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X - xen            ÂÏ>Vs[ gï†ÈD - gï†ÈD á >tµ ëÔ´V]                                              1099

X : (letter) (¸eˆ®) the 24th letter of the English
                  ƒ                                  ¢kœ > ngÏk ¸k∑F  ∑Ï¥ı¤ ÿieˆ ÿ gØ
alphabet; the number 10 according to Roman           S‚reˆeuC  uÏ∂Ú ∑ÿc.
numeral system; –G™ S ∂  gÏ∏Jkœ                      xenobiosis : (n) ( ®‚kÏ∑nÏ˛®ƒ) the life
l¥∑µ√U ‰ÏkœeÏ÷U ¸dµ√U; ‚rÏgÏ>n                       of species of ants living together but not rearing
±∞[∑F∑≥ ¸zb 10&kœ ÷≥÷eˆ ÿi∑F∫.                       their young in common; µÏG™ e ı¤ a‚r
xanthein : (n) (®Ïkœckœ) that part of the            lªµ√ c ∂Ú ÷Vµ√ µ ÏBgØ µG™ ™ e Lkœ Vt
yellow colouring matter in flowers which is not      ¸tgØ∫e∞ı ‚÷t lªG™eL∂Ú ÷ıÏ»µ√c
soluble; E¶∂Ú e∞rnϵ, g∂Ï»eLkœ g˘Âuı¤                MgØ ¸tgØ∫eı¤ lkµ√ckœ ÷Ïh·eˆ∞e.
s[gÏk ∑ÏegØ.                                         xenocentric : (adj) ( ®‚kÏ ®kœª’¶eˆ)
xanthomelanous : (adj) (®Ïkœ µÏ g∂                   preferring other’s culture rather than one's own;
k®ƒ) possessing black hair and yellow or             µG™eLkœ ‰Ïe¶eµ√∞µ≈ª N[ ‰Ïª’≥k¶kœ
brown skin; e¶n _‰Õµ∞∂øgØ, g˘Âuı¤                    ‰Ïe◊eµ√∞µ∑F  ∑¶UgØ ≈¥gØ∫Skœ[.
¢∂Ú ∂ U ∑d∑F ∫ s[µ√ ‚µÏH∞køgØ                        xenodochium : (n) (˛‚kϪÏeˆSngØ) a
 eÏzbMı¤ı.                                           drawing room where guests are received; a
xanthophyll : (n) (®Ïkœ‚µÏºN∂Ú) the yellow           guest house; ≈¥‰Õ c k∞r ÷r‚÷[} t
pigment of withering leaves; qcÏ»‰ÕcMgØ              q∑u¶eˆÿgØ ¢∞[; ≈¥‰ÕckÏ» gÏL∞e.
l∞∂eL∂Ú qı¤ı g˘Âuı¤ uÏn∑F  ∑Ï¥ı¤.                    xenogamy : (n) ( ®‚kÏe—) crosspolli
xebec : (n) (X ∑eˆ) a three masted vessel;           nation; ¢n∂Ú ger‰ÕµuC ‚uÏ»eˆ∞e.
‡kœ t ∑Ïn› g rG™ e ∞ıeˆ  eÏzb M ı¤ ı                 xenogenesis : (n) ( ®‚kÏ o k˛®ƒ)
e∑F∑∂Ú; xenial : (adj) (X>n∂Ú) to the                generation of children totally different from their
relationship between host and guest;                 parents; µÏn› µ‰Õ ∞ µn¶ªgØ l¥‰Õ U
≈¥‰ÕµL∑F∑ ÷¥eˆÿ gØ ≈¥‰Õck¥eˆ ÿgØ                     ±[}iBgØ gÏt∑ª’ª (q¥÷gØ  eÏzbª)
l∞ª‚n qı¤ı q[¡ ∑[}in.                                ÿh‰Õ∞µ N[∑F∫.
                                                     xenomania : (n) ( ®‚kÏ‚g>nÏ) the
                                                     practice of too much admiration for foreigners
                                                     and foreign things; ¢n∂Ú ‰Ïª’≥kÏ»˜UgØ
                                                     ¢n∂Ú ‰ Ϫ’ M ∑F       ∑Ï¥ª’ e ı¤        ˜UgØ
                                                      eÏzbMı¤ı ‚gÏegØ.
                                                     xenon : (n) ( ®kÏkœ) a heavy gaseous inert
xeno : (X‚kÏ) a word element from Greek              element; ekgÏk oª÷Ïø ‹∑ ‡∂e∑F
meaning alien, strange; ∫[gØ ∑ Ïk,                    ∑Ï¥ı¤;  ®kÏkœ.
1100                  Narmadha English - English - Tamil Dictionary                   xen - xyl

xenophobia : (n) ( ®‚kϺ‚∑ÏNnÏ)                    x-rays : ( (¸eˆ®ƒ‚r®ƒ) wave ray that
abnormal fear of foreigners and foreign customs;   penetrates solids and enables photographs be
¢n∂Ú ‰Ïª’ª÷Ï», ¢n∂Ú ‰Ïª’M∑F ∑heˆe                  taken (by this means) cª∑F ∑Ï¥ª’ eLkœ
÷heˆeG™e∞ıeˆ ezbM ¢∞ªøgØ ‚∑ruCugØ.                 ˙‚ª  ukœt ∑ª gMeˆÿgØ ˙MecÏ»;
xeroderma : (n) ( ®‚rÏ ªÏ»gÏ) skin                 ¸eˆ®ƒ‚r.
disease caused by dryness of the skin; ‚µÏHkœ
÷[ª’VnÏ∂Ú qzbªÏÿgØ u¥g ≈nÏc.
xerography : (n) ( ®‚rÏeˆrϺN) copying
process; "q∂Ï»∑≥' (xerox) ¸MeˆÿgØ ±∞[.
xerophilous: (adj) ( ®‚rϺN∂®ƒ) thriving
in hot and dry ground; ÷[zbª,  ÷∑F∑gÏk             xylem : (n) (∞® ∂gØ) the hard woody part
∑ÿcJ∂Ú ÷ıÏ»Skœ[.                                   of a plant or tree; µÏ÷r qª’ÿhÏn›µ√µ∞u
xerophyte : (n) ( ®‚rϺ∞∑ª’ ) a                     eª’≥nÏe l¥eˆÿgØ gr ∞÷rgØ.
vegetation growing in very dry ground; ÷[zbª       xylo : (pref) (∞®‚∂Ï) pertaining to wood;
≠—J∂Ú ÷ıÏ»Skœ[ ¬Ï» µÏ÷rgØ.                         "grgØ ugØ∑‰ÕµgÏk' ¸k∑F  ∑Ï¥ı¤∑MgØ
xerosis : (n) ( ®‚rÏ˛®ƒ) abnormal                  ±[}‚uÏ»eˆ∞e.
dryness of the skin or the eye;‚µÏ∂Ú ¢∂Ú∂U         xylograph : (n) (∞®‚∂ÏeˆrϺ∑F) engraving
ezb e ı¤ ¢ı¡eˆ ÿ ¢cegÏe ÷[zb ≥                     on wood; grµ√c∂Ú  uUeˆe∑F ∑ª’ª Vµ√crgØ;
¥µ√µ∂Ú.                                            xylographer : (n) (∞®‚∂Ï eˆrϺ∑Ï») a
xerostomia : (n) ( ®‚rÏ®ƒ‚ªÏ—nÏ)                   wood carver; gruC  uUeˆ ÿ ‚÷∞∂
extreme dryness of the mouth;  eÏ≥n ‰Ï              un› ∑ ÷Ï» ; xylographic            :    (adj)
÷[ª’V.                                             (∞®‚∂ÏeˆrϺNeˆ) pertaining to wood -
                                                   engraving; printed with xylograph; gruC uUeˆÿ
xerox : (n) ( ®rÏeˆ®) a machine for copying
                        ƒ                          ‚÷∞∂             ugØ ∑ ‰Õ µ gÏk;        Vµ√ c r
using the method of xerography; q∂Ï»∑≥             ‚÷∞∂∑F ∑ ÏM∞ªn greˆ e ª’ ∞ ªnÏ∂Ú
±∞[∞n∑F ∑nkœ∑Mµ√c∑F ∑≥ nMeˆÿgØ                     ¢uCVª∑F∑ª’ª; xylography : (n) (∞®‚∂Ï
e¥≈;  ®rÏeˆ®ƒ.                                     eˆrϺN) the art of engraving wood; grµ√c∂Ú
                                                   Vµ√cr ‚÷∞∂∑F∑ÏMeı¤  uUeˆÿgØ e∞∂;
                                                   xyloid : (adj) (∞®∂Ïn›ª) looking like wood;
                                                   of the nature of wood; grgØ ‚∑Ïkœ t
                                                   ‚µÏ[} [ gLeˆ S kœ [ ; grµ√ µ kœ ∞ g∞neˆ
xiphoid : (adj) (˛º∑Ïn›ª) of the shape of a
                        ’                          xylonite : (n) (∞®‚∂Ï∞kª’) celluloid;
sword; ÷Ï∞ı∑F ‚∑Ïkœ[ q¥÷gØ  eÏzbª.                  ®∂Úø∂Ïn›ª’.
Xmas : (n) (¸eˆ ® ƒ g ®ƒ ) Christmas;              xylophagan : (n) (∞®‚∂Ϻ‚∑ekœ) the
Si®ƒUg®ƒ ∑zb≥∞e. (≥ugØ∑Ï» 25 –gØ                   wood louse feeding on woods; grµ√∞µµ√
‰Ïı¤  eÏzbªÏª∑F∑M÷U).                              U∞ıµ√Ueˆ ckœt qJÏ» ÷ÏdgØ ¬Ï» ≠uCV;
                                                   xylophagous : (adj) (∞®‚∂Ϻ‚∑e®ƒ)
                                                   living on wood; grµ√∞µµ√ ckœt qJÏ»
                                                   xylophone : (n) (∞®∂º‚∑Ïkœ) a musical
                                                   instrument with wooden bars of varying length
xyl - xys       ÂÏ>Vs[ gï†ÈD - gï†ÈD á >tµ ëÔ´V]                                  1101

                                              ¢≥µ√U∑F ∑∂ ÷∞e aHe∞ı ¸d∑F∫gØ
                                              gruCuª’ªG™eıÏ∂Ïk ¬Ï» l∞ueˆe¥≈.
                                              xyster : (n) (˛®ƒªÏ») a surgical instrument
                                              for scraping bones; ¸BgØ∫e∞ıuC ¨rzbM
                                              ÷µ[}eÏk ¬Ï» ¢t∞÷ VSuC∞ueˆ e¥≈.
producing different sounds when struck with
wooden hammers; gruC¨µ√cn∂Ú  eÏzbM

abbr. : ¨¥eˆegØ. Adj :  ∑nÏ» q¶uC uÏ∂Ú. (n) :  ∑nÏ»uC uÏ∂Ú. (v) : ≈∞kuC  uÏ∂Ú.

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  • 1. X - xen ÂÏ>Vs[ gï†ÈD - gï†ÈD á >tµ ëÔ´V] 1099 X : (letter) (¸eˆ®) the 24th letter of the English ƒ ¢kœ > ngÏk ¸k∑F  ∑Ï¥ı¤ ÿieˆ ÿ gØ alphabet; the number 10 according to Roman S‚reˆeuC  uÏ∂Ú ∑ÿc. numeral system; –G™ S ∂  gÏ∏Jkœ xenobiosis : (n) ( ®‚kÏ∑nÏ˛®ƒ) the life l¥∑µ√U ‰ÏkœeÏ÷U ¸dµ√U; ‚rÏgÏ>n of species of ants living together but not rearing ±∞[∑F∑≥ ¸zb 10&kœ ÷≥÷eˆ ÿi∑F∫. their young in common; µÏG™ e ı¤ a‚r xanthein : (n) (®Ïkœckœ) that part of the lªµ√ c ∂Ú ÷Vµ√ µ ÏBgØ µG™ ™ e Lkœ Vt yellow colouring matter in flowers which is not ¸tgØ∫e∞ı ‚÷t lªG™eL∂Ú ÷ıÏ»µ√c soluble; E¶∂Ú e∞rnϵ, g∂Ï»eLkœ g˘Âuı¤ MgØ ¸tgØ∫eı¤ lkµ√ckœ ÷Ïh·eˆ∞e. s[gÏk ∑ÏegØ. xenocentric : (adj) ( ®‚kÏ ®kœª’¶eˆ) xanthomelanous : (adj) (®Ïkœ µÏ g∂ preferring other’s culture rather than one's own; k®ƒ) possessing black hair and yellow or µG™eLkœ ‰Ïe¶eµ√∞µ≈ª N[ ‰Ïª’≥k¶kœ brown skin; e¶n _‰Õµ∞∂øgØ, g˘Âuı¤ ‰Ïe◊eµ√∞µ∑F  ∑¶UgØ ≈¥gØ∫Skœ[. ¢∂Ú ∂ U ∑d∑F ∫ s[µ√ ‚µÏH∞køgØ xenodochium : (n) (˛‚kϪÏeˆSngØ) a  eÏzbMı¤ı. drawing room where guests are received; a xanthophyll : (n) (®Ïkœ‚µÏºN∂Ú) the yellow guest house; ≈¥‰Õ c k∞r ÷r‚÷[} t pigment of withering leaves; qcÏ»‰ÕcMgØ q∑u¶eˆÿgØ ¢∞[; ≈¥‰ÕckÏ» gÏL∞e. l∞∂eL∂Ú qı¤ı g˘Âuı¤ uÏn∑F  ∑Ï¥ı¤. xenogamy : (n) ( ®‚kÏe—) crosspolli xebec : (n) (X ∑eˆ) a three masted vessel; nation; ¢n∂Ú ger‰ÕµuC ‚uÏ»eˆ∞e. ‡kœ t ∑Ïn› g rG™ e ∞ıeˆ  eÏzb M ı¤ ı xenogenesis : (n) ( ®‚kÏ o k˛®ƒ) e∑F∑∂Ú; xenial : (adj) (X>n∂Ú) to the generation of children totally different from their relationship between host and guest; parents; µÏn› µ‰Õ ∞ µn¶ªgØ l¥‰Õ U ≈¥‰ÕµL∑F∑ ÷¥eˆÿ gØ ≈¥‰Õck¥eˆ ÿgØ ±[}iBgØ gÏt∑ª’ª (q¥÷gØ  eÏzbª) l∞ª‚n qı¤ı q[¡ ∑[}in. ÿh‰Õ∞µ N[∑F∫. xenomania : (n) ( ®‚kÏ‚g>nÏ) the practice of too much admiration for foreigners and foreign things; ¢n∂Ú ‰Ïª’≥kÏ»˜UgØ ¢n∂Ú ‰ Ϫ’ M ∑F  ∑Ï¥ª’ e ı¤ ˜UgØ  eÏzbMı¤ı ‚gÏegØ. xenon : (n) ( ®kÏkœ) a heavy gaseous inert xeno : (X‚kÏ) a word element from Greek element; ekgÏk oª÷Ïø ‹∑ ‡∂e∑F meaning alien, strange; ∫[gØ ∑ Ïk,  ∑Ï¥ı¤;  ®kÏkœ.
  • 2. 1100 Narmadha English - English - Tamil Dictionary xen - xyl xenophobia : (n) ( ®‚kϺ‚∑ÏNnÏ) x-rays : ( (¸eˆ®ƒ‚r®ƒ) wave ray that abnormal fear of foreigners and foreign customs; penetrates solids and enables photographs be ¢n∂Ú ‰Ïª’ª÷Ï», ¢n∂Ú ‰Ïª’M∑F ∑heˆe taken (by this means) cª∑F ∑Ï¥ª’ eLkœ ÷heˆeG™e∞ıeˆ ezbM ¢∞ªøgØ ‚∑ruCugØ. ˙‚ª  ukœt ∑ª gMeˆÿgØ ˙MecÏ»; xeroderma : (n) ( ®‚rÏ ªÏ»gÏ) skin ¸eˆ®ƒ‚r. disease caused by dryness of the skin; ‚µÏHkœ ÷[ª’VnÏ∂Ú qzbªÏÿgØ u¥g ≈nÏc. xerography : (n) ( ®‚rÏeˆrϺN) copying process; "q∂Ï»∑≥' (xerox) ¸MeˆÿgØ ±∞[. xerophilous: (adj) ( ®‚rϺN∂®ƒ) thriving in hot and dry ground; ÷[zbª,  ÷∑F∑gÏk xylem : (n) (∞® ∂gØ) the hard woody part ∑ÿcJ∂Ú ÷ıÏ»Skœ[. of a plant or tree; µÏ÷r qª’ÿhÏn›µ√µ∞u xerophyte : (n) ( ®‚rϺ∞∑ª’ ) a  eª’≥nÏe l¥eˆÿgØ gr ∞÷rgØ. vegetation growing in very dry ground; ÷[zbª xylo : (pref) (∞®‚∂Ï) pertaining to wood; ≠—J∂Ú ÷ıÏ»Skœ[ ¬Ï» µÏ÷rgØ. "grgØ ugØ∑‰ÕµgÏk' ¸k∑F  ∑Ï¥ı¤∑MgØ xerosis : (n) ( ®‚rÏ˛®ƒ) abnormal ±[}‚uÏ»eˆ∞e. dryness of the skin or the eye;‚µÏ∂Ú ¢∂Ú∂U xylograph : (n) (∞®‚∂ÏeˆrϺ∑F) engraving ezb e ı¤ ¢ı¡eˆ ÿ ¢cegÏe ÷[zb ≥ on wood; grµ√c∂Ú  uUeˆe∑F ∑ª’ª Vµ√crgØ; ¥µ√µ∂Ú. xylographer : (n) (∞®‚∂Ï eˆrϺ∑Ï») a xerostomia : (n) ( ®‚rÏ®ƒ‚ªÏ—nÏ) wood carver; gruC  uUeˆ ÿ ‚÷∞∂ extreme dryness of the mouth;  eÏ≥n ‰Ï  un› ∑ ÷Ï» ; xylographic : (adj) ÷[ª’V. (∞®‚∂ÏeˆrϺNeˆ) pertaining to wood - engraving; printed with xylograph; gruC uUeˆÿ xerox : (n) ( ®rÏeˆ®) a machine for copying ƒ ‚÷∞∂ ugØ ∑ ‰Õ µ gÏk; Vµ√ c r using the method of xerography; q∂Ï»∑≥ ‚÷∞∂∑F ∑ ÏM∞ªn greˆ e ª’ ∞ ªnÏ∂Ú ±∞[∞n∑F ∑nkœ∑Mµ√c∑F ∑≥ nMeˆÿgØ ¢uCVª∑F∑ª’ª; xylography : (n) (∞®‚∂Ï e¥≈;  ®rÏeˆ®ƒ. eˆrϺN) the art of engraving wood; grµ√c∂Ú Vµ√cr ‚÷∞∂∑F∑ÏMeı¤  uUeˆÿgØ e∞∂; xyloid : (adj) (∞®∂Ïn›ª) looking like wood; ’ of the nature of wood; grgØ ‚∑Ïkœ t ‚µÏ[} [ gLeˆ S kœ [ ; grµ√ µ kœ ∞ g∞neˆ  eÏzbMı¤ı. xiphoid : (adj) (˛º∑Ïn›ª) of the shape of a ’ xylonite : (n) (∞®‚∂Ï∞kª’) celluloid; sword; ÷Ï∞ı∑F ‚∑Ïkœ[ q¥÷gØ  eÏzbª.  ®∂Úø∂Ïn›ª’. Xmas : (n) (¸eˆ ® ƒ g ®ƒ ) Christmas; xylophagan : (n) (∞®‚∂Ϻ‚∑ekœ) the Si®ƒUg®ƒ ∑zb≥∞e. (≥ugØ∑Ï» 25 –gØ wood louse feeding on woods; grµ√∞µµ√ ‰Ïı¤  eÏzbªÏª∑F∑M÷U). U∞ıµ√Ueˆ ckœt qJÏ» ÷ÏdgØ ¬Ï» ≠uCV; xylophagous : (adj) (∞®‚∂Ϻ‚∑e®ƒ) living on wood; grµ√∞µµ√ ckœt qJÏ» ÷Ïh·‰ÕcMgØ. xylophone : (n) (∞®∂º‚∑Ïkœ) a musical instrument with wooden bars of varying length
  • 3. xyl - xys ÂÏ>Vs[ gï†ÈD - gï†ÈD á >tµ ëÔ´V] 1101 ¢≥µ√U∑F ∑∂ ÷∞e aHe∞ı ¸d∑F∫gØ gruCuª’ªG™eıÏ∂Ïk ¬Ï» l∞ueˆe¥≈. xyster : (n) (˛®ƒªÏ») a surgical instrument for scraping bones; ¸BgØ∫e∞ıuC ¨rzbM ÷µ[}eÏk ¬Ï» ¢t∞÷ VSuC∞ueˆ e¥≈. producing different sounds when struck with wooden hammers; gruC¨µ√cn∂Ú  eÏzbM abbr. : ¨¥eˆegØ. Adj :  ∑nÏ» q¶uC uÏ∂Ú. (n) :  ∑nÏ»uC uÏ∂Ú. (v) : ≈∞kuC  uÏ∂Ú.