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Personal Horoscope for "DEEPAK SAWANT"
The planets are organized according to their importance for the life and the character, from the most dominant to the least significant
one. Each celestial object (and its effects) is influenced in three ways:
1. By the sign in which it currently resides (e.g. Mars in Sagittarius), which tells us more about the sort
of energy connected with the given archetype (principle) of the planet.
2. By another planet (or a point) with which it creates an angle (in Astrology this is called an aspect, e.g.
Mars in conjunction with Jupiter). The aspect show us the ratio between the strength of the principles of
the two planets involved. They can be harmonic (in conjunction), disharmonic (in opposition) or neutral
(other minor aspects). According to this knowledge you can find out which part of the characteristics of
the planet in a House or a Sign will be valid in a particular situation (the more destructive or negative part,
or the positive one).
3. By the House in which it currently resides (e.g. Mars in the 3rd House). This information helps you to
determine in which area the celestial object (as well as the corresponding principle) will mostly realize.
Astro Characteristics
Prevalence of earth element is a sign of pragmaticality and rationality. Such people usually prefer
material areas from the abstract ones and they are also quite critical towards life and the
situations it brings. They are naturally sober.
Several planets located very close one to another (0° = conjunction) result in restriction of interests and
strengthening of the ability to specialize in one thing as well as progressivity and intuition. A talented person
becomes able to suceed in spite of their limited resources. Lack of planets creating 90° angles with each
other (90° = quadrature): the will and stamina may be weakened. Difficulties with motivation, warming-up and
realization of one's plans. Lack of planets creating 60° angles with each other (60° = sextile): productivity is
decreased and we may feel like our activities are futile and useless.
The Rising sign (Ascendant) in Aquarius indicates resourcefulness, independence, friendliness,
unconventionality and rebellion. These people feel the need to look original, unrestrained and
progressive. Inclinations to extremism and utopia. They perceive the world as a vast space
awaiting them to come and set the rules. These people like activities associated with team-work,
cooperation and the realization of their visions and ideals. Sense of extravagance. They may give
the impression of being capricious, uncommon and individualistic.
Strong infuence of the sign of Aires indicates activity, energy, courage, ferocity, decisiveness and
straightforwardness. The nature is usually focused on winning recognition and overcoming
obstacles (and rivals). Enthusiasm. Leadership , courage.
Emphasized 2. house indicates the ability to use one's predispositions, skillfulness, ability to save
money, generosity or even mammonism, self-indulgence and calculativeness to their advantage.
The dominant role in the life of such a person will be played by the experience associated with
realization of one's sources (inherited money, talents...), economy and energy concentration.
Emphasized 7. house indicates sociability, perceptiveness, openness, diplomacy, indecisiveness,
compromising (the inability to say no) and excessive dependence on the opinion of other people.
The dominant role in the life of such a person will be played by the experience associated with
commitment (working and love relationships, marriage),various agreements and cooperation.
Dominant Jupiter indicates optimistic, open, generous and self-confident behaviour. Sense of
humour. Need to rank high on the social ladder and to extend one's influence. Focus on an ideal.
Retrograde Mercury represents refined thinking focused on the development of one's personal
consciousness rather than on the external events. Improved judgement extends the time needed
for making a decision. Sometimes fear to express one's thoughts. Absent-mindedness.
XXRetrograde Mars Mars turns the energy inwards. Agression may be supressed, which results in
frustration or unexpected bouts of anger. Action against natural instincts. The desire for
conquering and the competitiveness are supressed.
Mercury burnt (close to the Sun) represents subordination of mind and intellect to the personal
goals. The thinking and speaking is controlled willingly.
Venus burnt (close to the Sun) represents subordination of emotions and senses to the personal
goals. Emotions are controlled willingly.
Birth during the New Moon influences subjectiveness, impulsiveness, spontaneousness and
instinctive behaviour. The tendency to project oneself into others and into the world as a whole
(such a person filters everything they see through themselves) frequently results in confusion.
Strong connection with the past.
Sun: 13° 57' 15" (13° 57' 15" Aries)
Moon: 37° 49' 47" (7° 49' 47" Taurus)
Mercury: 21° 41' 44" (21° 41' 44" Aries)
Venus: 11° 50' 17" (11° 50' 17" Aries)
Mars: 160° 22' 4" (10° 22' 4" Virgo)
Jupiter: 55° 54' 10" (25° 54' 10" Taurus)
Saturn: 341° 57' 50" (11° 57' 50" Pisces)
Uranus: 161° 27' 59" (11° 27' 59" Virgo)
Neptune: 229° 34' 39" (19° 34' 39" Scorpio)
Pluto: 164° 19' 15" (14° 19' 15" Virgo)
Ascendant: 321° 44' 39" (21° 44' 39" Aquarius)
61° 17' 14" (1° 17' 14" Gemini)
Descendant: 141° 44' 39" (21° 44' 39" Leo)
241° 17' 14" (1° 17' 14" Sagittarius)
Bithplace coordinates: latitude: 19.076, longitude: 72.8777
Jupiter in Taurus
This person likes everything that has been done and works. He takes care about it and supports it. He likes
satisfying his senses and usually allows the others to do so, too. Condescension, generosity, hedonism, in the
worse case self-indulgence, lust and materialism or excessive conservativism. This person manifests and
develops himself through the ownership and caretaking of the material property. Mercenariness.
Jupiter opposite Neptune
One has a unique ability to waste opportunities; prefers dreaming about own happiness to doing something to
reach it. Tendency towards social speculations. Seeks happiness in artificial paradise.
Jupiter conjunct Immum Coeli
Strong trust in one´s roots, very interconnected with them. Considers himself/herself a patriarch/an elder in a
family line; needs to protect and uplift it. Development comes from inner and personal life. Real estates;
sometimes legal proceedings due to real estates or dissipation.
Jupiter in Houses tells us in which areas we will be able to develop, grow and expand and which
area will enable us to fulfill our lives' purpose.
Jupiter in the 3rd house
Refined written and spoken expression, great communication skills, talkativeness. This person can make friends
easily thanks to his ability to emit the positive mood. Development of one's technical and practical skills, usually
education higher than average, great amount of information gathered. Good relationships with the close
surroundings which this person likes to develop. Profit thanks to the relatives, neighbours, written documents
and agreements. Constantly extending connections. Sociability, humour, docility. Information sharing either
orally or in writing (a writer, a rhetor). Love for traveling and exploring the new environments.
Mars in Virgo
These people posses the sense of detail and can easily deal with the matters of routine. Considerate handling of
energy. The ability to work hard. A methodical, careful and precise way of following one's goals. Strategic
thinking, dilligence, effectivity, ambitiousness, a clear mind. These people are seldom able to express their
anger, they tend to disguise it with nervousness. Their petty approach and unbearable criticism may irritate
other people.
Mars opposite Saturn
Dislike of exertion, exhaustion, self-deteriorating work. Activity follows after passivity in cycles. Blocked or
supressed energy or sexuality. Asperity, cruelty, rigidity. Can hate deeply. Tendency to act like a bull at a gate.
In danger of serious injuries. Sometimes demonstrating his/her own strength (aggression).
Mars conjunct Uranus
Top level performance, courageous overcoming of general limits. Subject seeks admiration for his/her
overstated courage; in danger of injuries and accidents. Unfading fight for own independence. Quick
actions, hyperactivity, restlessness, . Often technical talent.
Mars conjunct Pluto
Secret and strategic activity pursued in order to control oneself or others. Inner strength used either to help or
to destroy others. Immense energy stemming from the depth of one´s soul. Possible negation or suppression of
passion, aggression, or activity.
Mars trine Moon
Strong protective instinct, takes care about his/her family and his/her inner life, higher mental activity.
Expresses his/her feeling spontaneously, hot tempered. Vitality, resistance, passion. Can anticipate the right
time to act or make some steps. Adventurer.
Mars in Houses tells us where we focus our activity and to some extent also our aggression
showing us in which area we can expect conflicts and disagreements.
Mars in the 7th house
Rivality and resoluteness in the relationships, disagreements with the significant other resulting from the fact
that the agression is released mostly through this person's behaviour. The need for an active and passionate
relationship is the reason why these people are attracted to the dynamic, resolute and temperemental partners
(e.g. sportsmen, soldiers, businessmen). There is a possibility of violence in the marriage which generally
resembles a battlefield rather than a calm port. These people try to be initiative in the social life, to tell the
others what to do and they also enjoy competitions and comparing their strength with the others.
Saturn in Pisces
An aloof, humble, shy and martyrlike nature, inclined to the introspection and withdrawing into onself. Usually
life in seclusion. Scrupulosity. Fear of the dependence and chaos. Fear or aversion to the deep emotions or the
inexplicable phenomena resulting in the urge to somehow cope with them.
Saturn opposite Mars
See Mars opposite Saturn
Saturn opposite Uranus
Unpredictable behaviour, oscillation between dictatorship due to tidiness and anarchistic unprincipledness. Sharp
conflict of old and new.. Issues of expressing own uniqueness. Unexpected changes in seemingly stable
Saturn opposite Pluto
Obsessive adherence to old or older, or, on the contrary, obsession with something traditional, tried and true
values. Severity or cruelty. Fear of radical changes, which can lead to serious life crises. Uneasiness,
nervousness, coldness.
Saturn in Houses shows us what we fear the most or in which area we feel constrained (and
compensate it with hard and uncompromising attitudes), but in fact we have to learn to be
thorough, humble and sober instead.
Saturn in the 1st house
Control of one's natural needs, sense of self-restriction, seriousness, strictness, responsibility, stamina, effort. A
contemplative, conservative and deep nature. Skeptical, usually cold behaviour (the need to keep one's
distance), constraints and conventions. Low self-confidence (sometimes disguised by rough behaviour) and the
inferiority complex (often compensated by the strong desire to excel and great strenuousness – this person
wants to prove himself his own value). Attempting to move on from one's surroundings, often an introverted
nature and solitary inclinations. A realistic and critical life attitude. The need for some kind of schedule or a fixed
point to reach. Inclination to gathering and saving. Frequent inadaptability and refusing of the changes.
Venus in Aries
These people fall in love spontaneously and instinctively, affection as well as aversion are instant. Tendency to
quickly fall in love, love at first sight. Although these people are capable of passionate love, they are often very
egoistic in their relationships. Their volatile, yet fiery emotions burn them. The relationships are perceived as a
challenge or a competition. These people unconciously enjoy the passionate and tense connections. In the
better case, knightly behaviour or courage in winning the loved one's heart.
Venus conjunct Sun
Friendliness, kindness, cordiality, sociability, charm. Accentuated female physiognomy in men as well as in
women. Artistic or social ambition, creativity, talent for financing, vogue or theatre; possesses special
aesthetic feeling. A need to love and be loved. Pleasure seeker, self-satisfied.
Venus in Houses tells us about the area (a person) on which we focus our feelings, where it is the
easiest for us to make acquaintances and how our sense of aesthetics and harmony will manifest.
Venus in the 2nd house
Love for material property, usually wealth, the ability to enjoy the life's pleasures, sensuality. Men tend to spend
a lot of money on women (e.g. gifts), women often buy decorative stuff such as clothes or jewellery. Their self-
confidence is based on love relationships and material property. These people usually work in areas connected
with art, aesthetics or economics, some individuals are good at exploiting their interpersonal relationships (e.g.
friendships). Inclination to materialism. This person may meet with a wealthy and generous woman who will
influence them in an important way. The emotional satisfaction may be supressed by money in some people
(maintaining calculative relationships).
Uranus in Virgo
The position of this planet tells us more about the characteristics of the whole generation rather than about an
individual, therefore the characteristics of this constellation has been omitted.
Uranus conjunct Pluto
Strong urge to independence and progress. Able to unexpectedly and radically change oneself. Wants to be
different at all costs. Intense inner stress, extremism, rebelliousness. Unexpected, deep crises and twists in life.
Uranus trine Moon
Openness towards unexpected and sudden changes, many exciting events. Strong intuition, sometimes strong
occult abilities. Fascination with anything new. Broadminded, adventurer, flexible, one who can express his/her
emotions freely. Prefers liberal family life.
Uranus in Houses tells us in which area we can assert our originality, unconventionality and
tolerance and when to be prepared for sudden changes and surprises.
Uranus in the 7th house
The strong need for freedom in the relationships may result in the frequent rows between the couple (danger of
breaking-ups and divorces). These people seek partners who will give them some space in their cohabitation
(e.g. independent and rather eccentric people). Usually an atypical life partner and prefering of the liberal (free
and unrestricting) connections in which there is some space between the couple. Unpredictable and unexpected
situations in the marriage. These people suddenly begin relationships and then end them quickly. Seeking new
forms of cooperation.
Pluto in Virgo
The position of this planet tells us more about the characteristics of the whole generation rather than about an
individual, therefore the characteristics of this constellation has been omitted.
Pluto trine Moon
Good gut feeling, depth of soul, inherited understanding of everything complex, able to emotionally revive.
Intense, but well controlled emotional life. Strong imagination, creative talent, sweeping sensibility. Talent for
occultism, psychology and politics, but also for all areas where a need to get to the point is required.
Pluto in Houses tells us when we can expect major twists and radical changes (often resembling
purgatory) and how to learn to use our regeneration skills and mental powers.
Pluto in the 7th house
The desire to dominate in the interpersonal relationships, effort to control the partner, deep and dramatical
connections, intense bonds with the loved one and enormous expectations about the marriage. The relationship
often resembles a magical pact or the purgatory. Usually a big twist in the partnership (e.g.big love turns into
hatred, or on the contrary), because the connections serve as the catalyst for the changes. The fight for power
in the cohabitation. An unconscious urge to find a partner who will share both the depths and the peaks of life.
A sensual, suggestive, strongly emotional, rough or even provoking partner. His attractivity results from his
dramatic, tragical fate. Sometimes the ability to maintain the normal interpersonal relationships is supressed
(asceticism, celibacy).
Sun in Aries
This person is very instinctive, energetic and vigorous. He is often courageous and spontaneous
and his need for the independence often leads him to the undisciplined behaviour. His psychology
in general is focused on the present moment in a series of brief but powerful impulses. He is a
passionate gambler who likes all kinds of risk and adventure. Above all, he is a warrior. Sometimes
he is overly open and frank, diplomacy being not one of his qualities. The effort to assert one's will
at all costs. This person is characterised by strenuousness, dynamics, self-confidence and on the
other hand also snappishness, roughness, impatience and arrogance.
Sun conjunct Mercury
Mind controlled by willpower; often focuses on his/her own individuality. In better case self-
criticism and good understanding of his/her heart. Finds fulfilment in intellectual life, in
information sharing or thoughts transferring. subjectivity.
The Sun in Houses tells us where we take our energy from and how we spend it, in which area we
can self-actualize, win the recognition and help the others.
Sun in the 2nd house
Self-actualisation connected with sensual pleasures and material property. Desire for assurance, prestige,
success and welfare. Tendency to stockpile the material things, interest in the finance, collecting as a hobby;
productivity. An efficient person, yet often acquisitivul, who may excel in the financial area (e.g. by becoming
wealthy). The property may come from the father, or if the person is a woman – from her husband. This person
is very contributing which enables him to play an important social role. He likes to overwhelm the others with his
money. The more spiritual people can reach the inner wealth, peace and the concentration. For some people,
this constellation brings the inner uncertainty which they try to balance by trying to raise the excessive amounts
of money. Sometimes inclinations to materialism or acquisitive behaviour.
Moon in Taurus
A strong need for security often found in the family bonds or the property. This person dislikes changes,
especially those sudden and rough which is why he may be obsessed with the traditional attitudes. His is rather
hedonistic than sensual and can achieve great emotional satisfaction from the physical world.. Warm-
hearted, perceptive and passive sensitiveness. Patience, sensuality, rigidity, self-indulgence.
The Moon in Houses tells us in which area we will experience our female aspect in action (e.g.
taking care about someone) and where to expect some kind of dependence, instability and
Moon in the 3rd house
Emotional thinking and perception of the world, rather subjective expression connected with great imagination.
Restlessness, fluctuation, curiousity, nervousness, need for diversity and weirdness, frequent change (e.g.
traveling). Inclination to absent-mindedness. Eloquence, rhetorical, sometimes literary talent. A need to show off
one's knowledge, to exchange information and to communicate. Great imagination and fantasy. Adaptability.
The mother or women in general may greatly influence this person's intellect. He is either well-liked by his
neighbours or relatives or their relationships fluctuate. A tendency to take care about one's close surroundings
which he perceives as a second family.
Mercury in Aries
These obstinate and direct peple know exactly what they want.. They are often smart thinkers and do not lack
sharp tongue, either. Impulsive, resolute, quick and spontaneous thinking and speech. Expression is usually
quite direct and free of the redundant words. Frankness, cantankerousness, alertness. The ability to improvise
and argument readily. Sometimes they lack reasonability and concentration. Sometimes sarcasm and irony.
Mercury sextile Ascendant
Skilfulness, shrewdness, bright appearance. Likes to make acquaintances, loves communication with others.
Diplomatic, funny, witty, talkative, lively character; interested in information sharing, continual education.
Clever, well considered, often curious behaviour.
Mercury in Houses tells in which areas we will exploit our intelligence, communication skills or
flexibility, what we will be interested in – and what will mentally inspire us.
Mercury in the 2nd house
Interest in values, business, finance, property and economics. This person is aware of the possible profit. The
ability to calculate is connected with the business skills. Skillfulness and creativity in building the assurances and
managing them. Lots of ideas about how to make money and invest them. The ability to exploit one's own wit.
This person often uses his intellect to make money and often works in the communication industry or tourism.
Some individuals may receive important financial support from their siblings or other relatives.
Neptune in Scorpio
The position of this planet tells us more about the characteristics of the whole generation rather than about an
individual, therefore the characteristics of this constellation has been omitted.

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  • 1. Personal Horoscope for "DEEPAK SAWANT" The planets are organized according to their importance for the life and the character, from the most dominant to the least significant one. Each celestial object (and its effects) is influenced in three ways: 1. By the sign in which it currently resides (e.g. Mars in Sagittarius), which tells us more about the sort of energy connected with the given archetype (principle) of the planet. 2. By another planet (or a point) with which it creates an angle (in Astrology this is called an aspect, e.g. Mars in conjunction with Jupiter). The aspect show us the ratio between the strength of the principles of the two planets involved. They can be harmonic (in conjunction), disharmonic (in opposition) or neutral (other minor aspects). According to this knowledge you can find out which part of the characteristics of the planet in a House or a Sign will be valid in a particular situation (the more destructive or negative part, or the positive one). 3. By the House in which it currently resides (e.g. Mars in the 3rd House). This information helps you to determine in which area the celestial object (as well as the corresponding principle) will mostly realize. Astro Characteristics Prevalence of earth element is a sign of pragmaticality and rationality. Such people usually prefer material areas from the abstract ones and they are also quite critical towards life and the situations it brings. They are naturally sober.
  • 2. Several planets located very close one to another (0° = conjunction) result in restriction of interests and strengthening of the ability to specialize in one thing as well as progressivity and intuition. A talented person becomes able to suceed in spite of their limited resources. Lack of planets creating 90° angles with each other (90° = quadrature): the will and stamina may be weakened. Difficulties with motivation, warming-up and realization of one's plans. Lack of planets creating 60° angles with each other (60° = sextile): productivity is decreased and we may feel like our activities are futile and useless. The Rising sign (Ascendant) in Aquarius indicates resourcefulness, independence, friendliness, unconventionality and rebellion. These people feel the need to look original, unrestrained and progressive. Inclinations to extremism and utopia. They perceive the world as a vast space awaiting them to come and set the rules. These people like activities associated with team-work, cooperation and the realization of their visions and ideals. Sense of extravagance. They may give the impression of being capricious, uncommon and individualistic. Strong infuence of the sign of Aires indicates activity, energy, courage, ferocity, decisiveness and straightforwardness. The nature is usually focused on winning recognition and overcoming obstacles (and rivals). Enthusiasm. Leadership , courage. Emphasized 2. house indicates the ability to use one's predispositions, skillfulness, ability to save money, generosity or even mammonism, self-indulgence and calculativeness to their advantage. The dominant role in the life of such a person will be played by the experience associated with realization of one's sources (inherited money, talents...), economy and energy concentration. Emphasized 7. house indicates sociability, perceptiveness, openness, diplomacy, indecisiveness, compromising (the inability to say no) and excessive dependence on the opinion of other people. The dominant role in the life of such a person will be played by the experience associated with commitment (working and love relationships, marriage),various agreements and cooperation.
  • 3. Dominant Jupiter indicates optimistic, open, generous and self-confident behaviour. Sense of humour. Need to rank high on the social ladder and to extend one's influence. Focus on an ideal. Retrograde Mercury represents refined thinking focused on the development of one's personal consciousness rather than on the external events. Improved judgement extends the time needed for making a decision. Sometimes fear to express one's thoughts. Absent-mindedness. XXRetrograde Mars Mars turns the energy inwards. Agression may be supressed, which results in frustration or unexpected bouts of anger. Action against natural instincts. The desire for conquering and the competitiveness are supressed. Mercury burnt (close to the Sun) represents subordination of mind and intellect to the personal goals. The thinking and speaking is controlled willingly. Venus burnt (close to the Sun) represents subordination of emotions and senses to the personal goals. Emotions are controlled willingly. Birth during the New Moon influences subjectiveness, impulsiveness, spontaneousness and instinctive behaviour. The tendency to project oneself into others and into the world as a whole (such a person filters everything they see through themselves) frequently results in confusion. Strong connection with the past.
  • 4. Sun: 13° 57' 15" (13° 57' 15" Aries) Moon: 37° 49' 47" (7° 49' 47" Taurus) Mercury: 21° 41' 44" (21° 41' 44" Aries) Venus: 11° 50' 17" (11° 50' 17" Aries) Mars: 160° 22' 4" (10° 22' 4" Virgo) Jupiter: 55° 54' 10" (25° 54' 10" Taurus) Saturn: 341° 57' 50" (11° 57' 50" Pisces) Uranus: 161° 27' 59" (11° 27' 59" Virgo) Neptune: 229° 34' 39" (19° 34' 39" Scorpio) Pluto: 164° 19' 15" (14° 19' 15" Virgo) Ascendant: 321° 44' 39" (21° 44' 39" Aquarius) Immum Coeli: 61° 17' 14" (1° 17' 14" Gemini) Descendant: 141° 44' 39" (21° 44' 39" Leo)
  • 5. Medium Coeli: 241° 17' 14" (1° 17' 14" Sagittarius) Bithplace coordinates: latitude: 19.076, longitude: 72.8777 Jupiter Jupiter in Taurus This person likes everything that has been done and works. He takes care about it and supports it. He likes satisfying his senses and usually allows the others to do so, too. Condescension, generosity, hedonism, in the worse case self-indulgence, lust and materialism or excessive conservativism. This person manifests and develops himself through the ownership and caretaking of the material property. Mercenariness. Jupiter opposite Neptune One has a unique ability to waste opportunities; prefers dreaming about own happiness to doing something to reach it. Tendency towards social speculations. Seeks happiness in artificial paradise. Jupiter conjunct Immum Coeli Strong trust in one´s roots, very interconnected with them. Considers himself/herself a patriarch/an elder in a family line; needs to protect and uplift it. Development comes from inner and personal life. Real estates; sometimes legal proceedings due to real estates or dissipation.
  • 6. Jupiter in Houses tells us in which areas we will be able to develop, grow and expand and which area will enable us to fulfill our lives' purpose. Jupiter in the 3rd house Refined written and spoken expression, great communication skills, talkativeness. This person can make friends easily thanks to his ability to emit the positive mood. Development of one's technical and practical skills, usually education higher than average, great amount of information gathered. Good relationships with the close surroundings which this person likes to develop. Profit thanks to the relatives, neighbours, written documents and agreements. Constantly extending connections. Sociability, humour, docility. Information sharing either orally or in writing (a writer, a rhetor). Love for traveling and exploring the new environments. Mars Mars in Virgo These people posses the sense of detail and can easily deal with the matters of routine. Considerate handling of energy. The ability to work hard. A methodical, careful and precise way of following one's goals. Strategic thinking, dilligence, effectivity, ambitiousness, a clear mind. These people are seldom able to express their anger, they tend to disguise it with nervousness. Their petty approach and unbearable criticism may irritate other people.
  • 7. Mars opposite Saturn Dislike of exertion, exhaustion, self-deteriorating work. Activity follows after passivity in cycles. Blocked or supressed energy or sexuality. Asperity, cruelty, rigidity. Can hate deeply. Tendency to act like a bull at a gate. In danger of serious injuries. Sometimes demonstrating his/her own strength (aggression). Mars conjunct Uranus Top level performance, courageous overcoming of general limits. Subject seeks admiration for his/her overstated courage; in danger of injuries and accidents. Unfading fight for own independence. Quick actions, hyperactivity, restlessness, . Often technical talent. Mars conjunct Pluto Secret and strategic activity pursued in order to control oneself or others. Inner strength used either to help or to destroy others. Immense energy stemming from the depth of one´s soul. Possible negation or suppression of passion, aggression, or activity. Mars trine Moon Strong protective instinct, takes care about his/her family and his/her inner life, higher mental activity. Expresses his/her feeling spontaneously, hot tempered. Vitality, resistance, passion. Can anticipate the right time to act or make some steps. Adventurer. Mars in Houses tells us where we focus our activity and to some extent also our aggression showing us in which area we can expect conflicts and disagreements.
  • 8. Mars in the 7th house Rivality and resoluteness in the relationships, disagreements with the significant other resulting from the fact that the agression is released mostly through this person's behaviour. The need for an active and passionate relationship is the reason why these people are attracted to the dynamic, resolute and temperemental partners (e.g. sportsmen, soldiers, businessmen). There is a possibility of violence in the marriage which generally resembles a battlefield rather than a calm port. These people try to be initiative in the social life, to tell the others what to do and they also enjoy competitions and comparing their strength with the others. Saturn Saturn in Pisces An aloof, humble, shy and martyrlike nature, inclined to the introspection and withdrawing into onself. Usually life in seclusion. Scrupulosity. Fear of the dependence and chaos. Fear or aversion to the deep emotions or the inexplicable phenomena resulting in the urge to somehow cope with them. Saturn opposite Mars See Mars opposite Saturn Saturn opposite Uranus Unpredictable behaviour, oscillation between dictatorship due to tidiness and anarchistic unprincipledness. Sharp conflict of old and new.. Issues of expressing own uniqueness. Unexpected changes in seemingly stable situations. Saturn opposite Pluto Obsessive adherence to old or older, or, on the contrary, obsession with something traditional, tried and true values. Severity or cruelty. Fear of radical changes, which can lead to serious life crises. Uneasiness,
  • 9. nervousness, coldness. Saturn in Houses shows us what we fear the most or in which area we feel constrained (and compensate it with hard and uncompromising attitudes), but in fact we have to learn to be thorough, humble and sober instead. Saturn in the 1st house Control of one's natural needs, sense of self-restriction, seriousness, strictness, responsibility, stamina, effort. A contemplative, conservative and deep nature. Skeptical, usually cold behaviour (the need to keep one's distance), constraints and conventions. Low self-confidence (sometimes disguised by rough behaviour) and the inferiority complex (often compensated by the strong desire to excel and great strenuousness – this person wants to prove himself his own value). Attempting to move on from one's surroundings, often an introverted nature and solitary inclinations. A realistic and critical life attitude. The need for some kind of schedule or a fixed point to reach. Inclination to gathering and saving. Frequent inadaptability and refusing of the changes. Venus Venus in Aries These people fall in love spontaneously and instinctively, affection as well as aversion are instant. Tendency to quickly fall in love, love at first sight. Although these people are capable of passionate love, they are often very egoistic in their relationships. Their volatile, yet fiery emotions burn them. The relationships are perceived as a challenge or a competition. These people unconciously enjoy the passionate and tense connections. In the better case, knightly behaviour or courage in winning the loved one's heart.
  • 10. Venus conjunct Sun Friendliness, kindness, cordiality, sociability, charm. Accentuated female physiognomy in men as well as in women. Artistic or social ambition, creativity, talent for financing, vogue or theatre; possesses special aesthetic feeling. A need to love and be loved. Pleasure seeker, self-satisfied. Venus in Houses tells us about the area (a person) on which we focus our feelings, where it is the easiest for us to make acquaintances and how our sense of aesthetics and harmony will manifest. Venus in the 2nd house Love for material property, usually wealth, the ability to enjoy the life's pleasures, sensuality. Men tend to spend a lot of money on women (e.g. gifts), women often buy decorative stuff such as clothes or jewellery. Their self- confidence is based on love relationships and material property. These people usually work in areas connected with art, aesthetics or economics, some individuals are good at exploiting their interpersonal relationships (e.g. friendships). Inclination to materialism. This person may meet with a wealthy and generous woman who will influence them in an important way. The emotional satisfaction may be supressed by money in some people (maintaining calculative relationships). Uranus Uranus in Virgo The position of this planet tells us more about the characteristics of the whole generation rather than about an individual, therefore the characteristics of this constellation has been omitted.
  • 11. Uranus conjunct Pluto Strong urge to independence and progress. Able to unexpectedly and radically change oneself. Wants to be different at all costs. Intense inner stress, extremism, rebelliousness. Unexpected, deep crises and twists in life. Uranus trine Moon Openness towards unexpected and sudden changes, many exciting events. Strong intuition, sometimes strong occult abilities. Fascination with anything new. Broadminded, adventurer, flexible, one who can express his/her emotions freely. Prefers liberal family life. Uranus in Houses tells us in which area we can assert our originality, unconventionality and tolerance and when to be prepared for sudden changes and surprises. Uranus in the 7th house The strong need for freedom in the relationships may result in the frequent rows between the couple (danger of breaking-ups and divorces). These people seek partners who will give them some space in their cohabitation (e.g. independent and rather eccentric people). Usually an atypical life partner and prefering of the liberal (free and unrestricting) connections in which there is some space between the couple. Unpredictable and unexpected situations in the marriage. These people suddenly begin relationships and then end them quickly. Seeking new forms of cooperation. Pluto
  • 12. Pluto in Virgo The position of this planet tells us more about the characteristics of the whole generation rather than about an individual, therefore the characteristics of this constellation has been omitted. Pluto trine Moon Good gut feeling, depth of soul, inherited understanding of everything complex, able to emotionally revive. Intense, but well controlled emotional life. Strong imagination, creative talent, sweeping sensibility. Talent for occultism, psychology and politics, but also for all areas where a need to get to the point is required. Pluto in Houses tells us when we can expect major twists and radical changes (often resembling purgatory) and how to learn to use our regeneration skills and mental powers. Pluto in the 7th house The desire to dominate in the interpersonal relationships, effort to control the partner, deep and dramatical connections, intense bonds with the loved one and enormous expectations about the marriage. The relationship often resembles a magical pact or the purgatory. Usually a big twist in the partnership (e.g.big love turns into hatred, or on the contrary), because the connections serve as the catalyst for the changes. The fight for power in the cohabitation. An unconscious urge to find a partner who will share both the depths and the peaks of life. A sensual, suggestive, strongly emotional, rough or even provoking partner. His attractivity results from his dramatic, tragical fate. Sometimes the ability to maintain the normal interpersonal relationships is supressed (asceticism, celibacy). Sun
  • 13. Sun in Aries This person is very instinctive, energetic and vigorous. He is often courageous and spontaneous and his need for the independence often leads him to the undisciplined behaviour. His psychology in general is focused on the present moment in a series of brief but powerful impulses. He is a passionate gambler who likes all kinds of risk and adventure. Above all, he is a warrior. Sometimes he is overly open and frank, diplomacy being not one of his qualities. The effort to assert one's will at all costs. This person is characterised by strenuousness, dynamics, self-confidence and on the other hand also snappishness, roughness, impatience and arrogance. Sun conjunct Mercury Mind controlled by willpower; often focuses on his/her own individuality. In better case self- criticism and good understanding of his/her heart. Finds fulfilment in intellectual life, in information sharing or thoughts transferring. subjectivity. The Sun in Houses tells us where we take our energy from and how we spend it, in which area we can self-actualize, win the recognition and help the others. Sun in the 2nd house Self-actualisation connected with sensual pleasures and material property. Desire for assurance, prestige, success and welfare. Tendency to stockpile the material things, interest in the finance, collecting as a hobby; productivity. An efficient person, yet often acquisitivul, who may excel in the financial area (e.g. by becoming wealthy). The property may come from the father, or if the person is a woman – from her husband. This person is very contributing which enables him to play an important social role. He likes to overwhelm the others with his money. The more spiritual people can reach the inner wealth, peace and the concentration. For some people,
  • 14. this constellation brings the inner uncertainty which they try to balance by trying to raise the excessive amounts of money. Sometimes inclinations to materialism or acquisitive behaviour. Moon Moon in Taurus A strong need for security often found in the family bonds or the property. This person dislikes changes, especially those sudden and rough which is why he may be obsessed with the traditional attitudes. His is rather hedonistic than sensual and can achieve great emotional satisfaction from the physical world.. Warm- hearted, perceptive and passive sensitiveness. Patience, sensuality, rigidity, self-indulgence. The Moon in Houses tells us in which area we will experience our female aspect in action (e.g. taking care about someone) and where to expect some kind of dependence, instability and fluctuation. Moon in the 3rd house Emotional thinking and perception of the world, rather subjective expression connected with great imagination. Restlessness, fluctuation, curiousity, nervousness, need for diversity and weirdness, frequent change (e.g. traveling). Inclination to absent-mindedness. Eloquence, rhetorical, sometimes literary talent. A need to show off one's knowledge, to exchange information and to communicate. Great imagination and fantasy. Adaptability.
  • 15. The mother or women in general may greatly influence this person's intellect. He is either well-liked by his neighbours or relatives or their relationships fluctuate. A tendency to take care about one's close surroundings which he perceives as a second family. Mercury Mercury in Aries These obstinate and direct peple know exactly what they want.. They are often smart thinkers and do not lack sharp tongue, either. Impulsive, resolute, quick and spontaneous thinking and speech. Expression is usually quite direct and free of the redundant words. Frankness, cantankerousness, alertness. The ability to improvise and argument readily. Sometimes they lack reasonability and concentration. Sometimes sarcasm and irony. Mercury sextile Ascendant Skilfulness, shrewdness, bright appearance. Likes to make acquaintances, loves communication with others. Diplomatic, funny, witty, talkative, lively character; interested in information sharing, continual education. Clever, well considered, often curious behaviour. Mercury in Houses tells in which areas we will exploit our intelligence, communication skills or
  • 16. flexibility, what we will be interested in – and what will mentally inspire us. Mercury in the 2nd house Interest in values, business, finance, property and economics. This person is aware of the possible profit. The ability to calculate is connected with the business skills. Skillfulness and creativity in building the assurances and managing them. Lots of ideas about how to make money and invest them. The ability to exploit one's own wit. This person often uses his intellect to make money and often works in the communication industry or tourism. Some individuals may receive important financial support from their siblings or other relatives. Neptune Neptune in Scorpio The position of this planet tells us more about the characteristics of the whole generation rather than about an individual, therefore the characteristics of this constellation has been omitted. ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````