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Running head: FOODMART, INC. PAPER                                                             1

    Welcome to WritePoint, the automated review system that recognizes errors most

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comment carefully to ensure that the suggested change is appropriate for your paper, but

 remember that your instructor's preferences for style and format prevail. You will also

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  limited. NOTE: WritePoint comments are computer-generated writing and grammar

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   should be ignored. Please see the other helpful writing resources in the Tutorials and

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FOODMART, INC. PAPER                                                                    2

 Foodmart, Inc. [Doctoral-level comment (but recommended for any collegiate writer)--

                  Write out abbreviations in academic essays] Paper

                Sarah Bixby, Andria Destin, Demetria King, Felicia Liles

                               BUS 415 - Business Law

                                    April 20, 2011

                                   Courteney Harris
FOODMART, INC. PAPER                                                                                3

                                       Foodmart, Inc. Paper

       The idiomatic expression, “It takes two to tango” is commonly used [The passive voice

is a form of "be" (is) and a participle (used). Over-use of the passive voice can make

paragraphs officious and tedious to read. Try to use the active voice most often; for

example, passive voice = The paper was completed on time. Active voice = the student

completed the paper on time--See Center for Writing Excellence > Tutorials & Guides >

Grammar & Writing Guides > Active & passive voice] to describe an interaction between at

least two people. Similarly, a contract is the conception [Check spelling: this word means "the

process of conceiving an idea, etc."; consider using "concept"] of at least two people

entering into [Redundancy: remove "into"--how else does one enter? ] an agreement. A

contract is a promise or a set of promises for the breach of which the law gives a remedy or the

performance of which the law in some way recognizes a duty.” [Move the period to follow the

citation] (Cheeseman, 2010) [The citation for a direct quote needs the page number]

       A central component of a contract is the offer, acceptance, and consideration. Absent of

the elements a contract is null and void and; therefore, seizes to exist. Every traditional and e-

contract involves at least two parties. The offeror is the party who makes an offer to enter into

[Redundancy: remove "into"--how else does one enter? ] a contract. The offeree is the party

to whom an offer is made [Passive voice ] . [Move the period to follow the citation]

(Cheeseman, 2010) The paper will examine [Doctoral-level comment (but recommended for

any collegiate writer)--Avoid anthropomorphisms (attributing human characteristics to

nonhuman or inanimate objects). Consider that no paper can "examine." Try something

like "In this paper the subject to examine is. . ."] contracts, contract law, and how [These

words appear to lead to a dependent clause--if so, remove the comma (unless, of course, this
FOODMART, INC. PAPER                                                                            4

is the last element in a series)] [Unless this is the last of a series, remove the comma--the

following is not an independent clause] it affects the outcome of blended scenarios

concerning Foodmart, Inc. (a retail grocery store chain), and the company’s employees, Jeremy

Atwater and Brian McDonald.

Scenario One

       Foodmart (the offeror) made an offer to Masterpiece (the offeree) to perform a

renovation. Masterpiece accepted the offer when it made consideration by starting work on the

renovation. The contract is between Foodmart and Masterpiece, and the Terms of the contract

and scope of work are important in identifying whether Foodmart can force Masterpiece to

perform the work themselves, or whether Masterpiece is able to [Wordiness--these three words

mean simply "can"] subcontract the work from Fall Construction without legal ramifications.

       If the work that Masterpiece was to complete for Foodmart was unique in nature [Vague

wording--unless the intended meaning is "in the forest," "in nature" communicates very

little and can be deleted with no change in meaning] , and could [Punctuation: remove the

comma if the following is not an independent clause (could not be a sentence by itself) OR

is not the last element in a series of more than two] not be replicated [Passive voice ] by a

subcontractor, then [Writing suggestion: this sentence may be simpler without "then"]

Foodmart’s [Apostrophe: remove if the word is not possessive] injunction should be

approved. In this case, Masterpiece would be forced [Passive voice ] to perform the work based

on specific performance, and fix any damages caused by sub-contracting the work out to Fall


       If the work that Masterpiece was contracted [Passive voice ] to complete was not unique,

then [Writing suggestion: this sentence may be simpler without "then"] Foodmart’s
FOODMART, INC. PAPER                                                                                  5

[Apostrophe: remove if the word is not possessive] injunction will not have bearing.

Foodmart may be dissatisfied [Passive voice ] with the work that Fall Construction is

performing, but their only course of action would be to make sure Masterpiece is providing the

scope of work as stated in the contract.

       In addition, the court will take into account whether the contract is valid and enforceable,

void, or voidable when deciding whether Foodmart can rightfully enforce the contract. The court

will determine whether both parties had capacity to enter into [Redundancy: remove "into"--

how else does one enter? ] a contract, whether there was an offer made, acceptance, and

consideration paid for the contract. If Foodmart paid for the renovation up front the contract

would be considered [Passive voice ] unilateral, as they have forgone money where

       Masterpiece has not yet lost anything. If Foodmart were not paying Masterpiece until the

end of the contract, then [Writing suggestion: this sentence may be simpler without "then"]

it would be bi-lateral, as currently the contract stands only as a promise for payment in return for

a promise to provide services. Regardless of whether this was a verbal or written contract, it

would be considered [Passive voice ] an informal contract since [Check word choice--"Since"

is more precise in referring to time ("after that"); otherwise use "because"] there is no

specific format to be completed such as writing a check.

Scenario Two

       Jeremy Atwater (a 17 year-old) signed a contract with Smooth Sales Used Cars to

purchase a vehicle. The sale included a down payment and $200 monthly payments.

Unfortunately, Jeremy was unable to [Writing suggestion--Simplify the sentence by

shortening "unable to" to "cannot," "could not," etc.] continue to monthly payments

[Doctoral rule (but good advice for any academic writer)--avoid a split infinitive; consider
FOODMART, INC. PAPER                                                                                  6

placing the adverb (monthly) before or after the infinitive (to payments )--try "monthly to

payments " or "to payments monthly" (or place "monthly" later in the sentence)] because

he lost his job. As a result, Jeremy returned to Smooth Sales Used cars and requested to cancel

the contract. In addition to cancelling [The preferred spelling is "canceling"] the contract,

Jeremy requested a refund of all funds presented to the company.

       There are ["There are" is an awkward phrase if "there" is not clearly a location]

several options to resolve this scenario. Primarily, contracts with minors are not valid unless

purchasing the vehicle is a necessity. In this case, the vehicle is not a necessity and Smooth

Sales Used Cars should keep the car and cancel the contract. In regards [Use "regard"

("regards" are feelings of affection)] to returning of the funds, the company has several

options to consider. One specific option is returning the funds and the company accept the

situation is a financial loss. The second option is to charge Jeremy a rental fee for the six months

of usage [Check spelling: "Usage" refers primarily to legal procedures or grammar; most

writing situations call for "use"] and refund the remaining balance Jeremy paid. The third

option is the company refuse Jeremy’s offer and make Jeremy and his parents accountable for

the terms of the contract.

       Jeremy Atwater did not lie about his age, the salesperson neglected to confirm Jeremy’s

age; therefore, Smooth Sales Used Cars will assume the loss of the contract if Jeremy insists on

returning the vehicle.

Scenario Three

       The third case, McDonald versus Harry, Harry is suing McDonald for what he sees as a

breach of contract or promissory estoppel. McDonald, who works for Foodmart, collects rare

trains in his spare time as a hobby, informed Harry he will sell him his trains in two years when
FOODMART, INC. PAPER                                                                                 7

he retires because he knows Harry will take care of the trains. Upon receiving this verbal

information from McDonald, Harry on his own recognance, decided to add a 2,000 square foot

addition to his home to accommodate the intended trains he was to receive by borrowing the

money from his family. When McDonald retired two years later, McDonald decided to sell the

rare trains to his neighbor instead of Harry.

       Harry blames McDonald for a breach of contract because of a verbal conversation;

however, during that verbal conversation of offer, no terms, agreement, or money was discussed

[Passive voice ] . Unfortunately, for Harry, there was no written documentation of McDonald

verbally agreeing to sell his rare trains to Harry. Without anything written it would be difficult

for Harry to prove McDonald told him that he would sell his rare trains to only him.

       A statement of intent that an individual states they [Check pronoun agreement--if

"they" refers to "an individual" (or a singular subject), it should be singular, too (he or

she) and perhaps require adjusting the following verb] will do something during a certain

timeframe is not an offer. An offer must express not only an intent to enter into [Redundancy:

remove "into"--how else does one enter? ] a binding agreement but also the terms of the

agreement (AMJUR Contracts §10, 2010). Even when Harry advised McDonald of the addition

to his home for the trains, McDonald still did not acknowledge that he was still selling his trains

to him, he merely smiled.

       Again, Harry is suing for promissory estoppels. Harry will try to prove that McDonald

promised to sell his trains to him after two years. Unfortunately, no evidence exists that

McDonald promised Harry anything. Promissory estoppel also requires that the promise

reasonably induce the promise to the action (Restatement (Second) of Contracts §90, 1981). No

reasonable explanations show that acquiring rare trains means one has to acquire debt and make
FOODMART, INC. PAPER                                                                                8

renovations to property to satisfy the train’s accommodation. Harry acquired this debt on his

own. For these reasons, Harry will not win the case against McDonald.

Scenario Four

       Retail giant, Foodmart Inc., expands its services to an online delivery service. Customers

who [Check punctuation: If the following phrase is nonrestrictive (the sentence would still

make sense without it) insert comma before "who"] reside within a 10-mile radius to the

store can receive delivery of items purchased online. To use the online service, Foodmart

requires customers to agree to terms and conditions of a contract. An e-contract is equivalent to

signing a traditional contract. The Electronic Signatures in Global and National [Do not

capitalize without the complete name of the institution (unless in a citation or as the first

word in a sentence)] Commerce act, also known as ESIGN was signed [Passive voice ] by

former President Bill Clinton and enacted on June 30, 2000. The act states that e-contracts and

electronic signatures are given [Passive voice ] equivalent legal status as a handwritten contract

or signature. [Move the period to follow the citation] (SnapContract, 2011)

       Todd, a local caterer, notices an advertisement for a special chocolate sauce that he uses

to bake cakes. He attempts to order the product online, but the store advises him that the item is

sold out. In response, Todd demands that the store honors the advertised price and transfer the

remaining inventory to the location nearest to his home. Foodmart Inc. refuses to honor the

request directing him to the terms of the online agreement; Todd threatens to sue the company.
FOODMART, INC. PAPER                                                                                 9

       According to Cheeseman (2010), once a contract is formed [Passive voice ] , the parties

owe a duty to perform a traditional contract or an e-contract. When applying this concept,

Foodmart, Inc. will win the suit. The contractual agreement between the two parties initiated

when Todd logged into the company’s website and e-signed the acknowledgments of the online

agreement. Once he signed the agreement, he entered into [Redundancy: remove "into"--how

else does one enter? ] a binding contract. One aspect of the online agreement is that sale items

are restricted [Passive voice ] to in-store purchases; therefore, any product purchase made

through e-commerce is not subject to sale [Misspelling: "sale" is a noun, the exchange of

something for money; "sell" is a verb, the act of making a sale] or other promotional

discounts. Because Todd is an online buyer, he agreed to terms and conditions when entering

into [Redundancy: remove "into"--how else does one enter? ] Foodmart’s [Apostrophe:

remove if the word is not possessive] online system. In addition, another contractual issue is

the restriction of inventory items to the nearest store from which an online customer purchases

their [Check pronoun agreement--if "their" refers to "customer" (or a singular subject), it

should be singular, too (his or her)] product. Although the company was untrue about the

amount of chocolate sauce in its inventory, the contract holds true that Todd agreed to their terms

at the time he accessed the website.

       The results are that Todd has the option to purchase the chocolate sauce at his nearest

store or even travel to another store for that matter; nonetheless, the store cannot deliver the

product to him and honor the advertised ales price. If the company were to honor Todd’s

request, they would breach the contract and as a result go against their own terms. The solution

to the matter is that Todd can purchase the chocolate sauce from a retail storefront in order to
FOODMART, INC. PAPER                                                                              10

[Writing suggestion--the meaning will be the same (and less wordy) by removing "in

order"] receive the advertised price or purchase the item from other resources.


       Contracts do not have to be in writing to be legal. However, certain criteria must be met

in order for the contract to be valid and enforceable; all parties must have the capacity to

contract; all parties must have a mutual understanding [Redundancy: understanding is by

definition mutual] of the contract; all parties must accept the contract. Each contract will have

an offer, acceptance, and consideration; failure to provide any of these three elements means that

there is no actual [Cliché: "actual" and "actually" are weak words whose meaning is

nothing more than "in point of fact." They are often used as intensifiers but usually can be

deleted with no change in meaning ] contract. Circumstances surrounding the events of the

contract will determine if it is enforceable, void, or voidable. Each contract is different, and

rulings should be made [Passive voice ] on a case-by-case basis.
FOODMART, INC. PAPER                                                                       11


American Jurisprudence 2d. (1997). St. Paul, MN: Thompson Reuters.

Cheeseman, H. R. (2010). The legal Environment of Business and outline Commerce: Business

Ethics, E-Commerce, Regulatory, and International Issues, Sixth Edition. Prentice

       Hall.Snapcontract. (n.d.). Retrieved April 14, 2011, from Snapcontract:

The Restatement of contracts 2d. (1981). Philadelphia, PA: American

       Law Institute Publishers.

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Week 4 foodmart inc paper team a writepoint

  • 1. Running head: FOODMART, INC. PAPER 1 Welcome to WritePoint, the automated review system that recognizes errors most commonly made by university students in academic essays. The system embeds comments into your paper and suggests possible changes in grammar and style. Please evaluate each comment carefully to ensure that the suggested change is appropriate for your paper, but remember that your instructor's preferences for style and format prevail. You will also need to review your own citations and references since WritePoint capability in this area is limited. NOTE: WritePoint comments are computer-generated writing and grammar suggestions inviting the consideration and analysis of the writer; they are not infallible statements of right/wrong, and they should not be used as grading elements. Also, at present, WritePoint cannot detect quotations or block-quotes, so comments in those areas should be ignored. Please see the other helpful writing resources in the Tutorials and Guides section of the Center for Writing Excellence. Thank you for using WritePoint.
  • 2. FOODMART, INC. PAPER 2 Foodmart, Inc. [Doctoral-level comment (but recommended for any collegiate writer)-- Write out abbreviations in academic essays] Paper Sarah Bixby, Andria Destin, Demetria King, Felicia Liles BUS 415 - Business Law April 20, 2011 Courteney Harris
  • 3. FOODMART, INC. PAPER 3 Foodmart, Inc. Paper The idiomatic expression, “It takes two to tango” is commonly used [The passive voice is a form of "be" (is) and a participle (used). Over-use of the passive voice can make paragraphs officious and tedious to read. Try to use the active voice most often; for example, passive voice = The paper was completed on time. Active voice = the student completed the paper on time--See Center for Writing Excellence > Tutorials & Guides > Grammar & Writing Guides > Active & passive voice] to describe an interaction between at least two people. Similarly, a contract is the conception [Check spelling: this word means "the process of conceiving an idea, etc."; consider using "concept"] of at least two people entering into [Redundancy: remove "into"--how else does one enter? ] an agreement. A contract is a promise or a set of promises for the breach of which the law gives a remedy or the performance of which the law in some way recognizes a duty.” [Move the period to follow the citation] (Cheeseman, 2010) [The citation for a direct quote needs the page number] A central component of a contract is the offer, acceptance, and consideration. Absent of the elements a contract is null and void and; therefore, seizes to exist. Every traditional and e- contract involves at least two parties. The offeror is the party who makes an offer to enter into [Redundancy: remove "into"--how else does one enter? ] a contract. The offeree is the party to whom an offer is made [Passive voice ] . [Move the period to follow the citation] (Cheeseman, 2010) The paper will examine [Doctoral-level comment (but recommended for any collegiate writer)--Avoid anthropomorphisms (attributing human characteristics to nonhuman or inanimate objects). Consider that no paper can "examine." Try something like "In this paper the subject to examine is. . ."] contracts, contract law, and how [These words appear to lead to a dependent clause--if so, remove the comma (unless, of course, this
  • 4. FOODMART, INC. PAPER 4 is the last element in a series)] [Unless this is the last of a series, remove the comma--the following is not an independent clause] it affects the outcome of blended scenarios concerning Foodmart, Inc. (a retail grocery store chain), and the company’s employees, Jeremy Atwater and Brian McDonald. Scenario One Foodmart (the offeror) made an offer to Masterpiece (the offeree) to perform a renovation. Masterpiece accepted the offer when it made consideration by starting work on the renovation. The contract is between Foodmart and Masterpiece, and the Terms of the contract and scope of work are important in identifying whether Foodmart can force Masterpiece to perform the work themselves, or whether Masterpiece is able to [Wordiness--these three words mean simply "can"] subcontract the work from Fall Construction without legal ramifications. If the work that Masterpiece was to complete for Foodmart was unique in nature [Vague wording--unless the intended meaning is "in the forest," "in nature" communicates very little and can be deleted with no change in meaning] , and could [Punctuation: remove the comma if the following is not an independent clause (could not be a sentence by itself) OR is not the last element in a series of more than two] not be replicated [Passive voice ] by a subcontractor, then [Writing suggestion: this sentence may be simpler without "then"] Foodmart’s [Apostrophe: remove if the word is not possessive] injunction should be approved. In this case, Masterpiece would be forced [Passive voice ] to perform the work based on specific performance, and fix any damages caused by sub-contracting the work out to Fall Construction. If the work that Masterpiece was contracted [Passive voice ] to complete was not unique, then [Writing suggestion: this sentence may be simpler without "then"] Foodmart’s
  • 5. FOODMART, INC. PAPER 5 [Apostrophe: remove if the word is not possessive] injunction will not have bearing. Foodmart may be dissatisfied [Passive voice ] with the work that Fall Construction is performing, but their only course of action would be to make sure Masterpiece is providing the scope of work as stated in the contract. In addition, the court will take into account whether the contract is valid and enforceable, void, or voidable when deciding whether Foodmart can rightfully enforce the contract. The court will determine whether both parties had capacity to enter into [Redundancy: remove "into"-- how else does one enter? ] a contract, whether there was an offer made, acceptance, and consideration paid for the contract. If Foodmart paid for the renovation up front the contract would be considered [Passive voice ] unilateral, as they have forgone money where Masterpiece has not yet lost anything. If Foodmart were not paying Masterpiece until the end of the contract, then [Writing suggestion: this sentence may be simpler without "then"] it would be bi-lateral, as currently the contract stands only as a promise for payment in return for a promise to provide services. Regardless of whether this was a verbal or written contract, it would be considered [Passive voice ] an informal contract since [Check word choice--"Since" is more precise in referring to time ("after that"); otherwise use "because"] there is no specific format to be completed such as writing a check. Scenario Two Jeremy Atwater (a 17 year-old) signed a contract with Smooth Sales Used Cars to purchase a vehicle. The sale included a down payment and $200 monthly payments. Unfortunately, Jeremy was unable to [Writing suggestion--Simplify the sentence by shortening "unable to" to "cannot," "could not," etc.] continue to monthly payments [Doctoral rule (but good advice for any academic writer)--avoid a split infinitive; consider
  • 6. FOODMART, INC. PAPER 6 placing the adverb (monthly) before or after the infinitive (to payments )--try "monthly to payments " or "to payments monthly" (or place "monthly" later in the sentence)] because he lost his job. As a result, Jeremy returned to Smooth Sales Used cars and requested to cancel the contract. In addition to cancelling [The preferred spelling is "canceling"] the contract, Jeremy requested a refund of all funds presented to the company. There are ["There are" is an awkward phrase if "there" is not clearly a location] several options to resolve this scenario. Primarily, contracts with minors are not valid unless purchasing the vehicle is a necessity. In this case, the vehicle is not a necessity and Smooth Sales Used Cars should keep the car and cancel the contract. In regards [Use "regard" ("regards" are feelings of affection)] to returning of the funds, the company has several options to consider. One specific option is returning the funds and the company accept the situation is a financial loss. The second option is to charge Jeremy a rental fee for the six months of usage [Check spelling: "Usage" refers primarily to legal procedures or grammar; most writing situations call for "use"] and refund the remaining balance Jeremy paid. The third option is the company refuse Jeremy’s offer and make Jeremy and his parents accountable for the terms of the contract. Jeremy Atwater did not lie about his age, the salesperson neglected to confirm Jeremy’s age; therefore, Smooth Sales Used Cars will assume the loss of the contract if Jeremy insists on returning the vehicle. Scenario Three The third case, McDonald versus Harry, Harry is suing McDonald for what he sees as a breach of contract or promissory estoppel. McDonald, who works for Foodmart, collects rare trains in his spare time as a hobby, informed Harry he will sell him his trains in two years when
  • 7. FOODMART, INC. PAPER 7 he retires because he knows Harry will take care of the trains. Upon receiving this verbal information from McDonald, Harry on his own recognance, decided to add a 2,000 square foot addition to his home to accommodate the intended trains he was to receive by borrowing the money from his family. When McDonald retired two years later, McDonald decided to sell the rare trains to his neighbor instead of Harry. Harry blames McDonald for a breach of contract because of a verbal conversation; however, during that verbal conversation of offer, no terms, agreement, or money was discussed [Passive voice ] . Unfortunately, for Harry, there was no written documentation of McDonald verbally agreeing to sell his rare trains to Harry. Without anything written it would be difficult for Harry to prove McDonald told him that he would sell his rare trains to only him. A statement of intent that an individual states they [Check pronoun agreement--if "they" refers to "an individual" (or a singular subject), it should be singular, too (he or she) and perhaps require adjusting the following verb] will do something during a certain timeframe is not an offer. An offer must express not only an intent to enter into [Redundancy: remove "into"--how else does one enter? ] a binding agreement but also the terms of the agreement (AMJUR Contracts §10, 2010). Even when Harry advised McDonald of the addition to his home for the trains, McDonald still did not acknowledge that he was still selling his trains to him, he merely smiled. Again, Harry is suing for promissory estoppels. Harry will try to prove that McDonald promised to sell his trains to him after two years. Unfortunately, no evidence exists that McDonald promised Harry anything. Promissory estoppel also requires that the promise reasonably induce the promise to the action (Restatement (Second) of Contracts §90, 1981). No reasonable explanations show that acquiring rare trains means one has to acquire debt and make
  • 8. FOODMART, INC. PAPER 8 renovations to property to satisfy the train’s accommodation. Harry acquired this debt on his own. For these reasons, Harry will not win the case against McDonald. Scenario Four Retail giant, Foodmart Inc., expands its services to an online delivery service. Customers who [Check punctuation: If the following phrase is nonrestrictive (the sentence would still make sense without it) insert comma before "who"] reside within a 10-mile radius to the store can receive delivery of items purchased online. To use the online service, Foodmart requires customers to agree to terms and conditions of a contract. An e-contract is equivalent to signing a traditional contract. The Electronic Signatures in Global and National [Do not capitalize without the complete name of the institution (unless in a citation or as the first word in a sentence)] Commerce act, also known as ESIGN was signed [Passive voice ] by former President Bill Clinton and enacted on June 30, 2000. The act states that e-contracts and electronic signatures are given [Passive voice ] equivalent legal status as a handwritten contract or signature. [Move the period to follow the citation] (SnapContract, 2011) Todd, a local caterer, notices an advertisement for a special chocolate sauce that he uses to bake cakes. He attempts to order the product online, but the store advises him that the item is sold out. In response, Todd demands that the store honors the advertised price and transfer the remaining inventory to the location nearest to his home. Foodmart Inc. refuses to honor the request directing him to the terms of the online agreement; Todd threatens to sue the company.
  • 9. FOODMART, INC. PAPER 9 According to Cheeseman (2010), once a contract is formed [Passive voice ] , the parties owe a duty to perform a traditional contract or an e-contract. When applying this concept, Foodmart, Inc. will win the suit. The contractual agreement between the two parties initiated when Todd logged into the company’s website and e-signed the acknowledgments of the online agreement. Once he signed the agreement, he entered into [Redundancy: remove "into"--how else does one enter? ] a binding contract. One aspect of the online agreement is that sale items are restricted [Passive voice ] to in-store purchases; therefore, any product purchase made through e-commerce is not subject to sale [Misspelling: "sale" is a noun, the exchange of something for money; "sell" is a verb, the act of making a sale] or other promotional discounts. Because Todd is an online buyer, he agreed to terms and conditions when entering into [Redundancy: remove "into"--how else does one enter? ] Foodmart’s [Apostrophe: remove if the word is not possessive] online system. In addition, another contractual issue is the restriction of inventory items to the nearest store from which an online customer purchases their [Check pronoun agreement--if "their" refers to "customer" (or a singular subject), it should be singular, too (his or her)] product. Although the company was untrue about the amount of chocolate sauce in its inventory, the contract holds true that Todd agreed to their terms at the time he accessed the website. The results are that Todd has the option to purchase the chocolate sauce at his nearest store or even travel to another store for that matter; nonetheless, the store cannot deliver the product to him and honor the advertised ales price. If the company were to honor Todd’s request, they would breach the contract and as a result go against their own terms. The solution to the matter is that Todd can purchase the chocolate sauce from a retail storefront in order to
  • 10. FOODMART, INC. PAPER 10 [Writing suggestion--the meaning will be the same (and less wordy) by removing "in order"] receive the advertised price or purchase the item from other resources. Conclusion Contracts do not have to be in writing to be legal. However, certain criteria must be met in order for the contract to be valid and enforceable; all parties must have the capacity to contract; all parties must have a mutual understanding [Redundancy: understanding is by definition mutual] of the contract; all parties must accept the contract. Each contract will have an offer, acceptance, and consideration; failure to provide any of these three elements means that there is no actual [Cliché: "actual" and "actually" are weak words whose meaning is nothing more than "in point of fact." They are often used as intensifiers but usually can be deleted with no change in meaning ] contract. Circumstances surrounding the events of the contract will determine if it is enforceable, void, or voidable. Each contract is different, and rulings should be made [Passive voice ] on a case-by-case basis.
  • 11. FOODMART, INC. PAPER 11 References American Jurisprudence 2d. (1997). St. Paul, MN: Thompson Reuters. Cheeseman, H. R. (2010). The legal Environment of Business and outline Commerce: Business Ethics, E-Commerce, Regulatory, and International Issues, Sixth Edition. Prentice Hall.Snapcontract. (n.d.). Retrieved April 14, 2011, from Snapcontract: The Restatement of contracts 2d. (1981). Philadelphia, PA: American Law Institute Publishers.