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The results of energy survey
1.We write down our electrical use.
                          • Even 81% Lithuanians write
              Yes   No      down electrical use, as in our
                            country we pay for electricity
                            even month and it’s important
Lithuanians   81%   19%     to know how much money we
                            will need for taxes. In the
                            second place are Catalans –
                            44% perhaps they also care for
Swedish       36%   64%
                            the energy saving. Maybe
                            Swedish electrical energy is
                            cheap because they use wind
                            energy, that’s why only 36%
                            write down electrical use.
Catalans      44%   56%

                          Erika & Milda (Lithuania)
• We think that in Lithuania
  the people control more the     Though the price of
  expenses, because, they          electricity in Catalonia is the
  have to pay every mouth,         most expensive, only 44% of
  and they are more                Catalans write down
  conscious than people from       electrical use. Maybe they
  Sweden and Catalonia.            pay for it online. We think
                                   the price of electricity in
Karolina and Paula (Catalonia)     Sweden is not so high as in
                                   Lithuania, so we write down
                                   electrical use every month.

                                 Auguste and Raminta (8b
2.We turn off the light when we leave.

2.question    Yes    No    • Even 100% Catalans
                             turn off the lights when
                             they leave, do the same
Lithuanians   77%    23%
                             70% of Lithuanians, but
                             just 64% Swedish. The
Swedish       64%    36%
                             reason could be cheap
                             energy or they prefer
                             cosy home.
Catalans      100%   0%

                           Erika & Milda (Lithuania)
In Catalonia, 0% of the          • Even 100% people in
  people voted than they            Catalonia turn off the light
  don't turn the light off, but     when they leave, because
  we think that is because          they save money. In Sweden
  people care.                      36% people don’t turn off
                                    the light when they leave
Karolina and Paula (Catalonia)      the room and 64% turn it
                                    off. In Lithuania people like
                                    in Catalonia save their

                                  Auguste and Raminta (8b
3. The washing machine is always
            completely full when we use it.
                             • Even 96% Catalans
                 Yes   No
 3.question                    answered that the washing
                               machine is always
                               completely full when they
Lithuanians      70%   30%     use it. The second are
                               Lithuanians with 70%. And
                               Swedish are the last, just
                               46%. I think in Sweden
Swedish          46%   54%     electrical energy is cheap.
                               That’s why they don’t save
                               energy so much.
Catalans         96%   4%
                             Erika & Milda 8a,7c
• In Lithuania 72% of
  students say that the
  washing machine is
  always completely full
  when they use it. 54%
  Swedish use the washing
  machine when it is
  completely full. Even 96%

 Auguste and Raminta (8b
4.Refrigerator stands in a cool room.
              Yes   No
 4.question               • 55% Lithuanians
                             answered that their
                             refrigerator stands in a
Lithuanians   55%   45%
                             cool room, just 28%
                             Catalans keep it in a cool
Swedish       38%   62%      place, maybe because its
                             hard to find a cool place
Catalans      28%   72%
                             in Catalonia. 28% of
                             Swedish do it.
                          Erika & Milda 8a,7c
• In Lithuania people put     • 55% Lithuanian
  refrigerators in cold         refrigerator stands in a
  rooms, and we thing than      cool room, 63% of
  Lithuanians are very          Sweden people
  ecological. We think that     refrigerator don’t stand.
  Swedish people, don't put     Only 28% of Catalans
  refrigerator in cold          refrigerator stands in a
  rooms, because there the      cool room.
  climate is colder.
Karolina and Paula            Auguste and Raminta (8b
  (Catalonia)                   Lithuania)
5. We do not place furniture in front of
the heater
                          • Lithuanians are the
5. question   Yes   No
                            most careful about
                            letting the heat into the
Lithuanian    57%   43%     room and it’s surprising
                            that Swedish don’t care
                            about it so much as
Sweden        43%   57%     they also have cold
Catalan       50%   50%
                          Airidas, Mindaugas, Aiste
The results of the
  question number 5 are
  similar in all the
Bruna and Irene
6. We use compact fluorescent light
                          • Lithuanians and
6. question   Yes   No
                             Catalans have almost
                             the same numbers for
Lithuanian    63%   37%      using energy saving
                             bulbs and the
                             percentage in Sweden is
Sweden        59%   41%      a little bit less. It means
                             all countries are aware
Catalan       64%   36%      about saving electricity.
                           Airidas, Mindaugas, Aiste
The question number 6
  there are a lot of people
  who say yes in all
  countries,but there're
  still a lot of people who
  don't use flourescent
  light bulbs.
Bruna and Irene
7.We ventilate the room quickly and
                          • As you can expect
7. question   Yes   No       Catalans don’t need to do
                             it quickly as they have
Lithuanian    59%   41%
                             good weather almost all
                             year round and prefer it
                             to have fresh at home.
Sweden        49%   51%      Lithuanians and Swedish
                             must do it quickly in
                             winter in order not to
Catalan       70%   30%      lose warmth.
                          Airidas, Mindaugas, Aiste
• The question number 7
  in Lithuania and
  Sweden the answers are
  similar but in Catalonia
  there're more people
  who say yes.

Bruna and Irene
8. We close windows at night
                          • It’s surprising that
8. question   Yes   No       Catalans close windows at
                             night, maybe they were
Lithuanian    63%   37%
                             thinking about winter
                             while answering or about
                             safety reasons. Second
Sweden        52%   48%      country is Lithuania, we
                             would freeze to death in
                             winter if we left the
Catalan       90%   10%      windows open.
                          Airidas, Mindaugas, Aiste
The answers to question
  number 8 are similar in
  Lithuania and Sweden but
  very different in
  Catalonia, I think that's
  because in Catalonia it is
Bruna and Irene (Catalonia)
9. We put the lid on the kitchen pot
when boiling ?
                          • 69% of Lithuanian put
9. question   Yes   No      the lid on the kitchen
                            pot when they boiling.
                            Sweden people same
Lithuanian    69%   32%
                            like Lithuanian people .
                            Just 24% of Catalans
Sweden        60%   40%     put the lid on the
                            kitchen pot when they
Catalan       70%   24%
                           Martyna and Agne (8b
• We are quite suprised that     • More people in
  the three countries have         Catalonia put the lid on
  around the same                  the kitchen pot when
  percentatges about putting
  the lid on the kitchen while     it's boiling because we
  boiling, although Sweden         are more concious.
  did come out with the
  lowest percentatge for YES.
  A bit suprised since I would   Clàudia and Meritxell
  of thought Sweden to be          (Catalonia)
  the country with the highest
  Jordi and Raul (Catalonia)
10. We often defrost the freezer ?
                           All countries have almost
10. question   Yes   No    the same results.
                            We think because families
                           see when they need to do
Lithuanian     43%   58%

Sweden         51%   52%

Catalan        54%   46%
                           Martyna and Agne (8b
• We have the same results       • The parcentatges are
  about defrosting the              more or less the same in
  freezer, all three countries      all countries, 50%.
  around the same                   Maybe it's because the
  percentatge. Most of the          freezers are more modern
  are around 50%, so about          and it's not necessary to
  half of the students from         defrost them.
  each country do it and         Clàudia and Meritxell
  Catalonia comes out on            (Catalonia)
  top with 54% which is a
  nice result.
• Jordi and Raul (Catalonia)
11. Our home appliances are mostly
label A ?
                           Catalans are here the most
11. question   Yes   No    energy saving, even 76% use
                           label A appliances at home,
                           then go Lithuanians and
Lithuanian     60%   40%   Swedish.

Sweden         56%   45%

Catalan        76%   14%
                            Martyna and Agne (8b
• About the appliances at home
  and if they are label A, there is
  one country that stands out
  which is Catalonia with a very
  good 76%, so that means over
  three quarters of the catalan
  students families have label A
  appliances and Sweden and
  Lithuania have around 60% of
  there students with label A
  appliances which is still good.

• Jordi and Raul (Catalonia)
12. We do not use running water for
washing up ?
                           In Sweden and in
12. question   Yes   No
                           Catalonia the percentage
                           is the same and in
                           Lithuania 39% people
Lithuanian     39%   62%   don’t use the running
                           water when they do the
                           washing up.
Sweden         45%   56%
                           The water is very
                           expensive here.
Catalan        40%   60%
                           Martyna and Agne (8b
• The worst result out of the    • The majority of people from
  four questions would have         the three countries don't
  to be the last one which          use running water for the
  concerns using running            washing up,maybe because
  water while washing the           it's cheaper and
  dishes. Turns out that            economical.
  Sweden, Lithuania and          Clàudia and Meritxell
  Catalonia all have low            (Catalonia)
  percentatges about closing
  the tap while running the
  dishes. So around 60% of all
  families are wasting water
  after dinner.
• Jordi and Raul (Catalonia)
• Concerning the first
  question, we noticed
  that the catalans are
  the ones who save
  more water, compared
  with the other
Cristina, Ricard, Núria
13. We take a shower rather than a
                              • Catalans rather choose
20. question     Yes     No
                                shower than a bath
                                because in the Catalans
Lithuanian     72%     28%      is warm every years and
                                they go to refreshing in
Sweden         73%     27%      the shower.

Catalan        84%     16%    Aidas & Karolis 8a
• The resolts are very
  similar but in Sweden
  and Lithuania take more
  baths than
• Adrià and Ikram
14. We go on foot or bike to school
              and work?
                              • Swedens go to school or
20. question     Yes     No
                                work on foot or by
                                bicycle most because
Lithuanian     47%     53%      they care about their
                                health and they are
Sweden         52%     48%      friendly.

Catalan        50%     50%    Aidas &Karolis 8a
• In Catalonia people use   • In Sweden, they prefer
  more the car or             going to school by
  bus,whereas in              bicycle or foot rather
  Lithuania and Sweden        than motorbikes or
  people go to school on      cars, because they are
  foot or by bike.            more ecological.
• Adrià and Ikram           Cristina, Ricard, Núria
  (Catalonia)                 (Catalonia)
15. We lower the temperature at
          home when we go out.
                              • To low temperature at home
15. question     Yes     No     when you go out is the most
                                important for Catalans, even
                                68% answered positive.
                                Lithuanians don’t do it much,
Lithuanian     36%     64%      only 36%, I think because it’s
                                not always possible to do it in
                                our flats. Swedish do it the
Sweden         33%     67%      least only 33%. I think because
                                in Sweden, the weather is very
Catalan        68%     32%
                              • Aidas & Karolis 8a (Lithuania)
• In Catalonia people      • The statistics say that
  usually low the            the catalans lower the
  temperature when they      temperature when they
  go out,whereas in          go out but we think that
  Lithuania and Sweden       this is not true.
  they don't lower it so   Cristina, Ricard, Núria
  often.                     (Catalonia)
• Adrià and Ikram
16. We lower the temperature at
               home at night.
                              • Practically, lowering
20. question     Yes     No
                                temperature at night
                                has the same results
Lithuanian     47%     53%      as saving energy
                                while you go out. The
                                reasons must be the
Sweden         52%     48%

Catalan        50%     50%    Aidas &Karolis 8a
• In Catalonia usually lower   • The ones that save less
  the temperature at night       energy are the
  but in Lithuania and           lithuanians, and the ones
  Sweden they don’t lower        that save more energy are
  the temperature at night.      the catalans, but we also
•                                think that's not really
  Adrià and Ikram                true.
                               Cristina, Ricard, Núria
17. We recycle glass, paper and
17.          Yes         No   • Catalans are the most aware
question                        about recycling glass, paper
                                and metal, even 88% people
Lithuanian   66%   34%          said they recycle. 72%
                                Swedish have also positive
Sweden       72%   28%          answers, however only 66%
                                Lithuanians recycle. I think it‘s
Catalan      88%   12%          because it‘s rather new in our
                              • Greta & Laura 8a (Lithuania)
• In the table, you can see   • As we can see, people
  that in Catalonia we          recycle a lot, specially in
  recycle more glass, paper     Catalonia, when only a
  and metal than in             22% of the students don't
  Lithuania and Sweden,         do it. We have to say that
  but we don't believe it.      Lithuanian students
                                should increase their
• Neila and Estel               recycling habits! Although
  (Catalonia)                   the best answer should
                                be 100% yes, 0% no!

                              • Katy and Aina (Catalonia)
18.We do not buy goods that
             only can be used once
18. question     yes     no
                              Regarding buying goods all
                              countries have similar
                              answers: Catalan - 48%,
Lithuanian     47%     53%
                              Swedish- 46% and
                              Lithuanians - 47%. Perhaps
                              we still don’t think about
Sweden         46%     54%    environment but only about
                              the things we need at the
Catalan        48%     52%
                              Greta & Laura 8a
• We think that how all of    • Here the results are not
  three countries buy the       as good as they were in
  same goods, we have a         question 17. Catalan
  same results because we       students are also the
  live in the same kind of      more ecological ones, but
  society, we use and throw     the conclusion of this
  away.                         statistics is we are
                                compulsive consumers of
                                one-use goods, so it
• Neila and Estel
                                would be nicer for us to
                                reduce it.
                              • Katy and Aina (Catalonia)
19. We repair things rather than
               replace them
19. question     Yes     No   Replacing things has the
                              biggest percentage in
                              Sweden. Catalans and
Lithuanian     70%     30%
                              Lithuanians tend to repair
                              things. Maybe in Sweden
Sweden         59%     41%
                              it’s cheaper to buy a new
                              item than to repair it.

Catalan        78%     22%     Greta & Laura 8a
We do not buy goods that only

• In Catalonia and       can be used once In Lithuania 47% don't
                         buy goods that only can be used once. in
  Lithuania the people   Sweden 45% of the people don't buy goods that
                         only can be used once, and in Catalonia 50%
  repair things rather   of the people don't buy goods that only can

  than replace them      be used once. That's not so good because
                         the things that only can be used once use
  more than in           more energy to be created than the others.
                         We repair things rather than replace them
  Sweden because we      In Lithuania 70% of the people repair

  are more mean.         things rather than replace them, in Sweden
                          59% of the people do that, and in Catalonia

• Neila and Estel        78% of the people do that. That’s good
                         because doing that isn't necessary to make
  (Catalonia)            more things and use more energy.
                         Ramon and Sergi (Catalonia)
• We are beginning to think
  than we Catalans are liars
  because our results are too
  good. But well, I think it's
  more the Catalan mentality
  of spending as less money
  as possible! We're so mean.
  This statistics says Catalan
  and Lithuanian people
  repair a lot more than the
  Swedish ones.

• Katy and Aina (Catalonia)
20. We do not leave the computer,
              the TVs etc on
20. question     Yes     No   That concerns energy saving on
                              computers and TVs are
                              countries have almost the same
Lithuanian     47%     53%    results: Swedens-52%, Catalans-
                              50% and Lithuanians-47%. Still
                              not many people care to switch
Sweden         52%     48%    them off. Maybe because it
                              takes time then you long on
                              again and people don’t want to
Catalan        50%     50%    wait or they simply think it
                              consumes little energy.
                              Greta & Laura 8a (Lithuania)
• In the three countries we     • Here the Swedish people
  get the same results; fifty     are the ones who are the
  % of people leave the           best. We could say the
  computer, TV,... on             results from the other
  standby and the other           countries are not so good
  fifty % not.                    because the group with
• Neila and Estel                 more adepts is the NO
  (Catalonia)                     group. Or maybe it's
                                  because a lot of people
                                  didn't answer the
                                • Katy and Aina (Catalonia)
21. We use a kettle when we boil
21. Question     Yes     No
                               Using gas is cheaper then
                              electricity, however even
Lithuanian     52%     48%    54% Sweden, 52%
                              Lithuanians and 50%
                              Catalan use electricity. I
Sweden         54%     46%
                              think because it’s time
                              saving and we are always in
Catalans       50%     50%    a hurry in the morning or
                              we are hungry when we get
                              Greta & Laura 8a
• Kettles aren't very
  common in Catalonia,
  maybe we don't use them
  much because of the
  weather. We could say
  Lithuanians are kettle
  lovers, but Swedish
  people are more like us,
  they use it sometimes but
  not as a usual thing.
• Katy and Aina (Catalonia)
The project " Addressing the Energy Crunch –
         Every Little Action Counts "

 The project is funded by the European Commission's
  Life-long Learning Programme (Comenius). The
  views, opinions, conclusions and other information
  expressed in this slideshow are not given or
  endorsed by Comenius unless otherwise indicated
  by an authorized representative.

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The results of energy survey

  • 1. The results of energy survey (3.1 ENERGY USE AT HOME)
  • 2. 1.We write down our electrical use. • Even 81% Lithuanians write Yes No down electrical use, as in our 1.question country we pay for electricity even month and it’s important Lithuanians 81% 19% to know how much money we will need for taxes. In the second place are Catalans – 44% perhaps they also care for Swedish 36% 64% the energy saving. Maybe Swedish electrical energy is cheap because they use wind energy, that’s why only 36% write down electrical use. Catalans 44% 56% Erika & Milda (Lithuania)
  • 3. • We think that in Lithuania the people control more the Though the price of expenses, because, they electricity in Catalonia is the have to pay every mouth, most expensive, only 44% of and they are more Catalans write down conscious than people from electrical use. Maybe they Sweden and Catalonia. pay for it online. We think the price of electricity in Karolina and Paula (Catalonia) Sweden is not so high as in Lithuania, so we write down electrical use every month. Auguste and Raminta (8b Lithuania)
  • 4. 2.We turn off the light when we leave. 2.question Yes No • Even 100% Catalans turn off the lights when they leave, do the same Lithuanians 77% 23% 70% of Lithuanians, but just 64% Swedish. The Swedish 64% 36% reason could be cheap energy or they prefer cosy home. Catalans 100% 0% Erika & Milda (Lithuania)
  • 5. In Catalonia, 0% of the • Even 100% people in people voted than they Catalonia turn off the light don't turn the light off, but when they leave, because we think that is because they save money. In Sweden people care. 36% people don’t turn off the light when they leave Karolina and Paula (Catalonia) the room and 64% turn it off. In Lithuania people like in Catalonia save their money. Auguste and Raminta (8b Lithuania)
  • 6. 3. The washing machine is always completely full when we use it. • Even 96% Catalans Yes No 3.question answered that the washing machine is always completely full when they Lithuanians 70% 30% use it. The second are Lithuanians with 70%. And Swedish are the last, just 46%. I think in Sweden Swedish 46% 54% electrical energy is cheap. That’s why they don’t save energy so much. Catalans 96% 4% Erika & Milda 8a,7c (Lithuania)
  • 7. • In Lithuania 72% of students say that the washing machine is always completely full when they use it. 54% Swedish use the washing machine when it is completely full. Even 96% Catalans. Auguste and Raminta (8b Lithuania)
  • 8. 4.Refrigerator stands in a cool room. Yes No 4.question • 55% Lithuanians answered that their refrigerator stands in a Lithuanians 55% 45% cool room, just 28% Catalans keep it in a cool Swedish 38% 62% place, maybe because its hard to find a cool place Catalans 28% 72% in Catalonia. 28% of Swedish do it. Erika & Milda 8a,7c (Lithuania)
  • 9. • In Lithuania people put • 55% Lithuanian refrigerators in cold refrigerator stands in a rooms, and we thing than cool room, 63% of Lithuanians are very Sweden people ecological. We think that refrigerator don’t stand. Swedish people, don't put Only 28% of Catalans refrigerator in cold refrigerator stands in a rooms, because there the cool room. climate is colder. Karolina and Paula Auguste and Raminta (8b (Catalonia) Lithuania)
  • 10. 5. We do not place furniture in front of the heater • Lithuanians are the 5. question Yes No most careful about letting the heat into the Lithuanian 57% 43% room and it’s surprising that Swedish don’t care about it so much as Sweden 43% 57% they also have cold winters. Catalan 50% 50% Airidas, Mindaugas, Aiste (Lithuania)
  • 11. The results of the question number 5 are similar in all the countries. Bruna and Irene (Catalonia)
  • 12. 6. We use compact fluorescent light bulbs • Lithuanians and 6. question Yes No Catalans have almost the same numbers for Lithuanian 63% 37% using energy saving bulbs and the percentage in Sweden is Sweden 59% 41% a little bit less. It means all countries are aware Catalan 64% 36% about saving electricity. Airidas, Mindaugas, Aiste (Lithuania)
  • 13. The question number 6 there are a lot of people who say yes in all countries,but there're still a lot of people who don't use flourescent light bulbs. Bruna and Irene (Catalonia)
  • 14. 7.We ventilate the room quickly and effectively • As you can expect 7. question Yes No Catalans don’t need to do it quickly as they have Lithuanian 59% 41% good weather almost all year round and prefer it to have fresh at home. Sweden 49% 51% Lithuanians and Swedish must do it quickly in winter in order not to Catalan 70% 30% lose warmth. Airidas, Mindaugas, Aiste (Lithuania)
  • 15. • The question number 7 in Lithuania and Sweden the answers are similar but in Catalonia there're more people who say yes. Bruna and Irene (Catalonia)
  • 16. 8. We close windows at night • It’s surprising that 8. question Yes No Catalans close windows at night, maybe they were Lithuanian 63% 37% thinking about winter while answering or about safety reasons. Second Sweden 52% 48% country is Lithuania, we would freeze to death in winter if we left the Catalan 90% 10% windows open. Airidas, Mindaugas, Aiste (Lithuania)
  • 17. The answers to question number 8 are similar in Lithuania and Sweden but very different in Catalonia, I think that's because in Catalonia it is warmer. Bruna and Irene (Catalonia)
  • 18. 9. We put the lid on the kitchen pot when boiling ? • 69% of Lithuanian put 9. question Yes No the lid on the kitchen pot when they boiling. Sweden people same Lithuanian 69% 32% like Lithuanian people . Just 24% of Catalans Sweden 60% 40% put the lid on the kitchen pot when they boiling. Catalan 70% 24% Martyna and Agne (8b Lithuania)
  • 19. • We are quite suprised that • More people in the three countries have Catalonia put the lid on around the same the kitchen pot when percentatges about putting the lid on the kitchen while it's boiling because we boiling, although Sweden are more concious. did come out with the lowest percentatge for YES. A bit suprised since I would Clàudia and Meritxell of thought Sweden to be (Catalonia) the country with the highest percentatge. Jordi and Raul (Catalonia)
  • 20. 10. We often defrost the freezer ? All countries have almost 10. question Yes No the same results. We think because families see when they need to do Lithuanian 43% 58% it. Sweden 51% 52% Catalan 54% 46% Martyna and Agne (8b Lithuania)
  • 21. • We have the same results • The parcentatges are about defrosting the more or less the same in freezer, all three countries all countries, 50%. around the same Maybe it's because the percentatge. Most of the freezers are more modern are around 50%, so about and it's not necessary to half of the students from defrost them. each country do it and Clàudia and Meritxell Catalonia comes out on (Catalonia) top with 54% which is a nice result. • Jordi and Raul (Catalonia)
  • 22. 11. Our home appliances are mostly label A ? Catalans are here the most 11. question Yes No energy saving, even 76% use label A appliances at home, then go Lithuanians and Lithuanian 60% 40% Swedish. Sweden 56% 45% Catalan 76% 14% Martyna and Agne (8b Lithuania)
  • 23. • About the appliances at home and if they are label A, there is one country that stands out which is Catalonia with a very good 76%, so that means over three quarters of the catalan students families have label A appliances and Sweden and Lithuania have around 60% of there students with label A appliances which is still good. • Jordi and Raul (Catalonia)
  • 24. 12. We do not use running water for washing up ? In Sweden and in 12. question Yes No Catalonia the percentage is the same and in Lithuania 39% people Lithuanian 39% 62% don’t use the running water when they do the washing up. Sweden 45% 56% The water is very expensive here. Catalan 40% 60% Martyna and Agne (8b Lithuania)
  • 25. • The worst result out of the • The majority of people from four questions would have the three countries don't to be the last one which use running water for the concerns using running washing up,maybe because water while washing the it's cheaper and dishes. Turns out that economical. Sweden, Lithuania and Clàudia and Meritxell Catalonia all have low (Catalonia) percentatges about closing the tap while running the dishes. So around 60% of all families are wasting water after dinner. • Jordi and Raul (Catalonia)
  • 26. • Concerning the first question, we noticed that the catalans are the ones who save more water, compared with the other countries. Cristina, Ricard, Núria (Catalonia)
  • 27. 13. We take a shower rather than a bath? • Catalans rather choose 20. question Yes No shower than a bath because in the Catalans Lithuanian 72% 28% is warm every years and they go to refreshing in Sweden 73% 27% the shower. Catalan 84% 16% Aidas & Karolis 8a (Lithuania)
  • 28. • The resolts are very similar but in Sweden and Lithuania take more baths than Catalonia • Adrià and Ikram (Catalonia)
  • 29. 14. We go on foot or bike to school and work? • Swedens go to school or 20. question Yes No work on foot or by bicycle most because Lithuanian 47% 53% they care about their health and they are environmentaly Sweden 52% 48% friendly. Catalan 50% 50% Aidas &Karolis 8a (Lithuania)
  • 30. • In Catalonia people use • In Sweden, they prefer more the car or going to school by bus,whereas in bicycle or foot rather Lithuania and Sweden than motorbikes or people go to school on cars, because they are foot or by bike. more ecological. • Adrià and Ikram Cristina, Ricard, Núria (Catalonia) (Catalonia)
  • 31. 15. We lower the temperature at home when we go out. • To low temperature at home 15. question Yes No when you go out is the most important for Catalans, even 68% answered positive. Lithuanians don’t do it much, Lithuanian 36% 64% only 36%, I think because it’s not always possible to do it in our flats. Swedish do it the Sweden 33% 67% least only 33%. I think because in Sweden, the weather is very cold. Catalan 68% 32% • Aidas & Karolis 8a (Lithuania)
  • 32. • In Catalonia people • The statistics say that usually low the the catalans lower the temperature when they temperature when they go out,whereas in go out but we think that Lithuania and Sweden this is not true. they don't lower it so Cristina, Ricard, Núria often. (Catalonia) • Adrià and Ikram (Catalonia)
  • 33. 16. We lower the temperature at home at night. • Practically, lowering 20. question Yes No temperature at night has the same results Lithuanian 47% 53% as saving energy while you go out. The reasons must be the Sweden 52% 48% same. Catalan 50% 50% Aidas &Karolis 8a (Lithuania)
  • 34. • In Catalonia usually lower • The ones that save less the temperature at night energy are the but in Lithuania and lithuanians, and the ones Sweden they don’t lower that save more energy are the temperature at night. the catalans, but we also • think that's not really Adrià and Ikram true. (Catalonia) Cristina, Ricard, Núria (Catalonia)
  • 35. 17. We recycle glass, paper and metal 17. Yes No • Catalans are the most aware question about recycling glass, paper and metal, even 88% people Lithuanian 66% 34% said they recycle. 72% Swedish have also positive Sweden 72% 28% answers, however only 66% Lithuanians recycle. I think it‘s Catalan 88% 12% because it‘s rather new in our country. • Greta & Laura 8a (Lithuania)
  • 36. • In the table, you can see • As we can see, people that in Catalonia we recycle a lot, specially in recycle more glass, paper Catalonia, when only a and metal than in 22% of the students don't Lithuania and Sweden, do it. We have to say that but we don't believe it. Lithuanian students should increase their • Neila and Estel recycling habits! Although (Catalonia) the best answer should be 100% yes, 0% no! • Katy and Aina (Catalonia)
  • 37. 18.We do not buy goods that only can be used once 18. question yes no Regarding buying goods all countries have similar answers: Catalan - 48%, Lithuanian 47% 53% Swedish- 46% and Lithuanians - 47%. Perhaps we still don’t think about Sweden 46% 54% environment but only about the things we need at the moment. Catalan 48% 52% Greta & Laura 8a (Lithuania)
  • 38. • We think that how all of • Here the results are not three countries buy the as good as they were in same goods, we have a question 17. Catalan same results because we students are also the live in the same kind of more ecological ones, but society, we use and throw the conclusion of this away. statistics is we are compulsive consumers of one-use goods, so it • Neila and Estel would be nicer for us to (Catalonia) reduce it. • Katy and Aina (Catalonia)
  • 39. 19. We repair things rather than replace them 19. question Yes No Replacing things has the biggest percentage in Sweden. Catalans and Lithuanian 70% 30% Lithuanians tend to repair things. Maybe in Sweden Sweden 59% 41% it’s cheaper to buy a new item than to repair it. Catalan 78% 22% Greta & Laura 8a (Lithuania)
  • 40. We do not buy goods that only • In Catalonia and can be used once In Lithuania 47% don't buy goods that only can be used once. in Lithuania the people Sweden 45% of the people don't buy goods that only can be used once, and in Catalonia 50% repair things rather of the people don't buy goods that only can than replace them be used once. That's not so good because the things that only can be used once use more than in more energy to be created than the others. We repair things rather than replace them Sweden because we In Lithuania 70% of the people repair are more mean. things rather than replace them, in Sweden 59% of the people do that, and in Catalonia • Neila and Estel 78% of the people do that. That’s good because doing that isn't necessary to make (Catalonia) more things and use more energy. Ramon and Sergi (Catalonia)
  • 41. • We are beginning to think than we Catalans are liars because our results are too good. But well, I think it's more the Catalan mentality of spending as less money as possible! We're so mean. This statistics says Catalan and Lithuanian people repair a lot more than the Swedish ones. • Katy and Aina (Catalonia)
  • 42. 20. We do not leave the computer, the TVs etc on 20. question Yes No That concerns energy saving on computers and TVs are countries have almost the same Lithuanian 47% 53% results: Swedens-52%, Catalans- 50% and Lithuanians-47%. Still not many people care to switch Sweden 52% 48% them off. Maybe because it takes time then you long on again and people don’t want to Catalan 50% 50% wait or they simply think it consumes little energy. Greta & Laura 8a (Lithuania)
  • 43. • In the three countries we • Here the Swedish people get the same results; fifty are the ones who are the % of people leave the best. We could say the computer, TV,... on results from the other standby and the other countries are not so good fifty % not. because the group with • Neila and Estel more adepts is the NO (Catalonia) group. Or maybe it's because a lot of people didn't answer the question... • Katy and Aina (Catalonia)
  • 44. 21. We use a kettle when we boil water 21. Question Yes No Using gas is cheaper then electricity, however even Lithuanian 52% 48% 54% Sweden, 52% Lithuanians and 50% Catalan use electricity. I Sweden 54% 46% think because it’s time saving and we are always in Catalans 50% 50% a hurry in the morning or we are hungry when we get home. Greta & Laura 8a (Lithuania)
  • 45. • Kettles aren't very common in Catalonia, maybe we don't use them much because of the weather. We could say Lithuanians are kettle lovers, but Swedish people are more like us, they use it sometimes but not as a usual thing. • Katy and Aina (Catalonia)
  • 46. The project " Addressing the Energy Crunch – Every Little Action Counts " The project is funded by the European Commission's Life-long Learning Programme (Comenius). The views, opinions, conclusions and other information expressed in this slideshow are not given or endorsed by Comenius unless otherwise indicated by an authorized representative.