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Uncover and Score
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Rhein-Main Scala Meetup 02/02/16
Franck Valentin
var initialization to default value = _
class Foo
class DefaultValue[T] {
// 1. Declare instance vars with default values:
// -----------------------------------------------------------
var int:Int = _ // 0
var double: Double = _ // 0.0
var boolean: Boolean = _ // false
var foo: Foo = _ // null
// 2. It works also for type parameters:
// -----------------------------------------------------------
var t:T = _ // new DefaultValue[String].t == null
// new DefaultValue[Long].t == 0
// 3. Not allowed in methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------
def f() {
// Doesn't compile. "Local variables must be initialized"
// var x:Int = _ e
var initialization to default value = _
// 4. Note also:
// -----------------------------------------------------------
var any:Any = _ // null
var anyRef:AnyRef = _ // null
var anyVal:AnyVal = _ // null
var n:Null = _ // null
// Should the following compile as ‘Nothing’ doesn’t have any value?
// Instead, there is a java.lang.NullPointerException at runtime
// when trying to use it.
var nothing:Nothing = _
Tuples ._1
case class Bar(v:Int)
class Tuples {
// _ is a part of the name of tuple getters (_1, _2, ...)
// -----------------------------------------------------------
val myTuple = ("a", 3.141, Bar(0)) // An instance of Tuple3[String, Double, Foo]
val anotherTuple = Tuple2("b", 2.718)
// new Tuples().myTuple._1 == "a"
// new Tuples().myTuple._2 == 3.141
// new Tuples().myTuple._3 == Foo(0)
- _ can be part of a method name (more about that later)
- _1, _2, … _22 for Tuple
Unused variables _ =
case class Bar(par1: Int, par2: Int, par3: Int)
class UnusedVariables(bar: Bar) {
// 1. Unused variable (no real practical usage here!)
// -----------------------------------------------------
var _ = "whatever"
// 2. Unused variables in extractors
// -----------------------------------------------------
val myTuple = ("a", 3.141, "b")
val (_, pi, myString) = myTuple
// Not only for tuples:
val Bar(barP1, _, barP3) = bar
val uv = new UnusedVariables(Bar(10, 20, 30))
// uv.pi == 3.14
// uv.myString == "b"
// uv.barP1 == 10
// uv.barP3 30
Unused variables _ =
object UnusedVariables2 extends App {
val prefixes = List("p1", "p2")
val strings = List("aa", "bb", "cc")
val suffixes = List("s1", "s2")
// 3. Unused variables can be useful to debug for comprehensions.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
val stringsWithPrefixesAndSuffixes = for {
prefix <- prefixes
string <- strings
stringWithPrefix = prefix + ">" + string
//println(stringWithPrefix) // This doesn't compile!
_ = println(stringWithPrefix)
suffix <- suffixes
stringWithPrefixAndsuffix= stringWithPrefix + "<" + suffix
} yield stringWithPrefixAndsuffix
// Because of the way Scala translates for comprehensions to foreach/map/flatMap/filter/withFilter
// scalac -Xprint:parser UnusedVariables2.scala
Unused Parameters _ =>
object UnusedParameters extends App {
// 1. For anonymous functions:
// --------------------------------------------
List(1, 2, 3) map { _ => 0 } // == List(0, 0, 0)
Imports: wildcards and Hiding => _
object Imports1 {
// 1. _ Similar to * in Java
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
import java.util._
val uuid = UUID.randomUUID()
val date = new Date()
object Imports2 {
// 2. Add an exception (everything from java.util but Date and Calendar)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
import java.util.{Date => _, Calendar => _, _}
val uuid = UUID.randomUUID()
// val date = new Date() // Doesn't compile.
Imports: wildcards and Hiding => _
object Imports3 {
// 3. Import all the members of an object (works with exceptions too)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
object MyObj {
val m1: Int = 1
val m2: String = "a"
val m3: Double = 1.0
import MyObj.{m3 => _, _}
println(m1) // Instead of MyObj.m1
println(m2) // Instead of MyObj.m2
// println(MyObj.m3) // Doesn't compile.
Varargs (splat operator) _*
// 1. _* passes a sequence as multiple parameters
// -------------------------------------------------------------
def processParams(params: String*) = params.mkString(",")
processParams("p1", "p2") // == "p1,p2"
val parameters = List("param1", "param2", "param3")
//processParams(parameters) // Error: Type mismatch. expected:String, actual:Seq[String]
processParams(parameters: _*) // == param1,param2,param3
// 2. _* works in pattern matching too
// -------------------------------------------------------------
val res = parameters match {
case Seq(p1) =>
s"Only one element $p1"
case Seq(p1, seqOfStrings @ _*) =>
s"First elt is '$p1' and the rest is the sequence '${seqOfStrings}'"
println(res) // == First elt is 'param1' and the rest is the sequence List(param2, param3)'
Anonymous Function Placeholder _ + _
// 1. A placeholder for the parameters in an anonymous function
// -------------------------------------------------------------
val list = List(1, 2, 3, 4)
val by2 = list map (x => x * 2)
val alsoBy2 = list map (_ * 2)
// 2. It works for several parameters as well
// -------------------------------------------------------------
val sum = list reduceLeft ((a, b) => a + b)
val alsoSum = list reduceLeft (_ + _)
def printFctResult(tuple:(Int, String, Double), fct:(Int, String, Double) => String) = {
println(fct(tuple._1, tuple._2, tuple._3))
printFctResult((2, "a", 3.0), (i,s,d) => i + s + d) // == "2a3.0"
printFctResult((2, "a", 3.0), _ + _ + _) // It begins to be obscure!
def fct(i: Int, s: String, d: Double): String = s"${i * d} $s"
printFctResult((2, "a", 3.0), (i,s,d) => fct(i,s,d)) // == "6.0 a"
printFctResult((2, "a", 3.0), fct(_,_,_))
Pattern Matching case _
case class MyClass(nameOpt: Option[String], ints: List[Int])
def showMatch(c: Any) {
c match {
// Wilcard in a class parameter
case MyClass(None, _) => println("MyClass without any name.")
// Wilcard in a nested class
case MyClass(_, List(_)) => println("MyClass with only one element.")
// Wilcard in a nested class and splat operator
case MyClass(_, List(_, _*)) => println("MyClass with more than one element.")
// Wildcard on the type
case l:List[_] => println("It's a list !")
// Matches everything else
case _ => println("Matches everything else.")
showMatch(MyClass(None, List(1,2))) // == "MyClass without any name."
showMatch(MyClass(Some("c1"), List(1))) // == "MyClass with only one element."
showMatch(MyClass(Some("c2"), List(1,2,3))) // == "MyClass with more than one element."
showMatch(List("a", "b", "c")) // == "It's a list !"
showMatch(Set("a", "b", "c")) // == "Matches everything else."
Partially Applied Functions g = f(_,_)
// Partially applied function: function where only a few
// arguments are set during its invocation.
def sendMessage(priority: Int, recipient: String, msg: String) {
println(s"$priority: send '$recipient' the message $msg.'")
// sendMessageToFred == (Int, String) => Unit
def sendMessageToFred = sendMessage(_: Int, "Fred", _: String)
sendMessageToFred(1, "Hi Bro!")
// sendImportantMsgToFred == (String) => Unit
def sendImportantMsgToFred = sendMessage(0, "Fred", _: String)
sendImportantMsgToFred("An important message.")
Eta Expansion v = f _
// "Eta-expansion converts an expression of method type to an equivalent expression
// of function type."
// method: a member of the type the class represents.
// function: value of a Function[] type.
// Assign a method to a variable:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
case class MyClass() {
def f1(int: Int):Unit = println(int)
val constant = 35
def f2(int1: Int, int2: Int):String = (int1 + int2 + constant).toString
// valF1: Int => Unit = <function1> (Function1[Int, Unit])
val valF1 = MyClass().f1 _
// valF2: (Int, Int) => String = <function2> (Function2[Int, Int, String)
val valF2 = MyClass().f2 _
valF2(5, 2)
Eta Expansion v = f _
case class MyOtherClass() {
def f(g: () => Int):Int = 1
def f(i:Int):Int = 2
def g() = 3
MyOtherClass().f(g) // == 2
// You have to write the _ whenever the compiler is not explicitly expecting
// a Function object.
MyOtherClass().f(g _) // == 1. _ 'asks' the compiler to treat g a a Function object.
Existential Types
// Existential type: express that you have a type (e.g. List, Array) with an unknown
// element type (an unknown "type parameter") : List[<I don't know>].
// "List[<I don't know>]" could be rephrased as "List[T] forSome {type T}"
def count1(l: List[T] forSome {type T}) = l.size
count1(List(1, 2, 3))
count1(List("a", "b"))
// Equivalent to:
def count2(l: List[_]) = l.size
count2(List(1, 2, 3))
count2(List("a", "b"))
// It works for higher kinded types as well.
// Higher kinded type : A type constructor that takes type constructor(s)
// Higher kinded type 'Iterable' has the type constructor 'Container'.
trait Iterable[A, Container[_]] {
def map[B](f: A => B): Container[B]
def filter(p: A => Boolean): Container[A]
Identifier Names Ending with an operator _!
// 1. alphanumeric + _ + operator identifier (+, ++, :, ?, ~, # :> ...)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
trait WhatATrait_! {
def isItUsefult_?()
// 2. _ followed by a letter(s), digit(s), or underscore(s).
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _abc()
def _123()
def __()
Assignment Operator def f_=( )
// Special case for an identifier name ending with _=
// A way to define getters and setters.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
class MyClass {
private var myInt0:Int = _
// Getter:
def myInt:Int = myInt0
// Setter:
def myInt_=(i:Int) {
println(s"I'm setting myInt = $i")
myInt0 = i
val myClass = new MyClass
myClass.myInt = 5 // Setter: Desugared into myClass.myInt_=(5)
println(myClass.myInt) // Getter
myClass.myInt = -1 // java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed
Uncover and score the usages of the underscore

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Uncover and score the usages of the underscore

  • 1. Uncover and Score the Usages of the Underscore Rhein-Main Scala Meetup 02/02/16 Franck Valentin
  • 2. var initialization to default value = _ class Foo class DefaultValue[T] { // 1. Declare instance vars with default values: // ----------------------------------------------------------- var int:Int = _ // 0 var double: Double = _ // 0.0 var boolean: Boolean = _ // false var foo: Foo = _ // null // 2. It works also for type parameters: // ----------------------------------------------------------- var t:T = _ // new DefaultValue[String].t == null // new DefaultValue[Long].t == 0 // 3. Not allowed in methods // ----------------------------------------------------------- def f() { // Doesn't compile. "Local variables must be initialized" // var x:Int = _ e } ...
  • 3. var initialization to default value = _ ... // 4. Note also: // ----------------------------------------------------------- var any:Any = _ // null var anyRef:AnyRef = _ // null var anyVal:AnyVal = _ // null var n:Null = _ // null // Should the following compile as ‘Nothing’ doesn’t have any value? // Instead, there is a java.lang.NullPointerException at runtime // when trying to use it. var nothing:Nothing = _ }
  • 4. Tuples ._1 case class Bar(v:Int) class Tuples { // _ is a part of the name of tuple getters (_1, _2, ...) // ----------------------------------------------------------- val myTuple = ("a", 3.141, Bar(0)) // An instance of Tuple3[String, Double, Foo] val anotherTuple = Tuple2("b", 2.718) } // new Tuples().myTuple._1 == "a" // new Tuples().myTuple._2 == 3.141 // new Tuples().myTuple._3 == Foo(0) - _ can be part of a method name (more about that later) - _1, _2, … _22 for Tuple
  • 5. Unused variables _ = case class Bar(par1: Int, par2: Int, par3: Int) class UnusedVariables(bar: Bar) { // 1. Unused variable (no real practical usage here!) // ----------------------------------------------------- var _ = "whatever" // 2. Unused variables in extractors // ----------------------------------------------------- val myTuple = ("a", 3.141, "b") val (_, pi, myString) = myTuple // Not only for tuples: val Bar(barP1, _, barP3) = bar } val uv = new UnusedVariables(Bar(10, 20, 30)) // uv.pi == 3.14 // uv.myString == "b" // uv.barP1 == 10 // uv.barP3 30
  • 6. Unused variables _ = object UnusedVariables2 extends App { val prefixes = List("p1", "p2") val strings = List("aa", "bb", "cc") val suffixes = List("s1", "s2") // 3. Unused variables can be useful to debug for comprehensions. // ---------------------------------------------------------------- val stringsWithPrefixesAndSuffixes = for { prefix <- prefixes string <- strings stringWithPrefix = prefix + ">" + string //println(stringWithPrefix) // This doesn't compile! _ = println(stringWithPrefix) suffix <- suffixes stringWithPrefixAndsuffix= stringWithPrefix + "<" + suffix } yield stringWithPrefixAndsuffix // Because of the way Scala translates for comprehensions to foreach/map/flatMap/filter/withFilter // // scalac -Xprint:parser UnusedVariables2.scala }
  • 7. Unused Parameters _ => object UnusedParameters extends App { // 1. For anonymous functions: // -------------------------------------------- List(1, 2, 3) map { _ => 0 } // == List(0, 0, 0) } ...
  • 8. Imports: wildcards and Hiding => _ object Imports1 { // 1. _ Similar to * in Java // ------------------------------------------------------------------ import java.util._ val uuid = UUID.randomUUID() val date = new Date() } object Imports2 { // 2. Add an exception (everything from java.util but Date and Calendar) // ------------------------------------------------------------------ import java.util.{Date => _, Calendar => _, _} val uuid = UUID.randomUUID() // val date = new Date() // Doesn't compile. } ...
  • 9. Imports: wildcards and Hiding => _ ... object Imports3 { // 3. Import all the members of an object (works with exceptions too) // ------------------------------------------------------------------ object MyObj { val m1: Int = 1 val m2: String = "a" val m3: Double = 1.0 } import MyObj.{m3 => _, _} println(m1) // Instead of MyObj.m1 println(m2) // Instead of MyObj.m2 // println(MyObj.m3) // Doesn't compile. }
  • 10. Varargs (splat operator) _* // 1. _* passes a sequence as multiple parameters // ------------------------------------------------------------- def processParams(params: String*) = params.mkString(",") processParams("p1", "p2") // == "p1,p2" val parameters = List("param1", "param2", "param3") //processParams(parameters) // Error: Type mismatch. expected:String, actual:Seq[String] processParams(parameters: _*) // == param1,param2,param3 // 2. _* works in pattern matching too // ------------------------------------------------------------- val res = parameters match { case Seq(p1) => s"Only one element $p1" case Seq(p1, seqOfStrings @ _*) => s"First elt is '$p1' and the rest is the sequence '${seqOfStrings}'" } println(res) // == First elt is 'param1' and the rest is the sequence List(param2, param3)'
  • 11. Anonymous Function Placeholder _ + _ // 1. A placeholder for the parameters in an anonymous function // ------------------------------------------------------------- val list = List(1, 2, 3, 4) val by2 = list map (x => x * 2) val alsoBy2 = list map (_ * 2) // 2. It works for several parameters as well // ------------------------------------------------------------- val sum = list reduceLeft ((a, b) => a + b) val alsoSum = list reduceLeft (_ + _) def printFctResult(tuple:(Int, String, Double), fct:(Int, String, Double) => String) = { println(fct(tuple._1, tuple._2, tuple._3)) } printFctResult((2, "a", 3.0), (i,s,d) => i + s + d) // == "2a3.0" printFctResult((2, "a", 3.0), _ + _ + _) // It begins to be obscure! def fct(i: Int, s: String, d: Double): String = s"${i * d} $s" printFctResult((2, "a", 3.0), (i,s,d) => fct(i,s,d)) // == "6.0 a" printFctResult((2, "a", 3.0), fct(_,_,_))
  • 12. Pattern Matching case _ case class MyClass(nameOpt: Option[String], ints: List[Int]) def showMatch(c: Any) { c match { // Wilcard in a class parameter case MyClass(None, _) => println("MyClass without any name.") // Wilcard in a nested class case MyClass(_, List(_)) => println("MyClass with only one element.") // Wilcard in a nested class and splat operator case MyClass(_, List(_, _*)) => println("MyClass with more than one element.") // Wildcard on the type case l:List[_] => println("It's a list !") // Matches everything else case _ => println("Matches everything else.") } } showMatch(MyClass(None, List(1,2))) // == "MyClass without any name." showMatch(MyClass(Some("c1"), List(1))) // == "MyClass with only one element." showMatch(MyClass(Some("c2"), List(1,2,3))) // == "MyClass with more than one element." showMatch(List("a", "b", "c")) // == "It's a list !" showMatch(Set("a", "b", "c")) // == "Matches everything else."
  • 13. Partially Applied Functions g = f(_,_) // Partially applied function: function where only a few // arguments are set during its invocation. def sendMessage(priority: Int, recipient: String, msg: String) { println(s"$priority: send '$recipient' the message $msg.'") } // sendMessageToFred == (Int, String) => Unit def sendMessageToFred = sendMessage(_: Int, "Fred", _: String) sendMessageToFred(1, "Hi Bro!") // sendImportantMsgToFred == (String) => Unit def sendImportantMsgToFred = sendMessage(0, "Fred", _: String) sendImportantMsgToFred("An important message.")
  • 14. Eta Expansion v = f _ // "Eta-expansion converts an expression of method type to an equivalent expression // of function type." // method: a member of the type the class represents. // function: value of a Function[] type. // Assign a method to a variable: // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- case class MyClass() { def f1(int: Int):Unit = println(int) val constant = 35 def f2(int1: Int, int2: Int):String = (int1 + int2 + constant).toString } // valF1: Int => Unit = <function1> (Function1[Int, Unit]) val valF1 = MyClass().f1 _ valF1(1) // valF2: (Int, Int) => String = <function2> (Function2[Int, Int, String) val valF2 = MyClass().f2 _ valF2(5, 2) ...
  • 15. Eta Expansion v = f _ … case class MyOtherClass() { def f(g: () => Int):Int = 1 def f(i:Int):Int = 2 } def g() = 3 MyOtherClass().f(g) // == 2 // You have to write the _ whenever the compiler is not explicitly expecting // a Function object. MyOtherClass().f(g _) // == 1. _ 'asks' the compiler to treat g a a Function object.
  • 16. Existential Types // Existential type: express that you have a type (e.g. List, Array) with an unknown // element type (an unknown "type parameter") : List[<I don't know>]. // "List[<I don't know>]" could be rephrased as "List[T] forSome {type T}" // def count1(l: List[T] forSome {type T}) = l.size count1(List(1, 2, 3)) count1(List("a", "b")) // Equivalent to: def count2(l: List[_]) = l.size count2(List(1, 2, 3)) count2(List("a", "b")) // It works for higher kinded types as well. // Higher kinded type : A type constructor that takes type constructor(s) // Higher kinded type 'Iterable' has the type constructor 'Container'. trait Iterable[A, Container[_]] { def map[B](f: A => B): Container[B] def filter(p: A => Boolean): Container[A] }
  • 17. Identifier Names Ending with an operator _! // 1. alphanumeric + _ + operator identifier (+, ++, :, ?, ~, # :> ...) // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- trait WhatATrait_! { def isItUsefult_?() // 2. _ followed by a letter(s), digit(s), or underscore(s). // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _abc() def _123() def __() }
  • 18. Assignment Operator def f_=( ) // Special case for an identifier name ending with _= // A way to define getters and setters. // ------------------------------------------------------------------ class MyClass { private var myInt0:Int = _ // Getter: def myInt:Int = myInt0 // Setter: def myInt_=(i:Int) { require(i>0) println(s"I'm setting myInt = $i") myInt0 = i } } val myClass = new MyClass myClass.myInt = 5 // Setter: Desugared into myClass.myInt_=(5) println(myClass.myInt) // Getter myClass.myInt = -1 // java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed