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Amanda	Truitt	&	Patrick	A.	Young	
Arizona	State	University,	School	of	Earth	and	Space	Exploration	
Using	TYCHO	[13]	we	have	modeled	the	evolutionary	tracks	for	a	total	of	1232	stars,	each	with	a	
different	combination	of	mass,	scaled	metallicity,	and	speciLic	elemental	composition.	TYCHO	is	a	
1D	stellar	evolution	code	with	a	hydrodynamic	formulation	of	the	stellar	evolution	equations.	It	
uses	OPAL	opacities	[14,	15,	16],	and	a	combined	OPAL	and	Timmes	equation	of	state	[17].	TYCHO	
outputs	 data	 on	 stellar	 surface	 quantities	 for	 each	 time-step	 of	 the	 evolution,	 which	 we	 use	 to	
produce	a	predicted	radius	for	the	inner	and	outer	edges	of	the	HZ	as	a	function	of	the	star’s	age.	
To	calculate	the	HZ	for	an	individual	star	at	each	point	in	its	evolution,	we	use	equations	from	[6],	
combined	 with	 TYCHO	 outputs.	 Our	 program	 CHAD	 (Calculating	 HAbitable	 Distances)	 then	
determines	the	inner	and	outer	HZ	boundaries,	discussed	in	[7].	The	original	grid	of	376	models	
[18]	includes	“solar-type”	stars,	with	masses	ranging	from	0.5–1.2	M¤.	Models	are	also	calculated	
for	scaled	metallicity	values	of	0.1–1.5	Z¤,	and	four	models	for	oxygen	abundance	values	(0.44,	
0.67,	1.28,	and	2.28	O/Fe¤)	calculated	at	Z¤.	The	end-member	oxygen	models	are	also	calculated	at	
each	scaled	Z	value.	The	grid	is	complete	for	the	MS	until	hydrogen	is	exhausted	in	the	core.	
Since	 it	 has	 been	 determined	 observationally	 that	 carbon	 and	 magnesium	 make	 the	 most	
difference	 (after	 oxygen)	 to	 the	 stellar	 evolution	 [19,	 20,	 21],	 we	 have	 simulated	 tracks	 to	
represent	variations	in	these	elements	as	well.	The	spread	in	values	we	use	reLlects	the	diversity	in	
abundances	that	have	been	directly	measured	in	nearby	stars	[12,	22,	23,	24,	25].	This	more	recent	
grid	 includes	 a	 total	 of	480	models:	240	models	each	for	variations	in	carbon	and	magnesium	
(ranging	from	0.58–1.72	C/Fe¤	and	0.54–1.84	Mg/Fe¤)	[paper	in	prep].	
1.  Catanzarite,	J.	&	Shao,	M.	2011,	ApJ,	738,	151	
2.  Petigura,	E.A.,	Howard,	A.W.,	&	Marcy,	G.W.	2013,	PNAS,	110,	19273	
3.  Gaidos,	E.	2013,	ApJ,	770,	90	
4.  Batalha,	N.M.,	Rowe,	J.F.,	Bryson,	S.T.,	et	al.	2013,	ApJS,	204,	24	
5.  Borucki,	W.J.,	Koch,	D.,	Basri,	G.,	et	al.	2011,	ApJ,		736,	1	
6.  Kopparapu,	R.K.,	Ramírez,	R.M.,	Kasting,	J.F.,	et	al.	2013,	ApJ,	765,	131	
7.  Kopparapu,	R.K.,	Ramírez,	R.M.,	SchottelKotte,	J.,	et	al.	2014,	ApJL,	787,	L29	
8.  Kasting,	J.F.,	Whitmire,	D.P.,	&	Reynolds,	R.T.	1993,	Icarus,	101,	108	
9.  Selsis,	F.,	Kasting,	J.F.,	Levrard,	B.,	et	al.	2007,	A&A,	476,	1373	
10.  Anbar,	A.D.,	Duan,	Y.,	Lyons,	T.W.,	et	al.	2007,	Science,	317,	1903	
11.  Young,	P.A.,	Liebst,	K.,	&	Pagano,	M.	2012,	ApJ,				755,	31	
12.  Hinkel,	N.R.,	Young,	P.A.,	Timmes,	F.X.,	et	al.	2014,	ApJ,	148,	54	
13.  Young,	P.A.	&	Arnett,	D.	2005,	ApJ,	618,	908	
14.  Iglesias,	C.A.	&	Rogers,	F.J.	1996,	ApJ,	464,	943	
15.  Alexander,	D.R.	&	Ferguson,	J.W.	1994,	ApJ,	437,	879	
16.  Rogers,	F.J.	&	Nayfonov,	A.	2002,	ApJ,	576,	1064	
17.  Timmes,	F.X.	&	Arnett,	D.	1999,	ApJS,	125,	277	
18.  Truitt,	A.,	Young,	P.A.,	Spacek,	A.,	et	al.	2015,	ApJ,	804,	145	
19.  Neves,	V.,	Santos,	N.C.,	Sousa,	S.G.,	et	al.	2009,	A&A,	497,	563	
20.  Mishenina,	T.V.,	Soubiran,	C.,	Bienaymè,	O.,	et	al.	2008,	A&A,	489,	923	
21.  Takeda,	Y.	2007,	PASJ,	59,	335	
22.  Bond,	J.C.,	Tinney,	C.G.,	Butler,	R.P.,	et	al.	2006,	MNRAS,	370,	163	
23.  Bond,	J.C.,	Lauretta,	D.S.,	Tinney,	C.G.,	et	al.	2008,	ApJ,	682,	1234	
24.  Ramírez,	I.,	Allende	Prieto,	C.,	&	Lambert,	D.L.	2007,	A&A,	465,	271	
25.  González	Hernández,	J.I.,	Israelian,	G.,	Santos,	N.C.,	et	al.	2010,	ApJ,	720,	1592	
26.  Pagano,	M.D.,	Truitt,	A.,	Young,	P.A.,	Shim,	D.	2015,	ApJ,	803,	90	
28.  Blackman,	E.G.	&	Owen,	J.E.,	2016,	MNRAS,	458,	2	
We	are	working	to	understand	how	stars	of	different	mass	and	composition	evolve,	and	how	
stellar	evolution	directly	inOluences	the	location	of	the	habitable	zone	(HZ)	around	a	star.	It	
is	now	estimated	that	more	than	20%	of	all	Sun-like	stars	and	50%	of	M-dwarfs	may	host	a	planet	
in	the	HZ	[1,	2,	3,	4,	5],	the	latter	indicated	by	recent	results	from	NASA’s	Kepler	mission.	We	have	
created	a	large	catalog	of	stellar	evolution	models	for	FGKM-type	stars	with	variable	compositions,	
including	the	time	dependent	evolution	of	HZ	boundaries	using	the	prescriptions	of	[6,	7,	8,	9].	We	
want	to	determine	what	kind	of	star	could	host	a	planet	that	would	remain	“continuously	
habitable”	for	at	least	2	billion	years	(CHZ_2).	This	is	roughly	the	time	it	took	for	life	on	Earth	to	
change	 the	 atmosphere	 [10]	 such	 that	 it	 would	 be	 detectable	 with	 the	 kind	 of	 space	 missions	
recommended	in	the	most	recent	Decadal	Review.	
It	 is	 extremely	 important	 to	 consider	 the	 composition	 of	 a	 host	 star	 when	 we	 want	 to	
determine	the	habitability	potential	of	a	planetary	system.	The	models	we	have	created	for	
this	catalog	are	valuable	for	any	work	that	requires	accurate	stellar	evolution	predictions.	[26]	
utilized	TYCHO	models	to	gauge	the	habitability	potential	for	the	Tau	Ceti	planetary	system.	We	
have	 made	 our	 entire	 catalog	 of	 stellar	 models	 available	 in	 an	 online	 database	 [27],	 which	
includes	an	interactive	interpolation	tool	for	plotting	any	track	within	our	grid	boundaries.	This	
work	will	also	potentially	help	us	identify	likely	host	stars	for	habitable	Earth-like	planets.	
We	are	working	to	update	TYCHO	to	incorporate	a	new	minimalist	coupled	evolution	model	for	
estimating	stellar	X-ray	activity,	rotation,	mass	loss,	and	magnetic	Lields	[28].	We	want	to	enable	
the	code	to	calculate	the	stellar	activity	changes	with	increasing	age	(for	any	of	the	stars	in	our	
catalog	and	all	future	evolutionary	track	simulations).	We	also	want	to	assign	a	spectral	type	to	
each	star	in	our	catalog	so	that	we	can	understand	how	spectral	type	changes	with	age	and	how	it	
correlates	with	stellar	activity.	This	can	be	difLicult	since	a	rather	wide	range	of	stellar	masses	
and	compositions	can	look	like	the	same	spectral	type	without	detailed	observations.	
We	are	also	in	the	process	of	creating	an	additional	grid	of	evolutionary	tracks	for	M-dwarf	
stars,	 essentially	 duplicating	 the	 original	 grid	 of	 376	 models	 with	 varying	 oxygen	 abundance	
ratios,	but	with	stellar	masses	from	0.1–0.45	M¤,	in	0.05	M¤	increments.		
Figure	1:	Variations	to	the	elemental	abundance	ratios	directly	impact	both	the	MS	lifetime,	as	well	as	
the	location	of	the	HZ.	It	is	clear	that	for	stars	with	higher	compositions,	the	HZ	is	closer	to	the	star,	and	
the	 star	 will	 live	 longer	 than	 a	 star	 of	 the	 same	 mass	 with	 lower	 opacity.	 Oxygen	 makes	 the	 largest	
difference,	followed	by	magnesium	and	carbon.	The	inner	and	outer	HZ	boundaries	are	deLined	by	the	
“Runaway	Greenhouse”	and	“Maximum	Greenhouse”	cases	discussed	in	[6].	
Figure	2:	The	“Continuously	Habitable	Zone”	–	(1)	The	bright	green	(vertical)	shaded	region	shows	the	
overlap	between	ZAMS	and	TAMS,	or	the	location	around	a	star	that	a	planet	could	remain	habitable	
for	 the	 entire	 MS	 lifetime.	 However,	 we	 need	 to	 deLine	 the	 CHZ	 more	 carefully.	 (2)	 The	 blue-green	
(horizontal)	 shaded	 region	 is	 the	 CHZ_2,	 the	 range	 of	 orbital	 distances	 where	 an	 exoplanet	 would	
remain	in	the	liquid-water	habitable	zone	for	at	least	2	Gyr.	The	inner	edge	is	deLined	as	2	Gyr	after	
ZAMS,	and	the	outer	edge	is	deLined	as	2	Gyr	before	TAMS.	Because	of	the	much	longer	MS	lifetimes	of	
the	low-mass	stars,	a	higher	proportion	of	them	meet	the	2	Gyr	criterion,	and	are	therefore	much	more	
likely	to	host	a	long-term	habitable	planet	(also	exempliLied	by	Table	2).	
Table	1:	Main	Sequence	lifetimes	(Gyr)	for	each	oxygen	case	of	interest.	It	is	clear	that	variations	in	
the	speciLic	abundance	ratios	alone	will	have	a	signiLicant	impact	on	the	stellar	evolution.	
Table	2:	The	fraction	(%)	of	time	a	planet	would	spend	in	the	CHZ(2)	vs.	time	it	would	spend	in	the	
HZ	over	the	host	star’s	entire	MS	lifetime,	for	each	carbon	case	of	interest.	This	information	may	
help	to	quantify	stars	we	should	focus	on	in	the	continued	search	for	habitable	exoplanets.	
Fig.	2:	CHZ	
For	solar	composition,	
at	all	masses	in	original	grid	
Fig.1:	HZ	Distance	vs.	Stellar	Age	
(For	solar	mass,	1	AU	line	drawn	for	reference)	
Figure	 3:	 Synthetic	 spectrum	 for	 a	 3400	 K							
M-type	 star.	 We	 generated	 this	 spectrum	
using	 the	 PHOENIX	 (BT-Settl)	 simulator,	 in	
which	 we	 have	 the	 ability	 to	 input	 mass,	
luminosity,	 and	 any	 combination	 of	 speciLic	
elemental	abundances	of	interest.	Ultimately,	
we	 would	 like	 to	 use	 this	 kind	 of	 stellar	
spectrum	 as	 an	 input	 for	 exoplanetary	
atmospheric	climate	models,	from	which	we	
can	 generate	 transmission	 spectra	 that	 we	
might	 expect	 to	 observe	 from	 planets	 that	
orbit	the	kinds	of	stars	in	our	catalog.	
How	 can	 we	 use	 stellar	 evolution	 models	 to	 identify	 the	 best	 candidates	 for	 potentially	
habitable	 exoplanet	 host	 stars?	 This	 is	 complicated	 by	 two	 factors:	 (1)	 the	 HZ	 is	 an	 ever-
changing	 entity	 because	 stars	 evolve	 over	 time;	 and	 (2)	 chemical	 abundances	 within	 stars	 are	
measurably	 different,	 so	 two	 stars	 of	 identical	 mass	 may	 have	 divergent	 evolutionary	 paths	
depending	on	speciLic	composition	[11].	We	also	want	to	understand	how	the	speciOic	elemental	
composition	 (not	 just	 the	 total	 scaled	 metallicity)	 affects	 the	 stellar	 evolution.	 In	 stellar	
modeling,	it	is	typically	only	the	iron	abundance	that	is	measured,	and	the	abundances	of	all	other	
elements	 are	 assumed	 to	 scale	 in	 the	 same	 proportions	 as	 observed	 in	 the	 Sun;	 however,	 the	
speciLic	abundance	ratios	in	real	stars	have	been	shown	to	vary	substantially	[12].
Fig.	3

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  • 1. Amanda Truitt & Patrick A. Young Arizona State University, School of Earth and Space Exploration Using TYCHO [13] we have modeled the evolutionary tracks for a total of 1232 stars, each with a different combination of mass, scaled metallicity, and speciLic elemental composition. TYCHO is a 1D stellar evolution code with a hydrodynamic formulation of the stellar evolution equations. It uses OPAL opacities [14, 15, 16], and a combined OPAL and Timmes equation of state [17]. TYCHO outputs data on stellar surface quantities for each time-step of the evolution, which we use to produce a predicted radius for the inner and outer edges of the HZ as a function of the star’s age. To calculate the HZ for an individual star at each point in its evolution, we use equations from [6], combined with TYCHO outputs. Our program CHAD (Calculating HAbitable Distances) then determines the inner and outer HZ boundaries, discussed in [7]. The original grid of 376 models [18] includes “solar-type” stars, with masses ranging from 0.5–1.2 M¤. Models are also calculated for scaled metallicity values of 0.1–1.5 Z¤, and four models for oxygen abundance values (0.44, 0.67, 1.28, and 2.28 O/Fe¤) calculated at Z¤. The end-member oxygen models are also calculated at each scaled Z value. The grid is complete for the MS until hydrogen is exhausted in the core. Since it has been determined observationally that carbon and magnesium make the most difference (after oxygen) to the stellar evolution [19, 20, 21], we have simulated tracks to represent variations in these elements as well. The spread in values we use reLlects the diversity in abundances that have been directly measured in nearby stars [12, 22, 23, 24, 25]. This more recent grid includes a total of 480 models: 240 models each for variations in carbon and magnesium (ranging from 0.58–1.72 C/Fe¤ and 0.54–1.84 Mg/Fe¤) [paper in prep]. 1.  Catanzarite, J. & Shao, M. 2011, ApJ, 738, 151 2.  Petigura, E.A., Howard, A.W., & Marcy, G.W. 2013, PNAS, 110, 19273 3.  Gaidos, E. 2013, ApJ, 770, 90 4.  Batalha, N.M., Rowe, J.F., Bryson, S.T., et al. 2013, ApJS, 204, 24 5.  Borucki, W.J., Koch, D., Basri, G., et al. 2011, ApJ, 736, 1 6.  Kopparapu, R.K., Ramírez, R.M., Kasting, J.F., et al. 2013, ApJ, 765, 131 7.  Kopparapu, R.K., Ramírez, R.M., SchottelKotte, J., et al. 2014, ApJL, 787, L29 8.  Kasting, J.F., Whitmire, D.P., & Reynolds, R.T. 1993, Icarus, 101, 108 9.  Selsis, F., Kasting, J.F., Levrard, B., et al. 2007, A&A, 476, 1373 10.  Anbar, A.D., Duan, Y., Lyons, T.W., et al. 2007, Science, 317, 1903 11.  Young, P.A., Liebst, K., & Pagano, M. 2012, ApJ, 755, 31 12.  Hinkel, N.R., Young, P.A., Timmes, F.X., et al. 2014, ApJ, 148, 54 13.  Young, P.A. & Arnett, D. 2005, ApJ, 618, 908 14.  Iglesias, C.A. & Rogers, F.J. 1996, ApJ, 464, 943 15.  Alexander, D.R. & Ferguson, J.W. 1994, ApJ, 437, 879 16.  Rogers, F.J. & Nayfonov, A. 2002, ApJ, 576, 1064 17.  Timmes, F.X. & Arnett, D. 1999, ApJS, 125, 277 18.  Truitt, A., Young, P.A., Spacek, A., et al. 2015, ApJ, 804, 145 19.  Neves, V., Santos, N.C., Sousa, S.G., et al. 2009, A&A, 497, 563 20.  Mishenina, T.V., Soubiran, C., Bienaymè, O., et al. 2008, A&A, 489, 923 21.  Takeda, Y. 2007, PASJ, 59, 335 22.  Bond, J.C., Tinney, C.G., Butler, R.P., et al. 2006, MNRAS, 370, 163 23.  Bond, J.C., Lauretta, D.S., Tinney, C.G., et al. 2008, ApJ, 682, 1234 24.  Ramírez, I., Allende Prieto, C., & Lambert, D.L. 2007, A&A, 465, 271 25.  González Hernández, J.I., Israelian, G., Santos, N.C., et al. 2010, ApJ, 720, 1592 26.  Pagano, M.D., Truitt, A., Young, P.A., Shim, D. 2015, ApJ, 803, 90 27. Evolutionary_Tracks_Database.html 28.  Blackman, E.G. & Owen, J.E., 2016, MNRAS, 458, 2 We are working to understand how stars of different mass and composition evolve, and how stellar evolution directly inOluences the location of the habitable zone (HZ) around a star. It is now estimated that more than 20% of all Sun-like stars and 50% of M-dwarfs may host a planet in the HZ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], the latter indicated by recent results from NASA’s Kepler mission. We have created a large catalog of stellar evolution models for FGKM-type stars with variable compositions, including the time dependent evolution of HZ boundaries using the prescriptions of [6, 7, 8, 9]. We want to determine what kind of star could host a planet that would remain “continuously habitable” for at least 2 billion years (CHZ_2). This is roughly the time it took for life on Earth to change the atmosphere [10] such that it would be detectable with the kind of space missions recommended in the most recent Decadal Review. It is extremely important to consider the composition of a host star when we want to determine the habitability potential of a planetary system. The models we have created for this catalog are valuable for any work that requires accurate stellar evolution predictions. [26] utilized TYCHO models to gauge the habitability potential for the Tau Ceti planetary system. We have made our entire catalog of stellar models available in an online database [27], which includes an interactive interpolation tool for plotting any track within our grid boundaries. This work will also potentially help us identify likely host stars for habitable Earth-like planets. We are working to update TYCHO to incorporate a new minimalist coupled evolution model for estimating stellar X-ray activity, rotation, mass loss, and magnetic Lields [28]. We want to enable the code to calculate the stellar activity changes with increasing age (for any of the stars in our catalog and all future evolutionary track simulations). We also want to assign a spectral type to each star in our catalog so that we can understand how spectral type changes with age and how it correlates with stellar activity. This can be difLicult since a rather wide range of stellar masses and compositions can look like the same spectral type without detailed observations. We are also in the process of creating an additional grid of evolutionary tracks for M-dwarf stars, essentially duplicating the original grid of 376 models with varying oxygen abundance ratios, but with stellar masses from 0.1–0.45 M¤, in 0.05 M¤ increments. Figure 1: Variations to the elemental abundance ratios directly impact both the MS lifetime, as well as the location of the HZ. It is clear that for stars with higher compositions, the HZ is closer to the star, and the star will live longer than a star of the same mass with lower opacity. Oxygen makes the largest difference, followed by magnesium and carbon. The inner and outer HZ boundaries are deLined by the “Runaway Greenhouse” and “Maximum Greenhouse” cases discussed in [6]. Figure 2: The “Continuously Habitable Zone” – (1) The bright green (vertical) shaded region shows the overlap between ZAMS and TAMS, or the location around a star that a planet could remain habitable for the entire MS lifetime. However, we need to deLine the CHZ more carefully. (2) The blue-green (horizontal) shaded region is the CHZ_2, the range of orbital distances where an exoplanet would remain in the liquid-water habitable zone for at least 2 Gyr. The inner edge is deLined as 2 Gyr after ZAMS, and the outer edge is deLined as 2 Gyr before TAMS. Because of the much longer MS lifetimes of the low-mass stars, a higher proportion of them meet the 2 Gyr criterion, and are therefore much more likely to host a long-term habitable planet (also exempliLied by Table 2). Table 1: Main Sequence lifetimes (Gyr) for each oxygen case of interest. It is clear that variations in the speciLic abundance ratios alone will have a signiLicant impact on the stellar evolution. Table 2: The fraction (%) of time a planet would spend in the CHZ(2) vs. time it would spend in the HZ over the host star’s entire MS lifetime, for each carbon case of interest. This information may help to quantify stars we should focus on in the continued search for habitable exoplanets. Fig. 2: CHZ For solar composition, at all masses in original grid Fig.1: HZ Distance vs. Stellar Age (For solar mass, 1 AU line drawn for reference) Figure 3: Synthetic spectrum for a 3400 K M-type star. We generated this spectrum using the PHOENIX (BT-Settl) simulator, in which we have the ability to input mass, luminosity, and any combination of speciLic elemental abundances of interest. Ultimately, we would like to use this kind of stellar spectrum as an input for exoplanetary atmospheric climate models, from which we can generate transmission spectra that we might expect to observe from planets that orbit the kinds of stars in our catalog. How can we use stellar evolution models to identify the best candidates for potentially habitable exoplanet host stars? This is complicated by two factors: (1) the HZ is an ever- changing entity because stars evolve over time; and (2) chemical abundances within stars are measurably different, so two stars of identical mass may have divergent evolutionary paths depending on speciLic composition [11]. We also want to understand how the speciOic elemental composition (not just the total scaled metallicity) affects the stellar evolution. In stellar modeling, it is typically only the iron abundance that is measured, and the abundances of all other elements are assumed to scale in the same proportions as observed in the Sun; however, the speciLic abundance ratios in real stars have been shown to vary substantially [12]. Fig. 3