exam ple for them.
      Based on the survey resu lts, four types of fathers were            c They keep children amused while
    defined, from the traditiona l type of dad to the perfect                their partner get s on with
    New Dad, w ho is as much involved in taking care of the                  housework.
    child ren as the mother. The survey found that the majority
    of men we re some w he re between these tw o types.                   d It's important for them to be
       In the first category comes Enforcer Dad, the old-                    invol ved in the day-ta-da y care of
    fashioned disciplinarian w ho does not see himself as                    their children.
    invo lved in the day-ta-day care of his children. He sees his
                                                                        3 How do Fully Involved Dads find time
    respo nsibili ties as settin g clear lim its for them and being a
    role mod el. Most fathers do no t see this as their only role.        to share childcare resp onsibilities with
       The two big gest categor ies are Entertainer Dad and               their partners?
    Useful Dad . Entertainer Dad is at his best keeping his               a They run the home an d t he famil y,
    child ren laughing wh ile his pa rtner gets on with                      so their partners can focu s o n their
    househ old chores and arranging the children's school and                professional duties.
    extra activities. Useful Dad is willing to help out around
    the house, even thoug h he expects the mother to be the               b They fit their work co m m it m en ts to
    'team leader' in all things domestic.                                    their partn er's arrangements.
       Finally, and probab ly every woman's d ream, is Fully              c They often leave the office early.
    Involved Dad. He is equally engage d in running the home              d They think it's their partner's
    and the family, and sees the role of the father and the                  responsibility to n egotiate flexibility
    mother as practically iden tical. Fully Involved Dads adjust
     their w o rk arrangements to their partners' professional               at their workplace.
     du ties. 'I do have definite childca re commitments,' said         4 What does ]ulie Mellor think employers
     one father in this category. 'There are certain times or             sh ould do?
     occasions w here it is non-negotiable and 1 just leave the
                                                                          a Employers should p rovide both
     office on time.'
        [ulie Melior, chairwoman of the EOC, said that fathers                parents w ith equal pay and flexible
     w ere still not given enough flexibilit y at work and mothers            wo rkin g h ours.
     wou ld feel fully supported only if employers treated (and           b They should allow par ents to wo rk
     paid) both sexes equally. 'Mums and dad s should be able                 from home so they ca n look aft er
     to choose how they w ant to share the responsibilities of                their ch ild ren .
     bringing up child ren and wor king outside the home: she
     said. 'But unt il we have equal pay, decent childcare and            c They sh ou ld give women m ore
      more opportunit ies to work flexible hours, many fathe rs               su ppo rt so they can take o n mo re of
     will continue to find it hard to be there for their children             the childca re resp onsibilities at
     and many w omen w ill cont inue to be d isadvantaged at                  home.
     work. This is not necessarily the best solution for parents,         d They should pa y women mo re
      children or emp loyers. Equality at work or home depe nds               because t hey are often di sad vantaged
      on both mum s' and dads' famil y responsibi lities be ing
      acknow led ged: Melior said.                                            in the wo rkp lace.


Smart answer key on page 160                                                                                 FAMILY LIFE        15
Writing                                             80 m inutes      Speaking                                           55 minutes

Writing an argumentative essay                                       Picture-based discussion                     30 minutes

10 Look at the list below. Who is more                               13 If yo u're working a lo n e, answer eac h
     important to you, you r famil y or you r                           question in no more than three sentences . If
     friend s, in relation to these things? Tick the                    you 're working with a partner, discuss
     box for ea ch onc.                                                 different ways of answering each question.
                               Family             Frien ds                What was your first day at school like? How
                                                                          did you feel?
     h omework
                                                                        2 What is it you're goi ng to miss most when
     music                                                                you leave school? Why?
                                                                        3 How do married couples help each other?
                                                                        4 Sho uld everybody get married?
                                                                     14 Read these sentences. Thi n k about their
     food                                                               m eaning and what may be missing in the
                                                                        gaps. Then choose the correct phrase from
     If yo u' re working with a partner, discuss
                                                                        the list underneath to co m plete the
     yo ur a ns wers. Ta lk a b ou t yo ur rea sons.
                                                                        sen te n ces.
11 Read these sentences taken fro m essays abou t                         Your school education has a significant effect
     family a n d fr ie n ds. Fill in the gaps with a                     on _ _ your life.
     su itable word from the list below. Use each                       2 School isn't as important as university,
     wo rd o nly o nce. T here are two ga ps in each                      where you make _ _ what to study for
     sentence.                                                            your career.
                                                                        3 Most people wan t to start a famil y, an d
     answer     think · facto rs   co nside ring                          marriage is _ _ this.
     reasons     concl usion   im port an ce   refer                    4 The partnershi p of marriage is _ _ two
     ever    loo k                                                        ind ividua ls sha ring a h ome.

     1 When _ _ family and society, th ere isn't a                      your own choice of     the rest of
       simple right or wrong _ _ .                                      the first step towards   mor e than just
     2 When we _ _ about this sub ject, it
       depends on wh ich society we _ _ to.
                                                                      SPEAKING EXAM:                              •   10 minutes
     3 The re are a nu m ber of _ _ why I believe
       tha t the family is still as impo rtant as _ _.               15 The two photos show different turning
     4 If we _ _ at th e issue of ed uca tion, th e                     points in life. Which image do you think
       _ _ of the fam ily is clear.                                     represents a more important turning point?
     5 Taking a ll these _ _ into acco unt, m y                         Why? Co m pa re and contrast the pi ctures.
       _ _ is that the role of fam ily is changing,
                                                                                                                Answe rs on page 161
       but it remains highly im portant.
                                                                      EXAM TIP
 WRITING EXAM                               ~ 60 minutes              Don't worry if you can't think of much to say in the
                                                                      exa m. Start with straightforwa rd o bservations - things
12 Write an essay of 200-250 words for or                             which are easy and clear to say abo ut the ph oto or
     against this statement:                                          ph otos - and build on t hese until yo u reach m ore
                                                                      complex ideas.
     Peopl e used to think that th e fam ily played
     an impor tan t ro le in society, but times h ave
     changed and no w the family is m uc h less
     importa nt .
                                           An sw ers on pOIlge 161

 W hen wr iting essays, always spend tim e thinking ab out
 your ideas and opinions before you   try to start w riting
 the essay. Record these in notes - either as lists or mind
 maps. In yo ur essay, use eac h main idea as the basis of a

16   FAMILY LIFE                                                                                    Smart answer key on page 160
Debate          25 minutes                                          '   ..
16 Match words 1-8 to thei r syn o n ym s a-h.
   1 leave out                  a separate
   2 loo k at                   b firstl y
   3 pr im aril y               c cons ide r
   4 in co ntrast               d in additio n
   5 co nnected                 e m ostl y
   6 unrelated                  f co nversely
   7 first of all               g depen dent
   8 moreover                   h disregard

17 Use words from exerci se 16 to co m p lete the
   follow ing se n te n ce s.
   1 Before reaching any so rt of co ncl us io n, _ _
     we m ust examine the cha ng ing roles wit hi n
     the fam ily.
   2 Even if we _ _ t he questions of income
     and car eer develo pmen t, thi s is still a
     complicat ed issue.
   3 When we _ _ the falling number of
     marriages an d the rising number of divor ces,
     we can see t hat th e number of sin gle-paren t
     fam ilies is in creasing.
   4 Havin g a good job is often rega rded
     nowadays as mor e important than having a
     family. _ _ , th e resp onsibility of starting a
     famil y appeals to fewe r and fewer people.

 SPEAKING EXAM                             ~     10 minutes

18 Read the following statement. Do you
   a gree or d isagree with it? Prepare so m e
   arguments to support your opinion, t h en
   discuss the issue with your partner,
   responding to any counter-arguments they

     Mothers shou ld stay at h ome to look afte r
     their ch ildren until they're old eno ug h to
     start fo rmal educa tio n .
                                          An sw er s on pag e 161

 When you have to talk about a given subject at length,
 try to use phrases that organise your arguments into
 connected speech. You can find phrases for ordering
 key points, giving examples, expressing your opinion,
 etc. in the Speaking Bank on page 128.

Smart answer key on pag e' 61                                                FA M ILY LIFE   17
Reading                                       ~ 35 minutes      READING EXAM

 1 Read the title from the article in exercise 4.               4 Read the arti cl e below. Th en rea d st atements
   What do you think the article is going to b e                  1- 8 and find t he paragra p h (A- E) in t he te xt
   about?                                                         which con tains info rmation a b ou t t h em .
                                                                  Write the correct letter in the gap. Finally,
 2 Read statem en ts 1 and 2 below. Which of the                  d ecide if the stat ements are t rue (T) o r fa lse (F).
   other sentences: a , b, or c, has the sa me
   meaning as 1 and 2?
     I   Stella didn 't buy the dres s because it didn't         SUITS or SMART CASUAL?
         suit her.
         a She didn 't want to bu y the dress.                      The modern office dilemma
         b Th e dr ess didn't loo k good on h er.
         c Th e dre ss wasn't t h e right size.                  A Once, it w as easy to know w hat to w ear to the office.
     2 Unl ess th e guaran te e is stamped, your radio             For male managers, it w as alw ays a da rk suit and
       won 't be replaced.                                         white shirt with a tie . With the arr iva l of Dress-Do wn
       a Th e radio can't be rep laced if th e                     Friday, all the old ru les wen t away. Some compa nies
                                                                   introduced the system in which once a we ek (on
         guaran tee is not stam ped .
                                                                    Friday) the employees were allowed to wear casual
       b There is no guarantee t he rad io will be                  clothes of their choice. In recent years, cas ual dr ess
         replaced.                                                  da ys at the office have become w idesp read in the
       c If yo u have a guara ntee, the radio will be               USA, and employees are starting to push the policy to
         replaced .                                                 extreme limits. Casual Fridays have be come so casual
                                                                    that so me people are coming to w ork in ou tfits that
 3 Now read the following extracts 1 and 2
                                                                   resemble pyjamas.
   from the article. Choose the option: a, b , or
                                                                 B In a recent poll. 82% of Americans thought that it is
   c, that best summarises the m ain idea in the
                                                                    OK for businesses to ha ve a d ress-down da y, while
   extract. Did you choose the same answer as                       12% thought it is not. Those who opposed the dress-
   in exercise 2? Mark T (true). Did you choose                     down policy pointed out that casual dress style might
   so mething different? Mark F (false).                            enc ou rage casual or slop py work. Others commented
     I   Stella was sorry she co uldn't buy the dress.              that the relaxed atmosp he re and comfort of casua l
         The cut was the latest fashi on and the colour             clothes lead s to increased productivity.
         ma tched her eyes perfectly, but she'd put on            C So what's appropriate for the office? Experts differ in
         some weight lately and she just couldn't do                opinions, but there are a few points they agree on.
         up the zip.                                                Ripped and w orn looking jeans, shorts and Hawaiian
                                                                    p rint shirts are all unacceptabl e. Faded den im is also
         a She didn't want to bu y t he dress.
                                                                    associated w ith slop piness. Keep you r look sma rt. For
         b The dress didn't look good on h er.
                                                                    example, pair up d ark jeans w ith a button-down
         c Th e dress wasn't t h e right size.
         Stella didn 't buy tile dress as it didn't suit her.
         T /F
                                                                  o There    are tw o im portant factors w he n di scu ssing
                                                                     dress cod es in th e workp lace . First of all, it must be
     2 The radio has a 12-m on th gua rantee .                       clear. Em ployees ne ed to kno w w hat is expected of
       Remember, however, to have it stam ped at                     the m; ot her w ise, a dress code that is meant to create a
       th e cas h de sk. Otherwise, we won't be ab le                rela xed atmosphere mi ght actuall y increa se stress.
       to replace it if it doesn 't work properly.                   Second, emplo yees must always cons ide r their
       a Th e radio can't be rep laced if the                        clients. We spoke w ith a law yer in a firm with a casual
           guarantee is not stam ped.                                dress policy who keeps a jacket and tie in his office,
                                                                     and p ut s it on w he n expecting a client wh o might be
       b Th ere is no guarantee th e radio will be
                                                                    offended by a more casual approach.
           rep laced.
       c If yo u have a guarantee, the radio will be              E And one final thing - no matter what clothes people
                                                                     wear, they must always be clea n and neat. Coffee
           rep laced .
                                                                     stains are unacceptabl e on the fron t of one's casual as
       Unless tile guarantee is stamped, YOllr radio
                                                                     we ll as one's formal shirt.
       won 't be replaced. T / F

18   PEOPLE AN D SOC IETY                                                                   Smart answ er key on pag e 16 1
~ 1S minutes         EXAM TIP
                                           First look at the title of the article and read the text quickly to get a general
  _ Cleanliness is always                  idea of what it's about. Then read the true/ false statements and make sure
  important in the                         you understand them. Find the parts of the text w hich contain inform ation
  workplace. T / F                         about the stateme nts. If the informat ion in the text matches the informa tion
2 _ Emp loyers should                      in the statement, mark T (true). If the information doesn't confirm the
  precisely specify what                   statement (or there is no information about it), mark F(false).
  th eir em ployees might
  wear on casual days .
  .T / F                                  Listening                                                             ~ 15 minutes

3 _ Latel y, some
                                          S Read t h e d escriptio ns of two people in exercise 6 . Fill in the
  employees h ave started
                                            follow in g table w ith the information .
  wearing unusually
  informal clothes for the
  office. T / F                                                                            Person 1             Person 2
4 _ Some clients ma y not                    Male/Female?
  accept casual dres s code
  in business situations.
   T/ F                                      Height and weight
5 _ In th e USA, the
  majority of bu sinesses
  have introduced casual                     Ot her facia l features
  dress days . T / F                         Clothes
6 _ Experts agree on
  what should be worn for                    Other distinguish ing features
  th e office . T / F
7 _ Some people believe                   LISTENING EXAM                                                       ~ 10   minutes
  tha t the way employees
  dress in fluen ces the                   6 ~ 04 First read the d escriptions below. Then listen to a radio
  qua lity of their work.                    announcement, and cross out the mistakes in the
  T /F                                       descriptions. Listen again a n d write down the co rrec t
8 _ Jea ns are conside red                   information on the lines below the text. Th ere are eigh t
  inappropriate for office                   differences between the recording a n d the text below.
  casua l days. T / F                         The police are looking for two suspects in con nec tion with the
                                              recent bank robbery in Reading. Th e first suspec t is a wh ite man
                                              in hi s fortie s. He is fairl y ove rweigh t, quite short and h e's got
                                              cur ly, brown hair. He's got a broken no se and ha s a moustach e.
                                              When last seen, he was wearing torn blu e jeans and a baggy T-
                                              shirt. He's also got a tattoo of a h eart with the word 'Angela'
                                              written in it .
                                              The poli ce are also looking for a you ng woman in h er ea rly
                                              twenties. She's tall and attractive - she's got long, wavy, blonde
                                              hair. Her n ose is rather long . Wh en last seen , she was wearing a
                                              short black skirt, black T-shirt, a leather jacket an d black boots.

                    Answers on page 161                                                                      Answers on page 161

Smart answer key on page 16 1                                                                        PEOPLE AND SOCIETY        19
EXAM TIP                                                      USE OF ENGLISH EXAM                        ~ 15      minutes
 Read the descr  iptions first. Try to picture in your mind
                                                               9 Read the text taken from the Teacher's
 what th e peop le described look like. This w ill help yo u
 focus on the details when you hear the correct
                                                                 Book of an English course. Fill in gaps 1-8
 descriptions. As you're listening, read the text and mark       with a suitable word formed from the
 the details that seem different. When you listen for the        prompts in the brackets.
 second time, check your choices and write down the
 correct answer. Check that you've found all the required         Recognising cultural images
 differences.                                                     and symbols
                                                                  When we live in a particular country, we
Use of English                                ~   30 minutes      automatically become exposed and
                                                                   ____ (custom) to a range of images and
 7 Ch o ose the correct option to complete the                    symbols embedded in son gs and pictures,
   se ntences .                                                   places, and traditions. Th ese images and
         It may not be possible / possibility to in vit e         sym bols include 2                (fame) peopl e in
         everyone from the team.                                  the cu lture , a nd arc h itectural and landscap e
     2   They continued th eir correspond /                       features . Th e 1              (able) of stude n ts to
         co rresp o n de nce through a co up le of                recognise these images help s them to feel
         decades .                                                more '               (con fide) and to become
     3   I love English Lite rature. I've read practical /        more fluent.
         practically every classic English novel th at
                                                                  The ai m of the activ ities in this sectio n is to
                                                                   _ _ __ (familiar) studen ts with popular
     4   His assista nt a lways com pa n ies /
                                                                  ima ges and symbol s in the target culture. A
         ac compani es her on h er pro mo tio n al tours.
                                                                  secon dary aim is to h elp studen ts to
     5   We wo uld like to clarity / clarify what the
                                                                   _ _ _ _ (identity) and compare th e images
         condit ions are.
                                                                  and symbols in British and American culture,
     6 The main character / characterise in the
                                                                  and then to con trast these with the images
       film is pla yed by the famous Fren ch star.
                                                                  and sym bols in their own.
     7 Young peopl e often depend / dependent on
       th eir pa ren ts fina nc ially.                            Some activiti es focu s on places and peopl e
     8 I wou ld like you to sen d me a report /                   associated with the cu lture, some allow th e
       reporter on the curren t situation.                        learner to 7            (explorer) th e cultural
                                                                   _ __ _ (refer) in popular songs.
 8 Look a t the eight words in brackets in the
   text in ex ercise 9. How many different words                                                        An sw ers on page 162
   can you form with each one?
       custo m                                                 EXAM TIP
       accustom , accustomed, customise, customary,            Before you fill in any gaps, read the text payin g special
       customa rilv, custome r                                 att ention to the words before and after each gap. These
     2 fam e                                                   help you decide what part of speech the missing word
                                                               should be.
     3 able

     4 confide

     5 fami liar

     6 identity

     7 explorer
     8 refer

     What part of speech (verb, noun, a d jecti ve,
     adverb, etc.) is ea ch word you have formed?
     What part of speech is the original word?

20   PEOPLE AND SOCIETY                                                                     Smart answer key on page 162
Writing                                    ~ 90 minutes     WRITING EXAM:                                  ~ 60 minutes

Writing an informal letter                                  14 Write a letter to your penfriend in the VK.
                                                               She or he wants to know about your life in
10 Put the phrases in each sen tence into the                  your country. Tell him or her about:
   co rrect order.
                                                                • being a teenager
       differen t fro m / being a / teenagers / I think /       • friendships
       whe n m y / teenager today / is very /                   • wh at you think about marriage.
       parents were / .
   2   ways we / freedom today / In so me / h ave               Write about 200 words.
       mor e / .                                                                                         Answers on page 162
   3   other ways / life is / But in / and di fficult /
       more compl icated / .                                 EXAM TIP
   4   a lot / I feel /today put / on teenagers / of         You should plan your letter by follo w ing th e inst ructi ons
       pressure / that par en ts / .                         closely. Your plan should includ e a paragraph for each
   5   n ot / every teenager / It is / the best / to be /    cont ent point required . A lett er also needs to have an
       possible for / .                                      opening and a closing. Look at the example of an
   6   feel I / space / Sometimes I / some / just            informal lett er in th e Writing Bank on page 132.
       need / .

11 Read th ese in complet e sen tences. Try to              Speaking                                        ~   55 minutes
   think of words to fill the gaps . Use only one
   wo rd in each ga p .                                     Situational role-play               ~ 25 minutes

       I believe friendship _ _ always be _ _               15 Match the two parts of questions together.
       im portant part of _ _ lives.
                                                               1   Wh at do you                  A   a ny suggestions?
   2   A goo d friend _ _ so meone _ _ you can
                                                               2   Do yo u h ave                 B   th in k ab out it?
       really trust .
                                                               3   Wh at sh ould we              C   to do about it .
   3   I love m y parents, _ _ course, but I spe n d
                                                               4   I wo n de r wh at             D   do abo ut if!
       more time _ _ friends.
   4   I prefer _ _ have a few close frien ds _ _ a         16 Put the letters of the underlined words into
       lot of acq ua intance s.                                the corr ect order.
   5   Whe n my brot her met _ _ girlfrien d, h e
                                                               1   Tha t' s a great diae.
       sto pped spe n din g time _ _ his friends.
                                                               2   Tha t's a goo d ni sgugesto .
   6   I h op e to stay _ _ tou ch with all my
                                                               3   Tha t co uld be snitteringe .
       frien ds whe n I' m _ _ university.
                                                               4   I won der if that cou ld be tfulifdic.
12 Each of these sentences contains a mistake.                 5   Don't yo u think that might be catecoml'lid?
   Ca n you find th e mist akes and correct them?
                                                            17 Put the missing words in the sentences to
   I These days, man y people live together not                make questions.
     with getting marr ied .
   2 I m yself h op e to getting ma rried one day.             work • do • explain • say • thin k
   3 I n eed meet the right person first.                      1   Could yo u _ _ a bit more?
   4 I h op e I'll be as h appy in marriage as my              2   How wou ld that _ _ ?
     pa ren ts be.                                             3   Could you _ _ that aga in?
   5 My co usin we nt to wo rk in Scotland and                 4   Wh at sho uld we _ _ after that?
     married the Scottis h wo ma n.                            5   Do yo u _ _ that idea is best?
   6 Marriage de pends o n tall levels of pati ence
     an d understanding.

13 Match ea ch start of a sentence 1-4 with its
   co n cl usio n A-D.
   I   I h ope that yo u       A   to hear from you
   2   It was great            B   me all yo ur news.
   3   Write and tell          C   visit the VK one day.
   4   I really h op e to      D   are well an d h appy.

Smart answer key on page 162                                                                     PEOPLE AND SOCIETY           21
                          ... 10 minutes

 18 You and a group of friends
        are plann ing a street
        festival to take p lace in
        your neighbourhood in
        the summer. Here are
        some notes.
        Discuss the notes and the
        situation and then d ecide
        what to do. You can a dd
        your own ideas.
        •   music - dan ce music?
            local folk singers?
            foo d - ask neighbours?
            use restauran t? cost?
        •   invitations - emai l
            everyone? posters?
        •   ch ild ren - fu n activ ities?
            com petitio ns? or no
            sma ll ch ild ren in vited?
                        Answers on page 163

     Remember that the examiner
     wants to know how you interact
     in the role-play situation - in other
     words, how you communicate
     and respond to ideas, op inions
     and suggestions. Practise ways of
     responding to what other people
     say to you.

Picture-based discussion
      30 minutes

19 Use the words be low to
       com p lete these questions .
       Hving • stress • clo the s •
       like • married • from •
       name · time

       I What's your _ _ ?
       2 Where are yo u _ _?
       3 What do yo u do for a
         - _?
       4 Are you _ _ ?
       5 Wh at do you do in your
         spare _ _ ?
       6 Where do yo u bu y your
         - _?
       7 Do you su ffer m uch from
         - _ ?
       8 Do you see you r fam ily as
         much as yOll wo uld _ _ ?

22     PEOPLE AND SOCIETY                     Smart answer key on page 163

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  • 1. OXFORD Exam Exce ence Felkeszules a kozep- es emelt szintu angol vizsqakra
  • 2. OXFORD Exam Exce ence Contributors and consultants Danuta Gryca, Poland Joanna Sosnowska, Poland Russell Whit eh ead , UK Zsuzsan na Nyir6, Hungary Danica Gondova , Slovak ia Eva Paulerova , Czech Republic Victor N. Sim kin, Russia Cvjetanka Bozan ic, Croatia OXFORD UN IVE RS IT Y PR E SS
  • 3. Introduction 6 Unit 1 Skill Task I Time Score Your notes Fa mi ly life Reading 8 o Gap fill (missing ph rases) .... 25 min - / 10 Listening 9 o Ide nt ifying statem en ts mad e .. 20 m in - /5 Use of English 9 o Wo rd fo rma t io n ga p f ill .... 45 mi n - /6 Writing 10-11 o Writ ing a n e ma il .. 3 5 m in o Wr it ing an info rmal letter .. SS min Speaking 11-12 o Situationa l role -pla y .... 25 m in o Picture-based d iscussion .... 20 min Listening 13 o True/Fa lse statements " 15 min - /6 Use of English 13 o Multiple-choice gap fill • 35 m in - 17 Reading 14 o Multiple-ch oice questions 30 min - /4 Writing 16 o Writing a n argumentative essay 80 min Speaking 16·17 o Picture-based discuss ion 30 min o Debate 25 min Unit 2 Skill Task / Time Score Your notes People and Reading 18 o Mat chin g True /False sta teme nt s t o pa rag ra p hs .... 35 min - /8 society Listening 19 o Fa ctu al e rro r co rrect ion " 15 min - /8 Use of English 20 o Word fo rmat io n ga p fill .... 30 min - /8 Writing 21 o Wr it ing an inf o rmal letter .... 90 min Speaking 21-22 o Situ at ion a l ro le -pla y .. 2S min o Picture-ba sed d iscussio n .... 30 min Reading 24 o Missing se ntences ..... 30 m in - /5 Listening 25 o Matching speakers to statements 2S min - /8 Use of English 25 o Open d oz e " 25 min - /8 Writing 26 o Writ ing a student magaz ine article 80 min Speaking 26-27 o Picture-based discussion 40 m in o Debate ..... 20 min Unit 3 Skill Task /Time Score Your notes Shops and Reading 28 o Multi ple -cho ice sta t e ments .... 35 min /5 services Listening 29 o Identifying st ate me nts ma de .... 25 min /5 Use of English 30 o Mult iple-choice g a p fill .... 25 min /8 Writing 31 o Writi ng an a rgu me nt ative essa y .... 75 min Speaking 31·32 o Situational role-p lay .... 30 min o Pict ure -based discussion .... 20 min Reading 34 o True/Fa lse statements 25 min /8 Listening 35 o Filling in a form 40min 17 Use of English 35 o Open doze .. 25 min /8 Writing 36 o Writ ing a letter of co mplaint 75 min Speaking 36-37 o Pict ure -based d iscussion 25 min o De bat e 20 min Use t he Stu dy Dia ry to plan and keep t rack o f your exam prepa ration . Tick ./ each se ct io n 2 STUDY DIAR Y you have com pleted. Recor d your sco re . Make not e s that help you improve yo u r results.
  • 4. Unit 4 Skill Task ITime Score Your notes Home Reading 38 o Mi ssing sentences .... 35 min - /5 Listening 39 o Matching information .... 15 min - 17 Use of English 39 o M ultiple-choice gap fill ... 20 min - /8 Writing 40-41 o Writing an email .... 40 min o Writing an informal letter .... 70 min Speaking 41·42 o Situational role-pla y .... 25 min o Picture-based discussion .... 40 min Reading 44 o Multiple match ing 30 min - /9 Listening 45 o Tru e/False sta tements 20 min - 17 Use of English 46 o Ed it ing (word search) 40 min - / 10 Writing 46 o W riti ng a st ud ent magaz ine art icle . 80 min Speaking 47 o St atistics-based discussion 30 m in o Deb ate .... 10 min Unit 5 Skill Task I Time Score Your notes Nature Reading 48 o Mul tipl e mat ching .... 35 min - /6 Listening 49 o Factua l erro r co rrect io n .... 40 min - /6 Use of English 50 o Multip le-cho ice g ap fi l l .... )0 min - /8 Writing SO-51 o W ri ti ng a leaflet .... 30 min o W rit ing a formal let ter .... 70 min Speaking 51·52 o Situati on al role-play .... 40 min o Pict ure-b ased di scussion .... 50 min Reading 54 o Mi ssing sentences I 40 min - /5 Listening 55 o Identifying t rue state me nts 35 min - /8 Use of English 55 o Verb form gap f ill 30 min - / 10 Writing 56 o Writing a discursive essay SOmin Speaking 56·57 o Pict u re-b ased discussion 25 min o Debat e 40 min Unit 6 Skill Task ITime Score Your notes School Reading 58 o Matching headings to paragraphs '" 35 min - /8 Listening 59 o Completing notes .... 30 min - /6 Use of English 59 o Word f orm at ion gap f ill .... 40 min - /8 Writing 60-61 o Writing an in vit atio n ... 45 min o Writing an informa l letter .... 70 min Speaking 62 o Situational ro le-pla y .... 35 min o Pictu re-based discussion .... 35 min Reading 64 o M issin g sente nces ~ 30 min - /4 Listening 6 5 o Matching statem ent s t o speake rs .. 25 min - /5 Use of English 65 o Op en d oze ... 30 min - /9 Writing 66 o Wr iting an arg um entati ve essay '" 90 min Speaking 66-67 o Picture-ba sed di scussion 35 min o Debate .... 20 min Use the Study Diary to p lan and keep t rack of yo u r exam p rep ar at ion . Tick ./ each section 5TUDY DIA RY 3 you have completed . Record you r score . M ake notes t hat he lp you improve your r esu lt s.
  • 5. Unit 7 Skill Task I Time Score Your notes Work Reading 68 o Missing sente nces ~ 35 min - 17 Listening 69 o Mu ltipl e mat chin g ~ 20 min - /5 Use of English 70 o Ope n d oze ~ 35 min - /8 Writing 70 o Wr it ing a fo rmal letter ~ 75 min Speaking 71-72 o Situationa l rol e-pl ay ~ 35 min o Picture-based d iscussion ~ 35 min Reading 74 o Multiple-choice statements 35 min - /5 listening 75 o M atching statements to speakers ..... 20 min - /8 Use of English 76 o Banked gap f ill I- 25 min - /8 Writing 77 o Writi ng a fo rmallette rljob application ..... 70 min Speaking 77 o Pict ure-based discussion 20 min Unit 8 Skill Task I Time Score Your notes Health Reading 78 o Gap fi ll (missing phrases) ... 30 min - /8 Listening 79 o M ultiple-choice st ate ments "' 2 5 min - 17 Use of English 80 o Open doze ... 2S min - /8 Writing 80 o W riting an i nforma l letter ~ 8 0 m i n Speaking 81-82 o Situ ati onal role -pl ay ~ 20 min o Pictur e-based discussion ... 25 min Listening 83 o Compl eting not es ~ 20 min - /8 Use of English 83 o Mu ltiple-cho ice gap fi ll ~ 15 min - /8 Reading 84 o Ordering paragraph s ~ 40 min - 17 Writing 86 o Writi n g a letter from the editor (of a st udent mag azin e) , .. 60 min Speaking 86-87 o Pict ur e-based discussion 20 min o Debat e 25 min Unit 9 Skill Task I Time Score Your notes Sport Reading 88 o Mi ssing sent ences .... 40 min - /6 Listening 89 o Mult iple-choice state men ts .... 25 min - /5 Use of English 90 o Jumbled sentences ~ 20 min - /8 Writing 90-9 1 o Writing an email .... 35 min o Writ ing an informal letter .... 75 min Speaking 91-92 o Situationa l ro le-play ... 25 min o Picture-based discussion .... 20 min Reading 93 o True/False sta te ments 35 min - /6 Listening 94 o Completing not es 45 min - /6 Use of English 94 o Wo rd form at ion gap f ill "". 40 min - /8 Writing 95 o W ri t ing an argument at ive essay ..... 80 min Speaking 96-97 o Picture-based di scussion 25 min o Debat e .... 20 min Use th e St ud y Diary to pl an and keep t rack of you r exam prepa ration . TIck ./ each section 4 STUDY DIA RY yo u have com plete d. Record your score . Make notes t hat help yo u im prove your results.
  • 6. Unit 10 Skill Task I Time Score Vour notes Free t im e Reading 98 o Mi ssin g sente nces ~ 30 min - 17 and culture Listening 99 o Tru e/ False state me nts ~ 3S min - /6 Use of English 100 o Banke d ga p f ill ~ 25 min - /8 Writing 100-101 o W rit ing an ema il .. 25 min o Writ ing an informa l lette r " 65 min Speaking 102 o Situational role-play .... 35 m in o Picture-based discussion " 25 min Reading 104 o Gap fi ll (m issing phr ases) .... 3S min - /6 Listening 105 o M at chin g sta tements t o speakers " 40 min - /5 Use of English 105 o Open doze ~ 25 min - / 10 Writing 106-107 o Writ ing a boo k review (op t ion 1) . . 70 min o W rit ing a lit erary essay (o ption 2) .. 70 min Speaking 107 o Statistics-based discussion ..... 30 min Unit 11 Skill Task I Time Score Vou r notes Travel Reading 108 o True/False statem ents ~ 50 min - /8 Listening 109 o Multiple-choice statements " 25 min - /6 Use of English 110 o Ad jective/adverb form gap fill .... 20 min - / 11 Writing 111 o W rit ing an argumenta t ive essay " 90 min Speaking 111-112 o Situational role -play .. 40 min o Pict ure-based discussion .... 35 min Reading 114 o M ult ip le-cho ice state ments .... 35 min - /4 listening 115 b Com plet ing statements ..... 30 min - /5 Use of English 116 o Banked gap f ill ..... 20 min - /8 Writing 116 o W rit ing a student mag azine ertlcfe js- 90 min Speaking 117 o Sta t istics-based d iscussio n 30 min o Deb at e ~ 30 min Unit 12 Skill Task I Time Score Vour notes Science and Reading 118 o Ma t ching sum ma ry state ments " 40 min - /6 technology Listening 119 o Multip le matching " 25 min - /8 Use of English 120 o Word f ormat ion gap fi ll ..... 30 min - /8 Writing 120 o W rit ing a stude nt mag azine article " 65 min Speaking 121-122 o Situational role -play ..... 30 min o Pictu re-based discussio n .. 40 min Listening 123 o True/False stateme nts ~ 35 min - / 10 Use of English 123 o Edit ing (word search) .. 40 min - /6 Reading 124 o Multi ple -choice state ments " 35 min - /5 Writing 126 o Writi ng a di scursive essay " 70 min Speaking 126-127 o Pict ure-based discussion ..... 25 min o Deba t e .... 20 min Speaking Bank 128 Writing Bank 131 Word Bank 141 Smart answer key 158 Use the Stud y Diary to pl an and keep track of your exam prepa rat ion . Tick -/ each section STU DY DIARY 5 you have completed . Record your score. M ake not es that hel p you improve your results.
  • 7. What is Oxford Exam Excellence? If you n eed flexib ility, but still wan t to get the m ost out of Oxford Exam Excellence, we reco m mend Oxford Exam Excellence is an int ensive training co urse the following work p lan: to prepare for seco ndary scho o l ex ams . There are 12 uni ts which provide practice and 1 Decide what yOIl want to focus on practising exam tasks in Readin g, Listen ing, Use of English, Oxford Exam Excellence has a St udy Diary o n Writing an d Speaking. pa ges 2-3 that is m ore th an just a list of All of these skills are practised at BI ievel (of th e con ten ts: it is also a great to ol for planning your Commo n European Framework), and each unit also own trai n ing programme. con tains ext ra practice of all skills for students who • If you want to explore an exa m top ic want to take an exam at a higher level (B2/C l). thoroughly (for exam ple, 'Science an d Each unit is o rganis ed aro und a ce ntral topic, technology'), check wh ich uni t deals wit h wh ich is the n explored from a variety of different that top ic an d wo rk your way th rou gh the viewpoints. different sections in it . The book also has a referen ce section with a • If you wa nt to practise a certai n skill (for Writing Ban k, a Speaking Ban k and a Word Bank . exa m ple, Listen ing), use the Stu dy Diary to The Smart answer key at th e back of the book find whe re th e various Listen in g sections are, exp lains why th e right answers are correct or why th e an d choose t h e ones wh ich focu s on the task others are wrong. types you n eed to wo rk on . Oxford Exam Excellence com es with its own Smart • If yo u wan t to t rain yourse lf in a cer tain task Audio CD, which contains all the recordings for th e typ e (for exa mple, mul tip le-ch oice gap-fill listen ing tasks. tasks), the Study Diar y can te ll yo u wh ich sections feature this task; t ry to choose a What is in a Unit? va riety of different topics and skills whe re possib le. Every uni t explores one broad topi c, for example, 'Fam ily life'. Each section looks at this topic from a 2 Plan YOllr time sligh tly different point of view. Each section tells you rough ly h ow much time All sectio ns con ta in practi ce exe rcises wh ich you will need to co m plete it, inclu d ing t h e always lead to an exa m tas k. Also included are pra ctic e exercises as well as the exa m task at the useful tips o n how to st udy for the exam , on how end . Th is is just an estima te to h elp you with to do cer tain exa m tas k types, and on im po rta nt planning ; it mi ght act uall y take yo u a bit less or language po ints. a bit mor e time. Th e var ious skills section s are usually featured in W he re th ere are two di fferent tasks with in a t he follow ing ord er: Speak ing or Writing section, t h ere is a n estimate • Read ing given for th e total tim e to co m plete bo th parts • Listen ing (p ractice and exam tasks), an d also a sep arate • Use of English est im ate for each pa rt, in case you on ly ha ve • Writi ng time to do one or the other. • Spea king Th e exam box a lso shows a time, but this is At the en d of eac h u ni t, yo u will find ext ra practi ce more a sugges tion than an est imate: we suggest exercises an d exam tasks to prepare yo u for exa ms that you use a watc h to time yourse lf and at a hi gh er level. Th ese exe rcises and tasks are more pr act ise com pleting the tasks wit h in the tim e d ifficu lt th an the o nes at the beginning of the unit . suggested; the times given for the exa m tas ks Thi s High er level pa rt also features all five skills. closely m at ch the amoun t of time you wo uld have in t he real exa m. How do I use Oxford Exam Excellence? 3 Practise Th e more you use the book, th e better prepared Focus first on t he exercises in a section wh ich yo u will be for the exa m . If you h ave time to prepa re yo u for t he exa m task. Don 't skip any co m plete the whole co urse , you will have thorough exe rcises as they all help yo u deal more easily t rain ing in all the typ ical exa m skills and tasks, and with th e exa m tas k later on . In a few sections will cove r all the topi cs and key voca bu lary yo u are th ere are follow-up exercises afte r t he exa m task. likel y to encoun ter in the exa ms. You will find plen ty of How to study tips. Use You can use any sect io n of the book at any tim e these tips as much as yo u can . and in any order you want: yo u don't h ave to wo rk Check your answers to the practice exe rcises your way th rough from beginnin g to en d. in th e Sma rt answer key (a n ote at the bo tto m of every page tells you where th is is). 6 INTRODUCTION
  • 8. Make a note in the Study Diary of any What's in the reference section? mistakes yo u make, so you can make sure you avoid th em next time. W rititlg Ba tik: • exam ple texts for all the text typ es required by 4 Do tile exal/l task the exam tasks (from emails and Always read the instructions carefu lly to mak e formal/informal letters to essays) sure you know wh at to do. • usefu l tips Read th e Exam tip before you start doing • lists of phrases yo u can use for eac h text type th e task. Speaking Ba tik: Whe n yo u' re p ractisi ng Writing or Speaking, • useful com m un ication phrases - for all the you can p repa re for the task by looking at the fun ctions you will ne ed to use to co m plete the examples in the Writing Bank or Speaking Bank. different Speaking exam ta sks Com plete the task (and remember to time Word Bati k: yourself). • key vocabulary from every un it Before yo u look at the Smart answer key, • essen tial extra voca bula ry for eve ry exa m topi c check th e answe rs you have written - it's good • phonetic transcriptions for bett er pronunciati on practice, and will prevent you from losing points in th e exa m for small mistakes. What's a Smart answer key? Read th e answers in the Smart answer key an d mark your sco re. Th e Smart answer key not on ly tells you what th e Record your sco re in th e Study Diary, and add correct answers are, but explains in clear, sim ple your own not es to remind yourself of things you English why those answers are co rrect, and also why would like to focus on ne xt time you practise. th e other answers are wrong. lt also tells you things to watch out for (for example, typi cal erro rs). S Keel' track ofYOllr progress You will fin d answers for all th e pra ctice Use th e Study Diary to : exercises an d exa m tasks. For open com mun ication • mak e notes about any mistakes you hav e tasks whe re the re is no 'co rrect' answ er, it co ntains made after you have fin ishe d the p ractice useful no tes about wha t's expected in th e exam, or exercises, about the best approach to the task. • record yo ur sco re and make no tes on the The Smart answer key also has the transcripts of exam task after yo u have completed it, a ll listening texts. • tick every section you have already done. What's a Smart Audio CD? How do I prepare for exams at a Higher level? Th e Smart Audio CD contains a ll th e reco rdings for th e Li stening exercises and exa m tasks. Y will ou Oxford Exam Excellence provides thorough pra ctice hear a wide variety of English speakers a nd at a lower in term ediate (B1) a nd an upper- different dial ects spo ken at natural speed. interm edi ate (B2/C l) level. If yo u are preparing for lt plays like a normal Audio CD in your CD an exa m at the High er level, com plete both the player. However, if you use the CD in a co m puter, first and the seco nd par t o f each unit you use. you can find the transcripts for all th e record in gs If you on ly want to pra cti se some, but not all in Micro soft Word® format. Y can edit th ese ou the, skills at th e High er level, do all the skills in the transcripts to create your own listening exe rcises, first pa rt of the unit, a nd on ly the skill(s) you want for exam ple: to practise in the High er level section. • repl ace a word in each sen tence with a blank line to create a gap-fill ta sk, What if I don't want to prepare for an • jumble up the o rder of paragraphs in a longer exam at a Higher level? text to create an ordering task, • change some words in th e text to create a fact- For th orough training at th e B1 level you on ly need correction task. to complete th e first half of each unit. You don 't Use your new ta sks for extra pra cti ce a bit later on need to do the High er level. - no t immediately, as it would be too easy to But even if yo u are preparing for a B1 exam, you rem ember wha t the or iginal was. may want to tr y co m pleting certain sections from Alternatively, swap with an oth er stude n t and try the Higher level, to look a topic from a n ew po in t to complete each oth er's tasks. of view, for exa m ple, or to practise a di fferen t task We hope you will en joy working with Oxford type. In this case, don't worry if you don't get all Exam Excellence and that it will give you all th e the answers right. Work your way through th e skills and co nfidence you need to be success ful in section syste ma tically and use the Sma rt an swer your exa m! key to learn wh at yo u need to know. Best wish es from Oxford INTRODUCTION 7
  • 9. Reading .... 25 minutes READING EXAM ~ 15 minutes 1 Read the a rti cl e in exercise 3 3 Read this short article about British and American families. quickly. Then put the Choose the best phrase from A-K to fill in gaps 1-10, to fo llowing headings that co m p lete the text. Th ere is one phrase that yo u won't need su m m a rise each paragraph to use. in the correct order. a Modern families b What we m ean wh en we FAMILY tal k about fam ily W HEN British and Amer ican people use the word family c The way fam ilies lived in _ _ _ _ t he mot her, father and thei r child ren . In a gene ral the past social context, 'the fa mily' is usually 2 mean this 1 nuclear fam ily. 2 Society in Brita in and the US s a nuclear family :1 li ving in the same ho use and 4 each other's li ves. Fifty years ago, t he typical f am ily was a husband and a wife, 2 Read the article in exercise 3 and t w o or three chi ldren. The f ath er spent all day at work aga in quickly, and answer and 5 decisions abo ut how the money he earned the questions. was spent. The mother stayed at ho me to manage t he house 1 What is a ' n uclea r fam ily'? and look after the children . Children we re ' their 2 How d id t he fat he r spe nd parents. Many modern fa milies live rather differently, and because a typi cal day fifty yea rs of t his some people think that th e fami ly unit is dying and ago? society ' . Many coupies still get married, but others :1 How did t he mother live together w ithout ' . A few yea rs ago, couples spe nd a ty pica l day fifty living together usually got marr ied whe n ' a fa m iiy, years ago? but t his happens less now. Another trend is '" _ 4 W hy are so me people married lat er in life and to have fewer child ren, so t he size of worried abo ut soc iety the average fam ily is shri nki ng. today'! 5 Do co up les that li v e toget he r always get A taken to G m ad e m ost of th e married? B close ly in volved in H w h ich norma lly co ns ists of 6 Are m odern fam ilies C gett ing married I they wan ted to start nor ma lly larger or sm aller than t hose fifty years ago? D they ofte n m ean o n ly J ex pec ted to o bey E is being wea kened K is tradit io nall y ba sed o n EXAM TIP F fo r people to get Answers on page 158 Rememb er, th e meaning of th e m issi ng phrase is impo rtan t, but read the completed sentence Listening ~ 20 minutes again to check that th e chosen ext ract also fits in g ram matically. 4 Read the instructions to exercise 6 a n d a ns w er t he following questions . 1 W ho will you be listening to in the recordi ng? 2 Who is the adv ice aimed at? :1 W ha t o ther useful informat ion can you find in the ins tru ctions? 5 Read the statements in exercise 6 a n d d ecide which of the possible titles below might best summarise the text yo u are going to hear. a Ho w can we ens u re o ur ch ild ren 's safe ty whe n they' re alone at home? b The dan gers that ch ildre n h ave to face in their every d ay lives c Ho w to train o ur child ren t o be indep en den t whe n they grow up 8 FA M ILY LIFE Smart answ er key on page 158
  • 10. HOW TO STUDY Use of English ...... 45 minutes If you have access to Eng lish·s peaking radio or televisio n 7 Pu t the correct fo rm of the verb clean in each broadcasts, try to listen to a nd watc h progra mmes on topics t hat yo u are interested in. It is best to do this on ga p. regular basis, if possible for at least 15 minutes a day. ] I en joy _ _ the house every Mon da y Th is will help you to get a feel for the language. m orni ng. 2 It's Monday iunch time and I _ _ the hou se alrea dy. LISTENING EXAM . . 10 minutes 3 I think most of the houses in my st reet _ _ 6 ~ 01 First read sentences A-j below. You at least once a week . are going to hear a psychologist giving 4 My mother says my fat h er t hinks the house advice to parents. Decide which five out of _ _ by magic! the ten pieces of advice are given in the 5 My friends arrived wh ile I _ _ my room. recordi ng. 6 In the future, h ouses _ _ by robots. A 0 Your decision should not only be based 8 Put the co rrect noun form of the underlined on your children's age. verb in t h e gap to co mplete t he d efin iti o n s. B 0 Tell your children not to answer ] If you invent so me t h in g important, this telephone calls. _ _ ma y become famou s. C 0 Instruct your children to open the door 2 Something that arrives, such as a plane only to people they know well. fligh t, is an _ _ . D 0 Don't leave your children alone for 3 You can say you improve some th ing, or that more than three hours. you make an _ _ to it . E 0 Teach your children to keep the house 4 Som eth ing you publish , suc h as a book or a key in their schoolbag. magazin e, is a _ _ . F 0 Don't allow your children to use the 5 If you explain some thing clea rly, then you cooker. are giving a clear _ _ . G 0 Teach your children what to do in case 6 Someone who tra ins people to do so me t h ing of fire. is a _ _ . H 0 Ask a neighbour to keep an eye on what's going on. 9 Wr ite similar defin itions to t h e ones in o Keep alcohol out of the reach of your exercise 8 to explain t he following verbs and children. nou ns. J 0 Don't stress your children by ta lking ] believe and belief about possible dangers. Answers on page 158 2 depart and departure EXAM TIP 3 per form and performan ce The fi rst time you listen, mark all t hose sentences w hic h match the statements made in the recording. Quickly check jf yo u have mar ked the same num ber of HOW TO STUDY sentences specified in t he instructions. If necessary, find You can expand your vocabulary by learni ng the the missing answers w he n yo u listen for the second different parts of speech for words - for exa mple, from time. the verb expect yo u can make the no un expectation, and the adjectives expected and unexpected. K a eep voca bulary note book or lists and includ e d iffere nt parts of speech. Smart answer key on page 158 FAMilY LIFE 9
  • 11. 12 Rewrite David 's message, adding the USE OF ENGLISH EXAM ~ 15 m inutes in form a tio n he's missed o ut . 10 Complete the text by putting the correct form of the word in brackets into each gap. WRITING EXAM ~ 25 m inutes Housew.or~ history 13 You see t his a dvertisement in a n Internet foru m. Wr ite your response in a n ema il of 40-50 words. If you stop to think abo ut it, the histo ry of housework is the history of everything. ..---------.... Housework ' years or so. The ' (CHANGE) an amazing amount in only the last hu ndred (INVENT) of W RLD electricity was very important, and it led to the ' (ARRIVE) of the washing DAILY LIVES machine, the vacuum cleaner, the dis hwasher, and so on . Housework SURVEY _ _ _ _ (BE) much harder without them fifty yea rs ago. It's not just technology that's different- these days, most husbands _ _ _ _ (EXPECT) by their w ives to share the housework. Overall, then, we can see a great ' (IMPROVE) in relation to housew ork , especially for women - although the environmental cost of modern housework is high. An sw ers on page 159 Answ ers o n pag e 159 EXAM TIP Writing ~ 90 minutes W hen you w rite a short text, such as an email message, always check you have included all the necessary points Writing an email ~ 35 minutes from the instructions. 11 Read the task and the advertisement in Writing an informal letter ~ 55 minutes ex ercise 13 ca re fully, Then read the message below, and decide if the writer has included 14 Are these sta te m en ts about writing in fo rm al all the requested information. Tick the letters true or fa lse? a p p ro p ria te box. It's normal to use contractions, like they're I who/you? D 4 when/eat? D for they are, in informal letters. T / F 2 where/from? D 5 when/st udy? D 2 You do n't need to use paragraphs in 3 whe n /slee p? D 6 what/e lse? D in formal let ters. T / F 3 Plannin g what to wri te is less im portant for •• o informal lett ers than for formal letters. T / F 4 You shou ld try to make in formal letters as in teresti ng as poss ible, for example by using I'm Davi d. I s lee p like a log from 10 p.m . a range of verbs and ad jectives. T / F un til t he a larm goes off at 7 a.m . I have 5 The most common tense used in informal breakfast at 7.30 a.rn ., lun ch at midday letters is the Present Con tin uou s. T / F and t he n di nn er at 6 p.m. I really do n't 6 Informal letters tend to be shorter th an like do ing hom ework . I t ry to play formal letters. T / F football as often a s possibl e, a nd usu ally 7 You should th ink carefully about t h e reader m an ag e to every day. of infor m al letters. T / F l 10 FAMi lY LIFE Smart answer key on page 159
  • 12. 15 Read this extract fro m a le tter. It contains Speaking ~ 4S minutes eigh t gra m m ar mistakes. Ca n you find them an d correct them? Situational role-play ~ 25 minutes Everybody think my siste r is very good-looking. 17 '" 02 Listen and read the d ialogue below and She has a huge wardrobe fu ll wit h clothes and answer these questions. she always we ll dressed - but I think she wears too man y m ake-up! She seems she's quite 1 What is Mark goi ng to do for Agneta? popul ar, why she has a wide circle of frien ds. 2 Whe n are th ey going to m eet ? She's always eit her out with frien ds and at 3 What is Agneta goi ng to help Mark wit h? home ta lking with the pho ne to th em . Agneta I'm really pleased you can help me, Mark. Mark Th at's OK. 1 know t here's too m uch WRITING EXAM ~ 45 minutes hou sewo rk for o ne person to do. Wha t wo uld you like me to do? 16 Below is p art of a letter you receive from Agncta Could yo u clean t he wind ows? your penfriend abroad. Write your reply in Mark OK. But I'm quite busy right now. Can we 100-120 words. do it in t he evening, per haps? Agn eta I'm goi ng to th e cinema later. Are you free after school? Mtj WIde-. So I'd re-tllltj like- +0 Mark Yes, I 'll mee t you at your hou se after school. Agneta Fan tastic! And the n I 111/1St return the bto.w tlbw+ tj0l.<r +tlvol.<ri+e- favou r. How ca n I help you? Mark Could you help me with my English +tlMiltj Me-Mbe-r. Wl-to is it? Wl-ttj hom ework ? It's really difficult t his week . Agn eta Sure . dO tj0l.< like- l-tiM or l-te-r so Ml.<cl-t? Wl-ttl+ doe-s l-te- or sl-te- look like-? 18 Underline the parts of the dialogue that h el ped you to answer the questions in Wl-ttl+ doe-s l-te- or sl-te- dO? exercise 17 . 19 What kinds of housework a re there? How many more ca n you add to the list? Answers on page 159 EXAM TIP Always plan your writing carefully. Look carefully at the d_ .fhe. dus.fiOlq o topic or question and let ideas come into your head. Then start to orga nise them into a suitable order. Then /.lake. .fhe. oe.ds write one or more sente nces for each id ea. Build th e series of sentences into paragraphs. When you have do .fhe. washiOlq finished your first draft, check very carefully for s~e.e.p the. patio m istakes. HOW TO STUDY One way to practise speaking accu rately is to write a dialogu e, chec k it for mistakes, and then practise speaking it, with a partner if possible. Smart answer key on page 159 fAMILY LIf E 11
  • 13. SPEAKING EXAM ~ 5 minutes 22 Ch oose from the words below to co mplete the ex p ressio ns used for giving opinions. 20 Your friend's parents a re away for a few as in · to on days. You have agreed to help your friend with some housework. 1 _ _ my ex per ience , a small family is bet ter. Find ou t wha t hou sework yo ur friend 2 According _ _ a TV programme I saw, need s help with . th ere are fewer big famili es now. Find out a time you 're both free. 3 As far _ _ I'm concerned, the bigger the Agree what you r friend will do for you in better. return . 4 It dep ends _ _ whe re you live, but I prefer Answers on page 159 sma ll famili es. HO W TO STUDY Picture-based discussion ~ 20 minutes When you study for tasks like exercise 23 here, practise 21 Here arc some sentences st u den ts sa id abo u t several times. Each tim e, concentrate on a different famili es. Ea ch sentence co n ta ins a m istake. factor, e.g . choice of vocabulary, pron unciat ion, Can you find a nd co rrect the m istakes? spea king flue ntly, and so on. 1 If yo u have olde r broth ers and sisters, th ey ca n giving yo u useful advice. SPEAKING EXAM ~ 10 minutes 2 In a big family, never yo u ma y learn to be in dep ende n t. 23 Look at th e two photos of families . 3 So yo ur fam ily is sma ll, yo u' ll probably ha ve Co m pa re and contrast them . Include the your ow n bedroo m. following points: 4 Your bro the rs and sisters can play by you • adv ice and suppo rt whe n your par ents are busy. • independence • space at home • attention from parents An swers on pag e 159 12 fA MilY lif E Smart answe r key on page 159
  • 14. Listening 40 minutes LISTENING EXAM ~ 15 m inutes 1 Read these pairs o f se n ten ces 3 '" 03 You will hear two friends, John and Angela, talking 1-6 and the corresponding about their families . Read through statements 1-6. As sta te men ts 1-6 in ex ercise 3. In you listen, decide if each statement is true (T) or false (F), eac h ca se, which on e of the according to the information you hear. two sentences h ere means the 1 John grew up in the sam e to wn as hi s par ents. _ sa me as the statement in 2 Angela says john's family is a h appy one. _ exercise 3? 3 Angela is looking forward to a big family party ne xt a [ ohn's parents grew up month . _ here, and so did h e. 4 John hopes to work in hi s uncle's business in the future. b j ohn 's pa rents come from up no rth , an d moved h ere S Angela's o lde r sister ha s give n her useful adv ice. _ before he was born. 6 j ohn's brother recently left university. _ Answ ers on page 159 2 a j oh n's fam ily always seem ed very h appy to Ange la. EXAM TIP b Angela th inks there are In the listening exam, the task items are in the same o rder as yo u hear some probl ems in j ohn's them in the recordin g. Whe n yo u listen for th e fi rst time, check which fam ily. sta te men ts you're D.Q.t g iven a ny infor mation about (all false), t hen decide if the remainin g stateme nts are true or false when you listen fo r t he 3 a Angela's fam ily are having seco nd time . a big party next mon t h, but she 'd p refer to do some th ing else. Use of English 3S minutes b Ange la ca n 't wait for this part y next month - 4 Choose from these words to complete the sentences b elow. everyone's com in g. One word is used twice, and one word isn't used in any gap. 4 a j ohn's expec ted to join hi s uncle's co m pany, but it's to • than too • also • that both · and really boring there. 1 1 like coffee _ _ tea. b John reall y wan ts his uncle to give him a job in his 2 1 like _ _ coffee and tea . com pany. 3 I like coffee and _ _ tea. 4 I like coffee and tea _ _ . S a Angela's big siste r ha s S I like coffee more _ _ tea. reall y h elp ed her by tellin g 6 I prefer coffee _ _ tea. h er what to do. 7 I'd rather h ave coffee _ _ tea. b Ange la's always told h er olde r siste r wh at she S Com p lete these sentences by writing one word in each gap. sho uld do . 1 He wants to improve, _ _ h e practises a lot. 6 a j ohn's brother 's n ever 2 _ _ h e wants to improve, he pra ctis es a lot. studied at uni versity. 3 He wants to improve - th at' s _ _ h e pra cti ses a lot . b j ohn 's brother is n o longer 4 _ _ to hi s amb ition to succeed, h e does a lot of pr actice. at college. S _ _ of h is ambitio n to win, he's always practisin g. 6 His de sire to do well mea ns _ _ he practises a great deal. 2 Un d erli n e the word or words in exercise 1 which make the sentence different in meaning fro m the statement in exercise 3. Smart answer key on page 159 FAMILY LIFE 13
  • 15. 6 Read these sentences. Ch oose from the verbs listed after the Reading 30 minutes sentences to co m p lete the gaps. Notice that the word out comes afte r ea ch gap and is co n n ec te d to the meaning of the 8 Read the titl e of the a rticle ve rb. Th in k a bou t the form of the verb. in ex ercise 9 on page IS. 1 Th e gro u p are _ _ out a n ew CO next mo nth . Which of the following 2 You mu st _ _ out of the h ot el by 11 a.m. topics does the title of the 3 She injured her knee an d _ _ out of th e race. article suggest? 4 The detective investigat ed until h e _ _ out who the murderer 1 Fathers are read y to was. participat e in takin g care 5 You'l l succeed if you _ _ out your plan. of children, and th is is 6 They _ _ out for the mountains ea rly in the morning. sur prisin g. 2 Fath ers sh ould be carry br in ging check set found pu lIed en couraged to parti cipate in childcare more actively. 3 Wo rkin g women want USE OF ENGLISH EXAM ~ 15 minutes their partners to take over 7 Complete the text by choosing the correct option: A, B, C or some ch ildcare 0 , to fill each gal'. responsibilities. Now read the text qui ckl y What's the point of family history? to check yo u r answer. Fam ily h istory is ' _ referr ed to as genea logy. It is one of the wo rld's most popular pastimes, an d milli ons of peopl e aro u nd EXAM TIP the plan et are investigating their origins as I writ e this. From When you have completed a z_ beginners to expe rienced gen ealogists, th e attraction o f 3 _ multiple-choice task, check that out more about the past through your own family is hard to you did not leave a question resist. Once you have 3 _ out on the research road, the work unanswered. If you really don't can become ab solutely fascinating. There are many reasons i . L . know the co rrect answ er, it's better to guess than not to give As yo u expl or e this route to the past, you'lI develop new skills, an answer. wh ich you can use in many ways. You'll a lso en joy th e exc itemen t of the detective ' _. The voyage of disc overy into you r family's past ofte n lead s to a greater understanding of hi stor y. It's also a social pastime, and will ' _ yo u into co ntact with many n ew and like-minded people. 1 A and B too C also D both 2 A fulI B complete C whole o thorough 3 A finding B meeting C learning D knowing 4 A set B done C put D made 5 A because B sin ce C why o so 6 A course B movem ent C step o process 7 A sen d B carry C give o bring An swers on page 160 EXAM TIP Before you look at the cho ices A-D for each gap, try to think of a word that could fit in th e gap. Even if you can't think of a particular word, decide what part of speech - verb, noun, etc. - it needs to be. 14 FAMILY LIFE Smart answer key on page 160
  • 16. READING EXAM ""'- .......- 2S minutes 9 Read t he newspaper article below on how fathers take part in looking after their children. Ch o ose the b est answer: a, b, c, o r d, to questions 1-4. 1 Why would many fathers like to go to Why fathers want to look parenting cla sses? a To learn how to do da y-ta-da y after the baby (yes, really) ch ildc are. One of t he most extensive surveys of fat hers has b Becau se they want to atten d now shown th at, far from the ste reotype, most important sch oo l ev en ts . men would like t o share childcare duties with c Because they think it 's important to t heir partners or wives. be in volved in the da y-ta-day care of The survey made by the Equal Opportun ities Commission ch ild ren. shows a modern type of father : the New Dad. He takes part d So they can be more co n fide n t in in day-to-day childcare and does not mind helping with dealing with domestic issues. the vacuum ing and w ashing-up - if onl y w hen his partne r asks him to. The EOC intervi ewed sixty-four fathers and 2 How do Enforcer Dad s view their rol e in their partners about their hom e and wor k life. Most fathers childcare? agreed that it was important to 'be there' for their children a Th ey don't see childca re as their for key even ts such as school sports da y, their first appearance in the school play and for at least one mea l a responsibility. day. Many agreed that pare nting classes would be a good b They teach their ch ild ren di scipline way to give them more confidence around the home. by setti ng an exam ple for them. Based on the survey resu lts, four types of fathers were c They keep children amused while defined, from the traditiona l type of dad to the perfect their partner get s on with New Dad, w ho is as much involved in taking care of the housework. child ren as the mother. The survey found that the majority of men we re some w he re between these tw o types. d It's important for them to be In the first category comes Enforcer Dad, the old- invol ved in the day-ta-da y care of fashioned disciplinarian w ho does not see himself as their children. invo lved in the day-ta-day care of his children. He sees his 3 How do Fully Involved Dads find time respo nsibili ties as settin g clear lim its for them and being a role mod el. Most fathers do no t see this as their only role. to share childcare resp onsibilities with The two big gest categor ies are Entertainer Dad and their partners? Useful Dad . Entertainer Dad is at his best keeping his a They run the home an d t he famil y, child ren laughing wh ile his pa rtner gets on with so their partners can focu s o n their househ old chores and arranging the children's school and professional duties. extra activities. Useful Dad is willing to help out around the house, even thoug h he expects the mother to be the b They fit their work co m m it m en ts to 'team leader' in all things domestic. their partn er's arrangements. Finally, and probab ly every woman's d ream, is Fully c They often leave the office early. Involved Dad. He is equally engage d in running the home d They think it's their partner's and the family, and sees the role of the father and the responsibility to n egotiate flexibility mother as practically iden tical. Fully Involved Dads adjust their w o rk arrangements to their partners' professional at their workplace. du ties. 'I do have definite childca re commitments,' said 4 What does ]ulie Mellor think employers one father in this category. 'There are certain times or sh ould do? occasions w here it is non-negotiable and 1 just leave the a Employers should p rovide both office on time.' [ulie Melior, chairwoman of the EOC, said that fathers parents w ith equal pay and flexible w ere still not given enough flexibilit y at work and mothers wo rkin g h ours. wou ld feel fully supported only if employers treated (and b They should allow par ents to wo rk paid) both sexes equally. 'Mums and dad s should be able from home so they ca n look aft er to choose how they w ant to share the responsibilities of their ch ild ren . bringing up child ren and wor king outside the home: she said. 'But unt il we have equal pay, decent childcare and c They sh ou ld give women m ore more opportunit ies to work flexible hours, many fathe rs su ppo rt so they can take o n mo re of will continue to find it hard to be there for their children the childca re resp onsibilities at and many w omen w ill cont inue to be d isadvantaged at home. work. This is not necessarily the best solution for parents, d They should pa y women mo re children or emp loyers. Equality at work or home depe nds because t hey are often di sad vantaged on both mum s' and dads' famil y responsibi lities be ing acknow led ged: Melior said. in the wo rkp lace. Answers Smart answer key on page 160 FAMILY LIFE 15
  • 17. Writing 80 m inutes Speaking 55 minutes Writing an argumentative essay Picture-based discussion 30 minutes 10 Look at the list below. Who is more 13 If yo u're working a lo n e, answer eac h important to you, you r famil y or you r question in no more than three sentences . If friend s, in relation to these things? Tick the you 're working with a partner, discuss box for ea ch onc. different ways of answering each question. Family Frien ds What was your first day at school like? How did you feel? h omework 2 What is it you're goi ng to miss most when music you leave school? Why? 3 How do married couples help each other? holidays 4 Sho uld everybody get married? sport 14 Read these sentences. Thi n k about their food m eaning and what may be missing in the gaps. Then choose the correct phrase from If yo u' re working with a partner, discuss the list underneath to co m plete the yo ur a ns wers. Ta lk a b ou t yo ur rea sons. sen te n ces. 11 Read these sentences taken fro m essays abou t Your school education has a significant effect family a n d fr ie n ds. Fill in the gaps with a on _ _ your life. su itable word from the list below. Use each 2 School isn't as important as university, wo rd o nly o nce. T here are two ga ps in each where you make _ _ what to study for sentence. your career. 3 Most people wan t to start a famil y, an d answer think · facto rs co nside ring marriage is _ _ this. reasons concl usion im port an ce refer 4 The partnershi p of marriage is _ _ two ever loo k ind ividua ls sha ring a h ome. 1 When _ _ family and society, th ere isn't a your own choice of the rest of simple right or wrong _ _ . the first step towards mor e than just 2 When we _ _ about this sub ject, it depends on wh ich society we _ _ to. SPEAKING EXAM: • 10 minutes 3 The re are a nu m ber of _ _ why I believe tha t the family is still as impo rtant as _ _. 15 The two photos show different turning 4 If we _ _ at th e issue of ed uca tion, th e points in life. Which image do you think _ _ of the fam ily is clear. represents a more important turning point? 5 Taking a ll these _ _ into acco unt, m y Why? Co m pa re and contrast the pi ctures. _ _ is that the role of fam ily is changing, Answe rs on page 161 but it remains highly im portant. EXAM TIP WRITING EXAM ~ 60 minutes Don't worry if you can't think of much to say in the exa m. Start with straightforwa rd o bservations - things 12 Write an essay of 200-250 words for or which are easy and clear to say abo ut the ph oto or against this statement: ph otos - and build on t hese until yo u reach m ore complex ideas. Peopl e used to think that th e fam ily played an impor tan t ro le in society, but times h ave changed and no w the family is m uc h less importa nt . An sw ers on pOIlge 161 EXAM TIP W hen wr iting essays, always spend tim e thinking ab out your ideas and opinions before you try to start w riting the essay. Record these in notes - either as lists or mind maps. In yo ur essay, use eac h main idea as the basis of a paragraph. 16 FAMILY LIFE Smart answer key on page 160
  • 18. Debate 25 minutes ' .. 16 Match words 1-8 to thei r syn o n ym s a-h. 1 leave out a separate 2 loo k at b firstl y 3 pr im aril y c cons ide r 4 in co ntrast d in additio n 5 co nnected e m ostl y 6 unrelated f co nversely 7 first of all g depen dent 8 moreover h disregard 17 Use words from exerci se 16 to co m p lete the follow ing se n te n ce s. 1 Before reaching any so rt of co ncl us io n, _ _ we m ust examine the cha ng ing roles wit hi n the fam ily. 2 Even if we _ _ t he questions of income and car eer develo pmen t, thi s is still a complicat ed issue. 3 When we _ _ the falling number of marriages an d the rising number of divor ces, we can see t hat th e number of sin gle-paren t fam ilies is in creasing. 4 Havin g a good job is often rega rded nowadays as mor e important than having a family. _ _ , th e resp onsibility of starting a famil y appeals to fewe r and fewer people. SPEAKING EXAM ~ 10 minutes 18 Read the following statement. Do you a gree or d isagree with it? Prepare so m e arguments to support your opinion, t h en discuss the issue with your partner, responding to any counter-arguments they have. Mothers shou ld stay at h ome to look afte r their ch ildren until they're old eno ug h to start fo rmal educa tio n . An sw er s on pag e 161 EXAM TIP When you have to talk about a given subject at length, try to use phrases that organise your arguments into connected speech. You can find phrases for ordering key points, giving examples, expressing your opinion, etc. in the Speaking Bank on page 128. Smart answer key on pag e' 61 FA M ILY LIFE 17
  • 19. Reading ~ 35 minutes READING EXAM ~- 1 Read the title from the article in exercise 4. 4 Read the arti cl e below. Th en rea d st atements What do you think the article is going to b e 1- 8 and find t he paragra p h (A- E) in t he te xt about? which con tains info rmation a b ou t t h em . Write the correct letter in the gap. Finally, 2 Read statem en ts 1 and 2 below. Which of the d ecide if the stat ements are t rue (T) o r fa lse (F). other sentences: a , b, or c, has the sa me meaning as 1 and 2? I Stella didn 't buy the dres s because it didn't SUITS or SMART CASUAL? suit her. a She didn 't want to bu y the dress. The modern office dilemma b Th e dr ess didn't loo k good on h er. c Th e dre ss wasn't t h e right size. A Once, it w as easy to know w hat to w ear to the office. 2 Unl ess th e guaran te e is stamped, your radio For male managers, it w as alw ays a da rk suit and won 't be replaced. white shirt with a tie . With the arr iva l of Dress-Do wn a Th e radio can't be rep laced if th e Friday, all the old ru les wen t away. Some compa nies introduced the system in which once a we ek (on guaran tee is not stam ped . Friday) the employees were allowed to wear casual b There is no guarantee t he rad io will be clothes of their choice. In recent years, cas ual dr ess replaced. da ys at the office have become w idesp read in the c If yo u have a guara ntee, the radio will be USA, and employees are starting to push the policy to replaced . extreme limits. Casual Fridays have be come so casual that so me people are coming to w ork in ou tfits that 3 Now read the following extracts 1 and 2 resemble pyjamas. from the article. Choose the option: a, b , or B In a recent poll. 82% of Americans thought that it is c, that best summarises the m ain idea in the OK for businesses to ha ve a d ress-down da y, while extract. Did you choose the same answer as 12% thought it is not. Those who opposed the dress- in exercise 2? Mark T (true). Did you choose down policy pointed out that casual dress style might so mething different? Mark F (false). enc ou rage casual or slop py work. Others commented I Stella was sorry she co uldn't buy the dress. that the relaxed atmosp he re and comfort of casua l The cut was the latest fashi on and the colour clothes lead s to increased productivity. ma tched her eyes perfectly, but she'd put on C So what's appropriate for the office? Experts differ in some weight lately and she just couldn't do opinions, but there are a few points they agree on. up the zip. Ripped and w orn looking jeans, shorts and Hawaiian p rint shirts are all unacceptabl e. Faded den im is also a She didn't want to bu y t he dress. associated w ith slop piness. Keep you r look sma rt. For b The dress didn't look good on h er. example, pair up d ark jeans w ith a button-down c Th e dress wasn't t h e right size. blazer. Stella didn 't buy tile dress as it didn't suit her. T /F o There are tw o im portant factors w he n di scu ssing dress cod es in th e workp lace . First of all, it must be 2 The radio has a 12-m on th gua rantee . clear. Em ployees ne ed to kno w w hat is expected of Remember, however, to have it stam ped at the m; ot her w ise, a dress code that is meant to create a th e cas h de sk. Otherwise, we won't be ab le rela xed atmosphere mi ght actuall y increa se stress. to replace it if it doesn 't work properly. Second, emplo yees must always cons ide r their a Th e radio can't be rep laced if the clients. We spoke w ith a law yer in a firm with a casual guarantee is not stam ped. dress policy who keeps a jacket and tie in his office, and p ut s it on w he n expecting a client wh o might be b Th ere is no guarantee th e radio will be offended by a more casual approach. rep laced. c If yo u have a guarantee, the radio will be E And one final thing - no matter what clothes people wear, they must always be clea n and neat. Coffee rep laced . stains are unacceptabl e on the fron t of one's casual as Unless tile guarantee is stamped, YOllr radio we ll as one's formal shirt. won 't be replaced. T / F 18 PEOPLE AN D SOC IETY Smart answ er key on pag e 16 1
  • 20. ~ 1S minutes EXAM TIP First look at the title of the article and read the text quickly to get a general _ Cleanliness is always idea of what it's about. Then read the true/ false statements and make sure important in the you understand them. Find the parts of the text w hich contain inform ation workplace. T / F about the stateme nts. If the informat ion in the text matches the informa tion 2 _ Emp loyers should in the statement, mark T (true). If the information doesn't confirm the precisely specify what statement (or there is no information about it), mark F(false). th eir em ployees might wear on casual days . .T / F Listening ~ 15 minutes 3 _ Latel y, some S Read t h e d escriptio ns of two people in exercise 6 . Fill in the employees h ave started follow in g table w ith the information . wearing unusually informal clothes for the office. T / F Person 1 Person 2 4 _ Some clients ma y not Male/Female? accept casual dres s code Age in business situations. T/ F Height and weight 5 _ In th e USA, the Hair majority of bu sinesses have introduced casual Ot her facia l features dress days . T / F Clothes 6 _ Experts agree on what should be worn for Other distinguish ing features th e office . T / F 7 _ Some people believe LISTENING EXAM ~ 10 minutes tha t the way employees dress in fluen ces the 6 ~ 04 First read the d escriptions below. Then listen to a radio qua lity of their work. announcement, and cross out the mistakes in the T /F descriptions. Listen again a n d write down the co rrec t 8 _ Jea ns are conside red information on the lines below the text. Th ere are eigh t inappropriate for office differences between the recording a n d the text below. casua l days. T / F The police are looking for two suspects in con nec tion with the recent bank robbery in Reading. Th e first suspec t is a wh ite man in hi s fortie s. He is fairl y ove rweigh t, quite short and h e's got cur ly, brown hair. He's got a broken no se and ha s a moustach e. When last seen, he was wearing torn blu e jeans and a baggy T- shirt. He's also got a tattoo of a h eart with the word 'Angela' written in it . The poli ce are also looking for a you ng woman in h er ea rly twenties. She's tall and attractive - she's got long, wavy, blonde hair. Her n ose is rather long . Wh en last seen , she was wearing a short black skirt, black T-shirt, a leather jacket an d black boots. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Answers on page 161 Answers on page 161 Smart answer key on page 16 1 PEOPLE AND SOCIETY 19
  • 21. EXAM TIP USE OF ENGLISH EXAM ~ 15 minutes Read the descr iptions first. Try to picture in your mind 9 Read the text taken from the Teacher's what th e peop le described look like. This w ill help yo u focus on the details when you hear the correct Book of an English course. Fill in gaps 1-8 descriptions. As you're listening, read the text and mark with a suitable word formed from the the details that seem different. When you listen for the prompts in the brackets. second time, check your choices and write down the correct answer. Check that you've found all the required Recognising cultural images differences. and symbols When we live in a particular country, we Use of English ~ 30 minutes automatically become exposed and ____ (custom) to a range of images and 7 Ch o ose the correct option to complete the symbols embedded in son gs and pictures, se ntences . places, and traditions. Th ese images and It may not be possible / possibility to in vit e sym bols include 2 (fame) peopl e in everyone from the team. the cu lture , a nd arc h itectural and landscap e 2 They continued th eir correspond / features . Th e 1 (able) of stude n ts to co rresp o n de nce through a co up le of recognise these images help s them to feel decades . more ' (con fide) and to become 3 I love English Lite rature. I've read practical / more fluent. practically every classic English novel th at The ai m of the activ ities in this sectio n is to exists. _ _ __ (familiar) studen ts with popular 4 His assista nt a lways com pa n ies / ima ges and symbol s in the target culture. A ac compani es her on h er pro mo tio n al tours. secon dary aim is to h elp studen ts to 5 We wo uld like to clarity / clarify what the _ _ _ _ (identity) and compare th e images condit ions are. and symbols in British and American culture, 6 The main character / characterise in the and then to con trast these with the images film is pla yed by the famous Fren ch star. and sym bols in their own. 7 Young peopl e often depend / dependent on th eir pa ren ts fina nc ially. Some activiti es focu s on places and peopl e 8 I wou ld like you to sen d me a report / associated with the cu lture, some allow th e reporter on the curren t situation. learner to 7 (explorer) th e cultural _ __ _ (refer) in popular songs. 8 Look a t the eight words in brackets in the text in ex ercise 9. How many different words An sw ers on page 162 can you form with each one? custo m EXAM TIP accustom , accustomed, customise, customary, Before you fill in any gaps, read the text payin g special customa rilv, custome r att ention to the words before and after each gap. These 2 fam e help you decide what part of speech the missing word should be. 3 able 4 confide 5 fami liar 6 identity 7 explorer 8 refer What part of speech (verb, noun, a d jecti ve, adverb, etc.) is ea ch word you have formed? What part of speech is the original word? 20 PEOPLE AND SOCIETY Smart answer key on page 162
  • 22. Writing ~ 90 minutes WRITING EXAM: ~ 60 minutes Writing an informal letter 14 Write a letter to your penfriend in the VK. She or he wants to know about your life in 10 Put the phrases in each sen tence into the your country. Tell him or her about: co rrect order. • being a teenager differen t fro m / being a / teenagers / I think / • friendships whe n m y / teenager today / is very / • wh at you think about marriage. parents were / . 2 ways we / freedom today / In so me / h ave Write about 200 words. mor e / . Answers on page 162 3 other ways / life is / But in / and di fficult / more compl icated / . EXAM TIP 4 a lot / I feel /today put / on teenagers / of You should plan your letter by follo w ing th e inst ructi ons pressure / that par en ts / . closely. Your plan should includ e a paragraph for each 5 n ot / every teenager / It is / the best / to be / cont ent point required . A lett er also needs to have an possible for / . opening and a closing. Look at the example of an 6 feel I / space / Sometimes I / some / just informal lett er in th e Writing Bank on page 132. need / . 11 Read th ese in complet e sen tences. Try to Speaking ~ 55 minutes think of words to fill the gaps . Use only one wo rd in each ga p . Situational role-play ~ 25 minutes I believe friendship _ _ always be _ _ 15 Match the two parts of questions together. im portant part of _ _ lives. 1 Wh at do you A a ny suggestions? 2 A goo d friend _ _ so meone _ _ you can 2 Do yo u h ave B th in k ab out it? really trust . 3 Wh at sh ould we C to do about it . 3 I love m y parents, _ _ course, but I spe n d 4 I wo n de r wh at D do abo ut if! more time _ _ friends. 4 I prefer _ _ have a few close frien ds _ _ a 16 Put the letters of the underlined words into lot of acq ua intance s. the corr ect order. 5 Whe n my brot her met _ _ girlfrien d, h e 1 Tha t' s a great diae. sto pped spe n din g time _ _ his friends. 2 Tha t's a goo d ni sgugesto . 6 I h op e to stay _ _ tou ch with all my 3 Tha t co uld be snitteringe . frien ds whe n I' m _ _ university. 4 I won der if that cou ld be tfulifdic. 12 Each of these sentences contains a mistake. 5 Don't yo u think that might be catecoml'lid? Ca n you find th e mist akes and correct them? 17 Put the missing words in the sentences to I These days, man y people live together not make questions. with getting marr ied . 2 I m yself h op e to getting ma rried one day. work • do • explain • say • thin k 3 I n eed meet the right person first. 1 Could yo u _ _ a bit more? 4 I h op e I'll be as h appy in marriage as my 2 How wou ld that _ _ ? pa ren ts be. 3 Could you _ _ that aga in? 5 My co usin we nt to wo rk in Scotland and 4 Wh at sho uld we _ _ after that? married the Scottis h wo ma n. 5 Do yo u _ _ that idea is best? 6 Marriage de pends o n tall levels of pati ence an d understanding. 13 Match ea ch start of a sentence 1-4 with its co n cl usio n A-D. I I h ope that yo u A to hear from you 2 It was great B me all yo ur news. 3 Write and tell C visit the VK one day. 4 I really h op e to D are well an d h appy. Smart answer key on page 162 PEOPLE AND SOCIETY 21
  • 23. SPEAKING EXAM ... 10 minutes 18 You and a group of friends are plann ing a street festival to take p lace in your neighbourhood in the summer. Here are some notes. Discuss the notes and the situation and then d ecide what to do. You can a dd your own ideas. • music - dan ce music? local folk singers? foo d - ask neighbours? use restauran t? cost? • invitations - emai l everyone? posters? • ch ild ren - fu n activ ities? com petitio ns? or no sma ll ch ild ren in vited? Answers on page 163 EXAM TIP Remember that the examiner wants to know how you interact in the role-play situation - in other words, how you communicate and respond to ideas, op inions and suggestions. Practise ways of responding to what other people say to you. Picture-based discussion 30 minutes 19 Use the words be low to com p lete these questions . Hving • stress • clo the s • like • married • from • name · time I What's your _ _ ? 2 Where are yo u _ _? 3 What do yo u do for a - _? 4 Are you _ _ ? 5 Wh at do you do in your spare _ _ ? 6 Where do yo u bu y your - _? 7 Do you su ffer m uch from - _ ? 8 Do you see you r fam ily as much as yOll wo uld _ _ ? 22 PEOPLE AND SOCIETY Smart answer key on page 163