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Ref. No.: PR/EA/Sept/15/159

             15 September 2010, Wednesday
                                   Today’s Word
        “But be doers of the word, and not
       hearers only, deceiving yourselves”
                                      (James 1:22)

                                     Today’s Message
             “Remember those . . . who have spoken the Word of God to you, whose
                                  faith follow.” (Hebrews 13:7)

           I   saac Hann was a little-known pastor who served a small church in Loughwood,
               England, in the mid-18th century. At the close of his ministry, the membership of the
        church numbered 26 women and 7 men. And only 4 of the men attended with any
           In this age of mass media and mega-churches, who would consider this a successful
        work? In our world today, Isaac Hann would be considered one of those pastors who
        never quite ―made it.‖ He certainly wouldn’t have been invited to speak at pastors’
        conferences, nor would he have written articles on church growth.
           Yet, when he died at 88 his parishioners placed a plaque on the wall of their meeting
        house that remains to this day. It reads in part:
           Few ministers so humble were, yet few so much admired: Ripened for heaven by grace
        divine, like autumn fruit he fell;
           Reader think not to live so long, but seek to live as well.
           First Peter 5:5-6 comes to mind: ―God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.
         WELL Fortified Intercessors Army                     15 September 2010, Wednesday
         Send Your Prayer Requests Via:                            Year of God’s Glory
         PRAYER TOWER (24Hrs): +91 90156 86593.
Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in
due time.‖ Reverend Isaac Hann ―made it big‖ in a way that matters—humility before God
and a reward in heaven. We can too.

    True greatness does not come to those
           Who strive for worldly fame,
     It lies instead with those who choose
             To serve in Jesus’ name.
          Humility is the recipe for success.
   To begin our prayer time together, we ask you to repeat this prayer with us each day...

“O gracious and heavenly Father, in name of Jesus Christ I pray for Pastor Avinash
and Rajiv and every member of their families and the entire staff of Well Fortified
Intercessors Army and Living God Group and their families. Lord keeps them safe
from all the evil powers and no harm should come to them and every one who are
working in the ministry. Lord Jesus guides each step and shows the right path on
which they will take. Dear Father God you have called them to do your will. Protect
them and guide them in whatever they do. I pray shower your blessings on them so
that they will be able to fulfill the work of our Lord Jesus Christ. Father God give
them strength and power and health. My heavenly Father keeps them away from all
kinds of dangers and gives them shelter under your wings. In the name of the Lord
Jesus Christ, I command a hedge of protection to be around their home and property
today and I ask that warrior angels sent by the you true Father God would be placed
to stand guard at any holes that might be in that hedge. I place the full armors of God
on them, and I ask that the light of the Lord Jesus shine through them this day. In
the name of Jesus I ask-Amen”

Pray specifically today for people you know who need to know the saving and healing power
of Jesus Christ in their lives. Many people are suffering – spiritually, emotionally, and
physically – let us stand before our Mighty God today on their behalf!

Pray for the partners and supporter of Living God Group and Well Fortified Intercessors

―Heavenly Father I pray the blood of Jesus over all the partners and supporters of
Living God Group and Well Fortified Intercessors Army as a covering and hedge
of protection against the wiles of the enemy and I pray for your blessing and favor to
be upon them. I ask in Jesus name that you Father God would supply streams of
resources so that Pastor Avinash and Rajiv will be able to accomplish all that you
have called them to do.‖

 WELL Fortified Intercessors Army                     15 September 2010, Wednesday
 Send Your Prayer Requests Via:                            Year of God’s Glory
 PRAYER TOWER (24Hrs): +91 90156 86593.
WFIA Health Tip of The Day
          Allergies: Causes and Solutions
   W         hat we know about Allergies? Generally very low about what is it & how we can
             prevent our self from this. An allergy is a hyperactive response of the immune
system to certain substances that are "foreign" to human bodies. These substances are
called "allergens", and they can be due to many reasons from food and pollen to dust and
        Allergies are something we obtain all over life, and some people are more prone in
comparison with others.
        Now we all know where the issue is & Whats the Solutions? Here we comes -
It is seen that in different people the types of allergies is different. In some people mild
allergies like hay fever are highly prevalent and cause symptoms like allergic conjunctivitis,
itchiness, and runny nose. If one is suffering from asthma, allergies can play a major role
in that condition. Stern allergies to environmental or dietetic allergens or to medication
may result in life-threatening anaphylactic reactions and potentially death, in some people.
A variety of tests now exist to analyze allergic conditions; these include testing the skin for
responses to known allergens or analyzing the blood for the presence and levels of
allergen-specific IgE. There are many treatments given for allergies contain use of anti-
histamines, steroids or other oral medications, allergen avoidance, immunotherapy to
desensitize the reaction to allergen, and targeted therapy. The medical field concerned
with allergies is allergology.
Types of allergies:
 For different people allergies may be of different types. Here are some examples of different
 types of allergies:
   1. Hay fever (allergic rhinitis): It is an allergy, which results in irritation or inflammation of the
   delicate linings of the nose or sometimes eyes also. Most hay fever is seasonal and
   symptoms tend to occur when pollen or other airborne particles are at high levels. People
   who develop hay fever are allergic too. It is very easy to recognize:
        a. Mold Spores
        b. Dust Particles
        c. Pollens
        d. Grasses
        e. Pet Dander
    Sometimes it is seen that hay fever tends to be passed on through families. If you have
    allergies in your family, there is an increased chance you will also get hay fever.

  Stay fit, keep praying and be blessed in our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.
 WELL Fortified Intercessors Army                            15 September 2010, Wednesday
 Send Your Prayer Requests Via:                                   Year of God’s Glory
 PRAYER TOWER (24Hrs): +91 90156 86593.
Critical Life-and-Death Needs: 15 September 2010
Please pray for the critical prayer needs. Ask God to perform miracles in response to each

1. Neelam, Delhi-Dengue
2. Amit, Delhi-Fever
3. Morris Massey, Delhi-Brain swelling
4. Binoo, Delhi-Healing
5. Rohit, Delhi-Exams
6. Charles, Delhi-Deliverance
7. Meenu, Delhi-Healing
8. Patricia Joseph, Delhi-Exams
9. Sharlin Joseph, Delhi-Job
10. Sherence Joseph, Delhi-Job
11. Morris Joseph, Delhi-Studies and Job
12. Sonia, Delhi-Dengue
13. Daman’s cousin, Delhi-Severe Dengue
14. Manju, Delhi-In ICU on ventilator, pneumonia and lungs problem
15. Deepti, Delhi-Fever and cold
16. Salomi, Delhi-Ulcer
17. Edvin, Delhi-Lever Problem
18. 8 month old Girl-Brain growing outside the head. Healing
19. Saba (9yrs. old), Delhi-Brain Tumor
20. Ann–mental; bipolar
21. Juanita–son: cancer; deliverance
22. Deepak Gola, Delhi-Boils
23. Naseem, Pune-Fever and throat infection
24. Ritika, Delhi-Healing
25. Phool Chand, Delhi- Fever and throat infection
26. Robert, Florida–kidney failure
27. Vinson, Florida –kidney failure
28. Sylvia, India–deliverance
29. Jenny, New York–mental issues
30. Wen, Florida –critical: hospice called in
31. Carlos–high blood pressure
32. Dorian–life threatening sickness
33. Lorraine, California–kidney disease; diabetes
34. Michael, Texas–lung failure
35. James–congestive heart failure; lump on neck
36. Jennifer–cancer
37. Beina, California–mental issues
38. Virginia, Texas–cancer
39. Martha, New York–high blood pressure
40. Kelly–stage 4 cancer and spreading
41. Ruth, New York–eye infection; salvation
42. Janessa, New Jersey–fall at playground: brain damage
43. Jesse, California–hepatitis c; salvation
44. Sue–son: bipolar; insurance has lapsed

 WELL Fortified Intercessors Army                     15 September 2010, Wednesday
 Send Your Prayer Requests Via:                            Year of God’s Glory
 PRAYER TOWER (24Hrs): +91 90156 86593.
45. Cynthia–lump on breast
46. Grace Children Home, India (Orissa)-In this home there are 35 children, Plz pray for
    their daily needs (Food, school etc.), Need new building to shift
47. Ashish Das- New Delhi-Deliverance from liquor and he is violent
48. Lata, New Delhi-Tumor in Thies, swelling in liver, Allergy, Breathing Problem, Salvation
49. Sunemi Mishal, Orissa-Very critical condition, no hope of life.
50. Vineet, Uttrakhand-Electric shock, healing
51. Shefali, Delhi- After delivery her nerves are blocked.
52. Kapil Kumar, Delhi –Healing, for his family (deliverance, salvation)
53. Kuldeep Singh Sahni, Delhi- Mouth cancer, health restoration. (Urgent)
54. LGG, India - Pray for our ―LIFE SAVERS‖ project.
55. LGG & WFIA, India-Pray for our mission, vision, and new projects.

                          PRAYER MATRIX FOR THIS WEEK*
                      (13 September 2010 to 19 September 2010)
                     Pray daily for these precious people of God
                 1. Ps. Jim Joy             2. Ps. N. K. Massey
                 3. Deepti                  4. Radhika
                 5. Sheela                  6. Meenu

           Pray daily for these precious harvest fields of God in India
               1. Panji                   2. Goa
               3. Imphal                  4. Silvassa
               5. Lakshadeep              6. Uttar Pradesh
 * Whenever you ―Fast & Pray‖ please remember these precious people and fields of God.

…The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few; Pray ye therefore the
Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth laborers into his harvest. (Matthew 9:37-
Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body,
and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling… (Ephesians 4:3-4)
For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. (Luke 19:10)
In the name of Jesus and in agreement with the Word, I command sickness to go. I
command disease and bondage to go in Jesus mighty name. Father, by the power of the
Holy Spirit, I pray that the anointing for healing will be released right now in Jesus’ name
and that from this moment on healing, restoration and health will come to these peoples
listed above. This I pray in Jesus wonderful and glorious name. Amen.

  “Door of salvation is open; don’t miss this gracious opportunity from
                   heaven through Jesus Christ. – Rajiv

 Well Fortified Intercessors Army                        15 September 2010, Wednesday
 Send Your Prayer Requests Via:                               Year of God’s Glory
 PRAYER TOWER (24Hrs): +91 90156 86593.

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WFIA, prayer for 15 september 2010

  • 1. Ref. No.: PR/EA/Sept/15/159 15 September 2010, Wednesday Today’s Word “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves” (James 1:22) Today’s Message THE LIFE THAT MATTERS “Remember those . . . who have spoken the Word of God to you, whose faith follow.” (Hebrews 13:7) I saac Hann was a little-known pastor who served a small church in Loughwood, England, in the mid-18th century. At the close of his ministry, the membership of the church numbered 26 women and 7 men. And only 4 of the men attended with any regularity. In this age of mass media and mega-churches, who would consider this a successful work? In our world today, Isaac Hann would be considered one of those pastors who never quite ―made it.‖ He certainly wouldn’t have been invited to speak at pastors’ conferences, nor would he have written articles on church growth. Yet, when he died at 88 his parishioners placed a plaque on the wall of their meeting house that remains to this day. It reads in part: Few ministers so humble were, yet few so much admired: Ripened for heaven by grace divine, like autumn fruit he fell; Reader think not to live so long, but seek to live as well. First Peter 5:5-6 comes to mind: ―God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. WELL Fortified Intercessors Army 15 September 2010, Wednesday Send Your Prayer Requests Via: Year of God’s Glory E-mail: Website: PRAYER TOWER (24Hrs): +91 90156 86593.
  • 2. Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time.‖ Reverend Isaac Hann ―made it big‖ in a way that matters—humility before God and a reward in heaven. We can too. True greatness does not come to those Who strive for worldly fame, It lies instead with those who choose To serve in Jesus’ name. Humility is the recipe for success. To begin our prayer time together, we ask you to repeat this prayer with us each day... “O gracious and heavenly Father, in name of Jesus Christ I pray for Pastor Avinash and Rajiv and every member of their families and the entire staff of Well Fortified Intercessors Army and Living God Group and their families. Lord keeps them safe from all the evil powers and no harm should come to them and every one who are working in the ministry. Lord Jesus guides each step and shows the right path on which they will take. Dear Father God you have called them to do your will. Protect them and guide them in whatever they do. I pray shower your blessings on them so that they will be able to fulfill the work of our Lord Jesus Christ. Father God give them strength and power and health. My heavenly Father keeps them away from all kinds of dangers and gives them shelter under your wings. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I command a hedge of protection to be around their home and property today and I ask that warrior angels sent by the you true Father God would be placed to stand guard at any holes that might be in that hedge. I place the full armors of God on them, and I ask that the light of the Lord Jesus shine through them this day. In the name of Jesus I ask-Amen” Pray specifically today for people you know who need to know the saving and healing power of Jesus Christ in their lives. Many people are suffering – spiritually, emotionally, and physically – let us stand before our Mighty God today on their behalf! Pray for the partners and supporter of Living God Group and Well Fortified Intercessors Army: ―Heavenly Father I pray the blood of Jesus over all the partners and supporters of Living God Group and Well Fortified Intercessors Army as a covering and hedge of protection against the wiles of the enemy and I pray for your blessing and favor to be upon them. I ask in Jesus name that you Father God would supply streams of resources so that Pastor Avinash and Rajiv will be able to accomplish all that you have called them to do.‖ WELL Fortified Intercessors Army 15 September 2010, Wednesday Send Your Prayer Requests Via: Year of God’s Glory E-mail: Website: PRAYER TOWER (24Hrs): +91 90156 86593.
  • 3. WFIA Health Tip of The Day Allergies Allergies: Causes and Solutions W hat we know about Allergies? Generally very low about what is it & how we can prevent our self from this. An allergy is a hyperactive response of the immune system to certain substances that are "foreign" to human bodies. These substances are called "allergens", and they can be due to many reasons from food and pollen to dust and drugs. Allergies are something we obtain all over life, and some people are more prone in comparison with others. Now we all know where the issue is & Whats the Solutions? Here we comes - It is seen that in different people the types of allergies is different. In some people mild allergies like hay fever are highly prevalent and cause symptoms like allergic conjunctivitis, itchiness, and runny nose. If one is suffering from asthma, allergies can play a major role in that condition. Stern allergies to environmental or dietetic allergens or to medication may result in life-threatening anaphylactic reactions and potentially death, in some people. A variety of tests now exist to analyze allergic conditions; these include testing the skin for responses to known allergens or analyzing the blood for the presence and levels of allergen-specific IgE. There are many treatments given for allergies contain use of anti- histamines, steroids or other oral medications, allergen avoidance, immunotherapy to desensitize the reaction to allergen, and targeted therapy. The medical field concerned with allergies is allergology. Types of allergies: For different people allergies may be of different types. Here are some examples of different types of allergies: 1. Hay fever (allergic rhinitis): It is an allergy, which results in irritation or inflammation of the delicate linings of the nose or sometimes eyes also. Most hay fever is seasonal and symptoms tend to occur when pollen or other airborne particles are at high levels. People who develop hay fever are allergic too. It is very easy to recognize: a. Mold Spores b. Dust Particles c. Pollens d. Grasses e. Pet Dander Sometimes it is seen that hay fever tends to be passed on through families. If you have allergies in your family, there is an increased chance you will also get hay fever. …Contd. Stay fit, keep praying and be blessed in our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. WELL Fortified Intercessors Army 15 September 2010, Wednesday Send Your Prayer Requests Via: Year of God’s Glory E-mail: Website: PRAYER TOWER (24Hrs): +91 90156 86593.
  • 4. Critical Life-and-Death Needs: 15 September 2010 Please pray for the critical prayer needs. Ask God to perform miracles in response to each Request: 1. Neelam, Delhi-Dengue 2. Amit, Delhi-Fever 3. Morris Massey, Delhi-Brain swelling 4. Binoo, Delhi-Healing 5. Rohit, Delhi-Exams 6. Charles, Delhi-Deliverance 7. Meenu, Delhi-Healing 8. Patricia Joseph, Delhi-Exams 9. Sharlin Joseph, Delhi-Job 10. Sherence Joseph, Delhi-Job 11. Morris Joseph, Delhi-Studies and Job 12. Sonia, Delhi-Dengue 13. Daman’s cousin, Delhi-Severe Dengue 14. Manju, Delhi-In ICU on ventilator, pneumonia and lungs problem 15. Deepti, Delhi-Fever and cold 16. Salomi, Delhi-Ulcer 17. Edvin, Delhi-Lever Problem 18. 8 month old Girl-Brain growing outside the head. Healing 19. Saba (9yrs. old), Delhi-Brain Tumor 20. Ann–mental; bipolar 21. Juanita–son: cancer; deliverance 22. Deepak Gola, Delhi-Boils 23. Naseem, Pune-Fever and throat infection 24. Ritika, Delhi-Healing 25. Phool Chand, Delhi- Fever and throat infection 26. Robert, Florida–kidney failure 27. Vinson, Florida –kidney failure 28. Sylvia, India–deliverance 29. Jenny, New York–mental issues 30. Wen, Florida –critical: hospice called in 31. Carlos–high blood pressure 32. Dorian–life threatening sickness 33. Lorraine, California–kidney disease; diabetes 34. Michael, Texas–lung failure 35. James–congestive heart failure; lump on neck 36. Jennifer–cancer 37. Beina, California–mental issues 38. Virginia, Texas–cancer 39. Martha, New York–high blood pressure 40. Kelly–stage 4 cancer and spreading 41. Ruth, New York–eye infection; salvation 42. Janessa, New Jersey–fall at playground: brain damage 43. Jesse, California–hepatitis c; salvation 44. Sue–son: bipolar; insurance has lapsed WELL Fortified Intercessors Army 15 September 2010, Wednesday Send Your Prayer Requests Via: Year of God’s Glory E-mail: Website: PRAYER TOWER (24Hrs): +91 90156 86593.
  • 5. 45. Cynthia–lump on breast 46. Grace Children Home, India (Orissa)-In this home there are 35 children, Plz pray for their daily needs (Food, school etc.), Need new building to shift 47. Ashish Das- New Delhi-Deliverance from liquor and he is violent 48. Lata, New Delhi-Tumor in Thies, swelling in liver, Allergy, Breathing Problem, Salvation 49. Sunemi Mishal, Orissa-Very critical condition, no hope of life. 50. Vineet, Uttrakhand-Electric shock, healing 51. Shefali, Delhi- After delivery her nerves are blocked. 52. Kapil Kumar, Delhi –Healing, for his family (deliverance, salvation) 53. Kuldeep Singh Sahni, Delhi- Mouth cancer, health restoration. (Urgent) 54. LGG, India - Pray for our ―LIFE SAVERS‖ project. 55. LGG & WFIA, India-Pray for our mission, vision, and new projects. PRAYER MATRIX FOR THIS WEEK* (13 September 2010 to 19 September 2010) Pray daily for these precious people of God 1. Ps. Jim Joy 2. Ps. N. K. Massey 3. Deepti 4. Radhika 5. Sheela 6. Meenu Pray daily for these precious harvest fields of God in India 1. Panji 2. Goa 3. Imphal 4. Silvassa 5. Lakshadeep 6. Uttar Pradesh * Whenever you ―Fast & Pray‖ please remember these precious people and fields of God. …The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth laborers into his harvest. (Matthew 9:37- 38) Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling… (Ephesians 4:3-4) For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. (Luke 19:10) In the name of Jesus and in agreement with the Word, I command sickness to go. I command disease and bondage to go in Jesus mighty name. Father, by the power of the Holy Spirit, I pray that the anointing for healing will be released right now in Jesus’ name and that from this moment on healing, restoration and health will come to these peoples listed above. This I pray in Jesus wonderful and glorious name. Amen. “Door of salvation is open; don’t miss this gracious opportunity from heaven through Jesus Christ. – Rajiv For WFIA Rajiv Well Fortified Intercessors Army 15 September 2010, Wednesday Send Your Prayer Requests Via: Year of God’s Glory E-mail: Website: PRAYER TOWER (24Hrs): +91 90156 86593.