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Heaven Help Our Worship
The Exaltedness of Jesus
Revelation 5:11-14


Revelation 5 is a very exciting chapter of Scripture
- all of heaven and earth - everything that possesses
  God-given life erupts in ecstatic and exhilarating
  exultation over Jesus Christ.

But why? - why such breathtaking worship - especially in
a book known primarily about judgment and the end of
the earth as we know it and the return of Jesus Christ?

Consider a few thoughts with me

Remember with me:

The Destructive Effects of Sin

Paradise is Lost - Genesis 3

Genesis 3:23–24 (ESV)
23 therefore the Lord God sent him out from the garden of Eden to

work the ground from which he was taken. 24 He drove out the man,
and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim and a
flaming sword that turned every way to guard the way to the tree of

The Creation is Cursed

Genesis 3:17 (ESV)
17 And to Adam he said,

!      !      “Because you have listened to the voice of your wife
and have eaten of the tree
!      !      of which I commanded you,
ʻYou shall not eat of it,ʼ
!      !      cursed is the ground because of you;
in pain you shall eat of it all the days of your life;

Genesis 5:29 (ESV)
29 and called his name Noah, saying, “Out of the ground that the

Lord has cursed this one shall bring us relief from our work and
from the painful toil of our hands.”

Romans 8:20–22 (ESV)
20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but

because of him who subjected it, in hope 21 that the creation
itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the
freedom of the glory of the children of God. 22 For we know that the
whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth
until now.

Manʼs Nature is Corrupted

Genesis 4:7 (ESV)
7 If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well,

sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is for you, but you must rule
over it.”

Genesis 6:5 (ESV)
5 The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth,

and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil

Genesis 6:21 (ESV)
21 Also take with you every sort of food that is eaten, and store it up.

It shall serve as food for you and for them.”

Psalm 14:1 (ESV)
!      1!     The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.”
They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds,
there is none who does good.

The radical effects of sin

Romans 8:23–25 (ESV)
23 And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the

firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for
adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. 24 For in this hope
we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes
for what he sees? 25 But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait
for it with patience.

But, the effects of sin upon creation and upon us are not
the most heinous aspects.

The worst part of sin is how it has separated God from the
center of creationʼs praise.

He is not valued or esteemed
- as most powerful, as creator - as possessing all true
  wealth, or most honorable

- His glory - His brilliance - Radiant Beauty
      - resplendent radiance and majestic authority

             - are not recognized, acknowledged, let alone
               loved and adored.

He is not seen as the center, the fountain, the spring, or
the ocean of every true blessing.

Sin has been like a continuous blanket of clouds keeping
the creation from seeing the immensity of the creator
      - where we are left thinking there is nothing greater
        than us, nothing more beyond us

All of creation has been kept from reaching and fulfilling
its purpose
       - esteeming, recognizing, surrendering to exalting in
         the glory of God.

That is why Jesus came and was slaughtered like a
Passover Lamb
      - as a substitution for us
      - to restore Godʼs centrality in the minds and
        affections of all men and all creation
And it has still not fully occurred yet

- Though we love Him, we donʼt love Him as we could or
  even as we no doubt desire we would

- We still struggle to press toward giving God the glory He
  wants and deserves

Trying to love God with all our might, can be done, but it is
a lot like trying to run a sprint underwater.

The effects of sin and the joy of salvation create a
building tension and pressure in our lives and in our

- There remains in us all, and even in the creation, a kind
  of nervous longing, a continual anticipation of a

- It is like living in the Texas Panhandle in the middle of
  the summer
         - one of those blistering hot days during a week of
           100+ degrees without relief
                - everything is brown, dusty, dirty, and dry
                - then there appears a little tiny puffy cloud to
                  the southwest
                       - and as the afternoon heat rises, so
                         does that cloud begin to form into a
                         larger and more ominous bank of dark

- It is obvious, rain is coming - the color of green will be
  seen again.

- but first we must endure and ride out the approaching
  thunder storm

it is a growing - sometimes very tense anticipation
That is the sense we get when reading the Bible as a
- The OT shows the Beginning os in and the longing for
      - there has to be something more final, more full
        and more liberating than the continual offerings
        and endless laws.

- The NT Gospels bring hope with the coming of Jesus
  and a fresh offer of never ending life - forgiveness and
  no more need for sacrifices.
      - Jesus is the one-time sacrifice required

But there has to be something more final - more full and
more liberating

- The NT epistles bring even more hope as they reveal
  the new body - the Church - a new people of God - a
  new relationship - more internal - the continual ministry
  of the Spirit - freedom, forgiveness

- but even here - we have not absolved all of the tension.
       - anticipation still rings strong. There has to be
         something even more final, more full, more face-

- something that liberates not only from the power of sin
  but also the very presence of sin
- and there must be something that restores the centrality
  of God in the hearts and minds of creation - even with a
  full salvation - we have not seen God honored on His
  throne as He deserves

And That is why the entire creation erupts into Praise in
Revelation 5 when Jesus takes the scroll.

Rehearse it again - READ the TEXT
A good question in relationship to this passage is
- when do the events mentioned here in this chapter
  actually occur?

- Sometime “after” the time period marked in chapters 2-3
     - We could call the time spoken of in chapters 2-3,
       the Age of the Church
            - the church is the primary concern of God in
              these days - and in the days marked in Rev
     - The “church” - specifically - is not mentioned in
       chapters 4-19

As we understand the book
- we now exist in that church age
- but a time will come when God will remove the church
  and begin a new age
       - an age of judgment and an age when he will bring
         an end to the presence of sin - and will restore His
         rightful place in the hearts of men
       - an age when he unleashes punishment
       - an age when he will restore His reign upon the
       - and an age when he will establish an eternal
         kingdom unhindered by sin

So, the specifics of what we have read in Revelation 5
have not occurred yet
- why? The church remains - and the age of judgment and
  restoration has not fully begun

Why is Revelation 5 so exhilarating
- it is the beginning of that new age
- it is the culmination of all the anticipation
- it is the beginning of the storm before the green comes
  back upon the landscape of a cursed creation.
When Jesus takes the scroll from the hand of the Father
- that scroll contained all of the plans of the coming age of
  judgment and restoration
- the one who takes that scroll has the authority to enact
  and implement all that is in it

- and when the scroll is taken, the events will begin - and
  Paradise lost in Genesis 3 - will be Paradise regained in
  Revelation 22

Beloved, there is a thrilling excitement in heaven and
earth reflected in this chapter
      - because all of human history as we know it is
        coming to an end when Jesus assumes his place
        of authority

That is what Revelation 5 is all about
- Here is the introduction of Jesus into the scene of
- a revealing of the rightful place of Jesus in exercising
  total authority over all creation in judgment and

Here is when the tension is finally relieved and we see
Jesus unique, worthy, and exalted.

vv 1-5 - the Undeniable uniqueness of Jesus
vv 6-10 - the Unique Worthiness of Jesus
vv 11-14 - the Universal Exaltedness of Jesus

As we have done with the previous two sections - let us
do with the 3rd

- and ask the question - what is it that makes Jesus
  so Exalted?

vv 11-14 shows the explosive response of all creation to
the Lamb taking the scroll from the father
- everything from Genesis to Jude is about to come to
- and Godʼs glory will once again be valued as supreme

Revelation 5:11-14 reveals the Universal exaltedness of

What is it that displays how universally exalted Christ truly
- 4 elements


Then I looked - or I saw - this is the verbal marker we
have see throughout the chapter distinguishing the
various events

But he also adds

and I heard

around the throne and the living creatures and the
elders the voice of many angels

- in addition to the 4 living creatures
       - add 24 elders = 28 voices
       - and now add a countless number of angels.

Can you imagine the noise level - the sound must have
been deafening - and awe-inspiring

This is like adding the brass section to the flutes and the
clarinets in an orchestral piece - more intensity and power
is added.

NOTE the number of them
- muriades = a group of ten thousand
- here are tens of thousands - of tens of thousands
            - a way to say - a countless number

- chiliades = thousand - thousands of thousands
       - added to the tens of thousands surrounding the

There is an innumerable - countless - chorus of angelic
beings outside the circle of living creatures and elders -
outside the sea of glass
      - where they have been simply unnoticed
            - appearing as the 24 elders began to sing
              their praise

Can you imagine this scene
- Iʼm not sure there has ever been any such gathering or
  conglomeration of angelic beings in all of recorded

No one - and nothing catches the attention of all the hosts
of heaven
- like Jesus taking the scroll and taking His rightful place
  of implementing judgment and bringing total redemption

The universal praise of the angels makes Jesus
universally exalted - unlike any person or creature ever


What did this angelic choir sing?

with a loud voice - there are a lot of loud voices in
- Angels - Saints - God

Worthy is the Lamb who was slain
to receive
- why to receive?
- how could you add any of these elements to Jesus when
  He already possesses them to their highest degree?

- this is giving Him glory - you do not add anything to him
        - in giving him glory, in his receiving these
          elements,it is his being recognized
               - the angels now savor, exalt in, rejoice in,
                 ascribe, acknowledge, and reverence him for
                 these qualities.

power = ability
1 Corinthians 1:24 (ESV)
24 but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the

power of God and the wisdom of God.

and wealth
2 Corinthians 8:9 (ESV)
9 For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he

was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his
poverty might become rich.

Ephesians 3:8 (ESV)
8 To me, though I am the very least of all the saints, this grace was

given, to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of

- spiritual, material wealth all belongs to Him

and wisdom
1 Corinthians 1:24 (ESV)
24 but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the

power of God and the wisdom of God.

1 Corinthians 1:30 (ESV)
30 And because of him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us

wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and

Colossians 2:3 (ESV)
3in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and

and might - authoritative power and strength
- where the first term, “power” indicates that Jesus is
  completely able
     - the word “might” indicates that nothing is as strong
       or capable as He is.

Honor = respect, recognition of his position, abilities,

Glory - splendor, grandeur, the heavenly radiance, the
highest place of supremacy, loftiness, a recognition of His

Blessing - he is worthy of a response of continual
- no words could express the gratitude He deserves

How worthy is Jesus - the angels tend to exhaust their
language in speaking of how universally worthy He is
     - there are not enough exalted words in the English
       language to speak of how much he is worth


Look at the universal terminology used

Not just innumerable angels - but everything that has any
breath of life in it gives praise to him.

it is as if creation now knows the time of her redemption is
drawing nigh.

It is time for full freedom and joy in the presence of God
How thrilled would you be if you knew
- that every sin ever committed against you is about to be
  dealt with justly
- that the effects of every sin you have ever committed is
  about to find final resolution
- that every unjust deed - every blasphemous word about
  God - every atheistic approach to life - every Godless
  way of living is about to finally be dealt with

And an age of raw, unfiltered beauty, undiminished praise,
sinless behavior, perfect relationships, fully liberated living
is about to be unleashed throughout the entire world.

What would happen in your heart if you realized that you
just physically saw an activity that meant that God was
about to take his deserved place of absolute centrality in
the universe and all sin is about to be done away with?

That is just a glimpse into the intensity of the entirety of
creation praising God because the Lamb took the scroll
out of the Fatherʼs hand.


Notice the direction of these words of praise
- to both the Father and the Son
- interesting to note -
       - examine the language used in ch 4 and ch 5 for
         the Father and for Jesus
             - both are worthy, should receive glory, the
               honor and the power, the blessing and the

2 people cannot share all of these - only one can be the
Almighty, the all-knowing, the one who has total glory, etc.

Here is an incredible description of the God-head
- distinct persons - one essence

Again - not enough words to speak

This is what should be going on in creation because of
who Jesus is
- is it what is happening on earth as we contemplate who
  Jesus is?

These are not merely rote words chanted in raw

These are words steeped in significant meditation - a
realization of what they imply about Jesus, who he is and
what he is about to do.

This is affection directly tied, linked to, springing from
profound contemplation on the nature of who Jesus is.


Think about this again - when heaven gathers - it is loud,
serious, focused, exuberant, exhilarating, breath-taking,
eye-popping praise.

Angelic praise, the nature of Jesusʼ worthiness, the
focused exaltation of the universe, and the details about
who Jesus is

- are the very things that make that gathering all that it is.

Which makes some of our comments about and some of
our expectations for our gatherings appear so silly.

- we need our music to sound more like K-Love
- young people require a certain feel or they will leave
- relevancy is just as important as content
- Long prayers, long Scripture reading, long sermons
  about Scripture kill worship
- the excitability of the preacher or the music leader
  determines the level of excitement

If the heart is responding to the energetic personalities
and activities taking place on the platform

- more than it is responding to the implications of a
  thorough comprehension of the person of Christ, the
  nature of salvation, and the profound effects these
  should be having

Then our gatherings cannot really be called worship, but

I understand the fine line - and Iʼm not suggesting that
18th century music played on 19th century instruments, or
long drawn-out, overly technical, difficult to comprehend,
unorganized sermons, or song leaders who look like they
hate life, or heavy liturgically driven service organizations
- make for the most biblical and thrilling praise.

But think back on what we have seen in heaven.
Consider the details and the themes.

Think about the passion - and then consider carefully
what was driving that passion.

What is driving your passion? What is your mind
marinating in? How are you challenging yourself to
engage in considering and responding to what these
biblical themes imply about your life personally and our
life together as a church?

Are you stunned by what Jesus has accomplished?
Thrilled by what he will do when he returns?
I may not be the best expositor on the planet. Iʼm not the
sharpest tool in Godʼs box of tools. We may not be the
most professional looking group on the platform.

- but we will do our very best - to the best of our abilities
  to put Jesus on display every week and pray about and
  sing through the themes of salvation every week - and
  consider what these themes and statements and
  commands imply about us

Letʼs just simplify what we are saying

- the deeper your personal apprehension of who God is,
  the deeper your responses to him will be

- the more stunned, thrilled, amazed, humbled your
  responses are to who God is and what God has done,
  and what he is doing, the more passionate your
  responses will be

And I can promise you that we who have been given
responsibility to provide leadership to our gatherings on
the Lordʼs day, will - and do - take our charge very

- and will do our best before the Almighty God who sits on
  the throne, and the Lamb who was slain - to bring us all
  face-to-face with his majestic grace each week.

Next week I want to bring this all together and begin to
plumb some of the practical out-workings of how heaven
should help our worship.

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The exaltedness of jesus 5.11 14

  • 1. Heaven Help Our Worship The Exaltedness of Jesus Revelation 5:11-14 INTRODUCTION Revelation 5 is a very exciting chapter of Scripture - all of heaven and earth - everything that possesses God-given life erupts in ecstatic and exhilarating exultation over Jesus Christ. But why? - why such breathtaking worship - especially in a book known primarily about judgment and the end of the earth as we know it and the return of Jesus Christ? Consider a few thoughts with me Remember with me: The Destructive Effects of Sin Paradise is Lost - Genesis 3 Genesis 3:23–24 (ESV) 23 therefore the Lord God sent him out from the garden of Eden to work the ground from which he was taken. 24 He drove out the man, and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim and a flaming sword that turned every way to guard the way to the tree of life. The Creation is Cursed Genesis 3:17 (ESV) 17 And to Adam he said, ! ! “Because you have listened to the voice of your wife and have eaten of the tree ! ! of which I commanded you, ʻYou shall not eat of it,ʼ
  • 2. ! ! cursed is the ground because of you; in pain you shall eat of it all the days of your life; Genesis 5:29 (ESV) 29 and called his name Noah, saying, “Out of the ground that the Lord has cursed this one shall bring us relief from our work and from the painful toil of our hands.” Romans 8:20–22 (ESV) 20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of him who subjected it, in hope 21 that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. 22 For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. Manʼs Nature is Corrupted Genesis 4:7 (ESV) 7 If you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin is crouching at the door. Its desire is for you, but you must rule over it.” Genesis 6:5 (ESV) 5 The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Genesis 6:21 (ESV) 21 Also take with you every sort of food that is eaten, and store it up. It shall serve as food for you and for them.” Psalm 14:1 (ESV) ! 1! The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they do abominable deeds, there is none who does good. The radical effects of sin Romans 8:23–25 (ESV) 23 And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. 24 For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes
  • 3. for what he sees? 25 But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience. But, the effects of sin upon creation and upon us are not the most heinous aspects. The worst part of sin is how it has separated God from the center of creationʼs praise. He is not valued or esteemed - as most powerful, as creator - as possessing all true wealth, or most honorable - His glory - His brilliance - Radiant Beauty - resplendent radiance and majestic authority - are not recognized, acknowledged, let alone loved and adored. He is not seen as the center, the fountain, the spring, or the ocean of every true blessing. Sin has been like a continuous blanket of clouds keeping the creation from seeing the immensity of the creator - where we are left thinking there is nothing greater than us, nothing more beyond us All of creation has been kept from reaching and fulfilling its purpose - esteeming, recognizing, surrendering to exalting in the glory of God. That is why Jesus came and was slaughtered like a Passover Lamb - as a substitution for us - to restore Godʼs centrality in the minds and affections of all men and all creation
  • 4. And it has still not fully occurred yet - Though we love Him, we donʼt love Him as we could or even as we no doubt desire we would - We still struggle to press toward giving God the glory He wants and deserves Trying to love God with all our might, can be done, but it is a lot like trying to run a sprint underwater. The effects of sin and the joy of salvation create a building tension and pressure in our lives and in our world. - There remains in us all, and even in the creation, a kind of nervous longing, a continual anticipation of a breakthrough. - It is like living in the Texas Panhandle in the middle of the summer - one of those blistering hot days during a week of 100+ degrees without relief - everything is brown, dusty, dirty, and dry - then there appears a little tiny puffy cloud to the southwest - and as the afternoon heat rises, so does that cloud begin to form into a larger and more ominous bank of dark sky - It is obvious, rain is coming - the color of green will be seen again. - but first we must endure and ride out the approaching thunder storm it is a growing - sometimes very tense anticipation
  • 5. That is the sense we get when reading the Bible as a whole. - The OT shows the Beginning os in and the longing for salvation - there has to be something more final, more full and more liberating than the continual offerings and endless laws. - The NT Gospels bring hope with the coming of Jesus and a fresh offer of never ending life - forgiveness and no more need for sacrifices. - Jesus is the one-time sacrifice required But there has to be something more final - more full and more liberating - The NT epistles bring even more hope as they reveal the new body - the Church - a new people of God - a new relationship - more internal - the continual ministry of the Spirit - freedom, forgiveness - but even here - we have not absolved all of the tension. - anticipation still rings strong. There has to be something even more final, more full, more face- to-face - something that liberates not only from the power of sin but also the very presence of sin - and there must be something that restores the centrality of God in the hearts and minds of creation - even with a full salvation - we have not seen God honored on His throne as He deserves And That is why the entire creation erupts into Praise in Revelation 5 when Jesus takes the scroll. Rehearse it again - READ the TEXT
  • 6. A good question in relationship to this passage is - when do the events mentioned here in this chapter actually occur? - Sometime “after” the time period marked in chapters 2-3 - We could call the time spoken of in chapters 2-3, the Age of the Church - the church is the primary concern of God in these days - and in the days marked in Rev 2-3 - The “church” - specifically - is not mentioned in chapters 4-19 As we understand the book - we now exist in that church age - but a time will come when God will remove the church and begin a new age - an age of judgment and an age when he will bring an end to the presence of sin - and will restore His rightful place in the hearts of men - an age when he unleashes punishment - an age when he will restore His reign upon the earth - and an age when he will establish an eternal kingdom unhindered by sin So, the specifics of what we have read in Revelation 5 have not occurred yet - why? The church remains - and the age of judgment and restoration has not fully begun Why is Revelation 5 so exhilarating - it is the beginning of that new age - it is the culmination of all the anticipation - it is the beginning of the storm before the green comes back upon the landscape of a cursed creation.
  • 7. When Jesus takes the scroll from the hand of the Father - that scroll contained all of the plans of the coming age of judgment and restoration - the one who takes that scroll has the authority to enact and implement all that is in it - and when the scroll is taken, the events will begin - and Paradise lost in Genesis 3 - will be Paradise regained in Revelation 22 Beloved, there is a thrilling excitement in heaven and earth reflected in this chapter - because all of human history as we know it is coming to an end when Jesus assumes his place of authority That is what Revelation 5 is all about - Here is the introduction of Jesus into the scene of judgment - a revealing of the rightful place of Jesus in exercising total authority over all creation in judgment and redemption Here is when the tension is finally relieved and we see Jesus unique, worthy, and exalted. vv 1-5 - the Undeniable uniqueness of Jesus vv 6-10 - the Unique Worthiness of Jesus vv 11-14 - the Universal Exaltedness of Jesus As we have done with the previous two sections - let us do with the 3rd - and ask the question - what is it that makes Jesus so Exalted? vv 11-14 shows the explosive response of all creation to the Lamb taking the scroll from the father
  • 8. - everything from Genesis to Jude is about to come to completion - and Godʼs glory will once again be valued as supreme Revelation 5:11-14 reveals the Universal exaltedness of Christ What is it that displays how universally exalted Christ truly is? - 4 elements I. THE UNIVERSAL PRAISE OF THE ANGELS v 11 Then I looked - or I saw - this is the verbal marker we have see throughout the chapter distinguishing the various events But he also adds and I heard around the throne and the living creatures and the elders the voice of many angels - in addition to the 4 living creatures - add 24 elders = 28 voices - and now add a countless number of angels. Can you imagine the noise level - the sound must have been deafening - and awe-inspiring This is like adding the brass section to the flutes and the clarinets in an orchestral piece - more intensity and power is added. NOTE the number of them - muriades = a group of ten thousand
  • 9. - here are tens of thousands - of tens of thousands - a way to say - a countless number - chiliades = thousand - thousands of thousands - added to the tens of thousands surrounding the throne There is an innumerable - countless - chorus of angelic beings outside the circle of living creatures and elders - outside the sea of glass - where they have been simply unnoticed - appearing as the 24 elders began to sing their praise Can you imagine this scene - Iʼm not sure there has ever been any such gathering or conglomeration of angelic beings in all of recorded Scripture No one - and nothing catches the attention of all the hosts of heaven - like Jesus taking the scroll and taking His rightful place of implementing judgment and bringing total redemption back The universal praise of the angels makes Jesus universally exalted - unlike any person or creature ever II. THE UNIVERSAL NATURE OF HIS WORTH v 12 What did this angelic choir sing? with a loud voice - there are a lot of loud voices in Revelation - Angels - Saints - God Worthy is the Lamb who was slain
  • 10. to receive - why to receive? - how could you add any of these elements to Jesus when He already possesses them to their highest degree? - this is giving Him glory - you do not add anything to him - in giving him glory, in his receiving these elements,it is his being recognized - the angels now savor, exalt in, rejoice in, ascribe, acknowledge, and reverence him for these qualities. power = ability 1 Corinthians 1:24 (ESV) 24 but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. and wealth 2 Corinthians 8:9 (ESV) 9 For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich. Ephesians 3:8 (ESV) 8 To me, though I am the very least of all the saints, this grace was given, to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ, - spiritual, material wealth all belongs to Him and wisdom 1 Corinthians 1:24 (ESV) 24 but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. 1 Corinthians 1:30 (ESV) 30 And because of him you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, righteousness and sanctification and redemption, Colossians 2:3 (ESV)
  • 11. 3in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. and might - authoritative power and strength - where the first term, “power” indicates that Jesus is completely able - the word “might” indicates that nothing is as strong or capable as He is. Honor = respect, recognition of his position, abilities, strength Glory - splendor, grandeur, the heavenly radiance, the highest place of supremacy, loftiness, a recognition of His majesty Blessing - he is worthy of a response of continual thanksgiving - no words could express the gratitude He deserves How worthy is Jesus - the angels tend to exhaust their language in speaking of how universally worthy He is - there are not enough exalted words in the English language to speak of how much he is worth III. THE UNIVERSAL PRAISE OF THE CREATION v 13a Look at the universal terminology used Not just innumerable angels - but everything that has any breath of life in it gives praise to him. it is as if creation now knows the time of her redemption is drawing nigh. It is time for full freedom and joy in the presence of God
  • 12. How thrilled would you be if you knew - that every sin ever committed against you is about to be dealt with justly - that the effects of every sin you have ever committed is about to find final resolution - that every unjust deed - every blasphemous word about God - every atheistic approach to life - every Godless way of living is about to finally be dealt with And an age of raw, unfiltered beauty, undiminished praise, sinless behavior, perfect relationships, fully liberated living is about to be unleashed throughout the entire world. What would happen in your heart if you realized that you just physically saw an activity that meant that God was about to take his deserved place of absolute centrality in the universe and all sin is about to be done away with? That is just a glimpse into the intensity of the entirety of creation praising God because the Lamb took the scroll out of the Fatherʼs hand. IV. THE UNIVERSAL NATURE OF HIS PERSON vv 13b-14 Notice the direction of these words of praise - to both the Father and the Son - interesting to note - - examine the language used in ch 4 and ch 5 for the Father and for Jesus - both are worthy, should receive glory, the honor and the power, the blessing and the dominion 2 people cannot share all of these - only one can be the Almighty, the all-knowing, the one who has total glory, etc. Here is an incredible description of the God-head
  • 13. - distinct persons - one essence Again - not enough words to speak This is what should be going on in creation because of who Jesus is - is it what is happening on earth as we contemplate who Jesus is? These are not merely rote words chanted in raw obligation. These are words steeped in significant meditation - a realization of what they imply about Jesus, who he is and what he is about to do. This is affection directly tied, linked to, springing from profound contemplation on the nature of who Jesus is. CONCLUSION Think about this again - when heaven gathers - it is loud, serious, focused, exuberant, exhilarating, breath-taking, eye-popping praise. Angelic praise, the nature of Jesusʼ worthiness, the focused exaltation of the universe, and the details about who Jesus is - are the very things that make that gathering all that it is. Which makes some of our comments about and some of our expectations for our gatherings appear so silly. - we need our music to sound more like K-Love - young people require a certain feel or they will leave - relevancy is just as important as content
  • 14. - Long prayers, long Scripture reading, long sermons about Scripture kill worship - the excitability of the preacher or the music leader determines the level of excitement If the heart is responding to the energetic personalities and activities taking place on the platform - more than it is responding to the implications of a thorough comprehension of the person of Christ, the nature of salvation, and the profound effects these should be having Then our gatherings cannot really be called worship, but entertainment. I understand the fine line - and Iʼm not suggesting that 18th century music played on 19th century instruments, or long drawn-out, overly technical, difficult to comprehend, unorganized sermons, or song leaders who look like they hate life, or heavy liturgically driven service organizations - make for the most biblical and thrilling praise. But think back on what we have seen in heaven. Consider the details and the themes. Think about the passion - and then consider carefully what was driving that passion. What is driving your passion? What is your mind marinating in? How are you challenging yourself to engage in considering and responding to what these biblical themes imply about your life personally and our life together as a church? Are you stunned by what Jesus has accomplished? Thrilled by what he will do when he returns?
  • 15. I may not be the best expositor on the planet. Iʼm not the sharpest tool in Godʼs box of tools. We may not be the most professional looking group on the platform. - but we will do our very best - to the best of our abilities to put Jesus on display every week and pray about and sing through the themes of salvation every week - and consider what these themes and statements and commands imply about us Letʼs just simplify what we are saying - the deeper your personal apprehension of who God is, the deeper your responses to him will be - the more stunned, thrilled, amazed, humbled your responses are to who God is and what God has done, and what he is doing, the more passionate your responses will be And I can promise you that we who have been given responsibility to provide leadership to our gatherings on the Lordʼs day, will - and do - take our charge very seriously. - and will do our best before the Almighty God who sits on the throne, and the Lamb who was slain - to bring us all face-to-face with his majestic grace each week. Next week I want to bring this all together and begin to plumb some of the practical out-workings of how heaven should help our worship.