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Weight Loss 
Weight LossWeight Loss11 top factors to shed weightEco-Atkins Diet Program (vegan)4 workouts to 
blast cellulite10 approaches to burn more caloriesEating small & frequently can NOT boost 
metabolismFasting – is it sustainable long-term?7 weight-loss myths disproved!3 
additional approaches to burn up fatAlkaline diet program review5 sensible diet plan tips Sat, 06 Dec 2014 08:11:19 +1100 FeedCreator 1.8.3 
(obRSS 1.9) 
Struggling to lose weight? Here are usually 11 reasons to drop a new dress size. 
The professionals involving weight reduction extend far beyond getting in a new situation to flaunt 
the new try skin-tight jeans. Think: 
Glowing skin 
Relief coming from arthritis 
Improved moods 
Better memory
Improved sleeping patterns 
Decreased risk of sort two diabetes 
Lower likelihood of dementia 
Depression prevention 
Improved breathing 
Lower cholesterol levels 
Increased libido 
The cons? you might will require to go shopping pertaining to some fabulous new clothes to 
accommodate your current smaller frame. 
NEXT: 15 ways to burn off a lot more fat>> 
Administrator Wed, 19 Nov 2014 14:12:47 +1100 
Looking pertaining to vegan diet plans? The Particular high-fibre Eco-Atkins diet could help boost 
weight loss along with curb coronary heart disease. 
A vegan take on the low-carbohydrate Atkins diet could induce weight-loss along with curb heart 
disease by as a lot as 10% per decade simply by lowering negative cholesterol LDL, suggests study 
revealed throughout British Health-related Journal Open. 
It sideswipes criticisms levelled at the copious animal protein throughout regular low-carb diets, 
which can raise cholesterol. participants inside a six-month study lost a couple of much more kilos 
on the high-fibre Eco-Atkins when in comparison for you to a cohort on the high-carb low-fat diet. 
Keen for you to try? 
Aim pertaining to 26% carbohydrates, 31% proteins and 43% fat (primarily vegetable oils). 
Carbs: oats, barley, low-starch vegies (okra, eggplant) 
Protein: soy, nuts, cereals (think quinoa)
Fats: nuts, vegetable oils, soy products, avocado 
Administrator Wed, 05 Nov 2014 10:45:38 +1100 
Learn how to lessen the look of cellulite in your thighs as well as butt in time regarding summer. 
Here tend to be 4 residence workouts that you tend to be in the position to do correct now. 
Image: Nikki Fogden-Moore 
Did anyone know, based on any research inside the Journal regarding cosmetic as well as Laser 
Therapy, almost 85% of females more than your ages of twenty get cellulite? (And yet, only ten per 
cent involving men are inclined to cellulite). However, just since it's common, that doesn't help to 
make us crazy about wearing swimmers along with dimply thighs in show. The Actual answer to 
getting rid of cellulite would be to lower fat deposits. 
1. Stair climbing 
If you're stuck at the particular office and do not get time along with power to find for the gym, 
consider good factor about the actual office staircase. Sure, you'll appear any bit strange to begin 
with, yet simply by upping your current movement around the stairs you'll immediately target places 
susceptible to be able to cellulite. Just strolling up and down stairs uses up at least ten calories one
minute according for the National Wellness Institute. 
Model: Angela Jackson 
Image: the Picture Box Cairns 
2. Squats 
Squats not merely burn off calories, additionally they produce muscle. Through performing squats 
an individual will still work just about all in the leg muscles, such as the quadriceps, hamstrings 
reducing leg muscles. 
You may add dumbbells to become able to conventional squats in order to intensify this exercise 
Start simply by standing together along with your feet shoulder-width apart. hold dumbbells 
(optional) down simply by your current sides, palms facing in. Maintaining your current back 
straight, bend in the knees along with hips as if you're sitting down. Don't permit the knees transfer 
forward more than the toes, then return. 
Perform 1-3 groups of 8-15 repetitions, depending on your own own fitness level.
Model: Hayley Roper 
Image: Matthew Parkes 
3. Lunges 
Both walking and stationary lunges goal all the lower-body muscles. 
Start by simply taking one significant leap forward along with reduce your physique thus each of 
your knees form 90-degree angles, keeping your front knee more than the particular ankle. Return 
for the starting position. 
Aim regarding 8-12 reps about each leg. 
Model: Valeria Ramirez 
Image: Blake Pearl 
4. Surfer burpee 
A surfer burpee will not simply challenge a person physically, and frequently will additionally 
improve mobility within your hips and also back. 
Bend more than as well as squat down and put the hands on the floorboards before you, just outside 
of one's feet. 
Jump both feet again to some plank position. 
Drop to a push-up—your chest must touch the actual floor. You can also drop for your knees 
here to make it easier if required. 
Push up to go back into a plank position while jumping feet for your left facet (pictured), looking to 
territory on your mat standing facet on, such as you'd on the surfboard. 
Don’t be concerned if you terrain off your mat, your current challenge is simply in order to 
ultimately find there. Simply keep practising! 
Jump back again into a plank position and repeat upon one other side. 
Repeat pertaining to 10-15 reps in every side. 
NEXT: 5 easy residence workouts (video)
Administrator Mon, 25 Aug 2014 17:38:06 +1000 
Want to end up being able to burn much more calories? Here are generally ten simple weight-loss 
suggestions to try today! 
1. eat a healthy breakfast 
Research exhibits in which individuals who eat breakfast tend to be more likely to end up being able 
to conserve a healthy excess weight as compared to those who skip it.
2. Monitor part sizes 
Even overshooting slightly at each along with every and also every meal may add up to a new hefty 
calorie excessive over weeks as well as weeks – and it’s easier to skip half the spud 
compared to make an effort to claw back a new handful of kilos.
3. choose smarter snacks (they can be scrummy) 
For instance, swap a new blueberry muffin for just two slices associated with lightly buttered thin 
raisin toast. you’ll conserve about 800 kJ.
4. Acquire imaginative with convenience foods 
Need something hot along with saucy? Alternatively of the sticky date, attempt porridge along with 
reduced body fat milk along with fruit.
5. Beware substantial calorie bevs 
While you will hardly spot the distinction in between hot chocolate with read as well as complete 
cream milk, the former will spare anyone approximately 800 kJ. Each And Also Every teaspoon 
involving sugar you skip saves another 70-odd kJs. Furthermore consider having 1 
‘luxe’ hot consume each day as well as trading coffee a couple of along with three with 
regard to herbal or even black tea. That They have almost zero kJs.
6. Give desserts any dressing down 
As with almost all the pudding, you can nevertheless get crucial elements regarding favourite treats 
without tipping the particular scales. Rather regarding apple crumble, try a baked apple along with 
reduced excess fat custard – and maybe the dash involving cinnamon.
7. Help To Make exercise easy 
Find the stack associated with free involving charge workouts spanning cardio, power and also 
resistance, intervals along with yoga right here on our website! 
8. Keep a meals diary 
Become a lot more mindful of your eating and workout routine.
9. get an accountability partner 
Sticking for your strategy (when you’re miserable and feel as if you deserve your added half 
spud, dammit) can be as simple as having a buddy or perhaps relative you in simply no way know 
what you’re doing. Even should you don’t text or perhaps call them when 
you’re struggling, just knowing you’ll must record inside are in a position in order to 
keep an individual honest. 
10. Prize your own wins 
If you do maintain your weight on an even keel over winter – as well as we just about all know 
you may – treat your self to items you adore like a massage, manicure or perhaps long bath. 
Just help to make positive your current gift-to-self isn’t choccies! 
Adapted through guidelines from your Dietitians Association of Australia. 
Administrator Wed, 06 Aug 2014 16:37:43 +1000 
Eating multiple mini meals will not boost metabolic process or even market weight loss, research 
shown towards the Society with regard to Endicrinology shows.
When 24 lean as well as obese women were given a pair of meals or even 5 meals comprising equal 
calories, power expenditure more than twenty four hours ended up being comparable. 
It’s another nail inside the coffin regarding consuming regimes promising to trick the 
particular system. Simply No fancy scheme could cancel the basic fact involving excess weight loss, 
researchers said: calories inside less than calories out. Simples. 
NEXT: 20 ways remain diet strong>> 
Administrator Wed, 30 Jul 2014 16:17:40 +1000 
A diet plan approach demanding in which adherents go weeks without having meals helps help make 
the 5:2 diet plan look positively tame. Yet will there be just about any merit in order to fasting? 
If you imagine subsisting about a quarter of one's calorie output 2 times weekly is extreme, hold 
back again until a person listen to about a protocol that will prohibits food, period. 
How long can you go without having food? 
Breatharians claim that food along with h2o usually are not required for survival. Humans may be 
sustained exclusively by simply prana (breath) and the energy with the sun, these people claim. 
Australian-born breatharian Jasmuheen, nee Ellen Greve, says your woman lives on 300 calories a 
new day. Your minimum prescribed for women seeking weight reduction is 1,200.  
While mainstream science suggests that your rations couldn’t possibly gasoline essential 
entire body functions, you could find plenty of walking anecdotes in which argue for the contrary. 
Yoga teacher as well as physiotherapist Simon Borg-Olivier is one such proponent involving food 
amnesties. Your body may learn for you to function without meals without having causing damage, 
he claims. The Particular proof? Borg-Olivier’s own self experiments. He started trying out 
fasting with regards to 30 in a lengthy time past after twenty numerous many years of yogic breath 
manage practice. 
“The power to certainly not consume significantly and sustain it in the way in that you 
don’t lose weight, feel sick as well as find spaced out is straight proportional for your ability 
to limit your quantity of air an individual breathe in,” he says. “The much less anyone 
breathe, the particular much less you just take in and furthermore the much less you've for you to 
sleep.” Just Like breatharians, Borg-Olivier credits yogic pranayama. “If you figure out 
how to breathe lower than normal, the desire regarding food decreases and also what you are 
usually in a new position to do to reside off small amounts associated with meals increases.” 
So effective has his entire body become which Borg-Olivier says he once gained 2 kilos on the 56-day
juice fast. “I attribute that will to be able to becoming able to absorb the particular vitamins 
in the juice,” he says. 
Weight regarding evidence 
The aim with the fasting peddled simply by breatharians along with Borg-Olivier isn’t excess 
weight loss, yet physiology says it’s a most likely fringe benefit.  
Accredited practising dietitian Dr Alan Barclay in the Dietitians Association involving Australia says 
brief stints are harmless.  
“As way as rewards towards the body, heading for a day won’t damage the body, 
nevertheless should you fast regarding lengthier an individual immediately use your body’s 
glycogen shops as an energy fuel which implies you shed weight pretty rapidly.” 
Professor Jennie Brand-Miller from the Australian Academy regarding Science warns against lengthy 
periods with out food. 
“Short fasts may possess some merit within the current environment since these people 
balance calorie excessive and also supply the tissues just the little rest,” she says. “But 
short indicates lower than 24 hours. Lengthier fasts may have got adverse outcomes – we run-down 
our carbohydrate and also antioxidant materials rather quickly.” In the actual event 
that you are generally doing hang up your fork, within the initial few times you are prone to drop 
one to two kilos each day (don’t find too excited; it’s attributable mainly to negative 
sodium balance/salt as well as h2o diuresis). Following 3 weeks of fasting you are able to be ready to 
shed about 330 grams per day. 
The entire body may go just 40942 times with out water, nevertheless it can easily survive for longer 
without food. Prof Brand-Miller says inside the short-term we could maintain out with regard to 12 
for you to twenty 4 hours prior to our carbohydrate shops are empty and we need to begin wearing 
down excess fat as well as protein to supply gasoline for the brain. “In your more time term, 
we could go without having meals (but certainly not water) regarding four to end up being able to 
eight weeks, drawing about shops regarding body fat along with protein for you to keep the motor 
going,” she says. 
Dr Barclay concurs, explaining that variances inside body weight explain why one person may go 
more than another sans sustenance. Ladies tend to be prone to survive for longer than men since 
involving the bigger proportion of body fat shops and significantly less muscle mass, which needs 
much more calories for you to maintain. 
Rebound weight 
This is where the theory loses its lustre for weight reduction wannabes. Bear throughout mind the 
particular handful of kilos in the initial few days? the reverse is actually more most likely to happen 
once you reintroduce food. Each and Every gram of glycogen stored comes with 2 for you to 3 grams 
involving water, meaning which simply replenishing 300 grams regarding glycogen will demonstrate 
on the scales as more than a new kilo. Probabilities are you will have got neither lost nor gained an 
oz associated with excess fat however you will probably feel bloated and, probably, panicked. Maybe 
the majority of frighteningly there exists a real potential for gaining real excess weight in response 
for you to conditions imposed throughout a fast.ÂÂ
“Sooner or later on your body runs from its preferred gas source, glycogen, and also begins to 
interrupt down muscles and organs to use as gasoline – which may be negative news,” 
says Dr Barclay. That Will means permanently decreasing the number of calories the body burns per 
day, making it much easier to gain weight in less food. 
“If anyone shed a new lot of muscle or organ mass, that is probably your most metabolically 
active tissue, thus you would have got to build it again,” says Dr Barclay. “Muscles 
obviously call for exercise and a well-balanced diet program with sufficient protein. Whenever you 
get back to your normal ways you’ll put on proportionately more fat.” 
Juice fasts 
A much more moderate approach created famous by the likes involving Gwyneth Paltrow will be 
juice fasting.  
“A juice fast really helps to stir up toxins and waste inside the body, so helping us to give it 
from our system,” says Vicki Standley through Mullum Sari All-natural Wellness Centre. 
“Juicing ensures we retain as much mineral elements as well as vitamins as absolutely 
possible in the many condensed form.” 
She says a juice fast should not final more than a couple of weeks, with a two-to-three-day break at 
the finish of the extremely first week. “Juicing will relieve your own digestive tract of every 1 
of the tough perform necessary for you to liquefy solid food – this will take minutes as in 
opposition to concerning five hrs – nevertheless ensures your current physique is actually 
even now adequately nourished for your duration of the fast.” 
NEXT: Could normal fasting delay the ageing process? 
Administrator Wed, 16 Jul 2014 12:55:20 +1000 
do certainly not have to give increase favourite food items to shed weight, says fitness coach 
Theresa Jenn Lopetrone. 
Having been overweight, Theresa Jenn Lopetrone (pictured) empathises with girls who really feel 
the merely real way to becoming good enough is slavishly next prescribed – usually intense 
and also punitive – formulas. 
“Our business provides gone way within the incorrect direction but now it's time along with 
energy to re-teach along with redefine the factor that will makes women wholesome as well as fit 
plus it arrives as any outcome of the approach you feel/perform and just how balanced and happy 
our mind is,” the lady says. 
We caught on leading of Lopetrone to find a crash program inside keeping the check and 
furthermore the body. Here are usually 7 diet plan myths your woman disproved: 
1. An Individual have to quit alcohol 
You don’t get to quit wine or maybe your fav cocktail in order to satisfy your current 
objectives however you have to do have to keep in mind which alcohol requirements being consumed 
in moderation just like various other treats. If your alcohol is not consumed within moderation, you 
may run up significant calories and also wind up craving unnecessary munchies. Together With 
getting more drinks than you need an individual run the particular likelihood of overeating, racking 
up extra calories, rather than feeling your very best your subsequent day, which will a lot more than 
likely result in excusing your self from the gym. 
The identical applies to sweets. I just take excellent pleasure within mindfully eating chocolate along 
with cake. I don’t eat these people every day, but there’s silly a person can not have 
got one serving about the weekend if you have been constant with consuming clean as well as active
almost all week long. Your crucial would always be to plan what treat you want and also what day 
you'll consume your treat. If other temptation comes along it’s easier to turn it down because 
you previously use a program of once you will like the dessert. Also, I consider it’s important 
to consume treats such as this mindfully and really end up being current along with what you are 
eating so you may fully appreciate it and also really feel satisfied. 
2. A Person have to stop dairy 
I’m Italian and naturally I enjoy cheese. I always thought I necessary to give up cheese in 
order to create physical changes however this isn’t the actual case. That holds true in which 
you do need to be conscious of what forms of cheese you consume and the amount. but should you 
pick a light cheese like BabyBel Mild anyone could work one part in every and every day. in fact you 
are usually in a new position to even have got your self a clean grilled cheese sandwich if you want! 

Like everything else you'll end up being in the position to nevertheless eat these richer 
cheeses upon occasion as well as in moderation. 
Here’s my recipe: Heat your pan on medium, brush coconut oil about the outside of a pair of 
slices involving sprouted grain bread, location one slice associated with bread inside the pan (oil 
aspect down), add one serving of BabyBel Mild cheese shredded or sliced about the slice, and set 
another slice involving bread on the particular top using the oil side out. for an added kick an 
individual can add hot sauce inside on the cheese as well as sliced avocado.
3. you can’t consume coffee 
I frequently read within magazines that individuals attempting to shed weight must cut out coffee. I 
didn’t actually understand why, but what I figured out with time is the very fact that we 
don’t need to cut out coffee; it’s your cream and also sugar that people add into it that 
actually needs to be cut out. I want my anyone to a couple of cups associated with coffee every day. I 
accustomed to consume my coffee along with cream and sugar and finally switched for you to read 
milk and sweeteners, nevertheless now I am proud in order to claim that I have got trained myself to 
drink my coffee black. I possess adapted towards the taste plus fact I prefer it this way now. I 
religiously drink one cup involving coffee or even espresso prior to I hit a wellness club every 
4. Most fats are created equal 
For years of my life I steered clear involving consuming fats, even healthy fats! I believed that all 
fats were equal along with that is certainly not the case. I stayed away from important healthy fats 
via nuts, avocados, seeds, along with oils. Our body requirements wholesome fats for you to 
function, shed fat, and in addition to enhance our mood. I proudly will admit that will consuming 
peanut butter tends for you to make me any happier person.
5. eating much less equals losing weight 
Before I understood the actual body’s relationship with meals I believed to eat much less I 
would lose weight. I didn’t spend just about any focus as to always be able to the I had been 
eating but I thought when the portion was small in contrast to it could become to my benefit. 
For example, I vividly remember working in my mall job in early school along with instead of getting 
any turkey sandwich about break, I opted regarding some thing that was smaller sized throughout 
size, any white bagel using processed cheddar cheese along with chocolate milk. When you might be 
consuming clean you'll realise which you can easily consume much larger portions of wholesome 
food as opposed to junk food. in the finish it’s certainly not really worth it in order to gas your 
own entire body with junk simply because that is how your current body will run.
6. Checking unwanted weight keeps a person on track. 
After understanding about how to tweak my diet program from health along with fitness magazines, 
I thought it was time to suit your needs to focus on consuming food pertaining to my well being and 
never with regard to losing weight. I decided to prevent permitting the size for you to dictate my 
really worth and ditched it for starters month. to my surprise I dropped 2.5 kg in a month just from 
eating healthy. I did not supply the scale permission to create me really feel insecure or stressed 
because associated with a few silly number. 
If you are going upon transformation journey then I feel it’s essential to take photographs 
involving yourself, measure your current body, as well as observe how the clothes fit. you do require 
several types of assessments in the particular program of your vacation as ‘proof’ 
because sometimes our minds play tricks in us and in which we don’t realise what lengths 
we’ve come. Perhaps now, around the days when I don’t really feel like I are making 
adequate progress, I force myself to look from previous photographs regarding mine for you to 
observe how a lot my perseverance and dedication features paid out off. 
You needs to become able to be proud of every step you take regardless how small. At times you will 
just take five actions forward as well as three steps again and also that's ok simply because 
it’s part of your journey and your understanding process. When you want the change for you 
to turn out in order to be lifelong then you will usually require to make mistakes and also learn from 
them. you are generally human, certainly not perfect, along with I'm where I'm nowadays simply 
because in the lessons my mistakes get taught me.
7. Workout offers in order to hurt 
I knew that to be able in order to turn out to always be able to be wholesome and match I would 
must locate a physical exercise that will I enjoyed. I didn’t know very well what this will be 
because I disliked all forms regarding exercise, nevertheless I knew I couldn’t be the sole 
person in the world who disliked exercise. And so I began to use virtually any and all lessons from 
my gym and also outside involving my gym. I tried, Pilates, spinning, yoga, running, hiking, cardio 
machines, circuit training, weight lifting, step classes, aerobics, and lastly I found CrossFit. 
Regarding the initial moment I located an activity in which determined me, that created moment fly 
by, and that mentally along with physically challenged me in a fun way. I designed a commitment to 
myself for you to attend these types 3 times weekly as well as I even signed up for one on a new 
single coaching as quickly as the week. I would this regarding in regards in order to a 12 months 
along with prior to I knew it my entire body had created drastic changes. 
My pant dimension went down, I began to determine triceps, and in addition the beginning phases of 
abs. Buddies regarding mine inquired me if I had lost 15-20 LBS but I didn’t as well as I told 
them this however no one believed me. Just what was eye-opening relating to this expertise has been 
the particular undeniable fact that I dropped pant sizes, looked 7.5 in order to ten kg lighter in fact 
had only lost 2.5 kg. This really is when I learned in which my body fat percentage had dropped 
significantly during the year so when I actually realised that the range about the scale isn’t as 
important because the approach your current clothes feel as well as the way you are feeling inside 
your personal skin. My advice is actually to locate an activity that will leaves anyone feeling 
great right after each and also every session. I can’t promise a person that you will like this 
exercise the initial or even 2nd moment however you are generally doing must give it your better 
effort and test it a handful of occasions before you choose to could totally decide. Recognize that 
becoming active is truly a crucial part of your own physical improvements, yet more importantly 
your current mental transformation.
5 easy ways to burn off calories in work>> 
Words: David Goding 
Administrator Tue, 01 Jul 2014 19:27:12 +1000 
Need aid losing weight? Here are three key fat burning suggestions from your experts. 
1. Find more sleep 
You’re much less more likely to hit your own maximum intensity in the event you feel similar 
to crawling in to a hole. Melanie McGrice, from the Dietitians Association associated with Australia, 
says fatigued people are not as likely work out. 
“It makes it truly simple to think about an excuse never to go towards the gym.” 
There’s furthermore an excellent physiological cause to obtain enough kip. “We 
understand that insufficient sleep decreases your production of leptin, that is really a hormone that 
helps us to understand when to stop eating, and we realize that will it boosts the production off 
ghrelin, which can always be a hormone which usually raises our appetite,” McGrice warns.
2. Meditate 
If you are stressed, you may find body fat loss harder. Strain hormone cortisol “triggers the 
mind chemical neuropeptide Y that increases food cravings, as well as higher amounts associated 
with cortisol causes us to keep on to abdominal fat,” O’Neil says. “I’ve 
seen great weight-loss outcomes when individuals address their particular stress. It’s just like 
the cortisol had been hanging to every one associated with the fat and when cortisol had been 
lowered the particular gates opened and also the fat flowed out.”
3. Consume much more protein 
Here’s exactly where those protein shakes come to their own. Involving every one of the 
macronutrients, protein ‘costs’ probably your most calories to end up being able to 
digest. in other words, an increased proportion of the calories inside a protein shake are used up just 
to digest it compared in order to those in the muesli bar. 
“Thermogenesis is basically the production of physique heat,” explains McGrice. 
“Thermo, relates for you to temperature, as well as genesis for you to production. 
Consequently in the big event you think of the body as becoming a machine, when it’s 
operating along with active it creates heat and burns kilojoules. When we're exercising or perhaps 
digesting meals our entire body undertakes thermogenesis.” 
But beware ‘thermogenic enhancers’, which often claim to stimulate excess fat loss. 
“The generally promoted thermo bars and drinks and also goods that goal brown body fat and 
also boost metabolism haven't any substance,” says Matt O’Neil, exercise physiologist 
as well as dietitian. 
Next: 20 sure-fire approaches to lose weight>> 
Administrator Wed, 28 may 2014 12:24:27 +1000
 The Alkaline diet plan promotes a healthy pH balance inside your body. However will it assist 
with weight loss? 
The lowdown 
The theory will be which you want an optimal pH balance (balance between acid and base, in 
addition referred to be able to as alkaline) within your body to assist you lose weight and steer clear 
of specific diseases. Performing the actual Alkaline Diet Program is supposed to assist you generate 
this balance. Within reality, this means reducing out ‘acid-producing’ foods, which 
includes meat, dairy, sugar, alcohol and also wheat. 
What’s it carrying out to your body? 
“I’ve not necessarily seen just about any information in which [this diet] will be 
useful,” says Dr Stephen Thornley, endocrinologist in Southern Endocrine in Sydney. He says 
organs such as our kidney and also liver help to generate our acid-base stability naturally. “So 
we perform a decent job of maintaining in which balance ourselves without going on that will type of 
the diet.” 
Nutritionist Zoe Bingley-Pullin says you will find excellent bits in order to cherry pick. “What 
they’re encouraging a person to complete is actually eat a lot more of your raw-style 
diet,” notes Bingley-Pullin, whom does not object to the raw bit. but anyone won’t 
automatically shed weight because you have got a ‘better’ acid-base stability going, 
the girl cautions.  
Besides, Bingley-Pullin notes, we need an acidic environment in our gut in order to aid digestion. 
While neither expert thinks the dietary plan can do a lot harm, they don’t believe you will 
advantage significantly from this either. 
NEXT: We assess the Paleo diet>> 
Author: Dr Evelyn Lewin 
Administrator Wed, 14 Could 2014 18:14:27 +1000

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Weight Loss

  • 1. Weight Loss Weight LossWeight Loss11 top factors to shed weightEco-Atkins Diet Program (vegan)4 workouts to blast cellulite10 approaches to burn more caloriesEating small & frequently can NOT boost metabolismFasting – is it sustainable long-term?7 weight-loss myths disproved!3 additional approaches to burn up fatAlkaline diet program review5 sensible diet plan tips Sat, 06 Dec 2014 08:11:19 +1100 FeedCreator 1.8.3 (obRSS 1.9)  Struggling to lose weight? Here are usually 11 reasons to drop a new dress size. The professionals involving weight reduction extend far beyond getting in a new situation to flaunt the new try skin-tight jeans. Think: Glowing skin Relief coming from arthritis Improved moods Better memory
  • 2. Improved sleeping patterns Decreased risk of sort two diabetes Lower likelihood of dementia Depression prevention Improved breathing Lower cholesterol levels Increased libido The cons? you might will require to go shopping pertaining to some fabulous new clothes to accommodate your current smaller frame. NEXT: 15 ways to burn off a lot more fat>> nomultithumb ]]> Administrator Wed, 19 Nov 2014 14:12:47 +1100 Looking pertaining to vegan diet plans? The Particular high-fibre Eco-Atkins diet could help boost weight loss along with curb coronary heart disease. THE HYPE A vegan take on the low-carbohydrate Atkins diet could induce weight-loss along with curb heart disease by as a lot as 10% per decade simply by lowering negative cholesterol LDL, suggests study revealed throughout British Health-related Journal Open. It sideswipes criticisms levelled at the copious animal protein throughout regular low-carb diets, which can raise cholesterol. participants inside a six-month study lost a couple of much more kilos on the high-fibre Eco-Atkins when in comparison for you to a cohort on the high-carb low-fat diet. Keen for you to try? THE RULES Aim pertaining to 26% carbohydrates, 31% proteins and 43% fat (primarily vegetable oils). THE LIST Carbs: oats, barley, low-starch vegies (okra, eggplant) Protein: soy, nuts, cereals (think quinoa)
  • 3. Fats: nuts, vegetable oils, soy products, avocado nomultithumb ]]> Administrator Wed, 05 Nov 2014 10:45:38 +1100 Learn how to lessen the look of cellulite in your thighs as well as butt in time regarding summer. Here tend to be 4 residence workouts that you tend to be in the position to do correct now. Image: Nikki Fogden-Moore Did anyone know, based on any research inside the Journal regarding cosmetic as well as Laser Therapy, almost 85% of females more than your ages of twenty get cellulite? (And yet, only ten per cent involving men are inclined to cellulite). However, just since it's common, that doesn't help to make us crazy about wearing swimmers along with dimply thighs in show. The Actual answer to getting rid of cellulite would be to lower fat deposits. 1. Stair climbing If you're stuck at the particular office and do not get time along with power to find for the gym, consider good factor about the actual office staircase. Sure, you'll appear any bit strange to begin with, yet simply by upping your current movement around the stairs you'll immediately target places susceptible to be able to cellulite. Just strolling up and down stairs uses up at least ten calories one
  • 4. minute according for the National Wellness Institute. Model: Angela Jackson Image: the Picture Box Cairns 2. Squats Squats not merely burn off calories, additionally they produce muscle. Through performing squats an individual will still work just about all in the leg muscles, such as the quadriceps, hamstrings reducing leg muscles. You may add dumbbells to become able to conventional squats in order to intensify this exercise further. Start simply by standing together along with your feet shoulder-width apart. hold dumbbells (optional) down simply by your current sides, palms facing in. Maintaining your current back straight, bend in the knees along with hips as if you're sitting down. Don't permit the knees transfer forward more than the toes, then return. Perform 1-3 groups of 8-15 repetitions, depending on your own own fitness level.
  • 5. Model: Hayley Roper Image: Matthew Parkes 3. Lunges Both walking and stationary lunges goal all the lower-body muscles. Start by simply taking one significant leap forward along with reduce your physique thus each of your knees form 90-degree angles, keeping your front knee more than the particular ankle. Return for the starting position. Aim regarding 8-12 reps about each leg. ÂÂ
  • 6. Model: Valeria Ramirez Image: Blake Pearl 4. Surfer burpee A surfer burpee will not simply challenge a person physically, and frequently will additionally improve mobility within your hips and also back. Bend more than as well as squat down and put the hands on the floorboards before you, just outside of one's feet. Jump both feet again to some plank position. Drop to a push-up—your chest must touch the actual floor. You can also drop for your knees here to make it easier if required. Push up to go back into a plank position while jumping feet for your left facet (pictured), looking to territory on your mat standing facet on, such as you'd on the surfboard. Don’t be concerned if you terrain off your mat, your current challenge is simply in order to ultimately find there. Simply keep practising! Jump back again into a plank position and repeat upon one other side. Repeat pertaining to 10-15 reps in every side. NEXT: 5 easy residence workouts (video)
  • 7.  nomultithumb ]]> Administrator Mon, 25 Aug 2014 17:38:06 +1000 Want to end up being able to burn much more calories? Here are generally ten simple weight-loss suggestions to try today! 1. eat a healthy breakfast Research exhibits in which individuals who eat breakfast tend to be more likely to end up being able to conserve a healthy excess weight as compared to those who skip it.
  • 8. 2. Monitor part sizes Even overshooting slightly at each along with every and also every meal may add up to a new hefty calorie excessive over weeks as well as weeks – and it’s easier to skip half the spud compared to make an effort to claw back a new handful of kilos.
  • 9. 3. choose smarter snacks (they can be scrummy) For instance, swap a new blueberry muffin for just two slices associated with lightly buttered thin raisin toast. you’ll conserve about 800 kJ.
  • 10. 4. Acquire imaginative with convenience foods Need something hot along with saucy? Alternatively of the sticky date, attempt porridge along with reduced body fat milk along with fruit.
  • 11. 5. Beware substantial calorie bevs While you will hardly spot the distinction in between hot chocolate with read as well as complete cream milk, the former will spare anyone approximately 800 kJ. Each And Also Every teaspoon involving sugar you skip saves another 70-odd kJs. Furthermore consider having 1 ‘luxe’ hot consume each day as well as trading coffee a couple of along with three with regard to herbal or even black tea. That They have almost zero kJs.
  • 12. 6. Give desserts any dressing down As with almost all the pudding, you can nevertheless get crucial elements regarding favourite treats without tipping the particular scales. Rather regarding apple crumble, try a baked apple along with reduced excess fat custard – and maybe the dash involving cinnamon.
  • 13. 7. Help To Make exercise easy Find the stack associated with free involving charge workouts spanning cardio, power and also resistance, intervals along with yoga right here on our website! ÂÂ
  • 14. 8. Keep a meals diary Become a lot more mindful of your eating and workout routine.
  • 15. 9. get an accountability partner Sticking for your strategy (when you’re miserable and feel as if you deserve your added half spud, dammit) can be as simple as having a buddy or perhaps relative you in simply no way know what you’re doing. Even should you don’t text or perhaps call them when you’re struggling, just knowing you’ll must record inside are in a position in order to keep an individual honest. 10. Prize your own wins If you do maintain your weight on an even keel over winter – as well as we just about all know you may – treat your self to items you adore like a massage, manicure or perhaps long bath. Just help to make positive your current gift-to-self isn’t choccies! Adapted through guidelines from your Dietitians Association of Australia. nomultithumb ]]> Administrator Wed, 06 Aug 2014 16:37:43 +1000 ot-boost-metabolism Eating multiple mini meals will not boost metabolic process or even market weight loss, research shown towards the Society with regard to Endicrinology shows.
  • 16. When 24 lean as well as obese women were given a pair of meals or even 5 meals comprising equal calories, power expenditure more than twenty four hours ended up being comparable. It’s another nail inside the coffin regarding consuming regimes promising to trick the particular system. Simply No fancy scheme could cancel the basic fact involving excess weight loss, researchers said: calories inside less than calories out. Simples. NEXT: 20 ways remain diet strong>> nomultithumb ]]> Administrator Wed, 30 Jul 2014 16:17:40 +1000 ot-boost-metabolism there A diet plan approach demanding in which adherents go weeks without having meals helps help make the 5:2 diet plan look positively tame. Yet will there be just about any merit in order to fasting? If you imagine subsisting about a quarter of one's calorie output 2 times weekly is extreme, hold back again until a person listen to about a protocol that will prohibits food, period. How long can you go without having food? Breatharians claim that food along with h2o usually are not required for survival. Humans may be sustained exclusively by simply prana (breath) and the energy with the sun, these people claim. Australian-born breatharian Jasmuheen, nee Ellen Greve, says your woman lives on 300 calories a new day. Your minimum prescribed for women seeking weight reduction is 1,200.  While mainstream science suggests that your rations couldn’t possibly gasoline essential entire body functions, you could find plenty of walking anecdotes in which argue for the contrary.  Yoga teacher as well as physiotherapist Simon Borg-Olivier is one such proponent involving food amnesties. Your body may learn for you to function without meals without having causing damage, he claims. The Particular proof? Borg-Olivier’s own self experiments. He started trying out fasting with regards to 30 in a lengthy time past after twenty numerous many years of yogic breath manage practice. “The power to certainly not consume significantly and sustain it in the way in that you don’t lose weight, feel sick as well as find spaced out is straight proportional for your ability to limit your quantity of air an individual breathe in,” he says. “The much less anyone breathe, the particular much less you just take in and furthermore the much less you've for you to sleep.” Just Like breatharians, Borg-Olivier credits yogic pranayama. “If you figure out how to breathe lower than normal, the desire regarding food decreases and also what you are usually in a new position to do to reside off small amounts associated with meals increases.” So effective has his entire body become which Borg-Olivier says he once gained 2 kilos on the 56-day
  • 17. juice fast. “I attribute that will to be able to becoming able to absorb the particular vitamins in the juice,” he says. Weight regarding evidence The aim with the fasting peddled simply by breatharians along with Borg-Olivier isn’t excess weight loss, yet physiology says it’s a most likely fringe benefit.  Accredited practising dietitian Dr Alan Barclay in the Dietitians Association involving Australia says brief stints are harmless.  “As way as rewards towards the body, heading for a day won’t damage the body, nevertheless should you fast regarding lengthier an individual immediately use your body’s glycogen shops as an energy fuel which implies you shed weight pretty rapidly.” Professor Jennie Brand-Miller from the Australian Academy regarding Science warns against lengthy periods with out food. “Short fasts may possess some merit within the current environment since these people balance calorie excessive and also supply the tissues just the little rest,” she says. “But short indicates lower than 24 hours. Lengthier fasts may have got adverse outcomes – we run-down our carbohydrate and also antioxidant materials rather quickly.” In the actual event that you are generally doing hang up your fork, within the initial few times you are prone to drop one to two kilos each day (don’t find too excited; it’s attributable mainly to negative sodium balance/salt as well as h2o diuresis). Following 3 weeks of fasting you are able to be ready to shed about 330 grams per day. The entire body may go just 40942 times with out water, nevertheless it can easily survive for longer without food. Prof Brand-Miller says inside the short-term we could maintain out with regard to 12 for you to twenty 4 hours prior to our carbohydrate shops are empty and we need to begin wearing down excess fat as well as protein to supply gasoline for the brain. “In your more time term, we could go without having meals (but certainly not water) regarding four to end up being able to eight weeks, drawing about shops regarding body fat along with protein for you to keep the motor going,” she says. Dr Barclay concurs, explaining that variances inside body weight explain why one person may go more than another sans sustenance. Ladies tend to be prone to survive for longer than men since involving the bigger proportion of body fat shops and significantly less muscle mass, which needs much more calories for you to maintain. Rebound weight This is where the theory loses its lustre for weight reduction wannabes. Bear throughout mind the particular handful of kilos in the initial few days? the reverse is actually more most likely to happen once you reintroduce food. Each and Every gram of glycogen stored comes with 2 for you to 3 grams involving water, meaning which simply replenishing 300 grams regarding glycogen will demonstrate on the scales as more than a new kilo. Probabilities are you will have got neither lost nor gained an oz associated with excess fat however you will probably feel bloated and, probably, panicked. Maybe the majority of frighteningly there exists a real potential for gaining real excess weight in response for you to conditions imposed throughout a fast.ÂÂ
  • 18. “Sooner or later on your body runs from its preferred gas source, glycogen, and also begins to interrupt down muscles and organs to use as gasoline – which may be negative news,” says Dr Barclay. That Will means permanently decreasing the number of calories the body burns per day, making it much easier to gain weight in less food. “If anyone shed a new lot of muscle or organ mass, that is probably your most metabolically active tissue, thus you would have got to build it again,” says Dr Barclay. “Muscles obviously call for exercise and a well-balanced diet program with sufficient protein. Whenever you get back to your normal ways you’ll put on proportionately more fat.” Juice fasts A much more moderate approach created famous by the likes involving Gwyneth Paltrow will be juice fasting.  “A juice fast really helps to stir up toxins and waste inside the body, so helping us to give it from our system,” says Vicki Standley through Mullum Sari All-natural Wellness Centre. “Juicing ensures we retain as much mineral elements as well as vitamins as absolutely possible in the many condensed form.” She says a juice fast should not final more than a couple of weeks, with a two-to-three-day break at the finish of the extremely first week. “Juicing will relieve your own digestive tract of every 1 of the tough perform necessary for you to liquefy solid food – this will take minutes as in opposition to concerning five hrs – nevertheless ensures your current physique is actually even now adequately nourished for your duration of the fast.” NEXT: Could normal fasting delay the ageing process? nomultithumb ]]> Administrator Wed, 16 Jul 2014 12:55:20 +1000 there
  • 19. You do certainly not have to give increase favourite food items to shed weight, says fitness coach Theresa Jenn Lopetrone. Having been overweight, Theresa Jenn Lopetrone (pictured) empathises with girls who really feel the merely real way to becoming good enough is slavishly next prescribed – usually intense and also punitive – formulas. “Our business provides gone way within the incorrect direction but now it's time along with energy to re-teach along with redefine the factor that will makes women wholesome as well as fit plus it arrives as any outcome of the approach you feel/perform and just how balanced and happy our mind is,” the lady says. We caught on leading of Lopetrone to find a crash program inside keeping the check and furthermore the body. Here are usually 7 diet plan myths your woman disproved: 1. An Individual have to quit alcohol You don’t get to quit wine or maybe your fav cocktail in order to satisfy your current objectives however you have to do have to keep in mind which alcohol requirements being consumed in moderation just like various other treats. If your alcohol is not consumed within moderation, you may run up significant calories and also wind up craving unnecessary munchies. Together With getting more drinks than you need an individual run the particular likelihood of overeating, racking up extra calories, rather than feeling your very best your subsequent day, which will a lot more than likely result in excusing your self from the gym. The identical applies to sweets. I just take excellent pleasure within mindfully eating chocolate along with cake. I don’t eat these people every day, but there’s silly a person can not have got one serving about the weekend if you have been constant with consuming clean as well as active
  • 20. almost all week long. Your crucial would always be to plan what treat you want and also what day you'll consume your treat. If other temptation comes along it’s easier to turn it down because you previously use a program of once you will like the dessert. Also, I consider it’s important to consume treats such as this mindfully and really end up being current along with what you are eating so you may fully appreciate it and also really feel satisfied. 2. A Person have to stop dairy I’m Italian and naturally I enjoy cheese. I always thought I necessary to give up cheese in order to create physical changes however this isn’t the actual case. That holds true in which you do need to be conscious of what forms of cheese you consume and the amount. but should you pick a light cheese like BabyBel Mild anyone could work one part in every and every day. in fact you are usually in a new position to even have got your self a clean grilled cheese sandwich if you want! 
Like everything else you'll end up being in the position to nevertheless eat these richer cheeses upon occasion as well as in moderation. Here’s my recipe: Heat your pan on medium, brush coconut oil about the outside of a pair of slices involving sprouted grain bread, location one slice associated with bread inside the pan (oil aspect down), add one serving of BabyBel Mild cheese shredded or sliced about the slice, and set another slice involving bread on the particular top using the oil side out. for an added kick an individual can add hot sauce inside on the cheese as well as sliced avocado.
  • 21. 3. you can’t consume coffee I frequently read within magazines that individuals attempting to shed weight must cut out coffee. I didn’t actually understand why, but what I figured out with time is the very fact that we don’t need to cut out coffee; it’s your cream and also sugar that people add into it that actually needs to be cut out. I want my anyone to a couple of cups associated with coffee every day. I accustomed to consume my coffee along with cream and sugar and finally switched for you to read milk and sweeteners, nevertheless now I am proud in order to claim that I have got trained myself to drink my coffee black. I possess adapted towards the taste plus fact I prefer it this way now. I religiously drink one cup involving coffee or even espresso prior to I hit a wellness club every morning.
  • 22. 4. Most fats are created equal For years of my life I steered clear involving consuming fats, even healthy fats! I believed that all fats were equal along with that is certainly not the case. I stayed away from important healthy fats via nuts, avocados, seeds, along with oils. Our body requirements wholesome fats for you to function, shed fat, and in addition to enhance our mood. I proudly will admit that will consuming peanut butter tends for you to make me any happier person.
  • 23. 5. eating much less equals losing weight Before I understood the actual body’s relationship with meals I believed to eat much less I would lose weight. I didn’t spend just about any focus as to always be able to the I had been eating but I thought when the portion was small in contrast to it could become to my benefit. WRONG! For example, I vividly remember working in my mall job in early school along with instead of getting any turkey sandwich about break, I opted regarding some thing that was smaller sized throughout size, any white bagel using processed cheddar cheese along with chocolate milk. When you might be consuming clean you'll realise which you can easily consume much larger portions of wholesome food as opposed to junk food. in the finish it’s certainly not really worth it in order to gas your own entire body with junk simply because that is how your current body will run.
  • 24. 6. Checking unwanted weight keeps a person on track. After understanding about how to tweak my diet program from health along with fitness magazines, I thought it was time to suit your needs to focus on consuming food pertaining to my well being and never with regard to losing weight. I decided to prevent permitting the size for you to dictate my really worth and ditched it for starters month. to my surprise I dropped 2.5 kg in a month just from eating healthy. I did not supply the scale permission to create me really feel insecure or stressed because associated with a few silly number. If you are going upon transformation journey then I feel it’s essential to take photographs involving yourself, measure your current body, as well as observe how the clothes fit. you do require several types of assessments in the particular program of your vacation as ‘proof’ because sometimes our minds play tricks in us and in which we don’t realise what lengths we’ve come. Perhaps now, around the days when I don’t really feel like I are making adequate progress, I force myself to look from previous photographs regarding mine for you to observe how a lot my perseverance and dedication features paid out off. You needs to become able to be proud of every step you take regardless how small. At times you will just take five actions forward as well as three steps again and also that's ok simply because it’s part of your journey and your understanding process. When you want the change for you to turn out in order to be lifelong then you will usually require to make mistakes and also learn from them. you are generally human, certainly not perfect, along with I'm where I'm nowadays simply because in the lessons my mistakes get taught me.
  • 25. 7. Workout offers in order to hurt I knew that to be able in order to turn out to always be able to be wholesome and match I would must locate a physical exercise that will I enjoyed. I didn’t know very well what this will be because I disliked all forms regarding exercise, nevertheless I knew I couldn’t be the sole person in the world who disliked exercise. And so I began to use virtually any and all lessons from my gym and also outside involving my gym. I tried, Pilates, spinning, yoga, running, hiking, cardio machines, circuit training, weight lifting, step classes, aerobics, and lastly I found CrossFit. Regarding the initial moment I located an activity in which determined me, that created moment fly by, and that mentally along with physically challenged me in a fun way. I designed a commitment to myself for you to attend these types 3 times weekly as well as I even signed up for one on a new single coaching as quickly as the week. I would this regarding in regards in order to a 12 months along with prior to I knew it my entire body had created drastic changes. My pant dimension went down, I began to determine triceps, and in addition the beginning phases of abs. Buddies regarding mine inquired me if I had lost 15-20 LBS but I didn’t as well as I told them this however no one believed me. Just what was eye-opening relating to this expertise has been the particular undeniable fact that I dropped pant sizes, looked 7.5 in order to ten kg lighter in fact had only lost 2.5 kg. This really is when I learned in which my body fat percentage had dropped significantly during the year so when I actually realised that the range about the scale isn’t as important because the approach your current clothes feel as well as the way you are feeling inside your personal skin. My advice is actually to locate an activity that will leaves anyone feeling great right after each and also every session. I can’t promise a person that you will like this exercise the initial or even 2nd moment however you are generally doing must give it your better effort and test it a handful of occasions before you choose to could totally decide. Recognize that becoming active is truly a crucial part of your own physical improvements, yet more importantly your current mental transformation.
  • 26. 5 easy ways to burn off calories in work>> Words: David Goding nomultithumb ]]> Administrator Tue, 01 Jul 2014 19:27:12 +1000 Need aid losing weight? Here are three key fat burning suggestions from your experts. 1. Find more sleep You’re much less more likely to hit your own maximum intensity in the event you feel similar to crawling in to a hole. Melanie McGrice, from the Dietitians Association associated with Australia, says fatigued people are not as likely work out. “It makes it truly simple to think about an excuse never to go towards the gym.” There’s furthermore an excellent physiological cause to obtain enough kip. “We understand that insufficient sleep decreases your production of leptin, that is really a hormone that helps us to understand when to stop eating, and we realize that will it boosts the production off ghrelin, which can always be a hormone which usually raises our appetite,” McGrice warns.
  • 27. 2. Meditate If you are stressed, you may find body fat loss harder. Strain hormone cortisol “triggers the mind chemical neuropeptide Y that increases food cravings, as well as higher amounts associated with cortisol causes us to keep on to abdominal fat,” O’Neil says. “I’ve seen great weight-loss outcomes when individuals address their particular stress. It’s just like the cortisol had been hanging to every one associated with the fat and when cortisol had been lowered the particular gates opened and also the fat flowed out.”
  • 28. 3. Consume much more protein Here’s exactly where those protein shakes come to their own. Involving every one of the macronutrients, protein ‘costs’ probably your most calories to end up being able to digest. in other words, an increased proportion of the calories inside a protein shake are used up just to digest it compared in order to those in the muesli bar. “Thermogenesis is basically the production of physique heat,” explains McGrice. “Thermo, relates for you to temperature, as well as genesis for you to production. Consequently in the big event you think of the body as becoming a machine, when it’s operating along with active it creates heat and burns kilojoules. When we're exercising or perhaps digesting meals our entire body undertakes thermogenesis.” But beware ‘thermogenic enhancers’, which often claim to stimulate excess fat loss. “The generally promoted thermo bars and drinks and also goods that goal brown body fat and also boost metabolism haven't any substance,” says Matt O’Neil, exercise physiologist as well as dietitian. Next: 20 sure-fire approaches to lose weight>> nomultithumb ]]> Administrator Wed, 28 may 2014 12:24:27 +1000
  • 29.  The Alkaline diet plan promotes a healthy pH balance inside your body. However will it assist with weight loss? The lowdown The theory will be which you want an optimal pH balance (balance between acid and base, in addition referred to be able to as alkaline) within your body to assist you lose weight and steer clear of specific diseases. Performing the actual Alkaline Diet Program is supposed to assist you generate this balance. Within reality, this means reducing out ‘acid-producing’ foods, which includes meat, dairy, sugar, alcohol and also wheat. What’s it carrying out to your body? “I’ve not necessarily seen just about any information in which [this diet] will be useful,” says Dr Stephen Thornley, endocrinologist in Southern Endocrine in Sydney. He says organs such as our kidney and also liver help to generate our acid-base stability naturally. “So we perform a decent job of maintaining in which balance ourselves without going on that will type of the diet.” Nutritionist Zoe Bingley-Pullin says you will find excellent bits in order to cherry pick. “What they’re encouraging a person to complete is actually eat a lot more of your raw-style diet,” notes Bingley-Pullin, whom does not object to the raw bit. but anyone won’t automatically shed weight because you have got a ‘better’ acid-base stability going, the girl cautions.  Besides, Bingley-Pullin notes, we need an acidic environment in our gut in order to aid digestion. Verdict? While neither expert thinks the dietary plan can do a lot harm, they don’t believe you will advantage significantly from this either. NEXT: We assess the Paleo diet>> Author: Dr Evelyn Lewin ]]> Administrator Wed, 14 Could 2014 18:14:27 +1000