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                        WHAT LED TO THE COURT HOUSE SHOOTING.

                                        Necronomicon, Fate

           JEFFERSON                                                     CRIMINAL
            COUNTY                                                       CONPIRACY
        Corruption, Evil power                                  13 People greed, money, lies

                                    THE GRANGER FAMILY
                                     JEFFERSON COUNTY
                                     A DARK CONSPIRACY

                                 Prepared By: Lyndon Brook Granger

This is a true story and all the events are real. This document was prepared by Lyndon Granger
as the events unfolded. This document will show how the criminal justice system and a band of
rogue ghetto trash family members, along with a gang of child kidnapping criminals can exploit
the justice system and manipulate Child Protective Services to disrupt an innocent families
lives. After reading this report you will see how someone could be pushed over the edge of in-
sanity. Be warned, this story contains: Truth that clearly shows how the Grangers was targeted
by jealousy and vengeance. Lies told to police and CPS by the Criminal Conspirators. Deceit,
Evil Power, Corruption by Jefferson county DA, Judges and Lawyers. also Death and Destruc-
To the reader as you read this story, when ever you see in quotation (look at exhibit #) go to the
exhibit book, briefly turn to that particular exhibit number. once you’ve read that exhibit come
back to the paragraph which you last was reading, continue reading the story.
The reason why I made it that way is because, there is so many facts in this story and printouts
proving the points that I am making. this method of reading will give you the full scope and
magnitude of the lies corruption and miscarriage of justice that the Granger family has been
facing for three years and counting.

Order of the story.
Below is the order in which the story is laid out. each categories will describe who was doing
what, why, when and where.

1. The Conspiracy– this section will explain who the people are and what role they played in
   destroying the Grangers family. This section when you read it you will see that the Granger
   family was attacked and lied on by these individuals. These conspirators first lied to the po-
   lice about false allegations of rape and then from that point they moved on to CPS and had
   two of our kids taken and they continue to link up on face book spreading more gossip and
2. JEFFERSON COUNTY– this county is one of the most corrupt counties in Texas. when
   they got the story from these liars no investigations was done. they just sent the US Mar-
   shall after the Grangers time and time again, violating all of the Grangers constitutional and
   civil rights. This county has grossly violated the color of law. When it comes to corruption
   Jefferson County should be the poster child of deception. The incarceration rate for black
   men is 8 to 1. this County never intended to give us a fair trial, that’s the reason we have
   been going to court for over three years. They’ve been trying to force us to take plea deals.
   These people manipulated our lives illegally by using there judicial power to falsely and
   wrongly indict the Grangers in a County where we were not even living. Jefferson County
   knew that the conspirators had lied in Houston Texas, that’s how Harris County and the
   City of Houston got involved in this barrel of evil.
3. The Grangers– an innocent family that was attacked from all sides. false allegations, false
   arrest, unlawful searches, kids snatch by CPS. Every faucet of the law in the State of Texas
   has violated the Granger family and enabled these black ghetto trashy Conspirators to fuck
   up the Grangers lives completely and to also make money off our kids lives. Just imagine
   the weight and stress that the Grangers have endured. Total Tyranny pushed and forced up-
   on us all since 2009-2012 and continues. For over 40 years, we never committed a crime!.

                                PAGE 2

       Conspiracy                                                       Murder

Menacing Evil Lurking in the Darkness- all black attacking their own race, Human Feces
bred from an evolution of pimps and whores into a wicked night breed of humanoid cockroach-
es. This low life leech trash, could not stand the fact that the Grangers had no low life issues as
they were suffering from. their own disgusting stench of putrid hatred, drove them mad. So the
ring leader of this vomit diseased world of filthy lying whores aka slimy slug Claudia Jackson,
open up against the Granger Family with an insidious onslaught of lies. Using her daughter as a
vessel to cause false imprisonment.
The main reason for this brutal unprovoked attack was because, Claudia Jackson, Eric B Jack-
son, and Patrick Lynell Atkins Tried to kill Vallire Ozene of Houston Texas December 2008.
Vallire Nicole Atkins knew of the plot, so right after the Hospital death attempt. These slimy
Negros know that retaliation was eminent. So they got together with all of the trash out of each
miserable corner of each family group.
The Group of conspirators ate Bar-B– Q together and a masked a plot that would shatter lives
even their own lives. The simpletons devised a web of deceit from Lake Charles, Louisiana to
Houston, Texas. They all met for a terrible purpose. To lie on a decent family that was not both-
ering no one. This scandalous picky messy assortment of uneducated monkey ass clowns head-
ed to Houston Texas during the year of 2009. They lied to a Detective Fitzgerald and told him
that every man in the Granger family had did some harm to Samantha Granger. A word with no
proof and no evidence. They pursued us all for a year. Finally the police realize that they were
being duped by this scandalous group. So Detective Fitzgerald told girls to take the lie to Jeffer-
son county.
So Samantha Granger and Claudia Jackson went to Beaumont after losing 3 cases of false alle-
gations of Rape, Indecency and sexual assault. The courts saw Ulysses Grangers Work records
that clearly showed that Samantha and Claudia Jackson were lying. So when they told the lie in
Beaumont, Texas they had incorporated a new villain, aka Amber Jernigan. They told her to
take the lie that they had started and told her to go to Child PROTECTIVE SERVICE and lie to
get the Grangers kids taken for no reason.

                                   PAGE 3
Conspiracy continued.

Once Amber Jernigan told the lie to Latasha Allen they immediately with no proof and off of a
word, invaded our home on 7826 Flintridge with us marshals and HPD. A swat team with dogs
and over 30 officers bum rushed our home.
They took Bartholomew Grangers daughter Samara Jernigan from Vallire Ozene. Vallire Ozene
had custody of Amber Jernigan daughter Samara Jernigan for 3 years. Because when Samara
Jernigan was 2 months old, Amber Jernigan tried to kill the baby. Vallire Ozene was going to
call the police but Amber Jernigan begged her not to. So Amber asked Vallire if she wanted Sa-
mara Because Amber stated she was not ready to be a mother. She also states she has too much
parting and strong sexual appétit to watch a baby. So Vallire Ozene said okay I’ll raise her.
Vallire states that if you give her to me don’t come back and take her later. Amber Jernigan
says I won’t. So Amber Jernigan and Vallire Ozene signs a statement in front of the notary of
public with Vallire Nicole Granger present aka Vallire Atkins.
Then to make matters worst Lyndon's Girl friend mother, Wanda Miles got involved in this ri-
diculous situation so that she could profit from our destruction. She prop up a false allegation to
get cps to take Latoya and Lyndon Grangers Daughter. Which CPS did. And Wanda Miles has
bad history with CPS but yet they allowed her to have our daughter, while we had clear clean
background records even now to this day. So Wanda Miles got her church member friend in-
volved in this kidnapping ring.
The church member has a adoptive parent license and a way to manipulate CPS. Tameka
Fowler and her Husband Allen Fowler illegally adopts our daughter against our will and the
daughters will. Wanda Miles, Tameka Fowler and Her Husband violated Our parental rights
26usc by falsifying evidence and manipulating the crooked cps system. So the daughter was
kidnap by them. And now Tameka Fowler and Her husband has separated after the court house
shooting and he has since then told us he will testify against this kidnapper. In the meantime
Tameka Fowler and Wanda Miles enjoys the spoils of their crooked victory, every month they
split the money that is given to them by CPS for having a foster child.
While that was going on Amber Jernigan gloated over the lies, with Claudia Jackson and Sa-
mantha Granger. They were so proud of their plot to ruin our lives that they started sending us
threatening E-MAILS. Claudia Jackson told us that the fifteen year old battle was almost won.
in her warped mind she was battling the Granger family. But in reality she was crazy.
Conspiracy continued 2.

After the court house shooting Amber claimed she and Vallire Atkins had nothing to do with
the situation and Amber claimed that she never heard of CPS Latasha Allen. But we have a
signed statement that clearly shows she made the false allegation supporting Samantha
Grangers and Claudia Jacksons lies, directly to Latasha Allen of Child protective Services.
We also have face book messages before during and after the shooting, showing their solidarity
to each other. These women was aided in a maniacal plot to disrupt and destroy our family. We
deserve justice. We were hit with lies, the state and law enforcement does not care about our
lives and they know we never had criminal records. But we care about the disruption to our

Evil Power, Judicial Abuses, and Corruption– Tom Mannes is the DA in Jefferson County
where the incarceration rate is 8 to 1 amongst the black men there. This maniacal crooked ego-
tistical prick wanted to put Bartholomew and Lyndon Granger in Jail no matter what The
Grangers Done. This DA sett the Grangers up with false indictments and still to this day is plac-
ing more and more trumped up indictments and fabricated evidence and lies.

He put his henchman Judge John B. Stevens on the hunt to destroy the Granger Bros at all cost.
Along with a crooked sellout lawyer by the name of Rife Scott Kimbler. He should have blown
this case away along time ago. For 3 years him and judge Stevens played with the Granger in
court. With no evidence and no witness not only did the girls not want to come to court to tell
their lies. The court knew Samantha Granger was pregnant and they allowed her to have the ba-
by and finally show up with a new lie. Judge Stevens allowed perjury in his courtroom and he
allowed the prosecution to guide the witness into saying what they deemed necessary to make
Bartholomew Granger lose. Also the Judge Stevens suppressed and did not allow Bartholomew
Granger to use his evidence which clearly shows that he was innocent.
The Da. Tom Manness has a vendetta against blacks and the Granger Family and name see ex-
amples. The system in Texas is literally at war against law bidding Americans and Black men
seem to be a big target for discrimination. Now after the court house shooting they are crooked-
ly blaming Bartholomew Granger for the death of Minnie ray Seabolt. He did not kill her the
police killed her. The autopsy clearly shows that Bartholomew Granger did not kill that women,
79 year old Minnie Ray Seabolt of Deweyville. His gun was a 40 caliber rife with only ten
rounds and he has stated to Lyndon Granger he did not shoot in the Ladies direction.
Jefferson county rather blame Bartholomew Granger for her death. So that the Family of Mrs.
Seabolt won’t sue Jefferson County. They are playing the Seabolt family while framing the
Grangers. If Bartholomew's bullet would have hit the lady, she would have no legs a rifle does
not make a 1 to 2inch hole it would have ripped a gash.
Now lets say: Jefferson County plays the blame game. Like says, if the cops was not shooting
at Bartholomew Granger than, Minnie Ray seabolt would not be dead. Okay, lets analyze that
scenario. Let see, if Judge Stevens would have not harassed The Grangers for three years and
allowed perjury in court by the witness and suppressed Bartholomew Grangers evidence that
put Bartholomew Granger under Supreme and Extreme stress and Duress than, maybe this
whole shooting would not have happened. Also if Tom Mannes would not have allowed the
fraudulent indictments of two innocent black men be pushed by detective Fitzgerald way from
Houston along with a fraudulent CPS worker with bogus claims . And Tom Manness also allow
Rebecca Richards Bartholomew's Ex-wife to come and tell more lies after she wrote a hot
check in his name.
This is a total violation under the color of law 18 usc Tom Manness Also disrupted Bartholo-
mew's Trucking Jobs with bogus state transportation records, to cause financial hardship. That
also pushed Bartholomew Granger over the edge. And Tom Manness knew that the Girls lie on
Ulysses Granger the older brother and lost the trial in Houston. So their credibility was shot
than. And when Beaumont police got the lie they should have investigated. There was no in-
vestigation, this practice of grab the man over sheer lies has to stop.
And most important if Samantha Granger and Claudia Jackson would have not told these lies
than Minnie Ray Seabolt would have not been killed.
Both Lyndon and Bartholomew Granger has been suffering at the hands of Jefferson county
over this vicious lie. At present Lyndon Granger was released after filing a bond reduction from
500,000 dollars back to 25,000 dollars. But Bartholomew Granger has been Beaten and sodo-
mized by prison Guards in Jefferson County. Over this issue and he has not been tried in court.

              Black Cops                                         White Cops

            Jefferson county evolved from Ape to Pig.
                      Beaumont police are just Pigs -n-Apes

Lyndon Granger:

Is the father of three children and is about to get married to his fiancé. He’s a caring and giving
man. He’s worked his whole life and is an inventor. Lyndon Granger has received a letter of
recommendations from Barrack Obama for his ingenuity ideas. He's never done a crime in his
life, he has never been to jail. This whole lie of indecency was pushed upon him by Bartholo-
mew Grangers Girl friend, daughter and ex wife. Lyndon Granger is disabled partial blind and
suffers from kidney failure. Lyndon Granger stills seeks justice even though the system has
failed his family miserable. Lyndon Granger knows now there needs to be a change in this
 His life the Grangers life, is proof that since Martin Luther King civil rights movement, this
country still has a long way, To achieve economical and racial equality. There are some bad
men out there but, every men is not a pedophile. During the time Lyndon Granger was incarcer-
ated the whole five months, He was having kidney problems and now its taking a harsh toll on
his health. During the five months in Jefferson County Jail, he witnessed multiple unprovoked
beatings and tazering by the prison guards and a wide range of cruel and unusual punishment.
Lyndon Granger also noticed that for every ten black people, there are two white and one His-
panic populating the jails. He also noticed that this trend of incarcerating men over indecency
with a child has reached epidemic levels. Lyndon Granger not only wants a solution but will
implement a new law to stop these women from lying. The system has to really be over hauled
time is being wasted more on false allegations. Leaving the real rapist on the street to do bodily
harm to women and children.
There were other inmates that express their anger and disbelief in the cruel harsh punishment
that them and their family suffered at the hands of Judge Stevens and Judge Walker. Also how
the court appointed attorneys are running a racket in Jefferson county. This is not law this is a
modern day lynching. There were some inmates I notice in jail that needs to be corrected and
Bartholomew Granger:

Was beaten by Harris County and Jefferson County officials. He never committed a crime in his
life. He was put under the ultimate pressure. His lying girlfriends coerced his daughter to do
this vile act. They had no mercy on a working man . Bartholomew had a neck injury and was
falsely indicted in a county which he was not living. This all drove him mad. He lost his job
thanks to Tom Mannes false transportation report. And he could not get an apartment to live in
thanks to the false reports. he was put on most wanted. All of this before the trail and before the
Lie after lie. Judge John B Stevens allowed Samantha Granger to Commit perjury in the court
room while suppressing evidence that would clear Bartholomew Granger. His daughter never
dated until she got to her mother house in Lake Charles LA. where she got pregnant in the first
month at her mom house Claudia Jackson. That was another reason why she did not show up to
court for over 3 years. And when she came Bartholomew expected for her to tell the truth. No
harm ever never came to Samantha Granger all of our kids was taken care of and safe. Saman-
tha had 17 years of social security checks and during this time social security gave her medical
exams and psychological exams and she had a clean bill of health. The mother Claudia Jackson
Along with 13 other people are and is responsible for all the chaos that has derived out of the
madness they started in Jefferson county courthouse. We were attacked. We did nothing for all
of the States police to descend on us.

What would you do!!! after going through all of that Tyranny and Filing that
many Federal cases over 12 before the shooting. also been abused so many
times by the system and police. Insanity has set in all of us at this point. Ask
yourself, what would you have done.

                                      What Then?

                     EVIDENCE AND REAL PROOF.
Look at the attached evidence that we provided with this quick exami-
nation to what happened.

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The Grangers Triangle of Destruction

  • 1. THE GRANGERS TRIANGLE OF DESTRUCTION WHAT LED TO THE COURT HOUSE SHOOTING. GRANGERS Necronomicon, Fate JEFFERSON CRIMINAL COUNTY CONPIRACY Corruption, Evil power 13 People greed, money, lies THE GRANGER FAMILY vs. JEFFERSON COUNTY & A DARK CONSPIRACY Prepared By: Lyndon Brook Granger Introduction This is a true story and all the events are real. This document was prepared by Lyndon Granger as the events unfolded. This document will show how the criminal justice system and a band of rogue ghetto trash family members, along with a gang of child kidnapping criminals can exploit the justice system and manipulate Child Protective Services to disrupt an innocent families lives. After reading this report you will see how someone could be pushed over the edge of in- sanity. Be warned, this story contains: Truth that clearly shows how the Grangers was targeted by jealousy and vengeance. Lies told to police and CPS by the Criminal Conspirators. Deceit, Evil Power, Corruption by Jefferson county DA, Judges and Lawyers. also Death and Destruc- tion.
  • 2. Note: To the reader as you read this story, when ever you see in quotation (look at exhibit #) go to the exhibit book, briefly turn to that particular exhibit number. once you’ve read that exhibit come back to the paragraph which you last was reading, continue reading the story. The reason why I made it that way is because, there is so many facts in this story and printouts proving the points that I am making. this method of reading will give you the full scope and magnitude of the lies corruption and miscarriage of justice that the Granger family has been facing for three years and counting. Order of the story. Below is the order in which the story is laid out. each categories will describe who was doing what, why, when and where. 1. The Conspiracy– this section will explain who the people are and what role they played in destroying the Grangers family. This section when you read it you will see that the Granger family was attacked and lied on by these individuals. These conspirators first lied to the po- lice about false allegations of rape and then from that point they moved on to CPS and had two of our kids taken and they continue to link up on face book spreading more gossip and lies. 2. JEFFERSON COUNTY– this county is one of the most corrupt counties in Texas. when they got the story from these liars no investigations was done. they just sent the US Mar- shall after the Grangers time and time again, violating all of the Grangers constitutional and civil rights. This county has grossly violated the color of law. When it comes to corruption Jefferson County should be the poster child of deception. The incarceration rate for black men is 8 to 1. this County never intended to give us a fair trial, that’s the reason we have been going to court for over three years. They’ve been trying to force us to take plea deals. These people manipulated our lives illegally by using there judicial power to falsely and wrongly indict the Grangers in a County where we were not even living. Jefferson County knew that the conspirators had lied in Houston Texas, that’s how Harris County and the City of Houston got involved in this barrel of evil. 3. The Grangers– an innocent family that was attacked from all sides. false allegations, false arrest, unlawful searches, kids snatch by CPS. Every faucet of the law in the State of Texas has violated the Granger family and enabled these black ghetto trashy Conspirators to fuck up the Grangers lives completely and to also make money off our kids lives. Just imagine the weight and stress that the Grangers have endured. Total Tyranny pushed and forced up- on us all since 2009-2012 and continues. For over 40 years, we never committed a crime!. PAGE 2
  • 3. Kidnapping Attempted Conspiracy Murder Lies Menacing Evil Lurking in the Darkness- all black attacking their own race, Human Feces bred from an evolution of pimps and whores into a wicked night breed of humanoid cockroach- es. This low life leech trash, could not stand the fact that the Grangers had no low life issues as they were suffering from. their own disgusting stench of putrid hatred, drove them mad. So the ring leader of this vomit diseased world of filthy lying whores aka slimy slug Claudia Jackson, open up against the Granger Family with an insidious onslaught of lies. Using her daughter as a vessel to cause false imprisonment. The main reason for this brutal unprovoked attack was because, Claudia Jackson, Eric B Jack- son, and Patrick Lynell Atkins Tried to kill Vallire Ozene of Houston Texas December 2008. Vallire Nicole Atkins knew of the plot, so right after the Hospital death attempt. These slimy Negros know that retaliation was eminent. So they got together with all of the trash out of each miserable corner of each family group. The Group of conspirators ate Bar-B– Q together and a masked a plot that would shatter lives even their own lives. The simpletons devised a web of deceit from Lake Charles, Louisiana to Houston, Texas. They all met for a terrible purpose. To lie on a decent family that was not both- ering no one. This scandalous picky messy assortment of uneducated monkey ass clowns head- ed to Houston Texas during the year of 2009. They lied to a Detective Fitzgerald and told him that every man in the Granger family had did some harm to Samantha Granger. A word with no proof and no evidence. They pursued us all for a year. Finally the police realize that they were being duped by this scandalous group. So Detective Fitzgerald told girls to take the lie to Jeffer- son county. So Samantha Granger and Claudia Jackson went to Beaumont after losing 3 cases of false alle- gations of Rape, Indecency and sexual assault. The courts saw Ulysses Grangers Work records that clearly showed that Samantha and Claudia Jackson were lying. So when they told the lie in Beaumont, Texas they had incorporated a new villain, aka Amber Jernigan. They told her to take the lie that they had started and told her to go to Child PROTECTIVE SERVICE and lie to get the Grangers kids taken for no reason. PAGE 3
  • 4. Conspiracy continued. Once Amber Jernigan told the lie to Latasha Allen they immediately with no proof and off of a word, invaded our home on 7826 Flintridge with us marshals and HPD. A swat team with dogs and over 30 officers bum rushed our home. They took Bartholomew Grangers daughter Samara Jernigan from Vallire Ozene. Vallire Ozene had custody of Amber Jernigan daughter Samara Jernigan for 3 years. Because when Samara Jernigan was 2 months old, Amber Jernigan tried to kill the baby. Vallire Ozene was going to call the police but Amber Jernigan begged her not to. So Amber asked Vallire if she wanted Sa- mara Because Amber stated she was not ready to be a mother. She also states she has too much parting and strong sexual appétit to watch a baby. So Vallire Ozene said okay I’ll raise her. Vallire states that if you give her to me don’t come back and take her later. Amber Jernigan says I won’t. So Amber Jernigan and Vallire Ozene signs a statement in front of the notary of public with Vallire Nicole Granger present aka Vallire Atkins. Then to make matters worst Lyndon's Girl friend mother, Wanda Miles got involved in this ri- diculous situation so that she could profit from our destruction. She prop up a false allegation to get cps to take Latoya and Lyndon Grangers Daughter. Which CPS did. And Wanda Miles has bad history with CPS but yet they allowed her to have our daughter, while we had clear clean background records even now to this day. So Wanda Miles got her church member friend in- volved in this kidnapping ring. The church member has a adoptive parent license and a way to manipulate CPS. Tameka Fowler and her Husband Allen Fowler illegally adopts our daughter against our will and the daughters will. Wanda Miles, Tameka Fowler and Her Husband violated Our parental rights 26usc by falsifying evidence and manipulating the crooked cps system. So the daughter was kidnap by them. And now Tameka Fowler and Her husband has separated after the court house shooting and he has since then told us he will testify against this kidnapper. In the meantime Tameka Fowler and Wanda Miles enjoys the spoils of their crooked victory, every month they split the money that is given to them by CPS for having a foster child. While that was going on Amber Jernigan gloated over the lies, with Claudia Jackson and Sa- mantha Granger. They were so proud of their plot to ruin our lives that they started sending us threatening E-MAILS. Claudia Jackson told us that the fifteen year old battle was almost won. in her warped mind she was battling the Granger family. But in reality she was crazy.
  • 5. Conspiracy continued 2. After the court house shooting Amber claimed she and Vallire Atkins had nothing to do with the situation and Amber claimed that she never heard of CPS Latasha Allen. But we have a signed statement that clearly shows she made the false allegation supporting Samantha Grangers and Claudia Jacksons lies, directly to Latasha Allen of Child protective Services. We also have face book messages before during and after the shooting, showing their solidarity to each other. These women was aided in a maniacal plot to disrupt and destroy our family. We deserve justice. We were hit with lies, the state and law enforcement does not care about our lives and they know we never had criminal records. But we care about the disruption to our lives.
  • 6. JEFFERSON COUNTY Evil Power, Judicial Abuses, and Corruption– Tom Mannes is the DA in Jefferson County where the incarceration rate is 8 to 1 amongst the black men there. This maniacal crooked ego- tistical prick wanted to put Bartholomew and Lyndon Granger in Jail no matter what The Grangers Done. This DA sett the Grangers up with false indictments and still to this day is plac- ing more and more trumped up indictments and fabricated evidence and lies. He put his henchman Judge John B. Stevens on the hunt to destroy the Granger Bros at all cost. Along with a crooked sellout lawyer by the name of Rife Scott Kimbler. He should have blown this case away along time ago. For 3 years him and judge Stevens played with the Granger in court. With no evidence and no witness not only did the girls not want to come to court to tell their lies. The court knew Samantha Granger was pregnant and they allowed her to have the ba- by and finally show up with a new lie. Judge Stevens allowed perjury in his courtroom and he allowed the prosecution to guide the witness into saying what they deemed necessary to make Bartholomew Granger lose. Also the Judge Stevens suppressed and did not allow Bartholomew Granger to use his evidence which clearly shows that he was innocent. The Da. Tom Manness has a vendetta against blacks and the Granger Family and name see ex- amples. The system in Texas is literally at war against law bidding Americans and Black men seem to be a big target for discrimination. Now after the court house shooting they are crooked- ly blaming Bartholomew Granger for the death of Minnie ray Seabolt. He did not kill her the police killed her. The autopsy clearly shows that Bartholomew Granger did not kill that women, 79 year old Minnie Ray Seabolt of Deweyville. His gun was a 40 caliber rife with only ten rounds and he has stated to Lyndon Granger he did not shoot in the Ladies direction. Jefferson county rather blame Bartholomew Granger for her death. So that the Family of Mrs. Seabolt won’t sue Jefferson County. They are playing the Seabolt family while framing the Grangers. If Bartholomew's bullet would have hit the lady, she would have no legs a rifle does not make a 1 to 2inch hole it would have ripped a gash.
  • 7. Now lets say: Jefferson County plays the blame game. Like says, if the cops was not shooting at Bartholomew Granger than, Minnie Ray seabolt would not be dead. Okay, lets analyze that scenario. Let see, if Judge Stevens would have not harassed The Grangers for three years and allowed perjury in court by the witness and suppressed Bartholomew Grangers evidence that put Bartholomew Granger under Supreme and Extreme stress and Duress than, maybe this whole shooting would not have happened. Also if Tom Mannes would not have allowed the fraudulent indictments of two innocent black men be pushed by detective Fitzgerald way from Houston along with a fraudulent CPS worker with bogus claims . And Tom Manness also allow Rebecca Richards Bartholomew's Ex-wife to come and tell more lies after she wrote a hot check in his name. This is a total violation under the color of law 18 usc Tom Manness Also disrupted Bartholo- mew's Trucking Jobs with bogus state transportation records, to cause financial hardship. That also pushed Bartholomew Granger over the edge. And Tom Manness knew that the Girls lie on Ulysses Granger the older brother and lost the trial in Houston. So their credibility was shot than. And when Beaumont police got the lie they should have investigated. There was no in- vestigation, this practice of grab the man over sheer lies has to stop. And most important if Samantha Granger and Claudia Jackson would have not told these lies than Minnie Ray Seabolt would have not been killed. Both Lyndon and Bartholomew Granger has been suffering at the hands of Jefferson county over this vicious lie. At present Lyndon Granger was released after filing a bond reduction from 500,000 dollars back to 25,000 dollars. But Bartholomew Granger has been Beaten and sodo- mized by prison Guards in Jefferson County. Over this issue and he has not been tried in court. Black Cops White Cops Jefferson county evolved from Ape to Pig. Beaumont police are just Pigs -n-Apes
  • 8. THE GRANGERS Lyndon Granger: Is the father of three children and is about to get married to his fiancé. He’s a caring and giving man. He’s worked his whole life and is an inventor. Lyndon Granger has received a letter of recommendations from Barrack Obama for his ingenuity ideas. He's never done a crime in his life, he has never been to jail. This whole lie of indecency was pushed upon him by Bartholo- mew Grangers Girl friend, daughter and ex wife. Lyndon Granger is disabled partial blind and suffers from kidney failure. Lyndon Granger stills seeks justice even though the system has failed his family miserable. Lyndon Granger knows now there needs to be a change in this country. His life the Grangers life, is proof that since Martin Luther King civil rights movement, this country still has a long way, To achieve economical and racial equality. There are some bad men out there but, every men is not a pedophile. During the time Lyndon Granger was incarcer- ated the whole five months, He was having kidney problems and now its taking a harsh toll on his health. During the five months in Jefferson County Jail, he witnessed multiple unprovoked beatings and tazering by the prison guards and a wide range of cruel and unusual punishment. Lyndon Granger also noticed that for every ten black people, there are two white and one His- panic populating the jails. He also noticed that this trend of incarcerating men over indecency with a child has reached epidemic levels. Lyndon Granger not only wants a solution but will implement a new law to stop these women from lying. The system has to really be over hauled time is being wasted more on false allegations. Leaving the real rapist on the street to do bodily harm to women and children. There were other inmates that express their anger and disbelief in the cruel harsh punishment that them and their family suffered at the hands of Judge Stevens and Judge Walker. Also how the court appointed attorneys are running a racket in Jefferson county. This is not law this is a modern day lynching. There were some inmates I notice in jail that needs to be corrected and incarcerated.
  • 9. Bartholomew Granger: Was beaten by Harris County and Jefferson County officials. He never committed a crime in his life. He was put under the ultimate pressure. His lying girlfriends coerced his daughter to do this vile act. They had no mercy on a working man . Bartholomew had a neck injury and was falsely indicted in a county which he was not living. This all drove him mad. He lost his job thanks to Tom Mannes false transportation report. And he could not get an apartment to live in thanks to the false reports. he was put on most wanted. All of this before the trail and before the shooting. Lie after lie. Judge John B Stevens allowed Samantha Granger to Commit perjury in the court room while suppressing evidence that would clear Bartholomew Granger. His daughter never dated until she got to her mother house in Lake Charles LA. where she got pregnant in the first month at her mom house Claudia Jackson. That was another reason why she did not show up to court for over 3 years. And when she came Bartholomew expected for her to tell the truth. No harm ever never came to Samantha Granger all of our kids was taken care of and safe. Saman- tha had 17 years of social security checks and during this time social security gave her medical exams and psychological exams and she had a clean bill of health. The mother Claudia Jackson Along with 13 other people are and is responsible for all the chaos that has derived out of the madness they started in Jefferson county courthouse. We were attacked. We did nothing for all of the States police to descend on us. What would you do!!! after going through all of that Tyranny and Filing that many Federal cases over 12 before the shooting. also been abused so many times by the system and police. Insanity has set in all of us at this point. Ask yourself, what would you have done. What Then? EVIDENCE AND REAL PROOF. Look at the attached evidence that we provided with this quick exami- nation to what happened.