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forests conservation biodiversity climate change iied redd+ africa china investment ecosystem services uganda gender cop21 natural resources nbsap carbon agriculture timber land rights wildlife crime ecosystems energy sustainable markets mainstreaming biodiversity illegal wildlife trade choices community energy project community paris agreement economic incentives redd trade equity renewable energy riziculture foncier irrigation cba7 wildlife energy access legal tools shaping sustainable markets west africa green economy family farming sahel pes edinburgh money where it matters local finance mozambique climate finance communities rice sustainable development goals (sdgs) private sector law environment urban dams green growth biocultural heritage sustainable energy ghana food security informal sector informality sifor pro-poor odi ids peru finance nature covid-19 coronavirus economics tanzania land use illegal wildlife genetic resources for food and agriculture solar power senegal sustainable fisheries indigenous groups land mining critical themes fisheries debt swaps debt ldcs zambia kenya inequality subsidies fao key lessons convention on biological diversity forestry bangladesh poverty environmental economics fish ecosystem-based adaptation nature-based solutions social protection equality farming small-scale farmers cameroon food climate change adaptation cities unfccc least developed countries paris plan vivo certification indonesia smallholder farmers payments for ecosystem services community-based adaptation brazil artisanal and small-scale mining environmental sustainability madagascar india gender justice small producers sustainability tourism international institute for environment and develo monitoring and evaluation refugees guatemala malawi communication new urban agenda habitat iii governance green economy coalition global south disruptive change cocoa nepal coffee investment chains alternative livelihoods climate wildllife crime fishnight2 community energy survey biomass and biogas energy and development botswana namibia niger barrages philippines democratic republic of congo malaysia small-scale producers legal chatham house extractives natural resource management nutrition world bank cifor agroecology sustainable development deforestation costa rica climate resilience women informal economy loss and damage health biodviersity land tenure garment workers clean cooking french climate crisis poaching covid sudan liberia claime change hunting policy small-scale farming agricultural policy sustainable intensification ocean blue economy the gambia rwanda trechnology farmers illegal wildlife trade. business farms fossil fuels rights supply chains procurement mining shared value engineers without borders land governance bwindi cop24 manatee indonésia oceans technology congo basin amazon poverty and conservation learning group social inclusion voluntary national reviews agenda 2030 humanitarian response migration urban crises decentralised energy hydropower small and medium sized enterprises gabon tree talk plus zimbabwe data natural capital accounting ogbiek cop22 un climate talks ethiopia open data columbia center for sustainable investment webinar ecbi adaptation wildlife conservation society environment & urbanization climate adaptation decentralised climate funds mali hivos local communities asm rural livelihoods food economy rural urbanisation capitalism post-capitalism ingo ngo dfid logging m&e mai ndombe flare vietnam conference of the parties 21 green climate fund vulnerable countries oxford fellowship programme indcs . regional forum on climate change institute of sustainable development and external history mission statement branding investment treaties athelia ecosphere sdgs fishery finance fishery licences critical theme centre for chinese agricultural policy lok chetna manch kenya forestry research institute potato park asociacion andes civil society land rights and acquisitions grievance mechaanisms natural capital icaew cop20 oxford water network water oxford martin programme on resource stewardship geneva gwi west africa community energy energy efficiency solar water heating wind energy slow cooking seychelles burkina faso kandadji cedeao ecowas barbara ward extractive industries indonesia. grievance mechanisms azerbaijan russia oil gas papua new guinea tufts university steady-state economy sustainable business united nations environment programme electrification solar benin usaid local resource management the nature conservancy post-2015 strategic environmental and social assessments (se cn-redd global canopy programme era ecosystem services sustainable forests un-redd wwf watershed management no-till farming tillage watersheds livelihoods world agroforestry centre icraf watershed markets espa cedarena biodiversity trust fund kampala sanctuary chimpanzees payments for ecosytem services ecometrica scolel-te mexico disaster risk reduction education waste-picking stakeholder reporting pavan sukhdev sustainable power to the people electricity sustainable power nigeria power environet developing countries large scale mining mining indaba cape town partners survey stakeholders feedback economy said business school oxford martin school institute for new economic thinking eric beinhocker marine conservation
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