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literature curriculum syllabus course design materials development critical reading error analysis contrastive linguistics drama awards awards drama the broadway theater tony awards novelists novels novel analysis prose reading comprehension education communicative language teaching language acquisition language education clt topic paragraph topic sentence main idea semicolon dependent clause sentence independent clause comma complete sentences indonesian diphthongs english diphthongs misleading statistics statistical errors statistical slips propaganda playwrights informing persuading entertaining summary topic outline outline sentence outline references conjunctions speed reading connectives scanning skimming reading strategies passages supporting ideas central thought general subject directional words punctuation contex clues word analysis dictionary usage vocabulary bar graphs line graphs bibliography footnotes author's intention author's competence author's bias semantic ranges idiomatic expressions john grisham indonesian stress and rhythm english stress and rhythm indonesian consonants english consonants statistical mistakes indonesia statistics howard gardner learning style bandwagon name calling connotation denotation denotation vs connotation english sounds indonesian vowels vowels samuel beckett noel coward khaled hosseini dan brown sidney sheldon
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