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KKDN No.: PP16195/12/2010

                                              Speak Up
                                                       on Y!
August 2010

                            Erin Malek
                            is Happy-Go-Lucky
                            Celebrating Hari Raya
                            From School to               osses
                            College                    Ma
                                                       p                        vie

                            Innovation at MMU
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                            Dining at Café de One
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Editor’s Note

                                                                                                                                                    y sisters and I live in different cities. I’ve called Kuala Lumpur home for the last 10 years, Elaine
                                                                                                                                                    is making Liverpool home, while Daphne and Serene live down south, in Singapore.
                                                                  Jointly organized by KBU International College & Y! Magazine
                                                                                                                                                    Sure, we grew up together, and then I went off to college. But by the time we were all at

The one marathon that
                                                                                                                                                    university, we were already miles apart. And now that we’re young working adults, it seems
                                                                                                                                                    that we call our respective cities home.

            you need not run to win!
                                                                                                                                 We’d meet up several times during the year, especially the ones in Singapore and I. And during Chinese New
                                                                                                                                 Year and Christmas, we’d all gather back at home with our parents. Distance and cost doesn’t always make it
                                                                                                                                 feasible for Elaine to come home as often as she’d like, but thank god for technology bridging the miles.

                                                                                                                                 Sometimes I wake up on Sunday morning thinking, “how nice if I can ring up my sisters and we’d all go                      3 Happenin’
Coming to you this December 2010!
                                                                                                                                 somewhere cosy for coffee and brunch”, or after a long day’s work, “how nice if I gather them all for dinner and
                                                                                                                                 ice cream”.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            4 WHASSUP
                                                                                                                                 I do miss them you know… But oh well, I guess such are the choices we make.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            6 Cover Story
             Be recognized as the TOP IQ TALENT in the country and win a                                                         September sees Muslims all over the world celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri. And we know that there are those who
                                                                                                                                 will be celebrating Raya away from home, away from their families. In our special Raya feature Hari Raya Away              10 Edu Zone
     FULL SCHOLARSHIP* for a UK DEGREE PROGRAMME and other attractive prizes!                                                    From Home (pg 24) we speak to Nur Afiqah in Scotland and Dayana who lives in the United States of America.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            16 College Oomph
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            18 Edu Aid
                                                                                                                                 In this issue, we feature local teenage actress, Erin Malek (pg 6) who has been making waves for herself in the
                                                                                                                                 local entertainment industry. This petite and demure 16 year-old is down-to-earth, bubbly and talkative, and
                                                                                                                                 we love her so! Read on as Erin shares with us about her family, school, acting career as well as her plans for the
                                                                                                                                 upcoming Hari Raya.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            20 Youth Asia
                                                                                                                                 Edu Zone is once again filled with information on courses and career pathways; the affordable way towards an
                                                                                                                                 American degree via Nilai UC (pg 11), how the Business School at KBU is forging ahead (pg 12), and what it                 24 Hari Raya Special
                                                                                                                                 means to be innovative at MMU (pg 14).
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            26 Music Review
                                                                                                                                 Beginning this issue, we celebrate our partnership with, a Rewards Platform for Youths. Do
                                                                                                                                 check out their piece as they pose questions to Malaysian youths (pg 20).                                                  27 Website Review
                                                                                                                                 The months of September and October present a movie galore! If you don’t want to miss any of the upcoming
                                                                                                                                 blockbusters, be sure to check out our blog to win exclusive movie passes and merchandise!                                 28 Food Review
                                                                                                                                 Till the next issue, have a great school holiday, Selamat Hari Raya and Maaf Zahir Batin from all of us Y! Magazine!       30 Movie Reviews
                               The inaugural IQ Marathon: The Battle for Scholarship held in December
                               2009 was a raving success for organizers, sponsors and participants. Providing                    Cheers,
                               a good platform for students to test their wits in a challenging and fun envi-                    Doreen
                               ronment that would stimulate their creative and critical thinking skills, the
                               Marathon enabled all SPM students to participate in a rewarding and fun ac-
                               tivity after the examinations.

                               342 students from 132 schools nationwide participated in the event, and stu-
                               dents came from institutions that included fully residential schools, interna-
                               tional schools, MARA Junior Colleges, etc. The competition secretariat had
                               also recorded participants coming from all 13 states in the country!

                               To be held for the second year running, IQ Marathon 2010 will be back
                               again in December whilst maintaining the tagline “The one marathon that
                               you need not run to win”.

                                                        For advertising & sponsorship opportunities,
                                                        Please call
                                                        Y! Magazine at 03-7726 0453
                                                        or email us at
   *The full scholarship is for a franchised UK degree programme conducted at KBU International College.
   Terms and conditions apply.
Contributor                                                                                                                                                                         Justin                                                                                                     Happenin’

                           See Hoon Peow is trained in Law and Sociology & Anthropology. But his
                           real passion is in Philosophy. Hoon Peow built his career in education, and is now
                                                                                                                General Management
                                                                                                                General Manager Kristine Williams
                                                                                                                                                                      Get       Honda Malaysia Racing Team
                                                                                                                                                                      Ready for Rises To The Challenge
                           Principal to KBU International College. Thinking and writing are his hobbies. He     Editorial
                           thinks, therefore he writes.                                                         Editor              Doreen Loo

                                                                                                                Writer              Sharmini H.
                                                                                                                Contributors        Dr. See Hoon Peow                                                                         At the recently concluded 12-Hour Merdeka          “Many factors are involved in helping Car 27
                                                                                                                                    Dawson Chong                                                                              Millenium Endurance Race 2010, the Honda           to emerge as the Touring Production Class

                                                               Dawson Chong                                                                                                                                                                                                      Champion– the car and its ability to endure
    Jump is my middle name. If you think I am not active enough, you are seriously asking                       Sales & Advertising                                                                                                                                              the 12-hour challenge, the teamwork in
    for more trouble. Despite 21, I never think I am too old for Snoopy and Garfield. Like                      Manager          Terence Chin                                                                                                                                    preparing the car, and ensuring smooth pit
    people say, live young, feel young, look young! Opps, I forgot, my last name is Young.                      Marketing, Circulation & Subscription                                                                                                                            stops throughout the race, the drivers in being
    Call me Jump Young!                                                                                         Manager            Sharmini H.                                                                                                                                   careful, alert and following a well planned
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 strategy and last but not least a stroke of luck!”
                                                                                                                Administration & Accounts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 said Eddie Lew.
                                                                                                                Manager         Ally Pua
                                                                                                                Art Direction & Design                                                                                                                                           Aaron Lim also highlighted that the
                                                                                                                                 Raymond Yap                                                                                                                                     preparation for this year’s race has not been all
                                                                                                                Printer             Graphic Tech (M) Sdn. Bhd.                                                                                                                   easy. “There were quite a few challenges. One
                                                                                                                                    Jalan Tanming 5,                                                                                                                             of them is of course the changed regulation
                                                                                                                                    Taman Tanming Jaya                                                                                                                           on tires. Honda team members and drivers
                                                                                                                                    43300 Balakong                                                                            Malaysia Racing Team Car 27 (with drivers          had to cope and test out totally new tires
                                                                                                                                    Selangor.                                                                                 Eddie Lew, Reuben Wong and Aaron Lim)              that we have not used before. Besides that,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              emerged as the Champion of the Class Touring       the race this year started at midnight, which
                                                                                                                Publisher                                             Can’t get enough of this year’s hottest teen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Production, and eight in the overall ranking.      means longer period of driving in the dark,”
                                                                                                                Descartes Education Counselling Centre Sdn Bhd        superstar, well fret no more, Universal Music
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 added Lim.
                                                                                                                (76928-U)                                             Malaysia is giving you the chance to get up close
                                                                                                                57A. Jalan SS21/1A, Damansara Utama.                  with Justin Bieber. All we need is the full support
                                                                                                                47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.                        of all Malaysian Justin Bieber fans. So get on up!!
                                                                                                                Tel: 03-7726 0453                                     Do it One Time for Bieber!
                                                                                                                Fax: 03-7727 0451
                                                                                                                Email:                                Universal Music Malaysia is starting Biebervision,
                                                                                                                                                                      an amazing campaign to get Bieber fans

                                                                                                                                                                      everything they want about America’s #1
                                                                                                                Free copies to schools, colleges and universities
    Y! Magazine can                            be reached                                                       nationwide
                                                                                                                Subscription                                          Head on to Universal Music Malaysia’s Facebook
                                                                                                                Get it delivered to your doorstep for RM8 per         page and post a love note to Justin Bieber.
                                                                                                                                                                      1st Stage Biebervision – 5000 love posts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                The First Premium Durian
                                                                                                                                                                      on Facebook and each fan will get a One Time
    and we welcome your feedback and letters                                                                    All rights reserved. No part of this magazine
                                                                                                                                                                      Remix True Tone of the song for free and an
    to the editor.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Ice Cream in Malaysia
                                                                                                                may be used or reproduced without the written
                                                                                                                                                                      album voucher which will entitle you to get an
    Check out our blog at                                                  permission of Y!. The publisher cannot accept
                                                                                                                                                                      exclusive giant poster.
    for updates and contests. You can also download and view current                                            responsibility for errors in advertisements,
    and past issues of the magazine here.                                                                       articles, photographs or illustrations. All                                                                     All hail the King of Fruits! Be prepared        In conjunction with the launch of Durian
                                                                                                                                                                      2nd Stage Biebervision – 10,000
    Do email your letters to the editor to                                                                      advertisements, articles, photographs or                                                                        to let your taste buds run wild as New          Divine ice cream, an exclusive Durian Divine
                                                                                                                                                                      love posts and each fan will receive exclusive and if you are on Facebook,                                                                 illustrations are respectively the advertisers’,                                                                Zealand Natural becomes the first               Sundae was created. Made with two scoops
                                                                                                                                                                      autograph wallpaper signed by Justin Bieber
    join us at www.facebook .com/ymagazineonline                                                                writers’, photographers’ and illustrators’ personal                                                             premium ice cream brand in the country          of Durian Divine and served with a range of
                                                                                                                observation and view, and does not reflect Y!’s                                                                 to launch Durian Divine – a delicious           premium toppings, it is available for a limited
                                                                                                                opinion. All prices are correct at time of going                                                                durian ice cream made with fresh D24            period only at RM16.90.
                                                                                                                to press.                                             3rd Stage Biebervision – 15,000 love
                                                                                                                                                                      posts and fans will receive an official lifetime          flesh blended with its international best-
                                                                                                                                                                      membership for Justin Bieber’s Malaysia Fan Club,         selling ‘Vanilla Classic’ ice cream. Expect a
                                                                                                                Official Print Media Partner for
                                                                                                                                                                      complete with a loyalty card!                             burst of rich flavour and an ultra creamy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                taste sensation with strong durian kick!
                                                                                                                                                                      So hurry up Beliebers – we can make a
                                                                                                                                                                      difference right here in Malaysia! If you want to see     New Zealand Natural lovers can also now
                                                                                                                                                                      him on our shores, do your part for Biebervision!         enjoy Durian Divine ice cream Take Home
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Packs at 30% off on the 30th of every

2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     3
whassup                                                                                                                                                                                                                      whassup

                                                                                                                      OCTOBER 2010
                                                                                                                      3-14         Support the Malaysian teams at the
                                                                                                                      19th Commonwealth Games kicking off in Delhi.
                                                                                                                                                                          21 You Again opens in cinemas nationwide!
                                                                                                                      Visit for event
                                                                                                                      listings.                                           25 Katy Perry turns 26 today!
3-5               4-12
                                                        11                                     12                     8-10 to Malaysian Motorcycle Sepang 29-31 Photography enthusiasts should
                                                                                                                      Prix comes    Kuala Lumpur at the

                                                                                                                      International Circuit. Visit  http://www. check out the Kuala Lumpur Photography
                                                                                                             for information. .              Festival 2010 at the Midvalley Exhibition Centre.
                                                                                                                                                                          Visit for more information.

                                                                                                                      11    Hawaiian golfer Michelle Wie celebrates her
                                                                                                                      21st birthday.                                      31 Go spook someone this Halloween!
                                                                                                                      15-17             Nature lovers should check out
                                                                                                                      the Borneo Bird Festival 2010 at the Rainforest
                                                                                                                      Discovery Centre at Sepilok Sandakan, Sabah. For
 16               16-19                                 22                                     22                     info, visit


                                                                                 SEPTEMBER 2010                                                                                       3-14                                    8-10
                    3-5 Fair back at PWTC! travel deals with the lanternsIndulge in mooncakes and hang pretty
                          Time to get cheap                      22 this Mid-Autumn Festival.
                    4-12 School Holidays rock!                   22year featuring musical, dance and theatre
                                                                         Short + Sweet Malaysia returns for the

                                                                       performances at KLPAC, all the way until 31

                    11   Selamat Hari Raya to all Muslims and fellow
                                                                       October. Visit http://shortandsweetmalaysia.

                    12 NBA star Yao Ming welcomes the big 24-26 Catch the Formula1 Singapore GP
                                                                       night race.
                                                                                                                                          11                                          15-17                                   21
                    16 The nation celebrates Malaysia Day.       25 Watch your favourite tennis stars battle
                                                                 it out at the ATP World Tour Malaysian Open,
                                                                 Kuala Lumpur 2010 happening in Stadium Putra
                    16-19 The T4YP William Shakespeare’s Bukit Jalil. http://www.malaysianopentennis.
                    People) at KLPAC presents
                                              (Theatre For Young
                    Twelfth Night. Visit for ticketing
                    and show times.

                                                                                                                                          25                                          29-31                                   31

4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              5
Cover Story                                                                                                                                                                                            Cover Story
                                        ERIN MALEK

                  H a ppy- G
                               u ck y
                                                                     Tell us a little bit about yourself – your
                                                                     birthplace, where you grew up, where you’re
                                                                     attending school right now.
                                                                     I’m your typical teenager, but the only difference
                                                                     is I’m also pursuing my career as an actress. I do
                                                                     all the normal stuff teenagers do – go to school,
                                                                     hang out with friends. I was born and bred in
                                                                     Kuala Lumpur, and I’m currently studying at SMK
                                                                     Pandan Mewah, which is close by to where my
                                                                     family and I live.

                                                                     What sort of a student are you in school?
                                                                                                                             and because of this and the fact that all of us
                                                                                                                             are in the entertainment industry; I watch what I
                                                                                                                             say and do in public. I am always reminded that
                                                                                                                             whatever I do, it comes back to my family and I
                                                                                                                                                                                 and manage your schedule and workload?
                                                                                                                                                                                 As I’m still a secondary school student,
                                                                                                                                                                                 Alhamdulillah, up till now, there have been no
                                                                                                                                                                                 problems with school. The teachers understand
                                                                                                                                                                                 my work schedule as well, and they only make it
                                                                                                                                                                                 a point that if the exams are on, I am not allowed
                                                                                                                                                                                 to miss school. My friends are also supportive
                                                                                                                                                                                 and help me out a lot. If I have to miss school
                                                                                                                                                                                 on certain days, they will update me with what’s
                                                                                                                                                                                 happening at school, and the homework to be
                                                                                                                                                                                 done. And if I don’t go to school for a number
                                                                                                                                                                                 of days, I end up missing all my classmates.
                                                                     I am quite a happy-go –lucky student amongst                                                                My mom also understands that because I’m in
                                                                     my friends and teachers. Although there are                                                                 school, that there will be offers which I cannot
                                                                     some of my school mates that don’t like the fact                                                            take up.
                                                                     that I’m an actress. But instead of letting them
                                                                     get me down, I just ignore all these negative           never want them to be ashamed of me, but be
                                                                     vibes.                                                  proud that I am a good sister to my siblings and
                                                                                                                             a good daughter to my parents.
                                                                     You’re currently in Form 4. What are your
                                                                     plans after you finish your SPM?                        Do your younger siblings get to see much
                                                                     After I finish my SPM next year, I may either           of their elder sister because of your busy
                                    In between her school hours      continue and further my studies, or take some           schedule?
                                    and hectic filming schedule,     time off and fully concentrate on my acting             I see my younger sister everyday but my second
                                                                     career before going back to university. However,        sister stays with my grandmother because we
                                    actress Erin Malek told          I have not planned so far ahead yet. Work and           both have busy schedules that my parents have
                                    Doreen Loo & Sharmini H.         school is keeping me busy enough, and I plan to         to work around. But she comes back home every
                                    stories about her school,        give my all for the SPM examinations, and maybe         weekend then all three of us spend our whole
                                                                     even cut down on work.                                  weekends hanging out and doing girly things.
                                    family and her career as a TV
                                    actress. Bubbly, talkative and   If you’re planning on going to college/                 When and how did you get started in the
                                                                     university, what course do you plan to study            entertainment industry?
                                    down-to-earth, Erin Malek        and why?                                                Back then, my dad didn’t want me to be an
                                    is what we would call a cili     Acting is my main passion. So when I do go to           actress. But my mother knew that I was really
                                                                     university, I will definitely take up a course within   keen and was willing to work hard, and so she
                                    padi!                            this same field or along the lines of performing        took me to my first audition. Although I was
                                                                     arts or film production.                                excited, but the moment I got to the set, I was
                                                                                                                             nervous because there were more experienced         What is a typical day in the life of Erin Malek?
                                                                     Tell us about your family.                              actresses vying for the same role! The next 2       Usually it’s school, and after school, I sometimes
                                                                     At home, there’s my mom and dad, and I have             weeks were the longest because I was waiting        have to rush off to set for filming works. If I’m
                                                                     2 sisters. Both my sisters are also actresses, but      for the call back, and eventually the producers     not working and not in school, then I’m home
                                                                     they are not so into it like I am. Maybe they have      did, and I was offered the role. Seeing my          with my family. During the weekends, my sisters
                                                                     other plans when they grow up. At home, we              enthusiasm, my dad gave me his blessings and        and I love shopping, karaoke and sometimes we
                                                                     all make a lot of noise, and being sisters, yes –       the rest is now history.                            just stay home and just hang out and update
                                                                     we do fight! My parents are very supportive of                                                              each other about everything that happened
                                                                     my career and they understand that this is what         It must be difficult juggling school and your       throughout the week in our own lives.
                                                                     I love doing. We are a very close-knitted family        career as an actress. How do you prioritize
6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     7
Cover Story

    How do your friends and teachers treat you
    at school seeing that you’re a popular local
    Even though a lot of people now recognize me
    as Erin Malek, the actress, I am still the same
    Erin. Mom and dad taught us to never let fame
    get into our heads. At school, I am just a regular
    student. I go for classes, do my homework, take
    examinations. My teachers and friends don’t
    treat me any different at school either. But yes,
    there’s bound to be some who do not like me
    that much, but I guess I’m happy with my life
    and as long as I have friends and family who love
    me, I can ignore all those negative vibes. I’m still
    young, and I still have a long way to go and will
    need the support and love from my friends and          Either living or dead, who is your favourite
    family.                                                local actor/actress? Why?
                                                           My favourite actress is Erra Fazira because I’ve
                                                           seen all her movies, and she is amazing! And
                                                           she’s also a wife and mother, and yet still so
                                                           successful in what she does. I adore Erra also
                                                           because she looks great, and whenever you see
                                                           her, she’s always charming and elegant. I have
                                                           never acted with her before, although I’ve met
                                                           her once. I hope to work alongside
                                                           her in future.

                                                                                                                  everything and anything I see during Raya. My             M

                                                                                                                  favourite foods are kuah kacang with nasi impit.

                                                                                                                  What do you love most about Hari Raya?                   CM
                                                                                                                  When I was younger, the best thing about Hari
                                                                                                                  Raya was the duit raya. But of course, as you            MY

                                                                                                                  grow older, you get lesser, haha! The best part          CY
    What accomplishment are you most proud of                                                                     about Raya is getting together with the family.
    in your life so far?                                                                                          I get to meet all my cousins from everywhere –           CMY

    I would have to say my acting career. Despite                                                                 Mantin, Shah Alam, Kinrara… and when we all
                                                                                                                  get together, we talk, laugh, eat and have a great
    being only sixteen, I am very passionate and
    believe in what I do. I love challenging myself                                                               time. On the first day of Hari Raya, we will all be at
    because when it comes to acting, we have to                                                                   grandma’s place until late into the night.
    become other people and it’s not always easy.
    We have to project a lot of emotions and assume
    various roles. Sometimes I have to project anger,      What do you like to do for fun?
    and sometimes I have to cry. I’ve even played          My family is number one in my life, and then my
    roles where I was possessed by spirits! For me, if     friends. So fun is spending time and doing things
    I can accomplish and play those roles well, that       with them. When I’m stressed or tired with school
    means I’ve given my best.                              or work, I prefer to be alone and have music keep
                                                           me company.
    What is the best part about being a TV and
    movie actress?                                         Who or what inspires you the most?
    I would have to say the challenge of the industry.     Maybe I’m still young, but at the moment I do not
    I am always learning something new every time          have one single thing or person which inspires
    I’m on the set and that keeps me excited. Also, I      me. Can I say I inspire myself? I love acting
    get to meet the other actors and actresses and         so much, and cannot imagine myself doing
    even veterans in the industry. They are all like       anything else. So it is my passion that makes me       Any words of advice for students wanting to
    mentors and advise and share their experiences         push myself to excel. And I’m lucky because my         pursue careers in the entertainment industry
    with me.                                               family is behind me every step of the way.             like yourself?
                                                                                                                  Being an actress, we are always in the public eye
    And the worst?                                         Where and how will you be celebrating Hari             and therefore have to keep a good reputation
    It’s not all glamorous and easy on the set. When       Raya this year?                                        and name for ourselves. To be a successful actress,
    we do outdoor shoots, we have to endure the            Every year without fail, my family and I celebrate     one must always stay grounded despite the
    weather – it can be pouring cats and dogs, and         Hari Raya at my grandmother’s house, in the            fame and never forget our roots. It’s important
    it can be extremely hot! And on set, the lights        Kampung Pandan area. So this year is going to be       to have your family supporting you as well. The
    make the whole place so hot, and I don’t really        no different. We all gather there, with my family,     entertainment industry is not easy at all – so you
    like using a lot of make-up, but in front of the       uncles, aunts, cousins, and we all love eating. Hari   have to be prepared to work really hard and not
    camera, it has to be done.                             Raya is not a time for anyone to go on a diet. I eat   complain only.
Edu Zone                                                             Nilai                                                                                                            Edu Zone

                                               Flexible and Affordable
                                                                                                                                                                An overseas education is an
                                                                                                                                                                expensive undertaking but

                                               American Degree via
                                                                                                                                                                Nilai UC’s American Degree
                                                                                                                                                                Transfer Programme aims
                                                                                                                                                                to reduce cost but not the

                                               Nilai UC                                                                                                         quality and the merits of a
                                                                                                                                                                US degree.
                                               Ask any parent serious about their children’s           years. At Nilai UC, a student only has to fork
                                               education and they will tell you that an overseas       out RM400 per credit and all the credits earned
                                               education is the preferred choice. Quality of the       can be transferred to an American or Canadian
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Nilai UC American Degree
                                               institutions aside, one cannot deny that many           university of their choice.                                                               Transfer Programme is ideal for
                                               employers still prefer overseas graduates. This                                                                                                   students who are undecided
                                               is simply because a child gets to expand their          “Although a student misses out on two years                                               on their field of study.via Nilai
                                               horizons and to experience life beyond these            abroad, their savings are substantial. Besides, I                                         UC’s ADP.

                                               borders. It is perceived that the experience will       feel that it is better to send children over later
                                               instill in the graduate, a wider worldview and a        rather than sooner as they will be that much

                                               tougher and more independent character after            more mature having been in a tertiary education                                           Nilai UC American Degree
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Transfer Programme allows
                                               having survived in a foreign environment for a          institution for the first two years. They will
                                                                                                                                                                                                 students to become
                                               number of years. However, the prohibitive cost          have acclimatised themselves to the workload                                              comfortable with an English
                                   Edu Zone    of an overseas education is a stumbling block for
                                               many parents.
                                                                                                       and crucially, adapted to an English medium
                                                                                                       curriculum,” emphasised Shariffah.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 medium curriculum before
                                                                                                                                                                                                 going overseas.

                                        16     Nilai University College (Nilai UC) offers a solution
                                               with its American Degree Transfer Programme
                                                                                                       Quality and Prestige
                                                                                                       The quality of the teaching and learning
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Nilai UC Dean of the School
                                                                                                                                                                                                 of Humanities and Social

                              College Oomph    (ADP). Shariffah Bahyah Syed Ahmad, Nilai UC            environment in North American universities are
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Sciences, Shariffah Bahyah Bte
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Syed Ahmad, believes that
                                               Dean of the School of Humanities and Social             famed for producing some of the best minds                                                overseas education can now

                                               Sciences, explains how parents can still give their     in fields as diverse as science, engineering,                                             be an affordable option via
                                               children the benefit of an overseas education           computing and architecture to name but a few.                                             Nilai UC’s ADP.
                                               without the backbreaking, mortgage-like

                                     Edu Aid   expenses, and highlight the other benefits of this
                                                                                                       “Nilai UC’s ADP is the gateway into this rarefied
                                                                                                       academic world and students will also receive

                                                                                                       personalized attention from Nilai UC’s dedicated     If a student is talented and likes to express himself
                                               Flexibility                                             teaching staff who will ensure students are          creatively, a career in the arts may be the best.
                                               The ADP allows students to change their major           well-prepared for future scholastic challenges,”     Through ADP you can chose from animation,

                                  Youth Asia
                                               without losing credits earned. This means               assures Shariffah.                                   acting, audio technology, broadcasting, fashion,
                                               students can change the direction of their                                                                   film arts, graphic design, music, painting, or
                                               academic and career path without having to              “Many of the North American universities             photography.
                                               start from scratch.                                     were founded decades ago and in many cases

                Edu Zone: Your Complete
                                                                                                       are centuries old. This imparts great prestige       Adventure
                                               “Parents should note that this is quite a common        and graduates are seen as being part of a            “Studying abroad is an adventure of a lifetime

                      Education Guide
                                               scenario as many teenagers have no clear idea of        long tradition of those institutions. There’s no     and the experience is something which gives
                                               what they want to do and the initial choice may         doubting it, employers are still impressed when      graduates that something extra. Employers
                                               be ill-suited. There are many instances where           an interviewee is a graduate from a famous           still see overseas graduates as being more
                                               a student is unhappy and has to drop out of a           university abroad,” says Shariffah.                  independent and having a broader perspective
                                               programme and start all over again. This can be                                                              due to their exposure to a foreign culture and
                                               avoided with the ADP,” says Shariffah.                  Choices @ Nilai UC                                   learning environment,” says Shariffah.
                                                                                                       Nilai UC’s ADP offer a wide choice of different
                                               “In the ADP it doesn’t matter what stream a             majors. No other institution can give you more.      “With that in mind, parents and students should
                                               student has been placed into during high                For example in the field of biology students         consider investing in their child’s future. After all,
                                               school. He or she can enter any field they like and     can choose bacteriology, biochemistry,               with Nilai UC’s ADP programme, the prohibitive
                                               have the freedom to choose and to change their          bioengineering,        biomedical       science,     element in terms of costs is minimized, making it
                                               minds about what’s best for their future.”              biophysics or biotechnology. If a student is         a more affordable experience.”
                                                                                                       interested in engineering Nilai UC can help
                                               Affordability                                           him get into aerospace, automotive, chemical,          For more information on Nilai UC and
                                               Parents are looking at a massive 70% reduction          civil, construction technology, electrical,            programmes, please go to
                                               in cost by enrolling their child in Nilai UC’s          environmental, fire protection, industrial,            my or call 06-8502338 / 03-79603089 / 07-
                                               ADP as compared to studying abroad for four             mechanical, mining, or oil.                            3332336.
10                                                                                                                                                                                                                      11
Edu Zone                                                                               KBU

     KBU’s Business School
     Heads to a New

             eneration Y and Z students (generally              educational field visits, interacting with industry
             classified as those born after 1978 and 1990       professionals and encouraging participation in
             respectively) who are well exposed and             inter-college/public competitions.
     into fast results and technology, are a discerning
     and demanding group. Higher education                      KBU also provides students who wish to experience
     institutions which ignored these modern student            a stint in the partner universities in UK an                                         C

     demographics and have not kept pace with their             opportunity to participate in the student exchange                                   M
     ever increasing expectations have past fallen by the       programmes with no additional cost at (the tuition
     wayside.                                                   fees remain the same as in KBU).                                                     Y

     KBU International College, recognised as a beacon          Low Hong Keng, Head of the School of Business,                                      CM

     of educational excellence for teaching, learning and       Hospitality & Tourism Management who is a
     employability is celebrating its 20th anniversary          recent addition to the elite team of heads in
     this year. Its success story is a testimony to its         KBU commends the School’s practice in placing                                       CY

     strong commitment, will and ability to continue            importance on job placements. Backed with 35
     to meet the challenges of Gen Y and Z. Amongst             years of experience in various industries, he strongly                              CMY

     the contributory success factors are its first-rate        advocates experiential learning. For the educated
     lecturers, teaching facilities and a conducive             Generation Y and Z, he thinks that educational                                       K

     learning environment where the college is nestled          institutions should be more student-centric and
     in a premier and respectable residential community.        shifts their paradigm from expert teacher to student
                                                                learner whereby it promotes active learning through
     KBU has a range of business courses that suit              involvement, participation, self-reflection, critical
     individual student’s academic capacity and                 thinking and lifelong education. Still fresh with his
     inclination. It offers 3+0 UK degree programmes            corporate zeal and dynamism, he is gearing up the
     of Anglia Ruskin University, namely BA (Hons)              school to scale higher; plans are afoot to offer a
     Marketing, BA (Hons) Business Management, BA               postgraduate MBA and a BSc degree in tourism and
     (Hons) Accounting and Finance and BA (Hons)                hospitality management early next year, and other
     Accounting of Sheffield Hallam University. For             activities such as public lectures by professors from
     the two accounting pathways, ACCA and CIMA                 partner universities.
     grant exemptions and thus, accelerate graduates’
     aspiration to become professional accountants.             Students may also wish to find out about KBU
                                                                other programmes in engineering, computing, art
     Students with varying SPM results can opt to join          & design, hospitality and tourism management, at
     the Foundation, Certificate or Diploma in Business         certificate, foundation, diploma and degree levels.
     Administration. These fully accredited qualifications      Pre-university programmes such as A-Levels and
     awarded by the college provide a good array of
     business rudimentary and prepare them to be
                                                                the Australian Matriculation (AUSMAT) are also
                                                                                                                         Low Hong Keng
     industry-ready and even venture into business.                                                                      Head of the School of
     Graduates of Foundation and Diploma studies may              For further details, please contact KBU                Business, Hospitality &
     choose to progress to degree pathways, in which              International College, Bandar Utama, at tel:
     case they are eligible for entry into year 1 and year        03-77273200 or email: .             Tourism Management,
     2 respectively.                                              Alternatively, you can visit our website at www.       Low assures that KBU’s
                                                         or join us at
     KBU School of Business, Hospitality & Tourism                kbuinternational .
                                                                                                                         business programmes
     Management enjoys excellent reputation with                                                                         are able to nurture
     graduate employers and placement sponsors. This                                                                     future business leaders.
     is achieved through nurturing and developing the
     students beyond the classroom, and helping them
     to realize their full potential. It involves inculcating
     ethical values, arranging internships, organizing
Edu Zone                                                                                MMU
                                                                                                                                                                                    The 1st step to creativity:

     A Take On
           s described in the New Economic Model                for the opportunity to own that new toy. Thus,
           (NEM), if Malaysia country is to achieve the         Japanese manufacturers need not worry that they
           status of Developed Nation by 2020, a major          will not recoup their investments, and so they work
     area of focus under NEM is the development of an           to satisfy their fellow countrymen.
     innovative economy.
                                                                Of course, innovation doesn’t just happen by itself.
     Professor Dr. Zaharin Yusoff is the President              Innovation needs a conducive ecosystem to thrive
     of Multimedia University, which was recently               in, and an important element of that ecosystem is
     recognized as an Excellent University in the 2009          the tertiary institution. To illustrate the functions of
     Setara rankings. He shares his thoughts on how to          such institutions, let’s look at MMU.
     develop an innovative economy in Malaysia.
                                                                Rather than just educating students, MMU supplies
     To develop such an economy, a few elements must            to the industries high quality human capital who
     be present. First of all is innovation itself. It should   will drive innovation. We view innovation as having
     not happen just once a month by a company                  two parts: the one in which physical, tangible
     with a paid-up capital of x amount, officiated by          improvements occur, and the part where the
     this minister or that. Innovation must occur at the        intangible innovations take place.
     grassroots level itself. Everyday Malaysians must
     make a contribution in whatever areas they can.            Physical innovations occur in the realm of
     The key is to improve on whatever concept, idea,           engineering and IT. Intangible innovations involve
     product or method that is already in place, and try        the development and refinement of content and
     to make it just a little bit better. If you wash dishes    ideas, and these happen in creative spheres as well
     in a restaurant, and you have an idea how it could         as IT.

                                                                                                                           culture imbued in Malaysian manufacturers and

                                                                                                                           consumers, together with a conducive ecosystem?
                                                                                                                           Unfortunately, no.

                                                                                                                           Strategic partnerships are necessary because                 intak
                                                                                                                           scarcity of resources in this day and age is more the             y / June
                                                                                                                           norm than the exception. To create a better robot,          Januar ober
                                                                                                                           for instance, you need not only robotics, but better           Oc t
                                                                                                                           materials and better designs. MMU might be able
                                                                                                                           to develop robotics and designs, but materials are
                                                                                                                           not our forté. So do we wait until we have a strong
                                                                                                                           Faculty of Materials? Of course not. We partner with
                                                                                                                           organizations that are strong in that field. MMU have      At Multimedia University (MMU) you’ll be guaran-
                                                                                                                           been signing Memorandum of Understandings                  teed the nest academic education and professional
                                                                                                                           with other institutions and companies in order to          guidance to achieve outstanding success. Come and
                                                                                                                           help one another attain our respective objectives.
                                                                                                                                                                                      begin your career with us.
                                                                                                                           Marketing is, of course, self-explanatory. If you have
                                                                                                                           the world’s greatest product and no one knows
                                                                                                                           about it, it really makes no difference.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             CREATIVE MULTIMEDIA • INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY • COMPUTER SCIENCE
     be made better, and you can somehow build the                                                                         Another serious problem is the brain drain. It is a                                       FINANCE • ACCOUNTING • BUSINESS • LAW • LIFE SCIENCES
     machine, by all means go ahead and do it.                  MMU has got all these fields covered. The                  most distressing problem, yet its solutions are rather
                                                                engineering faculties have been winning Robocon            simple. First, pay our talent more. Secondly, provide
                                                                                                                                                                                                                ELECTRICAL • ELECTRONICS • MECHANICAL • TELECOMMUNICATIONS
     Secondly, Malaysians must be supportive of                 for a few years running, among many other                  them with a suitable environment with suitable
     Malaysian-made innovations. The world is in awe            achievements. One poll among Malaysian students            infrastructures. Finally, give them the opportunities
     with the Japanese, at how they’re at the very cutting      named MMU the Malaysian university of choice               to improve themselves, rather than give them                  URL               SMS Type MMUFORM and                  E   M Ms Wong / 013 380 8844
     edge of technology. Whether it’s their mobile              for IT, and we have won many IT challenges and             obstacles.                                                                                            send to 019-577 7000                                      Ms Musfiza / 013 610 3132
     phones, electronic equipments, or what have you,           competitions.                                                                                                                                                                                                              Mr Azlan / 013 630 6455
     they seem to always have the newest and the                                                                             To be a part of MMU’s innovative faculties, please                                                                                                            Mdm Nalini / 013 613 3144
     best. It is mind boggling, and we wonder how the           Our Faculty of Creative Multimedia is also exceptional.      visit or contact Madam
     Japanese does it.                                          The creators of Upin and Ipin are graduates from this        Hamiza at 013-626 4493 or our general line
                                                                                                                                                                                    FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION,
                                                                faculty. MMU has also implemented a project where            03-8312 5570.                                          VISIT OUR COUNSELLORS AT :
     The answer is that the Japanese public has a               we replicated in virtual space a heritage house to                                                                  Cyberjaya Campus:
     voracious appetite for the new and novel. They             preserve for posterity.                                                                                             Info Centre - Ground Floor, The Chancellery, Multimedia University, Persiaran Multimedia, 63100
     always want something better, something unique,                                                                                                                                Cyberjaya (KP/JPS/DFT/US/BO1) Tel: 603 8312 5018
     something their current gadget isn’t doing for             So, is it enough to kick-start an innovative Malaysian
                                                                                                                                                                                    Melaka Campus:
     them. Most importantly, they’re willing to pay             economy by having an innovation-loving
14                                                                                                                                                                                  Admission O ce - Multimedia University, Jalan Ayer Keroh Lama, 75450 Bukit Beruang, Melaka
                                                                                                                                                                                    (KP/JPS/DFT/US/MO1) Tel: 606 252 3411
Y!mag sept oct2010
Y!mag sept oct2010
Y!mag sept oct2010
Y!mag sept oct2010
Y!mag sept oct2010
Y!mag sept oct2010
Y!mag sept oct2010
Y!mag sept oct2010
Y!mag sept oct2010
Y!mag sept oct2010

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Y!mag sept oct2010

  • 1. Teachers KKDN No.: PP16195/12/2010 Speak Up on Y! August 2010 Erin Malek is Happy-Go-Lucky Celebrating Hari Raya From School to osses vie College Ma p vie Innovation at MMU mo ive o be lus e t e xc a nd handis c mer ! / Dining at Café de One tp:/ o n n t o h t n l i n e. w o eo Lo g g a z i n . c o m ! a ress tails ym dp r wo o n te s t de c fo r
  • 2. Editor’s Note M y sisters and I live in different cities. I’ve called Kuala Lumpur home for the last 10 years, Elaine is making Liverpool home, while Daphne and Serene live down south, in Singapore. Jointly organized by KBU International College & Y! Magazine Sure, we grew up together, and then I went off to college. But by the time we were all at The one marathon that university, we were already miles apart. And now that we’re young working adults, it seems that we call our respective cities home. you need not run to win! We’d meet up several times during the year, especially the ones in Singapore and I. And during Chinese New Year and Christmas, we’d all gather back at home with our parents. Distance and cost doesn’t always make it feasible for Elaine to come home as often as she’d like, but thank god for technology bridging the miles. Sometimes I wake up on Sunday morning thinking, “how nice if I can ring up my sisters and we’d all go 3 Happenin’ Coming to you this December 2010! somewhere cosy for coffee and brunch”, or after a long day’s work, “how nice if I gather them all for dinner and ice cream”. 4 WHASSUP I do miss them you know… But oh well, I guess such are the choices we make. 6 Cover Story Be recognized as the TOP IQ TALENT in the country and win a September sees Muslims all over the world celebrate Hari Raya Aidilfitri. And we know that there are those who will be celebrating Raya away from home, away from their families. In our special Raya feature Hari Raya Away 10 Edu Zone FULL SCHOLARSHIP* for a UK DEGREE PROGRAMME and other attractive prizes! From Home (pg 24) we speak to Nur Afiqah in Scotland and Dayana who lives in the United States of America. 16 College Oomph 18 Edu Aid In this issue, we feature local teenage actress, Erin Malek (pg 6) who has been making waves for herself in the local entertainment industry. This petite and demure 16 year-old is down-to-earth, bubbly and talkative, and we love her so! Read on as Erin shares with us about her family, school, acting career as well as her plans for the upcoming Hari Raya. 20 Youth Asia Edu Zone is once again filled with information on courses and career pathways; the affordable way towards an American degree via Nilai UC (pg 11), how the Business School at KBU is forging ahead (pg 12), and what it 24 Hari Raya Special means to be innovative at MMU (pg 14). 26 Music Review Beginning this issue, we celebrate our partnership with, a Rewards Platform for Youths. Do check out their piece as they pose questions to Malaysian youths (pg 20). 27 Website Review The months of September and October present a movie galore! If you don’t want to miss any of the upcoming blockbusters, be sure to check out our blog to win exclusive movie passes and merchandise! 28 Food Review Till the next issue, have a great school holiday, Selamat Hari Raya and Maaf Zahir Batin from all of us Y! Magazine! 30 Movie Reviews The inaugural IQ Marathon: The Battle for Scholarship held in December 2009 was a raving success for organizers, sponsors and participants. Providing Cheers, a good platform for students to test their wits in a challenging and fun envi- Doreen ronment that would stimulate their creative and critical thinking skills, the Marathon enabled all SPM students to participate in a rewarding and fun ac- tivity after the examinations. 342 students from 132 schools nationwide participated in the event, and stu- dents came from institutions that included fully residential schools, interna- tional schools, MARA Junior Colleges, etc. The competition secretariat had also recorded participants coming from all 13 states in the country! To be held for the second year running, IQ Marathon 2010 will be back again in December whilst maintaining the tagline “The one marathon that you need not run to win”. For advertising & sponsorship opportunities, Please call Y! Magazine at 03-7726 0453 or email us at 1 *The full scholarship is for a franchised UK degree programme conducted at KBU International College. Terms and conditions apply.
  • 3. Contributor Justin Happenin’ Bieber See Hoon Peow is trained in Law and Sociology & Anthropology. But his real passion is in Philosophy. Hoon Peow built his career in education, and is now General Management General Manager Kristine Williams Get Honda Malaysia Racing Team Ready for Rises To The Challenge Principal to KBU International College. Thinking and writing are his hobbies. He Editorial thinks, therefore he writes. Editor Doreen Loo Bieber Writer Sharmini H. Contributors Dr. See Hoon Peow At the recently concluded 12-Hour Merdeka “Many factors are involved in helping Car 27 Dawson Chong Millenium Endurance Race 2010, the Honda to emerge as the Touring Production Class Vision! Dawson Chong Champion– the car and its ability to endure Jump is my middle name. If you think I am not active enough, you are seriously asking Sales & Advertising the 12-hour challenge, the teamwork in for more trouble. Despite 21, I never think I am too old for Snoopy and Garfield. Like Manager Terence Chin preparing the car, and ensuring smooth pit people say, live young, feel young, look young! Opps, I forgot, my last name is Young. Marketing, Circulation & Subscription stops throughout the race, the drivers in being Call me Jump Young! Manager Sharmini H. careful, alert and following a well planned strategy and last but not least a stroke of luck!” Administration & Accounts said Eddie Lew. Manager Ally Pua Art Direction & Design Aaron Lim also highlighted that the Raymond Yap preparation for this year’s race has not been all Printer Graphic Tech (M) Sdn. Bhd. easy. “There were quite a few challenges. One Jalan Tanming 5, of them is of course the changed regulation Taman Tanming Jaya on tires. Honda team members and drivers 43300 Balakong Malaysia Racing Team Car 27 (with drivers had to cope and test out totally new tires Selangor. Eddie Lew, Reuben Wong and Aaron Lim) that we have not used before. Besides that, emerged as the Champion of the Class Touring the race this year started at midnight, which Publisher Can’t get enough of this year’s hottest teen Production, and eight in the overall ranking. means longer period of driving in the dark,” Descartes Education Counselling Centre Sdn Bhd superstar, well fret no more, Universal Music added Lim. (76928-U) Malaysia is giving you the chance to get up close 57A. Jalan SS21/1A, Damansara Utama. with Justin Bieber. All we need is the full support 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor. of all Malaysian Justin Bieber fans. So get on up!! Tel: 03-7726 0453 Do it One Time for Bieber! Fax: 03-7727 0451 Email: Universal Music Malaysia is starting Biebervision, an amazing campaign to get Bieber fans Distribution online everything they want about America’s #1 Free copies to schools, colleges and universities Superstar. Y! Magazine can be reached nationwide Subscription Head on to Universal Music Malaysia’s Facebook Get it delivered to your doorstep for RM8 per page and post a love note to Justin Bieber. copy. 1st Stage Biebervision – 5000 love posts The First Premium Durian Disclaimer on Facebook and each fan will get a One Time and we welcome your feedback and letters All rights reserved. No part of this magazine Remix True Tone of the song for free and an to the editor. Ice Cream in Malaysia may be used or reproduced without the written album voucher which will entitle you to get an Check out our blog at permission of Y!. The publisher cannot accept exclusive giant poster. for updates and contests. You can also download and view current responsibility for errors in advertisements, and past issues of the magazine here. articles, photographs or illustrations. All All hail the King of Fruits! Be prepared In conjunction with the launch of Durian 2nd Stage Biebervision – 10,000 Do email your letters to the editor to advertisements, articles, photographs or to let your taste buds run wild as New Divine ice cream, an exclusive Durian Divine love posts and each fan will receive exclusive and if you are on Facebook, illustrations are respectively the advertisers’, Zealand Natural becomes the first Sundae was created. Made with two scoops autograph wallpaper signed by Justin Bieber join us at www.facebook .com/ymagazineonline writers’, photographers’ and illustrators’ personal premium ice cream brand in the country of Durian Divine and served with a range of himself. observation and view, and does not reflect Y!’s to launch Durian Divine – a delicious premium toppings, it is available for a limited opinion. All prices are correct at time of going durian ice cream made with fresh D24 period only at RM16.90. to press. 3rd Stage Biebervision – 15,000 love posts and fans will receive an official lifetime flesh blended with its international best- membership for Justin Bieber’s Malaysia Fan Club, selling ‘Vanilla Classic’ ice cream. Expect a Official Print Media Partner for complete with a loyalty card! burst of rich flavour and an ultra creamy taste sensation with strong durian kick! So hurry up Beliebers – we can make a difference right here in Malaysia! If you want to see New Zealand Natural lovers can also now him on our shores, do your part for Biebervision! enjoy Durian Divine ice cream Take Home Packs at 30% off on the 30th of every month. 2 3
  • 4. whassup whassup OCTOBER 2010 3-14 Support the Malaysian teams at the 19th Commonwealth Games kicking off in Delhi. 21 You Again opens in cinemas nationwide! Visit for event listings. 25 Katy Perry turns 26 today! 3-5 4-12 11 12 8-10 to Malaysian Motorcycle Sepang 29-31 Photography enthusiasts should Prix comes Kuala Lumpur at the Grand International Circuit. Visit http://www. check out the Kuala Lumpur Photography for information. . Festival 2010 at the Midvalley Exhibition Centre. Visit for more information. 11 Hawaiian golfer Michelle Wie celebrates her 21st birthday. 31 Go spook someone this Halloween! 15-17 Nature lovers should check out the Borneo Bird Festival 2010 at the Rainforest Discovery Centre at Sepilok Sandakan, Sabah. For 16 16-19 22 22 info, visit 25 24-26 SEPTEMBER 2010 3-14 8-10 3-5 Fair back at PWTC! travel deals with the lanternsIndulge in mooncakes and hang pretty MATTA Time to get cheap 22 this Mid-Autumn Festival. 4-12 School Holidays rock! 22year featuring musical, dance and theatre third Short + Sweet Malaysia returns for the performances at KLPAC, all the way until 31 11 Selamat Hari Raya to all Muslims and fellow Malaysians! October. Visit http://shortandsweetmalaysia. 12 NBA star Yao Ming welcomes the big 24-26 Catch the Formula1 Singapore GP three-oh. night race. 11 15-17 21 16 The nation celebrates Malaysia Day. 25 Watch your favourite tennis stars battle it out at the ATP World Tour Malaysian Open, Kuala Lumpur 2010 happening in Stadium Putra 16-19 The T4YP William Shakespeare’s Bukit Jalil. http://www.malaysianopentennis. People) at KLPAC presents (Theatre For Young com/2010/ Twelfth Night. Visit for ticketing and show times. 25 29-31 31 4 5
  • 5. Cover Story Cover Story ERIN MALEK H a ppy- G o-L u ck y Malek Tell us a little bit about yourself – your birthplace, where you grew up, where you’re attending school right now. I’m your typical teenager, but the only difference is I’m also pursuing my career as an actress. I do all the normal stuff teenagers do – go to school, hang out with friends. I was born and bred in Kuala Lumpur, and I’m currently studying at SMK Pandan Mewah, which is close by to where my family and I live. What sort of a student are you in school? and because of this and the fact that all of us are in the entertainment industry; I watch what I say and do in public. I am always reminded that whatever I do, it comes back to my family and I and manage your schedule and workload? As I’m still a secondary school student, Alhamdulillah, up till now, there have been no problems with school. The teachers understand my work schedule as well, and they only make it a point that if the exams are on, I am not allowed to miss school. My friends are also supportive and help me out a lot. If I have to miss school on certain days, they will update me with what’s happening at school, and the homework to be done. And if I don’t go to school for a number of days, I end up missing all my classmates. I am quite a happy-go –lucky student amongst My mom also understands that because I’m in my friends and teachers. Although there are school, that there will be offers which I cannot some of my school mates that don’t like the fact take up. that I’m an actress. But instead of letting them get me down, I just ignore all these negative never want them to be ashamed of me, but be vibes. proud that I am a good sister to my siblings and a good daughter to my parents. You’re currently in Form 4. What are your plans after you finish your SPM? Do your younger siblings get to see much After I finish my SPM next year, I may either of their elder sister because of your busy In between her school hours continue and further my studies, or take some schedule? and hectic filming schedule, time off and fully concentrate on my acting I see my younger sister everyday but my second career before going back to university. However, sister stays with my grandmother because we actress Erin Malek told I have not planned so far ahead yet. Work and both have busy schedules that my parents have Doreen Loo & Sharmini H. school is keeping me busy enough, and I plan to to work around. But she comes back home every stories about her school, give my all for the SPM examinations, and maybe weekend then all three of us spend our whole even cut down on work. weekends hanging out and doing girly things. family and her career as a TV actress. Bubbly, talkative and If you’re planning on going to college/ When and how did you get started in the university, what course do you plan to study entertainment industry? down-to-earth, Erin Malek and why? Back then, my dad didn’t want me to be an is what we would call a cili Acting is my main passion. So when I do go to actress. But my mother knew that I was really university, I will definitely take up a course within keen and was willing to work hard, and so she padi! this same field or along the lines of performing took me to my first audition. Although I was arts or film production. excited, but the moment I got to the set, I was nervous because there were more experienced What is a typical day in the life of Erin Malek? Tell us about your family. actresses vying for the same role! The next 2 Usually it’s school, and after school, I sometimes At home, there’s my mom and dad, and I have weeks were the longest because I was waiting have to rush off to set for filming works. If I’m 2 sisters. Both my sisters are also actresses, but for the call back, and eventually the producers not working and not in school, then I’m home they are not so into it like I am. Maybe they have did, and I was offered the role. Seeing my with my family. During the weekends, my sisters other plans when they grow up. At home, we enthusiasm, my dad gave me his blessings and and I love shopping, karaoke and sometimes we all make a lot of noise, and being sisters, yes – the rest is now history. just stay home and just hang out and update we do fight! My parents are very supportive of each other about everything that happened my career and they understand that this is what It must be difficult juggling school and your throughout the week in our own lives. I love doing. We are a very close-knitted family career as an actress. How do you prioritize 6 7
  • 6. Cover Story How do your friends and teachers treat you at school seeing that you’re a popular local actress? Even though a lot of people now recognize me as Erin Malek, the actress, I am still the same Erin. Mom and dad taught us to never let fame get into our heads. At school, I am just a regular student. I go for classes, do my homework, take examinations. My teachers and friends don’t treat me any different at school either. But yes, there’s bound to be some who do not like me that much, but I guess I’m happy with my life and as long as I have friends and family who love me, I can ignore all those negative vibes. I’m still young, and I still have a long way to go and will need the support and love from my friends and Either living or dead, who is your favourite family. local actor/actress? Why? My favourite actress is Erra Fazira because I’ve seen all her movies, and she is amazing! And she’s also a wife and mother, and yet still so successful in what she does. I adore Erra also because she looks great, and whenever you see her, she’s always charming and elegant. I have never acted with her before, although I’ve met her once. I hope to work alongside her in future. C everything and anything I see during Raya. My M favourite foods are kuah kacang with nasi impit. Y What do you love most about Hari Raya? CM When I was younger, the best thing about Hari Raya was the duit raya. But of course, as you MY grow older, you get lesser, haha! The best part CY What accomplishment are you most proud of about Raya is getting together with the family. in your life so far? I get to meet all my cousins from everywhere – CMY I would have to say my acting career. Despite Mantin, Shah Alam, Kinrara… and when we all get together, we talk, laugh, eat and have a great K being only sixteen, I am very passionate and believe in what I do. I love challenging myself time. On the first day of Hari Raya, we will all be at because when it comes to acting, we have to grandma’s place until late into the night. become other people and it’s not always easy. We have to project a lot of emotions and assume various roles. Sometimes I have to project anger, What do you like to do for fun? and sometimes I have to cry. I’ve even played My family is number one in my life, and then my roles where I was possessed by spirits! For me, if friends. So fun is spending time and doing things I can accomplish and play those roles well, that with them. When I’m stressed or tired with school means I’ve given my best. or work, I prefer to be alone and have music keep me company. What is the best part about being a TV and movie actress? Who or what inspires you the most? I would have to say the challenge of the industry. Maybe I’m still young, but at the moment I do not I am always learning something new every time have one single thing or person which inspires I’m on the set and that keeps me excited. Also, I me. Can I say I inspire myself? I love acting get to meet the other actors and actresses and so much, and cannot imagine myself doing even veterans in the industry. They are all like anything else. So it is my passion that makes me Any words of advice for students wanting to mentors and advise and share their experiences push myself to excel. And I’m lucky because my pursue careers in the entertainment industry with me. family is behind me every step of the way. like yourself? Being an actress, we are always in the public eye And the worst? Where and how will you be celebrating Hari and therefore have to keep a good reputation It’s not all glamorous and easy on the set. When Raya this year? and name for ourselves. To be a successful actress, we do outdoor shoots, we have to endure the Every year without fail, my family and I celebrate one must always stay grounded despite the weather – it can be pouring cats and dogs, and Hari Raya at my grandmother’s house, in the fame and never forget our roots. It’s important it can be extremely hot! And on set, the lights Kampung Pandan area. So this year is going to be to have your family supporting you as well. The make the whole place so hot, and I don’t really no different. We all gather there, with my family, entertainment industry is not easy at all – so you like using a lot of make-up, but in front of the uncles, aunts, cousins, and we all love eating. Hari have to be prepared to work really hard and not camera, it has to be done. Raya is not a time for anyone to go on a diet. I eat complain only. 8
  • 7. Edu Zone Nilai Edu Zone UC Flexible and Affordable An overseas education is an expensive undertaking but American Degree via Nilai UC’s American Degree Transfer Programme aims to reduce cost but not the Nilai UC quality and the merits of a US degree. Ask any parent serious about their children’s years. At Nilai UC, a student only has to fork education and they will tell you that an overseas out RM400 per credit and all the credits earned education is the preferred choice. Quality of the can be transferred to an American or Canadian Nilai UC American Degree institutions aside, one cannot deny that many university of their choice. Transfer Programme is ideal for employers still prefer overseas graduates. This students who are undecided is simply because a child gets to expand their “Although a student misses out on two years on their field of study.via Nilai horizons and to experience life beyond these abroad, their savings are substantial. Besides, I UC’s ADP. borders. It is perceived that the experience will feel that it is better to send children over later instill in the graduate, a wider worldview and a rather than sooner as they will be that much 10 tougher and more independent character after more mature having been in a tertiary education Nilai UC American Degree Transfer Programme allows having survived in a foreign environment for a institution for the first two years. They will students to become number of years. However, the prohibitive cost have acclimatised themselves to the workload comfortable with an English Edu Zone of an overseas education is a stumbling block for many parents. and crucially, adapted to an English medium curriculum,” emphasised Shariffah. medium curriculum before going overseas. 16 Nilai University College (Nilai UC) offers a solution with its American Degree Transfer Programme Quality and Prestige The quality of the teaching and learning Nilai UC Dean of the School of Humanities and Social College Oomph (ADP). Shariffah Bahyah Syed Ahmad, Nilai UC environment in North American universities are Sciences, Shariffah Bahyah Bte Syed Ahmad, believes that Dean of the School of Humanities and Social famed for producing some of the best minds overseas education can now 18 Sciences, explains how parents can still give their in fields as diverse as science, engineering, be an affordable option via children the benefit of an overseas education computing and architecture to name but a few. Nilai UC’s ADP. without the backbreaking, mortgage-like Edu Aid expenses, and highlight the other benefits of this programme. “Nilai UC’s ADP is the gateway into this rarefied academic world and students will also receive 20 personalized attention from Nilai UC’s dedicated If a student is talented and likes to express himself Flexibility teaching staff who will ensure students are creatively, a career in the arts may be the best. The ADP allows students to change their major well-prepared for future scholastic challenges,” Through ADP you can chose from animation, Youth Asia without losing credits earned. This means assures Shariffah. acting, audio technology, broadcasting, fashion, students can change the direction of their film arts, graphic design, music, painting, or academic and career path without having to “Many of the North American universities photography. start from scratch. were founded decades ago and in many cases Edu Zone: Your Complete are centuries old. This imparts great prestige Adventure “Parents should note that this is quite a common and graduates are seen as being part of a “Studying abroad is an adventure of a lifetime Education Guide scenario as many teenagers have no clear idea of long tradition of those institutions. There’s no and the experience is something which gives what they want to do and the initial choice may doubting it, employers are still impressed when graduates that something extra. Employers be ill-suited. There are many instances where an interviewee is a graduate from a famous still see overseas graduates as being more a student is unhappy and has to drop out of a university abroad,” says Shariffah. independent and having a broader perspective programme and start all over again. This can be due to their exposure to a foreign culture and avoided with the ADP,” says Shariffah. Choices @ Nilai UC learning environment,” says Shariffah. Nilai UC’s ADP offer a wide choice of different “In the ADP it doesn’t matter what stream a majors. No other institution can give you more. “With that in mind, parents and students should student has been placed into during high For example in the field of biology students consider investing in their child’s future. After all, school. He or she can enter any field they like and can choose bacteriology, biochemistry, with Nilai UC’s ADP programme, the prohibitive have the freedom to choose and to change their bioengineering, biomedical science, element in terms of costs is minimized, making it minds about what’s best for their future.” biophysics or biotechnology. If a student is a more affordable experience.” interested in engineering Nilai UC can help Affordability him get into aerospace, automotive, chemical, For more information on Nilai UC and Parents are looking at a massive 70% reduction civil, construction technology, electrical, programmes, please go to in cost by enrolling their child in Nilai UC’s environmental, fire protection, industrial, my or call 06-8502338 / 03-79603089 / 07- ADP as compared to studying abroad for four mechanical, mining, or oil. 3332336. 10 11
  • 8. Edu Zone KBU KBU’s Business School Heads to a New Paradigm G eneration Y and Z students (generally educational field visits, interacting with industry classified as those born after 1978 and 1990 professionals and encouraging participation in respectively) who are well exposed and inter-college/public competitions. into fast results and technology, are a discerning and demanding group. Higher education KBU also provides students who wish to experience institutions which ignored these modern student a stint in the partner universities in UK an C demographics and have not kept pace with their opportunity to participate in the student exchange M ever increasing expectations have past fallen by the programmes with no additional cost at (the tuition wayside. fees remain the same as in KBU). Y KBU International College, recognised as a beacon Low Hong Keng, Head of the School of Business, CM of educational excellence for teaching, learning and Hospitality & Tourism Management who is a MY employability is celebrating its 20th anniversary recent addition to the elite team of heads in this year. Its success story is a testimony to its KBU commends the School’s practice in placing CY strong commitment, will and ability to continue importance on job placements. Backed with 35 to meet the challenges of Gen Y and Z. Amongst years of experience in various industries, he strongly CMY the contributory success factors are its first-rate advocates experiential learning. For the educated lecturers, teaching facilities and a conducive Generation Y and Z, he thinks that educational K learning environment where the college is nestled institutions should be more student-centric and in a premier and respectable residential community. shifts their paradigm from expert teacher to student learner whereby it promotes active learning through KBU has a range of business courses that suit involvement, participation, self-reflection, critical individual student’s academic capacity and thinking and lifelong education. Still fresh with his inclination. It offers 3+0 UK degree programmes corporate zeal and dynamism, he is gearing up the of Anglia Ruskin University, namely BA (Hons) school to scale higher; plans are afoot to offer a Marketing, BA (Hons) Business Management, BA postgraduate MBA and a BSc degree in tourism and (Hons) Accounting and Finance and BA (Hons) hospitality management early next year, and other Accounting of Sheffield Hallam University. For activities such as public lectures by professors from the two accounting pathways, ACCA and CIMA partner universities. grant exemptions and thus, accelerate graduates’ aspiration to become professional accountants. Students may also wish to find out about KBU other programmes in engineering, computing, art Students with varying SPM results can opt to join & design, hospitality and tourism management, at the Foundation, Certificate or Diploma in Business certificate, foundation, diploma and degree levels. Administration. These fully accredited qualifications Pre-university programmes such as A-Levels and awarded by the college provide a good array of business rudimentary and prepare them to be the Australian Matriculation (AUSMAT) are also available. Low Hong Keng industry-ready and even venture into business. Head of the School of Graduates of Foundation and Diploma studies may For further details, please contact KBU Business, Hospitality & choose to progress to degree pathways, in which International College, Bandar Utama, at tel: case they are eligible for entry into year 1 and year 03-77273200 or email: . Tourism Management, 2 respectively. Alternatively, you can visit our website at www. Low assures that KBU’s or join us at KBU School of Business, Hospitality & Tourism kbuinternational . business programmes Management enjoys excellent reputation with are able to nurture graduate employers and placement sponsors. This future business leaders. is achieved through nurturing and developing the students beyond the classroom, and helping them to realize their full potential. It involves inculcating ethical values, arranging internships, organizing 12
  • 9. Edu Zone MMU The 1st step to creativity: A Take On Innovation A s described in the New Economic Model for the opportunity to own that new toy. Thus, (NEM), if Malaysia country is to achieve the Japanese manufacturers need not worry that they status of Developed Nation by 2020, a major will not recoup their investments, and so they work area of focus under NEM is the development of an to satisfy their fellow countrymen. innovative economy. Of course, innovation doesn’t just happen by itself. Professor Dr. Zaharin Yusoff is the President Innovation needs a conducive ecosystem to thrive of Multimedia University, which was recently in, and an important element of that ecosystem is recognized as an Excellent University in the 2009 the tertiary institution. To illustrate the functions of Setara rankings. He shares his thoughts on how to such institutions, let’s look at MMU. develop an innovative economy in Malaysia. Rather than just educating students, MMU supplies To develop such an economy, a few elements must to the industries high quality human capital who be present. First of all is innovation itself. It should will drive innovation. We view innovation as having not happen just once a month by a company two parts: the one in which physical, tangible with a paid-up capital of x amount, officiated by improvements occur, and the part where the this minister or that. Innovation must occur at the intangible innovations take place. grassroots level itself. Everyday Malaysians must make a contribution in whatever areas they can. Physical innovations occur in the realm of The key is to improve on whatever concept, idea, engineering and IT. Intangible innovations involve product or method that is already in place, and try the development and refinement of content and to make it just a little bit better. If you wash dishes ideas, and these happen in creative spheres as well in a restaurant, and you have an idea how it could as IT. culture imbued in Malaysian manufacturers and 2010e consumers, together with a conducive ecosystem? Unfortunately, no. Strategic partnerships are necessary because intak scarcity of resources in this day and age is more the y / June norm than the exception. To create a better robot, Januar ober for instance, you need not only robotics, but better Oc t materials and better designs. MMU might be able to develop robotics and designs, but materials are not our forté. So do we wait until we have a strong Faculty of Materials? Of course not. We partner with organizations that are strong in that field. MMU have At Multimedia University (MMU) you’ll be guaran- been signing Memorandum of Understandings teed the nest academic education and professional with other institutions and companies in order to guidance to achieve outstanding success. Come and help one another attain our respective objectives. begin your career with us. Marketing is, of course, self-explanatory. If you have the world’s greatest product and no one knows about it, it really makes no difference. CREATIVE MULTIMEDIA • INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY • COMPUTER SCIENCE be made better, and you can somehow build the Another serious problem is the brain drain. It is a FINANCE • ACCOUNTING • BUSINESS • LAW • LIFE SCIENCES machine, by all means go ahead and do it. MMU has got all these fields covered. The most distressing problem, yet its solutions are rather engineering faculties have been winning Robocon simple. First, pay our talent more. Secondly, provide ELECTRICAL • ELECTRONICS • MECHANICAL • TELECOMMUNICATIONS Secondly, Malaysians must be supportive of for a few years running, among many other them with a suitable environment with suitable Malaysian-made innovations. The world is in awe achievements. One poll among Malaysian students infrastructures. Finally, give them the opportunities with the Japanese, at how they’re at the very cutting named MMU the Malaysian university of choice to improve themselves, rather than give them URL SMS Type MMUFORM and E M Ms Wong / 013 380 8844 edge of technology. Whether it’s their mobile for IT, and we have won many IT challenges and obstacles. send to 019-577 7000 Ms Musfiza / 013 610 3132 phones, electronic equipments, or what have you, competitions. Mr Azlan / 013 630 6455 they seem to always have the newest and the To be a part of MMU’s innovative faculties, please Mdm Nalini / 013 613 3144 best. It is mind boggling, and we wonder how the Our Faculty of Creative Multimedia is also exceptional. visit or contact Madam Japanese does it. The creators of Upin and Ipin are graduates from this Hamiza at 013-626 4493 or our general line FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, faculty. MMU has also implemented a project where 03-8312 5570. VISIT OUR COUNSELLORS AT : The answer is that the Japanese public has a we replicated in virtual space a heritage house to Cyberjaya Campus: voracious appetite for the new and novel. They preserve for posterity. Info Centre - Ground Floor, The Chancellery, Multimedia University, Persiaran Multimedia, 63100 always want something better, something unique, Cyberjaya (KP/JPS/DFT/US/BO1) Tel: 603 8312 5018 something their current gadget isn’t doing for So, is it enough to kick-start an innovative Malaysian Melaka Campus: them. Most importantly, they’re willing to pay economy by having an innovation-loving 14 Admission O ce - Multimedia University, Jalan Ayer Keroh Lama, 75450 Bukit Beruang, Melaka (KP/JPS/DFT/US/MO1) Tel: 606 252 3411