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StudentName: TezanaBekele
StudentNumber: 112669
Course: HR Management
AssignmentNo: #2
Marking Criteria:
We expectthe learnerstowrite minimumone well expressedpointinthree linesagainsteach
allocatedmark.Thismeansone needstowrite 15 lineswith5 well expressedpointstogethigh
gradesfor a 5 marksquestion.
For highgradesuse examplesandillustrationswhereappropriate.
1. Give short answers to the following questions:
i. What is an ' InductionProgramme?’
An induction program is the process used within organizations to onboard new hires into the
organization and familiarizes them with the new role and company culture. Induction
program is the ideal time to make a good impression with the new hire, build trust, and align
with company expectations. You can also share the company’s vision, norms, and values you
want them to imbibe. The program sets the tone for company culture and gets the new hire
up and running to be productive, and fulfil goals. An induction program is part of an
organization’s knowledge management and transfer process intended to set up the new hire
for success. Good induction programs can increase productivity, employee engagement, and
retention. They help in reducing attrition and short-term turnover of staff. They also help
improve employee morale, make new hires feel welcome and comfortable in the new
environment, and motivate them to perform at an optimum level. The program also helps
them gauge the bigger picture and work towards fulfilling organizational objectives.
ii. What are the advantages and disadvantages of promoting employees from within the
Advantage of Promoting from Within
Assignment Cover Sheet
A. It reduces cost
It’s expensive tosource andrecruitnew talent.On average,HR professionalsandrecruitersspend
a lotof time findingandconvertingjobseekersintoactive applicants.A Glassdoorstudyfoundthat
the average lengthof the hiringprocessinthe U.S.isabout23.8days.Additionally,once acandidate
is converted, they’ll often negotiate higher salaries compared to existing employees. Sometimes
newhireswill alsorequire asigningbonusorevencoverageof movingexpenses,whichaninternal
promotion would not necessarily need.
B. It reduces time-to-productivity
When employees are promoted,they can typically hit the groundrunning in their new role. Sure,
there will be elementsthatmaytake time to ramp up,but theyalreadyhave ahandle oncompany
culture and operations. This can help boost productivity compared to individuals who are brand
newto the business.Theiralreadyestablishedunderstandingcansave theirowntime,the team’s
time, and an HR professional’s time too.
C. It improves employee retention
If high performers don’t see potential for their own personal growth, they are more likely to
disengage and eventuallyleave a company. Top talent wants to progress, in both title and salary.
Businesses should want to retain their top talent and not lose them to competitors. Internally
promotingthese employeesisone waytorecognize andrewardtheirperformance.Further,when
others see one of their peers promoted, they may feel encouraged to strive for an internal
promotion themselves and thus stay on at your company as well.
D. It boosts team morale
As mentioned,internal promotionsdon’tonlybenefitthe directlyaffectedemployee.These types
of jobfillscanalsokeepotheremployeesengagedandreinvigorate teammorale.Witnessingfirst-
hand the success of fellow peers can inspire others to work harder and can also show that hard
work is valued, which reinforces a positive outlook across broader groups.
E. It strengthens your employer brand
Job seekerswantto applyto an employerbrandthat resonateswiththem, one that has a mission
that aligns with their own beliefs. People are more attracted to a company culture that supports
internal growth than one that struggles with high turnover and employee retention. Internal
promotions demonstrate that your company values hard work and is willing to reward it.
Recognizing employees in this way can help strengthen your employer brand to both future
candidates and consumers. Consumers are also more likely to support a brand that treats their
employeeswell.Infact,aCareerArc2017 EmployerBrandingStudyrevealsthat64% of consumers
have actually stopped purchasing a brand after learning about the company’s poor employee
Disadvantage of Promoting from Within
A. It can increase failure rates
Not every internal promotion will be better than an external hire. In fact, the failure rate for an
internal promotion is higher than one might think. While still less than an externally hired
employee’s failure rate, it’s been found that about a quarter of internally promoted senior
executives fail in their new role. There are many reasons why an internally promoted employee
maystruggle intheirnewpositionforinstance,theymayhave excelledinone roleforalongperiod
of time and not be ready for new responsibilities,orthey may have a hard time managingpeople
who used to be their peers.
B. It may limit outside knowledge or advanced skill sets
Whencomparedtointernal promotions,externalhiresmayhave more advancedtrainingthatthey
can nowbring to your brand. Theymay also have more exposure toindustryadvancementsanda
freshperspective forsolvingage oldcompanyproblems.Itcanbe true in these circumstances,that
an outsider’sperspectivecouldbe moreworthwhile.Towidenyourrecruitmentnet,youmaywant
to consider social recruiting to source external candidates and let both internal and external
candidates go through the interview cycle.
C. It may invite negative company politics
Just as an internal promotion can bolster team morale, it can also tamper with it. Receiving a
promotion can open an employee up to teasing or ridicule sometimesdone in good humour, but
other times done out of jealousy. These kinds of challenging situations can distract a recently
promoted employee and take them away from their new duties. It can also complicate things for
HR departments if harmless teasing evolves into a bullying or harassment situation.
iii. Whydo employerstransferemployees?
A transferis a horizontal or lateral movementof an employee fromone job,section,department,
shift, plant or position to another at the same or another place where his salary, status and
responsibility are the same. There are several reasons why employers may need to transfer
employees. Transfers are generally affected to build up a more satisfactory work team and to
achieve the following reasons;
 To meetthe organisational demands:An organisationmayhave to transferitsemployees
due to change in technology, change in volume of production, schedule, product line,
qualityof products,changesinthe jobpattern causedbychangeinorganisationalstructure,
fluctuationsinthemarketconditionslike demandfluctuation,introductionof new linesand
droppingof exitinglines.all thesechangesmaydemandthe shiftinjobassignmentswitha
view to place the right man on the right job.
 To satisfy the employees` needs: Employees may need transfers in order to satisfy their
desire to workunder a friendlysuperior,ina department/regionwhere opportunitiesfor
advancement are brighter, in or near their native place or place of interest, doing a job
where the work itself is challenging etc.
 To utilize employees better: An employee may be transferred because the management
feelsthatthe skills,experience andjobknowledge could be put to better use elsewhere.
 To make the employee more versatile: Employees may be rolled over different jobs to
expand their capabilities. job rotation may prepare the employee from more challenging
assignments in future.
 To adjust workforce: Workforce may be transferredfroma plantwhere there islesswork
to a plant where there is a more work.
 To reduce burden: Transfers may be made to give relief to employees who are
overburdened or doing hazardous work for long periods.
 To reduce conflicts: Where employeesfinditdifficulttoget along withtheir colleaguesin
a particular section, department or location they could be shifted to another place to
reduce conflict.
 To punish employees: To punish employees. (Generally, in government organisations,
employees who commits mistakes or malfeasance will be treated with transfer to other
place where he cannot act according to his wish or misuse his job position).
iv. Outline the main objectivesofrecruitment processin an organisation
The objectives of recruitment are:
 To attract people withmulti-dimensional skillsandexperiencesthose suitthe presentand
future organizational strategies
 To induct outsiders with a new perspective to lead the company
 To infuse fresh blood at all levels of the organisations
 To develop an organizational culture that attracts competent people to the company
 To search or head hunt/head pouch people whose skills fit the company’s values
 To devise methodologies for assessing psychological traits
 To seek out non-conventional development grounds of talent
 To search for talent globally and not just within the company
 To design entry, pay that competes on quality but not on quantum
 To anticipate and find people for positions that does not exist yet
2. Describe the recruitment process step–by-step
1) Set Up
To have a goodrecruitmentprocessinplace,youmustforma strongrecruitmentteam.The
recruitmentteamhasa veryimportantjob.If theymake a wrong decision,itwillaffectthe
productivityof the workforce.Next,the recruitmentteamshouldbe able toclearlyidentifythe
jobvacancy and the qualitiesof anideal candidate.Youneedtowrite aclearjobdescriptionto
enable candidatestounderstandwhatthe companyrequiresof them.Anoutlineof anideal
candidate will alsobe able toaidthe selectionprocessforthe recruitmentteamlateroninthe
2) Source
Once the job descriptionandideal jobcandidateoutline are prepared,the recruitmentteamwill
have a clearerpicture of what isdemanded.The teamcanthenstart to analyse the most
appropriate source forrecruitment.Thissource couldbe eitherinternal recruitmentorexternal
recruitment.Internal recruitmentiswhenacompanyhiresanemployee forthe jobfromwithin
the businessstaff.Thismethodsavesthe companytime andmoney,andemployeestake lesstime
to socialize.Youcanrecruitemployeesfromoutsidethe companyaswell.Some sourcesof
external recruitmentare employmentagencies.
3) Application
Interestedcandidatesshouldbe able toapplyforthe jobvacancy simply.Make the application
formas user-friendlyaspossible toprovide agoodexperienceandensure thatyougatheras
4) Screen
You will receiveawhole pile of applicationsthroughwhichyoucannothelpbuttoscan. Good
candidatesshouldquicklyandclearlyhighlighthow theirexperience alignswiththe availablerole.
Revisityourjobdescriptionandidealjobcandidate outlineforareminderof whatyou are looking
for.Eventhoughyou are justscanningthroughthe application,be sure toinformall applicants
aboutthe statusof the applicationanddonotkeepthemwaitingtoolong.Atthisstage,you
shouldalsoprovide feedbackforall candidateswhodidnotmake itthroughto the interview.
5) Schedule Interviews
The candidatesoftenconsiderthatinterviewsare the mostcrucial part of the recruitment
process.Itis an invaluable momentwhenyougettocommunicate withthe candidate tosee if he
or she is a fitwiththe company.You shouldtake thischance to findoutmore about the
applicant’sbackground,skills,andevenpersonalitytosee if theyfitwithyourcompanyculture.It
will be useful tohave alistof informationthatyouwouldlike tofindoutbeforehandasa
recruiter,whichwill make your interview sessionmuchmore structured.
Rememberthatinterviewsare atwo-waystreet,andcandidatesare alsotakingthischance tofind
out more aboutthe company.Asa recruiter,youshouldalwaysbe well preparedandcourteous
to all candidates.
6) Offering
Once you have shortlistedyourtopcandidates,youshouldchecktheirreferences.Many
employersmissthisrecruitmentstep,butitisessential todouble-checkthe information
candidatesprovide.Of course,be sure toinformthe candidatesandhave themagree tothese
reference checks.Hiringthe wrongpersoncanbe extremelycostly;therefore,youshouldalways
be as precise as possible inyourrecruitmentprocess.
Once you have confirmedall details,youcanofficiallyofferthe jobtothe chosencandidate and
draw upa contract of employment.Thereshouldbe atemplate tofollowforthe contract where
detailssuchas salary,holidays,andworkinghoursare furtherdiscussedaccordingly.
7) Evaluating the SelectionProcess
It isimportantto make an assessmentof whetherornotthe companyhas made the right
selectiondecisions.The waytoevaluate thisdependsonthe actual position.Foramanagement
position,itwill probablybe aboutayear before itisclearwhetherobjectiveshave beenachieved.
Case Study
1. How can Fun & Learn attract the best applicants for jobs at its new retail outlets? On what
groups, if any, should be company’s recruiting effort focus? How should the recruiting be
 To Attract the best applicants F&L should be focus on the description of individual job
requirement.The descriptionshouldbe includedinformationaboutthe jobandthe duties.
Describe the company,competitivewages,hours,workenvironment,Includeopportunities
of development, benefits information.
 The company should be focussing its recruitment effort on both internal and external
recruitmentthatwill give the opportunityof findrightcandidate,withinthe organisations
who have the abilities and the attitude that the job requirement needs and through
channels such Professional or Similar organisations, in this specific study case, to bring a
newpeople withnewperspectiveandnew idea.Inthiswaywe can focusin all the groups.
 The recruit should be done by developing a culture that attract the most qualified
applicants specialising in creative toys and innovative learning materials for children, on
finding people whose those skills fulfil the children’s market demands (Knowledge about
children, toys and learning).
2. How should Fun & Learn select the best candidates? What type of characteristics and
measures should be used? Why?
Fun& Learncan selectthe bestcandidatesbyadoptingfollowingmethods:
 Evaluate their body language
 Emphasis on precise experiences and accomplishments
 Assess their work ethic and attitude
 Find out if they are a life-long learner
 Discover what they are passionate about
The company should consider such communication skills because communication influences
relationwithcustomersandcolleagues.Positivityalsogoesalongwaysince attitudes,bothpositive
and negative affect the behavior of the entire group and customer services rendered.
3. How might Fun & Learn socialise its employeessothat they are attuned to the firm’s culture
and plans for the future?
Introductionof more positive andoptimisticcandidateswouldimprove the businessenvironment
for the better. The onboarding process helps employees familiarise with company culture. The
companyshouldensure all communicationswiththe new hiresconveythe company’sculture.The
communication should begin as soon as the employee accepts the invitation letter.It should also
address compliance issues prior admission. Lastly is to endorse the company culture at every
opportunity including scheduling taking time to talk to them during the onboarding process.
4. How might Fun & Learn address its retention problems?
There are many reasonswhyemployeesleave acompany.Employee turnoveriscostlyandmostof
the reasons are avoidable. One of the most important steps to take toward improving retention,
and often skipped, is evaluating the present circumstance. Find out where retention problems
actuallyare,anddetermine howyou’regoingtomeasure the impactof yoursolutions.Fun&learn
can handle the retention issue by taking following steps:
 Recognizing employee contributions is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to
improve retention
 Providing incentives including monetary rewards and benefits
 Increasingtransparencyandmutualtrust.Everyworkingrelationshipoperatesonabalance
of mutual trust and information is one of the most important tools to give to employees.
Theyneedtofeel like theyhave the appropriate informationtomake gooddecisionsabout
their work
 Inspiring and supporting employee. Embracing autonomy carries countless benefits, it is
the easiestwayto combat micromanagementandgive employeesthe roomtheyneedto
do their best work
 Leveragingtechnologyisalsoaneffective strategyof gettingyoungworkerstostaybecause
they are tech practicality.
By submittingthisassignment,Iconfirmthatthisis myownwork.
StudentSignature: Date: 25/05/2022
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HRM_Assign 2.docx

  • 1. StudentName: TezanaBekele StudentNumber: 112669 Course: HR Management AssignmentNo: #2 Marking Criteria: We expectthe learnerstowrite minimumone well expressedpointinthree linesagainsteach allocatedmark.Thismeansone needstowrite 15 lineswith5 well expressedpointstogethigh gradesfor a 5 marksquestion. For highgradesuse examplesandillustrationswhereappropriate. 1. Give short answers to the following questions: i. What is an ' InductionProgramme?’ An induction program is the process used within organizations to onboard new hires into the organization and familiarizes them with the new role and company culture. Induction program is the ideal time to make a good impression with the new hire, build trust, and align with company expectations. You can also share the company’s vision, norms, and values you want them to imbibe. The program sets the tone for company culture and gets the new hire up and running to be productive, and fulfil goals. An induction program is part of an organization’s knowledge management and transfer process intended to set up the new hire for success. Good induction programs can increase productivity, employee engagement, and retention. They help in reducing attrition and short-term turnover of staff. They also help improve employee morale, make new hires feel welcome and comfortable in the new environment, and motivate them to perform at an optimum level. The program also helps them gauge the bigger picture and work towards fulfilling organizational objectives. ii. What are the advantages and disadvantages of promoting employees from within the company? Advantage of Promoting from Within Assignment Cover Sheet
  • 2. A. It reduces cost It’s expensive tosource andrecruitnew talent.On average,HR professionalsandrecruitersspend a lotof time findingandconvertingjobseekersintoactive applicants.A Glassdoorstudyfoundthat the average lengthof the hiringprocessinthe U.S.isabout23.8days.Additionally,once acandidate is converted, they’ll often negotiate higher salaries compared to existing employees. Sometimes newhireswill alsorequire asigningbonusorevencoverageof movingexpenses,whichaninternal promotion would not necessarily need. B. It reduces time-to-productivity When employees are promoted,they can typically hit the groundrunning in their new role. Sure, there will be elementsthatmaytake time to ramp up,but theyalreadyhave ahandle oncompany culture and operations. This can help boost productivity compared to individuals who are brand newto the business.Theiralreadyestablishedunderstandingcansave theirowntime,the team’s time, and an HR professional’s time too. C. It improves employee retention If high performers don’t see potential for their own personal growth, they are more likely to disengage and eventuallyleave a company. Top talent wants to progress, in both title and salary. Businesses should want to retain their top talent and not lose them to competitors. Internally promotingthese employeesisone waytorecognize andrewardtheirperformance.Further,when others see one of their peers promoted, they may feel encouraged to strive for an internal promotion themselves and thus stay on at your company as well. D. It boosts team morale As mentioned,internal promotionsdon’tonlybenefitthe directlyaffectedemployee.These types of jobfillscanalsokeepotheremployeesengagedandreinvigorate teammorale.Witnessingfirst- hand the success of fellow peers can inspire others to work harder and can also show that hard work is valued, which reinforces a positive outlook across broader groups. E. It strengthens your employer brand Job seekerswantto applyto an employerbrandthat resonateswiththem, one that has a mission that aligns with their own beliefs. People are more attracted to a company culture that supports internal growth than one that struggles with high turnover and employee retention. Internal promotions demonstrate that your company values hard work and is willing to reward it. Recognizing employees in this way can help strengthen your employer brand to both future candidates and consumers. Consumers are also more likely to support a brand that treats their employeeswell.Infact,aCareerArc2017 EmployerBrandingStudyrevealsthat64% of consumers
  • 3. have actually stopped purchasing a brand after learning about the company’s poor employee treatment. Disadvantage of Promoting from Within A. It can increase failure rates Not every internal promotion will be better than an external hire. In fact, the failure rate for an internal promotion is higher than one might think. While still less than an externally hired employee’s failure rate, it’s been found that about a quarter of internally promoted senior executives fail in their new role. There are many reasons why an internally promoted employee maystruggle intheirnewpositionforinstance,theymayhave excelledinone roleforalongperiod of time and not be ready for new responsibilities,orthey may have a hard time managingpeople who used to be their peers. B. It may limit outside knowledge or advanced skill sets Whencomparedtointernal promotions,externalhiresmayhave more advancedtrainingthatthey can nowbring to your brand. Theymay also have more exposure toindustryadvancementsanda freshperspective forsolvingage oldcompanyproblems.Itcanbe true in these circumstances,that an outsider’sperspectivecouldbe moreworthwhile.Towidenyourrecruitmentnet,youmaywant to consider social recruiting to source external candidates and let both internal and external candidates go through the interview cycle. C. It may invite negative company politics Just as an internal promotion can bolster team morale, it can also tamper with it. Receiving a promotion can open an employee up to teasing or ridicule sometimesdone in good humour, but other times done out of jealousy. These kinds of challenging situations can distract a recently promoted employee and take them away from their new duties. It can also complicate things for HR departments if harmless teasing evolves into a bullying or harassment situation. iii. Whydo employerstransferemployees? A transferis a horizontal or lateral movementof an employee fromone job,section,department, shift, plant or position to another at the same or another place where his salary, status and responsibility are the same. There are several reasons why employers may need to transfer employees. Transfers are generally affected to build up a more satisfactory work team and to achieve the following reasons;  To meetthe organisational demands:An organisationmayhave to transferitsemployees due to change in technology, change in volume of production, schedule, product line, qualityof products,changesinthe jobpattern causedbychangeinorganisationalstructure, fluctuationsinthemarketconditionslike demandfluctuation,introductionof new linesand
  • 4. droppingof exitinglines.all thesechangesmaydemandthe shiftinjobassignmentswitha view to place the right man on the right job.  To satisfy the employees` needs: Employees may need transfers in order to satisfy their desire to workunder a friendlysuperior,ina department/regionwhere opportunitiesfor advancement are brighter, in or near their native place or place of interest, doing a job where the work itself is challenging etc.  To utilize employees better: An employee may be transferred because the management feelsthatthe skills,experience andjobknowledge could be put to better use elsewhere.  To make the employee more versatile: Employees may be rolled over different jobs to expand their capabilities. job rotation may prepare the employee from more challenging assignments in future.  To adjust workforce: Workforce may be transferredfroma plantwhere there islesswork to a plant where there is a more work.  To reduce burden: Transfers may be made to give relief to employees who are overburdened or doing hazardous work for long periods.  To reduce conflicts: Where employeesfinditdifficulttoget along withtheir colleaguesin a particular section, department or location they could be shifted to another place to reduce conflict.  To punish employees: To punish employees. (Generally, in government organisations, employees who commits mistakes or malfeasance will be treated with transfer to other place where he cannot act according to his wish or misuse his job position). iv. Outline the main objectivesofrecruitment processin an organisation The objectives of recruitment are:  To attract people withmulti-dimensional skillsandexperiencesthose suitthe presentand future organizational strategies  To induct outsiders with a new perspective to lead the company  To infuse fresh blood at all levels of the organisations  To develop an organizational culture that attracts competent people to the company  To search or head hunt/head pouch people whose skills fit the company’s values  To devise methodologies for assessing psychological traits  To seek out non-conventional development grounds of talent  To search for talent globally and not just within the company  To design entry, pay that competes on quality but not on quantum  To anticipate and find people for positions that does not exist yet
  • 5. 2. Describe the recruitment process step–by-step 1) Set Up To have a goodrecruitmentprocessinplace,youmustforma strongrecruitmentteam.The recruitmentteamhasa veryimportantjob.If theymake a wrong decision,itwillaffectthe productivityof the workforce.Next,the recruitmentteamshouldbe able toclearlyidentifythe jobvacancy and the qualitiesof anideal candidate.Youneedtowrite aclearjobdescriptionto enable candidatestounderstandwhatthe companyrequiresof them.Anoutlineof anideal candidate will alsobe able toaidthe selectionprocessforthe recruitmentteamlateroninthe recruitmentprocess. 2) Source Once the job descriptionandideal jobcandidateoutline are prepared,the recruitmentteamwill have a clearerpicture of what isdemanded.The teamcanthenstart to analyse the most appropriate source forrecruitment.Thissource couldbe eitherinternal recruitmentorexternal recruitment.Internal recruitmentiswhenacompanyhiresanemployee forthe jobfromwithin the businessstaff.Thismethodsavesthe companytime andmoney,andemployeestake lesstime to socialize.Youcanrecruitemployeesfromoutsidethe companyaswell.Some sourcesof external recruitmentare employmentagencies. 3) Application Interestedcandidatesshouldbe able toapplyforthe jobvacancy simply.Make the application formas user-friendlyaspossible toprovide agoodexperienceandensure thatyougatheras manyapplicationsaspossible. 4) Screen You will receiveawhole pile of applicationsthroughwhichyoucannothelpbuttoscan. Good candidatesshouldquicklyandclearlyhighlighthow theirexperience alignswiththe availablerole. Revisityourjobdescriptionandidealjobcandidate outlineforareminderof whatyou are looking for.Eventhoughyou are justscanningthroughthe application,be sure toinformall applicants aboutthe statusof the applicationanddonotkeepthemwaitingtoolong.Atthisstage,you shouldalsoprovide feedbackforall candidateswhodidnotmake itthroughto the interview. 5) Schedule Interviews The candidatesoftenconsiderthatinterviewsare the mostcrucial part of the recruitment process.Itis an invaluable momentwhenyougettocommunicate withthe candidate tosee if he or she is a fitwiththe company.You shouldtake thischance to findoutmore about the applicant’sbackground,skills,andevenpersonalitytosee if theyfitwithyourcompanyculture.It will be useful tohave alistof informationthatyouwouldlike tofindoutbeforehandasa recruiter,whichwill make your interview sessionmuchmore structured.
  • 6. Rememberthatinterviewsare atwo-waystreet,andcandidatesare alsotakingthischance tofind out more aboutthe company.Asa recruiter,youshouldalwaysbe well preparedandcourteous to all candidates. 6) Offering Once you have shortlistedyourtopcandidates,youshouldchecktheirreferences.Many employersmissthisrecruitmentstep,butitisessential todouble-checkthe information candidatesprovide.Of course,be sure toinformthe candidatesandhave themagree tothese reference checks.Hiringthe wrongpersoncanbe extremelycostly;therefore,youshouldalways be as precise as possible inyourrecruitmentprocess. Once you have confirmedall details,youcanofficiallyofferthe jobtothe chosencandidate and draw upa contract of employment.Thereshouldbe atemplate tofollowforthe contract where detailssuchas salary,holidays,andworkinghoursare furtherdiscussedaccordingly. 7) Evaluating the SelectionProcess It isimportantto make an assessmentof whetherornotthe companyhas made the right selectiondecisions.The waytoevaluate thisdependsonthe actual position.Foramanagement position,itwill probablybe aboutayear before itisclearwhetherobjectiveshave beenachieved. Case Study 1. How can Fun & Learn attract the best applicants for jobs at its new retail outlets? On what groups, if any, should be company’s recruiting effort focus? How should the recruiting be done?  To Attract the best applicants F&L should be focus on the description of individual job requirement.The descriptionshouldbe includedinformationaboutthe jobandthe duties. Describe the company,competitivewages,hours,workenvironment,Includeopportunities of development, benefits information.  The company should be focussing its recruitment effort on both internal and external recruitmentthatwill give the opportunityof findrightcandidate,withinthe organisations who have the abilities and the attitude that the job requirement needs and through channels such Professional or Similar organisations, in this specific study case, to bring a newpeople withnewperspectiveandnew idea.Inthiswaywe can focusin all the groups.  The recruit should be done by developing a culture that attract the most qualified applicants specialising in creative toys and innovative learning materials for children, on finding people whose those skills fulfil the children’s market demands (Knowledge about children, toys and learning).
  • 7. 2. How should Fun & Learn select the best candidates? What type of characteristics and measures should be used? Why? Fun& Learncan selectthe bestcandidatesbyadoptingfollowingmethods:  Evaluate their body language  Emphasis on precise experiences and accomplishments  Assess their work ethic and attitude  Find out if they are a life-long learner  Discover what they are passionate about The company should consider such communication skills because communication influences relationwithcustomersandcolleagues.Positivityalsogoesalongwaysince attitudes,bothpositive and negative affect the behavior of the entire group and customer services rendered. 3. How might Fun & Learn socialise its employeessothat they are attuned to the firm’s culture and plans for the future? Introductionof more positive andoptimisticcandidateswouldimprove the businessenvironment for the better. The onboarding process helps employees familiarise with company culture. The companyshouldensure all communicationswiththe new hiresconveythe company’sculture.The communication should begin as soon as the employee accepts the invitation letter.It should also address compliance issues prior admission. Lastly is to endorse the company culture at every opportunity including scheduling taking time to talk to them during the onboarding process. 4. How might Fun & Learn address its retention problems? There are many reasonswhyemployeesleave acompany.Employee turnoveriscostlyandmostof the reasons are avoidable. One of the most important steps to take toward improving retention, and often skipped, is evaluating the present circumstance. Find out where retention problems actuallyare,anddetermine howyou’regoingtomeasure the impactof yoursolutions.Fun&learn can handle the retention issue by taking following steps:  Recognizing employee contributions is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to improve retention  Providing incentives including monetary rewards and benefits  Increasingtransparencyandmutualtrust.Everyworkingrelationshipoperatesonabalance of mutual trust and information is one of the most important tools to give to employees. Theyneedtofeel like theyhave the appropriate informationtomake gooddecisionsabout their work
  • 8.  Inspiring and supporting employee. Embracing autonomy carries countless benefits, it is the easiestwayto combat micromanagementandgive employeesthe roomtheyneedto do their best work  Leveragingtechnologyisalsoaneffective strategyof gettingyoungworkerstostaybecause they are tech practicality. StudentStatement: By submittingthisassignment,Iconfirmthatthisis myownwork. StudentSignature: Date: 25/05/2022 For Tutor / AssessorUse Only Total Marks Marks Obtained Percentage /Grade