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Switch Case and Looping
Briñes, Aden Mae S.
What is Programming?
“programming”, it is a computer language
programmers use to develop applications, scripts,
or other set of instructions for a computer to
programming is instructing a computer to do
something for you with the help of a programming
language. The role of a programming language
can be described in two ways:
Technical: It is a means for instructing a Computer
to perform Tasks
Conceptual: It is a framework within which we
organize our ideas about things and processes.
As a student, I was a bit curious about my
subject but as time pass by and we had
new lessons I have learned that
programming is very broad because it
composes many applications, codes and
can be used to run a program.
A programming language both provide
means to describe primitive data and
procedures and means to combine and
abstract those into more complex ones.
At first, I had a hard time
understanding what programming is
because you have so much to read
and analyze about codes that will
enable to run a program.
Programming is a creative process
done by programmers to instruct a
computer on how to do a task.
Switch Case
statements that are a substitute for long
if statements that compare a variable
to several "integral" values ("integral"
values are simply values that can be
expressed as an integer, such as the
value of a char). The basic format for
using switch case is outlined below.
To further understand switch case
here is the format:
The value of the variable given into switch is compared to the value
following each of the cases, and when one value matches the value
of the variable, the computer continues executing the program from
that point.
switch ( <variable> ) {
case this-value:
Code to execute if <variable> == this-value
case that-value:
Code to execute if <variable> == that-value
Code to execute if <variable> does not equal the value following any of the
The condition of a switch statement is a value. The
case says that if it has the value of whatever is
after that case then do whatever follows the colon.
The break is used to break out of the case
statements. Break is a keyword that breaks out of
the code block, usually surrounded by braces,
which it is in. In this case, break prevents the
program from falling through and executing the
code in all the other case statements. An
important thing to note about the switch statement
is that the case values may only be constant
integral expressions.
It is a keyword that breaks out
of the code block, usually
surrounded by braces, which
it is in. In this case, break
prevents the program from
falling through and executing
the code in all the other case
The break is used to break out
of the case statements. An
important thing to note about
the switch statement is that
the case values may only be
constant integral expressions.
(Loops). They are used to repeat a block
of code. Being able to have your
program repeatedly execute a block of
code is one of the most basic but useful
tasks in programming -- many programs
or websites that produce extremely
complex output (such as a message
board) are really only executing a single
task many times.
a loop lets you write a very
simple statement to
produce a significantly
greater result simply by
Three types of Loops:
For ( variable initialization; condition; variable update ) {
Code to execute while the condition is true
WHILE loops are very simple.
While ( condition ) { Code to execute while the
condition is true } The true represents a boolean
expression which could be x == 1 or while ( x != 7 )
(x does not equal 7). It can be any combination of
boolean statements that are legal. Even, (while x
==5 || v == 7) which says execute the code while x
equals five or while v equals 7. Notice that a while
loop is the same as a for loop without the
initialization and update sections.
However, an empty condition is not legal for a
while loop as it is with a for loop.
DO WHILE are useful for things
that want to loop at least once.
do {
} while ( condition ) ;
WHILE examples 
#include <iostream>
using namespace std; // So the program can see cout and
int main()
// The loop goes while x < 10, and x increases by one every
loop for ( int x = 0; x < 10; x++ ) {
// Keep in mind that the loop condition checks
// the conditional statement before it loops again. //
consequently, when x equals 10 the loop breaks. // x is
updated before the condition is checked. cout<< x <<endl;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std; // So we can see cout and endl
int main()
int x = 0; // Don't forget to declare variables
while ( x < 10 ) { // While x is less than 10
cout<< x <<endl;
x++; // Update x so the condition can be
met eventually
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int x;
x = 0;
do {
// "Hello, world!" is printed at least one time
// even though the condition is false
cout<<"Hello, world!n";
} while ( x != 0 );
The examples and
their explanations 
Switch Case #1
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
void1 playgame() // Creates a function/method called playgame
printf( "Play game called" ); // Displays the string found inside the statement
getch(); //getch function prompts the user to press a character and that character is not printed on
void loadgame() // Creates a function/method called loadgame
printf( "Load game called" ); // Displays the string found inside the statement
getch(); //getch function prompts the user to press a character and that character is not printed on
void playmultiplayer() // Creates a function/method called playmultiplayer
printf( "Play multiplayer game called" ); // Displays the string found inside the statement
getch(); //getch function prompts the user to press a character and that character is not printed on
int main() // Creates a function/method main to be called first upon running the program
int input; // Declares a variable name input to be used
printf( "1: Play gamen" ); //
printf( "2: Load gamen" ); //
printf( "3: Play multiplayern" ); // Displays string in order for the user to select
printf( "4: Exitn" ); //
printf( "Selection: " ); //
scanf( "%d", &input ); // Gets the user number input
switch ( input ) { // Start of the switch case statement based on the input variable
case 1: /* Note the colon, not a semicolon */
playgame(); //Returns playgame function/method if 1 is the value of input variable
case 2:
loadgame(); //Returns playgame function/method if 2 is the value of input variable
case 3:
playmultiplayer(); //Returns playgame function/method if 3 is the value of input variable
case 4:
printf( "Thanks for playing!n" ); //Returns playgame function/method if 4 is the value of input variable
printf( "Bad input, quitting!n" ); //Returns playgame function/method if the value of input variable is not with the range from 1-4
return 0;
/* The flow of this Dev C++ programming source code is the user is asked
to select a number from the given choices.
When the user has selected a number from the choices an output varies
from one another.
If 1 is selected, it displays a "Play game called".
If 2 is selected, it displays a "Load game called".
If 3 is selected, it displays a "Play multiplayer game called".
If 4 is selected, it displays a "Thanks for playing!"
And if none of the above are inputted by the user then "Bad input, quitting!"
would be displayed.
Using of functions/methods is a good way of programming. Since, you can
have different process/output without crowding a switch case statement
like this for example. programming using of functions/methods is not only
limited to switch case statements and it could also be very useful
depending on how a developer use it. */
Switch Case #2
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
int main() // Creates a function/method main to be called first upon running the program
int color = 1; // Creates a variable name called color with a value of 1
printf("Please choose a color(1: red,2: green,3: blue):n");
scanf("%d", &color); // Gets the input number
switch (color) {
case 1:
printf("You chose red colorn");
case 2:
printf("You chose green colorn");
case 3:
printf("You chose blue colorn");
printf("You did not choose any colorn");
return 0;
/* The flow of this C++ programming example is where the program asks the user to input a number. The output also varies depending on the number
inputted by the user.
If 1 is selected, it displays "You chose red color".
If 2 is selected, it displays "You chose green color".
If 3 is selected, it displays "You did not choose any color."
This is just a simple programming example about switch-case statements but a good start when it comes to programming. */
Switch Case #3
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
char letter;
cout << "A)tHouse MDn"
<< "B)tAmerican Idlen"
<< "C)tFamily Guynn";
cout << "What TV show do you like (Enter A, B, C)?: ";
cin >> letter;
cout << endl;
switch (toupper(letter))
case 'A' : cout << "Dr. House is a radical doctor!nn";
case 'B' : cout << "Wannabe singers!nn";
case 'C' : cout << "One of the craziest cartoons Ive ever seen.nn";
default: cout << "Invalid choice.nn";
return 0;
As you can see in this C++ programming sample source
code it is a Switch-Case statement where the programs asks
the user to input a letter either
A, B or C and not a number. As you go along the source
code you can see at line 19 which is the case 'A', it will be
called when the user inputted
letter A.
On line 21, it is being called when the user inputted letter B.
On line 23, it is being called when the user inputted letter C.
And the default is only triggered when none of the choices
are inputted by the user. Oftenly, the default is used to
display an error like in this example
stating that "Invalid choice".
Switch Case #4
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int choice;
cout << "MENUnn";
cout << "1." << "t" << "Lobstern";
cout << "2." << "t" << "Steakn";
cout << "3." << "t" << "Turkeyn";
cout << "4." << "t" << "Hambergern";
cout << "5." << "t" << "Vegetariannn";
cout << "Choose your dinner entree: ";
cin >> choice;
cout << endl;
switch (choice)
case 1: cout << "Lobster is my favorite! Dig in!nn";
case 2: cout << "Yummy! Steak is great...n"
<< "but limit yourself to once a week," << endl
<< "or risk the chance of high cholesterol!nn";
case 3: cout << "Turkey is healthier than steak! ...Enjoy!nn";
case 4: cout << "Hamburger is another form of steak. :-)nn";
case 5: cout << "Finally, a vegitarian is in the house!nn";
default: cout << "Invalid number, please enter a number"
<< " from the entrees above.nn";
return 0;
As you can see in this C++ programming sample source code is a switch
case statement where the program asks an input from the user with the
choices given.
On case 1, it will output a string "Lobster is my favorite! Dig in!".
On case 2, it will output a string "Yummy! Steak is great... but limit yourself
to once a week, or risk the chance of high cholesterol!"
On case 3, it will output a string "Turkey is healthier than steak! ...Enjoy!"
On case 4, it will output a string "Hamburger is another form of steak. :-)"
On case 5, it will output a string "Finally, a vegitarian is in the house!"
And on the default in which none of the choices are inputted by the user it
will output a string "Invalid number, please enter a number from the entrees
Practicing or trying some simple C++ programming source codes like this
could help you get a hold on how to use this more effectively.
Switch Case #5
#include <stdio.h>
main() {
int grade;
printf ("Input grade [1-5]:");
scanf("%d", & grade);
switch (grade) {
case 1:
printf("Fail (F)n");break;
case 2:
printf("Bad (D)n");break;
case 3:
printf("Good (C)n");break;
case 4:
printf("Very Good (B)n");break;
case 5:
printf("Excellent (A)n");break;
printf("You have inputted false graden");
break; // break isn’t necessary here
As you can see in this programming source code it is an example of a switch case statement. Where the program asks the user to input
a number from 1 to 5.
If the input number is 1 then the case 1 is being called in the switch case statement then the output will be "Fail (F)".
If the input number is 2 then the result will be "Bad (B)".
If the input number is 3 then the result will be "Good (C)".
If the input number is 4 then the result will be "Very Good (B)".
If the input number is 5 then the result will be "Excellent (A)".
If the input number is none of the choices then the output will be "You have inputted false grade".
This is one of the simplest example when it comes to C++ programming so it's better to try the code above or start with simple
programming examples
to get a better hold on how the program flows.
Looping example #1
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
for ( int x = 0; x < 10; x++ )
cout<< x <<endl;
This C++ programming example, it shows how to use the for loop statement with a namespace std so that the program can
see cout and endl.
The loop goes while x < 10, and x increases by one every loop.
Keep in mind that the loop condition checks the conditional statement before it loops again.
consequently, when x equals 10 the loop breaks.
x is updated before the condition is checked.
For each loop made, there is an output being displayed which is equal to the value of x on that current loop.
Looping example #2
#include <iostream>
using namespace std; // So we can see cout and endl
int main()
int x = 0; // Don't forget to declare variables
while ( x < 10 ) { // While x is less than 10
cout<< x <<endl;
x++; // Update x so the condition can be met eventually
In this sample programming source code tackles about while loop statement. On the third line of the code, it is used in
order the cout and endl.
After declaring the function main() a variable x is declared with a value of 0.
On line 9 of this code is where the while loop starts. It can also be understand as While variable x is less than 10. It will
continue to loop
until the variable x meets the condition which is 10.
In order for the x to meet the condition, a statement x++ is used to update the value of x.
x++ statements is equal to (x = x + 1)
Looping example #3
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int x;
x = 0;
do {
// "Hello, world!" is printed at least one time
// even though the condition is false
cout<<"Hello, world!n";
} while ( x != 0 );
A do while loop is used in this programming sample source code.
This programming source code displays a string "Hello, world" until it meets the condition
(x != 0). It is likely the same with other looping statement where it loops until it meets its condition.
A good indention for each line of code when programming is a good practice especially when using
looping statements to avoid confusion.
Looping example #4
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int counter, howmuch;
cin >> howmuch;
counter = 0;
cout << counter << 'n';
while ( counter < howmuch);
return 0;
In this programming source code, is an example of do while looping statement. As you go along with the program, on the line 6 to start
with is a declaration of variables counter and howmuch.
Then on the line 8 is where the program asks the user on how many times does he want to loop the program.
Line 9, the developer sets a value to the counter variable which is 0.
Line 10, is where the Do While loop starts.
Line 12, a statement counter++ is used to update the value of counter variable or it simply increments the variable by 1 every the
program encounters this line of code.
Line 13, it is where the value of counter is displayed of the current loop.
Line 15, is the end of the Do While statement where the variable is checked if it meets the condition. Whenever the variable meets the
condition, the looping stops.
A good indention for each line of code when programming is a good practice especially when using looping statements to avoid
confusion. Another good practice when programming is one must understand the flow of codes.
Looping example #5
#include <conio.h>
int main() // Creates the main function/method or it is where the program starts first
int counter, howmuch; // Declares a counter and howmuch variable to be used in the while statement
printf("How many times would you like to loop? "); // Asks the user on how many times does he/she wants the program to loop.
scanf("%d", &howmuch); // Scans user's input
counter = 0; // Set the value of counter variable to 0
while ( counter < howmuch) // Start of while statement. The condition is if counter is lesser than the howmuch variable
then the loop continues.
counter++; // for each loop the counter variable adds 1 in its value
printf("%dn", counter); //Prints each result on the screen.
getche(); //getch function prompts the user to press a character and that character is not printed on screen
return 0; //returns a value of 0
/* In this source code, it is an example of a While looping statement where it retrieves the user's input on how many times does he/she wants
to loop the program. programming a code like this where indentions are really used is a good way or a good practice especially when it
comes to programming a looping statement.
The Screenshot
output of my
program using
Dev C++ 
Switch case 1
/* The flow of this Dev C++ programming source code is the user is asked to select a number from the given
When the user has selected a number from the choices an output varies from one another.
If 1 is selected, it displays a "Play game called".
If 2 is selected, it displays a "Load game called".
If 3 is selected, it displays a "Play multiplayer game called".
If 4 is selected, it displays a "Thanks for playing!"
And if none of the above are inputted by the user then "Bad input, quitting!" would be displayed.
Using of functions/methods is a good way of programming. Since, you can have different process/output without
crowding a switch case statement
like this for example. programming using of functions/methods is not only limited to switch case statements and it
could also be very useful
depending on how a developer use it. */
Switch case 2
/* The flow of this C++ programming example is where the program asks the user to input a number. The output also varies depending on the number
inputted by the user.
If 1 is selected, it displays "You chose red color".
If 2 is selected, it displays "You chose green color".
If 3 is selected, it displays "You did not choose any color."
This is just a simple programming example about switch-case statements but a good start when it comes to programming. */
Switch case 3
As you can see in this C++ programming sample source code it is a Switch-Case statement where the programs asks the user to
input a letter either
A, B or C and not a number. As you go along the source code you can see at line 19 which is the case 'A', it will be called when
the user inputted
letter A.
On line 21, it is being called when the user inputted letter B.
On line 23, it is being called when the user inputted letter C.
And the default is only triggered when none of the choices are inputted by the user. Oftenly, the default is used to display an error
like in this example
stating that "Invalid choice".
Switch case 4
As you can see in this C++ programming sample source code is a switch case statement where the program asks an input from the user with the
choices given.
On case 1, it will output a string "Lobster is my favorite! Dig in!".
On case 2, it will output a string "Yummy! Steak is great... but limit yourself to once a week, or risk the chance of high cholesterol!"
On case 3, it will output a string "Turkey is healthier than steak! ...Enjoy!"
On case 4, it will output a string "Hamburger is another form of steak. :-)"
On case 5, it will output a string "Finally, a vegitarian is in the house!"
And on the default in which none of the choices are inputted by the user it will output a string "Invalid number, please enter a number from the
entrees above."
Practicing or trying some simple C++ programming source codes like this could help you get a hold on how to use this more effectively.
Switch case 5
As you can see in this programming source code it is an example of a switch case statement. Where the program asks the user to input a
number from 1 to 5.
If the input number is 1 then the case 1 is being called in the switch case statement then the output will be "Fail (F)".
If the input number is 2 then the result will be "Bad (B)".
If the input number is 3 then the result will be "Good (C)".
If the input number is 4 then the result will be "Very Good (B)".
If the input number is 5 then the result will be "Excellent (A)".
If the input number is none of the choices then the output will be "You have inputted false grade".
This is one of the simplest example when it comes to C++ programming so it's better to try the code above or start with simple programming
to get a better hold on how the program flows.
Looping 1
This C++ programming example, it shows how to use the for loop statement with a namespace std so that the program can see cout and endl.
The loop goes while x < 10, and x increases by one every loop.
Keep in mind that the loop condition checks the conditional statement before it loops again.
consequently, when x equals 10 the loop breaks.
x is updated before the condition is checked.
For each loop made, there is an output being displayed which is equal to the value of x on that current loop.
Looping 2
In this sample programming source code tackles about while loop statement. On the third line of the code, it is used in order the cout
and endl.
After declaring the function main() a variable x is declared with a value of 0.
On line 9 of this code is where the while loop starts. It can also be understand as While variable x is less than 10. It will continue to
until the variable x meets the condition which is 10.
In order for the x to meet the condition, a statement x++ is used to update the value of x.
x++ statements is equal to (x = x + 1)
Looping 3
A do while loop is used in this programming sample source code.
This programming source code displays a string "Hello, world" until it meets the condition
(x != 0). It is likely the same with other looping statement where it loops until it meets its condition.
A good indention for each line of code when programming is a good practice especially when using looping statements to avoid
Looping 4
In this programming source code, is an example of do while looping statement. As you go along with the program, on the line 6 to
start with is a declaration of variables counter and howmuch.
Then on the line 8 is where the program asks the user on how many times does he want to loop the program.
Line 9, the developer sets a value to the counter variable which is 0.
Line 10, is where the Do While loop starts.
Line 12, a statement counter++ is used to update the value of counter variable or it simply increments the variable by 1 every the
program encounters this line of code.
Line 13, it is where the value of counter is displayed of the current loop.
Line 15, is the end of the Do While statement where the variable is checked if it meets the condition. Whenever the variable meets
the condition, the looping stops.
A good indention for each line of code when programming is a good practice especially when using looping statements to avoid
confusion. Another good practice when programming is one must understand the flow of codes.
Looping 5
/* In this source code, it is an example of a While looping statement where it retrieves
the user's input on how many times does he/she wants
to loop the program. programming a code like this where indentions are really used is a
good way or a good practice especially when it
comes to programming a looping statement.
My slideshare URL :
Submitted to:
Prof. Erwin M. Globio
Submitted by:
Briñes, Aden Mae S.

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Final requirement for programming-Bonifacio, Mary Clemence
Final requirement for programming-Bonifacio, Mary ClemenceFinal requirement for programming-Bonifacio, Mary Clemence
Final requirement for programming-Bonifacio, Mary Clemence
Final requirement in programming
Final requirement in programmingFinal requirement in programming
Final requirement in programming
OOPS using C++
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OOPS using C++
Final project powerpoint template (fndprg) (1)
Final project powerpoint template (fndprg) (1)Final project powerpoint template (fndprg) (1)
Final project powerpoint template (fndprg) (1)
Fundamentals of programming finals.ajang
Fundamentals of programming finals.ajangFundamentals of programming finals.ajang
Fundamentals of programming finals.ajang

My programming final proj. (1)

  • 1. Switch Case and Looping Statement Briñes, Aden Mae S. BM10203
  • 2. What is Programming? “programming”, it is a computer language programmers use to develop applications, scripts, or other set of instructions for a computer to execute. programming is instructing a computer to do something for you with the help of a programming language. The role of a programming language can be described in two ways: Technical: It is a means for instructing a Computer to perform Tasks Conceptual: It is a framework within which we organize our ideas about things and processes. •
  • 3. As a student, I was a bit curious about my subject but as time pass by and we had new lessons I have learned that programming is very broad because it composes many applications, codes and can be used to run a program. A programming language both provide means to describe primitive data and procedures and means to combine and abstract those into more complex ones.
  • 4. At first, I had a hard time understanding what programming is because you have so much to read and analyze about codes that will enable to run a program. Programming is a creative process done by programmers to instruct a computer on how to do a task. •
  • 5. Switch Case statements that are a substitute for long if statements that compare a variable to several "integral" values ("integral" values are simply values that can be expressed as an integer, such as the value of a char). The basic format for using switch case is outlined below. •
  • 6. To further understand switch case here is the format: The value of the variable given into switch is compared to the value following each of the cases, and when one value matches the value of the variable, the computer continues executing the program from that point. switch ( <variable> ) { case this-value: Code to execute if <variable> == this-value break; case that-value: Code to execute if <variable> == that-value break; ... default: Code to execute if <variable> does not equal the value following any of the cases break; } •
  • 7. Condition The condition of a switch statement is a value. The case says that if it has the value of whatever is after that case then do whatever follows the colon. The break is used to break out of the case statements. Break is a keyword that breaks out of the code block, usually surrounded by braces, which it is in. In this case, break prevents the program from falling through and executing the code in all the other case statements. An important thing to note about the switch statement is that the case values may only be constant integral expressions. •
  • 8. Break It is a keyword that breaks out of the code block, usually surrounded by braces, which it is in. In this case, break prevents the program from falling through and executing the code in all the other case statements. •
  • 9. The break is used to break out of the case statements. An important thing to note about the switch statement is that the case values may only be constant integral expressions. •
  • 10. Looping (Loops). They are used to repeat a block of code. Being able to have your program repeatedly execute a block of code is one of the most basic but useful tasks in programming -- many programs or websites that produce extremely complex output (such as a message board) are really only executing a single task many times. •
  • 11. a loop lets you write a very simple statement to produce a significantly greater result simply by repetition. •
  • 12. Three types of Loops: for While and do •
  • 13. FOR For ( variable initialization; condition; variable update ) { Code to execute while the condition is true } •
  • 14. WHILE loops are very simple. While ( condition ) { Code to execute while the condition is true } The true represents a boolean expression which could be x == 1 or while ( x != 7 ) (x does not equal 7). It can be any combination of boolean statements that are legal. Even, (while x ==5 || v == 7) which says execute the code while x equals five or while v equals 7. Notice that a while loop is the same as a for loop without the initialization and update sections. However, an empty condition is not legal for a while loop as it is with a for loop. •
  • 15. DO WHILE are useful for things that want to loop at least once. do { } while ( condition ) ; •
  • 16. FOR, WHILE, DO WHILE examples  •
  • 17. FOR #include <iostream> using namespace std; // So the program can see cout and endl int main() { // The loop goes while x < 10, and x increases by one every loop for ( int x = 0; x < 10; x++ ) { // Keep in mind that the loop condition checks // the conditional statement before it loops again. // consequently, when x equals 10 the loop breaks. // x is updated before the condition is checked. cout<< x <<endl; } cin.get(); } •
  • 18. WHILE #include <iostream> using namespace std; // So we can see cout and endl int main() { int x = 0; // Don't forget to declare variables while ( x < 10 ) { // While x is less than 10 cout<< x <<endl; x++; // Update x so the condition can be met eventually } cin.get(); } •
  • 19. DO WHILE #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int x; x = 0; do { // "Hello, world!" is printed at least one time // even though the condition is false cout<<"Hello, world!n"; } while ( x != 0 ); cin.get(); } •
  • 20. The examples and their explanations  •
  • 22. Switch Case #1 #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> void1 playgame() // Creates a function/method called playgame { printf( "Play game called" ); // Displays the string found inside the statement getch(); //getch function prompts the user to press a character and that character is not printed on screen } void loadgame() // Creates a function/method called loadgame { printf( "Load game called" ); // Displays the string found inside the statement getch(); //getch function prompts the user to press a character and that character is not printed on screen } void playmultiplayer() // Creates a function/method called playmultiplayer { printf( "Play multiplayer game called" ); // Displays the string found inside the statement getch(); //getch function prompts the user to press a character and that character is not printed on screen } •
  • 23. Continuation: int main() // Creates a function/method main to be called first upon running the program { int input; // Declares a variable name input to be used printf( "1: Play gamen" ); // printf( "2: Load gamen" ); // printf( "3: Play multiplayern" ); // Displays string in order for the user to select printf( "4: Exitn" ); // printf( "Selection: " ); // scanf( "%d", &input ); // Gets the user number input switch ( input ) { // Start of the switch case statement based on the input variable case 1: /* Note the colon, not a semicolon */ playgame(); //Returns playgame function/method if 1 is the value of input variable break; case 2: loadgame(); //Returns playgame function/method if 2 is the value of input variable break; case 3: playmultiplayer(); //Returns playgame function/method if 3 is the value of input variable break; case 4: printf( "Thanks for playing!n" ); //Returns playgame function/method if 4 is the value of input variable break; default: printf( "Bad input, quitting!n" ); //Returns playgame function/method if the value of input variable is not with the range from 1-4 break; } getchar(); return 0; } •
  • 24. Explanation: /* The flow of this Dev C++ programming source code is the user is asked to select a number from the given choices. When the user has selected a number from the choices an output varies from one another. If 1 is selected, it displays a "Play game called". If 2 is selected, it displays a "Load game called". If 3 is selected, it displays a "Play multiplayer game called". If 4 is selected, it displays a "Thanks for playing!" And if none of the above are inputted by the user then "Bad input, quitting!" would be displayed. Using of functions/methods is a good way of programming. Since, you can have different process/output without crowding a switch case statement like this for example. programming using of functions/methods is not only limited to switch case statements and it could also be very useful depending on how a developer use it. */ •
  • 25. Switch Case #2 #include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> int main() // Creates a function/method main to be called first upon running the program { int color = 1; // Creates a variable name called color with a value of 1 printf("Please choose a color(1: red,2: green,3: blue):n"); scanf("%d", &color); // Gets the input number switch (color) { case 1: printf("You chose red colorn"); break; case 2: printf("You chose green colorn"); break; case 3: printf("You chose blue colorn"); break; default: printf("You did not choose any colorn"); } getche(); return 0; } /* The flow of this C++ programming example is where the program asks the user to input a number. The output also varies depending on the number inputted by the user. If 1 is selected, it displays "You chose red color". If 2 is selected, it displays "You chose green color". If 3 is selected, it displays "You did not choose any color." This is just a simple programming example about switch-case statements but a good start when it comes to programming. */ •
  • 26. Switch Case #3 #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { char letter; cout << "A)tHouse MDn" << "B)tAmerican Idlen" << "C)tFamily Guynn"; cout << "What TV show do you like (Enter A, B, C)?: "; cin >> letter; cout << endl; switch (toupper(letter)) { case 'A' : cout << "Dr. House is a radical doctor!nn"; break; case 'B' : cout << "Wannabe singers!nn"; break; case 'C' : cout << "One of the craziest cartoons Ive ever seen.nn"; break; default: cout << "Invalid choice.nn"; break; } return 0; } •
  • 27. Explanation: As you can see in this C++ programming sample source code it is a Switch-Case statement where the programs asks the user to input a letter either A, B or C and not a number. As you go along the source code you can see at line 19 which is the case 'A', it will be called when the user inputted letter A. On line 21, it is being called when the user inputted letter B. On line 23, it is being called when the user inputted letter C. And the default is only triggered when none of the choices are inputted by the user. Oftenly, the default is used to display an error like in this example stating that "Invalid choice". •
  • 28. Switch Case #4 #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int choice; cout << "MENUnn"; cout << "1." << "t" << "Lobstern"; cout << "2." << "t" << "Steakn"; cout << "3." << "t" << "Turkeyn"; cout << "4." << "t" << "Hambergern"; cout << "5." << "t" << "Vegetariannn"; cout << "Choose your dinner entree: "; cin >> choice; cout << endl; switch (choice) { case 1: cout << "Lobster is my favorite! Dig in!nn"; break; case 2: cout << "Yummy! Steak is great...n" << "but limit yourself to once a week," << endl << "or risk the chance of high cholesterol!nn"; break; case 3: cout << "Turkey is healthier than steak! ...Enjoy!nn"; break; case 4: cout << "Hamburger is another form of steak. :-)nn"; break; case 5: cout << "Finally, a vegitarian is in the house!nn"; break; default: cout << "Invalid number, please enter a number" << " from the entrees above.nn"; break; } return 0; } •
  • 29. Explanation: As you can see in this C++ programming sample source code is a switch case statement where the program asks an input from the user with the choices given. On case 1, it will output a string "Lobster is my favorite! Dig in!". On case 2, it will output a string "Yummy! Steak is great... but limit yourself to once a week, or risk the chance of high cholesterol!" On case 3, it will output a string "Turkey is healthier than steak! ...Enjoy!" On case 4, it will output a string "Hamburger is another form of steak. :-)" On case 5, it will output a string "Finally, a vegitarian is in the house!" And on the default in which none of the choices are inputted by the user it will output a string "Invalid number, please enter a number from the entrees above." Practicing or trying some simple C++ programming source codes like this could help you get a hold on how to use this more effectively. •
  • 30. Switch Case #5 #include <stdio.h> main() { int grade; printf ("Input grade [1-5]:"); scanf("%d", & grade); switch (grade) { case 1: printf("Fail (F)n");break; case 2: printf("Bad (D)n");break; case 3: printf("Good (C)n");break; case 4: printf("Very Good (B)n");break; case 5: printf("Excellent (A)n");break; default: printf("You have inputted false graden"); break; // break isn’t necessary here } } As you can see in this programming source code it is an example of a switch case statement. Where the program asks the user to input a number from 1 to 5. If the input number is 1 then the case 1 is being called in the switch case statement then the output will be "Fail (F)". If the input number is 2 then the result will be "Bad (B)". If the input number is 3 then the result will be "Good (C)". If the input number is 4 then the result will be "Very Good (B)". If the input number is 5 then the result will be "Excellent (A)". If the input number is none of the choices then the output will be "You have inputted false grade". This is one of the simplest example when it comes to C++ programming so it's better to try the code above or start with simple programming examples to get a better hold on how the program flows.
  • 32. Looping example #1 #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { for ( int x = 0; x < 10; x++ ) { cout<< x <<endl; } cin.get(); } This C++ programming example, it shows how to use the for loop statement with a namespace std so that the program can see cout and endl. The loop goes while x < 10, and x increases by one every loop. Keep in mind that the loop condition checks the conditional statement before it loops again. consequently, when x equals 10 the loop breaks. x is updated before the condition is checked. For each loop made, there is an output being displayed which is equal to the value of x on that current loop. •
  • 33. Looping example #2 #include <iostream> using namespace std; // So we can see cout and endl int main() { int x = 0; // Don't forget to declare variables while ( x < 10 ) { // While x is less than 10 cout<< x <<endl; x++; // Update x so the condition can be met eventually } cin.get(); } In this sample programming source code tackles about while loop statement. On the third line of the code, it is used in order the cout and endl. After declaring the function main() a variable x is declared with a value of 0. On line 9 of this code is where the while loop starts. It can also be understand as While variable x is less than 10. It will continue to loop until the variable x meets the condition which is 10. In order for the x to meet the condition, a statement x++ is used to update the value of x. x++ statements is equal to (x = x + 1) •
  • 34. Looping example #3 #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int x; x = 0; do { // "Hello, world!" is printed at least one time // even though the condition is false cout<<"Hello, world!n"; } while ( x != 0 ); cin.get(); } A do while loop is used in this programming sample source code. This programming source code displays a string "Hello, world" until it meets the condition (x != 0). It is likely the same with other looping statement where it loops until it meets its condition. A good indention for each line of code when programming is a good practice especially when using looping statements to avoid confusion. •
  • 35. Looping example #4 #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int counter, howmuch; cin >> howmuch; counter = 0; do { counter++; cout << counter << 'n'; } while ( counter < howmuch); return 0; } In this programming source code, is an example of do while looping statement. As you go along with the program, on the line 6 to start with is a declaration of variables counter and howmuch. Then on the line 8 is where the program asks the user on how many times does he want to loop the program. Line 9, the developer sets a value to the counter variable which is 0. Line 10, is where the Do While loop starts. Line 12, a statement counter++ is used to update the value of counter variable or it simply increments the variable by 1 every the program encounters this line of code. Line 13, it is where the value of counter is displayed of the current loop. Line 15, is the end of the Do While statement where the variable is checked if it meets the condition. Whenever the variable meets the condition, the looping stops. A good indention for each line of code when programming is a good practice especially when using looping statements to avoid confusion. Another good practice when programming is one must understand the flow of codes. •
  • 36. Looping example #5 #include<stdio.h> #include <conio.h> int main() // Creates the main function/method or it is where the program starts first { int counter, howmuch; // Declares a counter and howmuch variable to be used in the while statement printf("How many times would you like to loop? "); // Asks the user on how many times does he/she wants the program to loop. scanf("%d", &howmuch); // Scans user's input counter = 0; // Set the value of counter variable to 0 while ( counter < howmuch) // Start of while statement. The condition is if counter is lesser than the howmuch variable then the loop continues. { counter++; // for each loop the counter variable adds 1 in its value printf("%dn", counter); //Prints each result on the screen. } getche(); //getch function prompts the user to press a character and that character is not printed on screen return 0; //returns a value of 0 } /* In this source code, it is an example of a While looping statement where it retrieves the user's input on how many times does he/she wants to loop the program. programming a code like this where indentions are really used is a good way or a good practice especially when it comes to programming a looping statement. •
  • 37. The Screenshot output of my program using Dev C++  •
  • 38. Switch case 1 /* The flow of this Dev C++ programming source code is the user is asked to select a number from the given choices. When the user has selected a number from the choices an output varies from one another. If 1 is selected, it displays a "Play game called". If 2 is selected, it displays a "Load game called". If 3 is selected, it displays a "Play multiplayer game called". If 4 is selected, it displays a "Thanks for playing!" And if none of the above are inputted by the user then "Bad input, quitting!" would be displayed. Using of functions/methods is a good way of programming. Since, you can have different process/output without crowding a switch case statement like this for example. programming using of functions/methods is not only limited to switch case statements and it could also be very useful depending on how a developer use it. */ •
  • 39. Switch case 2 /* The flow of this C++ programming example is where the program asks the user to input a number. The output also varies depending on the number inputted by the user. If 1 is selected, it displays "You chose red color". If 2 is selected, it displays "You chose green color". If 3 is selected, it displays "You did not choose any color." This is just a simple programming example about switch-case statements but a good start when it comes to programming. */ •
  • 40. Switch case 3 As you can see in this C++ programming sample source code it is a Switch-Case statement where the programs asks the user to input a letter either A, B or C and not a number. As you go along the source code you can see at line 19 which is the case 'A', it will be called when the user inputted letter A. On line 21, it is being called when the user inputted letter B. On line 23, it is being called when the user inputted letter C. And the default is only triggered when none of the choices are inputted by the user. Oftenly, the default is used to display an error like in this example stating that "Invalid choice". •
  • 41. Switch case 4 As you can see in this C++ programming sample source code is a switch case statement where the program asks an input from the user with the choices given. On case 1, it will output a string "Lobster is my favorite! Dig in!". On case 2, it will output a string "Yummy! Steak is great... but limit yourself to once a week, or risk the chance of high cholesterol!" On case 3, it will output a string "Turkey is healthier than steak! ...Enjoy!" On case 4, it will output a string "Hamburger is another form of steak. :-)" On case 5, it will output a string "Finally, a vegitarian is in the house!" And on the default in which none of the choices are inputted by the user it will output a string "Invalid number, please enter a number from the entrees above." Practicing or trying some simple C++ programming source codes like this could help you get a hold on how to use this more effectively. •
  • 42. Switch case 5 As you can see in this programming source code it is an example of a switch case statement. Where the program asks the user to input a number from 1 to 5. If the input number is 1 then the case 1 is being called in the switch case statement then the output will be "Fail (F)". If the input number is 2 then the result will be "Bad (B)". If the input number is 3 then the result will be "Good (C)". If the input number is 4 then the result will be "Very Good (B)". If the input number is 5 then the result will be "Excellent (A)". If the input number is none of the choices then the output will be "You have inputted false grade". This is one of the simplest example when it comes to C++ programming so it's better to try the code above or start with simple programming examples to get a better hold on how the program flows. •
  • 43. Looping 1 This C++ programming example, it shows how to use the for loop statement with a namespace std so that the program can see cout and endl. The loop goes while x < 10, and x increases by one every loop. Keep in mind that the loop condition checks the conditional statement before it loops again. consequently, when x equals 10 the loop breaks. x is updated before the condition is checked. For each loop made, there is an output being displayed which is equal to the value of x on that current loop. •
  • 44. Looping 2 In this sample programming source code tackles about while loop statement. On the third line of the code, it is used in order the cout and endl. After declaring the function main() a variable x is declared with a value of 0. On line 9 of this code is where the while loop starts. It can also be understand as While variable x is less than 10. It will continue to loop until the variable x meets the condition which is 10. In order for the x to meet the condition, a statement x++ is used to update the value of x. x++ statements is equal to (x = x + 1) •
  • 45. Looping 3 A do while loop is used in this programming sample source code. This programming source code displays a string "Hello, world" until it meets the condition (x != 0). It is likely the same with other looping statement where it loops until it meets its condition. A good indention for each line of code when programming is a good practice especially when using looping statements to avoid confusion. •
  • 46. Looping 4 In this programming source code, is an example of do while looping statement. As you go along with the program, on the line 6 to start with is a declaration of variables counter and howmuch. Then on the line 8 is where the program asks the user on how many times does he want to loop the program. Line 9, the developer sets a value to the counter variable which is 0. Line 10, is where the Do While loop starts. Line 12, a statement counter++ is used to update the value of counter variable or it simply increments the variable by 1 every the program encounters this line of code. Line 13, it is where the value of counter is displayed of the current loop. Line 15, is the end of the Do While statement where the variable is checked if it meets the condition. Whenever the variable meets the condition, the looping stops. A good indention for each line of code when programming is a good practice especially when using looping statements to avoid confusion. Another good practice when programming is one must understand the flow of codes. •
  • 47. Looping 5 /* In this source code, it is an example of a While looping statement where it retrieves the user's input on how many times does he/she wants to loop the program. programming a code like this where indentions are really used is a good way or a good practice especially when it comes to programming a looping statement. •
  • 48. My slideshare URL : •
  • 49. Submitted to: Prof. Erwin M. Globio Submitted by: Briñes, Aden Mae S. BM10203 •