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Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems
Vladimir Kropotov, Vitaly Chetvertakov, Fyodor Yarochkin
HoneyCON 2014
Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
Jul 07, 2014, Taipei
Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
IOC Standards
mining IOCs
Applying IOCs
Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
Affilations: Academia Sinica, chroot, and a few others Mainly independent
research (not vendor affilated ;-))
Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
Our data sources:
Academia Sinica
Not to be named networks in Russian Federation
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Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
Good things to know
Main Assumption: All networks are compromised
The difference between a good security team and a bad security team is that
with a bad security team you will never know that you’ve been compromised.
Running Honeypots in the parts network gives a team visibility on emerging
threats that your network might face.
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Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
HP landscape
HP platforms typically would have very low false/positive ratio. If
your HP is hit, it is most likely a suspicious event.
HP typically should replicate your typical enviroment. We focus
on simulation of both end-user machines and servers/services.
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Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
Statistic on end-user compromises
about 40,000,000 internet users in Russia
for every 10,000 server hosts 500 hosts trigger redirects to malicious
content per week
about 20-50 user machines (full AV installed, NAT, FW) get ..affected
many infect .ru IP addresses only (source matters)
Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
r*.ru News ~ 790 000
ne*.com news ~ 590 000
ga*.ru news ~ 490 000
a* news ~ 330 000
m*.ru news ~ 315 000
v*.ru news ~ 170 000
li*.ru news ~ 170 000
top* news ~ 140 000
Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
Indicators of Compromise
Indicator of compromise (IOC) in computer forensics is an artifact observed on
network or in operating system that with high confidence indicates a computer
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Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
Why Indicators of compromise
Indicators of Compromise help us to answer questions like:
is this document/file/hash malicious?
is there any past history for this IP/domain?
what are the other similar/related domains/hashes/..?
who is the actor?
am I an APT target?!!;-)
They shorten initial-detection -*to*- detection-automation cycle.
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Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
IoCs: old dog - new tricks
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Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
A Network compromise case study:
Attackers broke via a web vuln.
Attackers gained local admin access
Attackers created a local user
Attackers started probing other machines for default user ids
Attackers launched tunneling tools – connecting back to C2
Attackers installed RATs to maintain access
Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
IoC Indicators
So what are the compromise indicators here?
Where did attackers come from? (IP)
What vulnerability was exploited? (pattern)
What web backdoor was used? (pattern, hash)
What tools were uploaded? (hashes)
What users were created locally? (username)
What usernames were probed on other machines
Detailed IoCs (unsual port to serve exploit kit, URI pattern,
mime-content, user agent)
Warning: Blind use of IoCs may lead to disaster. (some IoCs are more suitable
for statistical studies)
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Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
Where to look for IOCs internally
Outbound Network Traffic
User Activities/Failed Logins
User profile folders
Administrative Access
Access from unsual IP addresses
Database IO: excessive READs
Size of responses of web pages
Unusual access to particular files within Web Application (backdoor)
Unusual port/protocol connections
DNS and HTTP traffic requests
Suspicious Scripts, Executables and Data Files
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Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
IoCs (good and bad)
Why we need IOCs? because it makes it easier to systematically describe
knowledge about breaches.
Identifying intrusions is hard
Unfair game:
defender should protect all the assets
attacker only needs to ’poop’ one system.
Identifying targeted, organized intrusions is even harder
Minor anomalous events are important when put together
Seeing global picture is a mast
Details matter
Attribution is hard
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Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
What’s wrong with IoCs
IoCs expire (IP addresses get discovered, cleaned)
Domain names expire
Hash collisions
Benign binaries might be malicious (depending on context)
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Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
Good or Bad?
F i l e Name : RasTls . exe
F i l e S i z e : 105 kB
F i l e M o d i f i c a t i o n Date /Time : 2 0 0 9 : 0 2 : 0 9 1 9 : 4 2 : 0 5 + 0 8 : 0 0
F i l e Type : Win32 EXE
MIME Type : a p p l i c a t i o n / o c t e t −stream
Machine Type : I n t e l 386 o r l a t e r , and c o m p a t i b l e s
Time Stamp : 2 0 0 9 : 0 2 : 0 2 1 3 : 3 8 : 3 7 + 0 8 : 0 0
PE Type : PE32
L i n k e r V e r s i o n : 8 . 0
Code S i z e : 49152
I n i t i a l i z e d Data S i z e : 57344
U n i n i t i a l i z e d Data S i z e : 0
Entry P o i n t : 0 x3d76
OS V e r s i o n : 4 . 0
Image V e r s i o n : 0 . 0
Subsystem V e r s i o n : 4 . 0
Subsystem : Windows GUI
F i l e V e r s i o n Number : 1 1 . 0 . 4 0 1 0 . 7
Product V e r s i o n Number : 1 1 . 0 . 4 0 1 0 . 7
F i l e OS : Windows NT 32− b i t
Object F i l e Type : E x e c u t a b l e a p p l i c a t i o n
Language Code : E n g l i s h (U . S . )
C h a r a c t e r Set : Windows , L a t i n 1
Company Name : Symantec C o r p o r a t i o n
F i l e D e s c r i p t i o n : Symantec 8 0 2 . 1 x S u p p l i c a n t
F i l e V e r s i o n : 1 1 . 0 . 4 0 1 0 . 7
I n t e r n a l Name : d o t 1 x t r a y
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Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
It really depends on context
RasTls . DLL
RasTls . DLL . msc
RasTls . exe
Dynamic-Link Library Search Order
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Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
IOC representations
Multiple standards have been created to facilitate IOC exchanges.
Madiant: OpenIOC
Mitre: STIX (Structured Threat Information Expression), CyBOX
(CyberObservable Expression)
IODEF (Incident Object Description Format)
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Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
Standards: OpenIOC
OpenIOC - Mandiant-backed effort for unform representation of IOC (now
Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
D i g i t a l Appendices / Appendix G ( D i g i t a l ) − IOCs$ l s
0c7c902c −67f8 −479c−9f44 −4d985106365a . i o c 6bd24113 −2922−4d25
ad521068−6f18 −4ab1−899c−11007a18ec73 . i o c
12 a40bf7 −4834−49b0−a419−6abb5fe2b291 . i o c 70 b5be0c−8a94−44b4
af5f65fc −e1ca −45db−88b1−6ccb7191ee6a . i o c
2106 f0d2−a260 −4277−90ab−edd3455e31fa . i o c 7c739d52−c669−4d51
Appendix G IOCs README. pdf
26213db6−9d3b−4a39−abeb −73656acb913e . i o c 7 d2eaadf−a5ff −4199
c32b8af3 −28d0−47d3−801f−a2c2b0129650 . i o c
2 bff223f −9e46−47a7−ac35−d35f8138a4c7 . i o c 7 f9a6986−f00a −4071
c71b3305 −85e5−4d51−b07c−ff227181fb5a . i o c
2 fc55747 −6822−41d2−bcc1 −387fc1b2e67b . i o c 806 beff3 −7395−492e
c7fa2ea5 −36d5−4a52−a6cf−ddc2257cb6f9 . i o c
32b168e6−dbd6−4d56−ba2f −734553239 e f e . i o c 84 f04df2 −25cd−4f59
d14d5f09 −9050−4769−b00d−30fce9e6eb85 . i o c
3433dad8 −879e−40d9−98b3−92ddc75f0dcd . i o c 8695bb5e−29cd−41b9
d1c65316−cddd−4d9c−8efe −c539aa5965c0 . i o c
3e01b786−fe3a −4228−95fa−c3986e2353d6 . i o c 86 e9b8ec −7413−453bMining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
Standards: Mitre
Mitre CybOX: Mitre CAPEC: Mitre STIX: Mitre
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Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
Mature: stix
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Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
Indicators of Compromise
Complex IOCs covering all steps of attack
Dynamic creation of IOCs on the fly
Auto-reload of IOCs, TTLs
Dealing with different standards/import export
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Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
Exploit pack trace
url ip mime type ref text/html http://www.smeysyatu text/html http://cuba.eanuncio application/java-archive - application/java-archive - - - - -
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Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
Nuclearsploit pack
{ ’ N u c l e a r s p l o i t p a c k ’ : {
’ step1 ’ : {
’ f i l e s ’ : [ ’ w z 3 u 6 s i 8 e 5 l h 7 k 2 t k 5 o x 4 n e 6 d 8 g . html ’ , ’ t 3 f 5 y 9 a 2 b b 3 d l 7 z 8 g c 4 o 6 f . html ’ , ’ z f 3 z 9 l r 6 a c 8 d i 6 r 4 k
’ domains ’ : [ ’ f a t h e r . f e r r e m o v i l . com ’ , ’ t h a i . a l o h a t r a n s l l c . com ’ , ’ cuba . e a n u n c i o s . net ’ , ’ duncan .
’ arguments ’ : [ ] ,
’ d i r e c t o r i e s ’ : [ ’ 1 ’ ] ,
’ ip ’ : [ ’ 9 3 . 1 8 9 . 4 6 . 2 0 1 ’ , ’ 9 3 . 1 8 9 . 4 6 . 2 0 3 ’ , ’ 9 3 . 1 8 9 . 4 6 . 2 2 2 ’ , ’ 9 3 . 1 8 9 . 4 6 . 2 2 4 ’ , ’ 9 3 . 1 8 9 . 4 6 . 2 3 3 ’ ] } ,
’ step2 ’ : {
’ f i l e s ’ : [ ’ 1 3 9 9 4 2 2 4 8 0 . htm ’ , ’1 39 97 047 20 . htm ’ , ’1 399 51 34 40 . htm ’ , ’13 99 51 40 40 . htm ’ ,
’1 39 97 73 30 0. htm ’ ] ,
’ domains ’ : [ ’ cuba . e a n u n c i o s . net ’ , ’ duncan . d i s e n o c o r p o r a t i v o . com . ar ’ , ’ homany . c o l l e c t i v e i t . com .
’ arguments ’ : [ ] ,
’ d i r e c t o r i e s ’ : [ ’ 2 9 0 9 6 2 0 9 6 8 ’ , ’ 1 ’ , ’507640988 ’ , ’940276731 ’ , ’3957283574 ’ , ’ 9 5 2 2 1 1 7 0 4 ’ ] ,
’ ip ’ : [ ’ 9 3 . 1 8 9 . 4 6 . 2 2 2 ’ , ’ 9 3 . 1 8 9 . 4 6 . 2 2 4 ’ , ’ 9 3 . 1 8 9 . 4 6 . 2 3 3 ’ ] } ,
’ step3 ’ : {
’ f i l e s ’ : [ ’ 1 3 9 9 4 2 2 4 8 0 . j a r ’ , ’1 39 95 13 44 0. j a r ’ ] ,
’ domains ’ : [ ’ cuba . e a n u n c i o s . net ’ , ’ homany . c o l l e c t i v e i t . com . au ’ ] ,
’ arguments ’ : [ ] ,
’ d i r e c t o r i e s ’ : [ ’ 2 9 0 9 6 2 0 9 6 8 ’ , ’ 1 ’ , ’ 9 4 0 2 7 6 7 3 1 ’ ] ,
’ ip ’ : [ ’ 9 3 . 1 8 9 . 4 6 . 2 2 2 ’ , ’ 9 3 . 1 8 9 . 4 6 . 2 2 4 ’ ] } ,
’ step4 ’ : {
’ f i l e s ’ : [ ’ 2 ’ ] ,
’ domains ’ : [ ’ cuba . e a n u n c i o s . net ’ ] ,
’ arguments ’ : [ ] ,
’ d i r e c t o r i e s ’ : [ ’ f ’ , ’ 1 ’ , ’1399422480 ’ , ’2909620968 ’ , ’ 2 ’ ] ,
’ ip ’ : [ ’ 9 3 . 1 8 9 . 4 6 . 2 2 2 ’ ] }
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Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
Redirect (example)
Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
Redirect Example
{ ’ 2 8 0 0 1 ’ : {
’ step1 ’ : {
’ d i r e c t o r i e s ’ : [ ’ forum ’ , ’ kZsjOiDMFb ’ , ’ epygFrFsoU ’ ] ,
’ arguments ’ : [ ] ,
’ f i l e s ’ : [ ’ ’ ] ,
’ ip ’ : [ ’ 8 9 . 1 1 1 . 1 7 8 . 3 3 ’ ] ,
’ domains ’ : [ ’ mysimuran . ru ’ ] } ,
’ step2 ’ : {
’ d i r e c t o r i e s ’ : [ ’ forum ’ , ’ kZsjOiDMFb ’ , ’ epygFrFsoU ’ , ’kJXshWOMNC’ ] ,
’ arguments ’ : [ ’ 4 2 3 1 ’ , ’7697 ’ , ’9741 ’ ] ,
’ f i l e s ’ : [ ’ j s . j s ’ , ’ c n t . html ’ ] ,
’ ip ’ : [ ’ 8 9 . 1 1 1 . 1 7 8 . 3 3 ’ ] ,
’ domains ’ : [ ’ mysimuran . ru ’ ] } ,
’ step3 ’ : {
’ d i r e c t o r i e s ’ : [ ] ,
’ arguments ’ : [ ’ i ’ , ’ g ’ , ’ x ’ ] ,
’ f i l e s ’ : [ ’ h i t ’ ] ,
’ ip ’ : [ ’ 8 9 . 1 8 4 . 8 1 . 3 5 ’ ] ,
’ domains ’ : [ ’ c . h i t . ua ’ ] } ,
’ step4 ’ : {
’ d i r e c t o r i e s ’ : [ ’ d1x ’ , ’ 3 ’ , ’87475 b26a521024ce78d7ea73164140a ’ , ’ d36eb1fc80ebe9df515d043be1557
’ arguments ’ : [ ] ,
’ f i l e s ’ : [ ’ h t t p%3A%2F%2Fagency . a c c o r d i n g a . pw%2Fremain%2Funknown . html%3Fmods%3D8%26i d%3D26 ’ ,
’ ip ’ : [ ’ 4 6 . 2 5 4 . 1 6 . 2 0 9 ’ ] ,
’ domains ’ : [ ’ f−wake . browser−c h e c k s . i n f o ’ , ’ a−o p r z a y . browser−c h e c k s . pw ’ ] }
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Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
IOCs viz
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Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
IOCs viz(02)
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IOCs viz(3)
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IOCs viz(4)
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IOCs viz(5)
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Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
Sourcing External IOCs
CIF - https:
feeds (with scrappers):
Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
Sourcing External IOCs
feed your scrappers: . . .
VT intelligence
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Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
Sourcing IOCs Internally
honeypot feeds
log analysis
traffic analysis
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Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
Extracting IoCs from HTTP traffic caps
01/14/13 06:57 PM (url1) application/x-java-archive
01/14/13 06:57 PM (url2) application/x-java-archive
01/14/13 06:57 PM (url3) application/octet-stream
Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
Use honeypots
Running honeypots gives enormous advantage in detecting emerging
Stategically placing honeypots is extemely important
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Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
HPfeeds, Hpfriends and more
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Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
HPFeeds Architecture
Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
HPFeeds API in nutshell:
import pygeoip
import hpfeeds
import json
HOST=’ broker ’
PORT = 20000
CHANNELS= [ ’ geoloc . events ’ ]
IDENT=’ i d e n t ’
SECRET=’ s e c r e t ’
g i = pygeoip . GeoIP ( ’ GeoLiteCity . dat ’ )
hpc = hpfeeds . new(HOST, PORT, IDENT , SECRET)
msg = { ’ l a t i t u d e ’ : g i . record_by_addr ( ip ) [ ’ l a t i t u d e ’ ] ,
’ l o n g i t u d e ’ : g i . record_by_addr ( ip ) [ ’ l o n g i t u d e ’ ] ,
’ type ’ : ’ honeypot ␣ h i t ’ }
hpc . p u b l i s h (CHANNELS, json . dumps(msg ))
Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
hpfeeds integration
HPFEEDS works with glastopf out of the box
Kippo (module provided
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Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
NTP probe collector
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Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
HPFeeds and honeymap
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Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
HPFeeds indexing
HPFeed custom broker: writes indicators into ElasticSearch.
Could be automatically reused by other security tools
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Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
HPfeeds and post processing
Aside from analyzing HP events post-processing can mine interesting things:
Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
Content analysis:
Hosting domains: over 300~ unique domain names:
a c v i l l a . ucoz . com . bengos
a c v i l l a . ucoz . com . gradina
a c v i l l a . ucoz . com . s
a d e l i n u . ucoz . ro . bo
a d i s o r . webs . com . bnc2
adryanb . i . was . in
andyakamusic . a l t e r v i s t a . org . wp
a n g e l f i r e . com . komales88 . gosh
a n g e l f i r e . com . komales88 . psybnc
a n g e l f i r e . com . l u k y l u s . rh
a n g e l l o v e . ucoz . net .
apropo . ucoz . net .2
apropo . ucoz . net . comp
apropo . ucoz . net . psy
apropo . ucoz . net . psycomp
apropo . ucoz . net . s s l
apropo . ucoz . net . s s l lMining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
Content analysis:
Tools, Scanners
20130306173911 _http___botiphp_go_ro_rdp_tgz
20111006193700 _http___system_arhive_do_am_scanner_web_jpg
20120424100124 _http___pragu_webs_com_Scanner_History_tgz
20120424104136 _http___qiss_ucoz_de_scanptvasy_jpg
20121006034334 _http___system_comule_com_scanner_gosh_jpg
Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
Content analysis:
20121122231601 _http___system_comule_com_exploit_e_jpg
20121122231632 _http___system_comule_com_exploit_e_tgz
20140510104703 _http___treeball_tripod_com_ex_tgz
20140527103805 _http___treeball_tripod_com_ex_tgz
. . .
−rwxr−xr−x danam1/danam1 2275 2012−04−03 05:38 x/do . c
−rwxr−xr−x danam1/danam1 6910 2012−04−03 05:42 x/me. c
−rwxr−xr−x danam1/danam1 6554 2012−04−03 00:29 x/ab . c
−rwxr−xr−x danam1/danam1 4709 2012−04−03 00:08 x/new . c
−rwxr−xr−x danam1/danam1 10300 2012−04−03 00:53 x/new
drwxr−xr−x danam1/danam1 0 2012−03−29 22:58 x/x86/
−rwxr−xr−x danam1/danam1 5538 2012−03−29 22:16 x/x86/newx86
−rwxr−xr−x danam1/danam1 11302 2012−03−29 22:16 x/x86/newx86
drwxr−xr−x danam1/danam1 0 2012−03−29 22:45 x /2011/
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Tools for Dynamic Detection of IOC
Snort (everyone knows, SourceFire is just outside ;-))
Yara + yara-enabled tools
Splunk/Log search (they are also here :p)
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Applying IOCs to your detection process
moloch moloch moloch :)
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Moloch is awesome:
Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
Open-source tools
OpenIOC manipulation
Mantis Threat Intelligence Framework Mantis supports
STIX/CybOX/IODEF/OpenIOC etc via importers:
Search splunk data for IOC indicators:
Our framework:
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Tools for Dynamic Detection
Moloch supports Yara (IOCs can be directly applied)
Moloch has awesome tagger plugin:
# tagger . so
# p r o v i d e s a b i l i t y to import t e x t f i l e s with IP and/ or hostn
# i n t o a sensor that would cause autotagging of a l l matching
p l u g i n s=tagger . so
t a g g e r I p F i l e s=b l a c k l i s t , tag , tag , tag . . .
taggerDomainFiles=domainbasedblacklists , tag , tag , tag
Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
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Moloch plugins
Moloch is easily extendable with your own plugins - makes it easy to
integrate other things with moloch via zmq queue pub/sub or push/pull model
Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
Moloch ZMQ example
CEP-based analysis of network-traffic (using ESPER):
( esp : add " c r e a t e ␣ context ␣SegmentedBySrc␣ p a r t i t i o n ␣by␣ s r c ␣fro
WebDataEvent" )
( esp : add " context ␣SegmentedBySrc␣ s e l e c t ␣ src , ␣ r a t e (30) ␣ as ␣ ra
avg ( r a t e (30)) ␣ as ␣ avgRate ␣from␣WebDataEvent . win : time (30) ␣ havi
r a t e (30) ␣<␣avg ( r a t e (30)) ␣∗␣ 0.75 ␣ output ␣ snapshot ␣ every ␣60␣ sec
( future −c a l l s t a r t −counting )
Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
Detecting DGA botnets (moloch)
Easy with our plugin. ;-)
we want to label any IP addresses as ’suspicious’
if they are generating more than X DNS packets per minute with rcode != 0
Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
Other Sources of IOCs
ioc bucket:
Public blacklists/trackers could also be used as source:
Eset IOC repository
more coming?
Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
Tools: IoC lookup service
show me all the entries similar to this IOC
We implemented a whois service for IOC look-ups
whois −h ioc −api . host . com a t t r i b u t e : value+a t t r i b u t e : value
We can return results in various formats: Snort, Yara, OpenIOC (ask for your
Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
Tools: Use YARA
r u l e susp_params_in_url_kind_of_fileless_bot_drive_by
meta :
date = " o c t ␣ 2013 "
d e s c r i p t i o n = " Landing ␣ hxxp : / / j d a t a s t o r e l a m e . i n f o / indexm . html ␣␣ 0 4 . 1 0 . 2 0 1 3 ␣ 1 3 : 1 4 ␣␣ 1 0 8 . 6
d e s c r i p t i o n 1 = "␣ Java ␣ S p l o i t ␣ hxxp : / / j d a t a s t o r e l a m e . i n f o /054 RIwj ␣␣␣␣␣"
s t r i n g s :
$ s t r i n g 0 = " h t t p "
$ s t r i n g 1 = " indexm . html "
$ s t r i n g 2 = " 054 RI "
c o n d i t i o n :
a l l o f them
Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
Use snort to catch suspicious traffic:
# many plugX d e p l o y m e n t s c o n n e c t to g o o g l e DNS when not i n use
a l e r t t c p ! $DNS_SERVERS any −> 8 . 8 . 8 . 8 53 ( msg : "APT␣ p o s s i b l e ␣ PlugX ␣ Google ␣DNS␣TCP
p o r t ␣53␣ c o n n e c t i o n ␣ attempt " ; c l a s s t y p e : misc−a c t i v i t y ; s i d : 5 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 ;
r e v : 1 ; )
Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
GRR: Google Rapid Response:
Other nice application of IoCs:
Hunting IOC artifacts with GRR
Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
GRR: Creating rules
Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
GRR: hunt in progress
Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
Most of the tools shown here are opensource.
Either developed, contributed by me or by other good guys.
HP nodes are good source of compromise indicators
IoCs should be used with great-care. You need to know what you are
doing. ;-)
IoCs are getting easier to integrate with off-shelf security products
(no product advertisements here ;-))
Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
Things to share
We are very interested in data-sharing
Academia Sinica: we run anonymized IoC feed services (openioc XML
Academia Sinica: we have custom HPFeeds brokers to facilitate data
Academia Sinica: we run our own passive DNS
We are very interested in new data sources and can help you to run
analysis platforms: (big data, time series analysis of network flows, DNS
traffic, HTTP, IoC based pattern match, APK analysis).
Everything is free and open-source. Talk to us :)
Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF
@fygrave (
Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,

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Honeycon2014: Mining IoCs from Honeypot data feeds

  • 1. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Vladimir Kropotov, Vitaly Chetvertakov, Fyodor Yarochkin HoneyCON 2014 Affilations: Academia Sinica,, Jul 07, 2014, Taipei Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 2. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF Outline Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 3. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF WHOAMI Affilations: Academia Sinica, chroot, and a few others Mainly independent research (not vendor affilated ;-)) Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 4. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF WHOAMI:2 Our data sources: Academia Sinica Not to be named networks in Russian Federation Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 5. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF Good things to know Main Assumption: All networks are compromised The difference between a good security team and a bad security team is that with a bad security team you will never know that you’ve been compromised. Running Honeypots in the parts network gives a team visibility on emerging threats that your network might face. Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 6. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF HP landscape HP platforms typically would have very low false/positive ratio. If your HP is hit, it is most likely a suspicious event. HP typically should replicate your typical enviroment. We focus on simulation of both end-user machines and servers/services. Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 7. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF Statistic on end-user compromises about 40,000,000 internet users in Russia for every 10,000 server hosts 500 hosts trigger redirects to malicious content per week about 20-50 user machines (full AV installed, NAT, FW) get ..affected many infect .ru IP addresses only (source matters) Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 8. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF Campaigns r*.ru News ~ 790 000 ne*.com news ~ 590 000 ga*.ru news ~ 490 000 a* news ~ 330 000 m*.ru news ~ 315 000 v*.ru news ~ 170 000 li*.ru news ~ 170 000 top* news ~ 140 000 Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 9. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF Introduction:terminology Indicators of Compromise Indicator of compromise (IOC) in computer forensics is an artifact observed on network or in operating system that with high confidence indicates a computer intrusion. Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 10. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF Why Indicators of compromise Indicators of Compromise help us to answer questions like: is this document/file/hash malicious? is there any past history for this IP/domain? what are the other similar/related domains/hashes/..? who is the actor? am I an APT target?!!;-) They shorten initial-detection -*to*- detection-automation cycle. Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 11. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF IoCs: old dog - new tricks Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 12. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF A Network compromise case study: Attackers broke via a web vuln. Attackers gained local admin access Attackers created a local user Attackers started probing other machines for default user ids Attackers launched tunneling tools – connecting back to C2 Attackers installed RATs to maintain access Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 13. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF IoC Indicators So what are the compromise indicators here? Where did attackers come from? (IP) What vulnerability was exploited? (pattern) What web backdoor was used? (pattern, hash) What tools were uploaded? (hashes) What users were created locally? (username) What usernames were probed on other machines Detailed IoCs (unsual port to serve exploit kit, URI pattern, mime-content, user agent) Warning: Blind use of IoCs may lead to disaster. (some IoCs are more suitable for statistical studies) Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 14. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF Where to look for IOCs internally Outbound Network Traffic User Activities/Failed Logins User profile folders Administrative Access Access from unsual IP addresses Database IO: excessive READs Size of responses of web pages Unusual access to particular files within Web Application (backdoor) Unusual port/protocol connections DNS and HTTP traffic requests Suspicious Scripts, Executables and Data Files Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 15. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF IoCs (good and bad) Why we need IOCs? because it makes it easier to systematically describe knowledge about breaches. Identifying intrusions is hard Unfair game: defender should protect all the assets attacker only needs to ’poop’ one system. Identifying targeted, organized intrusions is even harder Minor anomalous events are important when put together Seeing global picture is a mast Details matter Attribution is hard Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 16. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF What’s wrong with IoCs IoCs expire (IP addresses get discovered, cleaned) Domain names expire Hash collisions Benign binaries might be malicious (depending on context) Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 17. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF Good or Bad? F i l e Name : RasTls . exe F i l e S i z e : 105 kB F i l e M o d i f i c a t i o n Date /Time : 2 0 0 9 : 0 2 : 0 9 1 9 : 4 2 : 0 5 + 0 8 : 0 0 F i l e Type : Win32 EXE MIME Type : a p p l i c a t i o n / o c t e t −stream Machine Type : I n t e l 386 o r l a t e r , and c o m p a t i b l e s Time Stamp : 2 0 0 9 : 0 2 : 0 2 1 3 : 3 8 : 3 7 + 0 8 : 0 0 PE Type : PE32 L i n k e r V e r s i o n : 8 . 0 Code S i z e : 49152 I n i t i a l i z e d Data S i z e : 57344 U n i n i t i a l i z e d Data S i z e : 0 Entry P o i n t : 0 x3d76 OS V e r s i o n : 4 . 0 Image V e r s i o n : 0 . 0 Subsystem V e r s i o n : 4 . 0 Subsystem : Windows GUI F i l e V e r s i o n Number : 1 1 . 0 . 4 0 1 0 . 7 Product V e r s i o n Number : 1 1 . 0 . 4 0 1 0 . 7 F i l e OS : Windows NT 32− b i t Object F i l e Type : E x e c u t a b l e a p p l i c a t i o n Language Code : E n g l i s h (U . S . ) C h a r a c t e r Set : Windows , L a t i n 1 Company Name : Symantec C o r p o r a t i o n F i l e D e s c r i p t i o n : Symantec 8 0 2 . 1 x S u p p l i c a n t F i l e V e r s i o n : 1 1 . 0 . 4 0 1 0 . 7 I n t e r n a l Name : d o t 1 x t r a y Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 18. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF It really depends on context RasTls . DLL RasTls . DLL . msc RasTls . exe Dynamic-Link Library Search Order Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 19. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF IOC representations Multiple standards have been created to facilitate IOC exchanges. Madiant: OpenIOC Mitre: STIX (Structured Threat Information Expression), CyBOX (CyberObservable Expression) Mitre: CAPEC, TAXII IODEF (Incident Object Description Format) Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 20. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF Standards: OpenIOC OpenIOC - Mandiant-backed effort for unform representation of IOC (now FireEye) Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 21. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF OpenIOCs D i g i t a l Appendices / Appendix G ( D i g i t a l ) − IOCs$ l s 0c7c902c −67f8 −479c−9f44 −4d985106365a . i o c 6bd24113 −2922−4d25 ad521068−6f18 −4ab1−899c−11007a18ec73 . i o c 12 a40bf7 −4834−49b0−a419−6abb5fe2b291 . i o c 70 b5be0c−8a94−44b4 af5f65fc −e1ca −45db−88b1−6ccb7191ee6a . i o c 2106 f0d2−a260 −4277−90ab−edd3455e31fa . i o c 7c739d52−c669−4d51 Appendix G IOCs README. pdf 26213db6−9d3b−4a39−abeb −73656acb913e . i o c 7 d2eaadf−a5ff −4199 c32b8af3 −28d0−47d3−801f−a2c2b0129650 . i o c 2 bff223f −9e46−47a7−ac35−d35f8138a4c7 . i o c 7 f9a6986−f00a −4071 c71b3305 −85e5−4d51−b07c−ff227181fb5a . i o c 2 fc55747 −6822−41d2−bcc1 −387fc1b2e67b . i o c 806 beff3 −7395−492e c7fa2ea5 −36d5−4a52−a6cf−ddc2257cb6f9 . i o c 32b168e6−dbd6−4d56−ba2f −734553239 e f e . i o c 84 f04df2 −25cd−4f59 d14d5f09 −9050−4769−b00d−30fce9e6eb85 . i o c 3433dad8 −879e−40d9−98b3−92ddc75f0dcd . i o c 8695bb5e−29cd−41b9 d1c65316−cddd−4d9c−8efe −c539aa5965c0 . i o c 3e01b786−fe3a −4228−95fa−c3986e2353d6 . i o c 86 e9b8ec −7413−453bMining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 22. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF Standards: Mitre Mitre CybOX: Mitre CAPEC: Mitre STIX: Mitre TAXII Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 23. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF Mature: stix Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 24. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF Indicators of Compromise Complex IOCs covering all steps of attack Dynamic creation of IOCs on the fly Auto-reload of IOCs, TTLs Dealing with different standards/import export Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 25. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF Exploit pack trace url ip mime type ref text/html http://www.smeysyatu text/html http://cuba.eanuncio application/java-archive - application/java-archive - - - - - Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 26. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF Nuclearsploit pack { ’ N u c l e a r s p l o i t p a c k ’ : { ’ step1 ’ : { ’ f i l e s ’ : [ ’ w z 3 u 6 s i 8 e 5 l h 7 k 2 t k 5 o x 4 n e 6 d 8 g . html ’ , ’ t 3 f 5 y 9 a 2 b b 3 d l 7 z 8 g c 4 o 6 f . html ’ , ’ z f 3 z 9 l r 6 a c 8 d i 6 r 4 k ’ domains ’ : [ ’ f a t h e r . f e r r e m o v i l . com ’ , ’ t h a i . a l o h a t r a n s l l c . com ’ , ’ cuba . e a n u n c i o s . net ’ , ’ duncan . ’ arguments ’ : [ ] , ’ d i r e c t o r i e s ’ : [ ’ 1 ’ ] , ’ ip ’ : [ ’ 9 3 . 1 8 9 . 4 6 . 2 0 1 ’ , ’ 9 3 . 1 8 9 . 4 6 . 2 0 3 ’ , ’ 9 3 . 1 8 9 . 4 6 . 2 2 2 ’ , ’ 9 3 . 1 8 9 . 4 6 . 2 2 4 ’ , ’ 9 3 . 1 8 9 . 4 6 . 2 3 3 ’ ] } , ’ step2 ’ : { ’ f i l e s ’ : [ ’ 1 3 9 9 4 2 2 4 8 0 . htm ’ , ’1 39 97 047 20 . htm ’ , ’1 399 51 34 40 . htm ’ , ’13 99 51 40 40 . htm ’ , ’1 39 97 73 30 0. htm ’ ] , ’ domains ’ : [ ’ cuba . e a n u n c i o s . net ’ , ’ duncan . d i s e n o c o r p o r a t i v o . com . ar ’ , ’ homany . c o l l e c t i v e i t . com . ’ arguments ’ : [ ] , ’ d i r e c t o r i e s ’ : [ ’ 2 9 0 9 6 2 0 9 6 8 ’ , ’ 1 ’ , ’507640988 ’ , ’940276731 ’ , ’3957283574 ’ , ’ 9 5 2 2 1 1 7 0 4 ’ ] , ’ ip ’ : [ ’ 9 3 . 1 8 9 . 4 6 . 2 2 2 ’ , ’ 9 3 . 1 8 9 . 4 6 . 2 2 4 ’ , ’ 9 3 . 1 8 9 . 4 6 . 2 3 3 ’ ] } , ’ step3 ’ : { ’ f i l e s ’ : [ ’ 1 3 9 9 4 2 2 4 8 0 . j a r ’ , ’1 39 95 13 44 0. j a r ’ ] , ’ domains ’ : [ ’ cuba . e a n u n c i o s . net ’ , ’ homany . c o l l e c t i v e i t . com . au ’ ] , ’ arguments ’ : [ ] , ’ d i r e c t o r i e s ’ : [ ’ 2 9 0 9 6 2 0 9 6 8 ’ , ’ 1 ’ , ’ 9 4 0 2 7 6 7 3 1 ’ ] , ’ ip ’ : [ ’ 9 3 . 1 8 9 . 4 6 . 2 2 2 ’ , ’ 9 3 . 1 8 9 . 4 6 . 2 2 4 ’ ] } , ’ step4 ’ : { ’ f i l e s ’ : [ ’ 2 ’ ] , ’ domains ’ : [ ’ cuba . e a n u n c i o s . net ’ ] , ’ arguments ’ : [ ] , ’ d i r e c t o r i e s ’ : [ ’ f ’ , ’ 1 ’ , ’1399422480 ’ , ’2909620968 ’ , ’ 2 ’ ] , ’ ip ’ : [ ’ 9 3 . 1 8 9 . 4 6 . 2 2 2 ’ ] } } } Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 27. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF Redirect (example) Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 28. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF Redirect Example { ’ 2 8 0 0 1 ’ : { ’ step1 ’ : { ’ d i r e c t o r i e s ’ : [ ’ forum ’ , ’ kZsjOiDMFb ’ , ’ epygFrFsoU ’ ] , ’ arguments ’ : [ ] , ’ f i l e s ’ : [ ’ ’ ] , ’ ip ’ : [ ’ 8 9 . 1 1 1 . 1 7 8 . 3 3 ’ ] , ’ domains ’ : [ ’ mysimuran . ru ’ ] } , ’ step2 ’ : { ’ d i r e c t o r i e s ’ : [ ’ forum ’ , ’ kZsjOiDMFb ’ , ’ epygFrFsoU ’ , ’kJXshWOMNC’ ] , ’ arguments ’ : [ ’ 4 2 3 1 ’ , ’7697 ’ , ’9741 ’ ] , ’ f i l e s ’ : [ ’ j s . j s ’ , ’ c n t . html ’ ] , ’ ip ’ : [ ’ 8 9 . 1 1 1 . 1 7 8 . 3 3 ’ ] , ’ domains ’ : [ ’ mysimuran . ru ’ ] } , ’ step3 ’ : { ’ d i r e c t o r i e s ’ : [ ] , ’ arguments ’ : [ ’ i ’ , ’ g ’ , ’ x ’ ] , ’ f i l e s ’ : [ ’ h i t ’ ] , ’ ip ’ : [ ’ 8 9 . 1 8 4 . 8 1 . 3 5 ’ ] , ’ domains ’ : [ ’ c . h i t . ua ’ ] } , ’ step4 ’ : { ’ d i r e c t o r i e s ’ : [ ’ d1x ’ , ’ 3 ’ , ’87475 b26a521024ce78d7ea73164140a ’ , ’ d36eb1fc80ebe9df515d043be1557 ’ arguments ’ : [ ] , ’ f i l e s ’ : [ ’ h t t p%3A%2F%2Fagency . a c c o r d i n g a . pw%2Fremain%2Funknown . html%3Fmods%3D8%26i d%3D26 ’ , ’ ip ’ : [ ’ 4 6 . 2 5 4 . 1 6 . 2 0 9 ’ ] , ’ domains ’ : [ ’ f−wake . browser−c h e c k s . i n f o ’ , ’ a−o p r z a y . browser−c h e c k s . pw ’ ] } } } Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 29. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF IOCs Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 30. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF IOCs3 Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 31. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF IOCs viz Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 32. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF IOCs viz(02) Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 33. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF IOCs viz(3) Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 34. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF IOCs viz(4) Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 35. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF IOCs viz(5) Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 36. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF Sourcing External IOCs CIF - https: // feeds (with scrappers): Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 37. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF Sourcing External IOCs feed your scrappers: . . . VT intelligence Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 38. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF Sourcing IOCs Internally honeypot feeds log analysis traffic analysis Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 39. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF Extracting IoCs from HTTP traffic caps 01/14/13 06:57 PM (url1) application/x-java-archive 01/14/13 06:57 PM (url2) application/x-java-archive 01/14/13 06:57 PM (url3) application/octet-stream Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 40. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF Use honeypots Running honeypots gives enormous advantage in detecting emerging threats Stategically placing honeypots is extemely important Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 41. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF HPfeeds, Hpfriends and more Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 42. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF HPFeeds Architecture Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 43. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF HPFeeds API in nutshell: import pygeoip import hpfeeds import json HOST=’ broker ’ PORT = 20000 CHANNELS= [ ’ geoloc . events ’ ] IDENT=’ i d e n t ’ SECRET=’ s e c r e t ’ g i = pygeoip . GeoIP ( ’ GeoLiteCity . dat ’ ) hpc = hpfeeds . new(HOST, PORT, IDENT , SECRET) msg = { ’ l a t i t u d e ’ : g i . record_by_addr ( ip ) [ ’ l a t i t u d e ’ ] , ’ l o n g i t u d e ’ : g i . record_by_addr ( ip ) [ ’ l o n g i t u d e ’ ] , ’ type ’ : ’ honeypot ␣ h i t ’ } hpc . p u b l i s h (CHANNELS, json . dumps(msg )) Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 44. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF hpfeeds integration HPFEEDS works with glastopf out of the box Kippo (module provided Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 45. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF NTP probe collector Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 46. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF HPFeeds and honeymap Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 47. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF HPFeeds indexing HPFeed custom broker: writes indicators into ElasticSearch. Could be automatically reused by other security tools Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 48. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF HPfeeds and post processing Aside from analyzing HP events post-processing can mine interesting things: Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 49. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF Content analysis: Hosting domains: over 300~ unique domain names: a c v i l l a . ucoz . com . bengos a c v i l l a . ucoz . com . gradina a c v i l l a . ucoz . com . s a d e l i n u . ucoz . ro . bo a d i s o r . webs . com . bnc2 adryanb . i . was . in andyakamusic . a l t e r v i s t a . org . wp a n g e l f i r e . com . komales88 . gosh a n g e l f i r e . com . komales88 . psybnc a n g e l f i r e . com . l u k y l u s . rh a n g e l l o v e . ucoz . net . apropo . ucoz . net .2 apropo . ucoz . net . comp apropo . ucoz . net . psy apropo . ucoz . net . psycomp apropo . ucoz . net . s s l apropo . ucoz . net . s s l lMining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 50. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF Content analysis: Tools, Scanners 20120211233926_http___www_freewebs_com_westcoste_php_zip 20120211234012_http___www_freewebs_com_westcoste_php_tar_gz 20120213081741_http___www_freewebs_com_westcoste_php_zip 20121217032335_http___r_o_o_t_hi2_ro_scanner_php_jpg 20130306173911 _http___botiphp_go_ro_rdp_tgz 20111006193700 _http___system_arhive_do_am_scanner_web_jpg 20120204145752_http___www_click4me_home_ro_scanbun_zip 20120407032809_http___XxLx2010_hi2_ro_XxLxScan_zip 20120424100124 _http___pragu_webs_com_Scanner_History_tgz 20120424104136 _http___qiss_ucoz_de_scanptvasy_jpg 20120701095229_http___haXers_Webs_Com_Scanner_gosh_tgz 20121006034334 _http___system_comule_com_scanner_gosh_jpg 20121212214201_http___procesed_do_am_NGS_scan_CScan_tgz Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 51. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF Content analysis: Exploits: 20121122231601 _http___system_comule_com_exploit_e_jpg 20121122231632 _http___system_comule_com_exploit_e_tgz 20140510104703 _http___treeball_tripod_com_ex_tgz 20140527103805 _http___treeball_tripod_com_ex_tgz . . . −rwxr−xr−x danam1/danam1 2275 2012−04−03 05:38 x/do . c −rwxr−xr−x danam1/danam1 6910 2012−04−03 05:42 x/me. c −rwxr−xr−x danam1/danam1 6554 2012−04−03 00:29 x/ab . c −rwxr−xr−x danam1/danam1 4709 2012−04−03 00:08 x/new . c −rwxr−xr−x danam1/danam1 10300 2012−04−03 00:53 x/new drwxr−xr−x danam1/danam1 0 2012−03−29 22:58 x/x86/ −rwxr−xr−x danam1/danam1 5538 2012−03−29 22:16 x/x86/newx86 −rwxr−xr−x danam1/danam1 11302 2012−03−29 22:16 x/x86/newx86 drwxr−xr−x danam1/danam1 0 2012−03−29 22:45 x /2011/ Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 52. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF Tools for Dynamic Detection of IOC Snort (everyone knows, SourceFire is just outside ;-)) Yara + yara-enabled tools Moloch Splunk/Log search (they are also here :p) roll-your-own:p Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 53. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF Applying IOCs to your detection process moloch moloch moloch :) Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 54. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF Moloch Moloch is awesome: Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 55. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF Open-source tools OpenIOC manipulation Mantis Threat Intelligence Framework Mantis supports STIX/CybOX/IODEF/OpenIOC etc via importers: Search splunk data for IOC indicators: Our framework: Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 56. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF iocmap Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 57. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF MISP Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 58. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF Tools for Dynamic Detection Moloch Moloch supports Yara (IOCs can be directly applied) Moloch has awesome tagger plugin: # tagger . so # p r o v i d e s a b i l i t y to import t e x t f i l e s with IP and/ or hostn # i n t o a sensor that would cause autotagging of a l l matching p l u g i n s=tagger . so t a g g e r I p F i l e s=b l a c k l i s t , tag , tag , tag . . . taggerDomainFiles=domainbasedblacklists , tag , tag , tag Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 59. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF Moloch plugins Moloch is easily extendable with your own plugins - makes it easy to integrate other things with moloch via zmq queue pub/sub or push/pull model Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 60. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF Moloch ZMQ example CEP-based analysis of network-traffic (using ESPER): ( esp : add " c r e a t e ␣ context ␣SegmentedBySrc␣ p a r t i t i o n ␣by␣ s r c ␣fro WebDataEvent" ) ( esp : add " context ␣SegmentedBySrc␣ s e l e c t ␣ src , ␣ r a t e (30) ␣ as ␣ ra avg ( r a t e (30)) ␣ as ␣ avgRate ␣from␣WebDataEvent . win : time (30) ␣ havi r a t e (30) ␣<␣avg ( r a t e (30)) ␣∗␣ 0.75 ␣ output ␣ snapshot ␣ every ␣60␣ sec ( future −c a l l s t a r t −counting ) Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 61. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF Detecting DGA botnets (moloch) Easy with our plugin. ;-) we want to label any IP addresses as ’suspicious’ if they are generating more than X DNS packets per minute with rcode != 0 Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 62. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF Other Sources of IOCs ioc bucket: Public blacklists/trackers could also be used as source: https: // https: // Eset IOC repository more coming? Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 63. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF Tools: IoC lookup service show me all the entries similar to this IOC We implemented a whois service for IOC look-ups whois −h ioc −api . host . com a t t r i b u t e : value+a t t r i b u t e : value We can return results in various formats: Snort, Yara, OpenIOC (ask for your favourite) Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 64. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF Tools: Use YARA r u l e susp_params_in_url_kind_of_fileless_bot_drive_by { meta : date = " o c t ␣ 2013 " d e s c r i p t i o n = " Landing ␣ hxxp : / / j d a t a s t o r e l a m e . i n f o / indexm . html ␣␣ 0 4 . 1 0 . 2 0 1 3 ␣ 1 3 : 1 4 ␣␣ 1 0 8 . 6 d e s c r i p t i o n 1 = "␣ Java ␣ S p l o i t ␣ hxxp : / / j d a t a s t o r e l a m e . i n f o /054 RIwj ␣␣␣␣␣" s t r i n g s : $ s t r i n g 0 = " h t t p " $ s t r i n g 1 = " indexm . html " $ s t r i n g 2 = " 054 RI " c o n d i t i o n : a l l o f them } Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 65. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF Use snort to catch suspicious traffic: # many plugX d e p l o y m e n t s c o n n e c t to g o o g l e DNS when not i n use a l e r t t c p ! $DNS_SERVERS any −> 8 . 8 . 8 . 8 53 ( msg : "APT␣ p o s s i b l e ␣ PlugX ␣ Google ␣DNS␣TCP p o r t ␣53␣ c o n n e c t i o n ␣ attempt " ; c l a s s t y p e : misc−a c t i v i t y ; s i d : 5 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 ; r e v : 1 ; ) Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 66. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF GRR: Google Rapid Response: Other nice application of IoCs: Hunting IOC artifacts with GRR Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 67. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF GRR: Creating rules Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 68. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF GRR: hunt in progress Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 69. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF Conclusion Most of the tools shown here are opensource. Either developed, contributed by me or by other good guys. HP nodes are good source of compromise indicators IoCs should be used with great-care. You need to know what you are doing. ;-) IoCs are getting easier to integrate with off-shelf security products (no product advertisements here ;-)) Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 70. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF Things to share We are very interested in data-sharing Academia Sinica: we run anonymized IoC feed services (openioc XML format) Academia Sinica: we have custom HPFeeds brokers to facilitate data sharing Academia Sinica: we run our own passive DNS We are very interested in new data sources and can help you to run analysis platforms: (big data, time series analysis of network flows, DNS traffic, HTTP, IoC based pattern match, APK analysis). Everything is free and open-source. Talk to us :) Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,
  • 71. Introduction IOC Standards V:IOCs mining IOCs Applying IOCs EOF Questions Questions? Comments? @fygrave ( Mining compromise indicators from Honeypot Systems Affilations: Academia Sinica,,