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Strategic Business Proposal
Universal Pictures
Prepared On:
Prepared By:
Daniel Chalifour
Ryan Murphy
Bradley Hypolite
Ashar Corbett
Alex Hayton
Instructor Name:
Steph Gordon
Strategic Business Proposal 2
Executive Summary
To the Board of Directors,
Universal Pictures needs a push to compete against Disney’s animated productions. To
increase viewership, connect with an older audience through a nostalgic experience, and target a
new generation, we are planning a reboot of the iconic animated film “The Land Before Time”.
In the 2010s’ Disney earned roughly 70 percent of the box office grossing for animated films
(All time worldwide animated box office). In 20 weeks, The Lion King (2019) grossed 543
million dollars domestically. Disney’s reboot of the 1994 original film is currently in 8th
place of
the top ten grossing films. Within the top ten grossing films, Disney has five placements to
Universal's two. Of the top twenty grossing films Disney has 11 placements with Universal only
having five. If Universal doesn’t act now, Disney can potentially take over the realm of
animation completely and hopes of competing will be lost.
With Steven Spielberg as the Director, big name actors like Zendaya, and a partnership
with Amblin Entertainment, Universal Pictures will warm the worlds heart with a reboot of
1988’s enchanting tale The Land Before Time. This will not be your typical reboot, but
photorealistic computer-animated drama powered by hardships, positivity, family-oriented
values of friendship, perseverance, and cooperation. This film will be nostalgic for Millennials
and Gen Z but tailored towards Gen Alpha because of the technological tools that will be utilized
creating this masterpiece.
Strategic Business Proposal 3
1: Organizational Challenge & Solution
Organizational Challenges
The Current challenge is to capitalize on the current present that exists in the animated film
market. Experts at Precedence Research state “The global animation market size was estimated
at USD 372.44 billion in 2021 and is predicted to reach over USD 587.1 billion by 2030,
growing at a CAGR of 5.2% during the forecast period 2022 to 2030” (Precedence Research,
2021.) With the success of movies like The Jungle Book Which did $103 million dollars in the
first week in 2016 according to IMDB or The Lion King Which did $191 million first week in
2019 according to IMDB, it’s clear there is a high demand and market for not only animated
movies, but animated remakes of classics. The opportunity lies in Universal's treasure chest of
properties that could thrive with the use of modern animation technology. Disney has shown they
plan to continue to create a lot of remakes with the announcement of remakes like Pinocchio,
Little Mermaid, Peter Pan and Wendy, and Hocus Pocus. This is the perfect time for Universal to
remake a classic.
Proposed Solution
Universal Pictures needs a push to compete against Disney's animated productions. To increase
viewership, connect with an older audience through a nostalgic experience, and target a new
generation, we are planning a reboot of the iconic animated film “The Land Before Time”. In the
2010’s, ten films grossed a total of $11.29 billion dollars, and Universal only earned 28.05% of
that money. (All time worldwide animated box office). They’re number 1 competitor, Disney,
earned the other 71.95% of that $11.29 billion. Based on the research conducted, the global
Strategic Business Proposal 4
animation market is expected to reach $640 billion by the year 2030 (Precedence Research,
2021). This means that animated films are in high demand and Universal Pictures have the
opportunity to seize the moment. The Land Before Time is the 4th highest-grossing film of the
1980’s with a worldwide gross of $84.46 million. With today's technology, proper casting, and
superb marketing, Universal Pictures can make 10x’s the worldwide grossing of the original
film. Using computer-generated imagery and casting actors like Zendaya Coleman to represent a
main character are both examples of what can make this film successful. Lastly, releasing this
film during the summer, when kids are out of school will be another important factor to ensure
success. This can open doors for marketing the movie with rides and events at Universal
Amusement Parks.
*See Appendix 1, for mock-up
2: Environmental Scan
Internal Strengths & Weaknesses
Universal Pictures is one of the household names within the Film Industry for producing some of
the biggest movies of all time. Franchises such as Fast & Furious and Jurassic Park are produced
by the Studio and are famously known for breaking yearly box office records when they are
released (Soon, 2015). The brand influence that is created through the Universal umbrella is also
of very large importance, as many of their most successful movies are turned into theme park
attractions at Universal Studios in Orlando. The synchronization of bringing their movies to life
at their theme park is one of Universal’s biggest strengths, as the immersive experiences it
Strategic Business Proposal 5
creates for fans is one of a kind and unique to their licensed movies (Olito, 2021). Universal’s
ability to grow franchises that appeal to the international market is also one of their biggest
strengths within the company, as it is well understood how much more potential there is for
earnings (Child, 2018).
With long term successful companies such as Universal it is usually difficult to point out many
weaknesses or mistakes that are made that ultimately lose the business money. One of the main
weaknesses that such successful companies tend to face after being a staple in an industry is
satisfaction with where they’ve reached. The lack of growth in other areas aside from Film
Production and Distribution is where Universal’s current biggest weakness lies. The main
competition, Disney, is a good example of how major corporations can continue to grow by
acquiring valuable intellectual property with acquisitions of companies like 21st Century Fox,
ABC, Marvel, Pixar Animation, and LucasFilm Ltd (Johnston, 2021). Universal was also slightly
late to the market of creating their own independent streaming service, releasing Peacock back in
April of 2020 (Webb, 2022). The race to be one of the top streaming services around is a long
one for Peacock, as it is astoundingly behind the competition in terms of market share and
subscriber base within the year (Hepburn, 2022).
There are many different avenues for revenue streams within a company like Universal, such as
publishing, stage production, and broadening their investment towards research & development
of applications and devices to go along with their productions. The lack of development of
opportunities for Universal exists, and there are many possibilities for a company with so much
Strategic Business Proposal 6
valuable intellectual property that can be used to capitalize with. With every new major box
office movie comes the potential for a new theme park attraction, merchandising, partnerships
licensing their movie franchises to application and video game developers. One reason the idea
of recreating old popular films can be looked on as a viable opportunity for Universal is due to
how largely successful many remakes have been in recent years. Examples such as The Jungle
Book, The Lion King and Aladdin were all remade and released within the last 8 years and each
one of them more than doubled profits for how much was budgeted to create each film (The-
Numbers Staff, 2022).
Universal’s largest threat to their business and ultimately future earnings potential is the Goliath
that Disney has become in recent years. Disney’s versatile business model has had a major
influence over the film and television industry and the company is only growing each year.
Disney has become a content making machine and has even seen such successful years recently
that in 2019, all 6 of the highest grossing movies of the year were released by Walt Disney (The-
Numbers Staff, 2022b). This reign over the industry is so strong even that the year before that,
Disney released the top 3 grossing movies of the year in 2018 (The-Numbers Staff, 2022c). The
next biggest threat to Universal can also become an opportunity if the company plans to continue
investing more into the stay-at-home aspect of entertainment. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic,
many businesses like Universal had to adapt their models to provide entertainment to their fans
through less traditional mediums, mostly through phone and computer screens. For many, the at
home entertainment lifestyle will continue to be embraced and should not be ignored by
Strategic Business Proposal 7
Universal in the future as the power and influence of the internet keeps growing each year (Lang,
Target Market
Universal Pictures is a global film and television production company. One of the strengths of
Universal Pictures is that it has an international market. According to the case study provided by
Aditya Shastri, “because of its international presence, it makes it easier for Universal Pictures to
grow their business” (Shastri, 2022). With our solution in mind, the customers we are trying to
reach are millennials and their children. This demographic covers an age range of 15 - 38-year-
olds and focuses on both male and female consumers globally. According to Statista, “In 2021,
approximately 54 percent of moviegoers in the United States and Canada identified as Caucasian
and/or White, 24 percent identified as Hispanic and/or Latino, 13 percent accounted for African-
American/black, 6 percent Asian, and 3 percent for those that identified as other” (Statista,
2022). Consumers targeted come from middle and upper-middle class families. According to
Statista, “median household income in the United States of all racial and ethnic groups, came out
to 67,521 U.S. dollars in 2020. Asian income was at 94,903 U.S. dollars, Caucasian and/or White
74,912 U.S. dollars, while Black and Hispanic households both came in lower than the national
average median income with Hispanic median income at 55,321 U.S. dollars and African-
American/Black at 45,870 U.S. dollars” (Statista, 20220). Targeted consumers of “The Land
Before Time” reboot are movie-goers, family oriented, enjoy outdoor activities such as parks and
theme parks, and enjoy live entertainment. Benefits sought by our targeted consumers is
entertainment. For our target market, the user rate varies. According to Motion Pictures, in 2021,
Strategic Business Proposal 8
only 3 percent of the U.S./Canada population were frequent moviegoers who attended the
cinema once a month or more, the same as 2020. These consumers were responsible for 34
percent of all tickets sold. Occasional moviegoers accounted for 60 percent of ticket sales, while
6 percent were sold to infrequent moviegoers (12 percent of the population). One thing worth
noting is that more than half of the population did not attend the cinema in 2021 (Motion
Pictures, 2022). As previously stated, most of our targeted consumers are millennials. According
to Statista, due to the rapid development of technology in millennials' lifetimes, the internet is a
key part of their daily lives, as they spend an average of 211 minutes on apps or the internet per
day (Statista, 2022). Research supports that millennials are far more responsive to social media
advertisements and advertising in general than previous generations. As stated by Lexington
Law, “Millennials prefer ads that are relevant, informative or humorous—and they need to feel
that the source is trustworthy'' (Lexington Law, 2022). Therefore, the best way to market to
millennials is through trusted individuals, such as influencers they trust and follow through the
use of social media.
*See Appendix 2, for customer persona/infographic
External Business Climate
Shining light on key topics brought forward through a recent PEST Analysis of Universal,
certain social and cultural trends surrounding live action remakes and reboots will play a massive
part into the success of this project. Specifically, how the trend has ramped up from 0 to 100 in a
matter of just one decade and what this means moving forward in the film industry. According to
statistics on BoxOfficeMojo powered by IMBD, when ranking the top 30 highest grossing live-
action adaptations of all time, 20 of them were released from 2010-2019 while only 6 were
Strategic Business Proposal 9
released from 2000-2009. The clear discrepancy between the two numbers is a perfect indicator
to just how profitable the live-action adaptation trend has recently become. Another massive
factor in the recent success of live-action adaptations is due to the incredible leap in technology
we’ve encountered since the turn of the century, more specifically since the takeover of James
Cameron’s “Avatar” in 2009.
Currently holding the number one spot for “Top Lifetime Grosses” is the industry shifting film
“Avatar” directed by the visionary pioneer in film technology James Cameron. According to an
article on Screen Rant, “Avatar” was first brought to ideation in 1994 and penciled for a 1999
release, but Cameron sat on the idea for his groundbreaking film more than a decade until
technology could catch up to his iconic vision. When the moment finally came for the world to
experience Cameron’s new project, the film took the world by storm, clinching the number one
spot for top earning film of all time and holding it to this day. Many critics and fans
( credit the film’s success being led by the groundbreaking visuals and use of
computer-generated images to levels never previously before experienced in theaters. Since the
2009 release of “Avatar”, 20 of the 30 highest grossing live-action adaptations of all-time were
released in the 2010s. The technological doors opened thanks to the success of James Cameron’s
“Avatar” sets up our live-action adaptation to benefit heavily on current industry trends
Other key aspects drawn from Universal’s PEST Analysis include political trends impacting
employment laws across the film industry, safety regulations affecting theme parks, worldwide
pandemics, and global inflation. Though a small part of the bigger picture, “walking on the
Strategic Business Proposal 10
wrong toes” to say the least can drum up drama and eventually disaster for the success of this
Walt Disney is currently the biggest threat for competition in the film and streaming industry at
the moment. Some of the biggest competitive advantages that Disney has is many of the
franchises and series licensed under their umbrella. Marvel, Star Wars and Disney Original
movies make up for much of the competition that all major distribution companies must be
focused on in the current market. Just to show how powerful the Disney influence on the
industry is, out of the top 15 grossing movies of all time, 9 of the movies are owned and licensed
by the Disney Corporation. Disney also has the highest average market share over the industry
for the past 15 to 20 years with an average of almost 17% since 1995 (The-Numbers Staff,
Sony Pictures is another direct competitor and household name in the movie distribution industry
and helps make up most of the market share for the industry alongside Disney, Warner Bros.
Universal, 20th Century Fox and Paramount. One of the major reasons why Sony is a direct
competitor with Universal is the spending power that the companies have, and the portion of
market share they continue to hold. Direct competitors such as Sony all have the potential to
outperform a company like Universal in given years due to the releases of certain major titles and
producing more quality content each year is important to stay competitive in the industry in the
current landscape.
Strategic Business Proposal 11
Out of all the major distribution companies, Paramount Pictures is one of the most fluctuating
direct competitors in terms of market share and revenues. In the years of 2007-2011, with movies
such as the Transformers franchise, Iron Man 1 and 2, Indiana Jones and Star Trek being
distributed by the company, Paramount on average held a market share of around 16.2%.
Between 2015-2019, the company never held more than 7.5% of the total market share, yet in the
current year of 2022, which is still subject to change, Paramount currently holds 25% of the
market share for films, which the recent releases of Top Gun: Maverick and Sonic the HedgeHog
2 are largely responsible for (The-Numbers, 2022e). Paramount Pictures highest grossing film of
all time was the infamous holder of the top box office spot for roughly 12 years with Titanic,
which grossed $2,207,986,545 worldwide box office sales (The-Numbers Staff, 2022f).
In the past five to ten years Warner Bros. can be considered one of the top distribution
companies in the film industry and a direct competitor to Universal Pictures. Between 1995-
2022, Warner Bros. has distributed more films than any other company, with a total of 833
movies distributed and the second highest Total Box Office Grossing of $36,806,239,586 during
that time (The-Numbers Staff, 2022d). The only other distributor that made more money from
box office grossing is Disney, and clearly why they are the main competition for all major
distribution companies.
20th Century Fox was also another household name and direct competition to Universal in the
Film industry and was most notably known for producing and distributing the highest grossing
film of all time with Avatar, which has brought in a total of $2,845,899,541 worldwide box
office sales (The-Numbers Staff, 2022g). It’s also interesting to note that Avatar is the only 20th
Century Fox Film that is in the top 20 highest grossing box office movies of all time, which
Strategic Business Proposal 12
really shows how competition between the big distributors in the film industry can be based
around producing a high-quality film for the entire global market. The company was recently
purchased by Walt Disney back in 2019 for a reported $71 Billion US (BBC News, 2020).
Streaming Services like Netflix, Disney+, Hulu, and Paramount Plus are all examples of indirect
competition, and sometimes direct depending on how a movie is released. In the current day and
age, streaming services are competing heavily for people’s entertainment leisure time. It has
been reported by Nielsen that streaming accounts for 26% of people’s time spent on TV
(Bursztynsky, 2021). With the pandemic causing people to get more used to indoor
entertainment and big companies putting heavy investments towards their streaming platforms, it
can be expected for this competition to have a bigger impact in future years.
Attractions such as bowling alleys, Mini-Golf, Go Karting and Sightseeing Landmarks are all
good examples of live entertainment that may attract potential customers away from movie
theaters. These attractions should still be considered as a small threat from indirect competition
as many physical attractions don’t provide similar types of consumer gratification in the way that
movie theaters do.
Websites such as TikTok, Instagram, YouTube and Twitch can all be seen as indirect
competition for the film industry due to how much traffic and content is created for people’s
entertainment on these websites. Each year the revenue growth from advertisers and subscription
options on these platforms shows that the threat from this avenue of competition is continuously
growing and should be monitored for partnership opportunities to grow alongside it (Iqbal,
*See Appendix 3, for Infographic
Strategic Business Proposal 13
3: Strategy Implementation:
Organizational Structure
Board of Senior Executives- Each department has an executive that operates as the leader of
their respective department as well as an active member of the board of executives.
CEO of Universal Pictures- The President/Chairman oversees global creative strategy for all
releases. They will act as the Final decision maker when it comes to production, marketing, and
distribution (IMDB,2019).
Finance- The role of the finance department is to monitor the ongoing cost of production as well
as analyze the cost of marketing based on what we can expect in return.
Marketing Department- The marketing department will be responsible for working with the
writing department and animation department to put out Teasers and trailers as well as release
the snapchat filters and manage social media marketing. They will also be responsible for
distributing marketing materials for out guerilla marketing campaigns. The final responsibility is
to manage the Co-branded campaigns.
Distribution- The distribution department is responsible for getting the film into theaters, and
then eventually on to streaming services when its time. (Bisbey,2018).
Strategic Business Proposal 14
Art Department- In charge of basic mock-up and landscape design that will be passed on to the
animation department for film as well as teasers and trailers (Mahr,2015).
Legal- The legal department handles a large variety of matters but in this case, they will handle
contracts and NDAs for the crew, they will also manage the legal end of the marketing
campaigns as far as permits and local laws go, as well as any other legal matters that may need to
be addressed over the course of production and release (Hellermen,2020).
Animation- The Animation department will work with multiple other departments like art,
writing and marketing to create the movie itself as well as marketing materials like teasers and
trailers (Abreu&Scheff,2021).
Writing Department- The writing department oversees developing the story storyline and
adapting it to the new medium without deviating from the original story everyone loves so much
Casting- In charge of casting voice actors for the film.
Music Department- The music department will be responsible for creating the soundtrack as
well as procuring all the necessary licenses for the film (Turner,2022).
Human Resources- Human Resources responsibility is to make sure a safe and fair work
environment is maintained as well as address the concerns that any employees may have.
Sound Department- The sound department's job is to create all the audio in the film because
everything is computer generated, the sounds are vital to creating a sense of reality. They will
also be responsible for mixing the audio when the film is edited together (Ivanov,2022)
Strategic Business Proposal 15
Merchandising- Merchandising is responsible for the creation of the action figures for McDonalds
as well as the ones for sale in stores. They all secure the distribution of those toys. They are also
responsible for the creation and distribution of any other items that may become for sale
Web Design- Web Design is responsible for creating the snap chat filters as well as creating the
social media ads and all other online material. They will also work with Epic Games and the
merchandising department to create the Fortnite event and in game items that will be sold.
Staffing Needs
According to Statista in 2021 Universal had 16% of the market share in the film industry
(Navarro,2021). This being said they have a business built around making movies and have a
staff capable of meeting the needs of this film. We’ve decided to partner with Amblin
Productions. Amblin is the best choice for multiple reasons. The First reason being that they
produced the first Land Before Time. The second reason is that Universal owns a minority stake
in Amblin. The final, and most important reason is because they have produced all the Jurassic
Park and Jurassic World films, so their staff already has incredible experience animating in the
style we are looking for. We have decided that Steven Spielberg will be directing the film and
Zendaya will be a voice actor.
Additional Operational Needs
Strategic Business Proposal 16
Universal is one of the most active movie studios in the industry. “With more than 25 films set
for release in 2022, Universal has at least 10 more than any other major Hollywood studio.”
(Sperling, 2022). Universal is more than equipped to accommodate the creation of this film.
Operational Expenses
Year 1
Cost Research Support and Citation
N/A $230,000,000 We based this budget on what it cost to shoot the
most recent film of this type “The Lion King (2019)”
IMDB states that the film had an estimated budget of
$260M. We believe we will have a similar budget
N/A $10,000,000 According to Seilberg has an
upfront price of $10m dollars for directing films
(Yaniz Jr,2021)
Zendaya N/A $1,500,000 According to Zendaya took home
1.7M dollars for her appearance in “Spiderman No
Strategic Business Proposal 17
Way Home”. Since she won't be on screen 1.5
million is appropriate for an actress of her current
status (Burgos,2022)
3: Strategy Implementation:
Promotion Strategy
To reach as many people as possible as well as use new technology to advertise, we will use a
combination of Direct marketing by partnering with Fortnite and McDonalds, Guerilla
marketing, and regular advertisement to maximize our reach.
Promotional Category 1: Direct Marketing
We plan to implement a direct marketing strategy as well as take advantage of co-branding
opportunities by working with McDonalds as well as epic games.
Campaign Tactic 1: McDonalds Campaign
We will be releasing a Co-branded ad campaign accompanied by 4 different exclusive toys with
McDonalds that will be available in happy meals for a month leading up to the release of the film
in theaters. According to SeekingAlpha McDonalds Currently has 40,031 stores across the globe.
The Exposure a one-month ad campaign across the world will provide is truly incredible, on
Strategic Business Proposal 18
McDonald's Corporate website they say they serve 68 million customers a day. “71% of
consumers feel positive about co-branding partnerships, making partnership opportunities appeal
to prospective brands” (Wess,2021). McDonalds has been one of America's most iconic fast-
food chains and a lot of children who grew up eating at McDonalds have kids of their own now
and take them there, but a lot of these same parents also most likely grew up a fan of land before
time. Therefore, McDonalds is the perfect choice as a co-branding partner. The call to action is
to collect all 4 figures which in return is getting the consumer excited for the release of the movie
in theaters.
Campaign Tactic 2: Fortnite Event
We will also work with Fortnite to develop a Land Before Time Event 2 weeks before the release
of the movie. The event will include Dinosaurs from the Upcoming film and act as a way to
directly reach the young target audience that the film directly shares with Fortnite. According to
Paul Tassi at Forbes, the release of the NFL Fortnite skins generated 50 million dollars. “Since
the start of 2022, there has consistently been an average of 24 million players logging onto the
game throughout any specific day” (Garton,2022). The call to action is to get the consumer
immersed in the interactive online experience in Fortnite which gets them excited to see the
movie. A large part of our goal with The Land Before Time remake was to combine a timeless
classic with the technology of the 21st century, Fortnite is still in and according to IGN Fortnite
still ranks as the 4th most popular game in 2022, with the goal of combining old classics with
new technology Fortnite is the perfect partner to co-brand with. We expect 6 million viewers for
the Fortnite event based on what previous events have done (Amore,2022).
Strategic Business Proposal 19
Promotional Category 2: Guerilla Marketing
We plan on implementing a Guerilla Marketing strategy to grab the attention of movie goers and
The Land Before Time fanatics.
Campaign Tactic 1: Dino-Egg Hunt
The protagonist for “The Land Before Time” is an Apatosaurus, so we’ve decided to create a
life-sized Apatosaurus egg, and plant them in major cities throughout the United States for fans
to discover. The egg will be about 1ft (30cm) tall and weigh between 10-15 lbs. Our main areas
of interest are Denver, Oklahoma, Albuquerque, Cheyenne, and Salt Lake City. The reasoning
for this selection of cities is because the states where these cities are located, is where most
Apatosaurus fossils were discovered. We will also include Hollywood, Manhattan, Orlando, and
Las Vegas as major cities we would like to target for this marketing tactic. These cities are prone
to high levels of tourism because of their popularity and attractions. The goal is to encourage
fans in the area to find and interact with the egg using their phones to scan the NFC device
located within the egg. NFC (Near-Field Communication) allows phones, tablets, laptops, and
other devices to share data with other NFC-equipped devices easily (What is NFC and how does
it work? everything you need to know, 2022). This will give all who scanned an exclusive look of
what’s to come for the new film and we’ve decided to run this campaign for 3 months during the
Campaign Tactic 2: Tree of Hope
Strategic Business Proposal 20
The second tactic we will implement is something we will call “The Tree of Hope''. The “Tree of
Hope” is a giant, artificial, and dead tree that will have one tree star (leaf) on it. The tree is dead
because the film takes place near the end of the age of the dinosaurs. There’s an intense drought
and barely any food which causes the dinosaurs to search for a new home, the Great Valley. On
the base of the tree, a date will be carved. This will be June 25th, 2025, the release date of the
film in theaters. Painted on the concrete below the tree will be a life-sized Apatosaurus footprint,
which is about 3 feet wide. The tree itself will stand 20 feet tall. This is because an Apatosaurus
reaches about twenty feet (6.1 meters) at its highest (TyrannosaurTJ, 2011). Tree stars are star-
shaped leaves on some trees that grow in the world of The Land Before Time. They are food for
the protagonist and extremely difficult to come by in the Mysterious Beyond, but plentiful in the
Great Valley. The big green leaf is very important because it’s the last thing the protagonist's
mother gave him before her untimely demise. He never eats it because it has sentimental value, it
gives him hope, and the courage to reach his destination. Since the film will be released during
the summer and movie theaters are very active again, we think it’s best to place our Tree of Hope
in front of movie theaters. The main movie theater brands we want to target are AMC, Regal
Cinemas, and Cinemark. Since trees aren’t usually “dead” in the summer, this will grab the
attention of people going to the movie theater and surrounding businesses. This is excellent
because we want our fans to come to see our film and this tree will leave a lasting memory in
their mind, along with a release date. We will run this campaign for the entire summer.
*See Appendix 4 Example*
Strategic Business Proposal 21
Promotional Category 3: Advertising
We plan to utilize both Traditional and Online advertising, using outlets such as television
commercials, print ads, and children’s magazines. We will also use Snapchat filters, Popup ads
on kid friendly and parenting websites and Instagram ads.
Campaign Tactic 1: Traditional
The form of traditional advertising we plan to utilize consists of advertisements through
television, print ads, and children’s magazines. We plan to advertise on NBC stations, run 5 full
pages via print ads, and ads in children’s magazines such as highlights for children, National
Geographic, etc. We also plan for Zendaya to go on a talk show hosted by Jimmy Fallon.
Advertisements will be short trailers promoting our upcoming release. With our target market
being millennials and their children, it is important to take into consideration their
psychographics and benefits sought. Consumers belonging to our target market are movie-goers,
family-oriented, enjoy outdoor activities, and enjoy live entertainment. Benefits sought by our
targeted consumers is entertainment. Taking into consideration the psychographics and benefits
sought by our target market it is best for us to put our efforts in marketing in areas that attract our
consumers. The call to action is to get consumers to sign up for our mobile app and to interact
with the Dino-Egg Hunt. Universal Pictures Mobile features characters from the movie and
encourages consumers to buy tickets via their mobile device. So, what does it look like?
consumers will tap on the ad and will be directed to the mobile landing page, where they can
learn more about the film, watch videos, and browse the gallery. According to Marketing Dive,
“by incorporating social media, Universal is able to build a deeper relationship with its users, as
well as raise awareness for the company” (Marketing Dive, 2022). The overall goal is to boost
Strategic Business Proposal 22
box office sales revenue. Ads will run on a weekly basis until the third week following the
release of The Land Before Time reboot.
Campaign Tactic 2: Online
The form of online advertising we plan to utilize is internet marketing. We plan to create a social
media campaign consisting of Snapchat filters, pop up ads on kid friendly and parenting
websites, and ads on Instagram and YouTube. We plan to start marketing as soon as the pre-
production stages, however we plan to run ads 4 months prior to the release of our reboot. The
goal is to keep our audience engaged, to build awareness, and increase our potential for a greater
impact. Our snapchat filters will be interactive with many of the characters from the Land Before
Time. We plan to use a similar tactic as for the movie “Trolls” regarding pop up ads. Our pop-up
ads will either have characters dancing or a Dino-Egg that will crack open once clicked under
our call-to-action text. An example of our call-to-action button can be as simple as, “Find our
egg.” All our call to actions will engage our audience to give them a sense of being a part of the
making of the reboot. To understand consumers' buying behavior we must understand their needs
and motivation to buy. To help better understand we can look at the Maslow’s Hierarchy of
Needs theory. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory consists of 5 levels of needs Physiological,
Safety, love and belonging, esteem, and Self-actualization needs (masterclass, 2022). According
to Krati Pandey, the love and belonging or social needs is what drives interpersonal relationships
and are met through pleasing and fulfilling relationships with others (Pandey, 2021). Humans
have the need to give and receive love, to feel like they belong in a group. That's why influences
for purchase behavior of potential consumers such as Cindy Miller come from friends, family,
and influencers they can trust. If one family is interested in the Land Before Time reboot,
Strategic Business Proposal 23
chances are other family members and households will hear from them. Ads ran on Instagram
and YouTube will consist of interactive promo videos such as short trailers with hints for the
Dino-Egg Hunt, what can be done to save the Tree of Hope, and incentives such as discounted
tickets, free popcorn, and personalized 3D glasses for once the reboot is released. Our ads will
run until the third week of the release of our reboot.
Marketing Expenses
Year 1
Frequency, Size,
Cost Research Support and Citation
Tree 12 Large Trees $24,000
Mountain, B. (n.d.). Berkshire Mountain Fir® Christmas
tree. Balsam Hill. Retrieved June 12, 2022, from
45 - NFC Tags
45 - 3D
Printed Dino-
NFC Tags
Eggs -
Seritag. (2021). On-metal custom print labels. Seritag. Retrieved
June 12, 2022, from
Year 2
Strategic Business Proposal 24
Size, Etc.
Cost Research Support and Citation
One Time
10 ad-spots
Production -
spots -
Benitez, M. R. (2022, February 7). Everything you need
to know about TV advertising costs. Fit Small Business.
Retrieved June 12, 2022, from
Social Media
2 Months $14,000
How much does it cost to run a social media campaign?:
Upwork. RSS. (n.d.). Retrieved June 12, 2022, from
5X Full
Page Ads
Donohoe, A. (2021, November 20). What is the
average cost of advertising in a magazine?
Bizfluent. Retrieved June 12, 2022, from
Year 3
Strategic Business Proposal 25
Size, Etc.
Cost Research Support and Citation
One Time
*Expenses Fall Under
“The relationship
between McDonald’s
and Mind Candy is
similar to that of a
licensee/licensor and
Mind Candy does not
itself produce the toys”
Shontell, A. (2012, December 3). How a startup scored
a happy meal deal with McDonald's 14,000 US Stores.
Business Insider. Retrieved June 12, 2022, from
One Time
*Expenses Fall Under
“Is it the brand that
pays to be in Fortnite,
the other way around,
or a bit of both? This we
are not sure we will
ever know. In any case,
what we can say is that
the brand that signs
with Fortnite thus
recovers the promotion
among the public.”
Whitehead, M. (2021, December 11). Mabel
Whitehead. Shogi Pineapple. Retrieved June 12,
2022, from https://shogi-
Strategic Business Proposal 26
15 ad-spots 30-sec network
spots -
Benitez, M. R. (2022, February 7). Everything
you need to know about TV advertising costs. Fit
Small Business. Retrieved June 12, 2022, from
4 Months $28,000
How much does it cost to run a social media
campaign?: Upwork. RSS. (n.d.). Retrieved June
12, 2022, from
3: Strategy Implementation:
Risks & Liabilities
Though preparing for all potential risks is virtually impossible, noting how to protect our
interests from potential damage, injury or loss will prove to be critical in the execution of this
operation. The biggest legal issue lingering over the successful release of our project is the recent
abolishment of the “Paramount Consent Decrees” (Gardner, 2020). To sum it up, the largest
studios were once prohibited from partnering with theater chains to execute exclusive releases
and pricing terms. With this no longer an issue, a possible near future exists where industry
leader Disney can negotiate exclusive licenses with theaters to set embargos on the distribution
Strategic Business Proposal 27
of third-party releases. The capital of our direct competitor makes this a likely outcome and
could potentially interrupt our income flow.
To help counteract this potential outcome, we plan on turning to streaming services after the
initial box office release to maximize our potential market share. The goal is to exclusively
license distribution to different streaming services over a 6–12-month period before returning to
the original license owner. An example will be a month release exclusively on Peacock, then
next month release exclusively on HBO Max, etc. Projects are commonly bounced across
various services to maximize market share and potential revenue (Katz, 2021).
Our next major point of interest is the market our product serves and how forces threatening
movie theaters can be the detriment of our product’s overall success. Within the last decade
we’ve quite literally watched the rise of Netflix and the following wave of streaming services
that triggered the now infamous “Streaming Wars'' era we live in (NPR, 2022). With the rise of
these new services, entertainment companies behind each one rightfully distributes new premiers
to their respective streaming platforms to gain traction in an already saturated market. This
mixed with a recent global pandemic normalizing direct-to-consumer premiers, has caused a
major shift in the way our market consumes media. This shift can drastically impact our initial
earnings as it's proven that premiers are better off releasing in theaters before hitting streaming
platforms (Katz,2021).
To get a step ahead of this potential market risk, we’re banking on the fairly new technology of
4DX screenings to not only add another layer to the film's overall immersion but also emphasize
the draw to seeing this film in theaters. According to an article on Variety, since 2018, 4DX
films have steadily increased in popularity based on reported box office earnings (Vourlias,
Strategic Business Proposal 28
2020). Capitalizing on this new technology plus giving fans more reasons to view our film in
theaters will benefit this project's success tremendously.
Governing & Regulatory Bodies:
Federal Communications Commission - Regulates Distributed Footage
“Independent U.S. government agency overseen by Congress, the commission is the United
States' primary authority for communications law, regulation and technological innovation”
Motion Picture Association of America - Film Rating
“The Motion Picture Association fosters this economic and cultural enterprise by advocating for
policies that recognize the power of our stories, reward creators, and allow us to produce,
distribute, and protect the creative content audiences love.” (MPA,2021).
Legal standards set in place regarding ethics & employment will play a missive role in the
successful production of our film. According to updated Film Labor Laws (Pierce, 2020) Wage
& Hour standards must be taken into consideration during the planning and scheduling of this
project to avoid any legal backfire from the cast and crew.
Along with necessary legal compliances, licensing standards regarding use of certain musical
works must be met to avoid disruption in the rollout process. To avoid this potential legal
mishap, our score will be done through one composer via a work for hire contract following the
Strategic Business Proposal 29
terms set by the U.S Copyright Office. Work for hire leaves the licensing rights to the
contractor/employer of the project (Universal), cutting off the potential for any copyright claims
against us moving forward.
In today’s modern era of filmmaking, legal standards have been set regarding insurances during
the production process. Regarding our production, these include but are not limited to:
Workers Comp - covers medical expenses, lost wages and rehabilitation costs for cast and
crew injured on set.
General Liability - covers bodily and property damage incurred by third parties.
Annual Production Insurance - Known as film production insurance, this covers damage
to property, wardrobes, equipment theft, and damage to location to name a few. Annual is
preferred for working production companies
Certificates of insurance - Known as proof of insurance, these must be kept on set in case
any citation arises.
Along with these industry standard insurances, specialty insurances will also be required to back
our company in the event of any uncertainty. A major threat in today's entertainment industry is
the possibility of data breaches and leaks, especially with a project that heavily relies on
technological support. To prepare for this rare possibility, Data Breach Insurance would be
Strategic Business Proposal 30
necessary from start to finish of production. This protects the company from data breaches, cyber
liabilities, and technical errors. (Vandiver, 2021)
Intellectual Property
Due to Universal’s well-established footing in the music industry (Clark,2022), it’s safe to
assume necessary patents, copyrights & trademarks for the “Land Before Time” are safely
secured. However, securing the rights of publicity for the film's potential director, Steven
Spielberg, will play a crucial role in the effectiveness of marketing and promotion. If the plan of
working with Amblin Entertainment follows through, securing these rights should be easy as this
is Spielberg’s production company. It’ll be of benefit to both sides to use the directors
established name (Ketedy, 2018) to draw attention to the project.
Legal Expenses
Year 1
or Quantity
Cost Research Support and Citation
Annual $767,000
(3% of Film
Split by 3
by 3 Years)
The Essential Guide to Film Production Insurance:
Wrapbook. RSS. (n.d.). Retrieved June 12, 2022, from
Annual $767,000
The Essential Guide to Film Production Insurance: Wrapbook. RSS.
(n.d.). Retrieved June 12, 2022, from
Strategic Business Proposal 31
(3% of Film
Split by 3
by 3 Years)
Annual $767,000
(3% of Film
Split by 3
by 3 Years)
The Essential Guide to Film Production Insurance: Wrapbook. RSS.
(n.d.). Retrieved June 12, 2022, from
Data Breach
Annual $345,000
How much does Cyber Insurance Cost? Embroker. (2022,
May 25). Retrieved June 12, 2022, from
Year 2
Expense Item Frequency
or Quantity
Cost Research Support and Citation
Film Score
(Work For
The Lego Movie
1 $93,272,624
Top grossing composer at the worldwide box office. The
Numbers. (n.d.). Retrieved June 12, 2022, from
Annual $767,000
The Essential Guide to Film Production Insurance:
Wrapbook. RSS. (n.d.). Retrieved June 12, 2022, from
Strategic Business Proposal 32
(3% of Film
Split by 3
by 3 Years)
Annual $767,000
(3% of Film
Split by 3
by 3 Years)
The Essential Guide to Film Production Insurance:
Wrapbook. RSS. (n.d.). Retrieved June 12, 2022, from
Annual $767,000
(3% of Film
Split by 3
by 3 Years)
The Essential Guide to Film Production Insurance:
Wrapbook. RSS. (n.d.). Retrieved June 12, 2022, from
Data Breach
Annual $345,000
How much does Cyber Insurance Cost? Embroker.
(2022, May 25). Retrieved June 12, 2022, from
Year 3
or Quantity
Cost Research Support and Citation
Strategic Business Proposal 33
1 $25,000
Film submissions for ratings. Filmmakers. (n.d.).
Retrieved June 12, 2022, from
Annual $767,000
(3% of Film
Split by 3
by 3 Years)
The Essential Guide to Film Production Insurance: Wrapbook. RSS.
(n.d.). Retrieved June 12, 2022, from
Annual $767,000
(3% of Film
Split by 3
by 3 Years)
The Essential Guide to Film Production Insurance: Wrapbook. RSS.
(n.d.). Retrieved June 12, 2022, from
Annual $767,000
(3% of Film
Split by 3
by 3 Years)
The Essential Guide to Film Production Insurance: Wrapbook. RSS.
(n.d.). Retrieved June 12, 2022, from
Data Breach
Annual $345,000
How much does Cyber Insurance Cost? Embroker. (2022,
May 25). Retrieved June 12, 2022, from
Strategic Business Proposal 34
4: Strategy Implementation:
Sales Projections
Worldwide Box Office Ticket Sales
The first and most important product being sold for this business venture is the sale of tickets
that happen at the Box Office. In the current day, there are multiple ways for consumers to
purchase tickets and attend a movie showing near them. In most situations consumers can
purchase tickets from online sources such as theater outlets' websites and/or applications, with
the ability to digitally scan the ticket at the theater or to print a physical copy at home that can be
brought and scanned. Outside of the digital options, the traditional choice of buying movie
tickets directly at the theater is still the most reliable avenue of sales for movie tickets due to
many international theaters relying heavily on physical sales.
Unit Volume Explanation
The Unit Volume was estimated through several comparisons and expectations based around the
Film and Theatre industry pushing for a strong comeback after two years of lockdown and
slowed business due to the COVID 19 pandemic. Recent blockbuster movies like Top Gun:
Maverick, Everything Everywhere All at Once, and Dr. Strange: The Multiverse of Madness,
have all gone on to break milestones and see impressive earnings from worldwide box office
sales within the first 2 weeks of being released (Mendelson, 2022). This shows that the demand
for quality films to be watched in the traditional movie theater isn’t going away anytime soon
without restrictions hindering the business, and that in the coming years growth can be expected.
Strategic Business Proposal 35
Due to the current standing and expectations of the theater business model, we expect the re-
creation of The Land Before Time to sell at least 60 million tickets in the Worldwide Box
Unit Price Explanation
The Unit Price was determined based on what the assumed average ticket price for adult, kids,
military personnel, and senior ticket prices at movie theaters currently cost and where they can
be expected to reach in the coming years. By researching the current average ticket prices for
movies at an AMC theater, the average cost of a ticket is around $12.50 US (MTP, 2022). From
researching the current average ticket prices for movies at a Regal Cinema, the average cost of a
ticket is also $12.50 US excluding specific discount dates and exemptions (MTP, 2022). The
determined average final price of a movie ticket will cost the consumer $14.50, and `is based
upon the current average pricing with the combination of expectations for pricing to raise across
the board due to anticipated price increases in the United States through the extreme levels of
inflation to the economy (CBC, 2022). The determined Unit Price of $8.99 is based upon the
average consumer price along with the assumed 35-40% percentage cut that theaters take from
selling tickets. (Zipin, 2021)
Unit Cost Explanation
The definitive unit cost is quite difficult to determine due to Theaters across the world having
different costs and services that can be attached to the cost of printing or digitally supplying
consumers with tickets. AMC for example, charges a convenience fee to at home printed and
certain digital copies of tickets, which can be assumed as a fee they charge to supplement the
Strategic Business Proposal 36
loss of money they take from printing the physical copies in person at the theater. The
convenience fee roughly adds up to about between $0.80-$1.29 per ticket (AMC, 2022), and is
the main considering factor to why we decided the unit cost price to average around $0.99.
Fortnite Cosmetic Skins (Digital Merchandise)
The second product being sold in this venture will be a partnership collaboration of Cosmetic
Skins and Items that players on the video game Fortnite will be able to purchase in the game.
These cosmetics will both be used as a marketing tool to help capture the younger target market
that we are focusing on, along with providing a lucrative revenue stream for Universal alongside
the release of the film. The cosmetic set will be released with 4 different components, 2 of which
will be character skins, 1 will be a custom pickaxe, and the last will be a back-bling (backpack)
that the in-game character can wear.
Unit Volume Explanation
Fortnite is still one of the most played video games in the world on a daily basis. Currently
averaging around 24 million different people logging into their servers every day, and a total of
250 million players over the course of 2022, Fortnite presents itself as a highly lucrative market
for selling cosmetics (Garton, 2022). With past collaborations and partnerships seeing earnings
of upwards of $50 million US from “One set of Fortnite Skins'', it is safe to assume that a
partnership for marketing the Land Before Time recreation will be highly profitable venture and
provide more awareness to some of our target demographics (Tassi, 2021). We based the Unit
Volume for this digital item off the expectation if only 15% of daily active users purchase a
cosmetic from our cosmetic skin set within the first year. After the first year of sales for these
Strategic Business Proposal 37
items, we expect sales to gradually decline yet not disappear as they can be continued to be sold
in the Fortnite virtual store for users who may have missed the chance to buy them initially.
Unit Price Explanation
The unit price for the cosmetic skins collaboration with Fortnite will follow their traditional costs
of the products in the game. Fortnite currently sells skins through their virtual currency which is
called VBucks. These cosmetics are always priced at either 2,000, 1,500, 1,200 or 800 VBucks
for different rarity of skins (Dias, 2021). Most collaborations with Fortnite come out with
cosmetics at each one of those price points to make the cosmetic set as inclusive as it possibly
can be. If we are to create a cosmetic for each price point, the average Unit Price will come out
to around $12.99 per cosmetic.
Unit Cost Explanation
The Unit Cost to create the digital cosmetics through the Fortnite game is a rough estimation due
to the lack of availability of information to produce these cosmetics. The Unit Cost was deduced
through the assumption that any collaboration with Fortnite would have to benefit both parties
and is the main reason why the decided unit cost would be $6.49. This cost is determined as the
portion cut that Fortnite would take for producing and selling the cosmetics on their store, which
is approximately half of the earnings that come from the Unit Price of the cosmetics sold.
*See Appendix 5 and 6 for examples*
Strategic Business Proposal 38
4: Strategy Implementation:
Income Statement
With the current projections, we are expecting to generate profit only in the 3rd year due to the
date of the movie release and revenue from the Fortnite Event happening in year 3. In years 1
and 2, we can expect a significant loss due to the expenses of the overall movie budget, score for
the film, costs of insurance and legal costs We are projecting to earn a total profit of
$153,942,726 US Dollars from these revenue streams at the current projections. The projections
are estimated based on the current landscape of the Box Office and could be expected to increase
if the trend of people going to the movies continues to rise after coming out of the COVID 19
Explain how much money you are going to be making or losing from your solution. Look at the
Income Statement tab on the financial workbook. The net profit/loss line calculates your
solution’s profit or loss for Years 1, 2, and 3. Discuss whether or not you are making a profit
and what is helping or hindering profitability each year.
*See Appendix 7 for Example*
Strategic Business Proposal 39
5: Strategy Implementation:
Project Timeline
Before the launch and announcement of the film which will be June 25th, 2023, Universal must
approve the concept and begin the development of teasers, trailers, online promotion material, all
internet content as well as commercials and begin the production of our promotional McDonalds
toys and merchandise. The legal and web department will also begin developing the Fortnite
event that will take place in year three with epic games, as well as work with McDonalds on
creating the ad campaign and distribution of promotional toys. Lastly but arguably most
importantly the Legal department will work to get all the proper permits for our Guerilla
marketing campaigns that will be the first to take place and announce the film while the
marketing team fabricates all the eggs and equips them with the NFC software containing our
teaser for the film on a themed web page with basic info about the projects. For pre-launch the
casting department will have all voice actors selected and on board. The animation team will
make sure all early teasers and early trailers are completed and ready for all year 1 marketing
events. The sound and music departments will both also have the sound and music for all year 1
marketing materials created. The Writing department will complete repurposing the original
story board to fit the medium and have all final changes to the film submitted and approved By
the CEO and the board.
Year 1
Strategic Business Proposal 40
The first thing we will do to officially announce the film is create “Trees of Hope” all over the
country that will reach 20 feet tall and have the release date of the film on it which will be June
25th, 2025. The Campaign will start in March of 2023 and run until the end of May. The tree will
be accompanied by a life-sized Apatosaurus. The trees will appear dead and only have one leaf
on them which is a shocking image in the Spring. We hope to trend on twitter the first week the
campaign rolls out because fans of the movie will get the references, this will be our first
milestone sense it's hard to gauge how many people see an add. The ads will run in all major
cities for 3 months and be followed by our NFC Egg marketing campaign. We will 2-foot eggs
across the country but also in areas where Apatosaurus fossils have been found. The Egg will
contain an NFC device that transmits a signal to phones when held within an inch of the device.
The signal will redirect the fans to a website that contains our first teaser for the film as well as
basic information about it. The campaign will run from June of 2023 until September. This will
be the first ad with measurable interaction related to the movie and we hope to reach 100k fan
interactions at major locations and 30-50k in the Fossil area locations as our second milestone.
As we roll out the egg campaign, we will also launch our social media and internet campaigns
promoting the teaser for the new movie. In this time the animation department will work to
create a rough cut to submit to the board for approval, this should take about 1 full year to create.
The animation department will also create a new teaser as well as 2 trailers that incorporate
music from the film. The music department will be responsible for putting together the
soundtrack as well as recording any additional music that will be used for the film. The music
department will also be responsible for creating and finalizing all music used in the teasers and
trailers. Sound will be responsible for creating all sounds used in the rough cut as well as
creating and mastering all sound and audio used in the teasers and trailers. Finally, the Board and
Strategic Business Proposal 41
CEO will review and approve the rough cut as well as teaser and trailer. Having the rough cut
complete and the teasers and trailers done are our year 1 production milestones.
Year 2 & 3
In year 2 our marketing department will begin to roll out more forms of traditional advertising
including print ads in children's magazines. Our largest marketing tool in year 2 will be having
Zendaya go on Jimmy Fallon and begin to roll out a new teaser and version of the trailer on
YouTube as well as on NBC stations. This will be when we begin to post more online targeted
popup ads on children's websites that lead people to the trailer. The web development team at
this point will begin to develop snapchat filter that will be released in year three as well as work
with epic games to create the Fortnite event that will also happen in year 3. The legal team will
finalize all details related to the McDonalds campaign in year 3 as well. In this time the
animation department will begin to make their final tweaks and adjustments to the film itself as
well as create the advertisements for McDonalds. The Music department will create and finalize
the score and all music for the film. Once the score has been completed the audio will be passed
to the sound department to finalize and master the audio for the film sense will be complete
enough to do the audio. Our year 2 milestones are completing the soundtrack/score for the film
and having the Fortnite event ready to go as well as the McDonald's partnership.
Year 3 is Marketing's biggest year, the first large event we have planned is a 6-month
McDonalds ad campaign accompanied by toys. The campaign will begin In March of 2026 and
run for 3 months before the film and 3 months after the release. There will also be a Fortnite
event on June 1st that will showcase dinosaurs from the film as well as have in-game items
available for purchase through Fortnite’s in game stores. We hope to attract around 6 million
Strategic Business Proposal 42
participants to the event. The Web development team also created a snap chat filter that will be
released during the Fortnite event and last until a month after the film's release. We will also
increase the number of ads we run on NBC stations as well as YouTube. At this Time the
animation department will create the final draft and submit it for approval and color grading. The
music department will also submit the score for final approval. Once the CEO and Board
Approve the score and the film the audio will be finalized while animation color grades the film
for the final copy. Our milestones for year 3 are finalizing the film as well as having 6 million
viewers online for the Fortnite event.
*See Appendix 8 for example*
Strategic Business Proposal 43
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Strategic Business Proposal 58
Appendix 1: Idea Mock-Up
Below is the story board and description of the Land Before Time reboot idea.
Strategic Business Proposal 59
Appendix 2: Target Market
Below is a persona of potential consumer for “The Land Before Time” Reboot. Information
displayed includes demographics, geography, Behavioral, and psychographics segmentation.
Strategic Business Proposal 60
Appendix 3: Competitive Analysis
Below is a chart depicting a visual outlook of Universal’s most direct competition in recent
years. Through the depiction below you can see that Universal is slightly behind much of its
competition in different aspects of the elements that are being analyzed on the chart.
Direct or
Walt Disney Warner Bros. Sony Pictures
Film Studio,
Theme Parks
Film Studio,
Publishing, Stage
Cruises, Theme
Film and
Film Studio,
Mass Media and
Box Office Gross
Revenue since
$28.4 Billion $41 Billion $36.8 Billion $30.3 Billion
Box Office Gross
Revenue (2021)
$671,702,539 $921,730,490 $652,940,901 $1,100,685,165
Market Share
14.7% 20.2% 14.3% 24.1%
Strategic Business Proposal 61
Appendix 4: Marketing Sample
Below is a concept piece for the guerilla marketing tactic we plan to utilize, “The Tree of Hope”
and the “Dino-Egg Hunt.”
Strategic Business Proposal 62
Appendix 5: Sales Projections
Strategic Business Proposal 63
Appendix 6: Expense Budget
Strategic Business Proposal 64
Strategic Business Proposal 65
Appendix 7: Income Statement
Strategic Business Proposal 66
Appendix 8: Project Timeline
Below we’ve included a 3-year timeline of events leading up to the release of the movie.
Film announcement
With Tree of
life March 2023
Begin animation
March 2023
Dino-Egg Hunt
June 2023
Begin Soundtrack
September 2023
Year 2
Launch YouTube
January 2024
Launch magazine
March 2024
Year 3
Zendaya on
Jimmy Fallon
June 2024
Final Film
And soundtrack
1st 2025
McDonald's Campaign
March 2025
Fortnite Event
June 1 2025
Film Launch
June 25 2025

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Universal Strategic Business Proposal.pdf

  • 1. Strategic Business Proposal For For: Universal Pictures Prepared On: 06/05/2022 Prepared By: Daniel Chalifour Ryan Murphy Bradley Hypolite Ashar Corbett Alex Hayton Instructor Name: Steph Gordon
  • 2. Strategic Business Proposal 2 Introduction Executive Summary To the Board of Directors, Universal Pictures needs a push to compete against Disney’s animated productions. To increase viewership, connect with an older audience through a nostalgic experience, and target a new generation, we are planning a reboot of the iconic animated film “The Land Before Time”. In the 2010s’ Disney earned roughly 70 percent of the box office grossing for animated films (All time worldwide animated box office). In 20 weeks, The Lion King (2019) grossed 543 million dollars domestically. Disney’s reboot of the 1994 original film is currently in 8th place of the top ten grossing films. Within the top ten grossing films, Disney has five placements to Universal's two. Of the top twenty grossing films Disney has 11 placements with Universal only having five. If Universal doesn’t act now, Disney can potentially take over the realm of animation completely and hopes of competing will be lost. With Steven Spielberg as the Director, big name actors like Zendaya, and a partnership with Amblin Entertainment, Universal Pictures will warm the worlds heart with a reboot of 1988’s enchanting tale The Land Before Time. This will not be your typical reboot, but photorealistic computer-animated drama powered by hardships, positivity, family-oriented values of friendship, perseverance, and cooperation. This film will be nostalgic for Millennials and Gen Z but tailored towards Gen Alpha because of the technological tools that will be utilized creating this masterpiece.
  • 3. Strategic Business Proposal 3 1: Organizational Challenge & Solution Organizational Challenges The Current challenge is to capitalize on the current present that exists in the animated film market. Experts at Precedence Research state “The global animation market size was estimated at USD 372.44 billion in 2021 and is predicted to reach over USD 587.1 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 5.2% during the forecast period 2022 to 2030” (Precedence Research, 2021.) With the success of movies like The Jungle Book Which did $103 million dollars in the first week in 2016 according to IMDB or The Lion King Which did $191 million first week in 2019 according to IMDB, it’s clear there is a high demand and market for not only animated movies, but animated remakes of classics. The opportunity lies in Universal's treasure chest of properties that could thrive with the use of modern animation technology. Disney has shown they plan to continue to create a lot of remakes with the announcement of remakes like Pinocchio, Little Mermaid, Peter Pan and Wendy, and Hocus Pocus. This is the perfect time for Universal to remake a classic. Proposed Solution Universal Pictures needs a push to compete against Disney's animated productions. To increase viewership, connect with an older audience through a nostalgic experience, and target a new generation, we are planning a reboot of the iconic animated film “The Land Before Time”. In the 2010’s, ten films grossed a total of $11.29 billion dollars, and Universal only earned 28.05% of that money. (All time worldwide animated box office). They’re number 1 competitor, Disney, earned the other 71.95% of that $11.29 billion. Based on the research conducted, the global
  • 4. Strategic Business Proposal 4 animation market is expected to reach $640 billion by the year 2030 (Precedence Research, 2021). This means that animated films are in high demand and Universal Pictures have the opportunity to seize the moment. The Land Before Time is the 4th highest-grossing film of the 1980’s with a worldwide gross of $84.46 million. With today's technology, proper casting, and superb marketing, Universal Pictures can make 10x’s the worldwide grossing of the original film. Using computer-generated imagery and casting actors like Zendaya Coleman to represent a main character are both examples of what can make this film successful. Lastly, releasing this film during the summer, when kids are out of school will be another important factor to ensure success. This can open doors for marketing the movie with rides and events at Universal Amusement Parks. *See Appendix 1, for mock-up 2: Environmental Scan Internal Strengths & Weaknesses Universal Pictures is one of the household names within the Film Industry for producing some of the biggest movies of all time. Franchises such as Fast & Furious and Jurassic Park are produced by the Studio and are famously known for breaking yearly box office records when they are released (Soon, 2015). The brand influence that is created through the Universal umbrella is also of very large importance, as many of their most successful movies are turned into theme park attractions at Universal Studios in Orlando. The synchronization of bringing their movies to life at their theme park is one of Universal’s biggest strengths, as the immersive experiences it
  • 5. Strategic Business Proposal 5 creates for fans is one of a kind and unique to their licensed movies (Olito, 2021). Universal’s ability to grow franchises that appeal to the international market is also one of their biggest strengths within the company, as it is well understood how much more potential there is for earnings (Child, 2018). With long term successful companies such as Universal it is usually difficult to point out many weaknesses or mistakes that are made that ultimately lose the business money. One of the main weaknesses that such successful companies tend to face after being a staple in an industry is satisfaction with where they’ve reached. The lack of growth in other areas aside from Film Production and Distribution is where Universal’s current biggest weakness lies. The main competition, Disney, is a good example of how major corporations can continue to grow by acquiring valuable intellectual property with acquisitions of companies like 21st Century Fox, ABC, Marvel, Pixar Animation, and LucasFilm Ltd (Johnston, 2021). Universal was also slightly late to the market of creating their own independent streaming service, releasing Peacock back in April of 2020 (Webb, 2022). The race to be one of the top streaming services around is a long one for Peacock, as it is astoundingly behind the competition in terms of market share and subscriber base within the year (Hepburn, 2022). Opportunities There are many different avenues for revenue streams within a company like Universal, such as publishing, stage production, and broadening their investment towards research & development of applications and devices to go along with their productions. The lack of development of opportunities for Universal exists, and there are many possibilities for a company with so much
  • 6. Strategic Business Proposal 6 valuable intellectual property that can be used to capitalize with. With every new major box office movie comes the potential for a new theme park attraction, merchandising, partnerships licensing their movie franchises to application and video game developers. One reason the idea of recreating old popular films can be looked on as a viable opportunity for Universal is due to how largely successful many remakes have been in recent years. Examples such as The Jungle Book, The Lion King and Aladdin were all remade and released within the last 8 years and each one of them more than doubled profits for how much was budgeted to create each film (The- Numbers Staff, 2022). Threats Universal’s largest threat to their business and ultimately future earnings potential is the Goliath that Disney has become in recent years. Disney’s versatile business model has had a major influence over the film and television industry and the company is only growing each year. Disney has become a content making machine and has even seen such successful years recently that in 2019, all 6 of the highest grossing movies of the year were released by Walt Disney (The- Numbers Staff, 2022b). This reign over the industry is so strong even that the year before that, Disney released the top 3 grossing movies of the year in 2018 (The-Numbers Staff, 2022c). The next biggest threat to Universal can also become an opportunity if the company plans to continue investing more into the stay-at-home aspect of entertainment. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses like Universal had to adapt their models to provide entertainment to their fans through less traditional mediums, mostly through phone and computer screens. For many, the at home entertainment lifestyle will continue to be embraced and should not be ignored by
  • 7. Strategic Business Proposal 7 Universal in the future as the power and influence of the internet keeps growing each year (Lang, 2021). Target Market Universal Pictures is a global film and television production company. One of the strengths of Universal Pictures is that it has an international market. According to the case study provided by Aditya Shastri, “because of its international presence, it makes it easier for Universal Pictures to grow their business” (Shastri, 2022). With our solution in mind, the customers we are trying to reach are millennials and their children. This demographic covers an age range of 15 - 38-year- olds and focuses on both male and female consumers globally. According to Statista, “In 2021, approximately 54 percent of moviegoers in the United States and Canada identified as Caucasian and/or White, 24 percent identified as Hispanic and/or Latino, 13 percent accounted for African- American/black, 6 percent Asian, and 3 percent for those that identified as other” (Statista, 2022). Consumers targeted come from middle and upper-middle class families. According to Statista, “median household income in the United States of all racial and ethnic groups, came out to 67,521 U.S. dollars in 2020. Asian income was at 94,903 U.S. dollars, Caucasian and/or White 74,912 U.S. dollars, while Black and Hispanic households both came in lower than the national average median income with Hispanic median income at 55,321 U.S. dollars and African- American/Black at 45,870 U.S. dollars” (Statista, 20220). Targeted consumers of “The Land Before Time” reboot are movie-goers, family oriented, enjoy outdoor activities such as parks and theme parks, and enjoy live entertainment. Benefits sought by our targeted consumers is entertainment. For our target market, the user rate varies. According to Motion Pictures, in 2021,
  • 8. Strategic Business Proposal 8 only 3 percent of the U.S./Canada population were frequent moviegoers who attended the cinema once a month or more, the same as 2020. These consumers were responsible for 34 percent of all tickets sold. Occasional moviegoers accounted for 60 percent of ticket sales, while 6 percent were sold to infrequent moviegoers (12 percent of the population). One thing worth noting is that more than half of the population did not attend the cinema in 2021 (Motion Pictures, 2022). As previously stated, most of our targeted consumers are millennials. According to Statista, due to the rapid development of technology in millennials' lifetimes, the internet is a key part of their daily lives, as they spend an average of 211 minutes on apps or the internet per day (Statista, 2022). Research supports that millennials are far more responsive to social media advertisements and advertising in general than previous generations. As stated by Lexington Law, “Millennials prefer ads that are relevant, informative or humorous—and they need to feel that the source is trustworthy'' (Lexington Law, 2022). Therefore, the best way to market to millennials is through trusted individuals, such as influencers they trust and follow through the use of social media. *See Appendix 2, for customer persona/infographic External Business Climate Shining light on key topics brought forward through a recent PEST Analysis of Universal, certain social and cultural trends surrounding live action remakes and reboots will play a massive part into the success of this project. Specifically, how the trend has ramped up from 0 to 100 in a matter of just one decade and what this means moving forward in the film industry. According to statistics on BoxOfficeMojo powered by IMBD, when ranking the top 30 highest grossing live- action adaptations of all time, 20 of them were released from 2010-2019 while only 6 were
  • 9. Strategic Business Proposal 9 released from 2000-2009. The clear discrepancy between the two numbers is a perfect indicator to just how profitable the live-action adaptation trend has recently become. Another massive factor in the recent success of live-action adaptations is due to the incredible leap in technology we’ve encountered since the turn of the century, more specifically since the takeover of James Cameron’s “Avatar” in 2009. Currently holding the number one spot for “Top Lifetime Grosses” is the industry shifting film “Avatar” directed by the visionary pioneer in film technology James Cameron. According to an article on Screen Rant, “Avatar” was first brought to ideation in 1994 and penciled for a 1999 release, but Cameron sat on the idea for his groundbreaking film more than a decade until technology could catch up to his iconic vision. When the moment finally came for the world to experience Cameron’s new project, the film took the world by storm, clinching the number one spot for top earning film of all time and holding it to this day. Many critics and fans ( credit the film’s success being led by the groundbreaking visuals and use of computer-generated images to levels never previously before experienced in theaters. Since the 2009 release of “Avatar”, 20 of the 30 highest grossing live-action adaptations of all-time were released in the 2010s. The technological doors opened thanks to the success of James Cameron’s “Avatar” sets up our live-action adaptation to benefit heavily on current industry trends Other key aspects drawn from Universal’s PEST Analysis include political trends impacting employment laws across the film industry, safety regulations affecting theme parks, worldwide pandemics, and global inflation. Though a small part of the bigger picture, “walking on the
  • 10. Strategic Business Proposal 10 wrong toes” to say the least can drum up drama and eventually disaster for the success of this project. Competitors Walt Disney is currently the biggest threat for competition in the film and streaming industry at the moment. Some of the biggest competitive advantages that Disney has is many of the franchises and series licensed under their umbrella. Marvel, Star Wars and Disney Original movies make up for much of the competition that all major distribution companies must be focused on in the current market. Just to show how powerful the Disney influence on the industry is, out of the top 15 grossing movies of all time, 9 of the movies are owned and licensed by the Disney Corporation. Disney also has the highest average market share over the industry for the past 15 to 20 years with an average of almost 17% since 1995 (The-Numbers Staff, 2022d). Sony Pictures is another direct competitor and household name in the movie distribution industry and helps make up most of the market share for the industry alongside Disney, Warner Bros. Universal, 20th Century Fox and Paramount. One of the major reasons why Sony is a direct competitor with Universal is the spending power that the companies have, and the portion of market share they continue to hold. Direct competitors such as Sony all have the potential to outperform a company like Universal in given years due to the releases of certain major titles and producing more quality content each year is important to stay competitive in the industry in the current landscape.
  • 11. Strategic Business Proposal 11 Out of all the major distribution companies, Paramount Pictures is one of the most fluctuating direct competitors in terms of market share and revenues. In the years of 2007-2011, with movies such as the Transformers franchise, Iron Man 1 and 2, Indiana Jones and Star Trek being distributed by the company, Paramount on average held a market share of around 16.2%. Between 2015-2019, the company never held more than 7.5% of the total market share, yet in the current year of 2022, which is still subject to change, Paramount currently holds 25% of the market share for films, which the recent releases of Top Gun: Maverick and Sonic the HedgeHog 2 are largely responsible for (The-Numbers, 2022e). Paramount Pictures highest grossing film of all time was the infamous holder of the top box office spot for roughly 12 years with Titanic, which grossed $2,207,986,545 worldwide box office sales (The-Numbers Staff, 2022f). In the past five to ten years Warner Bros. can be considered one of the top distribution companies in the film industry and a direct competitor to Universal Pictures. Between 1995- 2022, Warner Bros. has distributed more films than any other company, with a total of 833 movies distributed and the second highest Total Box Office Grossing of $36,806,239,586 during that time (The-Numbers Staff, 2022d). The only other distributor that made more money from box office grossing is Disney, and clearly why they are the main competition for all major distribution companies. 20th Century Fox was also another household name and direct competition to Universal in the Film industry and was most notably known for producing and distributing the highest grossing film of all time with Avatar, which has brought in a total of $2,845,899,541 worldwide box office sales (The-Numbers Staff, 2022g). It’s also interesting to note that Avatar is the only 20th Century Fox Film that is in the top 20 highest grossing box office movies of all time, which
  • 12. Strategic Business Proposal 12 really shows how competition between the big distributors in the film industry can be based around producing a high-quality film for the entire global market. The company was recently purchased by Walt Disney back in 2019 for a reported $71 Billion US (BBC News, 2020). Streaming Services like Netflix, Disney+, Hulu, and Paramount Plus are all examples of indirect competition, and sometimes direct depending on how a movie is released. In the current day and age, streaming services are competing heavily for people’s entertainment leisure time. It has been reported by Nielsen that streaming accounts for 26% of people’s time spent on TV (Bursztynsky, 2021). With the pandemic causing people to get more used to indoor entertainment and big companies putting heavy investments towards their streaming platforms, it can be expected for this competition to have a bigger impact in future years. Attractions such as bowling alleys, Mini-Golf, Go Karting and Sightseeing Landmarks are all good examples of live entertainment that may attract potential customers away from movie theaters. These attractions should still be considered as a small threat from indirect competition as many physical attractions don’t provide similar types of consumer gratification in the way that movie theaters do. Websites such as TikTok, Instagram, YouTube and Twitch can all be seen as indirect competition for the film industry due to how much traffic and content is created for people’s entertainment on these websites. Each year the revenue growth from advertisers and subscription options on these platforms shows that the threat from this avenue of competition is continuously growing and should be monitored for partnership opportunities to grow alongside it (Iqbal, 2022). *See Appendix 3, for Infographic
  • 13. Strategic Business Proposal 13 3: Strategy Implementation: Operations Organizational Structure Board of Senior Executives- Each department has an executive that operates as the leader of their respective department as well as an active member of the board of executives. CEO of Universal Pictures- The President/Chairman oversees global creative strategy for all releases. They will act as the Final decision maker when it comes to production, marketing, and distribution (IMDB,2019). Finance- The role of the finance department is to monitor the ongoing cost of production as well as analyze the cost of marketing based on what we can expect in return. Marketing Department- The marketing department will be responsible for working with the writing department and animation department to put out Teasers and trailers as well as release the snapchat filters and manage social media marketing. They will also be responsible for distributing marketing materials for out guerilla marketing campaigns. The final responsibility is to manage the Co-branded campaigns. Distribution- The distribution department is responsible for getting the film into theaters, and then eventually on to streaming services when its time. (Bisbey,2018).
  • 14. Strategic Business Proposal 14 Art Department- In charge of basic mock-up and landscape design that will be passed on to the animation department for film as well as teasers and trailers (Mahr,2015). Legal- The legal department handles a large variety of matters but in this case, they will handle contracts and NDAs for the crew, they will also manage the legal end of the marketing campaigns as far as permits and local laws go, as well as any other legal matters that may need to be addressed over the course of production and release (Hellermen,2020). Animation- The Animation department will work with multiple other departments like art, writing and marketing to create the movie itself as well as marketing materials like teasers and trailers (Abreu&Scheff,2021). Writing Department- The writing department oversees developing the story storyline and adapting it to the new medium without deviating from the original story everyone loves so much (Hellerman,2021). Casting- In charge of casting voice actors for the film. Music Department- The music department will be responsible for creating the soundtrack as well as procuring all the necessary licenses for the film (Turner,2022). Human Resources- Human Resources responsibility is to make sure a safe and fair work environment is maintained as well as address the concerns that any employees may have. Sound Department- The sound department's job is to create all the audio in the film because everything is computer generated, the sounds are vital to creating a sense of reality. They will also be responsible for mixing the audio when the film is edited together (Ivanov,2022)
  • 15. Strategic Business Proposal 15 Merchandising- Merchandising is responsible for the creation of the action figures for McDonalds as well as the ones for sale in stores. They all secure the distribution of those toys. They are also responsible for the creation and distribution of any other items that may become for sale (Litwak,2013) Web Design- Web Design is responsible for creating the snap chat filters as well as creating the social media ads and all other online material. They will also work with Epic Games and the merchandising department to create the Fortnite event and in game items that will be sold. Staffing Needs According to Statista in 2021 Universal had 16% of the market share in the film industry (Navarro,2021). This being said they have a business built around making movies and have a staff capable of meeting the needs of this film. We’ve decided to partner with Amblin Productions. Amblin is the best choice for multiple reasons. The First reason being that they produced the first Land Before Time. The second reason is that Universal owns a minority stake in Amblin. The final, and most important reason is because they have produced all the Jurassic Park and Jurassic World films, so their staff already has incredible experience animating in the style we are looking for. We have decided that Steven Spielberg will be directing the film and Zendaya will be a voice actor. Additional Operational Needs
  • 16. Strategic Business Proposal 16 Universal is one of the most active movie studios in the industry. “With more than 25 films set for release in 2022, Universal has at least 10 more than any other major Hollywood studio.” (Sperling, 2022). Universal is more than equipped to accommodate the creation of this film. Operational Expenses Year 1 Expense Item Number Needed Cost Research Support and Citation Film Budget N/A $230,000,000 We based this budget on what it cost to shoot the most recent film of this type “The Lion King (2019)” IMDB states that the film had an estimated budget of $260M. We believe we will have a similar budget (IMDB,2019). Steven Speilberg N/A $10,000,000 According to Seilberg has an upfront price of $10m dollars for directing films (Yaniz Jr,2021) Zendaya N/A $1,500,000 According to Zendaya took home 1.7M dollars for her appearance in “Spiderman No
  • 17. Strategic Business Proposal 17 Way Home”. Since she won't be on screen 1.5 million is appropriate for an actress of her current status (Burgos,2022) 3: Strategy Implementation: Marketing Promotion Strategy To reach as many people as possible as well as use new technology to advertise, we will use a combination of Direct marketing by partnering with Fortnite and McDonalds, Guerilla marketing, and regular advertisement to maximize our reach. Promotional Category 1: Direct Marketing We plan to implement a direct marketing strategy as well as take advantage of co-branding opportunities by working with McDonalds as well as epic games. Campaign Tactic 1: McDonalds Campaign We will be releasing a Co-branded ad campaign accompanied by 4 different exclusive toys with McDonalds that will be available in happy meals for a month leading up to the release of the film in theaters. According to SeekingAlpha McDonalds Currently has 40,031 stores across the globe. The Exposure a one-month ad campaign across the world will provide is truly incredible, on
  • 18. Strategic Business Proposal 18 McDonald's Corporate website they say they serve 68 million customers a day. “71% of consumers feel positive about co-branding partnerships, making partnership opportunities appeal to prospective brands” (Wess,2021). McDonalds has been one of America's most iconic fast- food chains and a lot of children who grew up eating at McDonalds have kids of their own now and take them there, but a lot of these same parents also most likely grew up a fan of land before time. Therefore, McDonalds is the perfect choice as a co-branding partner. The call to action is to collect all 4 figures which in return is getting the consumer excited for the release of the movie in theaters. Campaign Tactic 2: Fortnite Event We will also work with Fortnite to develop a Land Before Time Event 2 weeks before the release of the movie. The event will include Dinosaurs from the Upcoming film and act as a way to directly reach the young target audience that the film directly shares with Fortnite. According to Paul Tassi at Forbes, the release of the NFL Fortnite skins generated 50 million dollars. “Since the start of 2022, there has consistently been an average of 24 million players logging onto the game throughout any specific day” (Garton,2022). The call to action is to get the consumer immersed in the interactive online experience in Fortnite which gets them excited to see the movie. A large part of our goal with The Land Before Time remake was to combine a timeless classic with the technology of the 21st century, Fortnite is still in and according to IGN Fortnite still ranks as the 4th most popular game in 2022, with the goal of combining old classics with new technology Fortnite is the perfect partner to co-brand with. We expect 6 million viewers for the Fortnite event based on what previous events have done (Amore,2022).
  • 19. Strategic Business Proposal 19 Promotional Category 2: Guerilla Marketing We plan on implementing a Guerilla Marketing strategy to grab the attention of movie goers and The Land Before Time fanatics. Campaign Tactic 1: Dino-Egg Hunt The protagonist for “The Land Before Time” is an Apatosaurus, so we’ve decided to create a life-sized Apatosaurus egg, and plant them in major cities throughout the United States for fans to discover. The egg will be about 1ft (30cm) tall and weigh between 10-15 lbs. Our main areas of interest are Denver, Oklahoma, Albuquerque, Cheyenne, and Salt Lake City. The reasoning for this selection of cities is because the states where these cities are located, is where most Apatosaurus fossils were discovered. We will also include Hollywood, Manhattan, Orlando, and Las Vegas as major cities we would like to target for this marketing tactic. These cities are prone to high levels of tourism because of their popularity and attractions. The goal is to encourage fans in the area to find and interact with the egg using their phones to scan the NFC device located within the egg. NFC (Near-Field Communication) allows phones, tablets, laptops, and other devices to share data with other NFC-equipped devices easily (What is NFC and how does it work? everything you need to know, 2022). This will give all who scanned an exclusive look of what’s to come for the new film and we’ve decided to run this campaign for 3 months during the spring. Campaign Tactic 2: Tree of Hope
  • 20. Strategic Business Proposal 20 The second tactic we will implement is something we will call “The Tree of Hope''. The “Tree of Hope” is a giant, artificial, and dead tree that will have one tree star (leaf) on it. The tree is dead because the film takes place near the end of the age of the dinosaurs. There’s an intense drought and barely any food which causes the dinosaurs to search for a new home, the Great Valley. On the base of the tree, a date will be carved. This will be June 25th, 2025, the release date of the film in theaters. Painted on the concrete below the tree will be a life-sized Apatosaurus footprint, which is about 3 feet wide. The tree itself will stand 20 feet tall. This is because an Apatosaurus reaches about twenty feet (6.1 meters) at its highest (TyrannosaurTJ, 2011). Tree stars are star- shaped leaves on some trees that grow in the world of The Land Before Time. They are food for the protagonist and extremely difficult to come by in the Mysterious Beyond, but plentiful in the Great Valley. The big green leaf is very important because it’s the last thing the protagonist's mother gave him before her untimely demise. He never eats it because it has sentimental value, it gives him hope, and the courage to reach his destination. Since the film will be released during the summer and movie theaters are very active again, we think it’s best to place our Tree of Hope in front of movie theaters. The main movie theater brands we want to target are AMC, Regal Cinemas, and Cinemark. Since trees aren’t usually “dead” in the summer, this will grab the attention of people going to the movie theater and surrounding businesses. This is excellent because we want our fans to come to see our film and this tree will leave a lasting memory in their mind, along with a release date. We will run this campaign for the entire summer. *See Appendix 4 Example*
  • 21. Strategic Business Proposal 21 Promotional Category 3: Advertising We plan to utilize both Traditional and Online advertising, using outlets such as television commercials, print ads, and children’s magazines. We will also use Snapchat filters, Popup ads on kid friendly and parenting websites and Instagram ads. Campaign Tactic 1: Traditional The form of traditional advertising we plan to utilize consists of advertisements through television, print ads, and children’s magazines. We plan to advertise on NBC stations, run 5 full pages via print ads, and ads in children’s magazines such as highlights for children, National Geographic, etc. We also plan for Zendaya to go on a talk show hosted by Jimmy Fallon. Advertisements will be short trailers promoting our upcoming release. With our target market being millennials and their children, it is important to take into consideration their psychographics and benefits sought. Consumers belonging to our target market are movie-goers, family-oriented, enjoy outdoor activities, and enjoy live entertainment. Benefits sought by our targeted consumers is entertainment. Taking into consideration the psychographics and benefits sought by our target market it is best for us to put our efforts in marketing in areas that attract our consumers. The call to action is to get consumers to sign up for our mobile app and to interact with the Dino-Egg Hunt. Universal Pictures Mobile features characters from the movie and encourages consumers to buy tickets via their mobile device. So, what does it look like? consumers will tap on the ad and will be directed to the mobile landing page, where they can learn more about the film, watch videos, and browse the gallery. According to Marketing Dive, “by incorporating social media, Universal is able to build a deeper relationship with its users, as well as raise awareness for the company” (Marketing Dive, 2022). The overall goal is to boost
  • 22. Strategic Business Proposal 22 box office sales revenue. Ads will run on a weekly basis until the third week following the release of The Land Before Time reboot. Campaign Tactic 2: Online The form of online advertising we plan to utilize is internet marketing. We plan to create a social media campaign consisting of Snapchat filters, pop up ads on kid friendly and parenting websites, and ads on Instagram and YouTube. We plan to start marketing as soon as the pre- production stages, however we plan to run ads 4 months prior to the release of our reboot. The goal is to keep our audience engaged, to build awareness, and increase our potential for a greater impact. Our snapchat filters will be interactive with many of the characters from the Land Before Time. We plan to use a similar tactic as for the movie “Trolls” regarding pop up ads. Our pop-up ads will either have characters dancing or a Dino-Egg that will crack open once clicked under our call-to-action text. An example of our call-to-action button can be as simple as, “Find our egg.” All our call to actions will engage our audience to give them a sense of being a part of the making of the reboot. To understand consumers' buying behavior we must understand their needs and motivation to buy. To help better understand we can look at the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory consists of 5 levels of needs Physiological, Safety, love and belonging, esteem, and Self-actualization needs (masterclass, 2022). According to Krati Pandey, the love and belonging or social needs is what drives interpersonal relationships and are met through pleasing and fulfilling relationships with others (Pandey, 2021). Humans have the need to give and receive love, to feel like they belong in a group. That's why influences for purchase behavior of potential consumers such as Cindy Miller come from friends, family, and influencers they can trust. If one family is interested in the Land Before Time reboot,
  • 23. Strategic Business Proposal 23 chances are other family members and households will hear from them. Ads ran on Instagram and YouTube will consist of interactive promo videos such as short trailers with hints for the Dino-Egg Hunt, what can be done to save the Tree of Hope, and incentives such as discounted tickets, free popcorn, and personalized 3D glasses for once the reboot is released. Our ads will run until the third week of the release of our reboot. Marketing Expenses Year 1 Expense Item Frequency, Size, Etc. Cost Research Support and Citation Tree 12 Large Trees $24,000 Mountain, B. (n.d.). Berkshire Mountain Fir® Christmas tree. Balsam Hill. Retrieved June 12, 2022, from artificial-christmas-tree?sku=2810206 Dino- Egg Hunt 45 - NFC Tags 45 - 3D Printed Dino- Eggs NFC Tags -$650 3D Printed Eggs - $215,000 Seritag. (2021). On-metal custom print labels. Seritag. Retrieved June 12, 2022, from print-labels Year 2
  • 24. Strategic Business Proposal 24 Expense Item Frequency, Size, Etc. Cost Research Support and Citation TV Commercial One Time Production Fee 10 ad-spots Ad Production - $10,000 30-sec network spots - $1.05M Benitez, M. R. (2022, February 7). Everything you need to know about TV advertising costs. Fit Small Business. Retrieved June 12, 2022, from Social Media Campaign 2 Months $14,000 How much does it cost to run a social media campaign?: Upwork. RSS. (n.d.). Retrieved June 12, 2022, from campaign-cost Children Magazines 5X Full Page Ads $1,250,000 Donohoe, A. (2021, November 20). What is the average cost of advertising in a magazine? Bizfluent. Retrieved June 12, 2022, from advertising-magazine-.html Year 3
  • 25. Strategic Business Proposal 25 Expense Item Frequency, Size, Etc. Cost Research Support and Citation McDonald’s Toy Campaign One Time Promotion *Expenses Fall Under Traditional/Online Marketing* “The relationship between McDonald’s and Mind Candy is similar to that of a licensee/licensor and Mind Candy does not itself produce the toys” Shontell, A. (2012, December 3). How a startup scored a happy meal deal with McDonald's 14,000 US Stores. Business Insider. Retrieved June 12, 2022, from products-in-mcdonalds-happy-meals-2012-12#so-who- pays-for-the-happy-meal-toy-production-anyhow-8 Fortnite Event One Time Promotion *Expenses Fall Under Traditional/Online Marketing* “Is it the brand that pays to be in Fortnite, the other way around, or a bit of both? This we are not sure we will ever know. In any case, what we can say is that the brand that signs with Fortnite thus recovers the promotion among the public.” Whitehead, M. (2021, December 11). Mabel Whitehead. Shogi Pineapple. Retrieved June 12, 2022, from https://shogi- who-benefits-from-fortnite-collabs/
  • 26. Strategic Business Proposal 26 TV Commercial 15 ad-spots 30-sec network spots - $1.6M Benitez, M. R. (2022, February 7). Everything you need to know about TV advertising costs. Fit Small Business. Retrieved June 12, 2022, from Social Media Campaign 4 Months $28,000 How much does it cost to run a social media campaign?: Upwork. RSS. (n.d.). Retrieved June 12, 2022, from media-campaign-cost 3: Strategy Implementation: Legal Risks & Liabilities Though preparing for all potential risks is virtually impossible, noting how to protect our interests from potential damage, injury or loss will prove to be critical in the execution of this operation. The biggest legal issue lingering over the successful release of our project is the recent abolishment of the “Paramount Consent Decrees” (Gardner, 2020). To sum it up, the largest studios were once prohibited from partnering with theater chains to execute exclusive releases and pricing terms. With this no longer an issue, a possible near future exists where industry leader Disney can negotiate exclusive licenses with theaters to set embargos on the distribution
  • 27. Strategic Business Proposal 27 of third-party releases. The capital of our direct competitor makes this a likely outcome and could potentially interrupt our income flow. To help counteract this potential outcome, we plan on turning to streaming services after the initial box office release to maximize our potential market share. The goal is to exclusively license distribution to different streaming services over a 6–12-month period before returning to the original license owner. An example will be a month release exclusively on Peacock, then next month release exclusively on HBO Max, etc. Projects are commonly bounced across various services to maximize market share and potential revenue (Katz, 2021). Our next major point of interest is the market our product serves and how forces threatening movie theaters can be the detriment of our product’s overall success. Within the last decade we’ve quite literally watched the rise of Netflix and the following wave of streaming services that triggered the now infamous “Streaming Wars'' era we live in (NPR, 2022). With the rise of these new services, entertainment companies behind each one rightfully distributes new premiers to their respective streaming platforms to gain traction in an already saturated market. This mixed with a recent global pandemic normalizing direct-to-consumer premiers, has caused a major shift in the way our market consumes media. This shift can drastically impact our initial earnings as it's proven that premiers are better off releasing in theaters before hitting streaming platforms (Katz,2021). To get a step ahead of this potential market risk, we’re banking on the fairly new technology of 4DX screenings to not only add another layer to the film's overall immersion but also emphasize the draw to seeing this film in theaters. According to an article on Variety, since 2018, 4DX films have steadily increased in popularity based on reported box office earnings (Vourlias,
  • 28. Strategic Business Proposal 28 2020). Capitalizing on this new technology plus giving fans more reasons to view our film in theaters will benefit this project's success tremendously. Regulations Governing & Regulatory Bodies: Federal Communications Commission - Regulates Distributed Footage “Independent U.S. government agency overseen by Congress, the commission is the United States' primary authority for communications law, regulation and technological innovation” (FCC,2017). Motion Picture Association of America - Film Rating “The Motion Picture Association fosters this economic and cultural enterprise by advocating for policies that recognize the power of our stories, reward creators, and allow us to produce, distribute, and protect the creative content audiences love.” (MPA,2021). Legal standards set in place regarding ethics & employment will play a missive role in the successful production of our film. According to updated Film Labor Laws (Pierce, 2020) Wage & Hour standards must be taken into consideration during the planning and scheduling of this project to avoid any legal backfire from the cast and crew. Contracts Along with necessary legal compliances, licensing standards regarding use of certain musical works must be met to avoid disruption in the rollout process. To avoid this potential legal mishap, our score will be done through one composer via a work for hire contract following the
  • 29. Strategic Business Proposal 29 terms set by the U.S Copyright Office. Work for hire leaves the licensing rights to the contractor/employer of the project (Universal), cutting off the potential for any copyright claims against us moving forward. Insurance In today’s modern era of filmmaking, legal standards have been set regarding insurances during the production process. Regarding our production, these include but are not limited to: Workers Comp - covers medical expenses, lost wages and rehabilitation costs for cast and crew injured on set. General Liability - covers bodily and property damage incurred by third parties. Annual Production Insurance - Known as film production insurance, this covers damage to property, wardrobes, equipment theft, and damage to location to name a few. Annual is preferred for working production companies Certificates of insurance - Known as proof of insurance, these must be kept on set in case any citation arises. Along with these industry standard insurances, specialty insurances will also be required to back our company in the event of any uncertainty. A major threat in today's entertainment industry is the possibility of data breaches and leaks, especially with a project that heavily relies on technological support. To prepare for this rare possibility, Data Breach Insurance would be
  • 30. Strategic Business Proposal 30 necessary from start to finish of production. This protects the company from data breaches, cyber liabilities, and technical errors. (Vandiver, 2021) Intellectual Property Due to Universal’s well-established footing in the music industry (Clark,2022), it’s safe to assume necessary patents, copyrights & trademarks for the “Land Before Time” are safely secured. However, securing the rights of publicity for the film's potential director, Steven Spielberg, will play a crucial role in the effectiveness of marketing and promotion. If the plan of working with Amblin Entertainment follows through, securing these rights should be easy as this is Spielberg’s production company. It’ll be of benefit to both sides to use the directors established name (Ketedy, 2018) to draw attention to the project. Legal Expenses Year 1 Expense Item Frequency or Quantity Cost Research Support and Citation Workers Comp Annual $767,000 (3% of Film Budget Split by 3 Insurances by 3 Years) The Essential Guide to Film Production Insurance: Wrapbook. RSS. (n.d.). Retrieved June 12, 2022, from production-insurance General Liability Annual $767,000 The Essential Guide to Film Production Insurance: Wrapbook. RSS. (n.d.). Retrieved June 12, 2022, from
  • 31. Strategic Business Proposal 31 (3% of Film Budget Split by 3 Insurances by 3 Years) insurance Production Insurance Annual $767,000 (3% of Film Budget Split by 3 Insurances by 3 Years) The Essential Guide to Film Production Insurance: Wrapbook. RSS. (n.d.). Retrieved June 12, 2022, from insurance Data Breach Insurance Annual $345,000 How much does Cyber Insurance Cost? Embroker. (2022, May 25). Retrieved June 12, 2022, from Year 2 Expense Item Frequency or Quantity Cost Research Support and Citation Film Score (Work For Hire) Mark Mothersbaugh The Lego Movie 1 $93,272,624 Top grossing composer at the worldwide box office. The Numbers. (n.d.). Retrieved June 12, 2022, from records/worldwide/lifetime-specific-technical-role/composer Workers Comp Annual $767,000 The Essential Guide to Film Production Insurance: Wrapbook. RSS. (n.d.). Retrieved June 12, 2022, from
  • 32. Strategic Business Proposal 32 (3% of Film Budget Split by 3 Insurances by 3 Years) production-insurance General Liability Annual $767,000 (3% of Film Budget Split by 3 Insurances by 3 Years) The Essential Guide to Film Production Insurance: Wrapbook. RSS. (n.d.). Retrieved June 12, 2022, from production-insurance Production Insurance Annual $767,000 (3% of Film Budget Split by 3 Insurances by 3 Years) The Essential Guide to Film Production Insurance: Wrapbook. RSS. (n.d.). Retrieved June 12, 2022, from production-insurance Data Breach Insurance Annual $345,000 How much does Cyber Insurance Cost? Embroker. (2022, May 25). Retrieved June 12, 2022, from cost/ Year 3 Expense Item Frequency or Quantity Cost Research Support and Citation
  • 33. Strategic Business Proposal 33 MPAA Rating 1 $25,000 Film submissions for ratings. Filmmakers. (n.d.). Retrieved June 12, 2022, from Workers Comp Annual $767,000 (3% of Film Budget Split by 3 Insurances by 3 Years) The Essential Guide to Film Production Insurance: Wrapbook. RSS. (n.d.). Retrieved June 12, 2022, from insurance General Liability Annual $767,000 (3% of Film Budget Split by 3 Insurances by 3 Years) The Essential Guide to Film Production Insurance: Wrapbook. RSS. (n.d.). Retrieved June 12, 2022, from insurance Production Insurance Annual $767,000 (3% of Film Budget Split by 3 Insurances by 3 Years) The Essential Guide to Film Production Insurance: Wrapbook. RSS. (n.d.). Retrieved June 12, 2022, from insurance Data Breach Insurance Annual $345,000 How much does Cyber Insurance Cost? Embroker. (2022, May 25). Retrieved June 12, 2022, from
  • 34. Strategic Business Proposal 34 4: Strategy Implementation: Sales Projections Worldwide Box Office Ticket Sales The first and most important product being sold for this business venture is the sale of tickets that happen at the Box Office. In the current day, there are multiple ways for consumers to purchase tickets and attend a movie showing near them. In most situations consumers can purchase tickets from online sources such as theater outlets' websites and/or applications, with the ability to digitally scan the ticket at the theater or to print a physical copy at home that can be brought and scanned. Outside of the digital options, the traditional choice of buying movie tickets directly at the theater is still the most reliable avenue of sales for movie tickets due to many international theaters relying heavily on physical sales. Unit Volume Explanation The Unit Volume was estimated through several comparisons and expectations based around the Film and Theatre industry pushing for a strong comeback after two years of lockdown and slowed business due to the COVID 19 pandemic. Recent blockbuster movies like Top Gun: Maverick, Everything Everywhere All at Once, and Dr. Strange: The Multiverse of Madness, have all gone on to break milestones and see impressive earnings from worldwide box office sales within the first 2 weeks of being released (Mendelson, 2022). This shows that the demand for quality films to be watched in the traditional movie theater isn’t going away anytime soon without restrictions hindering the business, and that in the coming years growth can be expected.
  • 35. Strategic Business Proposal 35 Due to the current standing and expectations of the theater business model, we expect the re- creation of The Land Before Time to sell at least 60 million tickets in the Worldwide Box Office. Unit Price Explanation The Unit Price was determined based on what the assumed average ticket price for adult, kids, military personnel, and senior ticket prices at movie theaters currently cost and where they can be expected to reach in the coming years. By researching the current average ticket prices for movies at an AMC theater, the average cost of a ticket is around $12.50 US (MTP, 2022). From researching the current average ticket prices for movies at a Regal Cinema, the average cost of a ticket is also $12.50 US excluding specific discount dates and exemptions (MTP, 2022). The determined average final price of a movie ticket will cost the consumer $14.50, and `is based upon the current average pricing with the combination of expectations for pricing to raise across the board due to anticipated price increases in the United States through the extreme levels of inflation to the economy (CBC, 2022). The determined Unit Price of $8.99 is based upon the average consumer price along with the assumed 35-40% percentage cut that theaters take from selling tickets. (Zipin, 2021) Unit Cost Explanation The definitive unit cost is quite difficult to determine due to Theaters across the world having different costs and services that can be attached to the cost of printing or digitally supplying consumers with tickets. AMC for example, charges a convenience fee to at home printed and certain digital copies of tickets, which can be assumed as a fee they charge to supplement the
  • 36. Strategic Business Proposal 36 loss of money they take from printing the physical copies in person at the theater. The convenience fee roughly adds up to about between $0.80-$1.29 per ticket (AMC, 2022), and is the main considering factor to why we decided the unit cost price to average around $0.99. Fortnite Cosmetic Skins (Digital Merchandise) The second product being sold in this venture will be a partnership collaboration of Cosmetic Skins and Items that players on the video game Fortnite will be able to purchase in the game. These cosmetics will both be used as a marketing tool to help capture the younger target market that we are focusing on, along with providing a lucrative revenue stream for Universal alongside the release of the film. The cosmetic set will be released with 4 different components, 2 of which will be character skins, 1 will be a custom pickaxe, and the last will be a back-bling (backpack) that the in-game character can wear. Unit Volume Explanation Fortnite is still one of the most played video games in the world on a daily basis. Currently averaging around 24 million different people logging into their servers every day, and a total of 250 million players over the course of 2022, Fortnite presents itself as a highly lucrative market for selling cosmetics (Garton, 2022). With past collaborations and partnerships seeing earnings of upwards of $50 million US from “One set of Fortnite Skins'', it is safe to assume that a partnership for marketing the Land Before Time recreation will be highly profitable venture and provide more awareness to some of our target demographics (Tassi, 2021). We based the Unit Volume for this digital item off the expectation if only 15% of daily active users purchase a cosmetic from our cosmetic skin set within the first year. After the first year of sales for these
  • 37. Strategic Business Proposal 37 items, we expect sales to gradually decline yet not disappear as they can be continued to be sold in the Fortnite virtual store for users who may have missed the chance to buy them initially. Unit Price Explanation The unit price for the cosmetic skins collaboration with Fortnite will follow their traditional costs of the products in the game. Fortnite currently sells skins through their virtual currency which is called VBucks. These cosmetics are always priced at either 2,000, 1,500, 1,200 or 800 VBucks for different rarity of skins (Dias, 2021). Most collaborations with Fortnite come out with cosmetics at each one of those price points to make the cosmetic set as inclusive as it possibly can be. If we are to create a cosmetic for each price point, the average Unit Price will come out to around $12.99 per cosmetic. Unit Cost Explanation The Unit Cost to create the digital cosmetics through the Fortnite game is a rough estimation due to the lack of availability of information to produce these cosmetics. The Unit Cost was deduced through the assumption that any collaboration with Fortnite would have to benefit both parties and is the main reason why the decided unit cost would be $6.49. This cost is determined as the portion cut that Fortnite would take for producing and selling the cosmetics on their store, which is approximately half of the earnings that come from the Unit Price of the cosmetics sold. *See Appendix 5 and 6 for examples*
  • 38. Strategic Business Proposal 38 4: Strategy Implementation: Income Statement With the current projections, we are expecting to generate profit only in the 3rd year due to the date of the movie release and revenue from the Fortnite Event happening in year 3. In years 1 and 2, we can expect a significant loss due to the expenses of the overall movie budget, score for the film, costs of insurance and legal costs We are projecting to earn a total profit of $153,942,726 US Dollars from these revenue streams at the current projections. The projections are estimated based on the current landscape of the Box Office and could be expected to increase if the trend of people going to the movies continues to rise after coming out of the COVID 19 pandemic. Explain how much money you are going to be making or losing from your solution. Look at the Income Statement tab on the financial workbook. The net profit/loss line calculates your solution’s profit or loss for Years 1, 2, and 3. Discuss whether or not you are making a profit and what is helping or hindering profitability each year. *See Appendix 7 for Example*
  • 39. Strategic Business Proposal 39 5: Strategy Implementation: Project Timeline Pre-Launch Before the launch and announcement of the film which will be June 25th, 2023, Universal must approve the concept and begin the development of teasers, trailers, online promotion material, all internet content as well as commercials and begin the production of our promotional McDonalds toys and merchandise. The legal and web department will also begin developing the Fortnite event that will take place in year three with epic games, as well as work with McDonalds on creating the ad campaign and distribution of promotional toys. Lastly but arguably most importantly the Legal department will work to get all the proper permits for our Guerilla marketing campaigns that will be the first to take place and announce the film while the marketing team fabricates all the eggs and equips them with the NFC software containing our teaser for the film on a themed web page with basic info about the projects. For pre-launch the casting department will have all voice actors selected and on board. The animation team will make sure all early teasers and early trailers are completed and ready for all year 1 marketing events. The sound and music departments will both also have the sound and music for all year 1 marketing materials created. The Writing department will complete repurposing the original story board to fit the medium and have all final changes to the film submitted and approved By the CEO and the board. Year 1
  • 40. Strategic Business Proposal 40 The first thing we will do to officially announce the film is create “Trees of Hope” all over the country that will reach 20 feet tall and have the release date of the film on it which will be June 25th, 2025. The Campaign will start in March of 2023 and run until the end of May. The tree will be accompanied by a life-sized Apatosaurus. The trees will appear dead and only have one leaf on them which is a shocking image in the Spring. We hope to trend on twitter the first week the campaign rolls out because fans of the movie will get the references, this will be our first milestone sense it's hard to gauge how many people see an add. The ads will run in all major cities for 3 months and be followed by our NFC Egg marketing campaign. We will 2-foot eggs across the country but also in areas where Apatosaurus fossils have been found. The Egg will contain an NFC device that transmits a signal to phones when held within an inch of the device. The signal will redirect the fans to a website that contains our first teaser for the film as well as basic information about it. The campaign will run from June of 2023 until September. This will be the first ad with measurable interaction related to the movie and we hope to reach 100k fan interactions at major locations and 30-50k in the Fossil area locations as our second milestone. As we roll out the egg campaign, we will also launch our social media and internet campaigns promoting the teaser for the new movie. In this time the animation department will work to create a rough cut to submit to the board for approval, this should take about 1 full year to create. The animation department will also create a new teaser as well as 2 trailers that incorporate music from the film. The music department will be responsible for putting together the soundtrack as well as recording any additional music that will be used for the film. The music department will also be responsible for creating and finalizing all music used in the teasers and trailers. Sound will be responsible for creating all sounds used in the rough cut as well as creating and mastering all sound and audio used in the teasers and trailers. Finally, the Board and
  • 41. Strategic Business Proposal 41 CEO will review and approve the rough cut as well as teaser and trailer. Having the rough cut complete and the teasers and trailers done are our year 1 production milestones. Year 2 & 3 In year 2 our marketing department will begin to roll out more forms of traditional advertising including print ads in children's magazines. Our largest marketing tool in year 2 will be having Zendaya go on Jimmy Fallon and begin to roll out a new teaser and version of the trailer on YouTube as well as on NBC stations. This will be when we begin to post more online targeted popup ads on children's websites that lead people to the trailer. The web development team at this point will begin to develop snapchat filter that will be released in year three as well as work with epic games to create the Fortnite event that will also happen in year 3. The legal team will finalize all details related to the McDonalds campaign in year 3 as well. In this time the animation department will begin to make their final tweaks and adjustments to the film itself as well as create the advertisements for McDonalds. The Music department will create and finalize the score and all music for the film. Once the score has been completed the audio will be passed to the sound department to finalize and master the audio for the film sense will be complete enough to do the audio. Our year 2 milestones are completing the soundtrack/score for the film and having the Fortnite event ready to go as well as the McDonald's partnership. Year 3 is Marketing's biggest year, the first large event we have planned is a 6-month McDonalds ad campaign accompanied by toys. The campaign will begin In March of 2026 and run for 3 months before the film and 3 months after the release. There will also be a Fortnite event on June 1st that will showcase dinosaurs from the film as well as have in-game items available for purchase through Fortnite’s in game stores. We hope to attract around 6 million
  • 42. Strategic Business Proposal 42 participants to the event. The Web development team also created a snap chat filter that will be released during the Fortnite event and last until a month after the film's release. We will also increase the number of ads we run on NBC stations as well as YouTube. At this Time the animation department will create the final draft and submit it for approval and color grading. The music department will also submit the score for final approval. Once the CEO and Board Approve the score and the film the audio will be finalized while animation color grades the film for the final copy. Our milestones for year 3 are finalizing the film as well as having 6 million viewers online for the Fortnite event. *See Appendix 8 for example*
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  • 58. Strategic Business Proposal 58 Appendices Appendix 1: Idea Mock-Up Below is the story board and description of the Land Before Time reboot idea.
  • 59. Strategic Business Proposal 59 Appendix 2: Target Market Below is a persona of potential consumer for “The Land Before Time” Reboot. Information displayed includes demographics, geography, Behavioral, and psychographics segmentation.
  • 60. Strategic Business Proposal 60 Appendix 3: Competitive Analysis Below is a chart depicting a visual outlook of Universal’s most direct competition in recent years. Through the depiction below you can see that Universal is slightly behind much of its competition in different aspects of the elements that are being analyzed on the chart. Your Company Name Competitor Name Competitor Name Competitor Name Direct or Indirect Competition Universal Pictures Walt Disney Warner Bros. Sony Pictures Competitive Product/Service Film Studio, Distribution Company, Theme Parks Film Studio, Distribution Company, Publishing, Stage Production, Cruises, Theme Parks Film and Entertainment Studio, Distribution Company Film Studio, Mass Media and Entertainment Company Box Office Gross Revenue since 1995 $28.4 Billion $41 Billion $36.8 Billion $30.3 Billion Box Office Gross Revenue (2021) $671,702,539 $921,730,490 $652,940,901 $1,100,685,165 Market Share (2021) 14.7% 20.2% 14.3% 24.1%
  • 61. Strategic Business Proposal 61 Appendix 4: Marketing Sample Below is a concept piece for the guerilla marketing tactic we plan to utilize, “The Tree of Hope” and the “Dino-Egg Hunt.”
  • 62. Strategic Business Proposal 62 Appendix 5: Sales Projections
  • 63. Strategic Business Proposal 63 Appendix 6: Expense Budget
  • 65. Strategic Business Proposal 65 Appendix 7: Income Statement
  • 66. Strategic Business Proposal 66 Appendix 8: Project Timeline Below we’ve included a 3-year timeline of events leading up to the release of the movie. TIMELINE Film announcement With Tree of life March 2023 Begin animation March 2023 Dino-Egg Hunt June 2023 Begin Soundtrack September 2023 Year 2 Launch YouTube Ads January 2024 Launch magazine Ads March 2024 Year 3 Zendaya on Jimmy Fallon June 2024 Final Film And soundtrack due January 1st 2025 McDonald's Campaign Launch March 2025 Fortnite Event June 1 2025 Film Launch June 25 2025