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Plain Truth Revolution
Monrovia, Liberia
April 9, 2018
Even though most of the key events against or about which majority of the articles within
this package talk, have come and gone, the essence of our relentless effort to ensure that
these packages still reach you, their originally intended destination since been put
together in 2017, can be explained as follows:
1. Yes, most of the physical events highlighted by our work have come and gone, but the
burning issues within them still remain active like fresh, deadly wounds on a people’s
bodies. For these issues have badly affected us for the past 195 years now, and they
still stand ready to increasingly embarrass us full force, for the rest of our national
sojourn, unless we ask God for courage to do something more drastic and remedial
about them right now.
2. The physical events discussed within a good number of the articles enclosed here may
have come and gone; yes, but again, we want the issues flagged within these articles
to form the very foundation of our Revolution’s engagements with you henceforth.
We want history to judge us for championing the CAUSE of getting all these
arguments to you as organic as they are, for our collective action upon them, so as to
save ourselves, our country, and our one world.
3. According to some recent US State Department report, the subject of this work,
“Liberia”, is so impoverished and unsophisticated to the point that access to the
Internet is still a huge problem, with SADLY more than 95% of this country’s
population still LACKING access to the Internet in this day and age. Ever since the
completion of these huge revolutionary communication packages intended for ALL
fellow citizens first, we have been finding ways to dispatch them through electronic
means, most economically and otherwise preferably, including use of the email, but
more than two months on, we have only been able to succeed at dispatching less than
30% of them, with sadly another 99% uncertainty as to whether these 30% will even
be read. We still feel badly indebted and obligated to those without email addresses
that we haven’t served yet, and those whose email addresses we didn’t get from the
onset, and that’s why this latest effort to reach many more, both domestically and
4. Writing huge communications that explain our country’s perennial problems in clear
details, and dispatching them to recipients, our beloved citizens first, then to all of our
well-wishers and other stakeholders both within and outside of this country next, in
such a revolutionary fashion, is in line with our Collective Action Approach, no
matter the age of the issues under discussion; and this Approach is a stronghold of our
Plain Truth Revolution.
5. Our determination to attach continuous, unbending importance to issues embedded
within the recent past national events, like for example, the past Americo-Liberian
2017 so-called political elections and inauguration etc., not taking them to be belated,
as people normally take things in this country, but rather still considering them as
issues that deserve our unqualified attention if we truly need change in this place, God
willing etc., demonstrates our strong resolve to use mighty History as that final, more
powerful tool, next to Love, to be employed in bringing ultimate change and relief to
ourselves and our country once and for all.
6. We highly likely, would love to forward this particular batch of communications to
you as reminders at regular intervals, depending on how the issues championed within
them are being considered or addressed by this society – sometimes probably adding
slight updates here and there to match the changing times. For we remain very
resolved that the key issues argued herein MUST form the foundation bricks and
cornerstones for the new country that we desperately seek to establish as a possible
replacement of dirty, old, failed, and bloody “Liberia” by the grace of God. So please
don’t get inconvenienced or embarrassed by seeing this package, especially in huge
brown envelopes from us regularly. For it is well-intentioned for our common good in
the end, God willing etc. and etc.
With just these 6 justifications, as we have them countless, we are sure that: instead of
unfairly considering this work, or the issues enclosed herein to be stale, belated, or
outdated, you will rather attach more patriotic and ‘humanity-first’ importance to every
article provided here in an effort to put you in the right frame of mind for the next and
final ALTERNATIVE that is now sweeping across our land (“Liberia”), an
ALTERNATIVE which is now poised to take all of us (in this place) to our final,
befitting destination, as a people, by the grace of God. We hope, as such, that you will
appreciate this courageous effort of ours.
Finally, because our Revolution, just like all other revolutions across this world must
capitalize upon, or leverage the fever of small civic actions to propagate its huge
messages etc., in continuation of our many public actions since we were initially
[launched] on Monday, April 22, 2013, the Plain Truth Revolution is again, by the grace
of God, on the edge of taking another huge peaceful civic action this April or early May
2018, still in radical pursuit of redress to its very contentious foundation case, meaning
the case involving its vision bearing family and the Liberia Petroleum [Refining]
Company, if the current path that we are treading with LPRC for redress to the UNJUST
treatment of our vanguard African Kartees’ family, and thus the Plain Truth Revolution
by extension, is not respected or adhered to. And as you will discover all through this
intellectual engagement, we have decided to accord a game changer status to this badly
UNFAIR or UNJUST treatment of the Kartees’ family mentioned above because of how
this treatment in question completely epitomizes the everyday plight of almost all Native
Africans in this country since 1822. We therefore encourage every interested person
across our globe to please grant keen attention to these new emancipation efforts and
developments in West Africa.
Thank you very much, fellow brethren in faith, for reading everything herein, and politely
relating to us on them.
Very truly yours,
Roland S. Kartee
Head/Plain Truth Revolution
Cell#: 0886761008
Plain Truth Revolution
Monrovia, Liberia
December 11, 2017
Please take note of the following 14 points first, before you begin your active reading of
this cover letter and the rest of the elements within this package. The 14-count special
introductory notes are as follows:
1. To begin with, this entire package, including this cover letter, is not ordinary. It is not
the kind of work that we are used to seeing and reading normally. It has been
designed to help us see some compelling reasons for beginning now, to actively look
back at our past, our background, what happened to our forefathers, our ancestors, our
country, and so forth, 200 years back, and coming forward etc., so that such
knowledge can push us into making some substantial adjustments to our current civic
and social design, since our today and our future ABSOLUTELY hang upon our
past. This narrative is intended to convince us that such adjustment (i.e. an adjustment
based upon findings from some thorough historical background check like what we
are championing and facilitating here) can help us, to first, clean up our past, then
improve our lives today; and, with all this done in an effort to finally make our future
generations’ part of lives even better, by the grace of God.
Note that we would never have mustered the courage to still push this work to you,
our fellow compatriots and well-wishers, if we were respecters of the current
formalities in this society, and if we were respecters of the status quo. If we were
adherents of this dirty and counter-productive Americo-Liberian mentality that when
we do, say, or write something today, no matter how significant, or rather how
heinous, or even how far-reaching the impacts or consequences of such thing are, on
our future etc., once day breaks upon what we said, then the point we tried to make, or
what we talked about, has turned to history, which then becomes very useless in the
eyes of Liberia, because for this place, history is very useless. In theoretical Liberia,
when we write something for, or against a particular event or exercise, even though
that event or exercise is far-reaching in its impacts on our lives, once that event has
past, then automatically, that writing or piece of literature becomes very, very
worthless etc. We, the writers of this work are in complete disagreement with this
kind of mentality, in addition to our strong desire and resolve to use mighty
HISTORY as that ultimate tool, through research, to change our country once and for
all now, and that’s what God is helping us to demonstrate through this particular
effort by His grace – that is, writing so massively and taking it physically, through
brown envelopes to our people on foot, and through emails, to those that we are
currently unable to get to by foot.
In continuation of point #1 above, we like to inform you that this is a big and strange
work, so please put yourself into a different, positive, and a country-first frame of
mind, before you begin your reading experience. For example, we want you to take
some deep thought down memory lane, to recall how our land, our home, this only
country that God has given us, was first plotted against by the Americans in the month
of December, its theoretical fate mischievously manipulated by them in advance in
this same month; and then the physical land subsequently arm robbed from us, again,
by them, the Americans, in the month of December. Coincidentally, this very huge
and radical step from the Plain Truth Revolution (a step which promises to
demonstrate the biggest showdown from us thus far in our God-approved quest to
finally reclaim Mother Country from the imperialist hands of America, and the
ethnocentric maneuvers of the Americo-Liberians, since our revolution set out on this
journey in January 2013) is about to take place again, this December 2017, God
willing. Remember in December 1816, the American Colonization Society was
established to round up hardcore, rampaging Black criminals from the United States
to dump them on a spot in Africa – that could be gotten through any means
whatsoever, even by hook or crook, as was eventually done here – so that these
ostracized criminals, in the words of the US Government and the ACS, can
“Christianize” and “Civilize” dark Africa. And this spot, this land for dumping their
‘human waste’, turned out to be our productive soil, our Grain Coast, which they, the
same Americans, turned around again, and renamed as “Liberia”, only to match their,
and their returned Black criminals’ exclusive interests perpetually.
Please recall further that in December 1821, the two Ducor Conferences requested by
American paid agents, or, necessitated by the presence of American paid agents, with
our helpless tribal forefathers for this land, the original Grain Coast, were held. And
based upon our tribal African forefathers’ refusal to turn over this precious land for
the settlement of these returning Black American criminals during the first Ducor
Conference of mid December 1821, American paid Agents had to revert to chicanery
and arm robbery to seize our land – when for instance, USS Alligator’s Surgeon, Dr.
Eli Ayres, had to first design some huge lies to keep our tribal people still active in
those talks, while Navy Lieutenant, later turned New Jersey Senator Robert Field
Stockton used gun at our tribal Bassa, Gola, and Dei forefathers’ heads, further
reinforcing this criminal action with military intimidation tactics from his USS
Alligator Warship, to finally get our land, Cape Mesurado, in December 1821, to
begin building their returning, unwanted, and mischievous Black Americans’
“Republic of Liberia.”
2. While the main communication here enclosed, delves entirely into our country’s big
issues, and the kinds of solution options that we must apply to them now, by God’s
grace, the first few paragraphs in this cover letter lay emphasis on some personal
experiences of the vision-bearing family of the little civic group that is now trying to
champion this revolutionary cause, by the grace of God; and, such emphasis, we like
to clarify here, is not in any way intended for personal aggrandizement, but to enable
you to do the following things, first off, before continuing your revolutionary reading
experience, which include:
a. To help you discover and appreciate how all these ideas came about in the first place,
or, for you to discover and appreciate the origin of our Plain Truth Revolution so that
we all can remind ourselves that everything big, ever imagined in this life, does start
off with just single individuals, or as a single individual’s dream. For we believe that
this kind of narration too will encourage each of us individual citizens in this place
never to overlook ourselves, that real change can start with any one of us, at any time,
God willing.
b. To help you discover for yourself how excessive injustice can truly lead to ultimate
independence, as in the words of the French writer Francois Marie Arouet, A.K.A.
c. To help you bear witness with the Greek Philosopher Plato, when he says, “Excess [in
anything for that matter] generally causes reaction, and produces change in the
opposite direction, whether it be in the seasons, or in individuals, or in governments.”
d. For you to know that the radical pursuit of this seemingly personal case, i.e. Kartee v.
the LPRC, which is still ongoing, as we speak, is also an ‘inexclusive’ part of our
revolution, as we turned this case immediately over to our country ever since January
2013, when the raw deal within it was meted out to our family, while looking up to
this case to be that right springboard for final change, or that suitable launch pad for
the struggle that leads to ultimate independence for our country, God willing. But its
pursuit has have to be suspended a few months for us to more forcefully push the
Anti-Americo-Liberian 2017 so-called Election piece of our revolution, a much
bigger national goal, which has been at the heart of our revolutionary debates all
3. While we honestly planned initially that these communications got out before the 10th
of October 2017, the many handicaps of our society, and most importantly, for God’s
own best reasons however, they did not. The actual story notwithstanding is that the
whole idea of doing this kind of massive communication to numerous, if not all of the
stakeholders (national and international) in this country’s affairs at once, including the
process of starting to scribble down what the key arguments in such revolutionary
communications would be, as such, was hatched in August this year, and the first
draft took its actual form the next month, on September 11, 2017, a date which we
vowed to maintain on these letters earlier, with a firm determination that all of them
would get dispatched before October 10, 2017; although again, this projected date for
dispatch was just not possible. But fortunately, and on the one hand, our country still
stands, while, rather on a sad note, and on the other hand, the bad conditions before
October 10, 2017 are still the same, and will even worsen by the day if we fail to
make the necessary civic and national adjustments, as demanded by this revolution,
and we keep ‘STUPIDLY’ casting ballots in the name of change. In fact, as we speak,
the current stalemate within the Americo-Liberian ensuing criminal electoral process,
as it has always been criminal, also adds impetus to this binding civic and spiritual
obligation of ours to spread these great, strange revolutionary messages, as the
writings on the wall keep proving that God is about to actively intervene into this
country’s seemingly unsolvable problems. That’s why our Plain Truth Revolution has
mustered the courage to just edit these communications a bit more, and then finally
send them out, as we are now doing, by God’s power.
4. Our Plain Truth Revolution is a REVOLUTION OF DETAILS. We believe that
every group of people, or every country for that matter, MUST first live through their
‘Age of Details’ before ever progressing to their Age of Summary, an age which our
revolution normally breaks down into what we call the ‘Elevator Pitch Age’, that
must precede the current global age, which we also call, the ‘Twit Pitch Age’, as in
Twitter. This funny home of ours (“Liberia”) hasn’t even yet lived its ‘Age of
Details’, ‘much less’ to talk about its Age of Summary. For example, the 18th
to 19th
century academician and clergy, Reverend Thomas Robert Malthus, in giving title to
the 4th
edition of his Population Economics book in 1824 called it, “An Essay On The
Principle Of Population, Or, A View Of Its Past And Present Effects On Human
Happiness; With An Inquiry Into Our Prospects Respecting The Future Removal
Or Migration Of The Evils Which It Occasions”. This book has a huge impact on
today’s economic realities. No one during Rev. Malthus’ days did consider this title as
stupid, as the essence of its length, as in many writings during those days, and even
now, was to clarify concepts as much as possible. This is a stage (i.e. a stage of
details, or an age of details) that MUST be lived through, if we are to ever make any
progress in this life. In addition, because we love our country so much, including all
of its human beings, every detail about our country and its human beings (from the
one day old fetus, to the over 100 year old Grand Ma) matters so dearly to us. Further,
because we are in this battle for God to use us to fight the Devil and all of its deceitful
theories that are currently wrecking our lives, and ravishing our future, the details
matter to us very dearly because, as the common saying goes, “the Devil hides itself
right within the details.” Therefore, every article of our revolution, ranging from the
wordings on protest placards, or posters, to our flyers, brochures, and pamphlets etc.,
including this very cover letter, and the main communication enclosed here, require
your quality time, and is not intended for mere skimming through, or glancing at.
5. One essence of this massive writing, voice recording, and the huge blame casting in
our work, is to trigger some massive, constructive crisis of theoretical and intellectual
debates and disagreements – both at the national and international levels, that will
force an ultimate and urgent national round table in this country, God willing.
6. Most similar to the immediate point above, because of the deepness, complexity, and
danger of our country’s problems, we establish that we need to more aggressively
apply the concepts of education or book, in handling all these troubles that no one else
can handle for us, besides our very selves – that is, us, Grain Coasters, or “Liberians”,
as many have been deceived into knowing this country or its demonym to be. The
extra-mile strain or burden placed upon our shoulders, as a result of this reality
however, makes us to very well appreciate President John F. Kennedy when he says,
“Conformity is a jailer of progress, and the enemy of growth.” Based upon this harsh
reality, we have come to the crucial understanding that without some constructive
deviation from what is considered by many as the norm, or as formality, or as
convention etc., we will never experience anything called change in this place. As
such, you will discover that our topics, titles, captions etc., are much longer than
normal, so as to ensure that all of these strong, timely, and strange messages of ours,
are made clearer, even from their very beginning by God’s power. For something
keeps telling us that: (a) by always thinking that our sentences should be limited to
one or two lines; (b) our cover letters must be restricted to single pages; (c) our main
letters must never exceed 3 pages; (d) our pamphlets must stop at 15-20 pages, and
the likes, is another form of laziness or probably some clever deceit from the devil
that is making nothing to change in our country; because, when others have burning
issues elsewhere on this same globe, they do muster the courage to span far, far above
traditional formalities, especially when they are not speaking ordinary business, but
are expressing or penning down revolutionary and lifesaving matters, as this very
cover letter and its enclosed communication do demonstrate. So please brace yourself
for some interesting, nationalistic reading.
7. At the close of the day, we are so eager to make sure that we send out these messages,
as strangely as they are, or as strangely as our approach may seem, or as lately as they
may appear to be going out etc. because we are feeling afraid that, not only are we
responsible, or, are we held accountable, for the things that we do, as human beings,
as citizens, as patriots etc., but that, we will also be held responsible or accountable
for what we could have done, but did not do, either owing to fear, selfishness, or other
emotions. The punishment for such inaction is so big, as: while God is holding us
responsible and punishing us on the one hand, the harsh pages of history will be
holding us responsible for damages to our own present and future generations on the
other hand. We honestly do not want to be caught up into this kind of bloody trap, and
we equally don’t want fellow compatriots to be, that’s why all this great effort to
make these truly lifesaving messages spread like wildfire by God’s power.
8. We believe that God will soon strike this place hard through any of His several
formulas again, owing both to our lack of genuine faith in Him and our collective
stupidities, all of which have become so glaring and indisputable, and which continue
to disgrace us day by day, as a people, while sleepwalking us to ultimate disaster.
9. We need real, solid change in this country, and every 1 million miles must begin with
some simple, one step. For us, since no one knows exactly by whom, where, how, and
when will that particular, one, true step be taken, we have asked God for this current
effort of ours to be that particular, one, true step, to our country’s 1 million miles to
actual independence, and all of its many dividends, including the much talked about
peace and reconciliation, stability, and economic prosperity etc.
10.Since this communication mainly goes to groups and institutions, it is our polite urge
that you try your best to share every article in this package with each of your
members, especially those items that we have labeled as revolutionary flyers, which
range from 1 to 5, or any number of them enclosed here, including one strong, 25-
page Anti-Election Special. It will also be a civic plus, and a spiritual blessing, on
anyone’s part, to photocopy some of these articles and share them with fellow citizens
and institutions whose addresses we did not manage to include here, owing to
resource and other handicaps.
11.The great German-Swiss-American Albert Einstein did say that if we really want
change, then our tolerance must go beyond provisions within some law on our books,
especially depending on what is at stake. If what he has said is true, which we are
confident is true, then there’s a big challenge out there now to Liberia and her
government vis a vis our Plain Truth Revolution whose arguments now defend a
99.9% of our population’s interests. Everybody in this country, including those
holding the biggest political positions and wielding the biggest of power and influence
in this society knows, that the Government of Liberia has been killing us, either one
clever way, or the other raw way; then insulting us, and continues to insult us in the
face, unchallenged; and so, if we have reached a point that all the down-trodden
masses here, through the Plain Truth Revolution, have decided to constructively fight
back, by; instead of keep sugarcoating and mincing words, as it is known to be the
tradition here, rather deciding to use the harsh and healing truths, and then you
consider this to be insulting, then of course, you are still under obligation to observe
what Mr. Einstein has said above, if we all truly want some lasting positive change to
happen here once for all, in everyone’s best interest, by God’s grace.
12.Please forgive us if your institution’s name is wrongly spelt, or if the lead person we
placed in your institution’s address is the wrong person, or has the wrong title etc. It
hasn’t been easy to collect all these data, and we will be glad if you could place more
emphasis on the key message herein, rather than on these peripheral items, though
you still have the right to ensure that these ‘peripheral items’ are in place.
13.Because of the extreme difficulty involved with getting everybody’s address, while at
the same time everybody is so important in the eyes of our revolution, especially as a
citizen, and as an institution, we have included a “To All - ” address placeholder to
accommodate all of the institutions, including churches, mosques, schools, intellectual
centers etc. whose addresses we were unable to get before time closed in on us. Please
forgive us, as we really wished to have addressed you directly and completely, but got
constrained by time in the process, but we equally love, respect, and recognize you as
a very important cog in the wheel, like all the others whose addresses we were able to
14.Lastly, but not least, especially for institutions which we have addressed in huge
groups here, we say, because of the many addresses within the main letter, your
address has been highlighted on page/sheet ___ for easy recognition.
Thanks for going through this long prelude that gives you a broader insight into some of
the basic principles, views, and modus operandi of our Plain Truth Revolution, and
finally we say, welcome on board the reading of your actual cover letter.
We kick start therefore by saying: After having laid this long premise, we see it possible
that you might recall sometime late March and a better part of April this year, one family
took its protest up to the American Embassy here in Monrovia, vowing to remain there
until they got some redress to their plight, which has to do with their bread winner’s
‘5G’- speed dismissal by his employer, the so-called Liberia Petroleum [Refining]
Company (LPRC), based upon allegations hastily put together in less than 24 hours, and a
dismissal communication, terribly messy, from start to end, with errors. It was the
Kartees’ family, acting on behalf of a bigger civic forum, the Plain Truth Revolution, that
took this action, with God’s special protection and grace.
Two local dailies, the Capitol Times (reportedly) and the News Newspaper did cover
portions of our action, including 4 radio stations – Kool FM (which began the process
with us earlier, uninvited, and went the extra mile, up to its relative conclusion, thanks to
their remarkable professional and patriotic efforts), Truth FM (reportedly), Prime FM,
OK FM, and with the 5th
however being FARBRIC FM, which in fact, was the very first
media house at which this exercise was initially announced on the morning of March 29,
2017. For all these media houses did so well to cover parts of our engagements, and so
we like to appreciate them here in a very warm way. And in addition, while we warmly
appreciate these 7 institutions for being the first media houses that have covered issues
about us thus far, as a revolution, we judge it best to also remember, in a special way, the
In Profile Daily Newspaper, which served us initially, during the very first year of our
inception in 2013, when this revolution’s specific national agenda was not clearly yet
defined. Conclusively though, our many thanks and appreciation do go to the entire 4th
estate in Monrovia, and the general mass media across our country, for all of their
continuous jobs well done.
Meanwhile, before resorting to going to the US Embassy, and then and in addition to the
engagements that we had there, this family had persistently confronted the Liberian
Government and its institutions, including the very LPRC itself, about this awfully gross
injustice meted out to us by them, an injustice whose effects our family still continues to
feel so sharply up to this date, thus leaving us to only be surviving currently by God’s
direct grace. But despite the fact that LPRC now owes us more than 59 months of salary
and incentive arrears, which, when carefully calculated for a bona-fide Manager, as we
are, sum pretty close to Four Hundred Thousand United States Dollars
(US$400,000.00) by now, legitimate arrears, excluding legal damages that this company
can NEVER defend itself against, in any sound court of competent jurisdiction, our
engagements with different GOL actors on this matter however, have placed more
emphasis rather on a demand from us, for their one-page, bogus dismissal letter – the
foundation of LPRC’s action, and the foundation of all of these experiences of ours thus
far – to be corrected or changed completely, before the both parties ever rest, or in fact,
before this entire country EVER rests, God willing. Accounts of the mentioned
engagements that we have had with different GOL actors; or, put another way, accounts
of the level of efforts that we have been making in our search for some redress to this
unspeakable injustice at the hand of LPRC, yea, the GOL, can thus be outlined here as
follows, among others:
1. Four written communications of continuous, polite protest to LPRC Authorities –
dated respectively, January 30, 2013, June 3, 2013, June 3, 2015, and June 15,
2015, in addition to other formal and informal engagements
2. Two direct letters to President Sirleaf and three additional requests to her, using
different media, or approaches, other than letter, with the two letters dated September
2, and September 23, all in 2013 respectively. The 3 different requests calling for her
office’s direct intervention included a Tuesday, August 27, 2013 call on her, through
the In Profile Daily Newspaper, one call to her through a complimentary copy of a
well-documented 27-page LPRC Corruption case, compiled by us, and sent to the so-
called Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) on March 10, 2014, and an early
April 2014 ‘follow up’ kind of communication to her office on this same LPRC Case
to the LACC, that also highlights our personal ordeal in question, in addition to many
other issues pertaining to the kind of criminal joke that is being played by the thing
we call government here, against the economic and other interests of our country and
3. Our case, our ordeal, our plight etc. has been brought to the attention – one way or the
other – of both the Speaker of the House of Representatives (in this case, two of the
most recent ones, including Hon. J. Alex Tyler and Hon. J. Emmanuel Nuquaye) and
the President Protemp of the Senate (in Senator Armah Z. Jallah), along with selected
members of the Legislature. We say one way or the other here because the
communications that we sent to these officials were not limited to our case alone, but
were broader-scoped, linking our ordeal with happenings within the greater society,
and our family’s stance and actions thus far, in handling this gruesome injustice, as a
national issue, since we have always considered this experience of ours with
Americo-Liberia’s INJUSTICE as an epitome of all of the very grave vices that have
been holding our collective future hostage, and sending us down the dumps, as a
people, since these mischievous Black Americans that we locally call ‘Congoes’ or
the Americo-Liberians, set their foot on our soil here, on January 7, 1822.
Then finally,
4. Being conscious that we will always encounter the police whenever we decide to
conduct any peaceful civic action or assembly in the reinforcement of our search for
redress to these issues, we wrote the police authorities on January 24, 2014, formally
highlighting our plight and the motivation that we have drawn from this ordeal, from
its very inception, to change our country, God willing, while calling on the police to
intervene in putting that particular aspect between us and the LPRC regarding their
NASTY, faulty dismissal letter, under control.
Please also note here that our peaceful search for redress to this matter has not been
restricted to these kinds of engagements with GOL actors and institutions alone, but
instead, we had also staged two prior direct civic actions or peaceful protests before
the LPRC PST Compound on the Bushrod Island in Monrovia – the first dated April
22, 2013, and the second, December 10, 2013, before this one under review, at the US
Embassy, that was started March 29, 2017 and relatively concluded on April 19, 2017
etc, an action coming only after we had drawn the Embassy’s attention thrice through
different forms of written communications and documents, with the first, being some
courtesy copy intended to draw their attention, and this document was received and
signed for, by Precious Zeagar on March 10, 2014. The second was a follow up
communication to the March 10, 2014 document, received and signed for too, by the
same Precious Zeagar, on April 3, 2014, and the 3rd
and final one, before our March
2017 action, was a direct communication seeking their explicit intervention, which
was addressed to Amb. Mark Boulward, who was by then the Acting Ambassador
after the departure of Madam Deborah Malac, and this 4-page letter was dated
March 10, 2016, but received and signed for by Gayflor M. Newman on March 14,
2016. It was after exactly one year of awaiting the Embassy’s response in vain, that
we decided to go physically in persons, on our peaceful protest action on March 29,
Let’s be fast here to let you know, with great appreciation for the Americans however,
that in response to our first contact with the Embassy on March 10, 2014 through that
courtesy copy of our LPRC case to the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission
(LACC), a document in which our personal plight was highlighted as well, and a
document that also called on the Embassy to intervene in ensuring that the LACC
investigates whatever we had written against LPRC, the Embassy respectfully replied
through a call made by one Jenkins on behalf of Ambassador Malac, appreciating us
for the effort, expressing shock at the nature of the issues that we had reported
against LPRC in this case entitled, “LPRC Case To LACC_Authored By Roland
Kartee”, found in its two separate formats at both and Jenkins also inquired whether the LACC had ever made any
contact with us on these issues, while requesting updates from us on any move made
by the LACC in these directions, and finally expressing the Embassy’s interest in
seeing how the LACC would ever address these issues. Jenkins did communicate with
us on cell number (0777084337) around the 21st
or 22nd
of March 2014.
This communication from the mighty United States, we must admit, became a very
huge impetus, and a force of motivation in our quest to keep moving ahead with our
ideas and dreams for Mama Country, since in fact the world’s biggest single nation
power had acknowledged that we were not writing and talking nonsense as
mischievous Liberian Authorities had been cruelly ignoring all of our writings; again,
with the exception of the Liberia National Police, a party to which we also remain
very grateful. Although subsequent communications of ours to the US Embassy made
them understand that the LACC had, and continued to show no concerns for what we
had written, and that in fact, they had unethically, never even acknowledged receipt of
any of our two different communications since March 2014, let alone had they one
day ever called us for some face to face interaction, the U.S. Embassy was able to
acknowledge this document and respond to it very promptly and appropriately.
Meanwhile this is the America that all these Liberian big shots, including those at the
very LACC do shamefully boast about coming from, all day, when back home, they
continue to prove that they have no regards for justice and human beings. That’s how
NASTY the Liberian situation is.
All these efforts, during all these years now, have yielded no fruits in terms of the GOL
and her funny LPRC ever mustering the courage to change this piece of dirt forced upon
us by them, called a dismissal letter, that is currently in our hands, or, ever mustering the
courage to one day take us to some of their kangaroo courts in pursuit of their confused
allegations against us, even when we demanded them to do so through some civic action.
The government and her LPRC have just point blank refused to right this simple wrong
of theirs, that they themselves do acknowledge to this point, and they keep turning us
deaf ears only because we are not talking and acting the normal “Americo-Liberian” way
– that way of extreme love and greed for food, materials, or so-called survival, at the very
sad expense or neglect of ever standing up for any genuine principles.
Another intriguing thing is that all of these governmental institutions, including the very
President’s Office, the Legislature etc. (again with the exception of the Police, which
made some honest efforts to step into the situation but could not go beyond what they call
‘their bounds’, to do what the higher-ups in government were not willing to do), continue
to blatantly ignore the genuine concerns of someone they consider a citizen, and his
cruelly trampled upon family, for all these long years now. Yet and still, Americo-Liberia
claims to be running a democracy, when by all modern performance standards and
requirements, a true democracy MUST show serious responsiveness to the calls and
concerns of each of its citizens at all times. For this is the only way a true society can
ever grow, and that’s why Liberia DOES not qualify yet as a democracy unfortunately.
Still meanwhile, on a more personal note, apart from this current Americo-Liberian
President (i.e. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s) forefathers’ collective Nasty governmental
policies that have rendered my parents’ lifetime dreams unachievable and almost useless
forever, just as it has done, and continues to do, to the lifetime dreams and aspirations of
millions of our fellow indigenous people across this country (in both past and present
generations), her (again, meaning Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s) co-initiated, founded,
financed, and sustained 14 year “Uncivil War” of revenge and itch for useless power
grab, that ended in 2003, was directly responsible for my dear mom’s early death before
age 40, on July 26, 1990. In further damage to our Kartees’ family, by Ellen’s actions, I
personally suffered from direct, massive rocket particle wounds that nearly ended my life
instantly, after these rocket shells had killed 8 persons on the spot, in the very group
whose members I was actively interacting with, on the scene, on July 25, 2003, at the
Newport Junior High School IDP Camp in Monrovia. This was part of a very cruel
campaign that saw the indiscriminate shelling of poor civilians by another one of Ellen
Johnson Sirleaf’s many initiated, supported, and sustained war projects, with this one
called the Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD), according to a
2014 Wikileaks’ revelation. It’s also important to include here how in another sad
addition to all of these nightmare still, my dual ethnic groups – i.e. the Dans and Mahns,
and our county, Nimba – suffered the worst and most gruesome of deaths, beheadings,
and massacres, first, beginning November 1985, as a direct result of this Americo-
Liberian Queen, Ellen’s bloody political maneuver using Gen. Thomas G. Quiwonkpa
against Samuel K. Doe, in a devilish contrivance that effectively pitted the Dans and
Mahns on the one hand, and the Krahns, on the other hand, against one another so
gruesomely; then next, in 1989, again, when defenseless Dans and Mahns, initially,
owing to the existing bad blood from 1985, suffered the worst of intimidations, deaths
and massacres once more, at the direct consequence of Queen Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s
first major, full-scale war project for Americo-Liberian presidency, through the infamous
National Patriotic Front of Liberia Rebel Group, a group that inflicted some of the most
heinous onslaughts on defenseless citizens in mankind’s history (99.9% of which were
the indigenous people of this country), only again, for Americo-Liberians to come back
to so-called governmental positions, the only vocation that they claim to know, all
through their lives on this Planet. It is this same Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s Government once
more, through its so-called Liberia Petroleum Refining Company (LPRC) that rudely and
criminally disrupted my very high personal and family ambitions, yet again, with some
awfully fake and useless dismissal letter, not to mention the level of foolishness that went
into the reasoning and processes that effected this bogus dismissal action.
We, of course, have not, and will not be deterred by anyone of these kinds of terrible
personal experiences in this long string of nightmare, in a way that will send us off track,
from ever doing the right thing – thanks to God’s guidance, as this kind of resilience has
been a product of our strong, privileged, spiritual foundation. This foundation has
proudly thought us that everything works together for the better, in order for God’s will
and purpose in both our individual and collective lives to be realized. And so, we are
proud to be consistently caught up in the firing line of Americo-Liberian bullets of
cruelty and naivety against our vast indigenous majority of this country, to such a scale
like what we all here now see and know in this Black American Colony.
That’s why, even though this long episode started as a single, personal case between us
and the Management of LPRC, we have managed, based on our proud orientation and
little African education, to escalate it to the national, and even international level, by
employing the following 3 strategic formulas – one spiritual, one philosophical or
scientific, and the last, managerial, which include:
 Spiritually: We believe in the Bible when it says in Romans 8:28 that “all things
work together for good for those that love God, and those that are chosen for His
 Philosophically and scientifically or otherwise: The Greek Scientist named
Archimedes once said, “Give me a lever long enough, and a fulcrum on which to
place it, and I will move the whole world.” In our case, it is about saying, “give me a
good corruption or human rights abuse case long enough, and with the prevailing
circumstances in my country now so ripe enough, I can change my country, and
impact the whole world positively by the grace of God, using this single case.”
 Managerially: One American Management Scientist, Mr. Paul Hawken has said,
“Good management is the process of making a problem so interesting and its solution
so constructive, that everyone wants to get to work, to deal with that problem.”
As we now embark on escalating this civic agenda from the family and small group level
to the broader public level by the grace of God, since it is truly intended to seek our
country’s interest first, rather than our personal interests, or the interest of just a few, we
like to use this medium to now fully introduce to you the Plain Truth Revolution, our
family-derived, and proudly God-engineered-and-approved, peaceful revolutionary
endeavor, now poised – through His power, to liberate our country once and for all from
the terrible shackles of lack of independence, and all the nightmare attached to this sad
In this package, apart from this cover letter and our main 27-page communication
addressed directly to you, there are five separate sets of documents, simply labeled Sets 1
to 5, for your convenience, which include:
a) Our Revolution’s Anti-2017 Americo-Liberian Elections Materials (5 big flyers + 1
extensive, 22-page revolutionary warning message against standing on line to vote in
2017). *Note that we are providing you Flyers 1 and 4, plus the 22 general warning,
and leaving you with the polite challenge of downloading the others from their web
locations. This will be labeled Set 1.
b) Just two of the summary pamphlets of our over 20 Plain Truth Revolutionary
handouts/pamphlets, for your quick perusal. These two concern Liberia’s illegitimacy
and the wickedness that characterize its overall civic theory, leaving you with an
appeal to get the other interesting rest. This is labeled Set 2.
c) Some (between 7 and 11) short communications/documents from among the countless
documents relating to the now 5-year running administrative and revolutionary search
for redress by Employee Roland Kartee against Employer, Liberia Petroleum
[Refining] Company, for his criminally bogus January 2013 dismissal that has cruelly
wretched the Native African Kartees’ lives for all these 5 years now, with full
knowledge and implicit backing of the United States Government. This case, we
repeat, is a proud springboard or launch pad of our Plain Truth Revolution. These few
instruments that start with the very fake employment termination letter, have been
marked in some chronological order for your convenience, and are labeled as Set 3.
d) A 38-page warning from our Revolution to the 3 biggest sustainers of the wicked
civic theory of Liberia through fake elections and bloody foreign aid. We labeled this
as Set 4. Note: Attach to this article are two small communications – one serves as
partial evidence of some of the practical efforts that we made against the holding of
the past October – December 2017 fake Americo-Liberian General Elections, and the
other serves as some evidence of the little gains we have been making thus far at
moral legitimacy by virtue of being recognized by the world’s biggest authority and
greatest arbiter of mankind’s affairs (Earth-wise), which is the United Nations.
a) A 20-page article we call our guide, i.e. Plain Truth Revolution Guide 2, which
provides some kind of narrative or walkthrough for all of the various civic actions that
we have been taking thus far under the auspices of the Plain Truth Revolution in
pursuit of some genuine redress to this raw deal, this proud springboard of our
Revolution, ranging from actions taken at the family-level, to those taken at the
national level, or with bigger national agendas. Of course, this last one is labeled Set
5. **Please note that each set is attached in two versions – both in a .doc and a .pdf
Thank you very much for going through this package to know about the Plain Truth
Revolution and to buy into our arguments and debates for the final liberation of our
country from the forces of untold LIES, DECEIT, CORRUPTION and MISCHIEF, to its
befitting destiny of true independence and prosperity using God’s eternal principles of
JUSTICE, JUSTICE, JUSTICE, and equally the rest of the other Godly principles.
Yours gratefully,
Roland S. Kartee
Head/Plain Truth Revolution
Plain Truth Revolution
Monrovia, Liberia
December 11, 2017
To All the Addresses Below
: Monrovia Central Mosque : Jesus Evangelistic & Deliverance
Benson Street Ministry International
Monrovia, Liberia Central New Matadi, Sinkor
Monrovia, Liberia (0886577321)
: Garden of Prayer Church of God
Jamaica Road, Bushrod Island : Newport Street Mosque
Monrovia, Liberia Newport St., Monrovia, Liberia
: St. Wade Harris Episcopal Church : Glorious Ministries International
Steven Tolbert Estate New Georgia, Old Field
Monrovia, Liberia (0880401691) Monrovia, Liberia
: Redeemed Church of Christ : Anointed Rescue Mission Church
Clay Street Matadi, Fiamah Drive, Sinkor
Monrovia, Liberia Monrovia, Liberia
: Transcea Bible Church : Shepherd House Global Ministries
Stockton Creek, Somalia Drive Duport Road, Kingdom Care
Monrovia, Liberia Monrovia, Liberia (0886050406)
: Saints Assembly Ministry : God’s Transformation Ministries
Duport Road, 1st
Cow Field Junction Int’l, 16th
Street, Sinkor
Monrovia, Liberia Monrovia, Liberia (0770168991)
: Divine Love & Salvation Church : United By The Word SDA Church
Monrovia, Liberia (0880948442) Duport Road, Paynesville
Monrovia, Liberia (0880604620)
: Gurley Street Mosque
Gurley Street, Monrovia, Liberia
: Gents in Christ, Benson Street Victory Center Int’l Church Inc.
Monrovia, Liberia (0886910630) Monrovia, Liberia (0886523099)
: Reunion Christian Fellowship Church : Paynesville Central SDA Church
SKD Boulevard, Congo Town ELWA Junction, Paynesville
Monrovia, Liberia Monrovia, Liberia
: Seed Ministries : Walking With Christ Int’l
Street, Barclay Avenue, Sinkor Monrovia, Liberia
Monrovia, Liberia (0777157788)
: Peniel New Generation Restoration : Jerusalem First Ministry Inc.
Ministries, Frog Island Community Old Road, Sinkor
Paynesville, Monrovia, Liberia Monrovia, Liberia
: Caldwell Junction Mosque
: Gbangay’s Town Mosque Caldwell Junction, Bushrod
Gbangay’s Town, Sinkor Island, Monrovia, Liberia
Monrovia, Liberia
: Redeemed Outreach Ministry
: New Covenant Assembly Apostolic Caldwell Junction, Bushrod
Pentecostal Church International Island, Monrovia, Liberia
Monrovia, Liberia, (0775545943)
: Discovering God’s Divine
: Just Talk About God Purpose, Duport Road, Paynesville
Weaver Street, Paynesville Monrovia, Liberia
Monrovia, Liberia (0886087441)
: Christopolis Christian Center : Wroto’s Town Mosque
Christopolis, Brewerville Wroto’s Town, Airfield
Monrovia, Liberia (0770732727) Sinkor, Monrovia, Liberia
: Breakthrough Chapel Pillar of Faith : Word & Wellness Int’l Ministries
Monrovia, Liberia (0888729896) Somalia Drive, Gardnersville
Monrovia, Liberia
: God’s Battle Axe (GBA) Freeway Church : Redeemed Assemblies Ministries
Supermarket, Somalia Drive, Gardnersville Int’l Inc., Peace Island, Congo
Monrovia, Liberia Town, Monrovia, Liberia
: Maranatha Praise Ministries Inc.
Bardnersville, Gardnersville : Apple of God’s Eyes
Monrovia, Liberia 12th
Street, Sinkor
Monrovia, Liberia
: World Hope Worship Center
New Georgia Estate, Gardnersville : World Foundation Int’l
Monrovia, Liberia Rock Hill Community
Paynesville, Mon-Lib.
: Great Light International Ministries (0886619666)
Paynesville, Monrovia, Liberia
(0886752572) : Vai Town Mosque
Vai Town, Bushrod Island
: World Resurrection Ministries Int’l Monrovia, Liberia
Gurley Street, Monrovia, Liberia
: Restoration Baptist Church
: Divine Faith International Congo Town, Monrovia, Liberia
New Georgia Estate, Gardnersville
Monrovia, Liberia : New Generation Int’l Ministries
12 Houses Road, ELWA Junction
: Virtuous Palm Ministries Paynesville, Monrovia, Liberia
Thinkers’ Village, Monrovia, Liberia (0886538188)
: Willing Women in Christ, Int’l
: Kingdom Embassies Network Ministries, Inc. 3rd
Street, Sinkor, Mon-Lib.
West Africa, Behind City Hall, Sinkor
Monrovia, Liberia (0886386016) : The Church of Pentecost Praise
Temple, Chocolate City
: Voice of Zion Ministries Gardnersville, Mon.-Lib.
Bardnersville, Gardnersville
Monrovia, Liberia (0770230481) : Jehovah Jireh Ministries Int’l
Dry Rice Market, Johnsonville
: Lakpazee Mosque Road, Monrovia, Liberia
Lakpazee Community, Sinkor, Mon.-Lib. (0886513991)
: Agape Campus Christian Fellowship, Inc. : Global Apostolic Prophetic
Free Pentecostal Mission of Lib. Compound Arena, Keyhole, Old Road
(0770442755) Sinkor, Monrovia, Liberia
: Glorious Life Ministries Int’l
Hotel Africa Road, Monrovia, Liberia : Living World Missions, Liberia
Monrovia, Liberia
: International Guardians Intelligence Inc. (0886521947)
Lynch & Carey Streets
P.O. Box 2104, Monrovia, Liberia : Conquerors Christian Center
(0886809780) Old Matadi Branch, Old Matadi
Monrovia, Liberia
: Winners’ Chapel International
GSA Road, Paynesville, Monrovia, Liberia : New Matadi Mosque
(0777557485) New Matadi, Sinkor
Monrovia, Liberia
: Sanctuary of Power – Life of Christ
Ministries International Inc. : The Power of a Praying Sisters
SIM (“Smythe) Road, Congo Town Ministries
Monrovia, Liberia (0886423713) Guest House Road, Thinkers’
Village, Monrovia, Liberia
: Shiloh Outreach Ministries Inc., Liberia
Cannan-Land, King Peter’s Town : Life Giving Church
Bushrod Island, Monrovia, Liberia Lower Virginia
Monrovia, Liberia (0886542102)
: Association of Community Churches
Lakpazee Community, Airfield, Sinkor : Ephesians Six Seventeen
Monrovia, Liberia (0886521189) Ministries, Broad Street
Monrovia, Liberia
: World Mission Outreach Ministries, Liberia
Kpan’s Town Community, Bardnersville : Bethel Assemblies of God
Monrovia, Liberia (0886811786) Church, Snapper Hill, Benson
Street, Monrovia, Liberia
: New Rescue Mission Baptist Church (0886543558)
Christopolis, Brewerville
Monrovia, Liberia (0770732727) : Future Foundation International
Monrovia, Liberia (0770254780)
: Sanctuary of Praise Global Ministries, : City of Refuge Kingdom Life
Judah’s Temple Inc. Ministries, Caldwell Township
Monrovia, Liberia (0886846196) Signs & Wonders Street,
Opposite Thumbs Up
: Vision for Christ Ministries, Liberia
Fendell Campus : Old Matadi Mosque
University of Liberia Old Matadi, Sinkor
Monrovia, Liberia
: Restoration Point New Jerusalem AG Church
Gardnersville, Monrovia, Liberia : ELWA Dominion Christian
Fellowship Center
: The Gospel Site of LDS Kpelleh Town, ELWA Jn.
New Georgia Estate, West Monrovia, Liberia (0770044568)
Gardnersville, Monrovia, Liberia
: Christ Evangelical God Cares
: St. Augustine Episcopal Church Ministries, Carey Street
Bardnersville Road, Gardnersville Monrovia, Liberia
Monrovia, Liberia (0888516089)
: True Life Bible Believing Church
: Light House Baptist Church Int’l, 15th
Street, Sinkor, Behind
Congo Town, Monrovia, Liberia Royal Grand Hotel, Mon, Lib.
: Wisdom Ministries International : Providence Baptist Church
Caldwell Road, Opposite AGM Junction P.O. Box 1076, Broad/Center/
Bushrod Island, Monrovia, Liberia Ashmun Streets, Mon, Lib.
(0886440477) (0886522199)
: Mission Talk, Battery Factory : City of Light Church of God
Gardnersville, Monrovia, Liberia E. J. Goodridge Estate
(0880974143) Bardnersville, Gardnersville
Monrovia, Liberia
: Save Life International
Clay Street & Camp Johnson Road : Power Temple
Monrovia, Liberia (0777170486) Tusa Field Road, Gardnersville
Supermarket, Monrovia, Liberia
: Pathfinder Chapel International (0886988892)
Monrovia, Liberia (0886497786)
: Better Living SDA Church : Fiahmah Mosque
Street, Sinkor Fiahmah Community, Sinkor
Monrovia, Liberia Monrovia, Liberia
: El-Bethel International Mission, Inc. : Tubman Memorial United
Paynesville, Monrovia, Liberia Methodist Church, Weaver
(0777004502) Avenue, Paynesville
Monrovia, Liberia
: Messiah Mission Church
Morris Farm Community, Paynesville : Trinity Cathedral
Monrovia, Liberia (0886542128) Broad Street, Monrovia, Liberia
: Doe Juah Memorial United Church : Winners’ Chapel
J. J. Y. Community, Gardnersville Tubman Boulevard, Oldest
Monrovia, Liberia Congo Town, Mon.-Lib.
: Bethesda Baptist Church, Cinema Road : St. Charles Lwanga Parish
Logan Town, Bushrod Island, Mon.-Lib. Monrovia, Liberia
: 17th
Street Mosque : Shepherd House Global Ministries
Street, Sinkor, Mon.-Lib. Duport Road, Kingdom Care
Community, Monrovia, Liberia
: Faith Chapel Evangelistic Ministries (0886050406)
Paynesville, Monrovia, Liberia
: Stephen Trowen Nagbe United
: Victory Sheepfold Winners Temple of Methodist Episcopal Church
Faith Inc., Somalia Drive, Paynesville 13th
Street, Sinkor
Monrovia, Liberia Monrovia, Liberia
: The Church of Jesus Christ of the : ‘Teleminlay’/Cemenco Mosque
Latter Day Saints, Horton Avenue Cemenco Community
Monrovia, Liberia Bushrod Island, Monrovia, Liberia
: El-Shaddi World Outreach Assembly : Topoe Community Church of
Church, Weaver Avenue, Paynesville Christ, Somalia Drive, Lower
Monrovia, Liberia New Georgia, Monrovia, Liberia
: Military Baptist Church Inc. : 72nd
Bong Mines Bridge 72nd
SKD Boulevard
Bushrod Island, Mon. Lib. Monrovia, Liberia
: St. Mary’s Parish : Union of New Africa Church
Tweh Farm, Bushrod Island Ashmun Street, Mon. – Lib.
Monrovia, Liberia
: Victory Center International
: Wesleyan Church of Liberia Church Inc., Liberia
, Paynesville, Monrovia, Liberia Monrovia, Liberia
(0886750556) (0886-573-682)
: KCI Network : St. Matthew’s Church
Center Street, Monrovia, Liberia Logan Town, Bushrod Island
Monrovia, Liberia
: United Miracle Bible Church Int’l
Bardnersville Estate, Gardnersville : Bible Study Fellowship Church
Monrovia, Liberia Moulton Camp, Brewerville
Monrovia, Liberia (0886752284)
: Achievers’ Arena
Newport Street, Monrovia, Liberia : ‘Sarafia’ Mosque
(0886530235) Front Street, Monrovia, Liberia
: West Point Central Mosque : St. Stephen Episcopal Church
West Point Township 10th
Street, Sinkor
Monrovia, Liberia Monrovia, Liberia
: Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria – Liberia : Faith Healing Temple of Jesus
Chapter, Gurley Street, Mon.-Lib. Church, UN Drive, Bushrod
Island, Monrovia, Liberia
: Calvary Chapel
Sinkor, Monrovia, Liberia : Little White Chapel Church
Logan Town, Bushrod Island
: Christ the King Catholic Church Monrovia, Liberia (0886519677)
Gaye’s Town, Old Road, Sinkor
Monrovia, Liberia : AME Zion Church
166 Benson Street, Mon.-Lib.
: The Possibility Movement Int’l : Life Church International
Church, Brewerville City Jamaica Road, Busrod Island
Monrovia, Liberia (0888615714) Monrovia, Liberia(0886530807)
: Remedy Chapel : Holy Martyr Parish Catholic
Airfield, Sinkor, Opposite the Church, Barnersville Estate
James Sprigs Payne’s Airfield Gardnersville, Mon.-Lib.
Monrovia, Liberia
: Bethel Hill Community Church
: Palm SDA Chruch, Barnersville Township
Logan Town, Bushrod Island Gardnersville, Mon.-Lib.
Monrovia, Liberia (0770177425)
: Kingdom Life Church
: St. Edward’s Catholic Church Oldest Congo Town, Back Road
Logan Town, Bushrod Island Opposite A’ La Lagoon Resort
Monrovia, Liberia Bar & Restaurant, Mon.-Lib.
: Liberated Champions Center Ministries : Liberia Christian Fellowship
Old Road, VP Road, Opposite the Church, New Kru Town
Soltiamon Christian School System Bushrod Island, Mon.-Lib.
: Future Generation of Awake in Christ
International Church : New Georgia Junction Mosque
Broad Street, Monrovia, Liberia New Georgia Junction
(0888179576) Gardnersville, Mon. – Lib.
: Christ Life Temple, In reach Ministries : Evangelical Schools & Children
P.O. Box 4395, SKD Boulevard Junction Ministry, Under the Tree
Oldest Congo Town, Monrovia, Liberia Barnersville Road, Gardnersville
Monrovia, Liberia (0886746077)
: God First Business Center Church
Mechlin Street, Monrovia, Liberia : Mount Zion New Life Apostolic
(0886855983) Church, Paynesville, Mon.-Lib.
: ‘Watafia’ or Waterside Mosque
Waterside, Monrovia, Liberia : First Presbyterian Church
Broad/Johnson Streets, Mon.-Lib.
: Trumpet Praise Tabernacle Church : Jacob’s Town Mosque
Barclay Avenue, Fiamah, Sinkor Jacob’s Town, Paynesville
Monrovia, Liberia (0886556030) Monrovia, Liberia
: Unity Mosque : St. Simon’s Baptist Church
Fish Market Community Horton Avenue, Capitol
Monrovia, Liberia By Pass, Monrovia, Liberia
: Our Lady of Lebanon’s St. Joseph’s : Bethel Faith Center Church
Parish, Capitol Hill, Monrovia, Liberia Paynesville, Monrovia, Liberia
: Preach the Word Tabernacle Church
Inc., Monrovia, Liberia : Bethel Cathedral of Hope Church
Tubman Boulevard, Congo Town
: Randall Street Mosque Monrovia, Liberia
Randall Street, Monrovia, Liberia
: Clara Town Mosque
: His Grace Interdenominational Ministries Clara Town, Bushrod Island
Lynch Street, Monrovia, Liberia Monrovia, Liberia
: Pagos Island Praise Baptist Church : Eliza Turner Memorial AME
Pagos Island, Oldest Congo Town Church, 34th
Camp Johnson Road
Monrovia, Liberia (0886334322) Monrovia, Liberia
: Matadi Central Mosque : First United Methodist Church
Street, Sinkor Ashmun Street, Monrovia, Liberia
Monrovia, Liberia
: St. Augustine Episcopal Church
: Jesus Christ is Lord Ministry Christian Barnersville Road, Gardnersville
Church, Congo Town Monrovia, Liberia (0888516089)
: Center Street Mosque
: World Hope Worship Center Center Street, Monrovia, Liberia
New Georgia Estate, Gardnersville
Monrovia, Liberia : Holy Ghost Global Ministries Inc.
Tusa Field Road, Gardnersville
Monrovia, Liberia (0776220372)
: Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at, Ebenezer United Methodist Ch.
Lynch Street, Monrovia, Liberia Liberia, 9th
Lynch Street
Monrovia, Liberia
: Global Youth Association for Christ (0886512613)
Church, Brewerville, Monrovia, Liberia
(0776188525) : Calvary Baptist Church
Street, Sinkor
: The Islamic Library and Dawah Center Monrovia, Liberia(0886515695)
Hotel Africa Road, Monrovia, Liberia
(0777811229) : Monrovia Christian Fellowship
Church, 9th
Street, Warner Ave.
: New Georgia Philadelphia Church (0776316940)
New Georgia, Gardnersville
Monrovia, Liberia (0886552267) : Mamba Point Congregation
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s
: Stephen Tolbert Estate Congregation Witnesses, Monrovia, Liberia
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses
Monrovia, Liberia : Christ Foundation of Faith Church
Chocolate City, Gardnersville
: Jacob’s Town Congregation Monrovia, Liberia
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses
Monrovia, Liberia : Watch Tower & Bible Track
Society of Jehovah’s Witnesses’
: Jamaica Road Congregation Liberia’s Branch/Office
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses Paynesville, Monrovia, Liberia
Monrovia, Liberia
: Paynesville Congregation
: Broad Street Congregation Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses Witnesses, Monrovia, Liberia
Monrovia, Liberia
: United By the Word SDA
: Amazing Facts SDA Church Church,
Tweh Farm, Bushrod Island Around Kingdom Care, Duport Rd
Monrovia, Liberia Monrovia, Liberia
: Duport Road Congregation
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah Witnesses
Monrovia, Liberia : Popowea SDA Church
Street, Sinkor
: Mamba Point Congregation Monrovia, Liberia
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses
Monrovia, Liberia : Sinkor Congregation
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s
: Bardnersville Kebbah Congregation Witnesses, Monrovia, Liberia
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses
Monrovia, Liberia : Satellite SDA Church
Morris’ Farm, Paynesville
Chocolate City Baptist Church
Chocolate, Gardnersville
Monrovia, Liberia
United Liberia inland Church
Chocolate, Gardnersville
Monrovia, Liberia
Chocolate City Central Mosque
Around Blue Container Community
Chocolate, Gardnersville
Monrovia, Liberia
Monrovia, Liberia
The Salvation Army Church
Chocolate, Gardnersville
Monrovia, Liberia
World Miracle Praise Church
Chocolate, Gardnersville
Monrovia, Liberia
Blow the Trumpet SDA Church
Diggsville, Bardnersville
: Island Mosque Monrovia, Liberia
Around Chocolate City Turning Point
Chocolate City, Gardnersville, Mon. Lib. : New Life SDA Church
Battery Factory, Gardnersville
: Chocolate City Mosque Monrovia, Liberia
Around “Butt Naked” Church
Chocolate City, Mon. Lib. : The Redeemed Christian
Church of God
: Anchor of Hope SDA Church Chocolate City, Mon. Lib.
Monrovia, Liberia : Fountain of Life Parish
Chocolate City, Gardnersville
: Maranatha SDA Church Monrovia, Liberia
Monrovia, Liberia : J. J. Y. Community Mosque #1
J. J. Y. Community, Gardnersville
: Tabernacle of Israel Ministries Inc. Monrovia, Liberia
Chocolate City, Gardnersville
Monrovia, Liberia
: J. J. Y. Community Mosque #2
: City of Prayer Open Eyes Apostolic J. J. Y. Community, Gardnersville
Ministries Inc., Chocolate City Monrovia, Liberia
Gardnersville, Monrovia, Liberia
: Gardnersville West Congregation
: J. J. Y. Community Mosque #3 Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s
J. J. Y. Community, Gardnersville Witnesses, Gardnersville
Monrovia, Liberia Monrovia, Liberia
: God’s Divine Faith Healing Ministries : Way to Heaven SDA Church
Chocolate City, Gardnersville 72nd
Junction, Paynesville
Monrovia, Liberia Monrovia, Liberia
: Zion Invasion Army Center : Bardnersville Congregation
Chocolate City, Gardnersville Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s
Monrovia, Liberia Witnesses, Gardnersville
Monrovia, Liberia
: Church of Christ
Chocolate City, Gardnersville : Remnant SDA Church
Monrovia, Liberia New Georgia, Bassa Town
Monrovia, Liberia
: New Georgia West Congregation
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses
Gardnersville, Monrovia, Liberia
Dear Fellow Brethren in Faith:
Hello fellow brethren in faith to our One and only One God:
Greetings come to you from our Plain Truth Revolution, a peaceful civic endeavor
proudly springing out of our 2013 experience with the Liberian Petroleum [Refining]
Company, and now poised, through God’s power, to lead in the process of re-borning and
relaying the foundation of our country based on honest principles, with our first big test
being to challenge the legitimacy of the ensuing October – December 2017 ‘Americo-
Liberian’ Elections.
Strangely, we address you here not as separate religions, separate denominations, or
separate creeds etc., as the long list of addresses above may suggest, but rather, and truly
instead, we address you as one family of human beings united by the key common
denominators of: Truth, Faith in the same God, Monotheism, Abrahamism, and a single,
shared citizenship, which is what we prefer to call our common belonginess to the Grain
Coast (even though America has coerced us since 1822 to refer to it as Liberia for their
own, selfish and corrupt benefit).
After taking up some time to read the Bible and the Qur’an (to some extent), we have
established that our Father, God, was the One and only One that created this place, set
things up here, and instructed us to man and manage these things for our own survival,
growth, and comfort first, then for the survival, growth, and comfort of our future
generations, including those of all the other living things on this Planet. We are further
mandated to champion and trumpet God’s principles and precepts (even if it means that
we fight physically at times to ensure this), and finally, all of our work should be
intended for the glorification of our Creator’s Name in the end, etc. Nowhere in these two
big Books of God’s Scriptures did we find that the devil ever created anything here, even
down to the witches, wizards, and their witchcraft, which it, the Devil, claims to be
working with. We are told by these two Books that our God will judge us later by how
we took care of His creation, including His human beings, and how we stood up for the
protection and defense of His part of theories against devil’s part of lying, tricky, and
deceitful theories. We, of the Plain Truth Revolution do stand to be held accountable for
whatever we are saying here.
Having said that, while on the surface, every religious person, or everyone claiming to be
a religious person, may not be interested in this kind of topic, or may not be interested in
it at certain times, we like to let you know here that there are times that ALL must be
concerned – to some appreciable extent – about what happens to their country because, in
further explanation of the paragraph above, the God that we serve is very much interested
in how we manage His creation, and how we go about managing our own lives and
activities – no matter which spheres of this life we find ourselves actively in. The essence
to us addressing this same, or single-content communication to ALL in this country’s
religious community – made up principally by the Christian and Muslim Communities,
along with all their different sects and denominations undistinguished – is that for us, we
do believe that apart from all of us deriving our collective faiths and religious beliefs
from a single source, which is in Abraham, we are all, also monotheistic, meaning that
we do believe in One, and the same God, as the third paragraph above rightly mentions.
And for example, although we hail from Christian background, we are very proud of a
Quaranic verse (i.e. Surat 2:259), which, in line with our views about service to God and
mankind, makes us understand that our God, whichever way we refer to Him, is not even
interested in religion, but instead in the Truth, and in fighting evil. In addition, we don’t
even see the point in trying to separate our different religions in matters of cleaning up
society when all Books of Scriptures make us understand that it is only us, the true
children of God, who can truly clean up society and make it better and decent, relatively,
for all of mankind – including even people who consider themselves atheists, and that we
do this great job using God’s Word, sometimes unconsciously, like in the case of people
claiming to be atheists, but still doing the right things for humanity. It is that powerful
message in our hands, in the Bible, in the Quran etc. that we can use as tools to change
society. II Timothy 3:16 – 17 is authoritative in defending this claim of ours, along with
many other passages in both the Bible and the Quran. Moreover, if we don’t do the dirty
work, as God’s children, as Adventists, Muslims, Jehovah’s Witnesses etc. when the war
and earthquakes, approved by God for our collective unfaithfulness, laziness, and
corruption etc. do come as punishment, will they, meaning these calamities, ever be
separating the Christians from the Muslims, and things like that? Let’s ponder upon these
kinds of common sense scenarios and now take some collective steps to change the
embarrassing situation in this country before things turn completely out of hand for us,
both in the sight of man, and of God.
We, of the Plain Truth Revolution, also, based upon our Spiritual orientation do feel that
the Liberian Clean Up Job is very huge, complicated, and dangerous, with the huge
stockpile of mess, having been implanted by the world’s superpower, and continues to
sustained to the teeth by this same superpower, for which it only takes strong people of
faith to stand up against it – all these being reasons for which we believe that we must
work closest with you, in the religious community, without any discrimination or
separation for that matter. For this is our battle, no matter how much our differences
currently are, and how much they would be, as we go along, but we should never lose
sight of this crucial common obligation of ours, from the religious community, which we
owe to our Creator first, before man.
Having laid this premise, let’s briefly present a one-sentence explanation of the biggest
objective of approaching you through this medium as: our desire for you to help us to
elevate our Plain Truth Revolution’s debates for the final liberation of our dear home
from what every conscious person in this place now sees and knows, is America’s very
deadly imperialism, implemented through the inherent criminality and cruelty of the
Americo-Liberians, and with all these being channeled through the policies of the
criminal gang that these both parties set up here in 1822 called government.
The issues at stake in our country are so grave and chaotic, and as such, require very bold
steps, bold debates, strong words, and bold actions in order for them to ever be handled.
So, our depiction and description of these issues may seem sarcastic and abusive to some
people; but in reality, we are neither insulting nor abusing. We are just hitting the plain
truth. Some people may think that we are personal, but we are not personal. It is just that
we cannot discuss or debate these deadly, burning issues, without involving the
individuals or groups of individuals or entities that are driving these issues.
For example, the point of either staying away from, or disapproving the outcome of the
ensuing, always fake Americo-Liberian electoral process, as we mentioned in our long
subject or reference line above, is in line with Biblical and Qur’anic principles that: we
are under obligation to discontinue complying with, or to stop obeying well-established
immoral and illegitimate authorities and designs for our lives and our relationship with
God. We can’t keep obeying a design that is bent on working against us, and our future
generations, especially due to its bad foundation. Fellow countrymen and women, we
want you to please take seriously the sad reality that we unfortunately have a very dirty
society that can NEVER remain this dirty, for anything good to ever flourish within it.
While perfection is impossible for us as human beings, and as human societies,
excellence achieved in relative cleanliness, MUST be the objective and goal after which
all serious people MUST seek. In our case, because of the age of our problem, its
complexity, and very deep-rooted nature, plus the kinds of parties involved, this
indispensable societal cleanup process has become very huge and dangerous, but the
harsh fact is that we must face it as our part of collective challenge in our common
existence, as every group of people have got their part of challenge in life that they must
overcome in order to flourish. As we, of the Plain Truth Revolution have already
embarked upon this very herculean task, God willing, we remain quite conscious that in
such a dangerous and difficult assignment, we need God’s protection and favor so
massively, for which we must fight in all of our weak ways possible, to apply His eternal
principles of boldness, truthfulness, justice, and love etc., every step of the way. As such,
it’s best to keep reminding you that we are not politicians coming to canvass for votes, or
to encourage you to support a political party, but instead, we are practical realists and
revolutionaries bent upon being used by God just to clean up society for the benefit of
everyone now, and all of our future generations by the grace of God.
To demonstrate true conviction that the very burning issues currently at stake in this
country are not just about a particular Liberian government/administration or a particular
set of individuals within its fake governance design, but that these great issues are instead
about a whole wrong structure that was put into place here since 1822 in the name of
some national government, along with its entire modus operandi, that needs to be
radically overhauled before true independence and all of its dividends of: peace, security,
stability, economic prosperity etc. can ever be realized, we are not limiting our call here
only to abstaining from these 2017 elections alone. Instead, wherein their elections are
still held – which is very highly possible regardless of how much calls come against it,
since holding fake elections, in fact, is the only primary means through which the United
States Government and their surrogates, the Americo-Liberians do sustain their Liberia
and all of its NASTY theories, fake national theories wrought with blood, corruption,
imperialism, and ethnocentrism etc., we still herewith call on all well-meaning citizens
and well-wishers from all walks of life to join us in disapproving this process and all of
its outcomes, including, by peacefully protesting and resisting their so-called
inauguration. Again, this action is, or will be necessary not because we hate the professed
winner (s) from these illegitimate so-called democratic polls, but because we too are
under obligation to exert some reasonable force or pressure in averting a bad future, a bad
collective fate etc., since this country does belong to all of us equally, and as such, we
just can’t always sit by and continue to allow only a less than 1% of the population,
calling themselves some politicians, or some elite, to keep manipulating us in the fake
name of politics, governance or democracy.
And so, our beautiful beginning point is to do everything constructively and civilly
possible to obstruct anything called the inauguration of another Americo-Liberian
president, another Americo-Liberian political administration, another batch of both
conscious and unconscious agents of American imperialism and neo-colonialism; another
batch of both conscious and unconscious criminals etc. to continue these Black
Americans’ entrenched culture of corruption, corruption, and corruption, and the
unhindered, unchallenged marginalization and suppression of our huge Native African or
tribal populations of this beautiful land, one way or the other. No, no, we will civilly
resist all this to the letter, by the grace of God. Instead, we do demand, and will ensure,
with all of our blood, sweat, and tears, that all road in this country lead to a Sovereign
Citizens Convention between now and the end of February, or latest, mid-March 2018,
before UNMIL finally draws down.
For us, it is not about who wins or who becomes president of this place that is still under
the Americo-Liberians’ twisted, criminal civic theory, no. It is about what foundation is
that person coming to build upon; what culture and leadership traditions are they coming
to build upon, and stuffs like that. For we just don’t believe in this foundation of Joseph
Jenkins Roberts; we don’t believe in Tubman’s foundation; we don’t believe in Doe’s or
Taylor’s foundation etc., neither do we believe in a foundation laid by Ellen Johnson
Sirleaf. We therefore demand an opportunity now, before UNMIL leaves, by God’s
grace, to lay for ourselves a new national foundation; to create for ourselves a new set of
civic theories and traditions that will go in line with the true norms of modern civilization
and match 21st century realities – but never to continue with those that were designed
here by the Americo-Liberians, which are surely what Boaka or Weah will be coming to
office again to sustain. For anything that is of the Liberian foundation, theory, and status
quo we vehemently detest, not even oppose; and so, allowing ourselves to inaugurate
Weah or Boakai will just interpret to agreeing to join with evil forces (both conscious and
unconscious) to intentionally prolong the already sorrowful plight and agonies of our
good people. This is with all due respect to the subjects involved here, who are largely
acting either out of ignorance or fear to do the difficult, right thing for our country.
As a strong piece of information or a sturdy word of warning for fellow citizens,
especially those of pure Native African backgrounds, who now feel some sigh of relief
and are now believing that the Natives are beginning to take over their land, especially
taking into account the current look of things, we say with the saddest of heart that
instead of taking over their land, the Natives are rather SADLY enhancing the Americo-
Liberian design, and proving the ACS arguments of yesteryears to be true, all of such sad
misconceptions and missteps which will continue to prolong the sufferings of our already
strangulated people. The Americo-Liberian election of a George Weah or a Joseph
Boakai will never be that desperately desired and needed equivalent of Natives rightfully
taking over their country from the foul-smelling hands of these mischievous Black
Americans, and the deadly imperialist claws of the great United States, neither will it
even be a small liberation of the huge suffering masses of this land from the shackles and
yoke of abuse, poverty, devastation etc., but instead, to repeat with emphasis, such
election will only sorrowfully be a prolongation of all these very NASTY, existing
realities. With a George Weah or a Joseph Boakai presidency over a fake statehood called
“Liberia”, still bearing this same counterfeit name given by an American Congressman in
the early 1820s for selfish, colonial, and bloodily ‘seggregative’ reasons; a fake statehood
still flying this same red, white, and blue flag with divisive 11 stripes; a fake nationhood
arrangement still running with this same bloody motto that reads, “The love of liberty
brought us here”; a funny Black American Colony still honoring a conflict-ridden seal
that depicts the coming into this place of only the criminal and most mischievous breed
of Mixed Blacks Americans from the United States; and a lying West African civic
arrangement still obeying some very bloody constitution of lies and all sorts of dualities,
etc. and etc., we highly foresee the rise to power of another Samuel K. Doe, this time
around in clean clothes. We sadly see a newer, 21st century Samuel Doe, who, after
being savagely and criminally manipulated again by the Americo-Liberians in the name
of politics, will be ultimately destroyed by them and their always hand-in-gloves US
allies and elements, all for personal, selfish or capitalist gains, with devilish “Liberia” and
all of its messy theories still intact. We foresee this kind of unsavory development
culminating again into funny Liberia’s rupturing into conflict, or plunging itself and the
sub region, including the world over, into another huge crisis of blood etc.
Fellow brothers and sisters in faith to our One and only One God (Allah, Jehovah etc.),
our peaceful revolution has been heavily motivated by comments, remarks, and
observations from a couple of prominent personalities, just 4 of which can be listed
below, along with their remarks, some of which are slightly paraphrased to properly put
them into our context as follows:
1. A veteran American Journalist called Patrick Jake O’Rouke once argued that, if we
refuse to know our history well, we consequently will NEVER be able to do well in
any other aspect of our lives.
2. The current Chinese President, Mr. Chi Jing Ping says, when we neglect history, we
betray the people who lived before us, for their sufferings and contributions; and
when we deny past crimes, that is, do nothing concrete about past crimes, we are just
saying that these crimes should keep repeating themselves.
3. Dr. Hugh Mason Brown, a Washington DC-born African American educator and
prelate who visited and studied Liberia in the 1880s, stated this point as one of his
many ugly observations about Liberia. He says, the Americo-Liberian mentality about
education is to merely memorize theories from the Whiteman, without ever putting
these theories into practical use for his own benefit. And fellow brethren in faith, by
Americo-Liberian here, Mr. Brown was just referring to all of Liberia.
4. Then finally for now, Dr. James Ciment, a White American Historian, Researcher,
and expert in African Affairs, who studied about Liberia and came to this country
around the late 20th
century on a fact-finding tour and went back, declared that
Liberia, sadly, is an illegitimate country, with twisted approaches to handling the
things of life, and a thwarted modus operandi, or ways of doing things etc. and etc.
Taking these kinds of insightful observations and remarks into consideration, all of which
deeply apply to our country’s terribly chronic situation, we see it as a matter of MUST
for us, the people of this place, to now truly understand the fundamental arguments and
theories based upon which this country, that belongs to all of us equally, was initially
established. And if it becomes clear that these founding arguments of Liberia, as
propounded by America and her Americo-Liberians are false, faulty, or just can’t hold
water any longer, then we think it is time that we halt every major thing else this 2017,
and try to correct these civic theories, which are really our society’s foundation, before
taking any further steps ahead as a people. And because of the push that we want to
attach to this Divine obligation by the grace of God, that’s why you hear the name Plain
Truth Revolution; because, come to think about it, if this lifesaving obligation is not
pushed with a much more radical and revolutionary force, NOTHING will ever change,
as: true, hard change, is very difficult, if not impossible, depending on how long a people
continue to dodge it over and over. We believe that we can lead in this process, we can do
it together, God willing; as, come to think about it the other way, if such national and
civic adjustment is not made, and something of calamitous proportion ever goes on
wrong in this place, a reality which is already looming as we speak, then we, the children
of God, will bear the biggest blame more than anyone else because our God believes in
good foundation, and He instructed us to build everything in life on a sure foundation,
and no foundation is ever sure if it doesn’t use God’s eternal principles of Justice, Truth,
Love, Hard Work etc. as its cornerstones. The Bible and Qur’an, God’s Scriptures, are
replete with these sorts of accounts including such passages as Luke 6:46 – 49 and Surat
9:109 respectively. Let’s remember that we will bear this blame the most, for sitting and
allowing our country (our biggest gift from God to help us manage life on this Planet) to
get damaged right before our own eyes by corrupt and unprincipled people calling
themselves politicians or national leaders. This is because God has said, “to whom much
is given, much is expected”, fellow brethren; and what is this ‘much’ being referred to
here by God, more than Truth and Vision, things or virtues which devil’s children always
lack, in reality?
With this common goal of now trying to look into, and work on this 1822 Liberian
foundation a little more, having now being established at the back of our minds through
the first few passages above, we like to provide you a two-paragraph account of the main
argument, or the main theoretical foundation of Liberia’s establishment here as follows,
both explicitly and contextually, from various sources including: (1), (2) Liberian History Up to 1847,
(3), (4) Niles Weekly Register, (5) Another
America: A Cautionary Tale of Liberia, (6) Another America: The Story of Liberia and
the Former Slaves that Rule(d) it, (7) Liberia: America’s Step Child etc., which goes
like this:
“Black criminals from among America’s millions of freed slaves decide to take
advantage of a US Government’s pronouncement, theoretically abolishing slavery, and
these criminals do this by inciting both freed and ‘unfreed’ slaves to terrorize and hold
hostage the whole American Society, especially the South, for different personal,
sometimes criminal reasons, under the guise of agitating for their freedom. America,
heavily dependent on slave labor, and still yet having millions working as slaves, sees
this development as both capable of quickly spreading criminal activities across the
country while also tempering with the commitment of their millions of working slaves,
whose services remain very pivotal to the American Society. The big fear is that if the
main ring leaders and the real hardcore criminals that were taking advantage of these
rebellious activities to wreak more havoc on the population in pursuit of their personal,
criminal ends, were not systematically singled out and weeded, the potential for these
rebellious developments getting out of hand was high, as the American Society was not
yet ready to stop slave labor, and this lack of readiness also gave the rampaging criminals
a defensive advantage, or a winning argument, since Government had already declared
the abolition of slavery. Based upon this dilemma, the American Government works
along with some strong Southern slave owners and businessmen like Bushrod
Washington, Henry Clay, John Randolph, Daniel Webster, Charles Mercer etc. to set up
some NGO, the American Colonization Society (ACS), to do this job of systematically
identifying and weeding out the hardcore Black criminals, especially those with strong
influence over others, some from the prisons, to find place far off to dump them and
monitor them, since Americans could not violate their morals to go ahead and kill these
largely criminal and unproductive Black elements.
US Congressmen and ACS co-founders like Henry Clay, John Randolph, and Charles
Mercer were so emphatic and outspoken in their terrible descriptions of these Black
elements rounded up for ACS Back to Africa Deportation Campaign, and Congress itself
instructed ACS to cross the ocean with these outcasts, and NEVER to dump them to a
place that America’s expansion at the time would EVER catch up with one day. The US
Government hated these rounded up Blacks so much that she instructed her agents
including those of the ACS on ships bringing these people back to Africa NEVER to
return them back home to America, even if land could not be secured for their dumping,
and still even if it meant that ALL of them die, while still searching for land. But
America being a very pretentious society, especially the Government, in handling foreign
issues, NEVER wanting the world’s attention drawn to this hatred and unethical state
behavior, in addition to NEVER wanting posterity to one day hold her responsible for the
damage that will result from these evil actions, decided to deceitfully put the world under
the impression that these people, especially as they are already Blacks, were coming to
‘Christianize’ and ‘Civilize’ Africa. Fearing the boomerang that will result from this BIG
LIE one day, the US Government has been condescendingly and painstakingly working
along with these criminals – badly entrapping themselves (i.e. the US Government) every
step of the way – to stand by their mistake and to improve this situation, but God is
NEVER mocked, no matter how many years it takes. Our country therefore, is gradually
is waking up – through these kinds of indigenous actions, like what you are seeing now
from our Plain Truth Revolution, through God’s grace – to smell the coffee after 195
years of existence, to now effect the real change, again, God willing.
Since the issue of foundation is so critical to God’s children, and since LIES being at the
heart of a foundation is a non-compromising issue for God’s children equally, we like to
emphasize or reemphasize here sadly that 4 great LIES were used to construct the 4
cornerstones of ‘Liberia’s foundation as it currently stands, and these 4 Great LIES can
be outlined as follows:
A. LIE #1: Mischievously influential and criminal Black freed slaves, when
systematically rounded up and weeded from the American Society, and dumped
forcibly – if that’s what it takes – on some spot on the African continent, can form a
state by themselves, and then begin to ‘Christianize’ and ‘Civilize’ the whole
continent of Africa from this spot
B. LIE #2: American Colonization Society (ACS) Agent Eli Ayres and US Naval
Lieutenant Robert Field Stockton had lied to our tribal forefathers that they were
settling their hardcore criminal Black freed slaves, the occupants of their Elizabeth the
Mayflower, the Nautilus, the Harriet etc. on our Cape Mesurado for a while, to trace
their rightful locations on the African continent before taking them to their final
destinations, since it will be totally foolish to rationalize that all of those troublesome
Black slaves rounded up from America did come from this particular Western spot on
the African continent.
C. LIE #3: Again, ACS Agent, Surgeon Dr. Eli Ayres and US Naval Lieutenant Robert
Field Stockton of New Jersey, after pointing pistol at our tribal forefather’s head to
surrender our land, Cape Mesurado, went further, as part of some professedly formal
deal for this land, drawn out of coercion, to promise our people some unspecified sum
of money, to be brought later for this land, after insultingly giving our people some
smoke fish, salt, old shoes etc. from their ships, as so-called part payment for this
land. The promised cash payment, to be brought later to our ALWAYS badly cheated,
defenseless, and choiceless tribal forefathers, became a great LIE in the end
D. LIE #4: The criminal Black Americans had claimed to the whole world, a claim
which they still defend in many respects to this date, as demonstrated in the name,
symbols, emblems, and holidays of this place, that: when they arrived here on January
7, 1822, they NEVER met any human beings, but rather, all that they met was a vast
wilderness, inhabited to some extent by wild beasts or savages, that they began to
transform bit by bit into human beings etc.
The question remains, what do we, as God’s people, do, in this kind of scenario? Do we
continue to live with these sorts of grave and dangerous LIES that have everlasting
effects on us and our children and our children’s children, unless challenged and
destroyed or disproved; or, do we do something about them now, which in this context,
will mean breaking them (meaning these grave foundational LIES of Liberia) down and
constructing a new 4-cornered national foundation with different, positive and God-
approved foundation pillars? Who else can do this very tedious and dangerous job of
breaking down and rebuilding a better foundation besides us, who claim to be God’s
Fellow brethren in faith, the burden is upon our shoulders to repair this bad reality. It is
possible for children of God to do so, but it requires very active use of the virtues of
Truth, Love, Justice, Faith and Hard Work etc., as our solid cornerstones for this new
national foundation.
Two very strong points are worth noting here, one of which is that, no matter how terrible
the descriptions and character of our fellow Americo-Liberians are, as made known by
their own masters, America, as we briefly touched on above, they are human beings like
ourselves, they are Africans like ourselves, and even after having established that these
people are hardcore criminals based on Statistics and other barometers, they, or some of
them, can still be rehabilitated and turned into virtuous and productive people. In fact, the
Americans used 4 dangerous adjectives or descriptions of these people before ostracizing
them from their society, and these 4 deadly descriptions include: Morally Lax, Mentally
Inferior, Criminally Oriented, and Promoters of Mischief. In our view as children of
God, America’s greatest mistake here, that she continues to cover up, to this date, in
different forms, has been, her refusal to have aggressively rehabilitated these people,
instead of driving them in the fashion they did. And even after making this mistake of
ostracizing these Black criminals rather than working on them, America should have
better still followed them, to rehabilitate them, in their new, ill-gotten home, while
playing a sincere twin mother role between these people and us, the Natives, and making
all of us to equally, in a mutually respectful way, work together to build an egalitarian
and cohesive nation, but she (America) SADLY failed grotesquely again. The second
point is that: with all the descriptions of these dear brothers of ours (i.e. the Americo-
Liberians), we, as pragmatists and statisticians, will NEVER neglect the fact that there
were, and are still good elements among them. It is just that the majority of group
members bear those DIRTY characteristics that we mentioned above, that’s why, this
highly justified generalization is inescapable.
Our Plain Truth Revolution is keen on trying to make all these scaring points clear in our
narratives because we come to the table with a constructive blame game as a means of
helping us solve this country’s seemingly insurmountable problems. We believe, with
Biblical backings from such sources as Proverbs 18:13, 15, 18 etc. mainly verse 18 in
this light, that when faced with a difficult group problem, we must ‘cast some lot’, in the
old description of this exercise, so as to get to know who carries the biggest blame in our
collective problem, because general blame is just lazy, and takes people nowhere. For it
is impossible that everybody will be equally responsible for single actions, or single
realities, at the same time. In our country’s case for example, it is just unfair, as a
problem solver, to say that the three big parties to this big national woe – i.e. the United
States, Americo-Liberians, and the Natives of this land – are all equally responsible for
the super mess that we find ourselves in here, NO, NO, NO, please!!! The party or parties
with the biggest share (s) of the blame and the greatest impact in this situation must now
be boldly pointed out in order for change to finally happen by God’s grace. Anything less
than this very bold step is just a mere sycophancy, and true children of God are never
We believe that the laying of some constructive blame will yield us some serious
benefits, including just these 5 below, all of which will highly help us in this process of
now striving to solve our seemingly unsolvable problems by the grace of God, with these
5 benefits of casting blame – for example, saying that America and her Americo-
Liberians are more responsible for all of the MESS happening here, and as such, they
need to be punished now – including:
1. When we cast a constructive blame, we prick a wrongdoer (the United States and the
Americo-Liberians, in our country’s case here, for example) to respond to something
that they have done in the past, and continue to do today, and that such response, in
turn, will demand or require something from them, including appropriately addressing
our sense of feeling all this hurt, by their deadly and mischievous actions
2. Blame will help us eliminate any existing desire or tendency for continuing these
wrong things now, and in the future.
3. A casting of some constructive blame by us right now will spark a huge national
debate that itself too, will make room for some family get together around the table,
for us to discuss the issues that will arise from these huge debates.
4. When we constructively and seriously lay some blame now, and this blame game
fortunately culminates into some roundtable discussions, many benefits will accrue
from such debates/discussions if responsibly and honestly conducted, including: (a) a
clear understanding of where all the faults lie; (b) a commitment from wrongdoing
parties or one may say, largely wrongdoing parties, to change course; (c) a
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To monrovia mosques&churches
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  • 1. Plain Truth Revolution Gardnersville Monrovia, Liberia April 9, 2018 RE: SECOND GENERAL COVER LETTR Even though most of the key events against or about which majority of the articles within this package talk, have come and gone, the essence of our relentless effort to ensure that these packages still reach you, their originally intended destination since been put together in 2017, can be explained as follows: 1. Yes, most of the physical events highlighted by our work have come and gone, but the burning issues within them still remain active like fresh, deadly wounds on a people’s bodies. For these issues have badly affected us for the past 195 years now, and they still stand ready to increasingly embarrass us full force, for the rest of our national sojourn, unless we ask God for courage to do something more drastic and remedial about them right now. 2. The physical events discussed within a good number of the articles enclosed here may have come and gone; yes, but again, we want the issues flagged within these articles to form the very foundation of our Revolution’s engagements with you henceforth. We want history to judge us for championing the CAUSE of getting all these arguments to you as organic as they are, for our collective action upon them, so as to save ourselves, our country, and our one world. 3. According to some recent US State Department report, the subject of this work, “Liberia”, is so impoverished and unsophisticated to the point that access to the Internet is still a huge problem, with SADLY more than 95% of this country’s population still LACKING access to the Internet in this day and age. Ever since the completion of these huge revolutionary communication packages intended for ALL fellow citizens first, we have been finding ways to dispatch them through electronic means, most economically and otherwise preferably, including use of the email, but more than two months on, we have only been able to succeed at dispatching less than 30% of them, with sadly another 99% uncertainty as to whether these 30% will even be read. We still feel badly indebted and obligated to those without email addresses that we haven’t served yet, and those whose email addresses we didn’t get from the onset, and that’s why this latest effort to reach many more, both domestically and outside.
  • 2. 4. Writing huge communications that explain our country’s perennial problems in clear details, and dispatching them to recipients, our beloved citizens first, then to all of our well-wishers and other stakeholders both within and outside of this country next, in such a revolutionary fashion, is in line with our Collective Action Approach, no matter the age of the issues under discussion; and this Approach is a stronghold of our Plain Truth Revolution. 5. Our determination to attach continuous, unbending importance to issues embedded within the recent past national events, like for example, the past Americo-Liberian 2017 so-called political elections and inauguration etc., not taking them to be belated, as people normally take things in this country, but rather still considering them as issues that deserve our unqualified attention if we truly need change in this place, God willing etc., demonstrates our strong resolve to use mighty History as that final, more powerful tool, next to Love, to be employed in bringing ultimate change and relief to ourselves and our country once and for all. 6. We highly likely, would love to forward this particular batch of communications to you as reminders at regular intervals, depending on how the issues championed within them are being considered or addressed by this society – sometimes probably adding slight updates here and there to match the changing times. For we remain very resolved that the key issues argued herein MUST form the foundation bricks and cornerstones for the new country that we desperately seek to establish as a possible replacement of dirty, old, failed, and bloody “Liberia” by the grace of God. So please don’t get inconvenienced or embarrassed by seeing this package, especially in huge brown envelopes from us regularly. For it is well-intentioned for our common good in the end, God willing etc. and etc. With just these 6 justifications, as we have them countless, we are sure that: instead of unfairly considering this work, or the issues enclosed herein to be stale, belated, or outdated, you will rather attach more patriotic and ‘humanity-first’ importance to every article provided here in an effort to put you in the right frame of mind for the next and final ALTERNATIVE that is now sweeping across our land (“Liberia”), an ALTERNATIVE which is now poised to take all of us (in this place) to our final, befitting destination, as a people, by the grace of God. We hope, as such, that you will appreciate this courageous effort of ours. Finally, because our Revolution, just like all other revolutions across this world must capitalize upon, or leverage the fever of small civic actions to propagate its huge messages etc., in continuation of our many public actions since we were initially [launched] on Monday, April 22, 2013, the Plain Truth Revolution is again, by the grace
  • 3. of God, on the edge of taking another huge peaceful civic action this April or early May 2018, still in radical pursuit of redress to its very contentious foundation case, meaning the case involving its vision bearing family and the Liberia Petroleum [Refining] Company, if the current path that we are treading with LPRC for redress to the UNJUST treatment of our vanguard African Kartees’ family, and thus the Plain Truth Revolution by extension, is not respected or adhered to. And as you will discover all through this intellectual engagement, we have decided to accord a game changer status to this badly UNFAIR or UNJUST treatment of the Kartees’ family mentioned above because of how this treatment in question completely epitomizes the everyday plight of almost all Native Africans in this country since 1822. We therefore encourage every interested person across our globe to please grant keen attention to these new emancipation efforts and developments in West Africa. Thank you very much, fellow brethren in faith, for reading everything herein, and politely relating to us on them. Very truly yours, RSK Roland S. Kartee Head/Plain Truth Revolution Cell#: 0886761008 Email:
  • 4. Plain Truth Revolution Gardnersville Monrovia, Liberia December 11, 2017 RE: FIRST GENERAL COVER LETTER (Updated) Please take note of the following 14 points first, before you begin your active reading of this cover letter and the rest of the elements within this package. The 14-count special introductory notes are as follows: 1. To begin with, this entire package, including this cover letter, is not ordinary. It is not the kind of work that we are used to seeing and reading normally. It has been designed to help us see some compelling reasons for beginning now, to actively look back at our past, our background, what happened to our forefathers, our ancestors, our country, and so forth, 200 years back, and coming forward etc., so that such knowledge can push us into making some substantial adjustments to our current civic and social design, since our today and our future ABSOLUTELY hang upon our past. This narrative is intended to convince us that such adjustment (i.e. an adjustment based upon findings from some thorough historical background check like what we are championing and facilitating here) can help us, to first, clean up our past, then improve our lives today; and, with all this done in an effort to finally make our future generations’ part of lives even better, by the grace of God. Note that we would never have mustered the courage to still push this work to you, our fellow compatriots and well-wishers, if we were respecters of the current formalities in this society, and if we were respecters of the status quo. If we were adherents of this dirty and counter-productive Americo-Liberian mentality that when we do, say, or write something today, no matter how significant, or rather how heinous, or even how far-reaching the impacts or consequences of such thing are, on our future etc., once day breaks upon what we said, then the point we tried to make, or what we talked about, has turned to history, which then becomes very useless in the eyes of Liberia, because for this place, history is very useless. In theoretical Liberia, when we write something for, or against a particular event or exercise, even though that event or exercise is far-reaching in its impacts on our lives, once that event has past, then automatically, that writing or piece of literature becomes very, very worthless etc. We, the writers of this work are in complete disagreement with this kind of mentality, in addition to our strong desire and resolve to use mighty HISTORY as that ultimate tool, through research, to change our country once and for all now, and that’s what God is helping us to demonstrate through this particular effort by His grace – that is, writing so massively and taking it physically, through
  • 5. brown envelopes to our people on foot, and through emails, to those that we are currently unable to get to by foot. In continuation of point #1 above, we like to inform you that this is a big and strange work, so please put yourself into a different, positive, and a country-first frame of mind, before you begin your reading experience. For example, we want you to take some deep thought down memory lane, to recall how our land, our home, this only country that God has given us, was first plotted against by the Americans in the month of December, its theoretical fate mischievously manipulated by them in advance in this same month; and then the physical land subsequently arm robbed from us, again, by them, the Americans, in the month of December. Coincidentally, this very huge and radical step from the Plain Truth Revolution (a step which promises to demonstrate the biggest showdown from us thus far in our God-approved quest to finally reclaim Mother Country from the imperialist hands of America, and the ethnocentric maneuvers of the Americo-Liberians, since our revolution set out on this journey in January 2013) is about to take place again, this December 2017, God willing. Remember in December 1816, the American Colonization Society was established to round up hardcore, rampaging Black criminals from the United States to dump them on a spot in Africa – that could be gotten through any means whatsoever, even by hook or crook, as was eventually done here – so that these ostracized criminals, in the words of the US Government and the ACS, can “Christianize” and “Civilize” dark Africa. And this spot, this land for dumping their ‘human waste’, turned out to be our productive soil, our Grain Coast, which they, the same Americans, turned around again, and renamed as “Liberia”, only to match their, and their returned Black criminals’ exclusive interests perpetually. Please recall further that in December 1821, the two Ducor Conferences requested by American paid agents, or, necessitated by the presence of American paid agents, with our helpless tribal forefathers for this land, the original Grain Coast, were held. And based upon our tribal African forefathers’ refusal to turn over this precious land for the settlement of these returning Black American criminals during the first Ducor Conference of mid December 1821, American paid Agents had to revert to chicanery and arm robbery to seize our land – when for instance, USS Alligator’s Surgeon, Dr. Eli Ayres, had to first design some huge lies to keep our tribal people still active in those talks, while Navy Lieutenant, later turned New Jersey Senator Robert Field Stockton used gun at our tribal Bassa, Gola, and Dei forefathers’ heads, further reinforcing this criminal action with military intimidation tactics from his USS Alligator Warship, to finally get our land, Cape Mesurado, in December 1821, to begin building their returning, unwanted, and mischievous Black Americans’ “Republic of Liberia.”
  • 6. 2. While the main communication here enclosed, delves entirely into our country’s big issues, and the kinds of solution options that we must apply to them now, by God’s grace, the first few paragraphs in this cover letter lay emphasis on some personal experiences of the vision-bearing family of the little civic group that is now trying to champion this revolutionary cause, by the grace of God; and, such emphasis, we like to clarify here, is not in any way intended for personal aggrandizement, but to enable you to do the following things, first off, before continuing your revolutionary reading experience, which include: a. To help you discover and appreciate how all these ideas came about in the first place, or, for you to discover and appreciate the origin of our Plain Truth Revolution so that we all can remind ourselves that everything big, ever imagined in this life, does start off with just single individuals, or as a single individual’s dream. For we believe that this kind of narration too will encourage each of us individual citizens in this place never to overlook ourselves, that real change can start with any one of us, at any time, God willing. b. To help you discover for yourself how excessive injustice can truly lead to ultimate independence, as in the words of the French writer Francois Marie Arouet, A.K.A. Voltaire c. To help you bear witness with the Greek Philosopher Plato, when he says, “Excess [in anything for that matter] generally causes reaction, and produces change in the opposite direction, whether it be in the seasons, or in individuals, or in governments.” d. For you to know that the radical pursuit of this seemingly personal case, i.e. Kartee v. the LPRC, which is still ongoing, as we speak, is also an ‘inexclusive’ part of our revolution, as we turned this case immediately over to our country ever since January 2013, when the raw deal within it was meted out to our family, while looking up to this case to be that right springboard for final change, or that suitable launch pad for the struggle that leads to ultimate independence for our country, God willing. But its pursuit has have to be suspended a few months for us to more forcefully push the Anti-Americo-Liberian 2017 so-called Election piece of our revolution, a much bigger national goal, which has been at the heart of our revolutionary debates all along. 3. While we honestly planned initially that these communications got out before the 10th of October 2017, the many handicaps of our society, and most importantly, for God’s own best reasons however, they did not. The actual story notwithstanding is that the whole idea of doing this kind of massive communication to numerous, if not all of the stakeholders (national and international) in this country’s affairs at once, including the process of starting to scribble down what the key arguments in such revolutionary
  • 7. communications would be, as such, was hatched in August this year, and the first draft took its actual form the next month, on September 11, 2017, a date which we vowed to maintain on these letters earlier, with a firm determination that all of them would get dispatched before October 10, 2017; although again, this projected date for dispatch was just not possible. But fortunately, and on the one hand, our country still stands, while, rather on a sad note, and on the other hand, the bad conditions before October 10, 2017 are still the same, and will even worsen by the day if we fail to make the necessary civic and national adjustments, as demanded by this revolution, and we keep ‘STUPIDLY’ casting ballots in the name of change. In fact, as we speak, the current stalemate within the Americo-Liberian ensuing criminal electoral process, as it has always been criminal, also adds impetus to this binding civic and spiritual obligation of ours to spread these great, strange revolutionary messages, as the writings on the wall keep proving that God is about to actively intervene into this country’s seemingly unsolvable problems. That’s why our Plain Truth Revolution has mustered the courage to just edit these communications a bit more, and then finally send them out, as we are now doing, by God’s power. 4. Our Plain Truth Revolution is a REVOLUTION OF DETAILS. We believe that every group of people, or every country for that matter, MUST first live through their ‘Age of Details’ before ever progressing to their Age of Summary, an age which our revolution normally breaks down into what we call the ‘Elevator Pitch Age’, that must precede the current global age, which we also call, the ‘Twit Pitch Age’, as in Twitter. This funny home of ours (“Liberia”) hasn’t even yet lived its ‘Age of Details’, ‘much less’ to talk about its Age of Summary. For example, the 18th to 19th century academician and clergy, Reverend Thomas Robert Malthus, in giving title to the 4th edition of his Population Economics book in 1824 called it, “An Essay On The Principle Of Population, Or, A View Of Its Past And Present Effects On Human Happiness; With An Inquiry Into Our Prospects Respecting The Future Removal Or Migration Of The Evils Which It Occasions”. This book has a huge impact on today’s economic realities. No one during Rev. Malthus’ days did consider this title as stupid, as the essence of its length, as in many writings during those days, and even now, was to clarify concepts as much as possible. This is a stage (i.e. a stage of details, or an age of details) that MUST be lived through, if we are to ever make any progress in this life. In addition, because we love our country so much, including all of its human beings, every detail about our country and its human beings (from the one day old fetus, to the over 100 year old Grand Ma) matters so dearly to us. Further, because we are in this battle for God to use us to fight the Devil and all of its deceitful theories that are currently wrecking our lives, and ravishing our future, the details matter to us very dearly because, as the common saying goes, “the Devil hides itself right within the details.” Therefore, every article of our revolution, ranging from the
  • 8. wordings on protest placards, or posters, to our flyers, brochures, and pamphlets etc., including this very cover letter, and the main communication enclosed here, require your quality time, and is not intended for mere skimming through, or glancing at. 5. One essence of this massive writing, voice recording, and the huge blame casting in our work, is to trigger some massive, constructive crisis of theoretical and intellectual debates and disagreements – both at the national and international levels, that will force an ultimate and urgent national round table in this country, God willing. 6. Most similar to the immediate point above, because of the deepness, complexity, and danger of our country’s problems, we establish that we need to more aggressively apply the concepts of education or book, in handling all these troubles that no one else can handle for us, besides our very selves – that is, us, Grain Coasters, or “Liberians”, as many have been deceived into knowing this country or its demonym to be. The extra-mile strain or burden placed upon our shoulders, as a result of this reality however, makes us to very well appreciate President John F. Kennedy when he says, “Conformity is a jailer of progress, and the enemy of growth.” Based upon this harsh reality, we have come to the crucial understanding that without some constructive deviation from what is considered by many as the norm, or as formality, or as convention etc., we will never experience anything called change in this place. As such, you will discover that our topics, titles, captions etc., are much longer than normal, so as to ensure that all of these strong, timely, and strange messages of ours, are made clearer, even from their very beginning by God’s power. For something keeps telling us that: (a) by always thinking that our sentences should be limited to one or two lines; (b) our cover letters must be restricted to single pages; (c) our main letters must never exceed 3 pages; (d) our pamphlets must stop at 15-20 pages, and the likes, is another form of laziness or probably some clever deceit from the devil that is making nothing to change in our country; because, when others have burning issues elsewhere on this same globe, they do muster the courage to span far, far above traditional formalities, especially when they are not speaking ordinary business, but are expressing or penning down revolutionary and lifesaving matters, as this very cover letter and its enclosed communication do demonstrate. So please brace yourself for some interesting, nationalistic reading. 7. At the close of the day, we are so eager to make sure that we send out these messages, as strangely as they are, or as strangely as our approach may seem, or as lately as they may appear to be going out etc. because we are feeling afraid that, not only are we responsible, or, are we held accountable, for the things that we do, as human beings, as citizens, as patriots etc., but that, we will also be held responsible or accountable for what we could have done, but did not do, either owing to fear, selfishness, or other emotions. The punishment for such inaction is so big, as: while God is holding us
  • 9. responsible and punishing us on the one hand, the harsh pages of history will be holding us responsible for damages to our own present and future generations on the other hand. We honestly do not want to be caught up into this kind of bloody trap, and we equally don’t want fellow compatriots to be, that’s why all this great effort to make these truly lifesaving messages spread like wildfire by God’s power. 8. We believe that God will soon strike this place hard through any of His several formulas again, owing both to our lack of genuine faith in Him and our collective stupidities, all of which have become so glaring and indisputable, and which continue to disgrace us day by day, as a people, while sleepwalking us to ultimate disaster. 9. We need real, solid change in this country, and every 1 million miles must begin with some simple, one step. For us, since no one knows exactly by whom, where, how, and when will that particular, one, true step be taken, we have asked God for this current effort of ours to be that particular, one, true step, to our country’s 1 million miles to actual independence, and all of its many dividends, including the much talked about peace and reconciliation, stability, and economic prosperity etc. 10.Since this communication mainly goes to groups and institutions, it is our polite urge that you try your best to share every article in this package with each of your members, especially those items that we have labeled as revolutionary flyers, which range from 1 to 5, or any number of them enclosed here, including one strong, 25- page Anti-Election Special. It will also be a civic plus, and a spiritual blessing, on anyone’s part, to photocopy some of these articles and share them with fellow citizens and institutions whose addresses we did not manage to include here, owing to resource and other handicaps. 11.The great German-Swiss-American Albert Einstein did say that if we really want change, then our tolerance must go beyond provisions within some law on our books, especially depending on what is at stake. If what he has said is true, which we are confident is true, then there’s a big challenge out there now to Liberia and her government vis a vis our Plain Truth Revolution whose arguments now defend a 99.9% of our population’s interests. Everybody in this country, including those holding the biggest political positions and wielding the biggest of power and influence in this society knows, that the Government of Liberia has been killing us, either one clever way, or the other raw way; then insulting us, and continues to insult us in the face, unchallenged; and so, if we have reached a point that all the down-trodden masses here, through the Plain Truth Revolution, have decided to constructively fight back, by; instead of keep sugarcoating and mincing words, as it is known to be the tradition here, rather deciding to use the harsh and healing truths, and then you consider this to be insulting, then of course, you are still under obligation to observe
  • 10. what Mr. Einstein has said above, if we all truly want some lasting positive change to happen here once for all, in everyone’s best interest, by God’s grace. 12.Please forgive us if your institution’s name is wrongly spelt, or if the lead person we placed in your institution’s address is the wrong person, or has the wrong title etc. It hasn’t been easy to collect all these data, and we will be glad if you could place more emphasis on the key message herein, rather than on these peripheral items, though you still have the right to ensure that these ‘peripheral items’ are in place. 13.Because of the extreme difficulty involved with getting everybody’s address, while at the same time everybody is so important in the eyes of our revolution, especially as a citizen, and as an institution, we have included a “To All - ” address placeholder to accommodate all of the institutions, including churches, mosques, schools, intellectual centers etc. whose addresses we were unable to get before time closed in on us. Please forgive us, as we really wished to have addressed you directly and completely, but got constrained by time in the process, but we equally love, respect, and recognize you as a very important cog in the wheel, like all the others whose addresses we were able to get. 14.Lastly, but not least, especially for institutions which we have addressed in huge groups here, we say, because of the many addresses within the main letter, your address has been highlighted on page/sheet ___ for easy recognition. Thanks for going through this long prelude that gives you a broader insight into some of the basic principles, views, and modus operandi of our Plain Truth Revolution, and finally we say, welcome on board the reading of your actual cover letter. We kick start therefore by saying: After having laid this long premise, we see it possible that you might recall sometime late March and a better part of April this year, one family took its protest up to the American Embassy here in Monrovia, vowing to remain there until they got some redress to their plight, which has to do with their bread winner’s ‘5G’- speed dismissal by his employer, the so-called Liberia Petroleum [Refining] Company (LPRC), based upon allegations hastily put together in less than 24 hours, and a dismissal communication, terribly messy, from start to end, with errors. It was the Kartees’ family, acting on behalf of a bigger civic forum, the Plain Truth Revolution, that took this action, with God’s special protection and grace. Two local dailies, the Capitol Times (reportedly) and the News Newspaper did cover portions of our action, including 4 radio stations – Kool FM (which began the process with us earlier, uninvited, and went the extra mile, up to its relative conclusion, thanks to their remarkable professional and patriotic efforts), Truth FM (reportedly), Prime FM, OK FM, and with the 5th however being FARBRIC FM, which in fact, was the very first media house at which this exercise was initially announced on the morning of March 29,
  • 11. 2017. For all these media houses did so well to cover parts of our engagements, and so we like to appreciate them here in a very warm way. And in addition, while we warmly appreciate these 7 institutions for being the first media houses that have covered issues about us thus far, as a revolution, we judge it best to also remember, in a special way, the In Profile Daily Newspaper, which served us initially, during the very first year of our inception in 2013, when this revolution’s specific national agenda was not clearly yet defined. Conclusively though, our many thanks and appreciation do go to the entire 4th estate in Monrovia, and the general mass media across our country, for all of their continuous jobs well done. Meanwhile, before resorting to going to the US Embassy, and then and in addition to the engagements that we had there, this family had persistently confronted the Liberian Government and its institutions, including the very LPRC itself, about this awfully gross injustice meted out to us by them, an injustice whose effects our family still continues to feel so sharply up to this date, thus leaving us to only be surviving currently by God’s direct grace. But despite the fact that LPRC now owes us more than 59 months of salary and incentive arrears, which, when carefully calculated for a bona-fide Manager, as we are, sum pretty close to Four Hundred Thousand United States Dollars (US$400,000.00) by now, legitimate arrears, excluding legal damages that this company can NEVER defend itself against, in any sound court of competent jurisdiction, our engagements with different GOL actors on this matter however, have placed more emphasis rather on a demand from us, for their one-page, bogus dismissal letter – the foundation of LPRC’s action, and the foundation of all of these experiences of ours thus far – to be corrected or changed completely, before the both parties ever rest, or in fact, before this entire country EVER rests, God willing. Accounts of the mentioned engagements that we have had with different GOL actors; or, put another way, accounts of the level of efforts that we have been making in our search for some redress to this unspeakable injustice at the hand of LPRC, yea, the GOL, can thus be outlined here as follows, among others: 1. Four written communications of continuous, polite protest to LPRC Authorities – dated respectively, January 30, 2013, June 3, 2013, June 3, 2015, and June 15, 2015, in addition to other formal and informal engagements 2. Two direct letters to President Sirleaf and three additional requests to her, using different media, or approaches, other than letter, with the two letters dated September 2, and September 23, all in 2013 respectively. The 3 different requests calling for her office’s direct intervention included a Tuesday, August 27, 2013 call on her, through the In Profile Daily Newspaper, one call to her through a complimentary copy of a well-documented 27-page LPRC Corruption case, compiled by us, and sent to the so- called Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) on March 10, 2014, and an early
  • 12. April 2014 ‘follow up’ kind of communication to her office on this same LPRC Case to the LACC, that also highlights our personal ordeal in question, in addition to many other issues pertaining to the kind of criminal joke that is being played by the thing we call government here, against the economic and other interests of our country and people. 3. Our case, our ordeal, our plight etc. has been brought to the attention – one way or the other – of both the Speaker of the House of Representatives (in this case, two of the most recent ones, including Hon. J. Alex Tyler and Hon. J. Emmanuel Nuquaye) and the President Protemp of the Senate (in Senator Armah Z. Jallah), along with selected members of the Legislature. We say one way or the other here because the communications that we sent to these officials were not limited to our case alone, but were broader-scoped, linking our ordeal with happenings within the greater society, and our family’s stance and actions thus far, in handling this gruesome injustice, as a national issue, since we have always considered this experience of ours with Americo-Liberia’s INJUSTICE as an epitome of all of the very grave vices that have been holding our collective future hostage, and sending us down the dumps, as a people, since these mischievous Black Americans that we locally call ‘Congoes’ or the Americo-Liberians, set their foot on our soil here, on January 7, 1822. Then finally, 4. Being conscious that we will always encounter the police whenever we decide to conduct any peaceful civic action or assembly in the reinforcement of our search for redress to these issues, we wrote the police authorities on January 24, 2014, formally highlighting our plight and the motivation that we have drawn from this ordeal, from its very inception, to change our country, God willing, while calling on the police to intervene in putting that particular aspect between us and the LPRC regarding their NASTY, faulty dismissal letter, under control. Please also note here that our peaceful search for redress to this matter has not been restricted to these kinds of engagements with GOL actors and institutions alone, but instead, we had also staged two prior direct civic actions or peaceful protests before the LPRC PST Compound on the Bushrod Island in Monrovia – the first dated April 22, 2013, and the second, December 10, 2013, before this one under review, at the US Embassy, that was started March 29, 2017 and relatively concluded on April 19, 2017 etc, an action coming only after we had drawn the Embassy’s attention thrice through different forms of written communications and documents, with the first, being some courtesy copy intended to draw their attention, and this document was received and signed for, by Precious Zeagar on March 10, 2014. The second was a follow up communication to the March 10, 2014 document, received and signed for too, by the
  • 13. same Precious Zeagar, on April 3, 2014, and the 3rd and final one, before our March 2017 action, was a direct communication seeking their explicit intervention, which was addressed to Amb. Mark Boulward, who was by then the Acting Ambassador after the departure of Madam Deborah Malac, and this 4-page letter was dated March 10, 2016, but received and signed for by Gayflor M. Newman on March 14, 2016. It was after exactly one year of awaiting the Embassy’s response in vain, that we decided to go physically in persons, on our peaceful protest action on March 29, 2017. Let’s be fast here to let you know, with great appreciation for the Americans however, that in response to our first contact with the Embassy on March 10, 2014 through that courtesy copy of our LPRC case to the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC), a document in which our personal plight was highlighted as well, and a document that also called on the Embassy to intervene in ensuring that the LACC investigates whatever we had written against LPRC, the Embassy respectfully replied through a call made by one Jenkins on behalf of Ambassador Malac, appreciating us for the effort, expressing shock at the nature of the issues that we had reported against LPRC in this case entitled, “LPRC Case To LACC_Authored By Roland Kartee”, found in its two separate formats at both and Jenkins also inquired whether the LACC had ever made any contact with us on these issues, while requesting updates from us on any move made by the LACC in these directions, and finally expressing the Embassy’s interest in seeing how the LACC would ever address these issues. Jenkins did communicate with us on cell number (0777084337) around the 21st or 22nd of March 2014. This communication from the mighty United States, we must admit, became a very huge impetus, and a force of motivation in our quest to keep moving ahead with our ideas and dreams for Mama Country, since in fact the world’s biggest single nation power had acknowledged that we were not writing and talking nonsense as mischievous Liberian Authorities had been cruelly ignoring all of our writings; again, with the exception of the Liberia National Police, a party to which we also remain very grateful. Although subsequent communications of ours to the US Embassy made them understand that the LACC had, and continued to show no concerns for what we had written, and that in fact, they had unethically, never even acknowledged receipt of any of our two different communications since March 2014, let alone had they one day ever called us for some face to face interaction, the U.S. Embassy was able to acknowledge this document and respond to it very promptly and appropriately. Meanwhile this is the America that all these Liberian big shots, including those at the very LACC do shamefully boast about coming from, all day, when back home, they continue to prove that they have no regards for justice and human beings. That’s how NASTY the Liberian situation is.
  • 14. All these efforts, during all these years now, have yielded no fruits in terms of the GOL and her funny LPRC ever mustering the courage to change this piece of dirt forced upon us by them, called a dismissal letter, that is currently in our hands, or, ever mustering the courage to one day take us to some of their kangaroo courts in pursuit of their confused allegations against us, even when we demanded them to do so through some civic action. The government and her LPRC have just point blank refused to right this simple wrong of theirs, that they themselves do acknowledge to this point, and they keep turning us deaf ears only because we are not talking and acting the normal “Americo-Liberian” way – that way of extreme love and greed for food, materials, or so-called survival, at the very sad expense or neglect of ever standing up for any genuine principles. Another intriguing thing is that all of these governmental institutions, including the very President’s Office, the Legislature etc. (again with the exception of the Police, which made some honest efforts to step into the situation but could not go beyond what they call ‘their bounds’, to do what the higher-ups in government were not willing to do), continue to blatantly ignore the genuine concerns of someone they consider a citizen, and his cruelly trampled upon family, for all these long years now. Yet and still, Americo-Liberia claims to be running a democracy, when by all modern performance standards and requirements, a true democracy MUST show serious responsiveness to the calls and concerns of each of its citizens at all times. For this is the only way a true society can ever grow, and that’s why Liberia DOES not qualify yet as a democracy unfortunately. Still meanwhile, on a more personal note, apart from this current Americo-Liberian President (i.e. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s) forefathers’ collective Nasty governmental policies that have rendered my parents’ lifetime dreams unachievable and almost useless forever, just as it has done, and continues to do, to the lifetime dreams and aspirations of millions of our fellow indigenous people across this country (in both past and present generations), her (again, meaning Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s) co-initiated, founded, financed, and sustained 14 year “Uncivil War” of revenge and itch for useless power grab, that ended in 2003, was directly responsible for my dear mom’s early death before age 40, on July 26, 1990. In further damage to our Kartees’ family, by Ellen’s actions, I personally suffered from direct, massive rocket particle wounds that nearly ended my life instantly, after these rocket shells had killed 8 persons on the spot, in the very group whose members I was actively interacting with, on the scene, on July 25, 2003, at the Newport Junior High School IDP Camp in Monrovia. This was part of a very cruel campaign that saw the indiscriminate shelling of poor civilians by another one of Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s many initiated, supported, and sustained war projects, with this one called the Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD), according to a 2014 Wikileaks’ revelation. It’s also important to include here how in another sad addition to all of these nightmare still, my dual ethnic groups – i.e. the Dans and Mahns, and our county, Nimba – suffered the worst and most gruesome of deaths, beheadings,
  • 15. and massacres, first, beginning November 1985, as a direct result of this Americo- Liberian Queen, Ellen’s bloody political maneuver using Gen. Thomas G. Quiwonkpa against Samuel K. Doe, in a devilish contrivance that effectively pitted the Dans and Mahns on the one hand, and the Krahns, on the other hand, against one another so gruesomely; then next, in 1989, again, when defenseless Dans and Mahns, initially, owing to the existing bad blood from 1985, suffered the worst of intimidations, deaths and massacres once more, at the direct consequence of Queen Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s first major, full-scale war project for Americo-Liberian presidency, through the infamous National Patriotic Front of Liberia Rebel Group, a group that inflicted some of the most heinous onslaughts on defenseless citizens in mankind’s history (99.9% of which were the indigenous people of this country), only again, for Americo-Liberians to come back to so-called governmental positions, the only vocation that they claim to know, all through their lives on this Planet. It is this same Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s Government once more, through its so-called Liberia Petroleum Refining Company (LPRC) that rudely and criminally disrupted my very high personal and family ambitions, yet again, with some awfully fake and useless dismissal letter, not to mention the level of foolishness that went into the reasoning and processes that effected this bogus dismissal action. We, of course, have not, and will not be deterred by anyone of these kinds of terrible personal experiences in this long string of nightmare, in a way that will send us off track, from ever doing the right thing – thanks to God’s guidance, as this kind of resilience has been a product of our strong, privileged, spiritual foundation. This foundation has proudly thought us that everything works together for the better, in order for God’s will and purpose in both our individual and collective lives to be realized. And so, we are proud to be consistently caught up in the firing line of Americo-Liberian bullets of cruelty and naivety against our vast indigenous majority of this country, to such a scale like what we all here now see and know in this Black American Colony. That’s why, even though this long episode started as a single, personal case between us and the Management of LPRC, we have managed, based on our proud orientation and little African education, to escalate it to the national, and even international level, by employing the following 3 strategic formulas – one spiritual, one philosophical or scientific, and the last, managerial, which include:  Spiritually: We believe in the Bible when it says in Romans 8:28 that “all things work together for good for those that love God, and those that are chosen for His purpose.”  Philosophically and scientifically or otherwise: The Greek Scientist named Archimedes once said, “Give me a lever long enough, and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I will move the whole world.” In our case, it is about saying, “give me a good corruption or human rights abuse case long enough, and with the prevailing
  • 16. circumstances in my country now so ripe enough, I can change my country, and impact the whole world positively by the grace of God, using this single case.”  Managerially: One American Management Scientist, Mr. Paul Hawken has said, “Good management is the process of making a problem so interesting and its solution so constructive, that everyone wants to get to work, to deal with that problem.” As we now embark on escalating this civic agenda from the family and small group level to the broader public level by the grace of God, since it is truly intended to seek our country’s interest first, rather than our personal interests, or the interest of just a few, we like to use this medium to now fully introduce to you the Plain Truth Revolution, our family-derived, and proudly God-engineered-and-approved, peaceful revolutionary endeavor, now poised – through His power, to liberate our country once and for all from the terrible shackles of lack of independence, and all the nightmare attached to this sad lack. In this package, apart from this cover letter and our main 27-page communication addressed directly to you, there are five separate sets of documents, simply labeled Sets 1 to 5, for your convenience, which include: a) Our Revolution’s Anti-2017 Americo-Liberian Elections Materials (5 big flyers + 1 extensive, 22-page revolutionary warning message against standing on line to vote in 2017). *Note that we are providing you Flyers 1 and 4, plus the 22 general warning, and leaving you with the polite challenge of downloading the others from their web locations. This will be labeled Set 1. b) Just two of the summary pamphlets of our over 20 Plain Truth Revolutionary handouts/pamphlets, for your quick perusal. These two concern Liberia’s illegitimacy and the wickedness that characterize its overall civic theory, leaving you with an appeal to get the other interesting rest. This is labeled Set 2. c) Some (between 7 and 11) short communications/documents from among the countless documents relating to the now 5-year running administrative and revolutionary search for redress by Employee Roland Kartee against Employer, Liberia Petroleum [Refining] Company, for his criminally bogus January 2013 dismissal that has cruelly wretched the Native African Kartees’ lives for all these 5 years now, with full knowledge and implicit backing of the United States Government. This case, we repeat, is a proud springboard or launch pad of our Plain Truth Revolution. These few instruments that start with the very fake employment termination letter, have been marked in some chronological order for your convenience, and are labeled as Set 3. d) A 38-page warning from our Revolution to the 3 biggest sustainers of the wicked civic theory of Liberia through fake elections and bloody foreign aid. We labeled this
  • 17. as Set 4. Note: Attach to this article are two small communications – one serves as partial evidence of some of the practical efforts that we made against the holding of the past October – December 2017 fake Americo-Liberian General Elections, and the other serves as some evidence of the little gains we have been making thus far at moral legitimacy by virtue of being recognized by the world’s biggest authority and greatest arbiter of mankind’s affairs (Earth-wise), which is the United Nations. a) A 20-page article we call our guide, i.e. Plain Truth Revolution Guide 2, which provides some kind of narrative or walkthrough for all of the various civic actions that we have been taking thus far under the auspices of the Plain Truth Revolution in pursuit of some genuine redress to this raw deal, this proud springboard of our Revolution, ranging from actions taken at the family-level, to those taken at the national level, or with bigger national agendas. Of course, this last one is labeled Set 5. **Please note that each set is attached in two versions – both in a .doc and a .pdf format. Thank you very much for going through this package to know about the Plain Truth Revolution and to buy into our arguments and debates for the final liberation of our country from the forces of untold LIES, DECEIT, CORRUPTION and MISCHIEF, to its befitting destiny of true independence and prosperity using God’s eternal principles of JUSTICE, JUSTICE, JUSTICE, and equally the rest of the other Godly principles. Yours gratefully, RSK Roland S. Kartee Head/Plain Truth Revolution
  • 18. Plain Truth Revolution Gardnersville Monrovia, Liberia December 11, 2017 To All the Addresses Below : Monrovia Central Mosque : Jesus Evangelistic & Deliverance Benson Street Ministry International Monrovia, Liberia Central New Matadi, Sinkor Monrovia, Liberia (0886577321) : Garden of Prayer Church of God Jamaica Road, Bushrod Island : Newport Street Mosque Monrovia, Liberia Newport St., Monrovia, Liberia : St. Wade Harris Episcopal Church : Glorious Ministries International Steven Tolbert Estate New Georgia, Old Field Monrovia, Liberia (0880401691) Monrovia, Liberia : Redeemed Church of Christ : Anointed Rescue Mission Church Clay Street Matadi, Fiamah Drive, Sinkor Monrovia, Liberia Monrovia, Liberia : Transcea Bible Church : Shepherd House Global Ministries Stockton Creek, Somalia Drive Duport Road, Kingdom Care Monrovia, Liberia Monrovia, Liberia (0886050406) : Saints Assembly Ministry : God’s Transformation Ministries Duport Road, 1st Cow Field Junction Int’l, 16th Street, Sinkor Monrovia, Liberia Monrovia, Liberia (0770168991) : Divine Love & Salvation Church : United By The Word SDA Church Monrovia, Liberia (0880948442) Duport Road, Paynesville Monrovia, Liberia (0880604620) : Gurley Street Mosque Gurley Street, Monrovia, Liberia : Gents in Christ, Benson Street Victory Center Int’l Church Inc.
  • 19. Monrovia, Liberia (0886910630) Monrovia, Liberia (0886523099) : Reunion Christian Fellowship Church : Paynesville Central SDA Church SKD Boulevard, Congo Town ELWA Junction, Paynesville Monrovia, Liberia Monrovia, Liberia : Seed Ministries : Walking With Christ Int’l 16th Street, Barclay Avenue, Sinkor Monrovia, Liberia Monrovia, Liberia (0777157788) : Peniel New Generation Restoration : Jerusalem First Ministry Inc. Ministries, Frog Island Community Old Road, Sinkor Paynesville, Monrovia, Liberia Monrovia, Liberia (0880285317) : Caldwell Junction Mosque : Gbangay’s Town Mosque Caldwell Junction, Bushrod Gbangay’s Town, Sinkor Island, Monrovia, Liberia Monrovia, Liberia : Redeemed Outreach Ministry : New Covenant Assembly Apostolic Caldwell Junction, Bushrod Pentecostal Church International Island, Monrovia, Liberia Monrovia, Liberia, (0775545943) (0886558136) : Discovering God’s Divine : Just Talk About God Purpose, Duport Road, Paynesville Weaver Street, Paynesville Monrovia, Liberia Monrovia, Liberia (0886087441) : Christopolis Christian Center : Wroto’s Town Mosque Christopolis, Brewerville Wroto’s Town, Airfield Monrovia, Liberia (0770732727) Sinkor, Monrovia, Liberia : Breakthrough Chapel Pillar of Faith : Word & Wellness Int’l Ministries Monrovia, Liberia (0888729896) Somalia Drive, Gardnersville Monrovia, Liberia : God’s Battle Axe (GBA) Freeway Church : Redeemed Assemblies Ministries Supermarket, Somalia Drive, Gardnersville Int’l Inc., Peace Island, Congo
  • 20. Monrovia, Liberia Town, Monrovia, Liberia (0886969514) : Maranatha Praise Ministries Inc. Bardnersville, Gardnersville : Apple of God’s Eyes Monrovia, Liberia 12th Street, Sinkor Monrovia, Liberia : World Hope Worship Center New Georgia Estate, Gardnersville : World Foundation Int’l Monrovia, Liberia Rock Hill Community Paynesville, Mon-Lib. : Great Light International Ministries (0886619666) Paynesville, Monrovia, Liberia (0886752572) : Vai Town Mosque Vai Town, Bushrod Island : World Resurrection Ministries Int’l Monrovia, Liberia Gurley Street, Monrovia, Liberia : Restoration Baptist Church : Divine Faith International Congo Town, Monrovia, Liberia New Georgia Estate, Gardnersville Monrovia, Liberia : New Generation Int’l Ministries 12 Houses Road, ELWA Junction : Virtuous Palm Ministries Paynesville, Monrovia, Liberia Thinkers’ Village, Monrovia, Liberia (0886538188) (0777521661) : Willing Women in Christ, Int’l : Kingdom Embassies Network Ministries, Inc. 3rd Street, Sinkor, Mon-Lib. West Africa, Behind City Hall, Sinkor Monrovia, Liberia (0886386016) : The Church of Pentecost Praise Temple, Chocolate City : Voice of Zion Ministries Gardnersville, Mon.-Lib. Bardnersville, Gardnersville Monrovia, Liberia (0770230481) : Jehovah Jireh Ministries Int’l Dry Rice Market, Johnsonville : Lakpazee Mosque Road, Monrovia, Liberia Lakpazee Community, Sinkor, Mon.-Lib. (0886513991) : Agape Campus Christian Fellowship, Inc. : Global Apostolic Prophetic Free Pentecostal Mission of Lib. Compound Arena, Keyhole, Old Road
  • 21. (0770442755) Sinkor, Monrovia, Liberia (0886514656) : Glorious Life Ministries Int’l Hotel Africa Road, Monrovia, Liberia : Living World Missions, Liberia Monrovia, Liberia : International Guardians Intelligence Inc. (0886521947) Lynch & Carey Streets P.O. Box 2104, Monrovia, Liberia : Conquerors Christian Center (0886809780) Old Matadi Branch, Old Matadi Monrovia, Liberia : Winners’ Chapel International GSA Road, Paynesville, Monrovia, Liberia : New Matadi Mosque (0777557485) New Matadi, Sinkor Monrovia, Liberia : Sanctuary of Power – Life of Christ Ministries International Inc. : The Power of a Praying Sisters SIM (“Smythe) Road, Congo Town Ministries Monrovia, Liberia (0886423713) Guest House Road, Thinkers’ Village, Monrovia, Liberia : Shiloh Outreach Ministries Inc., Liberia Cannan-Land, King Peter’s Town : Life Giving Church Bushrod Island, Monrovia, Liberia Lower Virginia Monrovia, Liberia (0886542102) : Association of Community Churches Lakpazee Community, Airfield, Sinkor : Ephesians Six Seventeen Monrovia, Liberia (0886521189) Ministries, Broad Street Monrovia, Liberia : World Mission Outreach Ministries, Liberia Kpan’s Town Community, Bardnersville : Bethel Assemblies of God Monrovia, Liberia (0886811786) Church, Snapper Hill, Benson Street, Monrovia, Liberia : New Rescue Mission Baptist Church (0886543558) Christopolis, Brewerville Monrovia, Liberia (0770732727) : Future Foundation International Monrovia, Liberia (0770254780) : Sanctuary of Praise Global Ministries, : City of Refuge Kingdom Life Judah’s Temple Inc. Ministries, Caldwell Township
  • 22. Monrovia, Liberia (0886846196) Signs & Wonders Street, Opposite Thumbs Up : Vision for Christ Ministries, Liberia Fendell Campus : Old Matadi Mosque University of Liberia Old Matadi, Sinkor Monrovia, Liberia : Restoration Point New Jerusalem AG Church Gardnersville, Monrovia, Liberia : ELWA Dominion Christian Fellowship Center : The Gospel Site of LDS Kpelleh Town, ELWA Jn. New Georgia Estate, West Monrovia, Liberia (0770044568) Gardnersville, Monrovia, Liberia : Christ Evangelical God Cares : St. Augustine Episcopal Church Ministries, Carey Street Bardnersville Road, Gardnersville Monrovia, Liberia Monrovia, Liberia (0888516089) : True Life Bible Believing Church : Light House Baptist Church Int’l, 15th Street, Sinkor, Behind Congo Town, Monrovia, Liberia Royal Grand Hotel, Mon, Lib. : Wisdom Ministries International : Providence Baptist Church Caldwell Road, Opposite AGM Junction P.O. Box 1076, Broad/Center/ Bushrod Island, Monrovia, Liberia Ashmun Streets, Mon, Lib. (0886440477) (0886522199) : Mission Talk, Battery Factory : City of Light Church of God Gardnersville, Monrovia, Liberia E. J. Goodridge Estate (0880974143) Bardnersville, Gardnersville Monrovia, Liberia : Save Life International Clay Street & Camp Johnson Road : Power Temple Monrovia, Liberia (0777170486) Tusa Field Road, Gardnersville Supermarket, Monrovia, Liberia : Pathfinder Chapel International (0886988892) Monrovia, Liberia (0886497786) : Better Living SDA Church : Fiahmah Mosque 12th Street, Sinkor Fiahmah Community, Sinkor
  • 23. Monrovia, Liberia Monrovia, Liberia : El-Bethel International Mission, Inc. : Tubman Memorial United Paynesville, Monrovia, Liberia Methodist Church, Weaver (0777004502) Avenue, Paynesville Monrovia, Liberia : Messiah Mission Church Morris Farm Community, Paynesville : Trinity Cathedral Monrovia, Liberia (0886542128) Broad Street, Monrovia, Liberia : Doe Juah Memorial United Church : Winners’ Chapel J. J. Y. Community, Gardnersville Tubman Boulevard, Oldest Monrovia, Liberia Congo Town, Mon.-Lib. : Bethesda Baptist Church, Cinema Road : St. Charles Lwanga Parish Logan Town, Bushrod Island, Mon.-Lib. Monrovia, Liberia : 17th Street Mosque : Shepherd House Global Ministries 17th Street, Sinkor, Mon.-Lib. Duport Road, Kingdom Care Community, Monrovia, Liberia : Faith Chapel Evangelistic Ministries (0886050406) Paynesville, Monrovia, Liberia : Stephen Trowen Nagbe United : Victory Sheepfold Winners Temple of Methodist Episcopal Church Faith Inc., Somalia Drive, Paynesville 13th Street, Sinkor Monrovia, Liberia Monrovia, Liberia : The Church of Jesus Christ of the : ‘Teleminlay’/Cemenco Mosque Latter Day Saints, Horton Avenue Cemenco Community Monrovia, Liberia Bushrod Island, Monrovia, Liberia : El-Shaddi World Outreach Assembly : Topoe Community Church of Church, Weaver Avenue, Paynesville Christ, Somalia Drive, Lower Monrovia, Liberia New Georgia, Monrovia, Liberia : Military Baptist Church Inc. : 72nd Mosque Bong Mines Bridge 72nd SKD Boulevard
  • 24. Bushrod Island, Mon. Lib. Monrovia, Liberia : St. Mary’s Parish : Union of New Africa Church Tweh Farm, Bushrod Island Ashmun Street, Mon. – Lib. Monrovia, Liberia : Victory Center International : Wesleyan Church of Liberia Church Inc., Liberia 72nd , Paynesville, Monrovia, Liberia Monrovia, Liberia (0886750556) (0886-573-682) : KCI Network : St. Matthew’s Church Center Street, Monrovia, Liberia Logan Town, Bushrod Island Monrovia, Liberia : United Miracle Bible Church Int’l Bardnersville Estate, Gardnersville : Bible Study Fellowship Church Monrovia, Liberia Moulton Camp, Brewerville Monrovia, Liberia (0886752284) : Achievers’ Arena Newport Street, Monrovia, Liberia : ‘Sarafia’ Mosque (0886530235) Front Street, Monrovia, Liberia : West Point Central Mosque : St. Stephen Episcopal Church West Point Township 10th Street, Sinkor Monrovia, Liberia Monrovia, Liberia : Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria – Liberia : Faith Healing Temple of Jesus Chapter, Gurley Street, Mon.-Lib. Church, UN Drive, Bushrod Island, Monrovia, Liberia : Calvary Chapel Sinkor, Monrovia, Liberia : Little White Chapel Church Logan Town, Bushrod Island : Christ the King Catholic Church Monrovia, Liberia (0886519677) Gaye’s Town, Old Road, Sinkor Monrovia, Liberia : AME Zion Church 166 Benson Street, Mon.-Lib. : The Possibility Movement Int’l : Life Church International Church, Brewerville City Jamaica Road, Busrod Island
  • 25. Monrovia, Liberia (0888615714) Monrovia, Liberia(0886530807) : Remedy Chapel : Holy Martyr Parish Catholic Airfield, Sinkor, Opposite the Church, Barnersville Estate James Sprigs Payne’s Airfield Gardnersville, Mon.-Lib. Monrovia, Liberia : Bethel Hill Community Church : Palm SDA Chruch, Barnersville Township Logan Town, Bushrod Island Gardnersville, Mon.-Lib. Monrovia, Liberia (0770177425) : Kingdom Life Church : St. Edward’s Catholic Church Oldest Congo Town, Back Road Logan Town, Bushrod Island Opposite A’ La Lagoon Resort Monrovia, Liberia Bar & Restaurant, Mon.-Lib. : Liberated Champions Center Ministries : Liberia Christian Fellowship Old Road, VP Road, Opposite the Church, New Kru Town Soltiamon Christian School System Bushrod Island, Mon.-Lib. (0777029391) : Future Generation of Awake in Christ International Church : New Georgia Junction Mosque Broad Street, Monrovia, Liberia New Georgia Junction (0888179576) Gardnersville, Mon. – Lib. : Christ Life Temple, In reach Ministries : Evangelical Schools & Children P.O. Box 4395, SKD Boulevard Junction Ministry, Under the Tree Oldest Congo Town, Monrovia, Liberia Barnersville Road, Gardnersville Monrovia, Liberia (0886746077) : God First Business Center Church Mechlin Street, Monrovia, Liberia : Mount Zion New Life Apostolic (0886855983) Church, Paynesville, Mon.-Lib. (0886526145) : ‘Watafia’ or Waterside Mosque Waterside, Monrovia, Liberia : First Presbyterian Church Broad/Johnson Streets, Mon.-Lib. : Trumpet Praise Tabernacle Church : Jacob’s Town Mosque Barclay Avenue, Fiamah, Sinkor Jacob’s Town, Paynesville
  • 26. Monrovia, Liberia (0886556030) Monrovia, Liberia : Unity Mosque : St. Simon’s Baptist Church Fish Market Community Horton Avenue, Capitol Monrovia, Liberia By Pass, Monrovia, Liberia : Our Lady of Lebanon’s St. Joseph’s : Bethel Faith Center Church Parish, Capitol Hill, Monrovia, Liberia Paynesville, Monrovia, Liberia (0886581987) : Preach the Word Tabernacle Church Inc., Monrovia, Liberia : Bethel Cathedral of Hope Church Tubman Boulevard, Congo Town : Randall Street Mosque Monrovia, Liberia Randall Street, Monrovia, Liberia : Clara Town Mosque : His Grace Interdenominational Ministries Clara Town, Bushrod Island Lynch Street, Monrovia, Liberia Monrovia, Liberia : Pagos Island Praise Baptist Church : Eliza Turner Memorial AME Pagos Island, Oldest Congo Town Church, 34th Camp Johnson Road Monrovia, Liberia (0886334322) Monrovia, Liberia : Matadi Central Mosque : First United Methodist Church 21st Street, Sinkor Ashmun Street, Monrovia, Liberia Monrovia, Liberia : St. Augustine Episcopal Church : Jesus Christ is Lord Ministry Christian Barnersville Road, Gardnersville Church, Congo Town Monrovia, Liberia (0888516089) (0770287843) : Center Street Mosque : World Hope Worship Center Center Street, Monrovia, Liberia New Georgia Estate, Gardnersville Monrovia, Liberia : Holy Ghost Global Ministries Inc. Tusa Field Road, Gardnersville Monrovia, Liberia (0776220372)
  • 27. : Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at, Ebenezer United Methodist Ch. Lynch Street, Monrovia, Liberia Liberia, 9th Lynch Street Monrovia, Liberia : Global Youth Association for Christ (0886512613) Church, Brewerville, Monrovia, Liberia (0776188525) : Calvary Baptist Church 18th Street, Sinkor : The Islamic Library and Dawah Center Monrovia, Liberia(0886515695) Hotel Africa Road, Monrovia, Liberia (0777811229) : Monrovia Christian Fellowship Church, 9th Street, Warner Ave. : New Georgia Philadelphia Church (0776316940) New Georgia, Gardnersville Monrovia, Liberia (0886552267) : Mamba Point Congregation Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s : Stephen Tolbert Estate Congregation Witnesses, Monrovia, Liberia Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses Monrovia, Liberia : Christ Foundation of Faith Church Chocolate City, Gardnersville : Jacob’s Town Congregation Monrovia, Liberia Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses Monrovia, Liberia : Watch Tower & Bible Track Society of Jehovah’s Witnesses’ : Jamaica Road Congregation Liberia’s Branch/Office Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses Paynesville, Monrovia, Liberia Monrovia, Liberia : Paynesville Congregation : Broad Street Congregation Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses Witnesses, Monrovia, Liberia Monrovia, Liberia : United By the Word SDA : Amazing Facts SDA Church Church, Tweh Farm, Bushrod Island Around Kingdom Care, Duport Rd Monrovia, Liberia Monrovia, Liberia : Duport Road Congregation Kingdom Hall of Jehovah Witnesses
  • 28. Monrovia, Liberia : Popowea SDA Church 3rd Street, Sinkor : Mamba Point Congregation Monrovia, Liberia Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses Monrovia, Liberia : Sinkor Congregation Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s : Bardnersville Kebbah Congregation Witnesses, Monrovia, Liberia Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses Monrovia, Liberia : Satellite SDA Church Morris’ Farm, Paynesville : : : Chocolate City Baptist Church Chocolate, Gardnersville Monrovia, Liberia United Liberia inland Church Chocolate, Gardnersville Monrovia, Liberia Chocolate City Central Mosque Around Blue Container Community Chocolate, Gardnersville Monrovia, Liberia : : : Monrovia, Liberia The Salvation Army Church Chocolate, Gardnersville Monrovia, Liberia World Miracle Praise Church Chocolate, Gardnersville Monrovia, Liberia Blow the Trumpet SDA Church Diggsville, Bardnersville : Island Mosque Monrovia, Liberia Around Chocolate City Turning Point Chocolate City, Gardnersville, Mon. Lib. : New Life SDA Church Battery Factory, Gardnersville : Chocolate City Mosque Monrovia, Liberia Around “Butt Naked” Church Chocolate City, Mon. Lib. : The Redeemed Christian Church of God : Anchor of Hope SDA Church Chocolate City, Mon. Lib. - Monrovia, Liberia : Fountain of Life Parish Chocolate City, Gardnersville : Maranatha SDA Church Monrovia, Liberia -
  • 29. Monrovia, Liberia : J. J. Y. Community Mosque #1 J. J. Y. Community, Gardnersville : Tabernacle of Israel Ministries Inc. Monrovia, Liberia Chocolate City, Gardnersville Monrovia, Liberia : J. J. Y. Community Mosque #2 : City of Prayer Open Eyes Apostolic J. J. Y. Community, Gardnersville Ministries Inc., Chocolate City Monrovia, Liberia Gardnersville, Monrovia, Liberia : Gardnersville West Congregation : J. J. Y. Community Mosque #3 Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s J. J. Y. Community, Gardnersville Witnesses, Gardnersville Monrovia, Liberia Monrovia, Liberia : God’s Divine Faith Healing Ministries : Way to Heaven SDA Church Chocolate City, Gardnersville 72nd Junction, Paynesville Monrovia, Liberia Monrovia, Liberia : Zion Invasion Army Center : Bardnersville Congregation Chocolate City, Gardnersville Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Monrovia, Liberia Witnesses, Gardnersville Monrovia, Liberia : Church of Christ Chocolate City, Gardnersville : Remnant SDA Church Monrovia, Liberia New Georgia, Bassa Town Monrovia, Liberia : New Georgia West Congregation Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses Gardnersville, Monrovia, Liberia TO ALL CHURCHES
  • 30. RE: A FORMAL INTRODUCTION TO THE PLAIN TRUTH REVOLUTION, PLUS AN OFFICIAL REQUEST FOR YOUR ACTIVE INPUT INTO THIS GREAT CHANGE PROCESS FOR REBORNING OUR COUNTRY, BY GOD’S GRACE, BEGINNING WITH OUR POLITE CALL FOR YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM THESE 2017 AMERICO-LIBERIAN POLITICAL ELECTIONS, OR, FOR YOU TO DISAPPROVE ANY OUTCOME FROM THIS PROCESS, IN FAVOR OF A DIFFERENT CIVIC ARRANGEMENT Dear Fellow Brethren in Faith: Hello fellow brethren in faith to our One and only One God: Greetings come to you from our Plain Truth Revolution, a peaceful civic endeavor proudly springing out of our 2013 experience with the Liberian Petroleum [Refining] Company, and now poised, through God’s power, to lead in the process of re-borning and relaying the foundation of our country based on honest principles, with our first big test being to challenge the legitimacy of the ensuing October – December 2017 ‘Americo- Liberian’ Elections. Strangely, we address you here not as separate religions, separate denominations, or separate creeds etc., as the long list of addresses above may suggest, but rather, and truly instead, we address you as one family of human beings united by the key common denominators of: Truth, Faith in the same God, Monotheism, Abrahamism, and a single, shared citizenship, which is what we prefer to call our common belonginess to the Grain Coast (even though America has coerced us since 1822 to refer to it as Liberia for their own, selfish and corrupt benefit). After taking up some time to read the Bible and the Qur’an (to some extent), we have established that our Father, God, was the One and only One that created this place, set things up here, and instructed us to man and manage these things for our own survival, growth, and comfort first, then for the survival, growth, and comfort of our future generations, including those of all the other living things on this Planet. We are further mandated to champion and trumpet God’s principles and precepts (even if it means that we fight physically at times to ensure this), and finally, all of our work should be intended for the glorification of our Creator’s Name in the end, etc. Nowhere in these two big Books of God’s Scriptures did we find that the devil ever created anything here, even down to the witches, wizards, and their witchcraft, which it, the Devil, claims to be working with. We are told by these two Books that our God will judge us later by how we took care of His creation, including His human beings, and how we stood up for the protection and defense of His part of theories against devil’s part of lying, tricky, and deceitful theories. We, of the Plain Truth Revolution do stand to be held accountable for whatever we are saying here.
  • 31. Having said that, while on the surface, every religious person, or everyone claiming to be a religious person, may not be interested in this kind of topic, or may not be interested in it at certain times, we like to let you know here that there are times that ALL must be concerned – to some appreciable extent – about what happens to their country because, in further explanation of the paragraph above, the God that we serve is very much interested in how we manage His creation, and how we go about managing our own lives and activities – no matter which spheres of this life we find ourselves actively in. The essence to us addressing this same, or single-content communication to ALL in this country’s religious community – made up principally by the Christian and Muslim Communities, along with all their different sects and denominations undistinguished – is that for us, we do believe that apart from all of us deriving our collective faiths and religious beliefs from a single source, which is in Abraham, we are all, also monotheistic, meaning that we do believe in One, and the same God, as the third paragraph above rightly mentions. And for example, although we hail from Christian background, we are very proud of a Quaranic verse (i.e. Surat 2:259), which, in line with our views about service to God and mankind, makes us understand that our God, whichever way we refer to Him, is not even interested in religion, but instead in the Truth, and in fighting evil. In addition, we don’t even see the point in trying to separate our different religions in matters of cleaning up society when all Books of Scriptures make us understand that it is only us, the true children of God, who can truly clean up society and make it better and decent, relatively, for all of mankind – including even people who consider themselves atheists, and that we do this great job using God’s Word, sometimes unconsciously, like in the case of people claiming to be atheists, but still doing the right things for humanity. It is that powerful message in our hands, in the Bible, in the Quran etc. that we can use as tools to change society. II Timothy 3:16 – 17 is authoritative in defending this claim of ours, along with many other passages in both the Bible and the Quran. Moreover, if we don’t do the dirty work, as God’s children, as Adventists, Muslims, Jehovah’s Witnesses etc. when the war and earthquakes, approved by God for our collective unfaithfulness, laziness, and corruption etc. do come as punishment, will they, meaning these calamities, ever be separating the Christians from the Muslims, and things like that? Let’s ponder upon these kinds of common sense scenarios and now take some collective steps to change the embarrassing situation in this country before things turn completely out of hand for us, both in the sight of man, and of God. We, of the Plain Truth Revolution, also, based upon our Spiritual orientation do feel that the Liberian Clean Up Job is very huge, complicated, and dangerous, with the huge stockpile of mess, having been implanted by the world’s superpower, and continues to sustained to the teeth by this same superpower, for which it only takes strong people of faith to stand up against it – all these being reasons for which we believe that we must work closest with you, in the religious community, without any discrimination or
  • 32. separation for that matter. For this is our battle, no matter how much our differences currently are, and how much they would be, as we go along, but we should never lose sight of this crucial common obligation of ours, from the religious community, which we owe to our Creator first, before man. Having laid this premise, let’s briefly present a one-sentence explanation of the biggest objective of approaching you through this medium as: our desire for you to help us to elevate our Plain Truth Revolution’s debates for the final liberation of our dear home from what every conscious person in this place now sees and knows, is America’s very deadly imperialism, implemented through the inherent criminality and cruelty of the Americo-Liberians, and with all these being channeled through the policies of the criminal gang that these both parties set up here in 1822 called government. The issues at stake in our country are so grave and chaotic, and as such, require very bold steps, bold debates, strong words, and bold actions in order for them to ever be handled. So, our depiction and description of these issues may seem sarcastic and abusive to some people; but in reality, we are neither insulting nor abusing. We are just hitting the plain truth. Some people may think that we are personal, but we are not personal. It is just that we cannot discuss or debate these deadly, burning issues, without involving the individuals or groups of individuals or entities that are driving these issues. For example, the point of either staying away from, or disapproving the outcome of the ensuing, always fake Americo-Liberian electoral process, as we mentioned in our long subject or reference line above, is in line with Biblical and Qur’anic principles that: we are under obligation to discontinue complying with, or to stop obeying well-established immoral and illegitimate authorities and designs for our lives and our relationship with God. We can’t keep obeying a design that is bent on working against us, and our future generations, especially due to its bad foundation. Fellow countrymen and women, we want you to please take seriously the sad reality that we unfortunately have a very dirty society that can NEVER remain this dirty, for anything good to ever flourish within it. While perfection is impossible for us as human beings, and as human societies, excellence achieved in relative cleanliness, MUST be the objective and goal after which all serious people MUST seek. In our case, because of the age of our problem, its complexity, and very deep-rooted nature, plus the kinds of parties involved, this indispensable societal cleanup process has become very huge and dangerous, but the harsh fact is that we must face it as our part of collective challenge in our common existence, as every group of people have got their part of challenge in life that they must overcome in order to flourish. As we, of the Plain Truth Revolution have already embarked upon this very herculean task, God willing, we remain quite conscious that in such a dangerous and difficult assignment, we need God’s protection and favor so
  • 33. massively, for which we must fight in all of our weak ways possible, to apply His eternal principles of boldness, truthfulness, justice, and love etc., every step of the way. As such, it’s best to keep reminding you that we are not politicians coming to canvass for votes, or to encourage you to support a political party, but instead, we are practical realists and revolutionaries bent upon being used by God just to clean up society for the benefit of everyone now, and all of our future generations by the grace of God. To demonstrate true conviction that the very burning issues currently at stake in this country are not just about a particular Liberian government/administration or a particular set of individuals within its fake governance design, but that these great issues are instead about a whole wrong structure that was put into place here since 1822 in the name of some national government, along with its entire modus operandi, that needs to be radically overhauled before true independence and all of its dividends of: peace, security, stability, economic prosperity etc. can ever be realized, we are not limiting our call here only to abstaining from these 2017 elections alone. Instead, wherein their elections are still held – which is very highly possible regardless of how much calls come against it, since holding fake elections, in fact, is the only primary means through which the United States Government and their surrogates, the Americo-Liberians do sustain their Liberia and all of its NASTY theories, fake national theories wrought with blood, corruption, imperialism, and ethnocentrism etc., we still herewith call on all well-meaning citizens and well-wishers from all walks of life to join us in disapproving this process and all of its outcomes, including, by peacefully protesting and resisting their so-called inauguration. Again, this action is, or will be necessary not because we hate the professed winner (s) from these illegitimate so-called democratic polls, but because we too are under obligation to exert some reasonable force or pressure in averting a bad future, a bad collective fate etc., since this country does belong to all of us equally, and as such, we just can’t always sit by and continue to allow only a less than 1% of the population, calling themselves some politicians, or some elite, to keep manipulating us in the fake name of politics, governance or democracy. And so, our beautiful beginning point is to do everything constructively and civilly possible to obstruct anything called the inauguration of another Americo-Liberian president, another Americo-Liberian political administration, another batch of both conscious and unconscious agents of American imperialism and neo-colonialism; another batch of both conscious and unconscious criminals etc. to continue these Black Americans’ entrenched culture of corruption, corruption, and corruption, and the unhindered, unchallenged marginalization and suppression of our huge Native African or tribal populations of this beautiful land, one way or the other. No, no, we will civilly
  • 34. resist all this to the letter, by the grace of God. Instead, we do demand, and will ensure, with all of our blood, sweat, and tears, that all road in this country lead to a Sovereign Citizens Convention between now and the end of February, or latest, mid-March 2018, before UNMIL finally draws down. For us, it is not about who wins or who becomes president of this place that is still under the Americo-Liberians’ twisted, criminal civic theory, no. It is about what foundation is that person coming to build upon; what culture and leadership traditions are they coming to build upon, and stuffs like that. For we just don’t believe in this foundation of Joseph Jenkins Roberts; we don’t believe in Tubman’s foundation; we don’t believe in Doe’s or Taylor’s foundation etc., neither do we believe in a foundation laid by Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. We therefore demand an opportunity now, before UNMIL leaves, by God’s grace, to lay for ourselves a new national foundation; to create for ourselves a new set of civic theories and traditions that will go in line with the true norms of modern civilization and match 21st century realities – but never to continue with those that were designed here by the Americo-Liberians, which are surely what Boaka or Weah will be coming to office again to sustain. For anything that is of the Liberian foundation, theory, and status quo we vehemently detest, not even oppose; and so, allowing ourselves to inaugurate Weah or Boakai will just interpret to agreeing to join with evil forces (both conscious and unconscious) to intentionally prolong the already sorrowful plight and agonies of our good people. This is with all due respect to the subjects involved here, who are largely acting either out of ignorance or fear to do the difficult, right thing for our country. As a strong piece of information or a sturdy word of warning for fellow citizens, especially those of pure Native African backgrounds, who now feel some sigh of relief and are now believing that the Natives are beginning to take over their land, especially taking into account the current look of things, we say with the saddest of heart that instead of taking over their land, the Natives are rather SADLY enhancing the Americo- Liberian design, and proving the ACS arguments of yesteryears to be true, all of such sad misconceptions and missteps which will continue to prolong the sufferings of our already strangulated people. The Americo-Liberian election of a George Weah or a Joseph Boakai will never be that desperately desired and needed equivalent of Natives rightfully taking over their country from the foul-smelling hands of these mischievous Black Americans, and the deadly imperialist claws of the great United States, neither will it even be a small liberation of the huge suffering masses of this land from the shackles and yoke of abuse, poverty, devastation etc., but instead, to repeat with emphasis, such election will only sorrowfully be a prolongation of all these very NASTY, existing realities. With a George Weah or a Joseph Boakai presidency over a fake statehood called
  • 35. “Liberia”, still bearing this same counterfeit name given by an American Congressman in the early 1820s for selfish, colonial, and bloodily ‘seggregative’ reasons; a fake statehood still flying this same red, white, and blue flag with divisive 11 stripes; a fake nationhood arrangement still running with this same bloody motto that reads, “The love of liberty brought us here”; a funny Black American Colony still honoring a conflict-ridden seal that depicts the coming into this place of only the criminal and most mischievous breed of Mixed Blacks Americans from the United States; and a lying West African civic arrangement still obeying some very bloody constitution of lies and all sorts of dualities, etc. and etc., we highly foresee the rise to power of another Samuel K. Doe, this time around in clean clothes. We sadly see a newer, 21st century Samuel Doe, who, after being savagely and criminally manipulated again by the Americo-Liberians in the name of politics, will be ultimately destroyed by them and their always hand-in-gloves US allies and elements, all for personal, selfish or capitalist gains, with devilish “Liberia” and all of its messy theories still intact. We foresee this kind of unsavory development culminating again into funny Liberia’s rupturing into conflict, or plunging itself and the sub region, including the world over, into another huge crisis of blood etc. Fellow brothers and sisters in faith to our One and only One God (Allah, Jehovah etc.), our peaceful revolution has been heavily motivated by comments, remarks, and observations from a couple of prominent personalities, just 4 of which can be listed below, along with their remarks, some of which are slightly paraphrased to properly put them into our context as follows: 1. A veteran American Journalist called Patrick Jake O’Rouke once argued that, if we refuse to know our history well, we consequently will NEVER be able to do well in any other aspect of our lives. 2. The current Chinese President, Mr. Chi Jing Ping says, when we neglect history, we betray the people who lived before us, for their sufferings and contributions; and when we deny past crimes, that is, do nothing concrete about past crimes, we are just saying that these crimes should keep repeating themselves. 3. Dr. Hugh Mason Brown, a Washington DC-born African American educator and prelate who visited and studied Liberia in the 1880s, stated this point as one of his many ugly observations about Liberia. He says, the Americo-Liberian mentality about education is to merely memorize theories from the Whiteman, without ever putting these theories into practical use for his own benefit. And fellow brethren in faith, by Americo-Liberian here, Mr. Brown was just referring to all of Liberia. 4. Then finally for now, Dr. James Ciment, a White American Historian, Researcher, and expert in African Affairs, who studied about Liberia and came to this country
  • 36. around the late 20th century on a fact-finding tour and went back, declared that Liberia, sadly, is an illegitimate country, with twisted approaches to handling the things of life, and a thwarted modus operandi, or ways of doing things etc. and etc. Taking these kinds of insightful observations and remarks into consideration, all of which deeply apply to our country’s terribly chronic situation, we see it as a matter of MUST for us, the people of this place, to now truly understand the fundamental arguments and theories based upon which this country, that belongs to all of us equally, was initially established. And if it becomes clear that these founding arguments of Liberia, as propounded by America and her Americo-Liberians are false, faulty, or just can’t hold water any longer, then we think it is time that we halt every major thing else this 2017, and try to correct these civic theories, which are really our society’s foundation, before taking any further steps ahead as a people. And because of the push that we want to attach to this Divine obligation by the grace of God, that’s why you hear the name Plain Truth Revolution; because, come to think about it, if this lifesaving obligation is not pushed with a much more radical and revolutionary force, NOTHING will ever change, as: true, hard change, is very difficult, if not impossible, depending on how long a people continue to dodge it over and over. We believe that we can lead in this process, we can do it together, God willing; as, come to think about it the other way, if such national and civic adjustment is not made, and something of calamitous proportion ever goes on wrong in this place, a reality which is already looming as we speak, then we, the children of God, will bear the biggest blame more than anyone else because our God believes in good foundation, and He instructed us to build everything in life on a sure foundation, and no foundation is ever sure if it doesn’t use God’s eternal principles of Justice, Truth, Love, Hard Work etc. as its cornerstones. The Bible and Qur’an, God’s Scriptures, are replete with these sorts of accounts including such passages as Luke 6:46 – 49 and Surat 9:109 respectively. Let’s remember that we will bear this blame the most, for sitting and allowing our country (our biggest gift from God to help us manage life on this Planet) to get damaged right before our own eyes by corrupt and unprincipled people calling themselves politicians or national leaders. This is because God has said, “to whom much is given, much is expected”, fellow brethren; and what is this ‘much’ being referred to here by God, more than Truth and Vision, things or virtues which devil’s children always lack, in reality? With this common goal of now trying to look into, and work on this 1822 Liberian foundation a little more, having now being established at the back of our minds through the first few passages above, we like to provide you a two-paragraph account of the main argument, or the main theoretical foundation of Liberia’s establishment here as follows, both explicitly and contextually, from various sources including: (1), (2) Liberian History Up to 1847, (3), (4) Niles Weekly Register, (5) Another
  • 37. America: A Cautionary Tale of Liberia, (6) Another America: The Story of Liberia and the Former Slaves that Rule(d) it, (7) Liberia: America’s Step Child etc., which goes like this: “Black criminals from among America’s millions of freed slaves decide to take advantage of a US Government’s pronouncement, theoretically abolishing slavery, and these criminals do this by inciting both freed and ‘unfreed’ slaves to terrorize and hold hostage the whole American Society, especially the South, for different personal, sometimes criminal reasons, under the guise of agitating for their freedom. America, heavily dependent on slave labor, and still yet having millions working as slaves, sees this development as both capable of quickly spreading criminal activities across the country while also tempering with the commitment of their millions of working slaves, whose services remain very pivotal to the American Society. The big fear is that if the main ring leaders and the real hardcore criminals that were taking advantage of these rebellious activities to wreak more havoc on the population in pursuit of their personal, criminal ends, were not systematically singled out and weeded, the potential for these rebellious developments getting out of hand was high, as the American Society was not yet ready to stop slave labor, and this lack of readiness also gave the rampaging criminals a defensive advantage, or a winning argument, since Government had already declared the abolition of slavery. Based upon this dilemma, the American Government works along with some strong Southern slave owners and businessmen like Bushrod Washington, Henry Clay, John Randolph, Daniel Webster, Charles Mercer etc. to set up some NGO, the American Colonization Society (ACS), to do this job of systematically identifying and weeding out the hardcore Black criminals, especially those with strong influence over others, some from the prisons, to find place far off to dump them and monitor them, since Americans could not violate their morals to go ahead and kill these largely criminal and unproductive Black elements. US Congressmen and ACS co-founders like Henry Clay, John Randolph, and Charles Mercer were so emphatic and outspoken in their terrible descriptions of these Black elements rounded up for ACS Back to Africa Deportation Campaign, and Congress itself instructed ACS to cross the ocean with these outcasts, and NEVER to dump them to a place that America’s expansion at the time would EVER catch up with one day. The US Government hated these rounded up Blacks so much that she instructed her agents including those of the ACS on ships bringing these people back to Africa NEVER to return them back home to America, even if land could not be secured for their dumping, and still even if it meant that ALL of them die, while still searching for land. But America being a very pretentious society, especially the Government, in handling foreign issues, NEVER wanting the world’s attention drawn to this hatred and unethical state behavior, in addition to NEVER wanting posterity to one day hold her responsible for the damage that will result from these evil actions, decided to deceitfully put the world under
  • 38. the impression that these people, especially as they are already Blacks, were coming to ‘Christianize’ and ‘Civilize’ Africa. Fearing the boomerang that will result from this BIG LIE one day, the US Government has been condescendingly and painstakingly working along with these criminals – badly entrapping themselves (i.e. the US Government) every step of the way – to stand by their mistake and to improve this situation, but God is NEVER mocked, no matter how many years it takes. Our country therefore, is gradually is waking up – through these kinds of indigenous actions, like what you are seeing now from our Plain Truth Revolution, through God’s grace – to smell the coffee after 195 years of existence, to now effect the real change, again, God willing. Since the issue of foundation is so critical to God’s children, and since LIES being at the heart of a foundation is a non-compromising issue for God’s children equally, we like to emphasize or reemphasize here sadly that 4 great LIES were used to construct the 4 cornerstones of ‘Liberia’s foundation as it currently stands, and these 4 Great LIES can be outlined as follows: A. LIE #1: Mischievously influential and criminal Black freed slaves, when systematically rounded up and weeded from the American Society, and dumped forcibly – if that’s what it takes – on some spot on the African continent, can form a state by themselves, and then begin to ‘Christianize’ and ‘Civilize’ the whole continent of Africa from this spot B. LIE #2: American Colonization Society (ACS) Agent Eli Ayres and US Naval Lieutenant Robert Field Stockton had lied to our tribal forefathers that they were settling their hardcore criminal Black freed slaves, the occupants of their Elizabeth the Mayflower, the Nautilus, the Harriet etc. on our Cape Mesurado for a while, to trace their rightful locations on the African continent before taking them to their final destinations, since it will be totally foolish to rationalize that all of those troublesome Black slaves rounded up from America did come from this particular Western spot on the African continent. C. LIE #3: Again, ACS Agent, Surgeon Dr. Eli Ayres and US Naval Lieutenant Robert Field Stockton of New Jersey, after pointing pistol at our tribal forefather’s head to surrender our land, Cape Mesurado, went further, as part of some professedly formal deal for this land, drawn out of coercion, to promise our people some unspecified sum of money, to be brought later for this land, after insultingly giving our people some smoke fish, salt, old shoes etc. from their ships, as so-called part payment for this land. The promised cash payment, to be brought later to our ALWAYS badly cheated, defenseless, and choiceless tribal forefathers, became a great LIE in the end D. LIE #4: The criminal Black Americans had claimed to the whole world, a claim which they still defend in many respects to this date, as demonstrated in the name, symbols, emblems, and holidays of this place, that: when they arrived here on January
  • 39. 7, 1822, they NEVER met any human beings, but rather, all that they met was a vast wilderness, inhabited to some extent by wild beasts or savages, that they began to transform bit by bit into human beings etc. The question remains, what do we, as God’s people, do, in this kind of scenario? Do we continue to live with these sorts of grave and dangerous LIES that have everlasting effects on us and our children and our children’s children, unless challenged and destroyed or disproved; or, do we do something about them now, which in this context, will mean breaking them (meaning these grave foundational LIES of Liberia) down and constructing a new 4-cornered national foundation with different, positive and God- approved foundation pillars? Who else can do this very tedious and dangerous job of breaking down and rebuilding a better foundation besides us, who claim to be God’s children? Fellow brethren in faith, the burden is upon our shoulders to repair this bad reality. It is possible for children of God to do so, but it requires very active use of the virtues of Truth, Love, Justice, Faith and Hard Work etc., as our solid cornerstones for this new national foundation. Two very strong points are worth noting here, one of which is that, no matter how terrible the descriptions and character of our fellow Americo-Liberians are, as made known by their own masters, America, as we briefly touched on above, they are human beings like ourselves, they are Africans like ourselves, and even after having established that these people are hardcore criminals based on Statistics and other barometers, they, or some of them, can still be rehabilitated and turned into virtuous and productive people. In fact, the Americans used 4 dangerous adjectives or descriptions of these people before ostracizing them from their society, and these 4 deadly descriptions include: Morally Lax, Mentally Inferior, Criminally Oriented, and Promoters of Mischief. In our view as children of God, America’s greatest mistake here, that she continues to cover up, to this date, in different forms, has been, her refusal to have aggressively rehabilitated these people, instead of driving them in the fashion they did. And even after making this mistake of ostracizing these Black criminals rather than working on them, America should have better still followed them, to rehabilitate them, in their new, ill-gotten home, while playing a sincere twin mother role between these people and us, the Natives, and making all of us to equally, in a mutually respectful way, work together to build an egalitarian and cohesive nation, but she (America) SADLY failed grotesquely again. The second point is that: with all the descriptions of these dear brothers of ours (i.e. the Americo- Liberians), we, as pragmatists and statisticians, will NEVER neglect the fact that there were, and are still good elements among them. It is just that the majority of group members bear those DIRTY characteristics that we mentioned above, that’s why, this highly justified generalization is inescapable.
  • 40. Our Plain Truth Revolution is keen on trying to make all these scaring points clear in our narratives because we come to the table with a constructive blame game as a means of helping us solve this country’s seemingly insurmountable problems. We believe, with Biblical backings from such sources as Proverbs 18:13, 15, 18 etc. mainly verse 18 in this light, that when faced with a difficult group problem, we must ‘cast some lot’, in the old description of this exercise, so as to get to know who carries the biggest blame in our collective problem, because general blame is just lazy, and takes people nowhere. For it is impossible that everybody will be equally responsible for single actions, or single realities, at the same time. In our country’s case for example, it is just unfair, as a problem solver, to say that the three big parties to this big national woe – i.e. the United States, Americo-Liberians, and the Natives of this land – are all equally responsible for the super mess that we find ourselves in here, NO, NO, NO, please!!! The party or parties with the biggest share (s) of the blame and the greatest impact in this situation must now be boldly pointed out in order for change to finally happen by God’s grace. Anything less than this very bold step is just a mere sycophancy, and true children of God are never sycophantic. We believe that the laying of some constructive blame will yield us some serious benefits, including just these 5 below, all of which will highly help us in this process of now striving to solve our seemingly unsolvable problems by the grace of God, with these 5 benefits of casting blame – for example, saying that America and her Americo- Liberians are more responsible for all of the MESS happening here, and as such, they need to be punished now – including: 1. When we cast a constructive blame, we prick a wrongdoer (the United States and the Americo-Liberians, in our country’s case here, for example) to respond to something that they have done in the past, and continue to do today, and that such response, in turn, will demand or require something from them, including appropriately addressing our sense of feeling all this hurt, by their deadly and mischievous actions 2. Blame will help us eliminate any existing desire or tendency for continuing these wrong things now, and in the future. 3. A casting of some constructive blame by us right now will spark a huge national debate that itself too, will make room for some family get together around the table, for us to discuss the issues that will arise from these huge debates. 4. When we constructively and seriously lay some blame now, and this blame game fortunately culminates into some roundtable discussions, many benefits will accrue from such debates/discussions if responsibly and honestly conducted, including: (a) a clear understanding of where all the faults lie; (b) a commitment from wrongdoing parties or one may say, largely wrongdoing parties, to change course; (c) a