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rtaw ethernet tsn time sensitive networking automotive time-sensitive networking timing verification autosar e/e architectures in-vehicle networks automotive ethernet ethernet simulation psa dependability service oriented architecture credit-based shaper some/ip automotive embedded systems controller area network schedulability sysml can offsets mdd optimization scheduling uml mixed-criticality networks asynchronous traffic shaper quality-of-service design space exploration early-stage design choices in-vehicle communications ieee802.1q time-aware shaper avb ttethernet automotive networks trace analysis realtime-at-work aerospace switched ethernet safety real-time mbse timing analysis code mda frame electronics ieee802.1qcr ieee802.1qav frame preemption traffic classes quality of service ieee 802.1q critical networks timing predictability software defined vehicles time aware shaper configuration gateways software-defined vehicles model-based design network simulation volvo cars timing chains ieee802.1 helicopters networks orbital launch system clock synchronization protocol cyber-physical action language simulation-based fault injection space launchers onboard networks replication ieee 802.1cb reliability design automation cost reduction communication reliability generative design e/e architecture design-space exploration service-oriented architecture ai synthetic data video streams traffic shaping tcp qos embedded networks worst-case response time analysis. simulation methodology ergodicity timing-accurate simulation soa middleware sae as6802 tsn arinc825 can 2.0b can 2.0a statistics. specifications communication stack communication traces oem fault-injection can fd controller area network; communication controller; network calculus temporal verification thales pegase onera afdx security hypervisor virtual machines fuml xuml topcased software components runnables multicore rtaw-ecu ecu freescale embedded systems virtualization virtual prototyping marte ecus time triggered event triggered certification volvo validation systmes tolrance sret c protection exploitation fonctionnement fautes os vhdl vhdlams generation discrete continuous ieee kirschhoff 10761 frames cars networks shaping model logiciel software cycle network flexray systems embedded packing heuristics bandwidth car communication traffic java generator
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