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The E-Bootcamp in Hypnotic Marketing by Joe Vitale and Jo Han Mok 
Copyright © 2003 by Joe Vitale and Jo Han Mok. All rights reserved. 
Reproduction or distribution in any way, shape, or form is strictly forbidden. 
Lesson #11: The Ultimate Hypnotic Marketing Plan In Action! 
In this lesson, you’ll learn 7 simple steps to putting your Ultimate Hypnotic 
Marketing Plan into action. These 7 steps are based on material that you have gone over 
and they present a macro view of all the lessons. Even though the lesson consists of only 
7 steps, there is quite a fair amount of work to be done with each step and you can always 
refer to your previous lessons for details. However, what this lesson will do, is give you 
clarity on what exactly needs to be accomplished so that you can focus on what matters 
most, and absolutely needs to be done. At times, you might find the material somewhat 
‘redundant’, and it’s for good reason, because it’s what has been proven to work and has 
to be put into action for optimal results. 
Let’s begin… 
Step #1: Locate Your Starving Crowd And Create Your Product! 
Unless you have a pre-existing starving crowd, you can have the best product and 
still sell squat. The biggest mistake entrepreneurs make is to come up with a real kick ass 
product, and then have problems figuring out exactly who to sell the product to. You 
cannot sell something that you think people need. No one really needs anything other 
than a roof over one’s head, some food, water and fresh air. Anything else doesn’t really 
qualify as a need, so if your product is not in any of those categories, it’ll be prudent to 
do market research to have a good gauge of how well your product will sell before you 
even create it. 
Here are 3 pre qualifiers for your ‘starving crowd’ to see if they are ideal: 
a) They need to be rabid and irrational in their spending habits. 
I’d like to bring up a rather obvious but commonly overlooked point. If your prospects do 
not even have enough money to spend on themselves, what makes you think that they 
will have enough to spend with you? Markets that demographically demonstrate a strong 
propensity to spend are Golfers, Doctors, Business Opportunity Seekers etc. Golfers are 
interested in anything that will improve their swing and shave off a few strokes. It could 
be the latest training video or golf club, and it really doesn’t matter as long as they think 
the product can do what it promises. 
b) They are voracious devourers of information! 
It’ll be best to sell ‘information’ to seekers of information. It’s even better if your market 
is predisposed to consuming information. This not only makes it easier for you when 
you’re conducting your own research to create a product, but it also means your target 
market is will probably be more receptive to your product.
Check out: 
The Directory of Ezines 
In addition, you can use this tool to research for ‘who’s searching what’ online for 
information product ideas: 
c) They have a strong community online! 
Although another seemingly redundant point, it is a vital one because you will not be able 
to sell your product online if the market for your product is not online. The whole 
premise of a online business is the freedom associated in able to sell and deliver your 
products digitally, and this would defeat the purpose if your market is not online. 
Check out the newsgroups and forums to see where your niche market communes: 
Once you’ve identified the niche Market you’re going to be marketing to, what you want 
to do is cash in big time on their frustration. 
That’s right, the key word is frustration. You can get anything in life by helping people 
get what they want. Our income level is commensurate with the difficulty level of 
problems that we solve. When we solve small problems, we get paid small money. 
Conversely, when we solve big problems, we get big money. 
Find out what your Market is frustrated with, and solve it! 
For instance, Stephen Pierce’s book, “The Whole Truth” which is now generally 
regarded bible of Internet Marketing, contained web page formatting concept known as 
“Smart Pages”, which would create super high search rankings. The problem was, it was 
not something that could be done quickly, and “Mr Generator” Armand Morin together 
with Raymond Mcnally noticed that this was a problem and area of frustration for many, 
and created “Smart Page Generator”, which created Smart Pages in a fraction of the time 
it originally and made a killing off this product. 
Yet another area of frustration is Spam. And Mike G created a simple solution to 
solve this problem and also made a killing. 
What problem are you solving? Create an information product to solve this 
When you create an information product, it not only establishes you as the niche 
expert, but also gives you the flexibility to deliver it digitally, which costs next to nothing 
in terms of fulfillment and allow you to live the “Internet Lifestyle”.
Create The Product 
Here are some red hot product ideas that are currently doing very well on the 
Most of these products have killer sales letters that you’ll do well to study. If I 
were you, I will also make a note of its “emotional appeal” and the kind of problem it 
The Whole Truth 
Ebook Secrets Exposed 
Turn Words Into Traffic 
How To Get Money For Anything Fast 
30 Days To Internet Marketing Success 
Immediate Money Immediately 
You do not necessarily have to ‘type’ your ebook out. You can get a copy of 
Dragon Naturally Speaking or IBM Via Voice and “speak” your product into being. It 
will take a while for the software to be completely accustomed to your voice, but once 
done, it’ll enable you to spit out volumes of information in double quick time. 
Membership Sites: 
The Internet Marketing Warriors 
The Enlow Circle 
Net Breakthroughs 
The Guru Mailer 
Profits Vault Monthly 
Header Generator 
Ecover Generator 
Smart Page Generator 
Flashpal Generator 
Sales Letter Generator 
Affiliate Commissions Booster 
Here are some resources if you’re interested in creating your own software: 
These sites work on a ‘reverse bidding’ system, and you can get custom 
programming done for you very cheaply. I would advise against taking the first bid, and 
checking out the portfolio of the programmer before using any of them. Make sure you 
specify a time frame for completion.
Instant Sales Letters 
Ultimate Marketing Resource 
Ultimate Merchant 
Autoresponse Plus 
Shopping Mall: 
CB Mall 
Web Copy Secrets 
Physical Products (Information Binders): 
Magnetic Marketing 
Copywriting Seminar In a Box 
Joe Vitale’s Top Secret 6 Day Book Writing Formula: 
Here’s Joe’s personal formula for churning out books super fast, and it takes only 
6 days. You can use it as a guideline to create your products faster and better than 
anyone else. 
DAY ONE: In The Beginning.... 
First things first. Pull out a sheet of paper. Now make a list of everything that you 
might ever want to write a book about. I mean EVERYTHING! Any ideas, no matter 
how silly, should be jotted down. Keep in mind that this is for your eyes only. Nobody 
will grade your topics. Feel free to write down any crazy possible idea. What you are 
doing is creating a list of everything you might ever, even in your wildest dreams, want to 
write a book about. Anything goes! Be wild. Be zany. Have fun. And do that right now. 
Great! Now look over your list. What ideas seem more attractive to you than 
others? What would you consider writing a book about even if you didn't have everything 
together before you began the book? What excites you the most? Circle the title/ideas that 
seem most magnetic to you. Again, let go and have fun. Do it right now. 
Okay! Now scan your list of circled titles. You may have circled one or more 
ideas. No problem. Can you combine the circled ideas into one book idea? If not, or if it 
doesn't feel right, that's fine. Does one idea seem more appealing to you than another? At 
this point try to pick just one idea that you'd really like to write about. I suggest you trust
your intuition on this one. Your mind may suggest you write about something because it 
makes sense; your heart may point to another idea because your real interest is in it. Go 
with your heart! You'll write a better book, and have more fun doing it, if you remain true 
to your own heart-felt interests. 
Now choose one idea. If you have trouble selecting one idea, simply grit your 
teeth and pick one. But pick only one idea and let all the others go. Do that now. 
Good work! Now let's create a focusing statement to guide your thinking about 
this project. Here’s what you do: Consider your book idea, you, and what you want to see 
happen with your book. Do you want to write a 100 page how-to book for sales people to 
boost your career? Do you want to write a 50 page inspiring teaching tale to give 
yourself added credibility while motivating people to do their best? 
What I want you to do is create an intention, or an outcome, for your book. If you 
can have anything in the world regarding your book, what would you want? Do you want 
the book to be a best-seller? Do you want the book to change lives? Do you want the 
book to impress your peers? 
Create a focusing statement, an affirmation, a goal, for the outcome of your book 
project. This statement will explain exactly what you want to achieve with your book. 
This is important. Take a few moments to iron out a statement that feels right to 
you. But don't let this step bother you. If your goal can't be stated in a totally comfortable 
way, do the best you can and let it go. 
Write your statement right now. 
Good job! Now stop. You've completed the most important step in this strategy! 
Congratulations! Take the rest of the day off. (Don't worry. Now that you have a focusing 
statement, your subconscious mind will be working on your book project while you go 
about your day.) 
See how easy this is?! 
DAY TWO: Take A Memo, Please.... 
You'll need a notebook. By now thoughts and ideas will be occurring to you. You 
may remember facts, quotes, insights, people, places, things---who knows!---that may 
end up in your book. Write them down! 
You see, your mind has been given a target. You told it you want to write a book, 
a specific book, and that you want to do it in a few days. Like a good servant, your mind 
is now going to bubble up ideas that you may want to include in your book. Simply keep 
track of them.
You don't have to do any actual writing. Just jot down key words so you can 
recall the material later. You might remember a terrific story that you want to include in 
your book to illustrate a principle. Rather than writing out the story, just scribble out a 
few key words to help anchor the story in your mind. 
You might also get a sense of direction for your book. If an outline occurs to you, 
jot it down. If some sense of a pattern comes to you, make a note of it. If you feel the 
urge to write out the table of contents, do so. If you feel like doing some research at the 
library, go there and do it. 
If nothing comes to mind, that's okay. The process is still working on a 
below-conscious level. 
But here’s something you can do to stimulate your creative juices: 
Take out a sheet of paper and sketch out the back cover for your proposed book. I 
know the book isn't even started yet. But play with possibilities. Make up what you think 
will be in the book. Write the book cover in an exciting, persuasive, irresistible way. 
Throw in whatever you think will make people buy your book. Blow your own 
mind. It doesn't matter if you can deliver what the back cover promises. Treat this 
exercise as a brainstorming session. Create a back cover that no reader can resist. 
That's all you have to do today, too. So when you're done with the back cover, 
take a walk or proceed with the rest of your day. Ok? 
You better buy a big notebook (or get a blank diskette ready if you're using a 
computer). Whether you feel you are ready to write or not, today you will write. No ifs, 
ands or buts. As the shoe people say, "Just Do It!" 
But I promised that this will be an easy process. And I’m a man who keeps his 
Here's the secret to writing your first draft: Don’t stop, don't edit, don't look back, 
and don't surrender. Keep your hand moving, your mind focused, and your heart 
And it's easier to do than you may think. 
People who tell me writing is a pain are usually doing something I don't want you 
to do: They are editing as they write. They are listening to the negative little voice in their 
head that says "You're dumb" or "You misspelled a word” or "You can't write a book 
when you can't write a sentence!"
Tell that voice to take a hike. Tell your voice that you will invite him back later, 
when you need to edit the book. But right now all you want to do is write the book. You 
know it will be a rough draft. That's okay. At least you'll have something on paper to 
work with. 
When you begin writing, keep going. Don't stop. Don’t edit. Don't judge your 
work. As I'm writing these words to you right now, my judgmental mind is barking in my 
head "This doesn't make sense!" and "Go take a shower!" but I am continuing to write no 
matter what. You have to be that focused. No matter what you hear in your mind, keep 
writing. If your writing seems lousy, keep writing. If you can't remember a fact or name, 
don't stop to look it up. Keep writing. You can fill in all the gaps later. 
Keeps your hand moving! 
I began this report mentioning Dan Kennedy and William Saroyan and so forth. 
Do you think they wrote their books in only days while also editing them? No way. 
Editing and writing are two different functions. You can't do both at the same time and do 
them with any skill. Forget editing for now. Just write. 
Here's how you do it: Put your pen on page one of your notebook (or your fingers 
on the keyboard), and start moving. Write whatever comes to mind. Write nonsense. 
Write gibberish. Write crap. But keep writing. 
Here's the startling good news: Because you have a focusing statement, and 
because you allowed your mind to incubate on the book, what you write is going to help 
create your book. In other words, you won't write gibberish, nonsense or crap because 
you've set up a target and now you're moving toward it. 
Your job today is to spend at least hour writing. You can do it in three 
twenty-minute nonstop writing sessions or in one one-hour writing marathon. Your 
choice. And if you're really eager, you can spend the entire day working on your book! 
Who knows, you might even get the entire book done today! 
Suggestion: I find it very helpful to pretend I am writing a book as a letter to a friend. 
As I am writing this special report, I am pretending I am writing this just for a 
friend of mine. With this tactic I end up writing something with focus, power and 
friendliness. Also, it helps me remember that writing is to communicate. As I write, I 
keep my friend in mind so I can be sure I am explaining myself in a clear, easy to follow 
Now go for it! 
Keep the momentum up. Continue with your writing sessions. Write non-stop. 
Break up your day and write in twenty-minute segments. Just keep writing. 
Again, don't edit or stop or fret. You're writing your first draft. It's bound to be 
rough and uneven. But chances are it is NOT as rough or uneven as you think! I've 
listened to my negative voice far too many times and stopped writings before they were 
ever finished. Now I regret it. While you're writing, you can't possibly clearly judge your 
material. Don't even try. Just keep writing. Suspend judgment. 
You may feel like you're writing the ending first, or the middle last. You may 
feel like your opening stinks. You may feel like you're not communicating. No matter. 
You'll straighten it all out later. Your sole purpose is to keep your hand moving, the 
words flowing, your heart pumping---no matter what. "Just Do It!" 
It really shouldn't be a big deal. If you're truly letting go and writing what comes 
to mind, why would writing be hard? It's only when you edit as you write that you feel 
that inner struggle. Without the editing, you simply ride out the flow of writing. 
Keep writing. By the end of the fifth day, your first draft will be completed. It 
may be hard to read, hard to imagine as a published book, and hard believing you did it. 
Accept what you have accomplished. 
NOW you can edit your book. 
First, organize the book. You might have the beginning buried somewhere in your 
rough drafts. Pull it out and put it on top. Do the same for any other sections. Put them 
where you think they belong. Trust your gut. You probably have some sort of idea how 
you can best reorganize the book. Go with your feeling. 
Second, throw away anything that isn't the book. Most of us find it hard to drop 
our darling words. Think of your focusing statement. If any material doesn't help you 
achieve it, drop that material. If you've written a cookbook and you have a section where 
you tell a long story that doesn't in any way apply to cooking, kill that section. 
Third, go through the pages and tighten what you wrote. If you left out names, 
dates or other facts, add them. If you were wordy, see if you can tighten your sentences. 
If you seem to use one word a lot, see if you can find another word that says the same 
Fourth, consider erasing your entire opening pages and your entire ending pages. 
Those are usually (but not always) weak areas. Bruce Barton said writers often start 
writing something before they start saying something. Look at your opening and closing 
sections. Drop them if you see that your book will be better without them.
Fifth, see if you can break up your book into small sub- sections. Books used to 
be divided into chapters. They still are. But today a more readable book splits the 
chapters into bite-size sections, each with its own heading. See if you can do that for your 
Spend today going through your material, organizing it, polishing it, editing it, 
and perfecting it. This doesn't have to be a big deal. Do the best you can and stop. 
And when you do stop, run to a copier and make six copies of your book. Give 
those copies to six friends, peers or acquaintances. INVITE their feedback. Tell them to 
edit the book. Let them know they can say whatever they want. 
Now don't get scared. You'll get their feedback. Just don’t take their comments 
personally. They're really trying to help you. And, after all, it's a service to you that's 
totally FREE. When you get their comments, look them all over and pay attention to the 
similarities. In other words, if one person mentions something about your book, take it or 
leave it. But if several people, or even all six of your readers, point out 
a possible flaw, then PAY ATTENTION. 
Now edit and revise your book again. Is your book good? Are you satisfied? 
Does it live up to the intention you set for it on day one? If not, what does your book 
There you have it. You planned, wrote and completed a book---and in only a few 
And if you were real smart, you might even have combined all of this and wrote 
you book in one weekend. 
However you did it, congratulations! 
Step #2: Finding A Cyber Home 
Here’s a great FREE resource to brainstorm your domain name: 
You can type in up to 15 words and it will give you a list of all available 
combinations of available domain names. 
Once you’ve decided on a domain name, you’d need to host it, and I there are 
basically on two hosting providers I will recommend. They are: 
Third Sphere Web Hosting 
I’ve been hosting almost all my sites with them, and it is rock solid with a true
99.9% uptime. The interface is extremely easy to use, quality "snap in" ebooks to profit 
from, multiple domain parking and hardly any downtime. My highest recommendation! 
Host 4 Profit 
Started by legendary Internet Marketer Allen Says of Internet Marketing Warriors fame, 
you can't go wrong with so many Internet Marketers who give it the big thumbs up, and 
you get FREE access to the world's greatest Internet Marketing Forum that boasts 30,000 
Layout and Design: 
A layout is basically how you arrange your typography, art and interactive elements. It 
should preferably be aesthetic, but with only one purpose, which is to enhance the copy. 
Here are 7 tips for getting the most out of your layout: 
#1: Use the law of contrast to make your copy easy to read. Use dark text on a light 
background. You usually cannot go wrong with black on white. 
#2: Make your site load as quickly as possible. People have a short attention span. 
#3: Don’t go wild on colors. Your color scheme should enhance the credibility and 
respectability of your web business. Psychedelic colors are a no no. 
#4: Never assume that your web visitors are web savvy. They may not know that pictures 
are clickable, and just because some text is underlined and blue doesn’t mean your web 
visitor knows that it is a hyperlink. Make it simple and easy to understand. Label all your 
buttons and graphics as well as hyperlinks. 
#5: Make sure you display your contact information clearly and a link to a contact page 
should be present on every page. 
#6: Make it easy to navigate. Always provide a way for your user to get back to the main 
#7: Make body copy easy to read. Each paragraph should have no more than 4 lines. 
Recommended Resources: 
If you use Dreamweaver, you can save $1000s of dollars from this exclusive 
training guide. 
If you use Microsoft Frontpage, check out: 
There is a powerful tool called Frontpage Power Edit that not Front page user should be 
without. What it does, is that it strips away the bloated code that is added to Frontpage
HTML pages and makes HTML editing much easier and more straightforward. 
Digital Delivery: 
Here are some of the best available mediums to digitally deliver your product: 
Ebook: Can be delivered to customer easily. Retains HTML formatting, and supports 
java script and flash, making it more attractive and interactive than plain text. Can be 
disabled to radically reduce refund rates and it is also possible now to embed documents 
like PDF or Word within the Ebook itself! However, it is not cross platform, and you 
need a compiler to ‘compile’ the HTML pages. 
Recommended Resource: E-book Generator 
PDF: Cross platform, ‘standard’ ebook publishing format. It can be created from any 
printable format. Your users however, need to download Acrobat Reader separately to 
access the format. Adobe Acrobat is also highly priced at $249. An alternative to Acrobat 
is Instant PDF Generator. 
However, if you don’t have that kind of money right now, you can go to Right there you can sign up for $9.99 a month to use 
Acrobat online and create your ebooks online through the online system for just under 
$10 per month. 
Online Credit Card Processing: 
It’s not only free to join, but you’ll get paid $5 to sign up! Now you can accept 
credit cards instantly! Paypal’s Merchant Tools have been radically improved, and 
supports recurring billing and subscriptions. The caveat with using Paypal is that it is 
prone to theft because the source code is exposed, and reveals the location of the 
thankyou page. 
This can be solved by using Flash technology to make it 100% bulletproof. 
This thing is a beauty. You could be all set up and ready to go in under 10 minutes. There 
are no monthly fees, no statement fees, low transaction fees of 5.5%, direct deposit into 
your US bank account. Supports physical products and recurring subscriptions and 
integrates with shopping cart systems. It’s one flat fee for an unlimited number of 
products. By far, it’s the best of the best. Highly recommended! 
It’s not only is the world’s largest digital marketplace, but it also manages your affiliate 
program for you, pays out your affiliates, and is under $50 to set up. It’s hard to beat a 
solution like this.
Step #3: Write Your Hypnotic Sales Letter 
Here’s the greatest copywriting checklist from the book "How to Write Letters 
that Sell" by Christian Godefroy and Dominique Glocheux. I think it's fantastic. 
I've used it to test my own sales letters. What I do is run down the list and check 
my letter against what Godefroy and Glocheux say should be in a successful sales letter. 
It's very eye-opening. It reminds me to cover every point and every angle so my sales 
letters get the highest responses possible. 
What I'm going to do here is go through that check-list and use every one of their 
21 points as a kick-off place to talk about how to write hypnotic sales letters. In this way 
you will end up with their check-list, as well as my own guidance on how to create 
hypnotic sales letters. 
This is VERY valuable, as I hope you can imagine. So please don't share this with 
anyone else! What you are about to learn are the little-known trade secrets of 
copywriting. With them, you have the power to create written persuasion beyond all 
Make sure you go through every piece of copy you write with this checklist, it’ll 
make a critical difference. 
1. Headline 
This should come as no surprise to you or anyone else. A good headline can make or 
destroy sales. You learned a trick for writing headlines above. (I could easily have titled 
this section, "Give me 5 minutes and I'll show you how to write hypnotic headlines.") 
The point here is this: If your headline conveys a benefit of interest to your key audience, 
then your letter has a massive chance of being read. (Not acted upon, just read.) But use a 
weak headline and your letter dies. 
One way to write headlines is to simply brainstorm them. Sit down and write 25 
headlines. By doing so, you will unearth one that could be the zinger that works. 
(Stay tuned! Later you'll learn how to generate headlines---in under 15 seconds!) 
2. Headline design 
Fancy type won't get you more readers. Use as simple a design as possible. 
Times-Roman is the tried and true font of all time. Handwriting font could work. 
Anything that is readable could work. Just don't get artsy. Simple and direct is best. 
Again, follow the pros. Use what famous copywriters use to write their sales letters: 
Simple headline design. 
3. Promise/Curiosity
If the headline creates curiosity while promising a benefit, you have a winner. Put some 
sizzle in that headline. Note how the "Five day..." approach promises a benefit. Every 
good headline should arouse curiosity while promising something the reader wants. 
(Again, think of your reader.) 
4. Letterhead/Logo 
Your letterhead or logo should fit the product or service. If you look unprofessional, you 
won't be taken seriously. To put more emphasis on your headline, you can move your 
letterhead to the bottom of the last page of your sales letter. But you should have a 
letterhead, as it helps convey trust in you and your offer. 
5. Opening paragraph 
Make it captivating. I like to begin with questions. Or a story. Anything to snare readers. 
Keep in mind that people are busy. They don't at all care about you. 
Your letter has to trip them. It has to interrupt them. A great headline and a great opening 
line can grab their attention. I spend a LOT of time on the openings of my letters. How 
long? Maybe DAYS. 
6. Offer 
What are you selling? What's the deal? Once you have the attention of your reader, you 
have to keep it. Your reader will want to know right away---almost instantly---what your 
offer is. Tell him. 
7. Advantages 
Why buy? If your reader is still with you, they will want to know the advantages of 
having your product or service. This is a good place to paint a story, as Collier suggested. 
Get your reader FEELING what it would be like to have or do what you suggest. Give 
them emotional and logical reasons to buy whatever it is you are selling. Pile on the 
8. Positive language 
Be enthusiastic. Up-beat. Show your excitement. This is the secret trick of John Caples, 
myself, and other copywriters. We pump ourselves up. We get excited. And then we 
show that excitement in our letters through enthusiasm for what we are selling. Again, 
this only works if you sincerely believe in what you are offering. If you don't believe in 
your offer, your reader will smell a rat. Get readers saying YES through questions that 
make them agree with you. Bring good news. 
9. Emphasis on important passages 
Attract attention to important phrases or paragraphs by using sub-headlines throughout 
your letter. This breaks up your letter to make it easier to read. You might also underline 
key passages. Or use caps sparingly. Sometimes handwriting in the margin of your letters 
can emphasize important sections. 
10. Egometer
Focus on your READER. Need I say more? Throughout these lessons you will constantly 
hear me urging you to focus on your reader. The more you can use the magic word 
"You," the more your reader will like it. A could test is to count the number of times you 
use the word "you" in your sales letter. The more "you's," the better. (Notice how many 
times I used the word "you" in just this paragraph? It helps involve you in my writing and 
makes you feel like I am writing to you and only YOU.) Appeal to your reader's ego! 
11. Readability 
Short sentences and simple words will help make your letter hypnotic. You're writing for 
people who want things simple. Don't confuse them or try to impress them. Be 
12. Structure 
Your letter should look inviting. If you have long paragraphs of dense type, you won't 
look inviting. Only some of your readers will read your letter word-for-word. 
Others will skim it. Structure your letter to please both. 
13. Personal aspect 
Your letter should read as if you wrote it ONLY for me. One smart way to write a sales 
letter IS to write it to just one person. Write it to a friend. Later, take out your friend's 
name. You'll have a personal letter that should at least feel like it was written for whoever 
picked it up. Don't be afraid to show your own personality, either. Tell me why YOU 
love your product or service in a way that interests me and makes me want it, too. 
14. Interest boosters 
These are everything from engaging sub-headlines to incomplete sentences to questions 
to story beginnings. In other words, throughout your letter there should be interest 
boosters plugged in to keep people reading. Do you know what I mean? While you are 
reading this very paragraph, I snuck in an interest booster with the question, "Do you 
know what I mean?" What you are doing is finding ways to keep people focused and 
interested in every word of your sales letter. 
Make sense? 
15. Page breaks 
I like to break paragraphs to force people to keep reading. I might get near the end of a 
page and write something like, "And now for the biggest..." and leave it at that. The 
reader then HAS to turn the page over to finish the sentence. People don't like unfinished 
anything. They'll turn the page over. 
16. Proof 
Back up your claims with testimonials and a strong guarantee. Writing sales letters is 
making pleas to strangers. You need to convince them that you are legit. 
Do that with quotes from previous customers. And add to it with a powerful guarantee. 
Make your guarantee even MORE powerful by putting all the risk on you. Instead of
"Guaranteed for 30 days" say "Guaranteed for life!" If you believe in your product or 
service, why wouldn't you give a strong guarantee? Show confidence in your offer. 
17. Conclusion 
I like to put a spell on readers. I sometimes end my letters with a question, such as: "Will 
this program work for you? You'll never know unless you reply right now, before it's too 
late." The idea here is to leave people ready to ACT. And TELL THEM WHAT TO DO. 
Say "CALL ME" if you want them to call you. 
18. Gift 
Your reader is selfish. He or she won't act easily. You have to offer an ethical bribe to 
encourage action. Just yesterday I received a sales letter about a new vitamin supplement. 
Along with the offer, they said they would send me a free work-out radio if I replied 
within ten days. That "free" radio cast a hypnotic spell on me. It's called the "psychology 
of the second interest." It means people will often do what you want in order to get the 
free thing you are offering. It works. 
Use it. 
19. PS 
I've renamed "PS" to mean "Powerful statement." It's your opportunity to restate your key 
point or main offer. Many readers will jump to the PS just to see your summation. Use 
the PS to your advantage. 
20. Number of lines per paragraph 
Your paragraphs should be very short, less than 6 lines each. Again, people are busy and 
want things quick and simple. Even if you are writing to CEO's, your letter should be 
21. Dynamism 
The overall look and feel of your sales letter needs to be of excitement. Your letter should 
move, flow, run, sprint. There should be a sense of urgency. A sense of "WOW!" If you 
have a product YOU believe in, that dynamism should be there naturally. 
There you have it! Those 21 key points can literally transform your sales letters from so-so 
to hypnotic. Read over the check-list. Memorize them. Use them. 
It's one of your most powerful tools in writing sales letters that are hypnotic. 
Step #4: Follow Up, Follow up, Follow up 
2% of sales are made on the 1st contact. 
3% of sales are made on the 2nd contact. 
5% of sales are made on the 3rd contact.
10% of sales are made on the 4th contact. 
80% of sales are made on the 5th-12th contact! 
Can you imagine how much profit you’re cheating yourself of if you stopped contacting 
your prospect at the 4th time? 
Here are 3 resources I highly recommend you check out to determine which one 
suits your needs best. 
• Autoresponse Plus 
• My Email Manager 
• Ultimate Merchant 
Also, here is a proven follow up outline for your leads and customers: 
#1: Leads 
Develop a relationship with your leads by providing them useful content. Build trust and 
establish credibility. Here’s a proven outline that can do just that. 
Immediate – Provide free info you promised. Do not mention your product. You can link 
to your website with a sig file. 
Message #2 – Include more information and telling your prospect what to do, and HOW 
your product helps them do it. (One day later.) 
Message #3 – Outline features and benefits of your product 
(Two days later.) 
Message #4 – More product information and useful tips on using it. (Three days later) 
Message #5 – More features and benefits. (Four days later) 
Message #6 – Send testimonials from existing satisfied customers. (Five days later) 
Message #7 – Include call to action. I.e. price break (six days later) 
Message #8 – Frankly I’m puzzled. (Nine days later) 
Message #9 – Even more testimonials. (Thirteen days later) 
Message #10 – Pitch a related product. Product #1 might not have been suitable 
(Nineteen days later) 
Message #11 – Testimonials for Product #2 (Twenty one days later) 
Message #12 – Try to bribe them with a lot of unadvertised bonuses (Twenty eight days 
If they still do not buy from you, you can still keep them on your mailing list and mail to 
them until they eventually buy or opt out. 
#2: Customers 
Get testimonials, give bonuses to prevent buyer’s remorse and reduce refunds. Milk the 
Immediate – Personal Thank You note with download instructions and FAQ. (This 
minimizes tech support by 73 %!) 
Message #2 – Unadvertised bonus. This prevents the customer from feeling buyer’s 
remorse. (Three days later) 
Message #3 – Get a testimonial or conduct a survey and send them a gift for doing it. 
(Seven days later) 
Message #4 – Offer them a complimentary product with a preferred customer discount. 
(Twenty days later) 
Step #5: Recruit your Little Salesmen 
One of the keys to Internet Marketing Success is to set up your own affiliate program and 
gain leverage by having thousands of people sell your products and giving them a 
generous commission at when the sale is made. This comes under the umbrella term of 
Performance Marketing because you pay only when the sale is generated. 
There are 3 main ways to go about setting up your affiliate program: 
Affiliate Tracking Scripts – These scripts (CGI) are usually installed on your server, 
and unless you’re experienced and technically competent, you usually need someone to 
help you install the script. 
Web Based Software – You can run everything from a website without having to 
physically install a script. There is usually a small monthly fee. Usually, such services 
include autoresponders and ad tracking services as well, which makes them ideal. The 
‘downside’ to such services is that you’re at their mercy if they experience downtime and 
your affiliates could wind up getting angry with you when it’s not your fault. 
Ultimate Merchant 
Third Party Processor – The company usually handles your affiliate program for you, 
and pays out your affiliates for you, so there is no paperwork involved. The ‘downside’ to 
this, is that you cannot adjust affiliate commissions for super affiliates, or go beyond a 
single tier. (In the case of Clickbank). 
Once you have an affiliate program up and running, the next thing to do would be to get 
as recruit as many people to join your program as possible. (Common sense) 
There are a couple of ways to do that:
1. Use a free affiliate announcement Directory 
2. Use a paid service 
This website allows you to announce your website absolutely free. Click Here to submit 
your listing. 
Next, there are many directories list ONLY affiliate programs. I have scoured the web to 
bring you the very best below. 
If you’re REALLY lazy (like me..), you could pay for a service that hand submits your 
affiliate program to the top 40 directories. 
Click here to access Affiliate Boost. 
Step #6: Construct Your Toolbox 
Once you have decided how you want to go about managing your affiliate 
program, the next thing you want to do is to construct an affiliate center to support your 
affiliates which will be the hub in which you provide your affiliates the selling tools, 
updates and other forms of empowerment to help sell your product. Visit the Internet 
Marketing Center and sign up as an affiliate and explore the affiliate center to know 
exactly what it means to have a top notch affiliate marketing resource. 
Your affiliate toolbox should consist of at least 5 of the following: 
a) Classified Ads 
b) Solo Ads 
c) Articles 
d) Virtual Covers 
e) Banners 
f) E-Course 
g) Endorsements 
Remember to test your offers (remember to always test small) before you release your 
toolbox to the public.
Remember to test your offers (remember to always test small) before you release your 
toolbox to the public. 
Here are some resources to help you with your testing: 
Guru Mailer: The net’s most qualified opt in list 
Traffic Oasis: Exclusive home biz leads 
Ezine Blaze: Make money while testing your ads! 
Rim Digest: - A solo ad costs $149 or you can get two solos for $249. You can find out 
more about them here: 
Ezine Hits: A long time favorite of all Internet Marketers. Terry Dean raves about it all 
the time. 
Probiztips: Diane Hughes is a great friend of mine, and her ezine is just phenomenal! 
The Ultimate Magazine Database 
Ezine AdSource (paid subscription) 
Marketing Maestro (paid subscription) 
You can find instructions on how to place your ads on the site itself. You can submit an 
ad today and have it run in just a day or two and start making money. 
If you're on a tight budget.. you can start off with 2 bucks! 
2 Bucks An Ad Advertising Program :
Can you imagine paying only $2 for an ad that goes out to 800,000+ ezine readers? Best 
bang for buck! Make BIG money with tiny ads! 
Step #7: Jump In Front Of Traffic 
This is one of the greatest mistakes Internet Marketers make because they try 
frantically to find traffic, when all they should do is find where all the traffic is already 
going, and jump right in front of it. 
The only way you can jump in front of that traffic is to recruit the webmaster as a 
super affiliate. 
How do you locate super affiliates? 
Super affiliates usually have a large contact base, and will usually have their own 
publications, so it’ll make sense to add the word ezine or newsletter in your search engine 
One of the best free tools to use for Search Engine research can be found at: It enables you to centralize your search engine research from 
one program and save your results. There are 2 versions, a free and a paid though the 
free will suffice. 
Copernic creates a list of websites that are a match for your product based on your 
keyword search. 
A complementary tool which goes hand in hand with Copernic (also free), is the 
Alexa toolbar which can be downloaded at 
Alexa allows you to not only check out the traffic stats of the web sites you are 
visiting, but also look up a list of other similiar sites. This makes hunting for other 
potential affiliates infinitely easier. 
What’s more, you can also view the contact information for the domain owner. It 
shows you their email address, phone number, fax number, and mailing address. 
Be prudent when you’re doing your Alexa research and don’t waste time with the 
one and two star websites. Shoot for the four and three star websites. 
A great way to utilize Alexa would be to use Notepad to jot down important 
information about your potential joint venture websites so that you can personalize your 
JV emails better. Tell the webmasters what you like about their site and how you can tie 
in your product with what they have to offer to create win/win situations. 
You can continue the process until you have a decent sized list and a good pool of 
super affiliates.
Things you need to note when recruiting super affiliates: 
#1: Super affiliates expect to be treated differently. This means you’ll have to spell it out 
in concrete terms, (i.e. financially) by offering them higher commissions. Make sure 
you’re specific and clear about it. Tell them: “Normal affiliates get 45%, but you’ll get 
#2: Super affiliates should not have to do any work. You should proactively give them 
tools, like endorsed mailings, “ I’ve already put together a ready to go mailing in your 
style with your affiliate link embedded, so all you have to do is cut and paste” “I’ve also 
customized a Viral Ebook for you to give out” 
#3: Super affiliates should be contacted differently. If a super affiliate is worth potentially 
tens and thousands to you, then what is $10 spent on making sure he/she receives your JV 
proposal? Feel free to pick up the phone and follow up with a physical mailing, or you 
could even Fedex your proposal over. This not only shows how much you value the 
recipient but also makes the recipient feel good about him/herself because he/she knows 
that he/she is important. 
What you should keep at the top of your head when proposing anything to a super 
affiliate is: “You’ll be the inspiration, I’ll be the perspiration”. This should be your top of 
the head awareness and it’s hard for anyone to resist your proposal when you do it in line 
with this concept. 
When you approach a super affiliate, don’t just ask him/her to pitch your product 
to their list. Try to get them to endorse you as well. Because success breeds success, 
you’ll find it infinitely easier to get more and more people to endorse you once you have 
a ‘few experts’ standing behind you and your product. 
Read this special report by Joe, and you’ll realize how you can get virtually 
anyone to endorse your work and make yourself a star: 
How to Get the Rich and Famous to Give You Hypnotic 
By Joe Vitale 
Rather than always writing endorsements for other people's 
products and services, what about asking them to write 
endorsements for you? 
How do you get *them* to give you hypnotic endorsements? 
I've found it easier than you can imagine. 
Years ago I taught a writing class in Houston. I would 
always advise people to get testimonials to help them sell 
their books. I remember one person objecting. His name was 
Jerry. He worked for Federal Express. He didn't think any
famous person would give him, an unknown Fed Ex employee, 
the time of day let alone a hypnotic endorsement. 
Here's what I told Jerry: 
First, make a wish list of everyone you would like to have 
endorse your book. (Or in your case, your product or 
service.) Jerry made a list of 50 names. (He really wanted 
to test me.) 
Second, call your local library. If those people on your 
list are truly famous, they are listed in Who's Who or in 
some other biographical directory. You'll find contact 
information right there. (Now this was many years ago. Today 
I would tell Jerry to just search on the Internet for 
contact information.) 
Third, write a short letter to each person. Begin it with a 
short compliment. Say why you like the famous person. (Be 
sincere.) They are human and respond to flattery. Then 
explain why you are writing. You simply want to know if they 
would take a look at your book (or product or service) and, 
if they like it, jot down a few lines about it. 
Fourth, send out the letters. 
Jerry did all of the above. He was skeptical, but he was 
smart enough to test me. The result was miraculous. 
Virtually all of the 50 people wrote back to Jerry. Most of 
them said to send them his book and they would take a look. 
But two replies startled even me. 
The first came from Tony Robbins. Tony asked to see the 
book. He wanted to study it. He did, too. And after he 
reviewed the book, he wrote a glowing endorsement which 
Jerry used on his back cover book jacket. Jerry was 
impressed. So was I. 
But the second reply was even more stunning. 
"Dear Abby," the famous advice columnist also known as 
Abigail Van Buren, wrote back and said, "Your book sounds 
great. Don't send it; just tell me what you want me to say 
about it." 
In short, she gave Jerry a blank check endorsement to write. 
Jerry was so nervous about the chance to write words Dear 
Abby would claim as her own that he couldn't do it. So he 
hired me to do it. I wrote three short endorsements for 
Jerry's book. 
He sent them to Dear Abby. She picked one of them.
And that's how Jerry got an endorsement from Dear Abby on 
the cover of his book---an endorsement I wrote! 
The point is this: 
You can get endorsements from virtually anyone. They are 
human. They know that an endorsement for something they 
believe in is good publicity for them. And they usually want 
to help people who are struggling, anyway. Besides, 
sometimes they have an interest of their own. 
For example, when I completed my book on the business 
secrets of P.T. Barnum, called There's a Customer Born Every 
Minute, and went looking for people to endorse it, I thought 
of daredevil Evel Knievel. I figured Evel was a "Barnum 
like" character and would be a good one to have on my book 
I looked online and found Evel's website. On it was a box to 
send email to Evel. Well, I wrote a letter about my book and 
sent it in that box. The very next day Evel's manager called 
me. And a few hours after that, Evel Knievel himself called 
Now why did Evel so easily call me up? Because he had his 
own agenda. He was thinking of writing his autobiography and 
wanted a writer. When I contacted him, my timing was right. 
He gave me a great endorsement. It's on the back cover of my 
book. And the actual letter Evel wrote to me is downstairs, 
framed and on the wall. 
Again, reaching these people is fairly easy. 
My favorite way to locate the rich and famous is to simply 
ask a magic question of everyone I already know. 
The question is, "Who do you know who knows (name of person 
you seek to contact)?" When I was starting out in marketing, 
and wanted a testimonial from Joe Sugarman, I asked everyone 
the question, "Who do you know who knows Joe Sugarman?" 
One of my clients knew Joe, gave me his email address, and 
the rest was easy. Joe is such a nice man that getting him 
to endorse my books was a breeze. 
All I had to do was ask. 
Also, always be respectful. If your jealously for a 
successful person seeps through, he or she will know it. Or 
if you write a long winded letter, you won't get read. And 
if they decline or never reply, don't think badly of them. 
Just go to the next person on your list. Allow people their 
freedom to say or do what they like. Don't bad mouth anyone
who doesn't write back, or writes back declining your offer. 
Go after your goal: Endorsements from the rich and famous. 
Another tip is to ask them to "simply jot down" a few lines 
about your product or service. 
That's less intimidating than asking them to "write" a few 
lines. "Jot down" sounds easier. 
"Write" sounds like an assignment. 
Finally, be willing to write the endorsement for them. You 
might carefully suggest that if they like, you can write 
down a few words which they can massage or simply approve. 
I've done this method myself. I'm often asked to give 
endorsements. If the product or service is any good at all, 
I want to help. But sometimes I'm swamped. So I'll suggest 
something along the lines of, "Jot down a few lines of what 
you would like me to say. I'll then approve it or rewrite 
This makes things lots easier on me, and the person seeking 
my endorsement is usually glad to help. After all, he'll get 
my endorsement and he'll even get to influence what I'll 
Again, people are people. That goes for the rich and famous. 
They respond to flattery. And they want to help. 
Don't be afraid to reach out and ask. 
The results could be miraculous. 
Next, I’ll have you take a short quiz. These quizzes are for your use only. You do 
not need to send them to me or to anyone else. They are to help you reinforce and 
integrate the principles you are learning here. 
1. What are the 3 pre-qualifiers for your starving crowd? 
2. What is the key focus in creating an information product? 
3. How many times on average should you contact a prospect before he/she warms up? 
4. How are the 2 software tools you need to locate super affiliates? 
5. What should be your top of the mind awareness when constructing a JV proposal for a 
super affiliate? 
Your homework for this lesson is to put together a list of 3 biggest problems that 
you have in putting the Ultimate Hypnotic Marketing Plan into action. It could relate to 
any component of the Marketing Plan itself. 
As you write down the problems, ask yourself the following: 
a) Can I delegate this to someone else? 
b) Can I ‘buy’ a solution? 
c) Have I done my research? 
d) Are other people having the same problems? 
e) Did they solve it? How? Can you do the same? 
When you have positively narrowed it down to a problem that you cannot solve, render it 
to black and white on a Word doc. 
Make sure you review the lesson, and look through all the recommended 
Your homework should be submitted in a Word Doc format.
Send your homework to and be sure to put in the 
subject line “BOOTCAMP HOMEWORK” so I can clearly see it from all my other 
Go for it! 
Jo Han Mok in partnership with Dr. Joe Vitale ☺ 
Director, Hypnotic Marketing Institute 
NEW! - "The Greatest Money-Making Secret in History"

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Joe Vitale - Lesson11

  • 1. The E-Bootcamp in Hypnotic Marketing by Joe Vitale and Jo Han Mok Copyright © 2003 by Joe Vitale and Jo Han Mok. All rights reserved. Reproduction or distribution in any way, shape, or form is strictly forbidden. Lesson #11: The Ultimate Hypnotic Marketing Plan In Action! In this lesson, you’ll learn 7 simple steps to putting your Ultimate Hypnotic Marketing Plan into action. These 7 steps are based on material that you have gone over and they present a macro view of all the lessons. Even though the lesson consists of only 7 steps, there is quite a fair amount of work to be done with each step and you can always refer to your previous lessons for details. However, what this lesson will do, is give you clarity on what exactly needs to be accomplished so that you can focus on what matters most, and absolutely needs to be done. At times, you might find the material somewhat ‘redundant’, and it’s for good reason, because it’s what has been proven to work and has to be put into action for optimal results. Let’s begin… Step #1: Locate Your Starving Crowd And Create Your Product! Unless you have a pre-existing starving crowd, you can have the best product and still sell squat. The biggest mistake entrepreneurs make is to come up with a real kick ass product, and then have problems figuring out exactly who to sell the product to. You cannot sell something that you think people need. No one really needs anything other than a roof over one’s head, some food, water and fresh air. Anything else doesn’t really qualify as a need, so if your product is not in any of those categories, it’ll be prudent to do market research to have a good gauge of how well your product will sell before you even create it. Here are 3 pre qualifiers for your ‘starving crowd’ to see if they are ideal: a) They need to be rabid and irrational in their spending habits. I’d like to bring up a rather obvious but commonly overlooked point. If your prospects do not even have enough money to spend on themselves, what makes you think that they will have enough to spend with you? Markets that demographically demonstrate a strong propensity to spend are Golfers, Doctors, Business Opportunity Seekers etc. Golfers are interested in anything that will improve their swing and shave off a few strokes. It could be the latest training video or golf club, and it really doesn’t matter as long as they think the product can do what it promises. b) They are voracious devourers of information! It’ll be best to sell ‘information’ to seekers of information. It’s even better if your market is predisposed to consuming information. This not only makes it easier for you when you’re conducting your own research to create a product, but it also means your target market is will probably be more receptive to your product.
  • 2. Check out: The Directory of Ezines In addition, you can use this tool to research for ‘who’s searching what’ online for information product ideas: c) They have a strong community online! Although another seemingly redundant point, it is a vital one because you will not be able to sell your product online if the market for your product is not online. The whole premise of a online business is the freedom associated in able to sell and deliver your products digitally, and this would defeat the purpose if your market is not online. Check out the newsgroups and forums to see where your niche market communes: Once you’ve identified the niche Market you’re going to be marketing to, what you want to do is cash in big time on their frustration. That’s right, the key word is frustration. You can get anything in life by helping people get what they want. Our income level is commensurate with the difficulty level of problems that we solve. When we solve small problems, we get paid small money. Conversely, when we solve big problems, we get big money. Find out what your Market is frustrated with, and solve it! For instance, Stephen Pierce’s book, “The Whole Truth” which is now generally regarded bible of Internet Marketing, contained web page formatting concept known as “Smart Pages”, which would create super high search rankings. The problem was, it was not something that could be done quickly, and “Mr Generator” Armand Morin together with Raymond Mcnally noticed that this was a problem and area of frustration for many, and created “Smart Page Generator”, which created Smart Pages in a fraction of the time it originally and made a killing off this product. Yet another area of frustration is Spam. And Mike G created a simple solution to solve this problem and also made a killing. What problem are you solving? Create an information product to solve this problem. When you create an information product, it not only establishes you as the niche expert, but also gives you the flexibility to deliver it digitally, which costs next to nothing in terms of fulfillment and allow you to live the “Internet Lifestyle”.
  • 3. Create The Product Here are some red hot product ideas that are currently doing very well on the market: Most of these products have killer sales letters that you’ll do well to study. If I were you, I will also make a note of its “emotional appeal” and the kind of problem it solves. Ebooks: The Whole Truth Ebook Secrets Exposed Turn Words Into Traffic How To Get Money For Anything Fast 30 Days To Internet Marketing Success Immediate Money Immediately You do not necessarily have to ‘type’ your ebook out. You can get a copy of Dragon Naturally Speaking or IBM Via Voice and “speak” your product into being. It will take a while for the software to be completely accustomed to your voice, but once done, it’ll enable you to spit out volumes of information in double quick time. Membership Sites: The Internet Marketing Warriors The Enlow Circle Net Breakthroughs The Guru Mailer Profits Vault Monthly Software: Header Generator Ecover Generator Smart Page Generator Flashpal Generator Sales Letter Generator Affiliate Commissions Booster Here are some resources if you’re interested in creating your own software: These sites work on a ‘reverse bidding’ system, and you can get custom programming done for you very cheaply. I would advise against taking the first bid, and checking out the portfolio of the programmer before using any of them. Make sure you specify a time frame for completion.
  • 4. Tools/Templates: Instant Sales Letters Ultimate Marketing Resource Ultimate Merchant Autoresponse Plus Shopping Mall: CB Mall Teleconferences: Web Copy Secrets Resources: Physical Products (Information Binders): Magnetic Marketing Copywriting Seminar In a Box Joe Vitale’s Top Secret 6 Day Book Writing Formula: Here’s Joe’s personal formula for churning out books super fast, and it takes only 6 days. You can use it as a guideline to create your products faster and better than anyone else. DAY ONE: In The Beginning.... First things first. Pull out a sheet of paper. Now make a list of everything that you might ever want to write a book about. I mean EVERYTHING! Any ideas, no matter how silly, should be jotted down. Keep in mind that this is for your eyes only. Nobody will grade your topics. Feel free to write down any crazy possible idea. What you are doing is creating a list of everything you might ever, even in your wildest dreams, want to write a book about. Anything goes! Be wild. Be zany. Have fun. And do that right now. Great! Now look over your list. What ideas seem more attractive to you than others? What would you consider writing a book about even if you didn't have everything together before you began the book? What excites you the most? Circle the title/ideas that seem most magnetic to you. Again, let go and have fun. Do it right now. Okay! Now scan your list of circled titles. You may have circled one or more ideas. No problem. Can you combine the circled ideas into one book idea? If not, or if it doesn't feel right, that's fine. Does one idea seem more appealing to you than another? At this point try to pick just one idea that you'd really like to write about. I suggest you trust
  • 5. your intuition on this one. Your mind may suggest you write about something because it makes sense; your heart may point to another idea because your real interest is in it. Go with your heart! You'll write a better book, and have more fun doing it, if you remain true to your own heart-felt interests. Now choose one idea. If you have trouble selecting one idea, simply grit your teeth and pick one. But pick only one idea and let all the others go. Do that now. Good work! Now let's create a focusing statement to guide your thinking about this project. Here’s what you do: Consider your book idea, you, and what you want to see happen with your book. Do you want to write a 100 page how-to book for sales people to boost your career? Do you want to write a 50 page inspiring teaching tale to give yourself added credibility while motivating people to do their best? What I want you to do is create an intention, or an outcome, for your book. If you can have anything in the world regarding your book, what would you want? Do you want the book to be a best-seller? Do you want the book to change lives? Do you want the book to impress your peers? Create a focusing statement, an affirmation, a goal, for the outcome of your book project. This statement will explain exactly what you want to achieve with your book. This is important. Take a few moments to iron out a statement that feels right to you. But don't let this step bother you. If your goal can't be stated in a totally comfortable way, do the best you can and let it go. Write your statement right now. Good job! Now stop. You've completed the most important step in this strategy! Congratulations! Take the rest of the day off. (Don't worry. Now that you have a focusing statement, your subconscious mind will be working on your book project while you go about your day.) See how easy this is?! DAY TWO: Take A Memo, Please.... You'll need a notebook. By now thoughts and ideas will be occurring to you. You may remember facts, quotes, insights, people, places, things---who knows!---that may end up in your book. Write them down! You see, your mind has been given a target. You told it you want to write a book, a specific book, and that you want to do it in a few days. Like a good servant, your mind is now going to bubble up ideas that you may want to include in your book. Simply keep track of them.
  • 6. You don't have to do any actual writing. Just jot down key words so you can recall the material later. You might remember a terrific story that you want to include in your book to illustrate a principle. Rather than writing out the story, just scribble out a few key words to help anchor the story in your mind. You might also get a sense of direction for your book. If an outline occurs to you, jot it down. If some sense of a pattern comes to you, make a note of it. If you feel the urge to write out the table of contents, do so. If you feel like doing some research at the library, go there and do it. If nothing comes to mind, that's okay. The process is still working on a below-conscious level. But here’s something you can do to stimulate your creative juices: Take out a sheet of paper and sketch out the back cover for your proposed book. I know the book isn't even started yet. But play with possibilities. Make up what you think will be in the book. Write the book cover in an exciting, persuasive, irresistible way. Throw in whatever you think will make people buy your book. Blow your own mind. It doesn't matter if you can deliver what the back cover promises. Treat this exercise as a brainstorming session. Create a back cover that no reader can resist. That's all you have to do today, too. So when you're done with the back cover, take a walk or proceed with the rest of your day. Ok? DAY THREE: THE RACE BEGINS! You better buy a big notebook (or get a blank diskette ready if you're using a computer). Whether you feel you are ready to write or not, today you will write. No ifs, ands or buts. As the shoe people say, "Just Do It!" But I promised that this will be an easy process. And I’m a man who keeps his word. Here's the secret to writing your first draft: Don’t stop, don't edit, don't look back, and don't surrender. Keep your hand moving, your mind focused, and your heart pumping. And it's easier to do than you may think. People who tell me writing is a pain are usually doing something I don't want you to do: They are editing as they write. They are listening to the negative little voice in their head that says "You're dumb" or "You misspelled a word” or "You can't write a book when you can't write a sentence!"
  • 7. Tell that voice to take a hike. Tell your voice that you will invite him back later, when you need to edit the book. But right now all you want to do is write the book. You know it will be a rough draft. That's okay. At least you'll have something on paper to work with. When you begin writing, keep going. Don't stop. Don’t edit. Don't judge your work. As I'm writing these words to you right now, my judgmental mind is barking in my head "This doesn't make sense!" and "Go take a shower!" but I am continuing to write no matter what. You have to be that focused. No matter what you hear in your mind, keep writing. If your writing seems lousy, keep writing. If you can't remember a fact or name, don't stop to look it up. Keep writing. You can fill in all the gaps later. Keeps your hand moving! I began this report mentioning Dan Kennedy and William Saroyan and so forth. Do you think they wrote their books in only days while also editing them? No way. Editing and writing are two different functions. You can't do both at the same time and do them with any skill. Forget editing for now. Just write. Here's how you do it: Put your pen on page one of your notebook (or your fingers on the keyboard), and start moving. Write whatever comes to mind. Write nonsense. Write gibberish. Write crap. But keep writing. Here's the startling good news: Because you have a focusing statement, and because you allowed your mind to incubate on the book, what you write is going to help create your book. In other words, you won't write gibberish, nonsense or crap because you've set up a target and now you're moving toward it. Your job today is to spend at least hour writing. You can do it in three twenty-minute nonstop writing sessions or in one one-hour writing marathon. Your choice. And if you're really eager, you can spend the entire day working on your book! Who knows, you might even get the entire book done today! Suggestion: I find it very helpful to pretend I am writing a book as a letter to a friend. As I am writing this special report, I am pretending I am writing this just for a friend of mine. With this tactic I end up writing something with focus, power and friendliness. Also, it helps me remember that writing is to communicate. As I write, I keep my friend in mind so I can be sure I am explaining myself in a clear, easy to follow way. Now go for it! DAYS THREE THRU FIVE: KEEP RUNNING
  • 8. Keep the momentum up. Continue with your writing sessions. Write non-stop. Break up your day and write in twenty-minute segments. Just keep writing. Again, don't edit or stop or fret. You're writing your first draft. It's bound to be rough and uneven. But chances are it is NOT as rough or uneven as you think! I've listened to my negative voice far too many times and stopped writings before they were ever finished. Now I regret it. While you're writing, you can't possibly clearly judge your material. Don't even try. Just keep writing. Suspend judgment. You may feel like you're writing the ending first, or the middle last. You may feel like your opening stinks. You may feel like you're not communicating. No matter. You'll straighten it all out later. Your sole purpose is to keep your hand moving, the words flowing, your heart pumping---no matter what. "Just Do It!" It really shouldn't be a big deal. If you're truly letting go and writing what comes to mind, why would writing be hard? It's only when you edit as you write that you feel that inner struggle. Without the editing, you simply ride out the flow of writing. Keep writing. By the end of the fifth day, your first draft will be completed. It may be hard to read, hard to imagine as a published book, and hard believing you did it. Accept what you have accomplished. DAY SIX: EDIT! NOW you can edit your book. First, organize the book. You might have the beginning buried somewhere in your rough drafts. Pull it out and put it on top. Do the same for any other sections. Put them where you think they belong. Trust your gut. You probably have some sort of idea how you can best reorganize the book. Go with your feeling. Second, throw away anything that isn't the book. Most of us find it hard to drop our darling words. Think of your focusing statement. If any material doesn't help you achieve it, drop that material. If you've written a cookbook and you have a section where you tell a long story that doesn't in any way apply to cooking, kill that section. Third, go through the pages and tighten what you wrote. If you left out names, dates or other facts, add them. If you were wordy, see if you can tighten your sentences. If you seem to use one word a lot, see if you can find another word that says the same thing. Fourth, consider erasing your entire opening pages and your entire ending pages. Those are usually (but not always) weak areas. Bruce Barton said writers often start writing something before they start saying something. Look at your opening and closing sections. Drop them if you see that your book will be better without them.
  • 9. Fifth, see if you can break up your book into small sub- sections. Books used to be divided into chapters. They still are. But today a more readable book splits the chapters into bite-size sections, each with its own heading. See if you can do that for your manuscript. Spend today going through your material, organizing it, polishing it, editing it, and perfecting it. This doesn't have to be a big deal. Do the best you can and stop. And when you do stop, run to a copier and make six copies of your book. Give those copies to six friends, peers or acquaintances. INVITE their feedback. Tell them to edit the book. Let them know they can say whatever they want. Now don't get scared. You'll get their feedback. Just don’t take their comments personally. They're really trying to help you. And, after all, it's a service to you that's totally FREE. When you get their comments, look them all over and pay attention to the similarities. In other words, if one person mentions something about your book, take it or leave it. But if several people, or even all six of your readers, point out a possible flaw, then PAY ATTENTION. Now edit and revise your book again. Is your book good? Are you satisfied? Does it live up to the intention you set for it on day one? If not, what does your book need? There you have it. You planned, wrote and completed a book---and in only a few days! And if you were real smart, you might even have combined all of this and wrote you book in one weekend. However you did it, congratulations! Step #2: Finding A Cyber Home Here’s a great FREE resource to brainstorm your domain name: You can type in up to 15 words and it will give you a list of all available combinations of available domain names. Once you’ve decided on a domain name, you’d need to host it, and I there are basically on two hosting providers I will recommend. They are: Third Sphere Web Hosting I’ve been hosting almost all my sites with them, and it is rock solid with a true
  • 10. 99.9% uptime. The interface is extremely easy to use, quality "snap in" ebooks to profit from, multiple domain parking and hardly any downtime. My highest recommendation! Host 4 Profit Started by legendary Internet Marketer Allen Says of Internet Marketing Warriors fame, you can't go wrong with so many Internet Marketers who give it the big thumbs up, and you get FREE access to the world's greatest Internet Marketing Forum that boasts 30,000 members Layout and Design: A layout is basically how you arrange your typography, art and interactive elements. It should preferably be aesthetic, but with only one purpose, which is to enhance the copy. Here are 7 tips for getting the most out of your layout: #1: Use the law of contrast to make your copy easy to read. Use dark text on a light background. You usually cannot go wrong with black on white. #2: Make your site load as quickly as possible. People have a short attention span. #3: Don’t go wild on colors. Your color scheme should enhance the credibility and respectability of your web business. Psychedelic colors are a no no. #4: Never assume that your web visitors are web savvy. They may not know that pictures are clickable, and just because some text is underlined and blue doesn’t mean your web visitor knows that it is a hyperlink. Make it simple and easy to understand. Label all your buttons and graphics as well as hyperlinks. #5: Make sure you display your contact information clearly and a link to a contact page should be present on every page. #6: Make it easy to navigate. Always provide a way for your user to get back to the main page. #7: Make body copy easy to read. Each paragraph should have no more than 4 lines. Recommended Resources: If you use Dreamweaver, you can save $1000s of dollars from this exclusive training guide. If you use Microsoft Frontpage, check out: There is a powerful tool called Frontpage Power Edit that not Front page user should be without. What it does, is that it strips away the bloated code that is added to Frontpage
  • 11. HTML pages and makes HTML editing much easier and more straightforward. Digital Delivery: Here are some of the best available mediums to digitally deliver your product: Ebook: Can be delivered to customer easily. Retains HTML formatting, and supports java script and flash, making it more attractive and interactive than plain text. Can be disabled to radically reduce refund rates and it is also possible now to embed documents like PDF or Word within the Ebook itself! However, it is not cross platform, and you need a compiler to ‘compile’ the HTML pages. Recommended Resource: E-book Generator PDF: Cross platform, ‘standard’ ebook publishing format. It can be created from any printable format. Your users however, need to download Acrobat Reader separately to access the format. Adobe Acrobat is also highly priced at $249. An alternative to Acrobat is Instant PDF Generator. However, if you don’t have that kind of money right now, you can go to Right there you can sign up for $9.99 a month to use Acrobat online and create your ebooks online through the online system for just under $10 per month. Online Credit Card Processing: Paypal: It’s not only free to join, but you’ll get paid $5 to sign up! Now you can accept credit cards instantly! Paypal’s Merchant Tools have been radically improved, and supports recurring billing and subscriptions. The caveat with using Paypal is that it is prone to theft because the source code is exposed, and reveals the location of the thankyou page. This can be solved by using Flash technology to make it 100% bulletproof. 2Checkout: This thing is a beauty. You could be all set up and ready to go in under 10 minutes. There are no monthly fees, no statement fees, low transaction fees of 5.5%, direct deposit into your US bank account. Supports physical products and recurring subscriptions and integrates with shopping cart systems. It’s one flat fee for an unlimited number of products. By far, it’s the best of the best. Highly recommended! Clickbank: It’s not only is the world’s largest digital marketplace, but it also manages your affiliate program for you, pays out your affiliates, and is under $50 to set up. It’s hard to beat a solution like this.
  • 12. Step #3: Write Your Hypnotic Sales Letter Here’s the greatest copywriting checklist from the book "How to Write Letters that Sell" by Christian Godefroy and Dominique Glocheux. I think it's fantastic. I've used it to test my own sales letters. What I do is run down the list and check my letter against what Godefroy and Glocheux say should be in a successful sales letter. It's very eye-opening. It reminds me to cover every point and every angle so my sales letters get the highest responses possible. What I'm going to do here is go through that check-list and use every one of their 21 points as a kick-off place to talk about how to write hypnotic sales letters. In this way you will end up with their check-list, as well as my own guidance on how to create hypnotic sales letters. This is VERY valuable, as I hope you can imagine. So please don't share this with anyone else! What you are about to learn are the little-known trade secrets of copywriting. With them, you have the power to create written persuasion beyond all comprehension. Make sure you go through every piece of copy you write with this checklist, it’ll make a critical difference. THE 21 SECRETS 1. Headline This should come as no surprise to you or anyone else. A good headline can make or destroy sales. You learned a trick for writing headlines above. (I could easily have titled this section, "Give me 5 minutes and I'll show you how to write hypnotic headlines.") The point here is this: If your headline conveys a benefit of interest to your key audience, then your letter has a massive chance of being read. (Not acted upon, just read.) But use a weak headline and your letter dies. One way to write headlines is to simply brainstorm them. Sit down and write 25 headlines. By doing so, you will unearth one that could be the zinger that works. (Stay tuned! Later you'll learn how to generate headlines---in under 15 seconds!) 2. Headline design Fancy type won't get you more readers. Use as simple a design as possible. Times-Roman is the tried and true font of all time. Handwriting font could work. Anything that is readable could work. Just don't get artsy. Simple and direct is best. Again, follow the pros. Use what famous copywriters use to write their sales letters: Simple headline design. 3. Promise/Curiosity
  • 13. If the headline creates curiosity while promising a benefit, you have a winner. Put some sizzle in that headline. Note how the "Five day..." approach promises a benefit. Every good headline should arouse curiosity while promising something the reader wants. (Again, think of your reader.) 4. Letterhead/Logo Your letterhead or logo should fit the product or service. If you look unprofessional, you won't be taken seriously. To put more emphasis on your headline, you can move your letterhead to the bottom of the last page of your sales letter. But you should have a letterhead, as it helps convey trust in you and your offer. 5. Opening paragraph Make it captivating. I like to begin with questions. Or a story. Anything to snare readers. Keep in mind that people are busy. They don't at all care about you. Your letter has to trip them. It has to interrupt them. A great headline and a great opening line can grab their attention. I spend a LOT of time on the openings of my letters. How long? Maybe DAYS. 6. Offer What are you selling? What's the deal? Once you have the attention of your reader, you have to keep it. Your reader will want to know right away---almost instantly---what your offer is. Tell him. 7. Advantages Why buy? If your reader is still with you, they will want to know the advantages of having your product or service. This is a good place to paint a story, as Collier suggested. Get your reader FEELING what it would be like to have or do what you suggest. Give them emotional and logical reasons to buy whatever it is you are selling. Pile on the advantages. 8. Positive language Be enthusiastic. Up-beat. Show your excitement. This is the secret trick of John Caples, myself, and other copywriters. We pump ourselves up. We get excited. And then we show that excitement in our letters through enthusiasm for what we are selling. Again, this only works if you sincerely believe in what you are offering. If you don't believe in your offer, your reader will smell a rat. Get readers saying YES through questions that make them agree with you. Bring good news. 9. Emphasis on important passages Attract attention to important phrases or paragraphs by using sub-headlines throughout your letter. This breaks up your letter to make it easier to read. You might also underline key passages. Or use caps sparingly. Sometimes handwriting in the margin of your letters can emphasize important sections. 10. Egometer
  • 14. Focus on your READER. Need I say more? Throughout these lessons you will constantly hear me urging you to focus on your reader. The more you can use the magic word "You," the more your reader will like it. A could test is to count the number of times you use the word "you" in your sales letter. The more "you's," the better. (Notice how many times I used the word "you" in just this paragraph? It helps involve you in my writing and makes you feel like I am writing to you and only YOU.) Appeal to your reader's ego! 11. Readability Short sentences and simple words will help make your letter hypnotic. You're writing for people who want things simple. Don't confuse them or try to impress them. Be conversational. 12. Structure Your letter should look inviting. If you have long paragraphs of dense type, you won't look inviting. Only some of your readers will read your letter word-for-word. Others will skim it. Structure your letter to please both. 13. Personal aspect Your letter should read as if you wrote it ONLY for me. One smart way to write a sales letter IS to write it to just one person. Write it to a friend. Later, take out your friend's name. You'll have a personal letter that should at least feel like it was written for whoever picked it up. Don't be afraid to show your own personality, either. Tell me why YOU love your product or service in a way that interests me and makes me want it, too. 14. Interest boosters These are everything from engaging sub-headlines to incomplete sentences to questions to story beginnings. In other words, throughout your letter there should be interest boosters plugged in to keep people reading. Do you know what I mean? While you are reading this very paragraph, I snuck in an interest booster with the question, "Do you know what I mean?" What you are doing is finding ways to keep people focused and interested in every word of your sales letter. Make sense? 15. Page breaks I like to break paragraphs to force people to keep reading. I might get near the end of a page and write something like, "And now for the biggest..." and leave it at that. The reader then HAS to turn the page over to finish the sentence. People don't like unfinished anything. They'll turn the page over. 16. Proof Back up your claims with testimonials and a strong guarantee. Writing sales letters is making pleas to strangers. You need to convince them that you are legit. Do that with quotes from previous customers. And add to it with a powerful guarantee. Make your guarantee even MORE powerful by putting all the risk on you. Instead of
  • 15. "Guaranteed for 30 days" say "Guaranteed for life!" If you believe in your product or service, why wouldn't you give a strong guarantee? Show confidence in your offer. 17. Conclusion I like to put a spell on readers. I sometimes end my letters with a question, such as: "Will this program work for you? You'll never know unless you reply right now, before it's too late." The idea here is to leave people ready to ACT. And TELL THEM WHAT TO DO. Say "CALL ME" if you want them to call you. 18. Gift Your reader is selfish. He or she won't act easily. You have to offer an ethical bribe to encourage action. Just yesterday I received a sales letter about a new vitamin supplement. Along with the offer, they said they would send me a free work-out radio if I replied within ten days. That "free" radio cast a hypnotic spell on me. It's called the "psychology of the second interest." It means people will often do what you want in order to get the free thing you are offering. It works. Use it. 19. PS I've renamed "PS" to mean "Powerful statement." It's your opportunity to restate your key point or main offer. Many readers will jump to the PS just to see your summation. Use the PS to your advantage. 20. Number of lines per paragraph Your paragraphs should be very short, less than 6 lines each. Again, people are busy and want things quick and simple. Even if you are writing to CEO's, your letter should be breezy. 21. Dynamism The overall look and feel of your sales letter needs to be of excitement. Your letter should move, flow, run, sprint. There should be a sense of urgency. A sense of "WOW!" If you have a product YOU believe in, that dynamism should be there naturally. There you have it! Those 21 key points can literally transform your sales letters from so-so to hypnotic. Read over the check-list. Memorize them. Use them. It's one of your most powerful tools in writing sales letters that are hypnotic. Step #4: Follow Up, Follow up, Follow up Remember: 2% of sales are made on the 1st contact. 3% of sales are made on the 2nd contact. 5% of sales are made on the 3rd contact.
  • 16. 10% of sales are made on the 4th contact. 80% of sales are made on the 5th-12th contact! Can you imagine how much profit you’re cheating yourself of if you stopped contacting your prospect at the 4th time? Here are 3 resources I highly recommend you check out to determine which one suits your needs best. • Autoresponse Plus • My Email Manager • Ultimate Merchant Also, here is a proven follow up outline for your leads and customers: #1: Leads Develop a relationship with your leads by providing them useful content. Build trust and establish credibility. Here’s a proven outline that can do just that. Immediate – Provide free info you promised. Do not mention your product. You can link to your website with a sig file. Message #2 – Include more information and telling your prospect what to do, and HOW your product helps them do it. (One day later.) Message #3 – Outline features and benefits of your product (Two days later.) Message #4 – More product information and useful tips on using it. (Three days later) Message #5 – More features and benefits. (Four days later) Message #6 – Send testimonials from existing satisfied customers. (Five days later) Message #7 – Include call to action. I.e. price break (six days later) Message #8 – Frankly I’m puzzled. (Nine days later) Message #9 – Even more testimonials. (Thirteen days later) Message #10 – Pitch a related product. Product #1 might not have been suitable (Nineteen days later) Message #11 – Testimonials for Product #2 (Twenty one days later) Message #12 – Try to bribe them with a lot of unadvertised bonuses (Twenty eight days later) If they still do not buy from you, you can still keep them on your mailing list and mail to them until they eventually buy or opt out. #2: Customers Get testimonials, give bonuses to prevent buyer’s remorse and reduce refunds. Milk the backend.
  • 17. Immediate – Personal Thank You note with download instructions and FAQ. (This minimizes tech support by 73 %!) Message #2 – Unadvertised bonus. This prevents the customer from feeling buyer’s remorse. (Three days later) Message #3 – Get a testimonial or conduct a survey and send them a gift for doing it. (Seven days later) Message #4 – Offer them a complimentary product with a preferred customer discount. (Twenty days later) Step #5: Recruit your Little Salesmen One of the keys to Internet Marketing Success is to set up your own affiliate program and gain leverage by having thousands of people sell your products and giving them a generous commission at when the sale is made. This comes under the umbrella term of Performance Marketing because you pay only when the sale is generated. There are 3 main ways to go about setting up your affiliate program: Affiliate Tracking Scripts – These scripts (CGI) are usually installed on your server, and unless you’re experienced and technically competent, you usually need someone to help you install the script. Assoctrac Groundbreak Web Based Software – You can run everything from a website without having to physically install a script. There is usually a small monthly fee. Usually, such services include autoresponders and ad tracking services as well, which makes them ideal. The ‘downside’ to such services is that you’re at their mercy if they experience downtime and your affiliates could wind up getting angry with you when it’s not your fault. Ultimate Merchant Third Party Processor – The company usually handles your affiliate program for you, and pays out your affiliates for you, so there is no paperwork involved. The ‘downside’ to this, is that you cannot adjust affiliate commissions for super affiliates, or go beyond a single tier. (In the case of Clickbank). Clickbank Ibill Once you have an affiliate program up and running, the next thing to do would be to get as recruit as many people to join your program as possible. (Common sense) There are a couple of ways to do that:
  • 18. 1. Use a free affiliate announcement Directory 2. Use a paid service AFFILIATE Search This website allows you to announce your website absolutely free. Click Here to submit your listing. AFFILIATE PROGRAM DIRECTORIES Next, there are many directories list ONLY affiliate programs. I have scoured the web to bring you the very best below. AffiliateOptions AffiliateWorld Associate-It AssociatePrograms If you’re REALLY lazy (like me..), you could pay for a service that hand submits your affiliate program to the top 40 directories. Click here to access Affiliate Boost. Step #6: Construct Your Toolbox Once you have decided how you want to go about managing your affiliate program, the next thing you want to do is to construct an affiliate center to support your affiliates which will be the hub in which you provide your affiliates the selling tools, updates and other forms of empowerment to help sell your product. Visit the Internet Marketing Center and sign up as an affiliate and explore the affiliate center to know exactly what it means to have a top notch affiliate marketing resource. Your affiliate toolbox should consist of at least 5 of the following: a) Classified Ads b) Solo Ads c) Articles d) Virtual Covers e) Banners f) E-Course g) Endorsements Remember to test your offers (remember to always test small) before you release your toolbox to the public.
  • 19. Remember to test your offers (remember to always test small) before you release your toolbox to the public. Here are some resources to help you with your testing: Guru Mailer: The net’s most qualified opt in list Traffic Oasis: Exclusive home biz leads Ezine Blaze: Make money while testing your ads! Rim Digest: - A solo ad costs $149 or you can get two solos for $249. You can find out more about them here: Ezine Hits: A long time favorite of all Internet Marketers. Terry Dean raves about it all the time. Probiztips: Diane Hughes is a great friend of mine, and her ezine is just phenomenal! EzineSeek eZINESearch The Ultimate Magazine Database E-ZineZ Best Ezine AdSource (paid subscription) Marketing Maestro (paid subscription) You can find instructions on how to place your ads on the site itself. You can submit an ad today and have it run in just a day or two and start making money. If you're on a tight budget.. you can start off with 2 bucks! 2 Bucks An Ad Advertising Program :
  • 20. Can you imagine paying only $2 for an ad that goes out to 800,000+ ezine readers? Best bang for buck! Make BIG money with tiny ads! Step #7: Jump In Front Of Traffic This is one of the greatest mistakes Internet Marketers make because they try frantically to find traffic, when all they should do is find where all the traffic is already going, and jump right in front of it. The only way you can jump in front of that traffic is to recruit the webmaster as a super affiliate. How do you locate super affiliates? Super affiliates usually have a large contact base, and will usually have their own publications, so it’ll make sense to add the word ezine or newsletter in your search engine research. One of the best free tools to use for Search Engine research can be found at: It enables you to centralize your search engine research from one program and save your results. There are 2 versions, a free and a paid though the free will suffice. Copernic creates a list of websites that are a match for your product based on your keyword search. A complementary tool which goes hand in hand with Copernic (also free), is the Alexa toolbar which can be downloaded at Alexa allows you to not only check out the traffic stats of the web sites you are visiting, but also look up a list of other similiar sites. This makes hunting for other potential affiliates infinitely easier. What’s more, you can also view the contact information for the domain owner. It shows you their email address, phone number, fax number, and mailing address. Be prudent when you’re doing your Alexa research and don’t waste time with the one and two star websites. Shoot for the four and three star websites. A great way to utilize Alexa would be to use Notepad to jot down important information about your potential joint venture websites so that you can personalize your JV emails better. Tell the webmasters what you like about their site and how you can tie in your product with what they have to offer to create win/win situations. You can continue the process until you have a decent sized list and a good pool of super affiliates.
  • 21. Things you need to note when recruiting super affiliates: #1: Super affiliates expect to be treated differently. This means you’ll have to spell it out in concrete terms, (i.e. financially) by offering them higher commissions. Make sure you’re specific and clear about it. Tell them: “Normal affiliates get 45%, but you’ll get 75%” #2: Super affiliates should not have to do any work. You should proactively give them tools, like endorsed mailings, “ I’ve already put together a ready to go mailing in your style with your affiliate link embedded, so all you have to do is cut and paste” “I’ve also customized a Viral Ebook for you to give out” #3: Super affiliates should be contacted differently. If a super affiliate is worth potentially tens and thousands to you, then what is $10 spent on making sure he/she receives your JV proposal? Feel free to pick up the phone and follow up with a physical mailing, or you could even Fedex your proposal over. This not only shows how much you value the recipient but also makes the recipient feel good about him/herself because he/she knows that he/she is important. What you should keep at the top of your head when proposing anything to a super affiliate is: “You’ll be the inspiration, I’ll be the perspiration”. This should be your top of the head awareness and it’s hard for anyone to resist your proposal when you do it in line with this concept. When you approach a super affiliate, don’t just ask him/her to pitch your product to their list. Try to get them to endorse you as well. Because success breeds success, you’ll find it infinitely easier to get more and more people to endorse you once you have a ‘few experts’ standing behind you and your product. Read this special report by Joe, and you’ll realize how you can get virtually anyone to endorse your work and make yourself a star: How to Get the Rich and Famous to Give You Hypnotic Endorsements By Joe Vitale Rather than always writing endorsements for other people's products and services, what about asking them to write endorsements for you? How do you get *them* to give you hypnotic endorsements? I've found it easier than you can imagine. Years ago I taught a writing class in Houston. I would always advise people to get testimonials to help them sell their books. I remember one person objecting. His name was Jerry. He worked for Federal Express. He didn't think any
  • 22. famous person would give him, an unknown Fed Ex employee, the time of day let alone a hypnotic endorsement. Here's what I told Jerry: First, make a wish list of everyone you would like to have endorse your book. (Or in your case, your product or service.) Jerry made a list of 50 names. (He really wanted to test me.) Second, call your local library. If those people on your list are truly famous, they are listed in Who's Who or in some other biographical directory. You'll find contact information right there. (Now this was many years ago. Today I would tell Jerry to just search on the Internet for contact information.) Third, write a short letter to each person. Begin it with a short compliment. Say why you like the famous person. (Be sincere.) They are human and respond to flattery. Then explain why you are writing. You simply want to know if they would take a look at your book (or product or service) and, if they like it, jot down a few lines about it. Fourth, send out the letters. Jerry did all of the above. He was skeptical, but he was smart enough to test me. The result was miraculous. Virtually all of the 50 people wrote back to Jerry. Most of them said to send them his book and they would take a look. But two replies startled even me. The first came from Tony Robbins. Tony asked to see the book. He wanted to study it. He did, too. And after he reviewed the book, he wrote a glowing endorsement which Jerry used on his back cover book jacket. Jerry was impressed. So was I. But the second reply was even more stunning. "Dear Abby," the famous advice columnist also known as Abigail Van Buren, wrote back and said, "Your book sounds great. Don't send it; just tell me what you want me to say about it." In short, she gave Jerry a blank check endorsement to write. Jerry was so nervous about the chance to write words Dear Abby would claim as her own that he couldn't do it. So he hired me to do it. I wrote three short endorsements for Jerry's book. He sent them to Dear Abby. She picked one of them.
  • 23. And that's how Jerry got an endorsement from Dear Abby on the cover of his book---an endorsement I wrote! The point is this: You can get endorsements from virtually anyone. They are human. They know that an endorsement for something they believe in is good publicity for them. And they usually want to help people who are struggling, anyway. Besides, sometimes they have an interest of their own. For example, when I completed my book on the business secrets of P.T. Barnum, called There's a Customer Born Every Minute, and went looking for people to endorse it, I thought of daredevil Evel Knievel. I figured Evel was a "Barnum like" character and would be a good one to have on my book cover. I looked online and found Evel's website. On it was a box to send email to Evel. Well, I wrote a letter about my book and sent it in that box. The very next day Evel's manager called me. And a few hours after that, Evel Knievel himself called me! Now why did Evel so easily call me up? Because he had his own agenda. He was thinking of writing his autobiography and wanted a writer. When I contacted him, my timing was right. He gave me a great endorsement. It's on the back cover of my book. And the actual letter Evel wrote to me is downstairs, framed and on the wall. Again, reaching these people is fairly easy. My favorite way to locate the rich and famous is to simply ask a magic question of everyone I already know. The question is, "Who do you know who knows (name of person you seek to contact)?" When I was starting out in marketing, and wanted a testimonial from Joe Sugarman, I asked everyone the question, "Who do you know who knows Joe Sugarman?" One of my clients knew Joe, gave me his email address, and the rest was easy. Joe is such a nice man that getting him to endorse my books was a breeze. All I had to do was ask. Also, always be respectful. If your jealously for a successful person seeps through, he or she will know it. Or if you write a long winded letter, you won't get read. And if they decline or never reply, don't think badly of them. Just go to the next person on your list. Allow people their freedom to say or do what they like. Don't bad mouth anyone
  • 24. who doesn't write back, or writes back declining your offer. Go after your goal: Endorsements from the rich and famous. Another tip is to ask them to "simply jot down" a few lines about your product or service. That's less intimidating than asking them to "write" a few lines. "Jot down" sounds easier. "Write" sounds like an assignment. Finally, be willing to write the endorsement for them. You might carefully suggest that if they like, you can write down a few words which they can massage or simply approve. I've done this method myself. I'm often asked to give endorsements. If the product or service is any good at all, I want to help. But sometimes I'm swamped. So I'll suggest something along the lines of, "Jot down a few lines of what you would like me to say. I'll then approve it or rewrite it." This makes things lots easier on me, and the person seeking my endorsement is usually glad to help. After all, he'll get my endorsement and he'll even get to influence what I'll say! Again, people are people. That goes for the rich and famous. They respond to flattery. And they want to help. Don't be afraid to reach out and ask. The results could be miraculous. Next, I’ll have you take a short quiz. These quizzes are for your use only. You do not need to send them to me or to anyone else. They are to help you reinforce and integrate the principles you are learning here. QUIZ: 1. What are the 3 pre-qualifiers for your starving crowd? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 2. What is the key focus in creating an information product? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
  • 25. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 3. How many times on average should you contact a prospect before he/she warms up? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 4. How are the 2 software tools you need to locate super affiliates? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 5. What should be your top of the mind awareness when constructing a JV proposal for a super affiliate? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ HOMEWORK: Your homework for this lesson is to put together a list of 3 biggest problems that you have in putting the Ultimate Hypnotic Marketing Plan into action. It could relate to any component of the Marketing Plan itself. As you write down the problems, ask yourself the following: a) Can I delegate this to someone else? b) Can I ‘buy’ a solution? c) Have I done my research? d) Are other people having the same problems? e) Did they solve it? How? Can you do the same? When you have positively narrowed it down to a problem that you cannot solve, render it to black and white on a Word doc. Make sure you review the lesson, and look through all the recommended resources. Your homework should be submitted in a Word Doc format.
  • 26. Send your homework to and be sure to put in the subject line “BOOTCAMP HOMEWORK” so I can clearly see it from all my other emails. Go for it! Jo Han Mok in partnership with Dr. Joe Vitale ☺ Director, Hypnotic Marketing Institute See NEW! - "The Greatest Money-Making Secret in History"