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The Hero’s Journey in Amsterdam

Making Money Doing What You Love
“Travel in a worldcity and meet your heroes and heroines,
who earn their money doing what they love.
They will inspire you to create your own legend.”

Peter de Kuster
Founder of The Hero’s Journey

		Prologue						4
		Making Money Doing What They Love

For Love and Money				48

		Introduction						5
		The Hero’s Journey					7
		Your Quest

CH7	 The Myths about Creative Heroes		

CH1	 Creative Hero					11
The new Rijksmuseum
		Quiz							15


Testdrive Your Dreamjob				65
		Atelier Marcel Wanders
	CH9	is a Pitch					72
Beurs van Berlage

CH2	 The Great Traits of Creative Heroes		
		Hotel Conservatorium


	CH10	 Own Hero					81
Be Your
		Heineiken Experience



CH11	 Your Own Heroes				93
		Madame Tussaud

CH3	 Motivated to be a Creative Hero			

	CH4	 Hero’s Journey				32
		Van Gogh Museum
	CH5	 Your Story					41

CH12	 The Tragic Creative Heroes			
		Epilogue						126
Amsterdam International Fashion Week
		Questionnaires					132
Our Heroes of Amsterdam
Making Money

Doing What They Love
These skills include:

Attention all artists, musicians, designers, filmmakers, sports heroes,
actors, writers and anyone who’s working in the creative fields – even
if your chosen profession is not the most conventinal one, cultivating
and growing a successful, financially rewarding career is still your goal.
In The Hero’s Journey in Amsterdam I – Peter de Kuster – will provide
you with the stories of heroes and heroines from Amsterdam (past and
present) on overcoming some of the specific challenges faced by creative, entrepreneurial, innovative and right-brainer people, who want a
career that is both satisfying and successful. Creative entrepreneurs,
freelancers and professionals need a set of skills that will turn their
passion into a viable career.


How to choose a career that best suits your talents.
Setting realistic goals using right-brain techniques.
How to avoid the pitfalls that ruin a creative career.
How to schmooze your way to success.
How to create a business plan when you are the business.
How to be disciplined when you are your own boss.

When you find an outlet for your creativity in the form of a career, you’ll
discover a freedom in your working life that you can live with on the
long term. You can follow your passion, build a brillant career, and have
financial security – if you know which skills to use. Let me show you the
way in this travel guide of Amsterdam.

There is no such thing as a Santa Claus – and there’s certainly no such
thing as the perfect career. That’s what many people really think,
and it’s sad, because there are plenty of rewarding, challenging and
fulfilling career opportunities that allow creative people to use their
gifts and be rewarded handsomely for their efforts. Those who
settle for less than the best, simply haven’t found the right job – yet.
You can have it all when it comes to a creative career –
if you know how.

The fact is that most people hate their jobs. They would rather be doing
something else – anything else. It doesn’t have to be that way. What if
I told you that you would never have to work another day in your life?
Would you be interested?
When you find the right fit in a career, it no longer feels like work. You
wake up every day excited about how you earn your living. This perfect
harmonizing of your talents, skills, personality and work style creates a
passion and a desire, as well as a feeling of contentment that is worth
more than gold.
It can be yours, if you will read this travel guide
of Amsterdam.
The challenge of this journey is, that the creative business is very
different from other businesses. To get ahead, you sometimes have
to zigzag to the top. Let the stories of creative heroes and heroines of
Amsterdam show you when to zig and when to zag, to make the most
of the opportunities out there.
Using a map of Amsterdam you embark on a journey, an adventure in
search of yourself. The thing is, there isn’t a golden (or orange) egg
waiting for you, when you get to the spot marked ‘X’ on the map. The
buried treasure is within you. The pursuit of the gold (or the goal) is the
reward. Because, when it comes to a career, there is no ‘there’ there.
It is all a quest. Enjoying the quest is what success is all about. This is
the age of opportunity for the creative person. Innovation and ideas
are gold. Ridicule and red tape are being replaced with respect and
rewards for the clever and creative person. The business environment is
changing, and changing for the better – for you. Are you ready for these
exciting times ahead?
This travel guide of Amsterdam will put you in a position to prosper.
What parents, teachers and bosses might see as problems (sloppiness,
habitual tardiness, short attention span, non-conformism), can actually
be hidden assets in the search for work in a rewarding, interesting and
creative career.

Intuition, emotion, divergent thinking, daydreaming, thriving on
chaos, big–picture thinking, cleverness, open–mindedness and an
ability to play and have fun are virtues in the right setting.
Even so, it’s not exactly easy to build a career in the creative business
world. You have to be able to deal with rejection. It is a part of everyday life for the creative person. There is also that funny feeling that you
don’t quite fit in – and you don’t.
An unconventional person with unconventional ideas, you are often
seen as immature, temperamental, moody, difficult, distracted, irresponsible, and irrational. The truth is, you can be your wonderful self
and still get ahead in the business world. This travel guide of Amsterdam will help you manage your career using a whole–brain approach
that takes advantage of the way you are, without forgetting the way
the world works.
The Hero’s Journey

Your Quest
The Hero’s Journey

It’s time to move on, move up, and move out with a new mission. The
Hero’s Journey is about taking charge of your destiny so that no idiot
can control your fate.
Most books are very thorough, when it comes to identifying and
informing you about the problems and pitfalls of a creative career.
However, what they lack, is the - “What the hell am I supposed to do
about it? - part. I decided to make the Hero’s Journey travel guides
about real life heroes and heroines, of past and present, in Amsterdam with heavy on concrete tips, anecdotes and lessons to be learned
from them.
New creative careers and enterprises are popping up all the time.
There has never been a better time to strike out on your own. This is
your time to shine as a creative person. The future looks bright. Many
of the current trends favor your preferred mode of operation – selfreliance, zigzagging to the top, rapid change, multi–tasking, chaos,
adaptability, intuition, training and retraining.

This travel guide of Amsterdam will show you how to find your career
niche, and then how to earn a living doing what you love. You will
learn how to overcome the challenges the creative right-brainer faces,
and how to make your nature and your creativity work for you. You’ll
learn how to market yourself even in a crowded marketplace, survive
and thrive in the battlefield that is entrepreneurship. How to be your
own boss and work for others, take the ‘free” out of “freelance”, rise to
the top without stepping on too many toes, and use your natural
abilities to find a perfect pitch and harmony in your work world.
In reality, ‘The Hero’s Journey’ is about your life. There is a direct, undeniable correlation between your career and your life. It’s less about
what you do for a living than what you can live with doing. Finding fun
and fulfillment at work spills over into the rest of your life. Without
it, your health will suffer, your creativity will suffer, your performance
will suffer – and so will everybody around you. You don’t need to live
that way.
If you are thinking about giving up on a creative career and getting a
‘real’ job, stop right there. When you settle for less than what’s best
for you, you instantly get less than you settled for. Don’t sell yourself
short. The regret will eat you up inside. Don’t miss your chance - it may
be right around the corner. Instead, get going and go for it – be bold.
Use the strategies of heroes and heroines in Amsterdam to give you an
Don’t let others push boulders in your path and fill your head with facts
like ‘most businesses fail in the first year’, ‘It’s too competitive out
there’, ‘there are no (dancing) jobs’, ‘you don’t have enough experience or talent’ or ‘you have no agent’. It’s bad enough that these
insecure and misinformed people are telling you why you can’t succeed.
It’s worse if you believe them. Don’t let anyone talk your dreams down.
This travel guide through Amsterdam is for creative people in all walks
of life – carpenter or composer, dancer or painter, poet or musician,
philosopher or travel guide, magician or designer, architect or writer, actor or account manager. It isn’t meant to apply to just the glamour jobs; whatever form your creativity takes, you can apply these
For everyone who tells you: “You can’t make a living doing that!”,
there are hundreds and thousands of examples of creative heroes and
heroines, in all the cities of the world, who found a way to turn something they thought was fun and would even do for free, into a fulfilling life and career.
I will help you as your travel guide to take your powerful creative
energy and harness it, and you will beat the odds, making a living
doing what you love to do. Your life will become a hero’s journey story.


Few people know what they want when they grow up, and even
fewer creative people want to grow up. Maybe you won’t discover your
true calling until you test-drive several dream jobs and work with some
rolemodels. Isn’t it better to testdrive them, using that incredible
imagination of yours than waste years on a dead-end-job? One of the
key things you’ll work on here is defining what you want to do (not for
the rest of your life, but what you want to do now) and eliminating the
careers that aren’t a fit.
The choices that lead to a life of creative expression and financial
security are here for the making. The catch is, that creative careers are
often unconventional and in some cases completely unchartered. The
challenge is that there are a million different things you could do.
The key to success in any career is clarity. Becoming clear about who
you are and what you love is the first part of this travel guide through
Amsterdam. Then, how to get what you want is covered in great detail.
It’s hard work, but this is your chance to reinvent yourself. Don’t let it
pass you by.
Chapter 1

The Creative Hero

The New Rijksmuseum

The Creative Hero

Success for a creative hero can be tremendous. Not just in money, but
in creative freedom. Look at the list of the highest–paid actors and
entrepreneurs – they are all people who don’t fit any mold, but they’re
also people who used that fact to their benefit.
You can do it too, in your own way, on your own time, reaching your
own goals. Unmire yourself from the myths about creative people.
Don’t be afraid to look at your strenghts and weaknesses. Face the fact
that traditional business management, which is left-brain, logical and
linear (not to mention rigid, boring, and counterproductive), doesn’t
work for you. It isn’t much fun and if it isn’t at least a little bit of fun,
you’re not going to do it.
It’s that simple. If it’s not fast, fun, flexible and easy, you are less likely to
embrace it. Be willing to work within a system – as long as it’s one that
you create and one that works with you, as well as for you.

Architects of ‘The New Rijksmuseum’: Cruz & Ortiz

Creatives have an insatiable hunger to achieve, create, accomplish.
They want to be recognized and heard, receive applause and take
home awards. They desire change, to create a body of work, to earn
and to make deals. Many people who don’t know what they want
actually want too much, too fast.
The key to success is, learning how to focus on what’s most important.
It’s counterproductive trying to do too many things at once – nor is it
good to focus on only one area of your life or work. One way to whittle
it down (focus) and spread it around (multifocus) is, to choose a top
goal for each aspect of your life.
Take a good, hard look at who you are, what’s your story and what you
want out of life. Sometimes, having everything to be just okay, having
an adequate job and a moderate life, is the biggest tragedy of all.
Take the time now to find yourself, so you can live your life without
getting lost and make good decisions, that will lead you to the
success and happiness you desire.
We are all born creative. What happens to us from kindergarten to
college shapes how much of that creativity stays with us. Some,
despite the best efforts of the school system and the corporate
system to stamp out the creative spirit, slip through the cracks,
creativity intact. You are still not safe. Ninety–eight percent of the
people in the world, are living the left–brained life. Society tends to
reward the left brain (structure, status quo) and reprimand the right
brain (chaos, creativity, innovation).
You can stunt your creative spirit with disuse. You cannot lose a
talent, but your skills can certainly atrophy. Almost any job can be
done creatively. Entrepreneurs must be creative to survive. Managing people can be done creatively. Marketing, communication and
sales, certainly involve a degree of creativity. Even distribution and
finance can be a right-brained affair. What makes any career interesting, exciting and vital, is the creative approach you take to it.
People who ignore their creative gifts in their careers, are frustrated
and unhappy by midlife (or much sooner). Happiness comes from
finding your greatest gifts and abilities and then developing, and
using them, in the work you do.
Creativity and creative careers involve a whole-brain approach, an
interaction between the left hemisphere of your brain (the detailoriented accountant side) and the right hemisphere (the big picture, artistic side). The right brain comes up with the ideas, and the
left brain implements them. Too much right brain and nothing gets
done; too much left brain and life is dull and uninspiring.

As a right-brainer you are absolutely unique (and wonderful). There
has never been anyone like you and there will never be again. Ponder
that for a moment. Beneath all the self-doubt, guilt, fear, remorse, and
distorted stories is a gem of a person who, more than anything,
deserves to be happy, successful and fulfilled. To have a career that
is challenging and rewarding. A career that fits like a glove and is
such a joy that you would do it for free. But, is so valuable to others,
that you are paid well. And why not? You have found your place in
the universe, you are making a contribution with your talent and
Once you understand yourself and what work you enjoy doing, you
can work with your natural abilities and tendencies rather than
against them. It makes life much easier. This is something that is
unique to you. It is what will work best for you. So don’t just breeze
past the questions in this travel guide. Make the time to really give
some thought to who you are, what you want to do, and what the
best way would be to do it. I have always said that to find yourself you need to go on a journey. You need time for reflection, away
from the hustle and bustle of your busy life, to open yourself to new

Do you honestly love what you do now? Are you excited to go to
work on Monday? Do you go home happy? If you answered “no” to
any of these questions, there is a better way for your beautiful mind.

The following quiz should give you an indication of where your natural
tendencies lie – left brain, right brain, or whole brain. Answer honestly
and quickly. Don’t dwell on the answers, and don’t try to figure out
what I’m looking for. We are going to explore new worlds together.


There is no ‘right’ answer!

When it comes to emotions,
a. I can articulate my feeling to others.
b. I am better at expressing my emotions through my creative 	


I have always been told, that
a. I’d make a great accountant.
b. I was a natural – born artist.


For me, success is
a. closely related to annual income.
b. unrelated to the money I make.


When it comes to a big project, my strength is in seeing
a. the worm’s eye – view (details).
b. the bird’s eye – view (the big picture).


When trying to explain how I came up with an idea,
a. I am able to put it into terms others can understand.
b. I feel like an alien from another planet.


When my boss or client puts me on the spot,
a. I say what I mean and mean what I say.
b. I tell him what I think he wants to hear.


When I am working on a project,
a. I am not happy until it’s done.
b. I enjoy the process.


Joking around the water cooler, I’ve been compared to
a. Leonardo da Vinci.
b. Valentino.


It’s a beautiful summer day, but I have work to do. I will
a. get my work done first and then go to the beach.
b. go to the ‘Leonardo da Vinci Museum’ and deal with my 		
work later.


When I have several unfinished projects going at once, I feel
a. frustrated.
b. stimulated.

When it comes to decorating my office,
a. I’ll find an arrangement that works, and stick with it.
b. I’ll re-arrange everything, at least every six months.


I’m more
a. logical.
b. intuitive.


For me, multitasking is
a. doing two things at once.
b. talking on the phone, internetting, sending an email,
watching sports on TV, making faces to a friend and
sorting through the mail at once.


After work,
a. I’ll go home, or maybe I’ll go out with people of my project.
b. I’d like to go to places, where people from other projects
hang out.


Before I speak,
a. I think it through and censor it in my head.
b. I say the first thing that pops into my head.


When I’m asked to bring something to a party,
a. I’ll bring paper plates.
b. I have a new recipe that I’m dying to try out.

I’m running late for an important meeting and a dear friend
calls with a relationship crisis,
a. I’ll explain that I am in a hurry and will call him back as soon
as I can.
b. I’d say “The hell with the meeting”. My friend needs me now.


When it comes to problem-solving,
a. I would analyze things, from a logical perspective.
b. I would consult my ‘gut’ for an answer.


My car is
a. practical and safe.
b. stylish and fun to drive.


I am best at remembering
a. names.
b. faces.


Whenever there is a crisis in my life,
a. I would retreat into myself and try to solve it on my own.
b. I would prefer to talk about it, with others.


In making decisions,
a. I tend to focus on the actualities.
b. I tend to focus on the possibilities.


I write with my


a. right hand.
b. left hand.


I am a natural born
a. learner.
b. teacher.


If I had two yearlong projects to choose from, I’d pick
a. an analysis of the company’s past and future profit centres.
b. working on the company’s marketing materials.


When I meet a prospective client/employer,
a. I will prepare a written list of questions.
b. I’ll talk off the top of my head, taking my cue from them.

When I am learning a new software program,
a. I’d read the manual and then begin.
b.What manual? I figure things out on my own.
I believe
a. you can make things happen through sheer force of will.
b. there is a force in the universe that brings things to you.


I just met with a prospective client/employer, whom I really 	
connected with. When I leave, I will
a. shake their hand.
b. give them a hug.


If I could choose my working hours, they’d start at
a. 6.00 o’clock in the morning.
b. 6.00 o’clock in the evening.


My daily routine is mostly like the movie:
a. Boccaccio 70 (little variety).
b. Rocco and his Brothers (adventures every day).

It’s my birthday and my friends have thrown me a surprise
party, I am
a. embarrassed (I don’t like surprises).
b. thrilled (I love surprises).


When someone asks about my vacation,
a. I’ll give them names and places.
b. I’ll describe in intricate detail how wonderful it felt to be away,
I’ll talk about all the things that I have seen, the wonderful
people that I’ve met and the fun that I’ve had.


When I get the paper, I’ll usually first turn to
a. the business section.
b. the comics.


While out for lunch with friends, I receive an urgent call and 	
ask them to order for me. They will
a. know exactly what I want, because I always get the same 	
b. not have a clue, because I am always trying something new.


If the meeting is scheduled for 10 o’clock,
a. I’ll arrive a quarter of an hour early. I’m known for my punctuality.
b. I’ll try not to be the last person to show up, but how was I to
know traffic would be so sad?

If I were on a game show and my winning totalled 10.000
euro, with the option to keep what I have or risk it all on one
more question for double or nothing, I would likely
a. take the money and run.
b. bet it all.


If I were going to clean out my desk, I would take the
following approach:
a. Do it a little at a time, until I am finished.
b. Pull everything from the drawers and do as much as I can, 	
before pushing the rest back in.


If I were offered a promotion that involved moving to Hong 	
Kong for two years,
a. I’d opt out, because I don’t speak Chinese.
b. I’d be on the phone with my travel agent, in two seconds flat.


If I lost my planner, I would be completely lost.
a. My whole life is in there.
b. I’m sure that’s where I stuck the little paper, which had the 	
name and number of the client on it and who urgently needed that callback, yesterday.


My idea of organization is,
a. making a list of all the things to be done and then prioritizing 	
the tasks.
b. playing with my Post-It-Notes, putting them on the wall in 	
some sort of order.


When I am working and the phone rings, I will
a. look at it as a nuisance and let it ring.
b. look at it as a welcome break and pick it up.


I am ready to leave for work, and
a. I’ll know exactly where my car keys are.
b. I’ll go on a search-and-destroy mission, in finding my keys.


My boss/client likes to say that
a. I keep my nose to the grindstone.
b. I keep my head in the clouds.


When I log on to the internet, I’ll do it with
a. a plan and a purpose: get in and get out.
b. no plan at all, pausing and looking at whatever catches my


I’m learning the best, when you
a. tell me what to do.
b. show me what to do.


When I’m researching a project,
a. I’ll find as many books and articles as I can, and read them
from front to back.
b. I’ll ask someone for tips on the best places to look for, and 	
skim those.
Results of the quiz

In the quiz, a answers count zero; b answers count 1.

If your total is 15 or less, you must have bought this travel guide for
somebody else and you’re just going through the quizzes for kicks,
because you’re just a serious left-brainer. A total of 16 to 35 indicates a
fairly balanced, whole-brain approach to the world, or a right-brainer
who was working in the financial services. You will go far if you can learn
to loosen up a little.


If I would inadvertently offend a co-worker, I’d
a. say nothing, hire a lawyer and hope that the whole thing will
blow over.
b. have a sit down and discuss his or her feelings, while apologizing profusely.

49.	 When it comes to remembering all the things that I have to
a. I’ll make a master list, down to the last detail.
b. What was the question again?

My office desk is organized in such a way, that
a. anybody could come in and find what they need quickly.
b. I pity anyone who has to try to figure out my system.

With a total over 35, you can consider yourself a right-brainer. A
Creative Hero, with all the blessings and curses attached to it. If you
came up with your own answer even once, refusing to go with the
choices offered, give yourself a star. You are a true right brainer, an independent thinker, an original, a creative hero.
Chapter 2

The Great Traits of Creative Heroes

Hotel Conservatorium

The Great Traits of
Creative Heroes

While nobody uses only their right brain or left brain, most creatives
tend to rely heavily on their right brains – the source of their creativity
Because of that many of the following statements will apply to you.

Even whole-brainers (those who operate equally from both hemispheres) will recognize themselves in it, but are often tempered by the
logical, stabilizing influence of the left brain.
The right-brainer is able to compare and combine two things that
are not usually related. The creative mind is not limited by normal
boundaries, and therefore, can see relationships that aren’t obvious
to others. The right-brainer sees abstract concepts and then is able to
express them in concrete terms.

The right-brainer has a strong appreciation of art. The assumption is,
that creative people always ‘create’ art. That is not the case. There are
careers for people who appreciate the arts.

Piero Lissoni: “Een stoel is voor mij even belangrijk als een toren.”
Right-brainers tend to have rich and vivid memories. Right-brainers
are able to remember faces and places, but aren’t so hot at names and
titles. They retain images better than words. They remember
themes and scenes from movies, but not the names of the actors or the
director. The right brain remembers feelings – good and bad.

Right-brainers appreciate nature and have the ability to find beauty
everywhere. Creative people desperately need to stop and smell the
flowers. Or hear the sounds of the sirens. To keep in touch with life and
beauty, their super sensitive senses trigger their creativity. Creatives
respond to their surroundings. It is a blessing and a curse to be tuned in.
Being creative sometimes means, being lonely in a crowd. When I start
talking about intuition and inspiration, with other than creative people,
they stare at me.
Right-brainers welcome challenges. They are able to see the big
picture and tackle problems on a total story scale. They use intuition,
rather than facts and figures, to find new and better solutions. Although
right-brainers may be in touch with trends, they’re more likely to start
trends. They are leaders, not followers. They are flexible. Passionate.
When it comes to getting their ideas come true, they are relentless.
Creative people have the pioneering spirit that it takes to do things
differently, regardless of the grief that they may take from (and give to)
others. They are eager to go where nobody has gone before. The great
unknown is more interesting and inspiring than the safe and secure. It
is intoxicating to be involved with an idea on the ground level. The early
stages of the creative process are magical, where anything is possible
and reality is way off in the distance. (Then, the left brain enters the
story and ruins all the fun.)
Right-brainers are open-minded and less prone to prejudice.
Creatives often have high ethical and moral standards. Gray
matter thinkers, in a black and white world, often see more than
one correct answer and maybe even more than one question.
The Weak Traits


are not so weak

Right-brainers feel things more deeply than most other people do.
That’s why they create. To express what they are feeling through their
work. Right-brainers are impulsive. That live-for-today attitude and
‘being in the moment’ works for the storyteller in them. But, to succeed,
they’ve got to give some thought to the future. There can be long-term
consequences, when they play now and pay later.

For right-brainers, all play has a purpose – it’s fun. This attitude makes
them seem immature. Left-brainers like rules, a purpose and a plan,
even for play – and worse, they need a reason to do it. Right-brainers
tend to be sloppy. Not disorganized, just not organized in a way an
uptight left-brained person would like them to be. Many creatives feel
neatness is a waste of time.

Divergent thinkers often go off on tangents, and are frequently seen as
scatter-brained. It’s hard to concentrate, when you’re not inspired or
interested. It takes discipline to get started and stick with the business
side of creative business. Creatives can work harder than anybody if
they find something they love to do. They just have a hard time learning
to love math, taxes, regular business hours, and client follow up.

Right-brainers are particularly vulnerable to the ‘they are going to
find me out any minute’ syndrome. They may be confident about
their work, but not about them-selves. Insecurity often rules them.
Alcoholism, drug addiction, depression – all are very real dangers for
the right–brainer.

Leaping ahead, seeing the big picture, creatives lose those people who
want to take it step by step and see things in black and white. Sometimes this makes them angry. Right-brainers spend a lot of time dealing
(or not dealing) with frustration.

Although right-brainers aren’t necessarily self-destructive, they are
prone to overindulgence, which can lead to the same thing. Right–
brainers’ high ideals make them inflexible. Creatives often expose a
dark side to the world. Right-brainers procrastinate. Right-brainers
don’t like to be told how to do it.

As you can see, for every so-called negative trait of creative heroes and heroines, there is a positive side as well.
With stories of creative heroes and heroines from Amsterdam,
who make their money doing what they love.
Inge Snijders

What would be my greatest misfortune?

greatest misfortune. I almost graduated from med school, but decided to become
an actress and a documentary filmmaker. This change in course resulted in a lot of
resistance from my close circle (of friends and family). Incomprehension. My biggest
misfortune would be if I were to listen to my pitfall, by not taking any chances and for

What is my biggest passion?

my deepest fear to come true.

Acting. It’s hard to explain in words. It’s you, the reader, the indivi-

dual in the big mass of people, his or her story, contradictions and struggles.
All of this inspires me and feeds my urge to make movies and documentaries.


at the waterside or is it just too cold? Then, you can find me at the ‘Westerpark’. For

“I can’t do it.” Like, when I was asked to contribute to this beautiful concept

of a travel guide. Why the hell me? Why would anyone want to read about me?

instance, at ‘Pacific’, with a mixed crowd, relaxed ambiance and a fire place.
What is my favourite hotel, in Amsterdam?

To make various movies and to achieve international success, within the next

few years. As an actress, as well as a filmmaker. Only the thought of accomplishing
this, puts a huge smile on my face.

Alongside the water, the ‘IJ’. Because of the many possibilities and creative

input. ‘Noorderlicht’ is also a really nice spot to clear your mind. Not in the mood to sit

What is my worst pitfall?


Without a doubt, the King (or Hero) of Dutch filmmaking, Paul Verhoeven.

What is my favourite place to eat and drink, in Amsterdam?


What would be my ultimate dream:



To live an unlived life.

What is my best trait?


Who would I like to be, besides myself?

Who are my favourite heroes of Amsterdam?

What is my deepest fear?

When it turns out that my efforts have all been in vain, that would be my

I don’t really have a favourite hotel. I think, little Bed & Breakfasts, in

people’s homes, are more charming. You can often find them on a special location,
with personal contact and each stay will be a new experience. (
What is my favourite place to create, in Amsterdam?

Right in the centre of a mixed crowd, open to spontaneous encounters, or

alone and just observing the people and my surroundings.

Company - -
Lotte Horlings

What is my biggest passion?

From an early age, I have had a great passion for theatre, singing and vocal

What would be my greatest misfortune?

To permanently damage my vocal cords, or even losing it. That would be my

worst nightmare!

Who would I like to be, besides myself?

I would like to be someone that owns a big and beautiful house, with a

garden, in Amsterdam. For instance, located near the ‘Vondelpark’ or at another

art. I am fortunate to have made my passion into a profession. There is nothing better

dream location. And only for the house, so……

than ‘work’ that makes you happy.

Who are my favourite heroes of Amsterdam?

What is my deepest fear?


Losing my loved ones and that powerless feeling and endless sadness, you’re

All the musicians, who are playing in the ‘Concertgebouw’, those are my her-

oes. What is more beautiful than listening to an amazing concert, on a Sunday morn-

left behind with. Life is beautiful, but sometimes relentlessly harsh.

ing? Or, listening to one of the best pianists, on a Sunday night? The ‘Concertgebouw’

What is my best trait?

is a magical place. It’s an extraordinary musical experience.

them, even if it’s just for a second. It’s wonderful!

enjoying a white coffee. ‘De Kas’ in the lovely ‘Frankendael Park’, ‘Pekelhaaring’ in the


My perseverance and attentiveness. Already form an early age; I have always

worked very hard. Because of my deepest fear, I appreciate people by thinking of

What is my favourite place to eat and drink, in Amsterdam?

The ‘Coffee Company’. It’s a great place for catching up with friends, while

What is my worst pitfall?

‘Pijp’ or restaurant ‘Elkaar’, are lovely places to eat. So delicious!

always allow myself a moment of rest.

here. But, if I should, I would absolutely go for a charming Bed & Breakfast.


Wanting to do everything myself. I gain a lot by it, but sometimes it is

pretty exhausting to think that I have to do everything myself. My pitfall is, that I don’t

What is my favourite hotel, in Amsterdam?

Well, I don’t really need a hotel in Amsterdam, considering the fact that I live

What is my ultimate dream?

What is my favourite place to create, in Amsterdam?

this happy with the lovely people surrounding me and to keep receiving awesome

head, while running in the ‘Diemerpark’ or ‘Flevopark’. It’s great! There are plenty of


possibilities in Amsterdam.


My childhood dream has come true already, because I am doing the work

that I love and I got to play some beautiful parts. My ultimate dream now is, to stay


In the many crazy sound studios in Amsterdam. Here, I always enjoy to

work on commercials for radio and television purposes. But, I also get to clear my

Company - -
Marga Douma-Alta

What is my biggest passion?

Dancing is my life! My days are filled with creating choreographies, teaching dance

and directing productions. The art of dance gave me strength, in a period when I was physically
challenged, with the possible forsight that I could never dance again. I wrote a book on the
history of Jazz dance, in The Netherlands: Herewith, I made my comeback into

What would be my ultimate dream?

My ultimate dream has come true already: to earn my living with dancing.

I earned my first money with dancing when I was 16. Now, 30 years later, I still make a living
with dance by teaching, directing and as a choreographer.
What would be my greatest misfortune?

There are no misfortunes. Sometimes, life takes a different course, contrary to what I

had in mind. I evaluate the situation and calmly think of ways to achieve my goal.
Who would I like to be, besides myself?

‘Hans van Manen’. I have a huge respect for his work ethic, his enterprising spirit and

his sense of humour. It shows in everyting that he does and I hope to be as fortunate as he was,

the dance world.

to dance until my late eighties.

What is my deepest fear?

Who are my favourite heroes of Amsterdam?

waste of time. Fear is a negative emotion, with hardly a chance on a positive outcome and is

What is my favourite place to eat and drink, in Amsterdam:


My family is my anchor in life. Therefore, my deepest fear is that harm will come to

them. Nevertheless, that fear will not be allowed in my daily life. I strongly believe that’s a

others would give up, I seem to get energized and go full steam ahead. There is nothing more
satisfying than finding a way to achieve your goal. I love doing that, in collaboration with

What is my favourite hotel, in Amsterdam:

The ‘Art’Otel’: I love the balance between luxury, art and design in

this hotel.

others. Herewith, my only condition is: there should be laughter!


Restaurant ‘Noorderlicht’: Overlooking the water, near the

fireplace, with a big bowl of soup and a good glass of wine. Yes, I am a happy woman there.

My happy personality and enterprising spirit. I only see opportunities. Where

What is my worst pitfall?

‘Laetitia Griffith’ and ‘Lenette van Dongen’. Two strong women, whom I admire for

everything they stand for.


What is my best trait?


My mind is stronger than my body. To be physically exhausted, but mentally, I won’t

stop. Fortunately, my loved ones look out for me and make sure that I take my moment of rest.

What is my favourite place to create, in Amsterdam:

The dance studios of the ‘Art & Entertainment College’ at the ‘ROC’, in Amster-

dam. They are situated on the sixth floor of our beautiful new building, across from the
‘RAI’. During my classes, I am overlooking the ‘Zuid-As’. Choreographing, with the skyline
as my view, gives me an ultimate feeling of freedom.

Company - Website - Emaill
Milou Verbeke

What is my biggest passion?

What would be my greatest misfortune?

To not make it, due to the lack of financial resources, a bankruptcy would definitely be a major

blow. But, should it happen, then I have gained an experience that no one can ever take away from me.
After the first year of F.A.L.L. Magazine, I have learned and experienced so much; the value of that can’t be
expressed in terms of money.
Who would I like to be, besides myself?

‘Matthijs van Nieuwkerk’. A master in journalism and an excellent host, to whom I very much

look up to. ‘De Wereld Draait Door’ is already broadcasted for years and still, his show is never boring. A few

Writing and literature. The past years, I have been drawn to the entrepreneurship, becoming my

months ago, I got to meet him, when a colleague and I went to the editorial office of the show. I handed my

own boss. My passion for writing and the growing need to become self-employed, has lead to the founda-

magazine over to him and he immediately was very enthusiastic. He gave us a tour through the recording

tion of F.A.L.L. Magazine. It’s a magazine, in which I can express all of my ambitions.

studios! Afterwards, we drank a cup of coffee together. We spoke of this experience for weeks after.

What is my deepest fear?

Who are my favourite heroes of Amsterdam?

as in F.A.L.L. Magazine.

as a woman as well. Last February, I invited her to the launch party of F.A.L.L. Magazine and she was very

What is my best trait?

positive. Finally, my partner and best friends could not be missed on that list. They support me in truly

worst trait; my friends and family could tell you a story or two.




I once read the quote ‘keep your fears to yourself, but share your inspirations with others’. Of

course, I have my fears, but I have a positive attitude towards life. This expresses itself in my daily life as well


Nalden (Co-founder of We Transfer) is definitely on my list. I have a big admiration for his

entrpreneurship and work ethic. Hanna Bervoets is on it as well. She is an incredible writer and I like her

anything; before I make any important decision, regarding F.A.L.L. Magazine, I discuss it with them.

My impulsiveness. It gave me the courage to start F.A.L.L. Magazine and to take on other

challenges; possible risks don’t scare me off. It’s funny, because some people would describe this as my

What is my favourite place to eat and drink, in Amsterdam?

On a Sunday morning, I love to go ‘Le Pain Quotidien’, with friends. The French toast there is

phenomenal and the service is good. At fish restaurant ‘Stork’, I have eaten the most amazing lobster I ever

What is my worst pitfall?


had. You should also try their desserts!

Well, that impulsiveness also has its downsides. I don’t always think twice about something,

before I act. Next to that, I have noticed that I am frequently too soft for the harsh business world. A certain
naiveté and the need to be liked, has resulted in bumping my head a few times. Although I know, that I will
never be a tough (and cold) businesswoman, I have learned from my mistakes and I hope, that in the future,

What is my favourite hotel, in Amsterdam?

Although it has not opened yet, the ‘Art’Otel’ is my number one hotel on my wish list. Two

months ago, I had the privilege to take a look inside and it was already very impressive. The hotel manager,

I will find a balance between likeable and businesslike.

Dirk Beljaarts, is extremely kind and spoke of the hotel with great enthusiasm; the unique rooms (with

What would be my ultimate dream?

outspoken manifests on the carpet), the gallery, the bar and the restaurant. I definitely recommend it to

Where both, the magazine and our online portfolio ‘Sharing your talent’, are a well known phenomenon.



spend a night there or to have a meal in the restaurant.

To internationally break through with F.A.L.L. Magazine and become a well know platform for

new and upcoming talent. A place where unique creations are born between fashion, art and life style.

What is my favourite place to create, in Amsterdam?

That would be the ultimate office of F.A.L.L. Magazine. A big and inspiring space in the centre

of Amsterdam. I only have two necessities. One, a whole wall should be stacked with books. Second, fresh
meals will be prepared throughout the day. If this would become a reality, I would never leave the office!

F.A.L.L. Magazine - - -
Nikki Sterkenburg

What would be my greatest misfortune?

Who would I like to be, besides myself?

What is my biggest passion?

‘Tom Moncho’. He’s the owner of ‘Bagels & Beans Detroit’, located on the ‘Veem-

kade’ and the most happy bartender of Amsterdam. I don’t know anyone else who had such
rich and full life; he was there at the first Woodstock in 1969, fulfilled a high position at the

Storytelling. When I was younger, I always wanted to become a singer or an actress.

Eventually, I became a journalist. I love to focus on a project and be dedicated to it. Also, I love
the privilege to mingle in worlds, that would normally be closed to the outsider.
What is my deepest fear?

That my parents die. I am 29 years old, but I couldn’t live without them.

clothing label Esprit in San Francisco, sailed around the world for a year and exploited a facility
at the beach of ‘Zandvoort’, for years. This man is a rock star and positivity guru in one.
Who are my favourite heroes of Amsterdam?

To not be healthy anymore. I am physically pretty strong; rarely sick, quite mobile and

‘Corine Leegwater’ of ‘YogaYatra’. She traded her solid corporate career for a life as a

yoga teacher. She teaches workaholics, like me, to let go. From a journalist perspective, I would

full of energy. I would be crushed if I would loose my mobility.

have to mention my former chefs (and mentors) ‘Wouter Laumans’ and ‘Willem Uylenbroek’.

What is my best trait?

When I was a rooky, they kicked me out of the office as many times as possible. They taught


me that the stories in Amsterdam are out there for the taking. (Not in the ‘Coffee Company’,

My discipline, without a doubt. Anyone who has discipline can learn anything. I can

set my mind to something quite easy, whether I am in the mood for it, or not. Next to that, it’s
quite helpful that I am able to completely focus when there is a deadline to meet. When I am
What is my worst pitfall?

Bantammerstraat’ (near the ‘Nieuwmarkt’), run by a very sweet Italian family. They serve the

a big story. I can get pretty isolated and think of every appointment, that is not work related,
as a waste of time. I am surprised, about what great friends I have, who can cope very well

What is my favourite hotel, in Amsterdam?

That would be the ‘Lloyd Hotel’. There’s always something new to discover here. Take

a seat on the terrace and enjoy their lovely fries, they’re pretty good.

To always stay as happy and grateful, as I am today. Surrounded by great people and

days filled with making beautiful creations. I also hope to ride my horse as long as possible.
Galloping through the woods, jumping over trees and splashing through the water.

most remarkable and authentic food accompanied by a good quality red house wine.


with this less charming trait of mine.


I love to go to ‘Pompadour’, located on ‘Kerkstraat’. They serve delicious

coffee and excellent sandwiches. For dinner, I love to go to ‘Italia Oggi’, located on the ‘Binnen

I can be completely absorbed into my own world. Especially, when I am working on

What would be my ultimate dream?

What is my favourite place to eat and drink, in Amsterdam?

working on a project, I hardly need to push myself to get to work.


but in ‘Café Waterlooplein’.)

What is my favourite place to create, in Amsterdam:

That would be ‘Bagels & Beans Detroit’, located on the ‘Veemkade’. Not only

because of the inspiring owner, but also because of the amazing view that is overlooking
the ‘IJ’. It reminds me of the Grand Canal, in Venice, where I’ve lived for six years.

Elsevier - Website - Email
Odette Schoonenberg

What is my biggest passion?

Life and to enjoy every bit of it. Life is great and offers numerous opportunities. The only

thing is, you need to see it. Everything that I do, I do it with passion. Although creating and writing is
probably my biggest passion, at the same time, entrepreneurship runs through my vains.
What is my deepest fear?

This would probably be sound fuzzy, but I know no fears. From my perspective, fear is a

useless and not necessary emotion. Nothing good has ever come of it. To not walk through a dark
alley in a shady city is wisdom and does not need to be based on fear. Too many people let their
lives be led by fear and herewith miss out on its opportunities. Believe me, then, fear is your biggest
What is my best trait?

That’s a tough choice, between guts and empathy. My determination and guts have

always taken me higher and further in life. Nevertheless, my altruist attitude, as well as my
sincere wish to be the best person that I can be, is probably the one thing that is most important to
What is my worst pitfall?

I have never given this any thought. It’s a waste of time. Nothing more than the inner desi-

re to want and to do everything. As a result of it, I sometimes wish that I could clone myself, so that I
can work a double day shift. Simultaneously, making pictures of butterflies in a remote area, run my
company, work in my vegetable garden and write six novels, while I am organising a big event.
What is my ultimate dream?

A world, in which everyone truly lives, and is pursuing his or her passion. A world, in which

people are learning to see the beauty in everything around them and enjoy the amazing universe
with the utmost admiration, day and night, At the same time, a world in which everyone is allowed to
be him or herself, can be him of herself and dears to be him or herself.
What is my greatest misfortune?

I have seen and experienced pretty much everything. And, believe me, that fear is long

gone. The only misfortune, that I would consider of any importance, would be a to face a physical
challenge. To become physically challenged, permanently, that would limit me in doing what I want.

Who would I like to be, besides myself?

No one, and at the same time, everyone. It could be the man on the corner of the street or

the lady at the bakery. I never had the desire to be someone else. Each and everyone is special in his,
or her, own way. So, no ... no one in particular.
Who are my favourite heroes of Amsterdam?

I can’t think of one specific heroe. I believe everyone is a hero, regardless of how

big or small he or she might be. Everyone who is putting him or herself out there, pursuing a
passion and is doing what he or she loves to do. Yes, we can all be so lucky to live in a city full of
heroes, a city that offers the possibility to be free and to live as we please, regardless of where we
come from. That is wealth.
What is my favourite place to eat and drink, in Amsterdam?

I love going to ‘Paloma Blanca’, a Moroccan restaurant in the ‘Jan Pieter

Heijestraat’. The owners, Zora and Mohammed, are such passionate people with a warm heart,
who run their restaurant with so much love. They serve delicious and fresh meals. It feels like
coming home when entering their establishment. Afterwards, I like to go to the ‘Golden Brown’
bar for a drink,in the same street. I have a high respect for the entrepreneurship and wilfulness
of the owner Waldi. Next to that, I like to go to the ‘SkyLounge’, situated in the ‘Double Tree
Hilton’, next to Central Station. The service is phenomenal, the food is divine and the view…
wow, the view. Yes, that is Amsterdam. The city at your feet from an extraordinary terrace. WOW!
‘Kanen bij’ is of a whole other calibre, but it is amazing with the rolling kitchen, an initiative of the
‘Eatery’. Founder Titus Gorissen is an amazing and passionate person, who just like me, is doing what
he wants to do, regardless. Amazing!
What is my favourite hotel, in Amsterdam?

‘Hotel Vondel’, in the ‘Vondelstraat. In the mean time, various new hotels have

opened their doors. But, I have witnessed the passion and love for the hotel business of owner Arjen
van den Hof, from an early stage. His passion expresses itself in every little detail, form corner to
corner; fun, cosy, stylish and warm. What more could you ask for?
What is my favourite place to create, in Amsterdam?

My living room office, in the showroom of So PR. I love to hang out in my hammock

chair on the balcony, between the floating vegetable gardens, that grow en bloom, while birds are
whistling. Actually, I get inspired everywhere. Sometimes, I find myself wandering around town,
aimlessly, on a journey of discovery.
How do I make my money?

With So PR; my fashion, lifestyle, beauty and PR agency, which make me happy every

day. With over 80 accounts and a wonderful team of 12 amazing people, with each their own personal touch. So It Is, my youngest love, concerns an import business with beautiful, fair and unique

So PR - -

products. Next to that, I am a freelance journalist, just because I can’t help myself. It is that much fun.
Pauline van Aken

What is my biggest passion:

Life itself, with all the gifts I’m receiving, the challenges I learn from and the

people I get to be in contact with. I started to experience my life in passion, ever since I
fell that I look good, have a clear vision and set various short-term goals. This way, my
work feels like a mission and I can execute it with passion. I am an additional value, for
everyone who is willing to learn from me.

What would be my greatest misfortune:

That I no longer can do the things that I do now and to not be of any meaning, like

I do now. As a human, a partner, a mother, a bonus mother and as a grandmother.

Who would I like to be, besides myself?

I have no idea… I have never given it any thought before, because I have never

thought about whom else I would like to be. I’m sorry.

Who are my favourite heroes of Amsterdam?

I don’t have any specific heroes in Amsterdam. I believe, that someone is a hero when

he or she is living his or her life from the heart and with passion; works and communicates with

What is my deepest fear:

respect. It may sound crazy, but I can’t think of someone (right now).

grand children will grow up, without me seeing and experiencing them.

dam. The vitello tomato is absolutely delicious, and so are the wines. At ‘Café Winkel 43’, near


That my life will end too soon, just when I am in the middle of it and enjoying it.

That it will not allow me to physically be with my partner and that our children en future

What is my favourite place to eat and drink, in Amsterdam?

The Italian restauran ‘Bellavista’, located on ‘Johannes Verhulststraat 156 in Amster-

What is my best trait or quality:

the ‘Noordermarkt’. Here, you can eat the most delicious homemade apple pie. Have a latte

picture of the person, with his or her life story.



I never judge anyone. I’m open minded towards new encounters and getting to

know them with sincere interest, by asking them the right questions in order to get a good
What is my worst pitfall:

macchiato with it. Perfect, after a nice stroll on the market.
What is my favourite hotel, in Amsterdam?

I never had to book a hotel in Amsterdam, but I would recommend people from

outside of Amsterdam, to stay at the ‘Mövenpick’. It has nice rooms, a great ambiance and
an amazing view, overlooking the ‘IJ’. If you are looking for a cosy and warmly decorated Bed

I tend to proceed with such enthusiasm and passion, while working on a project,

& Breakfast in a manor alongside the canal, I would recommend ‘Jacky O’. It’s located on the

that it sometimes can be a pitfall that I ‘m exceeding my physical limits. I need to listen to the

‘Bloemgracht’ in Amsterdam.

signals of my body, more often.

What is my favourite place to create, in Amsterdam?

What would be my ultimate dream:

For everyone to become fully aware of the way we, effectively and positively, can

be in contact with each other. Awareness of the fact that a loving communication, from a


The ‘Vondelpark’, with a view on the big fountain. Or, on a roof terrace overlooking

the city. Just like in the old days, when I was living on the Isle of Realen, with a view on the
studio of ‘Ans Markus’. Or, on a boat drifting through the canals of Amsterdam.

sincere interest towards each other, is of the essence.
Boeiend Presenteren - - - -
Rosa Lisa Villa
To keep creating and to keep inspiring. To create something beautiful and share, so

My deepest fear is to be abandoned or to be rejected on a personal as well as a on

What is my best trait?

My authenticity. Obviously, other people influence me too, as well as cultures, hypes

and trends, but I always stay true and faithful to myself. If I were to do, or make something, in
which I would not recognize myself, it would not please me in any way or give me the satis-

What would be my greatest misfortune?

To not receive any credit for a projcet, knowing that I poured my heart and soul into

Who would I like to be, besides myself?

This is quite a difficult question. I really wouldn’t know. You can’t just judge a book by

Who are my favourite heroes of Amsterdam?

Unfortunately, they have already passed away; ‘Ramses Shaffy’ and Percy Irausquin’.

What is my favourite place to eat and drink, in Amsterdam?

Restaurant ‘The Red Sun’. Everything here is really divine!

What is my favourite hotel, in Amsterdam?

faction that I am looking for.

Considering the fact that I live in Amsterdam, I never have to stay at an hotel in

Amsterdam. Nevertheless, I do know many hip and trendy hotels. If I had to choose

What is my worst pitfall?

where to stay, I would definitely go to ‘Hotel the Grand’, because of its unique grandeur and

My perfectionism. I have the neurotic urge to plan and organise everything to the

minute. Hereby, I tell myself that I am doing this, so that I will not loose my overview of things.
Sometimes, it is better to go with the flow, even if things aren’t going the way as planned.
Eventually, this often results in something even more beautiful or better, because you think it
through. So, take your time to think it through!

of the world.


professional level.


own projects, travel around the globe and take on dream projects in the most beautiful places

its cover. Everyone has its own path to follow.

What is my deepest fear?


On a professional level, it’s to be successful, to be appreciated for my contribution

and to gain brand awareness for my work. This way, I could have the privilege of choosing my


that it not only makes me happy, but others as well.



it. Also, not be able to continue doing what I love.

What is my biggest passion?

What would be my ultimate dream?

ambiance. Or, for a complete pampering experience, I would go to the ‘Amstel Hotel’ or
‘Hotel Conservatorium’.
What is my favourite place to create, in Amsterdam?

That would be a spacious white studio, with large windows and a beautiful

incidence of light, overlooking the water. And, to see sunsets and sunrises and to hear birds
whistling. Or, on a small pier. Or, a place where I can subside, without any stimulants from the
city - but not completely remote.

Rosa Lisa Villa - - Email - Facebook - Twitter
Stephanie Ocampo Cuervo

What would be my greatest misfortune?

Hmmmm…That is a tough one! I have more than one. Of course, my loved ones that

passed away. The bad things that happen to those I love. Big or small projects I missed out on.

What is my biggest passion?

They’re misfortunes, but luckily, the small ones do not leave a trail of severe or permanent

agencies, magazines, commercials, fashion shows, and such. To see your creation in a maga-



Make-up, what else! It’s why I’ve become a make-up artist. I love to play with make-up

and bring out the beauty in people. It’s a true art. I cover a lot of photo shoots for modelling
zine, on the catwalk or on television, it makes you proud! Because of the ever changing trends
in fashion, being a make-up artist is a very dynamic and challenging profession.
What is my deepest fear?

Who would I like to be, besides myself?

for make-up, in order to help them grow in their development.
Who are my favourite heroes of Amsterdam?

To not be able to conduct my profession. It would be a nightmare if anything happens

That’s a hard question. I would like to be someone that coaches those with a passion

It may sound a bit blurry, but I don’t really have any. I’ve had the honour to have

met many ‘heroes’, whom I have worked with and still do. What makes them heroes? They are

to my hands. Make-up means the world to me and without my hands, I would be lost. I think,

determined in what they want to achieve with their passion.

that this is something that every make-up artist fears.

What is my favourite place to eat and drink, in Amsterdam?

What is my best trait?


My perseverance. This quality has brought me far in life, even further than I ever

I always enjoy going to ‘Bling’, because of what it radiates and the ambiance. It’s

great to have lunch there or to go to for a night out. But, there are so many bars and restaurants

could have dreamed of. Perseverance is really a must in the world of fashion. Giving up is not

in Amsterdam. It is great and I love to vary.

an option. I always keep going. When I fall, I get up and try even harder. “Make up your mind &

What is my favourite hotel, in Amsterdam?

mind your make-up”.
What is my worst pitfall?


I would love to stay at the ‘Fashion Hotel Amsterdam’. It is very appealing to me and it looks

I often raise the bar too high for myself. Herewith, my expectations are way too high

as well and that can be very disappointed, at times.
What would be my ultimate dream?

To be honest, I have never stayed at a hotel in Amsterdam. But, should I have to, then

super trendy, especially the sky bar.
What is my favourite place to create, in Amsterdam?

New York! And I’m not talking about a short trip or a holiday, but to really work there.

In one of the beautiful and spacious studios of Amsterdam. Or, at one of the nice out-

door locations around Amsterdam. There is so much inspiration to be found and you will be

It would by my ultimate dream to be working as a make-up artist in New York, for magazines,

overwhelmed with the new fashion trends in the make-up stores. Whenever I’m in need for

fashion shows and big designers. Living and experiencing the real ‘Sex and the City’ life. I look

inspiration or new products, I’ll hop in to check it out. I love working on different locations, so I

up to those who made it there, because there are only a few that do. I often tell myself “One

will not limit myself to one place.

day”. It’s not that I am in a hurry. Maybe, I need a bit of luck and a lot of experience.

Company - Website - Email
Suzanne Blotenburg

Who would I like to be, besides myself?

‘Eberhard van der Laan’, just so that I can be the head of a city and to conduct

politics. But, I would definitely like to walk in the shoes of unknown people of Amsterdam. They
often have a very special story to tell and know their city very well. I would like to be a folk
singer, to be able to see the cavern of that nightlife. (Okay, I’ve already seen this). Maybe,
be the captain of the ‘IJveer’, what a unique job is that?! Or, to be the mama of the neighbour-

What is my biggest passion?

hood in the ‘Bijlmer’, because she’s probably the only one who knows what is really going on.

What is my deepest fear?

Amsterdam. They are kind, but very candy (outspoken, direct). They have a bit of an attitude


Telling strong stories, on (digital) paper. Strong in the sense of powerful, complete,

honest and honouring the subject.


Who are my favourite heroes of Amsterdam?

The real people of Amsterdam, born and raised, those are my favourite heroes in

and at the same time, hate such an attitude. Because, they can yell at you in traffic and yet,

My deepest fear would be to disappoint others and myself, for I’m a perfectionist.

And of course, to face severe illness that could be terminal, but I guess that’s a common fear.

tolerate the numerous suicide bike tourists, in their beautiful city. And, of course, that lovely

What is my best trait?

What is my favourite place to eat and drink, in Amsterdam?

What is my worst pitfall?

red wine; ‘Djago’, in the ‘Rivierenbuurt’, for their best nasi rames in town and ‘Tales & Spirits’,


My Perseverance. Even if the creativity has to come from my cynical toes, I will

persevere. I keep going until I am satisfied.


There are a lot of places that I love to go to, in Amsterdam. Because they are fun, it’s

nice to eat there or they serve addictive cappuccinos. ‘Schilders’, in the ‘Pijp’, for their Spanish
for their exciting cocktails. But, I love to discover new places, preferably not in my own neighbourhood. Recently, ‘Bar Spek’ in ‘West’, pleasantly surprised me and hopefully, many more


What would be my ultimate dream?

spontanuous and unexpected discoveries will follow.

easily be found or surfaced. Where nature or war has destroyed every infrastructure and facility

it has only been one time. Fortunately, it was a pleasant and special stay, at ‘Het Altaar’ along-


To go on a safari with Nelson Mandela, in South Africa. In the future, I would like to

conduct journalism in a place where it is of high additional value. In places where the truth can’t
needed to get the truth out. Or, to address people in that place (in their own language, fluently)
and teach them how to find the truth, if there even is one. Afterwards, I would write a book
about these experiences. And to top that, shoot my own World press Photo for it. I want to be
that noble and have an impact on the world on such a scale, even if it would only be for a short
period of time.
What would be my greatest misfortune?

What is my favourite hotel, in Amsterdam?

side the ‘Amstel’. Hidden between tourist cafes and the ‘Rembrandtplein’, a small residence is
situated there, which served as a catholic hiding church in the 18th century. The mini church is
still completely intact, beautifully restored for two and all luxury present. Where once was the
altar, now, a king-size bed has taken its place.
What is my favourite place to create, in Amsterdam?

If I would not be inspired by the things that I do. I find it very important that my

work continues to amaze me. It is one of the reasons why writing about entrepreneurship and
entrepreneurs is so appealing to me. They keep amazing me, even now that I am one myself.

It is not that natural for me to sleep in a hotel, in my hometown. I can remember that

Amsterdam is really most beautiful from the water. It feels like a holiday and it’s great

for clearing your head. On my bike, is a good number two. When I arrived in Amsterdam, five
years ago, I felt like a real ‘Mokumer’ when I was riding my bike through the city, for the first
time. Finally, unknown places are also great to be creative. A great thing about Amsterdam is,
that even after so many years, there are still nice places to discover.

Freelance Business Journalist - Website -

Who would ik like to be, besides myself?

his creative process as a photographer.

Who are my favourite heroes of Amsterdam?

What is my biggest passion?

Everyone who has contributed to the renovation of the ‘Rijksmuseum’. And

of course, with special credits for the Spanish architects Antonio Cruz & Antonio Ortiz,

Letting my creativity flow in abundance, in various manners and diverse

materials. It all shows in my work. I create post cards, pillows, paintings and illustrations, on and with various materials; oil paint, ink, pencil and ecoline.

who have restored the initial design of 1885, in such an exceptional manner.
What is my favourite place to eat and drink, in Amsterdam?

What is my deepest fear?

I would love to walk in the shoes of ‘Erwin Olaf’, just for a day. I’d like to see

For a lovely lunch, I love to go to the ‘Bakkerswinkel’. The have delicious

sandwiches, an amazing carrot pie (you will not believe it) and the beet soup is

Waking up and feeling sick because of the smell of oil paint!

What is my best trait?

What is my favourite hotel, in Amsterdam?

What is my worst pitfall?

What is my favourite place to create, in Amsterdam?

What would be my ultimate dream?

How do I make my money?

What would be my greatest misfortune?

me the freedom to be creative. Besides my work in the studio, I also teach painting


To always think in a creative manner. This could concern a painting, cooking

Time!!! I have more ideas than I have time to think them all through. I keep

To bring as much joy as I can to the world, with my expressive stories and



If I would not be able to create with my hands and eyes.


I love to go to the ‘Noordermarkt’, for inspiration. But, inspiration can also

be found in the ‘P.C.’. I turn to my studio for the real work.

failing at timemanagement.


I highly recommend the ‘Conservatorium Hotel’, in Amsterdam. A beautiful

hotel in a monumental building. Wow!

a meal or solving a problem.




‘Making money’ and ‘creativity’ isn’t always a combination that’s easy. For

me, the pressure is not extremely high, because I don’t have to live of it. This allows
and drawing lessons, at the European School in ‘Bergen’. It’s all for the love of art. All
the stimulants of my surroundings will be a great asset for my creative process of a
project. “In my work, I follow my heart. And so, I create with passion.”
Company - Website - Email
Trisha de Graaf

What would be my greatest misfortune?

What is my biggest passion?

I have no inspiration for answering this question.

Who would I like to be, besides myself?

Creating inspiring images through photo styling. Also, by assembling the

An employee at ‘Laura Dols’, located on ‘9 Straatjes’, just for a day. I would

love to be surrounded by all the vintage and consulting people on their outfits, with

right clothing and accessories for my clients, to emphasize their best features. They

these remarkable items.

should feel confident and beautiful. By doing this, I get energized.

Who are my favourite heroes of Amsterdam?

What is my deepest fear?


For people to stop creating together and for them to seek solo succes more

often. The most extraordinary creations are born from group processes.
What is my best trait?

I’m open minded about new influences, other cultures and I love to learn

What is my worst pitfall?


What is my favourite place to eat and drink, in Amsterdam:

‘Café de Jaren’ is my favourite place to got to, in the summer. Here, you can

sit on a wonderful terrace alongside the water, overlooking the ‘Amstel’.
What is my favourite hotel, in Amsterdam?

There’s so much more to do and to experience. Only, the days are too short!

What would be my ultimate dream?

listening to the way they talk about their city. Especially in that lovely accent.


from other people.


Those would be the ‘old generation’, the ‘real’ people of Amsterdam. I enjoy

‘The Exchange’, students of the ‘Amfi’ have decorated the rooms, in this

hotel. Each and every room is unique. For instance, with big buttons, or large collars

or a beautiful dress of Marie-Antoinette!

My ultimate dream is to get inspired by other cultures in far away countries.

That, as a basis, could lead to the development of creative and innovative products.

What is my favourite place to create, in Amsterdam?

After an inspirational stroll around ‘Amsterdam-Noord’; cousin Louis, ‘van

Dijk & Co’ and the ‘IJhallen’. Laid back on a terrace with my sketchbook, at ‘Noorderlicht’ or ‘Pllek’, overlooking the ‘IJ’.

Company - Website - Email
Enjoy your journey!

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The Hero's Journey in Amsterdam. Demo guide 9 november 2013

  • 1. The Hero’s Journey in Amsterdam Making Money Doing What You Love
  • 2. “Travel in a worldcity and meet your heroes and heroines, who earn their money doing what they love. They will inspire you to create your own legend.” Peter de Kuster Founder of The Hero’s Journey
  • 3. Contents Prologue 4 Making Money Doing What They Love CH6 For Love and Money 48 Delamar Introduction 5 The Hero’s Journey 7 Your Quest CH7 The Myths about Creative Heroes Vondelpark CH1 Creative Hero 11 The The new Rijksmuseum Quiz 15 56 CH8 Testdrive Your Dreamjob 65 Atelier Marcel Wanders CH9 is a Pitch 72 Life Beurs van Berlage CH2 The Great Traits of Creative Heroes Hotel Conservatorium 23 CH10 Own Hero 81 Be Your Heineiken Experience 28 CH11 Your Own Heroes 93 Meet Madame Tussaud CH3 Motivated to be a Creative Hero Concertgebouw CH4 Hero’s Journey 32 Your Van Gogh Museum CH5 Your Story 41 What’s Tuschinski CH12 The Tragic Creative Heroes 100 Wallen Epilogue 126 Amsterdam International Fashion Week Questionnaires 132 Our Heroes of Amsterdam
  • 4. Making Money Doing What They Love These skills include: Attention all artists, musicians, designers, filmmakers, sports heroes, actors, writers and anyone who’s working in the creative fields – even if your chosen profession is not the most conventinal one, cultivating and growing a successful, financially rewarding career is still your goal. In The Hero’s Journey in Amsterdam I – Peter de Kuster – will provide you with the stories of heroes and heroines from Amsterdam (past and present) on overcoming some of the specific challenges faced by creative, entrepreneurial, innovative and right-brainer people, who want a career that is both satisfying and successful. Creative entrepreneurs, freelancers and professionals need a set of skills that will turn their passion into a viable career. • • • • • • How to choose a career that best suits your talents. Setting realistic goals using right-brain techniques. How to avoid the pitfalls that ruin a creative career. How to schmooze your way to success. How to create a business plan when you are the business. How to be disciplined when you are your own boss. When you find an outlet for your creativity in the form of a career, you’ll discover a freedom in your working life that you can live with on the long term. You can follow your passion, build a brillant career, and have financial security – if you know which skills to use. Let me show you the way in this travel guide of Amsterdam.
  • 5. Introduction There is no such thing as a Santa Claus – and there’s certainly no such thing as the perfect career. That’s what many people really think, and it’s sad, because there are plenty of rewarding, challenging and fulfilling career opportunities that allow creative people to use their gifts and be rewarded handsomely for their efforts. Those who settle for less than the best, simply haven’t found the right job – yet. You can have it all when it comes to a creative career – if you know how. The fact is that most people hate their jobs. They would rather be doing something else – anything else. It doesn’t have to be that way. What if I told you that you would never have to work another day in your life? Would you be interested? When you find the right fit in a career, it no longer feels like work. You wake up every day excited about how you earn your living. This perfect harmonizing of your talents, skills, personality and work style creates a passion and a desire, as well as a feeling of contentment that is worth more than gold. It can be yours, if you will read this travel guide of Amsterdam.
  • 6. The challenge of this journey is, that the creative business is very different from other businesses. To get ahead, you sometimes have to zigzag to the top. Let the stories of creative heroes and heroines of Amsterdam show you when to zig and when to zag, to make the most of the opportunities out there. Using a map of Amsterdam you embark on a journey, an adventure in search of yourself. The thing is, there isn’t a golden (or orange) egg waiting for you, when you get to the spot marked ‘X’ on the map. The buried treasure is within you. The pursuit of the gold (or the goal) is the reward. Because, when it comes to a career, there is no ‘there’ there. It is all a quest. Enjoying the quest is what success is all about. This is the age of opportunity for the creative person. Innovation and ideas are gold. Ridicule and red tape are being replaced with respect and rewards for the clever and creative person. The business environment is changing, and changing for the better – for you. Are you ready for these exciting times ahead? This travel guide of Amsterdam will put you in a position to prosper. What parents, teachers and bosses might see as problems (sloppiness, habitual tardiness, short attention span, non-conformism), can actually be hidden assets in the search for work in a rewarding, interesting and creative career. Intuition, emotion, divergent thinking, daydreaming, thriving on chaos, big–picture thinking, cleverness, open–mindedness and an ability to play and have fun are virtues in the right setting. Even so, it’s not exactly easy to build a career in the creative business world. You have to be able to deal with rejection. It is a part of everyday life for the creative person. There is also that funny feeling that you don’t quite fit in – and you don’t. An unconventional person with unconventional ideas, you are often seen as immature, temperamental, moody, difficult, distracted, irresponsible, and irrational. The truth is, you can be your wonderful self and still get ahead in the business world. This travel guide of Amsterdam will help you manage your career using a whole–brain approach that takes advantage of the way you are, without forgetting the way the world works.
  • 8. The Hero’s Journey It’s time to move on, move up, and move out with a new mission. The Hero’s Journey is about taking charge of your destiny so that no idiot can control your fate. Most books are very thorough, when it comes to identifying and informing you about the problems and pitfalls of a creative career. However, what they lack, is the - “What the hell am I supposed to do about it? - part. I decided to make the Hero’s Journey travel guides about real life heroes and heroines, of past and present, in Amsterdam with heavy on concrete tips, anecdotes and lessons to be learned from them. New creative careers and enterprises are popping up all the time. There has never been a better time to strike out on your own. This is your time to shine as a creative person. The future looks bright. Many of the current trends favor your preferred mode of operation – selfreliance, zigzagging to the top, rapid change, multi–tasking, chaos, adaptability, intuition, training and retraining. This travel guide of Amsterdam will show you how to find your career niche, and then how to earn a living doing what you love. You will learn how to overcome the challenges the creative right-brainer faces, and how to make your nature and your creativity work for you. You’ll learn how to market yourself even in a crowded marketplace, survive and thrive in the battlefield that is entrepreneurship. How to be your own boss and work for others, take the ‘free” out of “freelance”, rise to the top without stepping on too many toes, and use your natural abilities to find a perfect pitch and harmony in your work world. In reality, ‘The Hero’s Journey’ is about your life. There is a direct, undeniable correlation between your career and your life. It’s less about what you do for a living than what you can live with doing. Finding fun and fulfillment at work spills over into the rest of your life. Without it, your health will suffer, your creativity will suffer, your performance will suffer – and so will everybody around you. You don’t need to live that way.
  • 9. If you are thinking about giving up on a creative career and getting a ‘real’ job, stop right there. When you settle for less than what’s best for you, you instantly get less than you settled for. Don’t sell yourself short. The regret will eat you up inside. Don’t miss your chance - it may be right around the corner. Instead, get going and go for it – be bold. Use the strategies of heroes and heroines in Amsterdam to give you an advantage. Don’t let others push boulders in your path and fill your head with facts like ‘most businesses fail in the first year’, ‘It’s too competitive out there’, ‘there are no (dancing) jobs’, ‘you don’t have enough experience or talent’ or ‘you have no agent’. It’s bad enough that these insecure and misinformed people are telling you why you can’t succeed. It’s worse if you believe them. Don’t let anyone talk your dreams down. This travel guide through Amsterdam is for creative people in all walks of life – carpenter or composer, dancer or painter, poet or musician, philosopher or travel guide, magician or designer, architect or writer, actor or account manager. It isn’t meant to apply to just the glamour jobs; whatever form your creativity takes, you can apply these stories. For everyone who tells you: “You can’t make a living doing that!”, there are hundreds and thousands of examples of creative heroes and heroines, in all the cities of the world, who found a way to turn something they thought was fun and would even do for free, into a fulfilling life and career. I will help you as your travel guide to take your powerful creative energy and harness it, and you will beat the odds, making a living doing what you love to do. Your life will become a hero’s journey story.
  • 10. Your Quest Few people know what they want when they grow up, and even fewer creative people want to grow up. Maybe you won’t discover your true calling until you test-drive several dream jobs and work with some rolemodels. Isn’t it better to testdrive them, using that incredible imagination of yours than waste years on a dead-end-job? One of the key things you’ll work on here is defining what you want to do (not for the rest of your life, but what you want to do now) and eliminating the careers that aren’t a fit. The choices that lead to a life of creative expression and financial security are here for the making. The catch is, that creative careers are often unconventional and in some cases completely unchartered. The challenge is that there are a million different things you could do. The key to success in any career is clarity. Becoming clear about who you are and what you love is the first part of this travel guide through Amsterdam. Then, how to get what you want is covered in great detail. It’s hard work, but this is your chance to reinvent yourself. Don’t let it pass you by.
  • 11. Chapter 1 The Creative Hero The New Rijksmuseum
  • 12. 1 The Creative Hero Success for a creative hero can be tremendous. Not just in money, but in creative freedom. Look at the list of the highest–paid actors and entrepreneurs – they are all people who don’t fit any mold, but they’re also people who used that fact to their benefit. You can do it too, in your own way, on your own time, reaching your own goals. Unmire yourself from the myths about creative people. Don’t be afraid to look at your strenghts and weaknesses. Face the fact that traditional business management, which is left-brain, logical and linear (not to mention rigid, boring, and counterproductive), doesn’t work for you. It isn’t much fun and if it isn’t at least a little bit of fun, you’re not going to do it. It’s that simple. If it’s not fast, fun, flexible and easy, you are less likely to embrace it. Be willing to work within a system – as long as it’s one that you create and one that works with you, as well as for you. Architects of ‘The New Rijksmuseum’: Cruz & Ortiz Creatives have an insatiable hunger to achieve, create, accomplish. They want to be recognized and heard, receive applause and take home awards. They desire change, to create a body of work, to earn and to make deals. Many people who don’t know what they want actually want too much, too fast.
  • 13. The key to success is, learning how to focus on what’s most important. It’s counterproductive trying to do too many things at once – nor is it good to focus on only one area of your life or work. One way to whittle it down (focus) and spread it around (multifocus) is, to choose a top goal for each aspect of your life. Take a good, hard look at who you are, what’s your story and what you want out of life. Sometimes, having everything to be just okay, having an adequate job and a moderate life, is the biggest tragedy of all. Take the time now to find yourself, so you can live your life without getting lost and make good decisions, that will lead you to the success and happiness you desire. We are all born creative. What happens to us from kindergarten to college shapes how much of that creativity stays with us. Some, despite the best efforts of the school system and the corporate system to stamp out the creative spirit, slip through the cracks, creativity intact. You are still not safe. Ninety–eight percent of the people in the world, are living the left–brained life. Society tends to reward the left brain (structure, status quo) and reprimand the right brain (chaos, creativity, innovation).
  • 14. You can stunt your creative spirit with disuse. You cannot lose a talent, but your skills can certainly atrophy. Almost any job can be done creatively. Entrepreneurs must be creative to survive. Managing people can be done creatively. Marketing, communication and sales, certainly involve a degree of creativity. Even distribution and finance can be a right-brained affair. What makes any career interesting, exciting and vital, is the creative approach you take to it. People who ignore their creative gifts in their careers, are frustrated and unhappy by midlife (or much sooner). Happiness comes from finding your greatest gifts and abilities and then developing, and using them, in the work you do. Creativity and creative careers involve a whole-brain approach, an interaction between the left hemisphere of your brain (the detailoriented accountant side) and the right hemisphere (the big picture, artistic side). The right brain comes up with the ideas, and the left brain implements them. Too much right brain and nothing gets done; too much left brain and life is dull and uninspiring. As a right-brainer you are absolutely unique (and wonderful). There has never been anyone like you and there will never be again. Ponder that for a moment. Beneath all the self-doubt, guilt, fear, remorse, and distorted stories is a gem of a person who, more than anything, deserves to be happy, successful and fulfilled. To have a career that is challenging and rewarding. A career that fits like a glove and is such a joy that you would do it for free. But, is so valuable to others, that you are paid well. And why not? You have found your place in the universe, you are making a contribution with your talent and creativity. Once you understand yourself and what work you enjoy doing, you can work with your natural abilities and tendencies rather than against them. It makes life much easier. This is something that is unique to you. It is what will work best for you. So don’t just breeze past the questions in this travel guide. Make the time to really give some thought to who you are, what you want to do, and what the best way would be to do it. I have always said that to find yourself you need to go on a journey. You need time for reflection, away from the hustle and bustle of your busy life, to open yourself to new possibilities.
  • 15. Quiz Do you honestly love what you do now? Are you excited to go to work on Monday? Do you go home happy? If you answered “no” to any of these questions, there is a better way for your beautiful mind. The following quiz should give you an indication of where your natural tendencies lie – left brain, right brain, or whole brain. Answer honestly and quickly. Don’t dwell on the answers, and don’t try to figure out what I’m looking for. We are going to explore new worlds together.
  • 16. 1. There is no ‘right’ answer! When it comes to emotions, a. I can articulate my feeling to others. b. I am better at expressing my emotions through my creative work. 2. I have always been told, that a. I’d make a great accountant. b. I was a natural – born artist. 3. For me, success is a. closely related to annual income. b. unrelated to the money I make. 7. When it comes to a big project, my strength is in seeing a. the worm’s eye – view (details). b. the bird’s eye – view (the big picture). 4. When trying to explain how I came up with an idea, a. I am able to put it into terms others can understand. b. I feel like an alien from another planet. 8. When my boss or client puts me on the spot, a. I say what I mean and mean what I say. b. I tell him what I think he wants to hear. 5. When I am working on a project, a. I am not happy until it’s done. b. I enjoy the process. 9. Joking around the water cooler, I’ve been compared to a. Leonardo da Vinci. b. Valentino. 6. It’s a beautiful summer day, but I have work to do. I will a. get my work done first and then go to the beach. b. go to the ‘Leonardo da Vinci Museum’ and deal with my work later. 10. When I have several unfinished projects going at once, I feel a. frustrated. b. stimulated.
  • 17. 11. When it comes to decorating my office, a. I’ll find an arrangement that works, and stick with it. b. I’ll re-arrange everything, at least every six months. 14. I’m more a. logical. b. intuitive. 12. For me, multitasking is a. doing two things at once. b. talking on the phone, internetting, sending an email, watching sports on TV, making faces to a friend and sorting through the mail at once. 15. After work, a. I’ll go home, or maybe I’ll go out with people of my project. b. I’d like to go to places, where people from other projects hang out. 16. Before I speak, a. I think it through and censor it in my head. b. I say the first thing that pops into my head. 13. When I’m asked to bring something to a party, a. I’ll bring paper plates. b. I have a new recipe that I’m dying to try out.
  • 18. 17. I’m running late for an important meeting and a dear friend calls with a relationship crisis, a. I’ll explain that I am in a hurry and will call him back as soon as I can. b. I’d say “The hell with the meeting”. My friend needs me now. 18. When it comes to problem-solving, a. I would analyze things, from a logical perspective. b. I would consult my ‘gut’ for an answer. 19. My car is a. practical and safe. b. stylish and fun to drive. 20. I am best at remembering a. names. b. faces. 21. Whenever there is a crisis in my life, a. I would retreat into myself and try to solve it on my own. b. I would prefer to talk about it, with others. 22. In making decisions, a. I tend to focus on the actualities. b. I tend to focus on the possibilities.
  • 19. 27. 28. 23. I write with my a. right hand. b. left hand. 24. I am a natural born a. learner. b. teacher. 25. If I had two yearlong projects to choose from, I’d pick a. an analysis of the company’s past and future profit centres. b. working on the company’s marketing materials. 26. When I meet a prospective client/employer, a. I will prepare a written list of questions. b. I’ll talk off the top of my head, taking my cue from them. When I am learning a new software program, a. I’d read the manual and then begin. b.What manual? I figure things out on my own. I believe a. you can make things happen through sheer force of will. b. there is a force in the universe that brings things to you. 29. I just met with a prospective client/employer, whom I really connected with. When I leave, I will a. shake their hand. b. give them a hug. 30. If I could choose my working hours, they’d start at a. 6.00 o’clock in the morning. b. 6.00 o’clock in the evening. 31. My daily routine is mostly like the movie: a. Boccaccio 70 (little variety). b. Rocco and his Brothers (adventures every day).
  • 20. 32. It’s my birthday and my friends have thrown me a surprise party, I am a. embarrassed (I don’t like surprises). b. thrilled (I love surprises). 33. When someone asks about my vacation, a. I’ll give them names and places. b. I’ll describe in intricate detail how wonderful it felt to be away, I’ll talk about all the things that I have seen, the wonderful people that I’ve met and the fun that I’ve had. 34. When I get the paper, I’ll usually first turn to a. the business section. b. the comics. 35. While out for lunch with friends, I receive an urgent call and ask them to order for me. They will a. know exactly what I want, because I always get the same thing. b. not have a clue, because I am always trying something new. 36. If the meeting is scheduled for 10 o’clock, a. I’ll arrive a quarter of an hour early. I’m known for my punctuality. b. I’ll try not to be the last person to show up, but how was I to know traffic would be so sad?
  • 21. 42. If I were on a game show and my winning totalled 10.000 euro, with the option to keep what I have or risk it all on one more question for double or nothing, I would likely a. take the money and run. b. bet it all. 43. If I were going to clean out my desk, I would take the following approach: a. Do it a little at a time, until I am finished. b. Pull everything from the drawers and do as much as I can, before pushing the rest back in. 44. If I were offered a promotion that involved moving to Hong Kong for two years, a. I’d opt out, because I don’t speak Chinese. b. I’d be on the phone with my travel agent, in two seconds flat. 37. If I lost my planner, I would be completely lost. a. My whole life is in there. b. I’m sure that’s where I stuck the little paper, which had the name and number of the client on it and who urgently needed that callback, yesterday. 38. My idea of organization is, a. making a list of all the things to be done and then prioritizing the tasks. b. playing with my Post-It-Notes, putting them on the wall in some sort of order. 39. When I am working and the phone rings, I will a. look at it as a nuisance and let it ring. b. look at it as a welcome break and pick it up. 45. I am ready to leave for work, and a. I’ll know exactly where my car keys are. b. I’ll go on a search-and-destroy mission, in finding my keys. 40. My boss/client likes to say that a. I keep my nose to the grindstone. b. I keep my head in the clouds. 46. When I log on to the internet, I’ll do it with a. a plan and a purpose: get in and get out. b. no plan at all, pausing and looking at whatever catches my fancy. 41. I’m learning the best, when you a. tell me what to do. b. show me what to do. 47. When I’m researching a project, a. I’ll find as many books and articles as I can, and read them from front to back. b. I’ll ask someone for tips on the best places to look for, and skim those.
  • 22. Results of the quiz In the quiz, a answers count zero; b answers count 1. If your total is 15 or less, you must have bought this travel guide for somebody else and you’re just going through the quizzes for kicks, because you’re just a serious left-brainer. A total of 16 to 35 indicates a fairly balanced, whole-brain approach to the world, or a right-brainer who was working in the financial services. You will go far if you can learn to loosen up a little. 48. If I would inadvertently offend a co-worker, I’d a. say nothing, hire a lawyer and hope that the whole thing will blow over. b. have a sit down and discuss his or her feelings, while apologizing profusely. 49. When it comes to remembering all the things that I have to do: a. I’ll make a master list, down to the last detail. b. What was the question again? 50. My office desk is organized in such a way, that a. anybody could come in and find what they need quickly. b. I pity anyone who has to try to figure out my system. With a total over 35, you can consider yourself a right-brainer. A Creative Hero, with all the blessings and curses attached to it. If you came up with your own answer even once, refusing to go with the choices offered, give yourself a star. You are a true right brainer, an independent thinker, an original, a creative hero.
  • 23. Chapter 2 The Great Traits of Creative Heroes Hotel Conservatorium
  • 24. 2 The Great Traits of Creative Heroes While nobody uses only their right brain or left brain, most creatives tend to rely heavily on their right brains – the source of their creativity Because of that many of the following statements will apply to you. Even whole-brainers (those who operate equally from both hemispheres) will recognize themselves in it, but are often tempered by the logical, stabilizing influence of the left brain. The right-brainer is able to compare and combine two things that are not usually related. The creative mind is not limited by normal boundaries, and therefore, can see relationships that aren’t obvious to others. The right-brainer sees abstract concepts and then is able to express them in concrete terms. The right-brainer has a strong appreciation of art. The assumption is, that creative people always ‘create’ art. That is not the case. There are careers for people who appreciate the arts. Piero Lissoni: “Een stoel is voor mij even belangrijk als een toren.”
  • 25. Right-brainers tend to have rich and vivid memories. Right-brainers are able to remember faces and places, but aren’t so hot at names and titles. They retain images better than words. They remember themes and scenes from movies, but not the names of the actors or the director. The right brain remembers feelings – good and bad. Right-brainers appreciate nature and have the ability to find beauty everywhere. Creative people desperately need to stop and smell the flowers. Or hear the sounds of the sirens. To keep in touch with life and beauty, their super sensitive senses trigger their creativity. Creatives respond to their surroundings. It is a blessing and a curse to be tuned in. Being creative sometimes means, being lonely in a crowd. When I start talking about intuition and inspiration, with other than creative people, they stare at me. Right-brainers welcome challenges. They are able to see the big picture and tackle problems on a total story scale. They use intuition, rather than facts and figures, to find new and better solutions. Although right-brainers may be in touch with trends, they’re more likely to start trends. They are leaders, not followers. They are flexible. Passionate. When it comes to getting their ideas come true, they are relentless. Creative people have the pioneering spirit that it takes to do things differently, regardless of the grief that they may take from (and give to) others. They are eager to go where nobody has gone before. The great unknown is more interesting and inspiring than the safe and secure. It is intoxicating to be involved with an idea on the ground level. The early stages of the creative process are magical, where anything is possible and reality is way off in the distance. (Then, the left brain enters the story and ruins all the fun.)
  • 26. Right-brainers are open-minded and less prone to prejudice. Creatives often have high ethical and moral standards. Gray matter thinkers, in a black and white world, often see more than one correct answer and maybe even more than one question.
  • 27. The Weak Traits are not so weak Right-brainers feel things more deeply than most other people do. That’s why they create. To express what they are feeling through their work. Right-brainers are impulsive. That live-for-today attitude and ‘being in the moment’ works for the storyteller in them. But, to succeed, they’ve got to give some thought to the future. There can be long-term consequences, when they play now and pay later. For right-brainers, all play has a purpose – it’s fun. This attitude makes them seem immature. Left-brainers like rules, a purpose and a plan, even for play – and worse, they need a reason to do it. Right-brainers tend to be sloppy. Not disorganized, just not organized in a way an uptight left-brained person would like them to be. Many creatives feel neatness is a waste of time. Divergent thinkers often go off on tangents, and are frequently seen as scatter-brained. It’s hard to concentrate, when you’re not inspired or interested. It takes discipline to get started and stick with the business side of creative business. Creatives can work harder than anybody if they find something they love to do. They just have a hard time learning to love math, taxes, regular business hours, and client follow up. Right-brainers are particularly vulnerable to the ‘they are going to find me out any minute’ syndrome. They may be confident about their work, but not about them-selves. Insecurity often rules them. Alcoholism, drug addiction, depression – all are very real dangers for the right–brainer. Leaping ahead, seeing the big picture, creatives lose those people who want to take it step by step and see things in black and white. Sometimes this makes them angry. Right-brainers spend a lot of time dealing (or not dealing) with frustration. Although right-brainers aren’t necessarily self-destructive, they are prone to overindulgence, which can lead to the same thing. Right– brainers’ high ideals make them inflexible. Creatives often expose a dark side to the world. Right-brainers procrastinate. Right-brainers don’t like to be told how to do it. As you can see, for every so-called negative trait of creative heroes and heroines, there is a positive side as well.
  • 28. Questionnaires With stories of creative heroes and heroines from Amsterdam, who make their money doing what they love.
  • 29. Inge Snijders What would be my greatest misfortune? greatest misfortune. I almost graduated from med school, but decided to become an actress and a documentary filmmaker. This change in course resulted in a lot of resistance from my close circle (of friends and family). Incomprehension. My biggest misfortune would be if I were to listen to my pitfall, by not taking any chances and for What is my biggest passion? my deepest fear to come true. Acting. It’s hard to explain in words. It’s you, the reader, the indivi- dual in the big mass of people, his or her story, contradictions and struggles. All of this inspires me and feeds my urge to make movies and documentaries. at the waterside or is it just too cold? Then, you can find me at the ‘Westerpark’. For “I can’t do it.” Like, when I was asked to contribute to this beautiful concept of a travel guide. Why the hell me? Why would anyone want to read about me? instance, at ‘Pacific’, with a mixed crowd, relaxed ambiance and a fire place. What is my favourite hotel, in Amsterdam? To make various movies and to achieve international success, within the next few years. As an actress, as well as a filmmaker. Only the thought of accomplishing this, puts a huge smile on my face. Alongside the water, the ‘IJ’. Because of the many possibilities and creative input. ‘Noorderlicht’ is also a really nice spot to clear your mind. Not in the mood to sit What is my worst pitfall? Without a doubt, the King (or Hero) of Dutch filmmaking, Paul Verhoeven. What is my favourite place to eat and drink, in Amsterdam? ............... What would be my ultimate dream: ............... To live an unlived life. What is my best trait? Who would I like to be, besides myself? Who are my favourite heroes of Amsterdam? What is my deepest fear? When it turns out that my efforts have all been in vain, that would be my I don’t really have a favourite hotel. I think, little Bed & Breakfasts, in people’s homes, are more charming. You can often find them on a special location, with personal contact and each stay will be a new experience. ( What is my favourite place to create, in Amsterdam? Right in the centre of a mixed crowd, open to spontaneous encounters, or alone and just observing the people and my surroundings. Company - -
  • 30. Lotte Horlings What is my biggest passion? From an early age, I have had a great passion for theatre, singing and vocal What would be my greatest misfortune? To permanently damage my vocal cords, or even losing it. That would be my worst nightmare! Who would I like to be, besides myself? I would like to be someone that owns a big and beautiful house, with a garden, in Amsterdam. For instance, located near the ‘Vondelpark’ or at another art. I am fortunate to have made my passion into a profession. There is nothing better dream location. And only for the house, so…… than ‘work’ that makes you happy. Who are my favourite heroes of Amsterdam? What is my deepest fear? Losing my loved ones and that powerless feeling and endless sadness, you’re All the musicians, who are playing in the ‘Concertgebouw’, those are my her- oes. What is more beautiful than listening to an amazing concert, on a Sunday morn- left behind with. Life is beautiful, but sometimes relentlessly harsh. ing? Or, listening to one of the best pianists, on a Sunday night? The ‘Concertgebouw’ What is my best trait? is a magical place. It’s an extraordinary musical experience. them, even if it’s just for a second. It’s wonderful! enjoying a white coffee. ‘De Kas’ in the lovely ‘Frankendael Park’, ‘Pekelhaaring’ in the My perseverance and attentiveness. Already form an early age; I have always worked very hard. Because of my deepest fear, I appreciate people by thinking of What is my favourite place to eat and drink, in Amsterdam? The ‘Coffee Company’. It’s a great place for catching up with friends, while What is my worst pitfall? ‘Pijp’ or restaurant ‘Elkaar’, are lovely places to eat. So delicious! always allow myself a moment of rest. here. But, if I should, I would absolutely go for a charming Bed & Breakfast. Wanting to do everything myself. I gain a lot by it, but sometimes it is pretty exhausting to think that I have to do everything myself. My pitfall is, that I don’t What is my favourite hotel, in Amsterdam? Well, I don’t really need a hotel in Amsterdam, considering the fact that I live What is my ultimate dream? What is my favourite place to create, in Amsterdam? this happy with the lovely people surrounding me and to keep receiving awesome head, while running in the ‘Diemerpark’ or ‘Flevopark’. It’s great! There are plenty of assignments. possibilities in Amsterdam. My childhood dream has come true already, because I am doing the work that I love and I got to play some beautiful parts. My ultimate dream now is, to stay In the many crazy sound studios in Amsterdam. Here, I always enjoy to work on commercials for radio and television purposes. But, I also get to clear my Company - -
  • 31. Marga Douma-Alta What is my biggest passion? Dancing is my life! My days are filled with creating choreographies, teaching dance and directing productions. The art of dance gave me strength, in a period when I was physically challenged, with the possible forsight that I could never dance again. I wrote a book on the history of Jazz dance, in The Netherlands: Herewith, I made my comeback into What would be my ultimate dream? My ultimate dream has come true already: to earn my living with dancing. I earned my first money with dancing when I was 16. Now, 30 years later, I still make a living with dance by teaching, directing and as a choreographer. What would be my greatest misfortune? There are no misfortunes. Sometimes, life takes a different course, contrary to what I had in mind. I evaluate the situation and calmly think of ways to achieve my goal. Who would I like to be, besides myself? ‘Hans van Manen’. I have a huge respect for his work ethic, his enterprising spirit and his sense of humour. It shows in everyting that he does and I hope to be as fortunate as he was, the dance world. to dance until my late eighties. What is my deepest fear? Who are my favourite heroes of Amsterdam? waste of time. Fear is a negative emotion, with hardly a chance on a positive outcome and is What is my favourite place to eat and drink, in Amsterdam: My family is my anchor in life. Therefore, my deepest fear is that harm will come to them. Nevertheless, that fear will not be allowed in my daily life. I strongly believe that’s a counterproductive. others would give up, I seem to get energized and go full steam ahead. There is nothing more satisfying than finding a way to achieve your goal. I love doing that, in collaboration with What is my favourite hotel, in Amsterdam: The ‘Art’Otel’: I love the balance between luxury, art and design in this hotel. others. Herewith, my only condition is: there should be laughter! Restaurant ‘Noorderlicht’: Overlooking the water, near the fireplace, with a big bowl of soup and a good glass of wine. Yes, I am a happy woman there. My happy personality and enterprising spirit. I only see opportunities. Where What is my worst pitfall? ‘Laetitia Griffith’ and ‘Lenette van Dongen’. Two strong women, whom I admire for everything they stand for. What is my best trait? My mind is stronger than my body. To be physically exhausted, but mentally, I won’t stop. Fortunately, my loved ones look out for me and make sure that I take my moment of rest. What is my favourite place to create, in Amsterdam: The dance studios of the ‘Art & Entertainment College’ at the ‘ROC’, in Amster- dam. They are situated on the sixth floor of our beautiful new building, across from the ‘RAI’. During my classes, I am overlooking the ‘Zuid-As’. Choreographing, with the skyline as my view, gives me an ultimate feeling of freedom. Company - Website - Emaill
  • 32. Milou Verbeke What is my biggest passion? What would be my greatest misfortune? To not make it, due to the lack of financial resources, a bankruptcy would definitely be a major blow. But, should it happen, then I have gained an experience that no one can ever take away from me. After the first year of F.A.L.L. Magazine, I have learned and experienced so much; the value of that can’t be expressed in terms of money. Who would I like to be, besides myself? ‘Matthijs van Nieuwkerk’. A master in journalism and an excellent host, to whom I very much look up to. ‘De Wereld Draait Door’ is already broadcasted for years and still, his show is never boring. A few Writing and literature. The past years, I have been drawn to the entrepreneurship, becoming my months ago, I got to meet him, when a colleague and I went to the editorial office of the show. I handed my own boss. My passion for writing and the growing need to become self-employed, has lead to the founda- magazine over to him and he immediately was very enthusiastic. He gave us a tour through the recording tion of F.A.L.L. Magazine. It’s a magazine, in which I can express all of my ambitions. studios! Afterwards, we drank a cup of coffee together. We spoke of this experience for weeks after. What is my deepest fear? Who are my favourite heroes of Amsterdam? as in F.A.L.L. Magazine. as a woman as well. Last February, I invited her to the launch party of F.A.L.L. Magazine and she was very What is my best trait? positive. Finally, my partner and best friends could not be missed on that list. They support me in truly worst trait; my friends and family could tell you a story or two. I once read the quote ‘keep your fears to yourself, but share your inspirations with others’. Of course, I have my fears, but I have a positive attitude towards life. This expresses itself in my daily life as well Nalden (Co-founder of We Transfer) is definitely on my list. I have a big admiration for his entrpreneurship and work ethic. Hanna Bervoets is on it as well. She is an incredible writer and I like her anything; before I make any important decision, regarding F.A.L.L. Magazine, I discuss it with them. My impulsiveness. It gave me the courage to start F.A.L.L. Magazine and to take on other challenges; possible risks don’t scare me off. It’s funny, because some people would describe this as my What is my favourite place to eat and drink, in Amsterdam? On a Sunday morning, I love to go ‘Le Pain Quotidien’, with friends. The French toast there is phenomenal and the service is good. At fish restaurant ‘Stork’, I have eaten the most amazing lobster I ever What is my worst pitfall? had. You should also try their desserts! Well, that impulsiveness also has its downsides. I don’t always think twice about something, before I act. Next to that, I have noticed that I am frequently too soft for the harsh business world. A certain naiveté and the need to be liked, has resulted in bumping my head a few times. Although I know, that I will never be a tough (and cold) businesswoman, I have learned from my mistakes and I hope, that in the future, What is my favourite hotel, in Amsterdam? Although it has not opened yet, the ‘Art’Otel’ is my number one hotel on my wish list. Two months ago, I had the privilege to take a look inside and it was already very impressive. The hotel manager, I will find a balance between likeable and businesslike. Dirk Beljaarts, is extremely kind and spoke of the hotel with great enthusiasm; the unique rooms (with What would be my ultimate dream? outspoken manifests on the carpet), the gallery, the bar and the restaurant. I definitely recommend it to Where both, the magazine and our online portfolio ‘Sharing your talent’, are a well known phenomenon. spend a night there or to have a meal in the restaurant. To internationally break through with F.A.L.L. Magazine and become a well know platform for new and upcoming talent. A place where unique creations are born between fashion, art and life style. What is my favourite place to create, in Amsterdam? That would be the ultimate office of F.A.L.L. Magazine. A big and inspiring space in the centre of Amsterdam. I only have two necessities. One, a whole wall should be stacked with books. Second, fresh meals will be prepared throughout the day. If this would become a reality, I would never leave the office! F.A.L.L. Magazine - - -
  • 33. Nikki Sterkenburg What would be my greatest misfortune? Who would I like to be, besides myself? What is my biggest passion? ‘Tom Moncho’. He’s the owner of ‘Bagels & Beans Detroit’, located on the ‘Veem- kade’ and the most happy bartender of Amsterdam. I don’t know anyone else who had such rich and full life; he was there at the first Woodstock in 1969, fulfilled a high position at the Storytelling. When I was younger, I always wanted to become a singer or an actress. Eventually, I became a journalist. I love to focus on a project and be dedicated to it. Also, I love the privilege to mingle in worlds, that would normally be closed to the outsider. What is my deepest fear? That my parents die. I am 29 years old, but I couldn’t live without them. clothing label Esprit in San Francisco, sailed around the world for a year and exploited a facility at the beach of ‘Zandvoort’, for years. This man is a rock star and positivity guru in one. Who are my favourite heroes of Amsterdam? To not be healthy anymore. I am physically pretty strong; rarely sick, quite mobile and ‘Corine Leegwater’ of ‘YogaYatra’. She traded her solid corporate career for a life as a yoga teacher. She teaches workaholics, like me, to let go. From a journalist perspective, I would full of energy. I would be crushed if I would loose my mobility. have to mention my former chefs (and mentors) ‘Wouter Laumans’ and ‘Willem Uylenbroek’. What is my best trait? When I was a rooky, they kicked me out of the office as many times as possible. They taught me that the stories in Amsterdam are out there for the taking. (Not in the ‘Coffee Company’, My discipline, without a doubt. Anyone who has discipline can learn anything. I can set my mind to something quite easy, whether I am in the mood for it, or not. Next to that, it’s quite helpful that I am able to completely focus when there is a deadline to meet. When I am What is my worst pitfall? Bantammerstraat’ (near the ‘Nieuwmarkt’), run by a very sweet Italian family. They serve the a big story. I can get pretty isolated and think of every appointment, that is not work related, as a waste of time. I am surprised, about what great friends I have, who can cope very well What is my favourite hotel, in Amsterdam? That would be the ‘Lloyd Hotel’. There’s always something new to discover here. Take a seat on the terrace and enjoy their lovely fries, they’re pretty good. To always stay as happy and grateful, as I am today. Surrounded by great people and days filled with making beautiful creations. I also hope to ride my horse as long as possible. Galloping through the woods, jumping over trees and splashing through the water. most remarkable and authentic food accompanied by a good quality red house wine. with this less charming trait of mine. I love to go to ‘Pompadour’, located on ‘Kerkstraat’. They serve delicious coffee and excellent sandwiches. For dinner, I love to go to ‘Italia Oggi’, located on the ‘Binnen I can be completely absorbed into my own world. Especially, when I am working on What would be my ultimate dream? What is my favourite place to eat and drink, in Amsterdam? working on a project, I hardly need to push myself to get to work. but in ‘Café Waterlooplein’.) What is my favourite place to create, in Amsterdam: That would be ‘Bagels & Beans Detroit’, located on the ‘Veemkade’. Not only because of the inspiring owner, but also because of the amazing view that is overlooking the ‘IJ’. It reminds me of the Grand Canal, in Venice, where I’ve lived for six years. Elsevier - Website - Email
  • 34. Odette Schoonenberg What is my biggest passion? Life and to enjoy every bit of it. Life is great and offers numerous opportunities. The only thing is, you need to see it. Everything that I do, I do it with passion. Although creating and writing is probably my biggest passion, at the same time, entrepreneurship runs through my vains. What is my deepest fear? This would probably be sound fuzzy, but I know no fears. From my perspective, fear is a useless and not necessary emotion. Nothing good has ever come of it. To not walk through a dark alley in a shady city is wisdom and does not need to be based on fear. Too many people let their lives be led by fear and herewith miss out on its opportunities. Believe me, then, fear is your biggest enemy! What is my best trait? That’s a tough choice, between guts and empathy. My determination and guts have always taken me higher and further in life. Nevertheless, my altruist attitude, as well as my sincere wish to be the best person that I can be, is probably the one thing that is most important to me. What is my worst pitfall? I have never given this any thought. It’s a waste of time. Nothing more than the inner desi- re to want and to do everything. As a result of it, I sometimes wish that I could clone myself, so that I can work a double day shift. Simultaneously, making pictures of butterflies in a remote area, run my company, work in my vegetable garden and write six novels, while I am organising a big event. What is my ultimate dream? A world, in which everyone truly lives, and is pursuing his or her passion. A world, in which people are learning to see the beauty in everything around them and enjoy the amazing universe with the utmost admiration, day and night, At the same time, a world in which everyone is allowed to be him or herself, can be him of herself and dears to be him or herself. What is my greatest misfortune? I have seen and experienced pretty much everything. And, believe me, that fear is long gone. The only misfortune, that I would consider of any importance, would be a to face a physical challenge. To become physically challenged, permanently, that would limit me in doing what I want. Who would I like to be, besides myself? No one, and at the same time, everyone. It could be the man on the corner of the street or the lady at the bakery. I never had the desire to be someone else. Each and everyone is special in his, or her, own way. So, no ... no one in particular. Who are my favourite heroes of Amsterdam? I can’t think of one specific heroe. I believe everyone is a hero, regardless of how big or small he or she might be. Everyone who is putting him or herself out there, pursuing a passion and is doing what he or she loves to do. Yes, we can all be so lucky to live in a city full of heroes, a city that offers the possibility to be free and to live as we please, regardless of where we come from. That is wealth. What is my favourite place to eat and drink, in Amsterdam? I love going to ‘Paloma Blanca’, a Moroccan restaurant in the ‘Jan Pieter Heijestraat’. The owners, Zora and Mohammed, are such passionate people with a warm heart, who run their restaurant with so much love. They serve delicious and fresh meals. It feels like coming home when entering their establishment. Afterwards, I like to go to the ‘Golden Brown’ bar for a drink,in the same street. I have a high respect for the entrepreneurship and wilfulness of the owner Waldi. Next to that, I like to go to the ‘SkyLounge’, situated in the ‘Double Tree Hilton’, next to Central Station. The service is phenomenal, the food is divine and the view… wow, the view. Yes, that is Amsterdam. The city at your feet from an extraordinary terrace. WOW! ‘Kanen bij’ is of a whole other calibre, but it is amazing with the rolling kitchen, an initiative of the ‘Eatery’. Founder Titus Gorissen is an amazing and passionate person, who just like me, is doing what he wants to do, regardless. Amazing! What is my favourite hotel, in Amsterdam? ‘Hotel Vondel’, in the ‘Vondelstraat. In the mean time, various new hotels have opened their doors. But, I have witnessed the passion and love for the hotel business of owner Arjen van den Hof, from an early stage. His passion expresses itself in every little detail, form corner to corner; fun, cosy, stylish and warm. What more could you ask for? What is my favourite place to create, in Amsterdam? My living room office, in the showroom of So PR. I love to hang out in my hammock chair on the balcony, between the floating vegetable gardens, that grow en bloom, while birds are whistling. Actually, I get inspired everywhere. Sometimes, I find myself wandering around town, aimlessly, on a journey of discovery. How do I make my money? With So PR; my fashion, lifestyle, beauty and PR agency, which make me happy every day. With over 80 accounts and a wonderful team of 12 amazing people, with each their own personal touch. So It Is, my youngest love, concerns an import business with beautiful, fair and unique So PR - - products. Next to that, I am a freelance journalist, just because I can’t help myself. It is that much fun.
  • 35. Pauline van Aken What is my biggest passion: Life itself, with all the gifts I’m receiving, the challenges I learn from and the people I get to be in contact with. I started to experience my life in passion, ever since I fell that I look good, have a clear vision and set various short-term goals. This way, my work feels like a mission and I can execute it with passion. I am an additional value, for everyone who is willing to learn from me. What would be my greatest misfortune: That I no longer can do the things that I do now and to not be of any meaning, like I do now. As a human, a partner, a mother, a bonus mother and as a grandmother. Who would I like to be, besides myself? I have no idea… I have never given it any thought before, because I have never thought about whom else I would like to be. I’m sorry. Who are my favourite heroes of Amsterdam? I don’t have any specific heroes in Amsterdam. I believe, that someone is a hero when he or she is living his or her life from the heart and with passion; works and communicates with What is my deepest fear: respect. It may sound crazy, but I can’t think of someone (right now). grand children will grow up, without me seeing and experiencing them. dam. The vitello tomato is absolutely delicious, and so are the wines. At ‘Café Winkel 43’, near That my life will end too soon, just when I am in the middle of it and enjoying it. That it will not allow me to physically be with my partner and that our children en future What is my favourite place to eat and drink, in Amsterdam? The Italian restauran ‘Bellavista’, located on ‘Johannes Verhulststraat 156 in Amster- What is my best trait or quality: the ‘Noordermarkt’. Here, you can eat the most delicious homemade apple pie. Have a latte picture of the person, with his or her life story. I never judge anyone. I’m open minded towards new encounters and getting to know them with sincere interest, by asking them the right questions in order to get a good What is my worst pitfall: macchiato with it. Perfect, after a nice stroll on the market. What is my favourite hotel, in Amsterdam? I never had to book a hotel in Amsterdam, but I would recommend people from outside of Amsterdam, to stay at the ‘Mövenpick’. It has nice rooms, a great ambiance and an amazing view, overlooking the ‘IJ’. If you are looking for a cosy and warmly decorated Bed I tend to proceed with such enthusiasm and passion, while working on a project, & Breakfast in a manor alongside the canal, I would recommend ‘Jacky O’. It’s located on the that it sometimes can be a pitfall that I ‘m exceeding my physical limits. I need to listen to the ‘Bloemgracht’ in Amsterdam. signals of my body, more often. What is my favourite place to create, in Amsterdam? What would be my ultimate dream: For everyone to become fully aware of the way we, effectively and positively, can be in contact with each other. Awareness of the fact that a loving communication, from a The ‘Vondelpark’, with a view on the big fountain. Or, on a roof terrace overlooking the city. Just like in the old days, when I was living on the Isle of Realen, with a view on the studio of ‘Ans Markus’. Or, on a boat drifting through the canals of Amsterdam. sincere interest towards each other, is of the essence. Boeiend Presenteren - - - -
  • 36. Rosa Lisa Villa To keep creating and to keep inspiring. To create something beautiful and share, so My deepest fear is to be abandoned or to be rejected on a personal as well as a on What is my best trait? My authenticity. Obviously, other people influence me too, as well as cultures, hypes and trends, but I always stay true and faithful to myself. If I were to do, or make something, in which I would not recognize myself, it would not please me in any way or give me the satis- What would be my greatest misfortune? To not receive any credit for a projcet, knowing that I poured my heart and soul into Who would I like to be, besides myself? This is quite a difficult question. I really wouldn’t know. You can’t just judge a book by Who are my favourite heroes of Amsterdam? Unfortunately, they have already passed away; ‘Ramses Shaffy’ and Percy Irausquin’. What is my favourite place to eat and drink, in Amsterdam? Restaurant ‘The Red Sun’. Everything here is really divine! What is my favourite hotel, in Amsterdam? faction that I am looking for. Considering the fact that I live in Amsterdam, I never have to stay at an hotel in Amsterdam. Nevertheless, I do know many hip and trendy hotels. If I had to choose What is my worst pitfall? where to stay, I would definitely go to ‘Hotel the Grand’, because of its unique grandeur and My perfectionism. I have the neurotic urge to plan and organise everything to the minute. Hereby, I tell myself that I am doing this, so that I will not loose my overview of things. Sometimes, it is better to go with the flow, even if things aren’t going the way as planned. Eventually, this often results in something even more beautiful or better, because you think it through. So, take your time to think it through! of the world. professional level. own projects, travel around the globe and take on dream projects in the most beautiful places its cover. Everyone has its own path to follow. What is my deepest fear? On a professional level, it’s to be successful, to be appreciated for my contribution and to gain brand awareness for my work. This way, I could have the privilege of choosing my that it not only makes me happy, but others as well. it. Also, not be able to continue doing what I love. What is my biggest passion? What would be my ultimate dream? ambiance. Or, for a complete pampering experience, I would go to the ‘Amstel Hotel’ or ‘Hotel Conservatorium’. What is my favourite place to create, in Amsterdam? That would be a spacious white studio, with large windows and a beautiful incidence of light, overlooking the water. And, to see sunsets and sunrises and to hear birds whistling. Or, on a small pier. Or, a place where I can subside, without any stimulants from the city - but not completely remote. Rosa Lisa Villa - - Email - Facebook - Twitter
  • 37. Stephanie Ocampo Cuervo What would be my greatest misfortune? Hmmmm…That is a tough one! I have more than one. Of course, my loved ones that passed away. The bad things that happen to those I love. Big or small projects I missed out on. What is my biggest passion? They’re misfortunes, but luckily, the small ones do not leave a trail of severe or permanent agencies, magazines, commercials, fashion shows, and such. To see your creation in a maga- Make-up, what else! It’s why I’ve become a make-up artist. I love to play with make-up and bring out the beauty in people. It’s a true art. I cover a lot of photo shoots for modelling zine, on the catwalk or on television, it makes you proud! Because of the ever changing trends in fashion, being a make-up artist is a very dynamic and challenging profession. What is my deepest fear? damage. Who would I like to be, besides myself? for make-up, in order to help them grow in their development. Who are my favourite heroes of Amsterdam? To not be able to conduct my profession. It would be a nightmare if anything happens That’s a hard question. I would like to be someone that coaches those with a passion It may sound a bit blurry, but I don’t really have any. I’ve had the honour to have met many ‘heroes’, whom I have worked with and still do. What makes them heroes? They are to my hands. Make-up means the world to me and without my hands, I would be lost. I think, determined in what they want to achieve with their passion. that this is something that every make-up artist fears. What is my favourite place to eat and drink, in Amsterdam? What is my best trait? My perseverance. This quality has brought me far in life, even further than I ever I always enjoy going to ‘Bling’, because of what it radiates and the ambiance. It’s great to have lunch there or to go to for a night out. But, there are so many bars and restaurants could have dreamed of. Perseverance is really a must in the world of fashion. Giving up is not in Amsterdam. It is great and I love to vary. an option. I always keep going. When I fall, I get up and try even harder. “Make up your mind & What is my favourite hotel, in Amsterdam? mind your make-up”. What is my worst pitfall? I would love to stay at the ‘Fashion Hotel Amsterdam’. It is very appealing to me and it looks I often raise the bar too high for myself. Herewith, my expectations are way too high as well and that can be very disappointed, at times. What would be my ultimate dream? To be honest, I have never stayed at a hotel in Amsterdam. But, should I have to, then super trendy, especially the sky bar. What is my favourite place to create, in Amsterdam? New York! And I’m not talking about a short trip or a holiday, but to really work there. In one of the beautiful and spacious studios of Amsterdam. Or, at one of the nice out- door locations around Amsterdam. There is so much inspiration to be found and you will be It would by my ultimate dream to be working as a make-up artist in New York, for magazines, overwhelmed with the new fashion trends in the make-up stores. Whenever I’m in need for fashion shows and big designers. Living and experiencing the real ‘Sex and the City’ life. I look inspiration or new products, I’ll hop in to check it out. I love working on different locations, so I up to those who made it there, because there are only a few that do. I often tell myself “One will not limit myself to one place. day”. It’s not that I am in a hurry. Maybe, I need a bit of luck and a lot of experience. Company - Website - Email
  • 38. Suzanne Blotenburg Who would I like to be, besides myself? ‘Eberhard van der Laan’, just so that I can be the head of a city and to conduct politics. But, I would definitely like to walk in the shoes of unknown people of Amsterdam. They often have a very special story to tell and know their city very well. I would like to be a folk singer, to be able to see the cavern of that nightlife. (Okay, I’ve already seen this). Maybe, be the captain of the ‘IJveer’, what a unique job is that?! Or, to be the mama of the neighbour- What is my biggest passion? hood in the ‘Bijlmer’, because she’s probably the only one who knows what is really going on. What is my deepest fear? Amsterdam. They are kind, but very candy (outspoken, direct). They have a bit of an attitude Telling strong stories, on (digital) paper. Strong in the sense of powerful, complete, honest and honouring the subject. Who are my favourite heroes of Amsterdam? The real people of Amsterdam, born and raised, those are my favourite heroes in and at the same time, hate such an attitude. Because, they can yell at you in traffic and yet, My deepest fear would be to disappoint others and myself, for I’m a perfectionist. And of course, to face severe illness that could be terminal, but I guess that’s a common fear. tolerate the numerous suicide bike tourists, in their beautiful city. And, of course, that lovely accent. What is my best trait? What is my favourite place to eat and drink, in Amsterdam? What is my worst pitfall? red wine; ‘Djago’, in the ‘Rivierenbuurt’, for their best nasi rames in town and ‘Tales & Spirits’, My Perseverance. Even if the creativity has to come from my cynical toes, I will persevere. I keep going until I am satisfied. There are a lot of places that I love to go to, in Amsterdam. Because they are fun, it’s nice to eat there or they serve addictive cappuccinos. ‘Schilders’, in the ‘Pijp’, for their Spanish for their exciting cocktails. But, I love to discover new places, preferably not in my own neighbourhood. Recently, ‘Bar Spek’ in ‘West’, pleasantly surprised me and hopefully, many more ..................... What would be my ultimate dream? spontanuous and unexpected discoveries will follow. easily be found or surfaced. Where nature or war has destroyed every infrastructure and facility it has only been one time. Fortunately, it was a pleasant and special stay, at ‘Het Altaar’ along- To go on a safari with Nelson Mandela, in South Africa. In the future, I would like to conduct journalism in a place where it is of high additional value. In places where the truth can’t needed to get the truth out. Or, to address people in that place (in their own language, fluently) and teach them how to find the truth, if there even is one. Afterwards, I would write a book about these experiences. And to top that, shoot my own World press Photo for it. I want to be that noble and have an impact on the world on such a scale, even if it would only be for a short period of time. What would be my greatest misfortune? What is my favourite hotel, in Amsterdam? side the ‘Amstel’. Hidden between tourist cafes and the ‘Rembrandtplein’, a small residence is situated there, which served as a catholic hiding church in the 18th century. The mini church is still completely intact, beautifully restored for two and all luxury present. Where once was the altar, now, a king-size bed has taken its place. What is my favourite place to create, in Amsterdam? If I would not be inspired by the things that I do. I find it very important that my work continues to amaze me. It is one of the reasons why writing about entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs is so appealing to me. They keep amazing me, even now that I am one myself. It is not that natural for me to sleep in a hotel, in my hometown. I can remember that Amsterdam is really most beautiful from the water. It feels like a holiday and it’s great for clearing your head. On my bike, is a good number two. When I arrived in Amsterdam, five years ago, I felt like a real ‘Mokumer’ when I was riding my bike through the city, for the first time. Finally, unknown places are also great to be creative. A great thing about Amsterdam is, that even after so many years, there are still nice places to discover. Freelance Business Journalist - Website -
  • 39. Sylvia Who would ik like to be, besides myself? his creative process as a photographer. Who are my favourite heroes of Amsterdam? What is my biggest passion? Everyone who has contributed to the renovation of the ‘Rijksmuseum’. And of course, with special credits for the Spanish architects Antonio Cruz & Antonio Ortiz, Letting my creativity flow in abundance, in various manners and diverse materials. It all shows in my work. I create post cards, pillows, paintings and illustrations, on and with various materials; oil paint, ink, pencil and ecoline. who have restored the initial design of 1885, in such an exceptional manner. What is my favourite place to eat and drink, in Amsterdam? What is my deepest fear? I would love to walk in the shoes of ‘Erwin Olaf’, just for a day. I’d like to see For a lovely lunch, I love to go to the ‘Bakkerswinkel’. The have delicious sandwiches, an amazing carrot pie (you will not believe it) and the beet soup is extraordinary. Waking up and feeling sick because of the smell of oil paint! What is my best trait? What is my favourite hotel, in Amsterdam? What is my worst pitfall? What is my favourite place to create, in Amsterdam? What would be my ultimate dream? How do I make my money? What would be my greatest misfortune? me the freedom to be creative. Besides my work in the studio, I also teach painting To always think in a creative manner. This could concern a painting, cooking Time!!! I have more ideas than I have time to think them all through. I keep To bring as much joy as I can to the world, with my expressive stories and paintings. If I would not be able to create with my hands and eyes. I love to go to the ‘Noordermarkt’, for inspiration. But, inspiration can also be found in the ‘P.C.’. I turn to my studio for the real work. failing at timemanagement. I highly recommend the ‘Conservatorium Hotel’, in Amsterdam. A beautiful hotel in a monumental building. Wow! a meal or solving a problem. ‘Making money’ and ‘creativity’ isn’t always a combination that’s easy. For me, the pressure is not extremely high, because I don’t have to live of it. This allows and drawing lessons, at the European School in ‘Bergen’. It’s all for the love of art. All the stimulants of my surroundings will be a great asset for my creative process of a project. “In my work, I follow my heart. And so, I create with passion.” Company - Website - Email
  • 40. Trisha de Graaf What would be my greatest misfortune? What is my biggest passion? I have no inspiration for answering this question. Who would I like to be, besides myself? Creating inspiring images through photo styling. Also, by assembling the An employee at ‘Laura Dols’, located on ‘9 Straatjes’, just for a day. I would love to be surrounded by all the vintage and consulting people on their outfits, with right clothing and accessories for my clients, to emphasize their best features. They these remarkable items. should feel confident and beautiful. By doing this, I get energized. Who are my favourite heroes of Amsterdam? What is my deepest fear? For people to stop creating together and for them to seek solo succes more often. The most extraordinary creations are born from group processes. What is my best trait? I’m open minded about new influences, other cultures and I love to learn What is my worst pitfall? What is my favourite place to eat and drink, in Amsterdam: ‘Café de Jaren’ is my favourite place to got to, in the summer. Here, you can sit on a wonderful terrace alongside the water, overlooking the ‘Amstel’. What is my favourite hotel, in Amsterdam? There’s so much more to do and to experience. Only, the days are too short! What would be my ultimate dream? listening to the way they talk about their city. Especially in that lovely accent. from other people. Those would be the ‘old generation’, the ‘real’ people of Amsterdam. I enjoy ‘The Exchange’, students of the ‘Amfi’ have decorated the rooms, in this hotel. Each and every room is unique. For instance, with big buttons, or large collars or a beautiful dress of Marie-Antoinette! My ultimate dream is to get inspired by other cultures in far away countries. That, as a basis, could lead to the development of creative and innovative products. What is my favourite place to create, in Amsterdam? After an inspirational stroll around ‘Amsterdam-Noord’; cousin Louis, ‘van Dijk & Co’ and the ‘IJhallen’. Laid back on a terrace with my sketchbook, at ‘Noorderlicht’ or ‘Pllek’, overlooking the ‘IJ’. Company - Website - Email