SlideShare a Scribd company logo
First printed in the United States of America by   Hi there, my name is Paul West.
LuLu, August 2009.
                                                   I’m an English born graphic
All original: graphics, web site design,           designer, art director and interface
illustration, custom code, layout and images       specialist. I use both Mac and PC, I
© Copyright 2009 Paul West. All rights reserved.
                                                   prefer Mac.
All other content © Copyright their respective
                                                   Specially designed to fit along side
No part of this publication my be reproduced,      your graphic novels.
in any form or by any means, without the prior
written permission of the author.
Storyimp identity
Illustration, character, branding, direction

Storyimp asked me to join their team and lead the creation of a brand
identity and character design.

The Imp characters are modelled on 19th century inkwell designs.
The Imps came with special requirements: each Imp must be quickly
producible, easily modified, colored and posed.                                  Happy                 Smug                 Sad

A serif font was chosen and edited for the logotype to mimic printed
story books.

                                                                                 Scared                Oh?                Standard

                                                                        Oh no?            Wasn’t me!          Base body


Storyimp website
Design, layout, ux, html, css, jquery

With brand and character design completed, the Storyimp application
needed some user experience and layout love.

Each page had to be designed around advertisement placing and
existing functionality. All code was built to reduce server calls and load
times. As much navigation as possible is text based and images are
placed in sprites.

Deadly Furry Cute
Illustration, character, toy, paper, game, direction

Deadly Fury Cute is a paper toy project: depicting furry animals of the
world, one species at a time.

Custom made toy templates designed to print on A4/Letter paper or
card. Toys are offered as free downloads to individuals and teachers.

The latest version to date includes a battle style number game and
color-your-own variants.

Deadly Furry Cute website
Illustration, design, layout, copy, ux, html, css, jquery

The website for Deadly Furry Cute is designed as a simple portal for
downloading and building the paper toys.

The site is designed to appeal to all ages with a vibrant quirky tone. The
content was written to be helpful, quick to absorb and easy to follow.

HOME       TOYS           BATTLE            HELP         ABOUT               NEWS            EXTRAS          Search                         4

      Series 1: Cats                                                                                       WANT MORE?
                                                                                                           Series 3: Apes
                                                                                                           Series 2: Squirrels
                                                                                                           Series 1: Cats

            DOWNLOAD DEADLY                   DOWNLOAD FURRY                       DOWNLOAD CUTE           What are the colour your
                                                                                                           own versions of this toy?
            Colour Your                      Colour Your                          Colour Your              Donec quis est massa. Suspendisse
            Own Version                      Own Version                          Own Version
                                                                                                           ac ante mauris, ac luctus diam.
                                                                                                           Etiam eget congue erat. Sed
                                                                                                           pharetra, enim sed lobortis ultrices,
                Battle Stats                                                                               orci mauris iaculis diam, non lacinia
                Learn how to play...
                                                                                                           leo massa id metus. Praesent elit
                                                                                                           orci, fringilla id consequat at, iaculis
                       BLACK CAT                      FLUFFY CAT                     YAWNING CAT
                           (Deadly)                       (Furry)                            (Cute)        sed libero. Aliquam erat volutpat.
                                                                                                           Vivamus et condimentum elit.
                              2                             2                                 2
                              7                              7                                7

                            12                             12                                12              Want to hear about the
                                                                                                             latest toys and games?
                              3                              3                                3              Signup to the newsletter and
                                                                                                             we’ll keep you informed.
                              5                              5                                5
                                                                                                               Email Address

                              2                              2                                2                Unsubscribe           SIGNUP

      d 2 Comments
      ...      Leave a comment...

              Davey Jones           Sed tincidunt vulputate diam. Proin risus turpis, consequat sit amet
              Reply                 volutpat consectetur, pretium sit amet dolor. Suspendisse volutpat,
                                    ipsum sodales dapibus fermentum, justo mi dictum odio, non
                                    scelerisque risus orci ac velit. In eu dui et lectus rutrum auctor.

              Davey Jones           Sed tincidunt vulputate diam. Proin risus turpis, consequat sit amet
              Reply                 volutpat consectetur, pretium sit amet dolor. Suspendisse volutpat,
                                    ipsum sodales dapibus fermentum, justo mi dictum odio, non
                                    scelerisque risus orci ac velit. In eu dui et lectus rutrum auctor.

        Leave a comment
                                                                    All elds are required.
                                                                    If you’ve not yet had a
                                                                    comment approved, it will
                                                                    be held for moderation.


            POST COMMENT

Promotional photography
Studio, location, direction

Rosie’s Mai Tais
Illustration, ui, animation, flash, game, direction

Totally Money
Illustration, character, design, animation, flash

Vodafone Flexphone

                                              ai 08/29/06 mk
Illustration, animation, flash, direction


coupled with our selected colour palette is
                                                                          an integral ingredient of our identity. Bold
                                                                          use of these colours maintains coherence

Isis Telecom
                                                                          across our brand and helps our customers
                                                                          recognise Isis and it’s communications.

Design, layout, print

                06 Isis Brand Guidelines                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       07

                Brand Values

                                                                             The tone of voice for all Isis communications
                                                                             is Flexible, Knowledgeable, Helpful. Isis is a
                                                                             credible and trusted source for information.
                                                                             Organised and Resourceful.


 22 Isis Brand Guidelines                                            23       08 Isis Brand Guidelines                                                                                                                                                                                           09    10 Isis Brand Guidelines                                                                                                                                                                                                              11     14 Isis Brand Guidelines                                                                                                                                       15

 Photography                                                                  Logotype                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Logotype                   continued                                                                                                                                                                                                         Typography                       continued

                                                                                                                                                                                  Exclusion zone                                                                                                       Colour                                                                                                            Restrictions                                               Size
                                                                              Isis is continuing to pursue brand integrity    When using the Isis logo it must be clearly         The exclusion zone ensures that there is always a           In addition to the standard exclusion zone the blue      Where possible the standard Isis logo (blue on white)    Where the Isis logotype sits over photographic imagery   The Isis logotype has been specially designed and          As a guide logo should appear at 4cm wide, although             The Arial typeface has two weights Regular and Bold,          The way you use these different typefaces will be         Arial Regular - Arial Regular Italic

                                                                              across its whole product range, this ensures    visible with no distractions or items interfering   consistent amount of clear space around the logo. It        area surrounding the alternate logo should also equate   should be used, it is possible however to use the        the logo must maximise the communication of our          should never be redrawn. Always use approved               the application and target audience will ultimately             both are available in Italic. These choices are given         integral to your designs, each weight, size, colour and
                                                                              the reputation and image of the company         with it and should employ the exclusion zone
                                                                                                                                                                                  also prevents anything else on the page from impairing      to 50% the height of the lowercase ‘i’ (excluding the    alternate Isis logotype of white on a blue surround if   brand. This means on a light background using the        electronic artwork when reproducing the logotype.          define which size the logo is used at.                          so you have a flexible set of styles for the different        emphasis can evoke a number of different tones, voices    ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
                                                                                                                                                                                  visually on the logo.                                       dot) in the word Isis.                                   this better fits the work being produced.                standard blue instance only when it is easily visible,                                                                                                                              applications you me be designing for depending on the         and emotions. Subtle small lines of text can be just
                                                                              is consistent with the expectations and         as described below. In all cases the logotype                                                                                                                                                                                     other wise the alternate must be used, where the logo    Do not alter the colour of the logotype (fig 1), do not    The minimum size of the logo should be no smaller               nature of your communication.                                 as effective as a larger bold headline. Used carefully
                                                                              experience of our customers.                    should not appear closer to any edge than           The exclusion zone should equate to 50% of the height                                                                                                                         will reside on a dark background image a black and       apply a drop shadow to the logotype (fig 2), do not        than 2cm wide on an A4 sheet of paper, while the                                                                              your choices can create a number of different styles      1234567890&!?@£$%
                                                                                                                              the distance defined in the exclusion zone.         of the lowercase ‘i’ (excluding the dot) in the word Isis                                                                                                                     white reverse of the standard style must be used to      alter the typeface of the logotype (fig 3), do not alter   alternate versions minimum should be no more than               Also available for use in printed documents is the            and themes while still aligning with Isis’s brand.
                                                                              The Isis logotype has been especially created                                                       where imagery or typography is to be placed above,                                                                                                                            maximise visibility.                                     the scale of the logotypes (fig 4) and do not rearrange    2.5cm wide. This is to ensure the logotype is legible           Helvetica type face, as it is very close to Arial in design
                                                                              and should never be redrawn.                                                                        below, to the left or to the right-hand side.                                                                                                                                                                                          the logotype (fig 5). Do not introduce department          and clear across all applications.                              and is found more regularly on Mac’s.                                                                                   ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
   Strong photography fuels the

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Either version of the logo maybe printed in black and    names, sub identities or slogans to the logotype, our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                white if the work requires.                              logo should reflect that we are one single entity or       In special circumstances the logo maybe displayed at a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         company.                                                   smaller size, i.e. small promotional items, please contact a                                                                                                                            1234567890&!?@£$%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    member of the Marketing Tam for this application.

                                      capturing interest

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Arial Bold - Arial Bold Italic

                            and impacting                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

                               perception                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
                                                                                                                                                 1/2 x                                                                                                                              1/2 x

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  4 cm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1/2 x

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          2 cm

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              X X

                                                                                                                                                 1/2 x

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              X X
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1/2 x
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  4 cm
                                                                               1/2 x                                                1/2 x
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1/2 x

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         2.5 cm
                                                                                                                                                                                   1/2 x    1/2 x                                                             1/2 x   1/2 x

Silicon Village

                                                                              D O EB IGN
         Design, layout, print, copy, direction

                                                                               O F
         D O EB IGN

          O F




                                                                                     W ES
                W ES



                                                                                           DO’s and DONT’s of Web Design        Color Schemes                      6

                                           D O EB IGN
                                                                                                                                                                       DO’s and DONT’s of Web Design   White Space                    5
                                            O F
                                                                                           Color schemes are one                Black text on a white

                                                                                           of those page elements               background is the most
                                                                                                                                common choice for a web
                                                                                           that can complement
                                                                                           or corrupt web page
                                                                                           designs. Just because
                                                  W ES

                                                                                           ‘you’ can see it on your               Contrast and Readability
                                                                                           screen or just because

                                                                                           ‘you’ like that color mix

                                                                                           doesn’t mean other

                                                                                           people will. Some people             White text on a black
                                                                   D O EB IGN
                                                                                           may be color blind and               background, although heavily
                                                                                           although this is a constant          contrasted, is not always easy
                                                                    O F
                                                                                           issue, what’s more                   for people to read, especially
     D O EB IGN

                                                                                           important is understand              at smaller text sizes.
      O F

                                                                                           how colors interact with

                                                                                           each other, contrast and               Contrast and Readability

                                                                                           readability are paramount

                                                                                           when dealing with

                                                                          W ES


                                                                                                                                Avoid shades of the same
            W ES

                                                                                                                                color, grey over black or

                                                                                                                                light blue over dark blue as

                                                                                                                                  Contrast and Readability
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Not just in art is white space
                                      D O EB IGN

                                                                                                                                                                                                       necessary, this fine balance
                                       O F

                                                                                                                                Some colors will work great                                            between objects and contrast

                                                                                                                                for artistic websites, but think

                                                                                                                                hard before using them on                                              also exists in design. White

                                                                                                                                mainly textual pages.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       space is paramount in

                                                                                                                                  Contrast and Readability
                                                                                                                                                                                                       situations where you must
                                             W ES

                                                                                                                                                                                                       display large amounts of

                                                                                                                                                                                                       content, such as on a web

                                                                                                                                                                                                       page. If information fills
                                                              D O EB IGN

                                                                                                                                                                                                       the whole page it can be
                                                               O F
    D O EB IGN


                                                                                                                                                                                                       increasingly hard for a user to
     O F




                                                                                                                                                                                                       As a test step back from your


                                                                     W ES

                                                                                                                                                                                                       computer and look at the

           DO’s and DONT’s of Web Design               Information Location            8   DO’s and DONT’s of Web Design        Fonts                          10

                                                                                                                                                                                                       page, do you see mostly light
           W ES


                                                                                                                                                                                                       or dark? If you see a lot of

                                                                                                                                                                                                       dark go back and edit your
           All your content is                                                             Using too many fonts on
                                                                                                                                                                                                       pages design to ‘lighten’ it up.

                                                                                                                                                                          WHITE SPACE
           important right?                                                                a page can make your
           Yes and no, while you                                                           design look all cluttered,
           hope the user will read                                                         can confuse the user and
           all your content, the truth
           is that some will be more
                                                   1                          2            is generally bad design.

           important than others.
           This is where content

                                                                                                DON’T USE
           placement comes in to

                                                                                                FONTS OR
                                                                                                                            TOO                 MANY

           You’ll want, for yourself
           as much as for the
           user, to place all of your
           important information
           at the top of the page.
           We’ve established all

           your content is important,
           but some of it you will
           definitely want the user
           to see and some you
           wont mind if they don’t.                    Grading your content will let                                       ON   YOUR               PAGES!
           This is where you grade                     you place it on the page in
           the content, any system                     an intelligent way, allowing
           will do, but grading from                   the user access to what s/he
           1 to 3 works well, 1 for                    is likely to want right away,                                            As a rule have no more
                                                       while drawing them down the                                              than 3 different fonts on the
           the most important, 2 for                   graded content levels.
           quite important and 3 for                                                                                            page, in 3 different sizes.
                                                                                                                                It’s generally a good idea to
                                                                                                                                have one font type and size
                                                                                                                                for your navigation, one for
                                                                                                                                your headings and one for
                                                                                                                                your main content. That then
                                                                                                                                leaves you some play in size
                                                                                                                                or type for other navigational
                                                                                                                                or informational elements.

                                                                                                                                    same goes for colors!

Team Meerkat
Illustration, design, ux, css, html, jquery, wordpress

Gaming Characters
Illustration, character, direction

For more, please see;
Yay Paul Portfolio Book 1.3

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Yay Paul Portfolio Book 1.3

  • 1.
  • 2. First printed in the United States of America by Hi there, my name is Paul West. LuLu, August 2009. I’m an English born graphic All original: graphics, web site design, designer, art director and interface illustration, custom code, layout and images specialist. I use both Mac and PC, I © Copyright 2009 Paul West. All rights reserved. prefer Mac. All other content © Copyright their respective owners. Specially designed to fit along side No part of this publication my be reproduced, your graphic novels. in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the author.
  • 3. Storyimp identity Illustration, character, branding, direction Storyimp asked me to join their team and lead the creation of a brand identity and character design. The Imp characters are modelled on 19th century inkwell designs. The Imps came with special requirements: each Imp must be quickly producible, easily modified, colored and posed. Happy Smug Sad A serif font was chosen and edited for the logotype to mimic printed story books. Scared Oh? Standard Oh no? Wasn’t me! Base body style 04
  • 4. 06
  • 6. Storyimp website Design, layout, ux, html, css, jquery With brand and character design completed, the Storyimp application needed some user experience and layout love. Each page had to be designed around advertisement placing and existing functionality. All code was built to reduce server calls and load times. As much navigation as possible is text based and images are placed in sprites. 10
  • 7. 12
  • 8. Deadly Furry Cute Illustration, character, toy, paper, game, direction Deadly Fury Cute is a paper toy project: depicting furry animals of the world, one species at a time. Custom made toy templates designed to print on A4/Letter paper or card. Toys are offered as free downloads to individuals and teachers. The latest version to date includes a battle style number game and color-your-own variants. 14
  • 9. 16
  • 10. 18
  • 11. Deadly Furry Cute website Illustration, design, layout, copy, ux, html, css, jquery The website for Deadly Furry Cute is designed as a simple portal for downloading and building the paper toys. The site is designed to appeal to all ages with a vibrant quirky tone. The content was written to be helpful, quick to absorb and easy to follow. 20
  • 12. HOME TOYS BATTLE HELP ABOUT NEWS EXTRAS Search 4 Series 1: Cats WANT MORE? Series 3: Apes Series 2: Squirrels Series 1: Cats DOWNLOAD DEADLY DOWNLOAD FURRY DOWNLOAD CUTE What are the colour your own versions of this toy? Colour Your Colour Your Colour Your Donec quis est massa. Suspendisse Own Version Own Version Own Version ac ante mauris, ac luctus diam. Etiam eget congue erat. Sed pharetra, enim sed lobortis ultrices, Battle Stats orci mauris iaculis diam, non lacinia Learn how to play... leo massa id metus. Praesent elit orci, fringilla id consequat at, iaculis BLACK CAT FLUFFY CAT YAWNING CAT (Deadly) (Furry) (Cute) sed libero. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vivamus et condimentum elit. 2 2 2 7 7 7 12 12 12 Want to hear about the latest toys and games? 3 3 3 Signup to the newsletter and we’ll keep you informed. 5 5 5 Email Address 2 2 2 Unsubscribe SIGNUP d 2 Comments ... Leave a comment... Davey Jones Sed tincidunt vulputate diam. Proin risus turpis, consequat sit amet Reply volutpat consectetur, pretium sit amet dolor. Suspendisse volutpat, ipsum sodales dapibus fermentum, justo mi dictum odio, non scelerisque risus orci ac velit. In eu dui et lectus rutrum auctor. Davey Jones Sed tincidunt vulputate diam. Proin risus turpis, consequat sit amet Reply volutpat consectetur, pretium sit amet dolor. Suspendisse volutpat, ipsum sodales dapibus fermentum, justo mi dictum odio, non scelerisque risus orci ac velit. In eu dui et lectus rutrum auctor. Leave a comment All elds are required. Name If you’ve not yet had a comment approved, it will Email be held for moderation. Message POST COMMENT 22
  • 13. 24
  • 15. 28
  • 16. 30
  • 17. Rosie’s Mai Tais Illustration, ui, animation, flash, game, direction 32
  • 18. Totally Money Illustration, character, design, animation, flash 34
  • 19. 36
  • 20. Vodafone Flexphone ai 08/29/06 mk Illustration, animation, flash, direction D109 38
  • 21. coupled with our selected colour palette is an integral ingredient of our identity. Bold use of these colours maintains coherence Isis Telecom across our brand and helps our customers recognise Isis and it’s communications. Design, layout, print 06 Isis Brand Guidelines 07 Brand Values The tone of voice for all Isis communications is Flexible, Knowledgeable, Helpful. Isis is a credible and trusted source for information. Organised and Resourceful. flexible knowledgeable helpful 22 Isis Brand Guidelines 23 08 Isis Brand Guidelines 09 10 Isis Brand Guidelines 11 14 Isis Brand Guidelines 15 Photography Logotype Logotype continued Typography continued Exclusion zone Colour Restrictions Size Isis is continuing to pursue brand integrity When using the Isis logo it must be clearly The exclusion zone ensures that there is always a In addition to the standard exclusion zone the blue Where possible the standard Isis logo (blue on white) Where the Isis logotype sits over photographic imagery The Isis logotype has been specially designed and As a guide logo should appear at 4cm wide, although The Arial typeface has two weights Regular and Bold, The way you use these different typefaces will be Arial Regular - Arial Regular Italic across its whole product range, this ensures visible with no distractions or items interfering consistent amount of clear space around the logo. It area surrounding the alternate logo should also equate should be used, it is possible however to use the the logo must maximise the communication of our should never be redrawn. Always use approved the application and target audience will ultimately both are available in Italic. These choices are given integral to your designs, each weight, size, colour and the reputation and image of the company with it and should employ the exclusion zone also prevents anything else on the page from impairing to 50% the height of the lowercase ‘i’ (excluding the alternate Isis logotype of white on a blue surround if brand. This means on a light background using the electronic artwork when reproducing the logotype. define which size the logo is used at. so you have a flexible set of styles for the different emphasis can evoke a number of different tones, voices ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ visually on the logo. dot) in the word Isis. this better fits the work being produced. standard blue instance only when it is easily visible, applications you me be designing for depending on the and emotions. Subtle small lines of text can be just is consistent with the expectations and as described below. In all cases the logotype other wise the alternate must be used, where the logo Do not alter the colour of the logotype (fig 1), do not The minimum size of the logo should be no smaller nature of your communication. as effective as a larger bold headline. Used carefully abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz experience of our customers. should not appear closer to any edge than The exclusion zone should equate to 50% of the height will reside on a dark background image a black and apply a drop shadow to the logotype (fig 2), do not than 2cm wide on an A4 sheet of paper, while the your choices can create a number of different styles 1234567890&!?@£$% the distance defined in the exclusion zone. of the lowercase ‘i’ (excluding the dot) in the word Isis white reverse of the standard style must be used to alter the typeface of the logotype (fig 3), do not alter alternate versions minimum should be no more than Also available for use in printed documents is the and themes while still aligning with Isis’s brand. The Isis logotype has been especially created where imagery or typography is to be placed above, maximise visibility. the scale of the logotypes (fig 4) and do not rearrange 2.5cm wide. This is to ensure the logotype is legible Helvetica type face, as it is very close to Arial in design and should never be redrawn. below, to the left or to the right-hand side. the logotype (fig 5). Do not introduce department and clear across all applications. and is found more regularly on Mac’s. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Strong photography fuels the imagination Either version of the logo maybe printed in black and names, sub identities or slogans to the logotype, our white if the work requires. logo should reflect that we are one single entity or In special circumstances the logo maybe displayed at a abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz company. smaller size, i.e. small promotional items, please contact a 1234567890&!?@£$% member of the Marketing Tam for this application. capturing interest X Arial Bold - Arial Bold Italic and impacting ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ perception abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890&!?@£$% 1/2 x 1/2 x X 4 cm ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1/2 x abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ofthearialtypeface 1234567890&!?@£$% x 2 cm X X x 1/2 x X X 1/2 x 4 cm 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 2.5 cm 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 1/2 x 40
  • 22. Silicon Village D O EB IGN Design, layout, print, copy, direction O F D O EB IGN D O F N AN D T’ N AN T’ S W ES ’S S W ES ’S O D O D D DO’s and DONT’s of Web Design Color Schemes 6 D D O EB IGN DO’s and DONT’s of Web Design White Space 5 O F D N Color schemes are one Black text on a white AN of those page elements background is the most T’ common choice for a web that can complement page. or corrupt web page S designs. Just because W ES ’S ‘you’ can see it on your Contrast and Readability screen or just because O ‘you’ like that color mix D doesn’t mean other D people will. Some people White text on a black D O EB IGN may be color blind and background, although heavily although this is a constant contrasted, is not always easy O F issue, what’s more for people to read, especially D O EB IGN D important is understand at smaller text sizes. N O F how colors interact with AN D each other, contrast and Contrast and Readability T’ N readability are paramount AN when dealing with S T’ W ES information. ’S Avoid shades of the same S W ES color, grey over black or O D ’S light blue over dark blue as example. D O D Contrast and Readability Not just in art is white space D O EB IGN necessary, this fine balance O F D Some colors will work great between objects and contrast N for artistic websites, but think AN hard before using them on also exists in design. White T’ mainly textual pages. space is paramount in S Contrast and Readability situations where you must W ES ’S display large amounts of O D content, such as on a web D page. If information fills D O EB IGN the whole page it can be O F D O EB IGN D increasingly hard for a user to N O F AN read. D T’ N As a test step back from your AN S T’ W ES computer and look at the ’S DO’s and DONT’s of Web Design Information Location 8 DO’s and DONT’s of Web Design Fonts 10 S page, do you see mostly light W ES O D S or dark? If you see a lot of D D dark go back and edit your All your content is Using too many fonts on pages design to ‘lighten’ it up. WHITE SPACE important right? a page can make your Yes and no, while you design look all cluttered, hope the user will read can confuse the user and all your content, the truth is that some will be more 1 2 is generally bad design. important than others. This is where content DON’T USE BALANCE placement comes in to FONTS OR play. TOO MANY FONT You’ll want, for yourself as much as for the 2 user, to place all of your important information at the top of the page. We’ve established all 3 SIZES your content is important, but some of it you will definitely want the user to see and some you wont mind if they don’t. Grading your content will let ON YOUR PAGES! This is where you grade you place it on the page in the content, any system an intelligent way, allowing will do, but grading from the user access to what s/he 1 to 3 works well, 1 for is likely to want right away, As a rule have no more while drawing them down the than 3 different fonts on the the most important, 2 for graded content levels. quite important and 3 for page, in 3 different sizes. It’s generally a good idea to optional. have one font type and size for your navigation, one for your headings and one for your main content. That then leaves you some play in size or type for other navigational or informational elements. same goes for colors! 42
  • 23. Team Meerkat Illustration, design, ux, css, html, jquery, wordpress 44
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  • 27. For more, please see;