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Scientific chart of the International Conference on Youth and
                     Islamic Awakening:
  Secretary General of the Conference: Dr. Ali Akbar Velayati
  Scientific secretary of the Conference: Dr. Abdullah Mobini

             Members of the Scientific Committee:
    Dr. Ibrahim Motaqi/ Dr. Manouchehr Mohammadi/ Dr.
  Seyyed Mohammad Raees-Zadeh/ Mohammad Ruivaran/
   Ali Mohammad Fouladi/ Dr. Hamid Reza Akhavan-Fard/
  Dr. Asghar Qaedan/ Dr. Mustafa Malakootian/ Dr. Hossein
  Sharifi Taraz-Karami/ Dr. Saeed Tavakoli/ Dr. Abdulhamid
   Sahrayi/ Ali Sabet/ Dr. Nabiollahi Rouhi/ Seyyed Mehdi
     Hosseini/ Dr. Niazi/ Dr. Reza Kalhor/ Dr. Hojjatollah
                   Izadi/ Dr. Mostafa Izadi
Papers of the International Conference on Youth and
                 Islamic Awakening

   Compiled by the scientific committee of conference

 Editors: Seyed Mehdi Hosseini, Tahereh Zare, Seyed
Kamaloddin Rafiee, Seyyed Hossein Hosseini, Maryam
            Layout: Rouholamini Institute
             Cover design: Abna’ Institute
              Translators: Abna’ Institute
               Publisher: Abna’ Institute
   First published in January 2012 (Bahman 1390)
                  Circulation: 2000
          02. An introduction to theoretical
          foundations of religious revolution and
          its formation and continuation

          30. Challenges facing the Islamic
          Awakening and role of youth in dealing
          with them

          60. Designing a Model for Civil and
          Islamic Institutions and Speculating
          on How to Implement It in Order
          to Maintain the Islamic Awakening

          80. Discourse Analysis of Identity and
          the Elements of Islamic Awakening on
          the Basis of the Comments of the Leader
          of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Ayatollah

          116. Effective factors of the Islamic
          Revolution of Iran on the Islamic
Awareness as viewed by the
                                249. The Role of the Youth
Supreme Leader Ayatollah
Khamenei                        in the Islamic Revolution
                                of Iran as a Model for
136. Impact of Iran’s Islamic   the Youth in the Islamic
Revolution and Iranian          Awakening
Supreme Leader’s Thoughts
on Muslim Youth                 284. Theoretical and
                                intellectual discussions and
184. Lebanese poet and          fundamental framework of
writer Mustafa Ghalayeeni       the Islamic awakening and
(Harbinger of Islamic           the youth: Explanation of
awakening in the 20th           the factors of authenticity,
                                preservation and survival of
                                the Islamic Awakening
206. The Political Fiqh in
Islam and its influence on the
                                319. Youth Islamic
Islamic Awakening Process
                                Awakening - Awaken the
226. THE ROLE OF                inner Conscience, Execute
IQBAL LAHOURI IN                Fears, Unite, Plan and
AWAKENING THE                   Organize to Achieve Victory
An introduction to theoretical foundations of
An introduction to theoretical foundations
    of religious revolution and its formation and

                                     Mostafa Malakootian PhD١

        Revolutions have broken out with different natures.
    However, no theorist in the field of revolution or
    revolutionary leader can claim that a revolution has
    occurred only for political, financial, or social state of a
    country. The main factor in the occurrence of a revolution
    is the society›s opinion, thought, cause, and will (Seyed
    Mohammad Bagher Sadr, Traditions of History in the Holy
      The emergence and representation is more evident
8   and obvious in religious revolutions. In the writing, after
    discussing some issues about the philosophy of revolution,
    which include some key questions, types of revolutions and
    some western theories about revolution, we will explain
    what a revolution is and how a religious revolution forms
    and finally we will open a discussion about the experiences
    of the Islamic Revolution for continuation of religious
      Considering that the Islamic Revolution of Iran is an
    ideal religious revolution, in the research we will utilize the
    revolution to prove the contents.
      Key questions about the phenomenon of revolution
      What is confined in the field of revolution is not out of the
    1.Associate professor, Tehran University, the Faculty of Political
International Conference on
                                           Youth and Islamic Awakening

following questions:
  1. What is a revolution?
  - The answer to the question involves the meaning,
concept, and features of a revolution and recounts the
differences between the phenomenon and relevant concepts
such as movement, reform, civil war, coup-dݎtat, etc. and
various types of revolution.
  In reply to the above question, different views, according
to their philosophies and standpoints, have not reached a
consensus of opinion about the meaning of revolution and
proposed various definitions. Considering the turmoil of
definitions about the phenomenon of revolution, the writer
intends to open a discussion on the common features of
revolutions and believes that in any credible definition of
revolution, the features should be considered. The features
will be mentioned in the writing.

  2. Why does a revolution occur?                                           9
  - Most revolutionary theories have been put forward to
answer the above question. In order to answer the question,
any theory concludes with several key factors and conditions
after its examination. In other words, after exploring for the
reason behind the occurrence of a revolution, researcher
finds the emergence of several factors which have caused
the occurrence of the revolution.
  For example, Structural-Functionalism theory, after a
sociological examination of variables like social systems,
recounts three conditions for occurrence of a revolution: the
decline of power or imbalance (value-environmental), the
dissension among governing elite and accelerating factors.
The conclusion recounts the reasons behind the occurrence
An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious...

     of a revolution from this viewpoint. (Chalmers Johnson
     1984 pp 9-134)

       3. How does a revolution occur?
       - Sometimes differentiating between the two questions,
     why and how a revolution occurs, is difficult in action.
     However, by saying how the revolutions occur two issues
     are raised, first, how the conditions that was mentioned in
     the second question — why does a revolution occur? — are
     created and second, after the creation of such conditions
     the continuation of the developments that is how and by
     what means the victory or defeat of the rebellions occurs. In
     other words, we should refer to the history of a country in
     which a revolution has broken out to find how the revolution
     occurred. And by finding a point, in which we can surely say
     that the government had enough legitimacy, acceptability,
     authority, and stability, we should follow the events that
10   occurred after the point and caused the government lose the
     legitimacy and stability, the events that caused the emergence
     of main and fundamental reasons behind the occurrence of
     the revolution, which were mentioned in the answer to the
     second question, and made the revolution inevitable. We
     should also take into account the conditions and events that
     caused the victory or defeat of the rebellions. It should be
     remembered that understanding how a revolution occurs is
     more difficult than why it occurs, and in historic analysis
     of revolutions, we will find numerous ways in which
     revolutions have occurred. Therefore, although we can find
     the main reasons behind the revolution in an easier way,
     summarizing the discussions concerning how a revolution
     occurs and proposing a theory is not that easy because of
International Conference on
                                            Youth and Islamic Awakening

the variety of historic routes of different revolutions.

  4. What impacts and effects does a revolution have on
the country, in which it occurs, region and the world?
  What methods have foreign states used to confront a
revolution which has threatened their colonialist interests?
  The works and writings about the phenomenon of
revolution are mainly in the area of the first three questions
mentioned above and the analyses of the fourth question
have relatively been rare. However, the internal effects of
revolutions are numerous and at most times they have been
historic. In an article titled «Revolution and International
Relations,» Holiday criticizes western authors› ignorance of
the international effects of revolutions and comments on the
campaigns of the world›s powers against the revolutions. He
also recounts the different aspects of revolutions› influence
over mutual or international relations and proposes some
writings in this field. However, Holiday himself did not                      11
examine the subject perfectly.
  This research is centered on questions 1 and 2, i.e. why
and how religious revolutions occur.

  Varieties of revolutions:
  Considering its long record, the phenomenon of revolution
has emerged with various faces up to now. Authors have
classified the phenomenon as following:

  A. The classification of revolutions according to the rate
and type of changes caused by them
  From this view, revolutions have been classified into two
groups: political and social revolution (large and great)
An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious...

       In the political revolutions changes are mostly social
     rather than political and in the worst state, the type of
     political regime changes. In these revolutions, the power
     of governmental structures may change and the political
     regime remains unchanged with the same name and form.
     Of course, there is no political revolution that does not cause
     any social changes. For example the Iranian Constitutional
     Revolution in 1906 is a political revolution.
       In the social revolutions, in addition to political changes,
     evident changes occur in the official culture, economic and
     political structures as well as foreign relations of a country.
       Revolutions in France (1789), Russia (1917), China (1949)
     and the Islamic revolution of Iran are instances of social
     or large revolutions. Of course, the Islamic Revolution of
     Iran, which can correctly be named great revolution, has
     had tremendous influences at national and international
     levels compared with other contemporary revolutions. At
12   the national level, the revolution caused the formation of a
     government based on divine causes with reliance upon the
     people›s votes. The revolution proceeded to make serious
     efforts to achieve quickly self-sufficiency and development
     in various areas. At the international level, the nature of the
     revolution and its leadership, the similarity between the
     political cultural situation of the Muslim world and that
     of Iran before the Islamic Revolution, the importance and
     strategic position of Iran and some other reasons caused
     the emergence of an exclusive model of reflection of a
     revolution on the regional and international issues.

      B. Geographical-Cultural classification
      One of the authors in the 20th century has divided the
International Conference on
                                                 Youth and Islamic Awakening

revolutions into two groups: Eastern revolutions and
Western revolutions.
  In this classification which is mostly geographical and to
some extent cultural, the priority of three issues is different.
The three issues are as follows:
  1. The breakup of power
  2. The revolutionaries› entrance to the scene
  3. The foundation of new political order

       Western revolutions                 Eastern revolutions
     1. The breakup of power         1. The revolutionaries› entrance
        (governing system)                     to the scene
 2. The revolutionaries› entrance   2. The institutionalization of new
           to the scene                       political order
  3. The institutionalization of         3. The breakup of power
        new political order                 (governing system)

  According to the author, in the western revolutions,                            13
everyone at once find that the government has no power
and its political, military and managing power is declining.
At this juncture, revolutionaries, who are mostly moderate,
enter the scene and then move away because of their
inability to meet the revolutionaries› demands and hand
over the power to the radicals. And then the new political
order is institutionalized.
  While in the Eastern revolutions, due to the power of
government which has not collapsed, rebellions who are not
generally moderate, take actions against the government
from jungles and mountains and if they occupy a place, they
will institutionalize the new political order and when they
capture the capital, the governing system collapses (Samuel
Huntington 1991).
An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious...

       Revolutions in France (1789), Russia (1917), China
     (1911), are among Western revolutions, and revolutions in
     China (1949), Cuba (1959), Vietnam (1975), and Algeria
     (1962) are among Eastern revolutions.
       As you see, the classification is geographical at first sight.
     But a revolution can occur in the East on the basis of a
     Western model, and a revolution in the West on the basis of
     an Eastern model.
       The Islamic revolution of Iran, which is a religious
     revolution, cannot be placed in those classifications,
     because at the time of its occurrence the government
     had not collapsed, and did not begin by the entrance
     of revolutionaries to the scene (moves in jungles and

       C. The classification of revolutions according to the
     nature of revolutionaries› demands
14     From the viewpoint of the nature of the revolutionaries›
     demands and requests, revolutions have divided into three
     groups: political revolution, economic revolution, and
     ideological (religious) revolution (Morteza Motahari, the
     surroundings of the Islamic Revolution, pp 23-43).
       For example the revolution occurred in France in 1789 is
     a political revolution due to its emphasis on liberalism and
     the revolution occurred in 1917 in Russia is economic due
     to its emphasis on the element of economics and the Islamic
     revolution of Iran, which occurred with an emphasis on the
     role of religion which itself includes political, economic,
     cultural, and social elements, is an ideological (religious)
       In this classification, the nature of revolutionaries›
International Conference on
                                            Youth and Islamic Awakening

demands is the criterion for placing revolutions in one of
the three groups and an ideological (religious) revolution
means a revolution in which leaders and the masses intend to
put their religious beliefs into practice rather than insisting
on only achieving freedom or equality like a number of
previous contemporary revolutions. In addition, their cause
has a political, social and economic nature.

  The classification of revolutionary theories
  Considering the multiplicity of the revolutionary theories,
some theorists have classified revolutions according
to their scientific approach or time of occurrence and
recounted famous examples for them. Two classifications
are mentioned as follows:
  1. Stan taylor has divided the theories about the occurrence
of revolutions into four groups: sociological, psychological,
economic and political.
  In the sociological theories there is an emphasis on                       15
sociological factors like social classes and stratifications,
for instance, Structural-Functionalism theory by Chalmers
Johnson. In psychological theories there is emphasis on
the psychological factors like personality of individuals,
the mental conditions of society and issues like an increase
in the expectations or feeling deprivation, for instance,
‹J-curve› theory by James Chowning Davies and Relative
deprivation theory by Ted Robert Gurr.
  In the economic theories and in the Marxists› ideas, the
economy is considered foundation or is a key factor, and
finally in the political theories there is an emphasis on the
political factors, for instance, Resource mobilization theory
by Charles Tilly.
An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious...

       The Islamic Revolution of Iran as a genuine religious
     revolution was a challenge for theories about revolutions
     because the roles of cultural factors were outstanding
     compared with social, political and economic factors.
     Cultural factors like the clerics and mosques had independent,
     conceptual and coordinator roles in the revolution.
       2. In the other famous classification, Jack Goldstone has
     divided theories about revolutions in the 20th century into
     three generations and after the Islamic Revolution of Iran
     and other revolutions in late 20th century proposed the
     fourth generation.
       A. First generation includes years between 1900 and 1940
     and persons like Pitirim Sorokin, Crane Brinton, Samuel
     P. Huntington, Charles A. Ellwood. What was important to
     the generation was description of a revolutionary process
     and explanation of the signs of a revolutionary situation
     (Goldstone, 1980: 425-427). The theorists focused on
16   the description of past famous revolutions like the French
     Revolution and did not make any effort to provide a
     theoretical explanation of the phenomenon of revolution.
       B. Second generation theorists sought to develop detailed
     theories of why and when revolutions arise, grounded in
     more complex social behavior theories. They can be divided
     into three major approaches: psychological, sociological
     and political.
       The works of Ted Robert Gurr, Ivo K. Feierbrand, Rosalind
     L. Feierbrand, James A. Geschwender, David C. Schwartz
     and Denton E. Morrison fall into the first category. They
     followed theories of cognitive psychology and frustration-
     aggression theory and saw the cause of revolution in the
     state of mind of the masses, and while they varied in their
International Conference on
                                            Youth and Islamic Awakening

approach as to what exactly caused the people to revolt (e.g.
modernization, recession or discrimination), they agreed
that the primary cause for revolution was the widespread
frustration with socio-political situation.
  The second group, composed of academics such as
Chalmers Johnson, Neil Smelser, Bob Jessop, Mark Hart,
Edward A. Tiryakian, Mark Hagopian, followed in the
footsteps of Talcott Parsons and the structural-functionalist
theory in sociology; they saw society as a system in
equilibrium between various resources, demands and
subsystems (political, cultural, etc.). As in the psychological
school, they differed in their definitions of what causes
disequilibrium, but agreed that it is a state of a severe
disequilibrium that is responsible for revolutions.
  Finally, the third group, which included writers such
as Charles Tilly, Samuel P. Huntington, Peter Ammann
and Arthur L. Stinchcombe followed the path of political
sciences and looked at pluralist theory and interest group                   17
conflict theory. Those theories see events as outcomes of a
power struggle between competing interest groups. (Ibid,
  C. Third generation of theories was formed in mid-1970s
and with writers such as Theda Skocpol, Barrington Moore,
Jeffrey Paige and others expanding on the old Marxist class
conflict approach, turning their attention to rural agrarian-
state conflicts, state conflicts with autonomous elites and
the impact of interstate economic and military competition
on domestic political change. Particularly Skocpol›s States
and Social Revolutions became one of the most widely
recognized works of the third generation; (Eisenstadt, 1978:
86/ Godstone, 1980: 435-437)
An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious...

       The 1970s was a decade during which the third generation
     became prevalent. Between the years 1970 and 1990 a
     number of revolutions occurred which were indicative
     of the fact that the theories had serious problems. In the
     Iranian and Nicaraguan Revolutions of 1979, multi-class
     coalitions toppled dictators that were backed by Western
     superpowers. In Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union big
     changes occurred in the systems on the basis of public
     demonstrations and protests rather than class struggle, and
     dictatorial regimes were overthrown. None of them could
     be explained by theories based on the few occasions in the
     history of Europe and China (Geldstone,2001/ Farhi, 1990).
     The occurrence of the Islamic Revolution questioned the
     theory of Skocpol in her book titled “States and Social
     Revolutions” in such a way that in 1982 in an article titled
     “Rentier State and Shi›a Islam in the Iranian Revolution,”
     she retracted her words that said revolutions are not made;
18   they happen, and wrote that if there was only one revolution
     in the world that was made by a conscious revolutionary
     movement, the Iranian Revolution would be that revolution,
     and in this way emphasized the roles of leadership and the
     causes (Skocpol 205-206, 189-190).
       Problems of third generation theories in analyzing new
     revolutions, paved the way for the fourth generation of
     theories which are now in the making. Undoubtedly, the
     Islamic Revolution of Iran was one of the most important
     revolutions that challenged the third generation theories.
     The significant role of culture, leadership and the cause in
     the Islamic Revolution is the most important addition to
     the discussions over revolutions. The Islamic Revolution
     of Iran also challenged the enlightened theories of wisdom
International Conference on
                                           Youth and Islamic Awakening

(the spread of liberal freedom).
  Not using weapons in the Islamic Revolution and moving
through protests, rallies and public protests dissociate the
revolution from other revolutions.
  In the new situation, Jack Goldstone, who divided theories
about revolutions into three generations, talked about the
eruption of the fourth generation of theories in scientific
and academic circles in a paper titled «Towards a Fourth
Generation of Revolutionary Theory».
  Goldstone says it seems that the third generation of
revolutionary theories is over; however the dominance of
the fourth generation has not occurred yet. The generation
has regarded stability as the main issue and focused
on the conditions that regimes preserve over time. The
generation proves the significant role of issues on identity,
ideology, gender, networks and leadership and regards the
revolutionary processes and output data as the outcome of
interaction among multilateral actors (Goldstone: 2001,                     19
  According to Foran, the two revolutions occurred in Iran
and Nicaragua prepared the way for the emergence of the
fourth generation. A generation which dissociates itself from
sheer structural and determinism viewpoints and values
the roles of culture, ideology, mobilization of resources,
unbalanced development and so on (Moshirzadeh 34 -1995,
Foran 1993).

  Nature of a religious revolution
  Professor Morteza Motahari has defined revolution as
a revolt and rebellion against governing system to create
a favorable system which is associated with the sense
An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious...

     of oppression, aggression and the spirit of rejection of
     oppression and unfavorable situation. According to his
     words, the orientation of divine movements is toward the
     deprived but its origin is not only the deprived. In this
     regard, he wrote that the Islam addresses all social classes
     and groups, whether the haves or the haves-not, because
     within each Pharaoh, there is a good human in shackles, of
     course, the poor usually say yes to God›s invitation, because
     the oppressor should give back the poor’s rights and ignore
     their own interests if they say yes to God›s invitation, but
     the poor by doing this say yes to their nature and also gain
       On the features of an Islamic revolution, Professor
     Motahari says «We know that Islam is not pure spirituality,
     as the westerners’ notion about religion. This fact not only
     applies to the current revolution (the Islamic Revolution of
     Iran), but it also applies to the revolution of early Islam.
20   The revolution of early Islam was a political and religious
     revolution. While it was a spiritual and political revolution
     it was also an economic and financial one. It means that
     there are the concepts of freedom, justice, the absence of
     discrimination among social classes and social gaps in the
     context of Islamic teachings.
       It was thanks to the replacement of these concepts in the
     minds of the masses that our recent movements became
     epidemic and comprehensive. The movement was both
     rural and urban. Urban and rural, rich and poor, workers and
     farmers, open-minded and ignorant, all and all, participated
     in this movement. And it was also thanks to the Islamic
     nature of the movement that all groups joined together.
     The more important fact than the coordination is that our
International Conference on
                                              Youth and Islamic Awakening

movement could tell people that they have their own school
and independent thought and that they can stand on their
own feet, and rely only on themselves.»

  If we suppose that the following features of a society can
lead to the occurrence of a revolution, all the features will
have a religious origin in a religious revolution:
  1. The alienation of society from current situation
  2. The spread of new alternative causes
  3. The leadership role and its structures
  4. The role of the masses
  5. The spread of the revolutionary spirit and the sense of
  6. The change in cultural political and economic conditions

  1. Considering the intellectual contents of a religious
society, dissatisfaction with the current situation occurs                     21
when individuals find that what occurs in the political, social
and economic areas in their community are in consistent
with their thoughts and intellectual contents which are the
product of the religious culture of their country.
  2. In a religious society, people are generally and rapidly
attracted by those revolutionary causes that are more
compatible with them which are religious causes.
  3. In these communities, religious leaders occupy the role
of leadership of revolutionary movements and pave the way
for the victory of the revolution with less casualties and
damages through devising special strategies.
  4. In a religious society, religion plays a substantial role in
the formation of revolutionary causes, and its contents like
An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious...

     opposing to oppression, seeking martyrdom, and complying
     with religious duties play important roles in creating the
     revolutionary spirit and leading the revolutionary movement
     toward its victory.
       5. Religious revolution has the support of religious
     people who are ready to devote themselves to their causes.
     The purpose of these revolutions is not only political or
     financial, but people want to put their religious causes into
     practice which has also political and economic dimensions.
     At this juncture, the elements of religion and faith create an
     astonishing power which pushes aside the political power
     and its foreign supporters and prevent them to pursue any
     initiative. The situation was evident during the occurrence
     of the Islamic revolution which could achieve victory
     despite the enormous power of Pahlavi regime.
       In summary we can say that a religious revolution - that
     has a historical-religious culture, religious causes, religious
22   leadership and faithful people – is possible to occur at the
     time of the regime’s contempt for the people and its anti-
     religious behaviors in cultural, political and economic areas,
     the backwardness of the country, and so on. The conditions
     are currently seen in the Arab Middle East countries.

       Formation and success of the religious revolutions
       For the formation of a religious revolution with the
     mentioned features some issues are necessary. What
     has been seen in every revolution is the bipolarization
     of the society, i.e. a conflict between two forces and the
     impossibility of resolving the conflict: political power and
     social (revolutionary) power (Manouchehr Mohammadi
     1986 – pp 71-72)
International Conference on
                                              Youth and Islamic Awakening

  In addition, the total power of a society should be much
more than that of political power in order that a revolution
achieves victory. Of course, by power here we do not mean
only the material and tangible factors such as number of
partners in power, military power, economic power and
or external support. The intangible factors of power like
the power of faith and the cause, influence and leadership
strategies and competencies, and depth of the revolutionary
spirit, etc. should be taken into account in examining the
  1. The role of political power’s features and measures
  A dependent, authoritarian and inefficient political power
takes some social, cultural and political measures which
are not accepted by the society and in this way lead the
community into bipolarization.
  The sense of alienation from the current situation in a
religious revolution is much more than that sense in a secular
revolution. In a secular revolution, demands, which mostly                     23
relate to wealth, prosperity, and participation in political
power and the like, may end in reformist compromise
after the withdrawal of the government. And possibly even
secular triumphed revolutions, accept to return to previous
conditions after the revolution due to accepting the global
rules and lack of vigilance against pseudo-friends.
  In a religious revolution, the national humiliation, political,
cultural, economic dependencies, wide gaps between
social classes and westernization of the government are
much more outstanding thanks to the religious cultural and
historical public views.
  Of course, the role of the revolutionary leaders at this
stage is crucial, in such a way that it is dangerous to trust
An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious...

     demagoguery and efforts of the enemies.
       2. The role of social power’s features and measures
       Social power in religious revolutions includes the causes
     of religious revolution, leadership of religious revolution,
     and faithful people.
       The combination of the three elements, which have the
     same origin, causes unity and a tremendous power in a
     revolutionary situation, and can lead to the victory of the
     revolution. The causes of a religious revolution, which are
     combined with the element of religious faith, are genuine
     and their holders rarely give up to the worldly promises of
     dependent regimes. Similarly, religious leaders prefer to
     achieve spiritual objectives rather than worldly affairs due
     to their piety.
       When the religious masses are added to the two elements,
     and when the concepts martyrdom seeking, sacrifice and the
     sense of religious duty enters the revolutionary movement,
24   political power is weakened and becomes feeble facing the
       In religious revolutions (or any other revolution) the
     best result will be achieved only when the leadership has
     unity within itself and exude self-confidence as well as a
     strong will, and choose right strategies based on the current
       3. Counterrevolutionary measures of foreign powers
       As soon as a revolution occurs, especially a religious
     one, the hegemonistic powers begin to make every effort to
     preserve their colonialist interests according to the current
     situation. As we can see in the Islamic awakening current,
     in the Arab revolutions occurring in the North Africa and
     the littoral states in the Persian Gulf region, the efforts
International Conference on
                                             Youth and Islamic Awakening

by the foreign powers include a range of measures from
military intervention for seemingly humanitarian reasons
(such as in Libya, the powers entered the political game in
order to preserve their interests) to the measures like asking
the leaders of a country to assign the power to the military
forces (such as in Egypt and Tunisia in order to have time
for making changes in favor of themselves) as well as
measures like paving the way for military interventions of
neighbor countries (such as in Bahrain and Yemen). The
foreign domineering powers facing the revolutions may
also take other measures like direct military intervention if
national and international conditions allow them to do so,
for instance the direct military intervention of the United
States in Vietnam (1965-1975) which ended in infamous
failure. They also make efforts to penetrate weak elements
among revolutionaries, to impose economic sanctions after
the victory revolutions and so on, although they mostly
fail. The failures, especially in the religious revolutions, are              25
broader and more intense, because there is no element of
faith in their political terminology, and they are unaware of
its power.
  4. The experiences of the Islamic Revolution for
continuation of religious revolutions
  The Islamic Revolution of Iran as an excellent model
of religious revolutions, which is unique in the features
mentioned for revolutions, has been able to preserve its
dynamics, remove the enemies› masks and witness their
growing weakness with its ever-increasing power.
  Considering the history of developments after the victory
of the Islamic Revolution, It can be said that the key factors
of the victories of the revolution are as follows, excluding
An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious...

     the prominent role of the powerful leaders of the revolution
     over the past 33 years:
       1. Writing and adopting a religion-oriented constitution
       After the victory of a revolution, writing a constitution is
     one of the first measures of the revolutionaries. Obviously
     the ideals and causes of a religious revolution can be
     achieved only through a religious constitution, and any
     effort by revolutionaries to evade the issue may prepare
     the ground for a return to the previous conditions and the
     surrender to the hegemonistic powers.
       2. Establishment of revolutionary institutions
       In order to mange affairs during the occurrence of a
     revolution, avoid returning the previous conditions, and
     achieve the causes and objectives of the revolution, it
     is necessary to establish revolutionary institutions. For
     instance, Imam Khomeini (RA) stated that if the Islamic
     Revolution Guards Corps did not exist, the country would
26   not exist either. Generally, in a religious revolution, the
     future of the revolution should be guaranteed though
     establishing such institutions as circumstances may allow.
       3. Maintaining and sustaining the objectives and slogans
     of the revolution
       Constant attention to the slogans means enlivening
     the revolution and preparing the ground for achieving
     objectives. Among the slogans, the slogan of the role of
     religion in government and the slogan of independence
     is very important and vital. Countries that have lost their
     independence after their revolutions had no significant
       The religious revolutions have global messages. In case
     of ignorance to the principle of Export of revolution, find
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                                           Youth and Islamic Awakening

themselves surrounded by the global counter-revolution.
The revolutions, which have gained their driving force from
unity based on religious causes, if move toward dissension,
will face serious problems in promoting and preserving the

  4. Making efforts to build an advanced and self-sufficient
  Advances in science, technology and industry and having
developed and self-sufficient economy are an authentic
religious value. Islam has advised Muslims to avoid affairs
causing the dominance of infidels and polytheists over them.
The Islamic Revolution of Iran proved that it is possible to
withstand pressures and imposed sanctions and to prepare
the grounds for being at the height of your success and
self-confidence with reliance upon your independence and
  From the four questions concerning the phenomenon of
revolution, the analysis focused on two questions: what is a
religious revolution? And why does occur?
  The writing also regarded a religious revolution as a great
revolution in which the leaders and the masses are seeking
to put their religious thoughts and ideas into practice.
  In the research, the Islamic Revolution of Iran, whose
occurrence challenged the revolutionary theories and
changed their generations, was also regarded as an excellent
model of religious revolutions.
  Recounting the conditions which lead to the occurrence
of a revolution, the research highlighted the religious
An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious...

     nature of the conditions in a religious revolution. On the
     formation of a religious revolution, It also explained that
     bipolarization of society and dispute between social power
     and political power is the main condition for the occurrence
     of a revolution and the superiority of social power (tangible
     and intangible) over the political power is the reason behind
     the victory of revolution. It also emphasized that the power
     of faith can create a complete unity among the forces.
       In the end, the writing proposed four examples of the most
     important experiences of the Islamic Revolution to serve as
     strategies for sustaining religious revolutions.

     1. Skocpol. Theda, States and Social Revolutions, translated by Seyed
     Majid Rointan, Tehran, Soroush, 1997.
     2. Johnson. Chalmers, Revolutionary Change, translated by Hamid
     Eliasi, Tehran, Amir Kabir, 1984.
     3. Sadr. Seyed Mohammad Bagher, Traditions of History in the Holy
28   Quran, translated by Seyed Jamal Mousavi, Qom, Islamic Publications
     office, Bita
     4. Green. Gerald, «Mobilizing the Opposition in Iran,» Comparative,
     Theoretical Historical Studies on Revolution, Jack Goldstone (Editor),
     translated by Mohammad Taghi Delafrooz, Tehran, Kavir, 2006.
     5. Mohaamadi. Manouchehr, an Analysis of the Islamic Revolution,
     Tehran, Amir Kabir, 1986.
     6. Moshirzadeh. Homeira, «A Brief Look at the Revolutionary Theories
     in Social Sciences,» series on the Islamic Revolution and its roots, Qom.
     7- Motahari. Morteza, the Surroundings of the Islamic Revolution,
     Qom, Islamic Publications Office, Bita
     8 - Malakootian. Mostafa, «Revolution from Beginning to End; Review
     of Seven Common Features of Revolution», Journal of Law and
     Political Science, No. 57, October 2002.
     9- Eisenstadt, Revolution and the Transformation of Societies, New
     York: Free Press, 1978.
     10- Farhi. F, States and Urban - based Revolution: Iran and Nicaragua,
International Conference on
                                                Youth and Islamic Awakening

Urbana & Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 1990.
11- Foran. John, «Theories of Revolution Revisited: Toward Fourth
Generation?» Social Theory, 11, 1993.
12- Goldstone. Jack, «Theories of Revolution: The Third Generation»,
World Politics, 32, 1980.
13- Goldstone. Jack, «Toward a Fourth Generation of Revolutionary
Theory», Annu. Rev Sci: 2001, 4:XX, Copyright 2001, by Annual

An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious...
Challenges facing the Islamic Awakening and
role of youth in dealing with them

                                      By Salman Karamian
                                        Ismail Hemmatian

  Introduction and significance of the problem:
  Emergence of the Islamic awakening wave, triggered by
nations’ will and guided by committed Islamic intellectuals,
has caused a tremendous evolution among international
governing systems in the early 21st century.
  Islamic awakening, which had previously led to weaken
world powers and had caused great movements in Islamic
world, has entered into a new phase of evolvement and
growth now. It is of an Islamic, cultural, social and political
nature that on the one hand has developed fundamental
changes in international, regional and global equations
and on the other hand, its reflection has led to new Islamic
movements coming out in the region as well as all over the
world. The influence has been so much that a new literature,
named theory of Islamic awakening, has been created. This
is not a political or nominal theory, but a multidimensional,
precise, scientific which is one based on facts and functions
as a serious reaction against Western colonialism.
   The Islamic and revolutionary nature of Islamic awakening
wave will lead to fundamental changes in future structure
of international system. The spread’s moving forward and
picturing its future desirable perspectives is so difficult as
the influences of these revolutions are enormous.
  In the awakening movement and its deconstructionist
directionality, we can observe recognition of colonialism,
An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious...

     moving away from modern political culture and approaching
     a new political culture.
       Therefore, identifying challenges and newly emerged
     problems in national, regional and global context is
     essential. In such situation, a new discourse is needed to
     present solutions and create revolutionary directions at the
     appropriate time.
       The process of determining challenges, with which Islamic
     awakening movement is faced, has been done through
     identifying weak points and strong points in domestic
     context, foreign opportunities and treats and ultimately
     considering them altogether as well as the effect of social,
     cultural, political and economical stimulants. This process
     is evolved by developing a strategic management, picturing
     a desirable future perspective, recognizing the influences of
     the awakening movement and having a thorough knowledge
     of its capacities. So in this paper, the most important problem
32   is identifying challenges with which Islamic awakening
     movement is faced. We will introduce these challenges and
     will present some solutions for them.
       Challenges encountering Islamic awakening movement:
       The third wave of Islamic awakening is a result of Marxism
     and liberalism inefficiency and empowerment of Islamic
     groups. As supreme leader of Islamic revolution says,”
     Talking of Islamic awakening was previously regarded
     as a kind of exaggeration and judged as out of reach, but
     today it is not surprising because of all Moslems’ being
     awakened and substantial deficiencies of world powers
     being revealed.”
       He has pointed out somewhere else that,” Islamic
     awakening will lead to developing an Islamic and
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                                           Youth and Islamic Awakening

international government which is one of the important
features of future third wave of awakening.” In his point
of view, the third wave of Islamic awakening in the world
occurred after Islamic revolution of Iran and thereby gave
hope to Moslem people in the region. It collapsed the false
idea of United States and Soviet Union, two superpowers
in the world, being unbeatable and showed people that they
can stand against them independent from Western or Eastern
blocs. Hence, after first wave of Islamic awakening, the next
waves subsequently happened. At the present condition, we
see the third wave of Islamic awakening which is a result
of strengthening theoretical basis and developing Islamic
groups in the region. As we move forward from the first
move to the third one, three main issues in theoretical and
practical context manifest themselves more:
  ● Increase in power of Islamic groups
  ● Emerging movements calling for Islam in the region
  ● Elimination of rival ideologies i.e. Marxism, liberalism,               33
  The abovementioned issues become intensified with
Islamic movements moving forward. However, since
Islamic awakening wave has challenged all equations of
colonial powers in the region, it has been considered as
a serious threat to world powers and we will deal with
the most important challenges encountered in Islamic
awakening movement.
  • Cultural invasion of the foreign and identity crisis
  After collapsing Soviet Union regime and subsequent
stopping cold war between west and East blocs, Western
countries, having six years of military experience in all
over the world, changed their tactics in order to reach
An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious...

     their strategic goals. They knew that after collapsing the
     communist Soviet, it is the power of Islam that stand against
     their wills, because this power had increased after Islamic
     revolution of Iran. Western countries focused on finding a
     way to standing against Islamic movements in Middle East
     region and Islamic world.
       Western countries, United States in particular, that
     regarded themselves as the absolute superpowers on the
     world adopted a policy of military and weaponry blockage
     as well as cultural war. The latter, named cultural invasion
     by supreme leader became the most important strategy of
     them. It refers to software-related measures with the aid
     of hardware such as media in order to gain the dominant
     culture of the world and prevent noble cultures such as
     Islamic culture to enter international arena. So Western
     world has tried to gain cultural dominancy based on its
     military power (NATO) with the aim of: firstly to restrain
34   noble cultures (Islamic culture) and secondly introducing
     Western culture as the superior and dominant culture of the
     world. Undoubtedly, their primary tactic to stand against
     Islamic awakening wave in intellectual dimensions was
     cultural invasion, as named by supreme leader, and making
     use of Moslems’ ignorance. However, gradually and after
     power of Islam being revealed in West and East, cultural …
     has turned to a phenomenon which is no longer evident and
     tangible. It refers to a series of policies adopted by West,
     especially United States, which aim is to oppose against
     Islamic awakening movement and the Islamic nature of
     recent movements. They attempt to annihilate the youth
     identity and neutralize their influence on the movement.
     Therefore, the most important challenge encountered
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in Islamic awakening movement is cultural invasion of
imperialist powers and lack of a strong strategy on an
Islamic basis with an interacting approach to culture. In this
regard, the most important aims of enemies are as follows:
  ●annihilation of national identities of freedom-seeking
nations, particularly Islamic countries, and weakening their
hope in becoming independent
  ●strengthening global Zionism and at the same time
weakening Moslems and Islamic awakening wave
  ●expansion of false religions and sects such as Vahabiat
and other made up heresies in Islamic countries in order to
… among them
  ●intellectual and moral deviation of youth through
importing ruinous and unethical products
  ●strengthening Western capitalist system through
contemptuous means and behaviors towards Moslems
  ●distorting religion and pushing Moslems away from
noble and pure knowledge of Islam                                           35
  ●presenting Western astray models in individual and
social contexts
  ●intellectual and cultural permutation
  2. Making Islamic movements democrat
  Increasing changes in the region as well as the world,
which has started since two or three decades ago, has been
accelerated by occurrence of Islamic awakening wave
in Moslem countries. Meanwhile, domination-seeking
of imperialist powers has increased. Avarice of world
arrogance and international Zionism with the aim of making
Islamic movements democrat, is one of their strategic
and long-term policies to annihilate Islamic principles.
Therefore, the importance and necessity of studying and
An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious...

     following these changes has been reminded repeatedly
     by supreme leader. As he says,” one of the new concepts
     in political discourse of imperialist powers dominating
     international system is wealthy power-seeking stratum’s
     attempt to take control of vital and economical resources of
     the world which is a preface to ultramodern colonialism.”
     He points out somewhere else that,” The very important
     issue is increasing dominance of United States on Islamic
     countries’ political, economical and even military reserves.
     This cruel and dominance-seeking superpower, after
     collapsing of Soviet Union and elimination of this powerful
     rival, aims to turn all over the world and also rich region of
     Islamic countries to its own absolute arena.” So we should
     notice that colonialism and imperialism goals have so far
     demonstrated that they have many clear and hidden faces
     tangled with all dimensions of subaltern societies. In most
     cases, these faces are philanthropic, peace-seeking, and
36   freedom-seeking and promotion of prosperity in surface
     which are truly snarls in the way of nations. It is crystal
     clear that by being aware of the appearance of these tricks
     we can release from these snarls and by following efficient
     and provident policies we can make keep colonial countries
     away from reaching their goals. As one of the methods of
     ultramodern colonialism is constant and indirect occupation
     with passing political governors by and without protest of
       Now because of spread of Islamic awakening wave and
     inclinations toward political and revolutionary Islam, many
     of colonial structures in the region and in also in the world
     have undergone drastic changes. Islamic awakening, i.e.
     revival of true Islam which is one of the earlier outcomes
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of revolutions happened in the region, create basis for
emergence of Islamic movements after a period of inactivity
and quietness.
  Intellectual-political streams are happening in an unknown
and surprising condition. So there are various interpretations
in recognizing and analyzing the phenomenon of Islamic
revolutions and the way to treat them. Thus, strategic and
policy-making centers in powerful governments have
presented various and changing solutions and have tried to
conceal their failure in standing against Islamic awakening
and its consequences as well as their concerns about
drastic changes in the structure of imperialist system and
international exploitation. Besides they have attempted to
make a new complicated policy in the post-Cold War era
and follow it intensively in order to develop global modern
  Reviewing Western colonialism history in both old and
modern colonial era indicates that colonialism has followed                 37
the way to reach its goals in economical, political, cultural,
social, confidential and scientific dimensions and has
had influences on other societies. Knowing ultramodern
colonialism necessitates a comprehensive look at ultramodern
methods applied by possessors of power and wealth in the
world. So we can say that this kind of colonialism, which
has started with a sense of domination of liberalist ideology
on other ideologies, is a new all-embracing structure that
seriously threatens intellectual and structural dimension of
Islamic world. Dimensions of this structure are threatening,
devastating, widespread and various. Imperialism seeks
its dominance and superiority on Islamic world and tries
to achieve this goal in any possible way. For this goal to
An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious...

     be achieved it needs to eliminate its rivals and enemies. It
     has found the main cause of its problems in Middle East
     region and Islamic world; thus with occurrence of Islamic
     movements in the region, their influence on global equations
     increases. Consequently, Imperialism , in order to reach
     dominance over Islamic movements, apply methods some
     of which are as follows:
       ●priority of cultural dominance over military dominance
       ●infiltrating Western agents to temporary transitional
       ●inspiring inefficiency of religious democratic system in
     controlling Islamic countries’ affairs
       ● creating social and cultural crisis as well as individual
     and cultural alienation
       ●making standards and presenting Western models
       ●creating more inequity and more social, ethnic and
     religious gaps
38     ●focusing on new capitalist centers in Islamic nations for
     realization of colonialism
       ●increasing individualistic activities, seclusion of
     influential figures and minimizing social participation of
     committed elites
       ●creating economical dependence and expansion of
     market in Islamic awakening wave countries
       ●changing people taste and making them consume more
       ●managing public thoughts and changing their direction
     towards the benefits of Imperialism
       3. stopping, deviating or slackening the Islamic awakening
       Onset of Islamic movements in north Africa and
     Southwest Asia, their passing from emergence phase to
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                                           Youth and Islamic Awakening

reach stability and establishing temporary transitional
governments, is indicative of the profoundness of Islamic
thoughts and noble nature of revolutions made by people in
the region. Continuity of these movements, their influence
on outside geographical area of Islamic world and other
freedom-seeking societies following this trend leads to
fomenting fear of Islamic awakening wave among other
puppet regimes and governments representing Imperialism
and Western liberal-democracy in the region. Hence,
endangering situation and benefits of imperialist systems
in the region (and their supporters/ counterparts) has led
to adoption of preventing and defensive policies in order
to impede the accelerated movement of Islamic awakening
  Hence, imperialism is trying to impede the awakening
movement through hidden and apparent measures,
propaganda, sanctions (economical, military, political,
etc), military operations, enticing and persuading former                   39
dictator regimes remaining in the region, subversion and
entering to vital infrastructures of countries. As supreme
leader says,” Their main goal is to assassinate influential
figures of us. They want to seclude Islamic values and
suppress the Islam-seeking wave. The United States and
other imperialist countries are using all their propaganda
opportunities to delay, or suppress if possible, Islamic
awakening movement.” But since these revolutions are
derived from intellectual values and aware nature of
freedom-seeking Moslems who are subjects of cruelty and
injustice, it is impossible to stop it. It will be accelerated
and intensified. , committed intellectuals, politicians and
all influential figures in Islamic movements should be
An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious...

     cognizant in order to guide the movement properly and
     manage it in its right path.
       4. Creating ethnic, racial, religious and tribal gaps
       One of the influential challenges encountering Islamic
     awakening wave is creating ethnic, racial, religious and
     tribal gaps done by imperialist powers to make divisions
     and alter Islamic integrity among different groups in Islamic
     countries. Religious identity, history and civilization and
     national honors all are ultra-national identities that affect
     individual identities of warriors and prepare a ground
     to unite Islamic world in its movements on the basis of
     religious, intellectual, cultural, political, revolutionary
     identity. Undoubtedly it is not ignored by imperial analysts
     and as supreme leader points out,” Quran pays attention
     to integrity and warns us that if we lose our integrity, we
     will lose our respect and identity too. Unfortunately, this
     problem exists in Islamic world today. There are lots of
40   conspiracies against Moslems and it show that they are
     afraid of Islamic awakening wave and integrity among
     Islamic world.” Imperial theorists and analysts attempt to
     alter the essence of movements happened in the region and
     show their nature something apart from Islamic identity and
     thereby create ethnic quarrels among Islamic groups. They
     try to achieve their goal through presenting Islamophobia
     and Iranophobia projects, exaggerating the danger of
     fundamentalism and making Moslems despondent in their
       Therefore, all social classes, tribes and ethnicities in
     Islamic societies should understand the sensitivity of the
     present condition and forget about their differences and
     personal benefits to incorporate in continuity and success
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                                            Youth and Islamic Awakening

of Islamic awakening wave and maintenance of national
  5. Provoking differences and making the influential
figures of the movement want their own share
  Islamic awakening wave, which is based on evaluative,
intellectual and revolutionary ideology, has turned into the
main discourse of Moslems and has changed the faces of
the countries involved which were previously captives in
poverty, corruption and discrimination of their apparently
everlasting governors. The role of people in these
movements is undeniable; because Islamic movements
are rooted in presence and will of people. The eternal and
main asset of a democratic society is the presence of people
in different arenas of revolution. Because it is under this
condition that happening revolutions will be immune from
interventions of aliens.
  We should bear in mind that the supreme leader asks
people to be present and influential in managing the                          41
country; because it is their presence that is considered as the
main power of system in eliminating problems and barriers.
Therefore, the integrity among people in Islamic revolutions
is one of the serious concerns of regional countries.
  Undoubtedly, agreement on defined goals and intellectual
grounds as well as considering national benefit of the system
not only will lead to achieve national goals, but also will
affect global equations very much. Therefore, differences
and divisions and also influential figures’ demanding their
own share will impede desirable acting in international
arena. So the benefits should be organized and common
wishes have to be inspired among people in the following
An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious...

        ●trying to ignore sectarian and individual benefits for the
     sake of national benefits of Islamic movements
        ●moving public thoughts towards national benefits and
     away from individualism
        ●trying to reduce the gaps between influential groups in
     the society on the basis of mutual respect and rejection of
        ●creating a sense of welcoming criticism and allowing
     thoughts to flourish to the extent that it doesn’t damage the
     system principles and national benefit
        ●making people aware of enemies’ tricks to stop Islamic
     awakening movements and deviate people
        ●strengthening the ties between people, groups, streams
     and transitional government
        ●commitment of all groups, wings and parties to noble
     Islamic principles as a common criterion
        6. Lack of a organizing and uniting leadership
42      Emergence of Islamic awakening wave in the 21st
     century world which escapes from religion and fight against
     it, is indicative of a new crisis in the dominant trend of
     secularization of people individual and social life. Though
     the most important influence of such movements is making
     change in political system and establishing temporary
     transitional governments, no need to mention that without
     firm intellectual grounds their happening was impossible.
     In other words, recent Islamic movements in the region are
     prefaces to revolution of other Moslem countries against
     corrupt and dictator regimes. One of the main challenges
     encountering Islamic awakening wave is lack of a uniting
     and organizing leadership.
        An organizing leadership is the major basis for ruling
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                                           Youth and Islamic Awakening

Islamic countries and thereby revolutions happened in
the region can annihilate false grandeur of imperialism,
unite people in standing against its invasion and bring
prosperity to Islamic societies. As Imam Khomeini made
all impossible possible in the period of Islamic revolution
of Iran, the youth duty is to keep Islamic awakening wave
immune from deviation with the aid of clergymen and
religious men. Violating leadership’s orders and eliminating
committed clergymen from the system is a sinister plan of
West and a country without leadership is like a country
without physicians. It is worth-mentioning that Islamic
principles and thoughts are not just religious insights, but
a state system of which political and legal theory has been
carried out in different ways. In other words, the idea of
Islamic government is a theocracy and a religious-political
theory based on the fact that religious governing is the only
legitimate governing and the right law is what Prophet had
stated. According to this theory, religious and politics as                 43
well as government and clergymen are not separated from
each other and divine laws should be applied in the society.
  “Application of this theory in contemporary era means
integrity of politics and religion which was followed by
Seyyed Jamal al-din Asadabadi and later by Modarres. It
has been resurrected in recent decades and the main figure
involved was Imam Khomeini in late decades of 20th
  7. provoking intellectual extremism and solidity of
thought among influential figures
  It is a long time that studying Islamic awakening
movement and analyzing its dimensions has been a concern
of international powers. They try to identify the challenges
An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious...

     and weak points and thereby stop or seclude it. They aim to
     keep societies way from noble Islamic principles through
     altering its messages, spoiling people spirit and happiness
     and presenting false and extremist ideas instead of
     evaluative ones (such as justice, freedom, etc.). “Enemies
     have believed that their passage to survival is eliminating
     Islam from the societies or having a nominal Islam. Though
     they have been unsuccessful in achieving the first goal, they
     have managed to achieve the second.”, Imam Khomeini
       Examining extremism and sanctimoniousness is very
     essential in understanding Islamic awakening and its
     challenges. Imam Khomeini considers knowing provokers
     of extremism and ignorance as well as standing against
     them as being essential in expansion of Islam and maintains
     that,” United States and world arrogance have agents
     everywhere. I have warned you repeatedly that they have
44   sanctimonious agents in universities that are supporters of
     religion in appearance, but they have hypocrisy and it ruins
     Islam and revolution.”
       Studying this issue shows that such people has caused
     hugest losses and damages to Islam throughout the history
     and now they want to repeat it in Islamic awakening wave.
     Because this wave is a phase in flourishing noble Islam
     by which freedom-seeking and aware nations find their
     right path in standing against manifestations of deviation
     and extremism. Consequently, it is the duty of committed
     intellectuals and thinkers to distinguish intellectuality
     criteria from Western theories and to introduce noble Islamic
     principles as an appropriate model to societies and have
     concerns regarding alienation, seclusion and ignorance.
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                                           Youth and Islamic Awakening

  8. Undermining the presence of committed religious
  Establishment of Islamic movements in recent century has
been an ascendant procedure and committed intellectuals
and clergymen could guide the movements properly. Their
role in preventing deviation from primary goals and hence
victory of movements is undeniable; as they have had an
important role through acquiring spiritual and political
power, infiltrating to thoughts and beliefs of people and
awakening their revolutionary nature. They have proved
that whenever they have fought against corrupt powers, the
governing political system has failed and has surrendered
the political power.
  Committed intellectuals and clergymen have power
because of enjoying social and political bases and living
among people. Their power is not comparable to the
power of non-religious leaders and this fact provokes the
politicians’ jealousy and betrayal towards them. Therefore,                 45
imperialist leaders are aware of the importance of committed
intellectuals and clergymen and try to remove them from
the Islamic awakening context and its influences on the
future world.
  With emergence of Islamic awakening movements in the
region, the duties of committed intellectuals and clergymen
have become more. As supreme leader points out,”
Fortunately, there has been created a widespread awakening
in Islamic world and it is the task of clergymen and Moslem
intellectuals to guide it towards a right direction. They
should act in a way that this awakening lead to governing
and domination.” Another important duty of them is to solve
problems of people. It is not a minor task. It’s a fundamental
An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious...

     issue related to an Islamic society. Here some functions and
     responsibilities of committed intellectuals and clergymen
     are presented:
       ●standing against cruel and corrupt regimes and their
     remaining agents in temporary transitional governments
       ●exercising liberality and intellectuality with people in
     order to make them know that intellectual deviations are
     injected in the form of Islamic principles
       ●establishing deep ties with people and accompanying
     them in different arenas
       ●presenting solutions based on Islamic principles in order
     to eradicate encountering challenges
       9. Brain drain in countries involved in Islamic awakening
       Two centuries of dictatorship and political, social,
     economical and military dominance of corrupt governments
     in countries involved in Islamic awakening wave has
46   led to emergence of a sense of alienation among elites,
     thinkers and their indifference towards their countries and
     remaining inactive in the process of progressing. Their
     not participating in managing a country and domination
     of a dictatorship atmosphere caused activating imperialist
     intelligence services in order to recognize and invite them
     to Western countries and International Zionism. As Tailor
     believes,” Persuading propaganda of United States has
     caused immigration of thousands of Islamic countries’
     elites and genius thinkers to America.” Joseph Nay also
     emphasizes that,” more than half of the talented university
     students in America are from Islamic countries; they never
     return to their own countries or if they return, they have
     acquired secular positions.” Imperialist countries prepare
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                                           Youth and Islamic Awakening

grounds and opportunities for these students, strengthen a
sense of alienation among them, use them in key positions
in scientific fields and provide them with financial resources
and thereby decrease their interests to their countries and
annihilate their will to return there. Through this procedure
which is a pre-planned sinister program, world powers
cause a lack of committed and expert human sources in
Islamic countries.
  Therefore, the politicians in temporary transitional
governments have to carefully consider strategic variables
in international context and remember that efficient and
revolutionary elites play a crucial role in compensating
scientific, social and economical lags in their societies. So
we should prepare attractive grounds for elites to return
and resurrect noble Islamic thoughts in them to prevent
empowering secular and western agents whose way of
thinking is not flexible.
  10. A weak perspective for future harmonious with global                  47
  One of the fundamental challenges encountering Islamic
awakening wave is globalization which is happening as
main variable in modern global discipline theory proposed
by economical and political powers. This variable is not
a natural process; but a planned one. It is, in fact, the
hegemony of Western liberal capitalist system to dominate
the world, especially the world of Islam. Since recent
movements in Islamic world has led to alteration in global
equations and establishment of new political discourses of
which influences have gone beyond the region, this theory is
regarded as a fundamental and promoter theory by colonial
theorists. It is followed by them in different branches;
An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious...

     however their main concerns are economy, politics and
     culture. In the field of economy, globalization refers to
     domination of Western capitalist companies over sources
     and capacities of Islamic world and also changing people
     taste and making them consume their products more. In the
     fields of politics it refers to political domination of them
     over all other countries. In the field of culture, it refers to
     making people consumption-driven, diversity-seeking and
     enjoyment-seeking. Globalization, in its third meaning,
     is spreading under the title of “modernist culture”. It is
     imposed on Islamic countries and imperialist powers aim to
     globalize their own values and human rights.
       The globalization project in the fields of economy, culture
     and politics proposed by imperialist system aims to cultural
     and economical domination over countries. Globalization
     necessitates elimination of geographical borders between
     common-wealth societies and other societies. So Islamic
48   countries should understand the false hegemony of Western
     democracy and picture a perspective based on reality
     for themselves to act influentially in the international

       Recommended solutions:
       Undoubtedly, Islamic awakening wave is one of the
     unique events happened in contemporary history. Recent
     events have had great influence on domestic equations
     of countries as well as international equations and have
     resurrected the Islamic identity and originality among
     Moslems. As supreme leader says,” With the will of God a
     new movement is starting in the region. It is the movement
     of nations and Islamic world under the title of Islam aiming
International Conference on
                                          Youth and Islamic Awakening

Islamic goals. It is indicative of public awareness and God
has guarantied the absolute victory of such movements.”
Islamic awakening wave was established based on the fact
that the only way to solve existing problems is returning
to noble Islamic concepts and principles. This wave has
passed from the phase of emergence and crisis to stability;
where free elections, with all people participating, are
held and Islamic groups win. Since the future perspective
of the countries involved in Islamic awakening wave is
in contrary to benefits and goals of international Zionism
and imperialism, imperialist countries do all that they can
to intervene in the occurring events and deviate freedom-
seeking people. Regarding this fact, young generation
act as promoter motor and motivator in continuity of
Islamic awakening movement. They should understand
the sensitivities of present time and stand against avarice
of imperialists and Zionists and thereby help to realize the
ideals of their revolutions. They play a crucial role and                  49
their acting at appropriate time will guarantee the Islamic
movement. They should learn from the youth in early Islam,
Islamic revolution in Iran, Hezbollah groups in Lebanon
and resisting groups of Moghavemat in Palestine.
  So we should carefully examine occurring events to
overcome probable problems and challenges encountering
revolutions. Some recommended solutions that can move
Islamic revolutions in the region towards stability are as
  • Demanding establishment of a new political system
based on renewal of Islamic respect
  Now that Islamic awakening wave has happened in an
era in which postmodernism is entering into a new phase,
An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious...

     Islamic revolutions in the region try to pay attention to people
     demands and return their sense of originality. Therefore, it is
     necessary that in the era, which is named “era of spirituality”,
     a system based on new evaluative atmosphere be created
     and introduced to the world. Supreme leader of Islamic
     revolution has repeatedly reminded influential leaders to
     establish such system. Now that Islamic awakening wave
     has endangered all theories of making global systems, it
     should propose a new discourse which answers all human
     demands. In this regard, following consideration should be
       ●preparing a perspective for political system according to
     the mentioned models
       ●not separating the new political system from noble
     religious principles
       ●structuring the system on the basis of cosmopolitan
     principle and its generalization to other political systems
50     ●considering the principle of gaining political power
     based on justice
       ●considering standing against cruelty and defending the
     suppressed (e.g. Palestinian people)
       ●emphasizing on influential leadership as the ideological
     center of political system
       ●considering the principle of nation independence-
     readiness to defend the country
       ●aiming to a new political system on the basis of Islamic-
     revolutionary principles and avoiding application of laic,
     liberal, nationalist or Marxist stereotypes in the structures
     of new government
       2. Gaining cultural independence and standing against
     cultural invasion
International Conference on
                                             Youth and Islamic Awakening

  One of the important concerns which plays a key role in
guarantying prosperity of societies and realizing their future
perspectives is gaining independence and cultural identity.
As Imam Khomeini, the founder of Islamic revolution,
pointed out,” If a society has a dependent culture which
is feed by opposition cultures, other dimensions of the
society will move towards the opposite direction too and
finally the society will lose its identity in all dimensions.
Independence and identity of any society is derived from
independence in its culture and it is naive to think that it
is possible to gain independence while being culturally
dependant. That’s why the main goal of colonials is to
invade the culture of subaltern societies.” And the supreme
leader also maintains that,” Independence of a nation is
not achieved unless through independence in political,
economical and cultural fields. If the culture and morality
and beliefs of alien countries is prevalent in a society, it can
not demand independence; because the real domination of                       51
powers is cultural domination.

  Some solutions are presented here:
  ●preparing a cultural perspective based on Islamic values
  ●developing and presenting religious models in cultural
and social arenas
  ●identifying cultural measures taken by enemies and
planning to neutralize them
  ●learning from cultural achievements of Islamic
revolution in Iran
  ●having active, continuous and effective presence in
media to stand against media imperialism
  ●generating variable cultural products in accordance with
An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious...

     Moslems’ needs
         3. Designing a model of development based on Quran
     and religion
       In this regard, supreme leader says,” Nations, whether
     Moslem or not, need Islamic orders today. It is because of
     being away from Islam that some countries are suppressed.
     Islamic awakening will save nations and that’s why the
     alertest people in different countries have turned towards
     Islam which is the way the holy Quran shows us; the way
     to survival and prosperity.” He adds somewhere else that,”
     The main issues that imperialist powers emphasize on them
     are: cultural, economical and scientific domination. That is
     enough for them not to allow the subaltern country to reach
     independence, progress and believing in itself.” Considering
     supreme leader’s point of view, the countries involved in
     Islamic awakening wave can prepare a perspective to act
     upon through adopting following approaches:
52     ●designing domestic and Islamic models in order to
     eradicate economical, military, cultural and scientific
     dependence on aliens
       ●promoting productivity
       ●lessening class gaps
       ●promoting Islamic revolution ideals in cultural,
     economical and political dimensions
       ●eradicating poverty and deprivation; and development
     of the country
       ●making the country’s culture and economic efficient
       ●eradicating scientific, economical, political, military,
     cultural and social dependence through jehad-like measures
       4. Preventing religious, ethnic and racial differences to
     become significant and relying on religion as a criterion
International Conference on
                                           Youth and Islamic Awakening

  Now that Islam-seeking wave has turned into one of
the main discourses in global theories and has violated
all international equations and Zionism’ benefits, the only
possible way for enemies to deviate this trend is to create
ethnic and religious quarrels among people. So the young
generation in the Islamic countries should maintain the
achievements of happened revolutions through following
  ●aknowledgement of ethnic and religious differences
  ●managing existing differences
  ●maintaining integrity on the basis of religion
  ●maintaining integrity on the basis of saving country
from the barraters
  5. identifying rival models in the region as well as
international arena
  It can be concluded form supreme leader sayings that,” The
enemy has prepared a comprehensive and planned scenario
for Islamic system and Islamic awakening movements.                         53
But fortunately, using our philosophical and evaluative
capacities we will be able to stand against these scenarios.”
  6. Increase in awareness, cognizant presence in different
arenas at appropriate time
  The role of people in emergence and continuity of Islamic
awakening trend is undeniable. It was seen in Islamic
revolution of Iran too; where presence of people in different
scenes neutralized all the enemy’s plans against Islamic
system. So the main treasure of awakening movements in
Islamic countries has been presence of people at appropriate
times. As supreme leader, in a question and answer session,
says to the youth that,” Awareness of young generation is
one of the three pillars in guarantying their own success in
An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious...

     future and prosperity of the country.” He advised them to
     feel responsible, to build their own future and not to rely
     on chances, to have faith, which is the key component in
     making progress and gaining achievement in all fields,
     and finally to have awareness and distinguishing power.
     Because if they have these characteristics, they can become
     successful in all fields.”
       7. Constant reviewing the principles of revolution
       Islamic awakening movement has emerged on the basis
     of people’s will and Islamic principles and its continuity is
     bound to commitment to its fundamental principles, a deep
     understanding of its different layers and avoiding simple-
     mindedness for the sake of keeping revolution achievements
     immune from deviations. Hence following items should be
       ●maintaining and strengthening fundamental principles
     and directionalities of Islamic awakening wave
54     ●focusing on the principles of revolution of which
     ignorance will lead to gradual changes
       ●the only way to prevent deviation from Islamic
     revolution principles is to making main indexes of system
     more prominent
       ●independence, freedom and justice-seeking
       ●not giving up to dictatorship and colonialism
       ●rejection of ethnic, racial and religious differences
       ●explicit rejection of Zionism
       ●maintaining originalities with a high sensitivity
       ●not allowing the enemy to determine future principles
     of the system
       ●not victimizing the principles in favor of passing benefits
       ●pessimism towards Europe, United States, NATO and
International Conference on
                                          Youth and Islamic Awakening

not believing their promises
  ●gaining solutions from Islamic origin and giving alien
versions back
  ●pessimism towards any advise or measure proposed by
  8. Using the achievements, advances and valuable
experiences of other Moslem nations
  Islamic awakening wave has started since decades ago
and after victory of Islamic revolution in Iran. It has been
accelerated and turned to the main discourse in political,
economical and social arenas. Islamic revolution, acting
as a stereotype, has gained lots of achievements and is
gaining more power in the region. Therefore, the elite
and intellectual youth should use different experiences of
Islamic Republic of Iran and reach to their goals through a
crosscut according to these items:
  ●using the principles of Islamic Republic of Iran
constitutional law as a model for developing their own laws                55
and regulations
  ●using Iran’s achievement in the field of Nano- technology
  ●applying fundamental researches of Islamic Republic of
Iran in cultural and social fields
  ●using the capacities of young generations in Islamic
  ●believing young generation
  ●revival of self-confidence in the youth
  ●the youth’s application of older people experiences
  ●considering “Islamic democratic system” as desirable
  ●not confusing Islamic democracy with democracy
  9. Aiming to release noble Qods (qodse-sharif) from
An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious...

       International Zionism and imperialism use all their
     capacities to occupy and annihilate noble Qods; the first
     Qibla of Moslems. Therefore, one of the future goals of
     Islamic awakening wave should be releasing it from Zionist
     regime to create an integrated Islamic unity. Following
     items should be considered:
       ●aiming to release Palestine from Zionists
       ●continuity of great movement in Egypt to Palestine and
     Rafah passage
       ●taking big steps to overcome all barriers
       ●considering true treasures of Moslem nations (not being
     arrogant after victory)
       10. Establishment of mobilizations of people (Basij) and
     Islamic organs
       Islamic awakening wave, while gaining stability, is facing
     different threats from international system. Imperialism and
     Zionism use all their capacities to challenge this trend and
56   neutralize its achievements. So it is duty of all Moslem
     young people to maintain these achievements and learn
     from Islamic revolution of Iran and establish mobilizations
     of people (Basij) and Islamic organs. As Imam Khomeini,
     the great leader of Islamic revolution, says,” defending
     Islam and Islamic countries is a religious and divine task of
     people and it is due to them.”
       Basij is an eternal source for Islamic revolutions and
     guarantees the prosperity of developing societies. Its
     importance is to the extent that Sublime God emphasizes on
     its necessity in Holy Quran. Reviewing the history of Islam
     also confirms this point that whenever people were present
     in different social scenes, there came fortunate outcomes
     for the society.
International Conference on
                                            Youth and Islamic Awakening

  The role of Basij in Islamic revolution is another proof for
the fact that it is of a revolutionary and constructive spirit.
The existing bureaucracies in the societies are not barriers
to achieving its goals. Hence, the young generation of
the countries involved in Islamic awakening wave should
provide a ground for flourishing and development through
establishing mobilizations of people. The following items
should be considered here:
  ●scientific mobilization and organizing the elites and
influential figures in the trend
  ●defending revolutions through closing the ways of
enemies’ infiltration to managing layers in new political
  ●deepening culture in the society
  ●comprehensive defending against software and hardware
  ●making stereotypes and presenting evaluable,
revolutionary models in different arenas of new political                    57
  ●neutralizing security and disciplinary threats in the
  ●creating jobs and eradication of poverty
  ●identifying violators in new political systems
  ●construction and building appropriate infrastructures in
the country

  The influence of the events happened during recent months
is so great that the Islamic awakening wave has turned to
a new political discourse in the 21st century. It caused a
new power, called power of Islamic world, to emerge and
An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious...

     to become the center of attention for many political and
     nonpolitical analysts, who have presented different analysis
     of current changes. With spread of Islamic wakening wave,
     we should ask that “is it possible to consider an absolute
     ending to these changes? Is international imperialism
     and Zionism able to challenge these movements again?”
     Examining this issue demonstrates that this wave will be
     continued because of its expanding outcomes; Intervention
     of international Zionism and world arrogance will not
     impede it and will face with anger of revolutionary
     people and their justice-seeking stream. It is expected that
     intervention of imperialist system leads to spreading and
     fastening the cycle of changes and awakening movements
     and going their influence beyond the region. As supreme
     leader of Islamic revolution predicts, this wave will be
     expanded to other parts of the world and not only the
     Middle East and Africa, but also Europe will experience the
58   outcomes of this movement.
       We should accept that international imperialist and
     Zionism have been weakening with emergence of Islamic
     awakening wave and with adopting different approaches and
     made up scenarios as well as creation of deviating models,
     they try to decrease the power of the countries involved
     in the Islamic awakening wave and their people. That’s
     why the responsibility of influential figures, committed
     youth, experts and leaders becomes more important and the
     necessity of taking needed measures is undeniable. These
     measures should be taken in order to overcome encountering
     challenges and making the best use of all capacities and
     capabilities of Islamic societies.
       Islamic nations and their people’s concentration on
International Conference on
                                           Youth and Islamic Awakening

Imam Khomeini, supreme leader of Islamic revolution and
other committed influential figures’ thoughts in the first,
second and now in the third wave of Islamic awakening,
is an important and great responsibility of of them to stand
against international imperialism and Zionism as well as
their alliances and counterparts in all phases of emergence,
crisis and gaining relative stability. Thereby they can defend
Islam and Islamic identity with the aid of all intellectuals,
thinkers and young people of Islamic awakening movement
and use all political, economical and cultural capacities
of Islamic world to dictate the abilities and potentialities
of Islamic societies to heads of global infidelity and
imperialism. Therefore, young generation in the countries
involved in Islamic awakening movements have a huge
responsibility in standing against enemies’ conspiracies. As
supreme leader points out,” The youth should take most of
the responsibilities for the future and have a regeneration.
Do not let the enemies annihilate nation hopes through                      59
propaganda, conspiracy and lying. Do not let them make
divisions and create gaps between people and heads of the
governments. They want you to become divided; because
they are afraid of your integration. They have a fear of your
firm slogans and the serious and firm will of the responsible
people in the Islamic governments. They aim to unstable
this will. When people of a country stand beside the heads of
their government, nobody hesitate and they move forward.”
Designing a Model for Civil and Islamic Institutions...
Designing a Model for Civil and Islamic
Institutions and Speculating on How to Implement
It in Order to Maintain the Islamic Awakening

                                         Roqayyeh Bahrami1

  Many sociologists believe that as long as social
revolutions and movements are opposed to the existing
situation, they can result in motion, but when they attain
a political structure and system, they adopt an inactive
and justificationary, and it is at that very moment that the
revolution and the movement expire and cease to attain
their goals. According to this viewpoint, the process of
transformation of a movement to a system, in a manner that
leads to the maintenance and growth of ideals and revival of       61
the revolutionary values resultant from Islamic Awakening,
is one of the most important efforts which should be taken
into consideration after a revolution. On the other hand,
organizing the revolutionary passion of people, which
has aimed at disarranging the previous system, is either
impossible and might result in anarchism; or if achieved,
leads to the extinction of this revolutionary passion.
Formation of various civil circles is all the outcomes of these

1.Junior Student, Third Level, Department of Fiqh and Usul, Qaba
Hawzah 'Ilmiyya, Tehran
09366447962 Email:
"Muslim Ummah has sensed the breeze of awakening and has smelled
the aroma of returning to Islamic Knowledge."
-Hazrat Imam Khamenei, Supreme Leader of Islamic Revolution
Designing a Model for Civil and Islamic Institutions...

     approaches which have reached the "institutionalization"
     phase, and each has found a specific work in the system
     and the executive constitution of that approach. As a more
     elaborate instance, Imam's emphasis on the formation of
     a "Global Mobilization" illustrates Imam's high ends and
     endevours on one hand, and his determination to manage
     this revolutionary passion in an intelligent manner and
     spread it globally. This should be accomplished in a way to
     assure that the revolutionary passion does not extinct, and
     remembrance of the foreign adversary results in homeland
     unity and integration, so that a territorial order is achieved
     to establish a system.
       Constitution of such civil and revolutionary institutions,
     is illustrative of the strategic depth of the doctrinal leaders
     and proper understanding of the important point that
     revolutionary spirit can only last in civil institutions, rather
     than the structure of administrative and political systems
62   where it fades gradually. "One of the key essentials in
     every social movement and upheaval,is that there must be
     'word-making' and 'institutionalization' based on the ideas
     and the underlying basics of that movement," states Imam
     Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution,
     elaborating on this specific issue, "When a new concept,
     like the concepts of Islamic rule, Islamic system, and
     Islamic Awakening are introduced, the movement which
     is based on this new idea must have its own appropriate
     terms and words. If it borrows its words from outsiders, the
     atmosphere will get troubled, leaving subjects untold. The
     same is true about institutionalization. When a revolution
     and a movement is realized, it must form its own operational
     systems - mechanisms to follow its intentions.
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Youth and islamic awakening2

  • 2. Scientific chart of the International Conference on Youth and Islamic Awakening: Secretary General of the Conference: Dr. Ali Akbar Velayati Scientific secretary of the Conference: Dr. Abdullah Mobini Members of the Scientific Committee: Dr. Ibrahim Motaqi/ Dr. Manouchehr Mohammadi/ Dr. Seyyed Mohammad Raees-Zadeh/ Mohammad Ruivaran/ Ali Mohammad Fouladi/ Dr. Hamid Reza Akhavan-Fard/ Dr. Asghar Qaedan/ Dr. Mustafa Malakootian/ Dr. Hossein Sharifi Taraz-Karami/ Dr. Saeed Tavakoli/ Dr. Abdulhamid Sahrayi/ Ali Sabet/ Dr. Nabiollahi Rouhi/ Seyyed Mehdi Hosseini/ Dr. Niazi/ Dr. Reza Kalhor/ Dr. Hojjatollah Izadi/ Dr. Mostafa Izadi
  • 3. Papers of the International Conference on Youth and Islamic Awakening Compiled by the scientific committee of conference Editors: Seyed Mehdi Hosseini, Tahereh Zare, Seyed Kamaloddin Rafiee, Seyyed Hossein Hosseini, Maryam Golbaz Layout: Rouholamini Institute Cover design: Abna’ Institute Translators: Abna’ Institute Publisher: Abna’ Institute First published in January 2012 (Bahman 1390) Circulation: 2000
  • 4. CONTACT 02. An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious revolution and its formation and continuation 30. Challenges facing the Islamic Awakening and role of youth in dealing with them 60. Designing a Model for Civil and Islamic Institutions and Speculating on How to Implement It in Order to Maintain the Islamic Awakening Achievements 80. Discourse Analysis of Identity and the Elements of Islamic Awakening on the Basis of the Comments of the Leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Khamenei 116. Effective factors of the Islamic Revolution of Iran on the Islamic
  • 5. Awareness as viewed by the 249. The Role of the Youth Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei in the Islamic Revolution of Iran as a Model for 136. Impact of Iran’s Islamic the Youth in the Islamic Revolution and Iranian Awakening Supreme Leader’s Thoughts on Muslim Youth 284. Theoretical and intellectual discussions and 184. Lebanese poet and fundamental framework of writer Mustafa Ghalayeeni the Islamic awakening and (Harbinger of Islamic the youth: Explanation of awakening in the 20th the factors of authenticity, century) preservation and survival of the Islamic Awakening 206. The Political Fiqh in Islam and its influence on the 319. Youth Islamic Islamic Awakening Process Awakening - Awaken the 226. THE ROLE OF inner Conscience, Execute IQBAL LAHOURI IN Fears, Unite, Plan and AWAKENING THE Organize to Achieve Victory MUSLIM YOUTH
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  • 7. An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious...
  • 8. An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious revolution and its formation and continuation Mostafa Malakootian PhD١ Introduction: Revolutions have broken out with different natures. However, no theorist in the field of revolution or revolutionary leader can claim that a revolution has occurred only for political, financial, or social state of a country. The main factor in the occurrence of a revolution is the society›s opinion, thought, cause, and will (Seyed Mohammad Bagher Sadr, Traditions of History in the Holy Quran). The emergence and representation is more evident 8 and obvious in religious revolutions. In the writing, after discussing some issues about the philosophy of revolution, which include some key questions, types of revolutions and some western theories about revolution, we will explain what a revolution is and how a religious revolution forms and finally we will open a discussion about the experiences of the Islamic Revolution for continuation of religious revolutions. Considering that the Islamic Revolution of Iran is an ideal religious revolution, in the research we will utilize the revolution to prove the contents. Key questions about the phenomenon of revolution What is confined in the field of revolution is not out of the 1.Associate professor, Tehran University, the Faculty of Political Sciences
  • 9. International Conference on Youth and Islamic Awakening following questions: 1. What is a revolution? - The answer to the question involves the meaning, concept, and features of a revolution and recounts the differences between the phenomenon and relevant concepts such as movement, reform, civil war, coup-d›état, etc. and various types of revolution. In reply to the above question, different views, according to their philosophies and standpoints, have not reached a consensus of opinion about the meaning of revolution and proposed various definitions. Considering the turmoil of definitions about the phenomenon of revolution, the writer intends to open a discussion on the common features of revolutions and believes that in any credible definition of revolution, the features should be considered. The features will be mentioned in the writing. 2. Why does a revolution occur? 9 - Most revolutionary theories have been put forward to answer the above question. In order to answer the question, any theory concludes with several key factors and conditions after its examination. In other words, after exploring for the reason behind the occurrence of a revolution, researcher finds the emergence of several factors which have caused the occurrence of the revolution. For example, Structural-Functionalism theory, after a sociological examination of variables like social systems, recounts three conditions for occurrence of a revolution: the decline of power or imbalance (value-environmental), the dissension among governing elite and accelerating factors. The conclusion recounts the reasons behind the occurrence
  • 10. An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious... of a revolution from this viewpoint. (Chalmers Johnson 1984 pp 9-134) 3. How does a revolution occur? - Sometimes differentiating between the two questions, why and how a revolution occurs, is difficult in action. However, by saying how the revolutions occur two issues are raised, first, how the conditions that was mentioned in the second question — why does a revolution occur? — are created and second, after the creation of such conditions the continuation of the developments that is how and by what means the victory or defeat of the rebellions occurs. In other words, we should refer to the history of a country in which a revolution has broken out to find how the revolution occurred. And by finding a point, in which we can surely say that the government had enough legitimacy, acceptability, authority, and stability, we should follow the events that 10 occurred after the point and caused the government lose the legitimacy and stability, the events that caused the emergence of main and fundamental reasons behind the occurrence of the revolution, which were mentioned in the answer to the second question, and made the revolution inevitable. We should also take into account the conditions and events that caused the victory or defeat of the rebellions. It should be remembered that understanding how a revolution occurs is more difficult than why it occurs, and in historic analysis of revolutions, we will find numerous ways in which revolutions have occurred. Therefore, although we can find the main reasons behind the revolution in an easier way, summarizing the discussions concerning how a revolution occurs and proposing a theory is not that easy because of
  • 11. International Conference on Youth and Islamic Awakening the variety of historic routes of different revolutions. 4. What impacts and effects does a revolution have on the country, in which it occurs, region and the world? What methods have foreign states used to confront a revolution which has threatened their colonialist interests? The works and writings about the phenomenon of revolution are mainly in the area of the first three questions mentioned above and the analyses of the fourth question have relatively been rare. However, the internal effects of revolutions are numerous and at most times they have been historic. In an article titled «Revolution and International Relations,» Holiday criticizes western authors› ignorance of the international effects of revolutions and comments on the campaigns of the world›s powers against the revolutions. He also recounts the different aspects of revolutions› influence over mutual or international relations and proposes some writings in this field. However, Holiday himself did not 11 examine the subject perfectly. This research is centered on questions 1 and 2, i.e. why and how religious revolutions occur. Varieties of revolutions: Considering its long record, the phenomenon of revolution has emerged with various faces up to now. Authors have classified the phenomenon as following: A. The classification of revolutions according to the rate and type of changes caused by them From this view, revolutions have been classified into two groups: political and social revolution (large and great)
  • 12. An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious... In the political revolutions changes are mostly social rather than political and in the worst state, the type of political regime changes. In these revolutions, the power of governmental structures may change and the political regime remains unchanged with the same name and form. Of course, there is no political revolution that does not cause any social changes. For example the Iranian Constitutional Revolution in 1906 is a political revolution. In the social revolutions, in addition to political changes, evident changes occur in the official culture, economic and political structures as well as foreign relations of a country. Revolutions in France (1789), Russia (1917), China (1949) and the Islamic revolution of Iran are instances of social or large revolutions. Of course, the Islamic Revolution of Iran, which can correctly be named great revolution, has had tremendous influences at national and international levels compared with other contemporary revolutions. At 12 the national level, the revolution caused the formation of a government based on divine causes with reliance upon the people›s votes. The revolution proceeded to make serious efforts to achieve quickly self-sufficiency and development in various areas. At the international level, the nature of the revolution and its leadership, the similarity between the political cultural situation of the Muslim world and that of Iran before the Islamic Revolution, the importance and strategic position of Iran and some other reasons caused the emergence of an exclusive model of reflection of a revolution on the regional and international issues. B. Geographical-Cultural classification One of the authors in the 20th century has divided the
  • 13. International Conference on Youth and Islamic Awakening revolutions into two groups: Eastern revolutions and Western revolutions. In this classification which is mostly geographical and to some extent cultural, the priority of three issues is different. The three issues are as follows: 1. The breakup of power 2. The revolutionaries› entrance to the scene 3. The foundation of new political order Western revolutions Eastern revolutions 1. The breakup of power 1. The revolutionaries› entrance (governing system) to the scene 2. The revolutionaries› entrance 2. The institutionalization of new to the scene political order 3. The institutionalization of 3. The breakup of power new political order (governing system) According to the author, in the western revolutions, 13 everyone at once find that the government has no power and its political, military and managing power is declining. At this juncture, revolutionaries, who are mostly moderate, enter the scene and then move away because of their inability to meet the revolutionaries› demands and hand over the power to the radicals. And then the new political order is institutionalized. While in the Eastern revolutions, due to the power of government which has not collapsed, rebellions who are not generally moderate, take actions against the government from jungles and mountains and if they occupy a place, they will institutionalize the new political order and when they capture the capital, the governing system collapses (Samuel Huntington 1991).
  • 14. An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious... Revolutions in France (1789), Russia (1917), China (1911), are among Western revolutions, and revolutions in China (1949), Cuba (1959), Vietnam (1975), and Algeria (1962) are among Eastern revolutions. As you see, the classification is geographical at first sight. But a revolution can occur in the East on the basis of a Western model, and a revolution in the West on the basis of an Eastern model. The Islamic revolution of Iran, which is a religious revolution, cannot be placed in those classifications, because at the time of its occurrence the government had not collapsed, and did not begin by the entrance of revolutionaries to the scene (moves in jungles and mountains). C. The classification of revolutions according to the nature of revolutionaries› demands 14 From the viewpoint of the nature of the revolutionaries› demands and requests, revolutions have divided into three groups: political revolution, economic revolution, and ideological (religious) revolution (Morteza Motahari, the surroundings of the Islamic Revolution, pp 23-43). For example the revolution occurred in France in 1789 is a political revolution due to its emphasis on liberalism and the revolution occurred in 1917 in Russia is economic due to its emphasis on the element of economics and the Islamic revolution of Iran, which occurred with an emphasis on the role of religion which itself includes political, economic, cultural, and social elements, is an ideological (religious) revolution. In this classification, the nature of revolutionaries›
  • 15. International Conference on Youth and Islamic Awakening demands is the criterion for placing revolutions in one of the three groups and an ideological (religious) revolution means a revolution in which leaders and the masses intend to put their religious beliefs into practice rather than insisting on only achieving freedom or equality like a number of previous contemporary revolutions. In addition, their cause has a political, social and economic nature. The classification of revolutionary theories Considering the multiplicity of the revolutionary theories, some theorists have classified revolutions according to their scientific approach or time of occurrence and recounted famous examples for them. Two classifications are mentioned as follows: 1. Stan taylor has divided the theories about the occurrence of revolutions into four groups: sociological, psychological, economic and political. In the sociological theories there is an emphasis on 15 sociological factors like social classes and stratifications, for instance, Structural-Functionalism theory by Chalmers Johnson. In psychological theories there is emphasis on the psychological factors like personality of individuals, the mental conditions of society and issues like an increase in the expectations or feeling deprivation, for instance, ‹J-curve› theory by James Chowning Davies and Relative deprivation theory by Ted Robert Gurr. In the economic theories and in the Marxists› ideas, the economy is considered foundation or is a key factor, and finally in the political theories there is an emphasis on the political factors, for instance, Resource mobilization theory by Charles Tilly.
  • 16. An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious... The Islamic Revolution of Iran as a genuine religious revolution was a challenge for theories about revolutions because the roles of cultural factors were outstanding compared with social, political and economic factors. Cultural factors like the clerics and mosques had independent, conceptual and coordinator roles in the revolution. 2. In the other famous classification, Jack Goldstone has divided theories about revolutions in the 20th century into three generations and after the Islamic Revolution of Iran and other revolutions in late 20th century proposed the fourth generation. A. First generation includes years between 1900 and 1940 and persons like Pitirim Sorokin, Crane Brinton, Samuel P. Huntington, Charles A. Ellwood. What was important to the generation was description of a revolutionary process and explanation of the signs of a revolutionary situation (Goldstone, 1980: 425-427). The theorists focused on 16 the description of past famous revolutions like the French Revolution and did not make any effort to provide a theoretical explanation of the phenomenon of revolution. B. Second generation theorists sought to develop detailed theories of why and when revolutions arise, grounded in more complex social behavior theories. They can be divided into three major approaches: psychological, sociological and political. The works of Ted Robert Gurr, Ivo K. Feierbrand, Rosalind L. Feierbrand, James A. Geschwender, David C. Schwartz and Denton E. Morrison fall into the first category. They followed theories of cognitive psychology and frustration- aggression theory and saw the cause of revolution in the state of mind of the masses, and while they varied in their
  • 17. International Conference on Youth and Islamic Awakening approach as to what exactly caused the people to revolt (e.g. modernization, recession or discrimination), they agreed that the primary cause for revolution was the widespread frustration with socio-political situation. The second group, composed of academics such as Chalmers Johnson, Neil Smelser, Bob Jessop, Mark Hart, Edward A. Tiryakian, Mark Hagopian, followed in the footsteps of Talcott Parsons and the structural-functionalist theory in sociology; they saw society as a system in equilibrium between various resources, demands and subsystems (political, cultural, etc.). As in the psychological school, they differed in their definitions of what causes disequilibrium, but agreed that it is a state of a severe disequilibrium that is responsible for revolutions. Finally, the third group, which included writers such as Charles Tilly, Samuel P. Huntington, Peter Ammann and Arthur L. Stinchcombe followed the path of political sciences and looked at pluralist theory and interest group 17 conflict theory. Those theories see events as outcomes of a power struggle between competing interest groups. (Ibid, 428-429). C. Third generation of theories was formed in mid-1970s and with writers such as Theda Skocpol, Barrington Moore, Jeffrey Paige and others expanding on the old Marxist class conflict approach, turning their attention to rural agrarian- state conflicts, state conflicts with autonomous elites and the impact of interstate economic and military competition on domestic political change. Particularly Skocpol›s States and Social Revolutions became one of the most widely recognized works of the third generation; (Eisenstadt, 1978: 86/ Godstone, 1980: 435-437)
  • 18. An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious... The 1970s was a decade during which the third generation became prevalent. Between the years 1970 and 1990 a number of revolutions occurred which were indicative of the fact that the theories had serious problems. In the Iranian and Nicaraguan Revolutions of 1979, multi-class coalitions toppled dictators that were backed by Western superpowers. In Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union big changes occurred in the systems on the basis of public demonstrations and protests rather than class struggle, and dictatorial regimes were overthrown. None of them could be explained by theories based on the few occasions in the history of Europe and China (Geldstone,2001/ Farhi, 1990). The occurrence of the Islamic Revolution questioned the theory of Skocpol in her book titled “States and Social Revolutions” in such a way that in 1982 in an article titled “Rentier State and Shi›a Islam in the Iranian Revolution,” she retracted her words that said revolutions are not made; 18 they happen, and wrote that if there was only one revolution in the world that was made by a conscious revolutionary movement, the Iranian Revolution would be that revolution, and in this way emphasized the roles of leadership and the causes (Skocpol 205-206, 189-190). Problems of third generation theories in analyzing new revolutions, paved the way for the fourth generation of theories which are now in the making. Undoubtedly, the Islamic Revolution of Iran was one of the most important revolutions that challenged the third generation theories. The significant role of culture, leadership and the cause in the Islamic Revolution is the most important addition to the discussions over revolutions. The Islamic Revolution of Iran also challenged the enlightened theories of wisdom
  • 19. International Conference on Youth and Islamic Awakening (the spread of liberal freedom). Not using weapons in the Islamic Revolution and moving through protests, rallies and public protests dissociate the revolution from other revolutions. In the new situation, Jack Goldstone, who divided theories about revolutions into three generations, talked about the eruption of the fourth generation of theories in scientific and academic circles in a paper titled «Towards a Fourth Generation of Revolutionary Theory». Goldstone says it seems that the third generation of revolutionary theories is over; however the dominance of the fourth generation has not occurred yet. The generation has regarded stability as the main issue and focused on the conditions that regimes preserve over time. The generation proves the significant role of issues on identity, ideology, gender, networks and leadership and regards the revolutionary processes and output data as the outcome of interaction among multilateral actors (Goldstone: 2001, 19 175-176). According to Foran, the two revolutions occurred in Iran and Nicaragua prepared the way for the emergence of the fourth generation. A generation which dissociates itself from sheer structural and determinism viewpoints and values the roles of culture, ideology, mobilization of resources, unbalanced development and so on (Moshirzadeh 34 -1995, Foran 1993). Nature of a religious revolution Professor Morteza Motahari has defined revolution as a revolt and rebellion against governing system to create a favorable system which is associated with the sense
  • 20. An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious... of oppression, aggression and the spirit of rejection of oppression and unfavorable situation. According to his words, the orientation of divine movements is toward the deprived but its origin is not only the deprived. In this regard, he wrote that the Islam addresses all social classes and groups, whether the haves or the haves-not, because within each Pharaoh, there is a good human in shackles, of course, the poor usually say yes to God›s invitation, because the oppressor should give back the poor’s rights and ignore their own interests if they say yes to God›s invitation, but the poor by doing this say yes to their nature and also gain something. On the features of an Islamic revolution, Professor Motahari says «We know that Islam is not pure spirituality, as the westerners’ notion about religion. This fact not only applies to the current revolution (the Islamic Revolution of Iran), but it also applies to the revolution of early Islam. 20 The revolution of early Islam was a political and religious revolution. While it was a spiritual and political revolution it was also an economic and financial one. It means that there are the concepts of freedom, justice, the absence of discrimination among social classes and social gaps in the context of Islamic teachings. It was thanks to the replacement of these concepts in the minds of the masses that our recent movements became epidemic and comprehensive. The movement was both rural and urban. Urban and rural, rich and poor, workers and farmers, open-minded and ignorant, all and all, participated in this movement. And it was also thanks to the Islamic nature of the movement that all groups joined together. The more important fact than the coordination is that our
  • 21. International Conference on Youth and Islamic Awakening movement could tell people that they have their own school and independent thought and that they can stand on their own feet, and rely only on themselves.» If we suppose that the following features of a society can lead to the occurrence of a revolution, all the features will have a religious origin in a religious revolution: 1. The alienation of society from current situation 2. The spread of new alternative causes 3. The leadership role and its structures 4. The role of the masses 5. The spread of the revolutionary spirit and the sense of aggression 6. The change in cultural political and economic conditions Because: 1. Considering the intellectual contents of a religious society, dissatisfaction with the current situation occurs 21 when individuals find that what occurs in the political, social and economic areas in their community are in consistent with their thoughts and intellectual contents which are the product of the religious culture of their country. 2. In a religious society, people are generally and rapidly attracted by those revolutionary causes that are more compatible with them which are religious causes. 3. In these communities, religious leaders occupy the role of leadership of revolutionary movements and pave the way for the victory of the revolution with less casualties and damages through devising special strategies. 4. In a religious society, religion plays a substantial role in the formation of revolutionary causes, and its contents like
  • 22. An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious... opposing to oppression, seeking martyrdom, and complying with religious duties play important roles in creating the revolutionary spirit and leading the revolutionary movement toward its victory. 5. Religious revolution has the support of religious people who are ready to devote themselves to their causes. The purpose of these revolutions is not only political or financial, but people want to put their religious causes into practice which has also political and economic dimensions. At this juncture, the elements of religion and faith create an astonishing power which pushes aside the political power and its foreign supporters and prevent them to pursue any initiative. The situation was evident during the occurrence of the Islamic revolution which could achieve victory despite the enormous power of Pahlavi regime. In summary we can say that a religious revolution - that has a historical-religious culture, religious causes, religious 22 leadership and faithful people – is possible to occur at the time of the regime’s contempt for the people and its anti- religious behaviors in cultural, political and economic areas, the backwardness of the country, and so on. The conditions are currently seen in the Arab Middle East countries. Formation and success of the religious revolutions For the formation of a religious revolution with the mentioned features some issues are necessary. What has been seen in every revolution is the bipolarization of the society, i.e. a conflict between two forces and the impossibility of resolving the conflict: political power and social (revolutionary) power (Manouchehr Mohammadi 1986 – pp 71-72)
  • 23. International Conference on Youth and Islamic Awakening In addition, the total power of a society should be much more than that of political power in order that a revolution achieves victory. Of course, by power here we do not mean only the material and tangible factors such as number of partners in power, military power, economic power and or external support. The intangible factors of power like the power of faith and the cause, influence and leadership strategies and competencies, and depth of the revolutionary spirit, etc. should be taken into account in examining the power. 1. The role of political power’s features and measures A dependent, authoritarian and inefficient political power takes some social, cultural and political measures which are not accepted by the society and in this way lead the community into bipolarization. The sense of alienation from the current situation in a religious revolution is much more than that sense in a secular revolution. In a secular revolution, demands, which mostly 23 relate to wealth, prosperity, and participation in political power and the like, may end in reformist compromise after the withdrawal of the government. And possibly even secular triumphed revolutions, accept to return to previous conditions after the revolution due to accepting the global rules and lack of vigilance against pseudo-friends. In a religious revolution, the national humiliation, political, cultural, economic dependencies, wide gaps between social classes and westernization of the government are much more outstanding thanks to the religious cultural and historical public views. Of course, the role of the revolutionary leaders at this stage is crucial, in such a way that it is dangerous to trust
  • 24. An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious... demagoguery and efforts of the enemies. 2. The role of social power’s features and measures Social power in religious revolutions includes the causes of religious revolution, leadership of religious revolution, and faithful people. The combination of the three elements, which have the same origin, causes unity and a tremendous power in a revolutionary situation, and can lead to the victory of the revolution. The causes of a religious revolution, which are combined with the element of religious faith, are genuine and their holders rarely give up to the worldly promises of dependent regimes. Similarly, religious leaders prefer to achieve spiritual objectives rather than worldly affairs due to their piety. When the religious masses are added to the two elements, and when the concepts martyrdom seeking, sacrifice and the sense of religious duty enters the revolutionary movement, 24 political power is weakened and becomes feeble facing the revolution. In religious revolutions (or any other revolution) the best result will be achieved only when the leadership has unity within itself and exude self-confidence as well as a strong will, and choose right strategies based on the current situation. 3. Counterrevolutionary measures of foreign powers As soon as a revolution occurs, especially a religious one, the hegemonistic powers begin to make every effort to preserve their colonialist interests according to the current situation. As we can see in the Islamic awakening current, in the Arab revolutions occurring in the North Africa and the littoral states in the Persian Gulf region, the efforts
  • 25. International Conference on Youth and Islamic Awakening by the foreign powers include a range of measures from military intervention for seemingly humanitarian reasons (such as in Libya, the powers entered the political game in order to preserve their interests) to the measures like asking the leaders of a country to assign the power to the military forces (such as in Egypt and Tunisia in order to have time for making changes in favor of themselves) as well as measures like paving the way for military interventions of neighbor countries (such as in Bahrain and Yemen). The foreign domineering powers facing the revolutions may also take other measures like direct military intervention if national and international conditions allow them to do so, for instance the direct military intervention of the United States in Vietnam (1965-1975) which ended in infamous failure. They also make efforts to penetrate weak elements among revolutionaries, to impose economic sanctions after the victory revolutions and so on, although they mostly fail. The failures, especially in the religious revolutions, are 25 broader and more intense, because there is no element of faith in their political terminology, and they are unaware of its power. 4. The experiences of the Islamic Revolution for continuation of religious revolutions The Islamic Revolution of Iran as an excellent model of religious revolutions, which is unique in the features mentioned for revolutions, has been able to preserve its dynamics, remove the enemies› masks and witness their growing weakness with its ever-increasing power. Considering the history of developments after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, It can be said that the key factors of the victories of the revolution are as follows, excluding
  • 26. An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious... the prominent role of the powerful leaders of the revolution over the past 33 years: 1. Writing and adopting a religion-oriented constitution After the victory of a revolution, writing a constitution is one of the first measures of the revolutionaries. Obviously the ideals and causes of a religious revolution can be achieved only through a religious constitution, and any effort by revolutionaries to evade the issue may prepare the ground for a return to the previous conditions and the surrender to the hegemonistic powers. 2. Establishment of revolutionary institutions In order to mange affairs during the occurrence of a revolution, avoid returning the previous conditions, and achieve the causes and objectives of the revolution, it is necessary to establish revolutionary institutions. For instance, Imam Khomeini (RA) stated that if the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps did not exist, the country would 26 not exist either. Generally, in a religious revolution, the future of the revolution should be guaranteed though establishing such institutions as circumstances may allow. 3. Maintaining and sustaining the objectives and slogans of the revolution Constant attention to the slogans means enlivening the revolution and preparing the ground for achieving objectives. Among the slogans, the slogan of the role of religion in government and the slogan of independence is very important and vital. Countries that have lost their independence after their revolutions had no significant progress. The religious revolutions have global messages. In case of ignorance to the principle of Export of revolution, find
  • 27. International Conference on Youth and Islamic Awakening themselves surrounded by the global counter-revolution. The revolutions, which have gained their driving force from unity based on religious causes, if move toward dissension, will face serious problems in promoting and preserving the revolution. 4. Making efforts to build an advanced and self-sufficient society Advances in science, technology and industry and having developed and self-sufficient economy are an authentic religious value. Islam has advised Muslims to avoid affairs causing the dominance of infidels and polytheists over them. The Islamic Revolution of Iran proved that it is possible to withstand pressures and imposed sanctions and to prepare the grounds for being at the height of your success and self-confidence with reliance upon your independence and capabilities. 27 Conclusion: From the four questions concerning the phenomenon of revolution, the analysis focused on two questions: what is a religious revolution? And why does occur? The writing also regarded a religious revolution as a great revolution in which the leaders and the masses are seeking to put their religious thoughts and ideas into practice. In the research, the Islamic Revolution of Iran, whose occurrence challenged the revolutionary theories and changed their generations, was also regarded as an excellent model of religious revolutions. Recounting the conditions which lead to the occurrence of a revolution, the research highlighted the religious
  • 28. An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious... nature of the conditions in a religious revolution. On the formation of a religious revolution, It also explained that bipolarization of society and dispute between social power and political power is the main condition for the occurrence of a revolution and the superiority of social power (tangible and intangible) over the political power is the reason behind the victory of revolution. It also emphasized that the power of faith can create a complete unity among the forces. In the end, the writing proposed four examples of the most important experiences of the Islamic Revolution to serve as strategies for sustaining religious revolutions. References: 1. Skocpol. Theda, States and Social Revolutions, translated by Seyed Majid Rointan, Tehran, Soroush, 1997. 2. Johnson. Chalmers, Revolutionary Change, translated by Hamid Eliasi, Tehran, Amir Kabir, 1984. 3. Sadr. Seyed Mohammad Bagher, Traditions of History in the Holy 28 Quran, translated by Seyed Jamal Mousavi, Qom, Islamic Publications office, Bita 4. Green. Gerald, «Mobilizing the Opposition in Iran,» Comparative, Theoretical Historical Studies on Revolution, Jack Goldstone (Editor), translated by Mohammad Taghi Delafrooz, Tehran, Kavir, 2006. 5. Mohaamadi. Manouchehr, an Analysis of the Islamic Revolution, Tehran, Amir Kabir, 1986. 6. Moshirzadeh. Homeira, «A Brief Look at the Revolutionary Theories in Social Sciences,» series on the Islamic Revolution and its roots, Qom. 7- Motahari. Morteza, the Surroundings of the Islamic Revolution, Qom, Islamic Publications Office, Bita 8 - Malakootian. Mostafa, «Revolution from Beginning to End; Review of Seven Common Features of Revolution», Journal of Law and Political Science, No. 57, October 2002. 9- Eisenstadt, Revolution and the Transformation of Societies, New York: Free Press, 1978. 10- Farhi. F, States and Urban - based Revolution: Iran and Nicaragua,
  • 29. International Conference on Youth and Islamic Awakening Urbana & Chicago, University of Illinois Press, 1990. 11- Foran. John, «Theories of Revolution Revisited: Toward Fourth Generation?» Social Theory, 11, 1993. 12- Goldstone. Jack, «Theories of Revolution: The Third Generation», World Politics, 32, 1980. 13- Goldstone. Jack, «Toward a Fourth Generation of Revolutionary Theory», Annu. Rev Sci: 2001, 4:XX, Copyright 2001, by Annual Reviews. 29
  • 30. An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious...
  • 31. Challenges facing the Islamic Awakening and role of youth in dealing with them By Salman Karamian Ismail Hemmatian Introduction and significance of the problem: Emergence of the Islamic awakening wave, triggered by nations’ will and guided by committed Islamic intellectuals, has caused a tremendous evolution among international governing systems in the early 21st century. Islamic awakening, which had previously led to weaken world powers and had caused great movements in Islamic world, has entered into a new phase of evolvement and growth now. It is of an Islamic, cultural, social and political nature that on the one hand has developed fundamental changes in international, regional and global equations 31 and on the other hand, its reflection has led to new Islamic movements coming out in the region as well as all over the world. The influence has been so much that a new literature, named theory of Islamic awakening, has been created. This is not a political or nominal theory, but a multidimensional, precise, scientific which is one based on facts and functions as a serious reaction against Western colonialism. The Islamic and revolutionary nature of Islamic awakening wave will lead to fundamental changes in future structure of international system. The spread’s moving forward and picturing its future desirable perspectives is so difficult as the influences of these revolutions are enormous. In the awakening movement and its deconstructionist directionality, we can observe recognition of colonialism,
  • 32. An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious... moving away from modern political culture and approaching a new political culture. Therefore, identifying challenges and newly emerged problems in national, regional and global context is essential. In such situation, a new discourse is needed to present solutions and create revolutionary directions at the appropriate time. The process of determining challenges, with which Islamic awakening movement is faced, has been done through identifying weak points and strong points in domestic context, foreign opportunities and treats and ultimately considering them altogether as well as the effect of social, cultural, political and economical stimulants. This process is evolved by developing a strategic management, picturing a desirable future perspective, recognizing the influences of the awakening movement and having a thorough knowledge of its capacities. So in this paper, the most important problem 32 is identifying challenges with which Islamic awakening movement is faced. We will introduce these challenges and will present some solutions for them. Challenges encountering Islamic awakening movement: The third wave of Islamic awakening is a result of Marxism and liberalism inefficiency and empowerment of Islamic groups. As supreme leader of Islamic revolution says,” Talking of Islamic awakening was previously regarded as a kind of exaggeration and judged as out of reach, but today it is not surprising because of all Moslems’ being awakened and substantial deficiencies of world powers being revealed.” He has pointed out somewhere else that,” Islamic awakening will lead to developing an Islamic and
  • 33. International Conference on Youth and Islamic Awakening international government which is one of the important features of future third wave of awakening.” In his point of view, the third wave of Islamic awakening in the world occurred after Islamic revolution of Iran and thereby gave hope to Moslem people in the region. It collapsed the false idea of United States and Soviet Union, two superpowers in the world, being unbeatable and showed people that they can stand against them independent from Western or Eastern blocs. Hence, after first wave of Islamic awakening, the next waves subsequently happened. At the present condition, we see the third wave of Islamic awakening which is a result of strengthening theoretical basis and developing Islamic groups in the region. As we move forward from the first move to the third one, three main issues in theoretical and practical context manifest themselves more: ● Increase in power of Islamic groups ● Emerging movements calling for Islam in the region ● Elimination of rival ideologies i.e. Marxism, liberalism, 33 etc. The abovementioned issues become intensified with Islamic movements moving forward. However, since Islamic awakening wave has challenged all equations of colonial powers in the region, it has been considered as a serious threat to world powers and we will deal with the most important challenges encountered in Islamic awakening movement. • Cultural invasion of the foreign and identity crisis After collapsing Soviet Union regime and subsequent stopping cold war between west and East blocs, Western countries, having six years of military experience in all over the world, changed their tactics in order to reach
  • 34. An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious... their strategic goals. They knew that after collapsing the communist Soviet, it is the power of Islam that stand against their wills, because this power had increased after Islamic revolution of Iran. Western countries focused on finding a way to standing against Islamic movements in Middle East region and Islamic world. Western countries, United States in particular, that regarded themselves as the absolute superpowers on the world adopted a policy of military and weaponry blockage as well as cultural war. The latter, named cultural invasion by supreme leader became the most important strategy of them. It refers to software-related measures with the aid of hardware such as media in order to gain the dominant culture of the world and prevent noble cultures such as Islamic culture to enter international arena. So Western world has tried to gain cultural dominancy based on its military power (NATO) with the aim of: firstly to restrain 34 noble cultures (Islamic culture) and secondly introducing Western culture as the superior and dominant culture of the world. Undoubtedly, their primary tactic to stand against Islamic awakening wave in intellectual dimensions was cultural invasion, as named by supreme leader, and making use of Moslems’ ignorance. However, gradually and after power of Islam being revealed in West and East, cultural … has turned to a phenomenon which is no longer evident and tangible. It refers to a series of policies adopted by West, especially United States, which aim is to oppose against Islamic awakening movement and the Islamic nature of recent movements. They attempt to annihilate the youth identity and neutralize their influence on the movement. Therefore, the most important challenge encountered
  • 35. International Conference on Youth and Islamic Awakening in Islamic awakening movement is cultural invasion of imperialist powers and lack of a strong strategy on an Islamic basis with an interacting approach to culture. In this regard, the most important aims of enemies are as follows: ●annihilation of national identities of freedom-seeking nations, particularly Islamic countries, and weakening their hope in becoming independent ●strengthening global Zionism and at the same time weakening Moslems and Islamic awakening wave ●expansion of false religions and sects such as Vahabiat and other made up heresies in Islamic countries in order to … among them ●intellectual and moral deviation of youth through importing ruinous and unethical products ●strengthening Western capitalist system through contemptuous means and behaviors towards Moslems ●distorting religion and pushing Moslems away from noble and pure knowledge of Islam 35 ●presenting Western astray models in individual and social contexts ●intellectual and cultural permutation 2. Making Islamic movements democrat Increasing changes in the region as well as the world, which has started since two or three decades ago, has been accelerated by occurrence of Islamic awakening wave in Moslem countries. Meanwhile, domination-seeking of imperialist powers has increased. Avarice of world arrogance and international Zionism with the aim of making Islamic movements democrat, is one of their strategic and long-term policies to annihilate Islamic principles. Therefore, the importance and necessity of studying and
  • 36. An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious... following these changes has been reminded repeatedly by supreme leader. As he says,” one of the new concepts in political discourse of imperialist powers dominating international system is wealthy power-seeking stratum’s attempt to take control of vital and economical resources of the world which is a preface to ultramodern colonialism.” He points out somewhere else that,” The very important issue is increasing dominance of United States on Islamic countries’ political, economical and even military reserves. This cruel and dominance-seeking superpower, after collapsing of Soviet Union and elimination of this powerful rival, aims to turn all over the world and also rich region of Islamic countries to its own absolute arena.” So we should notice that colonialism and imperialism goals have so far demonstrated that they have many clear and hidden faces tangled with all dimensions of subaltern societies. In most cases, these faces are philanthropic, peace-seeking, and 36 freedom-seeking and promotion of prosperity in surface which are truly snarls in the way of nations. It is crystal clear that by being aware of the appearance of these tricks we can release from these snarls and by following efficient and provident policies we can make keep colonial countries away from reaching their goals. As one of the methods of ultramodern colonialism is constant and indirect occupation with passing political governors by and without protest of people. Now because of spread of Islamic awakening wave and inclinations toward political and revolutionary Islam, many of colonial structures in the region and in also in the world have undergone drastic changes. Islamic awakening, i.e. revival of true Islam which is one of the earlier outcomes
  • 37. International Conference on Youth and Islamic Awakening of revolutions happened in the region, create basis for emergence of Islamic movements after a period of inactivity and quietness. Intellectual-political streams are happening in an unknown and surprising condition. So there are various interpretations in recognizing and analyzing the phenomenon of Islamic revolutions and the way to treat them. Thus, strategic and policy-making centers in powerful governments have presented various and changing solutions and have tried to conceal their failure in standing against Islamic awakening and its consequences as well as their concerns about drastic changes in the structure of imperialist system and international exploitation. Besides they have attempted to make a new complicated policy in the post-Cold War era and follow it intensively in order to develop global modern discipline. Reviewing Western colonialism history in both old and modern colonial era indicates that colonialism has followed 37 the way to reach its goals in economical, political, cultural, social, confidential and scientific dimensions and has had influences on other societies. Knowing ultramodern colonialism necessitates a comprehensive look at ultramodern methods applied by possessors of power and wealth in the world. So we can say that this kind of colonialism, which has started with a sense of domination of liberalist ideology on other ideologies, is a new all-embracing structure that seriously threatens intellectual and structural dimension of Islamic world. Dimensions of this structure are threatening, devastating, widespread and various. Imperialism seeks its dominance and superiority on Islamic world and tries to achieve this goal in any possible way. For this goal to
  • 38. An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious... be achieved it needs to eliminate its rivals and enemies. It has found the main cause of its problems in Middle East region and Islamic world; thus with occurrence of Islamic movements in the region, their influence on global equations increases. Consequently, Imperialism , in order to reach dominance over Islamic movements, apply methods some of which are as follows: ●priority of cultural dominance over military dominance ●infiltrating Western agents to temporary transitional governments ●inspiring inefficiency of religious democratic system in controlling Islamic countries’ affairs ● creating social and cultural crisis as well as individual and cultural alienation ●making standards and presenting Western models ●creating more inequity and more social, ethnic and religious gaps 38 ●focusing on new capitalist centers in Islamic nations for realization of colonialism ●increasing individualistic activities, seclusion of influential figures and minimizing social participation of committed elites ●creating economical dependence and expansion of market in Islamic awakening wave countries ●changing people taste and making them consume more ●managing public thoughts and changing their direction towards the benefits of Imperialism 3. stopping, deviating or slackening the Islamic awakening movement Onset of Islamic movements in north Africa and Southwest Asia, their passing from emergence phase to
  • 39. International Conference on Youth and Islamic Awakening reach stability and establishing temporary transitional governments, is indicative of the profoundness of Islamic thoughts and noble nature of revolutions made by people in the region. Continuity of these movements, their influence on outside geographical area of Islamic world and other freedom-seeking societies following this trend leads to fomenting fear of Islamic awakening wave among other puppet regimes and governments representing Imperialism and Western liberal-democracy in the region. Hence, endangering situation and benefits of imperialist systems in the region (and their supporters/ counterparts) has led to adoption of preventing and defensive policies in order to impede the accelerated movement of Islamic awakening wave. Hence, imperialism is trying to impede the awakening movement through hidden and apparent measures, propaganda, sanctions (economical, military, political, etc), military operations, enticing and persuading former 39 dictator regimes remaining in the region, subversion and entering to vital infrastructures of countries. As supreme leader says,” Their main goal is to assassinate influential figures of us. They want to seclude Islamic values and suppress the Islam-seeking wave. The United States and other imperialist countries are using all their propaganda opportunities to delay, or suppress if possible, Islamic awakening movement.” But since these revolutions are derived from intellectual values and aware nature of freedom-seeking Moslems who are subjects of cruelty and injustice, it is impossible to stop it. It will be accelerated and intensified. , committed intellectuals, politicians and all influential figures in Islamic movements should be
  • 40. An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious... cognizant in order to guide the movement properly and manage it in its right path. 4. Creating ethnic, racial, religious and tribal gaps One of the influential challenges encountering Islamic awakening wave is creating ethnic, racial, religious and tribal gaps done by imperialist powers to make divisions and alter Islamic integrity among different groups in Islamic countries. Religious identity, history and civilization and national honors all are ultra-national identities that affect individual identities of warriors and prepare a ground to unite Islamic world in its movements on the basis of religious, intellectual, cultural, political, revolutionary identity. Undoubtedly it is not ignored by imperial analysts and as supreme leader points out,” Quran pays attention to integrity and warns us that if we lose our integrity, we will lose our respect and identity too. Unfortunately, this problem exists in Islamic world today. There are lots of 40 conspiracies against Moslems and it show that they are afraid of Islamic awakening wave and integrity among Islamic world.” Imperial theorists and analysts attempt to alter the essence of movements happened in the region and show their nature something apart from Islamic identity and thereby create ethnic quarrels among Islamic groups. They try to achieve their goal through presenting Islamophobia and Iranophobia projects, exaggerating the danger of fundamentalism and making Moslems despondent in their movement. Therefore, all social classes, tribes and ethnicities in Islamic societies should understand the sensitivity of the present condition and forget about their differences and personal benefits to incorporate in continuity and success
  • 41. International Conference on Youth and Islamic Awakening of Islamic awakening wave and maintenance of national benefits. 5. Provoking differences and making the influential figures of the movement want their own share Islamic awakening wave, which is based on evaluative, intellectual and revolutionary ideology, has turned into the main discourse of Moslems and has changed the faces of the countries involved which were previously captives in poverty, corruption and discrimination of their apparently everlasting governors. The role of people in these movements is undeniable; because Islamic movements are rooted in presence and will of people. The eternal and main asset of a democratic society is the presence of people in different arenas of revolution. Because it is under this condition that happening revolutions will be immune from interventions of aliens. We should bear in mind that the supreme leader asks people to be present and influential in managing the 41 country; because it is their presence that is considered as the main power of system in eliminating problems and barriers. Therefore, the integrity among people in Islamic revolutions is one of the serious concerns of regional countries. Undoubtedly, agreement on defined goals and intellectual grounds as well as considering national benefit of the system not only will lead to achieve national goals, but also will affect global equations very much. Therefore, differences and divisions and also influential figures’ demanding their own share will impede desirable acting in international arena. So the benefits should be organized and common wishes have to be inspired among people in the following ways:
  • 42. An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious... ●trying to ignore sectarian and individual benefits for the sake of national benefits of Islamic movements ●moving public thoughts towards national benefits and away from individualism ●trying to reduce the gaps between influential groups in the society on the basis of mutual respect and rejection of suppression ●creating a sense of welcoming criticism and allowing thoughts to flourish to the extent that it doesn’t damage the system principles and national benefit ●making people aware of enemies’ tricks to stop Islamic awakening movements and deviate people ●strengthening the ties between people, groups, streams and transitional government ●commitment of all groups, wings and parties to noble Islamic principles as a common criterion 6. Lack of a organizing and uniting leadership 42 Emergence of Islamic awakening wave in the 21st century world which escapes from religion and fight against it, is indicative of a new crisis in the dominant trend of secularization of people individual and social life. Though the most important influence of such movements is making change in political system and establishing temporary transitional governments, no need to mention that without firm intellectual grounds their happening was impossible. In other words, recent Islamic movements in the region are prefaces to revolution of other Moslem countries against corrupt and dictator regimes. One of the main challenges encountering Islamic awakening wave is lack of a uniting and organizing leadership. An organizing leadership is the major basis for ruling
  • 43. International Conference on Youth and Islamic Awakening Islamic countries and thereby revolutions happened in the region can annihilate false grandeur of imperialism, unite people in standing against its invasion and bring prosperity to Islamic societies. As Imam Khomeini made all impossible possible in the period of Islamic revolution of Iran, the youth duty is to keep Islamic awakening wave immune from deviation with the aid of clergymen and religious men. Violating leadership’s orders and eliminating committed clergymen from the system is a sinister plan of West and a country without leadership is like a country without physicians. It is worth-mentioning that Islamic principles and thoughts are not just religious insights, but a state system of which political and legal theory has been carried out in different ways. In other words, the idea of Islamic government is a theocracy and a religious-political theory based on the fact that religious governing is the only legitimate governing and the right law is what Prophet had stated. According to this theory, religious and politics as 43 well as government and clergymen are not separated from each other and divine laws should be applied in the society. “Application of this theory in contemporary era means integrity of politics and religion which was followed by Seyyed Jamal al-din Asadabadi and later by Modarres. It has been resurrected in recent decades and the main figure involved was Imam Khomeini in late decades of 20th century.” 7. provoking intellectual extremism and solidity of thought among influential figures It is a long time that studying Islamic awakening movement and analyzing its dimensions has been a concern of international powers. They try to identify the challenges
  • 44. An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious... and weak points and thereby stop or seclude it. They aim to keep societies way from noble Islamic principles through altering its messages, spoiling people spirit and happiness and presenting false and extremist ideas instead of evaluative ones (such as justice, freedom, etc.). “Enemies have believed that their passage to survival is eliminating Islam from the societies or having a nominal Islam. Though they have been unsuccessful in achieving the first goal, they have managed to achieve the second.”, Imam Khomeini says. Examining extremism and sanctimoniousness is very essential in understanding Islamic awakening and its challenges. Imam Khomeini considers knowing provokers of extremism and ignorance as well as standing against them as being essential in expansion of Islam and maintains that,” United States and world arrogance have agents everywhere. I have warned you repeatedly that they have 44 sanctimonious agents in universities that are supporters of religion in appearance, but they have hypocrisy and it ruins Islam and revolution.” Studying this issue shows that such people has caused hugest losses and damages to Islam throughout the history and now they want to repeat it in Islamic awakening wave. Because this wave is a phase in flourishing noble Islam by which freedom-seeking and aware nations find their right path in standing against manifestations of deviation and extremism. Consequently, it is the duty of committed intellectuals and thinkers to distinguish intellectuality criteria from Western theories and to introduce noble Islamic principles as an appropriate model to societies and have concerns regarding alienation, seclusion and ignorance.
  • 45. International Conference on Youth and Islamic Awakening 8. Undermining the presence of committed religious intellectuals Establishment of Islamic movements in recent century has been an ascendant procedure and committed intellectuals and clergymen could guide the movements properly. Their role in preventing deviation from primary goals and hence victory of movements is undeniable; as they have had an important role through acquiring spiritual and political power, infiltrating to thoughts and beliefs of people and awakening their revolutionary nature. They have proved that whenever they have fought against corrupt powers, the governing political system has failed and has surrendered the political power. Committed intellectuals and clergymen have power because of enjoying social and political bases and living among people. Their power is not comparable to the power of non-religious leaders and this fact provokes the politicians’ jealousy and betrayal towards them. Therefore, 45 imperialist leaders are aware of the importance of committed intellectuals and clergymen and try to remove them from the Islamic awakening context and its influences on the future world. With emergence of Islamic awakening movements in the region, the duties of committed intellectuals and clergymen have become more. As supreme leader points out,” Fortunately, there has been created a widespread awakening in Islamic world and it is the task of clergymen and Moslem intellectuals to guide it towards a right direction. They should act in a way that this awakening lead to governing and domination.” Another important duty of them is to solve problems of people. It is not a minor task. It’s a fundamental
  • 46. An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious... issue related to an Islamic society. Here some functions and responsibilities of committed intellectuals and clergymen are presented: ●standing against cruel and corrupt regimes and their remaining agents in temporary transitional governments ●exercising liberality and intellectuality with people in order to make them know that intellectual deviations are injected in the form of Islamic principles ●establishing deep ties with people and accompanying them in different arenas ●presenting solutions based on Islamic principles in order to eradicate encountering challenges 9. Brain drain in countries involved in Islamic awakening wave Two centuries of dictatorship and political, social, economical and military dominance of corrupt governments in countries involved in Islamic awakening wave has 46 led to emergence of a sense of alienation among elites, thinkers and their indifference towards their countries and remaining inactive in the process of progressing. Their not participating in managing a country and domination of a dictatorship atmosphere caused activating imperialist intelligence services in order to recognize and invite them to Western countries and International Zionism. As Tailor believes,” Persuading propaganda of United States has caused immigration of thousands of Islamic countries’ elites and genius thinkers to America.” Joseph Nay also emphasizes that,” more than half of the talented university students in America are from Islamic countries; they never return to their own countries or if they return, they have acquired secular positions.” Imperialist countries prepare
  • 47. International Conference on Youth and Islamic Awakening grounds and opportunities for these students, strengthen a sense of alienation among them, use them in key positions in scientific fields and provide them with financial resources and thereby decrease their interests to their countries and annihilate their will to return there. Through this procedure which is a pre-planned sinister program, world powers cause a lack of committed and expert human sources in Islamic countries. Therefore, the politicians in temporary transitional governments have to carefully consider strategic variables in international context and remember that efficient and revolutionary elites play a crucial role in compensating scientific, social and economical lags in their societies. So we should prepare attractive grounds for elites to return and resurrect noble Islamic thoughts in them to prevent empowering secular and western agents whose way of thinking is not flexible. 10. A weak perspective for future harmonious with global 47 changes One of the fundamental challenges encountering Islamic awakening wave is globalization which is happening as main variable in modern global discipline theory proposed by economical and political powers. This variable is not a natural process; but a planned one. It is, in fact, the hegemony of Western liberal capitalist system to dominate the world, especially the world of Islam. Since recent movements in Islamic world has led to alteration in global equations and establishment of new political discourses of which influences have gone beyond the region, this theory is regarded as a fundamental and promoter theory by colonial theorists. It is followed by them in different branches;
  • 48. An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious... however their main concerns are economy, politics and culture. In the field of economy, globalization refers to domination of Western capitalist companies over sources and capacities of Islamic world and also changing people taste and making them consume their products more. In the fields of politics it refers to political domination of them over all other countries. In the field of culture, it refers to making people consumption-driven, diversity-seeking and enjoyment-seeking. Globalization, in its third meaning, is spreading under the title of “modernist culture”. It is imposed on Islamic countries and imperialist powers aim to globalize their own values and human rights. The globalization project in the fields of economy, culture and politics proposed by imperialist system aims to cultural and economical domination over countries. Globalization necessitates elimination of geographical borders between common-wealth societies and other societies. So Islamic 48 countries should understand the false hegemony of Western democracy and picture a perspective based on reality for themselves to act influentially in the international environments. Recommended solutions: Undoubtedly, Islamic awakening wave is one of the unique events happened in contemporary history. Recent events have had great influence on domestic equations of countries as well as international equations and have resurrected the Islamic identity and originality among Moslems. As supreme leader says,” With the will of God a new movement is starting in the region. It is the movement of nations and Islamic world under the title of Islam aiming
  • 49. International Conference on Youth and Islamic Awakening Islamic goals. It is indicative of public awareness and God has guarantied the absolute victory of such movements.” Islamic awakening wave was established based on the fact that the only way to solve existing problems is returning to noble Islamic concepts and principles. This wave has passed from the phase of emergence and crisis to stability; where free elections, with all people participating, are held and Islamic groups win. Since the future perspective of the countries involved in Islamic awakening wave is in contrary to benefits and goals of international Zionism and imperialism, imperialist countries do all that they can to intervene in the occurring events and deviate freedom- seeking people. Regarding this fact, young generation act as promoter motor and motivator in continuity of Islamic awakening movement. They should understand the sensitivities of present time and stand against avarice of imperialists and Zionists and thereby help to realize the ideals of their revolutions. They play a crucial role and 49 their acting at appropriate time will guarantee the Islamic movement. They should learn from the youth in early Islam, Islamic revolution in Iran, Hezbollah groups in Lebanon and resisting groups of Moghavemat in Palestine. So we should carefully examine occurring events to overcome probable problems and challenges encountering revolutions. Some recommended solutions that can move Islamic revolutions in the region towards stability are as follows: • Demanding establishment of a new political system based on renewal of Islamic respect Now that Islamic awakening wave has happened in an era in which postmodernism is entering into a new phase,
  • 50. An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious... Islamic revolutions in the region try to pay attention to people demands and return their sense of originality. Therefore, it is necessary that in the era, which is named “era of spirituality”, a system based on new evaluative atmosphere be created and introduced to the world. Supreme leader of Islamic revolution has repeatedly reminded influential leaders to establish such system. Now that Islamic awakening wave has endangered all theories of making global systems, it should propose a new discourse which answers all human demands. In this regard, following consideration should be met: ●preparing a perspective for political system according to the mentioned models ●not separating the new political system from noble religious principles ●structuring the system on the basis of cosmopolitan principle and its generalization to other political systems 50 ●considering the principle of gaining political power based on justice ●considering standing against cruelty and defending the suppressed (e.g. Palestinian people) ●emphasizing on influential leadership as the ideological center of political system ●considering the principle of nation independence- readiness to defend the country ●aiming to a new political system on the basis of Islamic- revolutionary principles and avoiding application of laic, liberal, nationalist or Marxist stereotypes in the structures of new government 2. Gaining cultural independence and standing against cultural invasion
  • 51. International Conference on Youth and Islamic Awakening One of the important concerns which plays a key role in guarantying prosperity of societies and realizing their future perspectives is gaining independence and cultural identity. As Imam Khomeini, the founder of Islamic revolution, pointed out,” If a society has a dependent culture which is feed by opposition cultures, other dimensions of the society will move towards the opposite direction too and finally the society will lose its identity in all dimensions. Independence and identity of any society is derived from independence in its culture and it is naive to think that it is possible to gain independence while being culturally dependant. That’s why the main goal of colonials is to invade the culture of subaltern societies.” And the supreme leader also maintains that,” Independence of a nation is not achieved unless through independence in political, economical and cultural fields. If the culture and morality and beliefs of alien countries is prevalent in a society, it can not demand independence; because the real domination of 51 powers is cultural domination. Some solutions are presented here: ●preparing a cultural perspective based on Islamic values ●developing and presenting religious models in cultural and social arenas ●identifying cultural measures taken by enemies and planning to neutralize them ●learning from cultural achievements of Islamic revolution in Iran ●having active, continuous and effective presence in media to stand against media imperialism ●generating variable cultural products in accordance with
  • 52. An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious... Moslems’ needs 3. Designing a model of development based on Quran and religion In this regard, supreme leader says,” Nations, whether Moslem or not, need Islamic orders today. It is because of being away from Islam that some countries are suppressed. Islamic awakening will save nations and that’s why the alertest people in different countries have turned towards Islam which is the way the holy Quran shows us; the way to survival and prosperity.” He adds somewhere else that,” The main issues that imperialist powers emphasize on them are: cultural, economical and scientific domination. That is enough for them not to allow the subaltern country to reach independence, progress and believing in itself.” Considering supreme leader’s point of view, the countries involved in Islamic awakening wave can prepare a perspective to act upon through adopting following approaches: 52 ●designing domestic and Islamic models in order to eradicate economical, military, cultural and scientific dependence on aliens ●promoting productivity ●lessening class gaps ●promoting Islamic revolution ideals in cultural, economical and political dimensions ●eradicating poverty and deprivation; and development of the country ●making the country’s culture and economic efficient ●eradicating scientific, economical, political, military, cultural and social dependence through jehad-like measures 4. Preventing religious, ethnic and racial differences to become significant and relying on religion as a criterion
  • 53. International Conference on Youth and Islamic Awakening Now that Islam-seeking wave has turned into one of the main discourses in global theories and has violated all international equations and Zionism’ benefits, the only possible way for enemies to deviate this trend is to create ethnic and religious quarrels among people. So the young generation in the Islamic countries should maintain the achievements of happened revolutions through following measures: ●aknowledgement of ethnic and religious differences ●managing existing differences ●maintaining integrity on the basis of religion ●maintaining integrity on the basis of saving country from the barraters 5. identifying rival models in the region as well as international arena It can be concluded form supreme leader sayings that,” The enemy has prepared a comprehensive and planned scenario for Islamic system and Islamic awakening movements. 53 But fortunately, using our philosophical and evaluative capacities we will be able to stand against these scenarios.” 6. Increase in awareness, cognizant presence in different arenas at appropriate time The role of people in emergence and continuity of Islamic awakening trend is undeniable. It was seen in Islamic revolution of Iran too; where presence of people in different scenes neutralized all the enemy’s plans against Islamic system. So the main treasure of awakening movements in Islamic countries has been presence of people at appropriate times. As supreme leader, in a question and answer session, says to the youth that,” Awareness of young generation is one of the three pillars in guarantying their own success in
  • 54. An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious... future and prosperity of the country.” He advised them to feel responsible, to build their own future and not to rely on chances, to have faith, which is the key component in making progress and gaining achievement in all fields, and finally to have awareness and distinguishing power. Because if they have these characteristics, they can become successful in all fields.” 7. Constant reviewing the principles of revolution Islamic awakening movement has emerged on the basis of people’s will and Islamic principles and its continuity is bound to commitment to its fundamental principles, a deep understanding of its different layers and avoiding simple- mindedness for the sake of keeping revolution achievements immune from deviations. Hence following items should be considered: ●maintaining and strengthening fundamental principles and directionalities of Islamic awakening wave 54 ●focusing on the principles of revolution of which ignorance will lead to gradual changes ●the only way to prevent deviation from Islamic revolution principles is to making main indexes of system more prominent ●independence, freedom and justice-seeking ●not giving up to dictatorship and colonialism ●rejection of ethnic, racial and religious differences ●explicit rejection of Zionism ●maintaining originalities with a high sensitivity ●not allowing the enemy to determine future principles of the system ●not victimizing the principles in favor of passing benefits ●pessimism towards Europe, United States, NATO and
  • 55. International Conference on Youth and Islamic Awakening not believing their promises ●gaining solutions from Islamic origin and giving alien versions back ●pessimism towards any advise or measure proposed by America 8. Using the achievements, advances and valuable experiences of other Moslem nations Islamic awakening wave has started since decades ago and after victory of Islamic revolution in Iran. It has been accelerated and turned to the main discourse in political, economical and social arenas. Islamic revolution, acting as a stereotype, has gained lots of achievements and is gaining more power in the region. Therefore, the elite and intellectual youth should use different experiences of Islamic Republic of Iran and reach to their goals through a crosscut according to these items: ●using the principles of Islamic Republic of Iran constitutional law as a model for developing their own laws 55 and regulations ●using Iran’s achievement in the field of Nano- technology ●applying fundamental researches of Islamic Republic of Iran in cultural and social fields ●using the capacities of young generations in Islamic countries ●believing young generation ●revival of self-confidence in the youth ●the youth’s application of older people experiences ●considering “Islamic democratic system” as desirable ●not confusing Islamic democracy with democracy 9. Aiming to release noble Qods (qodse-sharif) from Zionists
  • 56. An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious... International Zionism and imperialism use all their capacities to occupy and annihilate noble Qods; the first Qibla of Moslems. Therefore, one of the future goals of Islamic awakening wave should be releasing it from Zionist regime to create an integrated Islamic unity. Following items should be considered: ●aiming to release Palestine from Zionists ●continuity of great movement in Egypt to Palestine and Rafah passage ●taking big steps to overcome all barriers ●considering true treasures of Moslem nations (not being arrogant after victory) 10. Establishment of mobilizations of people (Basij) and Islamic organs Islamic awakening wave, while gaining stability, is facing different threats from international system. Imperialism and Zionism use all their capacities to challenge this trend and 56 neutralize its achievements. So it is duty of all Moslem young people to maintain these achievements and learn from Islamic revolution of Iran and establish mobilizations of people (Basij) and Islamic organs. As Imam Khomeini, the great leader of Islamic revolution, says,” defending Islam and Islamic countries is a religious and divine task of people and it is due to them.” Basij is an eternal source for Islamic revolutions and guarantees the prosperity of developing societies. Its importance is to the extent that Sublime God emphasizes on its necessity in Holy Quran. Reviewing the history of Islam also confirms this point that whenever people were present in different social scenes, there came fortunate outcomes for the society.
  • 57. International Conference on Youth and Islamic Awakening The role of Basij in Islamic revolution is another proof for the fact that it is of a revolutionary and constructive spirit. The existing bureaucracies in the societies are not barriers to achieving its goals. Hence, the young generation of the countries involved in Islamic awakening wave should provide a ground for flourishing and development through establishing mobilizations of people. The following items should be considered here: ●scientific mobilization and organizing the elites and influential figures in the trend ●defending revolutions through closing the ways of enemies’ infiltration to managing layers in new political systems ●deepening culture in the society ●comprehensive defending against software and hardware threats ●making stereotypes and presenting evaluable, revolutionary models in different arenas of new political 57 systems ●neutralizing security and disciplinary threats in the society ●creating jobs and eradication of poverty ●identifying violators in new political systems ●construction and building appropriate infrastructures in the country Conclusions: The influence of the events happened during recent months is so great that the Islamic awakening wave has turned to a new political discourse in the 21st century. It caused a new power, called power of Islamic world, to emerge and
  • 58. An introduction to theoretical foundations of religious... to become the center of attention for many political and nonpolitical analysts, who have presented different analysis of current changes. With spread of Islamic wakening wave, we should ask that “is it possible to consider an absolute ending to these changes? Is international imperialism and Zionism able to challenge these movements again?” Examining this issue demonstrates that this wave will be continued because of its expanding outcomes; Intervention of international Zionism and world arrogance will not impede it and will face with anger of revolutionary people and their justice-seeking stream. It is expected that intervention of imperialist system leads to spreading and fastening the cycle of changes and awakening movements and going their influence beyond the region. As supreme leader of Islamic revolution predicts, this wave will be expanded to other parts of the world and not only the Middle East and Africa, but also Europe will experience the 58 outcomes of this movement. We should accept that international imperialist and Zionism have been weakening with emergence of Islamic awakening wave and with adopting different approaches and made up scenarios as well as creation of deviating models, they try to decrease the power of the countries involved in the Islamic awakening wave and their people. That’s why the responsibility of influential figures, committed youth, experts and leaders becomes more important and the necessity of taking needed measures is undeniable. These measures should be taken in order to overcome encountering challenges and making the best use of all capacities and capabilities of Islamic societies. Islamic nations and their people’s concentration on
  • 59. International Conference on Youth and Islamic Awakening Imam Khomeini, supreme leader of Islamic revolution and other committed influential figures’ thoughts in the first, second and now in the third wave of Islamic awakening, is an important and great responsibility of of them to stand against international imperialism and Zionism as well as their alliances and counterparts in all phases of emergence, crisis and gaining relative stability. Thereby they can defend Islam and Islamic identity with the aid of all intellectuals, thinkers and young people of Islamic awakening movement and use all political, economical and cultural capacities of Islamic world to dictate the abilities and potentialities of Islamic societies to heads of global infidelity and imperialism. Therefore, young generation in the countries involved in Islamic awakening movements have a huge responsibility in standing against enemies’ conspiracies. As supreme leader points out,” The youth should take most of the responsibilities for the future and have a regeneration. Do not let the enemies annihilate nation hopes through 59 propaganda, conspiracy and lying. Do not let them make divisions and create gaps between people and heads of the governments. They want you to become divided; because they are afraid of your integration. They have a fear of your firm slogans and the serious and firm will of the responsible people in the Islamic governments. They aim to unstable this will. When people of a country stand beside the heads of their government, nobody hesitate and they move forward.”
  • 60. Designing a Model for Civil and Islamic Institutions...
  • 61. Designing a Model for Civil and Islamic Institutions and Speculating on How to Implement It in Order to Maintain the Islamic Awakening Achievements Roqayyeh Bahrami1 Introduction Many sociologists believe that as long as social revolutions and movements are opposed to the existing situation, they can result in motion, but when they attain a political structure and system, they adopt an inactive and justificationary, and it is at that very moment that the revolution and the movement expire and cease to attain their goals. According to this viewpoint, the process of transformation of a movement to a system, in a manner that leads to the maintenance and growth of ideals and revival of 61 the revolutionary values resultant from Islamic Awakening, is one of the most important efforts which should be taken into consideration after a revolution. On the other hand, organizing the revolutionary passion of people, which has aimed at disarranging the previous system, is either impossible and might result in anarchism; or if achieved, leads to the extinction of this revolutionary passion. Formation of various civil circles is all the outcomes of these 1.Junior Student, Third Level, Department of Fiqh and Usul, Qaba Hawzah 'Ilmiyya, Tehran 09366447962 Email: "Muslim Ummah has sensed the breeze of awakening and has smelled the aroma of returning to Islamic Knowledge." -Hazrat Imam Khamenei, Supreme Leader of Islamic Revolution
  • 62. Designing a Model for Civil and Islamic Institutions... approaches which have reached the "institutionalization" phase, and each has found a specific work in the system and the executive constitution of that approach. As a more elaborate instance, Imam's emphasis on the formation of a "Global Mobilization" illustrates Imam's high ends and endevours on one hand, and his determination to manage this revolutionary passion in an intelligent manner and spread it globally. This should be accomplished in a way to assure that the revolutionary passion does not extinct, and remembrance of the foreign adversary results in homeland unity and integration, so that a territorial order is achieved to establish a system. Constitution of such civil and revolutionary institutions, is illustrative of the strategic depth of the doctrinal leaders and proper understanding of the important point that revolutionary spirit can only last in civil institutions, rather than the structure of administrative and political systems 62 where it fades gradually. "One of the key essentials in every social movement and upheaval,is that there must be 'word-making' and 'institutionalization' based on the ideas and the underlying basics of that movement," states Imam Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, elaborating on this specific issue, "When a new concept, like the concepts of Islamic rule, Islamic system, and Islamic Awakening are introduced, the movement which is based on this new idea must have its own appropriate terms and words. If it borrows its words from outsiders, the atmosphere will get troubled, leaving subjects untold. The same is true about institutionalization. When a revolution and a movement is realized, it must form its own operational systems - mechanisms to follow its intentions.