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networks innovation i-open research collaboration social networks open source economic development economic civic networks software valdis krebs employment networks corruption orgnetcom systems social media education enterprise complexity positive deivance network weaving community health care workforce development knowledge leadership development energy economics environmental conservation nonprofit platform betsey merkel business development cognitive science music recommendation engagement incubator entrepreneurship global technology civic future storytelling culture organizations conversations business collaborative communities creativity coins futuring doing strategic collaborative social solar coal hydrogen nuclear wind source open conservation organization cleveland metroparks cleveland oh urban birding urban birding cleveland social innovation content marketing analytics audience engagement metrics organization national audubon society projects conservation social enterprise sally hogshead fascinate report testimonial plante & moran immigrant honda tensuke market tie ohio tie dream automobiles minority cojac motorcycles city of dublin dec jasco international ohio economic development crm ceo addiction fatih obsession action psychology attention working knowledge focus entrepreneur knowledge management community knowledge specification continuous design knowledge representation open source software lake erie college managment performance programming concerts artistic digital bruce perens open source law coaching learning academic partnerships media interdisciplinary mentoring data design interview online graphic novel illustration designer story comics money digital distribution writer mixed media artist dan goldman strategy policy integrate question artificial intelligence dialogue integral knowledge creation singularity transformation stories positive deviance communities mrsa super bugs complexity science change plexus institute self-organization regions emergence isen internous meta data database innovation zones clusters allen curve pharmaceutical campaigns advertising brands brand medical innovation patients families health care center staff communication health care service online community civic space language brews midtown advance peirce philanthropy
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