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Hello	Beautiful	Warriors	
I’m	here	today	to	share	with	you	information	that	I	wish	I	had	when	I	
was	in	my	very	abusive	relationship.	I	started	my	recovering	journey	
2	years	ago,	and	today	I	am	thankful	for	everything	that	happened	to	
me!	Don’t	get	me	wrong,	after	a	broken	arm,	a	surgery,	depression,	
panic	attacks,	adrenal	gland	fatigue,	fibromyalgia	and	lots	of	rage,	I	
decided	to	leave	the	victim	place	and	dive	into	a	very	deep	journey	of	
healing.	I	left	to	a	small	Island	in	Thailand	called	Koh	Phangan	and	
there	 I	 did	 acupuncture	 on	 myself	 everyday	 for	 3	 months	 (I’m	 a	
Portuguese	 lady,	 Chinese	 Medicine	 Doctor	 and	 Reiki	 Practitioner),	
TRE	 (trauma	 release	 exercises),	 psychotherapy,	 Yoga,	 breathing	
techniques,	water	therapy	and	even	Ayahuasca.	I	can	tell	you	that	all	
this	was	amazing	and	it	really	helped	me	in	the	first	3	months!	After	
that,	I	understood	that	there	was	something	more	deep...	why	did	I	
attract	 this	 relationship?	 Why	 did	 I	 let	 him	 abuse	 from	 me?	 I	
understood	 that	 I	 was	 my	 own	 healer,	 and	 that	 I	 had	 to	 take	
responsibility	for	what	happened	to	me.	For	this,	I	read	many	books	
about	emotional	wounds	that	you	get	when	you	are	a	child.	Wounds	
that	hold	hands	until	your	adult	stage.	After	this	understanding,	e	got	
into	a	daily	work	of	self-love,	remove	toxic	people	from	my	life	and	
setting	up	my	boundaries	no	matter	what	(cause	usually	we	are	those	
kind	that	can’t	say	no).	
During	this	manual	if	you	read	something	about	wounds,	you	know	
what	I’m	talking	about!		
Know	that	I’m	here	for	you,	and	that	we	are	all	in	this	together.		
I	love	you	all	
Diana	Pires
• Narcissism	personality	disorder	is	a	mental	condition	which	
people	have	an	inflated	sense	of	their	own	importance,	a	deep	
need	 for	 excessive	 attention	 and	 admiration,	 troubled	
relationships	and	a	lack	of	empathy	for	others.	
• They	are	always	more	concerned	about	their	appearance	than	
their	 feelings,	 I	 actually	 believe	 that	 they	 only	 get	 worried	
about	 what	 they	 feel	 when	 things	 don’t	 go	 their	 way.	 “I	
remember	my	narc	saying:	If	you	do	the	things	MY	WAY,	we’ll	
not	have	any	troubles	in	our	relationship.	
• Narcissists	 can	 wear	 many	 masks.	 Here	
is	 a	 list	 of	 telltale	 traits	 of	 a	 narcissist:		
ü Self-concern,	 self-centeredness-	 Only	 their	 feelings	 are	
ü Extreme	sensitivity	to	negative	feedback	or	criticism:	Try	
to	give	a	critic	to	a	narcissist	or	say	that	something	he	did	hurt	
What is Narcissism Personality Disorder?
you,	 and	 you	 will	 see	 the	 manipulative	 demon	 coming	 out	 of	
him	with	such	rage	that	he	will	turn	the	blame	on	you!	Life	for	
them	is	a	game!	
ü Significant	need	for	approval	from	others-	they	are	loving	
human	 beings	 with	 everyone	 around	 them,	 even	 people	 that	
they	just	met.	They	prefer	to	treat	better	a	stranger	than	you.		
ü Poor	 self-esteem	 often	 expressed	 through	 self-
deprivation	or	arrogance	
ü Difficulties	within	most	relationships	
ü Intolerance	 for	 imperfections	 in	 others-	 the	 most	
judgmental	people	I’ve	met.		
ü Often	idealize	others	that	represent	perfection	followed	
by	devaluing	that	very	person	when	they	are	perceived	to	have	
failed	them	
ü Preoccupation	with	outward	appearance,	beauty,	wealth,	
fame,	success	over	morals,	virtue	or	even	integrity	
ü Poor	 emotional	 regulation,	 aggressive	 impulses,	
psychologically	fragile	
ü Vain,	self-righteous	and	prideful	
ü Lack	remorse,	compassion,	empathy	for	others	
ü Sedcutor		
ü Talkative	
ü Charming	
But ALSO, Narcissists, can be amazing in the beginning. Acting with
zero emotion whatsoever, they can be:
ü Very	interested	in	your	life	story-	that	they	will	use	it	
later	against	you.	OWWW	did	you	feel	rejected	when	you	
were	a	child?	Then	here	is	your	punishment:	I’ll	reject	
you	in	any	kind	or	form	that	you	will	beg	me	to	even	look	
at	you.	
ü Gentleman-	opens	the	doors,	breakfast	in	bed,	etc.	
Roughly	 6%	 of	 the	 population	 has	 narcissistic	 personality	
disorder.	Research	over	the	years	has	shown	that	it	is	also	more	
prevalent	in	men	than	in	women	—	7.7%	vs	4.8%.	
1. Appearance	
Both	male	and	female	narcissists	pay	attention	to	their	appearance,	
but	 females	 value	 it	 more	 than	 males.	 Men	 tend	 to	 use	 their	
appearance	 as	 a	 package	 alongside	 their	charm	to	 beguile	 their	
victims.	 A	 female	 narcissist	 uses	 her	 beauty	 to	 get	 one	 up	 on	 her	
rivals.	 They	 want	 to	 be	 the	 best	 and	 being	 the	 prettiest,	 the	most	
beautiful	is	what	society	values	now.	
2. Children	
Men	are	not	really	that	interested	in	children,	but	females	see	them	
as	 a	 way	 of	boosting	 their	 own	 profile	and	 status.	 Children	 are	
pawns	in	their	narcissistic	mother’s	game.	They	are	status	symbols,	
to	 be	 used	 and	 shown	 off	 as	 competition	 against	 other	 children.	
How	does	a	female	narcissist	differ	from	a	male?
Having	children	that	go	to	the	best	grammar	schools,	that	attain	the	
best	grades	and	marks	all	reflect	well	on	the	female	narcissist.	
3. Confidence	
Male	 narcissists	 have	 an	 inbred	sense	 of	 confidence.	 Their	 self-
esteem	 comes	 from	 within,	 deluded	 as	 this	 might	 be.	 Conversely,	
females	get	theirs	from	feeling	superior	over	others.	
Female	 narcissists	 feel	 confident	 when	 they	 compare	 their	
achievements	 with	 others	 who	 have	 failed	 or	 are	 beneath	 them	 on	
the	social	scale.	This	means	their	sense	of	self-worth	can,	at	times,	be	
shaky	and	inconsistent.	
4. Control	
Female	narcissists	use	guilt	as	a	form	of	control,	particularly	when	
it	 comes	 to	 family	 members	 like	 their	 own	 children.	 Men,	 on	 the	
other	hand,	will	use	their	power	and	status	to	frighten	people	into	
doing	what	they	want.	
Both	 men	 and	 women	 will	 blow	 up	 without	 warning	 and	 have	
tantrums	 or	 violent	 outbursts.	 However,	 women	use	 guilt	to	 make	
people	feel	sorry	for	them	and	men	use	aggression	to	make	people	
feel	scared	of	them.	
5. Finances	
Female	 narcissists	 are	 more	 frivolous	 when	 it	 comes	 to	 spending	
money	than	their	male	counterparts.	Men	believe	that	money	gives	
them	power	 and	 status	so	 they	 like	 to	 hold	 onto	 it.	 Women,	
however,	like	to	splash	the	cash.	For	them,	having	money	to	spend
whenever	 they	 want	 gives	 them	 a	 sense	 of	 status	 and	 makes	 them	
feel	special.	
6. Friends	
No	narcissist	ever	has	true	friends,	but	male	and	female	narcissists	
treat	their	‘so-called	friends’	very	differently.	Men	view	their	friends	
as	rivals	 or	 competition	they	 need	 to	 beat	 at	 all	 times.	 They	 will	
blatantly	 compete	 against	 them	 in	 order	 to	 win.	 Women	 use	 their	
friends	 to	manipulate	a	 situation	 to	 get	 what	 they	 want	 in	 a	 more	
underhand	way.	
So,	 are	 we	 any	 closer	 to	 understanding	 why	 there	 are	 differences	
between	 a	 male	 and	 a	 female	 narcissist?	 The	 study	 raises	 some	
interesting	 points.	 Grijalva	 suggests	 it	 is	 all	 to	 do	 with	 the	 genders	
themselves.	Society	dictates	which	traits	to	encourage	in	women,	i.e.	
subservience,	politeness	and	a	meek	attitude.	In	men	we	encourage	
strong	leadership	and	a	sense	of	authority.	
It	 seems	 that	 the	 very	 traits	 we	 admire	 in	 men	 and	 women	 are	
reflected	 in	 male	 and	 female	 narcissistic	 traits.	 Until	 we	 start	
encouraging	 different	 traits	 that	 are	more	 altruistic,	then	 these	
narcissist	ones	are	not	going	to	change.
• Narcs	 are	 very	 clever,	 and	 they	 choose	 their	 victims	 very	
wisely:	 Probably	 you	 are	 an	 empath,	 mixed	 with	 co	
dependency	 tendencies,	 a	 very	 compassionate	 person,	 caring	
and	loving,	with	a	lack	of	self	love	and	willing	to	take	care	of	
your	new	baby	with	all	your	heart.	
• First	 of	 all	 I	 want	 to	 say,	 that	 deep	 down	 our	 guts,	 we	 know	
since	the	very	beginning	that	something	is	off.	I	remember	my	
narc	being	jealous	since	day	one	I	met	him.	DAY	ONE	PEOPLE.	
And	let	me	tell	you	that	it	only	escalated	to	a	level	of	more	and	
more	 crazy	 jealousy.	 I	 would	 Look	 at	 the	 floor	 instead	 of	
people,	 not	 hugging	 my	 friends,	 wearing	 a	 bra,	 cause	 people	
would	think	that	they	can	fuck	me	cause	I’m	nothing	but	a	slut	
with	my	nipples	saying	hello	to	the	world.		So	yes...	we	have	all	
the	red	flags	that	we	ignore	because	at	the	end,	we	are	looking	
for	love	OUTSIDE.	
• They	use	over	the	top	romantic	gestures	to	gain	control.	
• Even	though	many	of	us-	myself	included-	ignored	way	to	many	
red	flags	in	the	beginning,	and	gave	him	the	benefit	from	doubt,	
we	didn’t	know	how	they	really	were	beneath	the	mask.		
How	do	you	know	you	are	in	a	toxic,	abusive	relationship	with	a	
O Everything	 happens	 really	 fast	 with	 a	
narc.	The	day	you	meet	him,	is	the	day	he	loves	you,	the	day	he	
wants	to	move	with	you,	the	day	he	wants	to	have	babies	with	
you,	the	day	you	will	get	married	and	die	together	super	happy;	
O Refuses	to	apologize;	
O Addicted	 to	 anything	 that	 is	 superficial:	 usually	 addicted	 to	
drugs,	 alcohol,	 social	 networks,	 night	 life,	 and	 what	 other’s	
think	of	him	
O Inconsistency	 between	 words	 and	 behaviors-	 never	 trust	 a	
narc.	They	are	major	liars;	
O Unpredictable	and	inconsistency;	
O Speaks	poorly	of	all	their	former	partners,	they	are	all	cucu	and	
O Narcissist	 will	 try	 to	 make	 you	 the	 villain	 to	 escape	
O Jealous	and	deeply	insecure;	
O Takes	on	your	emotions	as	their	own;	
O Crazy	manipulative	and	will	put	all	the	blame	on	you;		
O Makes	aggressive	jokes;	
O Places	unrealistic	expectations	on	you	or	the	relationship;	
O 	Violates	your	boundaries;	
O Plays	victim.	
• I’m	going	to	give	you	only	a	few	of	hundreds	of	RED	FLAGS	
that	we	face	living	next	to	a	narc:
What	are	the	Stages	from	Love	Bombing	to	Hate	Bombing?	
Narcissists	use	something	called	love	bombing	during	the	beginning	
of	 their	 relationships	 in	 an	 effort	 to	 break	 down	 your	 emotional	
defenses,	gain	your	trust,	and	later,	to	show	you	just	how	attentive	
and	caring	they	can	be	–	if	only	you’d	behave	correctly	so	they	could	
show	it	more	often,	right?	“BECAUSE	EVERYTHING	IS	YOUR	FAULT”	
ü Stage	1.	Emotional	Manipulation	via	Love	Bombing	
During	the	love-bombing	phase,	the	narcissist	is	setting	you	up	for	an	
addiction.	 You	 have	 to	 understand	 that	 what	 happens	 in	 a	
relationship	 with	 a	 narc	 is	 the	 same	 as	 being	 addicted	 to	 a	 drug.	
Chemically	speaking,	the	same	process	that	happens	in	the	brain	of	a	
heroin	addicted	happens	in	the	brain	of	the	narc’s	partner.		
They’re	also	using	this	phase	to	learn	about	you:	what	you	like,	what	
you	hate,	how	to	press	your	buttons,	your	hopes	and	dreams.	They’re	
conducting	recon	because	this	intelligence	comes	in	handy	later	once	
the	narcissistic	devalue	phase	begins.		It’s	called	cognitive	empathy,	
and	it	has	the	potential	to	be	utterly	devastating.		
During	this	phase,	the	narcissist	isn’t	showing	you	their	true	self	–	if	
they	 did,	 you	 would	 (and	 could)	 run!	 They	 hide	 their	 true	 identity	
during	this	phase	so	they	can	dupe	you	into	staying	with	them.	
While	most	narcissists	struggle	to	maintain	this	phase	more	than	a	few	
weeks,	 it’s	 not	 unheard	 of	 for	 love	 bombing	 to	 last	 months	 if	 the	
narcissist	believes	the	potential	payout	warrants	it.
ü Stage	2.	Narcissistic	Devalue	
During	the	narcissistic	devalue	phase,	the	narcissist	is	testing	the	water	
with	some	insults,	passive-aggressive	responses,	and	gaslighting	to	see	
if	you’re	a	good	supply	for	their	ulterior	motives.	
If	 you	 consistently	 stand	 up	 for	 yourself	 during	 this	 phase,	 they	 may	
even	lash	out	and	quit	the	relationship	in	a	blaze	of	glory	so	they	can	
portray	themselves	as	a	victim	while	they	search	out	a	better	supply.	
They’ll	 decide	 you’re	 not	 worth	 the	 effort.	 They’ll	 call	 you	 “high	
maintenance”	for	demanding	respect.	
More	likely	than	not,	however,	they’ll	revert	to	the	love	bombing	phase,	
along	 with	 intermittent	 snippets	 of	 narcissistic	 devalue,	 until	 they’re	
100%	sure	you’re	hooked.	They	want	you	to	believe	they	can	abandon	
you	and	find	a	new	–	better	–	partner	at	any	time.	
The	narcissist	has	a	strategy.	They	know	you	won’t	put	up	with	their	
full-blown	abuse	quite	yet.	
v Gaslighting	Red	Flags:	
§ You	apologize	without	knowing	what	you	did	wrong;	
§ They	give	yo	affection	then	abruptly	yank	it	away;	
§ Whe	you	try	to	explain	how	you	feel,	they’re	dismissive.	
You	are	“overreacting”	ot	“too	sensitive”;	
§ They	insist	ift	didn’t	happen	that	way;
§ You	find	yourself	questioning	your	beliefs	and	opinions.	
If	your	point	of	view	doesn’t	match	theirs,	it’s	wrong;	
§ There	is	an	imbalance	of	power;	
§ They	assign	motives	to	your	actions	that	are	the	opposite	
of	your	inttentions;	
§ Most	interactions	leave	you	feeling	small	or	ashamed;	
§ You	 edit	 every	 word	 before	 you	 speak	 it,	 changing	 any	
thought	that	they	could	possible	misconstrue.	
§ Narcissist	use	expressions	like:	
ü I	was	just	joking;	
ü I	didn’t	do	that;	
ü You’re	imagining	things;	
ü You	were	there	with	us.		
ü You	make	stuff	up	In	your	head;	
ü Don’t	be	sensitive;	
ü You	have	issues;	
ü You’re	upset	over	nothing;	
ü Stop	imagining	things;
ü You	need	help;	
ü It’s	always	something	with	you;	
ü Here	we	go	again;	
ü No	one	likes	you;	
ü I	never	said	that;	
ü They’re	lying;	
ü I	don’t	have	time	for	this;	
ü There’s	aways	drama	with	you.	
ü Stage	3.	Full	Blown	Hate	Bombing	
Sadly,	most	narcissistic	relationships	end	with	this	phase,	so	it	can	go	
on	 for	 weeks,	 months,	 or	 even	 years	 if	 no	 contact	 (or	 modified	
contact)	isn’t	implemented	properly.	
In	 most	 cases,	 the	 emotional	 manipulation	 is	 so	 strong	 and	 people	
are	so	blinded	by	love	bombing	that	they	can’t	see	the	enormous	red	
flags	before	it	gets	to	this	point.	
In	the	hate	bombing	phase,	the	narcissist	is	letting	their	freak	flag	fly	
because	they’ve	caught	you	in	their	trap.	This	is	where	deep	abuse	
What	Does	Hate	Bombing	Look	Like?	
Since	the	narcissist	now	knows	how	to	push	your	buttons,	they’ll	hurl	
tailored	abuse	at	you	daily	and	throw	in	snippets	of	love	bombing	to	
keep	you	hooked.	
Yes,	the	love	rationing	will	make	a	comeback	–	but	ONLY	when	the	
narcissist	thinks	you’re	about	to	walk	out	that	door	and	ONLY	for	an	
absolute	minimal	amount	of	time.	This	is	strategic.	They	want	you	to	
remember	the	good	times.	
ü Stage	4.	Narcissistic	Discarding	
If	 a	 narcissist	 discards	 you,	 it	 can	 feel	 extremely	 painful	 due	 to	 their	
emotional	manipulation	but	make	no	mistake:	it’s	a	net	positive.	
Narcissists	don’t	tend	to	discard	anyone	completely	 –	if	at	all.	They’ll	
simply	revert	to	love	bombing	until	they	believe	you’re	duped	again.	
However,	discarding	DOES	happen	–	especially	if	they	find	a	new	supply	
right	away	
What	Does	Discarding	Look	Like?	
Simply	 put:	 You’ve	 caught	 onto	 them	 and	 become	 too	 much	 work	
when,	 to	 their	 great	 pleasure,	 they	 can	 simply	 latch	 onto	 someone	
else	who’s	much	easier	to	manipulate.
Don’t	be	fooled.	Most	narcissists	will	never	abandon	you	completely.	
They’ll	hoover	or	give	you	the	silent	treatment.	In	any	case,	they’re	
setting	up	a	situation	where	they	can	return	to	the	relationship.	
If	you’re	lucky	enough	to	get	discarded	by	a	narcissist,	it’s	critical	that	
you	stay	strong	and	keep	no	contact.
How	does	a	narc	will	make	you	feel	in	the	relationship?	
v You	will	start	to	notice	that	for	him	to	survive,	he	needs	your	
attention,	your	reaction	and	your	low	self	esteem-	so	they	will	
do	everything	to	suck	your	Light	and	energy	from	you.		
v They	are	pathological	liars	and	you	will	start	to	feel	like	you	are	
absolutely	mentally	fucked	up.		
v They	will	make	you	feel	like	you’re	the	one	who’s	wrong,	and	
bad	and	crazy	cause	he	appears	to	be	very	social	and	charming	
with	other	people,	and	they	all	seem	to	like	him.		
v He	will	isolate	you	from	others	
v Will	ignore	what	you	feel	
v Perfect	manipulators,	makes	you	question	you	own	reality	
v Induces	shame	to	make	you	feel	worthless	
v One	of	the	weirdest	aspect	of	narcissistic	abuse	is	feeling	sorry	
for	the	person	who	treats	you	like	shit;	
v You	will	start	to	do	things	you’ve	never	done	before	in	order	to	
survive:	You	punch	Walls,	you	hurt	yourself,	you	slap	him,	kick	
doors	(this	never	makes	you	the	abuser).	This	is	just	your	body	
reacting	to	an	enormous	mental	and	physical	violence)
v After	your	emotions	are	completely	fucked,	your	physical	body	
starts	 to	 give	 you	 signs	 in	 a	 very	 aggressive	 ways:	 you	 are	
afraid	of	being	alone,	anxiety	arises,	panic	attacks,	dissociative	
disorder,	 suicidal	 thoughts,	 depression,	 feeling	 like	 you	 don’t	
know	 yourself	 anymore	 and	 you	 are	 the	 loneliest	 person	 on	
earth	and	no	one	understands	what	you	are	going	through.		
v Headaches,	chest	pain,	panic	attacks,	depression,	fybromialgia,	
chronic	fatigue,	PTSD,	are	some	of	the	abuse	result.		
NOTE:	What	PTSD	looks	like?	
ü Avoid	thinking	of	the	trauma;	
ü Flashbacks;	
ü Cannot	concentrate;	
ü Negative	thinking;	
ü Sleeping	difficulty;	
ü Feeling	Guilt	or	Shame;	
ü Negative	mood;	
ü Awlays	on	guard;	
ü Loss	of	interest;	
ü Bad	Dreams.
How	will	you	feel	when	escaping	the	relationship	with	a	Narc?	
Escaping	 a	 toxic	 relationship,	 can	 feel	 like	 breaking	 a	 piece	 of	 your	
heart	off,	cause	you	have	to	go	through	5	shitty,	painful	stages:	THE	
M It	 gives	 you	 time	 to	 more	 gradually	 absorb	 what	Denial:	
happened	and	begin	to	process	it.	It’s	a	defense	mechanism	and	
helps	numb	you	to	the	intensity	of	the	situation.	As	you	move	
out	 from	 the	 denial	 stage,	 the	 emotions	 you	 were	 hiding	 will	
begin	 to	 rise.	 You’ll	 be	 confronted	 with	 lots	 of	 sorrow	 you’ve	
denied.	 It’s	 very	 difficult	 and	 painful:	 both	 mentally	 and	
emotionally.	Depression	and	PSTD	can	start	to	arise	at	the	end	of	
the	first	stage.		
M Is	a	masking	effect.	Anger	is	hiding	many	emotions	you’re	Anger:	
M In	 the	 bargaining	 stage	 of	 grief,	 you	 may	 find	Bargaining:	 	
yourself	creating	a	lot	of	“what	if”	and	“if	only”	statements.	What	
if	 it	 was	 really	 my	 fault?	 What	 if	 I	 am	 really	 a	 drama	 queen?	
What	if	I’m	the	one	making	scenes?	What	if	I	go	back	to	him	now	
that	I	know	better!	(In	this	stage...	you	know	nothing...	be	strong	
and	continue	your	process).	
M I	call	it	the	quite	stage	of	grief.	You	usually	isolate	Depression:	
yourself	 from	 others	 to	 fully	 cope	 with	 the	 loss.	 Depression	 is	
difficult	and	messy.	It	can	be	overwhelming:	you	may	feel	foggy,	
lost	 and	 confused.	 Usually	 in	 this	 stage	 you	 ask	 for	 mental	
M Acceptance	 is	 not	 necessarily	 a	 happy	 or	 uplifting	Acceptance:	
stage	 of	 grief.	 It	 doesn’t	 mean	 you’ve	 moved	 past	 the	 grief	 or	
loss.	 It	 does,	 however,	 mean	 that	 you’ve	 accepted	 it	 and	 have	
come	 to	 understand	 what	 it	 means	 in	 your	 life	 now.	 Look	 to	
acceptance	as	a	way	to	see	that	there	may	be	more	good	days	
than	bad,	but	there	may	still	be	bad	—	and	that’s	OK.	
I	 know	 it’s	 hard	 to	 understand	 and	 accept	 what	 I’m	 about	 to	 telling	
you	now,	but	listen	with	your	heart,	and	try	to	put	your	anger,	sadness	
and	ego	aside	for	a	little	bit:	WE	 ARE	 100%	 responsible	 for	 what	
happens	to	us!!!	Is	it	easier	to	stay	in	the	victim	position,	victimizing	
yourself	for	all	the	shit	that	happens	between	you	and	your	narc?	Yes,	
it	is!!!!	But	growth	will	not	comes	from	here.	And	what	happens	is	that	
you	will	get	back	to	him	or	you	will	attract	the	same.		
THE	PROBLEM	WASN’T	HIM.	(And	obviously	I’m	not	saying	what	they	
do	is	correct,	but	we	are	not	responsible	for	them).	The	problem	WAS	
YOU.	You	made	excused	for	his	bad	behavior,	you	accepted	his	obvious	
lies,	 and	 you	 gave	 him	 another	 chance,	 again	 and	 again.	 You	 sold	
yourself	short,	you	didn’t	believe	you	deserved	better,	and	you	stayed	
too	 long.	 The	 universe	 is	 very	 clever.	 UNDERSTAND	 MY	 WORDS:
you	resist	to	heal	your	inner	wounds,	the	more	you	resist	to	leave	the	
situation,	the	violence	will	get	only	worse.		
For	me,	knowledge	was	half	of	the	process:	understanding	what	was	
going	on	inside	of	my	beautiful	body	and	mind:		
• Why	 did	 you	 attract	 him	 into	 your	 life?	 What	 kind	 of	 wound	
this	person	triggers	you	that	needs	to	be	healed	and	removed	
from	 your	 pattern	 system?	 Is	 it	 rejection?	 Abandonment?	
Betrayal?	Humiliation?	Injustice?	(For	this	I	recommend	you	to	
read	 the	 book:	 The	 5	 emotional	 wounds	 from	 Lise	
• Are	 you	 co	 –dependent?	 I	 recommend	 you	 to	 read	
codependent	no	more	from	Melody	Beattie	
• The	 more	 healing	 work	 you	 do	 and	 the	 more	 you	 distance	
yourself	 from	 the	 abuser,	 the	 more	 clearly	 you	 will	 see	 that	
they	were	just	a	toxic,	inadequate	individual.	
• Relationships	 are	 not	 our	 permission	 slip	 to	 violate	 our	
boundaries,	 abandon	 our	 needs,	 or	 compromise	 our	
• Heal	 your	 wounds	 and	 end	 the	 patterns	 that	 don’t	 serve	 you	
• Recognize	your	own	worth.	
• Identify	and	validate	your	needs.	
• Protect	your	authenticity-	don’t	ever	stop	being	who	you	are.	
• Communicate	in	an	honest	way
• Set	 your	 boundaries	 and	 let	 people	 know	 when	 they	 have	
crossed	their	boundaries	
• Do	not	settle	for	less	that	you	deserve.		
• If	you	have	been	showing	up	in	and	out,	to	work	on	yourself,	to	
become	 better	 and	 heal,	 I	 invite	 you	 to	 celebrate	 yourself	
regardless	 of	 the	 results	 that	 you	 have	 been	 getting.	 You	 are	
doing	precisely	what	the	world	needs	right	now.	
Please	let	me	know	if	you	need	.pdf	from	the	books	and	I	can	send	
them	to	you!	
I	hope	this	helped	you	and	please,	would	love	to	hear	from	you,	how	
are	you	feeling	and	how	/if	these	20	pages	helped	you	understand	a	
little	bit	more	of	your	situation.	

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Npd info-and-recover-final

  • 1. Hello Beautiful Warriors I’m here today to share with you information that I wish I had when I was in my very abusive relationship. I started my recovering journey 2 years ago, and today I am thankful for everything that happened to me! Don’t get me wrong, after a broken arm, a surgery, depression, panic attacks, adrenal gland fatigue, fibromyalgia and lots of rage, I decided to leave the victim place and dive into a very deep journey of healing. I left to a small Island in Thailand called Koh Phangan and there I did acupuncture on myself everyday for 3 months (I’m a Portuguese lady, Chinese Medicine Doctor and Reiki Practitioner), TRE (trauma release exercises), psychotherapy, Yoga, breathing techniques, water therapy and even Ayahuasca. I can tell you that all this was amazing and it really helped me in the first 3 months! After that, I understood that there was something more deep... why did I attract this relationship? Why did I let him abuse from me? I understood that I was my own healer, and that I had to take responsibility for what happened to me. For this, I read many books about emotional wounds that you get when you are a child. Wounds that hold hands until your adult stage. After this understanding, e got into a daily work of self-love, remove toxic people from my life and setting up my boundaries no matter what (cause usually we are those kind that can’t say no). During this manual if you read something about wounds, you know what I’m talking about! Know that I’m here for you, and that we are all in this together. I love you all Diana Pires
  • 2. • Narcissism personality disorder is a mental condition which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships and a lack of empathy for others. • They are always more concerned about their appearance than their feelings, I actually believe that they only get worried about what they feel when things don’t go their way. “I remember my narc saying: If you do the things MY WAY, we’ll not have any troubles in our relationship. • Narcissists can wear many masks. Here is a list of telltale traits of a narcissist: ü Self-concern, self-centeredness- Only their feelings are important ü Extreme sensitivity to negative feedback or criticism: Try to give a critic to a narcissist or say that something he did hurt What is Narcissism Personality Disorder?
  • 3. you, and you will see the manipulative demon coming out of him with such rage that he will turn the blame on you! Life for them is a game! ü Significant need for approval from others- they are loving human beings with everyone around them, even people that they just met. They prefer to treat better a stranger than you. ü Poor self-esteem often expressed through self- deprivation or arrogance ü Difficulties within most relationships ü Intolerance for imperfections in others- the most judgmental people I’ve met. ü Often idealize others that represent perfection followed by devaluing that very person when they are perceived to have failed them ü Preoccupation with outward appearance, beauty, wealth, fame, success over morals, virtue or even integrity ü Poor emotional regulation, aggressive impulses, psychologically fragile ü Vain, self-righteous and prideful ü Lack remorse, compassion, empathy for others ü Sedcutor ü Talkative ü Charming But ALSO, Narcissists, can be amazing in the beginning. Acting with zero emotion whatsoever, they can be:
  • 4. ü Very interested in your life story- that they will use it later against you. OWWW did you feel rejected when you were a child? Then here is your punishment: I’ll reject you in any kind or form that you will beg me to even look at you. ü Gentleman- opens the doors, breakfast in bed, etc. Roughly 6% of the population has narcissistic personality disorder. Research over the years has shown that it is also more prevalent in men than in women — 7.7% vs 4.8%. 1. Appearance Both male and female narcissists pay attention to their appearance, but females value it more than males. Men tend to use their appearance as a package alongside their charm to beguile their victims. A female narcissist uses her beauty to get one up on her rivals. They want to be the best and being the prettiest, the most beautiful is what society values now. 2. Children Men are not really that interested in children, but females see them as a way of boosting their own profile and status. Children are pawns in their narcissistic mother’s game. They are status symbols, to be used and shown off as competition against other children. How does a female narcissist differ from a male?
  • 5. Having children that go to the best grammar schools, that attain the best grades and marks all reflect well on the female narcissist. 3. Confidence Male narcissists have an inbred sense of confidence. Their self- esteem comes from within, deluded as this might be. Conversely, females get theirs from feeling superior over others. Female narcissists feel confident when they compare their achievements with others who have failed or are beneath them on the social scale. This means their sense of self-worth can, at times, be shaky and inconsistent. 4. Control Female narcissists use guilt as a form of control, particularly when it comes to family members like their own children. Men, on the other hand, will use their power and status to frighten people into doing what they want. Both men and women will blow up without warning and have tantrums or violent outbursts. However, women use guilt to make people feel sorry for them and men use aggression to make people feel scared of them. 5. Finances Female narcissists are more frivolous when it comes to spending money than their male counterparts. Men believe that money gives them power and status so they like to hold onto it. Women, however, like to splash the cash. For them, having money to spend
  • 6. whenever they want gives them a sense of status and makes them feel special. 6. Friends No narcissist ever has true friends, but male and female narcissists treat their ‘so-called friends’ very differently. Men view their friends as rivals or competition they need to beat at all times. They will blatantly compete against them in order to win. Women use their friends to manipulate a situation to get what they want in a more underhand way. So, are we any closer to understanding why there are differences between a male and a female narcissist? The study raises some interesting points. Grijalva suggests it is all to do with the genders themselves. Society dictates which traits to encourage in women, i.e. subservience, politeness and a meek attitude. In men we encourage strong leadership and a sense of authority. It seems that the very traits we admire in men and women are reflected in male and female narcissistic traits. Until we start encouraging different traits that are more altruistic, then these narcissist ones are not going to change.
  • 7. • Narcs are very clever, and they choose their victims very wisely: Probably you are an empath, mixed with co dependency tendencies, a very compassionate person, caring and loving, with a lack of self love and willing to take care of your new baby with all your heart. • First of all I want to say, that deep down our guts, we know since the very beginning that something is off. I remember my narc being jealous since day one I met him. DAY ONE PEOPLE. And let me tell you that it only escalated to a level of more and more crazy jealousy. I would Look at the floor instead of people, not hugging my friends, wearing a bra, cause people would think that they can fuck me cause I’m nothing but a slut with my nipples saying hello to the world. So yes... we have all the red flags that we ignore because at the end, we are looking for love OUTSIDE. • They use over the top romantic gestures to gain control. • Even though many of us- myself included- ignored way to many red flags in the beginning, and gave him the benefit from doubt, we didn’t know how they really were beneath the mask. How do you know you are in a toxic, abusive relationship with a narcissist?
  • 8. O Everything happens really fast with a narc. The day you meet him, is the day he loves you, the day he wants to move with you, the day he wants to have babies with you, the day you will get married and die together super happy; O Refuses to apologize; O Addicted to anything that is superficial: usually addicted to drugs, alcohol, social networks, night life, and what other’s think of him O Inconsistency between words and behaviors- never trust a narc. They are major liars; O Unpredictable and inconsistency; O Speaks poorly of all their former partners, they are all cucu and nuts; O Narcissist will try to make you the villain to escape accountability; O Jealous and deeply insecure; O Takes on your emotions as their own; O Crazy manipulative and will put all the blame on you; O Makes aggressive jokes; O Places unrealistic expectations on you or the relationship; O Violates your boundaries; O Plays victim. • I’m going to give you only a few of hundreds of RED FLAGS that we face living next to a narc:
  • 9. What are the Stages from Love Bombing to Hate Bombing? Narcissists use something called love bombing during the beginning of their relationships in an effort to break down your emotional defenses, gain your trust, and later, to show you just how attentive and caring they can be – if only you’d behave correctly so they could show it more often, right? “BECAUSE EVERYTHING IS YOUR FAULT” ü Stage 1. Emotional Manipulation via Love Bombing During the love-bombing phase, the narcissist is setting you up for an addiction. You have to understand that what happens in a relationship with a narc is the same as being addicted to a drug. Chemically speaking, the same process that happens in the brain of a heroin addicted happens in the brain of the narc’s partner. They’re also using this phase to learn about you: what you like, what you hate, how to press your buttons, your hopes and dreams. They’re conducting recon because this intelligence comes in handy later once the narcissistic devalue phase begins. It’s called cognitive empathy, and it has the potential to be utterly devastating. During this phase, the narcissist isn’t showing you their true self – if they did, you would (and could) run! They hide their true identity during this phase so they can dupe you into staying with them. While most narcissists struggle to maintain this phase more than a few weeks, it’s not unheard of for love bombing to last months if the narcissist believes the potential payout warrants it.
  • 10. ü Stage 2. Narcissistic Devalue During the narcissistic devalue phase, the narcissist is testing the water with some insults, passive-aggressive responses, and gaslighting to see if you’re a good supply for their ulterior motives. If you consistently stand up for yourself during this phase, they may even lash out and quit the relationship in a blaze of glory so they can portray themselves as a victim while they search out a better supply. They’ll decide you’re not worth the effort. They’ll call you “high maintenance” for demanding respect. More likely than not, however, they’ll revert to the love bombing phase, along with intermittent snippets of narcissistic devalue, until they’re 100% sure you’re hooked. They want you to believe they can abandon you and find a new – better – partner at any time. The narcissist has a strategy. They know you won’t put up with their full-blown abuse quite yet. v Gaslighting Red Flags: § You apologize without knowing what you did wrong; § They give yo affection then abruptly yank it away; § Whe you try to explain how you feel, they’re dismissive. You are “overreacting” ot “too sensitive”; § They insist ift didn’t happen that way;
  • 11. § You find yourself questioning your beliefs and opinions. If your point of view doesn’t match theirs, it’s wrong; § There is an imbalance of power; § They assign motives to your actions that are the opposite of your inttentions; § Most interactions leave you feeling small or ashamed; § You edit every word before you speak it, changing any thought that they could possible misconstrue. § Narcissist use expressions like: ü I was just joking; ü I didn’t do that; ü You’re imagining things; ü You were there with us. ü You make stuff up In your head; ü Don’t be sensitive; ü You have issues; ü You’re upset over nothing; ü Stop imagining things;
  • 12. ü You need help; ü It’s always something with you; ü Here we go again; ü No one likes you; ü I never said that; ü They’re lying; ü I don’t have time for this; ü There’s aways drama with you. ü Stage 3. Full Blown Hate Bombing Sadly, most narcissistic relationships end with this phase, so it can go on for weeks, months, or even years if no contact (or modified contact) isn’t implemented properly. In most cases, the emotional manipulation is so strong and people are so blinded by love bombing that they can’t see the enormous red flags before it gets to this point. In the hate bombing phase, the narcissist is letting their freak flag fly because they’ve caught you in their trap. This is where deep abuse occurs.
  • 13. What Does Hate Bombing Look Like? Since the narcissist now knows how to push your buttons, they’ll hurl tailored abuse at you daily and throw in snippets of love bombing to keep you hooked. Yes, the love rationing will make a comeback – but ONLY when the narcissist thinks you’re about to walk out that door and ONLY for an absolute minimal amount of time. This is strategic. They want you to remember the good times. ü Stage 4. Narcissistic Discarding If a narcissist discards you, it can feel extremely painful due to their emotional manipulation but make no mistake: it’s a net positive. Narcissists don’t tend to discard anyone completely – if at all. They’ll simply revert to love bombing until they believe you’re duped again. However, discarding DOES happen – especially if they find a new supply right away What Does Discarding Look Like? Simply put: You’ve caught onto them and become too much work when, to their great pleasure, they can simply latch onto someone else who’s much easier to manipulate.
  • 15. How does a narc will make you feel in the relationship? v You will start to notice that for him to survive, he needs your attention, your reaction and your low self esteem- so they will do everything to suck your Light and energy from you. v They are pathological liars and you will start to feel like you are absolutely mentally fucked up. v They will make you feel like you’re the one who’s wrong, and bad and crazy cause he appears to be very social and charming with other people, and they all seem to like him. v He will isolate you from others v Will ignore what you feel v Perfect manipulators, makes you question you own reality v Induces shame to make you feel worthless v One of the weirdest aspect of narcissistic abuse is feeling sorry for the person who treats you like shit; v You will start to do things you’ve never done before in order to survive: You punch Walls, you hurt yourself, you slap him, kick doors (this never makes you the abuser). This is just your body reacting to an enormous mental and physical violence)
  • 16. v After your emotions are completely fucked, your physical body starts to give you signs in a very aggressive ways: you are afraid of being alone, anxiety arises, panic attacks, dissociative disorder, suicidal thoughts, depression, feeling like you don’t know yourself anymore and you are the loneliest person on earth and no one understands what you are going through. v Headaches, chest pain, panic attacks, depression, fybromialgia, chronic fatigue, PTSD, are some of the abuse result. NOTE: What PTSD looks like? ü Avoid thinking of the trauma; ü Flashbacks; ü Cannot concentrate; ü Negative thinking; ü Sleeping difficulty; ü Feeling Guilt or Shame; ü Negative mood; ü Awlays on guard; ü Loss of interest; ü Bad Dreams.
  • 17. How will you feel when escaping the relationship with a Narc? Escaping a toxic relationship, can feel like breaking a piece of your heart off, cause you have to go through 5 shitty, painful stages: THE STAGES OF GRIEF: M It gives you time to more gradually absorb what Denial: happened and begin to process it. It’s a defense mechanism and helps numb you to the intensity of the situation. As you move out from the denial stage, the emotions you were hiding will begin to rise. You’ll be confronted with lots of sorrow you’ve denied. It’s very difficult and painful: both mentally and emotionally. Depression and PSTD can start to arise at the end of the first stage. M Is a masking effect. Anger is hiding many emotions you’re Anger: carrying. M In the bargaining stage of grief, you may find Bargaining: yourself creating a lot of “what if” and “if only” statements. What if it was really my fault? What if I am really a drama queen? What if I’m the one making scenes? What if I go back to him now that I know better! (In this stage... you know nothing... be strong and continue your process). M I call it the quite stage of grief. You usually isolate Depression: yourself from others to fully cope with the loss. Depression is difficult and messy. It can be overwhelming: you may feel foggy, lost and confused. Usually in this stage you ask for mental health.
  • 18. M Acceptance is not necessarily a happy or uplifting Acceptance: stage of grief. It doesn’t mean you’ve moved past the grief or loss. It does, however, mean that you’ve accepted it and have come to understand what it means in your life now. Look to acceptance as a way to see that there may be more good days than bad, but there may still be bad — and that’s OK. NOW.... FOR ME THE MOST IMPORTANT PART IS WHAT IT COMES WIT ALL THIS PROCESS: IT COMES YOU AND ONLY YOU! NOW IS THE TIME TO HEAL YOUR WOUNDS, TO LOVE YOURSELF AND TO DIVE DEEP INTO YOUR TEMPLE AND START A MAGICAL JOURNEY. I know it’s hard to understand and accept what I’m about to telling you now, but listen with your heart, and try to put your anger, sadness and ego aside for a little bit: WE ARE 100% responsible for what happens to us!!! Is it easier to stay in the victim position, victimizing yourself for all the shit that happens between you and your narc? Yes, it is!!!! But growth will not comes from here. And what happens is that you will get back to him or you will attract the same. THE PROBLEM WASN’T HIM. (And obviously I’m not saying what they do is correct, but we are not responsible for them). The problem WAS YOU. You made excused for his bad behavior, you accepted his obvious lies, and you gave him another chance, again and again. You sold yourself short, you didn’t believe you deserved better, and you stayed too long. The universe is very clever. UNDERSTAND MY WORDS:
  • 19. RESISTANCE IS PROPORTIONAL TO VIOLENCE: Meaning, the more you resist to heal your inner wounds, the more you resist to leave the situation, the violence will get only worse. For me, knowledge was half of the process: understanding what was going on inside of my beautiful body and mind: • Why did you attract him into your life? What kind of wound this person triggers you that needs to be healed and removed from your pattern system? Is it rejection? Abandonment? Betrayal? Humiliation? Injustice? (For this I recommend you to read the book: The 5 emotional wounds from Lise Bourbeau) • Are you co –dependent? I recommend you to read codependent no more from Melody Beattie • The more healing work you do and the more you distance yourself from the abuser, the more clearly you will see that they were just a toxic, inadequate individual. • Relationships are not our permission slip to violate our boundaries, abandon our needs, or compromise our authenticity. • Heal your wounds and end the patterns that don’t serve you anymore. • Recognize your own worth. • Identify and validate your needs. • Protect your authenticity- don’t ever stop being who you are. • Communicate in an honest way
  • 20. • Set your boundaries and let people know when they have crossed their boundaries • Do not settle for less that you deserve. • If you have been showing up in and out, to work on yourself, to become better and heal, I invite you to celebrate yourself regardless of the results that you have been getting. You are doing precisely what the world needs right now. YOU ARE AMAZING. A HUMAN BEING FULL OF LIGHT, AND I PROMISE YOU, YOU WILL BE OK. Please let me know if you need .pdf from the books and I can send them to you! I hope this helped you and please, would love to hear from you, how are you feeling and how /if these 20 pages helped you understand a little bit more of your situation. Love, Diana