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The Wolverzine
                              9 4 T H    E N G I N E E R       B A T T A L I O N                      S E P T E M B E R       2 0 1 1


                         From the Command

 HHC FRG - 5:30,
 2nd Tues, Piney
 Hills Comm. Cen-
 ter                     Wolverines,                           the awesome capability of a hori-   As you read this, the Outlaws
                         We are now officially busy!           zontal Engineer company. Addi-      should be more than half way
 FSC FRG - 5:30, 1st                                          tionally, the 232nd                         done with their con-
 Tues, Stonegate
                         Thanks to the planning efforts of
                         the battalion staff, and the prepa-   has a better feel                           struction missions at Ft.
 Comm. Center
                         ration efforts of the companies,      for the mission                             Riley. The local leader-
 77th FRG - 5:30, 1st   we are executing multiple pro-        they may get called                         ship is already more than
 Tues, Specker           jects at Ft. Leonard Wood, Ft.        to do in the next                           pleased with the quality
 Chapel                  Riley, and in Columbus, NM. We        year. While the                             construction we are
                         have accumulated enough con-          Warriors trained                            providing. We are mak-
 103rd FRG - 5:30,                                            on cleaning up                              ing Ft. Riley a better
                         struction requests to keep us
 1st Thurs, USO                                                after a disaster, the                       place to train and work.
                         busy through next fall. This is
                         good news; the Soldiers I talk to     Vipers almost got                           My hat’s off to the Out-
 232nd FRG - 5:30,
 2nd Tues, Company       are excited to be doing their         to do exactly that.                         laws.
                         jobs. By holiday time, we will be     US Forces Command alerted           Currently we are preparing for
                         ready to take a little break and      units all across America to come    our field training exercise at Ft.
INSIDE                   spend some quality family time.       to the aid of those in need on      Riley. This FTX, sandwiched
THIS ISSUE:                                                    the East Coast in the wake of       between Columbus weekend and
                         Congratulations to the Warriors       Hurricane Irene. The 103rd
                         of the 232nd Engineer Company                                             Halloween, will ensure we main-
                                                               jumped through hoops to be          tain our war fighting skills. I
HHC               3      for a first class performance at      ready to drive to the East Coast,   know we are good at construc-
                         Camp Atterbury in August. I           but alas the damage was not as
                         think the Army’s leaders of do-                                           tion; it’s operating in a hostile
FSC               4                                            bad as expected. A disciplined      environment that we must con-
                         mestic response missions now          response; my appreciation for
                         have a better understanding of        being ready in such short notice.               Continued on page 2
77th              5



                         Spouse Greetings
                         This month, as the Nation re-         amazing group of Families, Sol-     friendship to the girls and me as
AFTB              8      members such a huge and tragic        diers and friends here with the     we settle in to Fort Leonard
                         loss of lives during the 9-11 at-     Wolverines. I cannot properly       Wood after our move from Vir-
                         tacks, as well as the too-            put in words my THANKS to the       ginia. Since this Army thing is a
Milestones        9
                         numerous-to-count deployments         many people (CSM Keel &             whole Family affair, I must also
                         that have followed, I am starkly      Sheree, Stephanie Leary, Corlee     thank my Mom for once again
                         reminded of how blessed and           Winkler, Jenny Petty, the FRG       stepping in to help us while we
                         lucky I am to have my own Fam-        leaders, and many, many more)       got our dual military assignments
                         ily back together AND to join an      who have opened their hearts of
                                                                                                               Continued on page 2
PAGE        2

                               Command cont’d
                               tinue to train on. These are         now it will not be mandatory.       Stephanie Leary who does so
                               the Soldier skills that will en-     Having said that; we are mak-       much for our families, but
                               sure we all come home from           ing it a special time that most     refuses to take credit for any-
                               whenever we get “the call”.          of us will “want” to go to.         thing.
                               Predictability in our schedule is    More details will be available in   We’ve got about a month and
                               one of my focus areas. We            the coming weeks.                   a half of sprinting left to do,
                               have a very good idea where          All of the company changes of       then we can settle down into a
                               everyone will be from now            command are complete for            garrison routine, and the holi-
                               until Christmas. If you don’t        this Summer, so our teams           day season. Please stay safe.
                               know what’s going on in your         should be stable from now           Wolverine 6
                               team; ask your chain of com-         until then. The next big
                               mand. They know. Speaking            changes will be the loss of MAJ     LTC Gary Calese
                               of Christmas, we are already         (P) Winkler to Brigade staff
                               deep into planning for the           this Winter, and the change
                               Wolverine Ball on the 2nd of         out of Command Sergeant
                               December (thanks to MAJ              Major Keel with CSM J. John-
                               Petty). This is going to be a        son sometime this Spring. As
                               first class event. I will tell you   always, a “shout out” to

 FRG Leader Contact Info

                               Greetings cont’d
                                 aligned. In my few weeks of        Through the month of Octo-          ests. I look forward to seeing
Shelly Hughes
                                 being here, I am over-             ber especially, I am hoping we      you at these events and
                                 whelmed by the great team          can get our Families together       around the community.
                                 spirit you all have. I am also     while the Battalion is away for     Laura Calese
                                 awestruck by how many              training. The Family Readiness      Battalion Senior Advisor
Melissa Simulcik
                                 opportunities there are to be      Groups and our Battalion
Robin Edwards
                                 involved in the community          FRSA are working on some
                                 and just have fun together. I      great ideas that involve the
                                 look forward to helping the        whole range of Wolverine
                                 Families in any way that I can.    Family age groups and inter-
Angie Bryant

Amanda Almeida
Oyu McGlothlin

Mara Tate

                                                                                                                        See pages 8
                                                                                                                        and 10 for
                                                                                                                        more info on
                                                                                                                        the AFTB

               THE        WOLVERZINE
94TH      ENGINEER            BATTALION                                                                               PAGE   3

HHC Headhunter Headlines
                                      ence for me to get to know the           ing of the other companies while
                                      Soldiers.                                we also conduct individual training,
                                      On 30 June, we welcomed back             a range density where we will fire
                                      SGT Fleming and the six other            all of our weapons system, a con-
                                      Soldiers of the 562nd Fire Fighter       voy live fire exercise. We antici-
                                      detachment returned from a year          pate this being a very rewarding
                                      long deployment to FOB Wolver-           and productive time.
                                      ine, Afghanistan.                        You can keep in touch and stay
To the Soldiers, Families, and                                                 informed by checking out our Face-
Friends of the HHC Head Hunters:      This month the 83 Concrete De-
                                      tachment is transferring to the          book page: http://
Summer is drawing to a close, and     103rd EN Co, where they will have
we are enjoying the cooler weather    more opportunity to assist in con-       Engineer-HHC-
over the last few weeks.              struction projects and make con-         FRG/178770138816962
We have stayed busy this summer       crete.                                   Lindsay and I look forward to get-
with a Range density at FT Chaffee,   The next big event for the Battalion     ting to know all of you more during
AR. This was my first training ex-    is our FTX from 12 -29 October at        our time together.
ercise as the new HHC com-            FT Riley, KS. HHC will be playing a      CPT Aaron Ferguson
mander, and it was a great experi-    critical role in supporting the train-

FRG Leader Nook
Hello, my name is Rachelle Hughes,    braced me to be the FRG Leader. I        HHC Family Game Night once a
and I am the new FRG leader for       have a lot of exciting ideas for ac-     month or every other month.
HHC. I am married to PFC Hughes.      tivities that we can do as a group. I    Anyone with any ideas of activities
We have been married for 8 years.     am looking forward to having a           they would like to have are wel-
We have six children; Anthony, 20,    Spouse’s Ice Cream Social, where         come to call me or email me their
Samantha, 19, Endya, 16, Chantelle,   all the wives can get together and       ideas. I am hoping that I am able to
12, Ean, 10, and Xavye, 4. I was      meet. We are going to have the 1 st      add a little spice to our Company.
born and raised in Saint Louis. We    Annual Madden 2012 Tournament            Here is my contact information;
have been here at Fort Leonard        Fundraiser, October 1st at the Piney     email –
Wood for 4 years now.                 Hills Center. I am going to find out     or phone – (573) 452-2196.
I am happy that the 94th has em-      how many would like to have a 94th

                                                                                Wolverine Olympics Day 9/1/11

      FRG volunteers Dominicha Anderson, Shelly
      Hughes & Tina Balvanz working a fundraiser
PAGE   4

                FSC Spartan Word
                Hello Wolverine, and espe-         won’t want to be at the meet-      the Army needs your Soldier
                cially Spartan, families! As the   ing. I will try to hold meetings   to be away.
                new FSC Commander, this is         in conjunction with fun things,    CPT Joshua Simulcik
                my first Wolverzine. Some of       such as mini-golf, go-carts, or
                you have already had a chance      whatever else the families want
                to meet me and my wife,            to do.
                Melissa; I look forward to         The primary purpose is to link
                meeting the rest of you as time    the families together and with
                goes on.                           the chain of command, so that
                We will be having monthly          we know each other and can
                FRG meetings on the first          help each other. We will have
                Tuesday of every month unless      guest speakers about programs
                holidays or other events inter-    you request information on,
                fere. In this, I have taken MG     and we will discuss the com-
                Quantock’s advice to heart; if     pany’s upcoming battle rhythm
                the Commander doesn’t want         so that you can plan family
                to be at the meeting, families     time around those times when

                FRG Leader Nook
                Summer was a busy time with        come out for mini-golf at our      season approaches, remember
                lots of change for the FSC! I      September meeting. We hope         that we are all “family” and
                have enjoyed getting to meet       to keep combining “sharing         here to help each other. Please
                many of the FSC families and       information” with “family fun”     feel free to contact me if there
                look forward to spending time      at future meetings. I hope you     is anything I can do to help you
                with you in the coming             will feel free to share your       or your family.
                months.                            suggestions for FRG activities     Melissa Simulcik
                The FSC Organizational Day         and meeting programs.              (410)790-8115
                was fun for everyone, and our      The coming months will be          Robin Edwards
                FRG meetings are shaping up        busy and exciting for Soldiers     (870)688-3833
                to be enjoyable as well. It was    and Family members. As the
                great to have so many families     sometimes-stressful holiday

94TH       ENGINEER             BATTALION                                                                                            PAGE   5

77th Rock Steady Report
                                         Thanks to all Outlaws especially       ule.
                                         CPT Brent Hamilton and 1SG             2nd Platoon is finishing up their pro-
                                         Barkefelt for the coordination of an   ject at Thayer Elementary School,
                                         OUTSTANDING Change of Com-             which is looking good and has been
                                         mand. There were many compli-          a great opportunity to get back into
                                         ments and praise for the Soldiers of   construction mode.
                                         the 77th. Great Job Outlaws!!
                                                                                I’d, also, like to take the time to
                                         As you know, the majority of the       introduce myself, CPT Ben Ashton,
                                         Company (1st and 3rd PLTs with         my wife Emily and 3 kids Kate (4),
OUTLAW FAMILIES                          HQ) has been up at Ft Riley, KS        Anna (2), and James (5 months).
The last 30 days have been quite         constructing various projects for      We are happy to be here and look
busy for the Outlaws. It started         most of September. 1st Platoon has     forward to meeting all of you.
with conducting a detailed inven-        the job of building 3 wood buildings   Those of you we have met have
tory of ALL the Company’s equip-         and a guard tower. 3rd Platoon’s       done a tremendous job of welcom-
ment and tools. The Soldiers were        projects at Ft Riley consist of con-   ing us and we thank you for your
motivated and cheerful during this       structing sidewalks and a concrete     efforts, they are greatly appreci-
long, hot, monotonous time. Thank        staircase. Both Platoons have done     ated.
You!                                     a great job and are ahead of sched-
                                                                                CPT Ben Ashton

FRG Leader Nook
77th FRG Hosted a Pool Party for         Gilmore, Sgt. Linden and SSG           pating in a Construction Project at
the Company. We had a great turn         Bannister.                             Ft. Riley and the BN FTX will fol-
out and it was nice to see everyone      Gifts we provided by FRG Mem-          low. We will hold our normal
and bring the summer to an end!          bers and we had a lot of fun with      meetings to keep everyone upto
The 77th said farewell to Cpt.           the Baby Shower Games.                 date, and to begin planning fundrais-
Brent Hamilton and his wife Dani at                                             ers and specifics concerning our
                                         At BN Sports Day the FRG pro-          Holiday Get Together. Volunteer
the Change of Command Cere-              vided Soldiers and Families with
mony and welcomed Cpt. Ashton                                                   positions are available, we are in
                                         hamburgers and hotdogs and a BIG       need of fresh new faces and ideas!!
and his wife Emily.                      thank you to 1SG Barkafelt for
We hosted Our first FRG Baby             providing Chips and Drinks!            Angie Bryant
Shower for four of our expecting                                                (573)647-6268
                                         Our Soldiers are currently partici-
Spouses / Soldiers; Sgt. Collins, Spc.

                                                                                                             Angie setting up food for
                                                                                                             the FRG Family Day

          Change of Command
PAGE   6

                103rd Viper Bytes
                Hello Vipers and families, the     training. 2nd Platoon sent a        events going on around post
                last few months have been          large number of Soldiers up to      or within the company. To
                very busy for the 103rd. We        Fort Riley to build a parking lot   help with this we have created
                had to say a very sad goodbye      out at the MPRC. They are           a Facebook page for our com-
                to CPT Todd and Nyree Brad-        working in conjunction with         pany, which you can find it
                ford. We want to thank them        the 77th EN CO and they have        from the 94th EN BN page.
                for all of their hard work over    done an outstanding job. 3rd        Please take a look when you
                the last year and wish them        Platoon just kicked off a road      have a chance.
                the best in their upcoming         improvement mission out at          CPT Dennis Hines
                assignment with the 509th. As      Range 21/22 and they will be
                we begin to close out the end      working on that through the
                of this fiscal year we have been   winter months, which will
                very busy. 1st Platoon has         challenge them as they battle
                been working diligently out at     the winter weather. With all
                Range 18 emplacing two berms       of this going on we realize that
                that will assist with future       it is easy to forget some of the

                FRG Leader Nook
                Hello Families! This month has     sold hotdogs, hamburgers,           information.
                been a pretty exciting month.      pasta salad and beans. We           Amanda Almeida
                We held a Self Care Class at       have another fundraiser com-        (239)826-4419
                our last FRG meeting. Atten-       ing up on the 14th of October
                dees can now receive free          at Bldg 470. It will be a Bake      Oyu McGlothlin
                over the counter medications       Sale and your assistance and/or     (312)719-0743
                at the Pharmacy. Don’t forget      goodies will be needed.
                to pick up your cards at the       I would like to thank all of our
                Health Promotion office at the     volunteers for their help. We
                new clinic. We had a wonder-       couldn’t do it without you.
                ful time on the 19th at the        Please don’t hesitate to stop
                BBQ in the motor pool. We          by our new Facebook page for


94TH      ENGINEER             BATTALION                                                                             PAGE   7

232nd Warrior Review
                                       become stronger and smarter            also did a great job balancing our
                                       through our experiences...without      construction projects on Fort Leo-
                                       forgetting to have a little fun. The   nard Wood by completing Range
                                       Warriors and their families success-   11 and TA 244 construction pro-
                                       fully completed two training de-       jects, and starting the TA 74A con-
                                       ployments: movement to and from        struction project for the NCO
                                       Fort Chaffee, AR to qualify on         Academy. The Warriors continue
                                       weapon systems and movement to         to provide high quality products
                                       and from Camp Atterbury, IN for        that the company and battalion are
To the Soldiers, Families, and         an FTX to prepare us for our           consistently known for. Thank you
Friends of the 232nd Warriors:         CBRN mission starting in October.      all for your continued support and I
My, how the time flies when we are We ensured that we took time to            invite everyone to attend our FRG
having fun! First, I want to thank     thank our families and Soldiers and    meetings every 2nd Tuesday of the
the families, friends, and Soldiers of had some fun at the Company Or-        month and our Spouse’s Night Out
the 232nd Warriors for their contin- ganizational Day held at LORA.           once a quarter.
ued support over the last quarter.     The event was great as we enjoyed      CPT David McKelvin
We have been exceptionally busy        in the sun with great food, water
but everyone remained safe and has sports, and a lot of volleyball! We

FRG Leader Nook
Hello Friends and Family of 232nd,      for our holiday Party in December.    and everyone is welcome! Our
What a great summer we have had!        I would like to say a Big THANK       FRG meetings are held the 2nd
It was a little hot, but I'm glad to    YOU and Welcome to our newest         Tuesday of every month, please
see fall around the corner!             FRG members: Mrs. Renee Moorid-       come check it out – we are looking
                                        ian our new 232nd Treasurer and       forward to seeing all our 232nd
Over the summer we had several          Mrs. Kristin Camacho our 232nd        friends and family!
fundraising events. We had a Pie in     Secretary. These Ladies are amazing
the face, BBQ at the motor-pool,        and we are so lucky to have them
Dunk tank, and snow cones at the        as part of our FRG.                   Mara Tate
Battalion Olympics Day. We are                                                (314)496-7719
looking forward to our upcoming         If you are interested in becoming a
bake sale and car wash in Septem-       volunteer within our FRG please do
ber. We are currently fundraising       not hesitate to contact me, anyone

                               1SG Lopez in the Dunk Tank
PAGE   8

                Chaplain’s Blessings

                Chaplain Chad Davis

                4th MEB Bible Study
                Wednesdays 1130-1230
                Specker Chapel
                Lunch provided

                Army Family Team Building
                Army Family Team Building is a      responsibility for yourself and   nication skills, personal rela-
                series of training modules          your Family. The training is      tionships, and stress manage-
                taught through the Army             available to Soldiers, Family     ment skills. Discover how
                Community Service office that       members of all Soldiers, De-      teams form and grow, how to
                cover topics such as basic          partment of Defense civilians     solve problems and how to
                information about the Army,         and volunteers.                   resolve personal conflict. Ac-
                personal growth skills and          AFTB Level I Modules train        quire knowledge on Army
                leadership skills. AFTB im-         basic information about the       traditions, customs, courtesies
                proves personal and Family          Army. Learn about the Army        and protocol.
                preparedness which enhances         life and how to maneuver          AFTB Level III Modules train
                overall Army readiness and          through daily challenges by       leadership skills. Thrive in the
                helps America’s Army adapt to       discovering how to decipher       Army and civilian life by ex-
                a changing world.                   Army acronyms, utilize Com-       panding leadership skills, effec-
                AFTB helps you to not just          munity Resources, attain bet-     tive communication techniques
                cope with, but enjoy the mili-      ter financial readiness and       and learning to mentor others
                tary lifestyle. Many of the         understand the goal and impact    into leadership positions.
                courses can be applied toward       of the Army mission on daily      Learn about the different lead-
                resume’ and career building,        life.                             ership styles, how to run an
                self-development and leader-        AFTB Level II Modules train       effective meeting, how to man-
                ship skills. Active duty Soldiers   personal growth skills. Grow      age group conflict and how to
                can earn promotion points for       personally through self-          coach and mentor others.
                participating in the training.      development modules. Learn        Contact ACS at 596-0212 for
                AFTB provides the knowledge         how to improve your commu-        more info on classes available
                and self-confidence to take                                           here at Ft. Leonard Wood.

94TH       ENGINEER             BATTALION                                                                                   PAGE   9

Farewell My Friend
So Long, Farewell, auf Wiedersehen,      FSC - 1LT Brown
Good-bye. To all of you who are leav-    77th - none
ing to move on to bigger and better
things we wish you good luck in your     103rd - SGT Rodgers, SGT
life and career.                         Haynes, SPC Reed

HHC - SGT McLemore, SPC                  232nd - none
Wynn, PFC Leonard, SPC McKin-
ney, PFC Haynes

Special Deliveries
                          HHC - SPC Hessler & Mrs. LaRiviere, baby boy, Jace Edward Hessler on 27

                          FSC - SPC & Mrs. Harkness, baby boy Jared Zachary on 6 August; SPC & Mrs.
                          Underwood, baby girl Liliane Amelia on 11 August.

                          77th - SPC & Mrs. Linden, baby girl Cheyenne Faith on 14 August; SSG & Mrs. Bannister, baby
                          girl on 2 July; SSG & Mrs. Collins, baby boy on 26 August; Mr & Mrs. Williams on 11 August; Mr.
                          & Mrs. Bannister, baby boy Dayvid.

                          103rd - SGT & Mrs. Eskridge, baby boy Kollin Jace on 6 June; Mr. & Mrs. Green, baby Girl Ha-
                          ley on 25 June; Mr. & Mrs. Gray, baby boy Gene on 29 June; PFC & Mrs. Evans, baby boy Joseph
                          James on 3 August; SPC & Mrs. Whitaker, baby boy Colton on 3 August; SPC & Mrs. Cruze,
                          baby Boy Charles David III on 6 August; PV2 Mouhamed & Mrs. Fall, baby Diery Fall on 28 Au-

                          232nd - PFC & Mrs. Ou, baby girl Cassidy on 23 July; 1LT & Mrs. Tollison, baby girl Danielle
                          Marie on 24 August; SGT & Mrs. Rice, baby boy Brian Allen born 16 September.

Welcome Wolverines!
We welcome into the ranks of the         77th                                   232nd
Wolverines the following Soldiers and    SFC Franklin, PVT MacDonald, SPC       SPC Singer, SGT
Families:                                McLaughlin                             Harky, SFC Matte-
                                                                                son and family, SPC
                                         103rd                                  Cobb, SPC Hearn
HHC                                      PFC Carlson, PFC Crabtree, SGT
SGT Campbell, PVT Holman, SSG            Drake, PFC Dunn, PV2 Glass, SGT
McIntosh, MSG Pacheco, PVT Gar-          Grrenidge, SGT Hatfield, PFC Her-
cia.                                     nandez-Garcia, CPT Hines, PFC
FSC                                      Lorenz, PFC Moskvicheva, SFC
WO Choate, 2LT Mathews, SGT              Peters, PV2 Ricks, SSG Robinson,
Swegger, SSG Ruegger                     2LT Surprenant, PFC Taylor.
94th Engineer FRG Steering Committee
                                                                          Mission Statement:

                                                        We will listen to and handle Family member concerns and
                                                        issues with respect, understanding, and kindness.
94th Engineer Battalion
                                                        We will provide the necessary, appropriate communications
Stephanie D. Leary
                                                        and resources to help Family members stay informed, knowl-
Family Readiness Support Assistant
                                                        edgeable, and educated.

Bldg 1022 East 20th Street                              We will reach out personally to all Family members with
Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473                             genuine concern and appreciations in order to sustain, sup-
Phone: (573)596-0131 ext 6-3968                         port and motivate them throughout their Wolverine tours.
Cell: (573)837-8086
                                                        We will act responsibly with the financial assets and re-
                                                        sources of the 94th Engineer Battalion and promise to use
    Join us on Facebook!                                these monies to benefit the Wolverine Family members as a Battalion                 whole.

 “Building Firm Foundations”

     FRSA Note
                                              Do you ever feel like your Soldier is      will help you with any of the above
                                              speaking a foreign language to you?        goals. Ask your Soldier to attend
                                              Do you want to become a more em-           with you too, they can earn promo-
                                              powered military spouse? Want to           tion points and may be eligible for a
                                              help other military spouses? Then get      4th MEB one day pass for attending
                                              involved in Army Family Team Build-        AFTB Level I.
                                              ing! AFTB offers many classes that

       The inclusion of some unofficial information in this FRG Newsletter has not increased the costs to the Government, in
                                accordance with DoD 4525.8-M, Official Mail Management Manual.

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Wolverzines Newsletter September 201109

  • 1. The Wolverzine 9 4 T H E N G I N E E R B A T T A L I O N S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 1 FRG From the Command MEETINGS:  HHC FRG - 5:30, 2nd Tues, Piney Hills Comm. Cen- ter Wolverines, the awesome capability of a hori- As you read this, the Outlaws We are now officially busy! zontal Engineer company. Addi- should be more than half way  FSC FRG - 5:30, 1st tionally, the 232nd done with their con- Tues, Stonegate Thanks to the planning efforts of the battalion staff, and the prepa- has a better feel struction missions at Ft. Comm. Center ration efforts of the companies, for the mission Riley. The local leader-  77th FRG - 5:30, 1st we are executing multiple pro- they may get called ship is already more than Tues, Specker jects at Ft. Leonard Wood, Ft. to do in the next pleased with the quality Chapel Riley, and in Columbus, NM. We year. While the construction we are have accumulated enough con- Warriors trained providing. We are mak-  103rd FRG - 5:30, on cleaning up ing Ft. Riley a better struction requests to keep us 1st Thurs, USO after a disaster, the place to train and work. busy through next fall. This is good news; the Soldiers I talk to Vipers almost got My hat’s off to the Out-  232nd FRG - 5:30, 2nd Tues, Company are excited to be doing their to do exactly that. laws. jobs. By holiday time, we will be US Forces Command alerted Currently we are preparing for ready to take a little break and units all across America to come our field training exercise at Ft. INSIDE spend some quality family time. to the aid of those in need on Riley. This FTX, sandwiched THIS ISSUE: the East Coast in the wake of between Columbus weekend and Congratulations to the Warriors Hurricane Irene. The 103rd of the 232nd Engineer Company Halloween, will ensure we main- jumped through hoops to be tain our war fighting skills. I HHC 3 for a first class performance at ready to drive to the East Coast, know we are good at construc- Camp Atterbury in August. I but alas the damage was not as think the Army’s leaders of do- tion; it’s operating in a hostile FSC 4 bad as expected. A disciplined environment that we must con- mestic response missions now response; my appreciation for have a better understanding of being ready in such short notice. Continued on page 2 77th 5 103rd 232nd 6 7 Spouse Greetings This month, as the Nation re- amazing group of Families, Sol- friendship to the girls and me as AFTB 8 members such a huge and tragic diers and friends here with the we settle in to Fort Leonard loss of lives during the 9-11 at- Wolverines. I cannot properly Wood after our move from Vir- tacks, as well as the too- put in words my THANKS to the ginia. Since this Army thing is a Milestones 9 numerous-to-count deployments many people (CSM Keel & whole Family affair, I must also that have followed, I am starkly Sheree, Stephanie Leary, Corlee thank my Mom for once again reminded of how blessed and Winkler, Jenny Petty, the FRG stepping in to help us while we lucky I am to have my own Fam- leaders, and many, many more) got our dual military assignments ily back together AND to join an who have opened their hearts of Continued on page 2
  • 2. PAGE 2 Command cont’d tinue to train on. These are now it will not be mandatory. Stephanie Leary who does so the Soldier skills that will en- Having said that; we are mak- much for our families, but sure we all come home from ing it a special time that most refuses to take credit for any- whenever we get “the call”. of us will “want” to go to. thing. Predictability in our schedule is More details will be available in We’ve got about a month and one of my focus areas. We the coming weeks. a half of sprinting left to do, have a very good idea where All of the company changes of then we can settle down into a everyone will be from now command are complete for garrison routine, and the holi- until Christmas. If you don’t this Summer, so our teams day season. Please stay safe. know what’s going on in your should be stable from now Wolverine 6 team; ask your chain of com- until then. The next big mand. They know. Speaking changes will be the loss of MAJ LTC Gary Calese of Christmas, we are already (P) Winkler to Brigade staff deep into planning for the this Winter, and the change Wolverine Ball on the 2nd of out of Command Sergeant December (thanks to MAJ Major Keel with CSM J. John- Petty). This is going to be a son sometime this Spring. As first class event. I will tell you always, a “shout out” to FRG Leader Contact Info HHC Greetings cont’d aligned. In my few weeks of Through the month of Octo- ests. I look forward to seeing Shelly Hughes being here, I am over- ber especially, I am hoping we you at these events and whelmed by the great team can get our Families together around the community. spirit you all have. I am also while the Battalion is away for Laura Calese FSC awestruck by how many training. The Family Readiness Battalion Senior Advisor Melissa Simulcik opportunities there are to be Groups and our Battalion Robin Edwards involved in the community FRSA are working on some and just have fun together. I great ideas that involve the look forward to helping the whole range of Wolverine 77th Families in any way that I can. Family age groups and inter- Angie Bryant 103rd Amanda Almeida Oyu McGlothlin 232nd Mara Tate See pages 8 and 10 for more info on the AFTB program. THE WOLVERZINE
  • 3. 94TH ENGINEER BATTALION PAGE 3 HHC Headhunter Headlines ence for me to get to know the ing of the other companies while Soldiers. we also conduct individual training, On 30 June, we welcomed back a range density where we will fire SGT Fleming and the six other all of our weapons system, a con- Soldiers of the 562nd Fire Fighter voy live fire exercise. We antici- detachment returned from a year pate this being a very rewarding long deployment to FOB Wolver- and productive time. ine, Afghanistan. You can keep in touch and stay To the Soldiers, Families, and informed by checking out our Face- rd Friends of the HHC Head Hunters: This month the 83 Concrete De- tachment is transferring to the book page: http:// Summer is drawing to a close, and 103rd EN Co, where they will have we are enjoying the cooler weather more opportunity to assist in con- Engineer-HHC- over the last few weeks. struction projects and make con- FRG/178770138816962 We have stayed busy this summer crete. Lindsay and I look forward to get- with a Range density at FT Chaffee, The next big event for the Battalion ting to know all of you more during AR. This was my first training ex- is our FTX from 12 -29 October at our time together. ercise as the new HHC com- FT Riley, KS. HHC will be playing a CPT Aaron Ferguson mander, and it was a great experi- critical role in supporting the train- FRG Leader Nook Hello, my name is Rachelle Hughes, braced me to be the FRG Leader. I HHC Family Game Night once a and I am the new FRG leader for have a lot of exciting ideas for ac- month or every other month. HHC. I am married to PFC Hughes. tivities that we can do as a group. I Anyone with any ideas of activities We have been married for 8 years. am looking forward to having a they would like to have are wel- We have six children; Anthony, 20, Spouse’s Ice Cream Social, where come to call me or email me their Samantha, 19, Endya, 16, Chantelle, all the wives can get together and ideas. I am hoping that I am able to 12, Ean, 10, and Xavye, 4. I was meet. We are going to have the 1 st add a little spice to our Company. born and raised in Saint Louis. We Annual Madden 2012 Tournament Here is my contact information; have been here at Fort Leonard Fundraiser, October 1st at the Piney email – Wood for 4 years now. Hills Center. I am going to find out or phone – (573) 452-2196. I am happy that the 94th has em- how many would like to have a 94th Wolverine Olympics Day 9/1/11 FRG volunteers Dominicha Anderson, Shelly Hughes & Tina Balvanz working a fundraiser
  • 4. PAGE 4 FSC Spartan Word Hello Wolverine, and espe- won’t want to be at the meet- the Army needs your Soldier cially Spartan, families! As the ing. I will try to hold meetings to be away. new FSC Commander, this is in conjunction with fun things, CPT Joshua Simulcik my first Wolverzine. Some of such as mini-golf, go-carts, or you have already had a chance whatever else the families want to meet me and my wife, to do. Melissa; I look forward to The primary purpose is to link meeting the rest of you as time the families together and with goes on. the chain of command, so that We will be having monthly we know each other and can FRG meetings on the first help each other. We will have Tuesday of every month unless guest speakers about programs holidays or other events inter- you request information on, fere. In this, I have taken MG and we will discuss the com- Quantock’s advice to heart; if pany’s upcoming battle rhythm the Commander doesn’t want so that you can plan family to be at the meeting, families time around those times when FRG Leader Nook Summer was a busy time with come out for mini-golf at our season approaches, remember lots of change for the FSC! I September meeting. We hope that we are all “family” and have enjoyed getting to meet to keep combining “sharing here to help each other. Please many of the FSC families and information” with “family fun” feel free to contact me if there look forward to spending time at future meetings. I hope you is anything I can do to help you with you in the coming will feel free to share your or your family. months. suggestions for FRG activities Melissa Simulcik The FSC Organizational Day and meeting programs. (410)790-8115 was fun for everyone, and our The coming months will be Robin Edwards FRG meetings are shaping up busy and exciting for Soldiers (870)688-3833 to be enjoyable as well. It was and Family members. As the great to have so many families sometimes-stressful holiday THE WOLVERZINE
  • 5. 94TH ENGINEER BATTALION PAGE 5 77th Rock Steady Report Thanks to all Outlaws especially ule. CPT Brent Hamilton and 1SG 2nd Platoon is finishing up their pro- Barkefelt for the coordination of an ject at Thayer Elementary School, OUTSTANDING Change of Com- which is looking good and has been mand. There were many compli- a great opportunity to get back into ments and praise for the Soldiers of construction mode. the 77th. Great Job Outlaws!! I’d, also, like to take the time to As you know, the majority of the introduce myself, CPT Ben Ashton, Company (1st and 3rd PLTs with my wife Emily and 3 kids Kate (4), OUTLAW FAMILIES HQ) has been up at Ft Riley, KS Anna (2), and James (5 months). The last 30 days have been quite constructing various projects for We are happy to be here and look busy for the Outlaws. It started most of September. 1st Platoon has forward to meeting all of you. with conducting a detailed inven- the job of building 3 wood buildings Those of you we have met have tory of ALL the Company’s equip- and a guard tower. 3rd Platoon’s done a tremendous job of welcom- ment and tools. The Soldiers were projects at Ft Riley consist of con- ing us and we thank you for your motivated and cheerful during this structing sidewalks and a concrete efforts, they are greatly appreci- long, hot, monotonous time. Thank staircase. Both Platoons have done ated. You! a great job and are ahead of sched- CPT Ben Ashton FRG Leader Nook 77th FRG Hosted a Pool Party for Gilmore, Sgt. Linden and SSG pating in a Construction Project at the Company. We had a great turn Bannister. Ft. Riley and the BN FTX will fol- out and it was nice to see everyone Gifts we provided by FRG Mem- low. We will hold our normal and bring the summer to an end! bers and we had a lot of fun with meetings to keep everyone upto The 77th said farewell to Cpt. the Baby Shower Games. date, and to begin planning fundrais- Brent Hamilton and his wife Dani at ers and specifics concerning our At BN Sports Day the FRG pro- Holiday Get Together. Volunteer the Change of Command Cere- vided Soldiers and Families with mony and welcomed Cpt. Ashton positions are available, we are in hamburgers and hotdogs and a BIG need of fresh new faces and ideas!! and his wife Emily. thank you to 1SG Barkafelt for We hosted Our first FRG Baby providing Chips and Drinks! Angie Bryant Shower for four of our expecting (573)647-6268 Our Soldiers are currently partici- Spouses / Soldiers; Sgt. Collins, Spc. Angie setting up food for the FRG Family Day Change of Command
  • 6. PAGE 6 103rd Viper Bytes Hello Vipers and families, the training. 2nd Platoon sent a events going on around post last few months have been large number of Soldiers up to or within the company. To very busy for the 103rd. We Fort Riley to build a parking lot help with this we have created had to say a very sad goodbye out at the MPRC. They are a Facebook page for our com- to CPT Todd and Nyree Brad- working in conjunction with pany, which you can find it ford. We want to thank them the 77th EN CO and they have from the 94th EN BN page. for all of their hard work over done an outstanding job. 3rd Please take a look when you the last year and wish them Platoon just kicked off a road have a chance. the best in their upcoming improvement mission out at CPT Dennis Hines assignment with the 509th. As Range 21/22 and they will be we begin to close out the end working on that through the of this fiscal year we have been winter months, which will very busy. 1st Platoon has challenge them as they battle been working diligently out at the winter weather. With all Range 18 emplacing two berms of this going on we realize that that will assist with future it is easy to forget some of the FRG Leader Nook Hello Families! This month has sold hotdogs, hamburgers, information. been a pretty exciting month. pasta salad and beans. We Amanda Almeida We held a Self Care Class at have another fundraiser com- (239)826-4419 our last FRG meeting. Atten- ing up on the 14th of October dees can now receive free at Bldg 470. It will be a Bake Oyu McGlothlin over the counter medications Sale and your assistance and/or (312)719-0743 at the Pharmacy. Don’t forget goodies will be needed. to pick up your cards at the I would like to thank all of our Health Promotion office at the volunteers for their help. We new clinic. We had a wonder- couldn’t do it without you. ful time on the 19th at the Please don’t hesitate to stop BBQ in the motor pool. We by our new Facebook page for THE WOLVERZINE
  • 7. 94TH ENGINEER BATTALION PAGE 7 232nd Warrior Review become stronger and smarter also did a great job balancing our through our experiences...without construction projects on Fort Leo- forgetting to have a little fun. The nard Wood by completing Range Warriors and their families success- 11 and TA 244 construction pro- fully completed two training de- jects, and starting the TA 74A con- ployments: movement to and from struction project for the NCO Fort Chaffee, AR to qualify on Academy. The Warriors continue weapon systems and movement to to provide high quality products and from Camp Atterbury, IN for that the company and battalion are To the Soldiers, Families, and an FTX to prepare us for our consistently known for. Thank you Friends of the 232nd Warriors: CBRN mission starting in October. all for your continued support and I My, how the time flies when we are We ensured that we took time to invite everyone to attend our FRG having fun! First, I want to thank thank our families and Soldiers and meetings every 2nd Tuesday of the the families, friends, and Soldiers of had some fun at the Company Or- month and our Spouse’s Night Out the 232nd Warriors for their contin- ganizational Day held at LORA. once a quarter. ued support over the last quarter. The event was great as we enjoyed CPT David McKelvin We have been exceptionally busy in the sun with great food, water but everyone remained safe and has sports, and a lot of volleyball! We FRG Leader Nook Hello Friends and Family of 232nd, for our holiday Party in December. and everyone is welcome! Our What a great summer we have had! I would like to say a Big THANK FRG meetings are held the 2nd It was a little hot, but I'm glad to YOU and Welcome to our newest Tuesday of every month, please see fall around the corner! FRG members: Mrs. Renee Moorid- come check it out – we are looking ian our new 232nd Treasurer and forward to seeing all our 232nd Over the summer we had several Mrs. Kristin Camacho our 232nd friends and family! fundraising events. We had a Pie in Secretary. These Ladies are amazing the face, BBQ at the motor-pool, and we are so lucky to have them Dunk tank, and snow cones at the as part of our FRG. Mara Tate Battalion Olympics Day. We are (314)496-7719 looking forward to our upcoming If you are interested in becoming a bake sale and car wash in Septem- volunteer within our FRG please do ber. We are currently fundraising not hesitate to contact me, anyone 1SG Lopez in the Dunk Tank
  • 8. PAGE 8 Chaplain’s Blessings Chaplain Chad Davis (573)433-1672 4th MEB Bible Study Wednesdays 1130-1230 Specker Chapel Lunch provided Army Family Team Building Army Family Team Building is a responsibility for yourself and nication skills, personal rela- series of training modules your Family. The training is tionships, and stress manage- taught through the Army available to Soldiers, Family ment skills. Discover how Community Service office that members of all Soldiers, De- teams form and grow, how to cover topics such as basic partment of Defense civilians solve problems and how to information about the Army, and volunteers. resolve personal conflict. Ac- personal growth skills and AFTB Level I Modules train quire knowledge on Army leadership skills. AFTB im- basic information about the traditions, customs, courtesies proves personal and Family Army. Learn about the Army and protocol. preparedness which enhances life and how to maneuver AFTB Level III Modules train overall Army readiness and through daily challenges by leadership skills. Thrive in the helps America’s Army adapt to discovering how to decipher Army and civilian life by ex- a changing world. Army acronyms, utilize Com- panding leadership skills, effec- AFTB helps you to not just munity Resources, attain bet- tive communication techniques cope with, but enjoy the mili- ter financial readiness and and learning to mentor others tary lifestyle. Many of the understand the goal and impact into leadership positions. courses can be applied toward of the Army mission on daily Learn about the different lead- resume’ and career building, life. ership styles, how to run an self-development and leader- AFTB Level II Modules train effective meeting, how to man- ship skills. Active duty Soldiers personal growth skills. Grow age group conflict and how to can earn promotion points for personally through self- coach and mentor others. participating in the training. development modules. Learn Contact ACS at 596-0212 for AFTB provides the knowledge how to improve your commu- more info on classes available and self-confidence to take here at Ft. Leonard Wood. THE WOLVERZINE
  • 9. 94TH ENGINEER BATTALION PAGE 9 Farewell My Friend So Long, Farewell, auf Wiedersehen, FSC - 1LT Brown Good-bye. To all of you who are leav- 77th - none ing to move on to bigger and better things we wish you good luck in your 103rd - SGT Rodgers, SGT life and career. Haynes, SPC Reed HHC - SGT McLemore, SPC 232nd - none Wynn, PFC Leonard, SPC McKin- ney, PFC Haynes Special Deliveries HHC - SPC Hessler & Mrs. LaRiviere, baby boy, Jace Edward Hessler on 27 August. FSC - SPC & Mrs. Harkness, baby boy Jared Zachary on 6 August; SPC & Mrs. Underwood, baby girl Liliane Amelia on 11 August. 77th - SPC & Mrs. Linden, baby girl Cheyenne Faith on 14 August; SSG & Mrs. Bannister, baby girl on 2 July; SSG & Mrs. Collins, baby boy on 26 August; Mr & Mrs. Williams on 11 August; Mr. & Mrs. Bannister, baby boy Dayvid. 103rd - SGT & Mrs. Eskridge, baby boy Kollin Jace on 6 June; Mr. & Mrs. Green, baby Girl Ha- ley on 25 June; Mr. & Mrs. Gray, baby boy Gene on 29 June; PFC & Mrs. Evans, baby boy Joseph James on 3 August; SPC & Mrs. Whitaker, baby boy Colton on 3 August; SPC & Mrs. Cruze, baby Boy Charles David III on 6 August; PV2 Mouhamed & Mrs. Fall, baby Diery Fall on 28 Au- gust. 232nd - PFC & Mrs. Ou, baby girl Cassidy on 23 July; 1LT & Mrs. Tollison, baby girl Danielle Marie on 24 August; SGT & Mrs. Rice, baby boy Brian Allen born 16 September. Welcome Wolverines! We welcome into the ranks of the 77th 232nd Wolverines the following Soldiers and SFC Franklin, PVT MacDonald, SPC SPC Singer, SGT Families: McLaughlin Harky, SFC Matte- son and family, SPC 103rd Cobb, SPC Hearn HHC PFC Carlson, PFC Crabtree, SGT SGT Campbell, PVT Holman, SSG Drake, PFC Dunn, PV2 Glass, SGT McIntosh, MSG Pacheco, PVT Gar- Grrenidge, SGT Hatfield, PFC Her- cia. nandez-Garcia, CPT Hines, PFC FSC Lorenz, PFC Moskvicheva, SFC WO Choate, 2LT Mathews, SGT Peters, PV2 Ricks, SSG Robinson, Swegger, SSG Ruegger 2LT Surprenant, PFC Taylor.
  • 10. 94th Engineer FRG Steering Committee Mission Statement: We will listen to and handle Family member concerns and issues with respect, understanding, and kindness. 94th Engineer Battalion We will provide the necessary, appropriate communications Stephanie D. Leary and resources to help Family members stay informed, knowl- Family Readiness Support Assistant edgeable, and educated. Bldg 1022 East 20th Street We will reach out personally to all Family members with Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473 genuine concern and appreciations in order to sustain, sup- Phone: (573)596-0131 ext 6-3968 port and motivate them throughout their Wolverine tours. Cell: (573)837-8086 We will act responsibly with the financial assets and re- E-mail: sources of the 94th Engineer Battalion and promise to use Join us on Facebook! these monies to benefit the Wolverine Family members as a Battalion whole. “Building Firm Foundations” FRSA Note Do you ever feel like your Soldier is will help you with any of the above speaking a foreign language to you? goals. Ask your Soldier to attend Do you want to become a more em- with you too, they can earn promo- powered military spouse? Want to tion points and may be eligible for a help other military spouses? Then get 4th MEB one day pass for attending involved in Army Family Team Build- AFTB Level I. ing! AFTB offers many classes that The inclusion of some unofficial information in this FRG Newsletter has not increased the costs to the Government, in accordance with DoD 4525.8-M, Official Mail Management Manual.