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Unit 8:
Training activities are a crucial component of training and
development activities. As such they need to be carefully
executed and well prepared. Thus, we need to attend to several
important considerations before launching into a specific
activity. These include:
Is the activity appropriate?
It should be targeted to the specific needs identified in the
needs assessment
otherwise it will seem out of place to participants.
The exception here would be ice breaker activities which are
Where will the activity take place?
It is important to consider formal setting in which the activity
will take place
and whether or not it provides any particular constraints. For
asking people to do something that may be playful in a glass
enclosed room
with others in an organization looking on from outside will
probably present
some issues with participation as people may be reluctant if
they think they
may embarrass themselves in front of their counterparts.
Similarly, we must
consider if the space is big enough for an activity the
necessitates having
people spread out. Thus, location is an important consideration.
What will be the timing for the activity?
This concerns the time of the day but also the timing relative to
what the
participants will be doing before or after the activity (e.g., at
the end of the
day versus first thing in the morning, after lunch versus in
between regular
work activities).
What is the general attitude of the participants?
Are people excited to be a part of the training and do they
believe it will
benefit them or are the uneasy or irritated by having to attend.
In either case
the choice of training activities would need to take into
employee attitudes about training.
How large will the group be?
Training activities tend to be designed for people to work in
small groups and often require that we break larger audiences
into smaller groups. This works well in most cases. But what
happens when you have an exceedingly large group? In these
cases you have to move to activities that accommodate large
groups through the composition of larger teams. For some
examples of how these work see the Adventure Associates
Activities for Large Groups document below (double click to
With these considerations in mind Training & Development
professionals choose what they believe will be appropriate
activities for the specific training needs they are attempting to
address. There are countless activities available for training and
development, too many to include in this unit. Nonetheless, this
unit compiles some, but certainly not all.
Activities fall into two broad categories: ice breakers and
specific training activities. Ice breakers are training activities
that we use to begin a training session. They are designed to
relax participants and to foster interactivity between them. In
short, to loosen people up. They can be particularly helpful in
setting a tone of engagement and cooperation with a group.
However, they can backfire if they are not well orchestrated and
executed — clouding the entire training intervention to follow.
Thus, they should not be taken lightly. While they may not be
the central piece of a training intervention, they are still a very
important piece. In fact, the importance of how we begin a
training intervention can not be overstated. Ice breakers can be
a key component of a great start. So they should be given due
To learn more about specific ice breakers examine the Ice
Breaker Activities Inventory that appears below (double click to
access it). It provides several examples of helpful ice breakers,
providing the background and directions for conducting each.
Beyond ice breakers there are specific training activities for all
sorts of organizational issues including but not limited to
teamwork, conflict, group behavior, organizational change, and
decision making. There are some helpful online inventories of
training activities that you should consult. These include:
(listed by name)
(listed by category)
In addition, I have complied an inventory for this course as
well. It includes a variety of training activities that would suit a
host of issues. Read through these so that you get a better sense
of the possible training activities and the topics which you can
address through a well chosen training activity. Continue to the
Training Activities Inventory now by double clicking on the
document that appears below.
The final part of this unit requires you to put what you have
learned about training activities and the variety of those
available to you to work. Thus, you will be required to conduct
your own ice breaker activity with a group of people you
assemble. To learn more about this activity, see and complete
the Conducting anIce Breaker Activity to complete this unit.
Ice Breaker
Activities Inventory
Purpose: To create a list that allows members of a group to
learn more about each other.
Materials: Copies of “Getting to Know You” forms for each
member of the group
Pens and/or Pencils for participants
Time: 2 to 3 minutes to complete the forms and then 5-10
minutes (will vary depending
on the size of the group) to discuss answers among group
How it works: Ask members of the group to divide up into
groups of two and then ask them to
interview the other person using the questions on the form.
Forms can be
changed to ask questions more pertinent to the training course.
options: Give out prizes for certain answers, ex: the person born
furthest away, the person
who has worked in the company the longest, to the pair who has
the most in
common, etc.
Source: Scannell, E. E., & Newstrom, J. W. (1994). Even more
games trainers play. New
York: McGraw-Hill, Inc. p. 5.
See next page for “Getting to Know You” form
Name of Person
Time with
Best Accomplishments:
Most Memorable Moments:
Favorite Thing about Working at
Strong Feeling
Purpose: To give participants an opportunity to learn more
about the other people
participating in the work shop.
Materials: None.
Time: 10 to 15 minutes (can vary depending on the size of the
How it works: Ask the members of the group to introduce
themselves to as many other people as
they can in two minutes. After the two minutes are over ask the
participants to
break up into groups of three. Once the groups are formed tell
them that their
assignment for the next two minutes is to find three things that
all three people
have in common (all are from the same home state, all went to
the same
university, all have two children, etc.). These similarities
cannot be work related
(i.e. we work for the same company). Tell them to shout out
loudly once they
have found three things.
options: You can offer a prize to the group of three who are first
to find three things in
Source: Scannell, E. E., & Newstrom, J. W. (1994). Even more
games trainers play. New
York: McGraw-Hill, Inc. p. 11.
Purpose: To give participants an opportunity to get to know the
other participants.
Materials: Copies of scavenger hunt list for all participants
Pens and/or pencils
Prizes (optional)
Time: 10-15 minutes
How it works: Hand out a copy of the scavenger hunt list to
every participant. Ask the
participants to find one person who matches each item on the
list and have that
person sign their name on the sheet next to the item they match.
If the group is
large, tell the participants that they can only use a person’s
name once on the list,
if the group is small this rule does not have to apply. Allow 10
to 15 minutes to
collect the names.
options: Once everyone has completed the activity, a prize
could be given out to the
person with the most names on his/her list.
Source: Pike, B., & Solem, L. (2000). 50 creative training
openers and energizers. San
Francisco: Jossey-Bass Pfeiffer. p. 55.
See next page for “Human Scavenger Hunt” form
1. Birthday in same month as yours
2. Night
3. Early
4. Born in same state
5. Same color
6. Same color
7. Right-
8. Left-
9. Likes food hot and
10. Loves
11. Fluent in a second
12. Has read a book in the last
13. Has been outside the country in the last
14. Owns a
15. Owns a
16. Owns a pet other than a dog or a
17. Has two or more
18. Has
19. Has seen a play in the last
20. Has seen a movie in the last
21. Lives in an
22. Lives in a
23. Lives in a
24. Lives in a single-family
25. Has been married more than ten
Purpose: Allow opportunity for participants to become better
acquainted and learn
something about each other as well as provide a team building
Materials: 3" x 5" index cards for each participant
Pens or pencils for each participant
A flip chart
Time: 10-15 minutes
How it works: As the participants arrive hand out 3" x 5" index
cards along with pens or
pencils. Ask participants to write down their answer to the
following question
that has been written on the flip chart:
“If you could bring five people, alive or dead, real or fictional,
into a room for a
discussion, who would you bring and what would you have them
After everyone has their five people ask everyone to share who
they chose. Once
everyone has shared ask the members of the group to come to a
consensus on a
“team” answer. If the group is large this can be done by
dividing the group into
smaller groups.
Source: Pike, B., & Solem, L. (2000). 50 creative training
openers and energizers. San
Francisco: Jossey-Bass Pfeiffer. p. 35.
Purpose: To alleviate personal doubts that some of the
participants might have about the
training session and the reasons for having one.
Materials: A supply of 3" x 5" index cards for every participant
A small, empty suitcase
Time: 5-10 minutes
How it works: Ask participants to think of all the reasons why
the training session will not be
useful for them and then write each reason on a separate index
card. Once
everyone is done, open the suitcase and ask the participants to
“unload the
baggage” that could keep them from benefitting from the class.
Ask participants
to generate ideas as to how they can overcome the potential
“baggage” so they
will be able to benefit from the session.
Source: Pike, B., & Solem, L. (2000). 50 creative training
openers and energizers. San
Francisco: Jossey-Bass Pfeiffer. p. 31.
Purpose: To get the group energized.
Materials: Large self-adhesive labels
Marking pens
A prize for the winner.
Time: 10-20 minutes; can vary depending on the size of the
group and how much they
are enjoying the exercise.
How it works: Have every participant write down the name of a
television show on a self-
adhesive label without letting anyone else see what they write
down. After
everyone has filled out a label, have them stick the label on
someone else’s back
without letting them see what is written. Everyone should have
a label on his/her
back. Ask the participants to form a circle. One person starts
by asking a
question that will help them figure out which show they have on
their back. The
group can only answer using “yes” or “no”. This process
continues on around the
circle. After each person asks their question they have a chance
to guess their
show before moving on to the next person. The first person to
guess the right
program should be given a prize.
Source: Kroehnert, G. (2000). 102 extra training games.
Sydney, Australia: McGraw-Hill,
Companies Inc. p. Kroehnert, G. (2000). 102 extra training
games. Sydney,
Australia: McGraw-Hill, Companies Inc. p. 55.
Training Activities
Purpose: To encourage the participants to move from one
paradigm to another, with
flexibility and without too much effort.
Materials: Magazines and/or magazine advertisements
flip chart paper for a base
scissors for each person
glue or rubber cement for each person
Time: 30-45 minutes
How it works: Lay out a the magazines or advertisements and
ask each participant to choose one
picture to work with. After everyone has chosen a picture ask
them to cut the
picture into small pieces, losing their original meaning. Once
they have cut the
picture into smaller pieces, have participants create their own
collage and when
they are done have them title the new picture. Have everyone
show their new
picture and have them say what the picture was originally.
Engage the participants by asking them questions about their
designs, ex. how did
it feel to convert one image into another? How difficult was it
to “let go” of the
original? What is involved in casting aside older paradigms and
creating or
adopting new ones? What examples can you provide of people
or organizations
that have successfully replaced their paradigms?
Source: Scannell, E. E., & Newstrom, J. W. (1994). Even more
games trainers play. New
York: McGraw-Hill, Inc. p. 233.
Purpose: For participants to analyze the change process and
decide how to make future
changes easier and more acceptable.
Materials: None
Time: 20-30 minutes
How it works: Divide the participants into groups of 4 or 5 (if
possible try to group people from
different organizations or departments). Then ask the groups to
discuss the
following questions:
1. Identify a recent situation in which some type of change was
in your organization (division, agency, etc). Provide a brief
synopsis of that
change and how it was initiated.
2. Was the change resisted?
3. Why or why not?
4. In retrospect, what would (should) have been done to make
the change easier?
Allow 10-15 minutes for group discussion. After groups have
finished their
discussion call on the group spokesperson to report on what the
group talked
about. Have them spend the most time discussing the group’s
response to question
four. Responses usually center around such items as “better
“communication”, etc.
After each group has explained what they discussed, as a group
discuss the
following questions:
1. What was done to add to the forces strengthening the
proposed change?
2. What was done to weaken or remove the forces resisting the
3. At what stage did the tide turn in favor (or against!) The
proposed change?
Source: Scannell, E. E., & Newstrom, J. W. (1994). Even more
games trainers play. New
York: McGraw-Hill, Inc. p. 241.
Purpose: To show participants that working as a team can lead
to better and faster results.
Materials: One overhead of “Who Went Where?”
A sheet of paper for each participant
Pens and pencils for participants
Time: 10-15 minutes
How it works: Ask participants to forms groups of 5 to 7
people. Tell the people that the
company sent 5 people to 5 different places on 5 different days
using different
vehicles. Their task is to figure out who went where, on what
day, using which
vehicle. Tell the group that you are going to show an overhead
with the known
information which they will use to figure out the answer. Give
them 5 minutes to
complete the task.
Once the 5 minutes is up, ask the groups how they went about
getting the
information. This can lead into a discussion about teamwork
and/or problem
Discussion questions:
1. How many groups came up with the correct answers?
2. What helped the group arrive at the answers?
3. What hindered the group in arriving at the answers?
Source: Kroehnert, G. (2000). 102 extra training games.
Sydney, Australia: McGraw-Hill,
Companies Inc. p. 33.
See next page for overhead and solution to problem
Jones flew with Ansett Airlines.
The Hong Kong flight was on Saturday.
British Airways flew to the US.
Brown went on Wednesday.
Smith Went to New Zealand.
Qantas flew on Friday.
Peters went on Tuesday.
Singapore Airlines flew to London.
Fisher went with United Airlines.
The Australian flight was on Monday.
Ansett Airlines flew on Monday.
Fisher flew to Hong Kong.
Peters went with British Airways.
Brown went to the UK.
Ansett Airlines Australia Monday
Singapore Airlines UK Wednesday
Qantas New Zealand Friday
British Airways US Tuesday
United Airlines Hong Kong Saturday
Purpose: To demonstrate the importance of teamwork, support,
leadership, and
cooperation. To build mutual trust and support.
Materials: Blindfolds
Time: 20-25 minutes
How it works: Divide group into teams of 4. One person in
each group is blindfolded; another is
the leader who will instruct the blindfolded person to go from
point A to point B
in the room or chosen area. The leader cannot touch the
blindfolded person. The
other two persons assist the leader to make certain the
blindfolded person doesn’t
bump into anything. Allow 2 to 3 minutes to get from point A
to point B
Once the walk is completed, have participants switch roles and
repeat the exercise
using a different route. Repeat as times allows.
Discussion questions:
1. How did you feel when blindfolded? (Uncertain, frightened,
dumb, etc.)
2. Did you trust your leader? Why or why not?
3. Did you trust your coworkers? Why or why not?
4. What did you need when you were blindfolded? (Support,
assurance, advice,
5. How does this activity apply to your organization? (Need
help, counsel,
affirmation, etc.)
6. How about your new team members? What lessons does this
activity have for
your relations with them?
Be sure to conduct activity in a safe and clear area. Do not
encourage competition
to see who can finish first.
Source: Newstrom, J. & Scannell, E. (1998). The big book of
team building games: Trust-
building activities, team spirit exercises, and other fun things to
do. New York:
McGraw-Hill. p. 81.
Purpose: To create a team identity by helping members to
discover more about each other.
To establish asking for information and self-disclosure as team
Materials: None
Time: 15-20 minutes
How it works: Ask participants to think of a list of provocative
questions they would like to have
everyone answer (and that they would be willing to answer).
Write these down in
front of the group, where everyone can see them.
Go over list with group and have them eliminate those in
questionable taste, and
select 2-3 that everyone feels most comfortable answering.
Once the questions have been chosen give each participant 1 to
2 minutes to
answer the questions.
Source: Newstrom, J. & Scannell, E. (1998). The big book of
team building games: Trust-
building activities, team spirit exercises, and other fun things to
do. New York:
McGraw-Hill. p. 29.
Purpose: To create a team identity. To give participants the
opportunity to develop
productive working relationships.
Materials: Flip chart paper
Time: 20-30 minutes
How it works: For five minutes, lead the team in brainstorming
ideas for a team name. Then
have the team design a graphic logo that will usefully portray
who and what they
are to the rest of the world. Allow 10 minutes for this activity,
and then ask the
team to provide a brief explanation of what the logo represents.
The logo should
be drawn on the flip chart paper.
Next ask the team to develop a slogan (12 words or less) that
they could use as
public advertising. The slogan should identify whatever assets
or attributes the
team realistically thinks are important and that they are capable
of doing. Allow
10 minutes for this activity. Once they have completed the
slogan ask them to
explain what they hope their slogan conveys about themselves.
Discussion questions:
1. How did you select your team name? Logo? Slogan? What
criteria did you
use to complete each of those three tasks?
2. How do you now feel about your team? Will it be more
successful in its future
tasks? Will it be personally satisfying to work in it?
3. What is the value of spending some time creating team
identity? What is the
Source: Newstrom, J. & Scannell, E. (1998). The big book of
team building games: Trust-
building activities, team spirit exercises, and other fun things to
do. New York:
McGraw-Hill. p. 35.
Purpose: For participants to break down their inhibitions and to
provide an opportunity to
work as a team and explore the dimensions of teamwork.
Materials: None
Time: 15-20 minutes
How it works: Have groups of 6 to 8 move to a location that
allows them to stand in small
circles. Have each group member extent their left hand across
the circle and
grasp the right hands of the other members who are
approximately opposite them.
Then have them extend their right hands across the circle and
grasp the left hands
of other individuals.
Now the members must unravel the spider web of interlocking
arms without
letting go of anyone’s hands. If you have one team, inform
them that they will be
timed (as a way to put pressure on them); if you have several
groups, tell them
they will be competing with other groups to see who finishes
the task first.
Discussion questions:
1. What was your first thought when you heard the nature of the
task? (“This will
be impossible, etc.)
2. What member behaviors detracted (or could detract) from the
group’s success
in achieving its goal?
3. What lessons does this exercise have for future team
Tip: In order for this to work someone has to see the whole
picture, take on the leader
role and communicate clearly to the other team members.
Members will have to
step over each other’s arms to unravel the spider web, until they
have a complete
It is recommended that participants should wear casual
Source: Newstrom, J. & Scannell, E. (1998). The big book of
team building games: Trust-
building activities, team spirit exercises, and other fun things to
do. New York:
McGraw-Hill. p 181.
Purpose: To increase participants’ awareness regarding possible
stereotypical attitudes
about male/female behaviors and to illustrate the power of
cultural conditioning
and stereotyping.
Materials: Paper
Pens and/or pencils
Time: 20 minutes
How it works: Have participants list behaviors that they
perceive as negative or aggravating.
List five that are primarily male and five that are primarily
female. Once the lists
are complete have participants, in groups of 5 to 7, compare
their lists. Have
participants pay close attention to specific behaviors, why they
are negative, why
they are deemed more peculiar to one sex or the other, and any
similarities for and
from both sexes.
Discussion questions:
1. Are there any similarities in negative male and female
behaviors? In
male/female perceptions?
2. Which behavior is most aggravating to you? Does sex play a
role in the
aggravation? (Example: poor drivers).
3. When both sexes are guilty of a negative behavior are you
more aggravated by
one or the other of the sexes? Why or why not? Do you notice
it more?
4. Could you do this same exercise with positive behaviors?
5. How does this exercise address stereotypes?
Source: Scannel, E. E. & Newstrom, J. W. (1983). More games
trainers play: Experiential
learning exercises. New York: McGraw-Hill. p 119.
Purpose: For participants to improve listening skills and become
more aware of
conversational habits.
Materials: None
Time: 10-15 minutes; varies depending on group size
How it works: Have group divide into pairs. Tell pairs to
engage in a conversation without using
any personal pronouns. When one individual uses “me” or “I”
or “we”, he/she is
eliminated. The last two people left hold a conversation in
front of the group.
This will show how difficult it is to not talk about yourself.
Discussion questions:
1. The word “you” is said to be the most important word in our
language. Why
don’t we use it more often?
2. Why do we find it so awkward or difficult to lessen the “I’s,
me’s, mine, etc.”
in daily conversations?
3. Are there ways we can persuade our trainees (or bosses) to
also rely more on
the “you” part of conversation?
options: You can give a prize to the person who converses the
longest without using
personal pronouns.
Source: Scannel, E. E. & Newstrom, J. W. (1983). More games
trainers play: Experiential
learning exercises. New York: McGraw-Hill. p 211.
Purpose: To promote team-building characteristics
Materials: Paper
Pens and Pencils
Time: 15-20 minutes
How it works: Divide participants into groups of 4 or 5. Have
one group member turn his or her
back on the rest of the group, so he/she can not see the other
group members, but
can hear them. This person is in the “hot seat” and should have
a pen and paper
to take notes with. For about 2 to 3 minutes the group members
should talk to
each other about the good qualities of the person in the hot seat
negative). Ask the participants to be specific and not to speak
in general terms.
The hot seat person should take notes on what the other group
members are
saying. Once the 2 to 3 minutes is up have them switch spots
with another group
member and continue until everyone has heard themselves
Make sure the hot seat person writes everything down, legibly.
They should not
respond to what they are hearing. Once their time in the hot
seat is up they should
turn around but not make any comments to the group.
Once the entire group has been in the hot seat, have the
participants discuss their
Discussion questions:
1. How did you feel about the comments?
2. What did you learn from this activity?
Source: Baily, G. D. & Baily, G. L. (1994). 101 activities for
creating effective technology
staff development programs. New York: Scholastic, Inc. p 63.
Purpose: To show participants that organizational members can
suffer from certain
organizational learning disabilities and to figure out ways to
overcome these
Materials: Copies of the Seven Organizational Learning
Disabilities sheet for every group
Time: 15 to 20 minutes
How it works: Pass out copies of the Seven Organizational
Learning Disabilities sheet to each
group member. Discuss the definitions and illustrations of the
seven disabilities.
If session contains a large group of people, break off into
smaller groups. Have
group members discuss whether any group within the
organization suffers from
any of the disabilities. Also have them discuss possible
strategies for preventing
or dealing with the disabilities. Have smaller groups come
together to share
strategies. With the entire group develop a written plan on how
to deal with each
of the seven organizational disabilities.
Discussion questions:
1. Do we have agreement that the seven organizational learning
disabilities are a
problem or present potential problems?
2. Is it difficult or easy to see evidence of the seven
organizational learning
disabilities in our program?
3. How are these difficulties preventing us from maximizing the
potential of the
Source: Baily, G. D. & Baily, G. L. (1994). 101 activities for
creating effective technology
staff development programs. New York: Scholastic, Inc. p 40.
See next page for copy of Seven Organizational Learning
1. I Am My Position
When people in organizations focus only on their position, they
have little sense of
responsibility for the results produced when all positions
2. The Enemy Is Out There
Blaming someone or something outside ourselves when things
go wrong. Assigning blame
within and outside the organization.
3. The Illusion of Taking Charge
True proactiveness comes from seeing how we contribute to our
own problems. All too often,
proactiveness is reactiveness in disguise.
4. The Fixation on Events
Seeing only events. The primary threats to our survival, both of
our organizations and of our
societies, come not from sudden events but from slow, gradual
5. The Parable of the Boiled Frog
Sensing threats to survival is geared to sudden changes in
environment rather than slow,
gradual change. Learning to see slow, gradual processes
requires slowing down our frenetic
pace and paying attention to the subtle, as well as the dramatic.
6. The Delusion of Learning from Experience
Organizations and people often experience a learning dilemma.
A learning dilemma is
believing that we learn from experience. However, in reality,
we never directly experience
the consequences of many of our most important decisions.
7. The Myth of Management Team
Maintaining the appearance of a cohesive team. Example:
seeking to squelch disagreement to
maintain appearance. Historical reasons: Schools never train us
to admit that we do not know
the answer, and most corporations reinforce that lesson by
rewarding people who excel in
advocating their views, not inquiring into complex issues.
Baily, G. D. & Baily, G. L. (1994). 101 activities for creating
effective technology staff
development programs. New York: Scholastic, Inc. p 41.
Purpose: For participants to identify their personality types and
then to show the different
needs of the four different personality types.
Materials: Copies of the “What Color Are You?” handout for
each participant
Copies of the “Four Styles” handout for each participant
Pens and/or pencils
Time: 30 minutes; can vary depending on the size of the group
How it works: Tell the participants that there are 4 basic
personality styles and that the point of
this exercise is to identify which style they are. Hand out
copies of the “What
Color Are You?” sheet to every person along with a pen. Then
have them read
through the characteristics shown on the handout and place a
check beside any
that they feel describe themselves. After everyone is finished
have them total up
the checks in each area. Whichever color category has the most
ticks is their
personality style at present.
Once all members have know which color category they are,
hand out copies of
the “Four Styles” sheet and ask them to read through it. Then
have a group
discussion on what style everyone is.
Discussion questions:
1. Which is your predominant color?
2. What are the things that we like and dislike?
3. What do we do that other colors would dislike?
4. How does this apply in the workplace?
options: If time allows and the group is large enough,
participants can be divided up into
their color groups and discuss as a group what their strong and
weak points are.
Then have them discuss what they found with the other three
Source: Kroehnert, G. (2000). 102 extra training games.
Sydney, Australia: McGraw-Hill,
Companies Inc. p. 114-116.
See next page for “What Color Are You?” and “Four Styles”
Check off the characteristics that best describe you.
Tends to be dominant
Strong willed
Wants immediate results
Causes action
Like power and authority
Likes freedom from control
Dislikes supervision
Wants direct answers
Tends to be exciting/stimulating
Generates enthusiasm
Often dramatic
Open and friendly
Likes working with people
Likes participating in groups
Desires help from others
Wants freedom of expression
Wants freedom from detail
Likes change, spontaneity
Appears confident
Likes recognition
Performs exacting work
Likes controlled circumstances
Likes assurance of security
Uses critical thinking
Follows rules
Reads and follows instruction
Prefers status quo
Dislikes sudden or abrupt change
Tends to be serious and persistent
Checks for accuracy
Good listener
Shows loyalty
Concentrates on task accuracy
Likes security and stability
Needs good reasons for change
Home life a priority
Expects credit for work done
Likes traditional procedures
Dislikes conflict
Considerate toward others
Important to perform good work
Pleasure in sharing and giving
Blue is the color of the sky and the ocean. It
is also seen as the color of authority.
Explorers have long been pioneers of the
land, the ocean and in space and their
characteristics match this space and their
characteristics match this style. They enjoy
looking at the ‘big picture’ - that is, being in
charge - and are comfortable taking
appropriate risks for themselves and their
groups. They are goal oriented people and
like to have their fingers in many pies. They
are generally motivated by challenge and
like competition. People of other ‘styles’
get frustrated with these ‘blues’ because
they see them as sometimes impatient and
abrupt people, selective listeners, but they
appreciate the strong leadership qualities
that they display.
Red is the color of blood and Valentines,
and tends to connote passion and
enthusiasm, which sounds a lot like the reds.
Reds are happiest when they are influencing
or entertaining other people. Like the blues,
they are comfortable taking risks and enjoy
trying new things. They get bored if they
have to do the same old thing all the time.
They are the charming, playful,
spontaneous, talkative types who are
energized by being the center of attention.
They are motivated by recognition - they
want to be liked! Other styles see them as
unfocused procrastinators who make us the
rules as they go along, but appreciate their
talents as great promoters who can sell
Green is the color of the dollar and was one
of the original color on computer screens.
Of all the styles greens are most comfortable
where accuracy and numbers are important.
Perfectionism is inherent in their style. ‘If
the job’s worth doing, it’s worth doing it
right - the first time’ might be their motto.
They are willing to take the time to get the
job done right. They are the best of the four
styles at critical thinking and planning.
They make the best administrators as they
like order, structure, following guidelines
and plans (especially if they initiate them).
Other styles complain that the greens are too
rigid, too slow at making decisions, too
‘picky’, but value their planning and
problem-solving skills.
Yellow is the color of the sun and yellows
are like a ray of sunshine when they enter a
room with their warm and caring style.
Family is their number one priority. They
tend to be most concerned with the needs of
others. They are the best team builders,
always listening to, encouraging and
bringing out the best in others. They are
motivated by appreciation for work done
and have a strong need to please others.
Like the greens, they dislike confrontation
and will give in to others to avoid conflict.
Other styles see yellow as too soft, not hard-
nosed enough, indecisive (they can see all
sides of an issue) and resistant to change.
They are often the ‘glue’ that holds a group
Purpose: For participants to become involved in problem-
solving activities and to see how
important communication in this type of activity is. To show
how a team
approach to problem-solving divides up the responsibility so
that no one is held
responsible for the results. Also to show how working with a
team will make
solving a problem easier.
Materials: Copies of the ‘Hostage’ handout
Pen or pencils
Time: 45-60 minutes
How it works: Break the group up into teams of 3 or 4 and give
everyone a ‘Hostage’ handout
and pen. Read out loud the instructions on the handout and ask
participants to
take 10 minutes to do their own individual rankings. There
should not be any
discussion. Once everyone has finished their individual
ranking, give the groups
20 minutes to reach a group consensus. Go over the following
rules with the
1. Everyone on the team must agree with the choice
2. No voting or compromise is allowed
3. The final decision must be acceptable to everyone on the
team and a
decision must be reached within 20 minutes.
4. The leader of the group must be able to give five reasons for
selections. When 20 minutes has passed each team should
report their
results back to the other groups (display these results so
everyone can see).
Discussion questions:
1. What were the principal criteria used in ranking the people?
2. How far did the group’s criteria line up with your own?
3. How uncomfortable did you feel about making this kind of
4. How did the team members feel about the responsibility
placed on them?
5. What behaviors hindered the group in arriving at a final
6. How does this apply to the workplace?
Source: Kroehnert, G. (2000). 102 extra training games.
Sydney, Australia: McGraw-Hill,
Companies Inc. p. Kroehnert, G. (2000). 102 extra training
games. Sydney,
Australia: McGraw-Hill, Companies Inc. p. 187-189
See next page for ‘Hostage’ handout
You are a part of a Hostage Unit Negotiation Team (HUNT).
Your complete team consists of
the people in your group. Your team has just been called to a
specific situation and you are
sitting together inside the HUNT van. Unfortunately, you are in
control of this operation. Ten
people are being held hostage by an unknown number of people
in a high-rise building across the
road. This is the situation. The people holding the hostages are
armed and dangerous. They
have given you a set of demands that will take at least 45
minutes to comply with, perhaps
longer; they may in fact take several hours. They are not
interested in listening to your reasons
for the delay. They want their demands met now. They have
said that to prove their point they
are going to execute one hostage every 30 minutes until their
demands have been met. This
means the first hostage will be executed 30 minutes from now.
They have also told you that you will be responsible for
choosing the first victim, the second, the
third and so on. The hostages have agreed to this themselves as
they are not prepared to make
this decision.
They have stopped all communication with you and have said
unless their demands are met
within the next 30 minutes the executions will start. They will
call you in 30 minutes for you
complete list of names indicating your selection order.
The only information you have is the information collected by
the other people who arrived on
site before you. This information is shown on the other side of
the handout.
Please show your choices below:
Order of execution Name (your selection) Name (group
Name Age Sex Occupation Other details gained
Robert 25 M Accountant Married to Samantha, also being held
hostage, Senior partner in his firm. Born in
U.S. Holds positions as Mayor of local
Michelle 22 F Novelist Has just started her career as a novelist.
Divorced with 2 young children. Very
attractive. Has just become engaged. Born
in England.
Jobe 67 M Biochemist Born in Central Africa. Married. Has
many books on biochemistry. Gained PhD
at 22 years of age. Has 11 children.
Convicted twice for indecent exposure.
Yung-fu 35 M Police officer Engaged. Has lived in numerous
He is a Youth Adventure Leader who
devotes much of his time and energy to
helping young people.
Jennifer 58 F Medical researcher Single with 4 adolescent
children. Currently
researching deadly virus strains.
Recognized as a world authority on the
treatment of AIDS. Born in India.
Samantha 26 F Accountant Married to Robert, also being held
Pregnant with first child. Born in Australia.
Both parents and sister killed in car accident
last year.
Joe 19 M Medical Student Member of the Communist Party.
returned from a trip to Russia. Is also
studying religion. Last year raise over
$1,000,000 for the church. Single.
Danny 45 M Unemployed Formerly an officer in the army.
Spent part
of his service in Vietnam. Received a
special commendation for undercover work
done. Has a drinking problem.
Selina 55 F Unemployed No information available.
Ingrid 21 F Model Highly successful model. Born in Sweden.
Has one young child. Is having a
relationship with Robert, also being held
hostage. Today is her birthday.
Purpose: For participants to spend time thinking about the
training session and what they
Materials: Paper, pens and pencils
Time: 10-15 minutes
How it works: Assemble teams of 4 or 5 participants. Using
David Letterman’s Top Ten list as
an example, ask the teams to figure out what the ten most
valuable things they
learned from the training session and list those things in
ascending order of
importance, with 10 starting the least important. Have a
spokesperson for each
team read off choices 1 and 2 and explain their importance to
the other teams, and
then tell how the team intends to use these particular knowledge
points, skills, or
Source: Cariselli, M. (1998). Great session openers, closers and
energizers: Quick
activities for warming up your audience and ending on a high
note. New York:
McGraw-Hill. p. 239.
Purpose: To show participants that people are not always as
observant as we think.
Materials: A non-digital watch
Time: 5 minutes
How it works: Ask one of the group members if you may borrow
their watch for a moment.
(Make certain the watch is non-digital). Tell the person (after
you have their
watch) that you would like to test his/her power of observation,
and ask the entire
group to silently play along. Tell the individual to assume that
the watch was lost
and you found it. But before you can return it you want to make
certain that the
watch can be identified as being theirs. In order to do this, ask
the individual a
series of questions about the watch. Examples, “What color is
the face?” “What
brand is the watch?” “Roman or Arabic numerals?” “All 12?”
“Does the watch
have the date/and or day on it?” “Second hand?” etc.
Make sure the other members of the group are responding
silently as the watch
owner answers vocally, to make the point more easily made and
understood (i.e.
most people can not totally and accurately describe their own
watch even if they
look at it a dozen times a day).
Discussion questions:
1. Who did not answer all the questions correctly? Why?
2. Why aren’t we more observant? (time pressure, lack of
concern, taking things
for granted, etc.)
3. Have you seen incidents where people have overlooked
commonplace things
and problems have resulted?
Source: Newstrom, J. W. & Scannell, E. E. (1980). Games
trainers play: Experiential
learning exercises. New York: McGraw-Hill. p. 231.
Purpose: To allow participants to participate in a creative
problem solving activity, to help
stimulate the participant’s creative energies. To show the
potential of
Materials: A paper clip for every table
Time: 10 minutes
How it works: Divide group into groups of 4 to 6. For 60
seconds have them think of all
the ways to use a paper clip. Tell the participants the four basic
ground rules of
1. No critical judgement is permitted
2. Free-wheeling is welcome (i.e., the wilder the idea, the
3. Quantity, not quality is desired
4. Combination and improvement of ideas are sought
Have one group member tally the number of ideas, not
necessarily the ideas
themselves. At the end of the 60 seconds have the groups report
the number of
ideas they thought of, and then ask each group to list some of
the “crazy” or “far
out” suggestions they came up with. Suggesting that some of
these “crazy” ideas
may turn out to be very workable.
Discussion questions:
1. What reservations do you have about the technique?
2. What kinds of problems is brainstorming best suited for?
3. What potential applications at work can you see for
Source: Newstrom, J. W. & Scannell, E. E. (1980). Games
trainers play: Experiential
learning exercises. New York: McGraw-Hill. p. 109.
Purpose: To give facilitator a chance to see if there is truly
consensus among team
members. This activity works to alleviate the false assumption
that a consensus
has been reached because “no one spoke up.” It can be used to
know if the team
supports (“go”) or does not support (“no go”) a proposal before
proceeding with
Materials: An good supply of signal cards
Time: 10-15 minutes
How it works: Before the session, create signals cards that
participants can use to send non-
verbal messages to you. (example: buy poster boards that are
red on one side and
green on the other. Cut them up into 3-inch squares) At the
beginning of each
session, distribute one square of each color to each participant.
Ask the participants to show a colored card - either
continuously or periodically in
response to direct questions. The green cards should be
displayed when they
agree with an emerging conclusion (or pace of discussion). The
red cards should
be shown when they are opposed to a proposed action or are
dissatisfied with the
pace or direction of discussion. You may want to provide
additional cards for
other signals - such as white for neutrality or yellow for
It might take a few reminders for the group to become familiar
with and willing to
use the procedure. However, they will soon remember to
display the proper card
if you call on someone to explain their concerns and they
discover that they have
mistakenly left their red card on display. Remind everyone that
they can also
benefit from the cards by looking around the room and seeing
what other people
are thinking.
Discussion questions:
1. What is the meaning of consensus?
2. How important is it to discover what others are thinking and
3. What responsibility do we have for soliciting this
information? For acting on
Source: Newstrom, J. & Scannell, E. (1998). The big book of
team building games: Trust-
building activities, team spirit exercises, and other fun things to
do. New York:
McGraw-Hill. p 125-126.
Purpose: The activity helps to identify traits of creative people
and to point out that these
same characteristics can be found in almost anyone.
Materials: Paper, pens and/or pencils
Time: 10-15 minutes
How it works: Ask the group members to think of some friends
or colleagues who they consider
to be creative people. (If participants are having a hard time
coming up with
people to list, it is alright to list other well-known creative
people, i.e. Walt
Disney). Have them right down the names of 4 or 5 people that
fit that category,
and then, next to each name write what makes that person
creative (what they do
or have done). Some responses could be, “always asking
questions” “always
willing to take a risk” or “daydreams a lot.” Have everyone
discuss who they
thought of and why (if the group is large, have them break off
into smaller groups
of 4 or 5 for discussion).
Discussion questions:
1. What are some of the traits or qualities your friends or
colleagues exhibit that
make them creative? Could you learn these qualities?
2. In your organization, have you seen cases where colleagues
show creativity
even though the job climate does not seem to foster creativity?
3. How does one become creative in a climate that doesn’t
currently support
Create a list of creative characteristics and have participants
assess each item as a
genetic trait or a behavior. Most will be behavior, implying
that they can be
taught, learned and applied by many.
Source: Newstrom, J. & Scannell, E. (1998). The big book of
team building games: Trust-
building activities, team spirit exercises, and other fun things to
do. New York:
McGraw-Hill. p 131-132.
Purpose: For participants to receive possible solutions or
suggestions for a challenge or
problem they are facing.
Materials: Paper, notepads, pens, pencils
Time: 10-15 minutes
How it works: Ask participants to write down a current job-
related problem or concern on
a blank sheet of paper or a notepad (example: “How can I get
more group-
involvement?” “How can I get my staff to be more punctual?”).
After allowing a
few minutes to think about and write out their problem, ask
everyone to pass
his/her problem to the person on their right. That person reads
the problem and
writes down their first thoughts in addressing that problem.
They are given 30
seconds to respond to that individual sheet. Repeat the process
every 30 seconds
until each person has their own sheet back. If there is enough
time - have
participants discuss some of the more practical solutions
Discussion questions:
1. Did anyone discover novel solutions that you had not
previously considered?
2. Can you see any value in trying some of these suggestions?
3. Do some of these suggestions trigger other ideas or
solutions for you?
4. What lesson does this teach us about reaching out to other
for assistance?
Source: Scannell, E. E., & Newstrom, J. W. (1994). Even more
games trainers play. New
York: McGraw-Hill, Inc. p. 69.
Purpose: To illustrate the importance of passive resistance.
Materials: None
Time: 5 minutes
How it works: Have participants pair up and stand facing their
partner. Tell the pairs to
designate one person as “A” and the other as “B” Have them
press their hands
together at shoulder height. Tell attendees to press their hands
against their
partners using firm and equal pressure. Ask partner “A” to
remove hands quickly
and without warning any time in the next few moments. After
all the “A”
partners have done this, repeat the process with partner “B”
pulling back when
they choose.
Discussion questions:
1. What was your reaction when you partner pulled away?
2. What was your feeling when you no longer felt any
3. How many of you seemed to “fall” into your partner’s space
when they stopped
4. Have you observed situations when people have actually
“gained” by removing
some of the “pressures” we place on others? Please describe?
5. Under what conditions should we “push”, and when should
we learn to “give
Source: Scannell, E. E., & Newstrom, J. W. (1994). Even more
games trainers play. New
York: McGraw-Hill, Inc. p. 235.
Purpose: To demonstrate the power of positive and negative
energy within a group.
Materials: None
Time: 5 minutes
How it works: Tell the group that you are about to demonstrate
the power within the room. Ask
for a male and a female volunteer to come to the front of the
room. Reassure
them that no one will get hurt or be embarrassed. Have the man
face the audience
and ask him to raise his right arm to be parallel with the floor.
Have the woman
stand behind the man and place two fingers of her right hand on
his right wrist.
Have her try and push his arm down as he resists. (Likely, she
should not be able
to do it). Ask the group to “send” the man some positive
energy, i.e., smiles,
warm thoughts, applause, etc. Then ask the woman to try again.
She will most
likely be unable to do it. Now have the group send negative
energy toward the
man (frowns, negative thoughts, etc.). Ask the woman to try one
more time. She
should now be able to do it easily!
Discussion questions:
1. Ask the male if he resisted equally all three times. Ask the
woman if she used
the same pressure each time.
2. Ask the male if he “felt” differently when either the positive
or negative
energies were sent to him.
3. Ask the audience if they’ve experienced “feeling” such
positive or negative
Talk about the effects of positive and negative energy on
Source: Scannell, E. E., & Newstrom, J. W. (1994). Even more
games trainers play. New
York: McGraw-Hill, Inc. p. 271.
Purpose: To demonstrate the value of prioritizing items of
Materials: Paper, pens, pencils
Time: 15 minutes
How it works: Have the group close their eyes and ask them to
assume that they are all at their
desks or work stations when the fire alarm sounds. Over the
public address
system, the CEO (or boss) announces that each person is to
vacate the building in
one minute! Each person is allowed to take five items from
their offices. They
must be able to carry the items (no desks, file cabinets, etc.).
Give them 60
seconds to write down the five items they would take.
Discussion questions:
1. How easy (or difficult) was it to select five items?
2. Of the items you picked, how many were job-related (policy
manual)? How
many were personal (family photo)?
3. How many of you had difficulty even picking 4 to 5 items to
take with you?
4. Why did you pick the items you did?
5. In what domains of your (work) life do you regularly
prioritize items? Why or
why not?
Source: Scannell, E. E., & Newstrom, J. W. (1994). Even more
games trainers play. New
York: McGraw-Hill, Inc. p. 303.
Purpose: To show that people have more in common than they
think. Good to use in
groups with a lot of diversity, especially in groups that have a
problem in dealing
with diversity.
Materials: Copies of ‘Commonality Exercise’ handout for every
Pens, pencils
Time: 8-10 minutes
How it works: Give every participant a copy of the
‘Commonality Exercise’ handout. Ask group
members to quickly find a partner. Once they are given the
signal, tell them to
figure out and write down things they have in common in the
first column of the
handout under the person’s name. After 2 to 3 minutes have
them switch partners
and repeat the process using the second column. Again after 2
to 3 minutes have
them switch partners and repeat the process using the third
Discussion questions:
1. How many of you found more than 15 things in common?
2. What were some of the unusual items you discovered?
3. How did you uncover these areas of commonality?
4. Is it likely that in most situations, we may find similar
results, i.e. we have
much more in common than we thought?
5. What implications does this have for us as members of a
diverse work force?
Source: Scannell, E. E., & Newstrom, J. W. (1994). Even more
games trainers play. New
York: McGraw-Hill, Inc. p. 319.
See next page for ‘Commonality Exercise’ handout.
List the things you find in common with three other people in
the workshop.
Name_________________ Name_________________
1.____________________ 1.____________________
2.____________________ 2.____________________
3.____________________ 3.____________________
4.____________________ 4.____________________
5.____________________ 5.____________________
6.____________________ 6.____________________
7.____________________ 7.____________________
8.____________________ 8.____________________
9.____________________ 9.____________________
10.____________________ 10.___________________
11.____________________ 11.___________________
12.____________________ 12.___________________
13.____________________ 13.___________________
14.____________________ 14.___________________
15.____________________ 15.___________________
Purpose: To demonstrate that it is sometimes difficult to do
something in a different way.
How participants may find it difficult to change they way they
do things.
Materials: None
Time: 5 minutes
How it works: Ask everyone to stand and form pairs and then
face their partners. Ask each
person, one at a time to take something off (jacket, cardigan,
tie, etc.) While they
are taking it off, ask them and their partners to observe how
they take it off.
When they have done this, ask them to put it back on. Again
both people should
observe how this is done. When they have put the item back on,
ask them to take
it off and put it on again, but this time use the opposite hand or
arm (i.e. if they
took their jacket off by taking their right arm out first, now they
should take their
left arm out first). After they have tried all this, ask them how
they felt and what
their partners saw happen.
Discussion questions:
1. How many people felt comfortable doing it the new way?
2. When watching your partner, what did you see (or hear)?
3. How does this apply to the training you are about to go
4. How does this apply back in the workplace?
options: Ask participants to take off their watches and put them
back on the opposite wrist.
Source: Kroehnert, G. (2000). 102 extra training games.
Sydney, Australia: McGraw-Hill,
Companies Inc. p. Kroehnert, G. (2000). 102 extra training
games. Sydney,
Australia: McGraw-Hill, Companies Inc. p. 138.
800.987.5582 Copyright 2007, Adventure Associates, Inc.
Imagine being able to tap into the abilities and talents of
every team member while practicing and applying team
process skills. Teams of approximately 12 are given
backpacks with supplies, and strategize how to acquire
the greatest number of points for completing a series of
Illuminating problem-solving, innovation, shared leadership,
communication skills, team planning and time management,
Pursuit is a timed event, but it’s not a race—we keep the
competition “friendly.” Performance-oriented groups,
sales professionals and product development teams are
particularly well-suited to this high-energy, multi-tasking
Action-oriented by design, Pursuit can be built to fi t your
team’s targeted growth areas, and can be held almost
anywhere your group decides to meet: a resort, nearby park
or your facility. We’ve led Pursuit for groups as small as 16
and as large as 700+, for all ages and levels of physical
Participants experience camaraderie as a result of
successfully solving problems together.
The combination of sophisticated physical, intellectual
and creative challenges offers something for everyone.
Participants are required to make both big picture
decisions and to consider the details.
The quick pace of the program heightens senses and
aids in learning processes.
It is highly interactive and customizable, illuminating
scores of team dynamics and areas for improvement.
It engages all learning styles, and respects individual
perspectives, capacities and preferences.
800.987.5582 Copyright 2007, Adventure Associates, Inc.
Review the rules, instructions, and timeline verbally. Hand
out the team backpacks, which include written instructions,
a Challenge Locator, camera and other supplies needed for
the program. The focus of your training initiative is carefully
integrated into the discussions at this stage. (approximately
10 minutes)
Strategy Session
Participants review assignments, paperwork and supplies.
As they strategize how and when they will attempt various
challenges (concurrently or sequentially), teams are asked
to set goals for how they will work together and examine
leadership roles, and fi nally formulate a plan for success.
(approximately 20 minutes)
Begin Pursuit Challenges
All teams will attempt to complete identical challenges
within a set time period. The challenges are a combination
of proven, high-energy, problem-solving initiatives, physical
challenges, intellectual puzzles and photo assignments that
encourage new leaders to help their teams become high-
performing. (approximately 2.5 hours for half-day Pursuit
and 6 hours for full-day Pursuits)
Return to Staging Area
Teams turn in their backpacks with completed assignments
to be scored by facilitators.
Individual Team Discussions
Teams gather together to answer questions about sharing
best practices, leadership at all levels, and interpersonal
dynamics. These questions can also be tailored to
compliment the focus of your training initiative…from
improved communication to collaboration to high performing
teams. (approximately 20 minutes)
The scores of each team are tallied and a team recognition
ceremony follows. We then announce the Total Team
Score—this balances the importance of team and
organizational success. (approximately 10 minutes)
800.987.5582 Copyright 2007, Adventure Associates, Inc.
Typically, the stories shared are about how teams tended
to organize themselves around a challenge, what types
of leadership surfaced and how they plan to apply this
information to their own high-performing teams. We’re
careful to discuss both process goals and task goals. The
facilitator helps provide context and “closure” during this
portion of the program. (approximately 20 minutes)
Program Complete
(approximately 3.5 hours for half-day programs and 7.5
hours for full-day programs)
Point Person: at each challenge, the team elects a point
person to act as leader and coordinator for that challenge,
facilitating team interactions.
Knowledge Transfer: if the Knowledge Transfer special
feature is selected, participants will capture a best practice
at each challenge for the other teams to use when they
get to that point. Sharing information is a key component to
effective collaboration.
Poem, Limerick, Cheer: if your group is lively, you may
want to consider wrapping up the adventure with a “talent”
competition. One of the self-directed challenges that you can
select requires all the teams to develop a poem, limerick,
song or cheer that encapsulates their experiences.
Team Presentation: each team develops a 1-2 minute
presentation complete with audio visuals that informs the
other teams about their Pursuit experience.
You and a facilitator will choose from among these and
other options based on the skill sets upon which you wish
to focus.
800.987.5582 Copyright 2007, Adventure Associates, Inc.
Blindfold Croquet/Putting –Coaching and clear
communication are tested as a sightless partner is
guided through the course by their teammate. Trust and
Leaky Pipe – Team members attempt to raise a fl oating
object to the top of a large plastic pipe. Strategic planning,
good communication and team persistence help the team
keep water from leaking out of the holes. Collaboration and
Matrix– Only one safe course exists on the entire grid.
Memory and strategy are required for each team to fi nd
their way through the matrix. Trust and Communication
Pipeline– Teams try to move a small ball from the starting
line to the fi nish bucket without stopping or dropping the
ball. A coordinated team effort is required to manage the
assortment of pipeline components. Leadership and
Creative Problem Solving
Precious Cargo– The group uses a devise to transport
three precariously balanced objects through a marked off
obstacle course. This activity requires precise coordination,
cooperation and innovation to keep the cargo from dropping.
Leadership, Creative Problem Solving, Decision Making
and Roles and Goals
Roadblock– Team members form pairs. One person guides
a blindfolded team member through an obstacle course
using only verbal directions. Effective coaching and clear
communications are tested in this insightful challenge.
Trust and Communication
Sure Shot– Teams score points by shooting balls into
baskets. Each round allows an opportunity to re-strategize
for maximum effi ciency. Goal setting and achievement,
planning, creativity and utilization of group resources all
contribute to the carry over value of this event. Goal Setting
and Communication
The Web– Pass through various size holes in a giant web
structure without touching the string or using any of the
openings more than once. This challenge requires a great
deal of cooperation, trust and “start to fi nish” planning to
enable the team to be successful. Trust, Collaboration and
800.987.5582 Copyright 2007, Adventure Associates, Inc.
You and a facilitator will choose from among these and other
options based on your team’s interests and the facilitated
challenges you’ve selected.
All Tied Up– Teams attempt to complete a number of knot
tying challenges from a diagram and turn in before the end
of Pursuit.
Compass Course– Learn basic compass skills then fi nd
your way from marker to marker around the grounds of the
resort, conference facility or park.
MindStretchers– Mentally challenging pencil and paper
problems to be deciphered and turned in.
Photo Challenge– An ongoing challenge of Pursuit will be
to photo-document some of your accomplishments using
Polaroid cameras given to each team. You will have to get
creative or use outside resources to accomplish your photo-
documentation assignments.
Team Survival– Each team reads an adventure-gone-wrong
scenario. Then the group must review a list of objects and
agree on the most important survival items.
Trivia– A variety of general trivia questions that need to be
completed and turned in before the end of Pursuit. Trivia
questions can also be customized to focus on company,
personnel or industry related information.
800.987.5582 Copyright 2007, Adventure Associates, Inc.
GeoTrek, based on the recreational sport of geo-caching,
blends adventure and technology. Courses are set in rural
or urban setting and secret caches are hidden in parks or
peculiar city spots. Your team will experience the novelty
of learning to use GPS devices and the excitement of lo-
cating caches. The caches contain clues to the next cache
or instructions for team challenges.
Teams of 3-4 are given maps or charts, then taught to use
GPS (global positioning system) units to determine the
location of a secret cache. Each team chooses the caches
it will attempt to locate based on their point value, the
distance from the caches, and the team’s strategy (fewer
“big ticket” caches, or many smaller caches). It takes
deductive reasoning to determine exactly where the cache
may be and solid planning and strategy to set the overall
GPS course.
Once found, the team uses the unit to navigate from their
current location to another location...translating the “as-
the-crow-fl ies” directions into a real path using sidewalks,
streets or trails as necessary. GeoTrek can include long
hikes, or a series of short walks to get to the caches
depending on your group’s objectives, and many cities
offer public transportation that can greatly increase the
distances covered in this 4-hour team building adventure.
o Teams get to explore unknown territory together, and practice
modifi ed-consensus decision-making and
problem-solving skills.
o Participants appreciate the opportunity to participate in the
creation of their adventure as they choose the
caches that they want to locate.
o The natural disagreements that arise during GeoTrek provide a
forum for practicing confl ict resolution skills.
o The analogies of “plotting a course,” “discovering a new
path,” and “mastering new territory,” all tie directly to
workplace needs.
o Past participants appreciated the opportunities to strategize,
collaborate and take on leadership roles (some for
the fi rst time).
o The combination of technology and human intuition
parallels the divergent yet equally necessary components
of most workplaces.
o It allows participants to explore an urban locale together
(as opposed to being in a conference room all day).
o It requires different kinds of intelligence than what is
commonly accessed in the workplace, for example, being
able to read maps, having a strong sense of direction, under-
standing spatial relationships.
o It aligns with organizational competencies around: teamwork,
cross-functional thinking, infl uence and impact,
transferring knowledge, drive and persistence.
The group fi rst sets goals about how they will work together
out the day. Next they learn how to enter coordinates into their
(global positioning system) unit, how to navigate, and then
themselves with the charts, street maps or trail maps provided.
proximately 30 minutes)
Participants break into small groups to practice using a GPS
under the guidance of a facilitator. (approximately 15 minutes)
Teams are formed and receive their course and a backpack with
plies, then work interdependently to choose the caches they
wish to
locate, then follow clues as well as coordinates. Together they
that teams often have to “chart new territory” whether in a
natural or
work environment. If it is a timed event, they’ll have to
strategize the
best way to spend their precious minutes: do they continue
for a cache, or risk losing points using a clue? Together the
will make decisions on the fl y and adjust their strategy
moment. (approximately 2.25 hours)
Large Group Discussion
All teams reconvene to discuss what they learned from their
ences during the GeoTrek program. How well did team members
learn then teach each other new skills? How were
decisions made? How did they deal with frustration? What types
of leadership surfaced during the day? How did they
handle their roles and responsibilities? Scores are tallied at this
point in the program and shared. (approximately 30
800.987.5582 Copyright 2007, Adventure Associates, Inc.
800.987.5582 Copyright 2007, Adventure Associates, Inc.
Build a Bridge
Pretend you’re an engineer for a day as you and your team
design and build a prototype of a bridge. This team building
adventure will ignite your team’s creative energy as they
move through the stages of designing, planning, building,
troubleshooting and presenting their prototypes to the other
We’ll split your group into teams of 6 -10: each team then
divides itself in half with the objective being to build two
halves of a bridge in two separate locations that will be
joined at the end of the program. With only limited simulated
phone, email and fax communication to keep them on track
during the construction phase, participants learn how to
make the most of the planning phase and how to better
communicate throughout the lifecycle of a project. Once
built, the bridge prototypes are shared with the team, who
assesses the aesthetic value of the creations, and tested for
their strength. The teams that succeed are those in which
someone in the group can capture everyone’s imagination,
provide a vision and motivate them to move forward.
Build a Bridge can be facilitated indoors at almost any
location, and works for groups as small as 8 and as large
as 300. We particularly recommend this adventure for
virtual teams (geographically dispersed groups) as it very
closely parallels their daily work situation, R&D groups and
upper-level managers who must coordinate the efforts of
disparate work units.
Build a Bridge requires a shared vision (the design)
which must then be communicated through a variety
of mediums: verbal, written, drawings, to other
Participants must master resource allocation if they are
to be successful: Build a Bridge requires good project
management skills.
Participants must be good at building consensus and
implementing a plan. Choosing one bridge design
800.987.5582 Copyright 2007, Adventure Associates, Inc.
that meets the specifi cations laid out in the program is
diffi cult.
Participants must be able to coordinate the efforts of
many people who may not share work space.
Build a Bridge requires both mechanical skills and
interpersonal skills…it requires both attention to details
and a big picture view…just like your workplace.
It aligns with organizational values and interests around
customer-orientation, quality orientation, cross-functional
thinking, improved effi ciencies, and adaptability.
Build a Bridge provides an opportunity to examine the
ambiguous nature of communication and reinforces
best practices around proactively ensuring that one’s
message is understood.
Whether your group is learning about resource sharing,
cycle time, collaboration vs. competition, or just looking for
a fun way to spend an afternoon, Build a Bridge is even
more effective when combined with our corporate training
workshops like Team Decision-Making or Communications.
Our lead facilitator provides a brief overview of what the
group can expect, the parameters of the building assignment
and guidelines for successful completion. (approximately
10 minutes)
Team Roles & Goals
Teams discuss the process goals that they want to meet:
for example, communicate clearly and concisely, garner
the ideas of all participants, or utilize skills and talents
from everyone on the team. Then they establish roles.
Establishing roles lends insight into workplace dynamics
and can set the stage for a meaningful team building
experience. We encourage participants to consider both
process roles and task roles. Who will be the designer?
Who will do the drawings? Who will handle signage? Who
is good at collaborating and reaching consensus? Who
enjoys giving presentations and wants to take responsibility
for that? (approximately 20 minutes)
800.987.5582 Copyright 2007, Adventure Associates, Inc.
Develop Blueprints
Each team conducts its own round table discussion to develop
blueprints. Group planning is fascinating to experience as team
dynamics emerge. Thwarted structural engineers have the
opportunity to become an “expert leader,” and armchair
physicists get
to experiment with a variety of creative design concepts. The
are allowed to examine their building materials at this stage:
core, dowel rods, pen knives, glue, straws, construction paper,
(approximately 30 minutes)
During the construction phase, teams have only two simulated
calls, e-mails and simulated faxes. Teams must be strategic
the content, the timing and the medium of communications.
Time is
limited and even the best planning can’t prepare a team for
eventuality. Participants have to make decisions on the fl y,
without the input of the other half of their team. (approximately
Join Bridges
The anticipation at this stage is palpable as the participants
Can we get the two halves to connect? Will they match? How
weight will the bridge support? Teams are given only a few
minutes to
connect the halves. Depending on the level of diffi culty your
group is
seeking, we’ll put restrictions on the materials that can be used
to join
the halves. (approximately 10 minutes)
Teams prepare a sales and marketing presentation to unveil their
fi nished product. Not only do they describe the features of their
but they detail the team processes that allowed them to build the
prototype: collaboration, decision-making, communication, etc.
participants have commented that seeing what other teams did
them insight into their own behaviors. (approximately 15
Group Discussion
All teams reconvene to talk about their experiences during the
Build a
Bridge adventure. We address: How they organized around the
How did the two “sides” communicate throughout the
phase? What lessons can they take back to the work
Who fulfi lled leadership roles? (approximately 20 minutes)
Program Complete
(approximately 3.5 hours)
Adventure Associates PursuitAdventure Associates
GeoTrekAdventure Associates Build a Bridge
Training Activities
Purpose: To encourage the participants to move from one
paradigm to another, with
flexibility and without too much effort.
Materials: Magazines and/or magazine advertisements
flip chart paper for a base
scissors for each person
glue or rubber cement for each person
Time: 30-45 minutes
How it works: Lay out a the magazines or advertisements and
ask each participant to choose one
picture to work with. After everyone has chosen a picture ask
them to cut the
picture into small pieces, losing their original meaning. Once
they have cut the
picture into smaller pieces, have participants create their own
collage and when
they are done have them title the new picture. Have everyone
show their new
picture and have them say what the picture was originally.
Engage the participants by asking them questions about their
designs, ex. how did
it feel to convert one image into another? How difficult was it
to “let go” of the
original? What is involved in casting aside older paradigms and
creating or
adopting new ones? What examples can you provide of people
or organizations
that have successfully replaced their paradigms?
Source: Scannell, E. E., & Newstrom, J. W. (1994). Even more
games trainers play. New
York: McGraw-Hill, Inc. p. 233.
Purpose: For participants to analyze the change process and
decide how to make future
changes easier and more acceptable.
Materials: None
Time: 20-30 minutes
How it works: Divide the participants into groups of 4 or 5 (if
possible try to group people from
different organizations or departments). Then ask the groups to
discuss the
following questions:
1. Identify a recent situation in which some type of change was
in your organization (division, agency, etc). Provide a brief
synopsis of that
change and how it was initiated.
2. Was the change resisted?
3. Why or why not?
4. In retrospect, what would (should) have been done to make
the change easier?
Allow 10-15 minutes for group discussion. After groups have
finished their
discussion call on the group spokesperson to report on what the
group talked
about. Have them spend the most time discussing the group’s
response to question
four. Responses usually center around such items as “better
“communication”, etc.
After each group has explained what they discussed, as a group
discuss the
following questions:
1. What was done to add to the forces strengthening the
proposed change?
2. What was done to weaken or remove the forces resisting the
3. At what stage did the tide turn in favor (or against!) The
proposed change?
Source: Scannell, E. E., & Newstrom, J. W. (1994). Even more
games trainers play. New
York: McGraw-Hill, Inc. p. 241.
Purpose: To show participants that working as a team can lead
to better and faster results.
Materials: One overhead of “Who Went Where?”
A sheet of paper for each participant
Pens and pencils for participants
Time: 10-15 minutes
How it works: Ask participants to forms groups of 5 to 7
people. Tell the people that the
company sent 5 people to 5 different places on 5 different days
using different
vehicles. Their task is to figure out who went where, on what
day, using which
vehicle. Tell the group that you are going to show an overhead
with the known
information which they will use to figure out the answer. Give
them 5 minutes to
complete the task.
Once the 5 minutes is up, ask the groups how they went about
getting the
information. This can lead into a discussion about teamwork
and/or problem
Discussion questions:
1. How many groups came up with the correct answers?
2. What helped the group arrive at the answers?
3. What hindered the group in arriving at the answers?
Source: Kroehnert, G. (2000). 102 extra training games.
Sydney, Australia: McGraw-Hill,
Companies Inc. p. 33.
See next page for overhead and solution to problem
Jones flew with Ansett Airlines.
The Hong Kong flight was on Saturday.
British Airways flew to the US.
Brown went on Wednesday.
Smith Went to New Zealand.
Qantas flew on Friday.
Peters went on Tuesday.
Singapore Airlines flew to London.
Fisher went with United Airlines.
The Australian flight was on Monday.
Ansett Airlines flew on Monday.
Fisher flew to Hong Kong.
Peters went with British Airways.
Brown went to the UK.
Unit 8TRAINING ACTIVITESTraining activities are a crucial.docx

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Unit 8TRAINING ACTIVITESTraining activities are a crucial.docx

  • 1. Unit 8: TRAINING ACTIVITES Training activities are a crucial component of training and development activities. As such they need to be carefully executed and well prepared. Thus, we need to attend to several important considerations before launching into a specific activity. These include: Is the activity appropriate? It should be targeted to the specific needs identified in the needs assessment otherwise it will seem out of place to participants. The exception here would be ice breaker activities which are discussed below. Where will the activity take place? It is important to consider formal setting in which the activity will take place and whether or not it provides any particular constraints. For example, asking people to do something that may be playful in a glass enclosed room with others in an organization looking on from outside will probably present some issues with participation as people may be reluctant if
  • 2. they think they may embarrass themselves in front of their counterparts. Similarly, we must consider if the space is big enough for an activity the necessitates having people spread out. Thus, location is an important consideration. What will be the timing for the activity? This concerns the time of the day but also the timing relative to what the participants will be doing before or after the activity (e.g., at the end of the day versus first thing in the morning, after lunch versus in between regular work activities). What is the general attitude of the participants? Are people excited to be a part of the training and do they believe it will benefit them or are the uneasy or irritated by having to attend. In either case the choice of training activities would need to take into consideration employee attitudes about training. How large will the group be? Training activities tend to be designed for people to work in small groups and often require that we break larger audiences into smaller groups. This works well in most cases. But what happens when you have an exceedingly large group? In these
  • 3. cases you have to move to activities that accommodate large groups through the composition of larger teams. For some examples of how these work see the Adventure Associates Activities for Large Groups document below (double click to access). With these considerations in mind Training & Development professionals choose what they believe will be appropriate activities for the specific training needs they are attempting to address. There are countless activities available for training and development, too many to include in this unit. Nonetheless, this unit compiles some, but certainly not all. Activities fall into two broad categories: ice breakers and specific training activities. Ice breakers are training activities that we use to begin a training session. They are designed to relax participants and to foster interactivity between them. In short, to loosen people up. They can be particularly helpful in setting a tone of engagement and cooperation with a group. However, they can backfire if they are not well orchestrated and executed — clouding the entire training intervention to follow. Thus, they should not be taken lightly. While they may not be the central piece of a training intervention, they are still a very important piece. In fact, the importance of how we begin a training intervention can not be overstated. Ice breakers can be a key component of a great start. So they should be given due consideration. To learn more about specific ice breakers examine the Ice Breaker Activities Inventory that appears below (double click to access it). It provides several examples of helpful ice breakers,
  • 4. providing the background and directions for conducting each. Beyond ice breakers there are specific training activities for all sorts of organizational issues including but not limited to teamwork, conflict, group behavior, organizational change, and decision making. There are some helpful online inventories of training activities that you should consult. These include: dex.htm (listed by name) (listed by category) In addition, I have complied an inventory for this course as well. It includes a variety of training activities that would suit a host of issues. Read through these so that you get a better sense of the possible training activities and the topics which you can address through a well chosen training activity. Continue to the Training Activities Inventory now by double clicking on the document that appears below. The final part of this unit requires you to put what you have learned about training activities and the variety of those available to you to work. Thus, you will be required to conduct your own ice breaker activity with a group of people you assemble. To learn more about this activity, see and complete
  • 5. the Conducting anIce Breaker Activity to complete this unit. _1234567891.pdf Ice Breaker Activities Inventory GETTING TO KNOW YOU Purpose: To create a list that allows members of a group to learn more about each other. Materials: Copies of “Getting to Know You” forms for each member of the group Pens and/or Pencils for participants Time: 2 to 3 minutes to complete the forms and then 5-10 minutes (will vary depending on the size of the group) to discuss answers among group members. How it works: Ask members of the group to divide up into groups of two and then ask them to interview the other person using the questions on the form. Forms can be changed to ask questions more pertinent to the training course.
  • 6. Additional options: Give out prizes for certain answers, ex: the person born furthest away, the person who has worked in the company the longest, to the pair who has the most in common, etc. Source: Scannell, E. E., & Newstrom, J. W. (1994). Even more games trainers play. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc. p. 5. See next page for “Getting to Know You” form
  • 7. GETTING TO KNOW YOU Name of Person Interviewed:__________________________________________ ____________ Job Title:________________________________________________ ______________________ Time with Company:____________________________________________ ________________ Hometown:___________________________________________ _________________________ Person’s Hobbies:_____________________________________________ __________________ Favorite Vacation:_____________________________________________ __________________ Best Accomplishments: Personal:_____________________________________________ ___________________
  • 9. _____________ MEET ‘N GREET Purpose: To give participants an opportunity to learn more about the other people participating in the work shop. Materials: None. Time: 10 to 15 minutes (can vary depending on the size of the group. How it works: Ask the members of the group to introduce themselves to as many other people as they can in two minutes. After the two minutes are over ask the participants to break up into groups of three. Once the groups are formed tell them that their assignment for the next two minutes is to find three things that all three people have in common (all are from the same home state, all went to the same university, all have two children, etc.). These similarities cannot be work related (i.e. we work for the same company). Tell them to shout out loudly once they have found three things.
  • 10. Additional options: You can offer a prize to the group of three who are first to find three things in common. Source: Scannell, E. E., & Newstrom, J. W. (1994). Even more games trainers play. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc. p. 11. HUMAN SCAVENGER HUNT Purpose: To give participants an opportunity to get to know the other participants. Materials: Copies of scavenger hunt list for all participants Pens and/or pencils Prizes (optional)
  • 11. Time: 10-15 minutes How it works: Hand out a copy of the scavenger hunt list to every participant. Ask the participants to find one person who matches each item on the list and have that person sign their name on the sheet next to the item they match. If the group is large, tell the participants that they can only use a person’s name once on the list, if the group is small this rule does not have to apply. Allow 10 to 15 minutes to collect the names. Additional options: Once everyone has completed the activity, a prize could be given out to the person with the most names on his/her list. Source: Pike, B., & Solem, L. (2000). 50 creative training openers and energizers. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Pfeiffer. p. 55. See next page for “Human Scavenger Hunt” form
  • 12. HUMAN SCAVENGER HUNT 1. Birthday in same month as yours _________________________________________________ 2. Night owl__________________________________________________ _________________ 3. Early bird_________________________________________________ __________________ 4. Born in same state _____________________________________________________ _______ 5. Same color hair_________________________________________________ ______________
  • 13. 6. Same color eyes_________________________________________________ _____________ 7. Right- handed_______________________________________________ __________________ 8. Left- handed_______________________________________________ ___________________ 9. Likes food hot and spicy________________________________________________ ________ 10. Loves chocolate_____________________________________________ ________________ 11. Fluent in a second language_____________________________________________ _______ 12. Has read a book in the last month_______________________________________________ _ 13. Has been outside the country in the last year_______________________________________ 14. Owns a dog__________________________________________________ _______________ 15. Owns a
  • 14. cat__________________________________________________ ________________ 16. Owns a pet other than a dog or a cat_____________________________________________ 17. Has two or more children______________________________________________ ________ 18. Has grandchildren_________________________________________ ___________________ 19. Has seen a play in the last month_______________________________________________ _ 20. Has seen a movie in the last month_______________________________________________ 21. Lives in an apartment____________________________________________ _____________ 22. Lives in a condominium_________________________________________ ______________ 23. Lives in a townhouse____________________________________________ _____________ 24. Lives in a single-family home________________________________________________ ___
  • 15. 25. Has been married more than ten years____________________________________________ FIVE PEOPLE Purpose: Allow opportunity for participants to become better acquainted and learn something about each other as well as provide a team building opportunity. Materials: 3" x 5" index cards for each participant Pens or pencils for each participant A flip chart Markers Time: 10-15 minutes How it works: As the participants arrive hand out 3" x 5" index cards along with pens or pencils. Ask participants to write down their answer to the following question that has been written on the flip chart: “If you could bring five people, alive or dead, real or fictional, into a room for a discussion, who would you bring and what would you have them discuss?”
  • 16. After everyone has their five people ask everyone to share who they chose. Once everyone has shared ask the members of the group to come to a consensus on a “team” answer. If the group is large this can be done by dividing the group into smaller groups. Source: Pike, B., & Solem, L. (2000). 50 creative training openers and energizers. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Pfeiffer. p. 35. EXCESSIVE BAGGAGE
  • 17. Purpose: To alleviate personal doubts that some of the participants might have about the training session and the reasons for having one. Materials: A supply of 3" x 5" index cards for every participant A small, empty suitcase Time: 5-10 minutes How it works: Ask participants to think of all the reasons why the training session will not be useful for them and then write each reason on a separate index card. Once everyone is done, open the suitcase and ask the participants to “unload the baggage” that could keep them from benefitting from the class. Ask participants to generate ideas as to how they can overcome the potential “baggage” so they will be able to benefit from the session. Source: Pike, B., & Solem, L. (2000). 50 creative training openers and energizers. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Pfeiffer. p. 31. WHICH PROGRAM AM I?
  • 18. Purpose: To get the group energized. Materials: Large self-adhesive labels Marking pens A prize for the winner. Time: 10-20 minutes; can vary depending on the size of the group and how much they are enjoying the exercise. How it works: Have every participant write down the name of a television show on a self- adhesive label without letting anyone else see what they write down. After everyone has filled out a label, have them stick the label on someone else’s back without letting them see what is written. Everyone should have a label on his/her back. Ask the participants to form a circle. One person starts by asking a question that will help them figure out which show they have on their back. The group can only answer using “yes” or “no”. This process continues on around the circle. After each person asks their question they have a chance to guess their show before moving on to the next person. The first person to guess the right program should be given a prize. Source: Kroehnert, G. (2000). 102 extra training games.
  • 19. Sydney, Australia: McGraw-Hill, Companies Inc. p. Kroehnert, G. (2000). 102 extra training games. Sydney, Australia: McGraw-Hill, Companies Inc. p. 55. _1234567892.pdf Training Activities Inventory CHANGE THE PICTURE & THE PARADIGM Purpose: To encourage the participants to move from one paradigm to another, with flexibility and without too much effort. Materials: Magazines and/or magazine advertisements flip chart paper for a base scissors for each person glue or rubber cement for each person Time: 30-45 minutes How it works: Lay out a the magazines or advertisements and ask each participant to choose one
  • 20. picture to work with. After everyone has chosen a picture ask them to cut the picture into small pieces, losing their original meaning. Once they have cut the picture into smaller pieces, have participants create their own collage and when they are done have them title the new picture. Have everyone show their new picture and have them say what the picture was originally. Engage the participants by asking them questions about their designs, ex. how did it feel to convert one image into another? How difficult was it to “let go” of the original? What is involved in casting aside older paradigms and creating or adopting new ones? What examples can you provide of people or organizations that have successfully replaced their paradigms? Source: Scannell, E. E., & Newstrom, J. W. (1994). Even more games trainers play. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc. p. 233.
  • 21. MANAGING CHANGE Purpose: For participants to analyze the change process and decide how to make future changes easier and more acceptable. Materials: None Time: 20-30 minutes How it works: Divide the participants into groups of 4 or 5 (if possible try to group people from different organizations or departments). Then ask the groups to discuss the following questions: 1. Identify a recent situation in which some type of change was introduced in your organization (division, agency, etc). Provide a brief synopsis of that change and how it was initiated.
  • 22. 2. Was the change resisted? 3. Why or why not? 4. In retrospect, what would (should) have been done to make the change easier? Allow 10-15 minutes for group discussion. After groups have finished their discussion call on the group spokesperson to report on what the group talked about. Have them spend the most time discussing the group’s response to question four. Responses usually center around such items as “better planning”, “communication”, etc. After each group has explained what they discussed, as a group discuss the following questions: 1. What was done to add to the forces strengthening the proposed change? 2. What was done to weaken or remove the forces resisting the change? 3. At what stage did the tide turn in favor (or against!) The proposed change? Why? Source: Scannell, E. E., & Newstrom, J. W. (1994). Even more games trainers play. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc. p. 241.
  • 23. WHO WENT WHERE? Purpose: To show participants that working as a team can lead to better and faster results. Materials: One overhead of “Who Went Where?” A sheet of paper for each participant Pens and pencils for participants Time: 10-15 minutes How it works: Ask participants to forms groups of 5 to 7 people. Tell the people that the company sent 5 people to 5 different places on 5 different days using different vehicles. Their task is to figure out who went where, on what day, using which vehicle. Tell the group that you are going to show an overhead with the known information which they will use to figure out the answer. Give
  • 24. them 5 minutes to complete the task. Once the 5 minutes is up, ask the groups how they went about getting the information. This can lead into a discussion about teamwork and/or problem solving. Discussion questions: 1. How many groups came up with the correct answers? 2. What helped the group arrive at the answers? 3. What hindered the group in arriving at the answers? Source: Kroehnert, G. (2000). 102 extra training games. Sydney, Australia: McGraw-Hill, Companies Inc. p. 33. See next page for overhead and solution to problem
  • 25. WHO WENT WHERE? Jones flew with Ansett Airlines. The Hong Kong flight was on Saturday. British Airways flew to the US. Brown went on Wednesday. Smith Went to New Zealand. Qantas flew on Friday. Peters went on Tuesday. Singapore Airlines flew to London. Fisher went with United Airlines. The Australian flight was on Monday. Ansett Airlines flew on Monday. Fisher flew to Hong Kong. Peters went with British Airways. Brown went to the UK. Solution
  • 26. Jones Ansett Airlines Australia Monday Brown Singapore Airlines UK Wednesday Smith Qantas New Zealand Friday Peters British Airways US Tuesday Fisher United Airlines Hong Kong Saturday
  • 27. TRUST ME Purpose: To demonstrate the importance of teamwork, support, leadership, and cooperation. To build mutual trust and support. Materials: Blindfolds Time: 20-25 minutes How it works: Divide group into teams of 4. One person in each group is blindfolded; another is the leader who will instruct the blindfolded person to go from point A to point B in the room or chosen area. The leader cannot touch the blindfolded person. The other two persons assist the leader to make certain the blindfolded person doesn’t bump into anything. Allow 2 to 3 minutes to get from point A to point B
  • 28. Once the walk is completed, have participants switch roles and repeat the exercise using a different route. Repeat as times allows. Discussion questions: 1. How did you feel when blindfolded? (Uncertain, frightened, dumb, etc.) 2. Did you trust your leader? Why or why not? 3. Did you trust your coworkers? Why or why not? 4. What did you need when you were blindfolded? (Support, assurance, advice, etc.) 5. How does this activity apply to your organization? (Need help, counsel, affirmation, etc.) 6. How about your new team members? What lessons does this activity have for your relations with them? Be sure to conduct activity in a safe and clear area. Do not
  • 29. encourage competition to see who can finish first. Source: Newstrom, J. & Scannell, E. (1998). The big book of team building games: Trust- building activities, team spirit exercises, and other fun things to do. New York: McGraw-Hill. p. 81. TEAM DISCOVERY Purpose: To create a team identity by helping members to discover more about each other. To establish asking for information and self-disclosure as team norms.
  • 30. Materials: None Time: 15-20 minutes How it works: Ask participants to think of a list of provocative questions they would like to have everyone answer (and that they would be willing to answer). Write these down in front of the group, where everyone can see them. Go over list with group and have them eliminate those in questionable taste, and select 2-3 that everyone feels most comfortable answering. Once the questions have been chosen give each participant 1 to 2 minutes to answer the questions. Source: Newstrom, J. & Scannell, E. (1998). The big book of team building games: Trust-
  • 31. building activities, team spirit exercises, and other fun things to do. New York: McGraw-Hill. p. 29. WHAT’S OUR NAME? LOGO? SLOGAN? Purpose: To create a team identity. To give participants the opportunity to develop productive working relationships. Materials: Flip chart paper Markers Time: 20-30 minutes How it works: For five minutes, lead the team in brainstorming ideas for a team name. Then
  • 32. have the team design a graphic logo that will usefully portray who and what they are to the rest of the world. Allow 10 minutes for this activity, and then ask the team to provide a brief explanation of what the logo represents. The logo should be drawn on the flip chart paper. Next ask the team to develop a slogan (12 words or less) that they could use as public advertising. The slogan should identify whatever assets or attributes the team realistically thinks are important and that they are capable of doing. Allow 10 minutes for this activity. Once they have completed the slogan ask them to explain what they hope their slogan conveys about themselves. Discussion questions: 1. How did you select your team name? Logo? Slogan? What criteria did you use to complete each of those three tasks?
  • 33. 2. How do you now feel about your team? Will it be more successful in its future tasks? Will it be personally satisfying to work in it? 3. What is the value of spending some time creating team identity? What is the cost? Source: Newstrom, J. & Scannell, E. (1998). The big book of team building games: Trust- building activities, team spirit exercises, and other fun things to do. New York: McGraw-Hill. p. 35. THE HUMAN SPIDER WEB Purpose: For participants to break down their inhibitions and to provide an opportunity to
  • 34. work as a team and explore the dimensions of teamwork. Materials: None Time: 15-20 minutes How it works: Have groups of 6 to 8 move to a location that allows them to stand in small circles. Have each group member extent their left hand across the circle and grasp the right hands of the other members who are approximately opposite them. Then have them extend their right hands across the circle and grasp the left hands of other individuals. Now the members must unravel the spider web of interlocking arms without letting go of anyone’s hands. If you have one team, inform them that they will be timed (as a way to put pressure on them); if you have several groups, tell them
  • 35. they will be competing with other groups to see who finishes the task first. Discussion questions: 1. What was your first thought when you heard the nature of the task? (“This will be impossible, etc.) 2. What member behaviors detracted (or could detract) from the group’s success in achieving its goal? 3. What lessons does this exercise have for future team building? Tip: In order for this to work someone has to see the whole picture, take on the leader role and communicate clearly to the other team members. Members will have to step over each other’s arms to unravel the spider web, until they have a complete circle.
  • 36. It is recommended that participants should wear casual clothing. Source: Newstrom, J. & Scannell, E. (1998). The big book of team building games: Trust- building activities, team spirit exercises, and other fun things to do. New York: McGraw-Hill. p 181. MALE/FEMALE PERCEPTIONS Purpose: To increase participants’ awareness regarding possible stereotypical attitudes about male/female behaviors and to illustrate the power of cultural conditioning and stereotyping.
  • 37. Materials: Paper Pens and/or pencils Time: 20 minutes How it works: Have participants list behaviors that they perceive as negative or aggravating. List five that are primarily male and five that are primarily female. Once the lists are complete have participants, in groups of 5 to 7, compare their lists. Have participants pay close attention to specific behaviors, why they are negative, why they are deemed more peculiar to one sex or the other, and any similarities for and from both sexes. Discussion questions: 1. Are there any similarities in negative male and female behaviors? In male/female perceptions?
  • 38. 2. Which behavior is most aggravating to you? Does sex play a role in the aggravation? (Example: poor drivers). 3. When both sexes are guilty of a negative behavior are you more aggravated by one or the other of the sexes? Why or why not? Do you notice it more? 4. Could you do this same exercise with positive behaviors? 5. How does this exercise address stereotypes? Source: Scannel, E. E. & Newstrom, J. W. (1983). More games trainers play: Experiential learning exercises. New York: McGraw-Hill. p 119.
  • 39. FIRST PERSON PRONOUNS Purpose: For participants to improve listening skills and become more aware of conversational habits. Materials: None Time: 10-15 minutes; varies depending on group size How it works: Have group divide into pairs. Tell pairs to engage in a conversation without using any personal pronouns. When one individual uses “me” or “I”
  • 40. or “we”, he/she is eliminated. The last two people left hold a conversation in front of the group. This will show how difficult it is to not talk about yourself. Discussion questions: 1. The word “you” is said to be the most important word in our language. Why don’t we use it more often? 2. Why do we find it so awkward or difficult to lessen the “I’s, me’s, mine, etc.” in daily conversations? 3. Are there ways we can persuade our trainees (or bosses) to also rely more on the “you” part of conversation? Additional options: You can give a prize to the person who converses the longest without using personal pronouns.
  • 41. Source: Scannel, E. E. & Newstrom, J. W. (1983). More games trainers play: Experiential learning exercises. New York: McGraw-Hill. p 211.
  • 42. PRAISE BEHIND YOUR BACK Purpose: To promote team-building characteristics Materials: Paper Pens and Pencils Time: 15-20 minutes How it works: Divide participants into groups of 4 or 5. Have one group member turn his or her back on the rest of the group, so he/she can not see the other group members, but can hear them. This person is in the “hot seat” and should have a pen and paper to take notes with. For about 2 to 3 minutes the group members should talk to each other about the good qualities of the person in the hot seat (nothing negative). Ask the participants to be specific and not to speak in general terms.
  • 43. The hot seat person should take notes on what the other group members are saying. Once the 2 to 3 minutes is up have them switch spots with another group member and continue until everyone has heard themselves described. Make sure the hot seat person writes everything down, legibly. They should not respond to what they are hearing. Once their time in the hot seat is up they should turn around but not make any comments to the group. Once the entire group has been in the hot seat, have the participants discuss their experience. Discussion questions: 1. How did you feel about the comments? 2. What did you learn from this activity? Source: Baily, G. D. & Baily, G. L. (1994). 101 activities for creating effective technology
  • 44. staff development programs. New York: Scholastic, Inc. p 63. SEVEN ORGANIZATIONAL LEARNING DISABILITIES Purpose: To show participants that organizational members can suffer from certain
  • 45. organizational learning disabilities and to figure out ways to overcome these disabilities. Materials: Copies of the Seven Organizational Learning Disabilities sheet for every group member. Time: 15 to 20 minutes How it works: Pass out copies of the Seven Organizational Learning Disabilities sheet to each group member. Discuss the definitions and illustrations of the seven disabilities. If session contains a large group of people, break off into smaller groups. Have group members discuss whether any group within the organization suffers from any of the disabilities. Also have them discuss possible strategies for preventing or dealing with the disabilities. Have smaller groups come together to share
  • 46. strategies. With the entire group develop a written plan on how to deal with each of the seven organizational disabilities. Discussion questions: 1. Do we have agreement that the seven organizational learning disabilities are a problem or present potential problems? 2. Is it difficult or easy to see evidence of the seven organizational learning disabilities in our program? 3. How are these difficulties preventing us from maximizing the potential of the organization? Source: Baily, G. D. & Baily, G. L. (1994). 101 activities for creating effective technology staff development programs. New York: Scholastic, Inc. p 40. See next page for copy of Seven Organizational Learning Disabilities
  • 47. SEVEN ORGANIZATIONAL LEARNING DISABILITIES 1. I Am My Position When people in organizations focus only on their position, they have little sense of responsibility for the results produced when all positions
  • 48. interact. 2. The Enemy Is Out There Blaming someone or something outside ourselves when things go wrong. Assigning blame within and outside the organization. 3. The Illusion of Taking Charge True proactiveness comes from seeing how we contribute to our own problems. All too often, proactiveness is reactiveness in disguise. 4. The Fixation on Events Seeing only events. The primary threats to our survival, both of our organizations and of our societies, come not from sudden events but from slow, gradual processes.
  • 49. 5. The Parable of the Boiled Frog Sensing threats to survival is geared to sudden changes in environment rather than slow, gradual change. Learning to see slow, gradual processes requires slowing down our frenetic pace and paying attention to the subtle, as well as the dramatic. 6. The Delusion of Learning from Experience Organizations and people often experience a learning dilemma. A learning dilemma is believing that we learn from experience. However, in reality, we never directly experience the consequences of many of our most important decisions. 7. The Myth of Management Team Maintaining the appearance of a cohesive team. Example: seeking to squelch disagreement to maintain appearance. Historical reasons: Schools never train us to admit that we do not know the answer, and most corporations reinforce that lesson by
  • 50. rewarding people who excel in advocating their views, not inquiring into complex issues. Baily, G. D. & Baily, G. L. (1994). 101 activities for creating effective technology staff development programs. New York: Scholastic, Inc. p 41. PERSONALITY STYLES: WHAT COLOR ARE YOU? Purpose: For participants to identify their personality types and then to show the different needs of the four different personality types.
  • 51. Materials: Copies of the “What Color Are You?” handout for each participant Copies of the “Four Styles” handout for each participant Pens and/or pencils Time: 30 minutes; can vary depending on the size of the group How it works: Tell the participants that there are 4 basic personality styles and that the point of this exercise is to identify which style they are. Hand out copies of the “What Color Are You?” sheet to every person along with a pen. Then have them read through the characteristics shown on the handout and place a check beside any that they feel describe themselves. After everyone is finished have them total up the checks in each area. Whichever color category has the most ticks is their personality style at present. Once all members have know which color category they are,
  • 52. hand out copies of the “Four Styles” sheet and ask them to read through it. Then have a group discussion on what style everyone is. Discussion questions: 1. Which is your predominant color? 2. What are the things that we like and dislike? 3. What do we do that other colors would dislike? 4. How does this apply in the workplace? Additional options: If time allows and the group is large enough, participants can be divided up into their color groups and discuss as a group what their strong and weak points are. Then have them discuss what they found with the other three groups. Source: Kroehnert, G. (2000). 102 extra training games. Sydney, Australia: McGraw-Hill,
  • 53. Companies Inc. p. 114-116. See next page for “What Color Are You?” and “Four Styles” handouts. PERSONALITY STYLES: WHAT COLOR ARE YOU? Check off the characteristics that best describe you. BLUE Decisive Independent Tends to be dominant Strong willed
  • 54. Wants immediate results Causes action Like power and authority Likes freedom from control Dislikes supervision Outspoken Wants direct answers Restless Competitive Adventurous Assertive RED Optimistic Tends to be exciting/stimulating Generates enthusiasm Often dramatic Talkative Open and friendly Likes working with people Likes participating in groups Desires help from others
  • 55. Wants freedom of expression Wants freedom from detail Likes change, spontaneity Persuasive Appears confident Likes recognition GREEN Orderly Performs exacting work Likes controlled circumstances Likes assurance of security Uses critical thinking Follows rules Reads and follows instruction Prefers status quo Dislikes sudden or abrupt change Tends to be serious and persistent Cautious Diplomatic Respectful
  • 56. Agreeable Checks for accuracy YELLOW Patient Accommodating Good listener Shows loyalty Concentrates on task accuracy Likes security and stability Needs good reasons for change Home life a priority Expects credit for work done Likes traditional procedures Dislikes conflict Neighborly Considerate toward others Important to perform good work Pleasure in sharing and giving
  • 57. PERSONALITY STYLES: WHAT COLOR ARE YOU? FOUR STYLES BLUE Blue is the color of the sky and the ocean. It is also seen as the color of authority. Explorers have long been pioneers of the land, the ocean and in space and their characteristics match this space and their characteristics match this style. They enjoy looking at the ‘big picture’ - that is, being in charge - and are comfortable taking appropriate risks for themselves and their groups. They are goal oriented people and like to have their fingers in many pies. They are generally motivated by challenge and like competition. People of other ‘styles’
  • 58. get frustrated with these ‘blues’ because they see them as sometimes impatient and abrupt people, selective listeners, but they appreciate the strong leadership qualities that they display. RED Red is the color of blood and Valentines, and tends to connote passion and enthusiasm, which sounds a lot like the reds. Reds are happiest when they are influencing or entertaining other people. Like the blues, they are comfortable taking risks and enjoy trying new things. They get bored if they have to do the same old thing all the time. They are the charming, playful, spontaneous, talkative types who are energized by being the center of attention. They are motivated by recognition - they want to be liked! Other styles see them as unfocused procrastinators who make us the rules as they go along, but appreciate their talents as great promoters who can sell anything.
  • 59. GREEN Green is the color of the dollar and was one of the original color on computer screens. Of all the styles greens are most comfortable where accuracy and numbers are important. Perfectionism is inherent in their style. ‘If the job’s worth doing, it’s worth doing it right - the first time’ might be their motto. They are willing to take the time to get the job done right. They are the best of the four styles at critical thinking and planning. They make the best administrators as they like order, structure, following guidelines and plans (especially if they initiate them). Other styles complain that the greens are too rigid, too slow at making decisions, too ‘picky’, but value their planning and problem-solving skills. YELLOW Yellow is the color of the sun and yellows
  • 60. are like a ray of sunshine when they enter a room with their warm and caring style. Family is their number one priority. They tend to be most concerned with the needs of others. They are the best team builders, always listening to, encouraging and bringing out the best in others. They are motivated by appreciation for work done and have a strong need to please others. Like the greens, they dislike confrontation and will give in to others to avoid conflict. Other styles see yellow as too soft, not hard- nosed enough, indecisive (they can see all sides of an issue) and resistant to change. They are often the ‘glue’ that holds a group together. HOSTAGE Purpose: For participants to become involved in problem- solving activities and to see how important communication in this type of activity is. To show
  • 61. how a team approach to problem-solving divides up the responsibility so that no one is held responsible for the results. Also to show how working with a team will make solving a problem easier. Materials: Copies of the ‘Hostage’ handout Pen or pencils Time: 45-60 minutes How it works: Break the group up into teams of 3 or 4 and give everyone a ‘Hostage’ handout and pen. Read out loud the instructions on the handout and ask participants to take 10 minutes to do their own individual rankings. There should not be any discussion. Once everyone has finished their individual ranking, give the groups 20 minutes to reach a group consensus. Go over the following rules with the groups
  • 62. 1. Everyone on the team must agree with the choice 2. No voting or compromise is allowed 3. The final decision must be acceptable to everyone on the team and a decision must be reached within 20 minutes. 4. The leader of the group must be able to give five reasons for their selections. When 20 minutes has passed each team should report their results back to the other groups (display these results so everyone can see). Discussion questions: 1. What were the principal criteria used in ranking the people? 2. How far did the group’s criteria line up with your own? 3. How uncomfortable did you feel about making this kind of decision? 4. How did the team members feel about the responsibility placed on them? 5. What behaviors hindered the group in arriving at a final decision? 6. How does this apply to the workplace?
  • 63. Source: Kroehnert, G. (2000). 102 extra training games. Sydney, Australia: McGraw-Hill, Companies Inc. p. Kroehnert, G. (2000). 102 extra training games. Sydney, Australia: McGraw-Hill, Companies Inc. p. 187-189 See next page for ‘Hostage’ handout HOSTAGE You are a part of a Hostage Unit Negotiation Team (HUNT). Your complete team consists of the people in your group. Your team has just been called to a specific situation and you are sitting together inside the HUNT van. Unfortunately, you are in control of this operation. Ten
  • 64. people are being held hostage by an unknown number of people in a high-rise building across the road. This is the situation. The people holding the hostages are armed and dangerous. They have given you a set of demands that will take at least 45 minutes to comply with, perhaps longer; they may in fact take several hours. They are not interested in listening to your reasons for the delay. They want their demands met now. They have said that to prove their point they are going to execute one hostage every 30 minutes until their demands have been met. This means the first hostage will be executed 30 minutes from now. They have also told you that you will be responsible for choosing the first victim, the second, the third and so on. The hostages have agreed to this themselves as they are not prepared to make this decision. They have stopped all communication with you and have said unless their demands are met within the next 30 minutes the executions will start. They will call you in 30 minutes for you complete list of names indicating your selection order.
  • 65. The only information you have is the information collected by the other people who arrived on site before you. This information is shown on the other side of the handout. Please show your choices below: Choices Order of execution Name (your selection) Name (group selection) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
  • 66. 7. 8. 9. 10. HOSTAGE Name Age Sex Occupation Other details gained Robert 25 M Accountant Married to Samantha, also being held hostage, Senior partner in his firm. Born in U.S. Holds positions as Mayor of local Council. Michelle 22 F Novelist Has just started her career as a novelist. Divorced with 2 young children. Very attractive. Has just become engaged. Born in England.
  • 67. Jobe 67 M Biochemist Born in Central Africa. Married. Has written many books on biochemistry. Gained PhD at 22 years of age. Has 11 children. Convicted twice for indecent exposure. Yung-fu 35 M Police officer Engaged. Has lived in numerous countries. He is a Youth Adventure Leader who devotes much of his time and energy to helping young people. Jennifer 58 F Medical researcher Single with 4 adolescent children. Currently researching deadly virus strains. Recognized as a world authority on the treatment of AIDS. Born in India. Samantha 26 F Accountant Married to Robert, also being held hostage. Pregnant with first child. Born in Australia. Both parents and sister killed in car accident last year.
  • 68. Joe 19 M Medical Student Member of the Communist Party. Just returned from a trip to Russia. Is also studying religion. Last year raise over $1,000,000 for the church. Single. Danny 45 M Unemployed Formerly an officer in the army. Spent part of his service in Vietnam. Received a special commendation for undercover work done. Has a drinking problem. Selina 55 F Unemployed No information available. Ingrid 21 F Model Highly successful model. Born in Sweden. Has one young child. Is having a relationship with Robert, also being held hostage. Today is her birthday. THE LETTERMAN LIST
  • 69. Purpose: For participants to spend time thinking about the training session and what they learned. Materials: Paper, pens and pencils Time: 10-15 minutes How it works: Assemble teams of 4 or 5 participants. Using David Letterman’s Top Ten list as an example, ask the teams to figure out what the ten most valuable things they learned from the training session and list those things in ascending order of importance, with 10 starting the least important. Have a spokesperson for each team read off choices 1 and 2 and explain their importance to the other teams, and then tell how the team intends to use these particular knowledge points, skills, or abilities.
  • 70. Source: Cariselli, M. (1998). Great session openers, closers and energizers: Quick activities for warming up your audience and ending on a high note. New York: McGraw-Hill. p. 239. HOW OBSERVANT ARE WE? Purpose: To show participants that people are not always as observant as we think. Materials: A non-digital watch Time: 5 minutes How it works: Ask one of the group members if you may borrow their watch for a moment.
  • 71. (Make certain the watch is non-digital). Tell the person (after you have their watch) that you would like to test his/her power of observation, and ask the entire group to silently play along. Tell the individual to assume that the watch was lost and you found it. But before you can return it you want to make certain that the watch can be identified as being theirs. In order to do this, ask the individual a series of questions about the watch. Examples, “What color is the face?” “What brand is the watch?” “Roman or Arabic numerals?” “All 12?” “Does the watch have the date/and or day on it?” “Second hand?” etc. Make sure the other members of the group are responding silently as the watch owner answers vocally, to make the point more easily made and understood (i.e. most people can not totally and accurately describe their own watch even if they look at it a dozen times a day).
  • 72. Discussion questions: 1. Who did not answer all the questions correctly? Why? 2. Why aren’t we more observant? (time pressure, lack of concern, taking things for granted, etc.) 3. Have you seen incidents where people have overlooked commonplace things and problems have resulted? Source: Newstrom, J. W. & Scannell, E. E. (1980). Games trainers play: Experiential learning exercises. New York: McGraw-Hill. p. 231.
  • 73. BRAINSTORMING Purpose: To allow participants to participate in a creative problem solving activity, to help stimulate the participant’s creative energies. To show the potential of brainstorming. Materials: A paper clip for every table Time: 10 minutes How it works: Divide group into groups of 4 to 6. For 60 seconds have them think of all the ways to use a paper clip. Tell the participants the four basic ground rules of brainstorming.
  • 74. 1. No critical judgement is permitted 2. Free-wheeling is welcome (i.e., the wilder the idea, the better) 3. Quantity, not quality is desired 4. Combination and improvement of ideas are sought Have one group member tally the number of ideas, not necessarily the ideas themselves. At the end of the 60 seconds have the groups report the number of ideas they thought of, and then ask each group to list some of the “crazy” or “far out” suggestions they came up with. Suggesting that some of these “crazy” ideas may turn out to be very workable. Discussion questions: 1. What reservations do you have about the technique? 2. What kinds of problems is brainstorming best suited for? 3. What potential applications at work can you see for brainstorming? Source: Newstrom, J. W. & Scannell, E. E. (1980). Games
  • 75. trainers play: Experiential learning exercises. New York: McGraw-Hill. p. 109. IS IT A “GO” OR “NO GO”? Purpose: To give facilitator a chance to see if there is truly consensus among team
  • 76. members. This activity works to alleviate the false assumption that a consensus has been reached because “no one spoke up.” It can be used to know if the team supports (“go”) or does not support (“no go”) a proposal before proceeding with it. Materials: An good supply of signal cards Time: 10-15 minutes How it works: Before the session, create signals cards that participants can use to send non- verbal messages to you. (example: buy poster boards that are red on one side and green on the other. Cut them up into 3-inch squares) At the beginning of each session, distribute one square of each color to each participant. Ask the participants to show a colored card - either continuously or periodically in
  • 77. response to direct questions. The green cards should be displayed when they agree with an emerging conclusion (or pace of discussion). The red cards should be shown when they are opposed to a proposed action or are dissatisfied with the pace or direction of discussion. You may want to provide additional cards for other signals - such as white for neutrality or yellow for uncertainty. It might take a few reminders for the group to become familiar with and willing to use the procedure. However, they will soon remember to display the proper card if you call on someone to explain their concerns and they discover that they have mistakenly left their red card on display. Remind everyone that they can also benefit from the cards by looking around the room and seeing what other people are thinking.
  • 78. Discussion questions: 1. What is the meaning of consensus? 2. How important is it to discover what others are thinking and feeling? 3. What responsibility do we have for soliciting this information? For acting on it? Source: Newstrom, J. & Scannell, E. (1998). The big book of team building games: Trust- building activities, team spirit exercises, and other fun things to do. New York: McGraw-Hill. p 125-126. CREATIVE PEOPLE I HAVE KNOWN Purpose: The activity helps to identify traits of creative people and to point out that these
  • 79. same characteristics can be found in almost anyone. Materials: Paper, pens and/or pencils Time: 10-15 minutes How it works: Ask the group members to think of some friends or colleagues who they consider to be creative people. (If participants are having a hard time coming up with people to list, it is alright to list other well-known creative people, i.e. Walt Disney). Have them right down the names of 4 or 5 people that fit that category, and then, next to each name write what makes that person creative (what they do or have done). Some responses could be, “always asking questions” “always willing to take a risk” or “daydreams a lot.” Have everyone discuss who they thought of and why (if the group is large, have them break off into smaller groups of 4 or 5 for discussion).
  • 80. Discussion questions: 1. What are some of the traits or qualities your friends or colleagues exhibit that make them creative? Could you learn these qualities? 2. In your organization, have you seen cases where colleagues show creativity even though the job climate does not seem to foster creativity? 3. How does one become creative in a climate that doesn’t currently support creativity? Create a list of creative characteristics and have participants assess each item as a genetic trait or a behavior. Most will be behavior, implying that they can be taught, learned and applied by many. Source: Newstrom, J. & Scannell, E. (1998). The big book of team building games: Trust-
  • 81. building activities, team spirit exercises, and other fun things to do. New York: McGraw-Hill. p 131-132. PLEASE PASS THE PROBLEMS Purpose: For participants to receive possible solutions or suggestions for a challenge or problem they are facing. Materials: Paper, notepads, pens, pencils Time: 10-15 minutes How it works: Ask participants to write down a current job- related problem or concern on a blank sheet of paper or a notepad (example: “How can I get more group-
  • 82. involvement?” “How can I get my staff to be more punctual?”). After allowing a few minutes to think about and write out their problem, ask everyone to pass his/her problem to the person on their right. That person reads the problem and writes down their first thoughts in addressing that problem. They are given 30 seconds to respond to that individual sheet. Repeat the process every 30 seconds until each person has their own sheet back. If there is enough time - have participants discuss some of the more practical solutions offered. Discussion questions: 1. Did anyone discover novel solutions that you had not previously considered? 2. Can you see any value in trying some of these suggestions? 3. Do some of these suggestions trigger other ideas or solutions for you? 4. What lesson does this teach us about reaching out to other for assistance?
  • 83. Source: Scannell, E. E., & Newstrom, J. W. (1994). Even more games trainers play. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc. p. 69. DON’T PUSH ME!
  • 84. Purpose: To illustrate the importance of passive resistance. Materials: None Time: 5 minutes How it works: Have participants pair up and stand facing their partner. Tell the pairs to designate one person as “A” and the other as “B” Have them press their hands together at shoulder height. Tell attendees to press their hands against their partners using firm and equal pressure. Ask partner “A” to remove hands quickly and without warning any time in the next few moments. After all the “A” partners have done this, repeat the process with partner “B” pulling back when they choose. Discussion questions:
  • 85. 1. What was your reaction when you partner pulled away? 2. What was your feeling when you no longer felt any resistance? 3. How many of you seemed to “fall” into your partner’s space when they stopped resisting? 4. Have you observed situations when people have actually “gained” by removing some of the “pressures” we place on others? Please describe? 5. Under what conditions should we “push”, and when should we learn to “give in”? Source: Scannell, E. E., & Newstrom, J. W. (1994). Even more games trainers play. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc. p. 235.
  • 86. SOMETHING IN THE AIR Purpose: To demonstrate the power of positive and negative energy within a group. Materials: None Time: 5 minutes How it works: Tell the group that you are about to demonstrate the power within the room. Ask
  • 87. for a male and a female volunteer to come to the front of the room. Reassure them that no one will get hurt or be embarrassed. Have the man face the audience and ask him to raise his right arm to be parallel with the floor. Have the woman stand behind the man and place two fingers of her right hand on his right wrist. Have her try and push his arm down as he resists. (Likely, she should not be able to do it). Ask the group to “send” the man some positive energy, i.e., smiles, warm thoughts, applause, etc. Then ask the woman to try again. She will most likely be unable to do it. Now have the group send negative energy toward the man (frowns, negative thoughts, etc.). Ask the woman to try one more time. She should now be able to do it easily! Discussion questions: 1. Ask the male if he resisted equally all three times. Ask the woman if she used
  • 88. the same pressure each time. 2. Ask the male if he “felt” differently when either the positive or negative energies were sent to him. 3. Ask the audience if they’ve experienced “feeling” such positive or negative strokes. Talk about the effects of positive and negative energy on groups. Source: Scannell, E. E., & Newstrom, J. W. (1994). Even more games trainers play. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc. p. 271.
  • 89. WHERE’S THE FIRE? Purpose: To demonstrate the value of prioritizing items of importance. Materials: Paper, pens, pencils Time: 15 minutes How it works: Have the group close their eyes and ask them to assume that they are all at their desks or work stations when the fire alarm sounds. Over the public address system, the CEO (or boss) announces that each person is to vacate the building in one minute! Each person is allowed to take five items from their offices. They must be able to carry the items (no desks, file cabinets, etc.).
  • 90. Give them 60 seconds to write down the five items they would take. Discussion questions: 1. How easy (or difficult) was it to select five items? 2. Of the items you picked, how many were job-related (policy manual)? How many were personal (family photo)? 3. How many of you had difficulty even picking 4 to 5 items to take with you? 4. Why did you pick the items you did? 5. In what domains of your (work) life do you regularly prioritize items? Why or why not? Source: Scannell, E. E., & Newstrom, J. W. (1994). Even more games trainers play. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc. p. 303.
  • 91. SO MUCH IN COMMON Purpose: To show that people have more in common than they think. Good to use in
  • 92. groups with a lot of diversity, especially in groups that have a problem in dealing with diversity. Materials: Copies of ‘Commonality Exercise’ handout for every participant Pens, pencils Time: 8-10 minutes How it works: Give every participant a copy of the ‘Commonality Exercise’ handout. Ask group members to quickly find a partner. Once they are given the signal, tell them to figure out and write down things they have in common in the first column of the handout under the person’s name. After 2 to 3 minutes have them switch partners and repeat the process using the second column. Again after 2 to 3 minutes have them switch partners and repeat the process using the third column.
  • 93. Discussion questions: 1. How many of you found more than 15 things in common? 2. What were some of the unusual items you discovered? 3. How did you uncover these areas of commonality? 4. Is it likely that in most situations, we may find similar results, i.e. we have much more in common than we thought? 5. What implications does this have for us as members of a diverse work force? Source: Scannell, E. E., & Newstrom, J. W. (1994). Even more games trainers play. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc. p. 319. See next page for ‘Commonality Exercise’ handout.
  • 94. SO MUCH IN COMMON List the things you find in common with three other people in the workshop. Name_________________ Name_________________ Name_________________ 1.____________________ 1.____________________ 1.____________________ 2.____________________ 2.____________________ 2.____________________
  • 95. 3.____________________ 3.____________________ 3.____________________ 4.____________________ 4.____________________ 4.____________________ 5.____________________ 5.____________________ 5.____________________ 6.____________________ 6.____________________ 6.____________________ 7.____________________ 7.____________________ 7.____________________ 8.____________________ 8.____________________ 8.____________________ 9.____________________ 9.____________________ 9.____________________ 10.____________________ 10.___________________ 10.___________________ 11.____________________ 11.___________________
  • 96. 11.___________________ 12.____________________ 12.___________________ 12.___________________ 13.____________________ 13.___________________ 13.___________________ 14.____________________ 14.___________________ 14.___________________ 15.____________________ 15.___________________ 15.___________________ JACKETS AND TIES Purpose: To demonstrate that it is sometimes difficult to do something in a different way. How participants may find it difficult to change they way they
  • 97. do things. Materials: None Time: 5 minutes How it works: Ask everyone to stand and form pairs and then face their partners. Ask each person, one at a time to take something off (jacket, cardigan, tie, etc.) While they are taking it off, ask them and their partners to observe how they take it off. When they have done this, ask them to put it back on. Again both people should observe how this is done. When they have put the item back on, ask them to take it off and put it on again, but this time use the opposite hand or arm (i.e. if they took their jacket off by taking their right arm out first, now they should take their left arm out first). After they have tried all this, ask them how they felt and what their partners saw happen.
  • 98. Discussion questions: 1. How many people felt comfortable doing it the new way? 2. When watching your partner, what did you see (or hear)? 3. How does this apply to the training you are about to go through? 4. How does this apply back in the workplace? Additional options: Ask participants to take off their watches and put them back on the opposite wrist. Source: Kroehnert, G. (2000). 102 extra training games. Sydney, Australia: McGraw-Hill, Companies Inc. p. Kroehnert, G. (2000). 102 extra training games. Sydney, Australia: McGraw-Hill, Companies Inc. p. 138. _1234567890.pdf
  • 99. 800.987.5582 Copyright 2007, Adventure Associates, Inc. Pursuit Imagine being able to tap into the abilities and talents of every team member while practicing and applying team process skills. Teams of approximately 12 are given backpacks with supplies, and strategize how to acquire the greatest number of points for completing a series of challenges. Illuminating problem-solving, innovation, shared leadership, communication skills, team planning and time management, Pursuit is a timed event, but it’s not a race—we keep the competition “friendly.” Performance-oriented groups, sales professionals and product development teams are particularly well-suited to this high-energy, multi-tasking program. Action-oriented by design, Pursuit can be built to fi t your team’s targeted growth areas, and can be held almost anywhere your group decides to meet: a resort, nearby park or your facility. We’ve led Pursuit for groups as small as 16 and as large as 700+, for all ages and levels of physical ability.
  • 100. PURSUIT BENEFITS Participants experience camaraderie as a result of successfully solving problems together. The combination of sophisticated physical, intellectual and creative challenges offers something for everyone. Participants are required to make both big picture decisions and to consider the details. The quick pace of the program heightens senses and aids in learning processes. It is highly interactive and customizable, illuminating scores of team dynamics and areas for improvement. It engages all learning styles, and respects individual perspectives, capacities and preferences. 800.987.5582 Copyright 2007, Adventure Associates, Inc. PURSUIT SAMPLE AGENDA Introduction
  • 101. Review the rules, instructions, and timeline verbally. Hand out the team backpacks, which include written instructions, a Challenge Locator, camera and other supplies needed for the program. The focus of your training initiative is carefully integrated into the discussions at this stage. (approximately 10 minutes) Strategy Session Participants review assignments, paperwork and supplies. As they strategize how and when they will attempt various challenges (concurrently or sequentially), teams are asked to set goals for how they will work together and examine leadership roles, and fi nally formulate a plan for success. (approximately 20 minutes) Begin Pursuit Challenges All teams will attempt to complete identical challenges within a set time period. The challenges are a combination of proven, high-energy, problem-solving initiatives, physical challenges, intellectual puzzles and photo assignments that encourage new leaders to help their teams become high- performing. (approximately 2.5 hours for half-day Pursuit and 6 hours for full-day Pursuits) Return to Staging Area
  • 102. Teams turn in their backpacks with completed assignments to be scored by facilitators. Individual Team Discussions Teams gather together to answer questions about sharing best practices, leadership at all levels, and interpersonal dynamics. These questions can also be tailored to compliment the focus of your training initiative…from improved communication to collaboration to high performing teams. (approximately 20 minutes) Scoring The scores of each team are tallied and a team recognition ceremony follows. We then announce the Total Team Score—this balances the importance of team and organizational success. (approximately 10 minutes) 800.987.5582 Copyright 2007, Adventure Associates, Inc. Debrief Typically, the stories shared are about how teams tended to organize themselves around a challenge, what types of leadership surfaced and how they plan to apply this
  • 103. information to their own high-performing teams. We’re careful to discuss both process goals and task goals. The facilitator helps provide context and “closure” during this portion of the program. (approximately 20 minutes) Program Complete (approximately 3.5 hours for half-day programs and 7.5 hours for full-day programs) OPTIONAL SPECIAL FEATURES Point Person: at each challenge, the team elects a point person to act as leader and coordinator for that challenge, facilitating team interactions. Knowledge Transfer: if the Knowledge Transfer special feature is selected, participants will capture a best practice at each challenge for the other teams to use when they get to that point. Sharing information is a key component to effective collaboration. Poem, Limerick, Cheer: if your group is lively, you may want to consider wrapping up the adventure with a “talent” competition. One of the self-directed challenges that you can select requires all the teams to develop a poem, limerick,
  • 104. song or cheer that encapsulates their experiences. Team Presentation: each team develops a 1-2 minute presentation complete with audio visuals that informs the other teams about their Pursuit experience. SAMPLE FACILITATED CHALLENGES You and a facilitator will choose from among these and other options based on the skill sets upon which you wish to focus. 800.987.5582 Copyright 2007, Adventure Associates, Inc. Blindfold Croquet/Putting –Coaching and clear communication are tested as a sightless partner is guided through the course by their teammate. Trust and Communication Leaky Pipe – Team members attempt to raise a fl oating object to the top of a large plastic pipe. Strategic planning, good communication and team persistence help the team keep water from leaking out of the holes. Collaboration and
  • 105. Leadership Matrix– Only one safe course exists on the entire grid. Memory and strategy are required for each team to fi nd their way through the matrix. Trust and Communication Pipeline– Teams try to move a small ball from the starting line to the fi nish bucket without stopping or dropping the ball. A coordinated team effort is required to manage the assortment of pipeline components. Leadership and Creative Problem Solving Precious Cargo– The group uses a devise to transport three precariously balanced objects through a marked off obstacle course. This activity requires precise coordination, cooperation and innovation to keep the cargo from dropping. Leadership, Creative Problem Solving, Decision Making and Roles and Goals Roadblock– Team members form pairs. One person guides a blindfolded team member through an obstacle course using only verbal directions. Effective coaching and clear communications are tested in this insightful challenge. Trust and Communication
  • 106. Sure Shot– Teams score points by shooting balls into baskets. Each round allows an opportunity to re-strategize for maximum effi ciency. Goal setting and achievement, planning, creativity and utilization of group resources all contribute to the carry over value of this event. Goal Setting and Communication The Web– Pass through various size holes in a giant web structure without touching the string or using any of the openings more than once. This challenge requires a great deal of cooperation, trust and “start to fi nish” planning to enable the team to be successful. Trust, Collaboration and Strategy 800.987.5582 Copyright 2007, Adventure Associates, Inc. SAMPLE SELF-DIRECTED CHALLENGES You and a facilitator will choose from among these and other options based on your team’s interests and the facilitated challenges you’ve selected. All Tied Up– Teams attempt to complete a number of knot
  • 107. tying challenges from a diagram and turn in before the end of Pursuit. Compass Course– Learn basic compass skills then fi nd your way from marker to marker around the grounds of the resort, conference facility or park. MindStretchers– Mentally challenging pencil and paper problems to be deciphered and turned in. Photo Challenge– An ongoing challenge of Pursuit will be to photo-document some of your accomplishments using Polaroid cameras given to each team. You will have to get creative or use outside resources to accomplish your photo- documentation assignments. Team Survival– Each team reads an adventure-gone-wrong scenario. Then the group must review a list of objects and agree on the most important survival items. Trivia– A variety of general trivia questions that need to be completed and turned in before the end of Pursuit. Trivia questions can also be customized to focus on company, personnel or industry related information.
  • 108. 800.987.5582 Copyright 2007, Adventure Associates, Inc. GeoTrek, based on the recreational sport of geo-caching, blends adventure and technology. Courses are set in rural or urban setting and secret caches are hidden in parks or peculiar city spots. Your team will experience the novelty of learning to use GPS devices and the excitement of lo- cating caches. The caches contain clues to the next cache or instructions for team challenges. Teams of 3-4 are given maps or charts, then taught to use GPS (global positioning system) units to determine the location of a secret cache. Each team chooses the caches it will attempt to locate based on their point value, the distance from the caches, and the team’s strategy (fewer “big ticket” caches, or many smaller caches). It takes deductive reasoning to determine exactly where the cache may be and solid planning and strategy to set the overall GPS course. Once found, the team uses the unit to navigate from their current location to another location...translating the “as- the-crow-fl ies” directions into a real path using sidewalks,
  • 109. streets or trails as necessary. GeoTrek can include long hikes, or a series of short walks to get to the caches depending on your group’s objectives, and many cities offer public transportation that can greatly increase the distances covered in this 4-hour team building adventure. GEOTREK BENEFITS o Teams get to explore unknown territory together, and practice modifi ed-consensus decision-making and problem-solving skills. o Participants appreciate the opportunity to participate in the creation of their adventure as they choose the caches that they want to locate. o The natural disagreements that arise during GeoTrek provide a forum for practicing confl ict resolution skills. o The analogies of “plotting a course,” “discovering a new path,” and “mastering new territory,” all tie directly to workplace needs. o Past participants appreciated the opportunities to strategize, collaborate and take on leadership roles (some for the fi rst time).
  • 110. GeoTrek o The combination of technology and human intuition parallels the divergent yet equally necessary components of most workplaces. o It allows participants to explore an urban locale together (as opposed to being in a conference room all day). o It requires different kinds of intelligence than what is commonly accessed in the workplace, for example, being able to read maps, having a strong sense of direction, under- standing spatial relationships. o It aligns with organizational competencies around: teamwork, cross-functional thinking, infl uence and impact, transferring knowledge, drive and persistence. GEOTREK SAMPLE AGENDA Introduction The group fi rst sets goals about how they will work together
  • 111. through- out the day. Next they learn how to enter coordinates into their GPS (global positioning system) unit, how to navigate, and then familiarize themselves with the charts, street maps or trail maps provided. (ap- proximately 30 minutes) Lessons Participants break into small groups to practice using a GPS device under the guidance of a facilitator. (approximately 15 minutes) Trekking Teams are formed and receive their course and a backpack with sup- plies, then work interdependently to choose the caches they wish to locate, then follow clues as well as coordinates. Together they learn that teams often have to “chart new territory” whether in a natural or work environment. If it is a timed event, they’ll have to strategize the
  • 112. best way to spend their precious minutes: do they continue searching for a cache, or risk losing points using a clue? Together the teams will make decisions on the fl y and adjust their strategy moment-to- moment. (approximately 2.25 hours) Large Group Discussion All teams reconvene to discuss what they learned from their experi- ences during the GeoTrek program. How well did team members learn then teach each other new skills? How were decisions made? How did they deal with frustration? What types of leadership surfaced during the day? How did they handle their roles and responsibilities? Scores are tallied at this point in the program and shared. (approximately 30 minutes) 800.987.5582 Copyright 2007, Adventure Associates, Inc. 800.987.5582 Copyright 2007, Adventure Associates, Inc.
  • 113. Build a Bridge Pretend you’re an engineer for a day as you and your team design and build a prototype of a bridge. This team building adventure will ignite your team’s creative energy as they move through the stages of designing, planning, building, troubleshooting and presenting their prototypes to the other teams. We’ll split your group into teams of 6 -10: each team then divides itself in half with the objective being to build two halves of a bridge in two separate locations that will be joined at the end of the program. With only limited simulated phone, email and fax communication to keep them on track during the construction phase, participants learn how to make the most of the planning phase and how to better communicate throughout the lifecycle of a project. Once built, the bridge prototypes are shared with the team, who assesses the aesthetic value of the creations, and tested for their strength. The teams that succeed are those in which someone in the group can capture everyone’s imagination, provide a vision and motivate them to move forward. Build a Bridge can be facilitated indoors at almost any location, and works for groups as small as 8 and as large as 300. We particularly recommend this adventure for
  • 114. virtual teams (geographically dispersed groups) as it very closely parallels their daily work situation, R&D groups and upper-level managers who must coordinate the efforts of disparate work units. BENEFITS OF BUILD A BRIDGE Build a Bridge requires a shared vision (the design) which must then be communicated through a variety of mediums: verbal, written, drawings, to other teammates. Participants must master resource allocation if they are to be successful: Build a Bridge requires good project management skills. Participants must be good at building consensus and implementing a plan. Choosing one bridge design 800.987.5582 Copyright 2007, Adventure Associates, Inc. that meets the specifi cations laid out in the program is diffi cult.
  • 115. Participants must be able to coordinate the efforts of many people who may not share work space. Build a Bridge requires both mechanical skills and interpersonal skills…it requires both attention to details and a big picture view…just like your workplace. It aligns with organizational values and interests around customer-orientation, quality orientation, cross-functional thinking, improved effi ciencies, and adaptability. Build a Bridge provides an opportunity to examine the ambiguous nature of communication and reinforces best practices around proactively ensuring that one’s message is understood. Whether your group is learning about resource sharing, cycle time, collaboration vs. competition, or just looking for a fun way to spend an afternoon, Build a Bridge is even more effective when combined with our corporate training workshops like Team Decision-Making or Communications. BUILD A BRIDGE SAMPLE AGENDA Introduction
  • 116. Our lead facilitator provides a brief overview of what the group can expect, the parameters of the building assignment and guidelines for successful completion. (approximately 10 minutes) Team Roles & Goals Teams discuss the process goals that they want to meet: for example, communicate clearly and concisely, garner the ideas of all participants, or utilize skills and talents from everyone on the team. Then they establish roles. Establishing roles lends insight into workplace dynamics and can set the stage for a meaningful team building experience. We encourage participants to consider both process roles and task roles. Who will be the designer? Who will do the drawings? Who will handle signage? Who is good at collaborating and reaching consensus? Who enjoys giving presentations and wants to take responsibility for that? (approximately 20 minutes) 800.987.5582 Copyright 2007, Adventure Associates, Inc. Develop Blueprints Each team conducts its own round table discussion to develop
  • 117. blueprints. Group planning is fascinating to experience as team dynamics emerge. Thwarted structural engineers have the opportunity to become an “expert leader,” and armchair physicists get to experiment with a variety of creative design concepts. The teams are allowed to examine their building materials at this stage: foam core, dowel rods, pen knives, glue, straws, construction paper, etc. (approximately 30 minutes) Construction During the construction phase, teams have only two simulated phone calls, e-mails and simulated faxes. Teams must be strategic about the content, the timing and the medium of communications. Time is limited and even the best planning can’t prepare a team for every eventuality. Participants have to make decisions on the fl y, sometimes without the input of the other half of their team. (approximately 90-120
  • 118. minutes) Join Bridges The anticipation at this stage is palpable as the participants wonder: Can we get the two halves to connect? Will they match? How much weight will the bridge support? Teams are given only a few minutes to connect the halves. Depending on the level of diffi culty your group is seeking, we’ll put restrictions on the materials that can be used to join the halves. (approximately 10 minutes) Presentations Teams prepare a sales and marketing presentation to unveil their fi nished product. Not only do they describe the features of their bridge, but they detail the team processes that allowed them to build the prototype: collaboration, decision-making, communication, etc. Past participants have commented that seeing what other teams did gave them insight into their own behaviors. (approximately 15
  • 119. minutes) Group Discussion All teams reconvene to talk about their experiences during the Build a Bridge adventure. We address: How they organized around the tasks? How did the two “sides” communicate throughout the construction phase? What lessons can they take back to the work environment? Who fulfi lled leadership roles? (approximately 20 minutes) Program Complete (approximately 3.5 hours) Adventure Associates PursuitAdventure Associates GeoTrekAdventure Associates Build a Bridge Training Activities Inventory
  • 120. CHANGE THE PICTURE & THE PARADIGM Purpose: To encourage the participants to move from one paradigm to another, with flexibility and without too much effort. Materials: Magazines and/or magazine advertisements flip chart paper for a base scissors for each person glue or rubber cement for each person Time: 30-45 minutes How it works: Lay out a the magazines or advertisements and ask each participant to choose one picture to work with. After everyone has chosen a picture ask them to cut the picture into small pieces, losing their original meaning. Once they have cut the
  • 121. picture into smaller pieces, have participants create their own collage and when they are done have them title the new picture. Have everyone show their new picture and have them say what the picture was originally. Engage the participants by asking them questions about their designs, ex. how did it feel to convert one image into another? How difficult was it to “let go” of the original? What is involved in casting aside older paradigms and creating or adopting new ones? What examples can you provide of people or organizations that have successfully replaced their paradigms? Source: Scannell, E. E., & Newstrom, J. W. (1994). Even more games trainers play. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc. p. 233.
  • 122. MANAGING CHANGE Purpose: For participants to analyze the change process and decide how to make future changes easier and more acceptable.
  • 123. Materials: None Time: 20-30 minutes How it works: Divide the participants into groups of 4 or 5 (if possible try to group people from different organizations or departments). Then ask the groups to discuss the following questions: 1. Identify a recent situation in which some type of change was introduced in your organization (division, agency, etc). Provide a brief synopsis of that change and how it was initiated. 2. Was the change resisted? 3. Why or why not? 4. In retrospect, what would (should) have been done to make the change easier? Allow 10-15 minutes for group discussion. After groups have
  • 124. finished their discussion call on the group spokesperson to report on what the group talked about. Have them spend the most time discussing the group’s response to question four. Responses usually center around such items as “better planning”, “communication”, etc. After each group has explained what they discussed, as a group discuss the following questions: 1. What was done to add to the forces strengthening the proposed change? 2. What was done to weaken or remove the forces resisting the change? 3. At what stage did the tide turn in favor (or against!) The proposed change? Why? Source: Scannell, E. E., & Newstrom, J. W. (1994). Even more
  • 125. games trainers play. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc. p. 241. WHO WENT WHERE? Purpose: To show participants that working as a team can lead to better and faster results.
  • 126. Materials: One overhead of “Who Went Where?” A sheet of paper for each participant Pens and pencils for participants Time: 10-15 minutes How it works: Ask participants to forms groups of 5 to 7 people. Tell the people that the company sent 5 people to 5 different places on 5 different days using different vehicles. Their task is to figure out who went where, on what day, using which vehicle. Tell the group that you are going to show an overhead with the known information which they will use to figure out the answer. Give them 5 minutes to complete the task. Once the 5 minutes is up, ask the groups how they went about getting the information. This can lead into a discussion about teamwork and/or problem solving.
  • 127. Discussion questions: 1. How many groups came up with the correct answers? 2. What helped the group arrive at the answers? 3. What hindered the group in arriving at the answers? Source: Kroehnert, G. (2000). 102 extra training games. Sydney, Australia: McGraw-Hill, Companies Inc. p. 33. See next page for overhead and solution to problem
  • 128. WHO WENT WHERE? Jones flew with Ansett Airlines. The Hong Kong flight was on Saturday. British Airways flew to the US. Brown went on Wednesday. Smith Went to New Zealand. Qantas flew on Friday. Peters went on Tuesday. Singapore Airlines flew to London. Fisher went with United Airlines. The Australian flight was on Monday. Ansett Airlines flew on Monday. Fisher flew to Hong Kong. Peters went with British Airways. Brown went to the UK.