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Hyperthyroidism and Thyrotoxicosis are the terms
often used interchangeably, however each refers to
slightly different conditions.Hyperthyroidism refers to
over activity of the thyroid gland, with resultant
excessive secretion of thyroid hormones and
accelerated metabolism. Thyrotoxicosis refers to the
clinical effects of an unbound thyroid hormone,
regardless of whether or not the thyroid is the
primary source.
There are
number of pathological causes of hyperthyroidism in
children and adults.These include Grave’s disease,
Toxic Adenoma, Toxic Multinodular Goitre and
Thyroiditis.Of these, Grave’s disease accounts for
approx. 60% of cases of hyperthyroidism.To
understand the pathophysiology of hyperthyroidism,
The thyroid
gland is a butterfly-shaped endocrine
gland that is normally located in the lower
front of the neck. The thyroid gland’s job
is to make thyroid hormones, which are
secreted into the blood and then carried
to every tissue in the body. Thyroid
hormone helps the body use energy, stay
warm and keep the brain, heart, muscles,
and other organs working as they should.
Hyperthyroidism is due to increased levels of thyroid
hormone i.e. Diffuse Toxic Goitre (Grave’s disease),
Toxic Multinodular Goitre (Plummer’s disease) and
Toxic Adenoma.
According to SANJAY AZAD:
Hyperthyroidism is the hyperactivity of thyroid gland
with sustain increase in sythesis and release of
thyroid hormones.
According to WATSON:
Hyperthyroidism implies an excessive secretion of
thyroid hormones and may called as thyrotoxicosis,
but toxic goitre, exophthalmic goitre or Grave’s
disease. The term exophthalmic goitre or Grave’s
disease are reversal for hyperthyroidism that is
 It is butterfly-shaped located just inferior to larynx in
the lower front of the neck.
 It is composed of right and left lateral lobes, one on
either side of trachea, that are connected by
isthmus anterior to the trachea.
 Microscopic spherical sac called thyroid follicles
make up most of the thyroid gland.
 The walls of each follicles consist primarily of cells
called follicular cells.
 The thyroid gland is a highly vascularized organ
located in the neck, deep to the platysma,
sternothyroid and sternohyoid muscles, and
extending from the 5th cervical (C5) to the Ist
Thoracic (T1) vertebrae.
 The gland consists of two lobes (left and right)
connected by a thin, median isthmus overlying the 2nd
to 4th tracheal rings, typically forming an “H” or “U”
 Beneath the visceral layer of the pretracheal, deep
cervical fascia, the thyroid gland is surrounded by a
true inner capsule, which is thin and adheres closely to
the gland.
 The capsule sends projections into the thyroid forming
septae and dividing it into lobes and lobules.
 Dense connective tissue attachments secure the
capsule of the thyroid to both the cricoid cartilage and
the superior tracheal rings.
 Arterial supply is by superior thyroid, inferior thyroid and
thyroid ima artery,
 Venous drainage by superior , middle and inferior
thyroid veins.
 Nerves in relation are superior laryngeal and recurrent
laryngeal nerve.
 Thyroid gland secretes Tri-iodothyronine(T3) &
 Steps involved in synthesis of these hormones are
 Iodine trapping from blood into the thyrocytes
(Thiocyanates and perchlorates block this step)
 Oxidation of iodide to inorganic iodine catalyzed by
peroxidase enzyme
(Carbimazole,Propylthiouracil and PASA block this
 Formation of iodotyrosines: iodine + tyrosine= MIT
(monoiodotyrosine) + DIT (diiodotyrosine)
(carbimazole inhibits this step)
 Coupling reactions: coupling of 2 molecules of DIT
results in T4 and 1 molecule of DIT + MIT results in T3
(this stage is blocked by carbimazole)
 Hydrolysis: Hormones combine with globulin to form
thyroglobulin stored in thyroid gland and are released as
required by the process of hydrolysis.
Hyperthyroidism characterized by loss of normal regulatory control of thyroid
hormone secretions
Stimulatory action of thyroid in the body,
hyermetabolism results
Increase in sympathetic nervous system results
Alteration of secretion & metabolism of hypothalamic pituitary and gonadal
Excessive thyroid hormone stimulates cardiac system and increase of adrenergic
receptors activity
Tachycardia, increased cardiac output, stroke volume, adrenegic responsiveness
and peripheral blood flow
Resultant state of nutrinional deficiency & -ve Nitrogen balance
 A hyper metabolic biochemical state
 It is a multi system disease with
 Elevated levels of FT4 or FT3 or both
 What is thyrotoxicosis ?
 What is hyperthyroidism ?
 What are the various causes ?
 How to differentiate the causes ?
 What is the appropriate treatment ?
1. Graves Disease – Diffuse Toxic Goiter
2. Plummer’s Disease – Toxic MNG
3. Toxic phase of Sub Acute Thyroiditis - SAT
4. Toxic Single Adenoma – STA
5. Pituitary Tumours – excess TSH
6. Molar pregnancy & Choriocarcinoma (↑↑ βHCG)
7. Metastatic thyroid cancers (functioning)
8. Struma Ovarii (Dermoid and Ovarian tumours)
9. Thyrotoxicosis Factitia ; INF, Amiodarone, SSRIs
 The most common cause of thyrotoxicosis
 Organ specific auto-immune disease
 The most important autoantibody is
 Thyroid Stimulating Immunoglobulin (TSI) or TSA
 TSI acts as proxy to TSH and stimulates T4 and T3
 Anti thyro peroxidase (anti-TPO) antibodies
 Anti thyro globulin (anti-TG) Anti Microsomal
and other
 Autoimmune diseases - Pernicious Anemia,
 RA, Myasthenia Gravis, Vitiligo, Adrenal
I 123 or TC 99m Normal v/s Graves
 TMG is the next most common hyperthyroidism - 20%
 More common in elderly individuals – long standing
 Lumpy bumpy thyroid gland
 Milder manifestations (apathetic hyperthyroidism)
 Mild elevation of FT4 and FT3
 Progresses slowly over time
 Clinically multiple firm nodules (called Plummer’s
 Scintigraphy shows - hot and normal areas
 SAT is the next most common
hyperthyroidism – 15%
 T4 and T3 are extremely elevated in this
 Immune destruction of thyroid due to viral
 Destructive release of preformed thyroid
 Thyroid gland is painful and tender on
 Nuclear Scintigraphy scan - no RIU in the gland
 TSA is a single hyper functioning follicular thyroid
 Benign monoclonal tumor that usually is larger than
2.5 cm
 It is the cause in 5% of patients who are thyrotoxic
 Nuclear Scintigraphy scan shows only a single hot
 TSH is suppressed by excess of thyroxines
 So the rest of the thyroid gland is suppressed
1. Those that occur with any type of
2. Those that are specific to Graves disease
3. Non specific changes of hyper metabolism
 SKIN: warm, may br erythmatous (due to increased
blood flow), smooth (due to decrease in
keratin), sweaty and heat intolerance, oncholysis
(softening of nails and loosening of nail beds),
hyperpigmentation (due to increase ACTH
 CVS: increased cardiac output (due to increased O2
demand), tachycardia, widened pulse pressure,high
output HF.
 RESPIRATORY: dyspnea on rest or exertion,
increased O2 consumption & CO2 production,
hypoxemia and hypercarbia,tracheal
obstruction,increased pulmonary arterial pressure,
resp. muscles weakness, decreased exercise
 NEUROMUSCULAR: tremors and hyperactive
tendon reflexes
 REPRODUCTIVE: in females;
in males; gynecomastia, decreased libido, erectile
dysfunction, decreased or abnormal sperms.
 PSYCHIATRIC: hyperactivity, emotional liability,
anxiety, insomnia, decreased concentration.
 GENITOURINNARY: urinnary frequency and
1. Hyperactivity, Hyper kinesis
2. Sinus tachycardia or atrial arrhythmia, AF, CHF
3. Systolic hypertension, wide pulse pressure
4. Warm, moist, soft and smooth skin- warm handshake
5. Excessive perspiration, palmar erythema, Onycholysis
6. Lid lag and stare (sympathetic over activity)
7. Fine tremor of out stretched hands – format's sign
8. Muscle weakness, Diarrhea, Gynecomastia
Specific to Graves Disease
1. Diffuse painless and firm enlargement of thyroid
2. Thyroid bruit is audible with the bell of stethoscope
3. Ophthalmopathy – Eye manifestations – 50% of
 Sand in eyes, periorbital edema, conjunctival
edema (chemosis), poor lid closure, extraocular
muscle dysfunction, diplopia, pain on eye
movements and proptosis.
4. Dermoacropathy – Skin/limb manifestations – 20%
of cases
 Deposition of glycosamino glycans in the dermis
of the lower leg – non pitting edema, associated
MNG and Graves
Huge Toxic MNG Diffuse Graves Thyroid
Higher grades of Goiter
Toxic MNG (Diffuse) Graves
Grade IV Toxic MNG
Huge Toxic MNG Huge Toxic MNG
Lid lag
Thyroid Ophthalmopathy
Ophthalmopathy in Graves
Periorbital edema and chemosis
Severe Exophthalmia
Thyroid Dermopathy
Pink and skin coloured papules, plaques on the shin
Clubbing and
Thyroid Acropathy
1. Hyperglycemia, Glycosuria
2. Osteoporosis and hypercalcemia
3. ↓ LDL and Total Cholesterols
4. Atrial fibrillation, LVH, ↑ LV EF
5. Hyper dynamic circulatory state
6. High output heart failure
7. H/o excess Iodine, amiodarone, contrast
 Thyroid Function Tests (TFTs)
 Thyroid antibodies – by ELISA
 Ultrasound
 Fine needle aspiration cytology
 Thyroid Nucleotide Scintigraphy
 Serum TSH is supressed in hyperthyroidism
(<0.05 mU/L)
 T3 & T4 are raised almost always from their
normal levels i.e. T3=1.5-3.5 nmol/L & T4=55-150
nmol/L but T3 is more sensitive.
 TSH receptor antibodies are not measured
routinely,but are commonly present.
 In developing hyperthyroidism, the free T3
concentration is more sensitive indicator of
developing disease than T4,and the former is
therefore preferred for confirming hyperthyroidism
that has already been suggested by a supressed
TSH result.
 Ultrasound can be used to assess a thyroid
 Its advantage over physical examination lies
alone in its ability to distinguish solid from cytic
nodules, whether more than one nodule
exists,and the exact size and extent of nodules.
 Infact, ultrasound can be used to access the size
and shape of the thyroid itself.
 Because of recent advances in this form of
imaging, ultrasound has become a sensitive
modality, particularly when assessing size and
numbers of nodules.
 Provided adequate sample is removed
on biopsy, FNAC of the thyroid nodule
can be used to categories tissue into
benign, malignant, thyroiditis, follicular
 This technique has reduced
unnecessary operative procedure in
patients with benign disease and
increased the probability that surgery
will be performed on those with
malignant disease.
 The throid gland tissue can take up iodine
and certain other molecules.
 When radioactive isotopes of these
substances are swallowed or injected into
blood stream, they are taken up by thyroid
 As they decay, a special camera can detect
the energy that is released, creating a
picture of the thyroid gland.
 Most commonly used isotopes are Iodine-
99m- Technetium, 131- iodine.
Measure TSH and FT4
 TSH,  FT4
Measure FT3
Primary (T4)
Pituitary Adenoma FNAC, N Scan
 TSH, FT4 N  TSH,  FT4
T3 Toxicosis
Features of Grave’s
Rx. Grave’s
Single Adenoma, MNG
Sub Acute Thyroiditis, I2, ↑ Thyroxine
F/u in 6-12 wks
Algorithm for Hyperthyroidism
Treatment Options
1. Symptom relief medications
2. Anti Thyroid Drugs – ATD
 Methimazole, Carbimazole
 Propylthiouracil (PTU)
3. Radio Active Iodine treatment – RAI Rx.
4. Thyroidectomy – Subtotal or Total
5. NSAIDs and Corticosteroids – for SAT
Symptom Relief
1. Rehydration is the first step
2. β – blockers to decrease the sympathetic
 Propranalol, Atenelol, Metoprolol
3. Rate limiting CCBs if β – blockers
4. Treatment of CHF, Arrhythmias
5. Calcium supplementation
6. Lugol Iodine solution for ↓ vascularity of
the gland
Anti Thyroid Drugs (ATD)
Imp. considerations Methimazole Propylthiouracil
Efficacy Very potent Potent
Duration of action Long acting BID/OD Short acting QID/TID
In pregnancy Contraindicated Safely can be given
Mechanism of action Iodination, Coupling Iodination, Coupling
Conversion of T4 to T3 No action Inhibits conversion
Adverse reactions Rashes, Neutropenia Rashes, ↑Neutropenia
Dosage 20 to 40 mg/ OD PO 100 to 150mg qid PO
How long to give ATD ?
 Reduction of thyroid hormones takes 2-8
 Check TSH and FT4 every 4 to 6 weeks
 In Graves, many go into remission after 12-18
 In such pts ATD may be discontinued and
followed up
 40% experience recurrence in 1 yr. Re treat
for 3 yrs.
 Treatment is not life long. Graves seldom
needs surgery
Radio Active Iodine (RAI Rx.)
 In women who are not pregnant
 In cases of Toxic MNG and TSA
 Graves disease not remitting with ATD
 RAI Rx is the best treatment of
hyperthyroidism in adults
 The effect is less rapid than ATD or
 It is effective, safe, and does not require
 Given orally as a single dose in a capsule or
Radio Active Iodine (RAI Rx.)
 I123 is used for Nuclear Scintigraphy (Dx.)
 I131 is given for RAI Rx. (6 to 8 milliCuries)
 Goal is to make the patient hypothyroid
 No effects such as Thyroid Ca or other
 Never given for children and pregnant/
lactating women
 Not recommended with patients of severe
 Not advisable in chronic smokers
Surgical Treatment
 Subtotal, Near Total & Total
 Hemi Thyroidectomy with contra-lateral
 ATD and RAI Rx are very efficacious and
easy – so
 Surgical treatment is reserved for MNG
1. Severe hyperthyroidism in children
2. Pregnant women who can’t tolerate ATD
3. Large goiters with severe Ophthalmopathy
Preoperative Preparation
 ATD to reduce hyper function before
 βeta blockers to titrate pulse rate to 80/min
 LUGOL’s solution 1 to 2 drops bd for 14
 This will reduce thyroid blood flow
 And there by reduce per operative bleeding
 Recurrent laryngeal nerve damage
 Hypo parathyroidism are complications
Dietary Advice
 Avoid Iodized salt, Sea foods
 Excess amounts of iodide in some
 Expectorants, x-ray contrast dyes,
 Seaweed tablets, and health food
 These should be avoided because
 The iodide interferes with or complicates
the management of both ATD and RAI
Thyrotoxicosis Factitia
 Excessive intake of Thyroxine causing
 Patients usually deny – it is willful ingestion
 This primarily psychiatric disorder
 May lead to wrong diagnosis and wrong
 They are clinically thyrotoxic without eye signs
of Graves
 High doses of Thyroxine lead to TSH
Algorithm for Thyroid Nodule
Thyroid Nodule
Low TSH Normal TSH
TC 99 Nuclear Scan
guided biopsy
Hot Nodule Cold Nodule
RAI Ablation,
Surgery or
Non diagnostic –
repeat FNAC
Surgery or
Suspicious or
follicular Ca
4% 10% 69% 17%
Summary of Hyperthyroidism
Hyperthyroidism Age %
Pain RAIU Treatment
Graves (TSI Ab
eye, dermo, bruit)
20 - 40 60% Diffuse None ↑↑ ATD – 18 m
Toxic MNG > 50 20% Lumpy
↑ RAI, Surgery
Single Adenoma 35 - 50 5% Single None ± RAI, ATD
S Acute Thyroiditis
15% None Yes ↓↓ NSAID, Ster.
TSH is markedly low, FT4 is elevated

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  • 1.
  • 3. INTRODUCTION: Hyperthyroidism and Thyrotoxicosis are the terms often used interchangeably, however each refers to slightly different conditions.Hyperthyroidism refers to over activity of the thyroid gland, with resultant excessive secretion of thyroid hormones and accelerated metabolism. Thyrotoxicosis refers to the clinical effects of an unbound thyroid hormone, regardless of whether or not the thyroid is the primary source. There are number of pathological causes of hyperthyroidism in children and adults.These include Grave’s disease, Toxic Adenoma, Toxic Multinodular Goitre and Thyroiditis.Of these, Grave’s disease accounts for approx. 60% of cases of hyperthyroidism.To understand the pathophysiology of hyperthyroidism,
  • 4. THYROID GLAND: The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped endocrine gland that is normally located in the lower front of the neck. The thyroid gland’s job is to make thyroid hormones, which are secreted into the blood and then carried to every tissue in the body. Thyroid hormone helps the body use energy, stay warm and keep the brain, heart, muscles, and other organs working as they should.
  • 5. DEFINITION: Hyperthyroidism is due to increased levels of thyroid hormone i.e. Diffuse Toxic Goitre (Grave’s disease), Toxic Multinodular Goitre (Plummer’s disease) and Toxic Adenoma. According to SANJAY AZAD: Hyperthyroidism is the hyperactivity of thyroid gland with sustain increase in sythesis and release of thyroid hormones. According to WATSON: Hyperthyroidism implies an excessive secretion of thyroid hormones and may called as thyrotoxicosis, but toxic goitre, exophthalmic goitre or Grave’s disease. The term exophthalmic goitre or Grave’s disease are reversal for hyperthyroidism that is
  • 6. ANATOMY OF THE THYROID GLAND  It is butterfly-shaped located just inferior to larynx in the lower front of the neck.  It is composed of right and left lateral lobes, one on either side of trachea, that are connected by isthmus anterior to the trachea.  Microscopic spherical sac called thyroid follicles make up most of the thyroid gland.  The walls of each follicles consist primarily of cells called follicular cells.  The thyroid gland is a highly vascularized organ located in the neck, deep to the platysma, sternothyroid and sternohyoid muscles, and extending from the 5th cervical (C5) to the Ist Thoracic (T1) vertebrae.
  • 7. ANATOMY OF THE THYROID GLAND  The gland consists of two lobes (left and right) connected by a thin, median isthmus overlying the 2nd to 4th tracheal rings, typically forming an “H” or “U” shape.  Beneath the visceral layer of the pretracheal, deep cervical fascia, the thyroid gland is surrounded by a true inner capsule, which is thin and adheres closely to the gland.  The capsule sends projections into the thyroid forming septae and dividing it into lobes and lobules.  Dense connective tissue attachments secure the capsule of the thyroid to both the cricoid cartilage and the superior tracheal rings.  Arterial supply is by superior thyroid, inferior thyroid and thyroid ima artery,  Venous drainage by superior , middle and inferior thyroid veins.  Nerves in relation are superior laryngeal and recurrent laryngeal nerve.
  • 8. PHYSIOLOGY OF THYROID GLAND  Thyroid gland secretes Tri-iodothyronine(T3) & Thyroxine(T4).  Steps involved in synthesis of these hormones are  Iodine trapping from blood into the thyrocytes (Thiocyanates and perchlorates block this step)  Oxidation of iodide to inorganic iodine catalyzed by peroxidase enzyme (Carbimazole,Propylthiouracil and PASA block this step)  Formation of iodotyrosines: iodine + tyrosine= MIT (monoiodotyrosine) + DIT (diiodotyrosine) (carbimazole inhibits this step)  Coupling reactions: coupling of 2 molecules of DIT results in T4 and 1 molecule of DIT + MIT results in T3 (this stage is blocked by carbimazole)  Hydrolysis: Hormones combine with globulin to form thyroglobulin stored in thyroid gland and are released as required by the process of hydrolysis.
  • 9. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Hyperthyroidism characterized by loss of normal regulatory control of thyroid hormone secretions ↓ Stimulatory action of thyroid in the body, hyermetabolism results ↓ Increase in sympathetic nervous system results ↓ Alteration of secretion & metabolism of hypothalamic pituitary and gonadal hormones ↓ Excessive thyroid hormone stimulates cardiac system and increase of adrenergic receptors activity ↓ Tachycardia, increased cardiac output, stroke volume, adrenegic responsiveness and peripheral blood flow ↓ Resultant state of nutrinional deficiency & -ve Nitrogen balance ↓ Hyperthyroidism
  • 10. HYPERTHYROIDISM  A hyper metabolic biochemical state  It is a multi system disease with  Elevated levels of FT4 or FT3 or both  What is thyrotoxicosis ?  What is hyperthyroidism ?  What are the various causes ?  How to differentiate the causes ?  What is the appropriate treatment ?
  • 11. CAUSES OF HYPERTHYROIDISM 1. Graves Disease – Diffuse Toxic Goiter 2. Plummer’s Disease – Toxic MNG 3. Toxic phase of Sub Acute Thyroiditis - SAT 4. Toxic Single Adenoma – STA 5. Pituitary Tumours – excess TSH 6. Molar pregnancy & Choriocarcinoma (↑↑ βHCG) 7. Metastatic thyroid cancers (functioning) 8. Struma Ovarii (Dermoid and Ovarian tumours) 9. Thyrotoxicosis Factitia ; INF, Amiodarone, SSRIs
  • 12. GRAVE’S DISEASE  The most common cause of thyrotoxicosis (50-60%).  Organ specific auto-immune disease  The most important autoantibody is  Thyroid Stimulating Immunoglobulin (TSI) or TSA  TSI acts as proxy to TSH and stimulates T4 and T3  Anti thyro peroxidase (anti-TPO) antibodies  Anti thyro globulin (anti-TG) Anti Microsomal and other  Autoimmune diseases - Pernicious Anemia, T1DM  RA, Myasthenia Gravis, Vitiligo, Adrenal insufficiency.
  • 13. GRAVE’S DISEASE I 123 or TC 99m Normal v/s Graves
  • 14. TOXIC MULTINODULAR GOITRE  TMG is the next most common hyperthyroidism - 20%  More common in elderly individuals – long standing goiter  Lumpy bumpy thyroid gland  Milder manifestations (apathetic hyperthyroidism)  Mild elevation of FT4 and FT3  Progresses slowly over time  Clinically multiple firm nodules (called Plummer’s disease)  Scintigraphy shows - hot and normal areas
  • 16. SUBACUTE THYROIDITIS  SAT is the next most common hyperthyroidism – 15%  T4 and T3 are extremely elevated in this condition  Immune destruction of thyroid due to viral infection  Destructive release of preformed thyroid hormone  Thyroid gland is painful and tender on palpation  Nuclear Scintigraphy scan - no RIU in the gland
  • 17. TOXIC ADENOMA  TSA is a single hyper functioning follicular thyroid adenoma.  Benign monoclonal tumor that usually is larger than 2.5 cm  It is the cause in 5% of patients who are thyrotoxic  Nuclear Scintigraphy scan shows only a single hot nodule  TSH is suppressed by excess of thyroxines  So the rest of the thyroid gland is suppressed
  • 20. CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS OF HYPERTHYROIDISM 1. Those that occur with any type of thyrotoxicosis 2. Those that are specific to Graves disease 3. Non specific changes of hyper metabolism
  • 21. COMMON SYMPTOMS  SKIN: warm, may br erythmatous (due to increased blood flow), smooth (due to decrease in keratin), sweaty and heat intolerance, oncholysis (softening of nails and loosening of nail beds), hyperpigmentation (due to increase ACTH secretion)  CVS: increased cardiac output (due to increased O2 demand), tachycardia, widened pulse pressure,high output HF.  RESPIRATORY: dyspnea on rest or exertion, increased O2 consumption & CO2 production, hypoxemia and hypercarbia,tracheal obstruction,increased pulmonary arterial pressure, resp. muscles weakness, decreased exercise
  • 22. COMMON SYMPTOMS  NEUROMUSCULAR: tremors and hyperactive tendon reflexes  REPRODUCTIVE: in females; oligomenorrhea,amenorrhea in males; gynecomastia, decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, decreased or abnormal sperms.  PSYCHIATRIC: hyperactivity, emotional liability, anxiety, insomnia, decreased concentration.  GENITOURINNARY: urinnary frequency and nocturia.
  • 23. COMMON SIGNS 1. Hyperactivity, Hyper kinesis 2. Sinus tachycardia or atrial arrhythmia, AF, CHF 3. Systolic hypertension, wide pulse pressure 4. Warm, moist, soft and smooth skin- warm handshake 5. Excessive perspiration, palmar erythema, Onycholysis 6. Lid lag and stare (sympathetic over activity) 7. Fine tremor of out stretched hands – format's sign 8. Muscle weakness, Diarrhea, Gynecomastia
  • 24. Specific to Graves Disease 1. Diffuse painless and firm enlargement of thyroid gland 2. Thyroid bruit is audible with the bell of stethoscope 3. Ophthalmopathy – Eye manifestations – 50% of cases  Sand in eyes, periorbital edema, conjunctival edema (chemosis), poor lid closure, extraocular muscle dysfunction, diplopia, pain on eye movements and proptosis. 4. Dermoacropathy – Skin/limb manifestations – 20% of cases  Deposition of glycosamino glycans in the dermis of the lower leg – non pitting edema, associated
  • 25. MNG and Graves Huge Toxic MNG Diffuse Graves Thyroid
  • 26. Higher grades of Goiter Toxic MNG (Diffuse) Graves
  • 27. Grade IV Toxic MNG Huge Toxic MNG Huge Toxic MNG
  • 31. Thyroid Dermopathy Pink and skin coloured papules, plaques on the shin
  • 34. NON SPECIFIC CHANGES 1. Hyperglycemia, Glycosuria 2. Osteoporosis and hypercalcemia 3. ↓ LDL and Total Cholesterols 4. Atrial fibrillation, LVH, ↑ LV EF 5. Hyper dynamic circulatory state 6. High output heart failure 7. H/o excess Iodine, amiodarone, contrast dyes
  • 35. DIAGNOSTIC TESTS  Thyroid Function Tests (TFTs)  Thyroid antibodies – by ELISA  Ultrasound  Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC)  Thyroid Nucleotide Scintigraphy
  • 36. THYROID FUNCTION TESTS  Serum TSH is supressed in hyperthyroidism (<0.05 mU/L)  T3 & T4 are raised almost always from their normal levels i.e. T3=1.5-3.5 nmol/L & T4=55-150 nmol/L but T3 is more sensitive.  TSH receptor antibodies are not measured routinely,but are commonly present.  In developing hyperthyroidism, the free T3 concentration is more sensitive indicator of developing disease than T4,and the former is therefore preferred for confirming hyperthyroidism that has already been suggested by a supressed TSH result.
  • 37. ULTRASOUND  Ultrasound can be used to assess a thyroid nodule.  Its advantage over physical examination lies alone in its ability to distinguish solid from cytic nodules, whether more than one nodule exists,and the exact size and extent of nodules.  Infact, ultrasound can be used to access the size and shape of the thyroid itself.  Because of recent advances in this form of imaging, ultrasound has become a sensitive modality, particularly when assessing size and numbers of nodules.
  • 38. FINE NEEDLE ASIRATION  Provided adequate sample is removed on biopsy, FNAC of the thyroid nodule can be used to categories tissue into benign, malignant, thyroiditis, follicular neoplasm.  This technique has reduced unnecessary operative procedure in patients with benign disease and increased the probability that surgery will be performed on those with malignant disease.
  • 39. THYROID NUCLOTIDE SCINTIGRAPHY  The throid gland tissue can take up iodine and certain other molecules.  When radioactive isotopes of these substances are swallowed or injected into blood stream, they are taken up by thyroid gland.  As they decay, a special camera can detect the energy that is released, creating a picture of the thyroid gland.  Most commonly used isotopes are Iodine- 123, 99m- Technetium, 131- iodine.
  • 40. Measure TSH and FT4  TSH,  FT4 Measure FT3 Primary (T4) Thyrotoxicosis High Pituitary Adenoma FNAC, N Scan Normal  TSH, FT4 N  TSH,  FT4 T3 Toxicosis Features of Grave’s Yes Rx. Grave’s No Single Adenoma, MNG Low RAIU  RAIU Sub Acute Thyroiditis, I2, ↑ Thyroxine F/u in 6-12 wks Algorithm for Hyperthyroidism
  • 41. Treatment Options 1. Symptom relief medications 2. Anti Thyroid Drugs – ATD  Methimazole, Carbimazole  Propylthiouracil (PTU) 3. Radio Active Iodine treatment – RAI Rx. 4. Thyroidectomy – Subtotal or Total 5. NSAIDs and Corticosteroids – for SAT
  • 42. Symptom Relief 1. Rehydration is the first step 2. β – blockers to decrease the sympathetic excess  Propranalol, Atenelol, Metoprolol 3. Rate limiting CCBs if β – blockers contraindicated 4. Treatment of CHF, Arrhythmias 5. Calcium supplementation 6. Lugol Iodine solution for ↓ vascularity of the gland
  • 43. Anti Thyroid Drugs (ATD) Imp. considerations Methimazole Propylthiouracil Efficacy Very potent Potent Duration of action Long acting BID/OD Short acting QID/TID In pregnancy Contraindicated Safely can be given Mechanism of action Iodination, Coupling Iodination, Coupling Conversion of T4 to T3 No action Inhibits conversion Adverse reactions Rashes, Neutropenia Rashes, ↑Neutropenia Dosage 20 to 40 mg/ OD PO 100 to 150mg qid PO
  • 44. How long to give ATD ?  Reduction of thyroid hormones takes 2-8 weeks  Check TSH and FT4 every 4 to 6 weeks  In Graves, many go into remission after 12-18 months  In such pts ATD may be discontinued and followed up  40% experience recurrence in 1 yr. Re treat for 3 yrs.  Treatment is not life long. Graves seldom needs surgery
  • 45. Radio Active Iodine (RAI Rx.)  In women who are not pregnant  In cases of Toxic MNG and TSA  Graves disease not remitting with ATD  RAI Rx is the best treatment of hyperthyroidism in adults  The effect is less rapid than ATD or Thyroidectomy  It is effective, safe, and does not require hospitalization.  Given orally as a single dose in a capsule or
  • 46. Radio Active Iodine (RAI Rx.)  I123 is used for Nuclear Scintigraphy (Dx.)  I131 is given for RAI Rx. (6 to 8 milliCuries)  Goal is to make the patient hypothyroid  No effects such as Thyroid Ca or other malignancies  Never given for children and pregnant/ lactating women  Not recommended with patients of severe Ophthalmopathy  Not advisable in chronic smokers
  • 47. Surgical Treatment  Subtotal, Near Total & Total Thyroidectomy  Hemi Thyroidectomy with contra-lateral subtotal  ATD and RAI Rx are very efficacious and easy – so  Surgical treatment is reserved for MNG with 1. Severe hyperthyroidism in children 2. Pregnant women who can’t tolerate ATD 3. Large goiters with severe Ophthalmopathy
  • 48. Preoperative Preparation  ATD to reduce hyper function before surgery  βeta blockers to titrate pulse rate to 80/min  LUGOL’s solution 1 to 2 drops bd for 14 days  This will reduce thyroid blood flow  And there by reduce per operative bleeding  Recurrent laryngeal nerve damage  Hypo parathyroidism are complications
  • 49. Dietary Advice  Avoid Iodized salt, Sea foods  Excess amounts of iodide in some  Expectorants, x-ray contrast dyes,  Seaweed tablets, and health food supplements  These should be avoided because  The iodide interferes with or complicates the management of both ATD and RAI Rx.
  • 50. Thyrotoxicosis Factitia  Excessive intake of Thyroxine causing thyrotoxicosis  Patients usually deny – it is willful ingestion  This primarily psychiatric disorder  May lead to wrong diagnosis and wrong treatment  They are clinically thyrotoxic without eye signs of Graves  High doses of Thyroxine lead to TSH suppression
  • 51. Algorithm for Thyroid Nodule Thyroid Nodule Low TSH Normal TSH TC 99 Nuclear Scan FNAC or US guided biopsy Hot Nodule Cold Nodule RAI Ablation, Surgery or ATD Non diagnostic – repeat FNAC Surgery or Cytology Cyst Benign T4 suppression Suspicious or follicular Ca Malignant Surgery 4% 10% 69% 17%
  • 52. Summary of Hyperthyroidism Hyperthyroidism Age % Enlarge d Pain RAIU Treatment Graves (TSI Ab eye, dermo, bruit) 20 - 40 60% Diffuse None ↑↑ ATD – 18 m Toxic MNG > 50 20% Lumpy Pressur e ↑ RAI, Surgery Single Adenoma 35 - 50 5% Single None ± RAI, ATD S Acute Thyroiditis Any age 15% None Yes ↓↓ NSAID, Ster. TSH is markedly low, FT4 is elevated