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Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 1
ຍ຺ຈ຋ີ 1
Present Simple Tense ຎະ຅ຸຍັຌ຋ໍາຓະຈາ
1. ຂໍໄຓູຌ຅ີຄ຋຺ໃທໂແຎ ຽຆີໃຄຽຎັຌກາຌ ຍບກກໞາທ ຊາຓຽຖືໃບຄຖາທ ຽນຈກາຌ຅ີຄ຋຺ໃທໂແຎ (information)
2. His name is some chai. ຆືໃຂບຄຖາທ ຾ຓ່ຌ ຘ຺ຓຆາງ
3. He comes from Thailand. ຖາທຓາ຅າກຎະຽ຋ຈແ຋ງ
4. He is a doctor. ຖາທຽຎັຌໝໍ
5. He can play football. ຖາທຘາຓາຈນົີໄຌ຾ຉະຍາຌ
6. Elephants are the largest land animals. ຆໟາຄຽຎັຌຘັຈຍ຺ກ຋ີໃເນງໞ຋ີໃຘຸຈ
7. They have 28 teeth. ຑທກຓັຌ ຓີ ຾ຂ້ທ 28
8. They eat grass. ຑທກຓັຌກິຌນງໟາ ( ຽຎັຌບານາຌ )
9. They can swim. ຑທກຓັຌຘາຓາຈຖທງຌໍໄາ
10. This is a Japanese car. ຌີໄ຃ື ຖ຺ຈດີໃຎຸ່ຌ
11. It is very expensive. ຓັຌຓີຖາ຃າ຾ຑຄນົາງ
12. The company is in Japan. ຍໍຖິຘັຈດູ່ເຌງີໃຎຸ່ຌ
13. Bangkok is the capital city of Thailand. ກຸຄຽ຋ຍ ຽຎັຌຽຓືບຄນົທຄຂບຄຎະຽ຋ຈແ຋
14. It has 50 districts. ຓັຌຓີ 50 ຾ຂທຄ ( ຽຂຈ )
15. ກິຈ຅ະທັຈ ຽຎັຌຘີໃຄ຋ີໃຽປັຈຽຖືໄບງໂ ບາຈຽຎັຌ຋ຸກຓືໄ ຋ຸກຽຈືບຌ ຋ຸກຎີ ຅ືໃຄ຅ະຓີ຃ໍາຽນົ຺ໃາຌີໄດູ່ຌໍາຈໟທງ
Always ຘະຽໝີ usually ຿ຈງຎ຺ກກະຉິ generally ຿ຈງຎ຺ກກະຉິ
often ຽຖືໄບງໂ frequently ຽຖືໄບງໂ sometimes ຍາຄ຃ັໄຄ
occasionally ຍາຄ຃ັໄຄ seldom ຍໍໃ຃ໞບງ຅ະ rarely ຍໍໃ຃ໞບງ຅ະ
hardly (ever) ຾຋ຍ຅ະຍໍໃ (ຽ຃ີງ) never ຍໍໃຽ຃ີງ every day ຋ຸກທັຌ
16. I always get up at 6 o’clock. ຂໟບງຉືໃຌຌບຌຽທຖາ 6 ຿ຓຄຘະຽໝີ
17. You usually buy fruit at 7-11. ຿ຈງຎ຺ກກະຉິ ຽ຅຺ໄາຆືໄໝາກແຓ້ ຋ີໃ 7-11
18. He often comes to my house. ຖາທຓາຍໟາຌຂບຄຂໟບງຉະນົບຈໂ
19. She sometimes does homework at school. ຍາຄຽ຋ືໃບຖາທຽປັຈທຼກຍໟາຌ຋ີໃ຿ປຄປຼຌ
20. It seldom rains in the morning. ຐ຺ຌຍໍໃ຃ໞບງ຅ະຉ຺ກເຌຉບຌຽຆ຺ໄາ
21. We hardly ever drink coffee in the evening. ຑທກຽປ຺າ຾຋ຍ຅ະຍໍໃຽ຃ີງຈືໃຓກະຽຒເຌຉບຌ຃ໍໃາ
22. They never drive to work. ຑທກຽຂ຺າຍໍໃຽ຃ີງ ຂັຍຖ຺ຈແຎຽປັຈທຼກ
23. Some chai plays football every day. ຘ຺ຓຆາງນົີໄຌ຾ຉະຍາຌ຋ຸກໂຓືໄ
24. We watch a movie every Monday ຑທກຽປ຺າ ຽຍີໃຄໜັຄ ຋ຸກທັຌ຅ັຌ
25. She goes to England every year. ຖາທແຎຎະຽ຋ຈບັຄກິຈ຋ຸກຎີ
English sentense
Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 2
Present Continuous Tense
1. ເຆ້ເຌຽນຈກາຌກໍາຖັຄຽກີຈຂືໄຌຂະຌະ຋ີໃຽທ຺ໄາດູ່ ນົື ເຌຖະນທໞາຄບາ຋ິຈຌັໄຌຽຈືບຌຌັໄຌກໍແຈ້ຆືໃຄບາຈ຅ະຌໍາດູ່ຈໟທງກໍໃແຈ້
2. I am studying hard, John. ຅ບຌກໍາຖັຄປຼຌໜັກ
3. Most students are using mobile phones. ຌັກປຼຌຘໞທຌເນງໞກໍາຖັຄ ( ຌິງ຺ຓ ) ເຆ້຿຋ຖະຘັຍຓືຊື
4. He is driving a car. ຖາທກໍາຖັຄຂັຍຖ຺ຈ
5. She‘s eating an apple. ຖາທກໍາຖັຄກີຌ຾ບັຍຽຎີໄຌ
6. It is raining at the moment. ຓັຌກໍາຖັຄຐ຺ຌຉ຺ກຂະຌະຌີໄ
7. A cat is sleeping in the room. ຾ຓທກໍາຖ຺ຄຌບຌນົັຍເຌນໟບຄ
8. You are sitting on my book. ຽ຅຺ໄາກໍາຖັຄຌັໃຄດູ່ຽ຋ີຄໜັຄຘືຂບຄຂໟບງ
9. We are running right now. ຑທກຽປ຺າກໍາຖັຄ຾ຖ່ຌຂະຌະຌີໄ
10. They are going to school. ຑທກຽຂ຺າກໍາຖັຄແຎ຿ປຄປຼຌ
11. ເຆ້ກັຍຽນຈກາຌ຋ີໃກໍາຖັຄ຅ະຽກີຈຂືໄຌເຌບາຌາ຃຺ຈ ( ຾ຌ່ໂ ) ຾ຖະ ຓັກ຅ະຓີ຃ໍາຍ຺ໃຄຍບກບະຌາ຃຺ຈດູ່ຌໍາ
this evening ຉບຌ຃ໍໃາຌີໄ tonight ຃ືຌຌີໄ tomorrow ຓືໄບືໃຌ
this weekend ບາ຋ິຈຌີໄ next week ບາ຋ິຈໜໟາ next month ຽຈືບຌໜໟາ
next year ຎີໜໟາ
12. ນົັກກາຌ຾ຎ ເນ້຾ຎຖທຍ is am are ກັຍກິຖິງາ຋ີໃຽຉີຓ ing ທໞາ ກໍາຖັຄ຅ະ ນົື ທໞາ ຅ະ ກໍແຈ້
13. I’m studying English this weekend. ຂໟບງກໍາຖັຄ຅ະປຼຌຑາຘາບັຄກິຈຑາຘາບັຄກິຈ຋ໟາງບາ຋ິຈຌີໄ ( ປຼຌ຾຋້ຽຑາະ຅ໞາງຽຄີຌ
຾ຖ້ທ )
14. She is going to the market tomorrow. ຖາທກໍາຖັຄ຅ະແຎຉະນົາຈຓືໄບືໃຌຌີໄ ( ຂບຄໝ຺ຈຉໟບຄແຎຆືໄ )
15. He‘s coming to my house for lunch this Friday. ຖາທກໍາຖັຄ຅ະຓາຍໟາຌຂໟບງຽຑືໃບ ( ກີຌ ) ບານາຌ຋ໞຼຄເຌທັຌຘຸກຌີໄ
16. We‘re moving to New York next year. ຑທກຽປ຺າກໍາຖັຄ຅ະງໟາງແຎຌີງບກຎີໜໟາ
17. They are seeing the doctor next month. ຑທກຽຂ຺າກໍາຖັຄ຅ະຑ຺ຍໝໍຽຈືບຌໜໟາ (ຍໍໃແຈ້຾ຎທໞາຽນັຌ )
Present Perfect Tense
1. ເຆ້ກັຍຽນຈກາຌຽກີຈຂືໄຌເຌບາຈິຈຈໍາຽຌີຌຓາ຅຺ຌຽຊີຄຂະຌະຌີໄ ຾ຖະ ຅ະຉໍໃຽຌືໃບແຎເຌບາຌາ຃຺ຈ ຾ຖະ ຅ະຓີຘບຄ຃ໍາຌີໄຎະກບຍດູ່ຈໟທງ
for ຽຎັຌຽທຖາ ( ຅ັກຌາ຋ີ ຅ັກຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ ຅ັກທັຌ ຅ັກບາ຋ິຈ ຅ັກຎີ )
since ຉັໄຄ຾ຉ່ ( ຉັໄຄ຾ຉ່ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄເຈ ທັຌເຈ ບາ຋ິຈເຈ ຽຈືບຌເຈ ຎີເຈ )
2. She has studied English since July.
ຖາທປຼຌ ຑາຘາບັຄກິຈ ຾ຖ້ທ ຉັໄຄ຾ຉ່ຽຈືບຌ 7 ຉບຌຌີໄຽຈືບຌ 8 ຾ຖ້ທ ( ຾ຖະງັຄ຅ະປຼຌຉໍໃແຎບີກ
3. He’s worked in the garden since 8 o’clock.
ຖາທຽປັຈທຼກ ( ຾ຖ້ທ ) ເຌຘທຌຉັໄຄ຾ຉ່ 8 ຿ຓຄຽຆ຺ໄາ ( ຉບຌຌີໄຘິຍ຿ຓຄ຾ຖ້ທຓີ຋ໞາ຋ີທໞາ຅ະຽປັຈຉໍໃແຎ )
English sentense
Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 3
4. It has rained for three hours. ຐ຺ຌຉ຺ກ ( ຾ຖ້ທ ) ຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 3 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ ( ຾ຖະ ຓີ຾ທທທໞາ຅ະຉ຺ກຉໍໃແຎບີກ )
5. A boy has played football since 3 o’clock.
ຽຈັກຆາງນົີໄຌ຾ຉະຍາຌ ( ຾ຖ້ທ ) ຉັໄຄ຾ຉ່ 3 ຿ຓຄ ( ຉບຌຌີໄຘີໃ຿ຓຄ຾ຖ້ທ ໜໟາ຅ະນົີໄຌຉໍໃຽຊີຄ 5 ຿ຓຄ )
6. I have lived here for ten years.
ຂໟບງບາເຘດູ່ຌີໄ ( ຾ຖ້ທ ) ຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 10 ຎີ ( ຅ຸຈຽຖີໃຓຉ຺ໄຌຽກີຈເຌບາຈິຈ ຎັຈ຅ຸຍັຌກໍງັຄດູ່຋ີໃຌີໄ ບາຌາ຃຺ຈກໍ຅ະດູ່ຉໍໃ )
7. You’ve watched TV for two hours.
ຽ຅຺ໄາຽຍີໃຄ຿຋ຖະ຋ັຈ (຾ຖ້ທ ) ຽຎັຌຽທຖາຘບຄຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ ( ຽຍີໃຄຓາ຾ຖ້ທຘບຄຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ ຾ຖະ ໜໟາ຅ະຽຍີໃຄຉໍໃ ຊໟາຍໍໃຓີ຃຺ຌນາຓ )
8. We’ve walked for five hours. ຑທກຽປ຺າດ່າຄ( ຾ຖ້ທ ) ຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 5 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ
9. They have built the house since last year.
ຑທກຽຂ຺າຘໟາຄ ( ຾ຖ້ທ ) ຍໟາຌຉັໄຄ຾ຉ່ຎີ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ ( ຉບຌຌີໄກໍງັຄຘໟາຄດູ່ ຾ຖະ ໜໟາ຅ະຘໟາຄຉໍໃແຎບີກນົາງຽຈືບຌ຃຺ຄ຅ະຘໍາຽຖັຈ )
຃ໍາຊາຓ຋ີໃເຆ້ກັຍຉ຺ທດ່າຄຈໟາຌຽ຋ີຄຘໞທຌນົາງ຅ະຂືໄຌຉ຺ໄຌຈໟທງ How long……. (ຈ຺ຌຎາຌເຈ )
10. How long has she studied English? ຖາທປຼຌຑາຘາບັຄກິຈຈ຺ຌຎາຌເຈ຾ຖ້ທ
11. How long has he worked in the garden? ຖາທຽປັຈທຼກເຌຘທຌຈ຺ຌຎາຌເຈ຾ຖ້ທ
12. How long has it rained? ຐ຺ຌຉ຺ກຈ຺ຌຎາຌເຈ຾ຖ້ທ ?
13. How long has a boy played football? ຽຈັກຆາງນົີໄຌ຾ຉະຍາຌຈ຺ຌຎາຌເຈ຾ຖ້ທ
14. How long have you lived here? (ຊາຓ you ຉບຍ I) ຽ຅຺ໄາດູ່ຌີໄຈ຺ຌຎາຌເຈ຾ຖ້ທ
15. How long have I watched TV? (ຊາຓ I ຉບຍ You) ຂໟບງຽຍີໃຄ ຿຋ຖະ຋ັຈຈ຺ຌຎາຌເຈ຾ຖ້ທ
16. How long have we walked? ຑທກຽປ຺າດ່າຄຈ຺ຌຎາຌເຈ຾ຖ້ທ
17. How long have they built the house? ຑທກຽຂ຺າຘໟາຄຍໟາຌຈ຺ຌຎາຌເຈ຾ຖ້ທ
2. ເຆ້ກັຍຽນຈກາຌ຋ີໃຽກີຈຂືໄຌຍໍໃຈ຺ຌຓາຌີໄ ຾ຖະ ຽນຈກາຌຌັໄຌກໍ຅຺ຍຖ຺ຄ຾ຖ້ທຈໟທງ ຓັກ຅ະຓີ຃ໍາຽນົ຺ໃາຌີໄດູ່ຈໟທງ
Already ຾ຖ້ທ just ຽຑີໃຄ຅ະ yet ງັຄ
18. She‘s just gone. ຖາທຽຑີໃຄກໍາຖັຄບບກແຎ (ຽຊີຄໜໟາຎາກ຋າຄແຈ້ )
19. He’s already finished his homework. ຖາທຽປັຈທຼກຍໟາຌຘໍາຽຖັຈ຾ຖ້ທ (ນາກະຽປັຈ຾ຖ້ທເຌຍໍໃຈ຺ຌຌີໄ)
20. It’s just rained. ຐ຺ຌນາກະຉ຺ກ຾ຖ້ທ (ຓັຌນງຸຈຽຓືໃບກີໄຌີໄ ຑືຌງັຄຎຼກດູ່)
21. I’ve already drunk milk. ຂໟບງຈືໃຓຌ຺ຓ຾ຖ້ທ ( ຎາກງັຄຓີດ຺ຈຌໍໄາຌ຺ຓດູ່ )
22. You’ve just taken a bath. ຽ຅຺ໄາຽຑີໃຄ຅ະບາຍຌໍໄາຽບຄ ( ຅ະບາຍບິກ຾ຖ້ທ )
23. We’ve already eaten rice. ຑທກຽປ຺າກິຌຽຂ຺ໄາ຾ຖ້ທ ( ຋ໟບຄງັຄ຾ໜ້ຌດູ່ )
24. They’ve just washed the car. ຑທກຽຂ຺າຽຑີໃຄ຅ະຖໟາຄຖ຺ຈ ( ຖ຺ຈງັຄຍໍໃ຋ັຌ຾ນ້ຄຈີ )
English sentense
Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 4
25. Has she gone yet? ຖາທແຎ຾ຖ້ທ ນົື ງັຄ
26. Has he already finished his homework? ຖາທຽປັຈທຼກຍໟາຌຘໍາຽຖັຈ຾ຖ້ທ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ
27. Have you drunk milk yet? ຽ຅຺ໄາຈືຓກະຌ຺ຓ຾ຖ້ທນົືງັຄ
28. Have we already eaten rice? ຑທກຽປ຺າກິຌຽຂ຺ໄາ຾ຖ້ທ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ
29. Have they washed the car yet? ຑທກຽຂ຺າຖໟາຄຖ຺ຈ຾ຖ້ທນົືງັຄ
3. ເຆ້ກັຍຽນຈກາຌເຌບາຈິຈ຋ີໃຍໍໃຖະຍຸຽທຖາທໞາຽກີຈຂືໄຌຽຓືໃບເຈ ຍບກຑຼຄທໞາຽປັຈ຾ຖ້ທ ນົື ຍໍໃຽ຃ີງຽປັຈຑຼຄຌັໄຌຽບຄ
30. I’ve read that book. ຂໟບງບໞາຌໜັຄຘືຽນົັໄຓຌັໄຌ຾ຖ້ທ ( ບໞາຌຽຓືໃບເຈຍໍໃຍບກ ເນ້ປົໄທໞາບໞາຌ຾ຖ້ທກໍ຾ຖ້ທກັຌ )
31. She’s got your letter. ຖາທແຈ້ປັຍ຅຺ຈໝາງຂບຄຽ຅຺ໄາ຾ຖ້ທ ( ນົັຄ຅າກຊູກຽ຅຺ໄາ຾ຓ່ຌຽບ຺າແຎຊີໄຓນົາງ຃ັໄຄ )
32. He’s gone to England. ຖາທແຎບັຄກິຈ຾ຖ້ທ ( ຍໍໃຉໟບຄຓານາຽຂ຺າບີກ )
33. It’s never rained in this area. ຐ຺ຌຍໍໃຽ຃ີງຉ຺ກຽຖີງເຌຑືໄຌ຋ີໃຌີໄ
34. Have you (ever) been to England? ຽ຅຺ໄາ (ຽ຃ີງ) ແຎບັຄກິຈຍໍ
35. No, I’ve never been to England. ຍໍໃ ຂໟບງຍໍໃຽ຃ີງແຎບັຄກິຈຽຖີງ
36. Have you ever seen the rain coming out on a sunny day?
ຽ຅຺ໄາຽ຃ີງຽນັຌຐ຺ຌ ບບກຓາ ( ຉ຺ກ ) ເຌທັຌ຋ີໃຓີ຾ຈຈ຅ໟາຍໍ
37. I’ve cut my finger. ຂໟບງຽປັຈຓິຈຍາຈຌີໄທຓື ( ຽຍີໃຄ຾ຓ ງັຄຍໍໃນາງຈີຽຖີງ )
38. She has not studied English since July. ຖາທຍໍໃແຈ້ປຼຌຑາຘາບັຄກິຈ ຉັໄຄຉັໄຄຽຈືບຌ 7
39. He hasn’t worked in the garden since 8 o’clock. ຖາທຍໍໃແຈ້ຽປັຈທຼກເຌຘທຌຉັໄຄ຾ຉ່ 8 ຿ຓຄຽຆ຺ໄາ
40. I have not lived here for ten years. ຂໟບງຍໍໃແຈ້ບາເຘດູ່຋ີໃຌີໄ ຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 10 ຎີ
41. Has she studied English since July? ຖາທປຼຌຑາຘາບັຄກິຈ ຉັໄຄ຾ຉ່ຽຈືບຌ 7 ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ
42. Yes, she has./ No, she hasn’t.
43. Has he worked in the garden since 8 o’clock? ຖາທຽປັຈທຼກເຌຘທຌຉັໄຄ຾ຉ່ 8 ຿ຓຄຽຆ຺ໄາ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ
44. Have you lived here for ten years? ຽ຅຺ໄາບາເຘດູ່຋ີໃຌີໄ ຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 10 ຎີ ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ
45. Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t.
Present Perfect Continuous Tense
1. ເຆ້຃ືກັຌກັຍ present perfect tense ຂໍໄ຋ີ 1 ຽ຋຺ໃາຌັໄຌ (ຽນຈກາຌ຋ີໃຽກີຈເຌບະຈິຈ ຈໍາຽຌີຌຓາຽຊີຄຎັຈ຅ຸຍັຌ ຾ຖະ ຉໍໃຽຌືໃບຄແຎເຌ
ບະຌາ຃຺ຈ ) ຋ຸກຎະກາຌ ຾ຉ່ຽຎັຌກາຌຽຌັໄຌທໞາຽປັຈຉໍໃຽຌືໃບຄ
2. ກິຖິງາ຋ີໃຌໍາຓາຽຉີຓ ing ເນ້ບໟາຄບິຄ present continuous tense ຋ຸກຎະກາຌຽໝືບຌກັຌ
English sentense
Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 5
3. He’s worked in the garden since 8 o’clock.
ຖາທຽປັຈທຼກເຌຘທຌຉັໄຄ຾ຉ່ 8 ຿ຓຄຽຆ຺ໄາ ( ບາຈ຅ະຽປັຈຍາຄຽ຋ືບ ຑັກຍາຄຽ຋ືບ ຾ຉ່ທໞາຽຖີໃຓຽປັຈຉັໄຄ຾ຉ່ 8 ຿ຓຄ )
4. He’s been working in the garden since 8 o’clock.
ຖາທກໍາຖັຄຽປັຈທຼກເຌຘທຌຉັໄຄ຾ຉ່ 8 ຿ຓຄຽຆ຺ໄາ ( ຽປັຈ຾ຍຍຍໍໃດຸຈຑັກຽຖີງ ຉັໄຄ຾ຉ່ 8 ຿ຓຄຽຖືໃບງໂຓາ ຾ຍຍທໞາ຃຺ຌຈຸໝັໃຌ )
5. It has rained for three hours. ຐ຺ຌຉ຺ກຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 3 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ ( ຎະ຿ນງກຌີໄ຾ຍຍ຋ໍາຓະຈາຍໍໃຽຌັໄຌ )
6. It has been raining for three hours. ຐ຺ຌຉ຺ກຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 3 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ ( ຎະ຿ນງກຌີໄຏູ້ຂຼຌດາກເນ້ຽນັຌຑາຍທໞາ ຐ຺ຌຉ຺ກ຾ຍຍຍໍໃ
ຂາຈຘາງຉໍໃຽຌືໃບຄຓາ຅຺ຌຽຊີຄຈຼທຌີໄ )
7. A boy has played football since 3 o’clock. ຽຈັກຆາງນົີໄຌ຾ຉະຍາຌຉັໄຄ຾ຉ່ 3 ຿ຓຄ (ນົີໄຌແຎຑັກແຎຊໟາຽຓືໃບ)
8. A boy has been playing football since 3 o’clock. ຽຈັກຆາງນົີໄຌ຾ຉະຍາຌຉັໄຄ຾ຉ່ 3 ຿ຓຄ ( ຾ຖ່ຌດູ່ເຌຘະໜາຓຉະນົບຈ
ຽຍີໃຄ຃ືຍໍໃຽຓືບໞງ )
9. I’ve read this book for two hours. ຂໟບງບໞາຌໜັຄຘືຽນົັໄຓຌີໄຘບຄຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ຾ຖ້ທ ( ບໞາຌແຎ ກີຌກາຽຒແຎ ຽຓືໃບກໍຑັກ )
10. I’ve been reading this book for two hours.
ຂໟບງກໍາຖັຄບໞາຌໜັຄຘືຽນົັໄຓຌີໄຘບຄຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ຾ຖ້ທ ( ບໞາຌດ່າຄຈຼທຍໍໃທໞາຄຓືແຎຽປັຈດ່າຄບືໃຌຽຖີງ ຾ຍຍທໞາຓໞທຌ຅຺ຌທາຄຍໍໃຖ຺ຄ )
11. I’ve been walking for two hours. ຂໟບງດ່າຄ ( ( ຍໍໃຑັກຽຖີງ ) ຽຎັຌຽທຖາຘບຄຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ຾ຖ້ທ )
12. You’ve been watching TV since 9 o’clock. ຽ຅຺ໄາຽຍີໃຄ ຿຋ຖະ຋ັຈ ( ຍໍໃແຈ້ຽປັຈດ່າຄບືໃຌຽຖີງ ) ຉັໄຄ຾ຉ່ 9 ຿ຓຄຽຆ຺ໄາ ( ຌີໄຓັຌ
຋ໞຼຄ຾ຖ້ທ )
13. She’s been dancing for 3 hours. ຖາທຽຉັໄຌຖໍາຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 3 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ຋ັຄໝ຺ຈ ( ຾ຍຍທໞານາຄຽ຃ືໃບຄຌໟບງ ຉໟບຄຽຉັໄຌຉະນົບຈ )
14. He’s been swimming for 30 minutes. ຖາທຖບງຌໍໄາຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 30 ຌາ຋ີ຾ຖ້ທ ( ຑັກຍໍໃແຈ້ ຈຼທ຅຺ຓ
15. I haven’t been walking for two hours. ຂໟບງຍໍໃແຈ້ດ່າຄຽຎັຌຽທຖາຘບຄຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ຋ັຄໝ຺ຈ (ຽຓືບງຂໟບງກະຑັກ)
16. They haven’t been watching TV since 9 o’clock. ຑທກຽຂ຺າຍໍໃແຈ້ຽຍີໃຄ຿຋ຖະ຋ັຈ ( ຍໍໃຽປັຈດ່າຄບືໃຌຽຖີງ ) ຉັໄຄ຾ຉ່ 9 ຿ຓຄ
ຽຆ຺ໄາ ( ຽຍີໃຄຽຓືໃບກີໄຌີໄຽບຄ )
17. She’s not been dancing for 3 hours. ຖາທຍໍໃແຈ້ຽຉັໄຌຖໍາຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 3 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ຋ັຄໝ຺ຈ ( ຓີຉ຺ທຎ່ຼຌນົາງ )
18. He‘s not been swimming for 30 minutes. ຖາທຍໍໃແຈ້ຖບງຌໍໄາຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 30 ຌາ຋ີ຋ັຄໝ຺ຈຈບກ ( ຖບງຽຊີຄຐັໃຄ຿ຌ້ຓກໍຑັກ
ຽບ຺າ຾ປຄກໞບຌ )
19. What have you been doing for two hours. ຽປັຈນງັຄດູ່ຉັໄຄຘບຄຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄຽ຅຺ໄາ ( ຍໍໃຽນັຌບບກ຅າກຍໟາຌຽຖີງ )
English sentense
Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 6
20. I’ve been reading books. ຂໟບງບໞາຌໜັຄຘື
21. How long have you been waiting for me? ຽ຅຺ໄາຊໟາຂໟບງຈ຺ຌຎາຌເຈ
22. I’ve been waiting for you for 3 hours. ຂໟບງຊໟາຽ຅຺ໄາ 3 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ ( ຌັໄຄດູ່ຍໞບຌຌີໄຍໍໃແຈ້ແຎເຘຽຖີງ )
23. Has a boy been playing games for 4 hours? ຽຈັກຆາງນົີໄຌ຾ກຓ 4 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄຖທຈຽຖີງຍໍ
24. Yes, he’s been playing games for 4 hours. ຾ຓ່ຌ຾ຖ້ທ ຖາທນົີໄຌ 4 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄຖທຈຽຖີງ
1.I eat a banana 2. We should eat bananas.
3. You eat a banana 4. They eat bananas.
5.He can eat a banana. 6. She can eat bananas/ She can eat a banana
7.A cat eat bananas. 8. Cat eat bananas
1. I am studying hard, John. 2. We are running right now
3. You are sitting on my book 4. They are going to school.
5. He is driving a car 6. She‘s eating an apple
7. A cat is sleeping in the room. 8. It is raining at the moment
1. I have lived here for ten years 2. We’ve walked for five hours.
3. You’ve watched TV for two hours. 4. They have built the house since last year.
5. He’s worked in the garden since 8 o’clock. 6. She has studied English since July
7. A boy has played football since 3 o’clock. 8. It has rained for three hours.
Perfect Continuous
English sentense
Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 7
1. I’ve been reading this book for two hours. 2. we’ve been reading this book for two hours
3. You’ve been working in the garden since 8 o’clock 4. They’ve been working in the garden since 8 o’clock
5. He’s been working in the garden since 8 o’clock. 6. She’s been working in the garden since 8 o’clock
7. A boy has been playing football since 3 o’clock 8. It has been raining for three hours.
1. Do I eat a bananas? 2. Do We eat bananas?
3. Do you eat bananas? 4. Do They eat bananas?
5. Does He eat a bananas? 6. Does She eat bananas?
8. Does the Cat eat bananas ? 7. Can ( I ,he ,she ,we……) eat a banana?
1. Am I singing? 2. Are we singing ?
3. Are you singing? 4. Are they singing ?
5. Is he singing? 6. Is she singing?
7. Is a cat eating a fish?. 8. Is it raining?
1. Have I drunk water? 2. Have we eaten rice?
3. Have you taken a bath? 4. Have they washed the car?
5. Has he worked in the garden since 8 o’clock? 6. Has she studied English since July?
7. Has a boy played football since 3 o’clock?. 8. Has it rained for three hours?
Perfect Continuous
1. What have you been doing for two hours. you’ve been reading books.
2. What have We been doing for two hours. we’ve been reading books.
3. What have you been doing for two hours. I’ve been reading books.
4. How long have They been waiting for me? They’ve been waiting for you for 3 hours.
5. How long has He been waiting for me? He’s been waiting for you for 3 hours.
English sentense
Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 8
6. How long has She been waiting for me? She’s been waiting for you for 3 hours.
7. Has a boy been playing games for 4 hours? Yes, he’s been playing games for 4 hours.
1. I don’t eat a bananas. 2. We don't eat bananas
3. You don't eat bananas 4. They don't eat bananas
5. He doesn't eat bananas 6. She doesn’t eat bananas.
1. I’m not singing. 2. We aren’t singing.
3. You are not singing. 4. They’re not singing.
5. He isn’t singing. 6. She is not singing.
7. It’s not raining 8. Cats are not drinking water.
9. A cat is not eating a fish.
1. I have not lived here for ten years. 2. We have not live here for ten years
3. You have not lived here for ten years 4. They have not lived here for years
5. He hasn’t worked in the garden since 8 o’clock. 6. She has not studied English since July.
Perfect Continuous
1. I haven’t been walking for two hours. 2. We haven’t been walking for two hours.
English sentense
Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 9
3. You haven’t been walking for two hours. 4. They haven’t been watching TV since 9 o’clock.
5. He‘s not been swimming for 30 minutes. 6. She’s not been dancing for 3 hours.
ຍ຺ຈ຋ີ 2
Past tense
Past Simple Tense
1. I ate bananas yesterday. ຂໟບງກິຌກໟທງຓືໄທາຌຌີໄ
2. You cooked dinner for me last week. ຽ຅຺ໄາຽປັຈບານາຌ຃ໍໃາເນ້ຂໟບງຽຓືໃບບາ຋ິຈ ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ
3. We cleaned the house last month. ຑທກຽປ຺າ ຋ໍາ຃ທາຓຘະບາຈ ຍໟາຌຽຓືໃບຽຈືບຌ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ
4. They danced last night. ຑທກຽຂ຺າ ຽຉັໄຌຖໍາ ຽຓືໃບ຃ືຌ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ
5. Two Cats died last year. ຾ຓທ 2 ຿ຉຉາງ ຽຓືໃບຎີ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ
6. He bought a computer last Sunday. ຖາທຆືໄ ຃ບຓຑີທຽຉີ ຽຓືໃບທັຌບາ຋ິຈ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ เ
7. She gave you her heart last Christmas. ຖາທ ເນ້ນ຺ທເ຅ ຂບຄຖາທ ຾ກ່ຽ຅຺ໄາ ຽຓືໃບ຃ຕິຈຘະຓາຘ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ
8. It rained heavily last rainy season. ຐ຺ຌຉ຺ກໜັກຽຓືໃບໜໟາຐ຺ຌ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ
9. The train arrived at 8 o’clock this morning. ຖ຺ຈແຒຓາຽຊີຄຽທຖາ 8 ຿ຓຄຽຓືໃບຽຆ຺ໄາຌີໄ
10. I did not eat bananas yesterday. ຂໟບງຍໍໃແຈ້ກີຌກໟທງຓືໄທາຌຌີໄ
11. You didn’t cook dinner for me last week. ຽ຅຺ໄາຍໍໃແຈ້ຽປັຈບານາຌ຃ໍໃາເນ້ຂໟບງຽຓືໃບບາ຋ິຈ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ
12. We did not clean the house last month. ຑທກຽປ຺າຍຍໍໃແຈ້຋ໍາ຃ທາຓຘະບາຈຍໟາຌ ຽຓືໃບຽຈືບຌ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ
13. They didn’t dance last night. ຑທກຽຂ຺າຍໍໃແຈ້ ຽຉັໄຌຖໍາຓືໄ຃ືຌ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ
14. Two Cats did not die last year. ຾ຓທ 2 ຿ຉຍໍໃແຈ້ຉາງຽຓືໃບຎີ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ
15. He didn’t buy a computer last Sunday. ຽຂ຺າຍໍໃແຈ້ຆືໃ຃ບຓຑີທຽຉີ ຽຓືໃບທັຌບາ຋ິຈ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ
16. Last Christmas, she did not give you her heart. ຽຓືໃບ຃ິຈຘະຓາຈ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ ຖາທເນ້ນ຺ທເ຅ຂບຄຖາທ຾ກ່ຽ຅຺ໄາ
17. It did not rain heavily last rainy season. ຐ຺ຌຍໍໃແຈ້ຉ຺ກໜັກຽຓືໃບໜໟາຐ຺ຌ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ
18. The train didn’t arrive at 8 o’clock this morning. ຖ຺ຈແຒຍໍໃແຈ້ຓາຽຊີຄຽທຖາ 8 ຿ຓຄຓືໄຽຆ຺ໄາຌີໄ
19. Did you eat bananas yesterday? ຽ຅຺ໄາກິຌກໟທງຽຓືໃບທາຌຌີໄ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ
Yes, I did. /No, I didn’t.
20. Did I cook dinner for you last week. ຂໟບງຽປັຈບານາຌ຃ໍໃາເນ້ຽ຅຺ໄາຽຓືໃບບາ຋ິຈ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ
Yes, you did. / No, you didn’t.
21. Did we clean the house last month. ຑທກຽປ຺າ ຋ໍາ຃ທາຓຘະບາຈຍໟາຌ ຽຓືໃບຽຈືບຌ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ
Yes, we did. / No, we didn’t.
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22. Did they dance last night. ຑທກຽຂ຺າ ຽຉັໄຌຖໍາ ຓື຃ືຌ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ
Yes, they did./ No, they didn’t.
23. Did two Cats die last year. ຾ຓທຘບຄ຿ຉ ຉາງ ຽຓືໃບຎີ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ
Yes, they did./ No, they didn’t.
24. Did he not buy a computer last Sunday? ຖາທຍໍໃແຈ້ຆືໄ ຃ບຓຑີທຽຉີ ຽຓືໃບທັຌບາ຋ິຈ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ
25. Did he not give you her heart last Christmas. ຖາທຍໍໃແຈ້ເນ້ນ຺ທເ຅ ຂບຄຖາທ຾ກ່ຽ຅຺ໄາ ຽຓືໃບ຃ິຈຘະຓາຈ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ
26. Didn’t It rain heavily last rainy season. ຐ຺ຌຍໍໃແຈ້ຉ຺ກໜັກຽຓືໃບຐ຺ຌ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ
27. Didn’t the train arrive at 8 o’clock this morning. ຖ຺ຈແຒຍໍໃແຈ້ຓາຽຊີຄຽທຖາ 8 ຿ຓຄຽຓືໃບຽຆ຺ໄາຌີໄ ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ
ເນ້ຽບ຺າ຃ໍາຽນົ຺ໃາຌີໄ (Who, What, Where, When, Why, How) ຌໍາໜໟາຎະ຿ນງກຉາຓຈໟທງ did
28. Who ate bananas yesterday? ເຏກິຌກໟທງຓືໄທາຌ
I did. ຂໟບງກິຌ
29. What ate bananas yesterday? ຾ຓ່ຌນງັຄກິຌກໟທງຓືໄທາຌ
A monkey did. ຖີຄກິຌ
– ເຆ້ຽຎັຌກໍາ (ເຏ ກັຍ ຾ຓ່ຌນງັຄ ຍໍໃແຈ້ດູ່ໜໟາຎະ຿ນງກ)
30. Who did you see at the party.
I saw Jane. ຂໟບງຽນັຌຽ຅ຌ
31. What did you eat this morning. ຽ຅຺ໄາກິຌນງັຄຓືໄຽຆ຺ໄາຌີໄ
I ate bananas. ຂບໟງກິຌກໟທງ
32. Where did you cook last week. ຽ຅຺ໄາຽປັຈບານາຌຍໞບຌເຈຽຓືໃບບາ຋ິຈ຋ີ຾ຖ້ທ
I cooked in the garage. ຂໟບງຽປັຈບານາຌເຌ຿ປຄຖ຺ຈ
33. When did we clean the house? ຑທກຽປ຺າ ຋ໍາ຃ທາຓຘະບາຈ ຍໟາຌຽຓືໃບເຈ
We cleaned the house last month. ຑທກຽປ຺າ ຋ໍາ຃ທາຓຘະບາຈຍໟາຌ ຽຓືໃບຽຈືບຌ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ
34. How did they dance last night. ຑທກຽຂ຺ໄາ ຽຉັໄຌຖໍາ ຾ຍຍເຈ ຓືໄ຃ືຌ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ
They dance slowly. ຑທກຽຂ຺າຽຉັໄຌຖໍາດ່າຄຆໟາໂ
35. Why did two cats died last year? ຽຎັຌນງັຄ຾ຓທ 2 ຉ຺ທ ຉາງຽຓືໃບຎີ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ
They had nothing to eat. ຑທກຓັຌຍໍໃຓີນງັຄກິຌ
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36. How many computers did he bought last Sunday? ຽຂ຺າ ຆືໄ຃ບຓຑີທຽຉີ຅ັກຽ຃ືໃບຄ ຽຓືໃບທັຌບາ຋ິຈ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ
He bought one computer. ຖາທຆືໄ຃ບຓຑີທຽຉີ 1 ຽ຃ືໃບຄ
37. What time did the train arrive this morning. ຖ຺ຈແຒຓາຽຊີຄ ຽທຖາຽ຋຺ໃາເຈຓືໄຽຆ຺ໄາຌີໄ
It arrived at 8 o’clock. ຓັຌຓາຽຊີຄ ຽທຖາ 8 ຿ຓຄ
Past Continuous Tense
1. I was eating while it was raining. ຂໟບງກໍາຖັຄກິຌຽຂ຺ໄາ ຂະຌະ຋ີໃຐ຺ຌກໍາຖັຄຉ຺ກ
2. As they were reading, I was sleeping. ຂະຌະ຋ີຑທກຽຂ຺າກໍາຖັຄບໞາຌໜັຄຘື ຂໟບງກໍາຖັຄຌບຌນົັຍດູ່
3. We were listening to the radio as he was watching TV? ຑທກຽປ຺າກໍາຖັຄຒັຄທິ຋ະງຸ ຂະຌະ຋ີໃຽຂ຺າກໍາຖັຄຽຍີໃຄ຿຋ຖະ຋ັຈ
4. What were you doing while I was playing football? ຽ຅຺ໄາກໍາຖັຄຽປັຈນງັຄດູ່ ຂະຌະ຋ີໃຂໟບງກໍາຖັຄນົີໄຌ຾ຉະຍາຌ
ເຆ້ຍບກຽນຈກາຌ຋ີໃກໍາຖັຄຽກີຈຂືໄຌ຾ຖະງັຄຍໍໃ຅຺ຍກະຍທຌກາຌ ຾ຉ່ຓີບີກຽນຈກາຌໜືໃຄຽຂ຺ໄາຓາ຾ຆກກາຄ
ໝາງ຃ທາຓທໞາຓັຌຓີຘບຄຽນຈກາຌ ( ຘບຄ tense )
a. was sleeping, arrive b. slept, was arriving
c. was sleeping, arrived d. were sleeping, arrived
຅າກຉ຺ທດ່າຄຈໟາຌຽ຋ີຄໝາງ຃ທາຓທໞາ ( ຂໟບງຌບຌນົັຍ ຑໍຓາຽຊີຄ )
຃ໍາກິຖິງາ຋ີໃຌໍາຓາເຆ້ກັຍ Past Continuous ຉໟບຄຽຎັຌກິຖິງາ຋ີໃຘາຓຈຘະ຾ຄກາຌກະ຋ໍາແຈ້ຈ຺ຌ ຅າກຉ຺ທດ່າຄຂໟາຄຽ຋ີຄຖະນທໞາຄ ຌບຌ ກັຍ
ຓາຽຊີຄ ຾ຓ່ຌນງັຄຽປັຈເນ້ຈ຺ຌກໞທາຈັຌ ຊູກຉໟບຄ ຌບຌຽຎັຌຘີຍຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ ງັຄແຈ້ ຃ໍາກິຖິງາ຋ີໃຘາຓາຈຽປັຈແຈ້ຈ຺ຌ
do, drive, eat, have, read, sing, sit, sleep, swim, teach, write, clean, cook, cry, dance, play, rain, walk, wash,
຃ໍາກິຖິງາ຋ີໃຌໍາຓາເຆ້ກັຍ Past Simple ຘໞທຌນົາງຽຎັຌກິຖິງາ຋ີໃຽກີຈຂືໄຌຽຎຍຈຼທ ຍໍໃຘາຓາຈຽປັຈເຈ້ຈ຺ຌ ຅າກຉ຺ທດ່າຄຂໟາຄຽ຋ີຄຖະນທໞາຄ
ຌບຌ ກັຍ ຓາຽຊີຄ ຾ຓ່ຌນນງັຄຽກີຈຂືໄຌຽຎຍຈຼທ ( ຓາຽຊີຄ ) ຓັຌຽກີຈຑຼຄຽຎຍຈຼທ ຃ໍາກິຖິງາ຋ີໃຍໍໃຘາຓາຈຽປັຈແຈ້ຈ຺ຌ ຽຆັໃຌ take, start,
arrive, see, hear, smell, hit, come, ring, cut
5. I was having dinner when the phone rang. ຂໟບງກໍາຖັຄກິຌຽຂ຺ໄາ຾ຖຄ ຉບຌ຋ີໃ຿຋ຖະຘັຍຈັຄ
6. When the police arrived, we were sleeping. ຽຓືໃບຉໍານົທຈຓາຽຊີຄ ຑທກຽປ຺າກໍາຖັຄຌບຌນົັຍ
7. As we were walking to school, we saw a big elephant. ຂະຌະ຋ີໃຑທກຽປ຺າກໍາຖັຄດ່າຄແຎ຿ປຄປຼຌ ຑທກຽປ຺າຽນັຌຆໟາຄ຿ຉ
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8. While they were reading, they heard a bird singing in the tree. ຂະຌະ຋ີໃຑທກຽຂ຺າກໍາຖັຄບໞາຌໜັຄຘື ຑທກຽຂ຺າແຈ້ງີຌ
9. She was swimming when the shark came. ຖາທກໍາຖັຄຖບງຌໍໄາດູ່ ຽຓືໃບຉບຌ຋ີໃຘະນົາຓຓາ
10. We were washing the car when it started to rain. ຑທກຽປ຺າກໍາຖັຄຖໟາຄຖ຺ຈດູ່ ຉບຌ຋ີໃຐ຺ຌຽຖີໃຓຉ຺ກ
11. She took my book as I was playing football. ຖາທຽບ຺າໜັຄຘືຂໟບງແຎ ຂະຌະ຋ີໃຂໟບງກໍາຖັຄນົີໄຌ຾ຉະຍາຌ
12. A car hit the dog while it was running on the road. ຖ຺ຈ຃ັຌໜືໃຄຆ຺ຌໝາ ຂະຌະ຋ີໃຓັຌກໍາຖັຄ຾ຖ່ຌດູ່ຊະໜ຺ຌ
13. My mom cut her finger while she was cooking. ຾ຓ່ຂບຄຂໟບງຽປັຈຓິຈຍາຈຌີໄທ ຂະຌະ຋ີໃຖາທກໍາຖັຄຽປັຈບານາຌ
14. I was having dinner when the phone rang. ຂໟບງກໍາຖັຄກິຌຽຂ຺ໄາ ຉບຌ຋ີໃ຿຋ຖະຘັຍຈັຄ
15. While I was having dinner, the phone rang. ຂະຌະ຋ີໃຂໟບງກໍາຖັຄກິຌຽຂ຺ໄາ ຿຋ຖະຘັຍກໍຈັຄ
16. When the police arrived, we were sleeping. ຽຓືໃບຉໍານົທຈຓາຽຊີຄ ຑທກຽປ຺າກໍາຖັຄຌບຌນົັຍ
17. The police arrived as we were sleeping. ຉໍານົທກຓາຽຊີຄ ຂະຌະ຋ີໃຑທກຽປ຺າກໍາຖັຄຌບຌນົັຍ
18. As we were walking to school, we saw a big elephant. ຂະຌະ຋ີໃຑທກຽປ຺າກໍາຖັຄດ່າຄແຎ຿ປຄປຼຌ ຑທກຽປ຺າຽນັຌຆໟາຄ
19. We were walking to school when we saw a big elephant. ຑທກຽປ຺າກໍາຖັຄດ່າຄແຎ຿ປຄປຼຌ ຉບຌ຋ີໃຑທກຽປ຺າຽນັຌ
20. I was having dinner when the phone rang. ຂໟບງກໍາຖັຄກິຌຽຂ຺ໄາ຾ຖຄ ຉບຌ຋ີໃ຿຋ຖະຘັຍຈັຄ
21. A: I was having dinner when the phone rang. ຂໟບງກໍາຖັຄກິຌຽຂ຺ໄາ ຉບຌ຋ີໃ຿຋ຖະຘັຍຈັຄ
22. B: While I was having dinner, the phone rang. ຂະຌະ຋ີໃຂໟບງກໍາຖັຄກິຌຽຂ຺ໄາ ຿຋ຖະຘັຍກໍຈັຄ
Past Perfect Tense
ເຆ້ຍບກຽນຈກາຌເຌບາຈິຈ຋ີໃຘີໄຌຘຸຈແຎ຾ຖ້ທ ກໞບຌ຅ະຓີບີກຽນຈກາຌຽຂ຺ໄາຓາ຾ຆກຌໍານົັຄ
ໜາງ຃ທາຓທໞາຓັຌຓີຘບຄຽນຈກາຌ (຃ໟາງ past continuous)
1. I had eaten a pizza before I went to bed. ຂໟບງແຈ້ກິຌຑິຈຆາ ກໞບຌ຋ີໃຂໟບງຽຂ຺ໄາຌບຌ ( ກີຌກໞບຌ )
2. John called me after I had left. ຅ບຌ຿຋ນາຂໟບງ ນົັຄ຅າກ຋ີໃຂໟບງແຈ້ບບກ຅າກຍໟາຌ຾ຖ້ທ ( ຂໟບງບບກ຅າກຍໟາຌກໞບຌ
3. John had called me by the time I left. ຅ບຌແຈ້຿຋ນາຂໟບງ ກໞບຌ຋ີໃຂໟບງບບກ຅າກຍໟາຌ ( ຅ບຌ຿຋ນາກໞບຌ )
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4. When we reached the cinema, all people had gone home. ຽຓືໃບຽປ຺າແຎຽຊີຄ຿ປຄໜັຄ ຃຺ຌແຈ້ກັຍຍໟາຌໝ຺ຈ຾ຖ້ທ ( ຃຺ຌ
ກັຍຍໟາຌກໞບຌ )
5. All people had gone home when we reached the cinema. ຃຺ຌແຈ້ກັຍຍໟາຌໝ຺ຈ຾ຖ້ທ ຽຓືໃບຽປ຺າແຎຽຊີຄ຿ປຄໜັຄ ( ຃຺ຌ
ກັຍຍໟາຌກໞບຌ )
6. We reached the cinema after all people had gone home. ຽປ຺າແຎຽຊີຄ຿ປຄໜັຄ ນົັຄ຅າກ຃຺ຌກັຍຍໟາຌໝ຺ຈ຾ຖ້ທ ( ຃຺ຌ
ກັຍຍໟາຌກໞບຌ )
7. We had reached the cinema before all people went home. ຽປ຺າແຈ້ແຎຽຊີຄໜັຄ ກໞບຌ຃຺ຌກັຍຍໟາຌ ( ແຎຽຊີຄ຿ປຄໜັຄ
ກໞບຌ )
8. He had studied English before he moved to England? ຖາທແຈ້ປຼຌຑາຘາບັຄກິຈ ກໞບຌຖາທງໟາງແຎບັຄກິຈ ( ປຼຌ
ກໞບຌ )
9. They had had dinner before they did homework. ຑທກຽຂ຺າແຈ້ກິຌຽຂ຺ໄາ ກໞບຌຑທກຽຂ຺າຽປັຈທຼກຍໟາຌ ( ກີຌກໞບຌ ) =
ດ່າຄົຄທໞາຽຎັຌນງັຄຓີ had ຘບຄ຿ຉ ຿ຉ຋ີໜືໃຄຽຎັຌກິຖິງາຆໞທງ ຉ຺ທ຋ີຘບຄ ຽຎັຌກິຖິງາ຾຋້ ( ຾ຎທໞາກິຌ )
10. I hadn’t eaten a pizza before went to bed. ຂໟບງຍໍໃແຈ້ກິຌຑິຈຆາ ກໞບຌ຋ີໃຂໟບງຽຂ຺ໄາຌບຌ
11. John had not called me by the time I left. ຅ບຌຍໍໃແຈ້຿຋ນາຂໟບງ ກໞບຌ຋ີໃຂໟບງບບກ຅າກຍໟາຌ
12. He hadn’t studied English before he moved to England? ຖາທຍໍໃແຈ້ປຼຌຑາຘາບັຄກິຈ ກໞບຌຖາທງໟາງແຎບັຄກິ
13. They had never had dinner before they did homework. ຑທກຽຂ຺າຍໍໃຽ຃ີງກິຌຽຂ຺ໄາ ກໞບຌ຋ີໃຑທກຽຂ຺າຽປັຈທຼກຍໟາຌ
14. Had I eaten a pizza before I go to bed? ຂໟບງແຈ້ກິຌຑິຈຆາ ກໞບຌ຋ີໃຂໟບງຽຂ຺ໄາຌບຌ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ
Yes, you had./ No, you hadn’t. ຾ຓ່ຌ / ຍໍໃ຾ຓ່ຌ
15. Had John called me by the time I left. ຅ບຌແຈ້຿຋ນາຂໟບງ ກໞບຌ຋ີໃຂໟບງບບກ຅າກຍໟາຌ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ
Yes, he had./ No, he hadn’t. ຾ຓ່ຌ / ຍໍໃ຾ຓ່ຌ
16. Had all people gone home when we reached the cinema. ຃຺ຌແຈ້ກັຍຍໟາຌໝ຺ຈ຾ຖ້ທ ຽຓືບຽປ຺າແຎຽຊີຄ຿ປຄປຼຌ
Yes, they had./ No, they hadn’t. ຾ຓ່ຌ / ຍໍໃ຾ຓ່ຌ
17. Had he studied English before he moved to England? ຖາທແຈ້ປຼຌຑາຘາບັຄກິຈ ກໞບຌຖາທງໟາງແຎບັຄກິຈ
Yes, he had./ No, he hadn’t. ຾ຓ່ຌ / ຍໍໃ຾ຓ່ຌ
English sentense
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18. Who had called you before we went to the party? ເຏແຈ້຿຋ນາຽ຅຺ໄາ ກໞບຌ຋ີໃຽປ຺າແຎຄາຌຖຼໄຄ
19. Why had you sold your house before you moved to New you? ຽຎັຌນງັຄຽ຅຺ໄາແຈ້ງໟາງຍໟາຌ ກໞບຌ຋ີໃຽ຅຺ໄາງໟາງແຎຌີທ
Past Perfect Continuous Tense
ຽນຈກາຌແຈ້ຽກີຈຂືໄຌ຾ຖ້ທແຖງະຽທຖາໜືໃຄ ຾ຖະ ຅ະຈໍາຽຌີຌຉໍໃຽຌືໃບຄແຎບີກ
1. I had been waiting for the train for three hours before it arrived at the station.
ຂໟບງແຈ້ຊໟາຖ຺ຈແຒຽຎັຌຽທຖາ ( ຉັໄຄ ) 3 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ ກໞບບ຋ີໃຓັຌ຅ະຓາຽຊີຄຘະຊາຌີ
2. When the police arrived, we had been sleeping for five hours.
ຽຓືໃບຉໍານົທຈຓາຽຊີຄ ຑທກຽປ຺າແຈ້ຌບຌນົັຍແຎ຾ຖ້ທ ( ຉັໄຄ ) 5 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ
3. We had been walking for one hour when we saw a small bird.
ຑທກຽປ຺າແຈ້ດ່າຄ ( ຉັໄຄ ) 1 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ ຉບຌ຋ີໃຑທກຽປ຺າຽນັຌຌ຺ກຉ຺ທຌໟບງໂ ຿ຉໜືໃຄ ( ຌ຺ກນາງາກ )
4. Jim had been reading my book for thirty minutes before he returned it to me.
຅ີຓແຈ້ຽບ຺າໜັຄຘືຂໟບງແຎບໞາຌ ( ຉັໄຄ ) 30 ຌາ຋ີ ກໞບຌ຋ີໃຖາທ຅ະ຃ືຌຂໟບງ ( ຃຺ຌຆືໄກັຍຍໍໃແຈ້ບໞາຌກໞບຌ )
5. She had been swimming for two hours when the shark came. ຖາທແຈ້ຖບງຌໍໄານົີໄຌ ( ຉັໄຄ ) 2 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ ຉບຌ຋ີໃຘະ
6. They had been playing football for four hours when it started to rain. ຑທກຽຂ຺າແຈ້ນົີໄ຾ຉະຍາຌ ( ຉັໄຄ ) 4
1. I hadn’t been waiting for the train for three hours before it arrived at the station. I had been
waiting for five hours. ຂໟບງຍໍໃແຈ້ຊໟາຖ຺ຈແຒຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 3 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ (ຌະ) ກໞບຌ຋ີໃຓັຌ຅ະຓາຽຊີຄຘະຊາຌີ ຂໟບງຊໟາຉັໄຄ 5 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ
(ຉໞາຄນາກ )
2. When the police arrived, we had not been sleeping for five hours. We had been sleeping for one
hour only. ຉບຌ຋ີໃຉໍານົທຈຓາຽຊີຄ ຑທກຽປ຺າແຈ້ຌບຌນົັຍແຎ຾ຖ້ທ5ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ ຽປ຺າຌບຌນົັຍຑຼຄຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄຈຼທຽ຋຺ໃາຌັໄຌ
English sentense
Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 15
1. Had you been waiting for the train for three hours before it arrived at the station? ຽ຅຺ໄາແຈ້ຊໟາຖ຺ຈແຒຽຎັຌ
ຽທຖາ ( ຉັໄຄ ) 3 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ ກໞບຌ຋ີໃຓັຌ຅ະຓາຽຊີຄຘະຊາຌີ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ
Yes, I had. / No, I hadn’t. ຾ຓ່ຌ຾ຖ້ທ/ຍໍໃ຾ຓ່ຌ
2. Had we been sleeping for five hours when the police arrived? ຑທກຽປ຺າແຈ້ຌບຌນົັຍແຎ຾ຖ້ທ ( ຉັໄຄ ) 5 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ
Yes, we had. / No, we hadn’t. ຾ຓ່ຌ຾ຖ້ທ/ຍໍໃ຾ຓ່ຌ
1. I ate bananas yesterday. 2. We cleaned the house last month.
3. You cooked dinner for me last week. 4. They danced last night.
5. Two Cats died last year. 6. He bought a computer last Sunday.
7. She gave you her heart last Christmas. 8. It rained heavily last rainy season.
9. The train arrived at 8 o’clock this morning.
1. I was sleeping when you came.
2. We were cleaning the room when it stated to snow.
3. You were walking while they were running.
4. They were cooking when we arrived.
5. Cats were drinking water while dogs were standing.
6. He was watching TV when the phone rang.
7. She was singing while he was dancing.
8. It was raining when we went out.
9. A cat was sleeping as a dog was playing.
English sentense
Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 16
1. I had eaten a pizza before I went to bed.
2. We had reached the cinema before all people went home.
3. They had had dinner before they did homework.
4. John had called me by the time I left.
5. All people had gone home when we reached the cinema.
6. He had studied English before he moved to England?
Perfect Continuous
1. I had been waiting for the train for three hours before it arrived at the station.
2. We had been walking for one hour when we saw a small bird
3. They had been playing football for four hours when it started to rain.
4. When the police arrived, we had been sleeping for five hours..
5. Jim had been reading my book for thirty minutes before he returned it to me.
6. She had been swimming for two hours when the shark came.
1. Did I cook dinner for you last week? 2. Did we clean the house last month?
3. Did you eat bananas yesterday? 4. Did they dance last night?
5. Did two Cats die last year? 6. Did he not buy a computer last Sunday?
7. Did he not give you her heart last Christmas? 8. Didn’t It rain heavily last rainy season?
9. Didn’t the train arrive at 8 o’clock this morning?
Was I sleeping when you came? Was he watching TV when the phone rang?
Was she singing while he was dancing? Was it raining when we went out?
English sentense
Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 17
Was a cat sleeping as a dog was playing? Weren’t you walking while they were running?
Were you not cleaning the room when it stated to snow ? Weren’t they cooking when we arrived?
Were cats not drinking water while dogs were standing?
Had I eaten a pizza before I go to bed? Had John called me by the time I left.
Had all people gone home when we reached the cinema. Had he studied English before he moved to England?
Perfect Continuous
Had you been waiting for the train for three hours before it arrived at the station?
Had we been sleeping for five hours when the police arrived?
I did not eat bananas yesterday. We did not clean the house last month.
You didn’t cook dinner for me last week. They didn’t dance last night.
Two Cats did not die last year. He didn’t buy a computer last Sunday.
Last Christmas, she did not give you her heart. It did not rain heavily last rainy season.
The train didn’t arrive at 8 o’clock this morning.
I wasn’t sleeping when you came. He was not watching TV when the phone rang.
She wasn’t singing while he was dancing. It was not raining when we went out.
A cat wasn’t sleeping as a dog was playing. You weren’t walking while they were running.
We were not cleaning the room when it stated to snow. They weren’t cooking when we arrived.
Cats were not drinking water while dogs were standing.
English sentense
Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 18
I hadn’t eaten a pizza before went to bed. John had not called me by the time I left.
He hadn’t studied English before he moved to England? They had never had dinner before they did homework.
Perfect Continuous
1. I hadn’t been waiting for the train for three hours before it arrived at the station. I had been waiting for five
2. When the police arrived, we had not been sleeping for five hours. We had been sleeping for one hour only.
ຍ຺ຈ຋ີ 3
Future Simple Tense
1. She will probably leave next month ຖາທບາຈ຅ະແຎຽຈືບຌໜໟາ
2. I think you will win this game. ຂໟບງ຃ິຈທໞາ ຽ຅຺ໄາ຅ະຆະຌະຽກຓຌີໄ
3. I’m sure he will go with us. ຂໟບງໜັໄຌເ຅ທໞາຖາທ຅ະແຎກັຍຽປ຺າ
4. I don’t know when she will come back. ຂໟບງຍໍໃປູ້ ຽຓືໃບເຈຖາທ຅ະກັຍຓາ
5. I will go to school tomorrow. ຂໟບງ຅ະແຎ຿ປຄປຼຌຓືໄບືໃຌ
6. You will eat papaya salad tonight. ຽ຅຺ໄາ຅ະກິຌຉໍາໝາກງຸ່ຄ຃ືຌຌີໄ
7. He will clean the car next week. ຖາທ຅ະຖໟາຄຖ຺ຈບາ຋ິຈໜໟາ
8. She will buy a bike next month. ຖາທ຅ະຆືໄຖ຺ຈຊີຍຽຈືບຌໜໟາ
9. It will snow next season. ນີຓະ຅ະຉ຺ກຖະຈູໜໟາ
10. We will fly to London next Monday. ຽປ຺າ຅ະຍິຌແຎຖບຌຈບຌທັຌທັຌ຅ັຌໜໟາ
11. They will teach English next semester. ຑທກຽຂ຺າ຅ະຘບຌຑາຘາບັຄກິຈຽ຋ີຓໜໟາ
12. I will send this letter to Jane. ຂໟບງ຅ະຘ຺ໃຄ຅຺ຈໝາງແຎນາຽ຅ຌ
13. I will call you when I arrive. ຂໟບງ຅ະ຿຋ນາຽ຅຺ໄາຽຓືໃບຂໟບງຓາຽຊີຄ
14. I will not go to school tomorrow. ຂໟບງ຅ະຍໍໃແຎ຿ປຄປຼຌຓືໄບືໃຌ
15. You won’t eat papaya salad tonight. ຽ຅຺ໄາ຅ະຍໍໃກິຌຉໍາໝາກງຸ່ຄ຃ືຌຌີໄ
English sentense
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16. He will not clean the car next week. ຖາທ຅ະຍໍໃຖໟາຄຖ຺ຈບາ຋ິຈໜໟາ
17. She won’t buy a bike next month. ຖາທ຅ະຍໍໃຆືໄຖ຺ຈຊີຍຽຈືບຌໜໟາ
18. It will not snow next season. ນີຓະ຅ະຍໍໃຉ຺ກຖະຈູໜໟາ
19. We won’t fly to London next Monday. ຑທກຽປ຺າ຅ະຍໍໃຍີຌແຎຖບຌຈບຌທັຌ຅ັຌໜໟາ
20. They will not teach English next semester. ຑທກຽຂ຺າ຅ະຍໍໃຘບຌຑາຘາບັຄກິຈຽ຋ີຓໜໟາ
21. Will I go to school tomorrow? ຂໟບງ຅ະແຎ຿ປຄປຼຌຓືໄບືໃຌຌີໄ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ
Yes, you will./ No, you won’t.຾ຓ່ຌ / ຍໍໃ຾ຓ່ຌ
22. Will you eat papaya salad tonight? ຽ຅຺ໄາ຅ະກິຌຉໍາໝາກງຸ່ຄ຃ືຌຌີໄ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ
Yes, I will. / No, I wont ຾ຓ່ຌ / ຍໍໃ຾ຓ່ຌ
23. Will he not clean the car next week? ຖາທ຅ະຍໍໃຖໟາຄຖ຺ຈບາ຋ິຈໜໟາ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ
Yes, he will. / No, he wont. ຾ຓ່ຌ / ຍໍໃ຾ຓ່ຌ
24. Will she not buy a bike next month? ຖາທ຅ະຍໍໃຆືໄຖ຺ຈຊີຍຽຈືບຌໜໟາ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ
Yes, she will. / No, she wont. ຾ຓ່ຌ / ຍໍໃ຾ຓ່ຌ
25. Won’t it snow next season? ນີຓະ຅ະຍໍໃຉ຺ກຖະຈູໜໟາ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ
Yes, it will. / No, it wont. ຾ຓ່ຌ / ຍໍໃ຾ຓ່ຌ
26. Won’t we fly to London next Monday? ຑທກຽປ຺າ຅ະຍໍໃຍີຌແຎຖບຌຈບຌທັຌ຅ັຌໜໟາ ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ
Yes, it will. / No, it wont. ຾ຓ່ຌ / ຍໍໃ຾ຓ່ຌ
27. Won’t they teach English next semester? ຑທກຽຂ຺າ຅ະຍໍໃຘບຌຑາຘາບັຄກິຈຽ຋ີຓໜໟາ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ
Yes, they will. / No, they wont. ຾ຓ່ຌ / ຍໍໃ຾ຓ່ຌ
Future Continuous Tense
ເຆ້ກໞາທຽຊີຄຽນຈກາຌ຋ີໃກໍາຖັຄ຅ະຽກີຈຂືໄຌເຌບາຌາ຃຺ຈ ໝາງຽຊີຄທໞາ ຆໞທຄຽທຖາໜືໃຄເຌບາຌາ຃຺ຈ ກໍາຖັຄ຅ະຽປັຈຍາຄດ່າຄດູ່ຆືາຄຈ຺ຌໂ ຌາຌນົາງກໞທາ
຅ະຽທ຺ໄາ຋ີໜືໃຄ ເຌ຋ີໃຌີໄຽປ຺າງ຺ກຉ຺ທດ່າຄຘບຄ຾ຍຍ ຃ື ຓີຽນຈກາຌຈຼທ ຾ຖະ ຓີ ຘບຄຽນຈກາຌຽກີຈຂືໄຌແຖ່ຖຼຄກັຌ
ຽນຈກາຌຈຼທ ຘໞທຌນົາງ຅ະຖະຍຸຽທຖາເຌບາຌາ຃຺ຈຈໟທງ
1. I will be reading books at 8 o’clock tomorrow. ຂໟບງ຅ະກໍາຖັຄບໞາຌໜັຄຘືຽທຖາ 8 ຿ຓຄ ຓືບືໃຌ
2. At nine o’clock tomorrow, we will be working on farm. ຓືໄບືໃຌຽທຖາ 9 ຿ຓຄ ຑທກຽປ຺າ຅ະກໍາຖັຄຽປັຈທຼກເຌຒາຓ
຾ຍຍ຋ີຘບຄຽນຈກາຌ Time Line (ຽນຈກາຌ຋ີໃກໍາຖັຄຽກີຈຂືໄຌເຆ້ Future Continuous ບິກຽນຈກາຌໜືໃຄເຆ້ Present Simple)
3. She will be waiting when you arrive. ຖາທ຅ະກໍາຖັຄຊໟາຽຓືໃບຽ຅຺ໄາຓາຽຊີຄ
( ໝາງ຃ທາຓທໞາ ຽຓືໃບຽປ຺າຓາຽຊີຄ ຽ຅຺ໄາ຅ະຽນັຌຖາທກໍາຖັຄຊໟາດູ່ )
English sentense
Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 20
4. I will be sleeping when my mom gets home. ຂໟບງ຅ະກໍາຖັຄຌບຌນົັຍດູ່ ຉບຌ຋ີໃ຾ຓ່ຓາຽຊີຄ
5. I will be sleeping when my mom gets home. ຂໟບງ຅ະກໍາຌບຌນົັຍດູ່ ຉບຌ຋ີໃ຾ຓ່ຓາຽຊີຄ
຃ທາຓ຾ຉກຉໞາຄຖະນທໞາຄ Future Simple ກັຍ Future Continuous
6. I will watch TV to morrow morning. ຂໟບງ຅ະຽຍີໃຄ຿຋ຖະ຋ັຈຓືໄບືໃຌຽຆ຺ໄາ
7. I will be watching TV to morrow morning. ຂໟບງ຅ະກໍາຖັຄຽຍີໃຄ຿຋ຖະ຋ັຈຓືໄບືໃຌຽຆ຺ໄາ
8. I won’t be watching TV tomorrow morning. ຂໟບງ຅ະກໍາຖັຄຽຍີຄ຿຋ຖະ຋ັຈ ຓືໄບືໃຌຽຆ຺ໄາ
9. Will you be watching TV to morrow morning. ຽ຅຺ໄາ຅ະກໍາຖັຄຽຍີໃຄ຿຋ຖະ຋ັຈ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ ຓືໄບືໃຌຽຆ຺ໄາ
Yes, I will. / No, I won’t. ຾ຓ່ຌ / ຍໍໃ຾ຓ່ຌ
10. What will you be doing when your mom gets home? ຽ຅຺ໄາ຅ະກໍາຖັຄຽປັຈນງັຄດູ່ ຉບຌ຋ີໃ຾ຓ່ຂບຄຽ຅຺ໄາຓາຽຊີຄ
11. I‘ll be watching TV. ຂໟບງ຅ະກໍາຖັຄຽຍີຄ຿຋ຖະ຋ັຈ
Future Perfect Tense
ເຆ້ກໞາທຽຊີຄຽນຈກາຌ຋ີໃ຅ະຽປັຈຘໍາຽຖັຈຘ຺ຓຍູຌ ເຌຽທາຖໜືໃຄເຌບາຌາ຃຺ຈ
຾ຍຍຓີຽນຈກາຌຈຼທ ຘໞທຌນົາງ຅ະຖະຍຸຽທຖາເຌບາຌາ຃຺ຈຈໟທງ ຽຆັໃຌ:
1. I will have eaten breakfast at 8 o’clock tomorrow. ຂໟບງ຅ະກິຌຽຂ຺ໄາຽຆ຺ໄາປບງປໟບງ຾ຖ້ທ ຽທຖາ 8 ຿ຓຄ ຓືໄບືໃຌຌີໄ
2. Tomorrow morning, we will have finished our project. ຓືໄບືໃຌຽຆ຺ໄາ ຑທກຽປ຺າ຅ະຈໍາຽຌີຌ຿຃ຄກາຌຂບຄຑທກຽປ຺າຘໍາຽຖັຈ
຾ຍຍຓີຘບຄຽນກາຌ (ຽນຈກາຌ຋ີໃຘໍາຽຖັຈຘ຺ຓຍູຌ຾ຖ້ທເຆ້ Future Perfect ບິກຽນຈກາຌໜືໃຄເຆ້ Present Simple)
3. She will have gone when you arrive. ຖາທ ( ຃຺ຄ ) ຅ະແຎ຾ຖ້ທ ຽຓືໃບຽ຅຺ໄາຓາຽຊີຄ )
4. I will have cleaned the floor when my mom gets home. ຂໟບງ ( ຃຺ຄ ) ຅ະ຋ໍາ຃ທາຓຘະບາຈຑືໄຌປຼຌປຼຍປໟບງ຾ຖ້ທ
5. When we get to the station, the train will have left. ຽຓືບຽປ຺າແຎຽຊີຄຘະຊາຌີ ຖ຺ຈແຒ ( ຃຺ຄ ) ຅ະບບກແຎ຾ຖ້ທ
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6. I will have studied English for ten months next month. ຂໟບງ຅ະແຈ້ປຼຌຑາຘາບັຄກິຈຽຎັຌຽທຖາຘີຍຽຈືບຌ ( ຌັຍຽຊີຄ )
຃ທາຓ຾ຉກຉໞາຄຖະນທໞາຄ Future Continuous ກັຍ Future Perfect
7. I will be eating rice when you arrive. ຂໟບງ຅ະກໍາຖັຄກິຌຽຂ຺ໄາດູ່ຽຓືໃບຽ຅຺ໄາຓາຽຊີຄ
8. I will have eaten rice when you arrive. ຂໟບງ(຃຺ຄ)຅ະກິຌຽຂ຺ໄາປຼຍປໟບງ຾ຖ້ທຽຓືໃບຽ຅຺ໄາຓາຽຊີຄ
ຘ຺ຓຓຸຈທໞາຽປ຺າຌັຈຽຑືໃບຌແຎ຋ໞຼທ ຾ຖ້ທຽຑືໃບຌຍບກທໞາ ຎະຓາຌຽ຅ັຈ຿ຓຄຽຆ຺ໄາຌະ຅ະຓາປັຍ
9. ຊໟາຽທ຺ໄາທໞາ I will be eating rice when you arrive. ຅ະໝາງ຃ທາຓທໞາ ຽທຖາຌີໄຽຎັຌຽທຖາກິຌຽຂ຺ໄາຽຆ຺ໄາຂບຄຂໟບງ ຊໟາຖາທຓາກໍຊໟາ
10. ຾ຉ່ຊໟາຍບກຽຑືໃບຌທໞາ I will have eaten rice when you arrive. ໝາງ຃ທາຓທໞາ ຽທຖາຌີໄຂບຄ຋ຸກທັຌຂໟບງກິຌຽຂ຺ໄາ຾ຖ້ທປຼຍ
11. I won’t have finished my project tomorrow morning. ຂໟບງ ( ຃຺ຄ ) ຅ະຍໍໃຈໍາຽຌີຌ຿຃ຄກາຌຂບຄຂໟບງຘໍາຽຖັຈ ຓືໄບືໃຌຽຆ຺ໄາ
12. Will you have finished your project tomorrow morning? ຽ຅຺ໄາ ( ຃຺ຄ ) ຈໍາຽຌີຌ຿຃ຄກາຌຂບຄຽ຅຺ໄາຘໍາຽຖັຈ ຓືໄບືໃຌຽຆ຺ໄາ຾ຓ່ຌ
Yes, I will. / No, I won’t. ຾ຓ່ຌ/ຍໍໃ຾ຓ່ຌ
Future Perfect Continuous Tense
.ເຆ້ກໞາທຽຊີຄຽນຈກາຌເຌບະຌາ຃຺ຈ ຋ີໃແຈ້ຽປັຈແຎ຾ຖ້ທຽຎັຌແຖງະໜືໃຄ ຾ຖະ ກໍາຖັຄຽປັຈດູ່
຾ຍຍຓີຽນຈກາຌຈຼທ ຘໞທຌນົາງ຅ະຖະຍຸຽທຖາເຌບະຌາ຃຺ຈຈໟທງຽຆັໃຌ
1. I will have been eating breakfast for 30 minutes at 8 o’clock tomorrow. ຂໟບງ຅ະແຈ້ກໍາຖັຄກິຌຽຂ຺ໄາຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 30
ຌາ຋ີ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ ເຌ ຽທຖາ 8 ຿ຓຄ ຓືໄບືໃຌ
2. At 10 o’clock tomorrow, we will have been working on farm for two hours. ຽທຖາ 10 ຿ຓຄຓືໄບືໃຌ ຑທກຽປ຺າ຅ະ
ແຈ້ກໍາຖັຄຽປັຈທຼກເຌຒາຓ ຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 2 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ຾ຖ້ທ
຾ຍຍຓີຘບຄຽນຈກາຌ( ຽນຈກາຌ຋ີໃແຈ້ຈໍາຽຌີຌຓາ຾ຖ້ທແຖງະໜືໃຄເຆ້ Future Perfect Continuous ບິກຽນຈກາຌໜືໃຄເຆ້ Present
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3. You will have been waiting for two hours when the plane arrives. ຽ຅຺ໄາກໍາຖັຄ຅ະແຈ້ຊໟາ ຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 2 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄຽຓືໃບ
4. They will have been sleeping for three hours by the time their parents get home. ຑທກຽຂ຺າກໍາຖັຄ຅ະແຈ້
ຌບຌນົັຍຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 3 ຂ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ ຉບຌ຋ີໃຑໍໃ຾ຓ່ຂບຄຑທກຽຂ຺າຓາຽຊີຄ
ເຆ້ກໞາທຽຊີຄຽນຈກາຌເຌບາຌາ຃຺ຈ ຋ີໃ຅ະແຈ້ຽປັຈແຎ຾ຖ້ທຽຎັຌແຖງະຽທຖາໜືໃຄ ຾ຖະ ກໍາຖັຄຽປັຈດູ່
຾ຍຍຓີຽນຈກາຌຈຼທ ຘໞທຌນົາງ຅ະຖະຍຸຽທາຖເຌບາຌາ຃຺ຈຈໟທງຽຆັໃຌ
5. I will have been eating breakfast for 30 minutes at 8 o’clock tomorrow. ຂໟບງ຅ະແຈ້ກໍາຖັຄກິຌຽຂ຺ໄາຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 30
ຌາ຋ິ຾ຖ້ທ ເຌຽທຖາ 8 ຿ຓຄ ຓືໄບືໃຌ
6. At 10 o’clock tomorrow, we will have been working on farm for two hours. ຽທຖາ 10 ຿ຓຄ ຓືໄບືໃຌ ຑທກຽປ຺າ຅ະ
ແຈ້ກໍາຖັຄຽປັຈທຼກເຌຒາຓ ຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 2 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ຾ຖ້ທ
຾ຍຍຓີຘບຄຽນຈກາຌ ( ຽນຈກາຌ຋ີໃແຈ້ຈໍາຽຌີຌຓາ຾ຖ້ທແຖງະໜືໃຄເຆ້ Future Perfect Continuous ບີກຽນຈກາຌໜືໃຄເຆ້
Present Simple)
7. You will have been waiting for two hours when the plane arrives. ຽ຅຺ໄາ຅ະແຈ້ກໍາຖັຄ ຊໟາຽຎັຌຽທຖາຘບຄຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ
8. They will have been sleeping for three hours by the time their parents get home. ຑທກຽຂ຺າ຅ະແຈ້ກໍາຖັຄ
ຌບຌນົັຍຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 3 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ ຉບຌ຋ີໃຑໍໃ຾ຓ່ຂບຄຑທກຽຂ຺າຓາຽຊີຄ
9. I will have been studying English for ten months next month. ຂໟບງ຅ະແຈ້ກໍາຖັຄປຼຌຑາຘາບັຄກິຈຽຎັຌຽທຖາຘີຍ
ຽຈືບຌ ( ຌັຍຽຊີຄ ) ຽຈືບຌໜໟາ
຃ທາຓ຾ຉກຉໞາຄຖະນທໞາຄ Future Continuous ກັຍ Future Perfect Continuous.
10. I will be eating rice when you arrive. ຂໟບງ຅ະກໍາຖັຄກິຌຂໟາທດູ່ ຽຓືໃບຽ຅຺ໄາຓາຽຊີຄ
11. I will have been eating rice for 30 minutes when you arrive. ຂໟບງ຃ບ຺ຄ຅ະແຈ້ກໍາຖັຄກິຌຽຂ຺ໄາ຾ຖ້ທຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 30
ຌາ຋ີ ຽຓືໃບຽ຅຺ໄາຓາຽຊີຄ
12. I won’t have been waiting for you for 3 hours when you arrive. ຂໟບງ຅ະຍໍໃແຈ້ກໍາຖັຄຊໟາຽ຅຺ໄາ ຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 3 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ
English sentense
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13. Will you have been waiting for me for two hours when I arrive? ຽ຅຺ໄາ຅ະຍໍໃກໍາຖັຄຊໟາຂໟບງຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 2 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ ຽຓືໃບ
Yes, I will. / No, I won’t. ຾ຓ່ຌ / ຍໍໃ຾ຓ່ຌ
14. How long will you have been waiting for me when I arrive? 3 hours. ຽ຅຺ໄາ຅ະແຈ້ກໍາຖັຄຊໟາຂໟບງຽຎັຌຽທຖາ຅ັກ
ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ ຽຓືໃບຂໟບງຓາຽຊີຄ. 3 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ
She will probably leave next month. I think you will win this game.
I’m sure he will go with us. I don’t know when she will come back.
I will go to school tomorrow. You will eat papaya salad tonight.
He will clean the car next week. She will buy a bike next month.
It will snow next season. We will fly to London next Monday.
They will teach English next semester. I will send this letter to Jane.
I will call you when I arrive.
I will be reading books at 8 o’clock tomorrow. At nine o’clock tomorrow, we will be working on farm.
She will be waiting when you arrive. I will be sleeping when my mom gets home.
I will be sleeping when my mom gets home. I will be watching TV tomorrow morning.
I will have eaten breakfast at 8 o’clock tomorrow. Tomorrow morning, we will have finished our project.
She will have gone when you arrive. I will have cleaned the floor when my mom gets home.
When we get to the station, the train will have left. I will have cleaned the floor when my mom gets home.
I will have studied English for ten months next month. How long have you studied English?
I will have studied English for ten months next month. I have studied English for nine month
I will have studied English for ten months next month.
English sentense
Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 24
Perfect Continuous
I will have been eating breakfast for 30 minutes at 8 o’clock tomorrow.
At 10 o’clock tomorrow, we will have been working on farm for two hours.
You will have been waiting for two hours when the plane arrives.
They will have been sleeping for three hours by the time their parents get home.
They will have been sleeping for three hours by the time their parents get home.
I will have been studying English for ten months next month.
I will have been eating rice for 30 minute when you arrive.
Will I go to school tomorrow? Will you eat papaya salad tonight?
Will he not clean the car next week? Will she not buy a bike next month
Won’t it snow next season? Won’t we fly to London next Monday?
Won’t they teach English next semester?
Will you be watching TV Tomorrow morning.
What will you be doing when your mom gets home? I‘ll be watching TV.
Will you have finished your project tomorrow morning?
English sentense
Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 25
I will not go to school tomorrow. You won’t eat papaya salad tonight.
He will not clean the car next week. She won’t buy a bike next month.
It will not snow next season. We won’t fly to London next Monday.
They will not teach English next semester.
I won’t be watching TV tomorrow morning.
I will not have finished my project tomorrow morning.
Perfect Continuous
I will not have been waiting for you for 3 hours when you arrive.
English conversations
1. What’s your name? ຽ຅຺ໄາຆືໃນງັຄ
2. What’s your surname/family name? ຌາຓຘະກຸຌຽ຅຺ໄາ຾ຓ່ຌນງັຄ
3. What’s you first name? ຆືໃ຅ີຄຂບຄຽ຅຺ໄາ຾ຓ່ຌນງັຄ
4. Where are you from?/where do you come from? ຽ຅຺ໄາຓາ຅າກເຘ
5. I’m from……./ I come from…….. ຂໟບງຓາ຅າກ
6. What’s your address? ຋ີໃດູ່ຂບຄຽ຅຺ໄາ຾ຓ່ຌດູ່ເຘ
7. Where do you live? ຽ຅຺ໄາບາເຘດູ່ເຘ
8. I live in Laos ຂໟບງບາເຘດູ່ຎະຽ຋ຈຖາທ
9. How old are you? ຽ຅຺ໄາບາງຸຽ຋຺ໃາເຈ
10. I’m 20 years old ຂໟບງບາງຸ 20 ຎີ
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11. Where were you born? ຽ຅຺ໄາຽກິຈຽຓືໃບເຈ
12. I was born in ….. ຂໟບງຽກີຈເຌຎີ
13. Are you married? ຽ຅຺ໄາ຾ຉ່ຄຄາຌ຾ຖ້ທຍໍ
14. What’s your phone number? ໝາງຽຖກ຿຋ຖະຘັຍຽ຅຺ໄາ຾ຓ່ຌນງັຄ
15. What do you do? / what’s your job? ຽ຅຺ໄາຽປັຈທຼກນງັຄ
16. Can you speak Lao ຽ຅຺ໄາຽທ຺ໄາຑາຘາຖາທແຈ້ຍໍ
17. How do you do. Nice to meet you. ຽຎັຌ຾ຌທເຈ. ງິຌຈີ຋ີໃປູ້຅ັກ
18. How are you? ຽ຅຺ໄາຘະຍາງຈີຍໍ
19. Fine .thanks. and you? ຘະຍາງຈີ ຂບຍເ຅ ຾ຖະ ຽ຅຺ໄາຽຈ
20. May I help you? ຅ະເນ້ຂໟບງຆໞທງນງັຄຍໍ
21. Can I try it on ? ຂໟບງຖບຄເຘ່ແຈ້ຍໍ
22. How much does it cost ? / how much is it ? ຖາ຃າຽ຋຺ໃາເຈ
23. What’s that? ຌັໄຌ຾ຓ່ຌນງັຄ
24. What time is it ? ຅ັກ຿ຓຄ຾ຖ້ທ
25. Are there any apples? ຓີຽບັຍຽຎີໄຌ຾ຌ່ຍໍ
26. Whose is this? ບັຌຌີໄ຾ຓ່ຌຂບຄເຏ
27. What do you like to do? ຽ຅຺ໄາຓັກຽປັຈນງັຄ
28. I like playing basketball ຂໟບງຓັກນົີໄຌຍາຈຘະຽກັຈຍບຌ
29. What does it mean ? ຓັຌໝາງ຃ທາຓທໞາ຾ຌທເຈ
30. I don’t understand ຂໟບງຍໍໃຽຂ຺ໄາເ຅
31. Say again please ຽທ຺ໄາບີກຽ຋ືໃບແຈ້ຍໍ
32. Where is the toilet ? ນໟບຄຌໍໄາດູ່ເຘ
33. I lost my phone ຂໟບງຽປັຈ຿຋ຖະຘັຍຽຘງ
34. I’m lost ຂໟບງນົ຺ຄ຋າຄ
35. Do you want some coffee? ດາກແຈ້ກາຽຒຍໍ
36. How was your weekend? ທັຌນງຸຈຽຎັຌ຾ຌທເຈ
37. I’m tired ຂໟບງຽຓືບງ
38. Let’s go to the mall ແຎນໟາຄກັຌຽ຋າະ
39. I don’t want to go ຂໟບງຍໍໃງາກແຎ
40. What are you going to do tomorrow? ຽ຅຺ໄາ຅ະຽປັຈນງັຄເຌທັຌນງຸຈຌີໄ
41. Did you sleep well ? ຽ຅຺ໄາຌບຌນົັຍຘະຍາງຍໍ
42. Brush your teeth ແຎຊູ຾ຂ້ທ
43. Wash your face ຖໟາຄໜໟາ
44. Put on your clothes ເຘ່ຽຘືໄບຏໟາ
45. Do you need help? ເນ້ຆໞທງຍໍ
46. Do you want more ? ຽບ຺າຽຑີໄຓບີກຍໍ
47. Tidy up, please ຽກັຍຂບຄຈໟທງຌະ
48. I’m done ຽປັຈຘໍາຽຖັຈ຾ຖ້ທ
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49. Please come over her. ກະຖຸງາຓາຍໞບຌຌີໄ
50. Have a good trip ຂໍເນ້ຽຈີຌ຋າຄຈໟທງ຃ທາຓຘະຍັຈຈີຑາຍ
51. Can you repeat that? ຽທ຺ໄາຆໍໄາບີກຽ຋ືໃບໜືໃຄແຈ້ຽຍາະ
52. Go right ahead./ Go straight ຉ຺ຄແຎຂໟາຄໜໟາ
53. Turn left / right ຖໟຼທຆໟາງ, ຖໟຼທຂທາ
54. Don’t be late ດ່າຓາຆໟາຽຈີ
55. You are late / early ຽ຅຺ໄາຓາຆໟາ / ແທ
56. Absolutely not / no way ນໟາຓຽຈັຈຂາຈ / ຍໍໃຓີ຋າຄ
57. Happy Anniversary ຘຸກຘັຌທັຌ຃຺ຍປບຍ
58. It’s too much ຓັຌນົາງກາຌແຎ
59. Can I have some more? ຂໍບີກແຈ້ຍໍ
60. Wait a minute ຾ຎຍໜືໃຄ
61. What do you want? ຽ຅຺ໄາດາກແຈ້ນງັຄ
62. Absolutely not ຍໍໃດ່າຄ຾ຌ່ຌບຌ
63. Are you coming with me ? ຽ຅຺ໄາ຅ະຓາກັຍຂໟບງນທາ
64. Are we almost there? ຑທກຽປ຺າແກ້຅ະຽຊີຄ຋ີໃຌັໄຌແຈ້ນທາ
65. As soon as possible ແທ຋ີໃຘຸຈຽ຋຺ໃາ຋ີໃ຅ະຽຎັຌແຎແຈ້
66. Believe me ຅຺ໃຄຽຆືໃບຂໟບງ
67. Come with me ຓາກັຍຂໟບງ
68. Congratulations ງິຌຈີຈໟທງ
69. Do it right ຽປັຈເນ້ຊືກຉໟບຄຌະ
70. Do you mean it ? ຽ຅຺ໄາໝາງ຃ທາຓທໞາ຾ຌທຌັໄຌ຾ຓ່ຌນທາ
71. Do you want Something? ຽ຅຺ໄາຉໟບຄກາຌບັຌເຈບັຌໜືໃຄ຅ັກດ່າຄຍໍ
72. Don’t do it ດ່າຄຽປັຈ຾ຍຍຌັໄຌ
73. Don’t exaggerate ດ່າ຿ບຽທີຌະ, ດ່າຽທ຺ໄາກທຌ຅ີຄນົາງ
74. Don’t tell me that ດ່າຍບກກັຍຂໟບງ຾ຍຍຌັໄຌຌະ
75. Go right ahead ກ຺ຄແຎຽຖີງ຋າຄໜໟາ
76. Have a good trip ຂໍເນ້ຽຈີຌ຋າຄຈໟທງ຃ທາຓຎບຈແຑ຅ະ
77. Have a nice day ຂໍເນ້ຽຎັຌທັຌ຋ີໃຈີຌະ
78. Have another one ຽບ຺າບິກບັຌໜືໃຄ຾ຓ
79. Have you finished? ຾ຖ້ທໂຍໍ
80. He doesn’t have time ຖາທຍໍໃຓີຽທຖາ
81. He’s on his way ຖາທກໍາຖັຄຽຈີຌ຋າຄ
82. How are you doing? ຽ຅຺ໄາຽຎັຌ຾ຌທເຈ
83. How long are you staying ? ຽ຅຺ໄາ຅ະຑັກຈ຺ຌຎາຌເຈ
84. I am crazy about her ຂໟບງຓັກຖາທນ຺ທຎັກນ຺ທຎັໃຌ
85. I am wasting my time ຂໟບງກໍາຖັຄຽຘງຽທຖາຂບຄຂໟບງເຈ
86. I can’t believe it ຂໟບງທໞາດາກ຅ະຽຆືໃບ
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87. I can’t wait ຂໟບງຊໟາຍໍໃແນທ຾ຖ້ທ
88. I don’t have time ຂໟບງຍໍໃຓີຽທຖາ
89. I don’t know anybody ຂໟບງຍໍໃປູ້ເຏຽຖີງ
90. I don’t like it ຂໟບງຍໍໃແຈ້ຓັກຓັຌ
91. I don’t think so ຂໟບງຍໍໃແຈ້຃ິຈແຎ຾ຌທຌັໄຌເຈ
92. I feel much better ຂໟບງປູ້ຘຶກຈີຂືໄຌ຾ຖ້ທ
93. I found it ຂໟບງຑ຺ຍຓັຌ຾ຖ້ທ
94. I hate you ຂໟບງຆັຄຽ຅຺ໄາ
95. I see ຽຂ຺ໄາເ຅ຖະ
96. I think so ຂໟບງຍໍໃແຈ້຃ິຈ຾ຌທຌັໄຌເຈ
97. I want to speak with him ຂໟບງຉໟບຄກາຌຽທ຺ໄາກັຍຖາທ
98. I won ຂໟບງຆະຌະ຾ຖ້ທ
99. I would like a cup of coffee ຂໟບງຉໟບຄກາຌກະຽຒໜືໃຄ຅ບກ
100.I am hungry ຂໟບງນີທ
101.I am leaving ຂໟບງ຅ະແຎ຾ຖ້ທ
102.I am used to it ຂໟບງຆິຌ຾ຖ້ທ,ຂໟບງຖືໄຄຽຖີງ
103.I will miss you ຂໟບງ຅ະ຃ິຈປບຈຽ຅຺ໄາຌະ
104.I will try ຂໟບງ຅ະຑະງາງາຓ
105.I am bored ຂໟບງປູ້ຘຶກຽຍືໃບ
106.I am having fun ຂໟບງກໍາຖັຄຓໞທຌ
107.I am ready ຂໟບງຑໟບຓ຾ຖ້ທ
108.I have got it ຂໟບງຓີຓັຌຌະ
109.It’s incredible ຓັຌໜໟາຽນົືບຽຆືໃບແຎຽຖີງ
110.Is it far? ຓັຌແກນທາ
111.It doesn’t matter ດ່າຄຓັຌຽ຋າະ
112.It smells good ຓັຌນບຓຌະ
113.It’s about time ແຈ້ທຖາຖະ
114.It’s all right ຍໍໃຎັຌນງັຄ
115.It’s easy , it’s good ຓັຌຄໞາງ , ຓັຌຈີ
116.It’s near hear ຓັຌແກ້ກັຍ຋ີໃຌີໄ
117.It’s nothing ຍໍໃຓີນງັຄ
118.It’s time to go ປບຈຽທຖາແຎ຾ຖ້ທ
119.It’s different ຓັຌ຾ຉກຉໞາຄຌະ
120.It’s impossible ຓັຌຽຎັຌແຎຍໍໃແຈ້
121.It’s not bad ຓັຌຍໍໃແຈ້ຈີ
122.It’s not difficult ຍໍໃແຈ້ງາກ
123.It’s not worth it ຓັຌຍໍໃ຃ຸ້ຓ
124.It’s obvious ຓັຌຆັຈດູ່຾ຖ້ທ
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125.It’s the same thing ຓັຌກະຽໝືບຌກັຌນັຌຖະ
126.It’s your turn ປບຈ຋ີຽ຅຺ໄາຖະ
127.Me too ຂໟບງຈໟທງ
128.She’s my best friend ຖາທຽຎັຌຽຑືໃບຌຘະຌິຈຂບຄຂໟບງ
129.She’s so smart ຖາທຘະນົາຈນົາງ
130.Slow down ຆໟາຖ຺ຄ
131.That happens ດ່າຄຌັໄຌຽກີຈຂືໄຌແຈ້ດູ່຾ຖ້ທ
132.That’s enough ຑໍຽຊີໄ
133.That’s interesting ຌັໄຌ຾ຓ່ຌໜໟາຘ຺ຌເ຅ຌະ
134.That’s right ເຆ້ຽຖີງ
135.That’s true ຊືກຉໟບຄ຾ຖ້ທ
136.There are too many people ຓີ຃຺ຌນົາງຽກີຌແຎ
137.They like each other ຑທກຽຂ຺າຓັກກັຌ
138. Think about it ຃ິຈຽຍີໃຄຌະ
139. What did you say? ຽ຅້າຽທ຺ໄາທໞານງັຄຌະ
140. What do you think ? ຽ຅຺ໄາ຃ີຈທໞາ຾ຌທເຈ
141. What is he talking about ? ຖາທກໍາຖັຄຽທ຺ໄາຽຊີຄນງັຄ
142. What terrible weather ບາກາຈຍໍໃຈີ
143. What’s going on? ຽກີຈນງັຄຂືຌ
144. What’s the date today ຓືໄຌີໄທັຌ຋ີນງັຄ
145. You are impatient ຽ຅຺ໄາຌະເ຅ປໟບຌ
146. You look tired ຽຍີໃຄຽ຅຺ໄາຽຓືບງໂ
147. You surprise me ຽ຅຺ໄາຽປັຈເນ້ຂໟບງຎະນົາຈເ຅
148. You’re in a bad mood ຽ຅຺ໄາກໍາຖັຄບາຖ຺ຓຍໍໃຈີ
149. You are lying ຽ຅຺ໄາກໍາຖັຄ຿ກນ຺ກ ( ນົບກຖທຄ )
150. You’re wrong ຽ຅຺ໄາຏິຈຖະ
151. How long have you worked here? ຽ຅຺ໄາຽປັຈທຼກ຋຋ີໃຌີໄຈ຺ຌຎາຌເຈ຾ຖ້ທ
152. I’m going out for lunch ຂໟບງ຅ະແຎກິຌຽຂ຺ໄາຂໟາຄຌບຈຽຈີ
153. I’ll be back at 1.30 ຈຼທຂໟບງກັຍຓາຉບຌ 1.30
154. The traffic was terrible today ຓືໄຌີໄຖ຺ຈຉິຈນົາງຽຖີງຽຌາະ
155. Do you want to join me for lunch? ແຎກິຌບານາຌ຋ໞຼຄຌໍາກັຌຽຍາະ
156. Sorry I’m late ຂໍ຿຋ຈ຋ີໃຓາຆໟາ
157. He is on holiday ຖາທຖາຑັກປບຌ
158. Jane is off sick today ທັຌຌີໄຽ຅ຌຖາຎ່ທງ
159. Kai Kham isn’t in today ຓຶໄຌີໄແກ່຃ໍາຍໍໃຓາ ( ແກ່຃ໍາ = ຆືໃ຃຺ຌ )
160. She is on maternity ຖາທຖາບບກຖູກ
161.I’m afraid I’m not well and won’t be able to come in today ຂໟບງຽກຄທໞາຓືໄຌີໄຍໍໃ຃ໞບງຘະຍາງ຾ຖະ຅ະຍໍໃຘາຓາຈແຎ
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162. Do you need any help? ຽ຅຺ໄາຉໟບຄກາຌຆໞທງຽນົືບນງັຄຍໍ
163. What can I do for you? ຂໟບງຽປັຈນງັຄເນ້ຽ຅຺ໄາແຈ້຾ຌ່
164. Sorry to keep you waiting ຂໍ຿຋ຈ຋ີໃຽປັຈເນ້ຽ຅຺ໄາຉໟບຄຊໟາ
165. I’ll be with you in a moment ບີຽຎຍໜືໃຄ ຂໟບງ຅ະແຎນາຽ຅຺ໄາ
166. He is with a customer at the moment ຉບຌຌີໄຖາທກໍາຖັຄດູ່ກັຍຖູກ຃ໟາ
167. He is in a meeting ຖາທຎະຆຸຓດູ່
168. What time does the meeting start / finish? ຎະຆຸຓຽຖີໃຓ / ຅຺ຍຽທຖາແຈ
169. The reception is on the first floor ຑະ຾ຌກຉໟບຌປັຍດູ່ຆັໄຌໜືໃຄ
170. I’ll be free after lunch ຂໟບງ຅ະທໞາຄນົັຄບານາຌ຋ໞຼຄ
171. She resigned ຖາທແຈ້ຖາບບກແຎ຾ຖ້ທ
172. He’s fired ຖາທຊືກແຖ່ບບກ
173. This invoice is overdue ເຍຽກັຍຘໍາ຃ໟາຌີໄ຃ໟາຄຆໍາຖະ
174. Jo has been promoted ຿຅຅ະແຈ້ຽຖືໃບຌຉໍາ຾ໜ່ຄ
175. Here is my business card ຌີໄ຃ືຌາຓຍັຈຂບຄຂໟບງ
176. I don’t understand ຂໟບງຍໍໃຽຂ຺ໄາເ຅
177. Can you explain it again? ບະ຋ິຍາງບິກ຃ັໄຄແຈ້ຍໍ
178. I want to ask you a question ຂໟບງຓີ຃ໍາຊາຓ຅ະຊາຓຽ຅຺ໄາ
179. Can I see the report? ຂໟບງຂໍຽຍີໃຄຖາງຄາຌ຾ຌ່ແຈ້ຍໍ
180. I left the file on your desk ຂໟບງຊີໄຓຽບກະຘາຌແທ້ຽ຋ີຄ຿ຉະຽ຅຺ໄາຽຈີ
181. There’s a problem with my computer ຃ບຓຑີທຽຉີຂບຄຂໟບງຓີຍັຌນາ
182. I can’t access my email ຂໟບງຽຂ຺ໄາເຆ້ບີຽຓທຍໍໃແຈ້
183. Can you show me how to use this printer? ຽ຅຺ໄາຆໞທງຘບຌທິ຋ິກາຌເຆ້ຎີໃຌຽຉີຽ຃ືໃບຄຌີໄເນ້ຂໟບງ຾ຌ່ເຈ້ຍໍ
184. The system is down today ຓືໄຌີໄຖະຍ຺ຍຖ຺ໄຓຽນທ
185. We can leave early today ຓືໄຌີໄຑທກຽປ຺າຽຖີກແທເຈ້
186. Entrance ຋າຄຽຂ຺ໄາ
187. Exit ຋າຄບບກ
188. Emergency exit ຋າຄບບກຘຸກຽຘີຌ
189. Push ງູ້
190. Pull ຈືຄ
191. Private ຘໞທຌຉ຺ທ
192. No Entry ນໟາຓຽຂ຺ໄາ
193. That was very impolite ຍໍໃຘະຑາຍຽຖີງ
194. That was inappropriate ຍໍໃຽໝາະຘ຺ຓຽຖີງ
195. Don’ t call me buddy ດ່າຓາຽບີໄຌຂໟບງທໞາຘໞຼທ ນົື ຂໟບງຍໍໃ຾ຓ່ຌຘໞຼທຽ຅຺ໄາ
196. Since when have we been friends? ຽປ຺າຽຎັຌໝູ່ກັຌຉັໄຄ຾ຉ່ຉບຌເຈ
197. Excuse me, I need to have a little word with him ຂໍ຿຋ຈຽຈີ ຂບງງາກຖ຺ຓກັຍຖາທຽຎັຌກາຌຘໞທຌຉ຺ທ
198. Try on ຖບຄເຘ່ ( ຽ຃ືໃບຄຌຸ່ຄ
199. Look up ຆບກນາ
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200. Look up too ງບຓປັຍຌັຍຊື
201. Get down too ຽບ຺າ຅ິຄຽບ຺າ຅ັຄ
202. Forget about it ດ່າຓັຌຽ຋າະ
203. It has nothing to do with me ຍໍໃກໞຼທກັຍຂໟບງຽຈີ
204. I prefer not to talk about that ຂໟບງຍໍໃດາກຽທ຺ໄາຽຊີຄຓັຌບິກ
205. I never want to see you again ຂໍດ່າແຈ້ຑ຺ຍຽ຅ີກັຌບິກຽຖີງ
206. Been there, done that ຽຂັຈ຾ຖ້ທ ( ຽ຃ີງຏໞາຌຓາໝ຺ຈ຾ຖ້ທ ຍໍໃດາກຽປັຈບິກ
207. She sets me up ຖາທເຘ່ປໟາງຂໟບງ
208. It won’ t take long ແຆຽທຖາຍໍໃຈ຺ຌຈບກ
209. Don’ t be so sarcastic ດ່າຘູ່ຓັກຽທ຺ໄາເຘ່ນົາງ
210. We’ re even ຽປ຺າ຅າທກັຌ
211. No offense ດ່າທໞາຆັໄຌທໞາຆີໄຽຈີ
212. No wonder ຘ຺ຓຑໍ຾ຖະ, ຍໍໃ຾ຎກເ຅ຽຖີງ
213. She has an ugly personality ຖາທຌິຈເຘຽຘງ
214. Don’ t ask for trouble ດ່າຘູ່ນາຽນ຺າເຘ່ນ຺ທ
215. You have good people skills ຽ຅຺ໄາຽຎັຌ຃຺ຌຓີຓະຌຸຈຘໍາຑັຌຈີ
216. Don’ t cut on line ນໟາຓ຾ຆຄ຃ິທ
217. Put yourself in someone else’ s shoes ຽບ຺າເ຅ຽຂ຺າຓາເຘ່ເ຅ຽປ຺າ
218. I got dumped by my girlfriend ຂໟບງຊືກ຾ຒຌຊີຓ
219. I am dumping you right now ຂໟບງຆີຊີຓຽ຅຺ໄາຈຼທຌີໄ຾ນົະ
220. I just broke up with my girlfriend ຂໟບງນາກະຽຖີກກັຍ຾ຒຌ
221. She’ s going to dump you ຖາທຆິຊີຓຽ຅຺ໄາ
222. He’ s going to break up with you ຖາທຆີຽຖີກກັຍຽ຅຺ໄາ
223. We called it quits ຽຖີກກັຌ຾ຖ້ທ
224. Control your emotions ຃ບຍ຃ຸຓບາຖ຺ຓ຾ຌ່
225. Nothing special ຍໍໃຓີນັງຄຑີຽຘຈ
226. Don’ t mess with me ດ່າຓານງຸ້ຄກັຍຂໟບງ
227. I can’ t breathe ຂໟບງນາງເ຅ຍໍໃບບກ
228. I can’ t think of it right now ຉບຌຌີໄງັຄ຃ິຈຍໍໃບບກ
229. What have I done? ຂໟບງຽປັຈນັງຄຄແຎຌີໄ
230. Why me? ຽຎັຌນັງຄຉໟບຄຽຎັຌຂໟບງ
231. I’m gonna try it ຆິຖບຄຽຍີໃຄ
232. That’ s nonsense ແປ້ຘາຖະ
233. Play hard to get ນົີໄຌ຿ຉ
234. Full of yourself ນົ຺ຄ຿ຉຽບຄ
235. Full of shit ຂີໄ຿ຓ້
236. Show off ຂີໄບທຈ
237. True love is defeated by closeness ປັກ຾຋້຾ຑ້ແກ້ຆິຈ
238. Falling in love with someone who’ s already taken ປັກ຃຺ຌຓີຽ຅຺ໄາຂບຄ
239. Fool yourself ນົບກ຿ຉຽບຄ
240. Mean well ນັທຄຈີ
241. Cut the bullshit ຽຆ຺າຽຒີໄຽ຅ີໄແຈ້຾ຖ້ທ
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242. Don’ t be so cowardly ດ່າຘູ່ຂີໄກະ຅ບກນົາງ
243. Have you been here for a while? ຓາຈ຺ຌ຾ຖ້ທນທາ
244. Don’ t get discouraged ດ່າ຋ໍໄ຾຋້
245. I am faithful to you ຂໟບງຆິຆືໃຘັຈຉໍໃຽ຅຺ໄາ ( ຍໍໃຌບກເ຅ )
246. No matter what happen ຍໍໃທໞາ຾ຓ່ຌນັງຄຆີຽກີຈຂືໄຌກໍຉາຓ
247. Could you quit with the whining? ຽຆ຺າ຅຺ໃຓແຈ້ຍໍ
248. Whatever you want ຾ຌທເຈກະແຈ້, ບັຌເຈກະແຈ້
249. Don’ t act like a thug ດ່າຽປັຈ຿ຉຎາຌຌັກຽຖຄນົາງ
250. Don’ t pretend ດ່າຘູ່຃ືນົາງ
251. Stop imagining things ດ່າຘູ່຃ິຈແຎຽບຄ
252. Weakness ຅ຸຈບໞບຌ
253. Strength ຅ຸຈຈີ
254. You’ re not my type ຽ຅຺ໄາຍໍໃ຾ຓ່ຌຘະຽຎກຂໟບງ
255. Don’ t over think ດ່າ຃ິຈນົາງ
256. I know him well ຂໟບງປູ້ຌິເຘຖາທຈີ
257. What kind of guy are you? ຽ຅຺ໄາຽຎັຌຏູ້ຆາງ຾ຌທເຈກັຌ຾຋້
258. You rock ຽ຅຺ໄາຌີໄຘຸຈງບຈແຎຽຖີງ
259. Don’ t mess with my girlfriend ດ່າຓານຸ້ງຄກັຍ຾ຒຌຂໟບງຽຈີ
260. I am a one woman man ຂໟບງຽຎັຌ຃຺ຌປັກຈຼທເ຅ຈຼທ ( ຆາງຽທ້າ )
261. I am a one man woman ຂໟບງຽຎັຌ຃຺ຌປັກຈຼທເ຅ຈຼທ ( ງິຄຽທ຺ໄາ )
262. He cheats on his girlfriend ຖາທຌບກເ຅຾ຒຌຖາທ
263. I will survive ຂໟບງຍໍໃຉາງຄໞາງໂຈບກ
264. It’ s my fault ຓັຌຽຎັຌ຃ທາຓຏິຈຂບຄຂໟບງຽບຄ
265. You ruined my life ຽ຅຺ໄາ຋ໍາຖາງຆີທິຈຂໟບງ
266. I really mean it ຂໟບງຽທ຺ໄາເຈ
267. She’ s very talkative ຖາທຽຎັຌ຃຺ຌຽທ຺ໄາຽກັໃຄ
268. What do you want to be in the future? ບະຌາ຃຺ຈຽ຅຺ໄາດາກຽຎັຌນງັຄ
269. Don’ t go too far ດ່າແຎແກນົາງຽຈີ
270. Break it up ຽຆ຺າຊຼຄກັຌແຈ້຾ຖ້ທ
271. Have you eaten yet? ກິຌຽຂ຺ໄາຖະ
272. You can leave it here. ຽບ຺າຐາກແທ້ຌີໄກະແຈ້
273. Are you satisfied? ຑໍເ຅ຖະນທາ
274. Add insult to the injury ຆໍໄາຽຉີຓ
275. Speak your mind ຃ິຈນັງຄກະຽທ຺ໄາບບກຓາ຿ຖຈ
276. Read between the lines ຉີ຃ທາຓໝາງ, ຉີ຃ທາຓ
277. New blood ຃຺ຌຖຸ້ຌເໝ່,ແຒ຾ປຄ
278. Come on time ຓາຉ຺ຄຽທຖາ
279. Miss the point ຍໍໃຽຂ຺ໄາເ຅ຎະຽຈັຌ, ນົ຺ຄຎະຽຈັຌ
280. It will never ever be the same ຓັຌ຃຺ຄກັຍຓາຽຎັຌ຃ືຽກ຺າຍໍໃແຈ້຾ຖ້ທ
281. You’ ve gone too far ຓັຌຽກີຌແຎຖະຽຈີ, ຓັຌ຿ຈແຎ຾ຖ້ທຽຈີ
282. Pull yourself together ຉັໄຄຘະຉິ຾ຌ່
283. Keep your chin up ຽຂັໄຓ຾ຂຄຽຂ຺ໄາແທ້
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284. Get over it ຋ໍາເ຅
285. Benighted ປູ້ຽ຋຺ໃາຍໍໃຽຊີຄກາຌ
286. Hurry up ແທໂ຾ຌ່
287. Live well ດູ່ຈີກີຌຈີ
288. Attach yourself to someone ຐາກຽຌືໄບຐາຌຉ຺ທ
289. You’ re so picky ຅ັໃຄ຾ຓ່ຌນົາງຽຖືໃບຄຽຌາະ
290. Godspeed ແຎຈີຓາຈີຽຈີ
291. Resident certificate ເຍດັໄຄດືຌ຋ີໃດູ່
292. Family Registration Book ຎືໄຓຘໍາຓະ຿ຌ຃຺ທ
293. Identity Card ຍັຈຎະ຅ໍາຉ຺ທ
294. License plate ຎ້າງຖ຺ຈ
295. Birth certificate ເຍ຾຅້ຄຽກີຈ
296. Married certificate ເຍ຾ຉ່ຄຄາຌ
297. Driver license ເຍຂັຍຂີໃ
298. How long will you stay in Laos? ຽ຅຺ໄາ຅ະຑັກດູ່ຖາທຈ຺ຌຎາຌເຈ
299. Where do you want to go in Laos? ຽ຅຺ໄາດາກແຎ຋ໞຼທເຘເຌຖາທ
300. When did you arrive in Laos? ຽ຅຺ໄາຓາປບຈຖາທຓືເຈ
301. Have you been to VANGVIENG ? ຽ຅຺ໄາຽ຃ີງແຎທັຄທຼຄຍໍ
302. Do you like Lao food ? ຽ຅຺ໄາຓັກບານາຌຖາທຍໍ
303. Can you eat spicy food? ຽ຅຺ໄາກິຌຽຏັຈແຈ້ຍໍ
304. Where have you been in Laos? ຽ຅຺ໄາແຈ້ແຎນົີໄຌເຘ຾ຌ່ເຌຖາທ
305. Where do you stay in Laos? ຽ຅຺ໄາຑັກດູ່ເຘ
306. Do you have an Email address? ຽ຅຺ໄາຓີບີຽຓທຍໍ
307. I’m gonna take a nap ຂໍແຎຄິຍ຅ັກຍາຈກໞບຌ
308. You should be patient ບ຺ຈຽບ຺າຽຈີ
309. You can say that again ຽທ຺ໄາບີກກະຊືກບີກ
310. I’m afraid of losing you ຂໟບງດ້າຌຽຘງຽ຅຺ໄາແຎ
311. It’s so cruel ຓັຌ຿ນຈປໟາງນົາງ
312. If you don’t try you will never know ຍໍໃຖບຄຍໍໃປູ້
313. He made me feel uncomfortable ຖາທຽປັຈເນ້ຂໟບງບຶຈບັຈເ຅
314. Lose hope ໝ຺ຈນທັຄ
315. Bad mood ບາຖ຺ຓຽຘງ
316. Good mood ບາຖ຺ຓຈີ
317. Go downhill ຉ຺ກຉໍໃາ
318. A matter of life and death ຽຖືໃບຄ຃ໍຂາຈຍາຈຉາງ
319. Eat humble pie ຊໞບຓຉ຺ທ
320. Hit the road ບບກຽຈີຌ຋າຄ
321. Neck and neck ຘູຘີກັຌ
322. Tighten your belt ຎະນງັຈ
323. You are the apple of my eyes ຽ຅຺ໄາຽຎັຌ຾ກ້ທຉາຈທຄເ຅ຂບຄຂໟບງ
324. Go through the worst ຏໞາຌຏໞາ຃ທາຓນງຸ້ຄງາກ
325. A great future ບະຌາ຃຺ຈ຋ີໃຘ຺ຈເຘ
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326. I don’t want to deal with anyone ຂໟບງຍໍໃດາກນງຸ້ຄກໞຼທກັຍເຏ
327. Always do your best ຅຺ໃຄຽປັຈຈີດູ່ຘະຽໝີ
328. What’s on your mind? ຽ຅຺ໄາ຃ິຈນງັຄດູ່
329. Take it or leave it ຆີຽບ຺ານົືຍໍໃຽບ຺າ
330. Don’t be sarcastic with me ດ່ໃາຽທ຺ໄາຎະຆ຺ຈຂໟບງນົາງ
331. I will go to see you tomorrow ຂໟບງ຅ະແຎນາຽ຅຺ໄາຓືໄບືໃຌຽຈີ
332. Stop nagging me ຽຆ຺າ຅຺ໃຓເນ້ຂໟບງແຈ້຾ຖ້ທ
333. He always takes advantage of me ຖາທຽບ຺າຎຼຍຂໟບງຉະນົບຈ
334. Don’t take me for granted ດ່າຽນັຌຂໟບງຽຎັຌຂບຄຉາງ
335. She is a smiley person ຖາທຽຎັຌ຃຺ຌງີໄຓຽກັໃຄ
336. What did I do wrong? ຂໟບງຽປັຈນງັຄຏິຈ
337. How would you like the money? ຽ຅຺ໄາດາກແຈ້ຽຄິຌເຍນງັຄ
338. Could you give me some smaller notes ຂໍຽຄິຌເຍຌໟບງແຈ້ຍໍ
339. I’d like to transfer some money to this account ຂໟບງຉໟບຄກາຌ຿ບຌຽຄິຌແຎຍັຌຆີຌີໄ
340. It’s my treat / it’s on me ຂໟບງ຅ໞາງຽບຄ
341. I’ll treat you to dinner ຂໟບງຆີຖໟຼຄບານາຌຽ຅຺ໄາ
342. Let me introduce myself ຂໍ຾ຌະຌໍາຉ຺ຌຽບຄ
343. I’ m in the second year ຂໟບງປຼຌດູ່ຎີ ຘບຄ຾ຖ້ທ
344. I’d like you to know my friend ຂໟບງດາກເນ້ຽ຅຺ໄາປູ້຅ັກກັຍຽຑືໃບຌຂບຄຂໟບງ
345. I want to introduce my friend may ຂໟບງດາກ຾ຌະຌໍາຽຑືໃບຌຂບຄຂໟບງຆືໃຽຓ
346. Will you honor this check? ຽ຅຺ໄາຆີປັຍປບຄຽຆັກຌີໄຍໍ
347. Sign on the back, please ກະຖຸຌາຽຆັຌຈໟາຌນົັຄ
348. It could take anything up to 3 weeks to clear ຉໟບຄເຆ້ຽທຖາຽຊີຄ ຘາຓ ບາ຋ິຈຽຑືໃບຽ຃ງ຋ຸກດ່າຄ
349. Have you credited my account yet? ຽ຅຺ໄາຽບ຺າຽຄິຌຽຂ຺ໄາຍັຌຆີເນ້ຂໟບງ຾ຖ້ທນທາ
350. That was just a misunderstanding ຓັຌຽຎັຌຽຖືໃບຄຽຂ຺ໄາເ຅ຏິຈ
351. Don’t mess with me ດ່າຓານງຸ້ຄກັຍຂໟບງ
352. I messed up ຂໟບງຽປັຈຏິຈ
353. Quit messing around ຽຆ຺ານົີໄຌແຈ້຾ຖ້ທ
354. Don’t mess around with my feelings ດ່າຓານົີໄຌກັຍ຃ທາຓປູ້ຘຶກຂບຄຂໟບງ
355. My life is such a mess ຆີທິຈຂບຄຂໟບງຉບຌຌີໄທຸ້ຌທາງນົາງ
356. I like to hit the sack around midnight ຂໟບງຓັກຽຂ຺ໄາຌບຌຆໞທຄ຋ໞຼຄ຃ືຌ
357. What time do you like to hit the sack? ຽ຅຺ໄາຓັກຽຂ຺ໄາຌບຌຉບຌ຅ັກ຿ຓຄ
358. He never called ! ຖາທຍໍໃ຿຋ຓາຽຖີງ
359. Hang in there ! he’ll call ບ຺ຈຽບ຺າ ຈຼທຖາທກະ຿຋ຓາ
360. I have been in Laos for 2 years ຂໟບງດູ່ຖາທຓາຘບຄຎີ຾ຖ້ທ
361. No wonder you speak Lao so well ຆໍາຑໍຖະ ຽ຅຺ໄາຽທ້າຑາຘາຖາທຽກັໃຄ
362. Noy got fed up with waiting ຌໟບງຽຍືໃບໜໞາງກັຍກາຌຖໍ຃ບງ
363. I’ve gotta pee ຂໟບງຎທຈງໞຼທ
364. I’ve gotta poo ຎທຈຊໞາງ
365. I’ve gotta go number one ຎທຈຽຍ຺າ
366. I’ve gotta go number two ຎທຈໜັກ
367. I have diarrhea ຂໟບງຽ຅ັຍ຋ໟບຄ ( ຽ຅ັຍ຋ໟບຄ, ຋ຼທຽຂ຺ໄານໟບຄຌໍໄາຉະນົບຈ )
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368. She’s gonna take off ຖາທ຅ະແຎ຾ຖ້ທ
369. I’ll take off another dollar ຂໟບງ຅ະນງ຺ຈບີກໜືໃຄ຿ຈຖາ
370. I couldn’t give a damn what you say to me ຂໟບງຍໍໃຘ຺ຌເ຅ທໞາຽ຅຺ໄາ຅ະຽທ຺ໄານງັຄກັຍຂໟບງ
371. I don’t really care what you think of me ຂໟບຍໍໃ຾຃ທໞາຽ຅຺ໄາ຃ິຈນງັຄ
372. There’s nothing you could say that would hurt me ຃ໍາຽທ຺ໄາຂບຄຽ຅຺ໄາຽປັຈເນ້ຂໟບງຽ຅ັຍຍໍໃແຈ້ຈບກ
373. No need ຍໍໃ຅ໍາຽຎັຌຽຖີງ
374. No sweat ຘະຍາງ ຂບຄກໟທງໂ
375. No chance ຍໍໃຓີ຿ບກາຈ
376. No trouble ຍໍໃຉໟບຄຽຈືບຈປໟບຌນງັຄຽຖີງ
377. No kidding ດ່າຽທ຺ໄານົີໄຌຽຈີ, ຾຋້ເຈໂ
378. No big deal ຽຖືໃບຄຽຖັກຌໟບງ
379. Hey, can I cut in line? ຂໍ຾ຆຄ຃ິທແຈ້ຍໍ
380. She’s trying to get attention from you! ຖາທກໍາຖັຄປຼກປໟບຄ຃ທາຓຘ຺ຌເ຅຅າກຽ຅຺ໄາ
381. Calm down , mellow out / you need to take a chill pill ! ເ຅ຽດັຌໂ
382. Have you ever gotten chewed out before ? ຽ຅຺ໄາຽ຃ີງຊືກຈໞາຓາກໞບຌຍໍ
383. I’m just kidding ຂໟບງຽທ້ານຖີໄຌຆືໃໂ
384. I’m just joking ຂໟບງຽທ້ານຖີໄຌຆືໃໂ
385. As soon as possible ແທຽ຋຺ໃາ຋ີໃ຅ະແທແຈ້
386. Bye for now ແຎກໞບຌຽຈີ
387. Be right back ຈຼທຓາ
388. Be back later ຾ຖ້ທ຅ະກັຍຓາຽຈີ
389. Thanks in advance ຂບຍເ຅ຖໞທຄໜໟາ
390. Lets talk later ຾ຖ້ທ຅ືໃຄຖ຺ຓກັຌ
391. Laughing out loud ນ຺ທຈັຄ
392. How do you say that? ຽ຅຺ໄາຽທ຺ໄາ຾ຌທເຈ
393. How do you do that? ຽ຅຺ໄາຽປັຈ຅ັໃຄເຈ
394. How do you spell that? ຽ຅຺ໄາຘະກ຺ຈ຅ັໃຄເຈ
395. Don’t look so serious ດ່າຽປັຈໜໟາ຃ື຃຺ຌ຃ິຈນົາງ
396. Don’t be serious ຍໍໃຉໟບຄ຃ິຈນົາງ
397. I really mean it ຂໟບງຽທ຺ໄາ຾຋້ເຈ໋
398. Let’s have something to eat ແຎນານັງຄກິຌຽ຋າະ
399. Are you angry at me ຽ຅຺ໄາ຃ຼຈເນ້ຂໟບງນທາ
400. Would you like something to eat? ດາກກິຌນັງຄຍໍ
401. I’d like some coffee ຂໟບງຂໍກະຽຒ
402. It’s up to you / whatever you say ຾ຖ້ທ຾ຉ່ຽ຅຺ໄາ
403. It’s a deal ຉ຺ກຖ຺ຄຉາຓຌີໄຽຌາະ
404. Don’t get me wrong ດ່າຽຂ຺ໄາເ຅ຂໟບງຏິຈ
405. It’s been driving me nuts ຂໟບງ຅ະຍໟາຉາງ຾ຖ້ທ
406. Slipped my mind ຽບີຖືຓແຎຽຖີງ
407. Let’s get some grub ແຎນານງັຄກີຌປບຄ຋ໟບຄ
408. Cheat on ຌບກເ຅
409. Go for it ຽບ຺າຽຖີງ, ຖບຄຽຍີຄ
English sentense
English sentense
English sentense
English sentense
English sentense
English sentense
English sentense
English sentense
English sentense
English sentense
English sentense
English sentense
English sentense
English sentense
English sentense
English sentense
English sentense
English sentense
English sentense
English sentense
English sentense
English sentense
English sentense
English sentense
English sentense
English sentense
English sentense
English sentense
English sentense
English sentense
English sentense
English sentense
English sentense
English sentense
English sentense
English sentense
English sentense
English sentense
English sentense
English sentense
English sentense
English sentense
English sentense
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  • 1. English sentense Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 1 ຍ຺ຈ຋ີ 1 Present Simple Tense ຎະ຅ຸຍັຌ຋ໍາຓະຈາ 1. ຂໍໄຓູຌ຅ີຄ຋຺ໃທໂແຎ ຽຆີໃຄຽຎັຌກາຌ ຍບກກໞາທ ຊາຓຽຖືໃບຄຖາທ ຽນຈກາຌ຅ີຄ຋຺ໃທໂແຎ (information) 2. His name is some chai. ຆືໃຂບຄຖາທ ຾ຓ່ຌ ຘ຺ຓຆາງ 3. He comes from Thailand. ຖາທຓາ຅າກຎະຽ຋ຈແ຋ງ 4. He is a doctor. ຖາທຽຎັຌໝໍ 5. He can play football. ຖາທຘາຓາຈນົີໄຌ຾ຉະຍາຌ 6. Elephants are the largest land animals. ຆໟາຄຽຎັຌຘັຈຍ຺ກ຋ີໃເນງໞ຋ີໃຘຸຈ 7. They have 28 teeth. ຑທກຓັຌ ຓີ ຾ຂ້ທ 28 8. They eat grass. ຑທກຓັຌກິຌນງໟາ ( ຽຎັຌບານາຌ ) 9. They can swim. ຑທກຓັຌຘາຓາຈຖທງຌໍໄາ 10. This is a Japanese car. ຌີໄ຃ື ຖ຺ຈດີໃຎຸ່ຌ 11. It is very expensive. ຓັຌຓີຖາ຃າ຾ຑຄນົາງ 12. The company is in Japan. ຍໍຖິຘັຈດູ່ເຌງີໃຎຸ່ຌ 13. Bangkok is the capital city of Thailand. ກຸຄຽ຋ຍ ຽຎັຌຽຓືບຄນົທຄຂບຄຎະຽ຋ຈແ຋ 14. It has 50 districts. ຓັຌຓີ 50 ຾ຂທຄ ( ຽຂຈ ) 15. ກິຈ຅ະທັຈ ຽຎັຌຘີໃຄ຋ີໃຽປັຈຽຖືໄບງໂ ບາຈຽຎັຌ຋ຸກຓືໄ ຋ຸກຽຈືບຌ ຋ຸກຎີ ຅ືໃຄ຅ະຓີ຃ໍາຽນົ຺ໃາຌີໄດູ່ຌໍາຈໟທງ Always ຘະຽໝີ usually ຿ຈງຎ຺ກກະຉິ generally ຿ຈງຎ຺ກກະຉິ often ຽຖືໄບງໂ frequently ຽຖືໄບງໂ sometimes ຍາຄ຃ັໄຄ occasionally ຍາຄ຃ັໄຄ seldom ຍໍໃ຃ໞບງ຅ະ rarely ຍໍໃ຃ໞບງ຅ະ hardly (ever) ຾຋ຍ຅ະຍໍໃ (ຽ຃ີງ) never ຍໍໃຽ຃ີງ every day ຋ຸກທັຌ 16. I always get up at 6 o’clock. ຂໟບງຉືໃຌຌບຌຽທຖາ 6 ຿ຓຄຘະຽໝີ 17. You usually buy fruit at 7-11. ຿ຈງຎ຺ກກະຉິ ຽ຅຺ໄາຆືໄໝາກແຓ້ ຋ີໃ 7-11 18. He often comes to my house. ຖາທຓາຍໟາຌຂບຄຂໟບງຉະນົບຈໂ 19. She sometimes does homework at school. ຍາຄຽ຋ືໃບຖາທຽປັຈທຼກຍໟາຌ຋ີໃ຿ປຄປຼຌ 20. It seldom rains in the morning. ຐ຺ຌຍໍໃ຃ໞບງ຅ະຉ຺ກເຌຉບຌຽຆ຺ໄາ 21. We hardly ever drink coffee in the evening. ຑທກຽປ຺າ຾຋ຍ຅ະຍໍໃຽ຃ີງຈືໃຓກະຽຒເຌຉບຌ຃ໍໃາ 22. They never drive to work. ຑທກຽຂ຺າຍໍໃຽ຃ີງ ຂັຍຖ຺ຈແຎຽປັຈທຼກ 23. Some chai plays football every day. ຘ຺ຓຆາງນົີໄຌ຾ຉະຍາຌ຋ຸກໂຓືໄ 24. We watch a movie every Monday ຑທກຽປ຺າ ຽຍີໃຄໜັຄ ຋ຸກທັຌ຅ັຌ 25. She goes to England every year. ຖາທແຎຎະຽ຋ຈບັຄກິຈ຋ຸກຎີ
  • 2. English sentense Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 2 Present Continuous Tense 1. ເຆ້ເຌຽນຈກາຌກໍາຖັຄຽກີຈຂືໄຌຂະຌະ຋ີໃຽທ຺ໄາດູ່ ນົື ເຌຖະນທໞາຄບາ຋ິຈຌັໄຌຽຈືບຌຌັໄຌກໍແຈ້ຆືໃຄບາຈ຅ະຌໍາດູ່ຈໟທງກໍໃແຈ້ 2. I am studying hard, John. ຅ບຌກໍາຖັຄປຼຌໜັກ 3. Most students are using mobile phones. ຌັກປຼຌຘໞທຌເນງໞກໍາຖັຄ ( ຌິງ຺ຓ ) ເຆ້຿຋ຖະຘັຍຓືຊື 4. He is driving a car. ຖາທກໍາຖັຄຂັຍຖ຺ຈ 5. She‘s eating an apple. ຖາທກໍາຖັຄກີຌ຾ບັຍຽຎີໄຌ 6. It is raining at the moment. ຓັຌກໍາຖັຄຐ຺ຌຉ຺ກຂະຌະຌີໄ 7. A cat is sleeping in the room. ຾ຓທກໍາຖ຺ຄຌບຌນົັຍເຌນໟບຄ 8. You are sitting on my book. ຽ຅຺ໄາກໍາຖັຄຌັໃຄດູ່ຽ຋ີຄໜັຄຘືຂບຄຂໟບງ 9. We are running right now. ຑທກຽປ຺າກໍາຖັຄ຾ຖ່ຌຂະຌະຌີໄ 10. They are going to school. ຑທກຽຂ຺າກໍາຖັຄແຎ຿ປຄປຼຌ 11. ເຆ້ກັຍຽນຈກາຌ຋ີໃກໍາຖັຄ຅ະຽກີຈຂືໄຌເຌບາຌາ຃຺ຈ ( ຾ຌ່ໂ ) ຾ຖະ ຓັກ຅ະຓີ຃ໍາຍ຺ໃຄຍບກບະຌາ຃຺ຈດູ່ຌໍາ this evening ຉບຌ຃ໍໃາຌີໄ tonight ຃ືຌຌີໄ tomorrow ຓືໄບືໃຌ this weekend ບາ຋ິຈຌີໄ next week ບາ຋ິຈໜໟາ next month ຽຈືບຌໜໟາ next year ຎີໜໟາ 12. ນົັກກາຌ຾ຎ ເນ້຾ຎຖທຍ is am are ກັຍກິຖິງາ຋ີໃຽຉີຓ ing ທໞາ ກໍາຖັຄ຅ະ ນົື ທໞາ ຅ະ ກໍແຈ້ 13. I’m studying English this weekend. ຂໟບງກໍາຖັຄ຅ະປຼຌຑາຘາບັຄກິຈຑາຘາບັຄກິຈ຋ໟາງບາ຋ິຈຌີໄ ( ປຼຌ຾຋້ຽຑາະ຅ໞາງຽຄີຌ ຾ຖ້ທ ) 14. She is going to the market tomorrow. ຖາທກໍາຖັຄ຅ະແຎຉະນົາຈຓືໄບືໃຌຌີໄ ( ຂບຄໝ຺ຈຉໟບຄແຎຆືໄ ) 15. He‘s coming to my house for lunch this Friday. ຖາທກໍາຖັຄ຅ະຓາຍໟາຌຂໟບງຽຑືໃບ ( ກີຌ ) ບານາຌ຋ໞຼຄເຌທັຌຘຸກຌີໄ 16. We‘re moving to New York next year. ຑທກຽປ຺າກໍາຖັຄ຅ະງໟາງແຎຌີງບກຎີໜໟາ 17. They are seeing the doctor next month. ຑທກຽຂ຺າກໍາຖັຄ຅ະຑ຺ຍໝໍຽຈືບຌໜໟາ (ຍໍໃແຈ້຾ຎທໞາຽນັຌ ) Present Perfect Tense 1. ເຆ້ກັຍຽນຈກາຌຽກີຈຂືໄຌເຌບາຈິຈຈໍາຽຌີຌຓາ຅຺ຌຽຊີຄຂະຌະຌີໄ ຾ຖະ ຅ະຉໍໃຽຌືໃບແຎເຌບາຌາ຃຺ຈ ຾ຖະ ຅ະຓີຘບຄ຃ໍາຌີໄຎະກບຍດູ່ຈໟທງ for ຽຎັຌຽທຖາ ( ຅ັກຌາ຋ີ ຅ັກຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ ຅ັກທັຌ ຅ັກບາ຋ິຈ ຅ັກຎີ ) since ຉັໄຄ຾ຉ່ ( ຉັໄຄ຾ຉ່ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄເຈ ທັຌເຈ ບາ຋ິຈເຈ ຽຈືບຌເຈ ຎີເຈ ) 2. She has studied English since July. ຖາທປຼຌ ຑາຘາບັຄກິຈ ຾ຖ້ທ ຉັໄຄ຾ຉ່ຽຈືບຌ 7 ຉບຌຌີໄຽຈືບຌ 8 ຾ຖ້ທ ( ຾ຖະງັຄ຅ະປຼຌຉໍໃແຎບີກ 3. He’s worked in the garden since 8 o’clock. ຖາທຽປັຈທຼກ ( ຾ຖ້ທ ) ເຌຘທຌຉັໄຄ຾ຉ່ 8 ຿ຓຄຽຆ຺ໄາ ( ຉບຌຌີໄຘິຍ຿ຓຄ຾ຖ້ທຓີ຋ໞາ຋ີທໞາ຅ະຽປັຈຉໍໃແຎ )
  • 3. English sentense Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 3 4. It has rained for three hours. ຐ຺ຌຉ຺ກ ( ຾ຖ້ທ ) ຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 3 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ ( ຾ຖະ ຓີ຾ທທທໞາ຅ະຉ຺ກຉໍໃແຎບີກ ) 5. A boy has played football since 3 o’clock. ຽຈັກຆາງນົີໄຌ຾ຉະຍາຌ ( ຾ຖ້ທ ) ຉັໄຄ຾ຉ່ 3 ຿ຓຄ ( ຉບຌຌີໄຘີໃ຿ຓຄ຾ຖ້ທ ໜໟາ຅ະນົີໄຌຉໍໃຽຊີຄ 5 ຿ຓຄ ) 6. I have lived here for ten years. ຂໟບງບາເຘດູ່ຌີໄ ( ຾ຖ້ທ ) ຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 10 ຎີ ( ຅ຸຈຽຖີໃຓຉ຺ໄຌຽກີຈເຌບາຈິຈ ຎັຈ຅ຸຍັຌກໍງັຄດູ່຋ີໃຌີໄ ບາຌາ຃຺ຈກໍ຅ະດູ່ຉໍໃ ) 7. You’ve watched TV for two hours. ຽ຅຺ໄາຽຍີໃຄ຿຋ຖະ຋ັຈ (຾ຖ້ທ ) ຽຎັຌຽທຖາຘບຄຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ ( ຽຍີໃຄຓາ຾ຖ້ທຘບຄຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ ຾ຖະ ໜໟາ຅ະຽຍີໃຄຉໍໃ ຊໟາຍໍໃຓີ຃຺ຌນາຓ ) 8. We’ve walked for five hours. ຑທກຽປ຺າດ່າຄ( ຾ຖ້ທ ) ຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 5 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ 9. They have built the house since last year. ຑທກຽຂ຺າຘໟາຄ ( ຾ຖ້ທ ) ຍໟາຌຉັໄຄ຾ຉ່ຎີ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ ( ຉບຌຌີໄກໍງັຄຘໟາຄດູ່ ຾ຖະ ໜໟາ຅ະຘໟາຄຉໍໃແຎບີກນົາງຽຈືບຌ຃຺ຄ຅ະຘໍາຽຖັຈ ) ຃ໍາຊາຓ຋ີໃເຆ້ກັຍຉ຺ທດ່າຄຈໟາຌຽ຋ີຄຘໞທຌນົາງ຅ະຂືໄຌຉ຺ໄຌຈໟທງ How long……. (ຈ຺ຌຎາຌເຈ ) 10. How long has she studied English? ຖາທປຼຌຑາຘາບັຄກິຈຈ຺ຌຎາຌເຈ຾ຖ້ທ 11. How long has he worked in the garden? ຖາທຽປັຈທຼກເຌຘທຌຈ຺ຌຎາຌເຈ຾ຖ້ທ 12. How long has it rained? ຐ຺ຌຉ຺ກຈ຺ຌຎາຌເຈ຾ຖ້ທ ? 13. How long has a boy played football? ຽຈັກຆາງນົີໄຌ຾ຉະຍາຌຈ຺ຌຎາຌເຈ຾ຖ້ທ 14. How long have you lived here? (ຊາຓ you ຉບຍ I) ຽ຅຺ໄາດູ່ຌີໄຈ຺ຌຎາຌເຈ຾ຖ້ທ 15. How long have I watched TV? (ຊາຓ I ຉບຍ You) ຂໟບງຽຍີໃຄ ຿຋ຖະ຋ັຈຈ຺ຌຎາຌເຈ຾ຖ້ທ 16. How long have we walked? ຑທກຽປ຺າດ່າຄຈ຺ຌຎາຌເຈ຾ຖ້ທ 17. How long have they built the house? ຑທກຽຂ຺າຘໟາຄຍໟາຌຈ຺ຌຎາຌເຈ຾ຖ້ທ 2. ເຆ້ກັຍຽນຈກາຌ຋ີໃຽກີຈຂືໄຌຍໍໃຈ຺ຌຓາຌີໄ ຾ຖະ ຽນຈກາຌຌັໄຌກໍ຅຺ຍຖ຺ຄ຾ຖ້ທຈໟທງ ຓັກ຅ະຓີ຃ໍາຽນົ຺ໃາຌີໄດູ່ຈໟທງ Already ຾ຖ້ທ just ຽຑີໃຄ຅ະ yet ງັຄ 18. She‘s just gone. ຖາທຽຑີໃຄກໍາຖັຄບບກແຎ (ຽຊີຄໜໟາຎາກ຋າຄແຈ້ ) 19. He’s already finished his homework. ຖາທຽປັຈທຼກຍໟາຌຘໍາຽຖັຈ຾ຖ້ທ (ນາກະຽປັຈ຾ຖ້ທເຌຍໍໃຈ຺ຌຌີໄ) 20. It’s just rained. ຐ຺ຌນາກະຉ຺ກ຾ຖ້ທ (ຓັຌນງຸຈຽຓືໃບກີໄຌີໄ ຑືຌງັຄຎຼກດູ່) 21. I’ve already drunk milk. ຂໟບງຈືໃຓຌ຺ຓ຾ຖ້ທ ( ຎາກງັຄຓີດ຺ຈຌໍໄາຌ຺ຓດູ່ ) 22. You’ve just taken a bath. ຽ຅຺ໄາຽຑີໃຄ຅ະບາຍຌໍໄາຽບຄ ( ຅ະບາຍບິກ຾ຖ້ທ ) 23. We’ve already eaten rice. ຑທກຽປ຺າກິຌຽຂ຺ໄາ຾ຖ້ທ ( ຋ໟບຄງັຄ຾ໜ້ຌດູ່ ) 24. They’ve just washed the car. ຑທກຽຂ຺າຽຑີໃຄ຅ະຖໟາຄຖ຺ຈ ( ຖ຺ຈງັຄຍໍໃ຋ັຌ຾ນ້ຄຈີ )
  • 4. English sentense Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 4 25. Has she gone yet? ຖາທແຎ຾ຖ້ທ ນົື ງັຄ 26. Has he already finished his homework? ຖາທຽປັຈທຼກຍໟາຌຘໍາຽຖັຈ຾ຖ້ທ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ 27. Have you drunk milk yet? ຽ຅຺ໄາຈືຓກະຌ຺ຓ຾ຖ້ທນົືງັຄ 28. Have we already eaten rice? ຑທກຽປ຺າກິຌຽຂ຺ໄາ຾ຖ້ທ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ 29. Have they washed the car yet? ຑທກຽຂ຺າຖໟາຄຖ຺ຈ຾ຖ້ທນົືງັຄ 3. ເຆ້ກັຍຽນຈກາຌເຌບາຈິຈ຋ີໃຍໍໃຖະຍຸຽທຖາທໞາຽກີຈຂືໄຌຽຓືໃບເຈ ຍບກຑຼຄທໞາຽປັຈ຾ຖ້ທ ນົື ຍໍໃຽ຃ີງຽປັຈຑຼຄຌັໄຌຽບຄ 30. I’ve read that book. ຂໟບງບໞາຌໜັຄຘືຽນົັໄຓຌັໄຌ຾ຖ້ທ ( ບໞາຌຽຓືໃບເຈຍໍໃຍບກ ເນ້ປົໄທໞາບໞາຌ຾ຖ້ທກໍ຾ຖ້ທກັຌ ) 31. She’s got your letter. ຖາທແຈ້ປັຍ຅຺ຈໝາງຂບຄຽ຅຺ໄາ຾ຖ້ທ ( ນົັຄ຅າກຊູກຽ຅຺ໄາ຾ຓ່ຌຽບ຺າແຎຊີໄຓນົາງ຃ັໄຄ ) 32. He’s gone to England. ຖາທແຎບັຄກິຈ຾ຖ້ທ ( ຍໍໃຉໟບຄຓານາຽຂ຺າບີກ ) 33. It’s never rained in this area. ຐ຺ຌຍໍໃຽ຃ີງຉ຺ກຽຖີງເຌຑືໄຌ຋ີໃຌີໄ 34. Have you (ever) been to England? ຽ຅຺ໄາ (ຽ຃ີງ) ແຎບັຄກິຈຍໍ 35. No, I’ve never been to England. ຍໍໃ ຂໟບງຍໍໃຽ຃ີງແຎບັຄກິຈຽຖີງ 36. Have you ever seen the rain coming out on a sunny day? ຽ຅຺ໄາຽ຃ີງຽນັຌຐ຺ຌ ບບກຓາ ( ຉ຺ກ ) ເຌທັຌ຋ີໃຓີ຾ຈຈ຅ໟາຍໍ 37. I’ve cut my finger. ຂໟບງຽປັຈຓິຈຍາຈຌີໄທຓື ( ຽຍີໃຄ຾ຓ ງັຄຍໍໃນາງຈີຽຖີງ ) ຎະ຿ນງກຎະຉິຽຘຈ 38. She has not studied English since July. ຖາທຍໍໃແຈ້ປຼຌຑາຘາບັຄກິຈ ຉັໄຄຉັໄຄຽຈືບຌ 7 39. He hasn’t worked in the garden since 8 o’clock. ຖາທຍໍໃແຈ້ຽປັຈທຼກເຌຘທຌຉັໄຄ຾ຉ່ 8 ຿ຓຄຽຆ຺ໄາ 40. I have not lived here for ten years. ຂໟບງຍໍໃແຈ້ບາເຘດູ່຋ີໃຌີໄ ຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 10 ຎີ ຎະ຿ນງກ຃ໍາຊາຓ 41. Has she studied English since July? ຖາທປຼຌຑາຘາບັຄກິຈ ຉັໄຄ຾ຉ່ຽຈືບຌ 7 ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ 42. Yes, she has./ No, she hasn’t. 43. Has he worked in the garden since 8 o’clock? ຖາທຽປັຈທຼກເຌຘທຌຉັໄຄ຾ຉ່ 8 ຿ຓຄຽຆ຺ໄາ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ 44. Have you lived here for ten years? ຽ຅຺ໄາບາເຘດູ່຋ີໃຌີໄ ຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 10 ຎີ ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ 45. Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t. Present Perfect Continuous Tense 1. ເຆ້຃ືກັຌກັຍ present perfect tense ຂໍໄ຋ີ 1 ຽ຋຺ໃາຌັໄຌ (ຽນຈກາຌ຋ີໃຽກີຈເຌບະຈິຈ ຈໍາຽຌີຌຓາຽຊີຄຎັຈ຅ຸຍັຌ ຾ຖະ ຉໍໃຽຌືໃບຄແຎເຌ ບະຌາ຃຺ຈ ) ຋ຸກຎະກາຌ ຾ຉ່ຽຎັຌກາຌຽຌັໄຌທໞາຽປັຈຉໍໃຽຌືໃບຄ 2. ກິຖິງາ຋ີໃຌໍາຓາຽຉີຓ ing ເນ້ບໟາຄບິຄ present continuous tense ຋ຸກຎະກາຌຽໝືບຌກັຌ
  • 5. English sentense Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 5 ຉ຺ທດ່າຄຎຼຍ຋ຼຍຖະນທໞາຄ PRESENT PERFECT ກັຍ PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS ຽຑືໃບເນ້ຽນັຌ຃ທາຓ຾ຉກຉໞາຄ 3. He’s worked in the garden since 8 o’clock. ຖາທຽປັຈທຼກເຌຘທຌຉັໄຄ຾ຉ່ 8 ຿ຓຄຽຆ຺ໄາ ( ບາຈ຅ະຽປັຈຍາຄຽ຋ືບ ຑັກຍາຄຽ຋ືບ ຾ຉ່ທໞາຽຖີໃຓຽປັຈຉັໄຄ຾ຉ່ 8 ຿ຓຄ ) 4. He’s been working in the garden since 8 o’clock. ຖາທກໍາຖັຄຽປັຈທຼກເຌຘທຌຉັໄຄ຾ຉ່ 8 ຿ຓຄຽຆ຺ໄາ ( ຽປັຈ຾ຍຍຍໍໃດຸຈຑັກຽຖີງ ຉັໄຄ຾ຉ່ 8 ຿ຓຄຽຖືໃບງໂຓາ ຾ຍຍທໞາ຃຺ຌຈຸໝັໃຌ ) 5. It has rained for three hours. ຐ຺ຌຉ຺ກຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 3 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ ( ຎະ຿ນງກຌີໄ຾ຍຍ຋ໍາຓະຈາຍໍໃຽຌັໄຌ ) 6. It has been raining for three hours. ຐ຺ຌຉ຺ກຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 3 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ ( ຎະ຿ນງກຌີໄຏູ້ຂຼຌດາກເນ້ຽນັຌຑາຍທໞາ ຐ຺ຌຉ຺ກ຾ຍຍຍໍໃ ຂາຈຘາງຉໍໃຽຌືໃບຄຓາ຅຺ຌຽຊີຄຈຼທຌີໄ ) 7. A boy has played football since 3 o’clock. ຽຈັກຆາງນົີໄຌ຾ຉະຍາຌຉັໄຄ຾ຉ່ 3 ຿ຓຄ (ນົີໄຌແຎຑັກແຎຊໟາຽຓືໃບ) 8. A boy has been playing football since 3 o’clock. ຽຈັກຆາງນົີໄຌ຾ຉະຍາຌຉັໄຄ຾ຉ່ 3 ຿ຓຄ ( ຾ຖ່ຌດູ່ເຌຘະໜາຓຉະນົບຈ ຽຍີໃຄ຃ືຍໍໃຽຓືບໞງ ) 9. I’ve read this book for two hours. ຂໟບງບໞາຌໜັຄຘືຽນົັໄຓຌີໄຘບຄຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ຾ຖ້ທ ( ບໞາຌແຎ ກີຌກາຽຒແຎ ຽຓືໃບກໍຑັກ ) 10. I’ve been reading this book for two hours. ຂໟບງກໍາຖັຄບໞາຌໜັຄຘືຽນົັໄຓຌີໄຘບຄຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ຾ຖ້ທ ( ບໞາຌດ່າຄຈຼທຍໍໃທໞາຄຓືແຎຽປັຈດ່າຄບືໃຌຽຖີງ ຾ຍຍທໞາຓໞທຌ຅຺ຌທາຄຍໍໃຖ຺ຄ ) 11. I’ve been walking for two hours. ຂໟບງດ່າຄ ( ( ຍໍໃຑັກຽຖີງ ) ຽຎັຌຽທຖາຘບຄຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ຾ຖ້ທ ) 12. You’ve been watching TV since 9 o’clock. ຽ຅຺ໄາຽຍີໃຄ ຿຋ຖະ຋ັຈ ( ຍໍໃແຈ້ຽປັຈດ່າຄບືໃຌຽຖີງ ) ຉັໄຄ຾ຉ່ 9 ຿ຓຄຽຆ຺ໄາ ( ຌີໄຓັຌ ຋ໞຼຄ຾ຖ້ທ ) 13. She’s been dancing for 3 hours. ຖາທຽຉັໄຌຖໍາຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 3 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ຋ັຄໝ຺ຈ ( ຾ຍຍທໞານາຄຽ຃ືໃບຄຌໟບງ ຉໟບຄຽຉັໄຌຉະນົບຈ ) 14. He’s been swimming for 30 minutes. ຖາທຖບງຌໍໄາຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 30 ຌາ຋ີ຾ຖ້ທ ( ຑັກຍໍໃແຈ້ ຈຼທ຅຺ຓ ຎະ຿ນງກຎະຉິຽຘຈ 15. I haven’t been walking for two hours. ຂໟບງຍໍໃແຈ້ດ່າຄຽຎັຌຽທຖາຘບຄຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ຋ັຄໝ຺ຈ (ຽຓືບງຂໟບງກະຑັກ) 16. They haven’t been watching TV since 9 o’clock. ຑທກຽຂ຺າຍໍໃແຈ້ຽຍີໃຄ຿຋ຖະ຋ັຈ ( ຍໍໃຽປັຈດ່າຄບືໃຌຽຖີງ ) ຉັໄຄ຾ຉ່ 9 ຿ຓຄ ຽຆ຺ໄາ ( ຽຍີໃຄຽຓືໃບກີໄຌີໄຽບຄ ) 17. She’s not been dancing for 3 hours. ຖາທຍໍໃແຈ້ຽຉັໄຌຖໍາຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 3 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ຋ັຄໝ຺ຈ ( ຓີຉ຺ທຎ່ຼຌນົາງ ) 18. He‘s not been swimming for 30 minutes. ຖາທຍໍໃແຈ້ຖບງຌໍໄາຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 30 ຌາ຋ີ຋ັຄໝ຺ຈຈບກ ( ຖບງຽຊີຄຐັໃຄ຿ຌ້ຓກໍຑັກ ຽບ຺າ຾ປຄກໞບຌ ) ຎະ຿ນງກ຃ໍາຊາຓ 19. What have you been doing for two hours. ຽປັຈນງັຄດູ່ຉັໄຄຘບຄຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄຽ຅຺ໄາ ( ຍໍໃຽນັຌບບກ຅າກຍໟາຌຽຖີງ )
  • 6. English sentense Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 6 20. I’ve been reading books. ຂໟບງບໞາຌໜັຄຘື 21. How long have you been waiting for me? ຽ຅຺ໄາຊໟາຂໟບງຈ຺ຌຎາຌເຈ 22. I’ve been waiting for you for 3 hours. ຂໟບງຊໟາຽ຅຺ໄາ 3 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ ( ຌັໄຄດູ່ຍໞບຌຌີໄຍໍໃແຈ້ແຎເຘຽຖີງ ) 23. Has a boy been playing games for 4 hours? ຽຈັກຆາງນົີໄຌ຾ກຓ 4 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄຖທຈຽຖີງຍໍ 24. Yes, he’s been playing games for 4 hours. ຾ຓ່ຌ຾ຖ້ທ ຖາທນົີໄຌ 4 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄຖທຈຽຖີງ Simple 1.I eat a banana 2. We should eat bananas. 3. You eat a banana 4. They eat bananas. 5.He can eat a banana. 6. She can eat bananas/ She can eat a banana 7.A cat eat bananas. 8. Cat eat bananas Continuous 1. I am studying hard, John. 2. We are running right now 3. You are sitting on my book 4. They are going to school. 5. He is driving a car 6. She‘s eating an apple 7. A cat is sleeping in the room. 8. It is raining at the moment Perfect 1. I have lived here for ten years 2. We’ve walked for five hours. 3. You’ve watched TV for two hours. 4. They have built the house since last year. 5. He’s worked in the garden since 8 o’clock. 6. She has studied English since July 7. A boy has played football since 3 o’clock. 8. It has rained for three hours. Perfect Continuous
  • 7. English sentense Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 7 1. I’ve been reading this book for two hours. 2. we’ve been reading this book for two hours 3. You’ve been working in the garden since 8 o’clock 4. They’ve been working in the garden since 8 o’clock 5. He’s been working in the garden since 8 o’clock. 6. She’s been working in the garden since 8 o’clock 7. A boy has been playing football since 3 o’clock 8. It has been raining for three hours. Simple 1. Do I eat a bananas? 2. Do We eat bananas? 3. Do you eat bananas? 4. Do They eat bananas? 5. Does He eat a bananas? 6. Does She eat bananas? 8. Does the Cat eat bananas ? 7. Can ( I ,he ,she ,we……) eat a banana? Continuous 1. Am I singing? 2. Are we singing ? 3. Are you singing? 4. Are they singing ? 5. Is he singing? 6. Is she singing? 7. Is a cat eating a fish?. 8. Is it raining? Perfect 1. Have I drunk water? 2. Have we eaten rice? 3. Have you taken a bath? 4. Have they washed the car? 5. Has he worked in the garden since 8 o’clock? 6. Has she studied English since July? 7. Has a boy played football since 3 o’clock?. 8. Has it rained for three hours? Perfect Continuous 1. What have you been doing for two hours. you’ve been reading books. 2. What have We been doing for two hours. we’ve been reading books. 3. What have you been doing for two hours. I’ve been reading books. 4. How long have They been waiting for me? They’ve been waiting for you for 3 hours. 5. How long has He been waiting for me? He’s been waiting for you for 3 hours.
  • 8. English sentense Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 8 6. How long has She been waiting for me? She’s been waiting for you for 3 hours. 7. Has a boy been playing games for 4 hours? Yes, he’s been playing games for 4 hours. Simple 1. I don’t eat a bananas. 2. We don't eat bananas 3. You don't eat bananas 4. They don't eat bananas 5. He doesn't eat bananas 6. She doesn’t eat bananas. Continuous 1. I’m not singing. 2. We aren’t singing. 3. You are not singing. 4. They’re not singing. 5. He isn’t singing. 6. She is not singing. 7. It’s not raining 8. Cats are not drinking water. 9. A cat is not eating a fish. Perfect 1. I have not lived here for ten years. 2. We have not live here for ten years 3. You have not lived here for ten years 4. They have not lived here for years 5. He hasn’t worked in the garden since 8 o’clock. 6. She has not studied English since July. Perfect Continuous 1. I haven’t been walking for two hours. 2. We haven’t been walking for two hours.
  • 9. English sentense Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 9 3. You haven’t been walking for two hours. 4. They haven’t been watching TV since 9 o’clock. 5. He‘s not been swimming for 30 minutes. 6. She’s not been dancing for 3 hours. ຍ຺ຈ຋ີ 2 Past tense Past Simple Tense 1. I ate bananas yesterday. ຂໟບງກິຌກໟທງຓືໄທາຌຌີໄ 2. You cooked dinner for me last week. ຽ຅຺ໄາຽປັຈບານາຌ຃ໍໃາເນ້ຂໟບງຽຓືໃບບາ຋ິຈ ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ 3. We cleaned the house last month. ຑທກຽປ຺າ ຋ໍາ຃ທາຓຘະບາຈ ຍໟາຌຽຓືໃບຽຈືບຌ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ 4. They danced last night. ຑທກຽຂ຺າ ຽຉັໄຌຖໍາ ຽຓືໃບ຃ືຌ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ 5. Two Cats died last year. ຾ຓທ 2 ຿ຉຉາງ ຽຓືໃບຎີ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ 6. He bought a computer last Sunday. ຖາທຆືໄ ຃ບຓຑີທຽຉີ ຽຓືໃບທັຌບາ຋ິຈ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ เ 7. She gave you her heart last Christmas. ຖາທ ເນ້ນ຺ທເ຅ ຂບຄຖາທ ຾ກ່ຽ຅຺ໄາ ຽຓືໃບ຃ຕິຈຘະຓາຘ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ 8. It rained heavily last rainy season. ຐ຺ຌຉ຺ກໜັກຽຓືໃບໜໟາຐ຺ຌ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ 9. The train arrived at 8 o’clock this morning. ຖ຺ຈແຒຓາຽຊີຄຽທຖາ 8 ຿ຓຄຽຓືໃບຽຆ຺ໄາຌີໄ ຿຃ຄຘໟາຄຎະ຿ນງກຎະຉິຽຘຈ 10. I did not eat bananas yesterday. ຂໟບງຍໍໃແຈ້ກີຌກໟທງຓືໄທາຌຌີໄ 11. You didn’t cook dinner for me last week. ຽ຅຺ໄາຍໍໃແຈ້ຽປັຈບານາຌ຃ໍໃາເນ້ຂໟບງຽຓືໃບບາ຋ິຈ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ 12. We did not clean the house last month. ຑທກຽປ຺າຍຍໍໃແຈ້຋ໍາ຃ທາຓຘະບາຈຍໟາຌ ຽຓືໃບຽຈືບຌ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ 13. They didn’t dance last night. ຑທກຽຂ຺າຍໍໃແຈ້ ຽຉັໄຌຖໍາຓືໄ຃ືຌ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ 14. Two Cats did not die last year. ຾ຓທ 2 ຿ຉຍໍໃແຈ້ຉາງຽຓືໃບຎີ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ 15. He didn’t buy a computer last Sunday. ຽຂ຺າຍໍໃແຈ້ຆືໃ຃ບຓຑີທຽຉີ ຽຓືໃບທັຌບາ຋ິຈ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ 16. Last Christmas, she did not give you her heart. ຽຓືໃບ຃ິຈຘະຓາຈ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ ຖາທເນ້ນ຺ທເ຅ຂບຄຖາທ຾ກ່ຽ຅຺ໄາ 17. It did not rain heavily last rainy season. ຐ຺ຌຍໍໃແຈ້ຉ຺ກໜັກຽຓືໃບໜໟາຐ຺ຌ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ 18. The train didn’t arrive at 8 o’clock this morning. ຖ຺ຈແຒຍໍໃແຈ້ຓາຽຊີຄຽທຖາ 8 ຿ຓຄຓືໄຽຆ຺ໄາຌີໄ ກາຌຊາຓເຌປູຍ຾ຍຍຍບກຽຖ຺ໃາ 19. Did you eat bananas yesterday? ຽ຅຺ໄາກິຌກໟທງຽຓືໃບທາຌຌີໄ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ Yes, I did. /No, I didn’t. 20. Did I cook dinner for you last week. ຂໟບງຽປັຈບານາຌ຃ໍໃາເນ້ຽ຅຺ໄາຽຓືໃບບາ຋ິຈ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ Yes, you did. / No, you didn’t. 21. Did we clean the house last month. ຑທກຽປ຺າ ຋ໍາ຃ທາຓຘະບາຈຍໟາຌ ຽຓືໃບຽຈືບຌ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ Yes, we did. / No, we didn’t.
  • 10. English sentense Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 10 22. Did they dance last night. ຑທກຽຂ຺າ ຽຉັໄຌຖໍາ ຓື຃ືຌ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ Yes, they did./ No, they didn’t. 23. Did two Cats die last year. ຾ຓທຘບຄ຿ຉ ຉາງ ຽຓືໃບຎີ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ Yes, they did./ No, they didn’t. ກາຌຊາຓເຌປູຍ຾ຍຍຎະຉິຽຘຈ 24. Did he not buy a computer last Sunday? ຖາທຍໍໃແຈ້ຆືໄ ຃ບຓຑີທຽຉີ ຽຓືໃບທັຌບາ຋ິຈ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ 25. Did he not give you her heart last Christmas. ຖາທຍໍໃແຈ້ເນ້ນ຺ທເ຅ ຂບຄຖາທ຾ກ່ຽ຅຺ໄາ ຽຓືໃບ຃ິຈຘະຓາຈ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ 26. Didn’t It rain heavily last rainy season. ຐ຺ຌຍໍໃແຈ້ຉ຺ກໜັກຽຓືໃບຐ຺ຌ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ 27. Didn’t the train arrive at 8 o’clock this morning. ຖ຺ຈແຒຍໍໃແຈ້ຓາຽຊີຄຽທຖາ 8 ຿ຓຄຽຓືໃບຽຆ຺ໄາຌີໄ ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ WH- QUESTION ເນ້ຽບ຺າ຃ໍາຽນົ຺ໃາຌີໄ (Who, What, Where, When, Why, How) ຌໍາໜໟາຎະ຿ນງກຉາຓຈໟທງ did 28. Who ate bananas yesterday? ເຏກິຌກໟທງຓືໄທາຌ I did. ຂໟບງກິຌ 29. What ate bananas yesterday? ຾ຓ່ຌນງັຄກິຌກໟທງຓືໄທາຌ A monkey did. ຖີຄກິຌ – ເຆ້ຽຎັຌກໍາ (ເຏ ກັຍ ຾ຓ່ຌນງັຄ ຍໍໃແຈ້ດູ່ໜໟາຎະ຿ນງກ) 30. Who did you see at the party. I saw Jane. ຂໟບງຽນັຌຽ຅ຌ 31. What did you eat this morning. ຽ຅຺ໄາກິຌນງັຄຓືໄຽຆ຺ໄາຌີໄ I ate bananas. ຂບໟງກິຌກໟທງ 32. Where did you cook last week. ຽ຅຺ໄາຽປັຈບານາຌຍໞບຌເຈຽຓືໃບບາ຋ິຈ຋ີ຾ຖ້ທ I cooked in the garage. ຂໟບງຽປັຈບານາຌເຌ຿ປຄຖ຺ຈ 33. When did we clean the house? ຑທກຽປ຺າ ຋ໍາ຃ທາຓຘະບາຈ ຍໟາຌຽຓືໃບເຈ We cleaned the house last month. ຑທກຽປ຺າ ຋ໍາ຃ທາຓຘະບາຈຍໟາຌ ຽຓືໃບຽຈືບຌ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ 34. How did they dance last night. ຑທກຽຂ຺ໄາ ຽຉັໄຌຖໍາ ຾ຍຍເຈ ຓືໄ຃ືຌ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ They dance slowly. ຑທກຽຂ຺າຽຉັໄຌຖໍາດ່າຄຆໟາໂ 35. Why did two cats died last year? ຽຎັຌນງັຄ຾ຓທ 2 ຉ຺ທ ຉາງຽຓືໃບຎີ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ They had nothing to eat. ຑທກຓັຌຍໍໃຓີນງັຄກິຌ
  • 11. English sentense Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 11 36. How many computers did he bought last Sunday? ຽຂ຺າ ຆືໄ຃ບຓຑີທຽຉີ຅ັກຽ຃ືໃບຄ ຽຓືໃບທັຌບາ຋ິຈ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ He bought one computer. ຖາທຆືໄ຃ບຓຑີທຽຉີ 1 ຽ຃ືໃບຄ 37. What time did the train arrive this morning. ຖ຺ຈແຒຓາຽຊີຄ ຽທຖາຽ຋຺ໃາເຈຓືໄຽຆ຺ໄາຌີໄ It arrived at 8 o’clock. ຓັຌຓາຽຊີຄ ຽທຖາ 8 ຿ຓຄ Past Continuous Tense ເຆ້ຽຖ຺ໃາຽນຈກາຌ຋ີໃກໍາຖັຄຽກີຈຂືໄຌເຌບາຈິຈ 1. I was eating while it was raining. ຂໟບງກໍາຖັຄກິຌຽຂ຺ໄາ ຂະຌະ຋ີໃຐ຺ຌກໍາຖັຄຉ຺ກ 2. As they were reading, I was sleeping. ຂະຌະ຋ີຑທກຽຂ຺າກໍາຖັຄບໞາຌໜັຄຘື ຂໟບງກໍາຖັຄຌບຌນົັຍດູ່ 3. We were listening to the radio as he was watching TV? ຑທກຽປ຺າກໍາຖັຄຒັຄທິ຋ະງຸ ຂະຌະ຋ີໃຽຂ຺າກໍາຖັຄຽຍີໃຄ຿຋ຖະ຋ັຈ 4. What were you doing while I was playing football? ຽ຅຺ໄາກໍາຖັຄຽປັຈນງັຄດູ່ ຂະຌະ຋ີໃຂໟບງກໍາຖັຄນົີໄຌ຾ຉະຍາຌ ເຆ້ຍບກຽນຈກາຌ຋ີໃກໍາຖັຄຽກີຈຂືໄຌ຾ຖະງັຄຍໍໃ຅຺ຍກະຍທຌກາຌ ຾ຉ່ຓີບີກຽນຈກາຌໜືໃຄຽຂ຺ໄາຓາ຾ຆກກາຄ ໝາງ຃ທາຓທໞາຓັຌຓີຘບຄຽນຈກາຌ ( ຘບຄ tense ) a. was sleeping, arrive b. slept, was arriving c. was sleeping, arrived d. were sleeping, arrived ຅າກຉ຺ທດ່າຄຈໟາຌຽ຋ີຄໝາງ຃ທາຓທໞາ ( ຂໟບງຌບຌນົັຍ ຑໍຓາຽຊີຄ ) ຃ໍາກິຖິງາ຋ີໃຌໍາຓາເຆ້ກັຍ Past Continuous ຉໟບຄຽຎັຌກິຖິງາ຋ີໃຘາຓຈຘະ຾ຄກາຌກະ຋ໍາແຈ້ຈ຺ຌ ຅າກຉ຺ທດ່າຄຂໟາຄຽ຋ີຄຖະນທໞາຄ ຌບຌ ກັຍ ຓາຽຊີຄ ຾ຓ່ຌນງັຄຽປັຈເນ້ຈ຺ຌກໞທາຈັຌ ຊູກຉໟບຄ ຌບຌຽຎັຌຘີຍຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ ງັຄແຈ້ ຃ໍາກິຖິງາ຋ີໃຘາຓາຈຽປັຈແຈ້ຈ຺ຌ do, drive, eat, have, read, sing, sit, sleep, swim, teach, write, clean, cook, cry, dance, play, rain, walk, wash, watch ຃ໍາກິຖິງາ຋ີໃຌໍາຓາເຆ້ກັຍ Past Simple ຘໞທຌນົາງຽຎັຌກິຖິງາ຋ີໃຽກີຈຂືໄຌຽຎຍຈຼທ ຍໍໃຘາຓາຈຽປັຈເຈ້ຈ຺ຌ ຅າກຉ຺ທດ່າຄຂໟາຄຽ຋ີຄຖະນທໞາຄ ຌບຌ ກັຍ ຓາຽຊີຄ ຾ຓ່ຌນນງັຄຽກີຈຂືໄຌຽຎຍຈຼທ ( ຓາຽຊີຄ ) ຓັຌຽກີຈຑຼຄຽຎຍຈຼທ ຃ໍາກິຖິງາ຋ີໃຍໍໃຘາຓາຈຽປັຈແຈ້ຈ຺ຌ ຽຆັໃຌ take, start, arrive, see, hear, smell, hit, come, ring, cut 5. I was having dinner when the phone rang. ຂໟບງກໍາຖັຄກິຌຽຂ຺ໄາ຾ຖຄ ຉບຌ຋ີໃ຿຋ຖະຘັຍຈັຄ 6. When the police arrived, we were sleeping. ຽຓືໃບຉໍານົທຈຓາຽຊີຄ ຑທກຽປ຺າກໍາຖັຄຌບຌນົັຍ 7. As we were walking to school, we saw a big elephant. ຂະຌະ຋ີໃຑທກຽປ຺າກໍາຖັຄດ່າຄແຎ຿ປຄປຼຌ ຑທກຽປ຺າຽນັຌຆໟາຄ຿ຉ ເນງໞ
  • 12. English sentense Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 12 8. While they were reading, they heard a bird singing in the tree. ຂະຌະ຋ີໃຑທກຽຂ຺າກໍາຖັຄບໞາຌໜັຄຘື ຑທກຽຂ຺າແຈ້ງີຌ ຌ຺ກປໟບຄຽຑຄດູ່ຽ຋ີຄຉ຺ໄຌແຓ້ 9. She was swimming when the shark came. ຖາທກໍາຖັຄຖບງຌໍໄາດູ່ ຽຓືໃບຉບຌ຋ີໃຘະນົາຓຓາ 10. We were washing the car when it started to rain. ຑທກຽປ຺າກໍາຖັຄຖໟາຄຖ຺ຈດູ່ ຉບຌ຋ີໃຐ຺ຌຽຖີໃຓຉ຺ກ 11. She took my book as I was playing football. ຖາທຽບ຺າໜັຄຘືຂໟບງແຎ ຂະຌະ຋ີໃຂໟບງກໍາຖັຄນົີໄຌ຾ຉະຍາຌ 12. A car hit the dog while it was running on the road. ຖ຺ຈ຃ັຌໜືໃຄຆ຺ຌໝາ ຂະຌະ຋ີໃຓັຌກໍາຖັຄ຾ຖ່ຌດູ່ຊະໜ຺ຌ 13. My mom cut her finger while she was cooking. ຾ຓ່ຂບຄຂໟບງຽປັຈຓິຈຍາຈຌີໄທ ຂະຌະ຋ີໃຖາທກໍາຖັຄຽປັຈບານາຌ 14. I was having dinner when the phone rang. ຂໟບງກໍາຖັຄກິຌຽຂ຺ໄາ ຉບຌ຋ີໃ຿຋ຖະຘັຍຈັຄ 15. While I was having dinner, the phone rang. ຂະຌະ຋ີໃຂໟບງກໍາຖັຄກິຌຽຂ຺ໄາ ຿຋ຖະຘັຍກໍຈັຄ 16. When the police arrived, we were sleeping. ຽຓືໃບຉໍານົທຈຓາຽຊີຄ ຑທກຽປ຺າກໍາຖັຄຌບຌນົັຍ 17. The police arrived as we were sleeping. ຉໍານົທກຓາຽຊີຄ ຂະຌະ຋ີໃຑທກຽປ຺າກໍາຖັຄຌບຌນົັຍ 18. As we were walking to school, we saw a big elephant. ຂະຌະ຋ີໃຑທກຽປ຺າກໍາຖັຄດ່າຄແຎ຿ປຄປຼຌ ຑທກຽປ຺າຽນັຌຆໟາຄ ຿ຉເນງໞ 19. We were walking to school when we saw a big elephant. ຑທກຽປ຺າກໍາຖັຄດ່າຄແຎ຿ປຄປຼຌ ຉບຌ຋ີໃຑທກຽປ຺າຽນັຌ ຆໟາຄ຿ຉເນງໞ 20. I was having dinner when the phone rang. ຂໟບງກໍາຖັຄກິຌຽຂ຺ໄາ຾ຖຄ ຉບຌ຋ີໃ຿຋ຖະຘັຍຈັຄ 21. A: I was having dinner when the phone rang. ຂໟບງກໍາຖັຄກິຌຽຂ຺ໄາ ຉບຌ຋ີໃ຿຋ຖະຘັຍຈັຄ 22. B: While I was having dinner, the phone rang. ຂະຌະ຋ີໃຂໟບງກໍາຖັຄກິຌຽຂ຺ໄາ ຿຋ຖະຘັຍກໍຈັຄ Past Perfect Tense ເຆ້ຍບກຽນຈກາຌເຌບາຈິຈ຋ີໃຘີໄຌຘຸຈແຎ຾ຖ້ທ ກໞບຌ຅ະຓີບີກຽນຈກາຌຽຂ຺ໄາຓາ຾ຆກຌໍານົັຄ ໜາງ຃ທາຓທໞາຓັຌຓີຘບຄຽນຈກາຌ (຃ໟາງ past continuous) 1. I had eaten a pizza before I went to bed. ຂໟບງແຈ້ກິຌຑິຈຆາ ກໞບຌ຋ີໃຂໟບງຽຂ຺ໄາຌບຌ ( ກີຌກໞບຌ ) 2. John called me after I had left. ຅ບຌ຿຋ນາຂໟບງ ນົັຄ຅າກ຋ີໃຂໟບງແຈ້ບບກ຅າກຍໟາຌ຾ຖ້ທ ( ຂໟບງບບກ຅າກຍໟາຌກໞບຌ 3. John had called me by the time I left. ຅ບຌແຈ້຿຋ນາຂໟບງ ກໞບຌ຋ີໃຂໟບງບບກ຅າກຍໟາຌ ( ຅ບຌ຿຋ນາກໞບຌ )
  • 13. English sentense Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 13 4. When we reached the cinema, all people had gone home. ຽຓືໃບຽປ຺າແຎຽຊີຄ຿ປຄໜັຄ ຃຺ຌແຈ້ກັຍຍໟາຌໝ຺ຈ຾ຖ້ທ ( ຃຺ຌ ກັຍຍໟາຌກໞບຌ ) 5. All people had gone home when we reached the cinema. ຃຺ຌແຈ້ກັຍຍໟາຌໝ຺ຈ຾ຖ້ທ ຽຓືໃບຽປ຺າແຎຽຊີຄ຿ປຄໜັຄ ( ຃຺ຌ ກັຍຍໟາຌກໞບຌ ) 6. We reached the cinema after all people had gone home. ຽປ຺າແຎຽຊີຄ຿ປຄໜັຄ ນົັຄ຅າກ຃຺ຌກັຍຍໟາຌໝ຺ຈ຾ຖ້ທ ( ຃຺ຌ ກັຍຍໟາຌກໞບຌ ) 7. We had reached the cinema before all people went home. ຽປ຺າແຈ້ແຎຽຊີຄໜັຄ ກໞບຌ຃຺ຌກັຍຍໟາຌ ( ແຎຽຊີຄ຿ປຄໜັຄ ກໞບຌ ) 8. He had studied English before he moved to England? ຖາທແຈ້ປຼຌຑາຘາບັຄກິຈ ກໞບຌຖາທງໟາງແຎບັຄກິຈ ( ປຼຌ ກໞບຌ ) 9. They had had dinner before they did homework. ຑທກຽຂ຺າແຈ້ກິຌຽຂ຺ໄາ ກໞບຌຑທກຽຂ຺າຽປັຈທຼກຍໟາຌ ( ກີຌກໞບຌ ) = ດ່າຄົຄທໞາຽຎັຌນງັຄຓີ had ຘບຄ຿ຉ ຿ຉ຋ີໜືໃຄຽຎັຌກິຖິງາຆໞທງ ຉ຺ທ຋ີຘບຄ ຽຎັຌກິຖິງາ຾຋້ ( ຾ຎທໞາກິຌ ) 10. I hadn’t eaten a pizza before went to bed. ຂໟບງຍໍໃແຈ້ກິຌຑິຈຆາ ກໞບຌ຋ີໃຂໟບງຽຂ຺ໄາຌບຌ 11. John had not called me by the time I left. ຅ບຌຍໍໃແຈ້຿຋ນາຂໟບງ ກໞບຌ຋ີໃຂໟບງບບກ຅າກຍໟາຌ 12. He hadn’t studied English before he moved to England? ຖາທຍໍໃແຈ້ປຼຌຑາຘາບັຄກິຈ ກໞບຌຖາທງໟາງແຎບັຄກິ 13. They had never had dinner before they did homework. ຑທກຽຂ຺າຍໍໃຽ຃ີງກິຌຽຂ຺ໄາ ກໞບຌ຋ີໃຑທກຽຂ຺າຽປັຈທຼກຍໟາຌ ຎຕະ຿ນງກ຃ໍາຊາຓ 14. Had I eaten a pizza before I go to bed? ຂໟບງແຈ້ກິຌຑິຈຆາ ກໞບຌ຋ີໃຂໟບງຽຂ຺ໄາຌບຌ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ Yes, you had./ No, you hadn’t. ຾ຓ່ຌ / ຍໍໃ຾ຓ່ຌ 15. Had John called me by the time I left. ຅ບຌແຈ້຿຋ນາຂໟບງ ກໞບຌ຋ີໃຂໟບງບບກ຅າກຍໟາຌ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ Yes, he had./ No, he hadn’t. ຾ຓ່ຌ / ຍໍໃ຾ຓ່ຌ 16. Had all people gone home when we reached the cinema. ຃຺ຌແຈ້ກັຍຍໟາຌໝ຺ຈ຾ຖ້ທ ຽຓືບຽປ຺າແຎຽຊີຄ຿ປຄປຼຌ Yes, they had./ No, they hadn’t. ຾ຓ່ຌ / ຍໍໃ຾ຓ່ຌ 17. Had he studied English before he moved to England? ຖາທແຈ້ປຼຌຑາຘາບັຄກິຈ ກໞບຌຖາທງໟາງແຎບັຄກິຈ Yes, he had./ No, he hadn’t. ຾ຓ່ຌ / ຍໍໃ຾ຓ່ຌ
  • 14. English sentense Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 14 WH- QUESTION 18. Who had called you before we went to the party? ເຏແຈ້຿຋ນາຽ຅຺ໄາ ກໞບຌ຋ີໃຽປ຺າແຎຄາຌຖຼໄຄ 19. Why had you sold your house before you moved to New you? ຽຎັຌນງັຄຽ຅຺ໄາແຈ້ງໟາງຍໟາຌ ກໞບຌ຋ີໃຽ຅຺ໄາງໟາງແຎຌີທ ງບກ Past Perfect Continuous Tense ຽນຈກາຌແຈ້ຽກີຈຂືໄຌ຾ຖ້ທແຖງະຽທຖາໜືໃຄ ຾ຖະ ຅ະຈໍາຽຌີຌຉໍໃຽຌືໃບຄແຎບີກ ຎະ຿ນງກຍບກຽຖ຺ໃາ 1. I had been waiting for the train for three hours before it arrived at the station. ຂໟບງແຈ້ຊໟາຖ຺ຈແຒຽຎັຌຽທຖາ ( ຉັໄຄ ) 3 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ ກໞບບ຋ີໃຓັຌ຅ະຓາຽຊີຄຘະຊາຌີ 2. When the police arrived, we had been sleeping for five hours. ຽຓືໃບຉໍານົທຈຓາຽຊີຄ ຑທກຽປ຺າແຈ້ຌບຌນົັຍແຎ຾ຖ້ທ ( ຉັໄຄ ) 5 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ 3. We had been walking for one hour when we saw a small bird. ຑທກຽປ຺າແຈ້ດ່າຄ ( ຉັໄຄ ) 1 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ ຉບຌ຋ີໃຑທກຽປ຺າຽນັຌຌ຺ກຉ຺ທຌໟບງໂ ຿ຉໜືໃຄ ( ຌ຺ກນາງາກ ) 4. Jim had been reading my book for thirty minutes before he returned it to me. ຅ີຓແຈ້ຽບ຺າໜັຄຘືຂໟບງແຎບໞາຌ ( ຉັໄຄ ) 30 ຌາ຋ີ ກໞບຌ຋ີໃຖາທ຅ະ຃ືຌຂໟບງ ( ຃຺ຌຆືໄກັຍຍໍໃແຈ້ບໞາຌກໞບຌ ) 5. She had been swimming for two hours when the shark came. ຖາທແຈ້ຖບງຌໍໄານົີໄຌ ( ຉັໄຄ ) 2 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ ຉບຌ຋ີໃຘະ ຖາຓຓາ 6. They had been playing football for four hours when it started to rain. ຑທກຽຂ຺າແຈ້ນົີໄ຾ຉະຍາຌ ( ຉັໄຄ ) 4 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ ຎະ຿ນງກຎະຉິຽຘຈ 1. I hadn’t been waiting for the train for three hours before it arrived at the station. I had been waiting for five hours. ຂໟບງຍໍໃແຈ້ຊໟາຖ຺ຈແຒຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 3 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ (ຌະ) ກໞບຌ຋ີໃຓັຌ຅ະຓາຽຊີຄຘະຊາຌີ ຂໟບງຊໟາຉັໄຄ 5 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ (ຉໞາຄນາກ ) 2. When the police arrived, we had not been sleeping for five hours. We had been sleeping for one hour only. ຉບຌ຋ີໃຉໍານົທຈຓາຽຊີຄ ຑທກຽປ຺າແຈ້ຌບຌນົັຍແຎ຾ຖ້ທ5ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ ຽປ຺າຌບຌນົັຍຑຼຄຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄຈຼທຽ຋຺ໃາຌັໄຌ
  • 15. English sentense Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 15 ຎະ຿ນງກ຃ໍາຊາຓ 1. Had you been waiting for the train for three hours before it arrived at the station? ຽ຅຺ໄາແຈ້ຊໟາຖ຺ຈແຒຽຎັຌ ຽທຖາ ( ຉັໄຄ ) 3 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ ກໞບຌ຋ີໃຓັຌ຅ະຓາຽຊີຄຘະຊາຌີ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ Yes, I had. / No, I hadn’t. ຾ຓ່ຌ຾ຖ້ທ/ຍໍໃ຾ຓ່ຌ 2. Had we been sleeping for five hours when the police arrived? ຑທກຽປ຺າແຈ້ຌບຌນົັຍແຎ຾ຖ້ທ ( ຉັໄຄ ) 5 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ ຉບຌ຋ີໃ຃ໍານົທຈຓາຽຊີຄ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ Yes, we had. / No, we hadn’t. ຾ຓ່ຌ຾ຖ້ທ/ຍໍໃ຾ຓ່ຌ Simple 1. I ate bananas yesterday. 2. We cleaned the house last month. 3. You cooked dinner for me last week. 4. They danced last night. 5. Two Cats died last year. 6. He bought a computer last Sunday. 7. She gave you her heart last Christmas. 8. It rained heavily last rainy season. 9. The train arrived at 8 o’clock this morning. Continuous 1. I was sleeping when you came. 2. We were cleaning the room when it stated to snow. 3. You were walking while they were running. 4. They were cooking when we arrived. 5. Cats were drinking water while dogs were standing. 6. He was watching TV when the phone rang. 7. She was singing while he was dancing. 8. It was raining when we went out. 9. A cat was sleeping as a dog was playing.
  • 16. English sentense Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 16 Perfect 1. I had eaten a pizza before I went to bed. 2. We had reached the cinema before all people went home. 3. They had had dinner before they did homework. 4. John had called me by the time I left. 5. All people had gone home when we reached the cinema. 6. He had studied English before he moved to England? Perfect Continuous 1. I had been waiting for the train for three hours before it arrived at the station. 2. We had been walking for one hour when we saw a small bird 3. They had been playing football for four hours when it started to rain. 4. When the police arrived, we had been sleeping for five hours.. 5. Jim had been reading my book for thirty minutes before he returned it to me. 6. She had been swimming for two hours when the shark came. Simple 1. Did I cook dinner for you last week? 2. Did we clean the house last month? 3. Did you eat bananas yesterday? 4. Did they dance last night? 5. Did two Cats die last year? 6. Did he not buy a computer last Sunday? 7. Did he not give you her heart last Christmas? 8. Didn’t It rain heavily last rainy season? 9. Didn’t the train arrive at 8 o’clock this morning? Continuous Was I sleeping when you came? Was he watching TV when the phone rang? Was she singing while he was dancing? Was it raining when we went out?
  • 17. English sentense Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 17 Was a cat sleeping as a dog was playing? Weren’t you walking while they were running? Were you not cleaning the room when it stated to snow ? Weren’t they cooking when we arrived? Were cats not drinking water while dogs were standing? Perfect Had I eaten a pizza before I go to bed? Had John called me by the time I left. Had all people gone home when we reached the cinema. Had he studied English before he moved to England? Perfect Continuous Had you been waiting for the train for three hours before it arrived at the station? Had we been sleeping for five hours when the police arrived? Simple I did not eat bananas yesterday. We did not clean the house last month. You didn’t cook dinner for me last week. They didn’t dance last night. Two Cats did not die last year. He didn’t buy a computer last Sunday. Last Christmas, she did not give you her heart. It did not rain heavily last rainy season. The train didn’t arrive at 8 o’clock this morning. Continuous I wasn’t sleeping when you came. He was not watching TV when the phone rang. She wasn’t singing while he was dancing. It was not raining when we went out. A cat wasn’t sleeping as a dog was playing. You weren’t walking while they were running. We were not cleaning the room when it stated to snow. They weren’t cooking when we arrived. Cats were not drinking water while dogs were standing.
  • 18. English sentense Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 18 Perfect I hadn’t eaten a pizza before went to bed. John had not called me by the time I left. He hadn’t studied English before he moved to England? They had never had dinner before they did homework. Perfect Continuous 1. I hadn’t been waiting for the train for three hours before it arrived at the station. I had been waiting for five hours. 2. When the police arrived, we had not been sleeping for five hours. We had been sleeping for one hour only. ຍ຺ຈ຋ີ 3 Future Simple Tense ຎະ຿ນງກຍບກຽຖ຺ໃາ 1. She will probably leave next month ຖາທບາຈ຅ະແຎຽຈືບຌໜໟາ 2. I think you will win this game. ຂໟບງ຃ິຈທໞາ ຽ຅຺ໄາ຅ະຆະຌະຽກຓຌີໄ 3. I’m sure he will go with us. ຂໟບງໜັໄຌເ຅ທໞາຖາທ຅ະແຎກັຍຽປ຺າ 4. I don’t know when she will come back. ຂໟບງຍໍໃປູ້ ຽຓືໃບເຈຖາທ຅ະກັຍຓາ 5. I will go to school tomorrow. ຂໟບງ຅ະແຎ຿ປຄປຼຌຓືໄບືໃຌ 6. You will eat papaya salad tonight. ຽ຅຺ໄາ຅ະກິຌຉໍາໝາກງຸ່ຄ຃ືຌຌີໄ 7. He will clean the car next week. ຖາທ຅ະຖໟາຄຖ຺ຈບາ຋ິຈໜໟາ 8. She will buy a bike next month. ຖາທ຅ະຆືໄຖ຺ຈຊີຍຽຈືບຌໜໟາ 9. It will snow next season. ນີຓະ຅ະຉ຺ກຖະຈູໜໟາ 10. We will fly to London next Monday. ຽປ຺າ຅ະຍິຌແຎຖບຌຈບຌທັຌທັຌ຅ັຌໜໟາ 11. They will teach English next semester. ຑທກຽຂ຺າ຅ະຘບຌຑາຘາບັຄກິຈຽ຋ີຓໜໟາ 12. I will send this letter to Jane. ຂໟບງ຅ະຘ຺ໃຄ຅຺ຈໝາງແຎນາຽ຅ຌ 13. I will call you when I arrive. ຂໟບງ຅ະ຿຋ນາຽ຅຺ໄາຽຓືໃບຂໟບງຓາຽຊີຄ ຎະ຿ນງກຎະຉິຽຘຈ 14. I will not go to school tomorrow. ຂໟບງ຅ະຍໍໃແຎ຿ປຄປຼຌຓືໄບືໃຌ 15. You won’t eat papaya salad tonight. ຽ຅຺ໄາ຅ະຍໍໃກິຌຉໍາໝາກງຸ່ຄ຃ືຌຌີໄ
  • 19. English sentense Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 19 16. He will not clean the car next week. ຖາທ຅ະຍໍໃຖໟາຄຖ຺ຈບາ຋ິຈໜໟາ 17. She won’t buy a bike next month. ຖາທ຅ະຍໍໃຆືໄຖ຺ຈຊີຍຽຈືບຌໜໟາ 18. It will not snow next season. ນີຓະ຅ະຍໍໃຉ຺ກຖະຈູໜໟາ 19. We won’t fly to London next Monday. ຑທກຽປ຺າ຅ະຍໍໃຍີຌແຎຖບຌຈບຌທັຌ຅ັຌໜໟາ 20. They will not teach English next semester. ຑທກຽຂ຺າ຅ະຍໍໃຘບຌຑາຘາບັຄກິຈຽ຋ີຓໜໟາ ຎະ຿ນງກ຃ໍາຊາຓ 21. Will I go to school tomorrow? ຂໟບງ຅ະແຎ຿ປຄປຼຌຓືໄບືໃຌຌີໄ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ Yes, you will./ No, you won’t.຾ຓ່ຌ / ຍໍໃ຾ຓ່ຌ 22. Will you eat papaya salad tonight? ຽ຅຺ໄາ຅ະກິຌຉໍາໝາກງຸ່ຄ຃ືຌຌີໄ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ Yes, I will. / No, I wont ຾ຓ່ຌ / ຍໍໃ຾ຓ່ຌ 23. Will he not clean the car next week? ຖາທ຅ະຍໍໃຖໟາຄຖ຺ຈບາ຋ິຈໜໟາ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ Yes, he will. / No, he wont. ຾ຓ່ຌ / ຍໍໃ຾ຓ່ຌ 24. Will she not buy a bike next month? ຖາທ຅ະຍໍໃຆືໄຖ຺ຈຊີຍຽຈືບຌໜໟາ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ Yes, she will. / No, she wont. ຾ຓ່ຌ / ຍໍໃ຾ຓ່ຌ 25. Won’t it snow next season? ນີຓະ຅ະຍໍໃຉ຺ກຖະຈູໜໟາ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ Yes, it will. / No, it wont. ຾ຓ່ຌ / ຍໍໃ຾ຓ່ຌ 26. Won’t we fly to London next Monday? ຑທກຽປ຺າ຅ະຍໍໃຍີຌແຎຖບຌຈບຌທັຌ຅ັຌໜໟາ ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ Yes, it will. / No, it wont. ຾ຓ່ຌ / ຍໍໃ຾ຓ່ຌ 27. Won’t they teach English next semester? ຑທກຽຂ຺າ຅ະຍໍໃຘບຌຑາຘາບັຄກິຈຽ຋ີຓໜໟາ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ Yes, they will. / No, they wont. ຾ຓ່ຌ / ຍໍໃ຾ຓ່ຌ Future Continuous Tense ເຆ້ກໞາທຽຊີຄຽນຈກາຌ຋ີໃກໍາຖັຄ຅ະຽກີຈຂືໄຌເຌບາຌາ຃຺ຈ ໝາງຽຊີຄທໞາ ຆໞທຄຽທຖາໜືໃຄເຌບາຌາ຃຺ຈ ກໍາຖັຄ຅ະຽປັຈຍາຄດ່າຄດູ່ຆືາຄຈ຺ຌໂ ຌາຌນົາງກໞທາ ຅ະຽທ຺ໄາ຋ີໜືໃຄ ເຌ຋ີໃຌີໄຽປ຺າງ຺ກຉ຺ທດ່າຄຘບຄ຾ຍຍ ຃ື ຓີຽນຈກາຌຈຼທ ຾ຖະ ຓີ ຘບຄຽນຈກາຌຽກີຈຂືໄຌແຖ່ຖຼຄກັຌ ຽນຈກາຌຈຼທ ຘໞທຌນົາງ຅ະຖະຍຸຽທຖາເຌບາຌາ຃຺ຈຈໟທງ 1. I will be reading books at 8 o’clock tomorrow. ຂໟບງ຅ະກໍາຖັຄບໞາຌໜັຄຘືຽທຖາ 8 ຿ຓຄ ຓືບືໃຌ 2. At nine o’clock tomorrow, we will be working on farm. ຓືໄບືໃຌຽທຖາ 9 ຿ຓຄ ຑທກຽປ຺າ຅ະກໍາຖັຄຽປັຈທຼກເຌຒາຓ ຾ຍຍ຋ີຘບຄຽນຈກາຌ Time Line (ຽນຈກາຌ຋ີໃກໍາຖັຄຽກີຈຂືໄຌເຆ້ Future Continuous ບິກຽນຈກາຌໜືໃຄເຆ້ Present Simple) 3. She will be waiting when you arrive. ຖາທ຅ະກໍາຖັຄຊໟາຽຓືໃບຽ຅຺ໄາຓາຽຊີຄ ( ໝາງ຃ທາຓທໞາ ຽຓືໃບຽປ຺າຓາຽຊີຄ ຽ຅຺ໄາ຅ະຽນັຌຖາທກໍາຖັຄຊໟາດູ່ )
  • 20. English sentense Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 20 4. I will be sleeping when my mom gets home. ຂໟບງ຅ະກໍາຖັຄຌບຌນົັຍດູ່ ຉບຌ຋ີໃ຾ຓ່ຓາຽຊີຄ 5. I will be sleeping when my mom gets home. ຂໟບງ຅ະກໍາຌບຌນົັຍດູ່ ຉບຌ຋ີໃ຾ຓ່ຓາຽຊີຄ ຃ທາຓ຾ຉກຉໞາຄຖະນທໞາຄ Future Simple ກັຍ Future Continuous ຖບຄຓາຽຍີໃຄຎະ຿ນງກຌີໄກໞບຌ 6. I will watch TV to morrow morning. ຂໟບງ຅ະຽຍີໃຄ຿຋ຖະ຋ັຈຓືໄບືໃຌຽຆ຺ໄາ 7. I will be watching TV to morrow morning. ຂໟບງ຅ະກໍາຖັຄຽຍີໃຄ຿຋ຖະ຋ັຈຓືໄບືໃຌຽຆ຺ໄາ ຎະ຿ນງກຎະຉິຽຘຈ 8. I won’t be watching TV tomorrow morning. ຂໟບງ຅ະກໍາຖັຄຽຍີຄ຿຋ຖະ຋ັຈ ຓືໄບືໃຌຽຆ຺ໄາ ຎະ຿ນງກ຃ໍາຊາຓ 9. Will you be watching TV to morrow morning. ຽ຅຺ໄາ຅ະກໍາຖັຄຽຍີໃຄ຿຋ຖະ຋ັຈ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ ຓືໄບືໃຌຽຆ຺ໄາ Yes, I will. / No, I won’t. ຾ຓ່ຌ / ຍໍໃ຾ຓ່ຌ 10. What will you be doing when your mom gets home? ຽ຅຺ໄາ຅ະກໍາຖັຄຽປັຈນງັຄດູ່ ຉບຌ຋ີໃ຾ຓ່ຂບຄຽ຅຺ໄາຓາຽຊີຄ 11. I‘ll be watching TV. ຂໟບງ຅ະກໍາຖັຄຽຍີຄ຿຋ຖະ຋ັຈ Future Perfect Tense ເຆ້ກໞາທຽຊີຄຽນຈກາຌ຋ີໃ຅ະຽປັຈຘໍາຽຖັຈຘ຺ຓຍູຌ ເຌຽທາຖໜືໃຄເຌບາຌາ຃຺ຈ ຾ຍຍຓີຽນຈກາຌຈຼທ ຘໞທຌນົາງ຅ະຖະຍຸຽທຖາເຌບາຌາ຃຺ຈຈໟທງ ຽຆັໃຌ: 1. I will have eaten breakfast at 8 o’clock tomorrow. ຂໟບງ຅ະກິຌຽຂ຺ໄາຽຆ຺ໄາປບງປໟບງ຾ຖ້ທ ຽທຖາ 8 ຿ຓຄ ຓືໄບືໃຌຌີໄ 2. Tomorrow morning, we will have finished our project. ຓືໄບືໃຌຽຆ຺ໄາ ຑທກຽປ຺າ຅ະຈໍາຽຌີຌ຿຃ຄກາຌຂບຄຑທກຽປ຺າຘໍາຽຖັຈ ຾ຖ້ທ ຾ຍຍຓີຘບຄຽນກາຌ (ຽນຈກາຌ຋ີໃຘໍາຽຖັຈຘ຺ຓຍູຌ຾ຖ້ທເຆ້ Future Perfect ບິກຽນຈກາຌໜືໃຄເຆ້ Present Simple) 3. She will have gone when you arrive. ຖາທ ( ຃຺ຄ ) ຅ະແຎ຾ຖ້ທ ຽຓືໃບຽ຅຺ໄາຓາຽຊີຄ ) 4. I will have cleaned the floor when my mom gets home. ຂໟບງ ( ຃຺ຄ ) ຅ະ຋ໍາ຃ທາຓຘະບາຈຑືໄຌປຼຌປຼຍປໟບງ຾ຖ້ທ ຉບຌ຋ີໃ຾ຓ່ຓາຽຊີຄ 5. When we get to the station, the train will have left. ຽຓືບຽປ຺າແຎຽຊີຄຘະຊາຌີ ຖ຺ຈແຒ ( ຃຺ຄ ) ຅ະບບກແຎ຾ຖ້ທ
  • 21. English sentense Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 21 6. I will have studied English for ten months next month. ຂໟບງ຅ະແຈ້ປຼຌຑາຘາບັຄກິຈຽຎັຌຽທຖາຘີຍຽຈືບຌ ( ຌັຍຽຊີຄ ) ຽຈືບຌໜໟາ ຃ທາຓ຾ຉກຉໞາຄຖະນທໞາຄ Future Continuous ກັຍ Future Perfect 7. I will be eating rice when you arrive. ຂໟບງ຅ະກໍາຖັຄກິຌຽຂ຺ໄາດູ່ຽຓືໃບຽ຅຺ໄາຓາຽຊີຄ 8. I will have eaten rice when you arrive. ຂໟບງ(຃຺ຄ)຅ະກິຌຽຂ຺ໄາປຼຍປໟບງ຾ຖ້ທຽຓືໃບຽ຅຺ໄາຓາຽຊີຄ ຘ຺ຓຓຸຈທໞາຽປ຺າຌັຈຽຑືໃບຌແຎ຋ໞຼທ ຾ຖ້ທຽຑືໃບຌຍບກທໞາ ຎະຓາຌຽ຅ັຈ຿ຓຄຽຆ຺ໄາຌະ຅ະຓາປັຍ 9. ຊໟາຽທ຺ໄາທໞາ I will be eating rice when you arrive. ຅ະໝາງ຃ທາຓທໞາ ຽທຖາຌີໄຽຎັຌຽທຖາກິຌຽຂ຺ໄາຽຆ຺ໄາຂບຄຂໟບງ ຊໟາຖາທຓາກໍຊໟາ ເນ້ຂໟບງກິຌກໞບຌ຾ຖ້ທ຅ືໃຄແຎ 10. ຾ຉ່ຊໟາຍບກຽຑືໃບຌທໞາ I will have eaten rice when you arrive. ໝາງ຃ທາຓທໞາ ຽທຖາຌີໄຂບຄ຋ຸກທັຌຂໟບງກິຌຽຂ຺ໄາ຾ຖ້ທປຼຍ ປໟບງຊໟາຖາທຓາກໍແຎກັຌແຈ້ຽຖີງ ຎະ຿ນງກຎະຉິຽຘຈ 11. I won’t have finished my project tomorrow morning. ຂໟບງ ( ຃຺ຄ ) ຅ະຍໍໃຈໍາຽຌີຌ຿຃ຄກາຌຂບຄຂໟບງຘໍາຽຖັຈ ຓືໄບືໃຌຽຆ຺ໄາ ຎະ຿ນງກ຃ໍາຊາຓ 12. Will you have finished your project tomorrow morning? ຽ຅຺ໄາ ( ຃຺ຄ ) ຈໍາຽຌີຌ຿຃ຄກາຌຂບຄຽ຅຺ໄາຘໍາຽຖັຈ ຓືໄບືໃຌຽຆ຺ໄາ຾ຓ່ຌ ຍໍ Yes, I will. / No, I won’t. ຾ຓ່ຌ/ຍໍໃ຾ຓ່ຌ Future Perfect Continuous Tense .ເຆ້ກໞາທຽຊີຄຽນຈກາຌເຌບະຌາ຃຺ຈ ຋ີໃແຈ້ຽປັຈແຎ຾ຖ້ທຽຎັຌແຖງະໜືໃຄ ຾ຖະ ກໍາຖັຄຽປັຈດູ່ ຾ຍຍຓີຽນຈກາຌຈຼທ ຘໞທຌນົາງ຅ະຖະຍຸຽທຖາເຌບະຌາ຃຺ຈຈໟທງຽຆັໃຌ 1. I will have been eating breakfast for 30 minutes at 8 o’clock tomorrow. ຂໟບງ຅ະແຈ້ກໍາຖັຄກິຌຽຂ຺ໄາຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 30 ຌາ຋ີ຋ີໃ຾ຖ້ທ ເຌ ຽທຖາ 8 ຿ຓຄ ຓືໄບືໃຌ 2. At 10 o’clock tomorrow, we will have been working on farm for two hours. ຽທຖາ 10 ຿ຓຄຓືໄບືໃຌ ຑທກຽປ຺າ຅ະ ແຈ້ກໍາຖັຄຽປັຈທຼກເຌຒາຓ ຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 2 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ຾ຖ້ທ ຾ຍຍຓີຘບຄຽນຈກາຌ( ຽນຈກາຌ຋ີໃແຈ້ຈໍາຽຌີຌຓາ຾ຖ້ທແຖງະໜືໃຄເຆ້ Future Perfect Continuous ບິກຽນຈກາຌໜືໃຄເຆ້ Present Simple)
  • 22. English sentense Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 22 3. You will have been waiting for two hours when the plane arrives. ຽ຅຺ໄາກໍາຖັຄ຅ະແຈ້ຊໟາ ຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 2 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄຽຓືໃບ ຽ຃ືໃບຄຍີຌຓາຽຊີຄ 4. They will have been sleeping for three hours by the time their parents get home. ຑທກຽຂ຺າກໍາຖັຄ຅ະແຈ້ ຌບຌນົັຍຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 3 ຂ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ ຉບຌ຋ີໃຑໍໃ຾ຓ່ຂບຄຑທກຽຂ຺າຓາຽຊີຄ ເຆ້ກໞາທຽຊີຄຽນຈກາຌເຌບາຌາ຃຺ຈ ຋ີໃ຅ະແຈ້ຽປັຈແຎ຾ຖ້ທຽຎັຌແຖງະຽທຖາໜືໃຄ ຾ຖະ ກໍາຖັຄຽປັຈດູ່ ຾ຍຍຓີຽນຈກາຌຈຼທ ຘໞທຌນົາງ຅ະຖະຍຸຽທາຖເຌບາຌາ຃຺ຈຈໟທງຽຆັໃຌ 5. I will have been eating breakfast for 30 minutes at 8 o’clock tomorrow. ຂໟບງ຅ະແຈ້ກໍາຖັຄກິຌຽຂ຺ໄາຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 30 ຌາ຋ິ຾ຖ້ທ ເຌຽທຖາ 8 ຿ຓຄ ຓືໄບືໃຌ 6. At 10 o’clock tomorrow, we will have been working on farm for two hours. ຽທຖາ 10 ຿ຓຄ ຓືໄບືໃຌ ຑທກຽປ຺າ຅ະ ແຈ້ກໍາຖັຄຽປັຈທຼກເຌຒາຓ ຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 2 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ຾ຖ້ທ ຾ຍຍຓີຘບຄຽນຈກາຌ ( ຽນຈກາຌ຋ີໃແຈ້ຈໍາຽຌີຌຓາ຾ຖ້ທແຖງະໜືໃຄເຆ້ Future Perfect Continuous ບີກຽນຈກາຌໜືໃຄເຆ້ Present Simple) 7. You will have been waiting for two hours when the plane arrives. ຽ຅຺ໄາ຅ະແຈ້ກໍາຖັຄ ຊໟາຽຎັຌຽທຖາຘບຄຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ ຽຓືໃບງ຺ຌຍີຌຓາຽຊີຄ 8. They will have been sleeping for three hours by the time their parents get home. ຑທກຽຂ຺າ຅ະແຈ້ກໍາຖັຄ ຌບຌນົັຍຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 3 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ ຉບຌ຋ີໃຑໍໃ຾ຓ່ຂບຄຑທກຽຂ຺າຓາຽຊີຄ 9. I will have been studying English for ten months next month. ຂໟບງ຅ະແຈ້ກໍາຖັຄປຼຌຑາຘາບັຄກິຈຽຎັຌຽທຖາຘີຍ ຽຈືບຌ ( ຌັຍຽຊີຄ ) ຽຈືບຌໜໟາ ຃ທາຓ຾ຉກຉໞາຄຖະນທໞາຄ Future Continuous ກັຍ Future Perfect Continuous. 10. I will be eating rice when you arrive. ຂໟບງ຅ະກໍາຖັຄກິຌຂໟາທດູ່ ຽຓືໃບຽ຅຺ໄາຓາຽຊີຄ 11. I will have been eating rice for 30 minutes when you arrive. ຂໟບງ຃ບ຺ຄ຅ະແຈ້ກໍາຖັຄກິຌຽຂ຺ໄາ຾ຖ້ທຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 30 ຌາ຋ີ ຽຓືໃບຽ຅຺ໄາຓາຽຊີຄ ຎະ຿ນງກຎະຉິຽຘຈ 12. I won’t have been waiting for you for 3 hours when you arrive. ຂໟບງ຅ະຍໍໃແຈ້ກໍາຖັຄຊໟາຽ຅຺ໄາ ຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 3 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ ຽຓືໃບຽ຅຺ໄາຓາຽຊີຄ ຎະ຿ນງກ຃ໍາຊາຓ
  • 23. English sentense Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 23 13. Will you have been waiting for me for two hours when I arrive? ຽ຅຺ໄາ຅ະຍໍໃກໍາຖັຄຊໟາຂໟບງຽຎັຌຽທຖາ 2 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ ຽຓືໃບ ຂໟບງຓາຽຊີຄ຾ຓ່ຌຍໍ Yes, I will. / No, I won’t. ຾ຓ່ຌ / ຍໍໃ຾ຓ່ຌ 14. How long will you have been waiting for me when I arrive? 3 hours. ຽ຅຺ໄາ຅ະແຈ້ກໍາຖັຄຊໟາຂໟບງຽຎັຌຽທຖາ຅ັກ ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ ຽຓືໃບຂໟບງຓາຽຊີຄ. 3 ຆ຺ໃທ຿ຓຄ Simple She will probably leave next month. I think you will win this game. I’m sure he will go with us. I don’t know when she will come back. I will go to school tomorrow. You will eat papaya salad tonight. He will clean the car next week. She will buy a bike next month. It will snow next season. We will fly to London next Monday. They will teach English next semester. I will send this letter to Jane. I will call you when I arrive. Continuous I will be reading books at 8 o’clock tomorrow. At nine o’clock tomorrow, we will be working on farm. She will be waiting when you arrive. I will be sleeping when my mom gets home. I will be sleeping when my mom gets home. I will be watching TV tomorrow morning. Perfect I will have eaten breakfast at 8 o’clock tomorrow. Tomorrow morning, we will have finished our project. She will have gone when you arrive. I will have cleaned the floor when my mom gets home. When we get to the station, the train will have left. I will have cleaned the floor when my mom gets home. I will have studied English for ten months next month. How long have you studied English? I will have studied English for ten months next month. I have studied English for nine month I will have studied English for ten months next month.
  • 24. English sentense Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 24 Perfect Continuous I will have been eating breakfast for 30 minutes at 8 o’clock tomorrow. At 10 o’clock tomorrow, we will have been working on farm for two hours. You will have been waiting for two hours when the plane arrives. They will have been sleeping for three hours by the time their parents get home. They will have been sleeping for three hours by the time their parents get home. I will have been studying English for ten months next month. I will have been eating rice for 30 minute when you arrive. Simple Will I go to school tomorrow? Will you eat papaya salad tonight? Will he not clean the car next week? Will she not buy a bike next month Won’t it snow next season? Won’t we fly to London next Monday? Won’t they teach English next semester? Continuous Will you be watching TV Tomorrow morning. What will you be doing when your mom gets home? I‘ll be watching TV. Perfect Will you have finished your project tomorrow morning?
  • 25. English sentense Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 25 Simple I will not go to school tomorrow. You won’t eat papaya salad tonight. He will not clean the car next week. She won’t buy a bike next month. It will not snow next season. We won’t fly to London next Monday. They will not teach English next semester. Continuous I won’t be watching TV tomorrow morning. Perfect I will not have finished my project tomorrow morning. Perfect Continuous I will not have been waiting for you for 3 hours when you arrive. English conversations 1. What’s your name? ຽ຅຺ໄາຆືໃນງັຄ 2. What’s your surname/family name? ຌາຓຘະກຸຌຽ຅຺ໄາ຾ຓ່ຌນງັຄ 3. What’s you first name? ຆືໃ຅ີຄຂບຄຽ຅຺ໄາ຾ຓ່ຌນງັຄ 4. Where are you from?/where do you come from? ຽ຅຺ໄາຓາ຅າກເຘ 5. I’m from……./ I come from…….. ຂໟບງຓາ຅າກ 6. What’s your address? ຋ີໃດູ່ຂບຄຽ຅຺ໄາ຾ຓ່ຌດູ່ເຘ 7. Where do you live? ຽ຅຺ໄາບາເຘດູ່ເຘ 8. I live in Laos ຂໟບງບາເຘດູ່ຎະຽ຋ຈຖາທ 9. How old are you? ຽ຅຺ໄາບາງຸຽ຋຺ໃາເຈ 10. I’m 20 years old ຂໟບງບາງຸ 20 ຎີ
  • 26. English sentense Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 26 11. Where were you born? ຽ຅຺ໄາຽກິຈຽຓືໃບເຈ 12. I was born in ….. ຂໟບງຽກີຈເຌຎີ 13. Are you married? ຽ຅຺ໄາ຾ຉ່ຄຄາຌ຾ຖ້ທຍໍ 14. What’s your phone number? ໝາງຽຖກ຿຋ຖະຘັຍຽ຅຺ໄາ຾ຓ່ຌນງັຄ 15. What do you do? / what’s your job? ຽ຅຺ໄາຽປັຈທຼກນງັຄ 16. Can you speak Lao ຽ຅຺ໄາຽທ຺ໄາຑາຘາຖາທແຈ້ຍໍ 17. How do you do. Nice to meet you. ຽຎັຌ຾ຌທເຈ. ງິຌຈີ຋ີໃປູ້຅ັກ 18. How are you? ຽ຅຺ໄາຘະຍາງຈີຍໍ 19. Fine .thanks. and you? ຘະຍາງຈີ ຂບຍເ຅ ຾ຖະ ຽ຅຺ໄາຽຈ 20. May I help you? ຅ະເນ້ຂໟບງຆໞທງນງັຄຍໍ 21. Can I try it on ? ຂໟບງຖບຄເຘ່ແຈ້ຍໍ 22. How much does it cost ? / how much is it ? ຖາ຃າຽ຋຺ໃາເຈ 23. What’s that? ຌັໄຌ຾ຓ່ຌນງັຄ 24. What time is it ? ຅ັກ຿ຓຄ຾ຖ້ທ 25. Are there any apples? ຓີຽບັຍຽຎີໄຌ຾ຌ່ຍໍ 26. Whose is this? ບັຌຌີໄ຾ຓ່ຌຂບຄເຏ 27. What do you like to do? ຽ຅຺ໄາຓັກຽປັຈນງັຄ 28. I like playing basketball ຂໟບງຓັກນົີໄຌຍາຈຘະຽກັຈຍບຌ 29. What does it mean ? ຓັຌໝາງ຃ທາຓທໞາ຾ຌທເຈ 30. I don’t understand ຂໟບງຍໍໃຽຂ຺ໄາເ຅ 31. Say again please ຽທ຺ໄາບີກຽ຋ືໃບແຈ້ຍໍ 32. Where is the toilet ? ນໟບຄຌໍໄາດູ່ເຘ 33. I lost my phone ຂໟບງຽປັຈ຿຋ຖະຘັຍຽຘງ 34. I’m lost ຂໟບງນົ຺ຄ຋າຄ 35. Do you want some coffee? ດາກແຈ້ກາຽຒຍໍ 36. How was your weekend? ທັຌນງຸຈຽຎັຌ຾ຌທເຈ 37. I’m tired ຂໟບງຽຓືບງ 38. Let’s go to the mall ແຎນໟາຄກັຌຽ຋າະ 39. I don’t want to go ຂໟບງຍໍໃງາກແຎ 40. What are you going to do tomorrow? ຽ຅຺ໄາ຅ະຽປັຈນງັຄເຌທັຌນງຸຈຌີໄ 41. Did you sleep well ? ຽ຅຺ໄາຌບຌນົັຍຘະຍາງຍໍ 42. Brush your teeth ແຎຊູ຾ຂ້ທ 43. Wash your face ຖໟາຄໜໟາ 44. Put on your clothes ເຘ່ຽຘືໄບຏໟາ 45. Do you need help? ເນ້ຆໞທງຍໍ 46. Do you want more ? ຽບ຺າຽຑີໄຓບີກຍໍ 47. Tidy up, please ຽກັຍຂບຄຈໟທງຌະ 48. I’m done ຽປັຈຘໍາຽຖັຈ຾ຖ້ທ
  • 27. English sentense Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 27 49. Please come over her. ກະຖຸງາຓາຍໞບຌຌີໄ 50. Have a good trip ຂໍເນ້ຽຈີຌ຋າຄຈໟທງ຃ທາຓຘະຍັຈຈີຑາຍ 51. Can you repeat that? ຽທ຺ໄາຆໍໄາບີກຽ຋ືໃບໜືໃຄແຈ້ຽຍາະ 52. Go right ahead./ Go straight ຉ຺ຄແຎຂໟາຄໜໟາ 53. Turn left / right ຖໟຼທຆໟາງ, ຖໟຼທຂທາ 54. Don’t be late ດ່າຓາຆໟາຽຈີ 55. You are late / early ຽ຅຺ໄາຓາຆໟາ / ແທ 56. Absolutely not / no way ນໟາຓຽຈັຈຂາຈ / ຍໍໃຓີ຋າຄ 57. Happy Anniversary ຘຸກຘັຌທັຌ຃຺ຍປບຍ 58. It’s too much ຓັຌນົາງກາຌແຎ 59. Can I have some more? ຂໍບີກແຈ້ຍໍ 60. Wait a minute ຾ຎຍໜືໃຄ 61. What do you want? ຽ຅຺ໄາດາກແຈ້ນງັຄ 62. Absolutely not ຍໍໃດ່າຄ຾ຌ່ຌບຌ 63. Are you coming with me ? ຽ຅຺ໄາ຅ະຓາກັຍຂໟບງນທາ 64. Are we almost there? ຑທກຽປ຺າແກ້຅ະຽຊີຄ຋ີໃຌັໄຌແຈ້ນທາ 65. As soon as possible ແທ຋ີໃຘຸຈຽ຋຺ໃາ຋ີໃ຅ະຽຎັຌແຎແຈ້ 66. Believe me ຅຺ໃຄຽຆືໃບຂໟບງ 67. Come with me ຓາກັຍຂໟບງ 68. Congratulations ງິຌຈີຈໟທງ 69. Do it right ຽປັຈເນ້ຊືກຉໟບຄຌະ 70. Do you mean it ? ຽ຅຺ໄາໝາງ຃ທາຓທໞາ຾ຌທຌັໄຌ຾ຓ່ຌນທາ 71. Do you want Something? ຽ຅຺ໄາຉໟບຄກາຌບັຌເຈບັຌໜືໃຄ຅ັກດ່າຄຍໍ 72. Don’t do it ດ່າຄຽປັຈ຾ຍຍຌັໄຌ 73. Don’t exaggerate ດ່າ຿ບຽທີຌະ, ດ່າຽທ຺ໄາກທຌ຅ີຄນົາງ 74. Don’t tell me that ດ່າຍບກກັຍຂໟບງ຾ຍຍຌັໄຌຌະ 75. Go right ahead ກ຺ຄແຎຽຖີງ຋າຄໜໟາ 76. Have a good trip ຂໍເນ້ຽຈີຌ຋າຄຈໟທງ຃ທາຓຎບຈແຑ຅ະ 77. Have a nice day ຂໍເນ້ຽຎັຌທັຌ຋ີໃຈີຌະ 78. Have another one ຽບ຺າບິກບັຌໜືໃຄ຾ຓ 79. Have you finished? ຾ຖ້ທໂຍໍ 80. He doesn’t have time ຖາທຍໍໃຓີຽທຖາ 81. He’s on his way ຖາທກໍາຖັຄຽຈີຌ຋າຄ 82. How are you doing? ຽ຅຺ໄາຽຎັຌ຾ຌທເຈ 83. How long are you staying ? ຽ຅຺ໄາ຅ະຑັກຈ຺ຌຎາຌເຈ 84. I am crazy about her ຂໟບງຓັກຖາທນ຺ທຎັກນ຺ທຎັໃຌ 85. I am wasting my time ຂໟບງກໍາຖັຄຽຘງຽທຖາຂບຄຂໟບງເຈ 86. I can’t believe it ຂໟບງທໞາດາກ຅ະຽຆືໃບ
  • 28. English sentense Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 28 87. I can’t wait ຂໟບງຊໟາຍໍໃແນທ຾ຖ້ທ 88. I don’t have time ຂໟບງຍໍໃຓີຽທຖາ 89. I don’t know anybody ຂໟບງຍໍໃປູ້ເຏຽຖີງ 90. I don’t like it ຂໟບງຍໍໃແຈ້ຓັກຓັຌ 91. I don’t think so ຂໟບງຍໍໃແຈ້຃ິຈແຎ຾ຌທຌັໄຌເຈ 92. I feel much better ຂໟບງປູ້ຘຶກຈີຂືໄຌ຾ຖ້ທ 93. I found it ຂໟບງຑ຺ຍຓັຌ຾ຖ້ທ 94. I hate you ຂໟບງຆັຄຽ຅຺ໄາ 95. I see ຽຂ຺ໄາເ຅ຖະ 96. I think so ຂໟບງຍໍໃແຈ້຃ິຈ຾ຌທຌັໄຌເຈ 97. I want to speak with him ຂໟບງຉໟບຄກາຌຽທ຺ໄາກັຍຖາທ 98. I won ຂໟບງຆະຌະ຾ຖ້ທ 99. I would like a cup of coffee ຂໟບງຉໟບຄກາຌກະຽຒໜືໃຄ຅ບກ 100.I am hungry ຂໟບງນີທ 101.I am leaving ຂໟບງ຅ະແຎ຾ຖ້ທ 102.I am used to it ຂໟບງຆິຌ຾ຖ້ທ,ຂໟບງຖືໄຄຽຖີງ 103.I will miss you ຂໟບງ຅ະ຃ິຈປບຈຽ຅຺ໄາຌະ 104.I will try ຂໟບງ຅ະຑະງາງາຓ 105.I am bored ຂໟບງປູ້ຘຶກຽຍືໃບ 106.I am having fun ຂໟບງກໍາຖັຄຓໞທຌ 107.I am ready ຂໟບງຑໟບຓ຾ຖ້ທ 108.I have got it ຂໟບງຓີຓັຌຌະ 109.It’s incredible ຓັຌໜໟາຽນົືບຽຆືໃບແຎຽຖີງ 110.Is it far? ຓັຌແກນທາ 111.It doesn’t matter ດ່າຄຓັຌຽ຋າະ 112.It smells good ຓັຌນບຓຌະ 113.It’s about time ແຈ້ທຖາຖະ 114.It’s all right ຍໍໃຎັຌນງັຄ 115.It’s easy , it’s good ຓັຌຄໞາງ , ຓັຌຈີ 116.It’s near hear ຓັຌແກ້ກັຍ຋ີໃຌີໄ 117.It’s nothing ຍໍໃຓີນງັຄ 118.It’s time to go ປບຈຽທຖາແຎ຾ຖ້ທ 119.It’s different ຓັຌ຾ຉກຉໞາຄຌະ 120.It’s impossible ຓັຌຽຎັຌແຎຍໍໃແຈ້ 121.It’s not bad ຓັຌຍໍໃແຈ້ຈີ 122.It’s not difficult ຍໍໃແຈ້ງາກ 123.It’s not worth it ຓັຌຍໍໃ຃ຸ້ຓ 124.It’s obvious ຓັຌຆັຈດູ່຾ຖ້ທ
  • 29. English sentense Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 29 125.It’s the same thing ຓັຌກະຽໝືບຌກັຌນັຌຖະ 126.It’s your turn ປບຈ຋ີຽ຅຺ໄາຖະ 127.Me too ຂໟບງຈໟທງ 128.She’s my best friend ຖາທຽຎັຌຽຑືໃບຌຘະຌິຈຂບຄຂໟບງ 129.She’s so smart ຖາທຘະນົາຈນົາງ 130.Slow down ຆໟາຖ຺ຄ 131.That happens ດ່າຄຌັໄຌຽກີຈຂືໄຌແຈ້ດູ່຾ຖ້ທ 132.That’s enough ຑໍຽຊີໄ 133.That’s interesting ຌັໄຌ຾ຓ່ຌໜໟາຘ຺ຌເ຅ຌະ 134.That’s right ເຆ້ຽຖີງ 135.That’s true ຊືກຉໟບຄ຾ຖ້ທ 136.There are too many people ຓີ຃຺ຌນົາງຽກີຌແຎ 137.They like each other ຑທກຽຂ຺າຓັກກັຌ 138. Think about it ຃ິຈຽຍີໃຄຌະ 139. What did you say? ຽ຅້າຽທ຺ໄາທໞານງັຄຌະ 140. What do you think ? ຽ຅຺ໄາ຃ີຈທໞາ຾ຌທເຈ 141. What is he talking about ? ຖາທກໍາຖັຄຽທ຺ໄາຽຊີຄນງັຄ 142. What terrible weather ບາກາຈຍໍໃຈີ 143. What’s going on? ຽກີຈນງັຄຂືຌ 144. What’s the date today ຓືໄຌີໄທັຌ຋ີນງັຄ 145. You are impatient ຽ຅຺ໄາຌະເ຅ປໟບຌ 146. You look tired ຽຍີໃຄຽ຅຺ໄາຽຓືບງໂ 147. You surprise me ຽ຅຺ໄາຽປັຈເນ້ຂໟບງຎະນົາຈເ຅ 148. You’re in a bad mood ຽ຅຺ໄາກໍາຖັຄບາຖ຺ຓຍໍໃຈີ 149. You are lying ຽ຅຺ໄາກໍາຖັຄ຿ກນ຺ກ ( ນົບກຖທຄ ) 150. You’re wrong ຽ຅຺ໄາຏິຈຖະ 151. How long have you worked here? ຽ຅຺ໄາຽປັຈທຼກ຋຋ີໃຌີໄຈ຺ຌຎາຌເຈ຾ຖ້ທ 152. I’m going out for lunch ຂໟບງ຅ະແຎກິຌຽຂ຺ໄາຂໟາຄຌບຈຽຈີ 153. I’ll be back at 1.30 ຈຼທຂໟບງກັຍຓາຉບຌ 1.30 154. The traffic was terrible today ຓືໄຌີໄຖ຺ຈຉິຈນົາງຽຖີງຽຌາະ 155. Do you want to join me for lunch? ແຎກິຌບານາຌ຋ໞຼຄຌໍາກັຌຽຍາະ 156. Sorry I’m late ຂໍ຿຋ຈ຋ີໃຓາຆໟາ 157. He is on holiday ຖາທຖາຑັກປບຌ 158. Jane is off sick today ທັຌຌີໄຽ຅ຌຖາຎ່ທງ 159. Kai Kham isn’t in today ຓຶໄຌີໄແກ່຃ໍາຍໍໃຓາ ( ແກ່຃ໍາ = ຆືໃ຃຺ຌ ) 160. She is on maternity ຖາທຖາບບກຖູກ 161.I’m afraid I’m not well and won’t be able to come in today ຂໟບງຽກຄທໞາຓືໄຌີໄຍໍໃ຃ໞບງຘະຍາງ຾ຖະ຅ະຍໍໃຘາຓາຈແຎ ຽປັຈທຼກແຈ້
  • 30. English sentense Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 30 162. Do you need any help? ຽ຅຺ໄາຉໟບຄກາຌຆໞທງຽນົືບນງັຄຍໍ 163. What can I do for you? ຂໟບງຽປັຈນງັຄເນ້ຽ຅຺ໄາແຈ້຾ຌ່ 164. Sorry to keep you waiting ຂໍ຿຋ຈ຋ີໃຽປັຈເນ້ຽ຅຺ໄາຉໟບຄຊໟາ 165. I’ll be with you in a moment ບີຽຎຍໜືໃຄ ຂໟບງ຅ະແຎນາຽ຅຺ໄາ 166. He is with a customer at the moment ຉບຌຌີໄຖາທກໍາຖັຄດູ່ກັຍຖູກ຃ໟາ 167. He is in a meeting ຖາທຎະຆຸຓດູ່ 168. What time does the meeting start / finish? ຎະຆຸຓຽຖີໃຓ / ຅຺ຍຽທຖາແຈ 169. The reception is on the first floor ຑະ຾ຌກຉໟບຌປັຍດູ່ຆັໄຌໜືໃຄ 170. I’ll be free after lunch ຂໟບງ຅ະທໞາຄນົັຄບານາຌ຋ໞຼຄ 171. She resigned ຖາທແຈ້ຖາບບກແຎ຾ຖ້ທ 172. He’s fired ຖາທຊືກແຖ່ບບກ 173. This invoice is overdue ເຍຽກັຍຘໍາ຃ໟາຌີໄ຃ໟາຄຆໍາຖະ 174. Jo has been promoted ຿຅຅ະແຈ້ຽຖືໃບຌຉໍາ຾ໜ່ຄ 175. Here is my business card ຌີໄ຃ືຌາຓຍັຈຂບຄຂໟບງ 176. I don’t understand ຂໟບງຍໍໃຽຂ຺ໄາເ຅ 177. Can you explain it again? ບະ຋ິຍາງບິກ຃ັໄຄແຈ້ຍໍ 178. I want to ask you a question ຂໟບງຓີ຃ໍາຊາຓ຅ະຊາຓຽ຅຺ໄາ 179. Can I see the report? ຂໟບງຂໍຽຍີໃຄຖາງຄາຌ຾ຌ່ແຈ້ຍໍ 180. I left the file on your desk ຂໟບງຊີໄຓຽບກະຘາຌແທ້ຽ຋ີຄ຿ຉະຽ຅຺ໄາຽຈີ 181. There’s a problem with my computer ຃ບຓຑີທຽຉີຂບຄຂໟບງຓີຍັຌນາ 182. I can’t access my email ຂໟບງຽຂ຺ໄາເຆ້ບີຽຓທຍໍໃແຈ້ 183. Can you show me how to use this printer? ຽ຅຺ໄາຆໞທງຘບຌທິ຋ິກາຌເຆ້ຎີໃຌຽຉີຽ຃ືໃບຄຌີໄເນ້ຂໟບງ຾ຌ່ເຈ້ຍໍ 184. The system is down today ຓືໄຌີໄຖະຍ຺ຍຖ຺ໄຓຽນທ 185. We can leave early today ຓືໄຌີໄຑທກຽປ຺າຽຖີກແທເຈ້ 186. Entrance ຋າຄຽຂ຺ໄາ 187. Exit ຋າຄບບກ 188. Emergency exit ຋າຄບບກຘຸກຽຘີຌ 189. Push ງູ້ 190. Pull ຈືຄ 191. Private ຘໞທຌຉ຺ທ 192. No Entry ນໟາຓຽຂ຺ໄາ 193. That was very impolite ຍໍໃຘະຑາຍຽຖີງ 194. That was inappropriate ຍໍໃຽໝາະຘ຺ຓຽຖີງ 195. Don’ t call me buddy ດ່າຓາຽບີໄຌຂໟບງທໞາຘໞຼທ ນົື ຂໟບງຍໍໃ຾ຓ່ຌຘໞຼທຽ຅຺ໄາ 196. Since when have we been friends? ຽປ຺າຽຎັຌໝູ່ກັຌຉັໄຄ຾ຉ່ຉບຌເຈ 197. Excuse me, I need to have a little word with him ຂໍ຿຋ຈຽຈີ ຂບງງາກຖ຺ຓກັຍຖາທຽຎັຌກາຌຘໞທຌຉ຺ທ 198. Try on ຖບຄເຘ່ ( ຽ຃ືໃບຄຌຸ່ຄ 199. Look up ຆບກນາ
  • 31. English sentense Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 31 200. Look up too ງບຓປັຍຌັຍຊື 201. Get down too ຽບ຺າ຅ິຄຽບ຺າ຅ັຄ 202. Forget about it ດ່າຓັຌຽ຋າະ 203. It has nothing to do with me ຍໍໃກໞຼທກັຍຂໟບງຽຈີ 204. I prefer not to talk about that ຂໟບງຍໍໃດາກຽທ຺ໄາຽຊີຄຓັຌບິກ 205. I never want to see you again ຂໍດ່າແຈ້ຑ຺ຍຽ຅ີກັຌບິກຽຖີງ 206. Been there, done that ຽຂັຈ຾ຖ້ທ ( ຽ຃ີງຏໞາຌຓາໝ຺ຈ຾ຖ້ທ ຍໍໃດາກຽປັຈບິກ 207. She sets me up ຖາທເຘ່ປໟາງຂໟບງ 208. It won’ t take long ແຆຽທຖາຍໍໃຈ຺ຌຈບກ 209. Don’ t be so sarcastic ດ່າຘູ່ຓັກຽທ຺ໄາເຘ່ນົາງ 210. We’ re even ຽປ຺າ຅າທກັຌ 211. No offense ດ່າທໞາຆັໄຌທໞາຆີໄຽຈີ 212. No wonder ຘ຺ຓຑໍ຾ຖະ, ຍໍໃ຾ຎກເ຅ຽຖີງ 213. She has an ugly personality ຖາທຌິຈເຘຽຘງ 214. Don’ t ask for trouble ດ່າຘູ່ນາຽນ຺າເຘ່ນ຺ທ 215. You have good people skills ຽ຅຺ໄາຽຎັຌ຃຺ຌຓີຓະຌຸຈຘໍາຑັຌຈີ 216. Don’ t cut on line ນໟາຓ຾ຆຄ຃ິທ 217. Put yourself in someone else’ s shoes ຽບ຺າເ຅ຽຂ຺າຓາເຘ່ເ຅ຽປ຺າ 218. I got dumped by my girlfriend ຂໟບງຊືກ຾ຒຌຊີຓ 219. I am dumping you right now ຂໟບງຆີຊີຓຽ຅຺ໄາຈຼທຌີໄ຾ນົະ 220. I just broke up with my girlfriend ຂໟບງນາກະຽຖີກກັຍ຾ຒຌ 221. She’ s going to dump you ຖາທຆິຊີຓຽ຅຺ໄາ 222. He’ s going to break up with you ຖາທຆີຽຖີກກັຍຽ຅຺ໄາ 223. We called it quits ຽຖີກກັຌ຾ຖ້ທ 224. Control your emotions ຃ບຍ຃ຸຓບາຖ຺ຓ຾ຌ່ 225. Nothing special ຍໍໃຓີນັງຄຑີຽຘຈ 226. Don’ t mess with me ດ່າຓານງຸ້ຄກັຍຂໟບງ 227. I can’ t breathe ຂໟບງນາງເ຅ຍໍໃບບກ 228. I can’ t think of it right now ຉບຌຌີໄງັຄ຃ິຈຍໍໃບບກ 229. What have I done? ຂໟບງຽປັຈນັງຄຄແຎຌີໄ 230. Why me? ຽຎັຌນັງຄຉໟບຄຽຎັຌຂໟບງ 231. I’m gonna try it ຆິຖບຄຽຍີໃຄ 232. That’ s nonsense ແປ້ຘາຖະ 233. Play hard to get ນົີໄຌ຿ຉ 234. Full of yourself ນົ຺ຄ຿ຉຽບຄ 235. Full of shit ຂີໄ຿ຓ້ 236. Show off ຂີໄບທຈ 237. True love is defeated by closeness ປັກ຾຋້຾ຑ້ແກ້ຆິຈ 238. Falling in love with someone who’ s already taken ປັກ຃຺ຌຓີຽ຅຺ໄາຂບຄ 239. Fool yourself ນົບກ຿ຉຽບຄ 240. Mean well ນັທຄຈີ 241. Cut the bullshit ຽຆ຺າຽຒີໄຽ຅ີໄແຈ້຾ຖ້ທ
  • 32. English sentense Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 32 242. Don’ t be so cowardly ດ່າຘູ່ຂີໄກະ຅ບກນົາງ 243. Have you been here for a while? ຓາຈ຺ຌ຾ຖ້ທນທາ 244. Don’ t get discouraged ດ່າ຋ໍໄ຾຋້ 245. I am faithful to you ຂໟບງຆິຆືໃຘັຈຉໍໃຽ຅຺ໄາ ( ຍໍໃຌບກເ຅ ) 246. No matter what happen ຍໍໃທໞາ຾ຓ່ຌນັງຄຆີຽກີຈຂືໄຌກໍຉາຓ 247. Could you quit with the whining? ຽຆ຺າ຅຺ໃຓແຈ້ຍໍ 248. Whatever you want ຾ຌທເຈກະແຈ້, ບັຌເຈກະແຈ້ 249. Don’ t act like a thug ດ່າຽປັຈ຿ຉຎາຌຌັກຽຖຄນົາງ 250. Don’ t pretend ດ່າຘູ່຃ືນົາງ 251. Stop imagining things ດ່າຘູ່຃ິຈແຎຽບຄ 252. Weakness ຅ຸຈບໞບຌ 253. Strength ຅ຸຈຈີ 254. You’ re not my type ຽ຅຺ໄາຍໍໃ຾ຓ່ຌຘະຽຎກຂໟບງ 255. Don’ t over think ດ່າ຃ິຈນົາງ 256. I know him well ຂໟບງປູ້ຌິເຘຖາທຈີ 257. What kind of guy are you? ຽ຅຺ໄາຽຎັຌຏູ້ຆາງ຾ຌທເຈກັຌ຾຋້ 258. You rock ຽ຅຺ໄາຌີໄຘຸຈງບຈແຎຽຖີງ 259. Don’ t mess with my girlfriend ດ່າຓານຸ້ງຄກັຍ຾ຒຌຂໟບງຽຈີ 260. I am a one woman man ຂໟບງຽຎັຌ຃຺ຌປັກຈຼທເ຅ຈຼທ ( ຆາງຽທ້າ ) 261. I am a one man woman ຂໟບງຽຎັຌ຃຺ຌປັກຈຼທເ຅ຈຼທ ( ງິຄຽທ຺ໄາ ) 262. He cheats on his girlfriend ຖາທຌບກເ຅຾ຒຌຖາທ 263. I will survive ຂໟບງຍໍໃຉາງຄໞາງໂຈບກ 264. It’ s my fault ຓັຌຽຎັຌ຃ທາຓຏິຈຂບຄຂໟບງຽບຄ 265. You ruined my life ຽ຅຺ໄາ຋ໍາຖາງຆີທິຈຂໟບງ 266. I really mean it ຂໟບງຽທ຺ໄາເຈ 267. She’ s very talkative ຖາທຽຎັຌ຃຺ຌຽທ຺ໄາຽກັໃຄ 268. What do you want to be in the future? ບະຌາ຃຺ຈຽ຅຺ໄາດາກຽຎັຌນງັຄ 269. Don’ t go too far ດ່າແຎແກນົາງຽຈີ 270. Break it up ຽຆ຺າຊຼຄກັຌແຈ້຾ຖ້ທ 271. Have you eaten yet? ກິຌຽຂ຺ໄາຖະ 272. You can leave it here. ຽບ຺າຐາກແທ້ຌີໄກະແຈ້ 273. Are you satisfied? ຑໍເ຅ຖະນທາ 274. Add insult to the injury ຆໍໄາຽຉີຓ 275. Speak your mind ຃ິຈນັງຄກະຽທ຺ໄາບບກຓາ຿ຖຈ 276. Read between the lines ຉີ຃ທາຓໝາງ, ຉີ຃ທາຓ 277. New blood ຃຺ຌຖຸ້ຌເໝ່,ແຒ຾ປຄ 278. Come on time ຓາຉ຺ຄຽທຖາ 279. Miss the point ຍໍໃຽຂ຺ໄາເ຅ຎະຽຈັຌ, ນົ຺ຄຎະຽຈັຌ 280. It will never ever be the same ຓັຌ຃຺ຄກັຍຓາຽຎັຌ຃ືຽກ຺າຍໍໃແຈ້຾ຖ້ທ 281. You’ ve gone too far ຓັຌຽກີຌແຎຖະຽຈີ, ຓັຌ຿ຈແຎ຾ຖ້ທຽຈີ 282. Pull yourself together ຉັໄຄຘະຉິ຾ຌ່ 283. Keep your chin up ຽຂັໄຓ຾ຂຄຽຂ຺ໄາແທ້
  • 33. English sentense Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 33 284. Get over it ຋ໍາເ຅ 285. Benighted ປູ້ຽ຋຺ໃາຍໍໃຽຊີຄກາຌ 286. Hurry up ແທໂ຾ຌ່ 287. Live well ດູ່ຈີກີຌຈີ 288. Attach yourself to someone ຐາກຽຌືໄບຐາຌຉ຺ທ 289. You’ re so picky ຅ັໃຄ຾ຓ່ຌນົາງຽຖືໃບຄຽຌາະ 290. Godspeed ແຎຈີຓາຈີຽຈີ 291. Resident certificate ເຍດັໄຄດືຌ຋ີໃດູ່ 292. Family Registration Book ຎືໄຓຘໍາຓະ຿ຌ຃຺ທ 293. Identity Card ຍັຈຎະ຅ໍາຉ຺ທ 294. License plate ຎ້າງຖ຺ຈ 295. Birth certificate ເຍ຾຅້ຄຽກີຈ 296. Married certificate ເຍ຾ຉ່ຄຄາຌ 297. Driver license ເຍຂັຍຂີໃ 298. How long will you stay in Laos? ຽ຅຺ໄາ຅ະຑັກດູ່ຖາທຈ຺ຌຎາຌເຈ 299. Where do you want to go in Laos? ຽ຅຺ໄາດາກແຎ຋ໞຼທເຘເຌຖາທ 300. When did you arrive in Laos? ຽ຅຺ໄາຓາປບຈຖາທຓືເຈ 301. Have you been to VANGVIENG ? ຽ຅຺ໄາຽ຃ີງແຎທັຄທຼຄຍໍ 302. Do you like Lao food ? ຽ຅຺ໄາຓັກບານາຌຖາທຍໍ 303. Can you eat spicy food? ຽ຅຺ໄາກິຌຽຏັຈແຈ້ຍໍ 304. Where have you been in Laos? ຽ຅຺ໄາແຈ້ແຎນົີໄຌເຘ຾ຌ່ເຌຖາທ 305. Where do you stay in Laos? ຽ຅຺ໄາຑັກດູ່ເຘ 306. Do you have an Email address? ຽ຅຺ໄາຓີບີຽຓທຍໍ 307. I’m gonna take a nap ຂໍແຎຄິຍ຅ັກຍາຈກໞບຌ 308. You should be patient ບ຺ຈຽບ຺າຽຈີ 309. You can say that again ຽທ຺ໄາບີກກະຊືກບີກ 310. I’m afraid of losing you ຂໟບງດ້າຌຽຘງຽ຅຺ໄາແຎ 311. It’s so cruel ຓັຌ຿ນຈປໟາງນົາງ 312. If you don’t try you will never know ຍໍໃຖບຄຍໍໃປູ້ 313. He made me feel uncomfortable ຖາທຽປັຈເນ້ຂໟບງບຶຈບັຈເ຅ 314. Lose hope ໝ຺ຈນທັຄ 315. Bad mood ບາຖ຺ຓຽຘງ 316. Good mood ບາຖ຺ຓຈີ 317. Go downhill ຉ຺ກຉໍໃາ 318. A matter of life and death ຽຖືໃບຄ຃ໍຂາຈຍາຈຉາງ 319. Eat humble pie ຊໞບຓຉ຺ທ 320. Hit the road ບບກຽຈີຌ຋າຄ 321. Neck and neck ຘູຘີກັຌ 322. Tighten your belt ຎະນງັຈ 323. You are the apple of my eyes ຽ຅຺ໄາຽຎັຌ຾ກ້ທຉາຈທຄເ຅ຂບຄຂໟບງ 324. Go through the worst ຏໞາຌຏໞາ຃ທາຓນງຸ້ຄງາກ 325. A great future ບະຌາ຃຺ຈ຋ີໃຘ຺ຈເຘ
  • 34. English sentense Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 34 326. I don’t want to deal with anyone ຂໟບງຍໍໃດາກນງຸ້ຄກໞຼທກັຍເຏ 327. Always do your best ຅຺ໃຄຽປັຈຈີດູ່ຘະຽໝີ 328. What’s on your mind? ຽ຅຺ໄາ຃ິຈນງັຄດູ່ 329. Take it or leave it ຆີຽບ຺ານົືຍໍໃຽບ຺າ 330. Don’t be sarcastic with me ດ່ໃາຽທ຺ໄາຎະຆ຺ຈຂໟບງນົາງ 331. I will go to see you tomorrow ຂໟບງ຅ະແຎນາຽ຅຺ໄາຓືໄບືໃຌຽຈີ 332. Stop nagging me ຽຆ຺າ຅຺ໃຓເນ້ຂໟບງແຈ້຾ຖ້ທ 333. He always takes advantage of me ຖາທຽບ຺າຎຼຍຂໟບງຉະນົບຈ 334. Don’t take me for granted ດ່າຽນັຌຂໟບງຽຎັຌຂບຄຉາງ 335. She is a smiley person ຖາທຽຎັຌ຃຺ຌງີໄຓຽກັໃຄ 336. What did I do wrong? ຂໟບງຽປັຈນງັຄຏິຈ 337. How would you like the money? ຽ຅຺ໄາດາກແຈ້ຽຄິຌເຍນງັຄ 338. Could you give me some smaller notes ຂໍຽຄິຌເຍຌໟບງແຈ້ຍໍ 339. I’d like to transfer some money to this account ຂໟບງຉໟບຄກາຌ຿ບຌຽຄິຌແຎຍັຌຆີຌີໄ 340. It’s my treat / it’s on me ຂໟບງ຅ໞາງຽບຄ 341. I’ll treat you to dinner ຂໟບງຆີຖໟຼຄບານາຌຽ຅຺ໄາ 342. Let me introduce myself ຂໍ຾ຌະຌໍາຉ຺ຌຽບຄ 343. I’ m in the second year ຂໟບງປຼຌດູ່ຎີ ຘບຄ຾ຖ້ທ 344. I’d like you to know my friend ຂໟບງດາກເນ້ຽ຅຺ໄາປູ້຅ັກກັຍຽຑືໃບຌຂບຄຂໟບງ 345. I want to introduce my friend may ຂໟບງດາກ຾ຌະຌໍາຽຑືໃບຌຂບຄຂໟບງຆືໃຽຓ 346. Will you honor this check? ຽ຅຺ໄາຆີປັຍປບຄຽຆັກຌີໄຍໍ 347. Sign on the back, please ກະຖຸຌາຽຆັຌຈໟາຌນົັຄ 348. It could take anything up to 3 weeks to clear ຉໟບຄເຆ້ຽທຖາຽຊີຄ ຘາຓ ບາ຋ິຈຽຑືໃບຽ຃ງ຋ຸກດ່າຄ 349. Have you credited my account yet? ຽ຅຺ໄາຽບ຺າຽຄິຌຽຂ຺ໄາຍັຌຆີເນ້ຂໟບງ຾ຖ້ທນທາ 350. That was just a misunderstanding ຓັຌຽຎັຌຽຖືໃບຄຽຂ຺ໄາເ຅ຏິຈ 351. Don’t mess with me ດ່າຓານງຸ້ຄກັຍຂໟບງ 352. I messed up ຂໟບງຽປັຈຏິຈ 353. Quit messing around ຽຆ຺ານົີໄຌແຈ້຾ຖ້ທ 354. Don’t mess around with my feelings ດ່າຓານົີໄຌກັຍ຃ທາຓປູ້ຘຶກຂບຄຂໟບງ 355. My life is such a mess ຆີທິຈຂບຄຂໟບງຉບຌຌີໄທຸ້ຌທາງນົາງ 356. I like to hit the sack around midnight ຂໟບງຓັກຽຂ຺ໄາຌບຌຆໞທຄ຋ໞຼຄ຃ືຌ 357. What time do you like to hit the sack? ຽ຅຺ໄາຓັກຽຂ຺ໄາຌບຌຉບຌ຅ັກ຿ຓຄ 358. He never called ! ຖາທຍໍໃ຿຋ຓາຽຖີງ 359. Hang in there ! he’ll call ບ຺ຈຽບ຺າ ຈຼທຖາທກະ຿຋ຓາ 360. I have been in Laos for 2 years ຂໟບງດູ່ຖາທຓາຘບຄຎີ຾ຖ້ທ 361. No wonder you speak Lao so well ຆໍາຑໍຖະ ຽ຅຺ໄາຽທ້າຑາຘາຖາທຽກັໃຄ 362. Noy got fed up with waiting ຌໟບງຽຍືໃບໜໞາງກັຍກາຌຖໍ຃ບງ 363. I’ve gotta pee ຂໟບງຎທຈງໞຼທ 364. I’ve gotta poo ຎທຈຊໞາງ 365. I’ve gotta go number one ຎທຈຽຍ຺າ 366. I’ve gotta go number two ຎທຈໜັກ 367. I have diarrhea ຂໟບງຽ຅ັຍ຋ໟບຄ ( ຽ຅ັຍ຋ໟບຄ, ຋ຼທຽຂ຺ໄານໟບຄຌໍໄາຉະນົບຈ )
  • 35. English sentense Facebook: Kaikham Sevice Khammikoun Page 35 368. She’s gonna take off ຖາທ຅ະແຎ຾ຖ້ທ 369. I’ll take off another dollar ຂໟບງ຅ະນງ຺ຈບີກໜືໃຄ຿ຈຖາ 370. I couldn’t give a damn what you say to me ຂໟບງຍໍໃຘ຺ຌເ຅ທໞາຽ຅຺ໄາ຅ະຽທ຺ໄານງັຄກັຍຂໟບງ 371. I don’t really care what you think of me ຂໟບຍໍໃ຾຃ທໞາຽ຅຺ໄາ຃ິຈນງັຄ 372. There’s nothing you could say that would hurt me ຃ໍາຽທ຺ໄາຂບຄຽ຅຺ໄາຽປັຈເນ້ຂໟບງຽ຅ັຍຍໍໃແຈ້ຈບກ 373. No need ຍໍໃ຅ໍາຽຎັຌຽຖີງ 374. No sweat ຘະຍາງ ຂບຄກໟທງໂ 375. No chance ຍໍໃຓີ຿ບກາຈ 376. No trouble ຍໍໃຉໟບຄຽຈືບຈປໟບຌນງັຄຽຖີງ 377. No kidding ດ່າຽທ຺ໄານົີໄຌຽຈີ, ຾຋້ເຈໂ 378. No big deal ຽຖືໃບຄຽຖັກຌໟບງ 379. Hey, can I cut in line? ຂໍ຾ຆຄ຃ິທແຈ້ຍໍ 380. She’s trying to get attention from you! ຖາທກໍາຖັຄປຼກປໟບຄ຃ທາຓຘ຺ຌເ຅຅າກຽ຅຺ໄາ 381. Calm down , mellow out / you need to take a chill pill ! ເ຅ຽດັຌໂ 382. Have you ever gotten chewed out before ? ຽ຅຺ໄາຽ຃ີງຊືກຈໞາຓາກໞບຌຍໍ 383. I’m just kidding ຂໟບງຽທ້ານຖີໄຌຆືໃໂ 384. I’m just joking ຂໟບງຽທ້ານຖີໄຌຆືໃໂ 385. As soon as possible ແທຽ຋຺ໃາ຋ີໃ຅ະແທແຈ້ 386. Bye for now ແຎກໞບຌຽຈີ 387. Be right back ຈຼທຓາ 388. Be back later ຾ຖ້ທ຅ະກັຍຓາຽຈີ 389. Thanks in advance ຂບຍເ຅ຖໞທຄໜໟາ 390. Lets talk later ຾ຖ້ທ຅ືໃຄຖ຺ຓກັຌ 391. Laughing out loud ນ຺ທຈັຄ 392. How do you say that? ຽ຅຺ໄາຽທ຺ໄາ຾ຌທເຈ 393. How do you do that? ຽ຅຺ໄາຽປັຈ຅ັໃຄເຈ 394. How do you spell that? ຽ຅຺ໄາຘະກ຺ຈ຅ັໃຄເຈ 395. Don’t look so serious ດ່າຽປັຈໜໟາ຃ື຃຺ຌ຃ິຈນົາງ 396. Don’t be serious ຍໍໃຉໟບຄ຃ິຈນົາງ 397. I really mean it ຂໟບງຽທ຺ໄາ຾຋້ເຈ໋ 398. Let’s have something to eat ແຎນານັງຄກິຌຽ຋າະ 399. Are you angry at me ຽ຅຺ໄາ຃ຼຈເນ້ຂໟບງນທາ 400. Would you like something to eat? ດາກກິຌນັງຄຍໍ 401. I’d like some coffee ຂໟບງຂໍກະຽຒ 402. It’s up to you / whatever you say ຾ຖ້ທ຾ຉ່ຽ຅຺ໄາ 403. It’s a deal ຉ຺ກຖ຺ຄຉາຓຌີໄຽຌາະ 404. Don’t get me wrong ດ່າຽຂ຺ໄາເ຅ຂໟບງຏິຈ 405. It’s been driving me nuts ຂໟບງ຅ະຍໟາຉາງ຾ຖ້ທ 406. Slipped my mind ຽບີຖືຓແຎຽຖີງ 407. Let’s get some grub ແຎນານງັຄກີຌປບຄ຋ໟບຄ 408. Cheat on ຌບກເ຅ 409. Go for it ຽບ຺າຽຖີງ, ຖບຄຽຍີຄ