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What does your school need? Please be specific. - Responses
Updated technology. Thru the help of TVA we have several Promthean boards which are amazing. However,
our laptops are so old they aren't compatible, so most of the boards aren't being used.
So new laptops for teachers to teach with would be great.
We have a great need for technology in our school. Technology changes often, and it is hard to keep up with
updates. We would love to be able to create another computer lab in our school. This would take 20 more Mac
computers. We would also love to have promethium boards in all classrooms. There are 17 regular classrooms,
1 special ed., and 1 libra
More space for classrooms. More computers for classrooms. Volunteers to help small groups of children.
Uniforms for kids.
Smart boards,Library books,more computers for lab,colored copy paper,Phone system upgrade
(intercom),additional wireless printers,classroom tables,New blinds for windows,Computer lab teacher,leveled
math & reading practice computer programs,Field trip underwriting,Lobby furniture,Sidewalk & doorway
awnings,music/drama books,PE/playground equipment.
A mobile laptop lab that can be used by all teachers; digital cameras; pencil sharpeners for all rooms; teacher
supplies (Expo markers and erasers, reams of white paper, antibacterial cleaner, paper towels, facial tissue) art
and project supplies (markers, color pencils, poster board, foam board, construction paper, scisors, rulers)
We need upgraded technolgy - new computers - new lap top labs. We were the recipient of a state of TN
technology grant about 9 years ago. That grant gave us a real boost in technology available to our students.
However, that equipment is now out of date (if still working).
We always need paper - just plain copying paper
Computer software for math enrichment/remediation (such as mathscore)
Scantron sheets for assessment of quizzes and tests
Copy paper
More SRO's..1 for each hall on each level of the building. More people to help with discipline.
Volunteers to be mentors for male students
More school uniforms for students whose families may need help
Programs that will benifit the parents of our students,GED,ESOL,Parental skills. We could also use a
afterschool program not geared around test taking. One that would give our student tools to cope in the
evcerday world. Anger mgmt., public speaking ate two that I think will help
We do not have the funds to maintain our technology, i.e. printer ink, lightbulbs for boxlights,and maintain
macbooks with chargers and batteries. We need the funds for field trips to expose the children to Chattanooga
outside of their community. Also, we need after school transportation so that we can tutor more children.
Technology always needs to be updated.
We are a Title One school with a large percentage of students on free and reduced lunch so the basic teaching
materials are always needed.
A gym - for physical education we use a "multipurpose room" which is also used for car rider dismissal, special
PTA events such as Donuts for Dad, Santa's Secret Shop, and can be reserved for grade level specific events.
It is not an ideal place for kids to run/exercise and I do worry about childhood obiesity in our school. Technology -
Smart Boards
We are very fortunate to receive lots of funding for specific materials...however our biggest need is more people.
We have plenty of educational resources, but lack "hands" to be more effective.
Calculators, Computers, Resource books, Manipulatives, Hands-on activities that follow instruction, Guest
speakers, Educational field trips to complete expeditionary learning activities, Film for the library poster
machine, Books of differening generes
Volunteers for the classroom, or paid classroom assistants to help give students more individual attention. Also,
most teachrers use their own printers and ink to print many of their documents.

Volunteers to help maintain the computer labs would be helpful; we share our tech person. He must maintain
labs, clasroom computers, Promethean Boards.
copier paper

copier toner

computers for students

classrooms painted
Opportunities for the students to become aware of the business opportunities in the community.(Job Fair)?

Businesses to promote the student's achievements.

Positive PR Communications

School supplies, copy paper, folders, money for new library books,sports equipment


Awards for excelling students

Assistance for field trips

Howard needs basic resources such as copy paper, computer ink, office supplies as well as computers, printers,
and other technology. Howard also lacks sufficient staff to meet the needs of the students. Volunteers and other
personnel to tutor, mentor, and advise would be extremely beneficial.
Funding for authentic learing experiences beyond the teacher and text book: specifically opportunities for field
work, class libraries of high interest literature, and expert speakers, our students need to see that what they are
learning and doing in school connects to the larger world and will serve them for the rest of their lives.
Our school needs pipes that don't leak condensation and a roof that does not leak rainwater. We need trained
individuals that can contain and discipline students in ISS (we have one man who does this but he has to watch
40 students sometimes). We need a transportation vehicle (bus) for field trips. WE NEED A TRACK. We need a
student network.
another copier for teachers to use

supplies such as paper, pencils, paint & brushes

film for our lamination machine

extra uniforms/clothes for students in need

bulbs for promethean boards

more bathrooms and classrooms? :-(
1. Updated textbooks, new computers to replace the crashed ones, Copy paper
Science/Technology Funding- new computers for labs (desktop and laptops), Promethian boards, Interwrite pad,
Boxlights, Elmo projectors
Currently, our laptops are out of date and it is difficult to run newer programs such as the Promethean board on
the old laptops. Also, a rolling laptop cart would be nice to have in order for classrooms to check out for
researching various subject matter.
We are building a school of excellence based on environmental education. We will be renovating our annex
building to become a state of the art green school. We will need significant financial and community support to
be successful at this project. Our current estimate for the total cost is 1 million dollars.
Our school needs technology that will enable our students to be able to function in the real world. Technology
that they will be able to use in a vocational/technical aspect as well as university level.
Updated and maintenance of technology (Laptops, desktops, lab,smartboard, etc...)
Additional funds for more leveled reading books for classroom use. Volunteers to assist in classrooms with
struggling students. Smart boards for each classroom. Art classes provided for students. Additional reading
interventionists to work with struggling readers. Sound equipment for the cafetorium. Money for everyday
classroom supplies.
Educational software. Access to educational subscribtions online with math and science content

Our school needs new computers, software updates. We are still running on Windows 2000. It takes 45
minutes for my computer to load. Definitely better technology. Our school doesn't have security cameras either.
A gymnasium.

An auditorium, or a remodel of our existing "multi-purpose room" to include auditorium-style seating, an up-to-
date sound system, and theatrical lighting. If the existing "multi-purpose room" is to be remodeled, then we will
also need additional storage for things that currently "live" on the stage (ie discarded classroom furniture).
My school is challenged with delivering educational services to children without many resources. Many of these
children are delayed and struggle with academic performance and school engagement. First, I would ask that
we be considered for a year -round school program...apart from that I would like to see more books and
technology made available.
Art class or art supplies

Active Boards for all teachers

Laminating machine
My school needs more funding for after school club programs and athletics, like our robotics club, baseball team
and track teams. It is always an issue having to raise money to get equipment or raising more for the track team
to travel to special events.We also need more SRO's to patrol the hallways
I am new to this school and to teaching in general, so it is hard for me to say what our school needs. It seems
that I always hear about our small funding for printer paper and printer ink. Also, each teacher only has $100 in
a BEP account to buy classroom supplies each year. An increase in BEP funds would be spectacular.
The school is constantly looking for ways to upgrade technology in our building. Our computers and mobile
laptop carts(10 years old) are in need of replacement.
Computers ~ football field maintainace
It would be great to have business people from the community support our school. Students would benefit from
business people coming to our school and working with them individually or in groups.
It would be great to offer parenting siminars in the early evenings for intersted parents concerning discipline,
homework help, self esteem, ways to communicate with your child, the importance of reading and talking with
your child, how to keep your child out of gangs, etc.
People: Volunteers to read with students and mentor students. Volunteers to shelve and process books
(training provided; no experience necessary.)


Our classroom teachers need heavy duty CD/cassette recorders and good quality headphones.
Technology!!! Computers for each classroom. We have a mobil computer lab consisting of Apple laptops, but
half of them do not work. Smartboards would be a great addition to the classroom.
Books for each student so they can take them home for homework assignments;
Intangible: Community volunteers to speak about different career opportunities available; many students only
know about the position their parents or other family members have.

Tangible: Printer ink, Printer Paper, pencils, folders, ink pens, little things to use for incentives (movie tickets,
candy, etc.)
Updated technology throughout the classrooms.
Updated technology is a major need. We have 4 mobil computer carts with laptops 6, 7, & 8 years old. They
are heavily used by classroom teachers, but are quickly approaching the end of their usefulness because of
age. We also need an LCD projector and Elmo document camera for each classroom.
copier paper and copy machine toner, working laptop computers for student use,
New mobile computers.
Our school needs updated leveled literacy books, especially in the intermediate grades, to help our teachers
integrate science and social studies into the daily literacy and writing block.
We need updated computers for each classroom so that we can have a 21st century room. We will be loosing
most of our computers this year due to them being 10 years old.
Newer computers for the teachers, new laptops for the mobile computer labs, and telephones in the classrooms.
The laptops in the mobile computer labs now are old and not in very good shape. These are crucial for student
learning and achievement. Schools always need things like more copy paper, ink cartridges, and toner for
* Funds for equipment, particularly science labs to perform inquiry investigations that are authentic and

* Funding for technology that is up to date and functional

* Funding for field experiences (local and non-local)
Updated Technology. Our mobile computer labs are 10 years old. We have integrated these labs into our
classrooms, but do not have the funds to replace them.
People working in small groups helping students in areas of weakness

Role models for students who do not see successful mainstream futures (a significant number of my students
see their only success as being rich sports or entertainment figures.)
Increased pay for Teachers
up-tp-date textbooks, more teachers,more money to buy physical education equipment, and a another
gymnasium, upgraded technology equipment
TI-84+ Calculators for students that cannot afford them, so they would be able to take them home to do their
computer lab
The school needs additional classroom technology and general equipment.
Telephones in every teacher's room. Paint, updating. Counselors and support groups for students with problems
that prevent them from success.
Our how high school needs new laptop computers. We have laptops that are 10 years old and many times they
don't function at all.
Our students would benefit from Mentors. People who would believe in them and can encouarage them on a
weekly basis. Financial help with fieldtrips would be appreciated.We have a grant that allowed us to take our 8th
graders to Universitites outside the county but it is over so support for that is needed.
A remedial reading teacher to help lower reading level students.
Our school needs funds to purchase high interest low vocabulary books in all the language arts classrooms.
We also need additional resources in math classes that fall in the same category.
More business involvement
Musical Instruments

3 sousaphones

3 marching baritone horns

5 clarinets

5 trombones

5 trumpets

snare drums

Timpani drums sizes 32, 29, 26
Our students would benefit from more laptop computers as well as more Promethean boards and projectors
installed in classrooms. New and updated textbooks would be wonderful.
At this point and time, East Lake Elementary School needs the following:

-Smart boards in classrooms for interactive teaching

-Computers in classrooms to enhance research skills

-New playground equipment

-Funding for clubs and sports activities

-Broaden our library/class libraries

- Funding to start and maintain a website

-School Marquee
I am the media specialist. In general, I do not know what the school needs.

The only funds I have for this year are $270.00, which comes from money collected for lost or damaged books
from last year. This is for books, supplies, magazines, and media.
More work space for teachers and students in exceptional education(example classrooms for pull out and small
group instruction/testing). Computer labs for academic related research. Finally, assistive technology devices to
the lower functional students.
Up to date computers, security fencing ( to keep strangers from driving all over our campus).

New chairs, tables, telephone system.
More teachers for smaller class sizes.

More tutoring opportunities for students.
Tutors that could come in the day during classes and work with struggling students on a one-to-one basis if
Technology and student incentives.
Pencil Sharpeners

Copy Paper

Construction Paper

Updated Technology
-Funds for updated technology

-Another copy machine

-A larger library

-More books

-Funds for supplemental material for all teachers

-More Promethean Boards (one in each classroom)
More (reliable) technology. Books that are related to our standards to use with our reading groups for the upper

Promethean Boards
Classroom supplies, technology equipment, funding for hands on field trips.
Our school could really use a gymnasium.
A mobile computer lab.
Financial assistance for field trips for students,Computers for Wellness Classes,Reference

books and guest speakers and last but not least

internships for students with area Businesses,and

We need pot holes fixed in the parking lot.

What does your classroom need? Please be specific. - Responses
My classroom always needs tissues and hand sanitizer. More leveled text for my kids to read would be great.
Some of my struggling readers have already read all of the books I have on their level 10 times.
I need books from various genres on my students' reading levels to help create my classroom library. I am
currently using a literacy program called the Daily 5, & in order to keep students engaged in it, I have to buy new
books often. These can be purchased @ McKay's for a fraction of the coast, but last time I went, the total was
still $250.
Computers. School supplies such as pencils, paper.
Elc.pencil sharpener,pencils,notebook paper, scotch&packing tape,class set of chapter books,classroom library
books,floor pillows, 5thGrd.Exemplars,subscription to Accelerated Math,smart board,3 prong pocket folders, 1
1/2 in notebooks,area rug for gathering,chart paper easel,staplers,book bends,color card stock paper, projector
ceiling mount kit.
projection screen; project supplies (poster board, foam board, glue sticks); cork strips for hanging things
Computer software for math enrichment/remediation (such as mathscore)

Scantron sheets for assessment of quizzes and tests
Heat and air conditioning system is not consistent,
classrooms need additonal leveled books for classroom libraries

School supplies such as pencils, notebook paper,
Teachers who understand the culture of the children they teach.
My children need experiences outside of their community, i.e. East Lake. They need to see a river, a dam, a
mountain, and experience places around Chattanooga. Although, these places offer free admission, our
transportation is not free. My children would also benefit from extra time with me after school in tutoring, but
they need transportation.
Because I am a state-funded pre-k, I receive funds for materials. But I buy books, cooking ingredients, art
materials, and other supplementary materials for my classroom out of my own pocket.

Smart or Promethean Interactive Whiteboard. We have an older, smaller school, with typically around 70%
economically disadvantaged students. Technology opens doors to new worlds for these kids, and exposes them
to technological advances. Many new schools in the county have them in every classroom - we have none.
We often run out of basic classroom necessities and therfore end up spending our own money on these things.
Such as: pencils, paper towels, paper, crayons, dry erase markers, tissues. These basic necessities are on a
school supply list, but very often do not get brought in.
Computers (3), Manipulatives for Algebra for every student (12), Educational field trip to complete expeditionary
learning, Resource books, Calculators (14), Prizes of free services or objects to motivate students that lack
internal motivation
I can always use more paper, pencils, markers,rulers & protractors, and poster board. Graphing Calculators
and batteries are in short supply.

Also, computer software to help us with test making, activity sheets, etc.
white board markers


rug for reading area



white board cleaner

books on cds

copier copies for student work

rewards for students
20 Cameras for our Literacy through Photography unit/ funds for pictures to be developed.

DVD/VCR Player


Scrabble Games

Colored paper clips

seeds/herbs/ potting soil, pots

Cooking utensils, pots,pans

Food for our nutritional unit


modeling clay

poster board

expo markers

large scissors

stop watches

new cd's
I am a counselor and my department needs resources for college tours and other beneficial programs. We have
a part-time college advisor and need a full-time position. Volunteers could supplement this need. Our students
require assistance with completing college and scholarship applications. We also pay for application fees, if
I am not currently a classroom teacher, but basic supplies always helped make my job easier. Printer ink, dry
erase markers, pens, pencils, paper, notebooks, posterboard, butcher paper, etc. These are all items that go
fast when teachers are planning for student engagement and are absolutely necessary.
I need new computers. Mine are from 2004 and 2005, many of them run slowly and three of them do not work at
all. I need a technician who can help with computers. We have a great tech guy at Howard but he is so busy
serving the whole school and all the new technology. We need someone who only works on computer labs
(updating software and fixing)
More computers for students to use

more leveled books for my classroom

pencils and an industrial pencil sharpener

construction paper, notebook paper, hand sanitizer

chart paper

a globe
General music textbooks, New band music, band supplies
Classroom supplies for students- paper, pencil, pens, dry erase markers, dry erasers, board cleaner, tissues,
cleaning supplies-mainly Lysol (for cold/flu season), technology needs for student learning (see school needs)
I would like to have tennis balls for all the chairs in my classroom. This would aid in not scuffing the floors as
much in the room. I can't think of anything else I need in my room.
Support for Environmental Science Education, for example, butterfly larvae and frog eggs to study life cycles,
phenology study kit, school based weather station, bat boxes, bird houses, egg incubation kit and garden
supplies. We would also love a display computer and flat screen for our foyer to share our learning with our
Interactive technology and capable instruction from teachers who want to teach children.
Real white boards.

Desks that can comfortably fit highschool students.
Smart board, classroom supplies such as colored pencils, Expo markers, Kleenex tissue, additional computers,
math manipulatives, classroom sets of leveled reading books
Adaptive technology. Voice to spell recorders, subscriptions to sites such as Brainpop, educational videos.
I could use a better computer to run my promethean board. Dartfish video analysis with all the necessary
equipment would be great also. Then I would be able to perform a video analysis on each students' invididual
motor skills. This software can provide instant feedback. With $100 I can't buy much.
A Smartboard/Promethium board.

A listening center with cd/tape player and 4 headphones.

A keyboard center with power strips, AC adapters, and headphones to accomodate 4 students.

Blank media (CDs).

Desktop computers for student use (4, with headphones, and a table and chairs) and notation software
designed for students.
Specifically, the library is in constant need of new reading materials. Additionally, the children could profit from a
fully functioning computer lab(Currently we have 8 working and 18 in various states). The library is reserved
throughtout the day by class; however, the lack of available computers make it difficult for all students to have
An active board

Another computer

A working listening station (a tape player that the kids can't break)

Station games (literacy centers)

Fake coins (pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters

Foam dice (enough for 2 per student)
My classroom is always in need of day to day school supplies. I often have to provide students with paper and
pencils. It's basically a weekly event for me to pay out of pocket for poster boards and other classroom crafts.
We are given $100 at the start of the school year for school supplies, but that is not very much.
As stated above, an increase in BEP funds would allow me to buy the laboratory supplies that I will need to
replace once they are fully used. A new-ish overhead projector would also be nice; mine is probably older than
my parents. Ideally, though, a SmartBoard or Promethian Board would GREATLY increase my efficiency,
effectiveness as a teacher.
All teachers must pay for their own ink cartridges. Many teachers have a need for an ELMO with an LCD
projector in their classroom.
reading materials
I do not have a classroom.
Audio / Video / speakers for parent training. (offer food and they will come!)
Our library has no budget. We need money to operate the library: to purchase Accelerated Reading labels for
books, barcode labels and protectors for books, ownership stamps and stamp pads, heavy duty book tape for
repairing books, ink pens. We need at least 5 updated computers for student use. We need an updated
computer for our circulation desk.
Since I am a physical educator, my needs are few compared to the regular ed. teacher. I would love to have a
smartboard in my classroom in order to introduce new concepts, skills, and games to the students.
Whiteboard; projector; clock; copier- printer in one; novels
I am a counselor - our office needs Kleenex, pencils & pens, printer ink, printer paper, incentive items like
mentionsd above. A good moral booster for the teachers would be to receive a goody bag with items from
businesses around the community just to let them know they are appreciated for their hard work. Our office
could help coordinate this.
I need an Elmo and new computers. I have 3 for the students to use that are at least 10 years old and don't
work on a regular basis.

The elmo would be very beneficial in teaching my class from sources other than the textbook.

My classroom is the library which serves all students in grades 6-12. We need 8 new computers for student use
and money to purchase new books to support our reading program and audio-visual aids for classroom use.
dry erase markers, fine point wet erase markers, basic cleaning supplies, organizational bins,
New computers, lab equipment.
Classrooms need to be equipped with promethean boards so students can become engaged in interactive
learning. Teachers can pull from a wealth of sources through the internet to help provide students with back
ground knowledge and real life examples of material the students are expected to master.
i my area we need computers,switchers for news headsets
I want the CPS Pulse from It is a student response system that would work with my Interwrite
Smart pad. IWith CPS Pulseâ"¢ and ExamView® (testing version I have), I can deliver more interactive
lessons to promote greater student involvement, achievement, and progress. Captures real-time assessment
My classroom could use more space. The classroom could use a Promethean Board, and we, as faculty, could
use professional development on using Promethean boards. An electric pencil sharpener that really works.
* Blank bound books to serve as Scientist Notebooks or Travel Journal (Social Studies)

* Supplies for hand-on activites in content area such as scales, measuring tools, hot plates, etc.

* Map and globes that are up to date
My classroom needs are met.
Pencil sharpeners
Other supplies - paper, pencils, markers, etc.
A set of student dry erase boards with markers
Better student tables
Elmo, Parmethean board...more up to date equipment.
up-to-date textbooks, more money to purchase physical education equipment, upgraded technoology
equipment. Bring the older schools up to the standards of the newer built schools
TI-84+ Calculators for students that cannot afford them, so they would be able to take them home to do their
My classroom needs a new heating and air system
Updated software and textbooks to accompany new software. New printer. New desks and chairs. New
Carpet and paint.
My classroom needs a real whiteboard and it must be mounted at least 12inches lower so that all may students
and I can make better use of the board.
Supplies such as pencils and paper and copy paper.

carpet is 30 years old

new celing tiles
My classroom needs school supplies that I can pass on to students, bins to place students items in, a better set
of dictionaries and continued kits specific to the reading program that I teach.
Chairs for musicians

Stand rack and stands
I would make better use of technology available through the internet and tools such as Powerpoint if I had a
Promethean board and projector that I did not have to check out, hook up, and return each time I wanted to
show something to the students. We could also always use more books!
I dont have a classroom. I am speaking on behave of teachers in my building that have expressed certain
needs in their classrooms.
The library needs:
6 WORKING COMPUTERS (only have 2 that work occasionally)
1 working television
GENERAL for media:
RCA cables
cables for elmo's, boxlights (most have disappeared)
television remotes
High interest lower level reading books in every language arts rooms.
Windows, intercom system, phone, TV, disc player.
More money for instructional supplies and everyday use materials (i.e. white board markers, etc.) and
technology resources (i.e. Promethean boards).
Pencils - notebook paper - student 3-ring notebooks - binders.
Pencil Sharpeners
Copy Paper
Construction Paper
Updated Technology
Basic school supplies to have on hand, such as construction paper, writing paper, pencils, etc...
Non-fiction books
8 computers
Promethean Board
Large rolling white board
Wireless scanner for checking in and out books
Large area rug for students to sit on during story time
Paper, pencils, folders, construction paper, paints,access to copy machine, notebooks, manipulatives, books for
classroom library, anything a teacher could use.
My classroom needs updated equipment, such as smart boards, additional computers, etc. Our building is old
and outdated. Most of the floors and blinds are in really bad shape.
A wall mounted television with Video/CD/Cable capabilities. To be clear, the cable capabilities is to be able to
watch age appropriate "history making" events.
Also, I would love to have a solar system model, at least 1 good microscope that is compatible to an "elmo"
system, and math manipulatives such as geo boards.
Magnetic white board
computers for my students to do research and
collect data and complete viable papers on health
topics/subjects that pertain to their interests,
and well-being.I only have one for my personal
It would be wonderful to have more computers.

 What do you, as an employee of the school, need? Please be specific. - Responses
Continued support of our kids.
I need prayers and encouragement. The job can be overwhelming at times. I often work all day, just to go home
and work more from home. I spend at least 4 hours every Sunday preparing for the next week. It's easy to start
wondering what else I could be doing with my three degrees that could better support my family, as well as give
me more time wit.
A teacher's lounge. A place for parent volunteers to work.
I understand the need for additional salary, but what would make most teachers happy is the above. When our
student's and school's needs are met our needs are met. I would like to have additional education, but cost
outways benefit.
teacher supplies (White Out, tape for dispenser, Expo markers and erasers, reams of white paper, antibacterial
cleaner, paper towels, hand sanitizer, facial tissue)
Continued support from parents and community - funding to support our educational program so that there are
no staff cuts
More time (unstructured) to plan
More time in a day, I am always behind.
Positive support from the community/Addressing individuals or groups who make negative comments about
public education
Crisis intervention training. I work in the cafeteria as well as the ISS room. Training on how to deal with hostile
students and parents.
I need more hands. Many of my children could benefit from a lot of small group instruction; however, I don't like
leaving the other children at their seats without me.
Each grade has specific needs, but I think that items like staplers, dry erase markers, pencils, papers, spiral
notebooks, and art supplies are something that each class needs. A digital camera is useful to teachers, but
they would also need to be able to have them printed either with a color printer or a digital account at Walmart
or Snapfish.
As an employee, I feel satisfied. I have an extremely supportive principal and supportive coworkers. More
funding or grants would always be nice - I've spent thousands of dollars out of my own pocket for materials,
books, etc.
Positive Reinforcement...just a thank you and a pat on the back goes a long way!!!!
Ink for classroom printer, Dry erase markers, Resource books, Prizes to give my students something to work
toward as they need external motivation along with internal motivation
Smaller classes would be a major asset. More people in each classroom. Computer systems that a reliable
since we must use them for so much of our record keeping and document creation.

We need more paper and a higher limit on the number of copies. We need enought math textbooks for each
student to have one.
more planning time
Office supplies,scotch tape, pencil sharpeners file folders etc.

Colored printer

Better dental coverage
I need office supplies--copier paper, pens, pencils, paperclips, notebooks, staples, etc. Also, I find that I am
more effective when I have someone to help students complete applications so that I can focus on counseling
students and meeting with them concerning behavior, grades, and post-secondary plans.
Greater interaction with local business and community members who understand the changing economic and
vocational conditions of the market. I want to make sure that our students are prepared for college, technical
school, or employment when they leave us.

Technology support in our building - more computers and computer training for our students.
I dont understand this question.

To feel that the county recognizes our hard work and appreciates employees. We love and work hard for these
kids and we celebrate their successes but the county seems to focus more on the negative-not good for morale.
Copy Paper.
Folders(3 ring and tab file folders) and Laminating paper for student work, Poster paper for projects
I can't think of anything. The school provides school supplies for us each year and that is a huge help!
Happy Cart: This is a cart that comes around once per week with goodies and treats for the teachers. We
would love this addition to our school. This would need to be stocked weekly and supported by a volunteer.
The necessary resources without all of the "red tape." Simple needs should not have to require

an abundant of "whys" and "what for" when it is apparent and visible that certain items are needed. We could
really use Apple IMAC computers
Realistic expectations from the state with regards to curriculum & teaching time-frame.

NO tie of salary to student assessment.

Parental involvement in student learning.
As an employee, I have everything I need. We have a wonderfully capable principal who sees that we have
everything she can afford within the school's budget. I would love to see classrooms with special education
students, have a full-time classroom assistant.
Adaptive technology for laptop for child who cannot use arms and hands
I could use a better computer to run my promethean board. Dartfish video analysis with all the necessary
equipment would be great also. Then I would be able to perform a video analysis on each students' invididual
motor skills. This software can provide instant feedback. New textbooks would be awesome also. The books
we have are from 1999.
To be at my school 5 days per week (not split between 2 schools) in order to have the greatest impact on school-
wide academic achievement.

Structured collaboration time with other music teachers in similar SES schools in which to create pacing guides,
curriculum maps, and rubrics.

Time and budget to travel to our state music conference.
As a librarian, the list of what our children need is endless.The responsibility of what we as teachers must do is
always to challenge, engage, and have great books that provide our children that
help them to practice and participate with text..which translates into better performance with all other content
An active board

A Brainpop account
I need more positive role models for my student to see in their everyday lives; role models that my students can
touch and relate to who live or work in their communities.
I'll admit: I'm spoiled when it comes to lab supplies. I used to work in a quality control lab in the pharmaceutical
industry. Anything we needed was readily available. I realize this is not feasible for a high school classroom,
but a little more breathing room (funds) for lab supplies and chemicals would be spectacular.
As a principal of the school, I would perfer that all funds from the Chamber be spent in the classroom.
In school supension(iss monitor)

Placement for in school suspension students.
It is important for all faculty and staff to feel supported. The environment of the school definitely spills over into
the classrooms and trickles down to the students.
More time in the day :)
I need time to do my job. Right now I serve as a planning period for teachers and that hampers me from doing
the job I was trained for. For 33 years I was a successful media specialist who worked with teachers to educate
our students. This year I am a librarian whose primary job is to "read stories to children" so teachers have more
planning time.
I would appreciate a new computer for my office. The one that I have has been reconfigured numerous times
and does not work properly. It freezes up often and the only way to unfreeze it is to turn it off and start it back
up again.
File cabinet, bookshelf
To know that hard work and effort put into the students is appreciated.
I teach 6th grade Scienc and World History and I am the sixth grade team leader.
I would like scholarships to attend state and national library conferences to learn how other librarians are
meeting student and faculty needs. I never feel that I can afford the travel and hotel expenses to attend these
valuable events.
Planning time!
I would like for parents to be more involved in the education of their child.
As the Principal of the building, I am always concerned about student safety. I would like to have interior
cameras installed so I have access to view the building. As for material, I would like to see the school equipped
with multi resources to provide our students with a quality education.
More paper because the book I am using for math is not at the current level of standards for Tennessee. Thus, I
always have to supplement work with worksheets. Paper comes out of my pocket and is costly.
I really do not need anything that would not benefit the school and the students. I could ask for a raise in pay or
financial assistance to complete a master's degree, but those would be selfish requests. This is and always
should be about what the students need.
* General craft items: glue, construction paper, colored pencils, etc.

* Paper and hygiene products: tissues, paper towels, PENCILS!, etc.
My needs are met.
positive encouragement

An extra pair of hands to help groups or individuals needing help

a way to get students to motivate themselves
More of a budget for materials for the students
money to purchse physical education equipment, and to upgrade our techonology equipment
I hope that we are able to adopt new math text books and get them for next year.
More income is always a consideration, but ideally I would like to have more students with a desire to learn.
A raise. A secretary.
This school year we have new online GradeBook which is really wonderful but I have a computer that will not
allow me to close the GradeBook. I worry that someone could change or delete my grades. Please help me .
Supplies for students, encouragement for me, incentives for parents to be involved, and the community knowing
that we are working hard for our students.
Often times there are professional development opportunities for special education teachers that would benefit
me and the teachers I work with; however, funding is not readily available for the training or the substitutes so
that we may attend such trainings.
Finale Music writing software. 2009
The resources to purchase classroom tools, both instructional and organizational, would be nice.
As an employee, I need an updated computer with printer (with scanner capabilities). A portion of my time is
spent preparing documents, letters, newsletters, flyers, schedules, calendars etc.

Im also the coordinator of after school tutoring programs, I'd like more funding to offer more educational field
trips and tutoring materials.

#12882640 2X3" label protectors @ $18.19 roll/250

#WS12803220 (3 sets) shelf markers @ $12.29 each

#WA13829300 (3 pkg) date due slips @ $10.79 each

#WA12149190 (3 pkg.) book pockets @ $26.24 each

#WA14916750 (1 pkg/6,400)book spine labels @ $35.99


10 1" white view finder binders @ $2.50 each
More planning time and professional development.
I my self personally am satisfied with my set up.
Funds to purchase Scholastic Math magazines for students to use in class - approx cost: $400.00
Also, funds to attend work related conferences (MCTM - NMSA - Education Trust)
Incentive money for teachers, parents and students
The district to provide the necessary supplies needed to effectively teach.
A clean environment
-functioning equipment
-A safe environment
The ability to make more copies.
More planning time.
I need a pay raise.
Spiral notebooks, notebook paper, various colors of pocket folders.
Daily access to computers(classroom)so my students can complete viable research, and assignments.
Up to date Textbooks for all my students.
Health models(mannequins)for practical training
in Cpr,FirstAid, and emergency accidents.
I am very content as an employee of Lookout Valley Elementary. The support we get from our principal is
outstanding. As an employee of HCDE , it would have been wonderful to have received the bonus that was
discussed in December.
How can area businesses help you be a more successful and effective teacher? Please be specific. -
Just continue to support our school and our kids.
Many times, teachers would like to attend professional development sessions, but the cost of the session plus
travel expenses stops them from doing so. So, providing scholarships for these opportunities would be helpful.
Also, we need male mentors. Most of our students who struggle w/reading are males. I think if they could hear
from another male t
Financial funds for our teachers to buy things that is necessary for their individual classroom.
Career day, Underwriting field trips & school-wide activities. Learning/achievement rewards, Creative initiatives
to increase student and parent involvement. Develop business partnership program with school.
come in to my class as an "expert" (i.e. a banker during an economics lesson or a TVA worker to talk about
Tennessee's natural resources), donating items or money for items, sponsoring school events or incentives,
employees to mentor or tutor, "career day" type things
People in the business community need to visit the schools regularly - especially if there is a school that would
be an option for their child to attend. By seeing what happens on a day to day basis, they can become
ambassadors of the good things/successes that happen - possibly enroll their children in the appropriate public
Provide professional individuals to talk to students about the impact and importance of mathematics in their
business world

Copy Paper
We need employers to hire our students, help with the tools our students need to be able to work in our local
industry. Come in and support students in school to work programs.
See comment above
Participate in a mentoring programs like big brother. Open up for tours so student can see what everday people
do to make a living.
Volunteering to help with basic tasks so that I can spend my time planning and researching, sponsoring a
professional development, or providing basic supplies like composition books, electric pencil sharpeners,
pencils, crayons, expo markers, or whiteboards.
So many time businesses have materials that they would consider "trash" that could be very useful to our
school. For example, as they replace furniture, we might need tables or chairs for classrooms or the library.
A gift card to each teacher would keep them from "dipping into their own pocket".
Provide more opportunities for grants and/or donations and to let these opportunities be known. I do not just
mean grants for money, but specific opportunities for teachers to expose students to hands-on learning
We often have school sponsored nights, such as Math Night, Reading Night, etc. It is very hard to get parents
to attend some of these events. Support through funding for these nights would be greatly beneficial...materials
for games/activities, food for attendee's, take home/educational giveaway's...
Provide teachers with speakers that show how differening subjects work in their business, give teachers
samples/certificates/prizes to help motivate students
Provide classroom assistants. Provide help to the tech people to make the compouter systems reliable.
support teachers with tangible needs as well as support in the community
At Howard, we are always looking for businesses to partner with us. We have career academies and we need
internships and mentors to help motivate and advise our students. Monetary involvement is not always the most
useful way to assist. Sometimes other support is actually more effective.
Come and speak to teachers on professional development days so that we know what to include in our
curriculum that will give our students a competitive edges.
Help provide classroom resources that will help students be successful on a daily basis so they experience
success and become hungry for more.
We have very few students who can afford to pay for field trips, but getting our students out of the classroom is
exactly what they need. T-DOT currently has a field trip that they put together for our students to visit their
facility and it is great! If more businesses hosted field trips it would be great.
Help us with rewards for students who improve both academically and behaviorally.
By investing in our school's Fine Arts Program.
Classroom visits by community members to mentor and talk with students. Volunteering time in classrooms to
assist teachers work with students in small groups and as a whole.
I would love to have area businesses come in and volunteer. I have had two already this year and it is great to
have extra hands in the classroom.
Volunteer at the school: tutoring, supporting projects, coming by to have lunch with students and listening to
The additional resources which can be in the form of individuals or donated time or items. If these

individuals provide us with the support and any assistance they may have, this will give me as a teacher the
ability to expand teaching skills and knowledge to my students
Be willing to partner with schools as a place for fieldtrip/internship/fundraising ideas/financial support for special
student travel abroad/ etc...
Volunteering their time in the classrooms. We greatly need men to be role models to boys from low income
homes. Monetary donations with which to buy everyday classroom supplies would be greatly appreciated.
Donate money or time. Dependable tutors
They could get involved with the school to get exposure for their businesses. Then students wiil also know what
types of employment those businesses offer. They may donate money to write off on their taxes or put up
Serve as a networking group to locate local artists who might present at our school for free.

Choose a project/unit/learning expedition created by teachers at our school to sponsor financially (it might even
suit their business expertise/goals).

Provide specific classroom materials on an as-needed basis (like mid-year when I've run out).
Apart from cash investsments, many of our children would profit the most from having an adult that would be the
equivelent of a partner and cheerleader for them. A volunteer effort that would bring the child in relationship with
an adult who cares...a mentor...or perhaps an in-service working relationship with a company.
Donating items or money to help purchase classroom materials
Area businesses can help me be a more effective teacher by aiding the communities in which my students live.
Reduce the prices of your goods! Take part in community activities.

Most of the problems I face from my students stems from the difficulties they face in surviving where they live.
In a perfect world, funds to purchase a SmartBoard or Promethian Board, specifically for a chemistry and
physics classroom, is the ideal thing. Lessons can be much more interactive, especially with chemical formulas,
structures, physics concepts, etc. I really think that I could offer my students the best education possible in that
Classroom speakers, mentors for our students, job shadowing and volunteers for our campus.
donate time
I am not a classroom teacher.
Be role models to our students, volunteer their time. Expose / teach the children about what they do and the
different occupations that exist. They have very little frame of reference and few role models in this area. This
would encourage them to set future occupational goals and give them something to work toward.
Allow employees to volunteer time off from work, maybe 2-3 hours once a month to help at a struggling school.
Recognize them or give them incentives to do so.

Work with "J A in a Day" to make it more student friendly for individual schools.

Be present in our schools; observe the problems we experience. If you understand them, you will help.
The businesses can work closley with the schools to offer services or items as an incentive for the teachers to
better themselves professionally.
Provide opportunities for students to get out and see what opportunities are available to them with a good
education, e.g. visiting various workplaces, neighborhoods, etc.
If students could hear community businesses talk about how education and particular classes are used in the
business world. Also, have business people to reinforce that school mimics the world of work - i.e. - effort in
school shows iniative to do well in the work world; slacking in school shows potential to slack at work later.
It is always a great idea to educated students on how the information they will learn in the classroom relates to
the real world. Along with the subject matter, they are learning work ethics, relationships between hard work and
the benefits of being sucessful in the classroom can also be obtained in the work environment.
It would be helpful if area businesses could provide some small incentives (pencils, erasers, popcorn party, ice
cream bar, etc.) to reward students for successful reading.
See if they can show how our standards apply in the real world. Kids don't believe something is important just
because the teacher told them so.

We also need community members to help keep our seniors on track. The kids don't see the importance of
Subject related guest speakers.
Business can help the school but helping provide the resources that we need to run successful schools.
Funding is limited but needs are large. Our students do not have the resources they need and the school has to
provide them. Their education is the ticket to success for them. Unfortunately, limited resources and funding
creates an obstacle.
Provide funding so that I can go and do more professional development that I feel would assist me in being a
better teacher. There are many great workshops all over the nation that would be a pleasure to attend to learn
at, such as the National Council of Mathematics Teachers Workshops.
Attend one of our professional development meetings, and let us know what skills are most important to them as
businesses for our students to possess before they leave high school. We, as teachers, could then make our
activities and assessments in such a way as to help develop these skills.
* Give suggestions as to how their business is an example in content topics such as math (retail), literacy (sign
makers), etc.
Provide examples of skills and knowledge needed. Students always ask "when will I need this?".
Field trips, Company representatives to make in class speeches
by partnering with schools, become mentors for students at risk
I hope that we are able to adopt new math text books and get them for next year.
With new textbook, I need several computer in my room.
s a teacher of economics and government, I would welcome speakers to address my senior classes in related
matters. These students will be entering the workforce shortly and need help in doing so successfully.
Speak at weekly assemblies and mentor needy students. Allow students to job shadow. Provide transportation
and lunch for students job shadowing.
The businesses could donate books or money to be used in buying more books for our school library.
Acting as mentors for my students. Showing there are people out there supporting them. Sponoring fieldtrips to
work places to see first hand what opportunities are out there.
a partnership with a company like TVA,U.S. post office,EPB,TDOT that have fleet garages that will let my kids
job shadow or do service learning.
Area business can support the schools with not just funds, but tutoring support before and after school, as well
as community liasons and positive moral builders within the family and community as a whole. The business
can rally behind the schools efforts and be present at all school functions to show their backing.
Classroom lectures
Donate resources to the schools and to the individual students.
Area businesses can help us be more effective by continuing to support the schools, offer field trips to schools,
come out a speak to students about careers, offer employees some flex time to come and read to students and
develop community outreach programs within your business.
I would be very receptive if area booksellers could donate books that are appropriate for middle school readers
to the library. We have Barnes & Noble, Books a Million,the Book Gallery, Waldenbooks, Walmart, Target, and
several smaller sellers.
Places such as Office Depot might also donate supplies to our school-notebook paper, pens,pencils,etc
Provide incentives for academics, attendance, and behavior good merit students. Donate time and resouce
during sport events. Participate in career planning for up coming high school students by giving career talks and
By working with teachers to help deliver Real World experiences to our students.
Volunteers to host small groups of students as they meet with your leaders and discover what is needed for
those certain careers/professions.
Be visible in the school and donate resources such as Flash Drives. Sponsor learning expeditions.
Help with providing the basic items that students do not come to school with and teachers cannot keep buying.
-Support our endeavors

-Come and talk with our students
It would be helpful if area businesses would make multiple copies of things we know we will need for the
semester/quarter, such as morning work.
Visit our school

Enquire about needs in our school

Volunteer at our school
Funding for programs and field trips, classroom staples so it doesn't have to come out of my wallet, additional
support in the classroom.
By providing scholarships for continuing education. I would love to get my masters.
Peer mentors and tutors. Also classroom readers.
Letting selected students be interns,apprentices to recieve on the job training

in health related fields.
I would like for business people come to my class to read to the class or discuss their careers.

 How can area businesses help your students achieve the best education possible? Please be specific.
- Responses
Continue to give them opportunities to learn more and have more positive experiences. Our grade level took a
walking field trip to the library, post office, rec center, and fire station. We learned so much. I'm sure there are
other businesses or companies that could help us give students real world learning experiences.
For years I have wanted every parent of a child born in Hamilton Co to receive a copy of TN's Early Learning
standards. I believe most parents want to do all that is necessary for their child to be ready for school, they just
don't know what to do. These standards would at least give parents a point of reference.
Financial funds for students who achieve in school academically and/or have good behavior.
This is interesting, it is hard for me to separate effective teaching with students achievement. The things I have
listed for me to be a more successful teacher is the same as increasing student achievement.
same as above
* Employ students

* Develop internships for students

* Be available to speak to classes - help students with senior project experience (one option for students is to do
a "mock" interview with a local business, then write a paper on the experience.

* When possible, provide additional funding to support and improve technology in the school.
Invite students to visit their business and view applications of math concepts and how math fits into the big
picture in real life.
Support career/technical programs. More programs that teach real skills that needed to rebuild the infrastructure
of this nation.
Visit our school often and get to know the students and teachers. Be a positive voice for us in the community to
balance negative comments from those who don't know the schools and the work we do with students.
same as above
Volunteering for after-school homework help, providing face-time to show people are vested in their success, or
providing incentives for achievement of academic goals.
Students need to have goals and by working with local businesses they could see what happens IF you work
hard in school. Perhaps a mentor program could be created between Southside businesses and our school.
There are so many wonderful businesses that might provide a variety of different field trips and after school
As stated, kids need hands-on opportunities.We can teach about recycling, but the kids need to see it in action.
We can talk about banking, but they need to see it. Field trips can get expensive, especially bus costs. Any way
to help lower or alleviate these costs would be great.Businesses could contact schools about opening their
doors to classes.
See above question
Allow students to tour the business, Provide students with skills they will need in order to be successful in the
profession (e.g. hairstylists need to learn chemistry so they will understand the process of color, percents in
order to determine their pay, and angles in order to know how to cut hair)
Help by:

Offering job seminars (what skills are needed to find and keep a job; why do I need college or a technical skill);
employment advice; mentoring for careers; summer jobs; tutoring;
mentoring students
Area businesses could help Howard students achieve by showing an interest in their education and lives.
Relationship building has been my most effective method to graduate students. Many students are lacking
positive adult role models in their lives. Providing mentors, college scholarships, and work/internship
experiences are examples of support.
Come and act as outside experts for students studying local issues.Work with our CTE and Service Learning
teachers so that students have contacts with the community throughout high school.

Offer summer jobs and internships that will expose our students to the larger world and show them the
connection between themselves and the southside community.
Volunteer to host a student from our service learning class. This class is an amazing way for our students to see
how the business world works and it has a huge impact on our students.
By helping us provide enriching field trips, rewards for successes, leveled books for classrooms, quality
programs for computer use
Investin in our Fine Arts program by sponsoring children to take Instrumental/Voice lessons from area private
teachers. This will improve the quality of our Fine Arts program by allowing children to take lesson from Master
teachers on their instrument/voice. Sponsorship to Honor band/choir would expose students to greater musical
Tutoring students in literacy and numeracy. Provide funding for before and afterschool programs to ensure
students receive support outside of the classroom.
I believe that by volunteering their time in the schools, students will observe business people and see why
education is important in order to have a good job and be a good citizen.
Financial support for our fieldwork and service learning projects.
Using the students in the community for intern programs and possibly future employees. Students who have a
talent for technology and design often leave the area for better opportunities. If we keep the "home grown"
students at home this will allow for a lineage of additional talent to surface in the community.
See above answer

Businesses have the capability to offer hope and encouragement to students who may not see what the future
holds for them. By being in the school and in the classrooms, business employees are able to see what it takes
to run a classroom and school efficiently. Low income families and children need to have mentors and leaders.
Money for technology. Organized tutoring
By getting involved and helping the schools raise the proper funds so we have the tools to teach the students
with. Its funny how the schools have no pens,pencils, etc. Businesses should donate these items while
advertising on these items.
Come into our school and SHOW them the power of an education. Demonstrate to them how being successful
in school equates to being successful in life.

Give students tools, then teach accountability- maybe a "Southside Scholars" program. Maybe offer them in 5th
grade that if they get their diploma and go on to college, they'll earn a scholarship?
Again, outside of a cash investment in our community, the most meaningful opportunties exist for business to
structure an in-service relationship that could bring them alongside business or vocational goals.
Donating items or money to help purchase classroom materials
Area businesses can help me be a more effective teacher by aiding the communities in which my students live.
Reduce the prices of your goods. Take part in community activities.

Most of the problems I face from my students stems from the difficulties they face in surviving where they live.
My response here would really be a combination of previous answers. I think that my students would learn the
best if I could provide them with a more interactive lesson on a daily basis. This can be achieved through use of
a SmartBoard. Also, labs as supplementary activities help cement concepts in place. It all comes down to
money, really.
Inform our students of requirments for jobs, help us stress the importance of a good education, and talk about
skills needed in the work place.
make them selves visable to PTA, teachers, parents
Employees being willing to mentor students or speak in the classroom would be very beneficial. The more
exposure students can get to outside businesses, the better!
By encouraging and education parents about the improtance of supporting their child's education.
Again, spend time in individual schools (specifically inner city schools) to see the unique problems we have.
Unless individuals observe the problems and clientele we serve, they will not understand the kinds of help we
They could help by offering their time to volunteer at the school. Our students need extra attention and positive
role models to look up to. Volunteering to speak to a classroom of students or reading a book to them would
have such a postive impact on our students.
Tutoring and providing incentives for students to be successful.
If students could hear community businesses talk about how education and particular classes are used in the
business world. Also, have business people to reinforce that school mimics the world of work - i.e. - effort in
school shows iniative to do well in the work world; slacking in school shows potential to slack at work later.
By visiting the classrooms and relating their success in the work field to the learning process that takes place in
school. If students see a long term relationship between knowledge learned in a classroom to their sucess as an
adult, they will see school as a much more meaningful environment.
By having a presence in our school, such as : sending an employee to talk to students about how education
assists them in their work, how to interview, things employers are looking for in employees, etc. Having a
presence in our school will let students know you value our school's role in the community and care about the
students' future.
Send supplies, volunteer or mentor the seniors, speak to classes about how what we are learning will be useful
later in life.
Be supportive, offer incentives for academic achievement and success.

Again, providing financial resources needed in the school will help students achieve the best education possible.
Be speakers in our classrooms about what it takes to have their business or do their job. Demonstrate a
willingness to tutor or provide assistance 1 morning or afternoon a week.
They could help supply some of the needs of the school, especially in technology since our nation is becoming
more technological every day. They could make great motivational people available to speak to students about
the importance of the subjects they are studying, explaining their relevance to being successful in the work
* Show their support by attending school functions

* Maybe choose a child and mentor/"adopt" that child by allowing them to be exposed to their business
Provide examples of skills and knowledge needed. Students always ask "when will I need this?".
Same as above...letting the children see real life examples of people who have worked hard to acheive what
positions they have.
become mentors for students at risk; come visit schools in all neighbors.
TI-84+ Calculators for students that cannot afford them, so they would be able to take them home to do their
Sponsoring field trips to make learning more rela vent to the student would be a great help, Transportation
caots are getting so exhorbitant that it is becoming dificult to provide this experience.
Get them into the workplace to see/experience the "real world" of work and the expectations of companies.
The business people could offer more opportunities for the students to see and hear more about the world of
work. The could sponsor field trips to their worksite,a job fair on compus, hire some of our students, allow job
shadowing and setup a scholarship or grant for graduating senior who will be going into business.
Shgowing they care about students as people and support them by coming to events, mentoring, visit to work
places and acting as role models for them.
a partnership with a company like TVA,U.S. post office,EPB,TDOT that have fleet garages that will let my kids
job shadow or do service learning.
Area businesses can help supply either trained tutors or funds to pay trained tutors. They can also work with
finding ways to assist parents in furthering their educational goals.
Tour of business


-mentoring programs
They could provide incentives for good grades and attendance. They could promote and support the work ethic
that many students lack.
Area businesses can help students achieve the best education possible by supporting education in various
ways such as volunteering, giving donations of school supplies, parterning with other area business to offer
supplies or books to students etc.
It would be wonderful if area businesses could work with us to bring in speakers to let students know what a
career in their particular field would involve...educcation, training income, career advancement, etc. I would be
happy to help.
Business might also make small donations for books about their particular field. I would be accountable.
Just be present in the schools and provide workshops for up coming high school students. Set up job fairs for
students parents and participate in night classes for parents.
Through work study programs.
Involved in showing students what is necessary in the way of college choices to get the jobs their company
Mentorship programs and after school jobs would be most beneficial.
Help with providing the basic items that students do not come to school with and teachers cannot keep buying.
-Support all stakeholders in any way possible
Mentoring students who need to see people with positive work experiences and education.
By partnering with our schools to meet needs that we are unable to meet with our limited funding
Providing funding and programs that encourage students to value education.
They could provide guest speakers to inspire our students. They could provide funding for school and
classroom needs.
Come speak to classes about how their learning now, will impact our economic world.
by partnershipping and providing jobsas interns)Thus showing the training necessary that they so
desperately need.
They could possibly donate time or resources to improve the school.
 What matters most to you, in regards to your school? - Responses
That we have a safe and friendly place to teach and learn. The kids need to feel like they belong here so they
are comfortable enough to learn.
I want our school to be a place that students love to come to. I also want students to receive, in every
classroom, the kind of education that prepares students, not to take a test, but for life.
That our students feel safe and have every opportunity that suburban schools have in regards to education.
The ability for me to provide the best quality education for my students and help them exceed their learning
All students should have the opportunity to achieve a 21st century education where technology is not only used
by the teachers, but by the students as well. Students need a school that is supported by the people inside the
building and by the people on the outside.
That students are challenged and supported to achieve and mature as much as possible - this in a safe, caring
environment with a staff that cares about their students
What matters most is the learning of the students and how to affect that! What concerns me most is the
disregard the students have to learning. The disrespect the students come with in regards to themselves, and
Students that want to be in school, want to learn and be a part a society what works for a living.
We meet the needs of all students no matter where they have to begin.
Equipping our student to be able to compete with the rest of society for scholarships and jobs.
I have been at Clifton Hills for 12 years and I'm vested in its success. We struggle but we work hard. I want the
children to feel stability at school and that everyone believes they can succeed. I believe the children will
succeed when they see everyone is invested in them and expect them to. They need to know that failure is not
an option.

Our staff works very hard to be the best educators they can be. There is so much we teach our students and
everyone in my school is so committed. I would like for us to have to opportunity to come together as a staff and
share our successes. A staff bonding experience, we have had 4 principals in 5 years and this would helpful.
The well being of our students and increasing parent involvement within the school, and in their child's
education in general. Adult education is important as well - we have many illiterate parents in our school who
may feel insecure about volunteering or assisting their child with school work.
Building a strong sense of community...creating respect between teachers, parents, students,and the
community. We are all in this together and in order to be effective we must ALL work together. If we have a
strong foundation, we can build and mold a students future!!! It's all about the KIDS!!!
I want my students to know that the education they receive in school is important to their everyday living after
graduation. I want students to come to school with their daily needs met so they are prepared to learn.
Being able to help individual students is critical. Allowing students to move at their own pace, within reason.
Creating a culture of attending school regularly, being on time and recongizing that education is important, but
takes dedicated work. Support of my administrators and colleagues, which I have.
students' academic success
What matters most is that I graduate students who have a post secondary plan. It is not enough to simply
graduate students. As the senior counselor, I have successfully increased the graduation rate but still struggle to
increase the college going rate. All apply, but many do not attend or complete college. Mentors could help in this
Seeing students learn, graduate, enter an appropriate post-secondary program (college, technical training,
vocation, or military) and complete it.

I want our students to internalize achievement, so that when they leave us and our nuturing environment, they
have the capacity to succeed in less nuturing environments.
Rewarding success while discouraging bad behavior. Too often we reward our students who behave poorly with
our attention, our time and our sympathy and those quiet students who are working hard tend to be completely
forgotten. I know this is a problem at every school, BUT IT IS PREVALENT AT HOWARD.
Our kids! I want them all to be successful learners and to surpass what is expected of them.
That children are taught to recognize excellence and not settle for anything less than that. Exposing students to
activities/experiences outside the school allows students to grasp a hold on what is out there for them besides
what they have previously known. I believe this is being done by our Faculty and Staff.
Learning and academic growth for all students! Ensuring academic growth and achievment, but also social and
emotional growth as they become a young adults.
I want my school to be a school of excellence! We are moving in the right direction and have made great
strides. I want my school to be a place where the surrounding community is proud to send their children to get
there education.
Achieving our dream of creating a school of excellence in our neighborhood.
The students and their ability to understand and utilize what i being taught to them and take it beyond high
What matters most is the ability to equip our students to become responsible citizens and be prepared for the
next step, whether it be college/ voc. training/ or the workforce.
LEADERSHIP! A school can only achieve as much as the leadership does. Lookout Valley Elementary has the
ability to soar over the next few years with our new principal.
That children have the time in school dedicated to exploration.
More equipment and better technology for the classroom. We are very limited in equipment for the classroom.
That my students recieve the social, emotional, and academic tools to graduate high school with a diploma and
be self-sufficient members of society.

To achieve that in elementary schools, teachers need time to plan inspiring instruction, money for materials, and
people who can model tools for success to students.
That each student has the tools and the support of adults to help them make better choices for themselves and
their be the best citizen who has the potential to make a positive and better informed
contribution to their world.
That my students have the resources needed to achieve at their highest possible level.
To see my students lead positive productive lives and careers.
The kids matter the most to me! They are the reason that a person like me even thought about becoming an
educator! They are the reason that I want to be the BEST possible educator I can be; for THEIR sake. Money
helps buy things that can help teachers do their job better, sure. But it all boils down to this: to me, my students
That we graduate students ready to enter the workforce, college or the military and are productive citizens.
that the children have a healthy learning enviornment
I would like for ALL students to get opportunities to succeed and to learn and post high school options.
The welfare of our students and evening the playing field. Students born in poverty are at an instant
disadvantage the moment they are conceived.
That all students are provided the chance to learn. Our students who have disruptive behavior take much
valuable learning time away from the other students while the teacher deals with the problem student.

That students who are not learning be tested to see if they qualify for special services.
The well-being of our students is what meatters to me the most. Our motto here is to build productive citizens
and that is what we strive to do. We want our student to be well rounded and achieve great things in their
Students having a vision past what their current situations are at home, valuing education and believing in
Advocating for the students
What matters to me is that we provide a safe environment and a fundmentally sound education for each one of
our students. They come to us at all different levels and backgrounds. It is our responsibility to protect and
educate each student in life long experiences.
Our students' success. We need our students to understand how important education is to their future and to
work hard to learn information that will make them informed citizens and lifetime learners.
Having the students be more than profficient in a subject, and having them graduate.
That every student has the opportunity to achieve academic excellence in a safe learning environment.
Student achievement and safety matters most to me in this school.
I want the students to be successful which makes the school successful.
It matters to me that we graduate students who are properly prepared to go into the real world and make a
contribution to society. Our school should be the best in teaching, technology, equipment, and supplies so that
our students are adequately prepared.
* That the children are successful, as measured by the state but that they also take pride in their own
achievements (academic, athletic, social, etc.)

* That students and parents take ownership of their learning and not just be a passive passenger
Our students must leave prepared for the work force, military, or college.
I see students with potential that are wasting it.
The students
that all of our students are on grade level and graduate
Teacher low moral and students not wanting to do their best.
The education of my students.
That each student reaches his/her full potential and that limited resources is not a deterent.
The students who are failing in the 9th grade. If the students could have more contact with the business
community perhaps that would they could see and hear how an education can help them secure a position in a
I want my students to leave here with a plan for their futures and the support to obtain their dreams. Students
must have a plan to acheive: It does not just happen. Incentives for parent participation would help!
That we find a way to keep low achieving students in school and on track to graduate
The students matter the most in regards to school. There is no school without the students. ALL students need
a learning environment. Meeting as many needs of the students as possible is the biggest challenge faced by
the teachers; therefore, each teacher also needs to feel his/her work is valued and appreciated.
That my students get the best education possible and ultimately have great lives.
It is always nice to have resources to help the students, to make learning more hand-on, and to be able to
provide rewards and experiences that they might not experience otherwise.
What matters most to me in regards to East Lake Elementary is exposure. The students need to be exposed to
as much as possible to compete with their peers globally. The highest form of technologies, thew most updated
information, the most insightful educational field trips, the abilities to perform to the best of their abilities without
My most immediate concern is having the resources available to help our students. Unfortunately, since my
funds are limited, it's impossible to keep the collections current. As This affects both students and staff. Most
of our non-fiction is at least 10-15 years old. My most immediate need is for funds to update our library
Achievement and attendance.
Better perception in the community of the great things that are taking place.
That all students have the opportunity to achieve success and that we provide them with what ever it takes to
achieve that success - college visits - trips to local businesses - and a positive support system to help them
toward a positive, productive, future!
Student achievement and graduation.
I would like to have the needed materials and support to reach all the students.
-That we be successful, and that our students move on to be successful, productive citizens.
The success of our students not only in school, but in life as well.
Student/Teacher Morale

Student Success


Physical Needs in our building
Getting parents and students on board in valuing their community school and education.

I hope we provide a loving and secure environment for all of our students , as well as an outstanding education.
A community oriented environment for safe learning.
The overall educating of all the students that

are members of the Howard family.
I want our school to remain open. I think small community schools are effective. A strong and understanding
principal who knows curriculum is important. Dedicated, caring,professional teachers are essential. A strong
sense of community is also very important. A calm, structured environment that is conducive to all students
learning is important.

What is your opinion of the "state of the State" with respect to education? - Responses
It could be better. But at our school, we are working with what we have to get our kids ready for the real world.
Some days the state really helps, other days it feels like they aren't on our team.
I believe that the state is investing too much $ into programs and tests, when all we need is well-trained
teachers, books, and pencil & paper. Put the $ into teacher training, not into another program. Also, invest in
good teacher preparation academies. Many universities are just pushing teachers through-even if they fail their
student teaching!
Teachers are not given the respect that we deserve.
I am concerned about the strings that will be attached to the money given to our states education program. I
think the State is being reactive to the education decline instead of being proactive. Instead of the band-aide
effect go to the heart. Provide for the front line...the STUDENT, TEACHER, & CLASSROOM. No more
Too much emphasis is placed on teacher education and too little on teacher support. Many teachers are turned
loose to fend for themselves and are blamed for poor performance. More needs to be done to make sure
teachers have all that they need to perform the best practices for student learning.
Unfortunately our "state" is caught up in the same momentum as popular public opinion - the reason kids are
not scoring as well on tests is the primary fault of the teachers. While teachers have a critical responsibility and
as educators always have room for improvement, they are not the problem (generally).
The state has put teachers in a very hard situation in that for years the TCAP has given students and parents a
false sense of achievement. Moving from these low standards to an aggressive standards increase is a
necessary but monumental task.Everyone says it is not expecting turn around in a year or two.I feel this will
take many years to correct
We are failing to educate young people on how to work, pay bills and raise a family reasonably.
The new standards are more rigorous and relevent,needs to be more focus on addressing the challenges of
successfully meeting the needs of urban students and English Language learners.
We are throwing money at sypmtoms and not solving core issues. Our parents are not equipped to raise
children and the kids want no more than what they see.
The state is moving in the right direction with common core standards; however, I feel that urban children are
not a priority. Urban children come to school behind, so they need more people, smaller class sizes, exposure
to more technology and experiences, and devoted experienced people. I believe that the education system has
not addressed this.
They created pre-k programs which provide an opportunity for low income children be successful in school.

Many teachers are frustrated with assessments and feel that they should not be judged by how well their
students score on a test. A portfolio assessment with student work, test results, and writing assessments would
be a more fair evaluation
I believe Tennessee is headed in the right direction with the implementation of new, more rigorous state
standards, as well as implementing more checks and balances for tenured teachers. The only problem I do
have is "higher-ups" making classroom/school decisions when they haven't been in a classroom in years or
spoken to teachers about issues.
We often focus too much on test scores and numbers, when there is so so much more to a child and a school.
We need to celebrate the little successes and growth of each student and school.
I believe too much emphasis is placed on objective testing when we are trying to teach children to be subjective
as we want higher order thinking to take place. To get higher order thinking, we must allow some subjectivity to
the testing process and do away with multiple choice tests. The stat should let students show mastery through
Thse state and federeal government are spending significant sums for technology but we need more people. On
the other hand the only way to meet the new rigorous standards is to individualize instruction, and technology
appropriatley applied may be the best solution. (Programs similar to the developemental math program at UTC
have been succesful.
Teachers need support in areas of discipline and having time to teach instead of disciplining students
I think that legislation has made meeting benchmarks nearly impossible. State standards have changed and
there is a huge gap between the old standards and new standards. Teachers and students were not adequately
prepared to meet them. On the other hand, accountability is crucial and neccessary.
I think that Tennessee is heading in the right direction, but it will be a slow process toward achieving the goals
set forth with higher standards and greater accountability. It is our job as stakeholders to scaffold students from
where they are to where they now must be to be successful. I hope that RttT funding can help us achieve this.
We won the race to the top funding, so either we need a lot of help or we have great grant writers. All I know is
Chattanooga and one thing that is on the rise here that is and will continue to hurt education is gang activity. It is
happening slowly, but it is getting worse and if Chattanooga doesnt do more to stop it there will be many
The standardized test that 2nd grade takes does not match our standards-- very difficult to prepare for!

I think individual student gains and achievement should be the measure of growth and success and not
standardized test results.
Due to cuts in budgets statewide, resources that schools and students desperately need have been cut. More
schools are finding themselves not meeting academic standards due to the loss of several of these resources.
Specifically, loss of personnel that allows more individualized instruction and remediation for at risk students.
I believe that it is about effective teachers, especially in our lower performing schools. We can't place the blame
on children not being able to learn. It is about teachers doing everything possible for their students to be
successful. I think the changes that TN is making will be to everyone's benefit.
I am choosing not to comment on this question.
The state of the TN education needs a thorough overhaul. We have lacked in technology, science and math. If
there are certain schools on our system that are not public and their teaching methodology has produced
quantitative results then we need to adopt their teaching methods as well.
The focus is on the ends and not the means. Many schools are being pushed up against the wall with regards
to graduation rates. This is causing a serious detriment to the quality of learning. Focus must be put into the
state of the family & community that shapes the educational atmosphere of the region.
Tennessee is making progress but has a long way to go as far as effectively running our State Education
The state is striving to be a leader in expectations.
My opinion on the "state of the State" is let's get moving in the right direction. Right now we are in the bottom 5
states for education funding and it definitely reflects in the schools and through the kids in this state. Why do
you think there are so many private schools in this state. There is a reason for that.
Student scores on high-stakes tests do not indicate teacher effectiveness in the classroom and therefore should
not be used to reward or punish teachers professionally.
Sad. Legislation has certainly brought the spotlight upon our children...but without the insight and perspective of
educators. How can anyone hold that all children are equal and have equal access considering all that poor
children must face everyday versus those same age children who enjoy every advantage that money and social
stability provides.
I'm not familiar with this, but it sounds like the economic condition of the state (TN) determines what classrooms
are equipped with, thus influencing how they perform. I think the government should make education equal
among all the states, and provide classrooms with equal equipment.
Everyone is trying to deal with the financial crisis.
I am brand new to this profession, and everything is a whirlwind at this point. I have just started my second
semester, and I'm keeping my head above water. I do not deem myself qualified to give a well-informed
response to this question. I do hear people talk, though, and the things I hear are usually fairly negative. It
worries me.
This country stives to educate all. As schools we somtimes struggle with this lofty goal, but teachers and staff at
Lookout Valley High work extremely hard too make sure anyone that wants an education can be successful in
attaining one.
tennessee is loosing teachers at a rapid rate because ofthe lack of pay rate increases
Definitely room for improvement, but things are so complicated. I feel that teachers feel more and more
pressure to perform, but are not getting any more support and that they feel like they have to teach to the test.
I feel that the State is doing the best it can do considering the lack of resources and the great demand it's
impoverished citizen place upon it. However I think education of it's children and their parents is the answer.
I taught in GA for 30 years. I have an ED S, 34 years of experience, and am National Board Certified in
library/media. I am shocked at the difference in Hamilton County Schools as compared to Georgia's. Standards
are not as rigorous, discipline is out of hand, school budgets are a joke. There are educational standards but no
operating standards.
We are doing the best we can with what has been given to us and with what is expected of us.
I agree that teachers should be held accountable in respect to their students's education, however other pieces
of the puzzle have to be considered i.e. parent involvement, student discipline issues, community involvement.
Teachers in the State of Tennessee work diligently to ensure the students have opportunities and multiple
avenues to acquire the material that is needed to succeed and be ready for post secondary education. Test
results given in the state of the State report will indicate these advances in the coming years.
I feel that too much emphasis is put on the state test rather than teaching ability in the classroom. A few
questions over an entire years worth of information does not fairly indicate what a student has learned. Too
many decisions are being made by individuals that have been out of the classroom along time or who have
never taught at all.
I am encouraged that the state has set the standards higher for all our students. While it will make our test
scores look bad for a while, it is a positive step forward. Our students need to be on an equal footing with
students from other states.
People too far removed from the classroom appear to be making the decisions.
I think we are working steady to increase test scores at all grade levels and to ensure that all teachers are
master teachers.
The state of Tennessee is behind in academic achievement. Revamping the state standards and placing more
accountability on the quality of teachers and practices is a positive movement in raising student achievement
levels. Being able to identify individual school and student growth will be helpful to identifying specific needs
with in the schools.
The state wants more accountability, but where is the accountability for the parents who aren't there to teach or
guide their own kids. I can only do magic in 1 hour a day for math five times a week. They are being too tough
on teachers who teach with all their hearts and students aren't wanting to put forth the effort to learn.
I feel that it is wrong to base half of teacher evaluation on test scores when teachers cannot be responsible for
getting the students to school, making them do their homework at night, or forcing them to put forth the
necessary effort when they are at school. We can make them behave, but we cannot move the pencil for them.
We are so focused on testing that the student's other needs aren't always met. Passing a test doesn't equal
success in life.
I am not convinced that we as a community are really supportive of a public education for all students.
We are more worried about students passing tests than we are educating children
I believe the state needs to listen to teachers across the state, not only to higher level administrators who have
not been in the classroom in eons. Again, bring the older schools up to standards with the new schools in our
The state is asking the impossible with No Child Left Behind. The goals are great, however what they want
cannot be done by the teachers and administrators. The parents and students need to be more accountable.
Our legislators are concerned with frivilous pursuits and have no idea how to educate students. Futhermore,
they do not have the slighest idea how to adequately fund education.
Needs improvement, less government and more local involvement.

Our state has great economic problems that are holding our education system down. The new health policy for
the teachers is not patient freindly. We are paying higher copays on most of the medicine which means I don't
have money to help my needy students with paper, markers, glue, pencils, construction,tissue and lunch money.
I think increasing the standards was a good move but we will have growing pains from the process. I have found
that students rise to expectations and we must expect more. Our students need support from the community to
succeed through programs after school and in the summer where they see a varity of jobs. Teachers should be
paid more!
Education is struggling in Tennessee. Having chosen to change the standards and immediately expect to
implement higher standands without benefit of a gradual increase to the students has put some students at a
disaadvantage. Many students will rise to the challenge and be extremely successful; however, a limited few are
choosing to shut down.
Don't have one at this time
I dont think they understand what teachers deal with in this changing society.
I think we are too focused on test scores and numbers rather than human beings and their strengths and
weaknesses. We need updated textbooks and technology to keep students interested and engaged. We need
training for teachers who need to learn about the use of the new technologies available to them.
In respect to education, their just seems to always be a lack, money issues and teacher quality issues in
education. Im concerned with the level teacher and parental involvement with our students.
I know Governor Bredesen made significant improvements in Tennessee's academic situation, but I also feel
that local Boards of Education need to do more.That is a responsibility to both the familes and to the teachers,
and if the local government agencies cannot support and pay their teachers, they're falling short of their
Sadly, the state is losing it's ground on it's "Race to the Top". More specifically, inner-city schools lack the
support of the community and parents in the struggle to get kids on level with the new state standards.
I think that the state is doing a pretty good job running our school systems, I do feel that the lottery shoud be
revamper to include secondary education more that it does.
That we can always do more - high needs schools need more in the way of extra support people.
The jury is still out.
-NCLB is not realistic - on paper, it sounds wonderful but, in reality, it is more of a utopian idea. We need to meet
students where they are - not all students are going to go to college, and that needs to be viewed as
"acceptable." Students need to be prepared for their career, whatever that might be!
We are moving in the right direction, trying to make Tennessee more competitive with other states and
countries. This needs to be supported with the funding to support the move to higher standards.
The recent raising of standards and and the restructuring of the State TCAP test is a good indicator that we are
moving in the right direction for our children.
I think they place too high of demands on teachers without sufficient rewards. I also feel like education has
become too much about "the test".
We need to be more realistic about what is important in learning. Going back to the basics in early education is
vital for success in even the simple tasks or signatures, bank balancing, and care takers of our world.
We are in need of quality instead of quanity

education,and we are overlooking the role of

vocational education in educating our students.
We are in the process of improving.

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Schools Survey

  • 1. What does your school need? Please be specific. - Responses Updated technology. Thru the help of TVA we have several Promthean boards which are amazing. However, our laptops are so old they aren't compatible, so most of the boards aren't being used. So new laptops for teachers to teach with would be great. We have a great need for technology in our school. Technology changes often, and it is hard to keep up with updates. We would love to be able to create another computer lab in our school. This would take 20 more Mac computers. We would also love to have promethium boards in all classrooms. There are 17 regular classrooms, 1 special ed., and 1 libra More space for classrooms. More computers for classrooms. Volunteers to help small groups of children. Uniforms for kids. Smart boards,Library books,more computers for lab,colored copy paper,Phone system upgrade (intercom),additional wireless printers,classroom tables,New blinds for windows,Computer lab teacher,leveled math & reading practice computer programs,Field trip underwriting,Lobby furniture,Sidewalk & doorway awnings,music/drama books,PE/playground equipment. A mobile laptop lab that can be used by all teachers; digital cameras; pencil sharpeners for all rooms; teacher supplies (Expo markers and erasers, reams of white paper, antibacterial cleaner, paper towels, facial tissue) art and project supplies (markers, color pencils, poster board, foam board, construction paper, scisors, rulers) We need upgraded technolgy - new computers - new lap top labs. We were the recipient of a state of TN technology grant about 9 years ago. That grant gave us a real boost in technology available to our students. However, that equipment is now out of date (if still working). We always need paper - just plain copying paper Computer software for math enrichment/remediation (such as mathscore) Scantron sheets for assessment of quizzes and tests Copy paper More SRO's..1 for each hall on each level of the building. More people to help with discipline. Volunteers to be mentors for male students More school uniforms for students whose families may need help Programs that will benifit the parents of our students,GED,ESOL,Parental skills. We could also use a afterschool program not geared around test taking. One that would give our student tools to cope in the evcerday world. Anger mgmt., public speaking ate two that I think will help We do not have the funds to maintain our technology, i.e. printer ink, lightbulbs for boxlights,and maintain macbooks with chargers and batteries. We need the funds for field trips to expose the children to Chattanooga outside of their community. Also, we need after school transportation so that we can tutor more children. Technology always needs to be updated. We are a Title One school with a large percentage of students on free and reduced lunch so the basic teaching materials are always needed. A gym - for physical education we use a "multipurpose room" which is also used for car rider dismissal, special PTA events such as Donuts for Dad, Santa's Secret Shop, and can be reserved for grade level specific events. It is not an ideal place for kids to run/exercise and I do worry about childhood obiesity in our school. Technology - Smart Boards We are very fortunate to receive lots of funding for specific materials...however our biggest need is more people. We have plenty of educational resources, but lack "hands" to be more effective. Calculators, Computers, Resource books, Manipulatives, Hands-on activities that follow instruction, Guest speakers, Educational field trips to complete expeditionary learning activities, Film for the library poster machine, Books of differening generes Volunteers for the classroom, or paid classroom assistants to help give students more individual attention. Also, most teachrers use their own printers and ink to print many of their documents. Volunteers to help maintain the computer labs would be helpful; we share our tech person. He must maintain labs, clasroom computers, Promethean Boards.
  • 2. copier paper copier toner computers for students classrooms painted Opportunities for the students to become aware of the business opportunities in the community.(Job Fair)? Businesses to promote the student's achievements. Positive PR Communications School supplies, copy paper, folders, money for new library books,sports equipment printers/ink Awards for excelling students Assistance for field trips Mentors Howard needs basic resources such as copy paper, computer ink, office supplies as well as computers, printers, and other technology. Howard also lacks sufficient staff to meet the needs of the students. Volunteers and other personnel to tutor, mentor, and advise would be extremely beneficial. Funding for authentic learing experiences beyond the teacher and text book: specifically opportunities for field work, class libraries of high interest literature, and expert speakers, our students need to see that what they are learning and doing in school connects to the larger world and will serve them for the rest of their lives. Our school needs pipes that don't leak condensation and a roof that does not leak rainwater. We need trained individuals that can contain and discipline students in ISS (we have one man who does this but he has to watch 40 students sometimes). We need a transportation vehicle (bus) for field trips. WE NEED A TRACK. We need a student network. another copier for teachers to use supplies such as paper, pencils, paint & brushes film for our lamination machine extra uniforms/clothes for students in need bulbs for promethean boards more bathrooms and classrooms? :-( 1. Updated textbooks, new computers to replace the crashed ones, Copy paper Science/Technology Funding- new computers for labs (desktop and laptops), Promethian boards, Interwrite pad, Boxlights, Elmo projectors Currently, our laptops are out of date and it is difficult to run newer programs such as the Promethean board on the old laptops. Also, a rolling laptop cart would be nice to have in order for classrooms to check out for researching various subject matter. We are building a school of excellence based on environmental education. We will be renovating our annex building to become a state of the art green school. We will need significant financial and community support to be successful at this project. Our current estimate for the total cost is 1 million dollars.
  • 3. Our school needs technology that will enable our students to be able to function in the real world. Technology that they will be able to use in a vocational/technical aspect as well as university level. Updated and maintenance of technology (Laptops, desktops, lab,smartboard, etc...) Additional funds for more leveled reading books for classroom use. Volunteers to assist in classrooms with struggling students. Smart boards for each classroom. Art classes provided for students. Additional reading interventionists to work with struggling readers. Sound equipment for the cafetorium. Money for everyday classroom supplies. Educational software. Access to educational subscribtions online with math and science content Our school needs new computers, software updates. We are still running on Windows 2000. It takes 45 minutes for my computer to load. Definitely better technology. Our school doesn't have security cameras either. A gymnasium. An auditorium, or a remodel of our existing "multi-purpose room" to include auditorium-style seating, an up-to- date sound system, and theatrical lighting. If the existing "multi-purpose room" is to be remodeled, then we will also need additional storage for things that currently "live" on the stage (ie discarded classroom furniture). My school is challenged with delivering educational services to children without many resources. Many of these children are delayed and struggle with academic performance and school engagement. First, I would ask that we be considered for a year -round school program...apart from that I would like to see more books and technology made available. Art class or art supplies Active Boards for all teachers Laminating machine My school needs more funding for after school club programs and athletics, like our robotics club, baseball team and track teams. It is always an issue having to raise money to get equipment or raising more for the track team to travel to special events.We also need more SRO's to patrol the hallways I am new to this school and to teaching in general, so it is hard for me to say what our school needs. It seems that I always hear about our small funding for printer paper and printer ink. Also, each teacher only has $100 in a BEP account to buy classroom supplies each year. An increase in BEP funds would be spectacular. The school is constantly looking for ways to upgrade technology in our building. Our computers and mobile laptop carts(10 years old) are in need of replacement. Computers ~ football field maintainace It would be great to have business people from the community support our school. Students would benefit from business people coming to our school and working with them individually or in groups. It would be great to offer parenting siminars in the early evenings for intersted parents concerning discipline, homework help, self esteem, ways to communicate with your child, the importance of reading and talking with your child, how to keep your child out of gangs, etc. People: Volunteers to read with students and mentor students. Volunteers to shelve and process books (training provided; no experience necessary.) Funds: Our classroom teachers need heavy duty CD/cassette recorders and good quality headphones. Technology!!! Computers for each classroom. We have a mobil computer lab consisting of Apple laptops, but half of them do not work. Smartboards would be a great addition to the classroom. Books for each student so they can take them home for homework assignments;
  • 4. Intangible: Community volunteers to speak about different career opportunities available; many students only know about the position their parents or other family members have. Tangible: Printer ink, Printer Paper, pencils, folders, ink pens, little things to use for incentives (movie tickets, candy, etc.) Updated technology throughout the classrooms. Updated technology is a major need. We have 4 mobil computer carts with laptops 6, 7, & 8 years old. They are heavily used by classroom teachers, but are quickly approaching the end of their usefulness because of age. We also need an LCD projector and Elmo document camera for each classroom. copier paper and copy machine toner, working laptop computers for student use, CONSISTENCY New mobile computers. Our school needs updated leveled literacy books, especially in the intermediate grades, to help our teachers integrate science and social studies into the daily literacy and writing block. MORE TIME TO BE BETTER We need updated computers for each classroom so that we can have a 21st century room. We will be loosing most of our computers this year due to them being 10 years old. Newer computers for the teachers, new laptops for the mobile computer labs, and telephones in the classrooms. The laptops in the mobile computer labs now are old and not in very good shape. These are crucial for student learning and achievement. Schools always need things like more copy paper, ink cartridges, and toner for printers. * Funds for equipment, particularly science labs to perform inquiry investigations that are authentic and relevant. * Funding for technology that is up to date and functional * Funding for field experiences (local and non-local) Updated Technology. Our mobile computer labs are 10 years old. We have integrated these labs into our classrooms, but do not have the funds to replace them. People working in small groups helping students in areas of weakness Role models for students who do not see successful mainstream futures (a significant number of my students see their only success as being rich sports or entertainment figures.) Increased pay for Teachers up-tp-date textbooks, more teachers,more money to buy physical education equipment, and a another gymnasium, upgraded technology equipment TI-84+ Calculators for students that cannot afford them, so they would be able to take them home to do their homework. computer lab The school needs additional classroom technology and general equipment. Telephones in every teacher's room. Paint, updating. Counselors and support groups for students with problems that prevent them from success. Our how high school needs new laptop computers. We have laptops that are 10 years old and many times they don't function at all. Our students would benefit from Mentors. People who would believe in them and can encouarage them on a weekly basis. Financial help with fieldtrips would be appreciated.We have a grant that allowed us to take our 8th graders to Universitites outside the county but it is over so support for that is needed. A remedial reading teacher to help lower reading level students.
  • 5. Our school needs funds to purchase high interest low vocabulary books in all the language arts classrooms. We also need additional resources in math classes that fall in the same category. More business involvement Musical Instruments 3 sousaphones 3 marching baritone horns 5 clarinets 5 trombones 5 trumpets snare drums Timpani drums sizes 32, 29, 26 Our students would benefit from more laptop computers as well as more Promethean boards and projectors installed in classrooms. New and updated textbooks would be wonderful. At this point and time, East Lake Elementary School needs the following: -Smart boards in classrooms for interactive teaching -Computers in classrooms to enhance research skills -New playground equipment -Funding for clubs and sports activities -Broaden our library/class libraries - Funding to start and maintain a website -School Marquee I am the media specialist. In general, I do not know what the school needs. The only funds I have for this year are $270.00, which comes from money collected for lost or damaged books from last year. This is for books, supplies, magazines, and media. More work space for teachers and students in exceptional education(example classrooms for pull out and small group instruction/testing). Computer labs for academic related research. Finally, assistive technology devices to the lower functional students. Up to date computers, security fencing ( to keep strangers from driving all over our campus). New chairs, tables, telephone system. More teachers for smaller class sizes. More tutoring opportunities for students.
  • 6. Tutors that could come in the day during classes and work with struggling students on a one-to-one basis if possible. Technology and student incentives. Pencil Sharpeners Copy Paper Construction Paper Updated Technology -Funds for updated technology -Another copy machine -A larger library -More books -Funds for supplemental material for all teachers -More Promethean Boards (one in each classroom) More (reliable) technology. Books that are related to our standards to use with our reading groups for the upper levels. Computers Promethean Boards Classroom supplies, technology equipment, funding for hands on field trips. Our school could really use a gymnasium. A mobile computer lab. Financial assistance for field trips for students,Computers for Wellness Classes,Reference books and guest speakers and last but not least internships for students with area Businesses,and Companies. We need pot holes fixed in the parking lot. What does your classroom need? Please be specific. - Responses My classroom always needs tissues and hand sanitizer. More leveled text for my kids to read would be great. Some of my struggling readers have already read all of the books I have on their level 10 times. I need books from various genres on my students' reading levels to help create my classroom library. I am currently using a literacy program called the Daily 5, & in order to keep students engaged in it, I have to buy new books often. These can be purchased @ McKay's for a fraction of the coast, but last time I went, the total was still $250. Computers. School supplies such as pencils, paper. Elc.pencil sharpener,pencils,notebook paper, scotch&packing tape,class set of chapter books,classroom library books,floor pillows, 5thGrd.Exemplars,subscription to Accelerated Math,smart board,3 prong pocket folders, 1 1/2 in notebooks,area rug for gathering,chart paper easel,staplers,book bends,color card stock paper, projector ceiling mount kit. projection screen; project supplies (poster board, foam board, glue sticks); cork strips for hanging things N/A
  • 7. Computer software for math enrichment/remediation (such as mathscore) Scantron sheets for assessment of quizzes and tests Heat and air conditioning system is not consistent, classrooms need additonal leveled books for classroom libraries School supplies such as pencils, notebook paper, Teachers who understand the culture of the children they teach. My children need experiences outside of their community, i.e. East Lake. They need to see a river, a dam, a mountain, and experience places around Chattanooga. Although, these places offer free admission, our transportation is not free. My children would also benefit from extra time with me after school in tutoring, but they need transportation. Because I am a state-funded pre-k, I receive funds for materials. But I buy books, cooking ingredients, art materials, and other supplementary materials for my classroom out of my own pocket. Smart or Promethean Interactive Whiteboard. We have an older, smaller school, with typically around 70% economically disadvantaged students. Technology opens doors to new worlds for these kids, and exposes them to technological advances. Many new schools in the county have them in every classroom - we have none. We often run out of basic classroom necessities and therfore end up spending our own money on these things. Such as: pencils, paper towels, paper, crayons, dry erase markers, tissues. These basic necessities are on a school supply list, but very often do not get brought in. Computers (3), Manipulatives for Algebra for every student (12), Educational field trip to complete expeditionary learning, Resource books, Calculators (14), Prizes of free services or objects to motivate students that lack internal motivation I can always use more paper, pencils, markers,rulers & protractors, and poster board. Graphing Calculators and batteries are in short supply. Also, computer software to help us with test making, activity sheets, etc. white board markers cardstock rug for reading area pens pencils white board cleaner books on cds copier copies for student work rewards for students
  • 8. 20 Cameras for our Literacy through Photography unit/ funds for pictures to be developed. DVD/VCR Player Magazines/Books Scrabble Games Colored paper clips seeds/herbs/ potting soil, pots Cooking utensils, pots,pans Food for our nutritional unit compasses modeling clay poster board expo markers large scissors stop watches new cd's I am a counselor and my department needs resources for college tours and other beneficial programs. We have a part-time college advisor and need a full-time position. Volunteers could supplement this need. Our students require assistance with completing college and scholarship applications. We also pay for application fees, if possible. I am not currently a classroom teacher, but basic supplies always helped make my job easier. Printer ink, dry erase markers, pens, pencils, paper, notebooks, posterboard, butcher paper, etc. These are all items that go fast when teachers are planning for student engagement and are absolutely necessary. I need new computers. Mine are from 2004 and 2005, many of them run slowly and three of them do not work at all. I need a technician who can help with computers. We have a great tech guy at Howard but he is so busy serving the whole school and all the new technology. We need someone who only works on computer labs (updating software and fixing) More computers for students to use more leveled books for my classroom pencils and an industrial pencil sharpener construction paper, notebook paper, hand sanitizer chart paper a globe General music textbooks, New band music, band supplies
  • 9. Classroom supplies for students- paper, pencil, pens, dry erase markers, dry erasers, board cleaner, tissues, cleaning supplies-mainly Lysol (for cold/flu season), technology needs for student learning (see school needs) I would like to have tennis balls for all the chairs in my classroom. This would aid in not scuffing the floors as much in the room. I can't think of anything else I need in my room. Support for Environmental Science Education, for example, butterfly larvae and frog eggs to study life cycles, phenology study kit, school based weather station, bat boxes, bird houses, egg incubation kit and garden supplies. We would also love a display computer and flat screen for our foyer to share our learning with our visitors. Interactive technology and capable instruction from teachers who want to teach children. Real white boards. Desks that can comfortably fit highschool students. Smart board, classroom supplies such as colored pencils, Expo markers, Kleenex tissue, additional computers, math manipulatives, classroom sets of leveled reading books Adaptive technology. Voice to spell recorders, subscriptions to sites such as Brainpop, educational videos. I could use a better computer to run my promethean board. Dartfish video analysis with all the necessary equipment would be great also. Then I would be able to perform a video analysis on each students' invididual motor skills. This software can provide instant feedback. With $100 I can't buy much. A Smartboard/Promethium board. A listening center with cd/tape player and 4 headphones. A keyboard center with power strips, AC adapters, and headphones to accomodate 4 students. Blank media (CDs). Desktop computers for student use (4, with headphones, and a table and chairs) and notation software designed for students. Specifically, the library is in constant need of new reading materials. Additionally, the children could profit from a fully functioning computer lab(Currently we have 8 working and 18 in various states). The library is reserved throughtout the day by class; however, the lack of available computers make it difficult for all students to have access. An active board Another computer A working listening station (a tape player that the kids can't break) Station games (literacy centers) Fake coins (pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters Foam dice (enough for 2 per student) My classroom is always in need of day to day school supplies. I often have to provide students with paper and pencils. It's basically a weekly event for me to pay out of pocket for poster boards and other classroom crafts. We are given $100 at the start of the school year for school supplies, but that is not very much. As stated above, an increase in BEP funds would allow me to buy the laboratory supplies that I will need to replace once they are fully used. A new-ish overhead projector would also be nice; mine is probably older than my parents. Ideally, though, a SmartBoard or Promethian Board would GREATLY increase my efficiency, effectiveness as a teacher. All teachers must pay for their own ink cartridges. Many teachers have a need for an ELMO with an LCD projector in their classroom. reading materials
  • 10. I do not have a classroom. Audio / Video / speakers for parent training. (offer food and they will come!) Our library has no budget. We need money to operate the library: to purchase Accelerated Reading labels for books, barcode labels and protectors for books, ownership stamps and stamp pads, heavy duty book tape for repairing books, ink pens. We need at least 5 updated computers for student use. We need an updated computer for our circulation desk. Since I am a physical educator, my needs are few compared to the regular ed. teacher. I would love to have a smartboard in my classroom in order to introduce new concepts, skills, and games to the students. Whiteboard; projector; clock; copier- printer in one; novels I am a counselor - our office needs Kleenex, pencils & pens, printer ink, printer paper, incentive items like mentionsd above. A good moral booster for the teachers would be to receive a goody bag with items from businesses around the community just to let them know they are appreciated for their hard work. Our office could help coordinate this. I need an Elmo and new computers. I have 3 for the students to use that are at least 10 years old and don't work on a regular basis. The elmo would be very beneficial in teaching my class from sources other than the textbook. My classroom is the library which serves all students in grades 6-12. We need 8 new computers for student use and money to purchase new books to support our reading program and audio-visual aids for classroom use. dry erase markers, fine point wet erase markers, basic cleaning supplies, organizational bins, UP TO DATE TECHNOLOGY New computers, lab equipment. Classrooms need to be equipped with promethean boards so students can become engaged in interactive learning. Teachers can pull from a wealth of sources through the internet to help provide students with back ground knowledge and real life examples of material the students are expected to master. i my area we need computers,switchers for news headsets I want the CPS Pulse from It is a student response system that would work with my Interwrite Smart pad. IWith CPS Pulseâ"¢ and ExamView® (testing version I have), I can deliver more interactive lessons to promote greater student involvement, achievement, and progress. Captures real-time assessment data. My classroom could use more space. The classroom could use a Promethean Board, and we, as faculty, could use professional development on using Promethean boards. An electric pencil sharpener that really works. * Blank bound books to serve as Scientist Notebooks or Travel Journal (Social Studies) * Supplies for hand-on activites in content area such as scales, measuring tools, hot plates, etc. * Map and globes that are up to date My classroom needs are met. Pencil sharpeners Other supplies - paper, pencils, markers, etc. A set of student dry erase boards with markers Better student tables Elmo, Parmethean board...more up to date equipment. up-to-date textbooks, more money to purchase physical education equipment, upgraded technoology equipment. Bring the older schools up to the standards of the newer built schools TI-84+ Calculators for students that cannot afford them, so they would be able to take them home to do their homework. computer My classroom needs a new heating and air system Updated software and textbooks to accompany new software. New printer. New desks and chairs. New Carpet and paint.
  • 11. My classroom needs a real whiteboard and it must be mounted at least 12inches lower so that all may students and I can make better use of the board. Supplies such as pencils and paper and copy paper. maintance: carpet is 30 years old new celing tiles My classroom needs school supplies that I can pass on to students, bins to place students items in, a better set of dictionaries and continued kits specific to the reading program that I teach. Computers Chairs for musicians Stand rack and stands I would make better use of technology available through the internet and tools such as Powerpoint if I had a Promethean board and projector that I did not have to check out, hook up, and return each time I wanted to show something to the students. We could also always use more books! I dont have a classroom. I am speaking on behave of teachers in my building that have expressed certain needs in their classrooms. The library needs: UP-TO-DATE, PREFERABLY HARDBOUND BOOKS: fiction non-fiction reference CD'S DVD'S 6 WORKING COMPUTERS (only have 2 that work occasionally) 1 working television GENERAL for media: RCA cables cables for elmo's, boxlights (most have disappeared) television remotes High interest lower level reading books in every language arts rooms. Windows, intercom system, phone, TV, disc player. More money for instructional supplies and everyday use materials (i.e. white board markers, etc.) and technology resources (i.e. Promethean boards). Pencils - notebook paper - student 3-ring notebooks - binders. Computers Pencil Sharpeners Copy Paper Construction Paper Updated Technology Pencils Paper Basic school supplies to have on hand, such as construction paper, writing paper, pencils, etc... Non-fiction books 8 computers Promethean Board Large rolling white board Wireless scanner for checking in and out books E-books Large area rug for students to sit on during story time
  • 12. Paper, pencils, folders, construction paper, paints,access to copy machine, notebooks, manipulatives, books for classroom library, anything a teacher could use. My classroom needs updated equipment, such as smart boards, additional computers, etc. Our building is old and outdated. Most of the floors and blinds are in really bad shape. A wall mounted television with Video/CD/Cable capabilities. To be clear, the cable capabilities is to be able to watch age appropriate "history making" events. Also, I would love to have a solar system model, at least 1 good microscope that is compatible to an "elmo" system, and math manipulatives such as geo boards. Magnetic white board computers for my students to do research and collect data and complete viable papers on health topics/subjects that pertain to their interests, and well-being.I only have one for my personal use. It would be wonderful to have more computers. What do you, as an employee of the school, need? Please be specific. - Responses Continued support of our kids. I need prayers and encouragement. The job can be overwhelming at times. I often work all day, just to go home and work more from home. I spend at least 4 hours every Sunday preparing for the next week. It's easy to start wondering what else I could be doing with my three degrees that could better support my family, as well as give me more time wit. A teacher's lounge. A place for parent volunteers to work. I understand the need for additional salary, but what would make most teachers happy is the above. When our student's and school's needs are met our needs are met. I would like to have additional education, but cost outways benefit. teacher supplies (White Out, tape for dispenser, Expo markers and erasers, reams of white paper, antibacterial cleaner, paper towels, hand sanitizer, facial tissue) Continued support from parents and community - funding to support our educational program so that there are no staff cuts More time (unstructured) to plan More time in a day, I am always behind. Positive support from the community/Addressing individuals or groups who make negative comments about public education Crisis intervention training. I work in the cafeteria as well as the ISS room. Training on how to deal with hostile students and parents. I need more hands. Many of my children could benefit from a lot of small group instruction; however, I don't like leaving the other children at their seats without me. Each grade has specific needs, but I think that items like staplers, dry erase markers, pencils, papers, spiral notebooks, and art supplies are something that each class needs. A digital camera is useful to teachers, but they would also need to be able to have them printed either with a color printer or a digital account at Walmart or Snapfish. As an employee, I feel satisfied. I have an extremely supportive principal and supportive coworkers. More funding or grants would always be nice - I've spent thousands of dollars out of my own pocket for materials, books, etc. Positive Reinforcement...just a thank you and a pat on the back goes a long way!!!! Ink for classroom printer, Dry erase markers, Resource books, Prizes to give my students something to work toward as they need external motivation along with internal motivation Smaller classes would be a major asset. More people in each classroom. Computer systems that a reliable since we must use them for so much of our record keeping and document creation. We need more paper and a higher limit on the number of copies. We need enought math textbooks for each student to have one.
  • 13. more planning time Office supplies,scotch tape, pencil sharpeners file folders etc. Colored printer Better dental coverage I need office supplies--copier paper, pens, pencils, paperclips, notebooks, staples, etc. Also, I find that I am more effective when I have someone to help students complete applications so that I can focus on counseling students and meeting with them concerning behavior, grades, and post-secondary plans. Greater interaction with local business and community members who understand the changing economic and vocational conditions of the market. I want to make sure that our students are prepared for college, technical school, or employment when they leave us. Technology support in our building - more computers and computer training for our students. I dont understand this question. To feel that the county recognizes our hard work and appreciates employees. We love and work hard for these kids and we celebrate their successes but the county seems to focus more on the negative-not good for morale. Copy Paper. Folders(3 ring and tab file folders) and Laminating paper for student work, Poster paper for projects I can't think of anything. The school provides school supplies for us each year and that is a huge help! Happy Cart: This is a cart that comes around once per week with goodies and treats for the teachers. We would love this addition to our school. This would need to be stocked weekly and supported by a volunteer. The necessary resources without all of the "red tape." Simple needs should not have to require an abundant of "whys" and "what for" when it is apparent and visible that certain items are needed. We could really use Apple IMAC computers Realistic expectations from the state with regards to curriculum & teaching time-frame. NO tie of salary to student assessment. Parental involvement in student learning. As an employee, I have everything I need. We have a wonderfully capable principal who sees that we have everything she can afford within the school's budget. I would love to see classrooms with special education students, have a full-time classroom assistant. Adaptive technology for laptop for child who cannot use arms and hands I could use a better computer to run my promethean board. Dartfish video analysis with all the necessary equipment would be great also. Then I would be able to perform a video analysis on each students' invididual motor skills. This software can provide instant feedback. New textbooks would be awesome also. The books we have are from 1999. To be at my school 5 days per week (not split between 2 schools) in order to have the greatest impact on school- wide academic achievement. Structured collaboration time with other music teachers in similar SES schools in which to create pacing guides, curriculum maps, and rubrics. Time and budget to travel to our state music conference. As a librarian, the list of what our children need is endless.The responsibility of what we as teachers must do is always to challenge, engage, and have great books that provide our children that help them to practice and participate with text..which translates into better performance with all other content matter.
  • 14. An active board A Brainpop account I need more positive role models for my student to see in their everyday lives; role models that my students can touch and relate to who live or work in their communities. I'll admit: I'm spoiled when it comes to lab supplies. I used to work in a quality control lab in the pharmaceutical industry. Anything we needed was readily available. I realize this is not feasible for a high school classroom, but a little more breathing room (funds) for lab supplies and chemicals would be spectacular. As a principal of the school, I would perfer that all funds from the Chamber be spent in the classroom. In school supension(iss monitor) Placement for in school suspension students. It is important for all faculty and staff to feel supported. The environment of the school definitely spills over into the classrooms and trickles down to the students. More time in the day :) I need time to do my job. Right now I serve as a planning period for teachers and that hampers me from doing the job I was trained for. For 33 years I was a successful media specialist who worked with teachers to educate our students. This year I am a librarian whose primary job is to "read stories to children" so teachers have more planning time. I would appreciate a new computer for my office. The one that I have has been reconfigured numerous times and does not work properly. It freezes up often and the only way to unfreeze it is to turn it off and start it back up again. File cabinet, bookshelf To know that hard work and effort put into the students is appreciated. I teach 6th grade Scienc and World History and I am the sixth grade team leader. I would like scholarships to attend state and national library conferences to learn how other librarians are meeting student and faculty needs. I never feel that I can afford the travel and hotel expenses to attend these valuable events. Planning time! NOTHING BUT CONTINUED SUPPORT I would like for parents to be more involved in the education of their child. As the Principal of the building, I am always concerned about student safety. I would like to have interior cameras installed so I have access to view the building. As for material, I would like to see the school equipped with multi resources to provide our students with a quality education. TO WORK WITH OTHER TEACHERS AND BECOME BETTER AS A TEACHER More paper because the book I am using for math is not at the current level of standards for Tennessee. Thus, I always have to supplement work with worksheets. Paper comes out of my pocket and is costly. I really do not need anything that would not benefit the school and the students. I could ask for a raise in pay or financial assistance to complete a master's degree, but those would be selfish requests. This is and always should be about what the students need. * General craft items: glue, construction paper, colored pencils, etc. * Paper and hygiene products: tissues, paper towels, PENCILS!, etc. My needs are met. positive encouragement An extra pair of hands to help groups or individuals needing help a way to get students to motivate themselves
  • 15. More of a budget for materials for the students money to purchse physical education equipment, and to upgrade our techonology equipment I hope that we are able to adopt new math text books and get them for next year. computer More income is always a consideration, but ideally I would like to have more students with a desire to learn. A raise. A secretary. This school year we have new online GradeBook which is really wonderful but I have a computer that will not allow me to close the GradeBook. I worry that someone could change or delete my grades. Please help me . Supplies for students, encouragement for me, incentives for parents to be involved, and the community knowing that we are working hard for our students. none Often times there are professional development opportunities for special education teachers that would benefit me and the teachers I work with; however, funding is not readily available for the training or the substitutes so that we may attend such trainings. Computers Finale Music writing software. 2009 The resources to purchase classroom tools, both instructional and organizational, would be nice. As an employee, I need an updated computer with printer (with scanner capabilities). A portion of my time is spent preparing documents, letters, newsletters, flyers, schedules, calendars etc. Im also the coordinator of after school tutoring programs, I'd like more funding to offer more educational field trips and tutoring materials. DEMCO: #12882640 2X3" label protectors @ $18.19 roll/250 #WS12803220 (3 sets) shelf markers @ $12.29 each #WA13829300 (3 pkg) date due slips @ $10.79 each #WA12149190 (3 pkg.) book pockets @ $26.24 each #WA14916750 (1 pkg/6,400)book spine labels @ $35.99 OFFICE DEPOT 10 1" white view finder binders @ $2.50 each
  • 16. More planning time and professional development. I my self personally am satisfied with my set up. n/a Funds to purchase Scholastic Math magazines for students to use in class - approx cost: $400.00 Also, funds to attend work related conferences (MCTM - NMSA - Education Trust) Incentive money for teachers, parents and students The district to provide the necessary supplies needed to effectively teach. A clean environment -functioning equipment -A safe environment The ability to make more copies. ? More planning time. I need a pay raise. Spiral notebooks, notebook paper, various colors of pocket folders. Daily access to computers(classroom)so my students can complete viable research, and assignments. Up to date Textbooks for all my students. Health models(mannequins)for practical training in Cpr,FirstAid, and emergency accidents. I am very content as an employee of Lookout Valley Elementary. The support we get from our principal is outstanding. As an employee of HCDE , it would have been wonderful to have received the bonus that was discussed in December. How can area businesses help you be a more successful and effective teacher? Please be specific. - Responses Just continue to support our school and our kids. Many times, teachers would like to attend professional development sessions, but the cost of the session plus travel expenses stops them from doing so. So, providing scholarships for these opportunities would be helpful. Also, we need male mentors. Most of our students who struggle w/reading are males. I think if they could hear from another male t Financial funds for our teachers to buy things that is necessary for their individual classroom. Career day, Underwriting field trips & school-wide activities. Learning/achievement rewards, Creative initiatives to increase student and parent involvement. Develop business partnership program with school. come in to my class as an "expert" (i.e. a banker during an economics lesson or a TVA worker to talk about Tennessee's natural resources), donating items or money for items, sponsoring school events or incentives, employees to mentor or tutor, "career day" type things People in the business community need to visit the schools regularly - especially if there is a school that would be an option for their child to attend. By seeing what happens on a day to day basis, they can become ambassadors of the good things/successes that happen - possibly enroll their children in the appropriate public school. Provide professional individuals to talk to students about the impact and importance of mathematics in their business world Copy Paper We need employers to hire our students, help with the tools our students need to be able to work in our local industry. Come in and support students in school to work programs. See comment above Participate in a mentoring programs like big brother. Open up for tours so student can see what everday people do to make a living. Volunteering to help with basic tasks so that I can spend my time planning and researching, sponsoring a professional development, or providing basic supplies like composition books, electric pencil sharpeners, pencils, crayons, expo markers, or whiteboards.
  • 17. So many time businesses have materials that they would consider "trash" that could be very useful to our school. For example, as they replace furniture, we might need tables or chairs for classrooms or the library. A gift card to each teacher would keep them from "dipping into their own pocket". Provide more opportunities for grants and/or donations and to let these opportunities be known. I do not just mean grants for money, but specific opportunities for teachers to expose students to hands-on learning opportunities. We often have school sponsored nights, such as Math Night, Reading Night, etc. It is very hard to get parents to attend some of these events. Support through funding for these nights would be greatly beneficial...materials for games/activities, food for attendee's, take home/educational giveaway's... Provide teachers with speakers that show how differening subjects work in their business, give teachers samples/certificates/prizes to help motivate students Provide classroom assistants. Provide help to the tech people to make the compouter systems reliable. support teachers with tangible needs as well as support in the community At Howard, we are always looking for businesses to partner with us. We have career academies and we need internships and mentors to help motivate and advise our students. Monetary involvement is not always the most useful way to assist. Sometimes other support is actually more effective. Come and speak to teachers on professional development days so that we know what to include in our curriculum that will give our students a competitive edges. Help provide classroom resources that will help students be successful on a daily basis so they experience success and become hungry for more. We have very few students who can afford to pay for field trips, but getting our students out of the classroom is exactly what they need. T-DOT currently has a field trip that they put together for our students to visit their facility and it is great! If more businesses hosted field trips it would be great. Help us with rewards for students who improve both academically and behaviorally. By investing in our school's Fine Arts Program. Classroom visits by community members to mentor and talk with students. Volunteering time in classrooms to assist teachers work with students in small groups and as a whole. I would love to have area businesses come in and volunteer. I have had two already this year and it is great to have extra hands in the classroom. Volunteer at the school: tutoring, supporting projects, coming by to have lunch with students and listening to readers. The additional resources which can be in the form of individuals or donated time or items. If these individuals provide us with the support and any assistance they may have, this will give me as a teacher the ability to expand teaching skills and knowledge to my students Be willing to partner with schools as a place for fieldtrip/internship/fundraising ideas/financial support for special student travel abroad/ etc... Volunteering their time in the classrooms. We greatly need men to be role models to boys from low income homes. Monetary donations with which to buy everyday classroom supplies would be greatly appreciated. Donate money or time. Dependable tutors They could get involved with the school to get exposure for their businesses. Then students wiil also know what types of employment those businesses offer. They may donate money to write off on their taxes or put up advertisements. Serve as a networking group to locate local artists who might present at our school for free. Choose a project/unit/learning expedition created by teachers at our school to sponsor financially (it might even suit their business expertise/goals). Provide specific classroom materials on an as-needed basis (like mid-year when I've run out). Apart from cash investsments, many of our children would profit the most from having an adult that would be the equivelent of a partner and cheerleader for them. A volunteer effort that would bring the child in relationship with an adult who cares...a mentor...or perhaps an in-service working relationship with a company. Donating items or money to help purchase classroom materials
  • 18. Area businesses can help me be a more effective teacher by aiding the communities in which my students live. Reduce the prices of your goods! Take part in community activities. Most of the problems I face from my students stems from the difficulties they face in surviving where they live. In a perfect world, funds to purchase a SmartBoard or Promethian Board, specifically for a chemistry and physics classroom, is the ideal thing. Lessons can be much more interactive, especially with chemical formulas, structures, physics concepts, etc. I really think that I could offer my students the best education possible in that case. Classroom speakers, mentors for our students, job shadowing and volunteers for our campus. donate time I am not a classroom teacher. Be role models to our students, volunteer their time. Expose / teach the children about what they do and the different occupations that exist. They have very little frame of reference and few role models in this area. This would encourage them to set future occupational goals and give them something to work toward. Allow employees to volunteer time off from work, maybe 2-3 hours once a month to help at a struggling school. Recognize them or give them incentives to do so. Work with "J A in a Day" to make it more student friendly for individual schools. Be present in our schools; observe the problems we experience. If you understand them, you will help. The businesses can work closley with the schools to offer services or items as an incentive for the teachers to better themselves professionally. Provide opportunities for students to get out and see what opportunities are available to them with a good education, e.g. visiting various workplaces, neighborhoods, etc. If students could hear community businesses talk about how education and particular classes are used in the business world. Also, have business people to reinforce that school mimics the world of work - i.e. - effort in school shows iniative to do well in the work world; slacking in school shows potential to slack at work later. It is always a great idea to educated students on how the information they will learn in the classroom relates to the real world. Along with the subject matter, they are learning work ethics, relationships between hard work and the benefits of being sucessful in the classroom can also be obtained in the work environment. It would be helpful if area businesses could provide some small incentives (pencils, erasers, popcorn party, ice cream bar, etc.) to reward students for successful reading. See if they can show how our standards apply in the real world. Kids don't believe something is important just because the teacher told them so. We also need community members to help keep our seniors on track. The kids don't see the importance of graduating. NEED MORE MENTORS AND ROLE MODELS. ALSO NEED FULL VOTECH BACK IN SCHOOL. ALL KIDS WILL NOT GO TO COLLEGE Subject related guest speakers. Business can help the school but helping provide the resources that we need to run successful schools. Funding is limited but needs are large. Our students do not have the resources they need and the school has to provide them. Their education is the ticket to success for them. Unfortunately, limited resources and funding creates an obstacle. if i could get more TV COMPANY'S TO BE APART OF MY CLASS HELP STUDENTS GET PLACED IN THE WORK FORCE GIVE STUDENTS INTERN JOBS THAT HELPS Provide funding so that I can go and do more professional development that I feel would assist me in being a better teacher. There are many great workshops all over the nation that would be a pleasure to attend to learn at, such as the National Council of Mathematics Teachers Workshops. Attend one of our professional development meetings, and let us know what skills are most important to them as businesses for our students to possess before they leave high school. We, as teachers, could then make our activities and assessments in such a way as to help develop these skills.
  • 19. * Give suggestions as to how their business is an example in content topics such as math (retail), literacy (sign makers), etc. Provide examples of skills and knowledge needed. Students always ask "when will I need this?". Field trips, Company representatives to make in class speeches by partnering with schools, become mentors for students at risk I hope that we are able to adopt new math text books and get them for next year. With new textbook, I need several computer in my room. s a teacher of economics and government, I would welcome speakers to address my senior classes in related matters. These students will be entering the workforce shortly and need help in doing so successfully. Speak at weekly assemblies and mentor needy students. Allow students to job shadow. Provide transportation and lunch for students job shadowing. The businesses could donate books or money to be used in buying more books for our school library. Acting as mentors for my students. Showing there are people out there supporting them. Sponoring fieldtrips to work places to see first hand what opportunities are out there. a partnership with a company like TVA,U.S. post office,EPB,TDOT that have fleet garages that will let my kids job shadow or do service learning. Area business can support the schools with not just funds, but tutoring support before and after school, as well as community liasons and positive moral builders within the family and community as a whole. The business can rally behind the schools efforts and be present at all school functions to show their backing. Classroom lectures funding Donate resources to the schools and to the individual students. Area businesses can help us be more effective by continuing to support the schools, offer field trips to schools, come out a speak to students about careers, offer employees some flex time to come and read to students and develop community outreach programs within your business. I would be very receptive if area booksellers could donate books that are appropriate for middle school readers to the library. We have Barnes & Noble, Books a Million,the Book Gallery, Waldenbooks, Walmart, Target, and several smaller sellers. Places such as Office Depot might also donate supplies to our school-notebook paper, pens,pencils,etc Provide incentives for academics, attendance, and behavior good merit students. Donate time and resouce during sport events. Participate in career planning for up coming high school students by giving career talks and advice. By working with teachers to help deliver Real World experiences to our students. n/a Volunteers to host small groups of students as they meet with your leaders and discover what is needed for those certain careers/professions. Be visible in the school and donate resources such as Flash Drives. Sponsor learning expeditions. Help with providing the basic items that students do not come to school with and teachers cannot keep buying. -Support our endeavors -Come and talk with our students It would be helpful if area businesses would make multiple copies of things we know we will need for the semester/quarter, such as morning work. Visit our school Enquire about needs in our school Volunteer at our school Funding for programs and field trips, classroom staples so it doesn't have to come out of my wallet, additional support in the classroom. By providing scholarships for continuing education. I would love to get my masters. Peer mentors and tutors. Also classroom readers.
  • 20. Letting selected students be interns,apprentices to recieve on the job training in health related fields. I would like for business people come to my class to read to the class or discuss their careers. How can area businesses help your students achieve the best education possible? Please be specific. - Responses Continue to give them opportunities to learn more and have more positive experiences. Our grade level took a walking field trip to the library, post office, rec center, and fire station. We learned so much. I'm sure there are other businesses or companies that could help us give students real world learning experiences. For years I have wanted every parent of a child born in Hamilton Co to receive a copy of TN's Early Learning standards. I believe most parents want to do all that is necessary for their child to be ready for school, they just don't know what to do. These standards would at least give parents a point of reference. Financial funds for students who achieve in school academically and/or have good behavior. This is interesting, it is hard for me to separate effective teaching with students achievement. The things I have listed for me to be a more successful teacher is the same as increasing student achievement. same as above * Employ students * Develop internships for students * Be available to speak to classes - help students with senior project experience (one option for students is to do a "mock" interview with a local business, then write a paper on the experience. * When possible, provide additional funding to support and improve technology in the school. Invite students to visit their business and view applications of math concepts and how math fits into the big picture in real life. Support career/technical programs. More programs that teach real skills that needed to rebuild the infrastructure of this nation. Visit our school often and get to know the students and teachers. Be a positive voice for us in the community to balance negative comments from those who don't know the schools and the work we do with students. same as above Volunteering for after-school homework help, providing face-time to show people are vested in their success, or providing incentives for achievement of academic goals. Students need to have goals and by working with local businesses they could see what happens IF you work hard in school. Perhaps a mentor program could be created between Southside businesses and our school. There are so many wonderful businesses that might provide a variety of different field trips and after school programs. As stated, kids need hands-on opportunities.We can teach about recycling, but the kids need to see it in action. We can talk about banking, but they need to see it. Field trips can get expensive, especially bus costs. Any way to help lower or alleviate these costs would be great.Businesses could contact schools about opening their doors to classes. See above question Allow students to tour the business, Provide students with skills they will need in order to be successful in the profession (e.g. hairstylists need to learn chemistry so they will understand the process of color, percents in order to determine their pay, and angles in order to know how to cut hair) Help by: Offering job seminars (what skills are needed to find and keep a job; why do I need college or a technical skill); employment advice; mentoring for careers; summer jobs; tutoring; mentoring students
  • 21. Area businesses could help Howard students achieve by showing an interest in their education and lives. Relationship building has been my most effective method to graduate students. Many students are lacking positive adult role models in their lives. Providing mentors, college scholarships, and work/internship experiences are examples of support. Come and act as outside experts for students studying local issues.Work with our CTE and Service Learning teachers so that students have contacts with the community throughout high school. Offer summer jobs and internships that will expose our students to the larger world and show them the connection between themselves and the southside community. Volunteer to host a student from our service learning class. This class is an amazing way for our students to see how the business world works and it has a huge impact on our students. By helping us provide enriching field trips, rewards for successes, leveled books for classrooms, quality programs for computer use Investin in our Fine Arts program by sponsoring children to take Instrumental/Voice lessons from area private teachers. This will improve the quality of our Fine Arts program by allowing children to take lesson from Master teachers on their instrument/voice. Sponsorship to Honor band/choir would expose students to greater musical experiences. Tutoring students in literacy and numeracy. Provide funding for before and afterschool programs to ensure students receive support outside of the classroom. I believe that by volunteering their time in the schools, students will observe business people and see why education is important in order to have a good job and be a good citizen. Financial support for our fieldwork and service learning projects. Using the students in the community for intern programs and possibly future employees. Students who have a talent for technology and design often leave the area for better opportunities. If we keep the "home grown" students at home this will allow for a lineage of additional talent to surface in the community. See above answer Businesses have the capability to offer hope and encouragement to students who may not see what the future holds for them. By being in the school and in the classrooms, business employees are able to see what it takes to run a classroom and school efficiently. Low income families and children need to have mentors and leaders. Money for technology. Organized tutoring By getting involved and helping the schools raise the proper funds so we have the tools to teach the students with. Its funny how the schools have no pens,pencils, etc. Businesses should donate these items while advertising on these items. Come into our school and SHOW them the power of an education. Demonstrate to them how being successful in school equates to being successful in life. Give students tools, then teach accountability- maybe a "Southside Scholars" program. Maybe offer them in 5th grade that if they get their diploma and go on to college, they'll earn a scholarship? Again, outside of a cash investment in our community, the most meaningful opportunties exist for business to structure an in-service relationship that could bring them alongside business or vocational goals. Donating items or money to help purchase classroom materials Area businesses can help me be a more effective teacher by aiding the communities in which my students live. Reduce the prices of your goods. Take part in community activities. Most of the problems I face from my students stems from the difficulties they face in surviving where they live. My response here would really be a combination of previous answers. I think that my students would learn the best if I could provide them with a more interactive lesson on a daily basis. This can be achieved through use of a SmartBoard. Also, labs as supplementary activities help cement concepts in place. It all comes down to money, really. Inform our students of requirments for jobs, help us stress the importance of a good education, and talk about skills needed in the work place. make them selves visable to PTA, teachers, parents
  • 22. Employees being willing to mentor students or speak in the classroom would be very beneficial. The more exposure students can get to outside businesses, the better! By encouraging and education parents about the improtance of supporting their child's education. Again, spend time in individual schools (specifically inner city schools) to see the unique problems we have. Unless individuals observe the problems and clientele we serve, they will not understand the kinds of help we need. They could help by offering their time to volunteer at the school. Our students need extra attention and positive role models to look up to. Volunteering to speak to a classroom of students or reading a book to them would have such a postive impact on our students. Tutoring and providing incentives for students to be successful. If students could hear community businesses talk about how education and particular classes are used in the business world. Also, have business people to reinforce that school mimics the world of work - i.e. - effort in school shows iniative to do well in the work world; slacking in school shows potential to slack at work later. By visiting the classrooms and relating their success in the work field to the learning process that takes place in school. If students see a long term relationship between knowledge learned in a classroom to their sucess as an adult, they will see school as a much more meaningful environment. By having a presence in our school, such as : sending an employee to talk to students about how education assists them in their work, how to interview, things employers are looking for in employees, etc. Having a presence in our school will let students know you value our school's role in the community and care about the students' future. Send supplies, volunteer or mentor the seniors, speak to classes about how what we are learning will be useful later in life. REAL WORLD MENTORING, JOB SHADOW/PLACEMENT. OJT WOULD BE HELPFUL. Be supportive, offer incentives for academic achievement and success. Again, providing financial resources needed in the school will help students achieve the best education possible. HELP STUDENTS GET PLACED IN THE WORK FORCE GIVE STUDENTS INTERN JOBS THAT HELPS Be speakers in our classrooms about what it takes to have their business or do their job. Demonstrate a willingness to tutor or provide assistance 1 morning or afternoon a week. They could help supply some of the needs of the school, especially in technology since our nation is becoming more technological every day. They could make great motivational people available to speak to students about the importance of the subjects they are studying, explaining their relevance to being successful in the work world. * Show their support by attending school functions * Maybe choose a child and mentor/"adopt" that child by allowing them to be exposed to their business Provide examples of skills and knowledge needed. Students always ask "when will I need this?". Same Same as above...letting the children see real life examples of people who have worked hard to acheive what positions they have. become mentors for students at risk; come visit schools in all neighbors. TI-84+ Calculators for students that cannot afford them, so they would be able to take them home to do their homework. Sponsoring field trips to make learning more rela vent to the student would be a great help, Transportation caots are getting so exhorbitant that it is becoming dificult to provide this experience. Get them into the workplace to see/experience the "real world" of work and the expectations of companies. The business people could offer more opportunities for the students to see and hear more about the world of work. The could sponsor field trips to their worksite,a job fair on compus, hire some of our students, allow job shadowing and setup a scholarship or grant for graduating senior who will be going into business. Shgowing they care about students as people and support them by coming to events, mentoring, visit to work places and acting as role models for them. a partnership with a company like TVA,U.S. post office,EPB,TDOT that have fleet garages that will let my kids job shadow or do service learning.
  • 23. Area businesses can help supply either trained tutors or funds to pay trained tutors. They can also work with finding ways to assist parents in furthering their educational goals. Tour of business Sponsorship -scholarships -mentoring programs They could provide incentives for good grades and attendance. They could promote and support the work ethic that many students lack. Area businesses can help students achieve the best education possible by supporting education in various ways such as volunteering, giving donations of school supplies, parterning with other area business to offer supplies or books to students etc. It would be wonderful if area businesses could work with us to bring in speakers to let students know what a career in their particular field would involve...educcation, training income, career advancement, etc. I would be happy to help. Business might also make small donations for books about their particular field. I would be accountable. Just be present in the schools and provide workshops for up coming high school students. Set up job fairs for students parents and participate in night classes for parents. Through work study programs. n/a Involved in showing students what is necessary in the way of college choices to get the jobs their company offers. Mentorship programs and after school jobs would be most beneficial. Help with providing the basic items that students do not come to school with and teachers cannot keep buying. -Support all stakeholders in any way possible Mentoring students who need to see people with positive work experiences and education. By partnering with our schools to meet needs that we are unable to meet with our limited funding Providing funding and programs that encourage students to value education. They could provide guest speakers to inspire our students. They could provide funding for school and classroom needs. Come speak to classes about how their learning now, will impact our economic world. by partnershipping and providing jobsas interns)Thus showing the training necessary that they so desperately need. They could possibly donate time or resources to improve the school. What matters most to you, in regards to your school? - Responses That we have a safe and friendly place to teach and learn. The kids need to feel like they belong here so they are comfortable enough to learn. I want our school to be a place that students love to come to. I also want students to receive, in every classroom, the kind of education that prepares students, not to take a test, but for life. That our students feel safe and have every opportunity that suburban schools have in regards to education. The ability for me to provide the best quality education for my students and help them exceed their learning goals. All students should have the opportunity to achieve a 21st century education where technology is not only used by the teachers, but by the students as well. Students need a school that is supported by the people inside the building and by the people on the outside. That students are challenged and supported to achieve and mature as much as possible - this in a safe, caring environment with a staff that cares about their students What matters most is the learning of the students and how to affect that! What concerns me most is the disregard the students have to learning. The disrespect the students come with in regards to themselves, and others. Students that want to be in school, want to learn and be a part a society what works for a living. We meet the needs of all students no matter where they have to begin.
  • 24. Equipping our student to be able to compete with the rest of society for scholarships and jobs. I have been at Clifton Hills for 12 years and I'm vested in its success. We struggle but we work hard. I want the children to feel stability at school and that everyone believes they can succeed. I believe the children will succeed when they see everyone is invested in them and expect them to. They need to know that failure is not an option. Our staff works very hard to be the best educators they can be. There is so much we teach our students and everyone in my school is so committed. I would like for us to have to opportunity to come together as a staff and share our successes. A staff bonding experience, we have had 4 principals in 5 years and this would helpful. The well being of our students and increasing parent involvement within the school, and in their child's education in general. Adult education is important as well - we have many illiterate parents in our school who may feel insecure about volunteering or assisting their child with school work. Building a strong sense of community...creating respect between teachers, parents, students,and the community. We are all in this together and in order to be effective we must ALL work together. If we have a strong foundation, we can build and mold a students future!!! It's all about the KIDS!!! I want my students to know that the education they receive in school is important to their everyday living after graduation. I want students to come to school with their daily needs met so they are prepared to learn. Being able to help individual students is critical. Allowing students to move at their own pace, within reason. Creating a culture of attending school regularly, being on time and recongizing that education is important, but takes dedicated work. Support of my administrators and colleagues, which I have. students' academic success What matters most is that I graduate students who have a post secondary plan. It is not enough to simply graduate students. As the senior counselor, I have successfully increased the graduation rate but still struggle to increase the college going rate. All apply, but many do not attend or complete college. Mentors could help in this capacity. Seeing students learn, graduate, enter an appropriate post-secondary program (college, technical training, vocation, or military) and complete it. I want our students to internalize achievement, so that when they leave us and our nuturing environment, they have the capacity to succeed in less nuturing environments. Rewarding success while discouraging bad behavior. Too often we reward our students who behave poorly with our attention, our time and our sympathy and those quiet students who are working hard tend to be completely forgotten. I know this is a problem at every school, BUT IT IS PREVALENT AT HOWARD. Our kids! I want them all to be successful learners and to surpass what is expected of them. That children are taught to recognize excellence and not settle for anything less than that. Exposing students to activities/experiences outside the school allows students to grasp a hold on what is out there for them besides what they have previously known. I believe this is being done by our Faculty and Staff. Learning and academic growth for all students! Ensuring academic growth and achievment, but also social and emotional growth as they become a young adults. I want my school to be a school of excellence! We are moving in the right direction and have made great strides. I want my school to be a place where the surrounding community is proud to send their children to get there education. Achieving our dream of creating a school of excellence in our neighborhood. The students and their ability to understand and utilize what i being taught to them and take it beyond high school What matters most is the ability to equip our students to become responsible citizens and be prepared for the next step, whether it be college/ voc. training/ or the workforce. LEADERSHIP! A school can only achieve as much as the leadership does. Lookout Valley Elementary has the ability to soar over the next few years with our new principal. That children have the time in school dedicated to exploration. More equipment and better technology for the classroom. We are very limited in equipment for the classroom.
  • 25. That my students recieve the social, emotional, and academic tools to graduate high school with a diploma and be self-sufficient members of society. To achieve that in elementary schools, teachers need time to plan inspiring instruction, money for materials, and people who can model tools for success to students. That each student has the tools and the support of adults to help them make better choices for themselves and their be the best citizen who has the potential to make a positive and better informed contribution to their world. That my students have the resources needed to achieve at their highest possible level. To see my students lead positive productive lives and careers. The kids matter the most to me! They are the reason that a person like me even thought about becoming an educator! They are the reason that I want to be the BEST possible educator I can be; for THEIR sake. Money helps buy things that can help teachers do their job better, sure. But it all boils down to this: to me, my students are EVERYTHING. That we graduate students ready to enter the workforce, college or the military and are productive citizens. that the children have a healthy learning enviornment I would like for ALL students to get opportunities to succeed and to learn and post high school options. The welfare of our students and evening the playing field. Students born in poverty are at an instant disadvantage the moment they are conceived. That all students are provided the chance to learn. Our students who have disruptive behavior take much valuable learning time away from the other students while the teacher deals with the problem student. That students who are not learning be tested to see if they qualify for special services. The well-being of our students is what meatters to me the most. Our motto here is to build productive citizens and that is what we strive to do. We want our student to be well rounded and achieve great things in their lifetime. Students having a vision past what their current situations are at home, valuing education and believing in themselves. Advocating for the students What matters to me is that we provide a safe environment and a fundmentally sound education for each one of our students. They come to us at all different levels and backgrounds. It is our responsibility to protect and educate each student in life long experiences. Our students' success. We need our students to understand how important education is to their future and to work hard to learn information that will make them informed citizens and lifetime learners. Having the students be more than profficient in a subject, and having them graduate. STUDENTS PREPARED TO MEET REAL WORLD CHALLENGES. That every student has the opportunity to achieve academic excellence in a safe learning environment. Student achievement and safety matters most to me in this school. FOR MY STUDENTS TO GET THE TOOLS THEY NEED TO BE ALL HE OR SHE CAN BE IN LIFE. IT START HER WITH US GIVING EACH STUDENT THE ENCOURAGEMENT TO TAKE THAT NEXT STEP I want the students to be successful which makes the school successful. It matters to me that we graduate students who are properly prepared to go into the real world and make a contribution to society. Our school should be the best in teaching, technology, equipment, and supplies so that our students are adequately prepared. * That the children are successful, as measured by the state but that they also take pride in their own achievements (academic, athletic, social, etc.) * That students and parents take ownership of their learning and not just be a passive passenger Our students must leave prepared for the work force, military, or college. I see students with potential that are wasting it. The students that all of our students are on grade level and graduate Teacher low moral and students not wanting to do their best.
  • 26. The education of my students. That each student reaches his/her full potential and that limited resources is not a deterent. The students who are failing in the 9th grade. If the students could have more contact with the business community perhaps that would they could see and hear how an education can help them secure a position in a company. I want my students to leave here with a plan for their futures and the support to obtain their dreams. Students must have a plan to acheive: It does not just happen. Incentives for parent participation would help! That we find a way to keep low achieving students in school and on track to graduate The students matter the most in regards to school. There is no school without the students. ALL students need a learning environment. Meeting as many needs of the students as possible is the biggest challenge faced by the teachers; therefore, each teacher also needs to feel his/her work is valued and appreciated. Students That my students get the best education possible and ultimately have great lives. It is always nice to have resources to help the students, to make learning more hand-on, and to be able to provide rewards and experiences that they might not experience otherwise. What matters most to me in regards to East Lake Elementary is exposure. The students need to be exposed to as much as possible to compete with their peers globally. The highest form of technologies, thew most updated information, the most insightful educational field trips, the abilities to perform to the best of their abilities without lacking. My most immediate concern is having the resources available to help our students. Unfortunately, since my funds are limited, it's impossible to keep the collections current. As This affects both students and staff. Most of our non-fiction is at least 10-15 years old. My most immediate need is for funds to update our library collections. Achievement and attendance. RESPECT Better perception in the community of the great things that are taking place. That all students have the opportunity to achieve success and that we provide them with what ever it takes to achieve that success - college visits - trips to local businesses - and a positive support system to help them toward a positive, productive, future! Student achievement and graduation. I would like to have the needed materials and support to reach all the students. -That we be successful, and that our students move on to be successful, productive citizens. The success of our students not only in school, but in life as well. Student/Teacher Morale Student Success Safety Physical Needs in our building Getting parents and students on board in valuing their community school and education. I hope we provide a loving and secure environment for all of our students , as well as an outstanding education. A community oriented environment for safe learning. The overall educating of all the students that are members of the Howard family. I want our school to remain open. I think small community schools are effective. A strong and understanding principal who knows curriculum is important. Dedicated, caring,professional teachers are essential. A strong sense of community is also very important. A calm, structured environment that is conducive to all students learning is important. What is your opinion of the "state of the State" with respect to education? - Responses
  • 27. It could be better. But at our school, we are working with what we have to get our kids ready for the real world. Some days the state really helps, other days it feels like they aren't on our team. I believe that the state is investing too much $ into programs and tests, when all we need is well-trained teachers, books, and pencil & paper. Put the $ into teacher training, not into another program. Also, invest in good teacher preparation academies. Many universities are just pushing teachers through-even if they fail their student teaching! Teachers are not given the respect that we deserve. I am concerned about the strings that will be attached to the money given to our states education program. I think the State is being reactive to the education decline instead of being proactive. Instead of the band-aide effect go to the heart. Provide for the front line...the STUDENT, TEACHER, & CLASSROOM. No more programs. Too much emphasis is placed on teacher education and too little on teacher support. Many teachers are turned loose to fend for themselves and are blamed for poor performance. More needs to be done to make sure teachers have all that they need to perform the best practices for student learning. Unfortunately our "state" is caught up in the same momentum as popular public opinion - the reason kids are not scoring as well on tests is the primary fault of the teachers. While teachers have a critical responsibility and as educators always have room for improvement, they are not the problem (generally). The state has put teachers in a very hard situation in that for years the TCAP has given students and parents a false sense of achievement. Moving from these low standards to an aggressive standards increase is a necessary but monumental task.Everyone says it is not expecting turn around in a year or two.I feel this will take many years to correct We are failing to educate young people on how to work, pay bills and raise a family reasonably. The new standards are more rigorous and relevent,needs to be more focus on addressing the challenges of successfully meeting the needs of urban students and English Language learners. We are throwing money at sypmtoms and not solving core issues. Our parents are not equipped to raise children and the kids want no more than what they see. The state is moving in the right direction with common core standards; however, I feel that urban children are not a priority. Urban children come to school behind, so they need more people, smaller class sizes, exposure to more technology and experiences, and devoted experienced people. I believe that the education system has not addressed this. They created pre-k programs which provide an opportunity for low income children be successful in school. Many teachers are frustrated with assessments and feel that they should not be judged by how well their students score on a test. A portfolio assessment with student work, test results, and writing assessments would be a more fair evaluation I believe Tennessee is headed in the right direction with the implementation of new, more rigorous state standards, as well as implementing more checks and balances for tenured teachers. The only problem I do have is "higher-ups" making classroom/school decisions when they haven't been in a classroom in years or spoken to teachers about issues. We often focus too much on test scores and numbers, when there is so so much more to a child and a school. We need to celebrate the little successes and growth of each student and school. I believe too much emphasis is placed on objective testing when we are trying to teach children to be subjective as we want higher order thinking to take place. To get higher order thinking, we must allow some subjectivity to the testing process and do away with multiple choice tests. The stat should let students show mastery through progress. Thse state and federeal government are spending significant sums for technology but we need more people. On the other hand the only way to meet the new rigorous standards is to individualize instruction, and technology appropriatley applied may be the best solution. (Programs similar to the developemental math program at UTC have been succesful. Teachers need support in areas of discipline and having time to teach instead of disciplining students I think that legislation has made meeting benchmarks nearly impossible. State standards have changed and there is a huge gap between the old standards and new standards. Teachers and students were not adequately prepared to meet them. On the other hand, accountability is crucial and neccessary.
  • 28. I think that Tennessee is heading in the right direction, but it will be a slow process toward achieving the goals set forth with higher standards and greater accountability. It is our job as stakeholders to scaffold students from where they are to where they now must be to be successful. I hope that RttT funding can help us achieve this. We won the race to the top funding, so either we need a lot of help or we have great grant writers. All I know is Chattanooga and one thing that is on the rise here that is and will continue to hurt education is gang activity. It is happening slowly, but it is getting worse and if Chattanooga doesnt do more to stop it there will be many problems. The standardized test that 2nd grade takes does not match our standards-- very difficult to prepare for! I think individual student gains and achievement should be the measure of growth and success and not standardized test results. None Due to cuts in budgets statewide, resources that schools and students desperately need have been cut. More schools are finding themselves not meeting academic standards due to the loss of several of these resources. Specifically, loss of personnel that allows more individualized instruction and remediation for at risk students. I believe that it is about effective teachers, especially in our lower performing schools. We can't place the blame on children not being able to learn. It is about teachers doing everything possible for their students to be successful. I think the changes that TN is making will be to everyone's benefit. I am choosing not to comment on this question. The state of the TN education needs a thorough overhaul. We have lacked in technology, science and math. If there are certain schools on our system that are not public and their teaching methodology has produced quantitative results then we need to adopt their teaching methods as well. The focus is on the ends and not the means. Many schools are being pushed up against the wall with regards to graduation rates. This is causing a serious detriment to the quality of learning. Focus must be put into the state of the family & community that shapes the educational atmosphere of the region. Tennessee is making progress but has a long way to go as far as effectively running our State Education Department. The state is striving to be a leader in expectations. My opinion on the "state of the State" is let's get moving in the right direction. Right now we are in the bottom 5 states for education funding and it definitely reflects in the schools and through the kids in this state. Why do you think there are so many private schools in this state. There is a reason for that. Student scores on high-stakes tests do not indicate teacher effectiveness in the classroom and therefore should not be used to reward or punish teachers professionally. Sad. Legislation has certainly brought the spotlight upon our children...but without the insight and perspective of educators. How can anyone hold that all children are equal and have equal access considering all that poor children must face everyday versus those same age children who enjoy every advantage that money and social stability provides. I'm not familiar with this, but it sounds like the economic condition of the state (TN) determines what classrooms are equipped with, thus influencing how they perform. I think the government should make education equal among all the states, and provide classrooms with equal equipment. Everyone is trying to deal with the financial crisis. I am brand new to this profession, and everything is a whirlwind at this point. I have just started my second semester, and I'm keeping my head above water. I do not deem myself qualified to give a well-informed response to this question. I do hear people talk, though, and the things I hear are usually fairly negative. It worries me. This country stives to educate all. As schools we somtimes struggle with this lofty goal, but teachers and staff at Lookout Valley High work extremely hard too make sure anyone that wants an education can be successful in attaining one. tennessee is loosing teachers at a rapid rate because ofthe lack of pay rate increases Definitely room for improvement, but things are so complicated. I feel that teachers feel more and more pressure to perform, but are not getting any more support and that they feel like they have to teach to the test.
  • 29. I feel that the State is doing the best it can do considering the lack of resources and the great demand it's impoverished citizen place upon it. However I think education of it's children and their parents is the answer. I taught in GA for 30 years. I have an ED S, 34 years of experience, and am National Board Certified in library/media. I am shocked at the difference in Hamilton County Schools as compared to Georgia's. Standards are not as rigorous, discipline is out of hand, school budgets are a joke. There are educational standards but no operating standards. We are doing the best we can with what has been given to us and with what is expected of us. I agree that teachers should be held accountable in respect to their students's education, however other pieces of the puzzle have to be considered i.e. parent involvement, student discipline issues, community involvement. Teachers in the State of Tennessee work diligently to ensure the students have opportunities and multiple avenues to acquire the material that is needed to succeed and be ready for post secondary education. Test results given in the state of the State report will indicate these advances in the coming years. I feel that too much emphasis is put on the state test rather than teaching ability in the classroom. A few questions over an entire years worth of information does not fairly indicate what a student has learned. Too many decisions are being made by individuals that have been out of the classroom along time or who have never taught at all. I am encouraged that the state has set the standards higher for all our students. While it will make our test scores look bad for a while, it is a positive step forward. Our students need to be on an equal footing with students from other states. People too far removed from the classroom appear to be making the decisions. RICH GET RICHER, POOR POORER. NASHVILLE CARES ABOUT NASHVILLE. SCHOOLS ARE NOT EQUITABLE THROUGHOUT STATE I think we are working steady to increase test scores at all grade levels and to ensure that all teachers are master teachers. The state of Tennessee is behind in academic achievement. Revamping the state standards and placing more accountability on the quality of teachers and practices is a positive movement in raising student achievement levels. Being able to identify individual school and student growth will be helpful to identifying specific needs with in the schools. WE CAN DO BETTER! The state wants more accountability, but where is the accountability for the parents who aren't there to teach or guide their own kids. I can only do magic in 1 hour a day for math five times a week. They are being too tough on teachers who teach with all their hearts and students aren't wanting to put forth the effort to learn. I feel that it is wrong to base half of teacher evaluation on test scores when teachers cannot be responsible for getting the students to school, making them do their homework at night, or forcing them to put forth the necessary effort when they are at school. We can make them behave, but we cannot move the pencil for them. We are so focused on testing that the student's other needs aren't always met. Passing a test doesn't equal success in life. - I am not convinced that we as a community are really supportive of a public education for all students. We are more worried about students passing tests than we are educating children I believe the state needs to listen to teachers across the state, not only to higher level administrators who have not been in the classroom in eons. Again, bring the older schools up to standards with the new schools in our district. The state is asking the impossible with No Child Left Behind. The goals are great, however what they want cannot be done by the teachers and administrators. The parents and students need to be more accountable. Our legislators are concerned with frivilous pursuits and have no idea how to educate students. Futhermore, they do not have the slighest idea how to adequately fund education. Needs improvement, less government and more local involvement. Our state has great economic problems that are holding our education system down. The new health policy for the teachers is not patient freindly. We are paying higher copays on most of the medicine which means I don't have money to help my needy students with paper, markers, glue, pencils, construction,tissue and lunch money.
  • 30. I think increasing the standards was a good move but we will have growing pains from the process. I have found that students rise to expectations and we must expect more. Our students need support from the community to succeed through programs after school and in the summer where they see a varity of jobs. Teachers should be paid more! none Education is struggling in Tennessee. Having chosen to change the standards and immediately expect to implement higher standands without benefit of a gradual increase to the students has put some students at a disaadvantage. Many students will rise to the challenge and be extremely successful; however, a limited few are choosing to shut down. Don't have one at this time I dont think they understand what teachers deal with in this changing society. I think we are too focused on test scores and numbers rather than human beings and their strengths and weaknesses. We need updated textbooks and technology to keep students interested and engaged. We need training for teachers who need to learn about the use of the new technologies available to them. In respect to education, their just seems to always be a lack, money issues and teacher quality issues in education. Im concerned with the level teacher and parental involvement with our students. I know Governor Bredesen made significant improvements in Tennessee's academic situation, but I also feel that local Boards of Education need to do more.That is a responsibility to both the familes and to the teachers, and if the local government agencies cannot support and pay their teachers, they're falling short of their responsibilities. Sadly, the state is losing it's ground on it's "Race to the Top". More specifically, inner-city schools lack the support of the community and parents in the struggle to get kids on level with the new state standards. I think that the state is doing a pretty good job running our school systems, I do feel that the lottery shoud be revamper to include secondary education more that it does. n/a That we can always do more - high needs schools need more in the way of extra support people. The jury is still out. None -NCLB is not realistic - on paper, it sounds wonderful but, in reality, it is more of a utopian idea. We need to meet students where they are - not all students are going to go to college, and that needs to be viewed as "acceptable." Students need to be prepared for their career, whatever that might be! We are moving in the right direction, trying to make Tennessee more competitive with other states and countries. This needs to be supported with the funding to support the move to higher standards. ? The recent raising of standards and and the restructuring of the State TCAP test is a good indicator that we are moving in the right direction for our children. I think they place too high of demands on teachers without sufficient rewards. I also feel like education has become too much about "the test". We need to be more realistic about what is important in learning. Going back to the basics in early education is vital for success in even the simple tasks or signatures, bank balancing, and care takers of our world. We are in need of quality instead of quanity education,and we are overlooking the role of vocational education in educating our students. We are in the process of improving.