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G e n e rat i o n
           Volume#1 Issue #1 February 2012

              Fallen Angels
                - do they
              belong to the
              heavens or to

is the creative
Falling from the sky                p.4

The Ancient Mayan Prophecies        p.6

The Printed Compendium              p.10

Time to play the Game               p.16
Good Omens: To Read or not to Read?

2 012: A Conspiracy                p.20

About the writers                  p.22

Inside the C’s                     p.24

The Literarium                     p.26

Entertainment                      p.30

G e n e rat i o n
   is a printed youth magazine and is
           the brainchild of:

         Izza Sanchez
              editor / lay-out artist

                                  Shamsa Libreja

                                        Julia Lopez- Pozas
         Lionell Trinidad                   cartoonist / writer
                 sports editor

        Justine Seagan
          in-charge of fun page

                                           Trixia Reyes
                                                Literary editor

fr om
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    Fal      s
       th e

         An article by:
        Shamsa Libreja

         Generation X
   Do you ever wonder if fallen angels really
exist? Well, some people say yes and some say
no. Let`s start by defining what is an angel?.
They sometimes refer to the messengers in
heaven or sometimes guardians. Falling angels
are described as angels who rebelled against
God. When fallen angels are being talked about
people always think of “Satan” or Lucifer.
   According to Wikipedia, Fallen angel is a
concept developed in Jewish and Christian
thought from interpretation of the Book of
Enoch. The actual term fallen angel is not found
in either the Hebrew Bible or the New Testa-
ment. Christians adopted the concept of fallen
angels mainly based on their interpretations of
the Book of Revelation Chapter 12. Fallen an-
gels are identified with the Watchers, as well as
the angels who are cast down to the earth from
the War in Heaven, and ha-satan.

                                                           For so many Fallen angels , Satan is the most
                                                        mentioned one. In the verses Isaiah 14:12-14
                                                        “How you have fallen from heaven, O star of the
                                                        morning, son of the dawn. You have been cut
                                                        down to the earth, you who have weakened the
                                                        nations! ”But you said in your heart, ‘I will ascend
                                                        to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars
                                                        of God, and I will sit on the mount of assembly
                                                        in the recesses of the north. ’I will ascend above
                                                        the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like
                                                        the Most High,” On this bible verse we can reflect
                                                        on how selfish he is. He wants to compete with
                                                        God and prove to him that he is powerful. Some
                                                        fallen angels that I have researched was Asmo-
                                                        deus, Sammael, Lilith, Ahriman, Balan, Baliel,
                                                        and Molloch , these seven are distinguished as his

   But even though Satan has its own warriors
the archangels or angels, in heaven, they are con-
tinuously fighting to conquer all the evil spirits in
the World. And because of the faith the catholics
sing, WE can conquer those bad spirits. And
when someone asks you if they really do exist, the
answer depends on you on what your heart really
desires to answer. Always remember our Guard-
ian angel is always there to guide us whatever we

the ancient mayan

     An article by:
     Izza Sanchez

     Generation X

The Mayas or Mayans do not speak of the the
    cataclysmic end of the world, instead, they in-
    tricately say that every element changes and the
    physical being detaches. The only thing that
    will remain is the spirit and with it comes the
    journey of evolution toward higher levels.

            It tackles “The Time of No Time”. A period of 20 years which they named “Katun”, it depicts
         the last years of the 5,125-year sun cycle which is currently from the years 1992 to 2012. The
         Mayans predicted that during these years, solar winds would be more intense and would be vis-
         ible on our viewpoint here on Earth. This would signify a great realization and great change for
         mankind. According to the Mayans, these changes would happen so that mankind comprehends
         how the universe works so we could advance to superior levels, leaving behind superficial materi-
         alism and liberating ourselves from suffering

            It says that the answers to the questions of man lies within, that our behavior determines our
         future. It affirms that humanity finds itself in a moment of fundamental transition toward a new
         way of perceiving the universe, that the universe and the solar system are receiving a beam of
         light, energy, and information from the center of the galaxy, and that this is causing an increase in
         the vibration of the planet and the brain waves and cells of man, placing him in equilibrium with
         this new frequency, causing enormous changes in his behavior.
            The second Mayan prophecy shows two paths: one of understanding and tolerance, and one of
         fear and destruction.In both, man will be sustained with the necessary lessons in achieving evolu-
         tion of the conscience.
            This prophecy tells us that humanity is moving toward a new era of harmony and unity, and
         to reach the peak, we must confront our greatest fears and accept that we are faced with dif-
         ficult situations in order to learn from them, maintaining peace in any situation which we may
         experience. No matter how difficult the challenges are, we can maintain and increase our internal
         energy, producing a state of high vibration and a state of respect for all that exists.

    3       It predicts that we must become aware of the current situation of the planet and the grave in-
         fluence we have entitled to it through the course of natural history. The processes of industrializa-
         tion without ecological sensitivity have caused, with its wastes, a general increase in the tempera-
         ture of the planet. This will be accentuated by increased activity of the sun, caused by the energy
         received from the center of the galaxy, creating great changes in weather and winds.
         There will be energy vortexes which will clean the earth’s surface, which are the manifestation of
         the inconformity of our planet, and of the elemental energies contained in its interior.


        The Fourth Prophecy “points out that the anti-ecological conduct of man and the greater ac-
     tivity by the sun will cause a melting of ice in the poles. It will allow the Earth to clean itself and
     green itself again, producing changes in the physical composition of the continents of the planet.
     The Mayans left registers in the Desdre codices that every 117 spins of Venus the sun suffers
     new alterations, and huge spots or solar wind eruptions appear.”

       The Fifth Prophecy says that all systems based on fear, on which this civilization is based, will
     suffer simultaneously with the planet and man will make a transformation to give way to a new
     harmonic reality. The systems will fail and man will face himself and in this a need to reorganize
     society and continue down the path of evolution that will bring him to understand creation.
     Only one common spiritual road for all humanity that will end all limits established among the
     many ways to look at God will emerge.

6       The sixth prophecy points out that in the next years a comet of ice and rock will emerge from
     the heavens whose trajectory will endanger the existence of humanity. The Mayan culture con-
     siders comets as agents of change that came to put into movement the existing equilibrium,
     allowing the evolution of the collective conscience. For the Mayans ,God is the presence of life,
     has all shapes and has infinite presence.

        In this prophecy it is said that from the year 1999 and until 2002, the light emitted from the
      center of the galaxy synchronizes all living beings and allows them to voluntarily access an in-
     ternal transformation that produces new realities. The Mayans mention that every individual has
      an opportunity to change and break its limitations, with it creating a new way of communicat-
     ing through thought. It’s predicted that limits will disappear, a new era of transparency and light
      will begin, the lie will end forever. The last prophecy predicts that spanning from the year 1999
      and until 2002, the light emitted from the galactic center will synchronize all the living beings
     gaining them voluntarily access an in internal transformation that leads to the new realities. They

    Although most are paranoid about the end of
time, let us take a deep breath to analyze our
situation and be one with the world. Meditate with
our minds and comprehend with the laws of nature.

Model: Jeruz Sanchez
     Photo by: Izza Sanchez
     Generation X

       An article by:
      Lionell Trinidad
       Generation X

   Last May 5, 2009, the PopCap games
launched a tower defense action game
which eventually became one of
the most played games last 2011.
It is a highly addictive game called
“Plants vs. Zombies.” The main
objective of this game is to pre-
vent the zombies from eating your
brains by planting plants that have
offensive and defensive capabilities.
This game is very exciting especial-
ly when the zombies come nearer
to your house to pursue their goals.
   On the other hand, the Rovio
Mobile launched a strategic game
last December 2009 called “Angry
Birds.” The primary objective of
this game is to launch the birds
using a slingshot to the pigs who
stole their eggs. Not only did the
game became famous to be played
on computers but also, people had
created different things related to the game
such as stuffed toys, t-shirts and many
   Now that the popularity of those games
is slightly fading away, there must be a
company creating a much more wonder-
ful game to be played by people of all ages.
And truly, we can’t wait anymore for that
game to be launched and influence people
all over the world.

Good Omens: To Read or Not
to Read?
     Simply put, the apocalypse has never been              As Aziraphale and Crowley work together to
funnier.                                               save Earth from its impending doom, they dis-
                                                       cover things along the way; a (very accurate) book
     Upon looking intensely at the book cover,         of Prophecies that held all the information of the
Good Omens may seem to be an unusual read.             past, present, and future, including details of the
Technically, it is, but the book has more to offer     apocalypse, was being held by a local witch; the
than an interesting design. The story focuses on the   Anti-Christ (whose name is Adam, ironically) was
2 characters who were revealed in the beginning        living a nice, suburban life without having the
of the book; Aziraphale, the angel with the flaming    slightest idea that he would be the cause of billions
sword who watched over the Garden of Eden, and         of peoples death; the 4 Horsemen (actually, 2 men,
Crowley, the shape-shifting snake living in the tree   1 woman, and some sort of ghost-spirit thing that
of Knowledge Of Good and Evil. The book was            could be a man) were coming, and they were not
made as a spinoff of the highly popular movie, The     happy; a commander and a cadet of the witch-hunt-
Omen, and also a combination of the beginning and      ing army were on the hunt for the Anti-Christ (and
end of all Creation. In the book, however, things do   the witch) too; and lastly, no one had a clue about
not go as planned.                                     what was about to go down.

       Aziraphale and Crowley have been living                Craziness and knee-slapping humor ensues
on Earth ever since the beginning of Creation up       in the story as you progress deeper into the book
to the present (which was the 20th Century) and        and farther away from getting a good night’s rest.
frankly, they loved it. They each had their own        I found the book extremely interesting and abso-
lives; Aziraphale, the Angel, was a shy, timid man     lutely hilarious, as I was an Apocalypse nut (and
who lived in a house-slash-bookstore (which he         I still am). The amusing footnotes (contributed by
was the manager of -- no one else was employed)        Terry Pratchett) and the whimsical introduction
wherein he just sat and read all the books in his      (written by both Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratch-
storage. Whereas Crowley, the not-so Fallen Angel,     ett) served to mold the whole book into a tiny,
lived a life of traveling and excitement. They were    underrated masterpiece, if I do say so myself. The
both content and happy. But there was one prob-        English humor provides a fresh perspective on how
lem: the Apocalypse was coming and they knew it.       different American-based humor from theirs. The
Even worse, they had misplaced the Anti-Christ.        book is just a bit winding; it goes in fully detailed
                                                       descriptions of things that do matter, but could be
                                                       put more simply.

                                                            All in all, I’d give it an 99% percent for out-
                                                       standing effort and whimsicality (minus 1 percent
                                                       because I’m an impatient reader) and for frankly
                                                       being a very good distraction from my pile of proj-
                                                       ects and heaps of homework. Sigh.

A conspiracy
       Opinion by: Izza

        Generation X

       2012: A Conspiracy
   The Mayans prophesized it, the Hope Indians
dedicated their lives study-
ing the end, the famous Nos-
tradamus had various quadrants
predicting the end of time and
even in the Book of Revela-
tion was it foretold; the second
coming of Jesus Christ and
the rapture of the human race
towards the heavens.

  The question that rises
among many, “Will the world
end to its cataclysmic finale on
December 21, 2012?”

   Why is it that this conspir-
acy and not yet proven study
brought millions to the borders
of sanity? Most are now pre-
paring their end-of-the-world
survival kits and applying
special reinforcements to their
so called underground and free
from destruction bunkers.

   Plain safety measures for
many but ecstatic ridiculousness for most. If the
planets do line up, it is only the universe taking its       He who “created the beginning and who shall be
natural course in a unique and majestic way not to        responsible for the end”.
be interpreted as a sign of the apocalypse.
                                                             What if the Mayans only tricked us into believ-
   Yes, the tectonic plates move about half an inch       ing that the world will end, what a great pain in the
a year but that doesn’t mean it is going to crack and     bottom would it be realizing what their big joke
shift the continents to the poles. Mega quakes and        made us do. Even Nostradamus is not that accurate
super volcanic eruptions may be possible but those        in predicting these things since hundreds of years
are just things that fuel the flames of the borders of    ago, there was a different line-up of Astronomy and
True Science and Science Fiction.                         thus, his predictions leading to miscalculations.

  The silly imagination of people gets sillier by the        Whenever the end may be, let us reflect on the
days as 2012 kicks in and the year starts off. This       very truth that there is someone higher who knows
year might as well serve as a ticking bomb to mass        these things. And not even our tiny minds under-
destruction for those end-of-the-world hippies.           stand the vastness of the universe and the divinity
                                                          located within.
   Let’s face the fact that the end is just a near per-
ception of what can happen in the future. It’s not a        2012, a weird conspiracy sending chills down the
phenomenon nor is it a general truth based from a         spines of paranoid humans.

   It’s time to blink our eyes wide open of what re-
ally is happening as panic surges globally. Look at
ourselves, people tackling THE END of the world,
that of which only the higher one in the heavens
can do.

About the writers
     Writer (n) - A writer is a person who produces literature or nonfiction, such as novels, short stories, plays,
                              screenplays, poetry, essays, articles, or other literary art.
                                                                                             by: Julia Lopez - Pozas

    Neil Richard Gaiman (born 10            As a child and a teenager,         as a means to learn about the world
 November 1960) is an English au-        Gaiman read the works of C. S.        and to make connections that he
 thor of short fiction, novels, comic    Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, Lewis Car-   hoped would later assist him in
 books, graphic novels, audio the-       roll, James Branch Cabell, Edgar      getting published. He wrote and
 atre and films. His notable works       Allan Poe, Michael Moorcock, Ur-      reviewed extensively for the British
 include the comic book series The       sula K. Le Guin, Harlan Ellison,      Fantasy Society. His first professional
 Sandman and novels Stardust,            Rudyard Kipling. Lord Dunsany         short story publication was “Feath-
 American Gods, Coraline, and The        and G. K. Chesterton. He later        erquest”, a fantasy story, in Imagine
 Graveyard Book. Gaiman’s writing        became a fan of science fiction,      Magazine in May 1984, when he was
 has won numerous awards, in-            reading the works of authors as       24.
 cluding Hugo, Nebula, and Bram          diverse as Alan Moore, Samuel            When waiting for a train at Victo-
 Stoker, as well as the 2009 New-        R. Delany, Roger Zelazny, Rob-        ria Station in 1984, Gaiman noticed
 bery Medal and 2010 Carnegie            ert A. Heinlein, H. P. Lovecraft,     a copy of Swamp Thing written by
 Medal in Literature. He is the first    Thorne Smith, and Gene Wolfe.         Alan Moore, and carefully read it.
 author to win both the Newbery          In the early 1980s, Gaiman pur-       Moore’s fresh and vigorous approach
 and the Carnegie medals for the         sued journalism, conducting inter-    to comics had such an impact on
 same work.                              views and writing book reviews,       Gaiman that he would later write;

 “that was the final straw, what was   Sir Terence David John “Terry”         Pratchett’s first two adult novels,
left of my resistance crumbled. I      Pratchett, OBE (born 28 April          The Dark Side of the Sun (1976)
proceeded to make regular and fre-     1948) is an English novelist,          and Strata (1981), were both
quent visits to London’s Forbidden     known for his frequently comi-         science-fiction, the latter taking
Planet shop to buy comics”.            cal work in the fantasy genre. He      place partly on a disc-shaped world.
                                       is best known for his popular and      Subsequent to these, Pratchett has
   In 1984, he wrote his first book, a long-running Discworld series of       mostly concentrated on his Disc-
biography of the band Duran Du- comic fantasy novels. Pratchett’s             world series and novels for children,
ran, as well as Ghastly Beyond Be- first novel, The Carpet People, was        with two exceptions: Good Omens
lief, a book of quotations, with Kim published in 1971, and since his         (1990), a collaboration with Neil
Newman. Even though Gaiman             first Discworld novel (The Colour      Gaiman (which was nominated
thought he did a terrible job, the     of Magic) was published in 1983,       for both Locus and World Fantasy
book’s first edition sold out very     he has written two books a year on     Awards in 1991), a humorous story
quickly. When he went to relinquish average. His latest Discworld book,       about the Apocalypse set on Earth,
his rights to the book, he discovered Snuff is the third fastest selling      and Nation (2008), a book for
the publisher had gone bankrupt.       novel since records began in the       young adults.
After this, he was offered a job by    United Kingdom selling 55,000
Penthouse. He refused the offer.       copies in the first three days.
   He also wrote interviews and
articles for many British magazines,
including Knave. As he was writ-
ing for different magazines, some
of them competing, and “wrote too
many articles”, he sometimes went
by a number of pseudonyms: Gerry
Musgrave, Richard Grey, “along
with a couple of house names”.
Gaiman ended his journalism career
in 1987 because British newspapers
can “make up anything they want
and publish it as fact.”
   In the late 1980s, he wrote Don’t
Panic: The Official Hitchhiker’s
Guide to the Galaxy Companion in
what he calls a “classic English hu-
mour” style. Following on from that
he wrote the opening of what would
become his collaboration with             Pratchett has said that to write,
Terry Pratchett on the comic novel you must read extensively, both in-
Good Omens, about the impending side and outside your chosen genre
apocalypse.                            and to the point of “overflow”.
                                       He advises that writing is hard
“...what was left                      work, and that writers must “make
                                       grammar, punctuation and spell-
of my resistance                       ing a part of your life.” However,
                                       Pratchett enjoys writing, regard-
crumbled.”                             ing its monetary rewards as “an
                                       unavoidable consequence”, rather
                                       than the reason for writing.

       An article by:
      Lionell Trinidad

       Generation X
From lay-ups to three point field goals
and jump shots to dunks - these things
you can witness from the 2007-2008 Na-
tional Basketball Association Champi-
ons, the Boston Celtics.
                                                   Headed by the Celtics’ head coach Glenn Anton “Doc” Riv-
                                                ers, this team became known due to their high energy while
                                                playing. Doc Rivers started his coaching career in 1999 with
                                                the Orlando                 Magics. And last 2004, he began
                                                coaching the                              Boston Celtics.

                                                  And now,                                      let‘s have a
                                                background                                     of some of the
                                                C’s players in                                the 2011-2012
                                                NBA regular                                  season.

  Rajon Rondo (Point guard) – He was born in Louisville,                                     Kentucky in
February 22, 1986.             He played as point guard                                     for the Celtics
                               as of 2006. This man is                                     young at age but
                               yet, a great man and an                                    expert in handling
                                and passing the ball to                                   his teammates.

                                   Paul Pierce (Small                                     forward) – He was
                                   born in Oakland California and was                    raised in Inglewood,
                                   California. He is a nine time All-Star and was named the 2008 NBA Finals
                                    Most Valuable Player.

                                   Ray Allen (Shooting Guard) – Walter Ray Allen was born in Castle Air
                                   Force Base near Merced, California. He was a military child as he spent his
                                    childhood in the Edwards Air Force Base. Last February 10, 2011, Allen
                                    broke Reggie Miller’s record of 2,560 in 3-point field goals made. This 36
year                        old man is surely an expert in bagging threes in the court.

  Kevin Garnett (Power Forward) – KG was born in Greenville, South Carolina            and became the NBA
Defensive Player of the Year in the 2007-2008 season. He                               was a member of the
Boston Celtics since 2007 and a specialist                                              in hitting mid-range

  The Boston Celtics surely have the best                                               players. They always
have charisma in playing with their team-                                               mates. As the 2011-
2012 NBA regular season opens, they will                                                 surely work hard
and put more effort in practices as they aim                                             for their next NBA

The Literarium

featuring :

Robert FROST

Robert Frost (1874-1963), four-time Pulitzer Prize
winning American poet, teacher and lecturer wrote
many popular and oft-quoted poems including “Af-
ter Apple-Picking”, “The Road Not Taken”, “Home

The Road not                            My november
         taken                                    guest
     TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood,     My Sorrow, when she’s here with me,
     And sorry I could not travel both         Thinks these dark days of autumn rain
     And be one traveler, long I stood        Are beautiful as days can be;
     And looked down one as far as I could    She loves the bare, the withered tree;
     To where it bent in the undergrowth;      She walks the sodden pasture lane.

     Then took the other, as just as fair,    Her pleasure will not let me stay.
     And having perhaps the better claim,      She talks and I am fain to list:
     Because it was grassy and wanted wear;   She’s glad the birds are gone away,
     Though as for that the passing there     She’s glad her simple worsted grady
     Had worn them really about the same,      Is silver now with clinging mist.

     And both that morning equally lay        The desolate, deserted trees,
     In leaves no step had trodden black.      The faded earth, the heavy sky,
     Oh, I kept the first for another day!    The beauties she so ryly sees,
     Yet knowing how way leads on to way,     She thinks I have no eye for these,
     I doubted if I should ever come back.     And vexes me for reason why.

     I shall be telling this with a sigh      Not yesterday I learned to know
     Somewhere ages and ages hence:            The love of bare November days
     Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—     Before the coming of the snow,
     I took the one less traveled by,         But it were vain to tell he so,
     And that has made all the difference.     And they are better for her praise.


     PAN WITH US                                  Good Hours
Pan came out of the woods one day,--            I had for my winter evening walk--
His skin and his hair and his eyes were gray,   No one at all with whom to talk,
The gray of the moss of walls were they,--      But I had the cottages in a row
 And stood in the sun and looked his fill       Up to their shining eyes in snow.
 At wooded valley and wooded hill.
                                                And I thought I had the folk within:
He stood in the zephyr, pipes in hand,          I had the sound of a violin;
On a height of naked pasture land;              I had a glimpse through curtain laces
In all the country he did command               Of youthful forms and youthful faces.
 He saw no smoke and he saw no roof.
 That was well! and he stamped a hoof.          I had such company outward bound.
                                                I went till there were no cottages found.
His heart knew peace, for none came here        I turned and repented, but coming back
To this lean feeding save once a year           I saw no window but that was black.
Someone to salt the half-wild steer,
 Or homespun children with clicking pails       Over the snow my creaking feet
 Who see so little they tell no tales.          Disturbed the slumbering village street
                                                Like profanation, by your leave,
He tossed his pipes, too hard to teach          At ten o’clock of a winter eve.
A new-world song, far out of reach,
For sylvan sign that the blue jay’s screech
 And the whimper of hawks beside the sun
 Were music enough for him, for one.

Times were changed from what they were:
Such pipes kept less of power to stir
The fruited bough of the juniper
 And the fragile bluets clustered there
 Than the merest aimless breath of air.

They were pipes of pagan mirth,
And the world had found new terms of worth.
He laid him down on the sun-burned earth
 And raveled a flower and looked away--
 Play? Play?--What should he play?


Untitled 2

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  • 1. X G e n e rat i o n Volume#1 Issue #1 February 2012 Fallen Angels - do they belong to the heavens or to the underworld?
  • 4. TABLE OF CONTENTS Falling from the sky p.4 The Ancient Mayan Prophecies p.6 The Printed Compendium p.10 Time to play the Game p.16 Good Omens: To Read or not to Read? p.18 2 012: A Conspiracy p.20 About the writers p.22 Inside the C’s p.24 The Literarium p.26 Entertainment p.30 3
  • 5. X G e n e rat i o n is a printed youth magazine and is the brainchild of: Izza Sanchez editor / lay-out artist Shamsa Libreja Writer Julia Lopez- Pozas Lionell Trinidad cartoonist / writer sports editor Justine Seagan in-charge of fun page Trixia Reyes Literary editor 4
  • 6. fr om g lin ky Fal s th e An article by: Shamsa Libreja Generation X 4
  • 7. EDUCATION Do you ever wonder if fallen angels really exist? Well, some people say yes and some say no. Let`s start by defining what is an angel?. They sometimes refer to the messengers in heaven or sometimes guardians. Falling angels are described as angels who rebelled against God. When fallen angels are being talked about people always think of “Satan” or Lucifer. According to Wikipedia, Fallen angel is a concept developed in Jewish and Christian thought from interpretation of the Book of Enoch. The actual term fallen angel is not found in either the Hebrew Bible or the New Testa- ment. Christians adopted the concept of fallen angels mainly based on their interpretations of the Book of Revelation Chapter 12. Fallen an- gels are identified with the Watchers, as well as the angels who are cast down to the earth from the War in Heaven, and ha-satan. For so many Fallen angels , Satan is the most mentioned one. In the verses Isaiah 14:12-14 “How you have fallen from heaven, O star of the morning, son of the dawn. You have been cut down to the earth, you who have weakened the nations! ”But you said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit on the mount of assembly in the recesses of the north. ’I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High,” On this bible verse we can reflect on how selfish he is. He wants to compete with God and prove to him that he is powerful. Some fallen angels that I have researched was Asmo- deus, Sammael, Lilith, Ahriman, Balan, Baliel, and Molloch , these seven are distinguished as his warriors. But even though Satan has its own warriors the archangels or angels, in heaven, they are con- tinuously fighting to conquer all the evil spirits in the World. And because of the faith the catholics sing, WE can conquer those bad spirits. And when someone asks you if they really do exist, the answer depends on you on what your heart really desires to answer. Always remember our Guard- ian angel is always there to guide us whatever we do. 5
  • 8. t 6
  • 9. the ancient mayan prophecies An article by: Izza Sanchez Generation X 7
  • 10. The Mayas or Mayans do not speak of the the cataclysmic end of the world, instead, they in- tricately say that every element changes and the physical being detaches. The only thing that will remain is the spirit and with it comes the journey of evolution toward higher levels. 1 It tackles “The Time of No Time”. A period of 20 years which they named “Katun”, it depicts the last years of the 5,125-year sun cycle which is currently from the years 1992 to 2012. The Mayans predicted that during these years, solar winds would be more intense and would be vis- ible on our viewpoint here on Earth. This would signify a great realization and great change for mankind. According to the Mayans, these changes would happen so that mankind comprehends how the universe works so we could advance to superior levels, leaving behind superficial materi- alism and liberating ourselves from suffering 2 It says that the answers to the questions of man lies within, that our behavior determines our future. It affirms that humanity finds itself in a moment of fundamental transition toward a new way of perceiving the universe, that the universe and the solar system are receiving a beam of light, energy, and information from the center of the galaxy, and that this is causing an increase in the vibration of the planet and the brain waves and cells of man, placing him in equilibrium with this new frequency, causing enormous changes in his behavior. The second Mayan prophecy shows two paths: one of understanding and tolerance, and one of fear and destruction.In both, man will be sustained with the necessary lessons in achieving evolu- tion of the conscience. This prophecy tells us that humanity is moving toward a new era of harmony and unity, and to reach the peak, we must confront our greatest fears and accept that we are faced with dif- ficult situations in order to learn from them, maintaining peace in any situation which we may experience. No matter how difficult the challenges are, we can maintain and increase our internal energy, producing a state of high vibration and a state of respect for all that exists. 3 It predicts that we must become aware of the current situation of the planet and the grave in- fluence we have entitled to it through the course of natural history. The processes of industrializa- tion without ecological sensitivity have caused, with its wastes, a general increase in the tempera- ture of the planet. This will be accentuated by increased activity of the sun, caused by the energy received from the center of the galaxy, creating great changes in weather and winds. There will be energy vortexes which will clean the earth’s surface, which are the manifestation of the inconformity of our planet, and of the elemental energies contained in its interior. 8
  • 11. FEATURE 4 The Fourth Prophecy “points out that the anti-ecological conduct of man and the greater ac- tivity by the sun will cause a melting of ice in the poles. It will allow the Earth to clean itself and green itself again, producing changes in the physical composition of the continents of the planet. The Mayans left registers in the Desdre codices that every 117 spins of Venus the sun suffers new alterations, and huge spots or solar wind eruptions appear.” 5 The Fifth Prophecy says that all systems based on fear, on which this civilization is based, will suffer simultaneously with the planet and man will make a transformation to give way to a new harmonic reality. The systems will fail and man will face himself and in this a need to reorganize society and continue down the path of evolution that will bring him to understand creation. Only one common spiritual road for all humanity that will end all limits established among the many ways to look at God will emerge. 6 The sixth prophecy points out that in the next years a comet of ice and rock will emerge from the heavens whose trajectory will endanger the existence of humanity. The Mayan culture con- siders comets as agents of change that came to put into movement the existing equilibrium, allowing the evolution of the collective conscience. For the Mayans ,God is the presence of life, has all shapes and has infinite presence. 7 In this prophecy it is said that from the year 1999 and until 2002, the light emitted from the center of the galaxy synchronizes all living beings and allows them to voluntarily access an in- ternal transformation that produces new realities. The Mayans mention that every individual has an opportunity to change and break its limitations, with it creating a new way of communicat- ing through thought. It’s predicted that limits will disappear, a new era of transparency and light will begin, the lie will end forever. The last prophecy predicts that spanning from the year 1999 and until 2002, the light emitted from the galactic center will synchronize all the living beings gaining them voluntarily access an in internal transformation that leads to the new realities. They Although most are paranoid about the end of time, let us take a deep breath to analyze our situation and be one with the world. Meditate with our minds and comprehend with the laws of nature. 9
  • 12. 10
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  • 16. Model: Jeruz Sanchez Photo by: Izza Sanchez Generation X 14
  • 17. 15
  • 18. TIME TO PLAY THE GAME An article by: Lionell Trinidad Generation X 16
  • 19. FEATURE Last May 5, 2009, the PopCap games launched a tower defense action game which eventually became one of the most played games last 2011. It is a highly addictive game called “Plants vs. Zombies.” The main objective of this game is to pre- vent the zombies from eating your brains by planting plants that have offensive and defensive capabilities. This game is very exciting especial- ly when the zombies come nearer to your house to pursue their goals. On the other hand, the Rovio Mobile launched a strategic game last December 2009 called “Angry Birds.” The primary objective of this game is to launch the birds using a slingshot to the pigs who stole their eggs. Not only did the game became famous to be played on computers but also, people had created different things related to the game such as stuffed toys, t-shirts and many more. Now that the popularity of those games is slightly fading away, there must be a company creating a much more wonder- ful game to be played by people of all ages. And truly, we can’t wait anymore for that game to be launched and influence people all over the world. 17
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  • 21. FEATURE Good Omens: To Read or Not to Read? Simply put, the apocalypse has never been As Aziraphale and Crowley work together to funnier. save Earth from its impending doom, they dis- cover things along the way; a (very accurate) book Upon looking intensely at the book cover, of Prophecies that held all the information of the Good Omens may seem to be an unusual read. past, present, and future, including details of the Technically, it is, but the book has more to offer apocalypse, was being held by a local witch; the than an interesting design. The story focuses on the Anti-Christ (whose name is Adam, ironically) was 2 characters who were revealed in the beginning living a nice, suburban life without having the of the book; Aziraphale, the angel with the flaming slightest idea that he would be the cause of billions sword who watched over the Garden of Eden, and of peoples death; the 4 Horsemen (actually, 2 men, Crowley, the shape-shifting snake living in the tree 1 woman, and some sort of ghost-spirit thing that of Knowledge Of Good and Evil. The book was could be a man) were coming, and they were not made as a spinoff of the highly popular movie, The happy; a commander and a cadet of the witch-hunt- Omen, and also a combination of the beginning and ing army were on the hunt for the Anti-Christ (and end of all Creation. In the book, however, things do the witch) too; and lastly, no one had a clue about not go as planned. what was about to go down. Aziraphale and Crowley have been living Craziness and knee-slapping humor ensues on Earth ever since the beginning of Creation up in the story as you progress deeper into the book to the present (which was the 20th Century) and and farther away from getting a good night’s rest. frankly, they loved it. They each had their own I found the book extremely interesting and abso- lives; Aziraphale, the Angel, was a shy, timid man lutely hilarious, as I was an Apocalypse nut (and who lived in a house-slash-bookstore (which he I still am). The amusing footnotes (contributed by was the manager of -- no one else was employed) Terry Pratchett) and the whimsical introduction wherein he just sat and read all the books in his (written by both Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratch- storage. Whereas Crowley, the not-so Fallen Angel, ett) served to mold the whole book into a tiny, lived a life of traveling and excitement. They were underrated masterpiece, if I do say so myself. The both content and happy. But there was one prob- English humor provides a fresh perspective on how lem: the Apocalypse was coming and they knew it. different American-based humor from theirs. The Even worse, they had misplaced the Anti-Christ. book is just a bit winding; it goes in fully detailed descriptions of things that do matter, but could be put more simply. All in all, I’d give it an 99% percent for out- standing effort and whimsicality (minus 1 percent because I’m an impatient reader) and for frankly being a very good distraction from my pile of proj- ects and heaps of homework. Sigh. 19
  • 22. A conspiracy Opinion by: Izza Sanchez Generation X 20
  • 23. EDITORIAL 2012: A Conspiracy The Mayans prophesized it, the Hope Indians dedicated their lives study- ing the end, the famous Nos- tradamus had various quadrants predicting the end of time and even in the Book of Revela- tion was it foretold; the second coming of Jesus Christ and the rapture of the human race towards the heavens. The question that rises among many, “Will the world end to its cataclysmic finale on December 21, 2012?” Why is it that this conspir- acy and not yet proven study brought millions to the borders of sanity? Most are now pre- paring their end-of-the-world survival kits and applying special reinforcements to their so called underground and free from destruction bunkers. Plain safety measures for many but ecstatic ridiculousness for most. If the planets do line up, it is only the universe taking its He who “created the beginning and who shall be natural course in a unique and majestic way not to responsible for the end”. be interpreted as a sign of the apocalypse. What if the Mayans only tricked us into believ- Yes, the tectonic plates move about half an inch ing that the world will end, what a great pain in the a year but that doesn’t mean it is going to crack and bottom would it be realizing what their big joke shift the continents to the poles. Mega quakes and made us do. Even Nostradamus is not that accurate super volcanic eruptions may be possible but those in predicting these things since hundreds of years are just things that fuel the flames of the borders of ago, there was a different line-up of Astronomy and True Science and Science Fiction. thus, his predictions leading to miscalculations. The silly imagination of people gets sillier by the Whenever the end may be, let us reflect on the days as 2012 kicks in and the year starts off. This very truth that there is someone higher who knows year might as well serve as a ticking bomb to mass these things. And not even our tiny minds under- destruction for those end-of-the-world hippies. stand the vastness of the universe and the divinity located within. Let’s face the fact that the end is just a near per- ception of what can happen in the future. It’s not a 2012, a weird conspiracy sending chills down the phenomenon nor is it a general truth based from a spines of paranoid humans. study. It’s time to blink our eyes wide open of what re- ally is happening as panic surges globally. Look at ourselves, people tackling THE END of the world, that of which only the higher one in the heavens can do. 21
  • 24. About the writers Writer (n) - A writer is a person who produces literature or nonfiction, such as novels, short stories, plays, screenplays, poetry, essays, articles, or other literary art. by: Julia Lopez - Pozas Neil Richard Gaiman (born 10 As a child and a teenager, as a means to learn about the world November 1960) is an English au- Gaiman read the works of C. S. and to make connections that he thor of short fiction, novels, comic Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, Lewis Car- hoped would later assist him in books, graphic novels, audio the- roll, James Branch Cabell, Edgar getting published. He wrote and atre and films. His notable works Allan Poe, Michael Moorcock, Ur- reviewed extensively for the British include the comic book series The sula K. Le Guin, Harlan Ellison, Fantasy Society. His first professional Sandman and novels Stardust, Rudyard Kipling. Lord Dunsany short story publication was “Feath- American Gods, Coraline, and The and G. K. Chesterton. He later erquest”, a fantasy story, in Imagine Graveyard Book. Gaiman’s writing became a fan of science fiction, Magazine in May 1984, when he was has won numerous awards, in- reading the works of authors as 24. cluding Hugo, Nebula, and Bram diverse as Alan Moore, Samuel When waiting for a train at Victo- Stoker, as well as the 2009 New- R. Delany, Roger Zelazny, Rob- ria Station in 1984, Gaiman noticed bery Medal and 2010 Carnegie ert A. Heinlein, H. P. Lovecraft, a copy of Swamp Thing written by Medal in Literature. He is the first Thorne Smith, and Gene Wolfe. Alan Moore, and carefully read it. author to win both the Newbery In the early 1980s, Gaiman pur- Moore’s fresh and vigorous approach and the Carnegie medals for the sued journalism, conducting inter- to comics had such an impact on same work. views and writing book reviews, Gaiman that he would later write; 22
  • 25. FEATURE “that was the final straw, what was Sir Terence David John “Terry” Pratchett’s first two adult novels, left of my resistance crumbled. I Pratchett, OBE (born 28 April The Dark Side of the Sun (1976) proceeded to make regular and fre- 1948) is an English novelist, and Strata (1981), were both quent visits to London’s Forbidden known for his frequently comi- science-fiction, the latter taking Planet shop to buy comics”. cal work in the fantasy genre. He place partly on a disc-shaped world. is best known for his popular and Subsequent to these, Pratchett has In 1984, he wrote his first book, a long-running Discworld series of mostly concentrated on his Disc- biography of the band Duran Du- comic fantasy novels. Pratchett’s world series and novels for children, ran, as well as Ghastly Beyond Be- first novel, The Carpet People, was with two exceptions: Good Omens lief, a book of quotations, with Kim published in 1971, and since his (1990), a collaboration with Neil Newman. Even though Gaiman first Discworld novel (The Colour Gaiman (which was nominated thought he did a terrible job, the of Magic) was published in 1983, for both Locus and World Fantasy book’s first edition sold out very he has written two books a year on Awards in 1991), a humorous story quickly. When he went to relinquish average. His latest Discworld book, about the Apocalypse set on Earth, his rights to the book, he discovered Snuff is the third fastest selling and Nation (2008), a book for the publisher had gone bankrupt. novel since records began in the young adults. After this, he was offered a job by United Kingdom selling 55,000 Penthouse. He refused the offer. copies in the first three days. He also wrote interviews and articles for many British magazines, including Knave. As he was writ- ing for different magazines, some of them competing, and “wrote too many articles”, he sometimes went by a number of pseudonyms: Gerry Musgrave, Richard Grey, “along with a couple of house names”. Gaiman ended his journalism career in 1987 because British newspapers can “make up anything they want and publish it as fact.” In the late 1980s, he wrote Don’t Panic: The Official Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Companion in what he calls a “classic English hu- mour” style. Following on from that he wrote the opening of what would become his collaboration with Pratchett has said that to write, Terry Pratchett on the comic novel you must read extensively, both in- Good Omens, about the impending side and outside your chosen genre apocalypse. and to the point of “overflow”. He advises that writing is hard “...what was left work, and that writers must “make grammar, punctuation and spell- of my resistance ing a part of your life.” However, Pratchett enjoys writing, regard- crumbled.” ing its monetary rewards as “an unavoidable consequence”, rather than the reason for writing. 23
  • 26. INSIDE THE C's An article by: Lionell Trinidad Generation X 24
  • 27. SPORTS From lay-ups to three point field goals and jump shots to dunks - these things you can witness from the 2007-2008 Na- tional Basketball Association Champi- ons, the Boston Celtics. Headed by the Celtics’ head coach Glenn Anton “Doc” Riv- ers, this team became known due to their high energy while playing. Doc Rivers started his coaching career in 1999 with the Orlando Magics. And last 2004, he began coaching the Boston Celtics. And now, let‘s have a background of some of the C’s players in the 2011-2012 NBA regular season. Rajon Rondo (Point guard) – He was born in Louisville, Kentucky in February 22, 1986. He played as point guard for the Celtics as of 2006. This man is young at age but yet, a great man and an expert in handling and passing the ball to his teammates. Paul Pierce (Small forward) – He was born in Oakland California and was raised in Inglewood, California. He is a nine time All-Star and was named the 2008 NBA Finals Most Valuable Player. Ray Allen (Shooting Guard) – Walter Ray Allen was born in Castle Air Force Base near Merced, California. He was a military child as he spent his childhood in the Edwards Air Force Base. Last February 10, 2011, Allen broke Reggie Miller’s record of 2,560 in 3-point field goals made. This 36 year old man is surely an expert in bagging threes in the court. Kevin Garnett (Power Forward) – KG was born in Greenville, South Carolina and became the NBA Defensive Player of the Year in the 2007-2008 season. He was a member of the Boston Celtics since 2007 and a specialist in hitting mid-range jumpers. The Boston Celtics surely have the best players. They always have charisma in playing with their team- mates. As the 2011- 2012 NBA regular season opens, they will surely work hard and put more effort in practices as they aim for their next NBA Championship. 25
  • 29. featuring : Robert FROST Robert Frost (1874-1963), four-time Pulitzer Prize winning American poet, teacher and lecturer wrote many popular and oft-quoted poems including “Af- ter Apple-Picking”, “The Road Not Taken”, “Home 27
  • 30. The Road not My november taken guest TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood, My Sorrow, when she’s here with me, And sorry I could not travel both Thinks these dark days of autumn rain And be one traveler, long I stood Are beautiful as days can be; And looked down one as far as I could She loves the bare, the withered tree; To where it bent in the undergrowth; She walks the sodden pasture lane. Then took the other, as just as fair, Her pleasure will not let me stay. And having perhaps the better claim, She talks and I am fain to list: Because it was grassy and wanted wear; She’s glad the birds are gone away, Though as for that the passing there She’s glad her simple worsted grady Had worn them really about the same, Is silver now with clinging mist. And both that morning equally lay The desolate, deserted trees, In leaves no step had trodden black. The faded earth, the heavy sky, Oh, I kept the first for another day! The beauties she so ryly sees, Yet knowing how way leads on to way, She thinks I have no eye for these, I doubted if I should ever come back. And vexes me for reason why. I shall be telling this with a sigh Not yesterday I learned to know Somewhere ages and ages hence: The love of bare November days Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— Before the coming of the snow, I took the one less traveled by, But it were vain to tell he so, And that has made all the difference. And they are better for her praise. 28
  • 31. LITERATURE PAN WITH US Good Hours Pan came out of the woods one day,-- I had for my winter evening walk-- His skin and his hair and his eyes were gray, No one at all with whom to talk, The gray of the moss of walls were they,-- But I had the cottages in a row And stood in the sun and looked his fill Up to their shining eyes in snow. At wooded valley and wooded hill. And I thought I had the folk within: He stood in the zephyr, pipes in hand, I had the sound of a violin; On a height of naked pasture land; I had a glimpse through curtain laces In all the country he did command Of youthful forms and youthful faces. He saw no smoke and he saw no roof. That was well! and he stamped a hoof. I had such company outward bound. I went till there were no cottages found. His heart knew peace, for none came here I turned and repented, but coming back To this lean feeding save once a year I saw no window but that was black. Someone to salt the half-wild steer, Or homespun children with clicking pails Over the snow my creaking feet Who see so little they tell no tales. Disturbed the slumbering village street Like profanation, by your leave, He tossed his pipes, too hard to teach At ten o’clock of a winter eve. A new-world song, far out of reach, For sylvan sign that the blue jay’s screech And the whimper of hawks beside the sun Were music enough for him, for one. Times were changed from what they were: Such pipes kept less of power to stir The fruited bough of the juniper And the fragile bluets clustered there Than the merest aimless breath of air. They were pipes of pagan mirth, And the world had found new terms of worth. He laid him down on the sun-burned earth And raveled a flower and looked away-- Play? Play?--What should he play? 29
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