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2nd Qtr/FY 10                                                  Jan. - Mar. 2010

                   Table Of Contents

4      Brigade Commander’s Corner                                   11
5      Brigade Sergeant Major’s Corner

6      4th BTB Commander’s Remarks

7      4th BTB Sergeant Major’s Remarks

8      553rd CSSB Command Message

       FEATURES                                           13
10     Newest SAMC Soldier Leads From The Front

11     Soldiers and Families Gobble Up 2,000 Free
13     Training Helps Troops Sharpen Medical Skills

14     Wranglers Sample Food Dishes At Black
       History Month Event
15     12-Year-Old Inspires Black History Month

16     502nd Postal Platoon Delivers First Mail To
       Troops In Haiti

17     Historic Moment For Wrangler All-Stars In Dallas

18     2010 NBA All-Star Game Featured Wrangler
       Color Guard
20     Wrangler Soldiers Deploy To Haiti To Set Up
       Army Post Office

22     Leopard Battalion Throws Valentines Bake-off
       Iron Chef Style
                                            Page 2
2nd Qtr/FY 10                                                                              Jan. - Mar. 2010

24     Wrangler Soldiers Get Sweet For Valentine’s Day

25     15th Financial Management Company Soldiers
       Deploy To Haiti
                                                                            The Official
26     Wolfpack Soldiers Rollover At The HEAT                    4th Sustainment Brigade Magazine

                                                                         Brigade Commander
28     Wrangler and Silver Knight Soldiers Team Up At
                                                                          Col. Ron Kirklin
       The Tax Center
                                                                     Brigade Sergeant Major
29     Wranglers Day Unites The 4th Sustainment Brigade          Command Sgt. Maj. Erik R. R. Frey

30     Strong Bonds Retreats Help Strengthen The                  Wrangler Staff
       Wrangler Family                                                 Chief of Public Affairs
                                                                     Sgt. 1st. Class Erick Ritterby
31     502nd Human Resources Company To Begin Postal
       Service In Haiti                                        Multimedia NCO/Layout & Graphics
                                                                      Sgt. Angiene L. Myers
32     Soldier, Family, and Friend Share A Technological
       Moment                                                   Public Affairs Broadcast Specialist
                                                                        Pfc. Sean McGuire
33     The Wrangler Brigade Family Says Thank You
                                                                       Public Affairs Specialist
                                                                         Pfc. Amy M. Lane
34     Leopard Riders Visit Texas State Veterans Home In
       Temple                                                “The Wrangler” is authorized for publication by
                                                             the 4th Sustainment Brigade for any interested
35     Remembering The Dream Of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.   personnel.

                                                             The Wrangler Newsletter is distributed
36     Career Counselors Guide The Wrangler Brigade To       based on the unit commanders’ requirements
                                                             The contents of “The Wrangler” are unofficial
38     96th Transportation Company Transfers Command         and are not to be considered the official views
                                                             of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government,
                                                             including the Department of Defense, U.S.
40     Students Carried Casualties At The Medical Training   Army, III Corps, or Fort Hood.

       Simulation Center                                     “The Wrangler” is an Army-funded publication
                                                             in accordance with Army Regulation 360-1.
42     21,000 Easter Eggs Fill Hood Stadium
                                                             “The Wrangler” is published quarterly by the 4th
44     Fine Food Service At Freeman Cafe                     Sustainment Brigade Public Affairs Office.

                                                             The Brigade Public Affairs Office is located
45     The Kings Of The Road Accrue More Than Six            in room 106D at building 39044, Fort Hood,
       Million Miles In Iraq                                 Texas, 76544.

                                            Page 3
2nd Qtr/FY 10                                                                                       Jan. - Mar. 2010

                                                                To the Soldiers, Civilians, and Family
Brigade Commander’s Corner
                                                                 Members of the Wrangler Brigade

                                                              Preventing sexual harassment and
                                                         sexual assault is everyone’s duty, and the
                                                         4th Sustainment Brigade is fully engaged
                                                         in that offensive. The cornerstone of the
                                                         Wrangler Brigade’s prevention strategy
                                                         is the “I. A.M. Strong” campaign where
                                                         we encourage Soldiers to take action to
                                                         prevent these crimes and to actively foster
                                                         respectful treatment of others. The best
                      way to combat sexual assault and harassment is to prevent them.

                          It starts with committed leadership to change the culture and environment.
                      Every leader needs to see that these two crimes are fundamentally against
                      our warrior ethos. Prevention comes from leaders setting the right example.
                      Soldiers can be influential role models too and must intervene to protect fellow
                      Soldiers. Everyone in the Wrangler Family must commit to preventing these
                      crimes before they occur.

                           All members of the Wrangler Family should have, at their core, a gut-
                      reaction against sexually offensive language and gestures as well as assault. We
                      must educate our Soldiers to adhere to the law and to believe that it is their duty
                      to prevent these crimes before they ever happen. Soldiers and families are the
                      most important element of the Army and their support must be sustained as well.
                      Sexual assault and harassment eat away at this support. We will not tolerate it.

                           Along with prevention, we will continue to care for victims and take
                      appropriate action against Soldiers who commit these offenses. Sexual assault and
                      harassment hurts its victims physically and emotionally, and it tears at the moral
                      fiber that gives our Army, our team, its strength. We can and we will succeed in
                      this effort because Soldiers take care of Soldiers. As a unit, we will only get better
                      when every one of us considers this initiative his or her daily mission.

                           With an end goal of achieving cultural change and greatly reducing the
                      percentage of sexual assaults that occur, we have critical work left to do. We want our
                      brigade to be an example for the rest of the Army and the country. We need to create
                      an environment and culture which rejects assault and harassment – where someone
                      feels comfortable in coming forward to report these crimes. We’re going to eradicate
                      sexual assault and harassment from the life of our team, and we are going to do it
                      because we are a values-based unit which believes that one offense is too many.

                                                   4th Sustainment Brigade
                                                       Col. Ron Kirklin
2nd Qtr/FY 10                                                                               Jan. - Mar. 2010

                To the Soldiers, Civilians, and Family

                                                                                                         Brigade Sergeant Major’s Corner
                 Members of the Wrangler Brigade

                     It’s so important that we all strive
                for balance in our lives. It is what makes
                us all stronger and more resilient as we
                are faced with stressful situations such as
                deployments, moving, or even a new job. All
                of these situations are familiar to Soldiers
                and Families, but it doesn’t make them less
                stressful. That is why the Wrangler Brigade
                is leading the way for the entire Fort Hood
                community by using innovative programs to enhance the overall well-being and
                fitness of our Family and help you strike the right balance.

                     The transformation of the Kieschnick physical fitness center into a functional
                fitness center will help us focus on building our bodies by doing real-life activities
                in real-life situations. Functional fitness includes programs such as combatives and
                CrossFit. These are exercises that match the movements and skills Soldiers use
                every day. It is not designed to replace standard physical training but to enhance it.
                Please take advantage of this wonderful facility. It will make you stronger.

                     Sometimes Soldiers with problems choose to harm themselves or others.
                The person that chooses to end it all is not the only one impacted by that
                act. Think twice and choose life if that thought ever crosses your mind.
                Know that your problems are only temporary and can be solved. Nothing is
                insurmountable for a Wrangler. If you know or see someone who needs help –
                help them. If you need help, do not be afraid to ask for it.

                     Our Wrangler Chaplains also provide an excellent resource through
                programs such as Strong Bonds’ retreats. These retreats are open to all
                Soldiers, married and single, and provide excellent opportunities to get away
                from the local area and your day-to-day activities to reflect. I promise that you
                will come back recharged and ready for the challenges that come your way.
                You will find that the Wrangler Brigade has many programs, facilities, and
                professional personnel to help all of us cope with the stress that we are under.

                     Life can get very hectic with all of our commitments at work, at home,
                and at social activities. It’s critical that we find the right balance between all
                of these commitments in order to reduce stress and friction in our lives. I want
                to encourage everyone in the 4th Sustainment Brigade to focus on finding that
                balance so we can take care of our Wrangler Family.

                                                   4th Sustainment Brigade
                                                  Command Sergeant Major
                                               Command Sgt. Maj. Erik R. R. Frey
2nd Qtr/FY 10                                                                                                        Jan. - Mar. 2010

             4th BTB Commander’s Remarks
                                            Transportation Company completed a            mission. That will serve them well on
                                            full week of convoy and field training in     this tour!
                                                                                               We continue to gear-up for our
                                                 With the newly returned 180th            convoy live-fire exercise. All of our
                                            Transportation Battalion and the 49th         companies are heavily engaged in this
                                            Movement Control Battalion, we                process. Our practical exercises and
                                            are preparing for some significant            battle drills training starts on Apr. 12
                                            transitions. The 297th, 418th, and 154th      and we begin executing full-throttle
                                            Transportation Companies will return          on Apr. 19. We have each of our
                                            to the 180th Trans. Bn. on May 20.            companies scheduled to complete three
                                            The 259th, 151st, and 571st Movement          days of pre training. I look forward
                                            Control Teams will return to the              to seeing leaders, both commissioned
                                            49th MCB on May 19. This will be a            and noncommissioned, lead troops in
         4th Brigade Troops Battalion       bittersweet day for me and the Wolfpack       a realistic battle-field environment. I
                  Commander                 Battalion – we’ve been a great team in        challenge all of you to put your heart
          Lt. Col. John J. Hickey III
                                            the true sense of the term, LARGE! I’m        into this training, as you will be richly
      Our second quarter was very busy,     incredibly proud of all that our units have   rewarded. I also charge my staff to fully
with a full plate of mission support as     accomplished.                                 support the companies and platoons
well as mission-focused training. Our                                                     as they execute the exercise. We have
mission support even stretched as far            The Vikings of the 80th Movement         a lot to get done and it is important to
as Haiti with a short-notice deployment     Control Team have played a key role in        prioritize and put first things first.
of postal and finance Soldiers to the       providing transportation management
earthquake response. In February our        for much of our mission support. They              This second quarter set the stage for
Postal Platoon completed a week-long        just deployed and we wish them the best       a successful training year. I am glad to
Field Training Exercise and our 297th       during their tour in Iraq. They really        see we are off to a great start. Keep up
Transportation Company finished off         went the extra mile during their train-up     the great work Wolfpack! Remember, as
their post-wide drivers training on heavy   when they deployed down to the Port           a pack we’ll win together. So let’s make
lift assets. The Road Knights of 418th      of Beaumont and took over parts of that       this upcoming quarter a winner.

                                                              Page 6
2nd Qtr/FY 10                                                                                                           Jan. - Mar. 2010

      4th BTB Sergeant Major’s Remarks
                                             consistently. Currently we are staging for      family. As limited as our time might be,
                                             the upcoming convoy live-fire exercise.         we can’t neglect to forge and maintain
                                             Leaders at every level have been and will       a strong bond with our families. When
                                             continue to be involved in developing and       we are away on a deployment we look
                                             executing this training. It will be a success   toward our family members to hold down
                                             and our Soldiers will be better prepared        the fort. Leaders ensure that you are
                                             for combat. We will accept nothing less.        helping your Soldiers get their personal
                                             I want my First Sergeants to continue to        matters in order as well. Come next
                                             work hard on training Soldiers in battlefield   year we cannot afford for Soldiers to be
                                             tactics, as well as job training. We have       behind on readiness requirements such
                                             many tasks and potential training-distracter    as Family Care Plans and other issues
                                             type details, which we will manage. If you      getting in the way of Soldiers focusing
                                             have a Soldier in your formation who you        on what they are doing downrange,
                                             want to put through a certain school, you       full-strength, and ready to give our all.
         4th Brigade Troops Battalion        need to make sure you support that Soldier.     So let’s make sure we continue to give
          Command Sergeant Major             We want to accomplish the mission here at       our all in getting these things squared
       Command Sgt. Maj. Paul Coleman
                                             the battalion and take care of our Soldiers     away. You have been taking care of your
     We have accomplished a lot the second   at the same time. I have been and will          Soldiers too. I’ve noticed that. I’m proud
quarter and I do not see it slowing down     continue to push NCO schools as well as         of the engaged leadership I’ve seen
very much the next quarter either. Two       civilian education at the college level. If     among my NCOs.
Soldiers from the 297th Transportation       you believe or are told you cannot attend
Company won the NCO and Soldier of           college, then that is something I need you            The upcoming quarter is going to
the Quarter competition at the brigade       to personally engage me on.                     really test our ability to meet mission
level. Troops from Headquarters and                                                          requirements, and take care of our Soldiers.
Headquarters Company won the NCO and              I’m glad to see a lot of family-           I’m counting on you Wolfpack Leaders.
Soldier of the Month competition at the      centered events took place this second          We have some successes to take with us
battalion level. Our Soldiers continue to    quarter. A few companies even spent             into the next three month, but we’ve got a
step up to any and every challenge we are    some time in Blora enjoying the                 lot left to do before we deploy. I’m here to
faced with producing outstanding results     fellowship with other Soldiers, and             help if you need anything.

                                                               Page 7
2nd Qtr/FY 10                                                                                                              Jan. - Mar. 2010

                553rd CSSB Command Message
                                                    The Leopard Battalion Ball will
                                               be held on Jun. 11 at the Omni Hotel
                                               Southpark in downtown Austin. This
                                               is a military function where you have
                                               an opportunity to dress up formal and
                                               celebrate with your family and friends.
                                               We have limited seating for 600 people.
                                               In addition, we have great deals on hotel
                                               rooms. Please mark your calendars and
                                               get your reservation information, tickets,
                                               and other questions answered from your
                                               unit’s Ball representative. Additionally we
                                               have an open house where your families
                                               can visit our units and see our displays in
  553rd Combat Sustainment Support Battalion   order to have an appreciation of what you         553rd Combat Sustainment Support Battalion
                 Commander                                                                               Command Sergeant Major
            Lt. Col Matt G. Melvin
                                               do on a daily basis. We are going to invite         Command Sgt. Maj. Edaward C. Morris
                                               veterans who served in our unit as well
     Greetings from Leopard World! Texas       and hopefully capture some history for              We always like to end with the focus
is an awesome place to be in the spring        the future. Maybe this is an opportunity       on the Soldier and their families. This
– just beautiful, and when you throw in        for you to invite parents or friends to a      command always supports the Soldier
the Texans that live here, well you have a     military event that they may not otherwise     and their families. If you are having
recipe for a plate of fun. I hope you had an   have an opportunity to see or experience.      trouble or difficulty with a person, an
opportunity to participate in the Wrangler     With your participation, it will be an event   organization or agencies within our
Brigade Easter egg hunt. It was an             to remember as we honor all units of the       military community, seek our assistance
awesome event that a lot of great people       553rd and those Soldiers who have served.      in resolving the issues. Fort Hood has
put together for our children. I am proud      Upcoming weapons training in May might         many great people and organizations to
how we continue to provide great events        have an impact on a weekend, so ensure         help. Don’t let a person’s bad day stop
for our families. We are not perfect but we    you’re sharing those training dates with       you in pursuit of resolving that problem.
strive to show with actions of our interest    your family. Check your training schedules     Please give us the opportunity to help our
in families. These events are result of your   on AKO and continue to plan ahead.             Army family. It’s an honor to lead the
ideas and selfless volunteering. So please     We know predictability is important to         finest Soldiers in the U.S. Army and its
continue to send us those ideas in order       everyone and we strive to maintain that.       even great honor to serve their families.
to help us organize events to support our      We have a responsibility to ensure that our
families with a “thank you.” We could not      Soldiers are the best equipped and best
be successful without their help.              trained Soldiers in the world.                        Look Smart - BE SMART!”

                                                                 Page 8
2nd Qtr/FY 10                                                                                                                             Jan. - Mar. 2010

                 nEWEST SAMC SOLDIER LEADS
                      FROM THE FROnT
                                                                  Article by Pfc. Amy M. Lane
                                                                   Public Affairs Specialist

    FORT HOOD, Texas - The Sergeant                   always encourage Soldiers to go to                     board. From there, the board members
Audie Murphy Club's motto is, "You                    boards, so when I got recommended for                  make a decision whether to induct the
lead from the front." Staff Sgt. Charles              this I absolutely wanted to do it. I always            NCO into the club.
R. Spence, Jr., from the 4th Sustainment              try to lead from the front."
Brigade, 13th Sustainment Command                                                                                Inductees are awarded a silver
(Expeditionary) embodies this motto                       Sgt. Audie Murphy, the highest                     medallion, which is worn around the
according to his Soldier, Spc. Patrick                decorated Soldier in U.S. history, is also             neck on a powder blue ribbon. It is
Tate.                                                 known as the country's greatest combat                 worn with the dress uniform to official
                                                      Soldier. He had a reputation for leading
     Tate introduced his leader at a                  from the front and always putting his
SAMC induction ceremony Mar. 4 at the                 Soldiers first.
Phantom Warrior Center. Several hundred
Soldiers and family members gathered                       The Sergeant Audie Murphy Club,
at the Fort Hood event to witness the                 which originated at Fort Hood in 1986, is
induction of five new members into the                for those noncommissioned officers who
elite club.                                           embody the characteristics that Murphy
                                                      was known for - they demonstrate the
    Spence was eager to participate                   best leadership, professionalism, and they
when he found out he was being                        care about the welfare of their Soldiers.
recommended to compete for entrance in
the SAMC.                                                 The four-phase selection process
                                                      begins with a nomination by a senior
     "I love Soldiers," said Spence. "We              NCO and culminates in a final selection

                                                                                                             Staff Sgt. Charles R. Spence, Jr. receives his
                                                                                                             Sergeant Audie Murphy Club medallion at an
                                                                                                             induction ceremony Mar. 4 at the Phantom
                                                                                                             Warrior Center on Fort Hood, Texas. (U.S. Army
                                                                                                             photo by Pfc. Amy M. Lane)

                                                                                                             functions and meetings of the club.

                                                                                                                  Spence, a former drill sergeant, said
                                                                                                             that he spent weeks studying for the final

                                                                                                                 "It's a huge honor," he said. "I'm
                                                                                                             very pleased right now, it was a long
                                                                                                             process and I spent a lot of time

                                                                                                                 Staff Sgt. Ilker Ikmak, from the 1st
Staff Sgt. Charles R. Spence, Jr. leads four other inductees off the stage after the Sergeant Audie Murphy   Medical Brigade, was another 13th ESC
Club induction ceremony Mar. 4 at the Phantom Warrior Center on Fort Hood, Texas. (U.S. Army
photo by Pfc. Amy M. Lane)                                                                                   Soldier inducted in the SAMC.

                                                                            Page 10
2nd Qtr/FY 10                                                                                                                             Jan. - Mar. 2010

         Soldiers And Families Gobble Up
                 2,000 Free Steaks                             Article by Pfc. Sean McGuire
                                                             Public Affairs Broadcast Specialist

     FORT HOOD, Texas - More than a                  and Theodore Roosevelt dining facilities              with him. "I brought my son so he could
thousand Soldiers and Family members                 - totaling 10,000 steaks overall.                     see this and witness Soldiers first hand."
from the 4th Sustainment Brigade, 1st
Medical Brigade, and 13th Sustainment                    The Steak Team Mission was created                     Despite the staggering number of
Command (Expeditionary) flocked to                   by Retired Lt. Gen. Harvey Gough in                   Soldiers and families Alford served, one
the Freeman Dining Facility Mar. 3 for               2002. The team donates thousands of                   battalion of troops had to go to extra
an event dubbed "Community Strong,"                  steaks to service members, both deployed              lengths to make the meal because the
where Fort Hood troops and families                  and on the home front, each year.                     553rd Combat Sustainment Support
enjoyed freshly grilled steaks and fixings                                                                 Battalion was in the field conducting
for a special lunch break.                                Numerous volunteers, including                   training at the time.
                                                     Jess Alford Sr. from South Padre, Texas,
    An organization known as Steak                   served countless steaks throughout the                     Thanks to the leadership of the
Team Mission made the special meal                   two-hour event.                                       Wrangler Family, those Soldiers did get
possible by donating 2,000 steaks to the                                                                   the chance to fill their bellies.
Wrangler Brigade, who was in charge of                    "This is small potatoes, what we're
feeding the 13th ESC.                                doing here today. It's a good cause                       "They marched in two separate
                                                     because Soldiers do so much for us                    formations, hundreds at a time, all the
    The steak team also donated slabs of             by fighting in our Nation's wars," said
beef to both the Operation Iraqi Freedom             Alford, who brought his 18-year-old son                                        See STEAKS Page 12

Jess Alford Jr., traveled from South Padre, Texas to Fort Hood to volunteer his cooking time and run one of the many grills Mar. 3 at the Freeman Dining
Facility. Alford and his Dad helped cook 2,000 steaks for the Soldiers and families of the 4th Sustainment Brigade and 1st Medical Brigade, 13th Sustainment
Command (Expeditionary) during the Community Strong event. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Amy M. Lane)

                                                                         Page 11
2nd Qtr/FY 10                                                                                                                        Jan. - Mar. 2010

STEAKS Continued from page 11

                                                                                                       added entertainment to the event. The
                                                                                                       band even took song requests from those
                                                                                                       eating inside the cafeteria, playing such
                                                                                                       hits as "Stairway to Heaven."

                                                                                                           "It was truly great to see the
                                                                                                       Freeman Dining Facility full of Soldiers
                                                                                                       and families," Hickey said.

                                                                                                            Sgt. 1st Class Carl Allen, the
                                                                                                       noncommissioned officer in charge of
                                                                                                       the Freeman Dining Facility, said that all
                                                                                                       2,000 steaks were gobbled up by the end
                                                                                                       of the event.

Spc. Ruben Avalos, 502nd Human Resources Company, 4th Brigade Troops Battalion, helped carry
the beef as Volunteers cooked 2,000 steaks, free of charge, for the Soldiers and families of the 4th
Sustainment Brigade and 1st Medical Brigade, 13th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) during the
Fort Hood Community Strong event Mar. 3 at the Freeman Dining Facility. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc.
Amy M. Lane)

way to the dining facility to get their              help ease the hungry demand.
steaks," said Lt. Col. John Hickey,
commander of the 4th Brigade Troops                      "I'm absolutely thrilled about the
Battalion, who had insisted that no                  turnout," said Hickey as he munched on
Wrangler Soldier would miss out on the               what he described as a, "very tender steak."
afternoon's blessing.
                                                          Besides the juicy beef, Soldiers and
     The turnout for the free steaks                 their families were also invited inside the
overwhelmed those who organized the                  chow hall to pile even more onto their            Volunteers cooked 2,000 steaks, free of
event. Initial lines stretched more than             plates including baked beans, coleslaw            charge, for the Soldiers and families of the 4th
                                                                                                       Sustainment Brigade and 1st Medical Brigade,
100 yards to the chow hall's parking                 and ice cream.                                    13th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary)
lot within the first 30 minutes, so Team                                                               during the Fort Hood Community Strong event
                                                                                                       Mar. 3 at the Freeman Dining Facility. (U.S. Army
Wrangler quickly set up extra grills to                   The 1st Cavalry Division Band also           photo by Pfc. Amy M. Lane)

                                                                         Page 12
2nd Qtr/FY 10                                                                                                                                         Jan. - Mar. 2010

Training Helps Troops Sharpen
         Medical Skills                                           Article by Pfc. Sean McGuire
                                                                Public Affairs Broadcast Specialist

    FORT HOOD, Texas – Soldiers                         our present combat
from the 4th Sustainment Brigade, 13th                  skills are, and for
Sustainment Command (Expeditionary)                     the medics, it told
dove headstrong into rigorous indoor and                them how well
outdoor medical training Feb. 19 at the                 they treated their
Medical Simulation Training Center.                     patients during
                                                        evacuation in a
     Troops from Headquarters and                       stressful combat
Headquarters Company, 4th Brigade                       situation,” said Sgt.
Troops Battalion divided their platoons                 Shateeka Landry,
into teams before starting at the outdoor               one of the medical
obstacle course, which is littered with                 noncommissioned
traps and notional enemy personnel.                     officers for the
Their objective: to maneuver past every                 company.
obstacle while transporting casualties,                                           Sgt. Edilberto Navarro, a squad leader for his team from Headquarters and
                                                                                  Headquarters Company, 4th Brigade Troops Battalion, provides security for his
and to demonstrate high quality tactical                     Out of breath        Soldiers as they attempt to carry a notional casualty over an obstacle Feb. 19. Soldiers
                                                                                  from the 4th Sustainment Brigade, 13th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary)
and medical knowledge.                                  and wearing a             conducted the training at the Fort Hood Medical Simulation Training Center. (U.S.
                                                        uniform smeared           Army photo by Pfc. Sean McGuire)
     The same objective carried over                    in fake blood, Pfc.
when Soldiers finally made their way                    Paul Dalrymple said he recognized the                          “This experience definitely showed
into the indoor Iraqi village. Once inside,             importance of this training. Dalrymple is a                us our weaknesses,” said Spc. Antwane
Soldiers received paintball guns. From                  combat medic, and the Wrangler Brigade                     Sweat. Sweat became a notional
there, they had to evacuate casualties                  is his first duty assignment in the Army.                  casualty in the midst of the training and
from the simulated battlefield while                                                                               subsequently had to be evacuated during
under fire from paint ball pellets.                          “We were scattered in the beginning,                  a portion of the training.
                                                        but towards the end, we came together
     “This training helped us to see what               and calmed down. I know for one thing,                          The lessons learned from the initial
                                                                              we need to work                      group’s mistakes began to help improve
                                                                              on our techniques                    the performance of other teams as more
                                                                              for applying                         Soldiers made their way through the
                                                                              tourniquets,”                        course.
                                                                              Dalrymple said.
                                                                                                                        “Our Soldiers have to realize that
                                                                                               Throughout          what they’re seeing in this training
                                                                                          the day, Wrangler        will happen down range. It’s the idea
                                                                                          Soldiers began           of taking it seriously now so they are
                                                                                          communicating            ready then,” said Landry. “It’s better to
                                                                                          more with each           improve now when you’re safe.”
                                                                                          other to correct
                                                                                          their mistakes. The          The instructor cadre at Fort Hood’s
                                                                                          constant repetition      Medical Simulation Training Center is
                                                                                          in the training          made up of civilian contractors, many
Soldiers from Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 4th Brigade Troops
Battalion learn how to properly evacuate a casualty while under a barrage of enemy        helped team              of whom are retired military and NCOs
fire consisting of paint ball pellets Feb. 19. Soldiers from the 4th Sustainment Brigade, members learn the        who recently returned from both Iraq and
13th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) conducted the training at the Fort Hood
Medical Simulation Training Center. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Sean McGuire)                correct procedures.      Afghanistan.

                                                                              Page 13
2nd Qtr/FY 10                                                                                                                              Jan. - Mar. 2010

        Wranglers Sample Food Dishes At Black
                History Month Event
                                                                  Article by Pfc. Amy M. Lane
                                                                   Public Affairs Specialist
     FORT HOOD, Texas – The office
furniture was pushed out of the way
against the walls, and hungry Soldiers
from the 4th Sustainment Brigade, 13th
Sustainment Command (Expeditionary)
lined up during their lunch break to
sample different foods that were set out
on folding tables around the room.

     Sgt. 1st Class Tamara D. Shelton
arranged the food-tasting event Feb. 19
in celebration of Black History Month
and as a fun way of bringing people

     “I did this to promote cohesion and
also so people could come out and say
hello,” Shelton said. “I just came on

                                                       Spc. Marvina Marshall and Spc. Kelly Sullivan, 4th Sustainment Brigade, 13th Sustainment Command
                                                       (Expeditionary), Fort Hood, Texas, help themselves to some baked goods at a food tasting in honor of
                                                       Black History Month Feb. 19. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Sean McGuire)

                                                       board in January, so I wanted to just get            event and encouraged people to try her
                                                       people to come through. As long as the               strawberry shortcake.
                                                       Soldiers get something out of it, I’m
                                                       happy.”                                                   “I love to bake,” Andrews said. “My
                                                                                                            aunt owns a bakery in Georgia, and I help
                                                            Soldiers contributed a variety of               her sometimes. She showed me how to
                                                       dishes, including fried chicken, pecan               make this strawberry shortcake.”
                                                       pie, macaroni and cheese and rice. Some
                                                       stayed to chat while they ate, and some                   Andrews was excited to try the foods
                                                       got a plate to bring back to their office.           that other people had contributed. I don’t
                                                                                                            know who made them, but the chicken,
                                                           Shelton made a chicken and rice                  collard greens, and cornbread look
                                                       casserole, and million-dollar pies, which            great!” she said.
                                                       she said are made from whipped cream,
Master Sgt. Winifred Lewis, 4th Sustainment Brigade,
13th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary), Fort         pecans, lemon juice, and milk.                           Shelton said she would like to plan
Hood, Texas, uncovers a dish at a food tasting in                                                           other similar events in celebration of the
honor of Black History Month Feb. 19. (U.S. Army
photo by Pfc. Sean McGuire)                                 Spc. Takia R. Andrews attended the              other monthly observances.

                                                                           Page 14
2nd Qtr/FY 10                                                                                                                             Jan. - Mar. 2010

    12-Year-Old Inspires Black
    History Month Celebration                                 Article by Pfc. Amy M. Lane
                                                               Public Affairs Specialist

                                                       During a brief delay before the                   money,” said Elijah.
                                                   guest speaker arrived, Maj. Jerry Seig,
                                                   the Wrangler Brigade chaplain, gave                        He kept the crowd laughing with
                                                   an impromptu speech. He talked about                  tales of his money-making schemes, but
                                                   growing up in an all-white town in                    he also shared the lessons that he learned
                                                   Pennsylvania and after joining the Army               from those efforts.
                                                   in 1981, working with people of different
                                                   races for the first time.                                  “It’s important for us to not only
                                                                                                         think about what we want to improve in
                                                        “I learned to look at somebody for               our economic condition, but we also need
                                                   their character and not for what you                  to remember to work for what we want,”

Elijah Howard stood on a step stool to reach the
podium as he addressed the Soldiers of the 4th
Sustainment Brigade, 13th Sustainment Command
(Expeditionary) during the unit’s Black History
Month observance at Fort Hood’s Howze Theater
Feb. 26. Elijah talked about successful local
businessmen who inspire him. (U.S. Army photo
by Pfc. Amy M. Lane)

     FORT HOOD, Texas – The theme
                                                   Soldiers of the 4th Sustainment Brigade, 13th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) filled Fort Hood’s Howze
of this year’s Black History Month                 Theater Feb. 26 to watch the Black History Month observance. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Sean McGuire)
celebration was the history of black
economic empowerment, and the guest                see on the outside,” Seig said. “The                  Elijah said.
speaker was 12-year-old Elijah Howard,             Army is the best place for that. This is
the president of Killeen’s Youth                   where people from all backgrounds and                      Elijah closed his speech by reminding
NAACP.                                             all walks of life come together to work               the audience to be persistent in achieving
                                                   alongside one another.”                               goals, and never to lose sight of what they
     Elijah addressed the Soldiers of                                                                    want. After he spoke, he was presented
the 4th Sustainment Brigade, 13th                      Elijah was calm and confident as he               with a Certificate of Appreciation from
Sustainment Command (Expeditionary)                captivated the audience.                              the Wrangler Family for his efforts.
during the unit’s Black History Month
observance at Howze Theater Feb. 26.                    “Black economic empowerment – I                      “We are all part of history,” he said.
                                                   bet some of you think I don’t know what               “We all have the potential to be in the
     The show included brief skits,                that means, huh? Well, after discussing               Fortune 500. And when we reach every
a recounting of the history of black               with some people in our community, I                  goal, I ask that each of us remember to
economic empowerment, and Elijah, who              know we need to make our money work                   reach back and teach someone else how
was the star of the show.                          for us instead of us working for our                  to get to that same spot.”

                                                                       Page 15
2nd Qtr/FY 10                                                                                                                         Jan. - Mar. 2010

     502nd Postal Platoon Delivers
     First Mail To Troops In Haiti
                                                      Article Sgt. 1st Class Dave McClain
                                                 3rd Sustainment Command (Expeditionary)

     PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti – Service           various units deployed
members throughout Haiti have seen             in Haiti.
improved morale as a personal mail began
arriving from the United States thanks to            Each unit is
the Soldiers of the 502nd Human Resources      responsible for sending
Company, 4th Sustainment Brigade, Fort         a certified mail handler
Hood, Texas, and the rest of the team within   to pick up and distribute
Joint Logistics Command - Haiti.               their unit's mail.

     The arrival of the first mail from the         "It's huge when
U.S. required detailed planning. Mail is       you get something
handled by the Soldiers of the 502nd Postal    from home. It's like
Platoon in Port-Au-Prince.                     Christmas," said Navy
                                               Cmdr. Joe Mahan,
     When mail arrives by air in Haiti, the    executive officer of        Postal clerk Spec. Jacob Dickens, from the 502nd Human Resources
                                                                           Company, 4th Sustainment Brigade, Fort Hood, Texas, sorts letter mail
502nd is responsible for downloading the       DLA Support Team            into bins made out of old Meals-Ready-to-Eat boxes. Dickens and his fellow
mail from the aircraft, receiving the mail,    – Haiti and Hill City,      Wrangler Brigade Soldiers are a part of the 502nd Postal Platoon, handle mail
                                                                           for units throughout Joint Task Force-Haiti. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. 1st Class
and sorting it into bins for distribution to   S.D., native.               Dave McClain)

                                                                 Page 16
2nd Qtr/FY 10                                                                                                                            Jan. - Mar. 2010

    Historic MoMent for
 wrangler all-stars in dallas                                Article by Pfc. Sean McGuire
                                                           Public Affairs Broadcast Specialist

     DALLAS, Texas – The 4th                       hard work that made the experience so                  crowd of 108,000 people and more than
Sustainment Brigade, 13th Sustainment              gratifying.                                            25 million people watching on television.
Command (Expeditionary) color guard
team performed their duty in an extra                   “I’ve been in the Army nine years                       “Just being there was a reward by
special way Feb. 14 at the 2010 NBA All            and this is the highlight of my career.                itself,” said D. Spradley. “The fact that,
Star game.                                         I received at least 30 phone calls and                 for those few moments, everyone was
                                                   texts from family members and friends                  looking at us made it incredible.”
      Led by Sgt. 1st Class Oran                   who were so excited about seeing me
Spradley, the Wrangler color guard took            on national television and representing                     “This is definitely tops,” said Sgt.
to the floor during the pregame festivities        Fort Hood,” said Sgt. Ronald Lee, a                    John Freiberger, an 11-year veteran
and presented the colors while country-            squad leader
singer Gretchen Wilson sang the National           from the 157th
Anthem.                                            Quartermaster
      They’re a team who devote the                553rd Combat
majority of their time and energy                  Sustainment
to attending countless events and                  Support
    “We brought much                                       who has

      needed positive                                      only
  attention to Fort Hood                                   with the
      and our unit,”                                       guard for
                                                           a month.
                                                                     Sgt. 1st Class Oran Spradley, 4th Sustainment Brigade, 13th Sustainment Command
ceremonies which takes them away                                     (Expeditionary), waits for his team’s moment to shine as he watches superstars practice
from their normal jobs. It’s that constant                “I’ve been their shots at the 2010 NBA All-Star game in Arlington, Texas Feb 14. (U.S. Army photo
                                                                     by Pfc. Jordan Johnson)

                                                                                    in for 20 years       and member of 602nd Maintenance
                                                                                    and this was          Company, 553rd CSSB. Freiberger held
                                                                                    the best thing        the Texas state colors alongside Lee
                                                                                    to this point,”       who, despite his nerves, managed to use
                                                                                    said Sgt. 1st         the situation and abundance of viewers
                                                                                    Class Dawn            as motivation to maintain his grip on the
                                                                                    Spradley.             Army colors.

                                                                                          The                  “We brought much needed positive
                                                                                    color guard           attention to Fort Hood and our unit,” said
                                                                                    represented           O. Spradley. “People called and said they
                                                                                    the Wrangler          were proud to be a Wrangler after seeing
                                                                                    Family and            us.”
                                                                                    Fort Hood
Sgt. DeNorris Cloudy and Sgt. Ronald Lee, 4th Sustainment Brigade, 13th             in front of                 “There aren’t too many
Sustainment Command (Expeditionary), watch their favorite basketball players        a record              opportunities to represent the Army like
practice at the 2010 NBA All-Star game in Arlington, Texas Feb 14. (U.S. Army
photo by Pfc. Jordan Johnson)                                                       basketball            this,” he added.

                                                                        Page 17
2nd Qtr/FY 10                                                                                                                Jan. - Mar. 2010

     DALLAS, Texas –
LeBron, Kobe, Carmelo,
Dirk, all basketball
heroes, were in action at
the 2010 NBA All-Star
game. On most nights, the
players, who are idolized
by millions of fans, are
the biggest heroes in the
arena. However, that was
not the case at Cowboys
Stadium Feb. 14.

     The color guard from
Fort Hood’s own 4th
Sustainment Brigade, 13th
Sustainment Command
(Expeditionary) held the
Colors during pregame
festivities, which included
Gretchen Wilson singing Spc. James Smith, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 4th Brigade Troops Battalion, walks off the court after the
                            color guard team from the 4th Sustainment Brigade, 13th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) performed at the 2010
the National Anthem.        NBA All-Star game in Arlington, Texas Feb 14. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Jordan Johnson)

 2010 NBA All-Star Game Featured
      Wrangler Color Guard
                                                          Article by Pfc. Jordan Johnson
                                                         13th Public Affairs Detachment

    As the Wrangler color guard team            charge of the unit’s color guard, and he         officer in charge of the color guard team
was introduced to the crowd, there was          plays a vital role within the team.              for the All-Star mission. He made sure
an emotional moment as the game’s                                                                that the rehearsals were conducted and
public announcer reflected on the tragedy            “I help manage the group,” Cloudy           the flags and equipment were ready for
of Nov. 5.                                      said. “I help make sure the equipment is         the mission.
                                                accounted for and the Soldiers know the
     After the National Anthem, the group       times and dates of our missions.”                    Spradley doesn’t have a favorite
marched off the court, their moment on                                                           team, but he does have a favorite player.
stage in front of the largest NBA crowd              Before the game, the Wrangler Team          “Michael Jordan,” he said. “I’d love to
in history over, but with memories to last      was able to experience various musical           meet him here.”
a lifetime.                                     artists and dancers practicing. They
                                                also explored the enormity of Cowboys                Throughout rehearsals and game-
     “It’s overwhelming to be here,”            Stadium before it was their turn to              time performance, the camaraderie was
said Sgt. DeNorris Cloudy, a computer           rehearse on the court.                           hard to deny among the entire color
detection systems repairer with Company                                                          guard. Everyone got along, joked with
A., 4th Brigade Troops Battalion. “I grew            “This is the biggest event we’ve ever       one another and knew how to keep spirits
up an NBA fan and dreamed of playing in         done,” said Sgt. 1st Class Oran Spradley,        high.
the league.”                                    a facilities engineer for the brigade.
                                                                                                                    See ALL-STAR Page 19
    Cloudy is the number two guy in                  Spradley was the noncommissioned

                                                                   Page 18
2nd Qtr/FY 10                                                                                                            Jan. - Mar. 2010

ALL-STAR Continued from page 18

    “In the color guard, everyone’s pretty        All members of the color guard             Bde. Soldiers did at the All-Star game.
much family,” said Sgt. John Freiberger,      love being in the Army, defending their
a tow-missile systems repairer for the        country, and performing for fellow                  The NBA All-Star game is a huge
602nd Maintenance Company, 553rd              Soldiers. However, it is always nice to        annual event which was made even larger
Combat Sustainment Support Battalion.         perform for mostly civilian crowds.            by Dallas Cowboys’ owner Jerry Jones’
“We work really well with each other,                                                        new creation – Cowboys Stadium. It is
regardless of rank.”                              “While it’s just a job to people in        the largest domed-stadium in the world,
                                              the military, civilians make you feel like     and the game set an all-time attendance
    All of the members of the group           they really support you,” Spradley said.       record for an basketball game with more
volunteer their time to the color guard,                                                     than 108,000 fans in attendance.
which can add up to a large amount of             “Civilians tend to appreciate
time each month.                              Soldiers more than fellow service                  For a few minutes before tipoff, the
                                              members do,” Cloudy said.                      Wrangler Soldiers were able to represent
     “We do missions about once a week,”                                                     themselves, the Army, and an entire
Cloudy said. “We do military events,               Some Soldiers have been in the color      nation in front of a record crowd and
civilian events, and a mixture of different   guard for years, yet they never had a chance   millions of fans watching around the
things.”                                      to experience anything like the 4th Sust.      world.

                                                               Page 19
2nd Qtr/FY 10                                                                                                                                   Jan. - Mar. 2010

Wrangler soldiers deploy to
HAITI TO SET UP POSTAL OFFICE                                        Article by Pfc. Sean McGuire
                                                                   Public Affairs Broadcast Specialist

     FORT HOOD, Texas – Cheers ripped
the pitch black sky and stirred smiles
from those lugging their bags towards a
vital mission in a country in dire need.
More than 20 Soldiers from the 4th
Sustainment Brigade, 13th Sustainment
Command (Expeditionary) deployed
to Haiti Feb. 8 in support of Operation
Unified Response.

    The 502nd Postal Platoon, 502nd
Human Resource Company will set up
an Army Post Office to provide postal
support for U.S. service members
supporting humanitarian efforts and
disaster relief operations in Port-au-
Prince, Haiti.
                                                          FORT HOOD, Texas – 4th Brigade Troops Battalion commander, Lt. Col. John Hickey, addressed the
     “Do your finest. I ask that                          Soldiers and families of 502nd Postal Platoon, 502nd Human Resource Company before his troops departed for
                                                          Haiti Feb. 8. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Sean McGuire)
you maintain your patience and
professionalism because I know you                        Platoon will work at an airfield in the                  to include providing humanitarian aid or
do it here. Haiti and the Department of                   capital city where they will run the                     disaster response.
Defense are relying on you,” said Lt.                     APO and assist in mail terminal and
Col. John Hickey, 4th Brigade Troops                      distribution facilities.                                      “The duration is virtually unknown,
Battalion commander as he addressed his                                                                            although your orders do state six months.
Soldiers just hours before they embarked                      The unit is tailored for the support                 Your mission is to provide postal support
on their mission.                                         mission ahead, but the unit’s commander,                 to Soldiers who are there taking part in
                                                          Maj. Robert Morris, told his troops to be                the humanitarian relief,” said Morris.
     While in Haiti, the 502nd Postal                     prepared for whatever is asked of them
                                                                                                                        Morris briefed his Soldiers one
                                                                                                                   last time at the company’s headquarters
                                                                                                                   along with leadership from the Wolfpack
                                                                                                                   Battalion. Hickey outlined some of the
                                                                                                                   challenges his Soldiers will face in Haiti.

                                                                                                                        “You’re going to an unpredictable
                                                                                                                   environment with the intent to create
                                                                                                                   something from scratch, said Hickey.
                                                                                                                   “You’ll have to be fully operational the
                                                                                                                   entire time you’re there.”

                                                                                                                       Spc. Wesley Magee was eager to

FORT HOOD, Texas – Spc. Wesley Magee, 502nd Postal Platoon, 502nd Human Resource Company tips his                                        See POSTAL Page 21
hat to more than thirty 4th Sustainment Brigade Soldiers as they gave the deploying troops a raucous send off in
the late hours Feb. 8. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Sean McGuire)

                                                                                Page 20
2nd Qtr/FY 10                                                                                                                  Jan. - Mar. 2010

POSTAL Continued from page 20

face these challenges, and he got an extra    from the 15th
boost of morale before he left for Haiti as   Financial
his unit’s command team presented him         Management
with the Army’s Good Conduct Medal            Company
for completing three consecutive years of     deployed
honorable and faithful service.               Feb. 3 to set
                                              up a finance
    “I am ready and very excited to get       operations
a change of pace and to contribute to the     center for
mission in Haiti,” said Magee.                American
    That same sentiment was repeated          members
by many Wrangler Soldiers before they         supporting
boarded the plane at Fort Hood’s Robert       relief efforts
Gray Army Airfield.                           there.

     The 502nd Postal Platoon is the              Meanwhile,
second unit from the Wrangler Brigade         the 62nd          FORT HOOD, Texas – Sgt. 1st Class Gary Krese, 502nd Postal Platoon, 502nd Human
to deploy to Haiti in the past week           Quartermaster Resource Company shows his eagerness for the upcoming mission as he departs Fort
                                                                Hood for a red-eye flight to Haiti Feb. 8. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Sean McGuire)
following the devastating earthquake that     Company,
ravaged the country.                          553rd Combat Sustainment Support                      devastated country. That unit is
                                              Battalion is the next Wrangler unit                   prepared and is expected to deploy
    A detachment of nine Soldiers             on tap to head to the earthquake-                     during President’s Day Weekend.

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             Leading on the Edge

                                                                 Page 21
2nd Qtr/FY 10                                                                                                                           Jan. - Mar. 2010

          Leopard Battalion Throws Valentines
               Bake-off Iron Chef Style
                                                                Article by Pfc. Amy M. Lane
                                                                 Public Affairs Specialist

     Fort Hood, Texas -- Red, white, and           which was made with Girl Scout
pink balloons and Valentine’s themed               Thin Mint cookies topped with
confetti decorated the tables. The table           strawberries and a cream cheese
in front of the judges was full of cakes,          icing.
brownies, and other chocolate and
strawberry themed deserts that Soldiers                 Pfc. Christopher Smith, with
and family members prepared for the                the 602nd Maintenance Company,
553rd Combat Sustainment Support                   brought a cake that he made with
Battalion’s Iron Chef Bake-off Feb. 5 at           the help of his 11 year-old daughter,
Club Hood.                                         Raven Smith.

     Shelby and Erick Christensen, who                 “I do like to cook,” he said.
are 8 and 4 years old, were the first              “I do most of the cooking for our
contestants to eagerly present their               family. It’s just a fun thing to do
dessert to the judges. They created a treat        together, and I got out of work early
called Tiny Bite - A Cookie Creation,              to do it.”

                                                                   Smith and his
                                                              daughter made a
                                                              chocolate fudge cake with
                                                              strawberry icing. Raven
                                                              added chocolate Riesen
                                                              candies to the middle of  FORT HOOD, Texas – Mark Murgia, who teaches culinary
                                                                                        arts and restaurant management at the Central Texas College
                                                              the cake.                 culinary school, does his best to be objective as he grades
                                                                                               dishes on a 15-point scale including taste, presentation
                                                                                               and originality at the 553rd Combat Sustainment Support
                                                                  The event, which was         Battalion’s Iron Chef Bake-off Feb. 5. (U.S. Army photo by
                                                              organized by Lt. Patrick         Pfc. Amy M. Lane)

                                                              Dullano, was open to 4th
                                                                                                       the event.
                                                              Sustainment Brigade Soldiers
                                                              and family members, who paid
                                                                                                            “Lt. Dullano gave us a call at the
                                                              a small fee to enter. About
                                                                                                       college and asked if we would take some
                                                              30 people attended the event,
                                                                                                       time out of our day to come and judge,”
                                                              including the small reception
                                                                                                       he said. “I was honored to be able to
                                                              before the judging began.
                                                                                                       come out and do this. I really enjoy it.”

                                                                         Mark Murgia, who teaches
                                                                                                           Murgia said the judging was based
                                                                     culinary arts and restaurant
FORT HOOD, Texas – Col. Ron Kirklin, 4th Sustainment Brigade                                           on a 15-point scale including taste,
                                                                     management at the Central
commander, fills in a judge's scorecard while an array of partially                                    presentation and originality. “I will do
eaten desserts sits on the table in front of him at the 553rd Combat Texas College culinary school,
Sustainment Support Battalion's Iron Chef Bake-off Feb. 5. (U.S.
Army photo by Pfc. Amy M. Lane)                                      was one of the five judges at                            See BAKE-OFF Page 23

                                                                       Page 22
2nd Qtr/FY 10                                                                                                                Jan. - Mar. 2010

BAKE-OFF Continued from page 22

my best to be objective,” he said. “It       participating with the youth organization
should be a fun-filled event!”               known as 4-H as a child.

    The first and second place prizes             “The cake is made from my
were both won by Samantha Erwin, who         grandmother’s recipe,” said Erwin, who
entered two different desserts in the        also baked strawberry cream cheese
contest.                                     muffins for the contest. “I’ve been
                                             making it for 20 years. I started cooking
     “The bake-off was something fun         when I was seven.”
to do and I had some inspiration - a few
people pressured me to enter,” she said          Erwin won a weekend getaway at
after the awards were announced. “I’m        the Driskill Hotel in Austin, as well as a
really in shock right now; there was a lot   dinner for two at the Cheeves Brothers
of stuff that looked really good.”           Steak House. Rachel Johnson, who
                                             took the prize for third place with her
    The winning dessert was a chocolate      chocolate strawberry cheesecake, won a
caramel cake, decorated with chocolate       dinner for two at the Range Restaurant.
cutouts spelling out 53rd QM. Erwin, the                                                  FORT HOOD, Texas – Kimberly Ford, the Family
                                                                                          Readiness Group co-leader for the 553rd Combat
Family Readiness Group leader for the             After the winners were announced,       Sustainment Support Battalion, 4th Sustainment
53rd Quartermaster Company, attributes       the competitors and guests were allowed      Brigade cuts a dessert to serve to the judges at the Iron
                                                                                          Chef Bake-off Feb. 5. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Amy
her baking skills to many years of           to devour what was left of the sweets.       M. Lane)

                                                              Page 23
2nd Qtr/FY 10                                                                                                                            Jan. - Mar. 2010

   Wrangler Soldiers Get
 Sweet for Valentine’s Day
                                                            Article by Sgt. Angiene Myers
                                                                  Multimedia NCO

     FORT HOOD, Texas – Sweets for                 better than to do Candy-Grams for                    Soldiers something special to give their
my sweet and kisses for my misses was              Valentine’s Day. It was something that               loved ones but it also brought out the
the theme for the 157th Quartermaster              was easy to do and we didn’t need a lot              volunteer in one little boy.
Company, 553rd Combat Sustainment                  of volunteers to do it.”
Support Battalion Valentine’s Day                                                                           Four-year-old Tucker, Johnston’s
fundraiser Feb. 3. The event gave                       Over the course of two days, 100                son, was on board to help attract buyers.
                                                                              Candy-Grams               Walking alongside his dad, he used the
                                                                              were prepared             simplest method to get Soldiers to buy
                                                                              and filled with           Candy-Grams from him as he walked
                                                                              Hershey’s                 around the company area.
                                                                              and other                      “I just said do you want some
                                                                              chocolate                 Candy-Grams, some said yes and some
                                                                              treats by                 said no,” said Tucker. “I sold a lot and it
                                                                              Johnston,                 was just fun,” he added.
                                                                              with the help
                                                                              of volunteer                   Johnston added, “I overheard him
                                                                              Langley                   talking to his sister saying we’re doing stuff
                                                                              Crawford.                 for the FRG. If they see us volunteering they
                                                                                                        are always willing to help.”
Fort Hood, Texas – Tucker Johnston, the youngest volunteer at the 157th            like to
Quartermaster Company, 553rd Combat Sustainment Support Battalion Valentine’s do a lot
Day fundraiser placed the money he collected for selling Candy-Grams in a material
box for safekeeping. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Angiene L. Myers)                    of stuff
                                                                                   for the
4th Sustainment Brigade Soldiers the                  FRG because my husband is in
opportunity to give a sweet treat to their            the unit so I just volunteered to
loved ones by purchasing a Valentine’s                help,” said Crawford.
Day Candy-Gram, while raising funds for
the upcoming unit events.                                  The Candy-Gram’s station
                                                      was set up in the hallway of the
     Rachel Johnston, Family Readiness                company area for maximum
Group leader and wife of Capt. Jason                  visibility and treats were sold for
Johnston, commander of the 157th                      $1.50 each or $5.00 if the treat
Quartermaster Company was the                         was mailed.
mastermind behind the Valentine’s Day
Candy-Grams.                                               “We kept it small to see how
                                                      well things went and so far we
     “We really like to do a fundraiser               probably sold 80 Candy-Grams,”
once or twice a month to supplement                   said Johnston. “We’re pretty
our funds so we can have lots to do for               much finished with everything.”
                                                                                              Fort Hood, Texas – Spc. Joseph Morales of the 157th
the Soldiers and their families,” said                                                        Quartermaster Company, 553rd Combat Sustainment
Johnston. “When we were thinking about                     The fundraiser not only raised     Support Battalion stopped by the Candy-Gram table Feb. 3
                                                                                              to purchase a sweet treat for a special lady for Valentine’s
February we thought there’s nothing                   money for the unit and gave             Day. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Angiene L. Myers)

                                                                      Page 24
2nd Qtr/FY 10                                                                                                                     Jan. - Mar. 2010

   15th Financial Management
Company Soldiers Deploy to Haiti
                                                       Article by Pfc. Sean McGuire
                                                     Public Affairs Broadcast Specialist

      FORT HOOD, Texas – Soldiers
 from the 15th Financial Management
 Company, 4th Brigade Troops
 Battalion are on their way to Haiti to
 set up a finance operations center for
 service members supporting relief
 efforts there. A detachment of nine
 Soldiers from the unit departed Fort
 Hood on Feb. 3 for Fort Sill, Okla. to
 team up with a another unit en route to
 the earthquake-stricken country.

      The 4th Sustainment Brigade, 13th
 Sustainment Command (Expeditionary)
 Soldiers said they didn’t know what
 to expect in Haiti, but they are ready
 to help out in any way they can in the
                                             FORT HOOD, Texas – Pfc. Kaivashon Homes, 15th Financial Management Company, 4th Brigade
 humanitarian effort.                        Troops Battalion gives a thumbs up that he is ready to go Feb. 3 to support the humanitarian mission in
                                             Haiti. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Sean McGuire)

      “This past couple of days has
 been so tiring. We found out just a few
 days ago that we were going to Haiti,
 and some of us actually volunteered,”
 said Sgt. Ryan Madaris, team leader.

      Madaris said he and his team had
 five days to get ready to go.

      “These are some of the best Soldiers
 I’ve worked with,” he said. They all
 completed everything they needed to do
 in a short amount of time with no issue.”

    One of those Soldiers is Pfc. Sean
 McAndrews.                                  FORT HOOD, Texas – Sgt. Ryan Madaris, 15th Financial Management Company, 4th Brigade Troops
                                             Battalion assists Pfc. Kaivashon Homes with paperwork during the team’s final preparation Feb. 3 before
                                             they departed Fort Hood for Fort Sill, Okla. to team up with a another unit en route to Haiti to conduct
     “I’ve seen disasters strike             financial services for troops there. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Sean McGuire)
 before and I helped any way I could
 then. I figure the Army and myself           I have to or do financial assistance if needed.”
 can do something good here,” said
 McAndrews who joined the Wrangler                McAndrews and his teammate Pfc. Kaivashon Homes consider themselves just
 Brigade last Feb and has already             Soldiers on a mission to help.
 donated money to the efforts in Haiti.
                                                   “Passing out food, doing my finance job – doesn’t matter. I’ll do whatever I can
     “I’ll go there and pick up rubble if     to help,” said Homes. “It’s one of those reasons I joined the Army to begin with.”

                                                                 Page 25
2nd Qtr/FY 10                                                                                                                     Jan. - Mar. 2010

    Wolfpack Soldiers Rollover
          At The HEAT
                                                                  Article by Pfc. Sean McGuire
                                                                Public Affairs Broadcast Specialist

     FORT HOOD, Texas – Whether                        and fatalities.                                  HMMWV that is suspended above the
they are enveloped in the morning                                                                       ground. Four to five Soldiers climb
darkness or by the afternoon’s                               The Wrangler Brigade is immersing          into the vehicle, strap themselves in,
sun, Soldiers of Headquarters and                      itself in the vital training its Soldiers        and wait for the ride to begin. The goal
Headquarters Company, 4th Brigade                      will need as the unit prepares itself for        is to reinforce the importance of seat
Troops Battalion always sound off with                 its upcoming mission to Afghanistan in           positioning, wearing seatbelts, and
the unit motto when their formation is                 support of Operation Enduring Freedom.           to demonstrate the feeling of being
called to attention, “Renegades – fired                The Afghanistan mission will mark                disoriented as the vehicle rolls over.
up – hooah!”                                           Myers’ first deployment, and this was his
                                                       first experience going through the HEAT                “I’ve never done this before. I
      Pfc. Clifton Myers personified                   training.                                        needed help to get my seat belt open
that simple battle cry as he visited the                                                                while I was hanging upside down,” said
HMMWV Egress Assistance Trainer Jan.
28 with his fellow Soldiers from the 4th
                                                             “I’m ready
                                                       to go – it’s why I
                                                                                      “I’m ready to go –                        Myers. “Once I
                                                                                                                                got it open the
Sustainment Brigade, 13th Sustainment                  joined the Army.            it’s why I joined the                        guy next to me
Command (Expeditionary).                               I joined to serve                                                        was notionally
                                                       my country,” said          Army. I joined to serve                       declared
      The HEAT training is designed to
let Soldiers experience the effects of a
                                                       Myers, a signal
                                                       support system
                                                                                        my country,”                            unconscious, so I
                                                                                                                                naturally went to
                                                                                                                                help haul him out
                                                                                                        of the vehicle. I wasn’t concerned about
                                                                                                        getting out of my door – it was time to
                                                                                                        get that guy out.”

                                                                                                              Soldiers are instructed to yell,
                                                                                                        “Rollover!” when the HEAT technician
                                                                                                        begins the vehicle’s tumble. The HEAT
                                                                                                        trainer allows individuals and crews to
                                                                                                        rehearse and execute the necessary steps
                                                                                                        required to survive a vehicle rollover.
                                                                                                        Conducting the training under controlled
                                                                                                        conditions allows vehicle occupants,
                                                                                                        such as Myers, to gain experience in the
                                                                                                        proper egress procedures.

                                                                                                             But exiting a HMMWV when it
                                                                                                        is upside-down is a challenge as Myers
                                                                                                        found out. It is especially challenging
FORT HOOD, Texas – Staff Sgt. Jason Shelton, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 4th Brigade
Troops Battalion attempts to exit the HMMWV Egress Assistance Trainer after it completed a 180 degree   when Soldiers are twisted, crushed, and
rollover during HEAT training Jan. 28. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Sean McGuire)
                                                                                                        hanging inside according to Myers. “It
                                                                                                        was fun except for the fact that all my
HMMWV rollover. It also gives Soldiers                 specialist for the Wrangler Brigade since        weight went to my knees.”
the skills they will need to react properly            March 2009.
during emergency egress situations to                                                                                          See HEAT Page 27
help reduce or prevent rollover injuries                     The HEAT training device is a

                                                                            Page 26
2nd Qtr/FY 10                                                                                                                        Jan. - Mar. 2010

HEAT Continued from page 26

      Unlike Myers, Spc. Matthew Haag
saw thousands of miles of road pass beneath
his feet during the Wrangler Brigade’s last
deployment in support of Operation Iraqi
Freedom. This was his fourth time going
through the HEAT training. Haag knows the
dangers of the combat zone all too well.

      “You’re going to have so much
inside that vehicle from ammunition,
water, and radios that you will need to
strap down because anyone one of those
things can possibly kill you if your
vehicle flips,” said Haag.

      And that is one of the reasons why
this training is necessary for the Soldiers
of the 4th Sust. Bde. It will help give them   FORT HOOD, Texas – Spc. Jeffrey Ledbetter, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 4th Brigade
self-control – the ability to overcome         Troops Battalion operated the HMMWV Egress Assistance Trainer during the unit’s HEAT training Jan. 28.
                                               (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Sean McGuire)
the natural fear and panic Soldiers will
experience following a vehicle rollover.       training day Myers said he had more confidence because of the training. “I’d like to
                                               go to Afghanistan or even Iraq because, at the end of the day, it’s all about where I’m
     By the end of the eight-hour              needed to do my job,” said Myers.


                                                                   Page 27
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Wrangler Magazine (2nd Qtr FY 10)
Wrangler Magazine (2nd Qtr FY 10)
Wrangler Magazine (2nd Qtr FY 10)
Wrangler Magazine (2nd Qtr FY 10)
Wrangler Magazine (2nd Qtr FY 10)
Wrangler Magazine (2nd Qtr FY 10)
Wrangler Magazine (2nd Qtr FY 10)
Wrangler Magazine (2nd Qtr FY 10)
Wrangler Magazine (2nd Qtr FY 10)
Wrangler Magazine (2nd Qtr FY 10)
Wrangler Magazine (2nd Qtr FY 10)
Wrangler Magazine (2nd Qtr FY 10)
Wrangler Magazine (2nd Qtr FY 10)
Wrangler Magazine (2nd Qtr FY 10)
Wrangler Magazine (2nd Qtr FY 10)
Wrangler Magazine (2nd Qtr FY 10)
Wrangler Magazine (2nd Qtr FY 10)
Wrangler Magazine (2nd Qtr FY 10)
Wrangler Magazine (2nd Qtr FY 10)

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Wrangler Magazine (2nd Qtr FY 10)

  • 1.
  • 2. 2nd Qtr/FY 10 Jan. - Mar. 2010 Table Of Contents COMMAND 4 Brigade Commander’s Corner 11 5 Brigade Sergeant Major’s Corner 6 4th BTB Commander’s Remarks 7 4th BTB Sergeant Major’s Remarks 8 553rd CSSB Command Message FEATURES 13 10 Newest SAMC Soldier Leads From The Front 11 Soldiers and Families Gobble Up 2,000 Free Steaks 13 Training Helps Troops Sharpen Medical Skills 14 Wranglers Sample Food Dishes At Black History Month Event 15 15 12-Year-Old Inspires Black History Month Celebration 16 502nd Postal Platoon Delivers First Mail To Troops In Haiti 17 Historic Moment For Wrangler All-Stars In Dallas 18 2010 NBA All-Star Game Featured Wrangler Color Guard 17 20 Wrangler Soldiers Deploy To Haiti To Set Up Army Post Office 22 Leopard Battalion Throws Valentines Bake-off Iron Chef Style Page 2
  • 3. 2nd Qtr/FY 10 Jan. - Mar. 2010 24 Wrangler Soldiers Get Sweet For Valentine’s Day 25 15th Financial Management Company Soldiers Deploy To Haiti The Official 26 Wolfpack Soldiers Rollover At The HEAT 4th Sustainment Brigade Magazine Brigade Commander 28 Wrangler and Silver Knight Soldiers Team Up At Col. Ron Kirklin The Tax Center Brigade Sergeant Major 29 Wranglers Day Unites The 4th Sustainment Brigade Command Sgt. Maj. Erik R. R. Frey 30 Strong Bonds Retreats Help Strengthen The Wrangler Staff Wrangler Family Chief of Public Affairs Sgt. 1st. Class Erick Ritterby 31 502nd Human Resources Company To Begin Postal Service In Haiti Multimedia NCO/Layout & Graphics Sgt. Angiene L. Myers 32 Soldier, Family, and Friend Share A Technological Moment Public Affairs Broadcast Specialist Pfc. Sean McGuire 33 The Wrangler Brigade Family Says Thank You Public Affairs Specialist Pfc. Amy M. Lane 34 Leopard Riders Visit Texas State Veterans Home In Temple “The Wrangler” is authorized for publication by the 4th Sustainment Brigade for any interested 35 Remembering The Dream Of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. personnel. The Wrangler Newsletter is distributed 36 Career Counselors Guide The Wrangler Brigade To based on the unit commanders’ requirements Success The contents of “The Wrangler” are unofficial 38 96th Transportation Company Transfers Command and are not to be considered the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, including the Department of Defense, U.S. 40 Students Carried Casualties At The Medical Training Army, III Corps, or Fort Hood. Simulation Center “The Wrangler” is an Army-funded publication in accordance with Army Regulation 360-1. 42 21,000 Easter Eggs Fill Hood Stadium “The Wrangler” is published quarterly by the 4th 44 Fine Food Service At Freeman Cafe Sustainment Brigade Public Affairs Office. The Brigade Public Affairs Office is located 45 The Kings Of The Road Accrue More Than Six in room 106D at building 39044, Fort Hood, Million Miles In Iraq Texas, 76544. Page 3
  • 4. 2nd Qtr/FY 10 Jan. - Mar. 2010 To the Soldiers, Civilians, and Family Brigade Commander’s Corner Members of the Wrangler Brigade Preventing sexual harassment and sexual assault is everyone’s duty, and the 4th Sustainment Brigade is fully engaged in that offensive. The cornerstone of the Wrangler Brigade’s prevention strategy is the “I. A.M. Strong” campaign where we encourage Soldiers to take action to prevent these crimes and to actively foster respectful treatment of others. The best way to combat sexual assault and harassment is to prevent them. It starts with committed leadership to change the culture and environment. Every leader needs to see that these two crimes are fundamentally against our warrior ethos. Prevention comes from leaders setting the right example. Soldiers can be influential role models too and must intervene to protect fellow Soldiers. Everyone in the Wrangler Family must commit to preventing these crimes before they occur. All members of the Wrangler Family should have, at their core, a gut- reaction against sexually offensive language and gestures as well as assault. We must educate our Soldiers to adhere to the law and to believe that it is their duty to prevent these crimes before they ever happen. Soldiers and families are the most important element of the Army and their support must be sustained as well. Sexual assault and harassment eat away at this support. We will not tolerate it. Along with prevention, we will continue to care for victims and take appropriate action against Soldiers who commit these offenses. Sexual assault and harassment hurts its victims physically and emotionally, and it tears at the moral fiber that gives our Army, our team, its strength. We can and we will succeed in this effort because Soldiers take care of Soldiers. As a unit, we will only get better when every one of us considers this initiative his or her daily mission. With an end goal of achieving cultural change and greatly reducing the percentage of sexual assaults that occur, we have critical work left to do. We want our brigade to be an example for the rest of the Army and the country. We need to create an environment and culture which rejects assault and harassment – where someone feels comfortable in coming forward to report these crimes. We’re going to eradicate sexual assault and harassment from the life of our team, and we are going to do it because we are a values-based unit which believes that one offense is too many. 4th Sustainment Brigade Commander Col. Ron Kirklin
  • 5. 2nd Qtr/FY 10 Jan. - Mar. 2010 To the Soldiers, Civilians, and Family Brigade Sergeant Major’s Corner Members of the Wrangler Brigade It’s so important that we all strive for balance in our lives. It is what makes us all stronger and more resilient as we are faced with stressful situations such as deployments, moving, or even a new job. All of these situations are familiar to Soldiers and Families, but it doesn’t make them less stressful. That is why the Wrangler Brigade is leading the way for the entire Fort Hood community by using innovative programs to enhance the overall well-being and fitness of our Family and help you strike the right balance. The transformation of the Kieschnick physical fitness center into a functional fitness center will help us focus on building our bodies by doing real-life activities in real-life situations. Functional fitness includes programs such as combatives and CrossFit. These are exercises that match the movements and skills Soldiers use every day. It is not designed to replace standard physical training but to enhance it. Please take advantage of this wonderful facility. It will make you stronger. Sometimes Soldiers with problems choose to harm themselves or others. The person that chooses to end it all is not the only one impacted by that act. Think twice and choose life if that thought ever crosses your mind. Know that your problems are only temporary and can be solved. Nothing is insurmountable for a Wrangler. If you know or see someone who needs help – help them. If you need help, do not be afraid to ask for it. Our Wrangler Chaplains also provide an excellent resource through programs such as Strong Bonds’ retreats. These retreats are open to all Soldiers, married and single, and provide excellent opportunities to get away from the local area and your day-to-day activities to reflect. I promise that you will come back recharged and ready for the challenges that come your way. You will find that the Wrangler Brigade has many programs, facilities, and professional personnel to help all of us cope with the stress that we are under. Life can get very hectic with all of our commitments at work, at home, and at social activities. It’s critical that we find the right balance between all of these commitments in order to reduce stress and friction in our lives. I want to encourage everyone in the 4th Sustainment Brigade to focus on finding that balance so we can take care of our Wrangler Family. 4th Sustainment Brigade Command Sergeant Major Command Sgt. Maj. Erik R. R. Frey
  • 6. 2nd Qtr/FY 10 Jan. - Mar. 2010 4th BTB Commander’s Remarks Transportation Company completed a mission. That will serve them well on full week of convoy and field training in this tour! March. We continue to gear-up for our With the newly returned 180th convoy live-fire exercise. All of our Transportation Battalion and the 49th companies are heavily engaged in this Movement Control Battalion, we process. Our practical exercises and are preparing for some significant battle drills training starts on Apr. 12 transitions. The 297th, 418th, and 154th and we begin executing full-throttle Transportation Companies will return on Apr. 19. We have each of our to the 180th Trans. Bn. on May 20. companies scheduled to complete three The 259th, 151st, and 571st Movement days of pre training. I look forward Control Teams will return to the to seeing leaders, both commissioned 49th MCB on May 19. This will be a and noncommissioned, lead troops in 4th Brigade Troops Battalion bittersweet day for me and the Wolfpack a realistic battle-field environment. I Commander Battalion – we’ve been a great team in challenge all of you to put your heart Lt. Col. John J. Hickey III the true sense of the term, LARGE! I’m into this training, as you will be richly Our second quarter was very busy, incredibly proud of all that our units have rewarded. I also charge my staff to fully with a full plate of mission support as accomplished. support the companies and platoons well as mission-focused training. Our as they execute the exercise. We have mission support even stretched as far The Vikings of the 80th Movement a lot to get done and it is important to as Haiti with a short-notice deployment Control Team have played a key role in prioritize and put first things first. of postal and finance Soldiers to the providing transportation management earthquake response. In February our for much of our mission support. They This second quarter set the stage for Postal Platoon completed a week-long just deployed and we wish them the best a successful training year. I am glad to Field Training Exercise and our 297th during their tour in Iraq. They really see we are off to a great start. Keep up Transportation Company finished off went the extra mile during their train-up the great work Wolfpack! Remember, as their post-wide drivers training on heavy when they deployed down to the Port a pack we’ll win together. So let’s make lift assets. The Road Knights of 418th of Beaumont and took over parts of that this upcoming quarter a winner. Page 6
  • 7. 2nd Qtr/FY 10 Jan. - Mar. 2010 4th BTB Sergeant Major’s Remarks consistently. Currently we are staging for family. As limited as our time might be, the upcoming convoy live-fire exercise. we can’t neglect to forge and maintain Leaders at every level have been and will a strong bond with our families. When continue to be involved in developing and we are away on a deployment we look executing this training. It will be a success toward our family members to hold down and our Soldiers will be better prepared the fort. Leaders ensure that you are for combat. We will accept nothing less. helping your Soldiers get their personal I want my First Sergeants to continue to matters in order as well. Come next work hard on training Soldiers in battlefield year we cannot afford for Soldiers to be tactics, as well as job training. We have behind on readiness requirements such many tasks and potential training-distracter as Family Care Plans and other issues type details, which we will manage. If you getting in the way of Soldiers focusing have a Soldier in your formation who you on what they are doing downrange, want to put through a certain school, you full-strength, and ready to give our all. 4th Brigade Troops Battalion need to make sure you support that Soldier. So let’s make sure we continue to give Command Sergeant Major We want to accomplish the mission here at our all in getting these things squared Command Sgt. Maj. Paul Coleman the battalion and take care of our Soldiers away. You have been taking care of your We have accomplished a lot the second at the same time. I have been and will Soldiers too. I’ve noticed that. I’m proud quarter and I do not see it slowing down continue to push NCO schools as well as of the engaged leadership I’ve seen very much the next quarter either. Two civilian education at the college level. If among my NCOs. Soldiers from the 297th Transportation you believe or are told you cannot attend Company won the NCO and Soldier of college, then that is something I need you The upcoming quarter is going to the Quarter competition at the brigade to personally engage me on. really test our ability to meet mission level. Troops from Headquarters and requirements, and take care of our Soldiers. Headquarters Company won the NCO and I’m glad to see a lot of family- I’m counting on you Wolfpack Leaders. Soldier of the Month competition at the centered events took place this second We have some successes to take with us battalion level. Our Soldiers continue to quarter. A few companies even spent into the next three month, but we’ve got a step up to any and every challenge we are some time in Blora enjoying the lot left to do before we deploy. I’m here to faced with producing outstanding results fellowship with other Soldiers, and help if you need anything. Page 7
  • 8. 2nd Qtr/FY 10 Jan. - Mar. 2010 553rd CSSB Command Message The Leopard Battalion Ball will be held on Jun. 11 at the Omni Hotel Southpark in downtown Austin. This is a military function where you have an opportunity to dress up formal and celebrate with your family and friends. We have limited seating for 600 people. In addition, we have great deals on hotel rooms. Please mark your calendars and get your reservation information, tickets, and other questions answered from your unit’s Ball representative. Additionally we have an open house where your families can visit our units and see our displays in 553rd Combat Sustainment Support Battalion order to have an appreciation of what you 553rd Combat Sustainment Support Battalion Commander Command Sergeant Major Lt. Col Matt G. Melvin do on a daily basis. We are going to invite Command Sgt. Maj. Edaward C. Morris veterans who served in our unit as well Greetings from Leopard World! Texas and hopefully capture some history for We always like to end with the focus is an awesome place to be in the spring the future. Maybe this is an opportunity on the Soldier and their families. This – just beautiful, and when you throw in for you to invite parents or friends to a command always supports the Soldier the Texans that live here, well you have a military event that they may not otherwise and their families. If you are having recipe for a plate of fun. I hope you had an have an opportunity to see or experience. trouble or difficulty with a person, an opportunity to participate in the Wrangler With your participation, it will be an event organization or agencies within our Brigade Easter egg hunt. It was an to remember as we honor all units of the military community, seek our assistance awesome event that a lot of great people 553rd and those Soldiers who have served. in resolving the issues. Fort Hood has put together for our children. I am proud Upcoming weapons training in May might many great people and organizations to how we continue to provide great events have an impact on a weekend, so ensure help. Don’t let a person’s bad day stop for our families. We are not perfect but we you’re sharing those training dates with you in pursuit of resolving that problem. strive to show with actions of our interest your family. Check your training schedules Please give us the opportunity to help our in families. These events are result of your on AKO and continue to plan ahead. Army family. It’s an honor to lead the ideas and selfless volunteering. So please We know predictability is important to finest Soldiers in the U.S. Army and its continue to send us those ideas in order everyone and we strive to maintain that. even great honor to serve their families. to help us organize events to support our We have a responsibility to ensure that our families with a “thank you.” We could not Soldiers are the best equipped and best be successful without their help. trained Soldiers in the world. Look Smart - BE SMART!” Page 8
  • 9.
  • 10. 2nd Qtr/FY 10 Jan. - Mar. 2010 nEWEST SAMC SOLDIER LEADS FROM THE FROnT Article by Pfc. Amy M. Lane Public Affairs Specialist FORT HOOD, Texas - The Sergeant always encourage Soldiers to go to board. From there, the board members Audie Murphy Club's motto is, "You boards, so when I got recommended for make a decision whether to induct the lead from the front." Staff Sgt. Charles this I absolutely wanted to do it. I always NCO into the club. R. Spence, Jr., from the 4th Sustainment try to lead from the front." Brigade, 13th Sustainment Command Inductees are awarded a silver (Expeditionary) embodies this motto Sgt. Audie Murphy, the highest medallion, which is worn around the according to his Soldier, Spc. Patrick decorated Soldier in U.S. history, is also neck on a powder blue ribbon. It is Tate. known as the country's greatest combat worn with the dress uniform to official Soldier. He had a reputation for leading Tate introduced his leader at a from the front and always putting his SAMC induction ceremony Mar. 4 at the Soldiers first. Phantom Warrior Center. Several hundred Soldiers and family members gathered The Sergeant Audie Murphy Club, at the Fort Hood event to witness the which originated at Fort Hood in 1986, is induction of five new members into the for those noncommissioned officers who elite club. embody the characteristics that Murphy was known for - they demonstrate the Spence was eager to participate best leadership, professionalism, and they when he found out he was being care about the welfare of their Soldiers. recommended to compete for entrance in the SAMC. The four-phase selection process begins with a nomination by a senior "I love Soldiers," said Spence. "We NCO and culminates in a final selection Staff Sgt. Charles R. Spence, Jr. receives his Sergeant Audie Murphy Club medallion at an induction ceremony Mar. 4 at the Phantom Warrior Center on Fort Hood, Texas. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Amy M. Lane) functions and meetings of the club. Spence, a former drill sergeant, said that he spent weeks studying for the final board. "It's a huge honor," he said. "I'm very pleased right now, it was a long process and I spent a lot of time preparing." Staff Sgt. Ilker Ikmak, from the 1st Staff Sgt. Charles R. Spence, Jr. leads four other inductees off the stage after the Sergeant Audie Murphy Medical Brigade, was another 13th ESC Club induction ceremony Mar. 4 at the Phantom Warrior Center on Fort Hood, Texas. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Amy M. Lane) Soldier inducted in the SAMC. Page 10
  • 11. 2nd Qtr/FY 10 Jan. - Mar. 2010 Soldiers And Families Gobble Up 2,000 Free Steaks Article by Pfc. Sean McGuire Public Affairs Broadcast Specialist FORT HOOD, Texas - More than a and Theodore Roosevelt dining facilities with him. "I brought my son so he could thousand Soldiers and Family members - totaling 10,000 steaks overall. see this and witness Soldiers first hand." from the 4th Sustainment Brigade, 1st Medical Brigade, and 13th Sustainment The Steak Team Mission was created Despite the staggering number of Command (Expeditionary) flocked to by Retired Lt. Gen. Harvey Gough in Soldiers and families Alford served, one the Freeman Dining Facility Mar. 3 for 2002. The team donates thousands of battalion of troops had to go to extra an event dubbed "Community Strong," steaks to service members, both deployed lengths to make the meal because the where Fort Hood troops and families and on the home front, each year. 553rd Combat Sustainment Support enjoyed freshly grilled steaks and fixings Battalion was in the field conducting for a special lunch break. Numerous volunteers, including training at the time. Jess Alford Sr. from South Padre, Texas, An organization known as Steak served countless steaks throughout the Thanks to the leadership of the Team Mission made the special meal two-hour event. Wrangler Family, those Soldiers did get possible by donating 2,000 steaks to the the chance to fill their bellies. Wrangler Brigade, who was in charge of "This is small potatoes, what we're feeding the 13th ESC. doing here today. It's a good cause "They marched in two separate because Soldiers do so much for us formations, hundreds at a time, all the The steak team also donated slabs of by fighting in our Nation's wars," said beef to both the Operation Iraqi Freedom Alford, who brought his 18-year-old son See STEAKS Page 12 Jess Alford Jr., traveled from South Padre, Texas to Fort Hood to volunteer his cooking time and run one of the many grills Mar. 3 at the Freeman Dining Facility. Alford and his Dad helped cook 2,000 steaks for the Soldiers and families of the 4th Sustainment Brigade and 1st Medical Brigade, 13th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) during the Community Strong event. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Amy M. Lane) Page 11
  • 12. 2nd Qtr/FY 10 Jan. - Mar. 2010 STEAKS Continued from page 11 added entertainment to the event. The band even took song requests from those eating inside the cafeteria, playing such hits as "Stairway to Heaven." "It was truly great to see the Freeman Dining Facility full of Soldiers and families," Hickey said. Sgt. 1st Class Carl Allen, the noncommissioned officer in charge of the Freeman Dining Facility, said that all 2,000 steaks were gobbled up by the end of the event. Spc. Ruben Avalos, 502nd Human Resources Company, 4th Brigade Troops Battalion, helped carry the beef as Volunteers cooked 2,000 steaks, free of charge, for the Soldiers and families of the 4th Sustainment Brigade and 1st Medical Brigade, 13th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) during the Fort Hood Community Strong event Mar. 3 at the Freeman Dining Facility. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Amy M. Lane) way to the dining facility to get their help ease the hungry demand. steaks," said Lt. Col. John Hickey, commander of the 4th Brigade Troops "I'm absolutely thrilled about the Battalion, who had insisted that no turnout," said Hickey as he munched on Wrangler Soldier would miss out on the what he described as a, "very tender steak." afternoon's blessing. Besides the juicy beef, Soldiers and The turnout for the free steaks their families were also invited inside the overwhelmed those who organized the chow hall to pile even more onto their Volunteers cooked 2,000 steaks, free of event. Initial lines stretched more than plates including baked beans, coleslaw charge, for the Soldiers and families of the 4th Sustainment Brigade and 1st Medical Brigade, 100 yards to the chow hall's parking and ice cream. 13th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) lot within the first 30 minutes, so Team during the Fort Hood Community Strong event Mar. 3 at the Freeman Dining Facility. (U.S. Army Wrangler quickly set up extra grills to The 1st Cavalry Division Band also photo by Pfc. Amy M. Lane) Page 12
  • 13. 2nd Qtr/FY 10 Jan. - Mar. 2010 Training Helps Troops Sharpen Medical Skills Article by Pfc. Sean McGuire Public Affairs Broadcast Specialist FORT HOOD, Texas – Soldiers our present combat from the 4th Sustainment Brigade, 13th skills are, and for Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) the medics, it told dove headstrong into rigorous indoor and them how well outdoor medical training Feb. 19 at the they treated their Medical Simulation Training Center. patients during evacuation in a Troops from Headquarters and stressful combat Headquarters Company, 4th Brigade situation,” said Sgt. Troops Battalion divided their platoons Shateeka Landry, into teams before starting at the outdoor one of the medical obstacle course, which is littered with noncommissioned traps and notional enemy personnel. officers for the Their objective: to maneuver past every company. obstacle while transporting casualties, Sgt. Edilberto Navarro, a squad leader for his team from Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 4th Brigade Troops Battalion, provides security for his and to demonstrate high quality tactical Out of breath Soldiers as they attempt to carry a notional casualty over an obstacle Feb. 19. Soldiers from the 4th Sustainment Brigade, 13th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) and medical knowledge. and wearing a conducted the training at the Fort Hood Medical Simulation Training Center. (U.S. uniform smeared Army photo by Pfc. Sean McGuire) The same objective carried over in fake blood, Pfc. when Soldiers finally made their way Paul Dalrymple said he recognized the “This experience definitely showed into the indoor Iraqi village. Once inside, importance of this training. Dalrymple is a us our weaknesses,” said Spc. Antwane Soldiers received paintball guns. From combat medic, and the Wrangler Brigade Sweat. Sweat became a notional there, they had to evacuate casualties is his first duty assignment in the Army. casualty in the midst of the training and from the simulated battlefield while subsequently had to be evacuated during under fire from paint ball pellets. “We were scattered in the beginning, a portion of the training. but towards the end, we came together “This training helped us to see what and calmed down. I know for one thing, The lessons learned from the initial we need to work group’s mistakes began to help improve on our techniques the performance of other teams as more for applying Soldiers made their way through the tourniquets,” course. Dalrymple said. “Our Soldiers have to realize that Throughout what they’re seeing in this training the day, Wrangler will happen down range. It’s the idea Soldiers began of taking it seriously now so they are communicating ready then,” said Landry. “It’s better to more with each improve now when you’re safe.” other to correct their mistakes. The The instructor cadre at Fort Hood’s constant repetition Medical Simulation Training Center is in the training made up of civilian contractors, many Soldiers from Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 4th Brigade Troops Battalion learn how to properly evacuate a casualty while under a barrage of enemy helped team of whom are retired military and NCOs fire consisting of paint ball pellets Feb. 19. Soldiers from the 4th Sustainment Brigade, members learn the who recently returned from both Iraq and 13th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) conducted the training at the Fort Hood Medical Simulation Training Center. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Sean McGuire) correct procedures. Afghanistan. Page 13
  • 14. 2nd Qtr/FY 10 Jan. - Mar. 2010 Wranglers Sample Food Dishes At Black History Month Event Article by Pfc. Amy M. Lane Public Affairs Specialist FORT HOOD, Texas – The office furniture was pushed out of the way against the walls, and hungry Soldiers from the 4th Sustainment Brigade, 13th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) lined up during their lunch break to sample different foods that were set out on folding tables around the room. Sgt. 1st Class Tamara D. Shelton arranged the food-tasting event Feb. 19 in celebration of Black History Month and as a fun way of bringing people together. “I did this to promote cohesion and also so people could come out and say hello,” Shelton said. “I just came on Spc. Marvina Marshall and Spc. Kelly Sullivan, 4th Sustainment Brigade, 13th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary), Fort Hood, Texas, help themselves to some baked goods at a food tasting in honor of Black History Month Feb. 19. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Sean McGuire) board in January, so I wanted to just get event and encouraged people to try her people to come through. As long as the strawberry shortcake. Soldiers get something out of it, I’m happy.” “I love to bake,” Andrews said. “My aunt owns a bakery in Georgia, and I help Soldiers contributed a variety of her sometimes. She showed me how to dishes, including fried chicken, pecan make this strawberry shortcake.” pie, macaroni and cheese and rice. Some stayed to chat while they ate, and some Andrews was excited to try the foods got a plate to bring back to their office. that other people had contributed. I don’t know who made them, but the chicken, Shelton made a chicken and rice collard greens, and cornbread look casserole, and million-dollar pies, which great!” she said. she said are made from whipped cream, Master Sgt. Winifred Lewis, 4th Sustainment Brigade, 13th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary), Fort pecans, lemon juice, and milk. Shelton said she would like to plan Hood, Texas, uncovers a dish at a food tasting in other similar events in celebration of the honor of Black History Month Feb. 19. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Sean McGuire) Spc. Takia R. Andrews attended the other monthly observances. Page 14
  • 15. 2nd Qtr/FY 10 Jan. - Mar. 2010 12-Year-Old Inspires Black History Month Celebration Article by Pfc. Amy M. Lane Public Affairs Specialist During a brief delay before the money,” said Elijah. guest speaker arrived, Maj. Jerry Seig, the Wrangler Brigade chaplain, gave He kept the crowd laughing with an impromptu speech. He talked about tales of his money-making schemes, but growing up in an all-white town in he also shared the lessons that he learned Pennsylvania and after joining the Army from those efforts. in 1981, working with people of different races for the first time. “It’s important for us to not only think about what we want to improve in “I learned to look at somebody for our economic condition, but we also need their character and not for what you to remember to work for what we want,” Elijah Howard stood on a step stool to reach the podium as he addressed the Soldiers of the 4th Sustainment Brigade, 13th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) during the unit’s Black History Month observance at Fort Hood’s Howze Theater Feb. 26. Elijah talked about successful local businessmen who inspire him. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Amy M. Lane) FORT HOOD, Texas – The theme Soldiers of the 4th Sustainment Brigade, 13th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) filled Fort Hood’s Howze of this year’s Black History Month Theater Feb. 26 to watch the Black History Month observance. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Sean McGuire) celebration was the history of black economic empowerment, and the guest see on the outside,” Seig said. “The Elijah said. speaker was 12-year-old Elijah Howard, Army is the best place for that. This is the president of Killeen’s Youth where people from all backgrounds and Elijah closed his speech by reminding NAACP. all walks of life come together to work the audience to be persistent in achieving alongside one another.” goals, and never to lose sight of what they Elijah addressed the Soldiers of want. After he spoke, he was presented the 4th Sustainment Brigade, 13th Elijah was calm and confident as he with a Certificate of Appreciation from Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) captivated the audience. the Wrangler Family for his efforts. during the unit’s Black History Month observance at Howze Theater Feb. 26. “Black economic empowerment – I “We are all part of history,” he said. bet some of you think I don’t know what “We all have the potential to be in the The show included brief skits, that means, huh? Well, after discussing Fortune 500. And when we reach every a recounting of the history of black with some people in our community, I goal, I ask that each of us remember to economic empowerment, and Elijah, who know we need to make our money work reach back and teach someone else how was the star of the show. for us instead of us working for our to get to that same spot.” Page 15
  • 16. 2nd Qtr/FY 10 Jan. - Mar. 2010 502nd Postal Platoon Delivers First Mail To Troops In Haiti Article Sgt. 1st Class Dave McClain 3rd Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti – Service various units deployed members throughout Haiti have seen in Haiti. improved morale as a personal mail began arriving from the United States thanks to Each unit is the Soldiers of the 502nd Human Resources responsible for sending Company, 4th Sustainment Brigade, Fort a certified mail handler Hood, Texas, and the rest of the team within to pick up and distribute Joint Logistics Command - Haiti. their unit's mail. The arrival of the first mail from the "It's huge when U.S. required detailed planning. Mail is you get something handled by the Soldiers of the 502nd Postal from home. It's like Platoon in Port-Au-Prince. Christmas," said Navy Cmdr. Joe Mahan, When mail arrives by air in Haiti, the executive officer of Postal clerk Spec. Jacob Dickens, from the 502nd Human Resources Company, 4th Sustainment Brigade, Fort Hood, Texas, sorts letter mail 502nd is responsible for downloading the DLA Support Team into bins made out of old Meals-Ready-to-Eat boxes. Dickens and his fellow mail from the aircraft, receiving the mail, – Haiti and Hill City, Wrangler Brigade Soldiers are a part of the 502nd Postal Platoon, handle mail for units throughout Joint Task Force-Haiti. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. 1st Class and sorting it into bins for distribution to S.D., native. Dave McClain) Page 16
  • 17. 2nd Qtr/FY 10 Jan. - Mar. 2010 Historic MoMent for wrangler all-stars in dallas Article by Pfc. Sean McGuire Public Affairs Broadcast Specialist DALLAS, Texas – The 4th hard work that made the experience so crowd of 108,000 people and more than Sustainment Brigade, 13th Sustainment gratifying. 25 million people watching on television. Command (Expeditionary) color guard team performed their duty in an extra “I’ve been in the Army nine years “Just being there was a reward by special way Feb. 14 at the 2010 NBA All and this is the highlight of my career. itself,” said D. Spradley. “The fact that, Star game. I received at least 30 phone calls and for those few moments, everyone was texts from family members and friends looking at us made it incredible.” Led by Sgt. 1st Class Oran who were so excited about seeing me Spradley, the Wrangler color guard took on national television and representing “This is definitely tops,” said Sgt. to the floor during the pregame festivities Fort Hood,” said Sgt. Ronald Lee, a John Freiberger, an 11-year veteran and presented the colors while country- squad leader singer Gretchen Wilson sang the National from the 157th Anthem. Quartermaster Company, They’re a team who devote the 553rd Combat majority of their time and energy Sustainment to attending countless events and Support Battalion “We brought much who has needed positive only worked attention to Fort Hood with the color and our unit,” guard for a month. Sgt. 1st Class Oran Spradley, 4th Sustainment Brigade, 13th Sustainment Command ceremonies which takes them away (Expeditionary), waits for his team’s moment to shine as he watches superstars practice from their normal jobs. It’s that constant “I’ve been their shots at the 2010 NBA All-Star game in Arlington, Texas Feb 14. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Jordan Johnson) in for 20 years and member of 602nd Maintenance and this was Company, 553rd CSSB. Freiberger held the best thing the Texas state colors alongside Lee to this point,” who, despite his nerves, managed to use said Sgt. 1st the situation and abundance of viewers Class Dawn as motivation to maintain his grip on the Spradley. Army colors. The “We brought much needed positive color guard attention to Fort Hood and our unit,” said represented O. Spradley. “People called and said they the Wrangler were proud to be a Wrangler after seeing Family and us.” Fort Hood Sgt. DeNorris Cloudy and Sgt. Ronald Lee, 4th Sustainment Brigade, 13th in front of “There aren’t too many Sustainment Command (Expeditionary), watch their favorite basketball players a record opportunities to represent the Army like practice at the 2010 NBA All-Star game in Arlington, Texas Feb 14. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Jordan Johnson) basketball this,” he added. Page 17
  • 18. 2nd Qtr/FY 10 Jan. - Mar. 2010 DALLAS, Texas – LeBron, Kobe, Carmelo, Dirk, all basketball heroes, were in action at the 2010 NBA All-Star game. On most nights, the players, who are idolized by millions of fans, are the biggest heroes in the arena. However, that was not the case at Cowboys Stadium Feb. 14. The color guard from Fort Hood’s own 4th Sustainment Brigade, 13th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) held the Colors during pregame festivities, which included Gretchen Wilson singing Spc. James Smith, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 4th Brigade Troops Battalion, walks off the court after the color guard team from the 4th Sustainment Brigade, 13th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) performed at the 2010 the National Anthem. NBA All-Star game in Arlington, Texas Feb 14. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Jordan Johnson) 2010 NBA All-Star Game Featured Wrangler Color Guard Article by Pfc. Jordan Johnson 13th Public Affairs Detachment As the Wrangler color guard team charge of the unit’s color guard, and he officer in charge of the color guard team was introduced to the crowd, there was plays a vital role within the team. for the All-Star mission. He made sure an emotional moment as the game’s that the rehearsals were conducted and public announcer reflected on the tragedy “I help manage the group,” Cloudy the flags and equipment were ready for of Nov. 5. said. “I help make sure the equipment is the mission. accounted for and the Soldiers know the After the National Anthem, the group times and dates of our missions.” Spradley doesn’t have a favorite marched off the court, their moment on team, but he does have a favorite player. stage in front of the largest NBA crowd Before the game, the Wrangler Team “Michael Jordan,” he said. “I’d love to in history over, but with memories to last was able to experience various musical meet him here.” a lifetime. artists and dancers practicing. They also explored the enormity of Cowboys Throughout rehearsals and game- “It’s overwhelming to be here,” Stadium before it was their turn to time performance, the camaraderie was said Sgt. DeNorris Cloudy, a computer rehearse on the court. hard to deny among the entire color detection systems repairer with Company guard. Everyone got along, joked with A., 4th Brigade Troops Battalion. “I grew “This is the biggest event we’ve ever one another and knew how to keep spirits up an NBA fan and dreamed of playing in done,” said Sgt. 1st Class Oran Spradley, high. the league.” a facilities engineer for the brigade. See ALL-STAR Page 19 Cloudy is the number two guy in Spradley was the noncommissioned Page 18
  • 19. 2nd Qtr/FY 10 Jan. - Mar. 2010 ALL-STAR Continued from page 18 “In the color guard, everyone’s pretty All members of the color guard Bde. Soldiers did at the All-Star game. much family,” said Sgt. John Freiberger, love being in the Army, defending their a tow-missile systems repairer for the country, and performing for fellow The NBA All-Star game is a huge 602nd Maintenance Company, 553rd Soldiers. However, it is always nice to annual event which was made even larger Combat Sustainment Support Battalion. perform for mostly civilian crowds. by Dallas Cowboys’ owner Jerry Jones’ “We work really well with each other, new creation – Cowboys Stadium. It is regardless of rank.” “While it’s just a job to people in the largest domed-stadium in the world, the military, civilians make you feel like and the game set an all-time attendance All of the members of the group they really support you,” Spradley said. record for an basketball game with more volunteer their time to the color guard, than 108,000 fans in attendance. which can add up to a large amount of “Civilians tend to appreciate time each month. Soldiers more than fellow service For a few minutes before tipoff, the members do,” Cloudy said. Wrangler Soldiers were able to represent “We do missions about once a week,” themselves, the Army, and an entire Cloudy said. “We do military events, Some Soldiers have been in the color nation in front of a record crowd and civilian events, and a mixture of different guard for years, yet they never had a chance millions of fans watching around the things.” to experience anything like the 4th Sust. world. Page 19
  • 20. 2nd Qtr/FY 10 Jan. - Mar. 2010 Wrangler soldiers deploy to HAITI TO SET UP POSTAL OFFICE Article by Pfc. Sean McGuire Public Affairs Broadcast Specialist FORT HOOD, Texas – Cheers ripped the pitch black sky and stirred smiles from those lugging their bags towards a vital mission in a country in dire need. More than 20 Soldiers from the 4th Sustainment Brigade, 13th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) deployed to Haiti Feb. 8 in support of Operation Unified Response. The 502nd Postal Platoon, 502nd Human Resource Company will set up an Army Post Office to provide postal support for U.S. service members supporting humanitarian efforts and disaster relief operations in Port-au- Prince, Haiti. FORT HOOD, Texas – 4th Brigade Troops Battalion commander, Lt. Col. John Hickey, addressed the “Do your finest. I ask that Soldiers and families of 502nd Postal Platoon, 502nd Human Resource Company before his troops departed for Haiti Feb. 8. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Sean McGuire) you maintain your patience and professionalism because I know you Platoon will work at an airfield in the to include providing humanitarian aid or do it here. Haiti and the Department of capital city where they will run the disaster response. Defense are relying on you,” said Lt. APO and assist in mail terminal and Col. John Hickey, 4th Brigade Troops distribution facilities. “The duration is virtually unknown, Battalion commander as he addressed his although your orders do state six months. Soldiers just hours before they embarked The unit is tailored for the support Your mission is to provide postal support on their mission. mission ahead, but the unit’s commander, to Soldiers who are there taking part in Maj. Robert Morris, told his troops to be the humanitarian relief,” said Morris. While in Haiti, the 502nd Postal prepared for whatever is asked of them Morris briefed his Soldiers one last time at the company’s headquarters along with leadership from the Wolfpack Battalion. Hickey outlined some of the challenges his Soldiers will face in Haiti. “You’re going to an unpredictable environment with the intent to create something from scratch, said Hickey. “You’ll have to be fully operational the entire time you’re there.” Spc. Wesley Magee was eager to FORT HOOD, Texas – Spc. Wesley Magee, 502nd Postal Platoon, 502nd Human Resource Company tips his See POSTAL Page 21 hat to more than thirty 4th Sustainment Brigade Soldiers as they gave the deploying troops a raucous send off in the late hours Feb. 8. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Sean McGuire) Page 20
  • 21. 2nd Qtr/FY 10 Jan. - Mar. 2010 POSTAL Continued from page 20 face these challenges, and he got an extra from the 15th boost of morale before he left for Haiti as Financial his unit’s command team presented him Management with the Army’s Good Conduct Medal Company for completing three consecutive years of deployed honorable and faithful service. Feb. 3 to set up a finance “I am ready and very excited to get operations a change of pace and to contribute to the center for mission in Haiti,” said Magee. American service That same sentiment was repeated members by many Wrangler Soldiers before they supporting boarded the plane at Fort Hood’s Robert relief efforts Gray Army Airfield. there. The 502nd Postal Platoon is the Meanwhile, second unit from the Wrangler Brigade the 62nd FORT HOOD, Texas – Sgt. 1st Class Gary Krese, 502nd Postal Platoon, 502nd Human to deploy to Haiti in the past week Quartermaster Resource Company shows his eagerness for the upcoming mission as he departs Fort Hood for a red-eye flight to Haiti Feb. 8. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Sean McGuire) following the devastating earthquake that Company, ravaged the country. 553rd Combat Sustainment Support devastated country. That unit is Battalion is the next Wrangler unit prepared and is expected to deploy A detachment of nine Soldiers on tap to head to the earthquake- during President’s Day Weekend. rmy.m il re at h ttps:/ /crc.a lear n mo Leading on the Edge Page 21
  • 22. 2nd Qtr/FY 10 Jan. - Mar. 2010 Leopard Battalion Throws Valentines Bake-off Iron Chef Style Article by Pfc. Amy M. Lane Public Affairs Specialist Fort Hood, Texas -- Red, white, and which was made with Girl Scout pink balloons and Valentine’s themed Thin Mint cookies topped with confetti decorated the tables. The table strawberries and a cream cheese in front of the judges was full of cakes, icing. brownies, and other chocolate and strawberry themed deserts that Soldiers Pfc. Christopher Smith, with and family members prepared for the the 602nd Maintenance Company, 553rd Combat Sustainment Support brought a cake that he made with Battalion’s Iron Chef Bake-off Feb. 5 at the help of his 11 year-old daughter, Club Hood. Raven Smith. Shelby and Erick Christensen, who “I do like to cook,” he said. are 8 and 4 years old, were the first “I do most of the cooking for our contestants to eagerly present their family. It’s just a fun thing to do dessert to the judges. They created a treat together, and I got out of work early called Tiny Bite - A Cookie Creation, to do it.” Smith and his daughter made a chocolate fudge cake with strawberry icing. Raven added chocolate Riesen candies to the middle of FORT HOOD, Texas – Mark Murgia, who teaches culinary arts and restaurant management at the Central Texas College the cake. culinary school, does his best to be objective as he grades dishes on a 15-point scale including taste, presentation and originality at the 553rd Combat Sustainment Support The event, which was Battalion’s Iron Chef Bake-off Feb. 5. (U.S. Army photo by organized by Lt. Patrick Pfc. Amy M. Lane) Dullano, was open to 4th the event. Sustainment Brigade Soldiers and family members, who paid “Lt. Dullano gave us a call at the a small fee to enter. About college and asked if we would take some 30 people attended the event, time out of our day to come and judge,” including the small reception he said. “I was honored to be able to before the judging began. come out and do this. I really enjoy it.” Mark Murgia, who teaches Murgia said the judging was based culinary arts and restaurant FORT HOOD, Texas – Col. Ron Kirklin, 4th Sustainment Brigade on a 15-point scale including taste, management at the Central commander, fills in a judge's scorecard while an array of partially presentation and originality. “I will do eaten desserts sits on the table in front of him at the 553rd Combat Texas College culinary school, Sustainment Support Battalion's Iron Chef Bake-off Feb. 5. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Amy M. Lane) was one of the five judges at See BAKE-OFF Page 23 Page 22
  • 23. 2nd Qtr/FY 10 Jan. - Mar. 2010 BAKE-OFF Continued from page 22 my best to be objective,” he said. “It participating with the youth organization should be a fun-filled event!” known as 4-H as a child. The first and second place prizes “The cake is made from my were both won by Samantha Erwin, who grandmother’s recipe,” said Erwin, who entered two different desserts in the also baked strawberry cream cheese contest. muffins for the contest. “I’ve been making it for 20 years. I started cooking “The bake-off was something fun when I was seven.” to do and I had some inspiration - a few people pressured me to enter,” she said Erwin won a weekend getaway at after the awards were announced. “I’m the Driskill Hotel in Austin, as well as a really in shock right now; there was a lot dinner for two at the Cheeves Brothers of stuff that looked really good.” Steak House. Rachel Johnson, who took the prize for third place with her The winning dessert was a chocolate chocolate strawberry cheesecake, won a caramel cake, decorated with chocolate dinner for two at the Range Restaurant. cutouts spelling out 53rd QM. Erwin, the FORT HOOD, Texas – Kimberly Ford, the Family Readiness Group co-leader for the 553rd Combat Family Readiness Group leader for the After the winners were announced, Sustainment Support Battalion, 4th Sustainment 53rd Quartermaster Company, attributes the competitors and guests were allowed Brigade cuts a dessert to serve to the judges at the Iron Chef Bake-off Feb. 5. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Amy her baking skills to many years of to devour what was left of the sweets. M. Lane) Page 23
  • 24. 2nd Qtr/FY 10 Jan. - Mar. 2010 Wrangler Soldiers Get Sweet for Valentine’s Day Article by Sgt. Angiene Myers Multimedia NCO FORT HOOD, Texas – Sweets for better than to do Candy-Grams for Soldiers something special to give their my sweet and kisses for my misses was Valentine’s Day. It was something that loved ones but it also brought out the the theme for the 157th Quartermaster was easy to do and we didn’t need a lot volunteer in one little boy. Company, 553rd Combat Sustainment of volunteers to do it.” Support Battalion Valentine’s Day Four-year-old Tucker, Johnston’s fundraiser Feb. 3. The event gave Over the course of two days, 100 son, was on board to help attract buyers. Candy-Grams Walking alongside his dad, he used the were prepared simplest method to get Soldiers to buy and filled with Candy-Grams from him as he walked Hershey’s around the company area. Kisses and other “I just said do you want some chocolate Candy-Grams, some said yes and some treats by said no,” said Tucker. “I sold a lot and it Johnston, was just fun,” he added. with the help of volunteer Johnston added, “I overheard him Langley talking to his sister saying we’re doing stuff Crawford. for the FRG. If they see us volunteering they are always willing to help.” “I Fort Hood, Texas – Tucker Johnston, the youngest volunteer at the 157th like to Quartermaster Company, 553rd Combat Sustainment Support Battalion Valentine’s do a lot Day fundraiser placed the money he collected for selling Candy-Grams in a material box for safekeeping. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Angiene L. Myers) of stuff for the 4th Sustainment Brigade Soldiers the FRG because my husband is in opportunity to give a sweet treat to their the unit so I just volunteered to loved ones by purchasing a Valentine’s help,” said Crawford. Day Candy-Gram, while raising funds for the upcoming unit events. The Candy-Gram’s station was set up in the hallway of the Rachel Johnston, Family Readiness company area for maximum Group leader and wife of Capt. Jason visibility and treats were sold for Johnston, commander of the 157th $1.50 each or $5.00 if the treat Quartermaster Company was the was mailed. mastermind behind the Valentine’s Day Candy-Grams. “We kept it small to see how well things went and so far we “We really like to do a fundraiser probably sold 80 Candy-Grams,” once or twice a month to supplement said Johnston. “We’re pretty our funds so we can have lots to do for much finished with everything.” Fort Hood, Texas – Spc. Joseph Morales of the 157th the Soldiers and their families,” said Quartermaster Company, 553rd Combat Sustainment Johnston. “When we were thinking about The fundraiser not only raised Support Battalion stopped by the Candy-Gram table Feb. 3 to purchase a sweet treat for a special lady for Valentine’s February we thought there’s nothing money for the unit and gave Day. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Angiene L. Myers) Page 24
  • 25. 2nd Qtr/FY 10 Jan. - Mar. 2010 15th Financial Management Company Soldiers Deploy to Haiti Article by Pfc. Sean McGuire Public Affairs Broadcast Specialist FORT HOOD, Texas – Soldiers from the 15th Financial Management Company, 4th Brigade Troops Battalion are on their way to Haiti to set up a finance operations center for service members supporting relief efforts there. A detachment of nine Soldiers from the unit departed Fort Hood on Feb. 3 for Fort Sill, Okla. to team up with a another unit en route to the earthquake-stricken country. The 4th Sustainment Brigade, 13th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) Soldiers said they didn’t know what to expect in Haiti, but they are ready to help out in any way they can in the FORT HOOD, Texas – Pfc. Kaivashon Homes, 15th Financial Management Company, 4th Brigade humanitarian effort. Troops Battalion gives a thumbs up that he is ready to go Feb. 3 to support the humanitarian mission in Haiti. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Sean McGuire) “This past couple of days has been so tiring. We found out just a few days ago that we were going to Haiti, and some of us actually volunteered,” said Sgt. Ryan Madaris, team leader. Madaris said he and his team had five days to get ready to go. “These are some of the best Soldiers I’ve worked with,” he said. They all completed everything they needed to do in a short amount of time with no issue.” One of those Soldiers is Pfc. Sean McAndrews. FORT HOOD, Texas – Sgt. Ryan Madaris, 15th Financial Management Company, 4th Brigade Troops Battalion assists Pfc. Kaivashon Homes with paperwork during the team’s final preparation Feb. 3 before they departed Fort Hood for Fort Sill, Okla. to team up with a another unit en route to Haiti to conduct “I’ve seen disasters strike financial services for troops there. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Sean McGuire) before and I helped any way I could then. I figure the Army and myself I have to or do financial assistance if needed.” can do something good here,” said McAndrews who joined the Wrangler McAndrews and his teammate Pfc. Kaivashon Homes consider themselves just Brigade last Feb and has already Soldiers on a mission to help. donated money to the efforts in Haiti. “Passing out food, doing my finance job – doesn’t matter. I’ll do whatever I can “I’ll go there and pick up rubble if to help,” said Homes. “It’s one of those reasons I joined the Army to begin with.” Page 25
  • 26. 2nd Qtr/FY 10 Jan. - Mar. 2010 Wolfpack Soldiers Rollover At The HEAT Article by Pfc. Sean McGuire Public Affairs Broadcast Specialist FORT HOOD, Texas – Whether and fatalities. HMMWV that is suspended above the they are enveloped in the morning ground. Four to five Soldiers climb darkness or by the afternoon’s The Wrangler Brigade is immersing into the vehicle, strap themselves in, sun, Soldiers of Headquarters and itself in the vital training its Soldiers and wait for the ride to begin. The goal Headquarters Company, 4th Brigade will need as the unit prepares itself for is to reinforce the importance of seat Troops Battalion always sound off with its upcoming mission to Afghanistan in positioning, wearing seatbelts, and the unit motto when their formation is support of Operation Enduring Freedom. to demonstrate the feeling of being called to attention, “Renegades – fired The Afghanistan mission will mark disoriented as the vehicle rolls over. up – hooah!” Myers’ first deployment, and this was his first experience going through the HEAT “I’ve never done this before. I Pfc. Clifton Myers personified training. needed help to get my seat belt open that simple battle cry as he visited the while I was hanging upside down,” said HMMWV Egress Assistance Trainer Jan. 28 with his fellow Soldiers from the 4th “I’m ready to go – it’s why I “I’m ready to go – Myers. “Once I got it open the Sustainment Brigade, 13th Sustainment joined the Army. it’s why I joined the guy next to me Command (Expeditionary). I joined to serve was notionally my country,” said Army. I joined to serve declared The HEAT training is designed to let Soldiers experience the effects of a Myers, a signal support system my country,” unconscious, so I naturally went to help haul him out of the vehicle. I wasn’t concerned about getting out of my door – it was time to get that guy out.” Soldiers are instructed to yell, “Rollover!” when the HEAT technician begins the vehicle’s tumble. The HEAT trainer allows individuals and crews to rehearse and execute the necessary steps required to survive a vehicle rollover. Conducting the training under controlled conditions allows vehicle occupants, such as Myers, to gain experience in the proper egress procedures. But exiting a HMMWV when it is upside-down is a challenge as Myers found out. It is especially challenging FORT HOOD, Texas – Staff Sgt. Jason Shelton, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 4th Brigade Troops Battalion attempts to exit the HMMWV Egress Assistance Trainer after it completed a 180 degree when Soldiers are twisted, crushed, and rollover during HEAT training Jan. 28. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Sean McGuire) hanging inside according to Myers. “It was fun except for the fact that all my HMMWV rollover. It also gives Soldiers specialist for the Wrangler Brigade since weight went to my knees.” the skills they will need to react properly March 2009. during emergency egress situations to See HEAT Page 27 help reduce or prevent rollover injuries The HEAT training device is a Page 26
  • 27. 2nd Qtr/FY 10 Jan. - Mar. 2010 HEAT Continued from page 26 Unlike Myers, Spc. Matthew Haag saw thousands of miles of road pass beneath his feet during the Wrangler Brigade’s last deployment in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. This was his fourth time going through the HEAT training. Haag knows the dangers of the combat zone all too well. “You’re going to have so much inside that vehicle from ammunition, water, and radios that you will need to strap down because anyone one of those things can possibly kill you if your vehicle flips,” said Haag. And that is one of the reasons why this training is necessary for the Soldiers of the 4th Sust. Bde. It will help give them FORT HOOD, Texas – Spc. Jeffrey Ledbetter, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 4th Brigade self-control – the ability to overcome Troops Battalion operated the HMMWV Egress Assistance Trainer during the unit’s HEAT training Jan. 28. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Sean McGuire) the natural fear and panic Soldiers will experience following a vehicle rollover. training day Myers said he had more confidence because of the training. “I’d like to go to Afghanistan or even Iraq because, at the end of the day, it’s all about where I’m By the end of the eight-hour needed to do my job,” said Myers. WWW.HOOD.ARMY.MIL/4SUS Page 27