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The world is sick, and whenever
the children of men dwell,
suffering abounds. On every
hand there is a seeking of
relief. It is not the Creator’s
purpose that mankind shall be
weighed down with the burden
of pain, that his activities shall
be curtailed by illness, that his
strength wane, and his life be
cut short by disease.
But all too frequently the
laws established by God to
govern the life are flagrantly
transgressed; sin enters the
heart, and man loses sight
of his dependence upon God,
the source of life and health.
Then follow the penalties of
transgression--pain, sickness
and death.
Veganka is dedicated to help
the sick by offering a top of
the line natural products. Our
Softgel products are all made
in the USA. Our state-of-the-
art facility in Los Angeles,
California is run by professional
and well trained personnel.
We produce and market
branded products and turnkey
Veganka, Inc. is located in a beautiful Ladera Ranch, California. We are
the exclusive distributor of LeafSilver products which is made from all
natural, mostly organic ingredients. We only use the best plants and
herbs that is potent and phytochemicals in them. This means that you
have more chances to benefit from the healing properties of nature
compared to other products.
We make sure we buy our herbs from a US Certified Growers and
suppliers. Each ingredients are known to be clean and effective. Every
product come with a certificate of analysis. Our two piece capsules are
made of vegetarian materials.
Manufacturing Plant
Our Softgel line of products is the best in the industry. It is
manufactured here in Los Angeles, California unlike other companies
that buys from China and other foreign countries. This ensures the
freshness, purity, potency and quality of our product.
The companies million dollar state-of-the-art facility consist of
blending and encapsulation equipment is the highest standard in
technology and design.
In House Laboratory
One of the strongest attributes of this company our well equipped,
state-of-the-art chemical analytical laboratory and the staff who run it.
Highly trained chemist and technicians follows complete confidentiality
and full compliance with State and Federal regulations.
Quality Control tests incoming raw materials and finished goods
to ensure the purity and quality of the products we manufacture.
Instruments that we use are as follows:
•High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
•Gas Chromatography (GC)
•Atomic Absorption (AA)
•Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)
•Ultra Violet Visible (UV) Spectrophotometers
Clinical Studies
“I was suffering from
H-pylori. I had used
all kinds of herbal
combinations and
pharmaceuticals pills.
I used Colonika and I
found it to be an amazing
product. I have seen
amazing change and (I no
longer suffer) the pain I
had in my stomach.
Thanks to Colonika!”
Dr. Conrad A. Matthews
Mucoid plaque is caused when the naturally
occurring mucus secreted by the intestine
become contaminated with waste. As it builds it
creates a dark, gel-like coating in the intesti-
nal walls.
Colonika™ Parasite Alert is an easy to
digest caplet formulated to eliminate
parasites and purify the liver at the
same time.
Colonika Cleanser is a psyllium husk
with a blend of 12 natural herbs for-
mulated to help absorb toxins and to
remove mucoid plaque in the colon.
Colonika Detox & Senna Tea promote
proper elimination, detoxifies the liver,
kidney and blood. It relaxes the body
and soothes the nervous system.
Vitamins &
Vitamins &
• Perluxan significantly improved parameters of osteoarthritis pain, including
mean pain relief while in bed, sitting, lying, and walking on a flat surface.
• The effectiveness of Perluxan was supported by the limited use of rescue
medication in the treatment groups compared to placebo.
• The researchers concluded that Perluxan improved pain relief in patients with
osteoarthritis, with the ultimate outcome of increased function and better quality
of life.
Colorectal cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in the world.
Once a person is constipated, toxic wastes are more likely to be absorbed through
the bowel wall and into the blood stream. The blood then circulates these toxins
to every part of the body and deposits in tissues.
ColonMix is a natural fiber with a blend of 8 natural herbs to help the bowel
eliminate effectively.
The overall health of your eyes is important to help retain your healthy vision. Eye
Formula provides a unique synergistic blend of micronutrients and natural herbal
ingredients that combine traditional knowledge and experience with current
scientific knowledge, specifically to sustain overall eye health.
Eye Formula combines distinctive flavonoids, carotenoids, and antioxidants
known to nourish and protect the delicate cellular tissue of your eyes, naturally.
Milk Thistle strengthens and clears the liver and gall bladder. Milk Thistle is use
for liver disease, poor fat tolerance, and to protect the liver when taking strong
drugs and medicines. Depression which comes on following hepatitis.
For treating gallstones and for inflammation. Useful for Candida and food
allergies. High blood pressure with liverish symptoms.
Eye Formula
Milk Thistle
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a vitamin-like substance found in virtually all cells of
the human body, including the heart, liver, and skeletal muscles, and in most
plant and animal cells.
• As an antioxidant, CoQ10 protects proteins, LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, and
mitochondrial DNA from oxidative damage.
• As a participant in the production of cellular energy, CoQ10 helps ensure the
body’s biggest energy consumers — the heart and the brain — are well-fed.
Evening primrose oil is a rich source of gammalinoleic acid, which is better known
as GLA. Evening primrose may have a stimulating effect on the body, encouraging
it to convert fat into energy, which would make it an excellent treatment for
Hormonal imbalances perhaps causing conditions like PMS, and symptoms
of menopause may be eased by evening primrose oil, reducing symptoms of
bloating, water retention, irritability, and depression. Reduces the inflammation
of rheumatoid arthritis.
Ginkgo has been used in traditional medicine to treat blood disorders and
enhance memory. Scientific studies throughout the years have found evidence
that supports these claims. Although not all studies agree, ginkgo may be help
treat dementia (including Alzheimer’s disease) and intermittent claudication, or
poor circulation in the legs. It also shows promise for enhancing memory in older
adults. Laboratory studies have shown that ginkgo improves blood circulation by
dilating blood vessels and reducing the stickiness of blood platelets.
Urinary is a product made to maintain urinary and kidney health. In addition, this
product helps the body maintain fluid and mineral balance flow. It also promotes
urine flow and supports the health of the blood vessels in general. It may even help
reduce the amount of urinary infections experienced because it works to sanitize
the urinary tract and boost immunity.
Evening Primrose Oil
Ginko Biloba
name Allium sativum, contains substances,
diallyl sulfide, allyl methyl trisulfide, and is
a source of selenium. Today, there are many
Garlic oil benefits are as follows:
Heart Diseases
Garlic oil benefitscan be obtained, in the form
of decreased levels of low density lipids or
bad cholesterol, which is helpful for certain
lowers the total cholesterol and triglyceride
levels in the body.The chemicals present in it,
promote formation of HDL cholesterol.
The clinical studies have established that the
allyl sulfur, a chemical present in the garlic,
can stem or inhibit the cancer development.
Garlic oil benefits can be observed in prostate
cancer, pancreatic cancer, esophageal cancer,
breast cancer and stomach cancer. It has the
ability to inhibit or prevent colon cancer.
Blood Pressure
One of the garlic oil benefits is that it can be
used to provide relief to the patients suffering
from the high blood pressure by lowering it.
It does have the capacity to act as a blood
blood vessels and prevent atherosclerosis. Its
ability to make the blood thinner is important
for avoiding stroke and thrombosis. Ingestion
of garlic oil also helps in lowering the blood
sugar levels.
Garlic Oil
Garlic has enjoyed tremendous popularity in Asia and Africa. However, it wasn’t
too far back in the past, that garlic was frowned upon for its smell, in certain
parts of the world. This lasted, till the modern science uncovered the benefits
of garlic, that were extolled in the folklore. Garlic, sometimes, also referred by
its scientific name Allium sativum, contains substances, such as alliin, alliinase,
allicin, S-allylcysteine, diallyl sulfide, allyl methyl trisulfide, and is a source of
Today, there are many products that contain oil extracted from garlic.
Acerola is well known for its high vitamin C content (up to 4.5% vitamin C per fruit
compared to 0.05% found in a peeled orange). When compared to oranges, Acerola
also provides double the amount of magnesium, potassium and pathothenic acid.
It also a significant source of vitamin A. Acerola also has various mineral salts
that can help stressed and tired skin to be remineralized. The proteins present
in Acerola possess skin-hydrating properties and support capillary functioning.
Superfoods has the highest concentrations of green foods easily digestible
nutrients, fat burning compounds, vitamins and minerals to protect and heal
the body. They contain a wide array of beneficial substances including proteins,
protective photochemicals and healthy bacteria helping you to build cleaner
muscles and tissues, aid your digestive system function and more effectively
protect you against disease and illness.
Spirulina contain over 60% complete protein (almost three times as much as that
found in beef), it has high concentrations of many other important vitamins and
minerals, such as B complex vitamins, vitamin E, carotenoids, iron, manganese,
zinc, essential fatty acids such as gamma linolenic acid (found only in mothers
milk), and more beta carotene than you can find in carrots.
Barley Grass
Barley Grass is a powerful antioxidant that is believed to help the body kill cancer
cells and overcome a variety of ailments, including acne and ulcers.The health
benefits of barley grass also include the numerous vitamins it contains, including
vitamins A, B, C, E, & K. Vitamin K is a rarely talked vitamin. It helps your blood
clot, helps keep your bones strong (even in post-menopause), and reduces
calcification of your arteries. Barley grass also contains 12 different minerals
including calcium, potassium, and zinc. Barley grass also include alkalizing the
Echinacea and Goldenseal have synergistic qualities that enhance the overall
effectiveness of the combination. While both herbs are great antimicrobial agents
in their own right, their merger increases their ability to enhance overall health.
Echinacea, for instance, is esteemed for its immune boosting qualities, while
goldenseal is known to be toxic to various microorganisms. The combination,
therefore, helps the body build resistance while attacking and killing microbes
that compromise it.Echinacea contains chemicals that reduce inflammation and
destroy the cells that cause fungal infections. The chemical berberine found in
goldenseal fights E.coli bacteria that cause infections of the digestive and urinary
GLUCOFIT is a proprietary banaba leaf extract standardized to 18% corosolic acid
— a key bioactive constituent — that has been clinically proven to help control blood
glucose levels in pre-diabetic and diabetic adults, without causing hypoglycemia.
Original human clinical trials have shown that Glucofit:
• Lowers fasting blood glucose levels.
• Lowers post-prandial blood glucose levels.
• Improves clinical symptoms of diabetes, such as thirstiness, drowsiness, excessive
hunger and diminished strength
Pau d’Arco is promoted as a cure for dozens of illnesses and medical conditions,
including arthritis, ulcers, diabetes, and cancer. Proponents also claim that, when
taken internally, pau d’arco relieves infections, reduces inflammation, promotes
digestion, strengthens the immune system, flushes toxins from the body, and
protects against cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure. One of the active
ingredients in pau d’arco that has been studied is called lapachol. In laboratory
animals, lapachol was found to be effective against malaria and certain kinds of
animal tumor cells, such as sarcoma.
Echinacea & Goldenseal
Pau d’Arco
Prostate CT
This all-natural supplement from Veganka claims to support prostate health by
supplementing the body with a powerful blend of herbs, minerals and plant-based
extracts, including lycopene. Prostate CT contains zinc, folic acid, saw palmetto
and pumpkin seed oil. Numerous American and European studies report saw
palmetto reduces several BPH symptoms, including nocturnal urination. The
active properties found in saw palmetto may help ease urinary urges, reducing
frequent urges to urinate during the night. It also helps treat urinary pain caused
by BPH.
Maca contains a number of sterols, good source of iron, magnesium, calcium
(more than milk), potassium and iodine.
Maca is well known for its outstanding stamina enhancing properties, stress
adaptor, it aids in energy and endurance, helps maintain a healthy immune system
and re-mineralizes poorly nourished body. It is a natural hormone balancer used
traditionally to enhance sexual function in both men and women, to increase
fertility and to help alleviate menopause symptoms.
Charcoal has always been popular for dealing with flatulence, bloating, and irritable
bowel syndrome, by soaking up gas.
Charcoal reduces cholesterol in the blood. Reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.
Absorbs gas and so acts as an antacid. Binds with cholesterol, toxins, and waste in the
intestines, which has a cleansing effect.
Charcoal can also be useful in the long-term management of kidney patients
Vitamin E is a fat soluble vitamin that is well known for its antioxidant properties.
It has enjoyed a reputation for preventing the effects of aging on skin, healing
scars and scar tissue, and preventing damage to the body from free radicals – a
byproduct of our bodies’ attempts to deal with the poisons and pollutants in today’s
As an antioxidant, vitamin E provides some protection against heart disease,
atherosclerosis, cancer, inflammatory diseases like arthritis and other effects of
aging. In topical preparations, it is said to help erase wrinkles and promote healthy
skin and hair.
Vitamin E
Nuts and seeds does not
only taste good, but are often
It seems like every day more
and more studies continue
to be released extolling the
health benefits of eating nuts
and seeds as a fundamental
part of your diet. The FDA has
backed this up, claiming that
eating additional servings of
certain nuts may reduce the
risk of coronary heart disease.
Wow! This is great. And you
thought for something to taste
good, it had to be unhealthy.
Take almonds for example.
Pound for pound almonds
are the most nutrient dense
of all tree nuts. A handful of
almonds a day just might keep
paste as a healthy frosting on
your baked goodies.
Carob Raisins 8 oz.
Raisins covered in delicious carob coating. A perfect substitute for those who
can’t have chocolate. One tablespoon of unsweetened carob powder has 25
calories, no fat, no saturated fat, no cholesterol, and 6 grams of carbohydrates.
By comparison, one tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa powder contains 12 calo-
ries, 1 gram of fat, no saturated fat, no cholesterol and 3 grams of carbohydrate.
Unlike cocoa powder and chocolate, carob is caffeine-free. Carob also contains
three times as much calcium as cocoa powder.
Chia Seeds 8 oz.
Chia is the richest non-marine whole food source of Omega-3 and dietary
fiber currently known to man. Omega-3 fatty acids can normalize blood
pressure and bad cholesterol levels, while helping promote healthy heart
and blood vessels. With six times more calcium than milk, and with greater
amounts of high-quality protein that helps strengthen muscles and bones.
Chia integrates seamlessly into any healthy recipe.
Hemp Protein Powder 8 oz.
Hemp seeds are one of nature’s best resources for plant-based protein.
Containing all of the essential amino acids the body needs. Our Hemp
Protein Powder is a perfect boost to your morning. Try adding it to your
smoothies, shakes and yogurt, or use hemp powder to replace up to 25%
of the flour in a baked goods.
Honey Nuts Granola 7 oz.
This fresh and crunchy granola is healthy and ever so tasty. We take rolled
oats and blend them with almonds, cashews, sesame seeds, sunflower
seeds and walnuts. Then we add a touch of vanilla and honey for an unbe-
lievable taste and crunch. Tastes great as a snack or with cereal, yogurt and
ice cream.
Raw Mixed Nuts 6 oz.
Raw mixed nuts make an extremely healthy and delicious snack. You’ll get
raw cashews, raw almonds, raw brazil nuts, raw filberts, and raw pecans. It
contains important nutrients needed for human growth. They are an excel-
lent sources of protein and the essential unsaturated fatty acids which are
necessary for health. They are also one of the best natural sources of lecithin,
most of the B-complex vitamins and vitamin E, which are perhaps the most
important elements for the preservation of health and prevention of prema-
ture aging.
Mixed Seeds Powder (Raw) 8 oz.
Raw seeds are incredibly rich in essential fats, minerals, vitamin E, and pro-
tein. It contains live enzymes that is a catalyst for growth. Our formula consists
of flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds and chia seeds
which are all powerful natural Omega-3 and Omega-6 combination.
Take one tablespoon a day for 100 percent optimum health. Sprinkle them in
cereal, soups, smoothies, juices or salads.
Sunflower Seeds (Raw) 8 oz.
Looking for a health-promoting snack? A handful of sunflower seeds
will take care of your hunger. Sunflower seeds are a very good source
of vitamin E, manganese, magnesium, copper, selenium, phosphorus,
vitamin B1, vitamin B6 and folate.
A Few Quick Serving Ideas:
•Garnish mixed green salads with sunflower seeds.
•Adding sunflower seeds to scrambled eggs will give them a unique
taste & texture.
•Use fine ground sunflower seeds to dust your meats with in place
of flour.
•Sprinkle sunflower seeds onto hot and cold cereals.
Toasted Carob Powder 8 oz.
Carob Powder comes from finely ground, dried and toasted pods of the carob
tree. It is a healthy alternative to cocoa that’s low in calories and contains no
fats. Carob is an excellent substitute for chocolate or cocoa powder in cakes,
cookies and candy. To substitute Carob Powder for cocoa, replace one part
cocoa with one and one-half to two parts carob by weight.
Ingredients: Toasted Ground Carob
The Key to Optimum Health:
God has blessed us with many foods and herbs that are so nutritionally potent, concentrated and complete. They are na-
ture’s way to healthy blood and a healthy body.
The three basic steps to natural health are the following:
	 1. Get Nutrition IN! Feed your body super-nutrition for greater health!
	 2. Get Waste OUT! Remove the toxins and waste that cause disease!
	 3. BUILD a Healthy Immune System! Strengthen your body’s immune system
	 to promote overall health!
Blast your body with the most powerful nutrition we have our “Superfood Powder” it has complete nutrient supplement
for everyday stress of life.
Healthy Breakfast on the go recipe:
	 1 scoop super food powder
	 16 oz fresh orange juice or soymilk 1 scoop raw mix seeds powder
	 half banana
	 Blend this 4 ingredients and you will have an optimum complete meal for the day.
Eliminate BLOCKAGE the ROOT of all diseases. Abdominal discomfort, allergies, anxiety, asthma, backaches, constipa-
tion, cramps, depression, fatigue, food cravings, headaches, hemorrhoids, indigestion, insomnia, irritability, lack of sexual
response, loss of concentration, memory loss, menstrual problems, nausea, poor appetite, prostate trouble, skin prob-
lems, weight gain.... How can so many seemingly unrelated problems be solved with colon cleansing.
Our company has created just the right product for you try our COLONIKA today! Cleanse your bowel and watch the
miracles happen!
Do something preventative and proactive for yourself, and start our 15 days Bowel Detox - COLONIKA. Its only 15 days out
of 1 year.
And finally SUPERCHARGE your Immune System with our different product line of herbs such as Echinecea & GoldenSeal
combination, PauD Arco, Antioxidant Cocktail, Mega-C made of Acerola pure extract, Natural Vitamin E and many more.
We also have our natural food product line that is raw and organic high in ORAC antioxidant.
Mineral Salt is taken
from a huge natural
mineral rock deposit
deep in the earth.
Many thousands of
years ago, when the
mountain are being
formed, there existed a
super-saturated body of
sea water. It formed a
great body of rock salt
and captured within
crystallization many
wholesome minerals.
Normal table salt begins as a saline solution.
Then after processing and kiln drying at tem-
perature in excess of 400 degrees, it’s natural
state is changed and nearly all trace minerals
are lost. The chemicals are added to name a
few like Silico Aluminate, Potassium Iodide,
Tri-calcium Phosphate. These are added
to bleach the salt, prevent caking, and aid in
free-flowing. This chemicals are harmful to
the body.
Mineral Salt is brought to you today with no
additives or preservatives of any kind, and no
heating to change its natural state. Mineral
Salt has never been kiln dried nor has it had
chemicals. Good for our body.
Sea Salt in an all natural state.
Contains 50+ natural trace minerals.
Minelava Minerals is a clay mined
from an ancient sea bed formation
in Southern Utah. Geologist have
noted that our unique deposit of
clay was formed when a layer of
volcanic ash fell into a shallow
inland sea. As the ash filtered
through the seawater, it collected
pure minerals forming a layer
of highly mineralized clay. This
one-of-a-kind source of bentonite
clay is superior to similar
bentonited deposits because of its
high trace mineral concentration.
Minelava Minerals is highly
absorbent. When inside the
stomach and intestinal tract,
the clay’s large surface area
attracts poisons, toxins and
other chemical while releasing
needed minerals. The clay
removes unwanted toxins from
the intestine and colon surfaces
allowing for more efficient
mineral absorption.
Benefits of Minelava Minerals:
»» Electrolyte minerals
»» Minerals that stimulate proper bone growth such as Calcium and Boron
»» Steady energy flow throughout the day
»» Minerals that help in the metabolism of fat such as Chromium
»» Aids the digestive process
»» Absorbs excess stomach acid
»» Promotes restful sleep
»» Improves skin complexion
»» Helps manage hunger
»» Promotes regular bowel movement
1. Mineral Rich
Minelava provides an impressive assortment of minerals including calcium, iron, magne-
sium, potassium, sulfur, manganese, and silica in addition to an assortment of rare trace
minerals. Trace minerals are essential to good health as they enable the body to absorb
nutrients. Veganka contains more than 70 trace and ultra-trace minerals. Normally, me-
tallic minerals are hard to digest and assimilate, however the metallic minerals in benton-
ite which have been exposed to the sea have already been “digested” by sea plants and are
thus water soluble and readily assimilated by the body.
2. Improves Skin Texture
The condition of the skin is a good indication of what is happening inside the body. Most
people are not aware that the skin is the largest organ and a means of eliminating waste;
each day waste passes through the pores of the skin.
Everything that affects the body in turn affects the skin. When the body is full of toxic
wastes and cannot eliminate the properly, various skin ailments may result. The only ef-
fective way to get rid of these conditions is by cleansing the body inside and out.
3. Detoxify the Body
The particles of clay are said to carry a negative electrical charge, whereas impurities or
toxins carry a positive electrical charge. For this very reason clay has been used to absorb
the collocidal impurities of beer, wine and cider. The clay particles attract the wine impuri-
ties and they settle out together. The process worked the same in the human body. When
Clay is taken internally, the positive charge toxins are attracted by the negatively charge
edges of the clay mineral.
4. Highly Alkaline
The ideal pH of your blood must be maintained between 7.35-7.45 for a healthy body. When it is below that, your body will be
heavily affected and start to produce symptoms, it will start telling you about the pain it is in. Most food we eat and crave are
acidic forming and are a part of the over-acidication of your body. This imbalance is linked to almost every known disease. Your
body will do whatrever it can to maintain the blood pH levels, which includes stealing nutrients from other parts of your body.
Minelava when added to water has a pH of 8.5-9.3 which is high alkaline!
© Copyright 2012, Veganka. All Rights Reserved.

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Veganka catalog

  • 2. A MESSAGE FROM VEGANKA The world is sick, and whenever the children of men dwell, suffering abounds. On every hand there is a seeking of relief. It is not the Creator’s purpose that mankind shall be weighed down with the burden of pain, that his activities shall be curtailed by illness, that his strength wane, and his life be cut short by disease. But all too frequently the laws established by God to govern the life are flagrantly transgressed; sin enters the heart, and man loses sight of his dependence upon God, the source of life and health. Then follow the penalties of transgression--pain, sickness and death. Veganka is dedicated to help the sick by offering a top of the line natural products. Our Softgel products are all made in the USA. Our state-of-the- art facility in Los Angeles, California is run by professional and well trained personnel. We produce and market branded products and turnkey formulations.
  • 3. PEOPLE, PRODUCTS Veganka, Inc. is located in a beautiful Ladera Ranch, California. We are the exclusive distributor of LeafSilver products which is made from all natural, mostly organic ingredients. We only use the best plants and herbs that is potent and phytochemicals in them. This means that you have more chances to benefit from the healing properties of nature compared to other products. Herbs We make sure we buy our herbs from a US Certified Growers and suppliers. Each ingredients are known to be clean and effective. Every product come with a certificate of analysis. Our two piece capsules are made of vegetarian materials. Manufacturing Plant Our Softgel line of products is the best in the industry. It is manufactured here in Los Angeles, California unlike other companies that buys from China and other foreign countries. This ensures the freshness, purity, potency and quality of our product. The companies million dollar state-of-the-art facility consist of blending and encapsulation equipment is the highest standard in technology and design. In House Laboratory One of the strongest attributes of this company our well equipped, state-of-the-art chemical analytical laboratory and the staff who run it. Highly trained chemist and technicians follows complete confidentiality and full compliance with State and Federal regulations. Quality Control tests incoming raw materials and finished goods to ensure the purity and quality of the products we manufacture. Instruments that we use are as follows: •High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) •Gas Chromatography (GC) •Atomic Absorption (AA) •Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) •Ultra Violet Visible (UV) Spectrophotometers Clinical Studies
  • 4. THE IMPORTANCE OF A HEALTHY COLON “I was suffering from H-pylori. I had used all kinds of herbal combinations and pharmaceuticals pills. I used Colonika and I found it to be an amazing product. I have seen amazing change and (I no longer suffer) the pain I had in my stomach. Thanks to Colonika!” Dr. Conrad A. Matthews Naturopath
  • 5. WHAT IS MUCOID PLAQUE? Mucoid plaque is caused when the naturally occurring mucus secreted by the intestine become contaminated with waste. As it builds it creates a dark, gel-like coating in the intesti- nal walls. Colonika™ Parasite Alert is an easy to digest caplet formulated to eliminate parasites and purify the liver at the same time. Colonika Cleanser is a psyllium husk with a blend of 12 natural herbs for- mulated to help absorb toxins and to remove mucoid plaque in the colon. Colonika Detox & Senna Tea promote proper elimination, detoxifies the liver, kidney and blood. It relaxes the body and soothes the nervous system. Mucoid Plaque Intestinal Lining Vitamins & Nutrients Intestinal Lining Vitamins & Nutrients
  • 6. Perluxan • Perluxan significantly improved parameters of osteoarthritis pain, including mean pain relief while in bed, sitting, lying, and walking on a flat surface. • The effectiveness of Perluxan was supported by the limited use of rescue medication in the treatment groups compared to placebo. • The researchers concluded that Perluxan improved pain relief in patients with osteoarthritis, with the ultimate outcome of increased function and better quality of life. Colorectal cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in the world. Once a person is constipated, toxic wastes are more likely to be absorbed through the bowel wall and into the blood stream. The blood then circulates these toxins to every part of the body and deposits in tissues. ColonMix is a natural fiber with a blend of 8 natural herbs to help the bowel eliminate effectively. The overall health of your eyes is important to help retain your healthy vision. Eye Formula provides a unique synergistic blend of micronutrients and natural herbal ingredients that combine traditional knowledge and experience with current scientific knowledge, specifically to sustain overall eye health. Eye Formula combines distinctive flavonoids, carotenoids, and antioxidants known to nourish and protect the delicate cellular tissue of your eyes, naturally. Milk Thistle strengthens and clears the liver and gall bladder. Milk Thistle is use for liver disease, poor fat tolerance, and to protect the liver when taking strong drugs and medicines. Depression which comes on following hepatitis. For treating gallstones and for inflammation. Useful for Candida and food allergies. High blood pressure with liverish symptoms. ColonMix Eye Formula Milk Thistle
  • 7. CO~Q SOL Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a vitamin-like substance found in virtually all cells of the human body, including the heart, liver, and skeletal muscles, and in most plant and animal cells. • As an antioxidant, CoQ10 protects proteins, LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, and mitochondrial DNA from oxidative damage. • As a participant in the production of cellular energy, CoQ10 helps ensure the body’s biggest energy consumers — the heart and the brain — are well-fed. Evening primrose oil is a rich source of gammalinoleic acid, which is better known as GLA. Evening primrose may have a stimulating effect on the body, encouraging it to convert fat into energy, which would make it an excellent treatment for obesity. Hormonal imbalances perhaps causing conditions like PMS, and symptoms of menopause may be eased by evening primrose oil, reducing symptoms of bloating, water retention, irritability, and depression. Reduces the inflammation of rheumatoid arthritis. Ginkgo has been used in traditional medicine to treat blood disorders and enhance memory. Scientific studies throughout the years have found evidence that supports these claims. Although not all studies agree, ginkgo may be help treat dementia (including Alzheimer’s disease) and intermittent claudication, or poor circulation in the legs. It also shows promise for enhancing memory in older adults. Laboratory studies have shown that ginkgo improves blood circulation by dilating blood vessels and reducing the stickiness of blood platelets. Urinary is a product made to maintain urinary and kidney health. In addition, this product helps the body maintain fluid and mineral balance flow. It also promotes urine flow and supports the health of the blood vessels in general. It may even help reduce the amount of urinary infections experienced because it works to sanitize the urinary tract and boost immunity. Evening Primrose Oil Ginko Biloba Urinary
  • 8. TheHealthBenefits ofGarlicOil Garlic,sometimes,alsoreferredbyitsscientific name Allium sativum, contains substances, suchasalliin,alliinase,allicin,S-allylcysteine, diallyl sulfide, allyl methyl trisulfide, and is a source of selenium. Today, there are many productsthatcontainoilextractedfromgarlic. Garlic oil benefits are as follows: Heart Diseases Garlic oil benefitscan be obtained, in the form of decreased levels of low density lipids or bad cholesterol, which is helpful for certain typesofheartdisease.Mostimportantly,italso lowers the total cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the body.The chemicals present in it, promote formation of HDL cholesterol. Cancer The clinical studies have established that the allyl sulfur, a chemical present in the garlic, can stem or inhibit the cancer development. Garlic oil benefits can be observed in prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer, esophageal cancer, breast cancer and stomach cancer. It has the ability to inhibit or prevent colon cancer. Blood Pressure One of the garlic oil benefits is that it can be used to provide relief to the patients suffering from the high blood pressure by lowering it. It does have the capacity to act as a blood thinnerandisknowntosuccessfullyunclogthe blood vessels and prevent atherosclerosis. Its ability to make the blood thinner is important for avoiding stroke and thrombosis. Ingestion of garlic oil also helps in lowering the blood sugar levels.
  • 9. Garlic Oil Garlic has enjoyed tremendous popularity in Asia and Africa. However, it wasn’t too far back in the past, that garlic was frowned upon for its smell, in certain parts of the world. This lasted, till the modern science uncovered the benefits of garlic, that were extolled in the folklore. Garlic, sometimes, also referred by its scientific name Allium sativum, contains substances, such as alliin, alliinase, allicin, S-allylcysteine, diallyl sulfide, allyl methyl trisulfide, and is a source of selenium. Today, there are many products that contain oil extracted from garlic. Acerola is well known for its high vitamin C content (up to 4.5% vitamin C per fruit compared to 0.05% found in a peeled orange). When compared to oranges, Acerola also provides double the amount of magnesium, potassium and pathothenic acid. It also a significant source of vitamin A. Acerola also has various mineral salts that can help stressed and tired skin to be remineralized. The proteins present in Acerola possess skin-hydrating properties and support capillary functioning. Superfoods has the highest concentrations of green foods easily digestible nutrients, fat burning compounds, vitamins and minerals to protect and heal the body. They contain a wide array of beneficial substances including proteins, protective photochemicals and healthy bacteria helping you to build cleaner muscles and tissues, aid your digestive system function and more effectively protect you against disease and illness. Spirulina contain over 60% complete protein (almost three times as much as that found in beef), it has high concentrations of many other important vitamins and minerals, such as B complex vitamins, vitamin E, carotenoids, iron, manganese, zinc, essential fatty acids such as gamma linolenic acid (found only in mothers milk), and more beta carotene than you can find in carrots. Mega-C Superfoods Spirulina
  • 10. Barley Grass Barley Grass is a powerful antioxidant that is believed to help the body kill cancer cells and overcome a variety of ailments, including acne and ulcers.The health benefits of barley grass also include the numerous vitamins it contains, including vitamins A, B, C, E, & K. Vitamin K is a rarely talked vitamin. It helps your blood clot, helps keep your bones strong (even in post-menopause), and reduces calcification of your arteries. Barley grass also contains 12 different minerals including calcium, potassium, and zinc. Barley grass also include alkalizing the body. Echinacea and Goldenseal have synergistic qualities that enhance the overall effectiveness of the combination. While both herbs are great antimicrobial agents in their own right, their merger increases their ability to enhance overall health. Echinacea, for instance, is esteemed for its immune boosting qualities, while goldenseal is known to be toxic to various microorganisms. The combination, therefore, helps the body build resistance while attacking and killing microbes that compromise it.Echinacea contains chemicals that reduce inflammation and destroy the cells that cause fungal infections. The chemical berberine found in goldenseal fights E.coli bacteria that cause infections of the digestive and urinary tracts. GLUCOFIT is a proprietary banaba leaf extract standardized to 18% corosolic acid — a key bioactive constituent — that has been clinically proven to help control blood glucose levels in pre-diabetic and diabetic adults, without causing hypoglycemia. Original human clinical trials have shown that Glucofit: • Lowers fasting blood glucose levels. • Lowers post-prandial blood glucose levels. • Improves clinical symptoms of diabetes, such as thirstiness, drowsiness, excessive hunger and diminished strength Pau d’Arco is promoted as a cure for dozens of illnesses and medical conditions, including arthritis, ulcers, diabetes, and cancer. Proponents also claim that, when taken internally, pau d’arco relieves infections, reduces inflammation, promotes digestion, strengthens the immune system, flushes toxins from the body, and protects against cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure. One of the active ingredients in pau d’arco that has been studied is called lapachol. In laboratory animals, lapachol was found to be effective against malaria and certain kinds of animal tumor cells, such as sarcoma. Echinacea & Goldenseal Glucofit Pau d’Arco
  • 11. Prostate CT This all-natural supplement from Veganka claims to support prostate health by supplementing the body with a powerful blend of herbs, minerals and plant-based extracts, including lycopene. Prostate CT contains zinc, folic acid, saw palmetto and pumpkin seed oil. Numerous American and European studies report saw palmetto reduces several BPH symptoms, including nocturnal urination. The active properties found in saw palmetto may help ease urinary urges, reducing frequent urges to urinate during the night. It also helps treat urinary pain caused by BPH. Maca contains a number of sterols, good source of iron, magnesium, calcium (more than milk), potassium and iodine. Maca is well known for its outstanding stamina enhancing properties, stress adaptor, it aids in energy and endurance, helps maintain a healthy immune system and re-mineralizes poorly nourished body. It is a natural hormone balancer used traditionally to enhance sexual function in both men and women, to increase fertility and to help alleviate menopause symptoms. Charcoal has always been popular for dealing with flatulence, bloating, and irritable bowel syndrome, by soaking up gas. Charcoal reduces cholesterol in the blood. Reduces the risk of atherosclerosis. Absorbs gas and so acts as an antacid. Binds with cholesterol, toxins, and waste in the intestines, which has a cleansing effect. Charcoal can also be useful in the long-term management of kidney patients Vitamin E is a fat soluble vitamin that is well known for its antioxidant properties. It has enjoyed a reputation for preventing the effects of aging on skin, healing scars and scar tissue, and preventing damage to the body from free radicals – a byproduct of our bodies’ attempts to deal with the poisons and pollutants in today’s environment. As an antioxidant, vitamin E provides some protection against heart disease, atherosclerosis, cancer, inflammatory diseases like arthritis and other effects of aging. In topical preparations, it is said to help erase wrinkles and promote healthy skin and hair. MACA Charcoal Vitamin E
  • 12. Nutizo ™ Natural Nuts and seeds does not only taste good, but are often healthysnacksforyouaswell. It seems like every day more and more studies continue to be released extolling the health benefits of eating nuts and seeds as a fundamental part of your diet. The FDA has backed this up, claiming that eating additional servings of certain nuts may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Wow! This is great. And you thought for something to taste good, it had to be unhealthy. Take almonds for example. Pound for pound almonds are the most nutrient dense of all tree nuts. A handful of almonds a day just might keep thedoctoraway.Ortryalmond paste as a healthy frosting on your baked goodies.
  • 13. Carob Raisins 8 oz. Raisins covered in delicious carob coating. A perfect substitute for those who can’t have chocolate. One tablespoon of unsweetened carob powder has 25 calories, no fat, no saturated fat, no cholesterol, and 6 grams of carbohydrates. By comparison, one tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa powder contains 12 calo- ries, 1 gram of fat, no saturated fat, no cholesterol and 3 grams of carbohydrate. Unlike cocoa powder and chocolate, carob is caffeine-free. Carob also contains three times as much calcium as cocoa powder. Chia Seeds 8 oz. Chia is the richest non-marine whole food source of Omega-3 and dietary fiber currently known to man. Omega-3 fatty acids can normalize blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels, while helping promote healthy heart and blood vessels. With six times more calcium than milk, and with greater amounts of high-quality protein that helps strengthen muscles and bones. Chia integrates seamlessly into any healthy recipe. Hemp Protein Powder 8 oz. Hemp seeds are one of nature’s best resources for plant-based protein. Containing all of the essential amino acids the body needs. Our Hemp Protein Powder is a perfect boost to your morning. Try adding it to your smoothies, shakes and yogurt, or use hemp powder to replace up to 25% of the flour in a baked goods. Honey Nuts Granola 7 oz. This fresh and crunchy granola is healthy and ever so tasty. We take rolled oats and blend them with almonds, cashews, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds and walnuts. Then we add a touch of vanilla and honey for an unbe- lievable taste and crunch. Tastes great as a snack or with cereal, yogurt and ice cream.
  • 14. Raw Mixed Nuts 6 oz. Raw mixed nuts make an extremely healthy and delicious snack. You’ll get raw cashews, raw almonds, raw brazil nuts, raw filberts, and raw pecans. It contains important nutrients needed for human growth. They are an excel- lent sources of protein and the essential unsaturated fatty acids which are necessary for health. They are also one of the best natural sources of lecithin, most of the B-complex vitamins and vitamin E, which are perhaps the most important elements for the preservation of health and prevention of prema- ture aging. Mixed Seeds Powder (Raw) 8 oz. Raw seeds are incredibly rich in essential fats, minerals, vitamin E, and pro- tein. It contains live enzymes that is a catalyst for growth. Our formula consists of flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds and chia seeds which are all powerful natural Omega-3 and Omega-6 combination. Take one tablespoon a day for 100 percent optimum health. Sprinkle them in cereal, soups, smoothies, juices or salads. REFRIGERATE AFTER OPENING Sunflower Seeds (Raw) 8 oz. Looking for a health-promoting snack? A handful of sunflower seeds will take care of your hunger. Sunflower seeds are a very good source of vitamin E, manganese, magnesium, copper, selenium, phosphorus, vitamin B1, vitamin B6 and folate. A Few Quick Serving Ideas: •Garnish mixed green salads with sunflower seeds. •Adding sunflower seeds to scrambled eggs will give them a unique taste & texture. •Use fine ground sunflower seeds to dust your meats with in place of flour. •Sprinkle sunflower seeds onto hot and cold cereals. Toasted Carob Powder 8 oz. Carob Powder comes from finely ground, dried and toasted pods of the carob tree. It is a healthy alternative to cocoa that’s low in calories and contains no fats. Carob is an excellent substitute for chocolate or cocoa powder in cakes, cookies and candy. To substitute Carob Powder for cocoa, replace one part cocoa with one and one-half to two parts carob by weight. Ingredients: Toasted Ground Carob ALL NATURAL BEST IF REFRIGERATED OR FROZEN
  • 15. The Key to Optimum Health: God has blessed us with many foods and herbs that are so nutritionally potent, concentrated and complete. They are na- ture’s way to healthy blood and a healthy body. The three basic steps to natural health are the following: 1. Get Nutrition IN! Feed your body super-nutrition for greater health! 2. Get Waste OUT! Remove the toxins and waste that cause disease! 3. BUILD a Healthy Immune System! Strengthen your body’s immune system to promote overall health! Blast your body with the most powerful nutrition we have our “Superfood Powder” it has complete nutrient supplement for everyday stress of life. Healthy Breakfast on the go recipe: 1 scoop super food powder 16 oz fresh orange juice or soymilk 1 scoop raw mix seeds powder half banana Blend this 4 ingredients and you will have an optimum complete meal for the day. Eliminate BLOCKAGE the ROOT of all diseases. Abdominal discomfort, allergies, anxiety, asthma, backaches, constipa- tion, cramps, depression, fatigue, food cravings, headaches, hemorrhoids, indigestion, insomnia, irritability, lack of sexual response, loss of concentration, memory loss, menstrual problems, nausea, poor appetite, prostate trouble, skin prob- lems, weight gain.... How can so many seemingly unrelated problems be solved with colon cleansing. Our company has created just the right product for you try our COLONIKA today! Cleanse your bowel and watch the miracles happen! Do something preventative and proactive for yourself, and start our 15 days Bowel Detox - COLONIKA. Its only 15 days out of 1 year. And finally SUPERCHARGE your Immune System with our different product line of herbs such as Echinecea & GoldenSeal combination, PauD Arco, Antioxidant Cocktail, Mega-C made of Acerola pure extract, Natural Vitamin E and many more. We also have our natural food product line that is raw and organic high in ORAC antioxidant.
  • 16. MINERAL SALT Mineral Salt is taken from a huge natural mineral rock deposit deep in the earth. Many thousands of years ago, when the mountain are being formed, there existed a super-saturated body of sea water. It formed a great body of rock salt and captured within crystallization many wholesome minerals.
  • 17. MINERAL SALT VS COMMON TABLE SALT Normal table salt begins as a saline solution. Then after processing and kiln drying at tem- perature in excess of 400 degrees, it’s natural state is changed and nearly all trace minerals are lost. The chemicals are added to name a few like Silico Aluminate, Potassium Iodide, Tri-calcium Phosphate. These are added to bleach the salt, prevent caking, and aid in free-flowing. This chemicals are harmful to the body. Mineral Salt is brought to you today with no additives or preservatives of any kind, and no heating to change its natural state. Mineral Salt has never been kiln dried nor has it had chemicals. Good for our body. Sea Salt in an all natural state. Contains 50+ natural trace minerals.
  • 18. MINELAVA™ Minelava Minerals is a clay mined from an ancient sea bed formation in Southern Utah. Geologist have noted that our unique deposit of clay was formed when a layer of volcanic ash fell into a shallow inland sea. As the ash filtered through the seawater, it collected pure minerals forming a layer of highly mineralized clay. This one-of-a-kind source of bentonite clay is superior to similar bentonited deposits because of its high trace mineral concentration. HOW DOES CLAY WORK? Minelava Minerals is highly absorbent. When inside the stomach and intestinal tract, the clay’s large surface area attracts poisons, toxins and other chemical while releasing needed minerals. The clay removes unwanted toxins from the intestine and colon surfaces allowing for more efficient mineral absorption.
  • 19. Benefits of Minelava Minerals: »» Electrolyte minerals »» Minerals that stimulate proper bone growth such as Calcium and Boron »» Steady energy flow throughout the day »» Minerals that help in the metabolism of fat such as Chromium »» Aids the digestive process »» Absorbs excess stomach acid »» Promotes restful sleep »» Improves skin complexion »» Helps manage hunger »» Promotes regular bowel movement 1. Mineral Rich Minelava provides an impressive assortment of minerals including calcium, iron, magne- sium, potassium, sulfur, manganese, and silica in addition to an assortment of rare trace minerals. Trace minerals are essential to good health as they enable the body to absorb nutrients. Veganka contains more than 70 trace and ultra-trace minerals. Normally, me- tallic minerals are hard to digest and assimilate, however the metallic minerals in benton- ite which have been exposed to the sea have already been “digested” by sea plants and are thus water soluble and readily assimilated by the body. 2. Improves Skin Texture The condition of the skin is a good indication of what is happening inside the body. Most people are not aware that the skin is the largest organ and a means of eliminating waste; each day waste passes through the pores of the skin. Everything that affects the body in turn affects the skin. When the body is full of toxic wastes and cannot eliminate the properly, various skin ailments may result. The only ef- fective way to get rid of these conditions is by cleansing the body inside and out. 3. Detoxify the Body The particles of clay are said to carry a negative electrical charge, whereas impurities or toxins carry a positive electrical charge. For this very reason clay has been used to absorb the collocidal impurities of beer, wine and cider. The clay particles attract the wine impuri- ties and they settle out together. The process worked the same in the human body. When Clay is taken internally, the positive charge toxins are attracted by the negatively charge edges of the clay mineral. 4. Highly Alkaline The ideal pH of your blood must be maintained between 7.35-7.45 for a healthy body. When it is below that, your body will be heavily affected and start to produce symptoms, it will start telling you about the pain it is in. Most food we eat and crave are acidic forming and are a part of the over-acidication of your body. This imbalance is linked to almost every known disease. Your body will do whatrever it can to maintain the blood pH levels, which includes stealing nutrients from other parts of your body. Minelava when added to water has a pH of 8.5-9.3 which is high alkaline!
  • 20. © Copyright 2012, Veganka. All Rights Reserved. NATURAL PRODUCTS NATURAL PRODUCTS NATURAL PRODUCTS