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How toHow toHow toHow to makemakemakemake youryouryouryour
Ken Carroll
DistinctivenessDistinctivenessDistinctivenessDistinctiveness is essential
across all aspectsall aspectsall aspectsall aspects of your
personal brandbrandbrandbrand: From your
design and image, to yourto yourto yourto your ideas,
and the way youand the way youand the way youand the way you approach your
...andandandand totototo
your writingyour writingyour writingyour writing
Your writing stylewriting stylewriting stylewriting style and qualityqualityqualityquality
are key elements of your
personal (or corporate) brand.
They reveal your charactercharactercharactercharacter,They reveal your charactercharactercharactercharacter,
who you truly are.
Yet most of the writingwritingwritingwriting
we see around us lackslackslackslacks
The ideasideasideasideas, theThe ideasideasideasideas, the
perspectivesperspectivesperspectivesperspectives, the
wordingwordingwordingwording, the conceptionconceptionconceptionconception
of the writing often
lack differentiatorslack differentiatorslack differentiatorslack differentiators.
The writers sound like
everyoneeveryone else.else.else.else.
There are two causes:
Reliance on cReliance on cReliance on cReliance on conventionntionntionntion
Reliance on clichlichlichliché
Convention is everywhereverywhereverywhereverywhere. We
swim inswim inswim inswim in it. Most of it goes
unnoticed, but not without
effect: The dismaldismaldismaldismal, me-tooeffect: The dismaldismaldismaldismal, me-too
samenesssamenesssamenesssameness that we see in so
much of what gwhat gwhat gwhat gets written.
Anything you do on your websitewebsitewebsitewebsite, in
your reportsreportsreportsreports, on your pdfspdfspdfspdfs, eeee----
booksbooksbooksbooks, and so on, can fall into the
convention trap – visualconvention trap – visual
convention, conventions of the
genre, and so on.
Too many blog postsToo many blog postsToo many blog postsToo many blog posts (and the
blogs themselves)blogs themselves)blogs themselves)blogs themselves) look, feel,
and sound generic.generic.generic.generic.
They workThey workThey workThey work from the samesamesamesame
The same is true for reports,
pdfs, e-books – for every
kind of informationinformationinformationinformation
productproductproductproduct: Few verbal, visual,Few verbal, visual,Few verbal, visual,Few verbal, visual,productproductproductproduct: Few verbal, visual,Few verbal, visual,Few verbal, visual,Few verbal, visual,
or formattingformattingformattingformatting
differentdifferentdifferentdifferentiators are the
Foooor examplmplmplmple:
When you use graphicsgraphicsgraphicsgraphics, piiiics, or
quotationsquotationsquotationsquotations that add nothing
to the content...That’sThat’sThat’sThat’sto the content...That’sThat’sThat’sThat’s
When you use a photophotophotophoto of a
handshakehandshakehandshakehandshake or a globe in your
report - and especially when you
use a handshake superimposedhandshake superimposedhandshake superimposedhandshake superimposeduse a handshake superimposedhandshake superimposedhandshake superimposedhandshake superimposed
over a globeover a globeover a globeover a globe...conventientientiention.
Please, noPlease, noPlease, noPlease, no.
When you trade other people’sother people’sother people’sother people’s
ideideideideas, write only posts withposts withposts withposts with
lists, or apologize for notlists, or apologize for notlists, or apologize for notlists, or apologize for not
having blogged recentlyhaving blogged recentlyhaving blogged recentlyhaving blogged recently...having blogged recentlyhaving blogged recentlyhaving blogged recentlyhaving blogged recently...
NNNNeedless, nauseauseauseauseating
In other words, when you
mindlesslymindlesslymindlesslymindlessly accept the standards
and the clichéd normsclichéd normsclichéd normsclichéd norms of writing
in our time, then you’re in the
land of of conventionconventionconventionconvention.
And it may be time to evacuate.
Because with convention, the
genericgenericgenericgeneric looklooklooklook/feelfeelfeelfeel/ soundsoundsoundsound will
be the result - regardless ofbe the result - regardless of
how good the ideasideasideasideas, the
informationinformationinformationinformation, the insightsinsightsinsightsinsights.
Mof the peoeoeoeople who trade intrade intrade intrade in
convention are unawareunawareunawareunaware of
it... For most of us, flatflatflatflatit... For most of us, flatflatflatflat
and conventionaland conventionaland conventionaland conventional is our
Unless you do something
about it, your work will
give off the impression
of samenesssamenesssamenesssameness, of beingof samenesssamenesssamenesssameness, of being
And conventionAnd conventionAnd conventionAnd convention makes it
almost impossibleimpossibleimpossibleimpossible totototo
deliverdeliverdeliverdeliver the content in andeliverdeliverdeliverdeliver the content in an
interestinginterestinginterestinginteresting or engaginngaginngaginngaging
ItItItIt guarantees that your
workworkworkwork will not stand out and
will not be as widely readwidely readwidely readwidely readwill not be as widely readwidely readwidely readwidely read
as it should be.
The verbalverbalverbalverbal equivalent
of the conventionntionntionntion, isisisis
thethethethe clichichichiché.thethethethe clichichichiché.
“Never use a metaphormetaphormetaphormetaphor, similesimilesimilesimile, or
other figure of speechfigure of speechfigure of speechfigure of speech which
you are used to seeingused to seeingused to seeingused to seeing in
George OrwellOrwellOrwellOrwell
When you’re epicepicepicepic, and awesomeawesomeawesomeawesome,
and thinking outside the boxthinking outside the boxthinking outside the boxthinking outside the box,
or opening the kimonoopening the kimonoopening the kimonoopening the kimono, when your
eyes glaze overeyes glaze overeyes glaze overeyes glaze over or when you, atatatat
the end of the daythe end of the daythe end of the daythe end of the day, go the extrago the extrago the extrago the extrathe end of the daythe end of the daythe end of the daythe end of the day, go the extrago the extrago the extrago the extra
mile,mile,mile,mile, or you’re a rockstarrockstarrockstarrockstar writer
in the making ...
Then you're indulindulindulindulging in
needlesdlesdlesdless and damaamaamaamaging
AvoidingAvoidingAvoidingAvoiding the
conventionsconventionsconventionsconventions and the
I admitadmitadmitadmit that it’s tempting to doto doto doto do
what everyone else is doing.
It’s easy to use clichéeasy to use clichéeasy to use clichéeasy to use cliché.
And clichés savesavesavesave youyouyouyou having
to think....think....think....think....
... Because thethethethey can
submerge yousubmerge yousubmerge yousubmerge you in a seaseaseasea of
sasasasameness and mediocrity.sasasasameness and mediocrity.
ArtistsArtistsArtistsArtists develop a
distrustdistrustdistrustdistrust of the
commonplacecommonplacecommonplacecommonplace, ancommonplacecommonplacecommonplacecommonplace, an
instinctive reflexinstinctive reflexinstinctive reflexinstinctive reflex
against what has
been done beforebeen done beforebeen done beforebeen done before
SeeingSeeingSeeingSeeing andandandand rejectingrejectingrejectingrejecting
convention is halfhalfhalfhalf of the
battle of creativitycreativitycreativitycreativitybattle of creativitycreativitycreativitycreativity
Example Kurt Schwitters
His ‘sound poemsound poemsound poemsound poem’His ‘sound poemsound poemsound poemsound poem’
‘Brand Schwitters’
is distinctive, surprising,
He did poetry likelikelikelike
nononono----one elseone elseone elseone else
So look criticallylook criticallylook criticallylook critically at your
brand – your website, your
reports, anywhere you write.
Look at the designdesigndesigndesign, the ideasthe ideasthe ideasthe ideas,Look at the designdesigndesigndesign, the ideasthe ideasthe ideasthe ideas,
the formatsthe formatsthe formatsthe formats and the wordingwordingwordingwording.
Look forLook forLook forLook for the stock ideasstock ideasstock ideasstock ideas,
thethethethe stock phrases,stock phrases,stock phrases,stock phrases,
the stock photosstock photosstock photosstock photos,
thethethethe clichés of theclichés of theclichés of theclichés of thethethethethe clichés of theclichés of theclichés of theclichés of the
genregenregenregenre that everyoneeveryoneeveryoneeveryone
else is doing.
SeeSeeSeeSee and identifyidentifyidentifyidentify the
conventions and the cliché
of every kievery kievery kievery kind.of every kievery kievery kievery kind.
ThenThenThenThen killillillill themmmm.
BBBBeeee mererererciless.BBBBeeee mererererciless.
But I want to make special notespecial notespecial notespecial note
of dealing with vdealing with vdealing with vdealing with verbalerbalerbalerbal clichés.
The reason for this is
BecauseBecauseBecauseBecause the solutiolutiolutiolution lies
in goodoodoodood
word choiceword choiceword choiceword choiceword choiceword choiceword choiceword choice
Good wordGood wordGood wordGood word choice isn't just an
alternativealternativealternativealternative totototo cliché...cliché...cliché...cliché...
Good word choiceword choiceword choiceword choice is essenssenssenssential
to the vigorvigorvigorvigor, the accuraccuraccuraccuracy, and
the distinctivenctivenctivenctiveness of anyanyanyany
Don’tn’tn’tn’t reacacacach for the cliché that
kind of represenresenresenresents youououour
ReplaceReplaceReplaceReplace clichéclichéclichécliché with thoughtful,
accurate, and specific
alternatives that conveyconveyconveyconvey youryouryouryour
true meaningtrue meaningtrue meaningtrue meaning.true meaningtrue meaningtrue meaningtrue meaning.
AAAAsksksksk yourselfelfelfelf one of the mostone of the mostone of the mostone of the most
poweoweoweowerful questiontiontiontions in writintintinting
productductductductiv y:productductductductivitititity:
“Whatatatat exactlactlactlactly am I tryinryinryinrying to
sayyyy hereereereere?”sayyyy hereereereere?”
Good word choice holds truetruetruetrue for allallallall
forms of writingforms of writingforms of writingforms of writing.
RegardlessRegardless of what you write, you
must find ways to sound like yousound like yousound like yousound like you
and no-one else.
“... Great theater begins with
great talkersgreat talkersgreat talkersgreat talkers and... great
talkers... never sound likenever sound likenever sound likenever sound like
anyone else.anyone else.anyone else.anyone else.”anyone else.anyone else.anyone else.anyone else.”
Edmudmudmudmund WhWhWhWhiteeee
Every charactercharactercharactercharacter in a play,
movie, or novel must be
distinctive. He/she should notshould notshould notshould not
sound like anyone elsound like anyone elsound like anyone elsound like anyone else.
The writerwriterwriterwriter has to achieve this
distinctiveness explicitly.
Word choiceord choiceord choiceord choice is one way.
But cliché is also the biggestbiggestbiggestbiggest
blockblockblockblock to developing your owndeveloping your owndeveloping your owndeveloping your own
Because instead oinstead oinstead oinstead of thinkingthinkingthinkingthinking
throughthroughthroughthrough what you wantyou wantyou wantyou want totototo
saysaysaysay, you slap a prepreprepre----saysaysaysay, you slap a prepreprepre----
fabricated meaningfabricated meaningfabricated meaningfabricated meaning on.
That's not your voiceThat's not your voiceThat's not your voiceThat's not your voice.
It’s somsomsomsomeonenenene else’s.It’s somsomsomsomeonenenene else’s.
So, good writiSo, good writiSo, good writiSo, good writing is rarely a
matter of the first wordsthe first wordsthe first wordsthe first words
that come into your head.that come into your head.
SSSSo, thinininink. Find fresherfresherfresherfresher ways,
more interestinginterestinginterestinginteresting, and
specificspecificspecificspecific ways to say whatspecificspecificspecificspecific ways to say what
you wanwanwanwant to say.
Develoeloeloelop the hthe hthe hthe habit of gooooooood
wordrdrdrd chohohohoiceeee
So herrrre’s the sthe sthe sthe strategy inininin brief:
Shunununun the conventintintintion and the cliciciciché.
Thinknknknk throrororough your pyour pyour pyour precise
meaning and choose the words
that speak most accuraccuraccuraccurately and
powerfullrfullrfullrfully to yourururur meaneaneaneaning.
So, tSo, tSo, tSo, thoshoshoshoseeee are te te te twoooo
wayswayswaysways totototo make yourmake yourmake yourmake your
mmmmwritingwritingwritingwriting mmmmoreoreoreore

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Two ways to make your writing more distinctive

  • 1. How toHow toHow toHow to makemakemakemake youryouryouryour writingwritingwritingwriting distinctivedistinctivedistinctivedistinctivedistinctivedistinctivedistinctivedistinctive Ken Carroll
  • 2. DistinctivenessDistinctivenessDistinctivenessDistinctiveness is essential across all aspectsall aspectsall aspectsall aspects of your personal brandbrandbrandbrand: From your design and image, to yourto yourto yourto your ideas, and the way youand the way youand the way youand the way you approach your content...
  • 3. ...andandandand totototo your writingyour writingyour writingyour writing
  • 4. Your writing stylewriting stylewriting stylewriting style and qualityqualityqualityquality are key elements of your personal (or corporate) brand. They reveal your charactercharactercharactercharacter,They reveal your charactercharactercharactercharacter, who you truly are.
  • 5. Yet most of the writingwritingwritingwriting we see around us lackslackslackslacks distinctiveness. The ideasideasideasideas, theThe ideasideasideasideas, the perspectivesperspectivesperspectivesperspectives, the wordingwordingwordingwording, the conceptionconceptionconceptionconception of the writing often lack differentiatorslack differentiatorslack differentiatorslack differentiators.
  • 6. ResultResultResultResult: The writers sound like everyoneeveryone else.else.else.else.
  • 7. There are two causes: Reliance on cReliance on cReliance on cReliance on conventionntionntionntion Reliance on clichlichlichliché
  • 9. Convention is everywhereverywhereverywhereverywhere. We swim inswim inswim inswim in it. Most of it goes unnoticed, but not without effect: The dismaldismaldismaldismal, me-tooeffect: The dismaldismaldismaldismal, me-too samenesssamenesssamenesssameness that we see in so much of what gwhat gwhat gwhat gets written.
  • 10. Anything you do on your websitewebsitewebsitewebsite, in your reportsreportsreportsreports, on your pdfspdfspdfspdfs, eeee---- booksbooksbooksbooks, and so on, can fall into the convention trap – visualconvention trap – visual convention, conventions of the genre, and so on.
  • 11. Too many blog postsToo many blog postsToo many blog postsToo many blog posts (and the blogs themselves)blogs themselves)blogs themselves)blogs themselves) look, feel, and sound generic.generic.generic.generic. They workThey workThey workThey work from the samesamesamesame conventionsconventionsconventionsconventions.
  • 12. The same is true for reports, pdfs, e-books – for every kind of informationinformationinformationinformation productproductproductproduct: Few verbal, visual,Few verbal, visual,Few verbal, visual,Few verbal, visual,productproductproductproduct: Few verbal, visual,Few verbal, visual,Few verbal, visual,Few verbal, visual, or formattingformattingformattingformatting differentdifferentdifferentdifferentiators are the norm.
  • 13. Foooor examplmplmplmple: When you use graphicsgraphicsgraphicsgraphics, piiiics, or quotationsquotationsquotationsquotations that add nothing to the content...That’sThat’sThat’sThat’sto the content...That’sThat’sThat’sThat’s conventionconventionconventionconvention.
  • 14. When you use a photophotophotophoto of a handshakehandshakehandshakehandshake or a globe in your report - and especially when you use a handshake superimposedhandshake superimposedhandshake superimposedhandshake superimposeduse a handshake superimposedhandshake superimposedhandshake superimposedhandshake superimposed over a globeover a globeover a globeover a globe...conventientientiention. Please, noPlease, noPlease, noPlease, no.
  • 15. When you trade other people’sother people’sother people’sother people’s ideideideideas, write only posts withposts withposts withposts with lists, or apologize for notlists, or apologize for notlists, or apologize for notlists, or apologize for not having blogged recentlyhaving blogged recentlyhaving blogged recentlyhaving blogged recently...having blogged recentlyhaving blogged recentlyhaving blogged recentlyhaving blogged recently... NNNNeedless, nauseauseauseauseating conventionentionentionention...
  • 16. In other words, when you mindlesslymindlesslymindlesslymindlessly accept the standards and the clichéd normsclichéd normsclichéd normsclichéd norms of writing in our time, then you’re in the land of of conventionconventionconventionconvention.
  • 17. And it may be time to evacuate. Because with convention, the genericgenericgenericgeneric looklooklooklook/feelfeelfeelfeel/ soundsoundsoundsound will be the result - regardless ofbe the result - regardless of how good the ideasideasideasideas, the informationinformationinformationinformation, the insightsinsightsinsightsinsights.
  • 18. Mof the peoeoeoeople who trade intrade intrade intrade in convention are unawareunawareunawareunaware of it... For most of us, flatflatflatflatit... For most of us, flatflatflatflat and conventionaland conventionaland conventionaland conventional is our defaultdefaultdefaultdefault.
  • 19. Unless you do something about it, your work will give off the impression of samenesssamenesssamenesssameness, of beingof samenesssamenesssamenesssameness, of being conventionalconventionalconventionalconventional.
  • 20. And conventionAnd conventionAnd conventionAnd convention makes it almost impossibleimpossibleimpossibleimpossible totototo deliverdeliverdeliverdeliver the content in andeliverdeliverdeliverdeliver the content in an interestinginterestinginterestinginteresting or engaginngaginngaginngaging way.
  • 21. ItItItIt guarantees that your workworkworkwork will not stand out and will not be as widely readwidely readwidely readwidely readwill not be as widely readwidely readwidely readwidely read as it should be.
  • 23. The verbalverbalverbalverbal equivalent of the conventionntionntionntion, isisisis thethethethe clichichichiché.thethethethe clichichichiché.
  • 24. “Never use a metaphormetaphormetaphormetaphor, similesimilesimilesimile, or other figure of speechfigure of speechfigure of speechfigure of speech which you are used to seeingused to seeingused to seeingused to seeing in print.”print.” George OrwellOrwellOrwellOrwell
  • 25. When you’re epicepicepicepic, and awesomeawesomeawesomeawesome, and thinking outside the boxthinking outside the boxthinking outside the boxthinking outside the box, or opening the kimonoopening the kimonoopening the kimonoopening the kimono, when your eyes glaze overeyes glaze overeyes glaze overeyes glaze over or when you, atatatat the end of the daythe end of the daythe end of the daythe end of the day, go the extrago the extrago the extrago the extrathe end of the daythe end of the daythe end of the daythe end of the day, go the extrago the extrago the extrago the extra mile,mile,mile,mile, or you’re a rockstarrockstarrockstarrockstar writer in the making ...
  • 26. Then you're indulindulindulindulging in needlesdlesdlesdless and damaamaamaamaging cliché...
  • 27. AvoidingAvoidingAvoidingAvoiding the conventionsconventionsconventionsconventions and the clichésclichésclichésclichésclichésclichésclichésclichés
  • 28. I admitadmitadmitadmit that it’s tempting to doto doto doto do what everyone else is doing. It’s easy to use clichéeasy to use clichéeasy to use clichéeasy to use cliché.
  • 29. And clichés savesavesavesave youyouyouyou having to think....think....think....think....
  • 31. ... Because thethethethey can submerge yousubmerge yousubmerge yousubmerge you in a seaseaseasea of sasasasameness and mediocrity.sasasasameness and mediocrity. So...So...So...So...
  • 33. ArtistsArtistsArtistsArtists develop a distrustdistrustdistrustdistrust of the commonplacecommonplacecommonplacecommonplace, ancommonplacecommonplacecommonplacecommonplace, an instinctive reflexinstinctive reflexinstinctive reflexinstinctive reflex against what has been done beforebeen done beforebeen done beforebeen done before
  • 34. SeeingSeeingSeeingSeeing andandandand rejectingrejectingrejectingrejecting convention is halfhalfhalfhalf of the battle of creativitycreativitycreativitycreativitybattle of creativitycreativitycreativitycreativity
  • 35. Example Kurt Schwitters His ‘sound poemsound poemsound poemsound poem’His ‘sound poemsound poemsound poemsound poem’ “UrsonateUrsonateUrsonateUrsonate”
  • 36. ‘Brand Schwitters’ is distinctive, surprising, unexpected.unexpected. He did poetry likelikelikelike nononono----one elseone elseone elseone else
  • 37. So look criticallylook criticallylook criticallylook critically at your brand – your website, your reports, anywhere you write. Look at the designdesigndesigndesign, the ideasthe ideasthe ideasthe ideas,Look at the designdesigndesigndesign, the ideasthe ideasthe ideasthe ideas, the formatsthe formatsthe formatsthe formats and the wordingwordingwordingwording.
  • 38. Look forLook forLook forLook for the stock ideasstock ideasstock ideasstock ideas, thethethethe stock phrases,stock phrases,stock phrases,stock phrases, the stock photosstock photosstock photosstock photos, thethethethe clichés of theclichés of theclichés of theclichés of thethethethethe clichés of theclichés of theclichés of theclichés of the genregenregenregenre that everyoneeveryoneeveryoneeveryone else is doing.
  • 39. SeeSeeSeeSee and identifyidentifyidentifyidentify the conventions and the cliché of every kievery kievery kievery kind.of every kievery kievery kievery kind.
  • 40. ThenThenThenThen killillillill themmmm. BBBBeeee mererererciless.BBBBeeee mererererciless.
  • 41. But I want to make special notespecial notespecial notespecial note of dealing with vdealing with vdealing with vdealing with verbalerbalerbalerbal clichés. The reason for this is importantimportantimportantimportant...
  • 42. BecauseBecauseBecauseBecause the solutiolutiolutiolution lies in goodoodoodood word choiceword choiceword choiceword choiceword choiceword choiceword choiceword choice
  • 43. Good wordGood wordGood wordGood word choice isn't just an alternativealternativealternativealternative totototo cliché...cliché...cliché...cliché...
  • 44. Good word choiceword choiceword choiceword choice is essenssenssenssential to the vigorvigorvigorvigor, the accuraccuraccuraccuracy, and the distinctivenctivenctivenctiveness of anyanyanyany writingwritingwritingwriting.writingwritingwritingwriting.
  • 45. Don’tn’tn’tn’t reacacacach for the cliché that kind of represenresenresenresents youououour thoughghghght. Stopopopop.Stopopopop. Thinhinhinhink. Choohoohoohoose.
  • 46. ReplaceReplaceReplaceReplace clichéclichéclichécliché with thoughtful, accurate, and specific alternatives that conveyconveyconveyconvey youryouryouryour true meaningtrue meaningtrue meaningtrue meaning.true meaningtrue meaningtrue meaningtrue meaning.
  • 47. AAAAsksksksk yourselfelfelfelf one of the mostone of the mostone of the mostone of the most poweoweoweowerful questiontiontiontions in writintintinting productductductductiv y:productductductductivitititity:
  • 48. “Whatatatat exactlactlactlactly am I tryinryinryinrying to sayyyy hereereereere?”sayyyy hereereereere?”
  • 49. Good word choice holds truetruetruetrue for allallallall forms of writingforms of writingforms of writingforms of writing. RegardlessRegardless of what you write, you must find ways to sound like yousound like yousound like yousound like you and no-one else.
  • 50. “... Great theater begins with great talkersgreat talkersgreat talkersgreat talkers and... great talkers... never sound likenever sound likenever sound likenever sound like anyone else.anyone else.anyone else.anyone else.”anyone else.anyone else.anyone else.anyone else.” Edmudmudmudmund WhWhWhWhiteeee
  • 51. Every charactercharactercharactercharacter in a play, movie, or novel must be distinctive. He/she should notshould notshould notshould not sound like anyone elsound like anyone elsound like anyone elsound like anyone else. The writerwriterwriterwriter has to achieve this distinctiveness explicitly. Word choiceord choiceord choiceord choice is one way.
  • 52. But cliché is also the biggestbiggestbiggestbiggest blockblockblockblock to developing your owndeveloping your owndeveloping your owndeveloping your own voicevoicevoicevoice.
  • 53. Because instead oinstead oinstead oinstead of thinkingthinkingthinkingthinking throughthroughthroughthrough what you wantyou wantyou wantyou want totototo saysaysaysay, you slap a prepreprepre----saysaysaysay, you slap a prepreprepre---- fabricated meaningfabricated meaningfabricated meaningfabricated meaning on.
  • 54. That's not your voiceThat's not your voiceThat's not your voiceThat's not your voice. It’s somsomsomsomeonenenene else’s.It’s somsomsomsomeonenenene else’s.
  • 55. So, good writiSo, good writiSo, good writiSo, good writing is rarely a matter of the first wordsthe first wordsthe first wordsthe first words that come into your head.that come into your head.
  • 56. SSSSo, thinininink. Find fresherfresherfresherfresher ways, more interestinginterestinginterestinginteresting, and specificspecificspecificspecific ways to say whatspecificspecificspecificspecific ways to say what you wanwanwanwant to say.
  • 57. Develoeloeloelop the hthe hthe hthe habit of gooooooood wordrdrdrd chohohohoiceeee
  • 58. So herrrre’s the sthe sthe sthe strategy inininin brief: Shunununun the conventintintintion and the cliciciciché. Thinknknknk throrororough your pyour pyour pyour precise meaning and choose the words that speak most accuraccuraccuraccurately and powerfullrfullrfullrfully to yourururur meaneaneaneaning.
  • 59. So, tSo, tSo, tSo, thoshoshoshoseeee are te te te twoooo wayswayswaysways totototo make yourmake yourmake yourmake your mmmmwritingwritingwritingwriting mmmmoreoreoreore distidistidistidistinctiveveveve