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Fitness Money Podcast Episode 9
                     Golden Closing Formula
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Welcome to the Fitness Money Podcast brought to you by Fitness In this podcast, Logan
Christopher and Tyler Bramlett teach you the step by step ways to make more money in your Fitness
Business. Let’s take it on a word for this episode of the Fitness Money Podcast.

Tyler: Hey, guys. This is Tyler and Logan and this is the Fitness Money Podcast. Logan, how’s it going

Logan: It is going good. This is my second call for the day so I can record things.

Tyler: Yeah. I literally just got off another call myself, talking to Shawna K, the pull-up queen, just sharing
with my other podcasters how to get 20 pull-ups.

Logan: Yeah. We’ve got a lot of calls going on all over the place. It’s a great way to transmit information.
That’s why we’re doing this podcast in the first place, right?

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Tyler: Yeah. Absolutely. You’ve got to share the message with as many people as you possibly can. Well,
last time I had mentioned giving you guys a golden closing formula that you guys can use for your
private training clients or your boot camp clients to help get them signed up to your program. Today, I
wanted to share that formula with you. This is something you guys are going to probably want to listen
to over and over again until you get the information down perfectly. I’ll kind of do some role-playing
with Logan. Forgive me if it’s not as charismatic as it usually is because usually I’m sitting right in front of
somebody and I’m picturing myself burning at the stake if I don’t make the sale.

Before I share that golden closing formula, Logan and I wanted to talk about the number one thing you
need to do with your clients, your boot campers, or your prospects before starting a speech. Before you
ever start trying to sell them something, you need to know who they are and what it is that they’re
trying to purchase. So I’ll lead off with a series of questions. I ask each question to try and figure out
what this person’s goal is in terms of their fitness and how I can help them achieve that goal through the
sales pitch that I’m going to give them.

Logan: Yeah. That’s a key thing that makes selling in person so much easier. A lot of people have hang
ups about it, sell from their heels, and have skinny kids, whatever all those sayings about salesmen.
There’s no way you can close better than to be in person because you really can then tailor your sales
message to them and that’s what you’re talking about as far as acquiring information from them. It
becomes harder if you’re trying to sell another but if you can master the art of selling in person, then
doing things like copywriting for your products later is much easier to do.

Tyler: Yeah. I can attest to that, going from a sales background finally to a copywriting background and
realizing how useful it was to be able to sell to a bunch of different types of people using essentially the
same pitch but highlighting areas of it that related to people more or less. That’s something I guess you
should keep in mind when we’re going through this. I’m going through a series of a few questions I tend
to ask people. This is something that’s not the same every time but I’ll tell you what I lead off with.

First of all, you have them sit down. They’ve either gone through your low-end offer, that we’ve already
talked about in a previous podcast, just to kind of build a little bit of relationship with you, or they’re
coming to a one-time free body diagnostic session. Now I don’t recommend you do this for a personal
trainer. If you’re a personal trainer, give them a low-end offer first and then you can tell them you’re
going to give them their free body diagnostic session or free nutrition consultation next. Start with that.

If you are a boot camp, you can lead with this. You can lead with them sitting down, filling out a little
waiver that asks for their name, their information, their email address, their goals, and their release of
liability. Then you flip it offer and here’s what I always lead off wit. I say this, “So I like to sit down for a
few minutes with each person before we go do a sample workout. I want to get a good idea of kind of
who you are, what your goals are, and what you’re really looking for to make sure that I can better help

So from the start, I didn’t sit down and go, “So are you looking for fat loss? Are you looking for muscle
building? Are you looking for cardio conditioning?” or whatever. I just said, “Hey, I want to be your
friend. How can I help you?” This is all about whether they know, like, and trust you. You have to make

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them know, like, and trust you. This is really crucial. You have to take that first step and say, “Hey, how
can I help you?”

Then you lead off with some questions. So to break the ice, instead of saying tell me your goal and
leading off of that, I really like to lead off with, what do you do for a living? That gives me two pieces of
information. One, it gives me an idea of their schedule. I can see if they’re fitting within this boot camp
or if they fit within my personal schedule. Two, you kind of get to see how much money they make.

If you ask somebody what they do for a living and they’re like—I’ve got nothing against this people
—“I’m a garbage man” or something like that, whatever they say, if you know it’s a low-paying job then
you’re going to know immediately that it’s going to be a little bit tougher to sell them on a high paying
package. But if they sit down and say they’re a lawyer or a doctor or something like that, then you kind
of know to shoot for the bigger package at the end. That gives you some great information.

Then you can ask them about their schedule, whether they like their job or not. You just want to get as
much information. You’re trying to build rapport with somebody and rapport is the most crucial part.
You have to talk to these people like they’re your friends and they have to feel that way after that. It’s
not like you’re a pitchy salesman because I’ve done the pitchy salesman thing, too, and people smell it.
Have you ever had that happen to you, Logan, where they’re like, “Why are you trying to pitch me on
this stuff?”

Logan: Absolutely. You can tell, especially having studied NLP a whole bunch, when people come in, they
know at some point that they’re going to be sold to so their guard is up. If you have skills in rapport
building and all that, then you can match and pace them. Like you said, you come across these friends.
They like you, they trust you, and everything, and they’ll let that guard down.

Tyler: Absolutely. That was a great point, Logan. I’m going to tell you a couple more questions that I like
to ask then I’m going to throw the mike your way. Why don’t you tell us some NLP stuff about body
matching and things like that that can help people build rapport?

Logan: Sure.

Tyler: Okay. So after that, I ask them, how’d you hear about us? How did you hear about our program? If
they’ve already gone through your trial offer, you can ask them, how was your experience with our trial
offer so far? You can get a good idea of why they’re coming there and where they are hearing from you.
That way, you can also mark down in your sheet what traffic source is giving you this lead because it’s
important to know whether your flyers, Facebook ads, YouTube videos, business cards, or your clients
are generating the leads for you. Usually, I’ll talk to them about that for a little bit, just getting an idea of
where they’re at.

Then I’ll ask them, what’s your background with exercise? Were you an athlete in college? Is this your
first time exercising? That will give me another background, too, as to kind of where they’re at physically
and where they’re at mentally. If somebody’s an athlete in college and they like muscle soreness, I’m
going to go out there and I’m going to kick their ass the whole time I’m training them.

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My mentor says it like this, “It’s like you’re an MTV episode and you’re on the first show. If the first show
gets great reviews, you get another show. If it doesn’t, the show’s canned.” So you go out there and you
train that person, “Come on! Come on, Mrs. Smith! Let’s go! Let’s go! Come on! I want work! 5…4…” You
make them have the best experience ever. That way when they come back, they expect that type of
service from you.

You watch most personal trainers where they put someone on a treadmill and they push go. They say
warm up for 20 minutes and they text next to them or they do some goofy stuff. Give them enthusiasm.
That’s the important thing, knowing what their background is so you know whether or not to be
compassionate and say, “Why don’t we go down in weights today. There’s plenty of time in the future,”
or whether you know you want to kick some serious butt and be like, “Come on! Let’s go! Let’s go!”
because there are going to be different types of people that come in for different reasons.

Logan: Yeah. I think that’s a big thing people don’t realize. I’ve seen this before. So many people don’t
realize that other people are different and not everyone operates like them. If you’re all gung-ho and
aggressive in your training and you’re training stay-at-home moms, not a lot of them are going to be like
that. So like you said, you really need to be able to adapt to what’s going to work best for the person.
That’s actually going to help them get better results. Yes, you need to push people at certain times and
know when to back off for those more aggressive people but you really need to tailor it to the person to
match their psychological profile in order to get their best results.

Tyler: Yeah. I believe I heard somebody call that tone matching, where you just kind of match the
vibration of the person. That way they don’t feel like you’re different. Because if you come in like
yourself, “I love hardcore workouts,” and you’re talking to Mrs. Smith who is in a chair nervous as hell to
join a boot camp program or do some functional fitness, that’s never going to gel. You’re never going to
make that sale. Being more calm and compassionate and reassuring her by starting slow, taking your
time, and being consistent is a much better way to go about this thing. So you really have to think about
matching the frequency of the person you’re sitting in front of.

Logan: Yeah, that’s going to help big time in the sales process. It’s important for the results of clients and
how you actually got them through. It’s the same exact thing when you’re trying to close them.

Tyler: Yeah. Absolutely. So now you’re continuing to ascertain information. The more information you
get from them in obviously a reasonably short period of time is really good. I always take notes of all this
stuff so that I can reuse the same words that they use back towards me.

I’ll kind of follow that up with some injury stuff. You want to get a full injury profile to make sure that
nobody’s going to get more injured in your classes. You want to get a good idea if they’re a member of
any other facilities or if they’ve had any experience with gyms in the past. You can ask them about their

One of my favorite things to do is to ask them about their negative experiences with other facilities so
you know what to tell people that your facility doesn’t have. “Oh, I didn’t like the other facility. It’s
totally dirty and the people yelled at me all the time.” Say, “Well, at our facility, we don’t yell at you

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unless it’s to really motivate you. We keep everything nice and clean.” That way they feel like you’re
different from those facilities they’ve had a bad rapport with.

Logan: Do you also ask questions about what has worked really well for them as far as working out or
going to other places in the past? Do you say, “Oh, yeah. We do it like this as well.”

Tyler: Yeah. Sure. Exactly. You want to ask them the negative experiences they’ve had with other people
and the positive experiences they’ve had. You want to reflect on those positive experiences and show
how you’re different from those negative experiences. That's how sales really works. You build that
rapport and then you kind of have to give the people what they want. Just give them a program that’s
really good.

I should have said this at the start. If you’ve got a program that doesn’t deliver, if you’ve got a program
that injures people frequently, then get the fuck out of the fitness field. You’ve got no business here. If
you can’t teach people how to move better, get stronger, be more conditioned, get great results, and do
it in a way that works consistently, then you’ve got no business being in the fitness field. So get a good
program first. Get some knowledge first. Know how to do this. That way when you sell somebody
something, no matter what it is, you’re still going to give them good results. You’re still going to give
them essentially what they want, which is to be healthier, feel better, and look good naked. Right?

I kind of went off tangent there. The last question I’ll always ask people is what’s your goal? I want to
know exactly what it is that they want to achieve with the program so that when I’m talking about my
program, I can sell that back to them. I can talk to them about their personal goal. If it’s fat loss, I’m
going to talk to them more about the nutrition component of my golden closing formula and the
cardiovascular component of my golden closing formula. If it’s toning up and muscle building or athletic
performance, I’m going to talk more about eating for performance and building strength and
conditioning. I’m giving the exact same pitch. I’m just using different words and I’m framing it in
different ways. If they’re there just to kind of stay healthy, I’m going to preach to them a healthy diet
and the healthiest way to workout. You have to just kind of show them that sort of fundamental

As you collect all this information, you have to have this written down next to you so that when you give
this pitch, you are giving them what they want. I cannot say that enough. You have to give them what
they want. You have to rapport.

I’m going to pause a second before we do this golden closing formula and I’m going to hand it over to
Logan. Logan’s going to tell us kind of NLP and how you can kind of build rapport faster and can really
get on the same tone vibration with people.

Logan: Yeah. I’ll give you some of the easier tips because with this stuff you can go very deep. If you
decide to study on that deep level and practice a lot, your ability to sell people on anything, just ideas
and everything, will improve so significantly in some ways it’s unbelievable. One of the easiest things
you talked about right there is matching what they’re telling you they want when you ask them what
their goal is. If they say it’s fat loss then you talk about fat loss.

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Specifically, you want to use the exact words that they used. A lot of people when they do this like to
paraphrase, which you can do too. But when you use the exact words that another person uses, what is
happening there is they’ve just used those words so that has a specific intention, everything wired to it
within that person’s brain. If you use it back, all those things that are attached to it work. If you use
something else, even if it is a paraphrased, it’s not exactly entering in. It’s kind of like a grease slide into
their brain by just using those exact words. That is one thing.

Matching their physiology is another pretty easy step to do. What that means is how they are holding
their body. Are they leaning forward as you talk? Then lead forward. All this body language stuff, a lot of
people find it very natural. Other people find it more difficult to do but if you can match their
physiology, you’re going to get in rapport much better. You’re going to feel better. The same thing goes
with your vocal tone. Once again use the exact words they used and then speak at the same rate they’re
speaking, the same volume and same pitch, that sort of thing.

If you can do those steps, it’s pretty easy to actually get a rapport with people because the truth is
people want to be in rapport with others. It’s somewhat uncomfortable to be distanced or guarded
against people so they want to do this. If you do these simple steps, you can get in rapport.

There are more advanced things like eliciting what their primary representational systems are. For
example, if they’re a very visual person, they’ll talk a lot about, “I see myself in the future weighing 40
pounds less,” that sort of thing. In that case, you’d want to use other visual words to get them to see the
future, to see the results they can get rather than talking about how your body’s going to feel.

If you can work with whatever they’re really shooting for as those three primary senses which are visual,
auditory, and the kinesthetic, which is really the body and feelings, then you’re going to get much better
results. Once again, that’s basically the way to enter their mind and help you get whatever you’re trying
to get from them, which in this case would be trying to sell to them. Once again, these things also apply
when you’re training them. They’ll have better results or like you more if you’re using the same rapport
—building tactics at all times.

Tyler: Absolutely. Logan, I just want to touch on one tiny thing you said there with the prime modalities
that people use. You’re talking about somebody talking about seeing, hearing, or feeling. Just think
about the way that changes a phrase at the end of a sales pitch. You can show them a whole entire sales
pitch and say, “Do you see what I’m trying to show you right here,” or, “Did I paint a good enough
picture for you?” versus, “Do you hear what I’m saying?” “Does this all make sense to you?” “Does this
make you feel differently now that I’ve shared this information with you?” Just simple comments like
that just playing on their primary sensory modality are so powerful. You mentioned that it’s an advanced

Logan: The thing is if someone’s on the fence and you use something that doesn’t hit that, that could be
the key thing that makes it a no versus a yes. It really can be that big of a thing. In order to get this right,
all you have to do is be a good listener. Other people may find it really easy to do but for me personally,
compared to matching the body language where that’s something I’m pretty natural at, listening to the
actual words that they use, like are they talking about seeing things or saying words like “show me” or

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“paint the picture,” that sort of thing versus “that rings a bell” or “I hear what you’re saying” versus “it
doesn’t feel right” or “this feels right” or “I want to go forward with it,” those sort of things, if you can
just pick up on those words—

The easy way to do this is once again just use the exact words that they give you and parrot it back.
People are always worried that they’re going to be found out. If you go overboard with it to some
degree, of course it’s going to happen. But if you just use a few of the words every once in a while,
people don’t notice at all. In fact, they’re going to just going to be in such good rapport with you they’re
going to really like you.

Tyler: Yeah. All right. Well, I guess it’s time to get started and give you guys my golden closing formula.
You guys have got to realize it’s really challenging for me to do this in a way that’s going to affect all of
you so if you’re listening to this and it’s not gelling with you 100%, I’m probably speaking to somebody
who’s not you. Take that for what it is and understand that kind of what I’m trying to do with this is
really convince people that my system is the shit and it’s going to get them to their results faster than
everybody else, that if they trust me and put their trust in this philosophy, they’ll get the results they

It starts with really painting a big picture for everybody. As you can see, I’m a visual dominant person by
saying that phrase—

Logan: One other thing I want to mention, like I said you can go deeper, is an understanding of meta-
programs. One you just talked about there is the big picture versus the detail person. If you can
understand where a person lies on that, by talking about the big picture if the person’s really detail-
oriented, they’re going to sort of just gloss over and get bored. Once again, there's a whole lot more of
information but the easy way to do it is to cover both, which I’m sure you do. You do cover a big picture
then dive down into the details. In general, that’s a good way to teach, sell, or anything like that. Go
ahead. I’ll try not to interrupt you.

Tyler: Don’t spoil the program, Logan. Okay. So I’m going to use Logan as kind of my patsy here. We’ll be
looking at each other in the eyes and talking about it. Listen to this kind of thing and try to treat it as a
way you can work on closing your clients. Before you ever give the speech, practice on your friends, your
spouse, your girlfriend or whoever, and make sure you get it dialed down to the point where you can
kind of do the things we’ve already just talked about.

After you ascertain all this information from people, you get all these questions asked, then it’s time to
jump in to your closing formula. Here’s what I say to them: “Before we go outside and do a quick little
workout, I want to give you guys an idea of exactly what we do with our program. I want to give you
guys kind of like the 50,000 mile view of everything that we do in the program and then kind of delve
into some more detail as to why what we do works better than everything else. To start out with, I want
to share with you guys my personal philosophy. That is what I call the rapid results pyramid.”

That's when I draw a triangle on the page and at the bottom of the triangle, I write. “So the rapid results
pyramid is made up of three things: nutrition, exercise, and recovery. This is extremely important for you

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to understand. If somebody’s trying to sell you something that doesn’t contain these three components
and telling you it’s going to work, they’re lying to you. You can’t outrun a doughnut. If you have great
exercise and great nutrition but you sleep lousy and you’re stressed all the time, it’s still not going to
happen for you. That’s why I really like to look at these three components with everybody, just to make
sure that they really understand how they can get great results.”

“I’m going to start with nutrition and we’ll touch on kind of some basic concepts and then go in a little
bit greater detail as well. So nutrition, what is the first thing I try to teach people? It is eat real food.” I’ll
put a picture of what I’m drawing out here so that you guys can see what I’m doing. As I’m saying
something, I’m writing it down. “Eating real food is so important because it’s the critical foundation for
you getting great results with your nutrition. If you’re starting with calories and things like that, and
you’re not eating real food, it’s not going to help. I’m not a snake oil salesman. I’m not trying to sell you
guys on some bullshit nutrition program. You’ve got to start with eating real food and the highest quality
you can afford.”

“Beyond that, instead of asking people to count their calories, I prefer to do something which is focusing
on macronutrient ratios to help optimize your fat loss hormones. That’s very important. You need to
understand how important optimizing your hormones is and getting your overall body composition
results. Does that make sense?” Logan will say yes.

“Okay. So I’m going to talk about each macronutrient, what it kind of does in the body, and how it can
benefit you if you optimize your ratios. Carbohydrates—”

Logan: “Isn’t it all about calories, though, Tyler?”

Tyler: “Yeah. That’s a great question, Logan. But I really like to optimize the macronutrient ratios. Let me
explain here. Carbohydrates are high intensity fuel and a fuel for the brain. What does that mean? That
means we need to some carbohydrates in order to fuel our bodies. But the average American is eating
way too many carbohydrates and it’s probably causing them to get fat. What happens if you’re eating
too many carbohydrates, that spikes up a little hormone called insulin in the body, which tends to spike
up our body fat percentage.” This ties in really good if you have one of those hand body fat percentage
charts so that they know what they’re spiking up. Their body fat percentage is going to go up.

Anyways, “The first thing we do with most people’s nutrition is we try to drop their carbohydrates down
and we try to get them to the point where it’s not affecting their blood sugar levels. Now I’m not going
to tell you to follow the Atkins diet. That’s way too extreme. What we need to learn is that everybody’s
different and that your carbohydrate threshold is going to be different from everybody else’s. For most
people, I recommend between 50 and 150 grams of carbohydrates a day.”

“The important about this—I haven’t covered that yet—is the glycemic index. Are you guys familiar with
the glycemic index, Logan?”

Logan: “Yup.”

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Tyler: “You are? Okay. I’ll just touch on it a little bit further to make sure you totally understand why this
is so important. We have on the high end of the glycemic index the foods that you kind of digest sugars
faster in your body so they increase your insulin faster and they’ll store as body fat faster. We’ve got
obvious things like sugar, rice, potatoes, all processed food. I really like to touch on wheat as well. To me,
wheat is one of those big culprits and it’s not because of this whole gluten fiasco. It’s because of wheat
being higher on the glycemic index than table sugar. So if you wake up in the morning and have yourself
a slice of whole wheat toast and think you’re doing yourself a good favor, it’s not really the best thing
you can be doing for your blood sugar level.”

“What can we do to optimize your results even better? Focus on the foods that are at the low end of the
glycemic index. These are all foods that we’ve been told to eat over and over again in every nutrition
program out there. That’s veggies, nuts and seeds, legumes. Those are the foods that are lower in
glycemic index. They have more micronutrients. They last longer in terms of energy. Then I put fruit right
there in the middle because you can go that way with fruit and eat too much of it and it would be too
much sugar, or it can go that way with fruit and eat the right fruits that aren’t going to cause you to gain
body fat. That’s kind of my snapshot into carbohydrates. Does that kind of make sense to where you’re

Logan: “Yup.”

Tyler: “Okay, excellent. The next is protein, one of our other macronutrients. Protein is essential when
we’re looking at monitoring your body composition. Protein starts with this. There are two reason why
you really, really need to be consuming enough protein. First, if you don’t consume enough protein and
you’re working out hard like we’re going to teach you how to do with this program, you’re going to be
breaking down your muscle and you’re not going to be repairing your muscle. This is detrimental to you.
Simply think about it like this: It’s almost like building a brick house. If you run out of bricks and the
house isn’t done yet, all you’re doing is taking bricks from the living room and putting them to build a
kitchen, or from the kitchen to finish the bedroom. You never actually get any good results. That’s why
protein is so important.”

“For most people, we like to increase their protein consumption. Another way to think about this, too, is
that protein actually decreases your hunger. Instead of telling you to count calories, I’d rather have you
monitor your protein consumption and make it even intervals throughout the day. That way, you don’t
have to worry about counting calories. You don’t have to worry about those crazy diets that people try to
sell you on. All you have to worry about is focusing on consuming enough protein. Does that make sense
to you?”

Logan: “Yup.”

Tyler: Okay. The last one is fat. It’s not the devil we’ve made it out to be. I tell people simply this. “It’s
neither good nor bad, as long as it comes from the healthy sources. So my catchall for this and a really
easy way to understand if a fat is good is if I hold it up in my hand and I say to myself, was this here
10,000 years ago? If it was, it’s probably good for you. If it wasn’t, you probably shouldn’t eat it. Okay?
So that’s really simple. Eat the healthy fats, the avocadoes, the olive oil, the salmon, the flax seed, things

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like that. Those are things you absolutely want to get your fat from. So make sure we consume that in
our diet”

“Now these are just recommendations. With the program, we actually include a comprehensive nutrition
program that covers all the things that you need to do and makes it really easy for you to follow. It’s a
step-by-step thing so you don’t have to worry about remembering any of these. You’ll get all of that
when you sign up for the program.”

“One final thing with the nutrition program is what we call calorie cycling. Instead of focusing on eating
higher protein, eating veggies, and not giving you any break in your nutrition program, what happens is
if you consume less calories per day, like you’re going to do when you eat more protein and mostly
vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, and high quality fats, your metabolism goes downhill. The research
shows within two weeks, it’s by as much as 40%.”

So here’s my favorite question to ask people: “Do you want your metabolism to go down by 40% if you
want to lose fat? No. Obviously not so we use what’s called calorie cycling and this is a secret that
bodybuilders have been using for a long time in order to stay really lean and to build that lean muscle
mass. Once a week, we want you cycling your calories back up and we call that a cheat day. This is really
cool. Cheat day does two amazing things for us. One, it actually does boost our metabolism. Two, that
cheat day increases compliance on our nutrition programs by over 60%, which mean people are going to
stick to it because they have that one day per week they can kick up their heels. Guess what ? You can
still burn. You can still get the results you want with that cheat day.”

“That’s kind of like a simple explanation behind why we do what we do with the nutrition program. Do
you have any questions or does that make sense to you, how we do this?”

Logan: “Yeah.”

Tyler: “Right. So we’re just optimizing the nutrient ratios and really focusing on eating real food. Like I
said, there's a nutrition program that comes with the program when you sign up for it. Now I want to
talk to you about the exercise. This is really cool. I like to give people the science behind why we do what
we do because it’s much different than what you typically see in other fitness programs. From there, I’ll
kind of share with you the real key to getting awesome results with our program.”

“The first thing we started out with is we’re always trying to increase people’s strength. I know getting
stronger is not necessarily sexy but everybody wants to feel better in their body, like they can do more
with their body. You could stand to use a little bit more strength, right?”

Logan: “Always.”

Tyler: “Always. The reason why we focus primarily on strength is because we want to improve your
muscle. I’ll touch on this in just one second. Our goal is to quantifiably increase your strength so let’s say
we’re starting with a ten-pound weight today. Six months, twelve months down the road, I literally want
you doubling your strength. That’s what we see on average, people doubling their strength in six to
twelve months so that’s what we can expect from you when you sign up for the program.”

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“We increase the strength because we want to build more muscle.” If you’re talking to a lady, you always
have to say this, “My fist is about a pound and a half of muscle. Three of my fists is about a pound and a
half of fat. So what you’ve got to realize is that even though we may be building a little bit of muscle on
your frame, even if we add five pounds of muscle and take five pounds of fat off, the scale is going to say
the same thing, but you’re going to get better results because you’re going to be burning more calories
throughout the day, your clothes are going to fit better, and you’re going to feel much better in your
body. So don’t be afraid of building a little bit of muscle. Plus it’s much more challenging for you to build
muscle than you think.”

“Why do you want to build more muscle? It’s really simple. It’s because you want to increase the
metabolism. This is kind of our secret formula. Instead of focusing on building muscle through
bodybuilding exercises and stuff like that, we focus on functional training exercises to build your
strength. We know that if we increase the number of reps you can do or the weight you can lift, you’re
ultimately going to be increasing your muscle which means increasing your metabolism. Does that make
sense? It’s kind of like A equals B, B equals C, then A also equals C kind of situation. If you do that, you’re
going to get way better results in your training than other people.”

“Now let me tell you a little bit about kind of the cardio that we do. It’s a little bit different than what
you’re used to. I’m going to draw a little diagram here that shows you your metabolism over time. What
most people are told to do in the fitness industry is go out and hit a treadmill for 30 to 60 minutes at a
medium intensity. That's okay. I want to explain to you why that’s not the most optimal way for you to
train. Let’s say you go out and you hit a treadmill for 30 to 60 minutes. Well, your metabolism goes up
but as soon as you step off, it goes right back down. There’s no afterburn. That’s what we call it in the
industry. You’re not actually burning extra calories afterwards.”

“After that, there's a little hormone called cortisol that shoots up. That hormone right there, we know it
as a stress hormone. That’s responsible for belly fat, sleep problems, bad skin, and sugar cravings, which
a lot of people have. The second thing that we’ve got to realize about cortisol is that it does the same
thing as starvation mode. So we talked about starvation mode earlier, causing your metabolism to go
downhill. Well, that starvation mode at that bottom end tends to be catabolic, which means our body’s
going to eat muscle mass. Picture this.”

Here’s where I like to have the aha moment with most people. “You go to the gym and you do resistance
training. What’s the purpose of building resistance training? It’s to build muscle, right? So you build
muscle and then right after you do that resistance training, you go do 30 to 60 minutes of medium-
intensity cardio which spikes the hormone cortisol, which tells our body to burn muscle. It doesn’t tell our
body to keep that muscle on our frame. Let’s say you go do that again the next day, again and again for
a year straight. What happens? Nothing. You go to the gym doing counterintuitive goals over and over
again for years and nothing happens. That’s why you see people come to the gym for three years in a
row and they don’t get any results, because they’re doing goals that work against each other.”

“So how do we complement our strength training? We do what’s called metabolic conditioning or high-
intensity interval training. We do short periods of hard work and short periods of rest. Research shows

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you can boost your metabolism for up to 48 hours afterwards. That’s huge. It takes less time to do the
traditional cardio, it complements strength training, it supports you maintaining your muscle mass, and
it can burn more calories longer. Think about it like this. Regular cardio is you burning fat during
exercise. High intensity training is training your metabolism to burn fat after exercise so that’s awesome.
It’s an awesome way to train.”

“Another cool thing is that you actually decrease your appetite by doing high intensity training. You’re
never really hungry right after a high intensity training workout whereas long duration, medium-
intensity cardio has what’s called a compensatory eating reaction which means you and I go for a jog for
30 to 60 minutes and guess what? We’re going to be more hungry afterwards. We’re going to open
fridge and eat down all that food we just burned off.”

“So this is definitely the optimal way to train but here’s the real deal. This is the kind of nerdy stuff
behind why we do what we do in our program. I’m sure you’ll agree that this makes perfect sense to you
right now but you have to realize the number one most important thing is you’ve got to show up. All you
have to do is show up for the program, be consistent, and we’ll take care of the rest. It’s really that

“Finally, the last component of this program is recovery. I don’t want you to go out there and do some
pseudo-crazy stuff. It’s all about decreasing stress. So don’t go see a therapist and read a self-help book.
I have three things that I consider the best for recovery. I call them the three Rs of recovery. It’s all about
increasing rest and getting a high quality amount of sleep.” I’ll usually ask somebody about their sleep
and I’ll recommend they get between seven and a half and nine hours of sleep if at all possibly, or at
least a minimum of six hours of sleep. Then I’ll go on to talk about recreation. “Recreation is simply
anything you can do to stay moving throughout the day without feeling like you have to move. So quit
jogging, running on the treadmill, and wasting your time on those things unless you absolutely love to do
those things. Go out there and play. Have more fun. Spend more time with your family. Our program is
really designed to give you the best results in the least amount of time so you have more time to do fun
things in your life.”

“The last one is rejuvenation. If you’re going to do anything in addition to this, treat your body nice. Do
some stretching. Take a yoga class. Go for some pleasure walks. Get a massage. We include a stretching
video that you can watch at home that’s really simple to follow just so that you can work on that
recovery component at home without having to do anything else or join another program. That’s kind of
our recovery component. Does that make perfect sense to you, how we just want to decrease the stress
to kind of help accelerate the results? Do you have any questions about this whole philosophy right here
and kind of what we’re trying to do with this program?”

Logan: “No. I’m ready to sign up.”

Tyler: You’re ready to sign up. I was going to say one thing real quick because I have had very few people
ask me questions after doing that comprehensive of a presentation. Usually, I’ll be interacting with the
people a little bit more and asking if this made sense, does this make sense, can you see what I’m saying
when I do this—

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Logan: And tailoring it to what their goals happen to be at that point. So that was a generic form of it
versus what you’d actually do with a person.

Tyler: Very generic. Exactly. I leaned a little bit towards the fat loss in that one because that’s going to be
the majority of your clients but you can tailor that to anybody. You can take this approach and tailor that
to anybody. After you do this, you just say to them, “Hey, let me show you how this actually works.” You
take them outside. You do that bad ass MTV-style workout that I was talking about. Before you do that
workout, you really ask them one simple question, too: How do you like muscle soreness? On a scale of
one to ten, how do you like muscle soreness?

If they say ten, you get them sore as hell. If they say one, you do some simple stuff and you keep
reminding them that, “This is just the start. Six months down the road…” You keep phrasing those future
tense things. “Six months down the road when we get you to your goals.” Twelve months down the road
when we get you to your goals.” So that when they sign up and you present them with a six-month
option and a twelve-month option, they’re not freaked out by it. You’ve already spoken to their
subconscious and conscious minds about a longer term investment in the program.

Then you give them that great workout and then you come back and you just show them the program
from there. You just be totally cool. I guess this is going over half an hour of our time but I’ll kind of just
tell you guys what I do. I sit down and I have this big checklist of all the shit I included in my program.
“You get unlimited access to the classes available. We have over 200 classes a month. You get an
ironclad 30-day money-back get results guarantee. If you go out of town for a week, I give you unlimited
travel workouts so I’ll write to you some workouts you can do with your bodyweight in your hotel room.
You get unlimited email access to my personal email address. I can help you get 100% to your goals. If
you guys aren’t getting to your goals, then guess what? I’m going to help you get there. Plus, you get the
TXT Accelerator package which includes everything you need to accelerate your results. It’s a 60-day at-
home body transformation system where you get an email every other day for 60 days. It gives you
recipes, stretching videos, our nutrition manual. It gives you the 10-day Fast Track Fat Loss Program and
everything you need to do to get awesome results for the first 60 days.”

Now if you guys will notice, I did a 30-day money-back guarantee and a 60-day challenge program.
That’s for a very good reason. I want them to love the 60-day challenge program so much that they go
way over their 30 days and they continue doing it. If I did 30 and 30, at the end of the challenge, they’d
be like, “Oh, this is great but I think I’m going to quit.” So I do a differentiation in what I’m giving with
the challenge and what I’m giving with the guarantee. It hopes to keep them there longer.

So I give them everything. I show them everything we include. I show them the schedule and make sure
we pick a few times, try to get more commitment, and tell them how much consistency is the most
important thing. Then I flip over the page and I say, “Well, let me show you the packages we have to
offer.” I show them my 3-month package, my 9-month package, and then my two Diamond packages
which are paid-in-full packages.

Then here’s a really crucial thing. I say, “Now we usually charge a $50 enrolment fee but if you sign up
today, I’d like to waive that for people because it makes my life a lot easier. I don’t have to come back

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here and sign the paperwork with you. So if you’re willing to sign up today, we can give you $50 off
instantly.” Then I reiterate that 30-day money-back guarantee on all the programs.

From there, I just ask them, “Is there a program you’d like to sign up for or are there some questions
that you need to ask?” From there, that’s where the real kind of good selling comes in. Either they’re
going to pick a package right off the bat, which tells you that you did a great job in your presentation,
your workout, and your rapport with that person, or they’ll ask you some questions. It’s really crucial for
you guys to get them to sign up ASAP.

My attrition rate for people who walk away, and I had to follow up with, is probably more than 50%
whereas my closing rate for people I sit down with is over 90%. So if you can keep them in that chair and
you can ask them something simple like, “What is it that’s preventing you from signing up today? What
if we just did a thing where I could just tear this contract up and not charge you anything. I won’t charge
you for the first five days?” Simple stuff like that, there’s a million different ways to twist it, to make sure
that you get people signed up on that day, but you’ve just got to get them into the program at that point
any way you can, 50% off their first month, some sort of extra special package.

I wouldn’t recommend going down in price permanently but you can give them a great deal on their first
month if they haven’t done a low-end front offer. Even if they have done a low-end front offer, the point
is to get them in the program to give them the results they ask for. That way, they stay, they pay, and
they refer their friends.

Logan: All right. Well, that was awesome and I’m not surprised that it worked so well because it’s really
cool. You do have a program that really helps people accomplish their goals regardless of what their
goals really happen to be. It is comprehensive so just in how you pitch it, you’re tailoring it specifically to
get them excited about it. Like you said, that really is the most important thing. Get them to sign up that
day, not in the future because like you said, if people leave, more likely they’re not going to sign up.

Tyler: Yeah. Absolutely.

Logan: You gave some really cool tips there. Any final things on there? I know you can be covering this in
more detail over several hours.

Tyler: Yeah. We can go days on this topic. I can go all day and we can do critiques and stuff but listen to
this podcast. The way how I learned to do sales, the way I learned how to do things, how to be
successful, was to listen to things over and over again. I love audio. It’s a great format to learn from if
you do learn from it that way. Or print it out as a transcription and just read over it. Read it out loud
over and over again to yourself in the mirror.

You guys have to realize I’ve given this speech well over 500 times now. It has become second nature to
me. So the first time you do this, you’re going to be shitting your pants a little bit. After a while, after
you stop shitting the bed on your speeches, then you’re going to do pretty good.

You’ve got to track your percentage of closing. If you’re not closing at least two-thirds of the people, you
either need to work on your speech, your product, or your price point, your offer. Think about those

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things and really track your results with it. The people who are listening to this right now, if you learn
this pitch, you apply it, and you learn everything we said on this call, you’re going to be miles ahead of
every other trainer out there.

So listen to this one over and over again. It’s very powerful. You guys are getting some awesome free
information. We’re probably going to turn that into a program later on the future. So listen to this over
and over again if you really want to just grove that in and get awesome results in your personal training

Logan: One thing I do want to point out about why it worked so well is because it’s not just a sales pitch.
You’re educating them throughout and the education and the sales really blend together. They go hand
in hand. Really almost any good sales pitch is going to have that on some level or another because in
order to get people really excited about it, often times you do have to educate them. You have to get rid
of a lot of the myths that they believed, which you handled really well in there. So it was cool stuff, very
cool to listen to.

Tyler: Awesome. Well, thanks so much for listening. We’ll have something cool for you next week.
Maybe we’ll dig into some more internet stuff.

Logan: I think what we’re going to have to do is recap the seminar that we are attending after next, the
Traffic and Conversion Summit that we’re going to so we’ll be bringing you some cutting edge tactics on
the internet. Probably, there are some offline stuff as well. We’ll be recapping what we learned from
there and what we’re going to be putting into action as well.

Tyler: That’s a great idea. Excellent. Well. we’ll see you guys next week.

Thank you guys so much for listening to the Fitness Money Podcast. For more information on how you
can make more money in your fitness business today, go to or go to Thanks so much for listening. We’ll see you next time.

Copyright © 2013 All Rights Reserved

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Fitness Money Episode 9 - Golden Closing Formula

  • 1. Fitness Money Podcast Episode 9 Golden Closing Formula Get this podcast on iTunes at: Welcome to the Fitness Money Podcast brought to you by Fitness In this podcast, Logan Christopher and Tyler Bramlett teach you the step by step ways to make more money in your Fitness Business. Let’s take it on a word for this episode of the Fitness Money Podcast. Tyler: Hey, guys. This is Tyler and Logan and this is the Fitness Money Podcast. Logan, how’s it going today? Logan: It is going good. This is my second call for the day so I can record things. Tyler: Yeah. I literally just got off another call myself, talking to Shawna K, the pull-up queen, just sharing with my other podcasters how to get 20 pull-ups. Logan: Yeah. We’ve got a lot of calls going on all over the place. It’s a great way to transmit information. That’s why we’re doing this podcast in the first place, right? Copyright © 2013 All Rights Reserved
  • 2. Tyler: Yeah. Absolutely. You’ve got to share the message with as many people as you possibly can. Well, last time I had mentioned giving you guys a golden closing formula that you guys can use for your private training clients or your boot camp clients to help get them signed up to your program. Today, I wanted to share that formula with you. This is something you guys are going to probably want to listen to over and over again until you get the information down perfectly. I’ll kind of do some role-playing with Logan. Forgive me if it’s not as charismatic as it usually is because usually I’m sitting right in front of somebody and I’m picturing myself burning at the stake if I don’t make the sale. Before I share that golden closing formula, Logan and I wanted to talk about the number one thing you need to do with your clients, your boot campers, or your prospects before starting a speech. Before you ever start trying to sell them something, you need to know who they are and what it is that they’re trying to purchase. So I’ll lead off with a series of questions. I ask each question to try and figure out what this person’s goal is in terms of their fitness and how I can help them achieve that goal through the sales pitch that I’m going to give them. Logan: Yeah. That’s a key thing that makes selling in person so much easier. A lot of people have hang ups about it, sell from their heels, and have skinny kids, whatever all those sayings about salesmen. There’s no way you can close better than to be in person because you really can then tailor your sales message to them and that’s what you’re talking about as far as acquiring information from them. It becomes harder if you’re trying to sell another but if you can master the art of selling in person, then doing things like copywriting for your products later is much easier to do. Tyler: Yeah. I can attest to that, going from a sales background finally to a copywriting background and realizing how useful it was to be able to sell to a bunch of different types of people using essentially the same pitch but highlighting areas of it that related to people more or less. That’s something I guess you should keep in mind when we’re going through this. I’m going through a series of a few questions I tend to ask people. This is something that’s not the same every time but I’ll tell you what I lead off with. First of all, you have them sit down. They’ve either gone through your low-end offer, that we’ve already talked about in a previous podcast, just to kind of build a little bit of relationship with you, or they’re coming to a one-time free body diagnostic session. Now I don’t recommend you do this for a personal trainer. If you’re a personal trainer, give them a low-end offer first and then you can tell them you’re going to give them their free body diagnostic session or free nutrition consultation next. Start with that. If you are a boot camp, you can lead with this. You can lead with them sitting down, filling out a little waiver that asks for their name, their information, their email address, their goals, and their release of liability. Then you flip it offer and here’s what I always lead off wit. I say this, “So I like to sit down for a few minutes with each person before we go do a sample workout. I want to get a good idea of kind of who you are, what your goals are, and what you’re really looking for to make sure that I can better help you.” So from the start, I didn’t sit down and go, “So are you looking for fat loss? Are you looking for muscle building? Are you looking for cardio conditioning?” or whatever. I just said, “Hey, I want to be your friend. How can I help you?” This is all about whether they know, like, and trust you. You have to make Copyright © 2013 All Rights Reserved
  • 3. them know, like, and trust you. This is really crucial. You have to take that first step and say, “Hey, how can I help you?” Then you lead off with some questions. So to break the ice, instead of saying tell me your goal and leading off of that, I really like to lead off with, what do you do for a living? That gives me two pieces of information. One, it gives me an idea of their schedule. I can see if they’re fitting within this boot camp or if they fit within my personal schedule. Two, you kind of get to see how much money they make. If you ask somebody what they do for a living and they’re like—I’ve got nothing against this people —“I’m a garbage man” or something like that, whatever they say, if you know it’s a low-paying job then you’re going to know immediately that it’s going to be a little bit tougher to sell them on a high paying package. But if they sit down and say they’re a lawyer or a doctor or something like that, then you kind of know to shoot for the bigger package at the end. That gives you some great information. Then you can ask them about their schedule, whether they like their job or not. You just want to get as much information. You’re trying to build rapport with somebody and rapport is the most crucial part. You have to talk to these people like they’re your friends and they have to feel that way after that. It’s not like you’re a pitchy salesman because I’ve done the pitchy salesman thing, too, and people smell it. Have you ever had that happen to you, Logan, where they’re like, “Why are you trying to pitch me on this stuff?” Logan: Absolutely. You can tell, especially having studied NLP a whole bunch, when people come in, they know at some point that they’re going to be sold to so their guard is up. If you have skills in rapport building and all that, then you can match and pace them. Like you said, you come across these friends. They like you, they trust you, and everything, and they’ll let that guard down. Tyler: Absolutely. That was a great point, Logan. I’m going to tell you a couple more questions that I like to ask then I’m going to throw the mike your way. Why don’t you tell us some NLP stuff about body matching and things like that that can help people build rapport? Logan: Sure. Tyler: Okay. So after that, I ask them, how’d you hear about us? How did you hear about our program? If they’ve already gone through your trial offer, you can ask them, how was your experience with our trial offer so far? You can get a good idea of why they’re coming there and where they are hearing from you. That way, you can also mark down in your sheet what traffic source is giving you this lead because it’s important to know whether your flyers, Facebook ads, YouTube videos, business cards, or your clients are generating the leads for you. Usually, I’ll talk to them about that for a little bit, just getting an idea of where they’re at. Then I’ll ask them, what’s your background with exercise? Were you an athlete in college? Is this your first time exercising? That will give me another background, too, as to kind of where they’re at physically and where they’re at mentally. If somebody’s an athlete in college and they like muscle soreness, I’m going to go out there and I’m going to kick their ass the whole time I’m training them. Copyright © 2013 All Rights Reserved
  • 4. My mentor says it like this, “It’s like you’re an MTV episode and you’re on the first show. If the first show gets great reviews, you get another show. If it doesn’t, the show’s canned.” So you go out there and you train that person, “Come on! Come on, Mrs. Smith! Let’s go! Let’s go! Come on! I want work! 5…4…” You make them have the best experience ever. That way when they come back, they expect that type of service from you. You watch most personal trainers where they put someone on a treadmill and they push go. They say warm up for 20 minutes and they text next to them or they do some goofy stuff. Give them enthusiasm. That’s the important thing, knowing what their background is so you know whether or not to be compassionate and say, “Why don’t we go down in weights today. There’s plenty of time in the future,” or whether you know you want to kick some serious butt and be like, “Come on! Let’s go! Let’s go!” because there are going to be different types of people that come in for different reasons. Logan: Yeah. I think that’s a big thing people don’t realize. I’ve seen this before. So many people don’t realize that other people are different and not everyone operates like them. If you’re all gung-ho and aggressive in your training and you’re training stay-at-home moms, not a lot of them are going to be like that. So like you said, you really need to be able to adapt to what’s going to work best for the person. That’s actually going to help them get better results. Yes, you need to push people at certain times and know when to back off for those more aggressive people but you really need to tailor it to the person to match their psychological profile in order to get their best results. Tyler: Yeah. I believe I heard somebody call that tone matching, where you just kind of match the vibration of the person. That way they don’t feel like you’re different. Because if you come in like yourself, “I love hardcore workouts,” and you’re talking to Mrs. Smith who is in a chair nervous as hell to join a boot camp program or do some functional fitness, that’s never going to gel. You’re never going to make that sale. Being more calm and compassionate and reassuring her by starting slow, taking your time, and being consistent is a much better way to go about this thing. So you really have to think about matching the frequency of the person you’re sitting in front of. Logan: Yeah, that’s going to help big time in the sales process. It’s important for the results of clients and how you actually got them through. It’s the same exact thing when you’re trying to close them. Tyler: Yeah. Absolutely. So now you’re continuing to ascertain information. The more information you get from them in obviously a reasonably short period of time is really good. I always take notes of all this stuff so that I can reuse the same words that they use back towards me. I’ll kind of follow that up with some injury stuff. You want to get a full injury profile to make sure that nobody’s going to get more injured in your classes. You want to get a good idea if they’re a member of any other facilities or if they’ve had any experience with gyms in the past. You can ask them about their experiences. One of my favorite things to do is to ask them about their negative experiences with other facilities so you know what to tell people that your facility doesn’t have. “Oh, I didn’t like the other facility. It’s totally dirty and the people yelled at me all the time.” Say, “Well, at our facility, we don’t yell at you Copyright © 2013 All Rights Reserved
  • 5. unless it’s to really motivate you. We keep everything nice and clean.” That way they feel like you’re different from those facilities they’ve had a bad rapport with. Logan: Do you also ask questions about what has worked really well for them as far as working out or going to other places in the past? Do you say, “Oh, yeah. We do it like this as well.” Tyler: Yeah. Sure. Exactly. You want to ask them the negative experiences they’ve had with other people and the positive experiences they’ve had. You want to reflect on those positive experiences and show how you’re different from those negative experiences. That's how sales really works. You build that rapport and then you kind of have to give the people what they want. Just give them a program that’s really good. I should have said this at the start. If you’ve got a program that doesn’t deliver, if you’ve got a program that injures people frequently, then get the fuck out of the fitness field. You’ve got no business here. If you can’t teach people how to move better, get stronger, be more conditioned, get great results, and do it in a way that works consistently, then you’ve got no business being in the fitness field. So get a good program first. Get some knowledge first. Know how to do this. That way when you sell somebody something, no matter what it is, you’re still going to give them good results. You’re still going to give them essentially what they want, which is to be healthier, feel better, and look good naked. Right? I kind of went off tangent there. The last question I’ll always ask people is what’s your goal? I want to know exactly what it is that they want to achieve with the program so that when I’m talking about my program, I can sell that back to them. I can talk to them about their personal goal. If it’s fat loss, I’m going to talk to them more about the nutrition component of my golden closing formula and the cardiovascular component of my golden closing formula. If it’s toning up and muscle building or athletic performance, I’m going to talk more about eating for performance and building strength and conditioning. I’m giving the exact same pitch. I’m just using different words and I’m framing it in different ways. If they’re there just to kind of stay healthy, I’m going to preach to them a healthy diet and the healthiest way to workout. You have to just kind of show them that sort of fundamental perspective. As you collect all this information, you have to have this written down next to you so that when you give this pitch, you are giving them what they want. I cannot say that enough. You have to give them what they want. You have to rapport. I’m going to pause a second before we do this golden closing formula and I’m going to hand it over to Logan. Logan’s going to tell us kind of NLP and how you can kind of build rapport faster and can really get on the same tone vibration with people. Logan: Yeah. I’ll give you some of the easier tips because with this stuff you can go very deep. If you decide to study on that deep level and practice a lot, your ability to sell people on anything, just ideas and everything, will improve so significantly in some ways it’s unbelievable. One of the easiest things you talked about right there is matching what they’re telling you they want when you ask them what their goal is. If they say it’s fat loss then you talk about fat loss. Copyright © 2013 All Rights Reserved
  • 6. Specifically, you want to use the exact words that they used. A lot of people when they do this like to paraphrase, which you can do too. But when you use the exact words that another person uses, what is happening there is they’ve just used those words so that has a specific intention, everything wired to it within that person’s brain. If you use it back, all those things that are attached to it work. If you use something else, even if it is a paraphrased, it’s not exactly entering in. It’s kind of like a grease slide into their brain by just using those exact words. That is one thing. Matching their physiology is another pretty easy step to do. What that means is how they are holding their body. Are they leaning forward as you talk? Then lead forward. All this body language stuff, a lot of people find it very natural. Other people find it more difficult to do but if you can match their physiology, you’re going to get in rapport much better. You’re going to feel better. The same thing goes with your vocal tone. Once again use the exact words they used and then speak at the same rate they’re speaking, the same volume and same pitch, that sort of thing. If you can do those steps, it’s pretty easy to actually get a rapport with people because the truth is people want to be in rapport with others. It’s somewhat uncomfortable to be distanced or guarded against people so they want to do this. If you do these simple steps, you can get in rapport. There are more advanced things like eliciting what their primary representational systems are. For example, if they’re a very visual person, they’ll talk a lot about, “I see myself in the future weighing 40 pounds less,” that sort of thing. In that case, you’d want to use other visual words to get them to see the future, to see the results they can get rather than talking about how your body’s going to feel. If you can work with whatever they’re really shooting for as those three primary senses which are visual, auditory, and the kinesthetic, which is really the body and feelings, then you’re going to get much better results. Once again, that’s basically the way to enter their mind and help you get whatever you’re trying to get from them, which in this case would be trying to sell to them. Once again, these things also apply when you’re training them. They’ll have better results or like you more if you’re using the same rapport —building tactics at all times. Tyler: Absolutely. Logan, I just want to touch on one tiny thing you said there with the prime modalities that people use. You’re talking about somebody talking about seeing, hearing, or feeling. Just think about the way that changes a phrase at the end of a sales pitch. You can show them a whole entire sales pitch and say, “Do you see what I’m trying to show you right here,” or, “Did I paint a good enough picture for you?” versus, “Do you hear what I’m saying?” “Does this all make sense to you?” “Does this make you feel differently now that I’ve shared this information with you?” Just simple comments like that just playing on their primary sensory modality are so powerful. You mentioned that it’s an advanced — Logan: The thing is if someone’s on the fence and you use something that doesn’t hit that, that could be the key thing that makes it a no versus a yes. It really can be that big of a thing. In order to get this right, all you have to do is be a good listener. Other people may find it really easy to do but for me personally, compared to matching the body language where that’s something I’m pretty natural at, listening to the actual words that they use, like are they talking about seeing things or saying words like “show me” or Copyright © 2013 All Rights Reserved
  • 7. “paint the picture,” that sort of thing versus “that rings a bell” or “I hear what you’re saying” versus “it doesn’t feel right” or “this feels right” or “I want to go forward with it,” those sort of things, if you can just pick up on those words— The easy way to do this is once again just use the exact words that they give you and parrot it back. People are always worried that they’re going to be found out. If you go overboard with it to some degree, of course it’s going to happen. But if you just use a few of the words every once in a while, people don’t notice at all. In fact, they’re going to just going to be in such good rapport with you they’re going to really like you. Tyler: Yeah. All right. Well, I guess it’s time to get started and give you guys my golden closing formula. You guys have got to realize it’s really challenging for me to do this in a way that’s going to affect all of you so if you’re listening to this and it’s not gelling with you 100%, I’m probably speaking to somebody who’s not you. Take that for what it is and understand that kind of what I’m trying to do with this is really convince people that my system is the shit and it’s going to get them to their results faster than everybody else, that if they trust me and put their trust in this philosophy, they’ll get the results they want. It starts with really painting a big picture for everybody. As you can see, I’m a visual dominant person by saying that phrase— Logan: One other thing I want to mention, like I said you can go deeper, is an understanding of meta- programs. One you just talked about there is the big picture versus the detail person. If you can understand where a person lies on that, by talking about the big picture if the person’s really detail- oriented, they’re going to sort of just gloss over and get bored. Once again, there's a whole lot more of information but the easy way to do it is to cover both, which I’m sure you do. You do cover a big picture then dive down into the details. In general, that’s a good way to teach, sell, or anything like that. Go ahead. I’ll try not to interrupt you. Tyler: Don’t spoil the program, Logan. Okay. So I’m going to use Logan as kind of my patsy here. We’ll be looking at each other in the eyes and talking about it. Listen to this kind of thing and try to treat it as a way you can work on closing your clients. Before you ever give the speech, practice on your friends, your spouse, your girlfriend or whoever, and make sure you get it dialed down to the point where you can kind of do the things we’ve already just talked about. After you ascertain all this information from people, you get all these questions asked, then it’s time to jump in to your closing formula. Here’s what I say to them: “Before we go outside and do a quick little workout, I want to give you guys an idea of exactly what we do with our program. I want to give you guys kind of like the 50,000 mile view of everything that we do in the program and then kind of delve into some more detail as to why what we do works better than everything else. To start out with, I want to share with you guys my personal philosophy. That is what I call the rapid results pyramid.” That's when I draw a triangle on the page and at the bottom of the triangle, I write. “So the rapid results pyramid is made up of three things: nutrition, exercise, and recovery. This is extremely important for you Copyright © 2013 All Rights Reserved
  • 8. to understand. If somebody’s trying to sell you something that doesn’t contain these three components and telling you it’s going to work, they’re lying to you. You can’t outrun a doughnut. If you have great exercise and great nutrition but you sleep lousy and you’re stressed all the time, it’s still not going to happen for you. That’s why I really like to look at these three components with everybody, just to make sure that they really understand how they can get great results.” “I’m going to start with nutrition and we’ll touch on kind of some basic concepts and then go in a little bit greater detail as well. So nutrition, what is the first thing I try to teach people? It is eat real food.” I’ll put a picture of what I’m drawing out here so that you guys can see what I’m doing. As I’m saying something, I’m writing it down. “Eating real food is so important because it’s the critical foundation for you getting great results with your nutrition. If you’re starting with calories and things like that, and you’re not eating real food, it’s not going to help. I’m not a snake oil salesman. I’m not trying to sell you guys on some bullshit nutrition program. You’ve got to start with eating real food and the highest quality you can afford.” “Beyond that, instead of asking people to count their calories, I prefer to do something which is focusing on macronutrient ratios to help optimize your fat loss hormones. That’s very important. You need to understand how important optimizing your hormones is and getting your overall body composition results. Does that make sense?” Logan will say yes. “Okay. So I’m going to talk about each macronutrient, what it kind of does in the body, and how it can benefit you if you optimize your ratios. Carbohydrates—” Logan: “Isn’t it all about calories, though, Tyler?” Tyler: “Yeah. That’s a great question, Logan. But I really like to optimize the macronutrient ratios. Let me explain here. Carbohydrates are high intensity fuel and a fuel for the brain. What does that mean? That means we need to some carbohydrates in order to fuel our bodies. But the average American is eating way too many carbohydrates and it’s probably causing them to get fat. What happens if you’re eating too many carbohydrates, that spikes up a little hormone called insulin in the body, which tends to spike up our body fat percentage.” This ties in really good if you have one of those hand body fat percentage charts so that they know what they’re spiking up. Their body fat percentage is going to go up. Anyways, “The first thing we do with most people’s nutrition is we try to drop their carbohydrates down and we try to get them to the point where it’s not affecting their blood sugar levels. Now I’m not going to tell you to follow the Atkins diet. That’s way too extreme. What we need to learn is that everybody’s different and that your carbohydrate threshold is going to be different from everybody else’s. For most people, I recommend between 50 and 150 grams of carbohydrates a day.” “The important about this—I haven’t covered that yet—is the glycemic index. Are you guys familiar with the glycemic index, Logan?” Logan: “Yup.” Copyright © 2013 All Rights Reserved
  • 9. Tyler: “You are? Okay. I’ll just touch on it a little bit further to make sure you totally understand why this is so important. We have on the high end of the glycemic index the foods that you kind of digest sugars faster in your body so they increase your insulin faster and they’ll store as body fat faster. We’ve got obvious things like sugar, rice, potatoes, all processed food. I really like to touch on wheat as well. To me, wheat is one of those big culprits and it’s not because of this whole gluten fiasco. It’s because of wheat being higher on the glycemic index than table sugar. So if you wake up in the morning and have yourself a slice of whole wheat toast and think you’re doing yourself a good favor, it’s not really the best thing you can be doing for your blood sugar level.” “What can we do to optimize your results even better? Focus on the foods that are at the low end of the glycemic index. These are all foods that we’ve been told to eat over and over again in every nutrition program out there. That’s veggies, nuts and seeds, legumes. Those are the foods that are lower in glycemic index. They have more micronutrients. They last longer in terms of energy. Then I put fruit right there in the middle because you can go that way with fruit and eat too much of it and it would be too much sugar, or it can go that way with fruit and eat the right fruits that aren’t going to cause you to gain body fat. That’s kind of my snapshot into carbohydrates. Does that kind of make sense to where you’re at?” Logan: “Yup.” Tyler: “Okay, excellent. The next is protein, one of our other macronutrients. Protein is essential when we’re looking at monitoring your body composition. Protein starts with this. There are two reason why you really, really need to be consuming enough protein. First, if you don’t consume enough protein and you’re working out hard like we’re going to teach you how to do with this program, you’re going to be breaking down your muscle and you’re not going to be repairing your muscle. This is detrimental to you. Simply think about it like this: It’s almost like building a brick house. If you run out of bricks and the house isn’t done yet, all you’re doing is taking bricks from the living room and putting them to build a kitchen, or from the kitchen to finish the bedroom. You never actually get any good results. That’s why protein is so important.” “For most people, we like to increase their protein consumption. Another way to think about this, too, is that protein actually decreases your hunger. Instead of telling you to count calories, I’d rather have you monitor your protein consumption and make it even intervals throughout the day. That way, you don’t have to worry about counting calories. You don’t have to worry about those crazy diets that people try to sell you on. All you have to worry about is focusing on consuming enough protein. Does that make sense to you?” Logan: “Yup.” Tyler: Okay. The last one is fat. It’s not the devil we’ve made it out to be. I tell people simply this. “It’s neither good nor bad, as long as it comes from the healthy sources. So my catchall for this and a really easy way to understand if a fat is good is if I hold it up in my hand and I say to myself, was this here 10,000 years ago? If it was, it’s probably good for you. If it wasn’t, you probably shouldn’t eat it. Okay? So that’s really simple. Eat the healthy fats, the avocadoes, the olive oil, the salmon, the flax seed, things Copyright © 2013 All Rights Reserved
  • 10. like that. Those are things you absolutely want to get your fat from. So make sure we consume that in our diet” “Now these are just recommendations. With the program, we actually include a comprehensive nutrition program that covers all the things that you need to do and makes it really easy for you to follow. It’s a step-by-step thing so you don’t have to worry about remembering any of these. You’ll get all of that when you sign up for the program.” “One final thing with the nutrition program is what we call calorie cycling. Instead of focusing on eating higher protein, eating veggies, and not giving you any break in your nutrition program, what happens is if you consume less calories per day, like you’re going to do when you eat more protein and mostly vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, and high quality fats, your metabolism goes downhill. The research shows within two weeks, it’s by as much as 40%.” So here’s my favorite question to ask people: “Do you want your metabolism to go down by 40% if you want to lose fat? No. Obviously not so we use what’s called calorie cycling and this is a secret that bodybuilders have been using for a long time in order to stay really lean and to build that lean muscle mass. Once a week, we want you cycling your calories back up and we call that a cheat day. This is really cool. Cheat day does two amazing things for us. One, it actually does boost our metabolism. Two, that cheat day increases compliance on our nutrition programs by over 60%, which mean people are going to stick to it because they have that one day per week they can kick up their heels. Guess what ? You can still burn. You can still get the results you want with that cheat day.” “That’s kind of like a simple explanation behind why we do what we do with the nutrition program. Do you have any questions or does that make sense to you, how we do this?” Logan: “Yeah.” Tyler: “Right. So we’re just optimizing the nutrient ratios and really focusing on eating real food. Like I said, there's a nutrition program that comes with the program when you sign up for it. Now I want to talk to you about the exercise. This is really cool. I like to give people the science behind why we do what we do because it’s much different than what you typically see in other fitness programs. From there, I’ll kind of share with you the real key to getting awesome results with our program.” “The first thing we started out with is we’re always trying to increase people’s strength. I know getting stronger is not necessarily sexy but everybody wants to feel better in their body, like they can do more with their body. You could stand to use a little bit more strength, right?” Logan: “Always.” Tyler: “Always. The reason why we focus primarily on strength is because we want to improve your muscle. I’ll touch on this in just one second. Our goal is to quantifiably increase your strength so let’s say we’re starting with a ten-pound weight today. Six months, twelve months down the road, I literally want you doubling your strength. That’s what we see on average, people doubling their strength in six to twelve months so that’s what we can expect from you when you sign up for the program.” Copyright © 2013 All Rights Reserved
  • 11. “We increase the strength because we want to build more muscle.” If you’re talking to a lady, you always have to say this, “My fist is about a pound and a half of muscle. Three of my fists is about a pound and a half of fat. So what you’ve got to realize is that even though we may be building a little bit of muscle on your frame, even if we add five pounds of muscle and take five pounds of fat off, the scale is going to say the same thing, but you’re going to get better results because you’re going to be burning more calories throughout the day, your clothes are going to fit better, and you’re going to feel much better in your body. So don’t be afraid of building a little bit of muscle. Plus it’s much more challenging for you to build muscle than you think.” “Why do you want to build more muscle? It’s really simple. It’s because you want to increase the metabolism. This is kind of our secret formula. Instead of focusing on building muscle through bodybuilding exercises and stuff like that, we focus on functional training exercises to build your strength. We know that if we increase the number of reps you can do or the weight you can lift, you’re ultimately going to be increasing your muscle which means increasing your metabolism. Does that make sense? It’s kind of like A equals B, B equals C, then A also equals C kind of situation. If you do that, you’re going to get way better results in your training than other people.” “Now let me tell you a little bit about kind of the cardio that we do. It’s a little bit different than what you’re used to. I’m going to draw a little diagram here that shows you your metabolism over time. What most people are told to do in the fitness industry is go out and hit a treadmill for 30 to 60 minutes at a medium intensity. That's okay. I want to explain to you why that’s not the most optimal way for you to train. Let’s say you go out and you hit a treadmill for 30 to 60 minutes. Well, your metabolism goes up but as soon as you step off, it goes right back down. There’s no afterburn. That’s what we call it in the industry. You’re not actually burning extra calories afterwards.” “After that, there's a little hormone called cortisol that shoots up. That hormone right there, we know it as a stress hormone. That’s responsible for belly fat, sleep problems, bad skin, and sugar cravings, which a lot of people have. The second thing that we’ve got to realize about cortisol is that it does the same thing as starvation mode. So we talked about starvation mode earlier, causing your metabolism to go downhill. Well, that starvation mode at that bottom end tends to be catabolic, which means our body’s going to eat muscle mass. Picture this.” Here’s where I like to have the aha moment with most people. “You go to the gym and you do resistance training. What’s the purpose of building resistance training? It’s to build muscle, right? So you build muscle and then right after you do that resistance training, you go do 30 to 60 minutes of medium- intensity cardio which spikes the hormone cortisol, which tells our body to burn muscle. It doesn’t tell our body to keep that muscle on our frame. Let’s say you go do that again the next day, again and again for a year straight. What happens? Nothing. You go to the gym doing counterintuitive goals over and over again for years and nothing happens. That’s why you see people come to the gym for three years in a row and they don’t get any results, because they’re doing goals that work against each other.” “So how do we complement our strength training? We do what’s called metabolic conditioning or high- intensity interval training. We do short periods of hard work and short periods of rest. Research shows Copyright © 2013 All Rights Reserved
  • 12. you can boost your metabolism for up to 48 hours afterwards. That’s huge. It takes less time to do the traditional cardio, it complements strength training, it supports you maintaining your muscle mass, and it can burn more calories longer. Think about it like this. Regular cardio is you burning fat during exercise. High intensity training is training your metabolism to burn fat after exercise so that’s awesome. It’s an awesome way to train.” “Another cool thing is that you actually decrease your appetite by doing high intensity training. You’re never really hungry right after a high intensity training workout whereas long duration, medium- intensity cardio has what’s called a compensatory eating reaction which means you and I go for a jog for 30 to 60 minutes and guess what? We’re going to be more hungry afterwards. We’re going to open fridge and eat down all that food we just burned off.” “So this is definitely the optimal way to train but here’s the real deal. This is the kind of nerdy stuff behind why we do what we do in our program. I’m sure you’ll agree that this makes perfect sense to you right now but you have to realize the number one most important thing is you’ve got to show up. All you have to do is show up for the program, be consistent, and we’ll take care of the rest. It’s really that simple.” “Finally, the last component of this program is recovery. I don’t want you to go out there and do some pseudo-crazy stuff. It’s all about decreasing stress. So don’t go see a therapist and read a self-help book. I have three things that I consider the best for recovery. I call them the three Rs of recovery. It’s all about increasing rest and getting a high quality amount of sleep.” I’ll usually ask somebody about their sleep and I’ll recommend they get between seven and a half and nine hours of sleep if at all possibly, or at least a minimum of six hours of sleep. Then I’ll go on to talk about recreation. “Recreation is simply anything you can do to stay moving throughout the day without feeling like you have to move. So quit jogging, running on the treadmill, and wasting your time on those things unless you absolutely love to do those things. Go out there and play. Have more fun. Spend more time with your family. Our program is really designed to give you the best results in the least amount of time so you have more time to do fun things in your life.” “The last one is rejuvenation. If you’re going to do anything in addition to this, treat your body nice. Do some stretching. Take a yoga class. Go for some pleasure walks. Get a massage. We include a stretching video that you can watch at home that’s really simple to follow just so that you can work on that recovery component at home without having to do anything else or join another program. That’s kind of our recovery component. Does that make perfect sense to you, how we just want to decrease the stress to kind of help accelerate the results? Do you have any questions about this whole philosophy right here and kind of what we’re trying to do with this program?” Logan: “No. I’m ready to sign up.” Tyler: You’re ready to sign up. I was going to say one thing real quick because I have had very few people ask me questions after doing that comprehensive of a presentation. Usually, I’ll be interacting with the people a little bit more and asking if this made sense, does this make sense, can you see what I’m saying when I do this— Copyright © 2013 All Rights Reserved
  • 13. Logan: And tailoring it to what their goals happen to be at that point. So that was a generic form of it versus what you’d actually do with a person. Tyler: Very generic. Exactly. I leaned a little bit towards the fat loss in that one because that’s going to be the majority of your clients but you can tailor that to anybody. You can take this approach and tailor that to anybody. After you do this, you just say to them, “Hey, let me show you how this actually works.” You take them outside. You do that bad ass MTV-style workout that I was talking about. Before you do that workout, you really ask them one simple question, too: How do you like muscle soreness? On a scale of one to ten, how do you like muscle soreness? If they say ten, you get them sore as hell. If they say one, you do some simple stuff and you keep reminding them that, “This is just the start. Six months down the road…” You keep phrasing those future tense things. “Six months down the road when we get you to your goals.” Twelve months down the road when we get you to your goals.” So that when they sign up and you present them with a six-month option and a twelve-month option, they’re not freaked out by it. You’ve already spoken to their subconscious and conscious minds about a longer term investment in the program. Then you give them that great workout and then you come back and you just show them the program from there. You just be totally cool. I guess this is going over half an hour of our time but I’ll kind of just tell you guys what I do. I sit down and I have this big checklist of all the shit I included in my program. “You get unlimited access to the classes available. We have over 200 classes a month. You get an ironclad 30-day money-back get results guarantee. If you go out of town for a week, I give you unlimited travel workouts so I’ll write to you some workouts you can do with your bodyweight in your hotel room. You get unlimited email access to my personal email address. I can help you get 100% to your goals. If you guys aren’t getting to your goals, then guess what? I’m going to help you get there. Plus, you get the TXT Accelerator package which includes everything you need to accelerate your results. It’s a 60-day at- home body transformation system where you get an email every other day for 60 days. It gives you recipes, stretching videos, our nutrition manual. It gives you the 10-day Fast Track Fat Loss Program and everything you need to do to get awesome results for the first 60 days.” Now if you guys will notice, I did a 30-day money-back guarantee and a 60-day challenge program. That’s for a very good reason. I want them to love the 60-day challenge program so much that they go way over their 30 days and they continue doing it. If I did 30 and 30, at the end of the challenge, they’d be like, “Oh, this is great but I think I’m going to quit.” So I do a differentiation in what I’m giving with the challenge and what I’m giving with the guarantee. It hopes to keep them there longer. So I give them everything. I show them everything we include. I show them the schedule and make sure we pick a few times, try to get more commitment, and tell them how much consistency is the most important thing. Then I flip over the page and I say, “Well, let me show you the packages we have to offer.” I show them my 3-month package, my 9-month package, and then my two Diamond packages which are paid-in-full packages. Then here’s a really crucial thing. I say, “Now we usually charge a $50 enrolment fee but if you sign up today, I’d like to waive that for people because it makes my life a lot easier. I don’t have to come back Copyright © 2013 All Rights Reserved
  • 14. here and sign the paperwork with you. So if you’re willing to sign up today, we can give you $50 off instantly.” Then I reiterate that 30-day money-back guarantee on all the programs. From there, I just ask them, “Is there a program you’d like to sign up for or are there some questions that you need to ask?” From there, that’s where the real kind of good selling comes in. Either they’re going to pick a package right off the bat, which tells you that you did a great job in your presentation, your workout, and your rapport with that person, or they’ll ask you some questions. It’s really crucial for you guys to get them to sign up ASAP. My attrition rate for people who walk away, and I had to follow up with, is probably more than 50% whereas my closing rate for people I sit down with is over 90%. So if you can keep them in that chair and you can ask them something simple like, “What is it that’s preventing you from signing up today? What if we just did a thing where I could just tear this contract up and not charge you anything. I won’t charge you for the first five days?” Simple stuff like that, there’s a million different ways to twist it, to make sure that you get people signed up on that day, but you’ve just got to get them into the program at that point any way you can, 50% off their first month, some sort of extra special package. I wouldn’t recommend going down in price permanently but you can give them a great deal on their first month if they haven’t done a low-end front offer. Even if they have done a low-end front offer, the point is to get them in the program to give them the results they ask for. That way, they stay, they pay, and they refer their friends. Logan: All right. Well, that was awesome and I’m not surprised that it worked so well because it’s really cool. You do have a program that really helps people accomplish their goals regardless of what their goals really happen to be. It is comprehensive so just in how you pitch it, you’re tailoring it specifically to get them excited about it. Like you said, that really is the most important thing. Get them to sign up that day, not in the future because like you said, if people leave, more likely they’re not going to sign up. Tyler: Yeah. Absolutely. Logan: You gave some really cool tips there. Any final things on there? I know you can be covering this in more detail over several hours. Tyler: Yeah. We can go days on this topic. I can go all day and we can do critiques and stuff but listen to this podcast. The way how I learned to do sales, the way I learned how to do things, how to be successful, was to listen to things over and over again. I love audio. It’s a great format to learn from if you do learn from it that way. Or print it out as a transcription and just read over it. Read it out loud over and over again to yourself in the mirror. You guys have to realize I’ve given this speech well over 500 times now. It has become second nature to me. So the first time you do this, you’re going to be shitting your pants a little bit. After a while, after you stop shitting the bed on your speeches, then you’re going to do pretty good. You’ve got to track your percentage of closing. If you’re not closing at least two-thirds of the people, you either need to work on your speech, your product, or your price point, your offer. Think about those Copyright © 2013 All Rights Reserved
  • 15. things and really track your results with it. The people who are listening to this right now, if you learn this pitch, you apply it, and you learn everything we said on this call, you’re going to be miles ahead of every other trainer out there. So listen to this one over and over again. It’s very powerful. You guys are getting some awesome free information. We’re probably going to turn that into a program later on the future. So listen to this over and over again if you really want to just grove that in and get awesome results in your personal training business. Logan: One thing I do want to point out about why it worked so well is because it’s not just a sales pitch. You’re educating them throughout and the education and the sales really blend together. They go hand in hand. Really almost any good sales pitch is going to have that on some level or another because in order to get people really excited about it, often times you do have to educate them. You have to get rid of a lot of the myths that they believed, which you handled really well in there. So it was cool stuff, very cool to listen to. Tyler: Awesome. Well, thanks so much for listening. We’ll have something cool for you next week. Maybe we’ll dig into some more internet stuff. Logan: I think what we’re going to have to do is recap the seminar that we are attending after next, the Traffic and Conversion Summit that we’re going to so we’ll be bringing you some cutting edge tactics on the internet. Probably, there are some offline stuff as well. We’ll be recapping what we learned from there and what we’re going to be putting into action as well. Tyler: That’s a great idea. Excellent. Well. we’ll see you guys next week. Thank you guys so much for listening to the Fitness Money Podcast. For more information on how you can make more money in your fitness business today, go to or go to Thanks so much for listening. We’ll see you next time. Copyright © 2013 All Rights Reserved