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Mojo – TL;DR
Simple REST Server
Hendrik Van Belleghem
2016 Perl Mongers Vlaanderen Meetup
• REST is typically HTTP based
• Not standardized
• Popularly used for APIs
• Outputs XML, HTML, JSON
• Verbs include GET, POST, DELETE & PUT
Intro - REST
 REST typically uses standard HTTP calls:
 Specific entry: GET /User/name/<USER>
 Specific entry: GET /User/id/<ID>
 All Entries: GET /User
 Update entry: PUT /User
 Create entry: POST /User
 Delete entry: DELETE /User/name/<USER>
 Delete entry: DELETE /User/id/<ID>
• Cisco Secure ACS Server is used for Identity Management
• API access to user accounts, devices..
• Mojolicious does REST just fine
• Non-plugin approach
• Proof of Concept / Users only
• Next generation Web: Websockets, non-blocking,
• Web in a box: Development server & production server
• Light-weight: No dependencies
• Flexible routing
• … just like Catalyst
• DBIX::Class plugs in easily
• … just like Catalyst
• Done by the original Catalyst people
Generate application skeleton:
# mojo generate app Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock
[mkdir] /home/hendrik/net_cisco_acsmock/script
[write] /home/hendrik/net_cisco_acsmock/script/net_cisco_acsmock
[chmod] /home/hendrik/net_cisco_acsmock/script/net_cisco_acsmock 744
[mkdir] /home/hendrik/net_cisco_acsmock/lib/Net/Cisco/ACS
[write] /home/hendrik/net_cisco_acsmock/lib/Net/Cisco/ACS/
[mkdir] /home/hendrik/net_cisco_acsmock/lib/Net/Cisco/ACS/Mock/Controller
[write] /home/hendrik/net_cisco_acsmock/lib/Net/Cisco/ACS/Mock/Controller/
[mkdir] /home/hendrik/net_cisco_acsmock/t
[write] /home/hendrik/net_cisco_acsmock/t/basic.t
[mkdir] /home/hendrik/net_cisco_acsmock/public
[write] /home/hendrik/net_cisco_acsmock/public/index.html
[mkdir] /home/hendrik/net_cisco_acsmock/templates/layouts
[write] /home/hendrik/net_cisco_acsmock/templates/layouts/default.html.ep
[mkdir] /home/hendrik/net_cisco_acsmock/templates/example
[write] /home/hendrik/net_cisco_acsmock/templates/example/welcome.html.ep
Create SQLite DB
# sqlite3 acs.db
sqlite > create table users
(id integer,
description text,
name text,
identitygroupname text,
changepassword text,
enablepassword text,
enabled integer,
password text,
passwordneverexpires integer,
passwordtype text,
dateexceeds text,
dateexceedsenabled integer
sqlite > insert into users (id, description, name, identitygroupname, changepassword, enablepassword, enabled, password,
passwordneverexpires, passwordtype, dateexceeds, dateexceedsenabled)
values(1, 'Description for #1', 'Foo', 'All Groups', 'Secret Change','Secret Enable',1,'Secret',1,'Internal','2020-01-01',1);
sqlite > insert into users (id, description, name, identitygroupname, changepassword, enablepassword, enabled, password,
passwordneverexpires, passwordtype, dateexceeds, dateexceedsenabled)
values(2, 'Description for #2', 'Bar', 'All Groups', 'Secret Change','Secret Enable',1,'Secret',1,'Internal','2020-01-01',1);
sqlite > .quit
Generate DBIx::Class Schema
Generate DBIX::Class classes automatically based on SQLite database (or any other
# dbicdump -o dump_directory=./lib 
-o components='["InflateColumn::DateTime"]' 
-o debug=1 
Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock::Schema dbi:SQLite:acs.db
Run this as much as needed.. but it will overwrite the files!
Suggestion: Make sure to prepare your foreign keys properly!
package Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious';
use Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock::Schema;
sub startup {
my $self = shift;
my $schema = Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock::Schema->connect('dbi:SQLite:acs.db');
$self->helper(db => sub { return $schema; });
my $r = $self->routes;
package Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious';
use Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock::Schema;
sub startup {
my $self = shift;
my $schema = Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock::Schema->connect('dbi:SQLite:acs.db');
$self->helper(db => sub { return $schema; });
my $r = $self->routes;
Startup is called on Mojo startup
Store DBIx::Class connection in $self->db
package Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious';
use Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock::Schema;
sub startup {
my $self = shift;
my $schema = Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock::Schema->connect('dbi:SQLite:acs.db');
$self->helper(db => sub { return $schema; });
my $r = $self->routes;
package Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious';
use Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock::Schema;
sub startup {
my $self = shift;
my $schema = Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock::Schema->connect('dbi:SQLite:acs.db');
$self->helper(db => sub { return $schema; });
my $r = $self->routes;
Send GET request to
Method: query
Argument ‘name’ retrievable through
package Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock::Schema;
# based on the DBIx::Class Schema base class
use base qw/DBIx::Class::Schema/;
# This will load any classes within
Generated by dbicdump
package Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock::Schema::Result::User;
use base qw/DBIx::Class::Core/;
# Associated table in database
# Column definition
id => { data_type => 'integer', is_auto_increment => 1 },
description => { data_type => 'text’ },
identitygroupname => { data_type => 'text‘ },
name => { data_type => 'text‘ },
changepassword => { data_type => 'text‘ },
enablepassword => { data_type => 'text‘ },
enabled => { data_type => 'integer’ },
package Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock::Schema::Result::User;
use base qw/DBIx::Class::Core/;
# Associated table in database
# Column definition
id => { data_type => 'integer', is_auto_increment => 1 },
description => { data_type => 'text’ },
identitygroupname => { data_type => 'text‘ },
name => { data_type => 'text‘ },
changepassword => { data_type => 'text‘ },
enablepassword => { data_type => 'text‘ },
enabled => { data_type => 'integer’ },
Generated by dbicdump
Result package
Connects to DB table Users
password => { data_type => 'text‘ },
passwordneverexpires => { data_type => 'integer’ },
passwordtype => { data_type => 'text‘ },
dateexceeds => { data_type => 'text’ },
dateexceedsenabled => { data_type => 'integer’ },
# Tell DBIC that 'id' is the primary key
package Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock::Controller::User;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use XML::Simple;
sub query {
my $self = shift;
my $name = $self->param("name");
my $id = $self->param("id");
my $rs = $self->db->resultset('User');
my $user;
if ($name)
{ my $query_rs = $rs->search({ name => $name });
$user = $query_rs->first;
if ($id)
{ my $query_rs = $rs->search({ id => $id });
$user = $query_rs->first;
package Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock::Controller::User;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use XML::Simple;
sub query {
my $self = shift;
my $name = $self->param("name");
my $id = $self->param("id");
my $rs = $self->db->resultset('User');
my $user;
if ($name)
{ my $query_rs = $rs->search({ name => $name });
$user = $query_rs->first;
if ($id)
{ my $query_rs = $rs->search({ id => $id });
$user = $query_rs->first;
View Controller for /User
Method query maps to #query earlier
package Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock::Controller::User;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use XML::Simple;
sub query {
my $self = shift;
my $name = $self->param("name");
my $id = $self->param("id");
my $rs = $self->db->resultset('User');
my $user;
if ($name)
{ my $query_rs = $rs->search({ name => $name });
$user = $query_rs->first;
if ($id)
{ my $query_rs = $rs->search({ id => $id });
$user = $query_rs->first;
Map to :id and :name in URI
package Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock::Controller::User;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';
use XML::Simple;
sub query {
my $self = shift;
my $name = $self->param("name");
my $id = $self->param("id");
my $rs = $self->db->resultset('User');
my $user;
if ($name)
{ my $query_rs = $rs->search({ name => $name });
$user = $query_rs->first;
if ($id)
{ my $query_rs = $rs->search({ id => $id });
$user = $query_rs->first;
Query table with criteria
if (!$id && !$name)
{ my $query_rs = $rs->search;
my %users = ();
while (my $account = $query_rs->next)
{ $users{$account->name} =
{ # Set the record
$self->stash("users" => %users);
$self->render(template => 'user/queryall', format => 'xml', layout => 'userall',status => 200);
$self->stash("user" => $user);
$self->render(template => 'user/query', format => 'xml', layout => 'user', status => 200);
if (!$id && !$name)
{ my $query_rs = $rs->search;
my %users = ();
while (my $account = $query_rs->next)
{ $users{$account->name} =
{ # Set the record
$self->stash("users" => %users);
$self->render(template => 'user/queryall', format => 'xml', layout => 'userall');
$self->stash("user" => $user);
$self->render(template => 'user/query', format => 'xml', layout => 'user');
Stash maps variables to template variables
if (!$id && !$name)
{ my $query_rs = $rs->search;
my %users = ();
while (my $account = $query_rs->next)
{ $users{$account->name} =
{ # Set the record
$self->stash("users" => %users);
$self->render(template => 'user/queryall', format => 'xml', layout => 'userall', status => 200);
$self->stash("user" => $user);
$self->render(template => 'user/query', format => 'xml', layout => 'user', status => 200);
Render processes templates using
template file,
format prepares HTTP header,
layout wraps around the template
status returns HTTP status 200 (OK)
sub update {
my $self = shift;
my $rs = $self->db->resultset('User');
my $data = $self->req->body;
my $xmlsimple = XML::Simple->new();
my $xmlout = $xmlsimple->XMLin($data);
my $query_rs = $rs->search({ name => $xmlout->{"name"} });
my $account = $query_rs->first;
$account->update({ # Set Record
$self->render(template => 'user/userresult',
format => 'xml', layout => 'userresult', status => 200);
sub create {
my $self = shift;
my $data = $self->req->body;
my $xmlsimple = XML::Simple->new();
my $xmlout = $xmlsimple->XMLin($data);
my $rsmax = $self->db->resultset('User')->get_column('Id');
my $maxid = $rsmax->max;
# Set record
id => $maxid
$self->render(template => 'user/userresult', format => 'xml', layout => 'userresult', status => 200);
sub delete {
my $self = shift;
my $rs = $self->db->resultset('User');
my $name = $self->param("name");
my $id = $self->param("id");
my $user;
if ($name)
{ my $query_rs = $rs->search({ name => $name });
$user = $query_rs->first;
if ($id)
{ my $query_rs = $rs->search({ id => $id });
$user = $query_rs->first;
$user->delete if $user;
$self->render(template => 'user/userresult', format => 'xml', layout => 'userresult', status =>
% foreach my $user (sort keys %{$users}) {
<id><%= $users->{$user}->{id} %></id>
<description><%= $users->{$user}->{description} %></description>
<identityGroupName><%= $users->{$user}->{identitygroupname} %></identityGroupName>
<name><%= $users->{$user}->{name} %></name>
<changePassword><%= $users->{$user}->{changepassword} %></changePassword>
<enablePassword><%= $users->{$user}->{enablepassword} %></enablePassword>
<enabled><%= $users->{$user}->{enabled} %></enabled>
<password><%= $users->{$user}->{password} %></password>
<passwordNeverExpires><%= $users->{$user}->{passwordneverexpires}
<passwordType><%= $users->{$user}->{passwordtype} %></passwordType>
<dateExceeds><%= $users->{$user}->{dateexceeds} %></dateExceeds>
<dateExceedsEnabled><%= $users->{$user}->{dateexceedsenabled} %></dateExceedsEnabled>
% }
% foreach my $user (sort keys %{$users}) {
<id><%= $users->{$user}->{id} %></id>
<description><%= $users->{$user}->{description} %></description>
<identityGroupName><%= $users->{$user}->{identitygroupname} %></identityGroupName>
<name><%= $users->{$user}->{name} %></name>
<changePassword><%= $users->{$user}->{changepassword} %></changePassword>
<enablePassword><%= $users->{$user}->{enablepassword} %></enablePassword>
<enabled><%= $users->{$user}->{enabled} %></enabled>
<password><%= $users->{$user}->{password} %></password>
<passwordNeverExpires><%= $users->{$user}->{passwordneverexpires}
<passwordType><%= $users->{$user}->{passwordtype} %></passwordType>
<dateExceeds><%= $users->{$user}->{dateexceeds} %></dateExceeds>
<dateExceedsEnabled><%= $users->{$user}->{dateexceedsenabled} %></dateExceedsEnabled>
% }
Template can contained embedded Perl,
in this case a for loop, generating elements
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><ns2:users
<%= content %>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><ns2:users
<%= content %>
Layout wraps around template file.
Content is placed in <%= content %>
<id><%= $user->id %></id>
<description><%= $user->description %></description>
<identityGroupName><%= $user->identitygroupname %></identityGroupName>
<name><%= $user->name %></name>
<changePassword><%= $user->changepassword %></changePassword>
<enablePassword><%= $user->enablepassword %></enablePassword>
<enabled><%= $user->enabled %></enabled>
<password><%= $user->password %></password>
<passwordNeverExpires><%= $user->passwordneverexpires %></passwordNeverExpires>
<passwordType><%= $user->passwordtype %></passwordType>
<dateExceeds><%= $user->dateexceeds %></dateExceeds>
<dateExceedsEnabled><%= $user->dateexceedsenabled %></dateExceedsEnabled>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><ns2:user
<%= content %>
 Development Server
 Single request
 Built using Mojolicious
 Supports all features
# morbo script/net_cisco_acsmock
Server available at
 Production Server
 Multiple requests, scalable
 Built using Mojolicious
 Supports all features
# hypnotoad script/net_cisco_acsmock
[Sun Dec 11 15:19:16 2016] [info] Listening at "http://*:8080"
Server available at
The proof of the pudding..
use lib qw(Net/Cisco/ACS/lib);
use Net::Cisco::ACS;
use Data::Dumper;
my $acs = Net::Cisco::ACS->new(hostname => '', ssl=>0, username => 'acsadmin',
password => 'password');
print Dumper $acs->users;
$VAR1 = {
'Foo' => bless( {
'id' => '1',
'passwordType' => 'Internal',
'name' => 'Foo',
'enablePassword' => 'Secret Enable',
'passwordNeverExpires' => '1',
'password' => 'Secret',
'description' => 'Description for #1',
'changePassword' => 'Secret Change',
'identityGroupName' => 'All Groups',
'dateExceedsEnabled' => '1',
'enabled' => '0',
'dateExceeds' => '2020-01-01'
}, 'Net::Cisco::ACS::User' ),
'Bar' => bless( {
'dateExceedsEnabled' => '1',
'enabled' => '0',
'dateExceeds' => '2020-01-01',
'description' => 'Description for #2',
'passwordNeverExpires' => '1',
'password' => 'Secret',
'identityGroupName' => 'All Groups',
'changePassword' => 'Secret Change',
'enablePassword' => 'Secret Enable',
'name' => 'Bar',
'passwordType' => 'Internal',
'id' => '2'
}, 'Net::Cisco::ACS::User' )
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="true"?>
<ns2:user xmlns:ns2="">
<description>Description for #1</description>
<identityGroupName>All Groups</identityGroupName>
<changePassword>Secret Change</changePassword>
<enablePassword>Secret Enable</enablePassword>

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Mojo – Simple REST Server

  • 1. Mojo – TL;DR Simple REST Server Hendrik Van Belleghem 2016 Perl Mongers Vlaanderen Meetup
  • 2. Intro • REST is typically HTTP based • Not standardized • Popularly used for APIs • Outputs XML, HTML, JSON • Verbs include GET, POST, DELETE & PUT • •
  • 3. Intro - REST  REST typically uses standard HTTP calls:   Specific entry: GET /User/name/<USER>  Specific entry: GET /User/id/<ID>  All Entries: GET /User  Update entry: PUT /User  Create entry: POST /User  Delete entry: DELETE /User/name/<USER>  Delete entry: DELETE /User/id/<ID> 
  • 4. Demo • Cisco Secure ACS Server is used for Identity Management • API access to user accounts, devices.. • Mojolicious does REST just fine • Non-plugin approach • Proof of Concept / Users only
  • 5. Mojo • Next generation Web: Websockets, non-blocking, HTTP/1.1 • Web in a box: Development server & production server included • Light-weight: No dependencies • Flexible routing • … just like Catalyst • DBIX::Class plugs in easily • … just like Catalyst • Done by the original Catalyst people See
  • 6. Mojo Generate application skeleton: # mojo generate app Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock Output [mkdir] /home/hendrik/net_cisco_acsmock/script [write] /home/hendrik/net_cisco_acsmock/script/net_cisco_acsmock [chmod] /home/hendrik/net_cisco_acsmock/script/net_cisco_acsmock 744 [mkdir] /home/hendrik/net_cisco_acsmock/lib/Net/Cisco/ACS [write] /home/hendrik/net_cisco_acsmock/lib/Net/Cisco/ACS/ [mkdir] /home/hendrik/net_cisco_acsmock/lib/Net/Cisco/ACS/Mock/Controller [write] /home/hendrik/net_cisco_acsmock/lib/Net/Cisco/ACS/Mock/Controller/ [mkdir] /home/hendrik/net_cisco_acsmock/t [write] /home/hendrik/net_cisco_acsmock/t/basic.t [mkdir] /home/hendrik/net_cisco_acsmock/public [write] /home/hendrik/net_cisco_acsmock/public/index.html [mkdir] /home/hendrik/net_cisco_acsmock/templates/layouts [write] /home/hendrik/net_cisco_acsmock/templates/layouts/default.html.ep [mkdir] /home/hendrik/net_cisco_acsmock/templates/example [write] /home/hendrik/net_cisco_acsmock/templates/example/welcome.html.ep
  • 7. Create SQLite DB # sqlite3 acs.db sqlite > create table users (id integer, description text, name text, identitygroupname text, changepassword text, enablepassword text, enabled integer, password text, passwordneverexpires integer, passwordtype text, dateexceeds text, dateexceedsenabled integer ); sqlite > insert into users (id, description, name, identitygroupname, changepassword, enablepassword, enabled, password, passwordneverexpires, passwordtype, dateexceeds, dateexceedsenabled) values(1, 'Description for #1', 'Foo', 'All Groups', 'Secret Change','Secret Enable',1,'Secret',1,'Internal','2020-01-01',1); sqlite > insert into users (id, description, name, identitygroupname, changepassword, enablepassword, enabled, password, passwordneverexpires, passwordtype, dateexceeds, dateexceedsenabled) values(2, 'Description for #2', 'Bar', 'All Groups', 'Secret Change','Secret Enable',1,'Secret',1,'Internal','2020-01-01',1); sqlite > .quit
  • 8. Generate DBIx::Class Schema Generate DBIX::Class classes automatically based on SQLite database (or any other database) # dbicdump -o dump_directory=./lib -o components='["InflateColumn::DateTime"]' -o debug=1 Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock::Schema dbi:SQLite:acs.db Run this as much as needed.. but it will overwrite the files! Suggestion: Make sure to prepare your foreign keys properly!
  • 9. lib/Net/Cisco/ACS/ package Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious'; use Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock::Schema; sub startup { my $self = shift; my $schema = Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock::Schema->connect('dbi:SQLite:acs.db'); $self->helper(db => sub { return $schema; }); my $r = $self->routes; $r->get("/Rest/Identity/User/name/:name")->to('User#query'); $r->get('/Rest/Identity/User/id/:id')->to('User#query'); $r->get('/Rest/Identity/User')->to('User#query'); $r->put('/Rest/Identity/User')->to('User#update'); $r->post('/Rest/Identity/User')->to('User#create'); $r->delete('/Rest/Identity/User/name/:name')->to('User#delete'); $r->delete('/Rest/Identity/User/id/:id')->to('User#delete'); } 1;
  • 10. lib/Net/Cisco/ACS/ package Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious'; use Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock::Schema; sub startup { my $self = shift; my $schema = Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock::Schema->connect('dbi:SQLite:acs.db'); $self->helper(db => sub { return $schema; }); my $r = $self->routes; $r->get("/Rest/Identity/User/name/:name")->to('User#query'); $r->get('/Rest/Identity/User/id/:id')->to('User#query'); $r->get('/Rest/Identity/User')->to('User#query'); $r->put('/Rest/Identity/User')->to('User#update'); $r->post('/Rest/Identity/User')->to('User#create'); $r->delete('/Rest/Identity/User/name/:name')->to('User#delete'); $r->delete('/Rest/Identity/User/id/:id')->to('User#delete'); } 1; Startup is called on Mojo startup Store DBIx::Class connection in $self->db
  • 11. lib/Net/Cisco/ACS/ package Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious'; use Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock::Schema; sub startup { my $self = shift; my $schema = Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock::Schema->connect('dbi:SQLite:acs.db'); $self->helper(db => sub { return $schema; }); my $r = $self->routes; $r->get("/Rest/Identity/User/name/:name")->to('User#query'); $r->get('/Rest/Identity/User/id/:id')->to('User#query'); $r->get('/Rest/Identity/User')->to('User#query'); $r->put('/Rest/Identity/User')->to('User#update'); $r->post('/Rest/Identity/User')->to('User#create'); $r->delete('/Rest/Identity/User/name/:name')->to('User#delete'); $r->delete('/Rest/Identity/User/id/:id')->to('User#delete'); } 1;
  • 12. lib/Net/Cisco/ACS/ package Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious'; use Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock::Schema; sub startup { my $self = shift; my $schema = Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock::Schema->connect('dbi:SQLite:acs.db'); $self->helper(db => sub { return $schema; }); my $r = $self->routes; $r->get("/Rest/Identity/User/name/:name")->to('User#query'); $r->get('/Rest/Identity/User/id/:id')->to('User#query'); $r->get('/Rest/Identity/User')->to('User#query'); $r->put('/Rest/Identity/User')->to('User#update'); $r->post('/Rest/Identity/User')->to('User#create'); $r->delete('/Rest/Identity/User/name/:name')->to('User#delete'); $r->delete('/Rest/Identity/User/id/:id')->to('User#delete'); } 1; Send GET request to /Rest/Identity/User/name/* to Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock::Controller::User Method: query Argument ‘name’ retrievable through param
  • 13. lib/Net/Cisco/ACS/Mock/ package Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock::Schema; # based on the DBIx::Class Schema base class use base qw/DBIx::Class::Schema/; # This will load any classes within __PACKAGE__->load_namespaces(); 1; Generated by dbicdump
  • 14. lib/Net/Cisco/ACS/Mock/Schema/Result/ package Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock::Schema::Result::User; use base qw/DBIx::Class::Core/; # Associated table in database __PACKAGE__->table('users'); # Column definition __PACKAGE__->add_columns( id => { data_type => 'integer', is_auto_increment => 1 }, description => { data_type => 'text’ }, identitygroupname => { data_type => 'text‘ }, name => { data_type => 'text‘ }, changepassword => { data_type => 'text‘ }, enablepassword => { data_type => 'text‘ }, enabled => { data_type => 'integer’ },
  • 15. lib/Net/Cisco/ACS/Mock/Schema/Result/ package Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock::Schema::Result::User; use base qw/DBIx::Class::Core/; # Associated table in database __PACKAGE__->table('users'); # Column definition __PACKAGE__->add_columns( id => { data_type => 'integer', is_auto_increment => 1 }, description => { data_type => 'text’ }, identitygroupname => { data_type => 'text‘ }, name => { data_type => 'text‘ }, changepassword => { data_type => 'text‘ }, enablepassword => { data_type => 'text‘ }, enabled => { data_type => 'integer’ }, Generated by dbicdump Result package Connects to DB table Users
  • 16. lib/Net/Cisco/ACS/Mock/Schema/Result/ ..CONTINUED password => { data_type => 'text‘ }, passwordneverexpires => { data_type => 'integer’ }, passwordtype => { data_type => 'text‘ }, dateexceeds => { data_type => 'text’ }, dateexceedsenabled => { data_type => 'integer’ }, ); # Tell DBIC that 'id' is the primary key __PACKAGE__->set_primary_key('id'); 1;
  • 17. lib/Net/Cisco/ACS/Mock/Controller/ package Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock::Controller::User; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller'; use XML::Simple; sub query { my $self = shift; my $name = $self->param("name"); my $id = $self->param("id"); my $rs = $self->db->resultset('User'); my $user; if ($name) { my $query_rs = $rs->search({ name => $name }); $user = $query_rs->first; } if ($id) { my $query_rs = $rs->search({ id => $id }); $user = $query_rs->first; }
  • 18. lib/Net/Cisco/ACS/Mock/Controller/ package Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock::Controller::User; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller'; use XML::Simple; sub query { my $self = shift; my $name = $self->param("name"); my $id = $self->param("id"); my $rs = $self->db->resultset('User'); my $user; if ($name) { my $query_rs = $rs->search({ name => $name }); $user = $query_rs->first; } if ($id) { my $query_rs = $rs->search({ id => $id }); $user = $query_rs->first; } View Controller for /User Method query maps to #query earlier
  • 19. lib/Net/Cisco/ACS/Mock/Controller/ package Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock::Controller::User; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller'; use XML::Simple; sub query { my $self = shift; my $name = $self->param("name"); my $id = $self->param("id"); my $rs = $self->db->resultset('User'); my $user; if ($name) { my $query_rs = $rs->search({ name => $name }); $user = $query_rs->first; } if ($id) { my $query_rs = $rs->search({ id => $id }); $user = $query_rs->first; } Map to :id and :name in URI
  • 20. lib/Net/Cisco/ACS/Mock/Controller/ package Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock::Controller::User; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller'; use XML::Simple; sub query { my $self = shift; my $name = $self->param("name"); my $id = $self->param("id"); my $rs = $self->db->resultset('User'); my $user; if ($name) { my $query_rs = $rs->search({ name => $name }); $user = $query_rs->first; } if ($id) { my $query_rs = $rs->search({ id => $id }); $user = $query_rs->first; } Load Net::Cisco::ACS::Mock::Schema::Result::User Query table with criteria
  • 21. lib/Net/Cisco/ACS/Mock/Controller/ if (!$id && !$name) { my $query_rs = $rs->search; my %users = (); while (my $account = $query_rs->next) { $users{$account->name} = { # Set the record }; } } $self->stash("users" => %users); $self->render(template => 'user/queryall', format => 'xml', layout => 'userall',status => 200); return; } $self->stash("user" => $user); $self->render(template => 'user/query', format => 'xml', layout => 'user', status => 200); }
  • 22. lib/Net/Cisco/ACS/Mock/Controller/ if (!$id && !$name) { my $query_rs = $rs->search; my %users = (); while (my $account = $query_rs->next) { $users{$account->name} = { # Set the record }; } } $self->stash("users" => %users); $self->render(template => 'user/queryall', format => 'xml', layout => 'userall'); return; } $self->stash("user" => $user); $self->render(template => 'user/query', format => 'xml', layout => 'user'); } Stash maps variables to template variables
  • 23. lib/Net/Cisco/ACS/Mock/Controller/ if (!$id && !$name) { my $query_rs = $rs->search; my %users = (); while (my $account = $query_rs->next) { $users{$account->name} = { # Set the record }; } } $self->stash("users" => %users); $self->render(template => 'user/queryall', format => 'xml', layout => 'userall', status => 200); return; } $self->stash("user" => $user); $self->render(template => 'user/query', format => 'xml', layout => 'user', status => 200); } Render processes templates using template file, format prepares HTTP header, layout wraps around the template status returns HTTP status 200 (OK)
  • 24. lib/Net/Cisco/ACS/Mock/Controller/ ..CONTINUED sub update { my $self = shift; my $rs = $self->db->resultset('User'); my $data = $self->req->body; my $xmlsimple = XML::Simple->new(); my $xmlout = $xmlsimple->XMLin($data); my $query_rs = $rs->search({ name => $xmlout->{"name"} }); my $account = $query_rs->first; $account->update({ # Set Record }); $self->render(template => 'user/userresult', format => 'xml', layout => 'userresult', status => 200); }
  • 25. lib/Net/Cisco/ACS/Mock/Controller/ ..CONTINUED sub create { my $self = shift; my $data = $self->req->body; my $xmlsimple = XML::Simple->new(); my $xmlout = $xmlsimple->XMLin($data); my $rsmax = $self->db->resultset('User')->get_column('Id'); my $maxid = $rsmax->max; $maxid++; $self->db->resultset('User')->create({ # Set record id => $maxid }); $self->render(template => 'user/userresult', format => 'xml', layout => 'userresult', status => 200); }
  • 26. lib/Net/Cisco/ACS/Mock/Controller/ ..CONTINUED sub delete { my $self = shift; my $rs = $self->db->resultset('User'); my $name = $self->param("name"); my $id = $self->param("id"); my $user; if ($name) { my $query_rs = $rs->search({ name => $name }); $user = $query_rs->first; } if ($id) { my $query_rs = $rs->search({ id => $id }); $user = $query_rs->first; } $user->delete if $user; $self->render(template => 'user/userresult', format => 'xml', layout => 'userresult', status => 200); } 1;
  • 27. templates/user/queryall.xml.ep % foreach my $user (sort keys %{$users}) { <User> <id><%= $users->{$user}->{id} %></id> <description><%= $users->{$user}->{description} %></description> <identityGroupName><%= $users->{$user}->{identitygroupname} %></identityGroupName> <name><%= $users->{$user}->{name} %></name> <changePassword><%= $users->{$user}->{changepassword} %></changePassword> <enablePassword><%= $users->{$user}->{enablepassword} %></enablePassword> <enabled><%= $users->{$user}->{enabled} %></enabled> <password><%= $users->{$user}->{password} %></password> <passwordNeverExpires><%= $users->{$user}->{passwordneverexpires} %></passwordNeverExpires> <passwordType><%= $users->{$user}->{passwordtype} %></passwordType> <dateExceeds><%= $users->{$user}->{dateexceeds} %></dateExceeds> <dateExceedsEnabled><%= $users->{$user}->{dateexceedsenabled} %></dateExceedsEnabled> </User> % }
  • 28. templates/user/queryall.xml.ep % foreach my $user (sort keys %{$users}) { <User> <id><%= $users->{$user}->{id} %></id> <description><%= $users->{$user}->{description} %></description> <identityGroupName><%= $users->{$user}->{identitygroupname} %></identityGroupName> <name><%= $users->{$user}->{name} %></name> <changePassword><%= $users->{$user}->{changepassword} %></changePassword> <enablePassword><%= $users->{$user}->{enablepassword} %></enablePassword> <enabled><%= $users->{$user}->{enabled} %></enabled> <password><%= $users->{$user}->{password} %></password> <passwordNeverExpires><%= $users->{$user}->{passwordneverexpires} %></passwordNeverExpires> <passwordType><%= $users->{$user}->{passwordtype} %></passwordType> <dateExceeds><%= $users->{$user}->{dateexceeds} %></dateExceeds> <dateExceedsEnabled><%= $users->{$user}->{dateexceedsenabled} %></dateExceedsEnabled> </User> % } Template can contained embedded Perl, in this case a for loop, generating elements
  • 29. templates/layouts/userall.xml.ep <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><ns2:users xmlns:ns2=""> <%= content %> </ns2:users>
  • 30. templates/layouts/userall.xml.ep <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><ns2:users xmlns:ns2=""> <%= content %> </ns2:users> Layout wraps around template file. Content is placed in <%= content %>
  • 31. templates/user/query.xml.ep <id><%= $user->id %></id> <description><%= $user->description %></description> <identityGroupName><%= $user->identitygroupname %></identityGroupName> <name><%= $user->name %></name> <changePassword><%= $user->changepassword %></changePassword> <enablePassword><%= $user->enablepassword %></enablePassword> <enabled><%= $user->enabled %></enabled> <password><%= $user->password %></password> <passwordNeverExpires><%= $user->passwordneverexpires %></passwordNeverExpires> <passwordType><%= $user->passwordtype %></passwordType> <dateExceeds><%= $user->dateexceeds %></dateExceeds> <dateExceedsEnabled><%= $user->dateexceedsenabled %></dateExceedsEnabled>
  • 32. templates/layouts/user.xml.ep <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><ns2:user xmlns:ns2=""> <%= content %> </ns2:user>
  • 33. Morbo  Development Server  Single request  Built using Mojolicious  Supports all features  # morbo script/net_cisco_acsmock Server available at
  • 34.  Production Server  Multiple requests, scalable  Built using Mojolicious  Supports all features  # hypnotoad script/net_cisco_acsmock [Sun Dec 11 15:19:16 2016] [info] Listening at "http://*:8080" Server available at HypnoToad
  • 35. The proof of the pudding.. #!/usr/bin/perl use lib qw(Net/Cisco/ACS/lib); use Net::Cisco::ACS; use Data::Dumper; my $acs = Net::Cisco::ACS->new(hostname => '', ssl=>0, username => 'acsadmin', password => 'password'); print Dumper $acs->users;
  • 36. Output Net::Cisco::ACS: $VAR1 = { 'Foo' => bless( { 'id' => '1', 'passwordType' => 'Internal', 'name' => 'Foo', 'enablePassword' => 'Secret Enable', 'passwordNeverExpires' => '1', 'password' => 'Secret', 'description' => 'Description for #1', 'changePassword' => 'Secret Change', 'identityGroupName' => 'All Groups', 'dateExceedsEnabled' => '1', 'enabled' => '0', 'dateExceeds' => '2020-01-01' }, 'Net::Cisco::ACS::User' ), 'Bar' => bless( { 'dateExceedsEnabled' => '1', 'enabled' => '0', 'dateExceeds' => '2020-01-01', 'description' => 'Description for #2', 'passwordNeverExpires' => '1', 'password' => 'Secret', 'identityGroupName' => 'All Groups', 'changePassword' => 'Secret Change', 'enablePassword' => 'Secret Enable', 'name' => 'Bar', 'passwordType' => 'Internal', 'id' => '2' }, 'Net::Cisco::ACS::User' ) };
  • 37. Output http://localhost:3000/Rest/Identity/User/name/Foo <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="true"?> <ns2:user xmlns:ns2=""> <id>1</id> <description>Description for #1</description> <identityGroupName>All Groups</identityGroupName> <name>Foo</name> <changePassword>Secret Change</changePassword> <enablePassword>Secret Enable</enablePassword> <enabled>1</enabled> <password>Secret</password> <passwordNeverExpires>1</passwordNeverExpires> <passwordType>Internal</passwordType> <dateExceeds>2020-01-01</dateExceeds> <dateExceedsEnabled>1</dateExceedsEnabled> </ns2:user>