isle of wight cafe scientifique onthewight wwi ww1 first world war cafe sci simon perry university of southampton news hyperlocal complex systems simulation satellite imaging space environment robin wilson dr robin wilson uav unmanned air vehicles drones drone dr stephen prior fukushima david prendergast innovative physics ai prof paul white marine mammals climate change michelle hale dr catherine mercer dr frank ratcliff 100000 genome project genome cafesci cafe scientifique maps jon whitehurst maths bats robotics southampton university dr richard crowder swarm robot swarm robotics department of computing and electronic engineering robot journalism automated articles news rewired robo journalism cosmology dr jen gupta professor john coleman phonetics john coleman innovation news media prince ruperts drops robert hooke particle physics standard models steve f king prof steve f king elisabeth falk neutrinos intriguing neutrinos jes2015 google campus entrepreneurial business nanodevices disease red funnel professor graham mills pharmaceutical residues tidal power dr luke myers chocolate centre for biological sciences katrin deinhardt neuroscience omega 3 prof philip calder diet professor chris rhodes fracking epidemiology cholera broad street john snow astrobiology alien life dr lewis dartnell yarmouth 20th century history kevin shaw cultural heritage conservation geoconservation bioconservation prof heather viles british heart foundation professor of cardiovascul institute of developmental sciences mark hanson professor mark hanson fat fate & obesity drugs david livingstone on the wight jolyon chesworth marine conservation project prof. david coggon david coggon environmental health future of news cracking maths society chris jarman uk chip & pin water treatment drinking water water aid ""probability and gambling"" ""maths society"" ""isle of wight""
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