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When did we
start trusting                                        September 2008

                                                          29 countries
                                                  17,000 internet users

How the internet turned us all into influencers

                                                   © Universal McCann 2008

  ➜ No strangers anymore
Welcome to the new influence
  ➜ The rise of social media
  ➜ Digital friends
  ➜ Proliferation of influencer channels
The impact
  ➜ The influence economy
  ➜ The democratisation of influence
  ➜ The new super influencers

This unique perspective comes from data collected in          established from local data sources such as TGI and
the third instalment of Universal McCann’s global digital     Simmons. They are the audience that matter as they are
research programme “Wave”. The research was completed         involved in the new influence economy.
among 17,000 active internet users in 29 countries –
making it one of the most wide reaching investigations into   To qualify as a member of the Active Internet Universe the
the subject of influence and word of mouth. Respondents       respondent needs to be using the Internet everyday or every
are provided by the world’s leading online panel companies,   other day. They are the audience that matter to current
all recruited to strict ESOMAR standards.                     and future of marketing communications and represent the
                                                              consumer that are driving the new influence landscape.
Every market is representative by age and sex to the 16-54
Active Internet Universe. Quotas and universe sizes were

      Australia                   Japan
      Austria                     Netherlands
      Canada                      Romania
      Chile                       Pakistan
      China                       Philippines
      Czech Republic              Poland
      France                      Russia
      Germany                     Spain
      Greece                      Switzerland
      Hong Kong                   Taiwan
      Hungary                     Turkey
      India                       UK
      Italy                       USA
No Strangers Anymore
Long before the concept of marketing existed our sources          Today the web is driven by its’ users and peoples’ thoughts on
of information were limited. What we now tag “Word of             everything, including products and brands, personal blogs, to
Mouth” was the only source of information outside religion,       reviews on price comparison sites and wish lists on Amazon.
the monarchy and the state. People’s lives were localised         It is now incredibly easy to share opinions and cultivate
and the information that impacted on their main decisions.        influence, often without even trying. The result has been the
Then came newspapers, radio and the television set; mass          democratisation of influence.
media created exposure to influences beyond the ancient
controllers of information.                                       This is a fundamental change in the way we source and
                                                                  share opinions and today anyone can wield influence far
However this influence was still professional and top down –      beyond their immediate social group. In the old days the
the news reader, the columnist and the expert. Mass media         conversations we had with our immediate peers generally
offered little in terms of consumer recommendation, readers’      stayed inside that network; today opinions and experiences
letters in newspapers and magazines or phone-ins on TV and        are shared worldwide. Never before have we been exposed
radio shows were as far as consumer influence went.               to so many opinions and recommendations from so many
Peer to peer interactions remained localised and face to face.    people - most of whom are complete strangers, without the
                                                                  aura of expertise or celebrity recognition.
Then along came the web and a revolution began. In the
early days, bulletin boards, chat rooms and home brew             The result is an influence economy that is forcing everyone
websites allowed those technically in the know to project their   in the public realm including the owners of products and
thoughts and opinions. More recently social media such as         brands to become more transparent, open, conversational
blogs, social networks, photo or video sharing sites and wikis    and honest. They have to rethink the way that influence is
have opened the door to consumer publishing and hundreds          distributed and the role of marketing communications.
of millions have embraced it.

                                             Graham, UK
Agnes, France

                            Carlos, Brazil

                Dmitri, Russia
No Strangers Anymore                                                    cont.

This study demonstrates through a unique global research         else is no longer true thanks to social media. We all share
project in 29 countries that things have changed forever. In     influence today whether we actively mean to or not.
the new influencer landscape there are five fundamental
changes that every brand and marketer will have to               New super influencers rise above the mass: Not all
acknowledge.                                                     consumer influencers are equal. A new breed of “super
                                                                 influencers” has been created by the tools of the social
Anyone can influence anyone: We now trust strangers as           media revolution.
much as our closest friends.
                                                                 The new influence ecosystem has fundamentally changed
Friendship is no longer local or face to face: It’s becoming     how we buy products and services: There is a new level
distant and virtualised.                                         of transparency and truth that all public institutions,
                                                                 companies and brands have to adhere to.
Everybody is an influencer: The power to influence no
longer belongs to the experts or “those in the know”. The
idea that we live in a simplistic world where there is a small    Darren, UK
group of “influencers” who dictate the agenda to everyone

 Yvonne, Switzerland

    Welcome to the new
    influence landscape

             3 key trends
             ➜ The rise of social media
             ➜ Digital friends
             ➜ Proliferation of influencer channels
Scott, USA
                    Michael, Germany

                                         Olga, Greece

                                       Teresa, Canada

                Brendan, Hungary

    The rise of social media
 From its inception the internet has allowed consumers to                  These developments combined with the ever falling costs of
 create content in a manner that was never possible in the                 computing and broadband have enabled a global revolution
 age of mass media where TV, radio and press belonged                      in consumers publishing their content and thinking.
 to the professionals. The web reduced the barriers to
 production and opened up the channels of distribution                     This rise of social media has created hundreds of millions
 to anyone with a desire to create content or share their                  of content creators as demonstrated by data from our
 thoughts and opinions.                                                    Global Social Media Tracker in Figure 1. This shows
                                                                           massive growth in a very short period of time and users
 In the early days it required technical knowledge, experience             have gradually moved from passive consumers to active
 and a substantial investment in computing and the impact                  creators. Writing blogs has risen from 28% to 44%, creating
 was limited to the geek community. In the last few years                  a social network page has grown from 27.3% to 57.5%
 these barriers have disappeared and consumer content and                  and uploading a video clip from 10% to 42%. The result
 opinion has exploded due to the emergence of mass market                  is billions of thoughts and opinions online and available
 social media platforms like YouTube, Blogger and MySpace.                 for anyone to read.

Social Media adoption over time (Waves 1 – 3)
              90%                                                                            Read blogs/weblogs
              80%                                                                            Start my own blog/weblog
                                                                                             Leave a comment on a blog site
                                                                                             Upload my photos to a photo sharing site
              60%                                                                            Upload a video clip to a video sharing site
% Ever done

              50%                                                                            Watch video clips online
                                                                                             Create a profile on a social network




                    Wave 1 Sep 06      Wave 2 Jun 07           Wave 3 Mar 08
Figure 1: “Social Media adoption over time (Waves 1 – 3)” Global Average
Source: Universal McCann Social Media Tracker – Power to the People
The rise of social media                                                           cont.

  The scale of this revolution is demonstrated by Figures 2           They are also sharing content; 55% are sharing photos, 22%
  and 3, which show the extent of content that social network         are uploading videos and 23% are uploading applications,
  users and bloggers are uploading. It is clear that social           all of which project opinions and endorse brands if included.
  media has become a platform for directly sharing opinion
  and thoughts; 34% of social network users are sharing
  opinions on music, 31% are writing a blog inside their profile
  and almost 10% have promoted a band.                                       What I do with my social network profile

                                                                                  Favourite /              23.3%
                        Glen, UK                                                   currently
                                                                              listened to music
                                                                                    33.6%                               Promote
                                                                                                                         a band
Hugh, Canada                                                                                                              9.8%

                                                                                                    Upload photos
                                                                    Write a blog                       55.1%                  Upload
                                                                      30.8%                                                   videos

                                       % added to your social network page

                                       Figure 2: “What do you do with your social network profile?”
                                       Social Network Users, Global Average. Source: Universal McCann
                                       Social Media Tracker – Power to the People

Monica, Spain
The rise of social media                                                     cont.

    Bloggers are also very active in terms of sharing opinions
    and recommendations; 32% have shared recommended
    websites, 29% their favourite music and 28% opinions on
    products and brands. This is a massive volume of opinion
    that is fuelling the new influence landscape.

    What do I post
    on my blog?

                                             Upload              Opinions on
                                             music                products
                                                                 and brands                 Recommended
                                              20%                                             websites

                                                     Stories from
                                                     other blogs
                                 Videos                 23%
                                                                        currently listened                      Photos
                                                                            to music                             50%

                                                                    % posted to your blog
Spyros – Greece

                                                                    Figure 3: “When writing a blog, which of the following do you post?”
                                                                    Blog writers only, Global Average. Source: Universal McCann Social Media
                                                                    Tracker – Power to the People

Have you seen the new
Universal McCann website?
Check it out

                            Federico – Panama
Digital friends
Since its inception as a closed academic and military                 and communication is much more frequent and casual.
network the web has had a major impact on the way its                 What is interesting is the extent to which social media is
users communicate and the nature of the social networks               beginning to rival its more established equivalents, with
they maintain. In 2008, 1.5bn people are online and the               nearly 58% having joined a network. But more importantly,
impact of the internet has spread into the way we interact            as Figure 5 shows, these users are communicating in
and communicate as a society.                                         new ways, with 66% using them to stay in contact with
                                                                      existing friends, 42% using them to meet new people
Figure 4 shows the penetration of different communications            and 18% for dating.
platforms; email is universally used and instant messenger
is adopted by more than 80% of users world-wide. This has             This is a fundamental shift and movement towards
moved billions of personal interactions into the virtual and          virtual communications platform as a way of broadening
written word, where it is much easier to spread influence             friend networks.

How I communicate online

                                                                      99%                    Instant messenger


                                                                                                    Social network

Figure 4: “Thinking about the Internet, which of the following have
you done?”, Global Average. Source: Universal McCann Social Media
Tracker – Power to the People

                                                                            How I use social networks

                                                                                  Stay in contact
                                                                                   with existing


                                                                             Meet new

         Figure 5: “What do you do with your social networking profile?”,
         Global Average. Source: Universal McCann Social Media Tracker –
         Power to the People
Digital friends                                                                            cont.

           The rise of social platforms has created important new                                                                          our friend networks to include new people and old friends
           channels for peer to peer interaction. Figure 6 and Figure                                                                      we would have previously lost contact with.
           7 show the global response to the statements, “blogging
           is important to socialise with friends” and “I use social                                                                       The global impact is not geographically uniform and there
           networks to meet new people”, which indicate the social                                                                         are large distinctions by country, with fast-growing emerging
           impact of both these platforms. Both are now perceived                                                                          internet markets leading the way, such as the Philippines,
           as important platforms for socialising with friends, pushing                                                                    Mexico and India. In these countries social platforms have
           more of our interactions into the virtual world and expanding                                                                   been enthusiastically embraced among web users, thanks

           Blogging is important to socialise with friends













































































































 % Agree


           Figure 6: Agree with the statement
           “Blogging is important to socialise with friends”

            to a multitude of factors including low cost of entry, less                                                                   in the UK and 24% in the US. These are differences that
            competition from traditional media, a poor legacy of fixed                                                                    reflect broader patterns of adoption of social media and
            line communications and a younger and relatively more                                                                         cultural differences in role of the web in life.
            affluent profile. This is reflected in their enthusiasm for these
            platforms as social channels.                                                                                                 The key factor is that the social web is increasingly adopted
                                                                                                                                          as a core social platform by hundreds of millions of users
            There are also large distinctions in developed internet                                                                       worldwide. This dramatically affects the exposure to channels
            markets, 58% of South Korea web users and 66% in Italy                                                                        of influence and the nature of the social groups we maintain.
            see blogging as a platform for socialising compared to 26%

            Use social networks to meet new people














































































































 % Agree


           Figure 7: Agree with the statement
           “I use social networks to meet new people”
Digital friends cont.
The evolution of the web as a social platform and primary              Interestingly these all rank above SMS or phone calls, which
communication channel has had a dramatic impact on                     shows that PC based internet is for expanding networks,
the scale and nature of our friendship networks. Figure                while mobile is for maintaining current ones.
8 shows the global average number of friends and
personal acquaintances we maintain via different forms of              The nature of friendship is changing from voice to text and
communication including face to face, digital and letters.             written word. This is a significant change in the ability to
                                                                       influence and share opinions as it’s much easier to do in
The amazing truth is that the web has massively expanded               text – communication is more frequent and can include
the size of our social platforms and virtualised a large               additional information like links, videos and photos.
proportion of our daily contact. Today, although we still
maintain an average of 35 friendships face to face, it is
rapidly being equalled by email with an average of 32, social
networks with 30 and Instant Messenger with 29.

        Graeme, USA

                                                                       Average number of contacts via
                                                                       different forms of online communications

                                                       Face to face                                                     35
                                                             Email                                                32
                                                     Social network                                              30
                                                  Instant Messenger                                         28
                                                             Phone                                        26
                                                      Text Message                               21
                                                   My personal blog                    13
                                                         Post/letter              9

                                                                                            Average number of connections maintained
                                                                       0                                                                    60

                                                                       Figure 8: “Approximately how many people do you stay in contact with in
                                                                       your personal life through the following means?”, Global Average

There are interesting regional differences in the nature of                      China – Instant Messenger leads the way as a nation of
friend networks as demonstrated by some of the major                             single children jump on Instant Messenger tools like QQ
internet markets shown in figure 9:                                              to socialise. On average they have 51 friends on Instant
                                                                                 Messenger versus 28 friends face to face – a staggering shift
Brazil – very large friend networks, expanded further online.                    to the virtual.
Brazilian web users are known as vicarious social network
users thanks to an obsession with Orkut. On average they
maintain 51 friendships via social networks.

average number of contacts via
different forms of online communications

Brazil                                       Social network                                                                             51.5
                                          Instant Messenger                                                                         48.5
                                                     Email                                                                       45.3
                                               Face to face                                                           38.2
                                           My personal blog                                         26.2
                                                     Phone                                       24.4
                                              Text Message                            17
                                                 Post/letter             8.6

                                                                                      Average number of connections maintained
                                                               0                                                                               60

CHiNa                                     Instant Messenger                                                                        49
                                                     Phone                                                     33.6
                                                     Email                                                   32.2
                                              Text Message                                                   31.7
                                             Social network                                                  31.3
                                               Face to face                                           27.5
                                           My personal blog                                         26.1
                                                 Post/letter                   12.6

                                                                                      Average number of connections maintained
                                                               0                                                                               60

Figure 9: “approximately how many people do you stay in contact with in
your personal life through the following means?”, key internet markets
Digital friends                                 cont.

India – Email and mobile lead the way as Indians leapfrog                    Japan – Significantly smaller friend networks reflect the
fixed line networks, embracing functional communications                     structure of society, although it one of the most virtualised
platforms over social ones.                                                  with email and social networks leading face to face, but
                                                                             Instant Messenger lags.

Average number of contacts via
different forms of online communications

INDIA                                         Email                                                                                 51.6
                                             Phone                                                                           45.1
                                     Social network                                                                        42.9
                                       Face to face                                                                   42
                                      Text Message                                                          35.5
                                  Instant Messenger                                                     33.2
                                         Post/letter                                      23.8
                                   My personal blog                              17.9

                                                       0                        Average number of connections maintained                   60

JAPAN                                         Email                    8.5
                                      Text Message                 8
                                     Social network                7.4
                                             Phone                7
                                       Face to Face               6.5
                                         Post/Letter             6.3
                                   My personal blog         3.8
                                  Instant Messenger        2.9

                                                                                Average number of connections maintained
                                                       0                                                                                   60

UK – Social networks now equal the number of face-to-face               US – Email just leads face-to-face relationships, but SMS yet
relationships reflecting the massive growth of Facebook.                to catch on.
SMS usage is level with phone calls demonstrating the
popularity of messaging.

Average number of contacts via
different forms of online communications

UK                                    Face to face                                                 30.9
                                    Social network                                                 30.5
                                            Email                                           25.2
                                            Phone                                    21.1
                                     Text Message                                    20.8
                                 Instant Messenger                                  20.1
                                  My personal blog              9.7
                                        Post/letter       7.1

                                                                        Average number of connections maintained
                                                      0                                                             60

USA                                         Email                                    21.1
                                      Face to face                                  20
                                            Phone                            16.9
                                    Social network                           16.6
                                 Instant Messenger                    12.4
                                     Text Message           8.9
                                        Post/letter       7.4
                                  My personal blog        7.1

                                                                        Average number of connections maintained
                                                      0                                                             60
Digital friends                                 cont.

    The impact of virtual networks and digitised friends can        interactions tend to be more formal. Also social networks are
    be seen on our core day to day interactions with partners,      beginning to become important as the boundaries between
    friends, work colleagues and children. There has been           professional and personal continue to disapear.
    a significant shift to virtual communication as shown in
    Figure 10. This is particularly marked within friend networks   The most remarkable trend is the influence of the virtual
    where 79% keep in touch by email, 70% by SMS, 67% by            connection on our most personal of relationships. Nearly
    messenger and 46% by social networks. Interacting with          38% of respondents say they keep in contact with their
    current work colleagues is led by phone and email, where        partner via SMS, 30% via email and 10% via Instant
                                                                    Messenger. All very significant compared to the 55% who

    How do I keep in contact with my friends                        How do I keep in contact with my partner

                                                                                               Social network
     31.1%               45.7%
    My personal        Social network
                                                                                                                   7.2%   Post/letter

       blog                                79.4%                                                   9.8%
                                                                        My personal blog    5.8%
                                                                        Instant Messenger
                                                                                              22%                          Text Message
   66.9%                    39.2%
Instant Messenger           Post/letter
                                                    Phone                                               48.8%
                                                                                                         Phone               54.9%
                                                                                                                           Face to face
                        Text Message

                                            Face to face

    % stay in contact
    Figure 10: “How do you keep in
    contact with the following people”,
    Global Average

    stay in touch with a partner face to face. Staying in touch         amount of interaction is text-based and remote.
    with children is a very similar pattern, remarkably 16% stay        The impacts on the way we interact, communicate and
    in touch by text and 13% by email, which again are very             build our networks are substantial and they have a major
    significant numbers considering just 34% have children and          effect on the way we interface, receive and transmit
    stay in touch face to face.                                         recommendations.

    This is a big shift. Think back 10 years, email was just
    emerging as a business tool, IM and social networks were
    yet to exist and SMS was nowhere. Today an increasing

    How do I keep in contact                                            How do I keep in contact with my children
    with my current work colleagues
                                                       Social network

     Instant Messenger
                         25.7%                           15.1%                         Instant Messenger
                                                                                                              9.6%           34.1%
                                          43%                                         Social network                         Face to face
           8.1%                                                                                                15.8%
                                                                                             2.2%             Text Message
                         44.4%                                                      My personal blog                                        3.7%
My personal blog
                                                       58%                                                                   24.4%           Post/letter
                         Phone                                                                                                 Phone
                                                   Face to face
                                   29.3%                                                                      Email
                                 Text Message

Proliferation of influencer channels
The continuing rise of social media and digitisation of our             wish lists of products, Ebay has consumer ratings of sellers
friend networks has opened up a mass of new influence                   and iTunes has consumer ratings and recommendations.
channels that allow consumers to voice and have their                   This creates an environment where sharing opinions has
opinions heard, both amongst existing networks and more                 never been so easy - a very real change in a very short
importantly among a wider audience. Consumer contribution               space of time.
to the web has become the norm.
                                                                        The result is a situation we can call casual influence, it’s now
The result is that all sites are now incorporating social               incredibly easy to influence other consumers be it via voting
aspects that encourage consumer input and interaction                   buttons or creating favourites lists or even just by purchasing
and there is now a huge number of ways in which to share                a product that will later become a recommendation for
opinions as represented in figure 11. For example all                   another consumer. There are so many tools to do this that
e-commerce sites now have consumer reviews, comments                    we no longer have to really think actively about influencing.
and recommendations; Amazon allows users to compile

Consumer influence channels – mass market age versus social media age

Mass Market Age                                 Social Media Age

     Talk face to face                               Talk face to face              Personal blog             Comments on blogs

         Phone call                                     Phone call               Social network page        Comments on websites
                                                  Talk to a shop worker                Widgets                     Viral emails
  Talk to a shop worker
                                                  Consult a professional          Video sharing site            Auction websites
  Consult a professional
                                                      Readers letters             Photo sharing site                Wish lists
      Readers letters
                                                   Phone in; TV / Radio               Chat rooms             Ratings on retail sites
  Phone in; TV / Radio
                                                            SMS                    Message boards            Reviews on retail sites
                                                            Email                Social Bookmarking          Price comparison sites
                                                    Instant Messenger                 Chat room               Social shopping sites

Figure 11: “Consumer influence channels – mass market age
versus social media age”, Global Average
Hi Alistair,
I’ve found this amazing golf hotel.
I’ll send you details later.
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When Did We Start Trusting Strangers 20080909100434

  • 1. 1 When did we start trusting September 2008 strangers? 29 countries 17,000 internet users How the internet turned us all into influencers © Universal McCann 2008
  • 2.
  • 3. 3 Contents Introduction ➜ No strangers anymore Welcome to the new influence landscape ➜ The rise of social media ➜ Digital friends ➜ Proliferation of influencer channels The impact ➜ The influence economy ➜ The democratisation of influence ➜ The new super influencers
  • 4.
  • 5. 5 Methodology This unique perspective comes from data collected in established from local data sources such as TGI and the third instalment of Universal McCann’s global digital Simmons. They are the audience that matter as they are research programme “Wave”. The research was completed involved in the new influence economy. among 17,000 active internet users in 29 countries – making it one of the most wide reaching investigations into To qualify as a member of the Active Internet Universe the the subject of influence and word of mouth. Respondents respondent needs to be using the Internet everyday or every are provided by the world’s leading online panel companies, other day. They are the audience that matter to current all recruited to strict ESOMAR standards. and future of marketing communications and represent the consumer that are driving the new influence landscape. Every market is representative by age and sex to the 16-54 Active Internet Universe. Quotas and universe sizes were Australia Japan Austria Netherlands Canada Romania Chile Pakistan China Philippines Czech Republic Poland France Russia Germany Spain Greece Switzerland Hong Kong Taiwan Hungary Turkey India UK Italy USA
  • 6. No Strangers Anymore Long before the concept of marketing existed our sources Today the web is driven by its’ users and peoples’ thoughts on of information were limited. What we now tag “Word of everything, including products and brands, personal blogs, to Mouth” was the only source of information outside religion, reviews on price comparison sites and wish lists on Amazon. the monarchy and the state. People’s lives were localised It is now incredibly easy to share opinions and cultivate and the information that impacted on their main decisions. influence, often without even trying. The result has been the Then came newspapers, radio and the television set; mass democratisation of influence. media created exposure to influences beyond the ancient controllers of information. This is a fundamental change in the way we source and share opinions and today anyone can wield influence far However this influence was still professional and top down – beyond their immediate social group. In the old days the the news reader, the columnist and the expert. Mass media conversations we had with our immediate peers generally offered little in terms of consumer recommendation, readers’ stayed inside that network; today opinions and experiences letters in newspapers and magazines or phone-ins on TV and are shared worldwide. Never before have we been exposed radio shows were as far as consumer influence went. to so many opinions and recommendations from so many Peer to peer interactions remained localised and face to face. people - most of whom are complete strangers, without the aura of expertise or celebrity recognition. Then along came the web and a revolution began. In the early days, bulletin boards, chat rooms and home brew The result is an influence economy that is forcing everyone websites allowed those technically in the know to project their in the public realm including the owners of products and thoughts and opinions. More recently social media such as brands to become more transparent, open, conversational blogs, social networks, photo or video sharing sites and wikis and honest. They have to rethink the way that influence is have opened the door to consumer publishing and hundreds distributed and the role of marketing communications. of millions have embraced it.
  • 7. 7 Graham, UK Agnes, France Carlos, Brazil Dmitri, Russia
  • 8. No Strangers Anymore cont. This study demonstrates through a unique global research else is no longer true thanks to social media. We all share project in 29 countries that things have changed forever. In influence today whether we actively mean to or not. the new influencer landscape there are five fundamental changes that every brand and marketer will have to New super influencers rise above the mass: Not all acknowledge. consumer influencers are equal. A new breed of “super influencers” has been created by the tools of the social Anyone can influence anyone: We now trust strangers as media revolution. much as our closest friends. The new influence ecosystem has fundamentally changed Friendship is no longer local or face to face: It’s becoming how we buy products and services: There is a new level distant and virtualised. of transparency and truth that all public institutions, companies and brands have to adhere to. Everybody is an influencer: The power to influence no longer belongs to the experts or “those in the know”. The idea that we live in a simplistic world where there is a small Darren, UK group of “influencers” who dictate the agenda to everyone Yvonne, Switzerland
  • 9. 9 Welcome to the new influence landscape 3 key trends ➜ The rise of social media ➜ Digital friends ➜ Proliferation of influencer channels Scott, USA Michael, Germany Olga, Greece Teresa, Canada Brendan, Hungary
  • 10.
  • 11. 11 The rise of social media From its inception the internet has allowed consumers to These developments combined with the ever falling costs of create content in a manner that was never possible in the computing and broadband have enabled a global revolution age of mass media where TV, radio and press belonged in consumers publishing their content and thinking. to the professionals. The web reduced the barriers to production and opened up the channels of distribution This rise of social media has created hundreds of millions to anyone with a desire to create content or share their of content creators as demonstrated by data from our thoughts and opinions. Global Social Media Tracker in Figure 1. This shows massive growth in a very short period of time and users In the early days it required technical knowledge, experience have gradually moved from passive consumers to active and a substantial investment in computing and the impact creators. Writing blogs has risen from 28% to 44%, creating was limited to the geek community. In the last few years a social network page has grown from 27.3% to 57.5% these barriers have disappeared and consumer content and and uploading a video clip from 10% to 42%. The result opinion has exploded due to the emergence of mass market is billions of thoughts and opinions online and available social media platforms like YouTube, Blogger and MySpace. for anyone to read. Social Media adoption over time (Waves 1 – 3) 90% Read blogs/weblogs 80% Start my own blog/weblog Leave a comment on a blog site 70% Upload my photos to a photo sharing site 60% Upload a video clip to a video sharing site % Ever done 50% Watch video clips online Create a profile on a social network 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Wave 1 Sep 06 Wave 2 Jun 07 Wave 3 Mar 08 Figure 1: “Social Media adoption over time (Waves 1 – 3)” Global Average Source: Universal McCann Social Media Tracker – Power to the People
  • 12. The rise of social media cont. The scale of this revolution is demonstrated by Figures 2 They are also sharing content; 55% are sharing photos, 22% and 3, which show the extent of content that social network are uploading videos and 23% are uploading applications, users and bloggers are uploading. It is clear that social all of which project opinions and endorse brands if included. media has become a platform for directly sharing opinion and thoughts; 34% of social network users are sharing opinions on music, 31% are writing a blog inside their profile and almost 10% have promoted a band. What I do with my social network profile Install applications Favourite / 23.3% Glen, UK currently listened to music 33.6% Promote a band Hugh, Canada 9.8% Upload photos Write a blog 55.1% Upload 30.8% videos 21.9% % added to your social network page Figure 2: “What do you do with your social network profile?” Social Network Users, Global Average. Source: Universal McCann Social Media Tracker – Power to the People
  • 14. The rise of social media cont. Bloggers are also very active in terms of sharing opinions and recommendations; 32% have shared recommended websites, 29% their favourite music and 28% opinions on products and brands. This is a massive volume of opinion that is fuelling the new influence landscape. What do I post on my blog? Upload Opinions on music products and brands Recommended 20% websites 28% 32% Stories from other blogs Videos 23% 24% Favourite/ currently listened Photos to music 50% 29% Widgets 14% % posted to your blog Spyros – Greece Figure 3: “When writing a blog, which of the following do you post?” Blog writers only, Global Average. Source: Universal McCann Social Media Tracker – Power to the People
  • 15. 15 Have you seen the new Universal McCann website? Check it out Federico – Panama
  • 16. Digital friends Since its inception as a closed academic and military and communication is much more frequent and casual. network the web has had a major impact on the way its What is interesting is the extent to which social media is users communicate and the nature of the social networks beginning to rival its more established equivalents, with they maintain. In 2008, 1.5bn people are online and the nearly 58% having joined a network. But more importantly, impact of the internet has spread into the way we interact as Figure 5 shows, these users are communicating in and communicate as a society. new ways, with 66% using them to stay in contact with existing friends, 42% using them to meet new people Figure 4 shows the penetration of different communications and 18% for dating. platforms; email is universally used and instant messenger is adopted by more than 80% of users world-wide. This has This is a fundamental shift and movement towards moved billions of personal interactions into the virtual and virtual communications platform as a way of broadening written word, where it is much easier to spread influence friend networks. How I communicate online Email 99% Instant messenger 81.6% VOIP 51.3% Social network 58% Figure 4: “Thinking about the Internet, which of the following have you done?”, Global Average. Source: Universal McCann Social Media Tracker – Power to the People
  • 17. 17 How I use social networks Stay in contact with existing friends 58% Dating 18.3% Meet new friends 42% Figure 5: “What do you do with your social networking profile?”, Global Average. Source: Universal McCann Social Media Tracker – Power to the People
  • 18. Digital friends cont. The rise of social platforms has created important new our friend networks to include new people and old friends channels for peer to peer interaction. Figure 6 and Figure we would have previously lost contact with. 7 show the global response to the statements, “blogging is important to socialise with friends” and “I use social The global impact is not geographically uniform and there networks to meet new people”, which indicate the social are large distinctions by country, with fast-growing emerging impact of both these platforms. Both are now perceived internet markets leading the way, such as the Philippines, as important platforms for socialising with friends, pushing Mexico and India. In these countries social platforms have more of our interactions into the virtual world and expanding been enthusiastically embraced among web users, thanks Blogging is important to socialise with friends % % % % % .2 .3 .8 % % .8 % .1 % % % % 14 57 % % 30 % % .6 % .2 % % 53 .3 73 .7 % .9 .8 .9 % % .3 % % .9 .4 .4 17 .7 .5 .6 28 42 % 67 .6 46 s 21 % a 27 % .9 % .1 nd 24 nd .5 ng % .2 s re 72 64 39 27 32 48 35 43 .9 ne 36 34 61 60 k y Ko 47 .8 ia 70 la an % lia sia Ko rla ry ar an 65 da pi o an n er ce ria nd ce 25 ga ia 24 y ra st h ic he nm n il ay wa h a ilip ke rm n g a na itz ss ec az pa ee m ki an in st st ex ut un la ly on di ai al et r K i S Sw Ru Pa De Au Au Ge Ro Ita Ph Ch Ca Po Br Ta Cz So Tu Gr Sp Ja In M Fr M N U U H H 100 % Agree 0 Figure 6: Agree with the statement “Blogging is important to socialise with friends”
  • 19. 19 to a multitude of factors including low cost of entry, less in the UK and 24% in the US. These are differences that competition from traditional media, a poor legacy of fixed reflect broader patterns of adoption of social media and line communications and a younger and relatively more cultural differences in role of the web in life. affluent profile. This is reflected in their enthusiasm for these platforms as social channels. The key factor is that the social web is increasingly adopted as a core social platform by hundreds of millions of users There are also large distinctions in developed internet worldwide. This dramatically affects the exposure to channels markets, 58% of South Korea web users and 66% in Italy of influence and the nature of the social groups we maintain. see blogging as a platform for socialising compared to 26% Use social networks to meet new people % % % % % .7 .1 .8 % .7 % .8 % % 58 24 % % % 32 % .2 79 % % .6 % 46 % .5 % .9 % % % % .1 % .3 .5 % .2 % 38 .7 .4 .1 44 .2 46 a .8 42 s % % .6 % 75 .8 .7 44 27 nd re s 25 nd ng .8 73 % .2 32 33 39 58 46 % 48 ne .2 24 27 63 37 69 Ko k y ia 75 .3 la sia Ko 42 rla .8 an ar an ry lia pi 52 da o an ce er ce ria nd n ia 29 h ic 28 he n nm ga h a y ay il ilip st ra wa rm g a na itz n ss ke ec in az pa ee ut m an st ex la on di ly ki ai al un st et S Ch Ph Sw Ru De Au i So Ge Ro Ca Br Po r Cz K Ita Gr Ja Ta M Pa In Fr Sp M Au Tu N U H U H 100 % Agree 0 Figure 7: Agree with the statement “I use social networks to meet new people”
  • 20. Digital friends cont. The evolution of the web as a social platform and primary Interestingly these all rank above SMS or phone calls, which communication channel has had a dramatic impact on shows that PC based internet is for expanding networks, the scale and nature of our friendship networks. Figure while mobile is for maintaining current ones. 8 shows the global average number of friends and personal acquaintances we maintain via different forms of The nature of friendship is changing from voice to text and communication including face to face, digital and letters. written word. This is a significant change in the ability to influence and share opinions as it’s much easier to do in The amazing truth is that the web has massively expanded text – communication is more frequent and can include the size of our social platforms and virtualised a large additional information like links, videos and photos. proportion of our daily contact. Today, although we still maintain an average of 35 friendships face to face, it is rapidly being equalled by email with an average of 32, social networks with 30 and Instant Messenger with 29. Graeme, USA Average number of contacts via different forms of online communications Face to face 35 Email 32 Social network 30 Instant Messenger 28 Phone 26 Text Message 21 My personal blog 13 Post/letter 9 Average number of connections maintained 0 60 Figure 8: “Approximately how many people do you stay in contact with in your personal life through the following means?”, Global Average
  • 21. 21 There are interesting regional differences in the nature of China – Instant Messenger leads the way as a nation of friend networks as demonstrated by some of the major single children jump on Instant Messenger tools like QQ internet markets shown in figure 9: to socialise. On average they have 51 friends on Instant Messenger versus 28 friends face to face – a staggering shift Brazil – very large friend networks, expanded further online. to the virtual. Brazilian web users are known as vicarious social network users thanks to an obsession with Orkut. On average they maintain 51 friendships via social networks. average number of contacts via different forms of online communications Brazil Social network 51.5 Instant Messenger 48.5 Email 45.3 Face to face 38.2 My personal blog 26.2 Phone 24.4 Text Message 17 Post/letter 8.6 Average number of connections maintained 0 60 CHiNa Instant Messenger 49 Phone 33.6 Email 32.2 Text Message 31.7 Social network 31.3 Face to face 27.5 My personal blog 26.1 Post/letter 12.6 Average number of connections maintained 0 60 Figure 9: “approximately how many people do you stay in contact with in your personal life through the following means?”, key internet markets
  • 22. Digital friends cont. India – Email and mobile lead the way as Indians leapfrog Japan – Significantly smaller friend networks reflect the fixed line networks, embracing functional communications structure of society, although it one of the most virtualised platforms over social ones. with email and social networks leading face to face, but Instant Messenger lags. Average number of contacts via different forms of online communications INDIA Email 51.6 Phone 45.1 Social network 42.9 Face to face 42 Text Message 35.5 Instant Messenger 33.2 Post/letter 23.8 My personal blog 17.9 0 Average number of connections maintained 60 JAPAN Email 8.5 Text Message 8 Social network 7.4 Phone 7 Face to Face 6.5 Post/Letter 6.3 My personal blog 3.8 Instant Messenger 2.9 Average number of connections maintained 0 60
  • 23. 23 UK – Social networks now equal the number of face-to-face US – Email just leads face-to-face relationships, but SMS yet relationships reflecting the massive growth of Facebook. to catch on. SMS usage is level with phone calls demonstrating the popularity of messaging. Average number of contacts via different forms of online communications UK Face to face 30.9 Social network 30.5 Email 25.2 Phone 21.1 Text Message 20.8 Instant Messenger 20.1 My personal blog 9.7 Post/letter 7.1 Average number of connections maintained 0 60 USA Email 21.1 Face to face 20 Phone 16.9 Social network 16.6 Instant Messenger 12.4 Text Message 8.9 Post/letter 7.4 My personal blog 7.1 Average number of connections maintained 0 60
  • 24. Digital friends cont. The impact of virtual networks and digitised friends can interactions tend to be more formal. Also social networks are be seen on our core day to day interactions with partners, beginning to become important as the boundaries between friends, work colleagues and children. There has been professional and personal continue to disapear. a significant shift to virtual communication as shown in Figure 10. This is particularly marked within friend networks The most remarkable trend is the influence of the virtual where 79% keep in touch by email, 70% by SMS, 67% by connection on our most personal of relationships. Nearly messenger and 46% by social networks. Interacting with 38% of respondents say they keep in contact with their current work colleagues is led by phone and email, where partner via SMS, 30% via email and 10% via Instant Messenger. All very significant compared to the 55% who How do I keep in contact with my friends How do I keep in contact with my partner Social network 31.1% 45.7% My personal Social network 7.2% Post/letter blog 79.4% 9.8% Email My personal blog 5.8% 30.1% Email 37.9% Instant Messenger 22% Text Message 66.9% 39.2% Instant Messenger Post/letter 82.4% Phone 48.8% Phone 54.9% Face to face 70.1% Text Message 86.3% Face to face % stay in contact Figure 10: “How do you keep in contact with the following people”, Global Average
  • 25. 25 stay in touch with a partner face to face. Staying in touch amount of interaction is text-based and remote. with children is a very similar pattern, remarkably 16% stay The impacts on the way we interact, communicate and in touch by text and 13% by email, which again are very build our networks are substantial and they have a major significant numbers considering just 34% have children and effect on the way we interface, receive and transmit stay in touch face to face. recommendations. This is a big shift. Think back 10 years, email was just emerging as a business tool, IM and social networks were yet to exist and SMS was nowhere. Today an increasing How do I keep in contact How do I keep in contact with my children with my current work colleagues Social network Instant Messenger 25.7% 15.1% Instant Messenger 9.6% 34.1% 43% Social network Face to face 3.4% Email 8.1% 15.8% 2.2% Text Message 44.4% My personal blog 3.7% My personal blog 58% 24.4% Post/letter Phone Phone Face to face 13% 29.3% Email Text Message 8.1% Post/letter
  • 26. Proliferation of influencer channels The continuing rise of social media and digitisation of our wish lists of products, Ebay has consumer ratings of sellers friend networks has opened up a mass of new influence and iTunes has consumer ratings and recommendations. channels that allow consumers to voice and have their This creates an environment where sharing opinions has opinions heard, both amongst existing networks and more never been so easy - a very real change in a very short importantly among a wider audience. Consumer contribution space of time. to the web has become the norm. The result is a situation we can call casual influence, it’s now The result is that all sites are now incorporating social incredibly easy to influence other consumers be it via voting aspects that encourage consumer input and interaction buttons or creating favourites lists or even just by purchasing and there is now a huge number of ways in which to share a product that will later become a recommendation for opinions as represented in figure 11. For example all another consumer. There are so many tools to do this that e-commerce sites now have consumer reviews, comments we no longer have to really think actively about influencing. and recommendations; Amazon allows users to compile Consumer influence channels – mass market age versus social media age Mass Market Age Social Media Age Talk face to face Talk face to face Personal blog Comments on blogs Phone call Phone call Social network page Comments on websites Talk to a shop worker Widgets Viral emails Talk to a shop worker Consult a professional Video sharing site Auction websites Consult a professional Readers letters Photo sharing site Wish lists Readers letters Phone in; TV / Radio Chat rooms Ratings on retail sites Phone in; TV / Radio SMS Message boards Reviews on retail sites Email Social Bookmarking Price comparison sites Instant Messenger Chat room Social shopping sites Figure 11: “Consumer influence channels – mass market age versus social media age”, Global Average
  • 27. 27
  • 28. Hi Alistair, I’ve found this amazing golf hotel. I’ll send you details later.